This famous singer surprised everyone in the shopping mall 🤯🤯
Today I was playing piano in the shopping mall in Paris when suddenly a girl asked me to play "Lose Control" by Teddy Swims. But no one expected that he would actually join 😱
Song: Lose Control
Composer: Teddy Swims
#piano #publicpiano #losecontrol #publicreaction #singing
published: 06 May 2024
Emilio Piano ft. Lucie - Voilà (Barbara Pravi cover)
Original Music: Barbara Pravi, Igit
Song lyrics: Barbara Pravi, Lili Poe
Performed by: Emilio Piano & Lucie
Violin: Stanisław Słowiński
Choir: The choir of the Maritime University of Szczecin
Choir conductor: Sylwia Fabiańczyk-Makuch
Choir arrangement: Krzysztof Falkowski
Mix/master: Marcin Kwazar
Music production: Wojciech Urbański
Production house: Paradox
Director: Igor Lesniewski (Gifted)
DOP: Tomasz Ziółkowski (The Real Friends)
Producer: Jakub Obuch (Paradox)
Production Manager: Rafal Kotkiewicz (Paradox)
Ronin Operator: Tomasz Stępniak (Paradox)
Gaffer: Wiktor Fabian (Paradox)
Spark: Mateusz Połajdowicz (Paradox)
Grip: ScorpioTeam & Yellow Wóz, Aneta i Norbert Możdżynski
Drone Light: Rafał Janowski @rafalganowskiaerial
Rental: Paradox, ATM, Prozone...
published: 12 Apr 2024
Emilio - Ne Nézz Vissza Rám
Spotify: https://spoti.fi/2Acnz3R
Látod, ajkam mást csókolja
Ezt a harcot rég feladta
Menj tovább, soha ne nézz vissza rám
Volt idő, hogy úgy éreztem
Nélküled nincs boldog percem
Menj tovább, soha ne nézz vissza rám
Fáj, hogy megváltoztunk,
Oly szép volt a múlt
Ma már mást ölel és csókol,
Aki a két karomba bújt
Fáj, hogy elmúlt minden égő szenvedély
De az illatod még érzem
Ma is velem van, ne félj
Menj, soha ne nézz vissza rám
Úgy fáj, hogy elhagytál
Soha ne nézz vissza rám
Menj, soha ne nézz vissza rám,
Úgy fáj, hogy elhagytál
Soha ne nézz vissza rám
Szívem kérte boldogságom
Másnak adtad minden álmom
Menj tovább, soha ne nézz vissza rám
Bár rólam álmodsz, engem féltesz
Te sírsz értem minden éjjel
Menj tovább, soha ne nézz vissza rám
Fáj, hogy megváltoztunk,
Oly szép volt a múlt
published: 31 Jul 2018
Emilio - Haju vana dudu (Official Video 2021)
Zene-szöveg: Jellinek Emil Emilio
Zenei producer: 777 Beatz
Mix Mastering: Csicsák Norbert, 777 Beatz
Vokál: Ambrus Rita
Hangfelvétel: KM Records Hangstúdió - Keskeny Márk
Operatőr és utómunka: Helényi Tamás
Tánckoreográfus: Kurucz Benji
Smink: Nagy Ramóna NaRa Makeup
Vendégszereplők: Gangxta Zolee, DJ Lotters
Köszönet a Remix Disconak a helyszínért!
Koncertszervezés: [email protected]
Telefonszám: 06-30-493-03-96
Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/emilioking13/
Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/EmilioMusicOfficial
Hálás a szívem Istennek mindenért!
És nem utolsó sorban köszönöm neked aki hallgatod és szereted a dalaimat!
Isten áldjon mindenkit!
published: 19 Aug 2021
Emilio - Valamit El Kell Mondjak
Spotify: https://spoti.fi/2LQTvwe
Robbant a csend
És idelent,
Megállt egy napra az élet.
Dörgött az ég,
És angyalként
Leküldött számomra téged.
Nem akarom,
Mégis, ha szemedbe nézek,
Akad a tű,
Akad a szó,
Megnémít az, amit érzek.
Valamit el kell, mondjak, mégis túl nehéz,
Pedig az életnél is százszor többet érsz.
Valamit el kell, mondjak rég, csak félek még,
Mert ha mást szeretsz, én semmivé lennék.
Valamit el kell, mondjak még, hisz’ tudnod kell,
Nekem itt más számára nincs szívemben hely.
Valamit el kell, mondjak rég, csak félek még,
Mert ha mást szeretsz, én semmivé lennék.
A zene szólt,
És vele szállt
Szerelemillat a szélben.
Gondoltam rád,
S heteken át
Csak rólunk álmodtam ébren.
Nem mondtam még,
Nem szóltam rég.
Tépem csak szerelmem húrját,
Mert szívem fél,
Hogy, ...
published: 31 Jul 2018
Emilio - Strawberry eyes (Offizielles Musikvideo)
Das offizielle Musikvideo zu „Strawberry eyes“ von Emilio!
Downloaden & Streamen: https://EmilioMusik.lnk.to/allabout
a GROTESK.GROUP production
in collaboration with Emilio, Chehad Abdallah & JIVE Germany
Text und Musik: Emilio Sakraya ...
published: 14 Mar 2024
EXCLUSIVE: Time-Space Is BROKEN! Man’s Past Lives REVEAL Glitch In The Matrix | Matías De Stefano
This interview with Matías De Stefano highlights huge 2024 exclusive updates regarding the last April 8th Solar Eclipse, and why humanity must repair the glitch in the time-space matrix. Matías, founder of YOSOY, is known for remembering all of his past lives anywhere from Atlantean to Ancient Egyptian times. His series "Initiations" on Gaia TV took the world by storm as he precisely recounts stories from his past life memories such as: how the pyramids were built to and deed understandings of the 9th dimensional reality. He is also the host of another series on Gaia, "The Path of Remembering" where Matías recounts the 12,000-year reset, the path of the Dragon, Roma Amor, and more.
At the age of 21, Matías De Stefano began to transmit his particular vision of understanding reality, helpi...
published: 11 May 2024
Emilio - Drága gyermekem (Official Video)
Emilio - Drága gyermekem 2018
Zeneszerző: Jellinek Emil Emilio
Szöveg: Jellinek Emil Emilio
Zenei rendező & hangszerelés : Váradi Albert
Bassguitar: Temesi Bertalan
Sopran Sax: Jász Andris
Ének és Sax felvétel, Mix, Mastering :Vígh Arnold ( SilverHill Studio)
Operatőr & utómunka: Schmidt Gergő és Artim Rebeka
Koncertszervezés : [email protected]
Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/EmilioMusicOfficial/
Külön köszönet a csodás helyszínért Budai Andor és családjának!
Hálás a szívem Jézus Krisztusnak mindazért amim van !
published: 29 Nov 2018
Emilio - Ausmacht (Offizielles Musikvideo)
Das offizielle Musikvideo zu "Ausmacht" von Emilio!
Downloaden & Streamen: https://EmilioMusik.lnk.to/Ausmacht
►KANAL ABONNIEREN https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCq7Ql_RgKhJAucpy_k_Tfdg
https://www.emiliomusik.de https://www.instagram.com/emilio_sakraya_/
► Vielen Dank an glo für die Unterstützung!
Cast: Emilio Sakraya, Stefanie Giesinger
Director: Lea Thurner
DOP: Wesley Salamone
Producer: Lisa Purtsch...
published: 02 Jun 2022
Emilio - Niemand (Offizielles Musikvideo)
Das offizielle Musikvideo zu „Niemand“ von Emilio!
Downloaden & Streamen: https://EmilioMusik.lnk.to/allabout
Production by STUDIO 11:40
starring Emilio
Director: Felix Aaron
Executive Producer: Ronja Prinz
DoP: Fabio Tozzo
Producer: Pia Domkowski
published: 08 Feb 2024
This famous singer surprised everyone in the shopping mall 🤯🤯
Today I was playing piano in the shopping mall in Paris when suddenly a girl asked me to play "Lose Control" by Teddy Swims. But no one expected that he would a...
Today I was playing piano in the shopping mall in Paris when suddenly a girl asked me to play "Lose Control" by Teddy Swims. But no one expected that he would actually join 😱
Song: Lose Control
Composer: Teddy Swims
#piano #publicpiano #losecontrol #publicreaction #singing
Today I was playing piano in the shopping mall in Paris when suddenly a girl asked me to play "Lose Control" by Teddy Swims. But no one expected that he would actually join 😱
Song: Lose Control
Composer: Teddy Swims
#piano #publicpiano #losecontrol #publicreaction #singing
- published: 06 May 2024
- views: 6314070
Emilio Piano ft. Lucie - Voilà (Barbara Pravi cover)
Original Music: Barbara Pravi, Igit
Song lyrics: Barbara Pravi, Lili Poe
Performed by: Emilio Piano & Lucie
Violin: Stanisław Słowińs...
Original Music: Barbara Pravi, Igit
Song lyrics: Barbara Pravi, Lili Poe
Performed by: Emilio Piano & Lucie
Violin: Stanisław Słowiński
Choir: The choir of the Maritime University of Szczecin
Choir conductor: Sylwia Fabiańczyk-Makuch
Choir arrangement: Krzysztof Falkowski
Mix/master: Marcin Kwazar
Music production: Wojciech Urbański
Production house: Paradox
Director: Igor Lesniewski (Gifted)
DOP: Tomasz Ziółkowski (The Real Friends)
Producer: Jakub Obuch (Paradox)
Production Manager: Rafal Kotkiewicz (Paradox)
Ronin Operator: Tomasz Stępniak (Paradox)
Gaffer: Wiktor Fabian (Paradox)
Spark: Mateusz Połajdowicz (Paradox)
Grip: ScorpioTeam & Yellow Wóz, Aneta i Norbert Możdżynski
Drone Light: Rafał Janowski @rafalganowskiaerial
Rental: Paradox, ATM, Prozone,
Scenography: Magdalena Kostyra
Make up: Natalia Brzęczkowska
Stylist: Zofia Heydel-Szymborska
Postproduction: Paradox
Colorist: Kuba Czapczyński
Special thanks to: Nadleśnictwo Celestynów, Verus Studio
Executive production: Piotr Lenartowicz & Wojciech Urbański
Original Music: Barbara Pravi, Igit
Song lyrics: Barbara Pravi, Lili Poe
Performed by: Emilio Piano & Lucie
Violin: Stanisław Słowiński
Choir: The choir of the Maritime University of Szczecin
Choir conductor: Sylwia Fabiańczyk-Makuch
Choir arrangement: Krzysztof Falkowski
Mix/master: Marcin Kwazar
Music production: Wojciech Urbański
Production house: Paradox
Director: Igor Lesniewski (Gifted)
DOP: Tomasz Ziółkowski (The Real Friends)
Producer: Jakub Obuch (Paradox)
Production Manager: Rafal Kotkiewicz (Paradox)
Ronin Operator: Tomasz Stępniak (Paradox)
Gaffer: Wiktor Fabian (Paradox)
Spark: Mateusz Połajdowicz (Paradox)
Grip: ScorpioTeam & Yellow Wóz, Aneta i Norbert Możdżynski
Drone Light: Rafał Janowski @rafalganowskiaerial
Rental: Paradox, ATM, Prozone,
Scenography: Magdalena Kostyra
Make up: Natalia Brzęczkowska
Stylist: Zofia Heydel-Szymborska
Postproduction: Paradox
Colorist: Kuba Czapczyński
Special thanks to: Nadleśnictwo Celestynów, Verus Studio
Executive production: Piotr Lenartowicz & Wojciech Urbański
- published: 12 Apr 2024
- views: 838753
Emilio - Ne Nézz Vissza Rám
Spotify: https://spoti.fi/2Acnz3R
Látod, ajkam mást csókolja
Ezt a harcot rég feladta
Menj tovább, soha ne nézz vissza rám
Volt idő, hogy úgy éreztem
Spotify: https://spoti.fi/2Acnz3R
Látod, ajkam mást csókolja
Ezt a harcot rég feladta
Menj tovább, soha ne nézz vissza rám
Volt idő, hogy úgy éreztem
Nélküled nincs boldog percem
Menj tovább, soha ne nézz vissza rám
Fáj, hogy megváltoztunk,
Oly szép volt a múlt
Ma már mást ölel és csókol,
Aki a két karomba bújt
Fáj, hogy elmúlt minden égő szenvedély
De az illatod még érzem
Ma is velem van, ne félj
Menj, soha ne nézz vissza rám
Úgy fáj, hogy elhagytál
Soha ne nézz vissza rám
Menj, soha ne nézz vissza rám,
Úgy fáj, hogy elhagytál
Soha ne nézz vissza rám
Szívem kérte boldogságom
Másnak adtad minden álmom
Menj tovább, soha ne nézz vissza rám
Bár rólam álmodsz, engem féltesz
Te sírsz értem minden éjjel
Menj tovább, soha ne nézz vissza rám
Fáj, hogy megváltoztunk,
Oly szép volt a múlt
Ma már mást ölel és csókol,
Aki a két karomba bújt
Fáj, hogy elmúlt minden égő szenvedély
De az illatod még érzem
Ma is velem van, ne félj
Menj, soha ne nézz vissza rám
Úgy fáj, hogy elhagytál
Soha ne nézz vissza rám
Menj, soha ne nézz vissza rám,
Úgy fáj, hogy elhagytál
Soha ne nézz vissza rám
Nem te vagy már, nem te kellesz
Elmúlt most már minden végleg
Menj tovább, soha ne nézz vissza rám
De ne kérdezd, mert én sem értem
Miért szeret már mást a szívem
Menj tovább, soha ne nézz vissza rám
Menj, soha ne nézz vissza rám…
Music video by Emilio performing Ne Nézz Vissza Rám. (C) 2003 Universal Music Hungary
Spotify: https://spoti.fi/2Acnz3R
Látod, ajkam mást csókolja
Ezt a harcot rég feladta
Menj tovább, soha ne nézz vissza rám
Volt idő, hogy úgy éreztem
Nélküled nincs boldog percem
Menj tovább, soha ne nézz vissza rám
Fáj, hogy megváltoztunk,
Oly szép volt a múlt
Ma már mást ölel és csókol,
Aki a két karomba bújt
Fáj, hogy elmúlt minden égő szenvedély
De az illatod még érzem
Ma is velem van, ne félj
Menj, soha ne nézz vissza rám
Úgy fáj, hogy elhagytál
Soha ne nézz vissza rám
Menj, soha ne nézz vissza rám,
Úgy fáj, hogy elhagytál
Soha ne nézz vissza rám
Szívem kérte boldogságom
Másnak adtad minden álmom
Menj tovább, soha ne nézz vissza rám
Bár rólam álmodsz, engem féltesz
Te sírsz értem minden éjjel
Menj tovább, soha ne nézz vissza rám
Fáj, hogy megváltoztunk,
Oly szép volt a múlt
Ma már mást ölel és csókol,
Aki a két karomba bújt
Fáj, hogy elmúlt minden égő szenvedély
De az illatod még érzem
Ma is velem van, ne félj
Menj, soha ne nézz vissza rám
Úgy fáj, hogy elhagytál
Soha ne nézz vissza rám
Menj, soha ne nézz vissza rám,
Úgy fáj, hogy elhagytál
Soha ne nézz vissza rám
Nem te vagy már, nem te kellesz
Elmúlt most már minden végleg
Menj tovább, soha ne nézz vissza rám
De ne kérdezd, mert én sem értem
Miért szeret már mást a szívem
Menj tovább, soha ne nézz vissza rám
Menj, soha ne nézz vissza rám…
Music video by Emilio performing Ne Nézz Vissza Rám. (C) 2003 Universal Music Hungary
- published: 31 Jul 2018
- views: 1602382
Emilio - Haju vana dudu (Official Video 2021)
Zene-szöveg: Jellinek Emil Emilio
Zenei producer: 777 Beatz
Mix Mastering: Csicsák Norbert, 777 Beatz
Vokál: Ambrus Rita
Hangfelvétel: KM Records Hangstúdió - K...
Zene-szöveg: Jellinek Emil Emilio
Zenei producer: 777 Beatz
Mix Mastering: Csicsák Norbert, 777 Beatz
Vokál: Ambrus Rita
Hangfelvétel: KM Records Hangstúdió - Keskeny Márk
Operatőr és utómunka: Helényi Tamás
Tánckoreográfus: Kurucz Benji
Smink: Nagy Ramóna NaRa Makeup
Vendégszereplők: Gangxta Zolee, DJ Lotters
Köszönet a Remix Disconak a helyszínért!
[email protected]
Telefonszám: 06-30-493-03-96
Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/emilioking13/
Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/EmilioMusicOfficial
Hálás a szívem Istennek mindenért!
És nem utolsó sorban köszönöm neked aki hallgatod és szereted a dalaimat!
Isten áldjon mindenkit!
Zene-szöveg: Jellinek Emil Emilio
Zenei producer: 777 Beatz
Mix Mastering: Csicsák Norbert, 777 Beatz
Vokál: Ambrus Rita
Hangfelvétel: KM Records Hangstúdió - Keskeny Márk
Operatőr és utómunka: Helényi Tamás
Tánckoreográfus: Kurucz Benji
Smink: Nagy Ramóna NaRa Makeup
Vendégszereplők: Gangxta Zolee, DJ Lotters
Köszönet a Remix Disconak a helyszínért!
[email protected]
Telefonszám: 06-30-493-03-96
Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/emilioking13/
Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/EmilioMusicOfficial
Hálás a szívem Istennek mindenért!
És nem utolsó sorban köszönöm neked aki hallgatod és szereted a dalaimat!
Isten áldjon mindenkit!
- published: 19 Aug 2021
- views: 374341
Emilio - Valamit El Kell Mondjak
Spotify: https://spoti.fi/2LQTvwe
Robbant a csend
És idelent,
Megállt egy napra az élet.
Dörgött az ég,
És angyalként
Leküldött számomra téged.
Spotify: https://spoti.fi/2LQTvwe
Robbant a csend
És idelent,
Megállt egy napra az élet.
Dörgött az ég,
És angyalként
Leküldött számomra téged.
Nem akarom,
Mégis, ha szemedbe nézek,
Akad a tű,
Akad a szó,
Megnémít az, amit érzek.
Valamit el kell, mondjak, mégis túl nehéz,
Pedig az életnél is százszor többet érsz.
Valamit el kell, mondjak rég, csak félek még,
Mert ha mást szeretsz, én semmivé lennék.
Valamit el kell, mondjak még, hisz’ tudnod kell,
Nekem itt más számára nincs szívemben hely.
Valamit el kell, mondjak rég, csak félek még,
Mert ha mást szeretsz, én semmivé lennék.
A zene szólt,
És vele szállt
Szerelemillat a szélben.
Gondoltam rád,
S heteken át
Csak rólunk álmodtam ébren.
Nem mondtam még,
Nem szóltam rég.
Tépem csak szerelmem húrját,
Mert szívem fél,
Hogy, mit tennél,
Ha már az igazat tudnád.
Valamit el kell, mondjak, mégis túl nehéz,
Pedig az életnél is százszor többet érsz.
Valamit el kell, mondjak rég, csak félek még,
Mert ha mást szeretsz, én semmivé lennék.
Valamit el kell, mondjak még, hisz’ tudnod kell,
Nekem itt más számára nincs szívemben hely.
Valamit el kell, mondjak rég, csak félek még,
Mert ha mást szeretsz, én semmivé lennék.
Mért szeretünk, mondd, ha az érzés fáj?
Mért süket a csend, ha szólni muszáj?
Várj kicsit! Néma még a szó, a száj.
Csak a szívemet hallom!
Valamit el kell, mondjak, mégis túl nehéz,
Pedig az életnél is százszor többet érsz.
Valamit el kell, mondjak rég, csak félek még,
Mert ha mást szeretsz, én semmivé lennék.
Valamit el kell, mondjak még, hisz’ tudnod kell,
Nekem itt más számára nincs szívemben hely.
Valamit el kell, mondjak rég, csak félek még,
Mert ha mást szeretsz, én semmivé lennék.
Music video by Emilio performing Valamit El Kell Mondjak. (C) 2005 Universal Music Hungary
Spotify: https://spoti.fi/2LQTvwe
Robbant a csend
És idelent,
Megállt egy napra az élet.
Dörgött az ég,
És angyalként
Leküldött számomra téged.
Nem akarom,
Mégis, ha szemedbe nézek,
Akad a tű,
Akad a szó,
Megnémít az, amit érzek.
Valamit el kell, mondjak, mégis túl nehéz,
Pedig az életnél is százszor többet érsz.
Valamit el kell, mondjak rég, csak félek még,
Mert ha mást szeretsz, én semmivé lennék.
Valamit el kell, mondjak még, hisz’ tudnod kell,
Nekem itt más számára nincs szívemben hely.
Valamit el kell, mondjak rég, csak félek még,
Mert ha mást szeretsz, én semmivé lennék.
A zene szólt,
És vele szállt
Szerelemillat a szélben.
Gondoltam rád,
S heteken át
Csak rólunk álmodtam ébren.
Nem mondtam még,
Nem szóltam rég.
Tépem csak szerelmem húrját,
Mert szívem fél,
Hogy, mit tennél,
Ha már az igazat tudnád.
Valamit el kell, mondjak, mégis túl nehéz,
Pedig az életnél is százszor többet érsz.
Valamit el kell, mondjak rég, csak félek még,
Mert ha mást szeretsz, én semmivé lennék.
Valamit el kell, mondjak még, hisz’ tudnod kell,
Nekem itt más számára nincs szívemben hely.
Valamit el kell, mondjak rég, csak félek még,
Mert ha mást szeretsz, én semmivé lennék.
Mért szeretünk, mondd, ha az érzés fáj?
Mért süket a csend, ha szólni muszáj?
Várj kicsit! Néma még a szó, a száj.
Csak a szívemet hallom!
Valamit el kell, mondjak, mégis túl nehéz,
Pedig az életnél is százszor többet érsz.
Valamit el kell, mondjak rég, csak félek még,
Mert ha mást szeretsz, én semmivé lennék.
Valamit el kell, mondjak még, hisz’ tudnod kell,
Nekem itt más számára nincs szívemben hely.
Valamit el kell, mondjak rég, csak félek még,
Mert ha mást szeretsz, én semmivé lennék.
Music video by Emilio performing Valamit El Kell Mondjak. (C) 2005 Universal Music Hungary
- published: 31 Jul 2018
- views: 2117847
Emilio - Strawberry eyes (Offizielles Musikvideo)
Das offizielle Musikvideo zu „Strawberry eyes“ von Emilio!
Das offizielle Musikvideo zu „Strawberry eyes“ von Emilio!
Downloaden & Streamen: https://EmilioMusik.lnk.to/allabout
a GROTESK.GROUP production
in collaboration with Emilio, Chehad Abdallah & JIVE Germany
Text und Musik: Emilio Sakraya / Benedikt Schöller / Timothy Auld / Lazlo / Uchenna van Capelleveen
Published by: Universal Music Publishing GmbH / BMG Rights Management / Copyright Control
Produced by Truva
Mixed by Truva
Mastered by Ludwig Maier @ GKG Mastering
Backing Vocals: Emilio Sakraya
Choir: Timothy Auld, Uchenna van Capelleveen, Lazlo, Emilio Sakraya, Benedikt Schöler, Lu Bischoff
Drums Programming: Benedikt Schöller, Timothy Auld Piano: Benedikt SchöllerBass: Robin AuldGuitar: Timothy AuldSynth: Benedikt SchöllerTrombone: Norbert SahliDrums: Florian König
Repertoire Owner: SME Germany GmbH
Ich verlass‘ den Boden mit dir
Lass‘ es flimmern, hör es knistern
Wenn wir tun
Was wir tun
Alles so verboten mit dir
Doch ist egal, denn wir berühren schon fast die Wolke
Bist mein Schmetterling im Garten
Noch nie so viele Farben gesehen (Ok, I got you)
Ich bestell‘ die ganze Karte
Mit dir wird heute Abend noch spät
Ich schau‘ tief in deine Strawberry eyes
Du machst mich high
Und mir fallen wieder Worte nicht ein
Bist meine Sorte, mein Type
Bis morgens um drei
Ich tauch‘ tief in deine Strawberry eyes
Strawberry eyes
Strawberry in my heart ain’t that so pretty
Strawberry in my heart, in my soul pretty
Strawberry in my heart ain’t that so pretty
Strawberry in my heart, in my soul
Seh‘ die Welt von oben mit dir
Alles schimmert, alles glimmert
So wie du
So wie du
Benehm‘ mich wie auf Drogen mit dir
Aber ich schwör’s dir, damit hab‘ ich nichts zu tun, das bist nur du
Was du mit mir machst, das ist nicht fair
Was du mit mir machst, macht Spaß, ich will noch mehr
Du ziehst mich alltäglich aus dem Verkehr
Du ziehst mich alltäglich aus dem Verkehr
Ich schau‘ tief in deine Strawberry eyes
Du machst mich high
Und mir fallen wieder Worte nicht ein
Bist meine Sorte, mein Type
Bis morgens um drei
Ich tauch‘ tief in deine Strawberry eyes
Strawberry eyes
Strawberry in my heart ain’t that so pretty
Strawberry in my heart, in my soul pretty
Strawberry in my heart ain’t that so pretty
Strawberry in my heart, in my soul
12.05.24 - Leipzig - Felsenkeller
13.05.24 - Stuttgart - Im Wizemann
16.05.24 - Frankfurt - Zoom
17.05.24 - Zürich (CH) - Komplex 457
18.05.24 - Wien (A) - Arena Open Air (HOCHVERLEGT)
23.05.24 - Hannover - Capitol
24.05.24 - Köln - Palladium
25.05.24 - Oberhausen - Turbinenhalle
26.05.24 - München - Tonhalle
30.05.24 - Würzburg - Posthalle
31.05.24 - Berlin - Columbiahalle
01.06.24 - Bielefeld - Lokschuppen
02.06.24 - Hamburg - Edel Optics Arena
#emilio #strawberryeyes #blessings
Das offizielle Musikvideo zu „Strawberry eyes“ von Emilio!
Downloaden & Streamen: https://EmilioMusik.lnk.to/allabout
a GROTESK.GROUP production
in collaboration with Emilio, Chehad Abdallah & JIVE Germany
Text und Musik: Emilio Sakraya / Benedikt Schöller / Timothy Auld / Lazlo / Uchenna van Capelleveen
Published by: Universal Music Publishing GmbH / BMG Rights Management / Copyright Control
Produced by Truva
Mixed by Truva
Mastered by Ludwig Maier @ GKG Mastering
Backing Vocals: Emilio Sakraya
Choir: Timothy Auld, Uchenna van Capelleveen, Lazlo, Emilio Sakraya, Benedikt Schöler, Lu Bischoff
Drums Programming: Benedikt Schöller, Timothy Auld Piano: Benedikt SchöllerBass: Robin AuldGuitar: Timothy AuldSynth: Benedikt SchöllerTrombone: Norbert SahliDrums: Florian König
Repertoire Owner: SME Germany GmbH
Ich verlass‘ den Boden mit dir
Lass‘ es flimmern, hör es knistern
Wenn wir tun
Was wir tun
Alles so verboten mit dir
Doch ist egal, denn wir berühren schon fast die Wolke
Bist mein Schmetterling im Garten
Noch nie so viele Farben gesehen (Ok, I got you)
Ich bestell‘ die ganze Karte
Mit dir wird heute Abend noch spät
Ich schau‘ tief in deine Strawberry eyes
Du machst mich high
Und mir fallen wieder Worte nicht ein
Bist meine Sorte, mein Type
Bis morgens um drei
Ich tauch‘ tief in deine Strawberry eyes
Strawberry eyes
Strawberry in my heart ain’t that so pretty
Strawberry in my heart, in my soul pretty
Strawberry in my heart ain’t that so pretty
Strawberry in my heart, in my soul
Seh‘ die Welt von oben mit dir
Alles schimmert, alles glimmert
So wie du
So wie du
Benehm‘ mich wie auf Drogen mit dir
Aber ich schwör’s dir, damit hab‘ ich nichts zu tun, das bist nur du
Was du mit mir machst, das ist nicht fair
Was du mit mir machst, macht Spaß, ich will noch mehr
Du ziehst mich alltäglich aus dem Verkehr
Du ziehst mich alltäglich aus dem Verkehr
Ich schau‘ tief in deine Strawberry eyes
Du machst mich high
Und mir fallen wieder Worte nicht ein
Bist meine Sorte, mein Type
Bis morgens um drei
Ich tauch‘ tief in deine Strawberry eyes
Strawberry eyes
Strawberry in my heart ain’t that so pretty
Strawberry in my heart, in my soul pretty
Strawberry in my heart ain’t that so pretty
Strawberry in my heart, in my soul
12.05.24 - Leipzig - Felsenkeller
13.05.24 - Stuttgart - Im Wizemann
16.05.24 - Frankfurt - Zoom
17.05.24 - Zürich (CH) - Komplex 457
18.05.24 - Wien (A) - Arena Open Air (HOCHVERLEGT)
23.05.24 - Hannover - Capitol
24.05.24 - Köln - Palladium
25.05.24 - Oberhausen - Turbinenhalle
26.05.24 - München - Tonhalle
30.05.24 - Würzburg - Posthalle
31.05.24 - Berlin - Columbiahalle
01.06.24 - Bielefeld - Lokschuppen
02.06.24 - Hamburg - Edel Optics Arena
#emilio #strawberryeyes #blessings
- published: 14 Mar 2024
- views: 312995
EXCLUSIVE: Time-Space Is BROKEN! Man’s Past Lives REVEAL Glitch In The Matrix | Matías De Stefano
This interview with Matías De Stefano highlights huge 2024 exclusive updates regarding the last April 8th Solar Eclipse, and why humanity must repair the glitch...
This interview with Matías De Stefano highlights huge 2024 exclusive updates regarding the last April 8th Solar Eclipse, and why humanity must repair the glitch in the time-space matrix. Matías, founder of YOSOY, is known for remembering all of his past lives anywhere from Atlantean to Ancient Egyptian times. His series "Initiations" on Gaia TV took the world by storm as he precisely recounts stories from his past life memories such as: how the pyramids were built to and deed understandings of the 9th dimensional reality. He is also the host of another series on Gaia, "The Path of Remembering" where Matías recounts the 12,000-year reset, the path of the Dragon, Roma Amor, and more.
At the age of 21, Matías De Stefano began to transmit his particular vision of understanding reality, helping thousands of people to have a different perspective of our environment and ourselves. His philosophical worldview can be translated as: “Heaven on Earth.” It is a concept explaining how we are creators of our own reality, as well as giving us the tools to be able to transcend it. He is currently developing new materials to help us understand the world and our role in it.
Matías identifies himself as "The Rememberer", since his mission and purpose is to be an educator for the Consciousness Planetary Network. In this podcast, he reflects on his childhood memories and how they were organized with the help of an artist and psychologist. Matias explains that we are all portals, constantly channeling information, and that breaking time and space can lead to a deeper understanding of reality. Matias also mentions the return of extraterrestrial beings and their role in the repair of time. The conversation explores the concept of connecting with other ancient civilizations and delves into the conflicts of ancient civilizations such as Atlantis and Lemuria and how we can learn from them to heal our current problems.
0:00 - Matias De Stefano Trailer
1:51 - Blank Slate After the 2024 Solar Eclipse
2:51 - Facing the Darkness of the Planet
4:51 - Remembering Past Lives & Biggest Fears
6:46 - Weaving Memories Together From Childhood
11:41 - Learning to Be a Portal & Channelling Information
15:31 - Channelling Darkness During the Solar Eclipse
17:41 - The Original of All Things (Time-Space Reality)
21:36 - Why Time Is Broken (CERN & Higgs-Boson Particle)
28:06 - Repairing Time-Space (Heart and Mind Coherence)
31:51 - What is the New Game for Humanity?
40:30 - Are Extraterrestrials Coming Back to Earth?
44:11 - Lesson From Ancient Civilizations (Atlantis, Lemuria, Etc)
47:41 - How Matias Uses Sound & Frequency
49:59 - Using Our Voice Inside the Great Pyramid of Giza
54:06 - Finding Your Unique Tune
54:21 - When Matias Met His Higher Self
1:05:06 - Do We Have Free Will?
1:07:46 - The Role of the Ego
1:09:06 - Who is God & the Void?
1:13:33 - Thriving in the Unknown
1:17:06 - Possibilities of a Third Global War
1:19:29 - What Is Coming For the Younger Generations
1:22:52 - The Future of Education & the Economy
1:27:21 - Compensation for Our Passions
1:36:21 - Reading Matias’ Letter to Pope Francis
1:38:21 - Hidden Documents in the Vatican Library
1:41:36 - Forgiving His Views on Faith
1:44:06 - What Does Humanity Need the Most Right Now?
1:48:21 - Upcoming Projects with YO SOY
1:52:11 - How Do You Remember Your Magic?
1:53:47 - The Past Life Memory That Left the Most Impact
1:57:01 - Time Capsule Question
Guest: Matías De Stefano, "The Rememberer"
✦ Website | https://yosoy.red/
✦ YOSOY Network Channel | @yosoy.network
✦ Matías De Stefano YouTube Music | https://music.youtube.com/channel/UCEVfc4CCiVX4xu2xyeSn6QQ
✦ TikTok | https://www.tiktok.com/@matiasdestefano
✦ Instagram | https://www.instagram.com/matiasgustavodestefano/
✦ Facebook | https://www.facebook.com/matiasdestefanooficial/
Host: Emilio Ortiz
✦ Instagram | https://www.instagram.com/iamemilioortiz/
✦ Subscribe to YouTube Channel | @EmilioOrtiz
✦ Watch Emilio's latest series on 4biddenknowledge TV l https://bit.ly/AwakenThe6thSense
✦ Shop Our Clothing Collection l https://www.unlockedmovement.com/collections/justtapin
Special Offerings to Support the Show:
✦ Make a One-Time or Recurring Donation on PayPal 👉 https://bit.ly/donate-justtapinpodcast
✦ Receive 15% off any purchase from Ra Optics, the world's best blue-light-blocking glasses. Use our code "justtapin" at checkout for your special discount - https://bit.ly/RaOptics-EmilioOrtiz
✦ Receive 10% off any purchase from Intelligent Change, elegant tools, and simple daily routines to instill positive change, including products such as "Five Minute Journal." Use our code "EMILIO10" at checkout for your special discount - https://bit.ly/IntelligentChange-EmilioOrtiz
#matíasdestefano #pastlives #thematrix
This interview with Matías De Stefano highlights huge 2024 exclusive updates regarding the last April 8th Solar Eclipse, and why humanity must repair the glitch in the time-space matrix. Matías, founder of YOSOY, is known for remembering all of his past lives anywhere from Atlantean to Ancient Egyptian times. His series "Initiations" on Gaia TV took the world by storm as he precisely recounts stories from his past life memories such as: how the pyramids were built to and deed understandings of the 9th dimensional reality. He is also the host of another series on Gaia, "The Path of Remembering" where Matías recounts the 12,000-year reset, the path of the Dragon, Roma Amor, and more.
At the age of 21, Matías De Stefano began to transmit his particular vision of understanding reality, helping thousands of people to have a different perspective of our environment and ourselves. His philosophical worldview can be translated as: “Heaven on Earth.” It is a concept explaining how we are creators of our own reality, as well as giving us the tools to be able to transcend it. He is currently developing new materials to help us understand the world and our role in it.
Matías identifies himself as "The Rememberer", since his mission and purpose is to be an educator for the Consciousness Planetary Network. In this podcast, he reflects on his childhood memories and how they were organized with the help of an artist and psychologist. Matias explains that we are all portals, constantly channeling information, and that breaking time and space can lead to a deeper understanding of reality. Matias also mentions the return of extraterrestrial beings and their role in the repair of time. The conversation explores the concept of connecting with other ancient civilizations and delves into the conflicts of ancient civilizations such as Atlantis and Lemuria and how we can learn from them to heal our current problems.
0:00 - Matias De Stefano Trailer
1:51 - Blank Slate After the 2024 Solar Eclipse
2:51 - Facing the Darkness of the Planet
4:51 - Remembering Past Lives & Biggest Fears
6:46 - Weaving Memories Together From Childhood
11:41 - Learning to Be a Portal & Channelling Information
15:31 - Channelling Darkness During the Solar Eclipse
17:41 - The Original of All Things (Time-Space Reality)
21:36 - Why Time Is Broken (CERN & Higgs-Boson Particle)
28:06 - Repairing Time-Space (Heart and Mind Coherence)
31:51 - What is the New Game for Humanity?
40:30 - Are Extraterrestrials Coming Back to Earth?
44:11 - Lesson From Ancient Civilizations (Atlantis, Lemuria, Etc)
47:41 - How Matias Uses Sound & Frequency
49:59 - Using Our Voice Inside the Great Pyramid of Giza
54:06 - Finding Your Unique Tune
54:21 - When Matias Met His Higher Self
1:05:06 - Do We Have Free Will?
1:07:46 - The Role of the Ego
1:09:06 - Who is God & the Void?
1:13:33 - Thriving in the Unknown
1:17:06 - Possibilities of a Third Global War
1:19:29 - What Is Coming For the Younger Generations
1:22:52 - The Future of Education & the Economy
1:27:21 - Compensation for Our Passions
1:36:21 - Reading Matias’ Letter to Pope Francis
1:38:21 - Hidden Documents in the Vatican Library
1:41:36 - Forgiving His Views on Faith
1:44:06 - What Does Humanity Need the Most Right Now?
1:48:21 - Upcoming Projects with YO SOY
1:52:11 - How Do You Remember Your Magic?
1:53:47 - The Past Life Memory That Left the Most Impact
1:57:01 - Time Capsule Question
Guest: Matías De Stefano, "The Rememberer"
✦ Website | https://yosoy.red/
✦ YOSOY Network Channel | @yosoy.network
✦ Matías De Stefano YouTube Music | https://music.youtube.com/channel/UCEVfc4CCiVX4xu2xyeSn6QQ
✦ TikTok | https://www.tiktok.com/@matiasdestefano
✦ Instagram | https://www.instagram.com/matiasgustavodestefano/
✦ Facebook | https://www.facebook.com/matiasdestefanooficial/
Host: Emilio Ortiz
✦ Instagram | https://www.instagram.com/iamemilioortiz/
✦ Subscribe to YouTube Channel | @EmilioOrtiz
✦ Watch Emilio's latest series on 4biddenknowledge TV l https://bit.ly/AwakenThe6thSense
✦ Shop Our Clothing Collection l https://www.unlockedmovement.com/collections/justtapin
Special Offerings to Support the Show:
✦ Make a One-Time or Recurring Donation on PayPal 👉 https://bit.ly/donate-justtapinpodcast
✦ Receive 15% off any purchase from Ra Optics, the world's best blue-light-blocking glasses. Use our code "justtapin" at checkout for your special discount - https://bit.ly/RaOptics-EmilioOrtiz
✦ Receive 10% off any purchase from Intelligent Change, elegant tools, and simple daily routines to instill positive change, including products such as "Five Minute Journal." Use our code "EMILIO10" at checkout for your special discount - https://bit.ly/IntelligentChange-EmilioOrtiz
#matíasdestefano #pastlives #thematrix
- published: 11 May 2024
- views: 41905
Emilio - Drága gyermekem (Official Video)
Emilio - Drága gyermekem 2018
Zeneszerző: Jellinek Emil Emilio
Szöveg: Jellinek Emil Emilio
Zenei rendező & hangszerelés : Váradi Albert
Bassguitar: Temesi Ber...
Emilio - Drága gyermekem 2018
Zeneszerző: Jellinek Emil Emilio
Szöveg: Jellinek Emil Emilio
Zenei rendező & hangszerelés : Váradi Albert
Bassguitar: Temesi Bertalan
Sopran Sax: Jász Andris
Ének és Sax felvétel, Mix, Mastering :Vígh Arnold ( SilverHill Studio)
Operatőr & utómunka: Schmidt Gergő és Artim Rebeka
Koncertszervezés :
[email protected]
Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/EmilioMusicOfficial/
Külön köszönet a csodás helyszínért Budai Andor és családjának!
Hálás a szívem Jézus Krisztusnak mindazért amim van !
Emilio - Drága gyermekem 2018
Zeneszerző: Jellinek Emil Emilio
Szöveg: Jellinek Emil Emilio
Zenei rendező & hangszerelés : Váradi Albert
Bassguitar: Temesi Bertalan
Sopran Sax: Jász Andris
Ének és Sax felvétel, Mix, Mastering :Vígh Arnold ( SilverHill Studio)
Operatőr & utómunka: Schmidt Gergő és Artim Rebeka
Koncertszervezés :
[email protected]
Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/EmilioMusicOfficial/
Külön köszönet a csodás helyszínért Budai Andor és családjának!
Hálás a szívem Jézus Krisztusnak mindazért amim van !
- published: 29 Nov 2018
- views: 1078545
Emilio - Ausmacht (Offizielles Musikvideo)
Das offizielle Musikvideo zu "Ausmacht" von Emilio!
Downloaden & Strea...
Das offizielle Musikvideo zu "Ausmacht" von Emilio!
Downloaden & Streamen: https://EmilioMusik.lnk.to/Ausmacht
►KANAL ABONNIEREN https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCq7Ql_RgKhJAucpy_k_Tfdg
https://www.emiliomusik.de https://www.instagram.com/emilio_sakraya_/
► Vielen Dank an glo für die Unterstützung!
Cast: Emilio Sakraya, Stefanie Giesinger
Director: Lea Thurner
DOP: Wesley Salamone
Producer: Lisa Purtscher, Lotta Schmelzer
Executive Producer: Bernhard Strobel
Production: XANCAM Alexander Kindermann
Editor: Frauke Tietjen
Grading: Maxime Demartin
Production Design: Katharina Soltkahn
Production Design Assistant: Cleo Isabel Schilling
Styling Emilio: Marco Halbinger
Styling Stefanie: Penina Hamanda
Hair & Makeup: Kristin Belger
1st AD: Lea Lembke
1st AC: Yannik Hasse
Gaffer: Fynn Koppebrink
Electrician: Jules Kleck
Unit Manager: Rebecca Pap
Set Runner: Guilermo Diaz
Unreal Engine Stars: Arthur Baum
Rental: RGB Rental
Text & Musik: Emilio Sakraya, Jan Platt, Uchenna van Capelleveen, Timothy Auld, Benedikt Schoeller
Produced by: Truva
Mixed by: Benedikt Schoeller
Mastered by: Ludwig Maier (GKG Mastering)
Chor: Timothy Auld, Emilio Sakraya
Drums Programming: Benedikt Schöller, Timothy Auld
Bass: Timothy Auld
Piano: Benedikt Schöller
Guitar: Benedikt Schöller, Timothy Auld
(C) 2021 Jive Germany a division of Sony Music Entertainment Germany GmbH
Repertoire Owner: SME Germany GmbH
Zu oft
Ging alles in Flammen auf
Was ich berührt hab
Ich ließ alles fallen, was ich nicht gefühlt hab
War nie mit Absicht, ließ sich doch Herzen brechen
So gut, um zu vergessen
Aber irgendwas in dir macht meine harte Schale weich
Wenn du mich berührst, wird mein kaltes Herz aus Eis heiß
Wie hast du es geschafft mich so zu flashen
Mit nur einem Lächeln
Wenn´s dir nichts ausmacht, verliebe ich mich jetzt
Und wenn du mich auch magst, dann wäre das perfekt
Ich hab so oft gehofft, das mich einmal der Pfeil trifft
Du bist ein Engel und durch dich werde ich heilig
Wenn´s dir nichts ausmacht, verliebe ich mich jetzt
Und wenn du mich auch magst, dann wäre das perfekt
Ich hab so oft gehofft, das mich einmal der Pfeil trifft
Du bist ein Engel und durch dich werde ich heilig
Nie gedacht das passiert
Und jetzt bist du hier
Liebe war immer Hölle
Das Paradis kommt mit dir
Dich zu sehen ist wie heimkommen
Bist der Backdrop auf meinem iPhone
Lifestyle war ne Krankheit
Und du warst meine Heilung
Aber irgendwas in dir macht meine harte Schale weich
Wenn du mich berührst, wird mein kaltes Herz aus Eis heiß
Wie hast du es geschafft mich so zu flashen
Mit nur einem Lächeln
Wenn´s dir nichts ausmacht, verliebe ich mich jetzt
Und wenn du mich auch magst, dann wäre das perfekt
Ich hab so oft gehofft, das mich einmal der Pfeil trifft
Du bist ein Engel und durch dich werde ich heilig
Wenn´s dir nichts ausmacht, verliebe ich mich jetzt
Und wenn du mich auch magst, dann wäre das perfekt
Ich hab so oft gehofft, das mich einmal der Pfeil trifft
Du bist ein Engel und durch dich werde ich heilig
Wenn´s dir nichts ausmacht
Wenn´s dir nichts ausmacht
#emilio #ausmacht #1996
Das offizielle Musikvideo zu "Ausmacht" von Emilio!
Downloaden & Streamen: https://EmilioMusik.lnk.to/Ausmacht
►KANAL ABONNIEREN https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCq7Ql_RgKhJAucpy_k_Tfdg
https://www.emiliomusik.de https://www.instagram.com/emilio_sakraya_/
► Vielen Dank an glo für die Unterstützung!
Cast: Emilio Sakraya, Stefanie Giesinger
Director: Lea Thurner
DOP: Wesley Salamone
Producer: Lisa Purtscher, Lotta Schmelzer
Executive Producer: Bernhard Strobel
Production: XANCAM Alexander Kindermann
Editor: Frauke Tietjen
Grading: Maxime Demartin
Production Design: Katharina Soltkahn
Production Design Assistant: Cleo Isabel Schilling
Styling Emilio: Marco Halbinger
Styling Stefanie: Penina Hamanda
Hair & Makeup: Kristin Belger
1st AD: Lea Lembke
1st AC: Yannik Hasse
Gaffer: Fynn Koppebrink
Electrician: Jules Kleck
Unit Manager: Rebecca Pap
Set Runner: Guilermo Diaz
Unreal Engine Stars: Arthur Baum
Rental: RGB Rental
Text & Musik: Emilio Sakraya, Jan Platt, Uchenna van Capelleveen, Timothy Auld, Benedikt Schoeller
Produced by: Truva
Mixed by: Benedikt Schoeller
Mastered by: Ludwig Maier (GKG Mastering)
Chor: Timothy Auld, Emilio Sakraya
Drums Programming: Benedikt Schöller, Timothy Auld
Bass: Timothy Auld
Piano: Benedikt Schöller
Guitar: Benedikt Schöller, Timothy Auld
(C) 2021 Jive Germany a division of Sony Music Entertainment Germany GmbH
Repertoire Owner: SME Germany GmbH
Zu oft
Ging alles in Flammen auf
Was ich berührt hab
Ich ließ alles fallen, was ich nicht gefühlt hab
War nie mit Absicht, ließ sich doch Herzen brechen
So gut, um zu vergessen
Aber irgendwas in dir macht meine harte Schale weich
Wenn du mich berührst, wird mein kaltes Herz aus Eis heiß
Wie hast du es geschafft mich so zu flashen
Mit nur einem Lächeln
Wenn´s dir nichts ausmacht, verliebe ich mich jetzt
Und wenn du mich auch magst, dann wäre das perfekt
Ich hab so oft gehofft, das mich einmal der Pfeil trifft
Du bist ein Engel und durch dich werde ich heilig
Wenn´s dir nichts ausmacht, verliebe ich mich jetzt
Und wenn du mich auch magst, dann wäre das perfekt
Ich hab so oft gehofft, das mich einmal der Pfeil trifft
Du bist ein Engel und durch dich werde ich heilig
Nie gedacht das passiert
Und jetzt bist du hier
Liebe war immer Hölle
Das Paradis kommt mit dir
Dich zu sehen ist wie heimkommen
Bist der Backdrop auf meinem iPhone
Lifestyle war ne Krankheit
Und du warst meine Heilung
Aber irgendwas in dir macht meine harte Schale weich
Wenn du mich berührst, wird mein kaltes Herz aus Eis heiß
Wie hast du es geschafft mich so zu flashen
Mit nur einem Lächeln
Wenn´s dir nichts ausmacht, verliebe ich mich jetzt
Und wenn du mich auch magst, dann wäre das perfekt
Ich hab so oft gehofft, das mich einmal der Pfeil trifft
Du bist ein Engel und durch dich werde ich heilig
Wenn´s dir nichts ausmacht, verliebe ich mich jetzt
Und wenn du mich auch magst, dann wäre das perfekt
Ich hab so oft gehofft, das mich einmal der Pfeil trifft
Du bist ein Engel und durch dich werde ich heilig
Wenn´s dir nichts ausmacht
Wenn´s dir nichts ausmacht
#emilio #ausmacht #1996
- published: 02 Jun 2022
- views: 5028735
Emilio - Niemand (Offizielles Musikvideo)
Das offizielle Musikvideo zu „Niemand“ von Emilio!
Downloaden & Streamen: https://EmilioMusik.lnk.to/allabout
Das offizielle Musikvideo zu „Niemand“ von Emilio!
Downloaden & Streamen: https://EmilioMusik.lnk.to/allabout
Production by STUDIO 11:40
starring Emilio
Director: Felix Aaron
Executive Producer: Ronja Prinz
DoP: Fabio Tozzo
Producer: Pia Domkowski
Production Assistant: Theresa Braun
Production Assistant: Lilly Merck
Production Assistant: Nora Abra
Production Assistant / BTS: Carlotta Seibert
Production Support: Janice Heinrich
Runner: Sidney Lubwa
Steadicam Operator: Lasse Liebelt
1. AC: Julian Hanschke
2. AC: Clara Zimmer
Camera Support: Annika Scherer
Gaffer: David Schmitt
Spark: Jasper Techel
Spark: Malte Siepen
Creative Director: Chehad Abdallah
Stylist: Marco Halbinger
HMU: Philipp Verheynen
HMU Assistant: Till Zettl
Stunt Coordinator: Ralf Haeger
Stunt Rigger: Armin Houben
Hero Car: Brian Rietze
Catering: Fechtner Delikatessen
Karlotta Henke
Anatolii Panchenko
Lela Oberegger
Debbie Bruns
Felix Baum
Feryal Djavadi
Fritzi Schwarzbauer
Jakob Jammer
Jaleel Ngangoue
Jill Plumbohm
Olivia Maria Klewin
Paolo de Jesus Maido
Sandra Delic
Sera Liyanna
Steven Moser
Vanessa Yeboah
Zeynepsu Tuncer
Colors: Delfina Mayer via MAP
VFX: Korbinian Weber / Whitecloudsfx
VFX: Giacomo Merchich
Text und Musik: Emilio Sakraya / Benedikt Schöller / Timothy Auld / Lazlo / Uchenna van Capelleveen / Daniel Musumeci / Iad Aslan
Published by: UMPG / BMG Rights Management / Copyright Control
Produced by Truva
Mixed by Truva
Mastered by Ludwig Maier @ GKG Mastering
Backing Vocals: Emilio Sakraya
Piano: Benedikt Schöller
Drums Programming: Timothy Auld / Benedikt Schöller
Synth: Timothy Auld
Repertoire Owner: SME Germany GmbH
Lass‘ mich doch allein, denn ich brauche niemand
Lass‘ mich doch allein, geh‘ doch hin, wo du willst
Und ich hoff‘ du findest kein‘, kein‘ der das mit dir macht
Glaub‘ mir, denn allein ist es wirklich nicht so schön
Du treibst mich schon wieder an mein Limit
Brech‘ mir für dich noch eine Rippe
Du ziehst nur an deiner Kippe
Und schaust mich an (Ich brauche niemand)
Wie oft beiß‘ ich mir für dich auf meine Lippe
Ich komm nicht klar auf deine Sippe
Und keiner mag mich hier in Mitte
Es ist kein Platz mehr für Freundschaft
Du ziehst dir Herzen wie Feuer
Mit dir schieb‘ ich Paranoia
Mit uns zwei heißt es bye-bye
Lass‘ mich doch allein, denn ich brauche niemand
Lass‘ mich doch allein, geh‘ doch hin, wo du willst
Und ich hoff‘ du findest kein‘, kein‘ der das mit dir macht
Glaub‘ mir, denn allein ist es wirklich nicht so schön
Lass‘ mich doch allein, denn ich brauche niemand
Lass‘ mich doch allein, geh‘ doch hin, wo du willst
Und ich hoff‘ du findest kein‘, kein‘ der das mit dir macht
Glaub‘ mir, denn allein ist es wirklich nicht so schön
Meine Augen tun weh, ich kann dich nicht mehr sehen
Ich will von dir kein Update, wie‘s dir gerade geht
Deine neuen Freunde haben nichts zu erzählen
Oder warum suchst du wieder das Gespräch
Wie konntest du mir das antun
Immer, immer wieder wie ein Drum loop
Anstatt zu kämpfen, wirfst du weißes Handtuch
Und alles was du hörst, wenn du mich anrufst
Lass‘ mich doch allein, denn ich brauche niemand
Lass‘ mich doch allein, geh‘ doch hin, wo du willst
Und ich hoff‘ du findest kein‘, kein‘ der das mit dir macht
Glaub‘ mir, denn allein ist es wirklich nicht so schön (4x)
Lass‘ mich doch allein, denn ich brauche niemand
Lass‘ mich doch allein, geh‘ doch hin, wo du willst
Und ich hoff‘ du findest kein‘, kein‘ der das mit dir macht
Glaub‘ mir, denn allein ist es wirklich nicht so schön
12.05.24 - Leipzig - Felsenkeller
13.05.24 - Stuttgart - Im Wizemann
16.05.24 - Frankfurt - Zoom
17.05.24 - Zürich (CH) - Komplex 457
18.05.24 - Wien (A) - Arena Open Air (HOCHVERLEGT)
23.05.24 - Hannover - Capitol
24.05.24 - Köln - Palladium
25.05.24 - Oberhausen - Turbinenhalle
26.05.24 - München - Tonhalle
30.05.24 - Würzburg - Posthalle
31.05.24 - Berlin - Columbiahalle
01.06.24 - Bielefeld - Lokschuppen
02.06.24 - Hamburg - Edel Optics Arena
#emilio #niemand
Das offizielle Musikvideo zu „Niemand“ von Emilio!
Downloaden & Streamen: https://EmilioMusik.lnk.to/allabout
Production by STUDIO 11:40
starring Emilio
Director: Felix Aaron
Executive Producer: Ronja Prinz
DoP: Fabio Tozzo
Producer: Pia Domkowski
Production Assistant: Theresa Braun
Production Assistant: Lilly Merck
Production Assistant: Nora Abra
Production Assistant / BTS: Carlotta Seibert
Production Support: Janice Heinrich
Runner: Sidney Lubwa
Steadicam Operator: Lasse Liebelt
1. AC: Julian Hanschke
2. AC: Clara Zimmer
Camera Support: Annika Scherer
Gaffer: David Schmitt
Spark: Jasper Techel
Spark: Malte Siepen
Creative Director: Chehad Abdallah
Stylist: Marco Halbinger
HMU: Philipp Verheynen
HMU Assistant: Till Zettl
Stunt Coordinator: Ralf Haeger
Stunt Rigger: Armin Houben
Hero Car: Brian Rietze
Catering: Fechtner Delikatessen
Karlotta Henke
Anatolii Panchenko
Lela Oberegger
Debbie Bruns
Felix Baum
Feryal Djavadi
Fritzi Schwarzbauer
Jakob Jammer
Jaleel Ngangoue
Jill Plumbohm
Olivia Maria Klewin
Paolo de Jesus Maido
Sandra Delic
Sera Liyanna
Steven Moser
Vanessa Yeboah
Zeynepsu Tuncer
Colors: Delfina Mayer via MAP
VFX: Korbinian Weber / Whitecloudsfx
VFX: Giacomo Merchich
Text und Musik: Emilio Sakraya / Benedikt Schöller / Timothy Auld / Lazlo / Uchenna van Capelleveen / Daniel Musumeci / Iad Aslan
Published by: UMPG / BMG Rights Management / Copyright Control
Produced by Truva
Mixed by Truva
Mastered by Ludwig Maier @ GKG Mastering
Backing Vocals: Emilio Sakraya
Piano: Benedikt Schöller
Drums Programming: Timothy Auld / Benedikt Schöller
Synth: Timothy Auld
Repertoire Owner: SME Germany GmbH
Lass‘ mich doch allein, denn ich brauche niemand
Lass‘ mich doch allein, geh‘ doch hin, wo du willst
Und ich hoff‘ du findest kein‘, kein‘ der das mit dir macht
Glaub‘ mir, denn allein ist es wirklich nicht so schön
Du treibst mich schon wieder an mein Limit
Brech‘ mir für dich noch eine Rippe
Du ziehst nur an deiner Kippe
Und schaust mich an (Ich brauche niemand)
Wie oft beiß‘ ich mir für dich auf meine Lippe
Ich komm nicht klar auf deine Sippe
Und keiner mag mich hier in Mitte
Es ist kein Platz mehr für Freundschaft
Du ziehst dir Herzen wie Feuer
Mit dir schieb‘ ich Paranoia
Mit uns zwei heißt es bye-bye
Lass‘ mich doch allein, denn ich brauche niemand
Lass‘ mich doch allein, geh‘ doch hin, wo du willst
Und ich hoff‘ du findest kein‘, kein‘ der das mit dir macht
Glaub‘ mir, denn allein ist es wirklich nicht so schön
Lass‘ mich doch allein, denn ich brauche niemand
Lass‘ mich doch allein, geh‘ doch hin, wo du willst
Und ich hoff‘ du findest kein‘, kein‘ der das mit dir macht
Glaub‘ mir, denn allein ist es wirklich nicht so schön
Meine Augen tun weh, ich kann dich nicht mehr sehen
Ich will von dir kein Update, wie‘s dir gerade geht
Deine neuen Freunde haben nichts zu erzählen
Oder warum suchst du wieder das Gespräch
Wie konntest du mir das antun
Immer, immer wieder wie ein Drum loop
Anstatt zu kämpfen, wirfst du weißes Handtuch
Und alles was du hörst, wenn du mich anrufst
Lass‘ mich doch allein, denn ich brauche niemand
Lass‘ mich doch allein, geh‘ doch hin, wo du willst
Und ich hoff‘ du findest kein‘, kein‘ der das mit dir macht
Glaub‘ mir, denn allein ist es wirklich nicht so schön (4x)
Lass‘ mich doch allein, denn ich brauche niemand
Lass‘ mich doch allein, geh‘ doch hin, wo du willst
Und ich hoff‘ du findest kein‘, kein‘ der das mit dir macht
Glaub‘ mir, denn allein ist es wirklich nicht so schön
12.05.24 - Leipzig - Felsenkeller
13.05.24 - Stuttgart - Im Wizemann
16.05.24 - Frankfurt - Zoom
17.05.24 - Zürich (CH) - Komplex 457
18.05.24 - Wien (A) - Arena Open Air (HOCHVERLEGT)
23.05.24 - Hannover - Capitol
24.05.24 - Köln - Palladium
25.05.24 - Oberhausen - Turbinenhalle
26.05.24 - München - Tonhalle
30.05.24 - Würzburg - Posthalle
31.05.24 - Berlin - Columbiahalle
01.06.24 - Bielefeld - Lokschuppen
02.06.24 - Hamburg - Edel Optics Arena
#emilio #niemand
- published: 08 Feb 2024
- views: 237088
EMILIO: How to Pronounce the first name Emilio in Spanish (Latin America)
Listen and learn how to pronounce the first name Emilio in Spanish. Emilio is a common first name in Latin American Spanish.
published: 11 Feb 2023
Meaning of boy name: Emilio - Name History, Origin and Popularity
Hi, I'm Haley. I'm here to tell you about the meaning behind the name Aurelia. If you like this, please hit the like button and subscribe to my channel. Thank you!
If you have any question about names, feel free to leave a comment to me.
#babyname #meaningofname #Aurelia #girlname
published: 20 Jul 2023
1st. Name Requested Readings. Ivan & Emilio
1st. Name Requested Readings. Ivan & Emilio
published: 17 Dec 2017
[SUB ENG-ITA] Un Gabbiano di nome Emilio - Parte 1/3 | Parco archeologico del Colosseo
Roma. Foro Romano. Un posto unico al mondo, speciale. Come speciale è un suo giovane abitante, chiamato Emilio, perché è nato nella Basilica Emilia, dove vive da tempo la sua famiglia.
Ma Emilio non è un antico Romano, non è neanche un Romano moderno: Emilio è un gabbiano!
E perché sarebbe "speciale"? Beh, come definireste voi un gabbiano che ogni anno, d'estate, fa i bagagli e se ne vola fino al Lago di Costanza in Svizzera, percorrendo d'un fiato 750 km, per poi tornare dopo qualche mese nella sua casa al Foro Romano?
Una incredibile ‘storia vera’ che non trova ancora una spiegazione scientifica certa, lasciando libero spazio alla fantasia. Ma ora lasciate il vostro nido e volate con lui!
Un prodotto del Parco archeologico del Colosseo/Servi...
published: 18 May 2022
The Real Reason We Don't Hear About Emilio Estevez Anymore
Emilio Estevez will forever be remembered for being one of the members of the Brat Pack. The Brat Pack was a nickname given to the group of actors in the '80s that included Anthony Michael Hall, Rob Lowe, Demi Moore, Judd Nelson, Molly Ringwald, and Ally Sheedy.
They frequently appeared together in teen coming-of-age films. Estevez gained prominence from these movies, and particularly from The Breakfast Club and St. Elmo’s Fire. They made him one of Hollywood’s most prominent stars.
Today, however, Estevez is essentially nowhere to be seen. What has happened to Gordon Bombay from The Mighty Ducks or Billy the Kid from Young Guns? Here's the real reason you don't hear from Emilio Estevez anymore.
#EmilioEstevez #Celeb #Actor
The Outsider | 0:00
Man at Work | 1:28
The Wars at Home | 2:1...
published: 21 Jan 2017
The Princess Bride (11/12) Movie CLIP - My Name Is Inigo Montoya (1987) HD
The Princess Bride movie clips: http://j.mp/1EaShBh
BUY THE MOVIE: http://j.mp/1EaShkZ
Don't miss the HOTTEST NEW TRAILERS: http://bit.ly/1u2y6pr
Inigo (Mandy Patinkin) avenges his father by killing his murderer, Count Rugen (Christopher Guest).
Based on William Goldman's novel of the same name, The Princess Bride is staged as a book read by grandfather (Peter Falk) to his ill grandson (Fred Savage). Falk's character assures a romance-weary Savage that the book has much more to deliver than a simpering love story, including but not limited to fencing, fighting, torture, death, true love, giants, and pirates. Indeed, The Princess Bride offers a tongue-in-cheek fairy tale depicting stable boy-turned-pirate Westley's journey to rescue Buttercup (Robin Wri...
published: 11 Feb 2015
The Man With Holes In His Face | Bodyshockers | Channel 4
Joel Miggler holds the world record for most flesh holes fitted to his face! He takes Katie Piper through his morning routine, showing her how he can brush his teeth through a hole in his mouth.
From tattoos to piercings and big boobs, Katie Piper meets people on #BodyShockers who are planning major body modifications, and those who've already had them and regret it. Can they persuade the newbies to think twice?
Watch the True Stories playlist here: https://www.youtube.com/playlist?list=PLBKfErliSueNfhJw-jDf4r72CfSyq0j8M
SUBSCRIBE: https://www.youtube.com/channelfour?sub_confirmation=1
About #Channel4Entertainment:
Here you will find all your favourite, ground-breaking entertainment from Channel 4 such as 8 Out of 10 Cats Does Countdown, Gogglebox, Taskmaster and so much more. From b...
published: 23 Dec 2014
Remember Him This Is Why He's No Longer an Actor
People quit acting for many reasons. Perhaps they're done with their time in the spotlight and they want to live a more private life. Perhaps they are no longer passionate about acting, and they want to move on to something else in their career. In the worse cases, actors stop acting because they passed away or died. In this video, we'll take a look at many of the actors who have stopped acting over the years. These include actors who stopped acting because they died, as well as many actors who quit even though they are alive and well. Enjoy!
Like this content? Subscribe here:
Or, watch more videos here:
published: 17 Oct 2019
Every connection matters | Emilio Morales | TEDxConcordia
This talk was given at a local TEDx event, produced independently of the TED Conferences. Emilio's talk focuses on the importance of building relationships through networking and how to improve our relationships with added value to help us, either professionally or personally, because every connection matters!
Emilio has also developed a passion for speaking and coaching with Toastmasters International to help adults improve their confidence in public speaking and to become better communicators. Through his combined experiences, he believes that we all have a need to build relationships.
About TEDx, x = independently organized event In the spirit of ideas worth spreading, TEDx is a program of local, self-organized events that bring people together to share a TED-like experience. At a TED...
published: 17 Sep 2014
Eat My Shorts - The Breakfast Club (3/8) Movie CLIP (1985) HD
The Breakfast Club movie clips: http://j.mp/1L58ywZ
BUY THE MOVIE: http://amzn.to/tuLu1k
Don't miss the HOTTEST NEW TRAILERS: http://bit.ly/1u2y6pr
Bender (Judd Nelson) challenges Mr. Vernon's (Paul Gleason) authority and receives months of detention in return.
John Hughes wrote and directed this quintessential 1980s high school drama featuring the hottest young stars of the decade. Trapped in a day-long Saturday detention in a prison-like school library are Claire, the princess (Molly Ringwald); Andrew, the jock (Emilio Estevez); John, the criminal (Judd Nelson); Brian, the brain (Anthony Michael Hall); and Allison, the basket case (Ally Sheedy). These five strangers begin the day with nothing in common, each bound to his/her place in the high school ...
published: 16 Jun 2011
EMILIO: How to Pronounce the first name Emilio in Spanish (Latin America)
Listen and learn how to pronounce the first name Emilio in Spanish. Emilio is a common first name in Latin American Spanish.
Listen and learn how to pronounce the first name Emilio in Spanish. Emilio is a common first name in Latin American Spanish.
Listen and learn how to pronounce the first name Emilio in Spanish. Emilio is a common first name in Latin American Spanish.
- published: 11 Feb 2023
- views: 266
Meaning of boy name: Emilio - Name History, Origin and Popularity
Hi, I'm Haley. I'm here to tell you about the meaning behind the name Aurelia. If you like this, please hit the like button and subscribe to my channel. Thank y...
Hi, I'm Haley. I'm here to tell you about the meaning behind the name Aurelia. If you like this, please hit the like button and subscribe to my channel. Thank you!
If you have any question about names, feel free to leave a comment to me.
#babyname #meaningofname #Aurelia #girlname
Hi, I'm Haley. I'm here to tell you about the meaning behind the name Aurelia. If you like this, please hit the like button and subscribe to my channel. Thank you!
If you have any question about names, feel free to leave a comment to me.
#babyname #meaningofname #Aurelia #girlname
- published: 20 Jul 2023
- views: 20
[SUB ENG-ITA] Un Gabbiano di nome Emilio - Parte 1/3 | Parco archeologico del Colosseo
Roma. Foro Romano. Un posto unico al mondo, speciale. Come speciale è un suo giovane abitante, chiamato Emilio, perché è nato nella Basilica Emilia, dove vive d...
Roma. Foro Romano. Un posto unico al mondo, speciale. Come speciale è un suo giovane abitante, chiamato Emilio, perché è nato nella Basilica Emilia, dove vive da tempo la sua famiglia.
Ma Emilio non è un antico Romano, non è neanche un Romano moderno: Emilio è un gabbiano!
E perché sarebbe "speciale"? Beh, come definireste voi un gabbiano che ogni anno, d'estate, fa i bagagli e se ne vola fino al Lago di Costanza in Svizzera, percorrendo d'un fiato 750 km, per poi tornare dopo qualche mese nella sua casa al Foro Romano?
Una incredibile ‘storia vera’ che non trova ancora una spiegazione scientifica certa, lasciando libero spazio alla fantasia. Ma ora lasciate il vostro nido e volate con lui!
Un prodotto del Parco archeologico del Colosseo/Servizio Educazione Didattica e Formazione.
Storia originale e testi: Elena Ferrari.
Disegni, animazione e montaggio: Silvio Costa.
Coordinamento generale: Andrea Schiappelli.
Podcast a cura di Andrea Schiappelli ed Elena Ferrari.
Voce narrante: Elena Ferrari.
Registrato e mixato presso PopUp Studio da Valentino Orciuolo.
Traduzione (inglese): Francesca Pandolfi.
Realizzato nell'ambito del progetto Spectio, in collaborazione con Ornis Italica (Giacomo Dell'Omo e Valeria Jennings), che ha "battezzato" e scoperto i viaggi di Emilio.
Roma, maggio 2022
Roma. Foro Romano. Un posto unico al mondo, speciale. Come speciale è un suo giovane abitante, chiamato Emilio, perché è nato nella Basilica Emilia, dove vive da tempo la sua famiglia.
Ma Emilio non è un antico Romano, non è neanche un Romano moderno: Emilio è un gabbiano!
E perché sarebbe "speciale"? Beh, come definireste voi un gabbiano che ogni anno, d'estate, fa i bagagli e se ne vola fino al Lago di Costanza in Svizzera, percorrendo d'un fiato 750 km, per poi tornare dopo qualche mese nella sua casa al Foro Romano?
Una incredibile ‘storia vera’ che non trova ancora una spiegazione scientifica certa, lasciando libero spazio alla fantasia. Ma ora lasciate il vostro nido e volate con lui!
Un prodotto del Parco archeologico del Colosseo/Servizio Educazione Didattica e Formazione.
Storia originale e testi: Elena Ferrari.
Disegni, animazione e montaggio: Silvio Costa.
Coordinamento generale: Andrea Schiappelli.
Podcast a cura di Andrea Schiappelli ed Elena Ferrari.
Voce narrante: Elena Ferrari.
Registrato e mixato presso PopUp Studio da Valentino Orciuolo.
Traduzione (inglese): Francesca Pandolfi.
Realizzato nell'ambito del progetto Spectio, in collaborazione con Ornis Italica (Giacomo Dell'Omo e Valeria Jennings), che ha "battezzato" e scoperto i viaggi di Emilio.
Roma, maggio 2022
- published: 18 May 2022
- views: 470
The Real Reason We Don't Hear About Emilio Estevez Anymore
Emilio Estevez will forever be remembered for being one of the members of the Brat Pack. The Brat Pack was a nickname given to the group of actors in the '80s t...
Emilio Estevez will forever be remembered for being one of the members of the Brat Pack. The Brat Pack was a nickname given to the group of actors in the '80s that included Anthony Michael Hall, Rob Lowe, Demi Moore, Judd Nelson, Molly Ringwald, and Ally Sheedy.
They frequently appeared together in teen coming-of-age films. Estevez gained prominence from these movies, and particularly from The Breakfast Club and St. Elmo’s Fire. They made him one of Hollywood’s most prominent stars.
Today, however, Estevez is essentially nowhere to be seen. What has happened to Gordon Bombay from The Mighty Ducks or Billy the Kid from Young Guns? Here's the real reason you don't hear from Emilio Estevez anymore.
#EmilioEstevez #Celeb #Actor
The Outsider | 0:00
Man at Work | 1:28
The Wars at Home | 2:17
The Mighty Duck | 3:30
The New Way | 4:01
Stakeout | 5:10
Read Full Article: http://www.looper.com/33058/real-reason-dont-hear-emilio-estevez-anymore/
Emilio Estevez will forever be remembered for being one of the members of the Brat Pack. The Brat Pack was a nickname given to the group of actors in the '80s that included Anthony Michael Hall, Rob Lowe, Demi Moore, Judd Nelson, Molly Ringwald, and Ally Sheedy.
They frequently appeared together in teen coming-of-age films. Estevez gained prominence from these movies, and particularly from The Breakfast Club and St. Elmo’s Fire. They made him one of Hollywood’s most prominent stars.
Today, however, Estevez is essentially nowhere to be seen. What has happened to Gordon Bombay from The Mighty Ducks or Billy the Kid from Young Guns? Here's the real reason you don't hear from Emilio Estevez anymore.
#EmilioEstevez #Celeb #Actor
The Outsider | 0:00
Man at Work | 1:28
The Wars at Home | 2:17
The Mighty Duck | 3:30
The New Way | 4:01
Stakeout | 5:10
Read Full Article: http://www.looper.com/33058/real-reason-dont-hear-emilio-estevez-anymore/
- published: 21 Jan 2017
- views: 2697986
The Princess Bride (11/12) Movie CLIP - My Name Is Inigo Montoya (1987) HD
The Princess Bride movie clips: http://j.mp/1EaShBh
BUY THE MOVIE: http://j.mp/1EaShkZ
Don't miss the HOTTEST NEW TRAILERS: http://bit.ly/1u2y6pr
The Princess Bride movie clips: http://j.mp/1EaShBh
BUY THE MOVIE: http://j.mp/1EaShkZ
Don't miss the HOTTEST NEW TRAILERS: http://bit.ly/1u2y6pr
Inigo (Mandy Patinkin) avenges his father by killing his murderer, Count Rugen (Christopher Guest).
Based on William Goldman's novel of the same name, The Princess Bride is staged as a book read by grandfather (Peter Falk) to his ill grandson (Fred Savage). Falk's character assures a romance-weary Savage that the book has much more to deliver than a simpering love story, including but not limited to fencing, fighting, torture, death, true love, giants, and pirates. Indeed, The Princess Bride offers a tongue-in-cheek fairy tale depicting stable boy-turned-pirate Westley's journey to rescue Buttercup (Robin Wright), his true love, away from the evil prince (Chris Sarandon), whom she had agreed to marry five years after learning of what she had believed to be news of Westley's death. With help from Prince Humperdinck's disgruntled former employee Miracle Max (Billy Crystal), swordsman Inigo Montoya (Mandy Patinkin), and a very large man named Fezzik (Andre the Giant), the star-crossed lovers are reunited.
TM & © MGM (1987)
Cast: Christopher Guest, Mandy Patinkin
Director: Rob Reiner
Producers: Norman Lear, Rob Reiner, Andrew Scheinman, Jeffrey Stott, Steve Nicolaides
Screenwriter: William Goldman
The MOVIECLIPS channel is the largest collection of licensed movie clips on the web. Here you will find unforgettable moments, scenes and lines from all your favorite films. Made by movie fans, for movie fans.
MOVIECLIPS: http://bit.ly/1u2yaWd
ComingSoon: http://bit.ly/1DVpgtR
Indie & Film Festivals: http://bit.ly/1wbkfYg
Hero Central: http://bit.ly/1AMUZwv
Extras: http://bit.ly/1u431fr
Classic Trailers: http://bit.ly/1u43jDe
Pop-Up Trailers: http://bit.ly/1z7EtZR
Movie News: http://bit.ly/1C3Ncd2
Movie Games: http://bit.ly/1ygDV13
Fandango: http://bit.ly/1Bl79ye
Fandango FrontRunners: http://bit.ly/1CggQfC
Facebook: http://on.fb.me/1y8M8ax
Twitter: http://bit.ly/1ghOWmt
Pinterest: http://bit.ly/14wL9De
Tumblr: http://bit.ly/1vUwhH7
The Princess Bride movie clips: http://j.mp/1EaShBh
BUY THE MOVIE: http://j.mp/1EaShkZ
Don't miss the HOTTEST NEW TRAILERS: http://bit.ly/1u2y6pr
Inigo (Mandy Patinkin) avenges his father by killing his murderer, Count Rugen (Christopher Guest).
Based on William Goldman's novel of the same name, The Princess Bride is staged as a book read by grandfather (Peter Falk) to his ill grandson (Fred Savage). Falk's character assures a romance-weary Savage that the book has much more to deliver than a simpering love story, including but not limited to fencing, fighting, torture, death, true love, giants, and pirates. Indeed, The Princess Bride offers a tongue-in-cheek fairy tale depicting stable boy-turned-pirate Westley's journey to rescue Buttercup (Robin Wright), his true love, away from the evil prince (Chris Sarandon), whom she had agreed to marry five years after learning of what she had believed to be news of Westley's death. With help from Prince Humperdinck's disgruntled former employee Miracle Max (Billy Crystal), swordsman Inigo Montoya (Mandy Patinkin), and a very large man named Fezzik (Andre the Giant), the star-crossed lovers are reunited.
TM & © MGM (1987)
Cast: Christopher Guest, Mandy Patinkin
Director: Rob Reiner
Producers: Norman Lear, Rob Reiner, Andrew Scheinman, Jeffrey Stott, Steve Nicolaides
Screenwriter: William Goldman
The MOVIECLIPS channel is the largest collection of licensed movie clips on the web. Here you will find unforgettable moments, scenes and lines from all your favorite films. Made by movie fans, for movie fans.
MOVIECLIPS: http://bit.ly/1u2yaWd
ComingSoon: http://bit.ly/1DVpgtR
Indie & Film Festivals: http://bit.ly/1wbkfYg
Hero Central: http://bit.ly/1AMUZwv
Extras: http://bit.ly/1u431fr
Classic Trailers: http://bit.ly/1u43jDe
Pop-Up Trailers: http://bit.ly/1z7EtZR
Movie News: http://bit.ly/1C3Ncd2
Movie Games: http://bit.ly/1ygDV13
Fandango: http://bit.ly/1Bl79ye
Fandango FrontRunners: http://bit.ly/1CggQfC
Facebook: http://on.fb.me/1y8M8ax
Twitter: http://bit.ly/1ghOWmt
Pinterest: http://bit.ly/14wL9De
Tumblr: http://bit.ly/1vUwhH7
- published: 11 Feb 2015
- views: 4202041
The Man With Holes In His Face | Bodyshockers | Channel 4
Joel Miggler holds the world record for most flesh holes fitted to his face! He takes Katie Piper through his morning routine, showing her how he can brush his ...
Joel Miggler holds the world record for most flesh holes fitted to his face! He takes Katie Piper through his morning routine, showing her how he can brush his teeth through a hole in his mouth.
From tattoos to piercings and big boobs, Katie Piper meets people on #BodyShockers who are planning major body modifications, and those who've already had them and regret it. Can they persuade the newbies to think twice?
Watch the True Stories playlist here: https://www.youtube.com/playlist?list=PLBKfErliSueNfhJw-jDf4r72CfSyq0j8M
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About #Channel4Entertainment:
Here you will find all your favourite, ground-breaking entertainment from Channel 4 such as 8 Out of 10 Cats Does Countdown, Gogglebox, Taskmaster and so much more. From belly laughs to slightly exhaling through your nose, we have videos to lose yourself in for hours. Like, subscribe and get involved in the conversations in the comments and remember that here we are altogether different.
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Joel Miggler holds the world record for most flesh holes fitted to his face! He takes Katie Piper through his morning routine, showing her how he can brush his teeth through a hole in his mouth.
From tattoos to piercings and big boobs, Katie Piper meets people on #BodyShockers who are planning major body modifications, and those who've already had them and regret it. Can they persuade the newbies to think twice?
Watch the True Stories playlist here: https://www.youtube.com/playlist?list=PLBKfErliSueNfhJw-jDf4r72CfSyq0j8M
SUBSCRIBE: https://www.youtube.com/channelfour?sub_confirmation=1
About #Channel4Entertainment:
Here you will find all your favourite, ground-breaking entertainment from Channel 4 such as 8 Out of 10 Cats Does Countdown, Gogglebox, Taskmaster and so much more. From belly laughs to slightly exhaling through your nose, we have videos to lose yourself in for hours. Like, subscribe and get involved in the conversations in the comments and remember that here we are altogether different.
Watch more on #All4
- published: 23 Dec 2014
- views: 39526557
Remember Him This Is Why He's No Longer an Actor
People quit acting for many reasons. Perhaps they're done with their time in the spotlight and they want to live a more private life. Perhaps they are no longer...
People quit acting for many reasons. Perhaps they're done with their time in the spotlight and they want to live a more private life. Perhaps they are no longer passionate about acting, and they want to move on to something else in their career. In the worse cases, actors stop acting because they passed away or died. In this video, we'll take a look at many of the actors who have stopped acting over the years. These include actors who stopped acting because they died, as well as many actors who quit even though they are alive and well. Enjoy!
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People quit acting for many reasons. Perhaps they're done with their time in the spotlight and they want to live a more private life. Perhaps they are no longer passionate about acting, and they want to move on to something else in their career. In the worse cases, actors stop acting because they passed away or died. In this video, we'll take a look at many of the actors who have stopped acting over the years. These include actors who stopped acting because they died, as well as many actors who quit even though they are alive and well. Enjoy!
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- published: 17 Oct 2019
- views: 6816686
Every connection matters | Emilio Morales | TEDxConcordia
This talk was given at a local TEDx event, produced independently of the TED Conferences. Emilio's talk focuses on the importance of building relationships thro...
This talk was given at a local TEDx event, produced independently of the TED Conferences. Emilio's talk focuses on the importance of building relationships through networking and how to improve our relationships with added value to help us, either professionally or personally, because every connection matters!
Emilio has also developed a passion for speaking and coaching with Toastmasters International to help adults improve their confidence in public speaking and to become better communicators. Through his combined experiences, he believes that we all have a need to build relationships.
About TEDx, x = independently organized event In the spirit of ideas worth spreading, TEDx is a program of local, self-organized events that bring people together to share a TED-like experience. At a TEDx event, TEDTalks video and live speakers combine to spark deep discussion and connection in a small group. These local, self-organized events are branded TEDx, where x = independently organized TED event. The TED Conference provides general guidance for the TEDx program, but individual TEDx events are self-organized.* (*Subject to certain rules and regulations)
This talk was given at a local TEDx event, produced independently of the TED Conferences. Emilio's talk focuses on the importance of building relationships through networking and how to improve our relationships with added value to help us, either professionally or personally, because every connection matters!
Emilio has also developed a passion for speaking and coaching with Toastmasters International to help adults improve their confidence in public speaking and to become better communicators. Through his combined experiences, he believes that we all have a need to build relationships.
About TEDx, x = independently organized event In the spirit of ideas worth spreading, TEDx is a program of local, self-organized events that bring people together to share a TED-like experience. At a TEDx event, TEDTalks video and live speakers combine to spark deep discussion and connection in a small group. These local, self-organized events are branded TEDx, where x = independently organized TED event. The TED Conference provides general guidance for the TEDx program, but individual TEDx events are self-organized.* (*Subject to certain rules and regulations)
- published: 17 Sep 2014
- views: 1835
Eat My Shorts - The Breakfast Club (3/8) Movie CLIP (1985) HD
The Breakfast Club movie clips: http://j.mp/1L58ywZ
BUY THE MOVIE: http://amzn.to/tuLu1k
Don't miss the HOTTEST NEW TRAILERS: http://bit.ly/1u2y6pr
The Breakfast Club movie clips: http://j.mp/1L58ywZ
BUY THE MOVIE: http://amzn.to/tuLu1k
Don't miss the HOTTEST NEW TRAILERS: http://bit.ly/1u2y6pr
Bender (Judd Nelson) challenges Mr. Vernon's (Paul Gleason) authority and receives months of detention in return.
John Hughes wrote and directed this quintessential 1980s high school drama featuring the hottest young stars of the decade. Trapped in a day-long Saturday detention in a prison-like school library are Claire, the princess (Molly Ringwald); Andrew, the jock (Emilio Estevez); John, the criminal (Judd Nelson); Brian, the brain (Anthony Michael Hall); and Allison, the basket case (Ally Sheedy). These five strangers begin the day with nothing in common, each bound to his/her place in the high school caste system. Yet the students bond together when faced with the villainous principal (Paul Gleason), and they realize that they have more in common than they may think, including a contempt for adult society. "When you grow up, your heart dies," Allison proclaims in one of the film's many scenes of soul-searching, and, judging from the adults depicted in the film, the teen audience may very well agree. Released in a decade overflowing with derivative teen films, The Breakfast Club has developed an almost cult-like status.
TM & © Universal (1985)
Cast: Emilio Estevez, Paul Gleason, Anthony Michael Hall, Judd Nelson, Molly Ringwald, Ally Sheedy
Director: John Hughes
Producers: Gil Friesen, John Hughes, Michelle Manning, Andrew Meyer, Ned Tanen
Screenwriter: John Hughes
The MOVIECLIPS channel is the largest collection of licensed movie clips on the web. Here you will find unforgettable moments, scenes and lines from all your favorite films. Made by movie fans, for movie fans.
MOVIECLIPS: http://bit.ly/1u2yaWd
ComingSoon: http://bit.ly/1DVpgtR
Indie & Film Festivals: http://bit.ly/1wbkfYg
Hero Central: http://bit.ly/1AMUZwv
Extras: http://bit.ly/1u431fr
Classic Trailers: http://bit.ly/1u43jDe
Pop-Up Trailers: http://bit.ly/1z7EtZR
Movie News: http://bit.ly/1C3Ncd2
Movie Games: http://bit.ly/1ygDV13
Fandango: http://bit.ly/1Bl79ye
Fandango FrontRunners: http://bit.ly/1CggQfC
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Twitter: http://bit.ly/1ghOWmt
Pinterest: http://bit.ly/14wL9De
Tumblr: http://bit.ly/1vUwhH7
The Breakfast Club movie clips: http://j.mp/1L58ywZ
BUY THE MOVIE: http://amzn.to/tuLu1k
Don't miss the HOTTEST NEW TRAILERS: http://bit.ly/1u2y6pr
Bender (Judd Nelson) challenges Mr. Vernon's (Paul Gleason) authority and receives months of detention in return.
John Hughes wrote and directed this quintessential 1980s high school drama featuring the hottest young stars of the decade. Trapped in a day-long Saturday detention in a prison-like school library are Claire, the princess (Molly Ringwald); Andrew, the jock (Emilio Estevez); John, the criminal (Judd Nelson); Brian, the brain (Anthony Michael Hall); and Allison, the basket case (Ally Sheedy). These five strangers begin the day with nothing in common, each bound to his/her place in the high school caste system. Yet the students bond together when faced with the villainous principal (Paul Gleason), and they realize that they have more in common than they may think, including a contempt for adult society. "When you grow up, your heart dies," Allison proclaims in one of the film's many scenes of soul-searching, and, judging from the adults depicted in the film, the teen audience may very well agree. Released in a decade overflowing with derivative teen films, The Breakfast Club has developed an almost cult-like status.
TM & © Universal (1985)
Cast: Emilio Estevez, Paul Gleason, Anthony Michael Hall, Judd Nelson, Molly Ringwald, Ally Sheedy
Director: John Hughes
Producers: Gil Friesen, John Hughes, Michelle Manning, Andrew Meyer, Ned Tanen
Screenwriter: John Hughes
The MOVIECLIPS channel is the largest collection of licensed movie clips on the web. Here you will find unforgettable moments, scenes and lines from all your favorite films. Made by movie fans, for movie fans.
MOVIECLIPS: http://bit.ly/1u2yaWd
ComingSoon: http://bit.ly/1DVpgtR
Indie & Film Festivals: http://bit.ly/1wbkfYg
Hero Central: http://bit.ly/1AMUZwv
Extras: http://bit.ly/1u431fr
Classic Trailers: http://bit.ly/1u43jDe
Pop-Up Trailers: http://bit.ly/1z7EtZR
Movie News: http://bit.ly/1C3Ncd2
Movie Games: http://bit.ly/1ygDV13
Fandango: http://bit.ly/1Bl79ye
Fandango FrontRunners: http://bit.ly/1CggQfC
Facebook: http://on.fb.me/1y8M8ax
Twitter: http://bit.ly/1ghOWmt
Pinterest: http://bit.ly/14wL9De
Tumblr: http://bit.ly/1vUwhH7
- published: 16 Jun 2011
- views: 2944991