Zenobia (Greek: Ζηνοβία / Zēnobía; Aramaic: בת זבי / Bat-Zabbai; Arabic: الزباء / al-Zabbā’; 240 – c. 275) was a 3rd-century Queen of the Palmyrene Empire in Syria who led a famous revolt against the Roman Empire. The second wife of King Septimius Odaenathus, Zenobia became queen of the Palmyrene Empire following Odaenathus' death in 267. By 269, Zenobia had expanded the empire, conquering Egypt and expelling the Roman prefect, Tenagino Probus, who was beheaded after he led an attempt to recapture the territory. She ruled over Egypt until 271, when she was defeated and taken as a hostage to Rome by Emperor Aurelian.
Family, ancestry and early life
Zenobia was born and raised in Palmyra, Syria. Her Roman name was "Julia Aurelia Zenobia" and Latin and Greek writers referred to her as "Zenobia" (Greek: ἡ Ζηνοβία) or as "Septimia Zenobia"—she became Septimia after marrying Septimius Odaenathus. She used the Aramaic form "Bat-Zabbai" (בת זבי) to sign her name.Arabic-language writers refer to her as "al-Zabba'" (الزباء).
The Zenobia was a merchant ship built of teak in 1815 in Calcutta, India. She was owned by Mackintosh and Company, and purchased by the Indian entrepreneur Dwarkanath Tagore.
First ship to pass the Torres Straits from westward
Zenobia, under Capt. John Lihou, was reputed to be "the first ship which ever succeeded in passing the Torres Straits from the westward, the general course being from the eastward."
Captain Lihou sailed on Zenobia out of Calcutta for several years, making voyages in the East Indies and the Pacific.
The following advertisement soliciting outbound passengers from England appeared in "The Indian Mail" in 1843:
For CALCUTTA, calling at MADRAS, to land Passengers only, the Teak Ship ZENOBIA, 600 Tons, S.H. Owen, Commander. To leave the St. Catherine Docks the 15th December, calling at Portsmouth to embark Passengers. — For Freight or Passage, apply to Messrs. BARING, BROTHERS, and Co., S. Bishopsgate Street; or to JAMES BARBER and Co., 17, St. Mary Ave.
The ZenobiaPas de Deux is a ballet made by George Balanchine, subsequently co-founder and founding choreographer of the New York City Ballet for Richard Rodgers's 1936 musical On Your Toes, in which it was performed under the title La Princesse Zenobia Ballet. Balanchine parodies such Oriental-style ballets as Schéhérazade. The City Ballet premiere took place on Tuesday, November 23, 1993, at the New York State Theater, Lincoln Center.
더 이상 유명 브랜드의 호구가 되지 마라! 스위스 ETA 무브먼트 500m 다이버 시계, 프로메테우스 제노비아 (Prometheus Zenobia) (제작지원: 인투와치)
#다이버시계 #제노비아 #프로메테우스시계 #인투와치
포르투갈의 마이크로브랜드 프로메테우스가 다이버스 왓치스 페이스북 그룹과 손을 잡고 만든 300개 한정판 제노비아를 리뷰했습니다. 제 생각에는 스위스 브랜드들이 만든 이른바 엔트리 레벨 다이버 시계들보다 높은 완성도를 가진 시계 같습니다 (물론 어이없는 실수가 하나 있기는 하지만요). 제노비아는 해외직구를 할 필요없이 국내 유일의 마이크로브랜드 시계 전문점 인투와치에서 쉽고 빠르게 구매하실 수 있습니다.
제노비아 녹색 다이얼 페이지(영상 등장 모델):
'프로메테우스' 페이지 전체보기:
published: 19 Mar 2020
Seminar Series: Great Britain’s Admiralty “Prize Papers” with Thomas M. Truxes - 20 March 2021
The “Prize Papers” are a treasure trove of undelivered mail taken from ships captured during Britain’s naval wars between 1652 and 1815. The documents were handed over to Great Britain’s High Court of Admiralty to prove that the captured ships were indeed enemies and therefore ripe for plunder. The documents include not only personal letters but also poems, drawings, playing cards and journals. They offer a fascinating look at the lives lived and the interaction among people and countries during this time of rapid global expansion and trade.
Professor Truxes has been researching the “Prize Papers” since 2011 when he was at the British National Archives working on a book about Colonial America and came across letters taken from the Irish wine ship Two Sisters captured on its return home ...
published: 22 Mar 2021
Battle of Immae, 272 AD ⚔️ How Aurelian Restored the Roman Empire (Part 2)
🚩 Video Sponsored by Ridge Wallet: https://www.ridge.com/HISTORY
🚩 Use Code “HISTORY ” for 10% off your order
👇 Push down for more cool stuff 👇
🚩 See all 3 parts here: https://www.youtube.com/playlist?list=PLWwyDn76LiH3gKQo1IUDV8-CJGsqDsR0G
🚩 I'm very pleased to have worked with Dr. Byron Waldron on this video. His research and incredible insight into the Crisis of the Third Century made this video possible. The Crisis of the Third Century was one of the darkest periods in Roman history. By 270 AD the empire had practically disintegrated, but emperor Aurelian managed to string an unprecedented series of military victories to restore the Roman Empire. This mini series will feature 3 parts, stay tuned.
🚩 Consider supporting my work on Patreon and enjoy ad-free videos: https://www.patreo...
published: 08 May 2021
The Aristocracy - Born to Rule: 1875-1914 3rd part
The Aristocracy series originally aired on the BBC. Each episode explores a period in the history of Britain's noble classes. Focusing on the decline of this class in the modern world, each tape offers a glimpse into a world only the privileged are intimately familiar with. In this particular episode, viewers explore a golden age for England's aristocracy. Around the turn of the century, Britain's aristocracy owned 80 percent of the land and dominated Parliament. The program features interviews with current dukes and duchesses, as well as with leading historians. ~ Rob Ferrier, Rovi
The Duchess of Devonshire, Sir Charles Wolseley, the Marquess of Anglesey and others describe their ancestors' lifestyles and finances.
First broadcast: 29 Jan 1997
published: 14 Mar 2012
ZONE5 Fights: March of the Ages New KvK LIVE! 🔴 #1945 #1556 C11118 - Rise of Kingdoms ROK Fleisch
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⚔️ T4 vs T5 - BattleArena, Analysis & Advise: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=JTCMLmc8Un4
⚔️ Taking...
published: 06 Aug 2021
Antipolis Wreck Shore Dive - Cape Town
This scuba dive took place on 25 November 2017 where we explored the Antipolis Shipwreck. A couple of months before there were massive storms that destroyed most of the wreck. Older videos of the Antipolis Wreck will show the engine room for example. We could not access it since it had collapsed.
published: 26 Nov 2017
Furuno DFF3D Multi Beam Sonar
Furuno DFF3D Multi Beam Sonar
published: 07 Jan 2019
#161 The History of the SPD w/ Ben Lewis Part 1
This week we talk with Ben Lewis, Germanist, Historian, and the man behind Marxism Translated. We discuss the insanely complex history of the SPD, how WW1 detonated the contradictions in the party, and the history of the shattered remnants as they got hit again with the impact of the Russian Revolution.
Ben's translation patreon:
Ben's twitter handle:
That Minard graph!
published: 13 Jun 2021
Lady Hester Stanhope Lecture
published: 01 Sep 2020
American Sculptors in Risorgimento Italy
Zoom Lecture by Jeremy Boudreau
This is part of of the British Institute of Florence Wednesday Lectures series on Zoom. Register here to receive a weekly update of the British Institute of Florence programme: https://www.britishinstitute.it/en/newsletter
Support the Institute and its cultural activities during these challenging times. Whether you attend our Wednesday Lectures series in person at Palazzo Lanfredini, or online through Zoom and YouTube, any contribution you can make is most welcome!
#다이버시계 #제노비아 #프로메테우스시계 #인투와치
포르투갈의 마이크로브랜드 프로메테우스가 다이버스 왓치스 페이스북 그룹과 손을 잡고 만든 300개 한정판 제노비아를 리뷰했습니다. 제 생각에는 스위스 브랜드들이 만든 이른바 엔트리 레벨 다이버 시계들보다 높은 완성도를 가진 시계 같습니다...
#다이버시계 #제노비아 #프로메테우스시계 #인투와치
포르투갈의 마이크로브랜드 프로메테우스가 다이버스 왓치스 페이스북 그룹과 손을 잡고 만든 300개 한정판 제노비아를 리뷰했습니다. 제 생각에는 스위스 브랜드들이 만든 이른바 엔트리 레벨 다이버 시계들보다 높은 완성도를 가진 시계 같습니다 (물론 어이없는 실수가 하나 있기는 하지만요). 제노비아는 해외직구를 할 필요없이 국내 유일의 마이크로브랜드 시계 전문점 인투와치에서 쉽고 빠르게 구매하실 수 있습니다.
제노비아 녹색 다이얼 페이지(영상 등장 모델):
'프로메테우스' 페이지 전체보기:
#다이버시계 #제노비아 #프로메테우스시계 #인투와치
포르투갈의 마이크로브랜드 프로메테우스가 다이버스 왓치스 페이스북 그룹과 손을 잡고 만든 300개 한정판 제노비아를 리뷰했습니다. 제 생각에는 스위스 브랜드들이 만든 이른바 엔트리 레벨 다이버 시계들보다 높은 완성도를 가진 시계 같습니다 (물론 어이없는 실수가 하나 있기는 하지만요). 제노비아는 해외직구를 할 필요없이 국내 유일의 마이크로브랜드 시계 전문점 인투와치에서 쉽고 빠르게 구매하실 수 있습니다.
제노비아 녹색 다이얼 페이지(영상 등장 모델):
'프로메테우스' 페이지 전체보기:
The “Prize Papers” are a treasure trove of undelivered mail taken from ships captured during Britain’s naval wars between 1652 and 1815. The documents were han...
The “Prize Papers” are a treasure trove of undelivered mail taken from ships captured during Britain’s naval wars between 1652 and 1815. The documents were handed over to Great Britain’s High Court of Admiralty to prove that the captured ships were indeed enemies and therefore ripe for plunder. The documents include not only personal letters but also poems, drawings, playing cards and journals. They offer a fascinating look at the lives lived and the interaction among people and countries during this time of rapid global expansion and trade.
Professor Truxes has been researching the “Prize Papers” since 2011 when he was at the British National Archives working on a book about Colonial America and came across letters taken from the Irish wine ship Two Sisters captured on its return home from Bordeaux during the Seven Years’ War. He was captivated by the personal accounts of everyday people from the mid-18th-century. Watch as Tom brings to life some of the amazing personal stories he found as he went through the collection.
The “Prize Papers” are a treasure trove of undelivered mail taken from ships captured during Britain’s naval wars between 1652 and 1815. The documents were handed over to Great Britain’s High Court of Admiralty to prove that the captured ships were indeed enemies and therefore ripe for plunder. The documents include not only personal letters but also poems, drawings, playing cards and journals. They offer a fascinating look at the lives lived and the interaction among people and countries during this time of rapid global expansion and trade.
Professor Truxes has been researching the “Prize Papers” since 2011 when he was at the British National Archives working on a book about Colonial America and came across letters taken from the Irish wine ship Two Sisters captured on its return home from Bordeaux during the Seven Years’ War. He was captivated by the personal accounts of everyday people from the mid-18th-century. Watch as Tom brings to life some of the amazing personal stories he found as he went through the collection.
🚩 Video Sponsored by Ridge Wallet: https://www.ridge.com/HISTORY
🚩 Use Code “HISTORY ” for 10% off your order
👇 Push down for more cool stuff 👇
🚩 See all 3 p...
🚩 Video Sponsored by Ridge Wallet: https://www.ridge.com/HISTORY
🚩 Use Code “HISTORY ” for 10% off your order
👇 Push down for more cool stuff 👇
🚩 See all 3 parts here: https://www.youtube.com/playlist?list=PLWwyDn76LiH3gKQo1IUDV8-CJGsqDsR0G
🚩 I'm very pleased to have worked with Dr. Byron Waldron on this video. His research and incredible insight into the Crisis of the Third Century made this video possible. The Crisis of the Third Century was one of the darkest periods in Roman history. By 270 AD the empire had practically disintegrated, but emperor Aurelian managed to string an unprecedented series of military victories to restore the Roman Empire. This mini series will feature 3 parts, stay tuned.
🚩 Consider supporting my work on Patreon and enjoy ad-free videos: https://www.patreon.com/historymarche
📢 Narrated by David McCallion
📝 Research and Writing by Dr. Byron Waldron
🎼 Music, courtesy of EpidemicSound
📝 Sources:
Andrade, N. J. 2018: Zenobia: Shooting Star of Palmyra, New York.
De Blois, L. 2018: Image and Reality of Roman Imperial Power in the Third Century AD: The Impact of War, London.
Potter, D. S. 2014: The Roman Empire at Bay AD 180-395, 2nd ed., Oxford & New York.
Stoneman, R. 1992: Palmyra and its Empire: Zenobia’s Revolt against Rome, Ann Arbor.
Watson, A. 1999: Aurelian and the Third Century, London & New York.
#rome #aurelian #zenobia
🚩 Video Sponsored by Ridge Wallet: https://www.ridge.com/HISTORY
🚩 Use Code “HISTORY ” for 10% off your order
👇 Push down for more cool stuff 👇
🚩 See all 3 parts here: https://www.youtube.com/playlist?list=PLWwyDn76LiH3gKQo1IUDV8-CJGsqDsR0G
🚩 I'm very pleased to have worked with Dr. Byron Waldron on this video. His research and incredible insight into the Crisis of the Third Century made this video possible. The Crisis of the Third Century was one of the darkest periods in Roman history. By 270 AD the empire had practically disintegrated, but emperor Aurelian managed to string an unprecedented series of military victories to restore the Roman Empire. This mini series will feature 3 parts, stay tuned.
🚩 Consider supporting my work on Patreon and enjoy ad-free videos: https://www.patreon.com/historymarche
📢 Narrated by David McCallion
📝 Research and Writing by Dr. Byron Waldron
🎼 Music, courtesy of EpidemicSound
📝 Sources:
Andrade, N. J. 2018: Zenobia: Shooting Star of Palmyra, New York.
De Blois, L. 2018: Image and Reality of Roman Imperial Power in the Third Century AD: The Impact of War, London.
Potter, D. S. 2014: The Roman Empire at Bay AD 180-395, 2nd ed., Oxford & New York.
Stoneman, R. 1992: Palmyra and its Empire: Zenobia’s Revolt against Rome, Ann Arbor.
Watson, A. 1999: Aurelian and the Third Century, London & New York.
#rome #aurelian #zenobia
The Aristocracy series originally aired on the BBC. Each episode explores a period in the history of Britain's noble classes. Focusing on the decline of this cl...
The Aristocracy series originally aired on the BBC. Each episode explores a period in the history of Britain's noble classes. Focusing on the decline of this class in the modern world, each tape offers a glimpse into a world only the privileged are intimately familiar with. In this particular episode, viewers explore a golden age for England's aristocracy. Around the turn of the century, Britain's aristocracy owned 80 percent of the land and dominated Parliament. The program features interviews with current dukes and duchesses, as well as with leading historians. ~ Rob Ferrier, Rovi
The Duchess of Devonshire, Sir Charles Wolseley, the Marquess of Anglesey and others describe their ancestors' lifestyles and finances.
First broadcast: 29 Jan 1997
The Aristocracy series originally aired on the BBC. Each episode explores a period in the history of Britain's noble classes. Focusing on the decline of this class in the modern world, each tape offers a glimpse into a world only the privileged are intimately familiar with. In this particular episode, viewers explore a golden age for England's aristocracy. Around the turn of the century, Britain's aristocracy owned 80 percent of the land and dominated Parliament. The program features interviews with current dukes and duchesses, as well as with leading historians. ~ Rob Ferrier, Rovi
The Duchess of Devonshire, Sir Charles Wolseley, the Marquess of Anglesey and others describe their ancestors' lifestyles and finances.
First broadcast: 29 Jan 1997
This scuba dive took place on 25 November 2017 where we explored the Antipolis Shipwreck. A couple of months before there were massive storms that destroyed mos...
This scuba dive took place on 25 November 2017 where we explored the Antipolis Shipwreck. A couple of months before there were massive storms that destroyed most of the wreck. Older videos of the Antipolis Wreck will show the engine room for example. We could not access it since it had collapsed.
This scuba dive took place on 25 November 2017 where we explored the Antipolis Shipwreck. A couple of months before there were massive storms that destroyed most of the wreck. Older videos of the Antipolis Wreck will show the engine room for example. We could not access it since it had collapsed.
This week we talk with Ben Lewis, Germanist, Historian, and the man behind Marxism Translated. We discuss the insanely...
This week we talk with Ben Lewis, Germanist, Historian, and the man behind Marxism Translated. We discuss the insanely complex history of the SPD, how WW1 detonated the contradictions in the party, and the history of the shattered remnants as they got hit again with the impact of the Russian Revolution.
Ben's translation patreon:
Ben's twitter handle:
That Minard graph!
This week we talk with Ben Lewis, Germanist, Historian, and the man behind Marxism Translated. We discuss the insanely complex history of the SPD, how WW1 detonated the contradictions in the party, and the history of the shattered remnants as they got hit again with the impact of the Russian Revolution.
Ben's translation patreon:
Ben's twitter handle:
That Minard graph!
Zoom Lecture by Jeremy Boudreau
This is part of of the British Institute of Florence Wednesday Lectures series on Zoom. Register here to receive a weekly updat...
Zoom Lecture by Jeremy Boudreau
This is part of of the British Institute of Florence Wednesday Lectures series on Zoom. Register here to receive a weekly update of the British Institute of Florence programme: https://www.britishinstitute.it/en/newsletter
Support the Institute and its cultural activities during these challenging times. Whether you attend our Wednesday Lectures series in person at Palazzo Lanfredini, or online through Zoom and YouTube, any contribution you can make is most welcome!
Zoom Lecture by Jeremy Boudreau
This is part of of the British Institute of Florence Wednesday Lectures series on Zoom. Register here to receive a weekly update of the British Institute of Florence programme: https://www.britishinstitute.it/en/newsletter
Support the Institute and its cultural activities during these challenging times. Whether you attend our Wednesday Lectures series in person at Palazzo Lanfredini, or online through Zoom and YouTube, any contribution you can make is most welcome!
#다이버시계 #제노비아 #프로메테우스시계 #인투와치
포르투갈의 마이크로브랜드 프로메테우스가 다이버스 왓치스 페이스북 그룹과 손을 잡고 만든 300개 한정판 제노비아를 리뷰했습니다. 제 생각에는 스위스 브랜드들이 만든 이른바 엔트리 레벨 다이버 시계들보다 높은 완성도를 가진 시계 같습니다 (물론 어이없는 실수가 하나 있기는 하지만요). 제노비아는 해외직구를 할 필요없이 국내 유일의 마이크로브랜드 시계 전문점 인투와치에서 쉽고 빠르게 구매하실 수 있습니다.
제노비아 녹색 다이얼 페이지(영상 등장 모델):
'프로메테우스' 페이지 전체보기:
The “Prize Papers” are a treasure trove of undelivered mail taken from ships captured during Britain’s naval wars between 1652 and 1815. The documents were handed over to Great Britain’s High Court of Admiralty to prove that the captured ships were indeed enemies and therefore ripe for plunder. The documents include not only personal letters but also poems, drawings, playing cards and journals. They offer a fascinating look at the lives lived and the interaction among people and countries during this time of rapid global expansion and trade.
Professor Truxes has been researching the “Prize Papers” since 2011 when he was at the British National Archives working on a book about Colonial America and came across letters taken from the Irish wine ship Two Sisters captured on its return home from Bordeaux during the Seven Years’ War. He was captivated by the personal accounts of everyday people from the mid-18th-century. Watch as Tom brings to life some of the amazing personal stories he found as he went through the collection.
🚩 Video Sponsored by Ridge Wallet: https://www.ridge.com/HISTORY
🚩 Use Code “HISTORY ” for 10% off your order
👇 Push down for more cool stuff 👇
🚩 See all 3 parts here: https://www.youtube.com/playlist?list=PLWwyDn76LiH3gKQo1IUDV8-CJGsqDsR0G
🚩 I'm very pleased to have worked with Dr. Byron Waldron on this video. His research and incredible insight into the Crisis of the Third Century made this video possible. The Crisis of the Third Century was one of the darkest periods in Roman history. By 270 AD the empire had practically disintegrated, but emperor Aurelian managed to string an unprecedented series of military victories to restore the Roman Empire. This mini series will feature 3 parts, stay tuned.
🚩 Consider supporting my work on Patreon and enjoy ad-free videos: https://www.patreon.com/historymarche
📢 Narrated by David McCallion
📝 Research and Writing by Dr. Byron Waldron
🎼 Music, courtesy of EpidemicSound
📝 Sources:
Andrade, N. J. 2018: Zenobia: Shooting Star of Palmyra, New York.
De Blois, L. 2018: Image and Reality of Roman Imperial Power in the Third Century AD: The Impact of War, London.
Potter, D. S. 2014: The Roman Empire at Bay AD 180-395, 2nd ed., Oxford & New York.
Stoneman, R. 1992: Palmyra and its Empire: Zenobia’s Revolt against Rome, Ann Arbor.
Watson, A. 1999: Aurelian and the Third Century, London & New York.
#rome #aurelian #zenobia
The Aristocracy series originally aired on the BBC. Each episode explores a period in the history of Britain's noble classes. Focusing on the decline of this class in the modern world, each tape offers a glimpse into a world only the privileged are intimately familiar with. In this particular episode, viewers explore a golden age for England's aristocracy. Around the turn of the century, Britain's aristocracy owned 80 percent of the land and dominated Parliament. The program features interviews with current dukes and duchesses, as well as with leading historians. ~ Rob Ferrier, Rovi
The Duchess of Devonshire, Sir Charles Wolseley, the Marquess of Anglesey and others describe their ancestors' lifestyles and finances.
First broadcast: 29 Jan 1997
This scuba dive took place on 25 November 2017 where we explored the Antipolis Shipwreck. A couple of months before there were massive storms that destroyed most of the wreck. Older videos of the Antipolis Wreck will show the engine room for example. We could not access it since it had collapsed.
This week we talk with Ben Lewis, Germanist, Historian, and the man behind Marxism Translated. We discuss the insanely complex history of the SPD, how WW1 detonated the contradictions in the party, and the history of the shattered remnants as they got hit again with the impact of the Russian Revolution.
Ben's translation patreon:
Ben's twitter handle:
That Minard graph!
Zoom Lecture by Jeremy Boudreau
This is part of of the British Institute of Florence Wednesday Lectures series on Zoom. Register here to receive a weekly update of the British Institute of Florence programme: https://www.britishinstitute.it/en/newsletter
Support the Institute and its cultural activities during these challenging times. Whether you attend our Wednesday Lectures series in person at Palazzo Lanfredini, or online through Zoom and YouTube, any contribution you can make is most welcome!
Zenobia (Greek: Ζηνοβία / Zēnobía; Aramaic: בת זבי / Bat-Zabbai; Arabic: الزباء / al-Zabbā’; 240 – c. 275) was a 3rd-century Queen of the Palmyrene Empire in Syria who led a famous revolt against the Roman Empire. The second wife of King Septimius Odaenathus, Zenobia became queen of the Palmyrene Empire following Odaenathus' death in 267. By 269, Zenobia had expanded the empire, conquering Egypt and expelling the Roman prefect, Tenagino Probus, who was beheaded after he led an attempt to recapture the territory. She ruled over Egypt until 271, when she was defeated and taken as a hostage to Rome by Emperor Aurelian.
Family, ancestry and early life
Zenobia was born and raised in Palmyra, Syria. Her Roman name was "Julia Aurelia Zenobia" and Latin and Greek writers referred to her as "Zenobia" (Greek: ἡ Ζηνοβία) or as "Septimia Zenobia"—she became Septimia after marrying Septimius Odaenathus. She used the Aramaic form "Bat-Zabbai" (בת זבי) to sign her name.Arabic-language writers refer to her as "al-Zabba'" (الزباء).
who can sail without the wind? who can row without an oar? who can say goodbye to their love without crying? I can sail without the wind. and I can row without an oar. but I can't say goodbye to my love