#alatkesehatan #alkes #elektromedis #indonesiasehat
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published: 09 Oct 2020
Perhatikan kutipan naskah IPA Terpadu berikut ini. Daerah panjang gelombang UV antara 200-290 nm,...
Ikut Bimbel online CoLearn mulai 95.000/bulan.
IG CoLearn: @colearn.id https://bit.ly/Instagram-CoLearn
Sekarang, yuk latihan soal ini!
Perhatikan kutipan naskah IPA Terpadu berikut ini.
Daerah panjang gelombang UV antara 200-290 nm, yang dinamakan UV-C, diserap ozon di lapisan atas atmosfer. Ultraviolet B antara 290-320 ~nm , hanya sedikit sampai ke bumi. Ultraviolet-A (320–400 nm) 100 kali lebih banyak daripada UV-B sampai ke bumi. Namun U V-B 10 kali lebih efektif daripada U V-A dalam hal membuat kulit menjadi eritema (terbakar), merendahkan sistem imunitas kulit, dan memacu terjadinya kanker kulit.
Jika energi rata-rata sinar ultraviolet-A pada artikel di atas sebesar E_(1) , ultraviolet-B adalah E_(2) , dan ultraviolet -C adalah E_(3) , maka pernyataan yang benar adalah...
published: 02 Feb 2024
NASA | Anatomy of a Solar Explosion
Want more? Subscribe to NASA on iTunes!
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Dr. Angelos Vourlidas, the Project Scientist for STEREO's Sun Earth Connection Coronal and Heliospheric Investivation (SECCHI) instrument, explains how the STEREO satellites have been able to observe the true size, shape, and three-dimensional structure of a coronal mass ejection for the first time.
For more info: http://www.nasa.gov/stereo
published: 14 Apr 2009
Melanoma awareness campaign at STARMED www.mededucanada.com
Half of licensed physicians in Canada via CaRMS are drs Silverman’s clients at STARMED. We also had 99% in ERAS, 28 of the 30 seats in MLPIMG and over 90% of PRA. 96% of our students in the clinical research class licensed. We hope you are our next! We offer all advising services (see links below). See some success stories for Drs Silverman clients http://www.mededucanada.com/testimonials-img
cv https://wwww.mededucanada.com/cv-carms-eras-
CASPer http://www.mededucanada.com/casper-capmmi-alberta-mmi-kira-fm-proc-course
statement https://wwww.mededucanada.com/statement-carms-eras-
interview https://wwww.mededucanada.com/interview-carms-eras-casper-img
application review https://www.mededucanada.com/carms-eras-application-
references https://www.mededucanada.com/refererence-carms-era...
published: 03 Aug 2024
Match List-I with List-II :List-I ....
Match List-I with List-II :List-I List-II EM-Wave Wavelength Range (A) Infra-red <10-3nm (B) Ultraviolet 400 nm to 1 nm (C) X-rays &n...
published: 24 Apr 2024
Spider's Terrifyingly Large Eyes Used To Conquer Moving Prey | Video
published: 18 May 2016
Evaporating Atmospheres Around Close-in Exoplanets.
2014 Fall Meeting
Section: Planetary Sciences
Session: Planetary Atmospheres and Their Evolution I
Title: Evaporating Atmospheres Around Close-in Exoplanets.
Adams, F, University of Michigan, Ann Arbor, MI, United States
Wu, Y, University of Toronto, Toronto, ON, Canada
Jackson, A, Arizona State University, Tempe, AZ, United States
Owen, J, University of Toronto, Toronto, ON, Canada
The majority of currently observed exoplanets appear exceeding close to the central star (<0.1 AU) and as such are subject to intense high energy radiation from UV & X-ray photons. We will discuss that in such environments the atmospheres these planets are heated sufficiently that they can escape the planet's gravitational field in a hydrodynamic trans-sonic wind. We will show th...
published: 30 Sep 2016
Exosomes Ameliorate the Photo-Aging of Skin Fibroblast - Video Abstract [371330]
Video abstract of original research “Exosomes Derived from Secretome Human Umbilical Vein Endothelial Cells (Exo-HUVEC) Ameliorate the Photo-Aging of Skin Fibroblast” published in the open access journal Clinical, Cosmetic and Investigational Dermatology by Endra Yustin Ellistasari, Harijono Kariosentono, Bambang Purwanto et al.
Purpose: This is an in-vitro experimental study to analyze the effect of Exo-HUVEC on endothelial cell (CD31), cell proliferation, matrix metalloproteinase 1 (MMP-1) and collagen type 1 on irradiated fibroblast with UVB as photo-aging model.
Patients and Methods: Fibroblast cultures were divided into 5 groups, namely without UVB exposure, UVB exposure 600mJ/cm2 for 80 seconds as photo-aging model, and UVB exposure +Exo-HUVEC exposure 0.1%, 0.5% an...
published: 07 Aug 2022
On the Calibration of the Large Magellanic Cloud as an Anchor for the Hubble Constant, and on ...
Full Title: On the Calibration of the Large Magellanic Cloud as an Anchor for the Hubble Constant, and on the Star-Formation History of the Solar Neighbourhood
David Nataf (JHU)
Part I: The Small and in particular the Large Magellanic Clouds (LMC) remain important anchors both to the extragalactic distance scale and to stellar astrophysics in general. As virtually all classes of variable stars and all classes of distance indicators have been studied in the LMC, it is possible and necessary to evaluate if these are consistent. I will begin my talk by first reviewing a surprising recent development. There is a 0.18 mag in the zero-point of the V-band extinction to the LMC, which vastly exceeds the quoted errors of virtually all prior studies of the matter. I will then discuss how our rece...
published: 10 Apr 2023
The History of Planet Formation with the SEAMSTRESS Survey
Kaitlin Rasmussen (Notre Dame)
The Search for Exoplanets Around Metal-poor Stars with T(r)ESS (SEAMSTRESS) Survey seeks to answer the question: "When and how did planet formation begin in the Universe?" To achieve this, we have conducted a large-scale search for transits of metal-poor stars in TESS light curves and discovered 49 previously unknown planet candidates around host stars in the metallicity range -2.28 < [Fe/H] < -0.5, eight of which have lower [Fe/H] than any known transiting planet hosts.
published: 29 Jul 2020
#alatkesehatan #alkes #elektromedis #indonesiasehat
Link E-catalog :
#alatkesehatan #alkes #elektromedis #indonesiasehat
Link E-catalog :
#alatkesehatan #alkes #elektromedis #indonesiasehat
Link E-catalog :
- published: 09 Oct 2020
- views: 182
Perhatikan kutipan naskah IPA Terpadu berikut ini. Daerah panjang gelombang UV antara 200-290 nm,...
Ikut Bimbel online CoLearn mulai 95.000/bulan.
IG CoLearn: @colearn.id https://bit.ly/Instagram-CoLearn
Sekarang, yuk latihan soal ini!
Perhatikan kutipan nas...
Ikut Bimbel online CoLearn mulai 95.000/bulan.
IG CoLearn: @colearn.id https://bit.ly/Instagram-CoLearn
Sekarang, yuk latihan soal ini!
Perhatikan kutipan naskah IPA Terpadu berikut ini.
Daerah panjang gelombang UV antara 200-290 nm, yang dinamakan UV-C, diserap ozon di lapisan atas atmosfer. Ultraviolet B antara 290-320 ~nm , hanya sedikit sampai ke bumi. Ultraviolet-A (320–400 nm) 100 kali lebih banyak daripada UV-B sampai ke bumi. Namun U V-B 10 kali lebih efektif daripada U V-A dalam hal membuat kulit menjadi eritema (terbakar), merendahkan sistem imunitas kulit, dan memacu terjadinya kanker kulit.
Jika energi rata-rata sinar ultraviolet-A pada artikel di atas sebesar E_(1) , ultraviolet-B adalah E_(2) , dan ultraviolet -C adalah E_(3) , maka pernyataan yang benar adalah ....
A. E_(1)=E_(2)=E_(3)
C. E_(3)>E_(2)>E_(1)
E. tidak dapat dibedakan
B. E_(3)<E_(2)<E_(1)
D. E_(1)<E_(3)<E_(2)
Topik atau Materi: Perpindahan Kalor Secara konduksi, Konveksi, dan Radiasi - Suhu, Kalor dan Perpindahan Kalor - Termodinamika - Fisika Kelas 11 SMA - K-13
Sumber Soal: Excellent Fisika SMA/SMK, K-13, SM, 2015 , Yrama Widya
00:00 : Bedah Soal
01:00 : Konsep, rumus dan pengertian Perpindahan Kalor Secara konduksi, Konveksi, dan Radiasi
01:18 : Langkah penyelesaian soal
00:58 : Jawaban akhir
01:28 : Penutup
CoLearn adalah bimbel online yang memungkinkan murid belajar dan bertanya langsung pada guru-guru berprestasi, ahli di bidangnya, suportif, dan selalu mengapresiasi setiap murid.
💰 Mulai Rp95.000 per bulan, ada garansi uang kembali 100%
💙 Bimbel online dengan guru terbaik
🧠 Cepat ngerti Matematika
Minta info Bimbel Online: https://bit.ly/bimbel-colearn
Website CoLearn: https://colearn.id/
#soalfisika #fisika #fisikasma #CoLearnFisika
Ikut Bimbel online CoLearn mulai 95.000/bulan.
IG CoLearn: @colearn.id https://bit.ly/Instagram-CoLearn
Sekarang, yuk latihan soal ini!
Perhatikan kutipan naskah IPA Terpadu berikut ini.
Daerah panjang gelombang UV antara 200-290 nm, yang dinamakan UV-C, diserap ozon di lapisan atas atmosfer. Ultraviolet B antara 290-320 ~nm , hanya sedikit sampai ke bumi. Ultraviolet-A (320–400 nm) 100 kali lebih banyak daripada UV-B sampai ke bumi. Namun U V-B 10 kali lebih efektif daripada U V-A dalam hal membuat kulit menjadi eritema (terbakar), merendahkan sistem imunitas kulit, dan memacu terjadinya kanker kulit.
Jika energi rata-rata sinar ultraviolet-A pada artikel di atas sebesar E_(1) , ultraviolet-B adalah E_(2) , dan ultraviolet -C adalah E_(3) , maka pernyataan yang benar adalah ....
A. E_(1)=E_(2)=E_(3)
C. E_(3)>E_(2)>E_(1)
E. tidak dapat dibedakan
B. E_(3)<E_(2)<E_(1)
D. E_(1)<E_(3)<E_(2)
Topik atau Materi: Perpindahan Kalor Secara konduksi, Konveksi, dan Radiasi - Suhu, Kalor dan Perpindahan Kalor - Termodinamika - Fisika Kelas 11 SMA - K-13
Sumber Soal: Excellent Fisika SMA/SMK, K-13, SM, 2015 , Yrama Widya
00:00 : Bedah Soal
01:00 : Konsep, rumus dan pengertian Perpindahan Kalor Secara konduksi, Konveksi, dan Radiasi
01:18 : Langkah penyelesaian soal
00:58 : Jawaban akhir
01:28 : Penutup
CoLearn adalah bimbel online yang memungkinkan murid belajar dan bertanya langsung pada guru-guru berprestasi, ahli di bidangnya, suportif, dan selalu mengapresiasi setiap murid.
💰 Mulai Rp95.000 per bulan, ada garansi uang kembali 100%
💙 Bimbel online dengan guru terbaik
🧠 Cepat ngerti Matematika
Minta info Bimbel Online: https://bit.ly/bimbel-colearn
Website CoLearn: https://colearn.id/
#soalfisika #fisika #fisikasma #CoLearnFisika
- published: 02 Feb 2024
- views: 2
NASA | Anatomy of a Solar Explosion
Want more? Subscribe to NASA on iTunes!
Or get tweeted by NASA:
Want more? Subscribe to NASA on iTunes!
Or get tweeted by NASA:
Dr. Angelos Vourlidas, the Project Scientist for STEREO's Sun Earth Connection Coronal and Heliospheric Investivation (SECCHI) instrument, explains how the STEREO satellites have been able to observe the true size, shape, and three-dimensional structure of a coronal mass ejection for the first time.
For more info: http://www.nasa.gov/stereo
Want more? Subscribe to NASA on iTunes!
Or get tweeted by NASA:
Dr. Angelos Vourlidas, the Project Scientist for STEREO's Sun Earth Connection Coronal and Heliospheric Investivation (SECCHI) instrument, explains how the STEREO satellites have been able to observe the true size, shape, and three-dimensional structure of a coronal mass ejection for the first time.
For more info: http://www.nasa.gov/stereo
- published: 14 Apr 2009
- views: 133315
Melanoma awareness campaign at STARMED www.mededucanada.com
Half of licensed physicians in Canada via CaRMS are drs Silverman’s clients at STARMED. We also had 99% in ERAS, 28 of the 30 seats in MLPIMG and over 90% of PR...
Half of licensed physicians in Canada via CaRMS are drs Silverman’s clients at STARMED. We also had 99% in ERAS, 28 of the 30 seats in MLPIMG and over 90% of PRA. 96% of our students in the clinical research class licensed. We hope you are our next! We offer all advising services (see links below). See some success stories for Drs Silverman clients http://www.mededucanada.com/testimonials-img
cv https://wwww.mededucanada.com/cv-carms-eras-
CASPer http://www.mededucanada.com/casper-capmmi-alberta-mmi-kira-fm-proc-course
statement https://wwww.mededucanada.com/statement-carms-eras-
interview https://wwww.mededucanada.com/interview-carms-eras-casper-img
application review https://www.mededucanada.com/carms-eras-application-
references https://www.mededucanada.com/refererence-carms-eras
clinical research https://www.mededucanada.com/clinical-research-telemedicine
IELTS/OET http://www.mededucanada.com/tdm-oet-ielts-plab-courses
fmproc and CAP and MMI exams http://www.mededucanada.com/casper-capmmi-alberta-mmi-kira-fm-proc-course
licensing advising http://www.mededucanada.com/licensing-consulting
we offer all courses
MCCQE1 and USMLE https://www.mededucanada.com/mccqe1-course-and-usmle-courses
NACOSCE https://ww.mededucanada.com/nac-osce-course-mccqe2-capbc-cex
TDM https://ww.mededucanada.com/tdm-oet-ielts-plab-courses
see our calendar with all courses and various deadlines for licensing
JOIN OUR FREE GUIDE TO LICENSING IN CANADA-all links to all resources where you get all your questions answered for free about MCCQE1, NAC, CaRMS, Licensing, PRA, MLPIMG, PER etc.
on Facebook at https://www.facebook.com/groups/260832791280912
Guidelines for more effective sunscreen application for better protection against skin cancers
(including melanoma).
1.) U.S food and drug administration 2020, Ultraviolet (UV) Radiation, accessed 29 July 2024, <
radiation#:~:text=The%20most%20common%20form%20of,UVC >
2.) Chien AL 2024, Sunscreen and your morning routine, Johns Hopkins Medicine website,
accessed 30 July 2024, < https://www.hopkinsmedicine.org/health/wellness-and-
3.) American Academy of Dermatology Association 2024, Sunscreen FAQS, accessed 30 July
2024, < https://www.aad.org/media/stats-sunscreen>.
4.) National Cancer Institute 2024, Skin Cancer (Including Melanoma), accessed 31 July 2024, <
5.) First California Physician Partners 2024, The Top 10 Cancers of America, accessed 31 July
2024, < https://www.fcppcentralvalley.com/specialties/cancer-center/top-10-cancers-of-
6.) Petersen B, Wulf HC. Application of sunscreen− theory and reality. Photodermatology,
photoimmunology & photomedicine. 2014 Apr;30(2-3):96-101
Half of licensed physicians in Canada via CaRMS are drs Silverman’s clients at STARMED. We also had 99% in ERAS, 28 of the 30 seats in MLPIMG and over 90% of PRA. 96% of our students in the clinical research class licensed. We hope you are our next! We offer all advising services (see links below). See some success stories for Drs Silverman clients http://www.mededucanada.com/testimonials-img
cv https://wwww.mededucanada.com/cv-carms-eras-
CASPer http://www.mededucanada.com/casper-capmmi-alberta-mmi-kira-fm-proc-course
statement https://wwww.mededucanada.com/statement-carms-eras-
interview https://wwww.mededucanada.com/interview-carms-eras-casper-img
application review https://www.mededucanada.com/carms-eras-application-
references https://www.mededucanada.com/refererence-carms-eras
clinical research https://www.mededucanada.com/clinical-research-telemedicine
IELTS/OET http://www.mededucanada.com/tdm-oet-ielts-plab-courses
fmproc and CAP and MMI exams http://www.mededucanada.com/casper-capmmi-alberta-mmi-kira-fm-proc-course
licensing advising http://www.mededucanada.com/licensing-consulting
we offer all courses
MCCQE1 and USMLE https://www.mededucanada.com/mccqe1-course-and-usmle-courses
NACOSCE https://ww.mededucanada.com/nac-osce-course-mccqe2-capbc-cex
TDM https://ww.mededucanada.com/tdm-oet-ielts-plab-courses
see our calendar with all courses and various deadlines for licensing
JOIN OUR FREE GUIDE TO LICENSING IN CANADA-all links to all resources where you get all your questions answered for free about MCCQE1, NAC, CaRMS, Licensing, PRA, MLPIMG, PER etc.
on Facebook at https://www.facebook.com/groups/260832791280912
Guidelines for more effective sunscreen application for better protection against skin cancers
(including melanoma).
1.) U.S food and drug administration 2020, Ultraviolet (UV) Radiation, accessed 29 July 2024, <
radiation#:~:text=The%20most%20common%20form%20of,UVC >
2.) Chien AL 2024, Sunscreen and your morning routine, Johns Hopkins Medicine website,
accessed 30 July 2024, < https://www.hopkinsmedicine.org/health/wellness-and-
3.) American Academy of Dermatology Association 2024, Sunscreen FAQS, accessed 30 July
2024, < https://www.aad.org/media/stats-sunscreen>.
4.) National Cancer Institute 2024, Skin Cancer (Including Melanoma), accessed 31 July 2024, <
5.) First California Physician Partners 2024, The Top 10 Cancers of America, accessed 31 July
2024, < https://www.fcppcentralvalley.com/specialties/cancer-center/top-10-cancers-of-
6.) Petersen B, Wulf HC. Application of sunscreen− theory and reality. Photodermatology,
photoimmunology & photomedicine. 2014 Apr;30(2-3):96-101
- published: 03 Aug 2024
- views: 30
Match List-I with List-II :List-I ....
Match List-I with List-II :List-I ...
Match List-I with List-II :List-I List-II EM-Wave Wavelength Range (A) Infra-red <10-3nm (B) Ultraviolet 400 nm to 1 nm (C) X-rays 1 mm to 700 nm (D) Gamma rays 1 nm\) to 10-3nm
Choose the correct answer from the options given below : 📲PW App Link - https://bit.ly/YTAI_PWAP 🌐PW Website - https://www.pw.live
Match List-I with List-II :List-I List-II EM-Wave Wavelength Range (A) Infra-red <10-3nm (B) Ultraviolet 400 nm to 1 nm (C) X-rays 1 mm to 700 nm (D) Gamma rays 1 nm\) to 10-3nm
Choose the correct answer from the options given below : 📲PW App Link - https://bit.ly/YTAI_PWAP 🌐PW Website - https://www.pw.live
- published: 24 Apr 2024
- views: 8
Spider's Terrifyingly Large Eyes Used To Conquer Moving Prey | Video
- published: 18 May 2016
- views: 5589
Evaporating Atmospheres Around Close-in Exoplanets.
2014 Fall Meeting
Section: Planetary Sciences
Session: Planetary Atmospheres and Their Evolution I
Title: Evaporating Atmospheres Around Close-in Exoplanets....
2014 Fall Meeting
Section: Planetary Sciences
Session: Planetary Atmospheres and Their Evolution I
Title: Evaporating Atmospheres Around Close-in Exoplanets.
Adams, F, University of Michigan, Ann Arbor, MI, United States
Wu, Y, University of Toronto, Toronto, ON, Canada
Jackson, A, Arizona State University, Tempe, AZ, United States
Owen, J, University of Toronto, Toronto, ON, Canada
The majority of currently observed exoplanets appear exceeding close to the central star (<0.1 AU) and as such are subject to intense high energy radiation from UV & X-ray photons. We will discuss that in such environments the atmospheres these planets are heated sufficiently that they can escape the planet's gravitational field in a hydrodynamic trans-sonic wind. We will show that this hydrodynamic mass-loss occurs for the majority of exoplanets at short periods, and for low-mass planets (<50 Mearth) is vigorous enough to significantly alter the planet's evolution. In some cases we will argue that an originally gas rich exoplanet can be completely evaporated leaving behind a bare rock core. In addition, we will present new multi-dimensional simulations of evaporation that include realistic treatment of the radiative transfer. These new simulations show that evaporation from 'hot' Jupiters is likely to be magnetically controlled, where mass-loss can only occur along open filed lines, where the interaction between the stellar and planetary magnetic field strongly controls the geometry of the evaporative flow. We will indicate how these new multi-dimensional radiation-magneto-hydrodynamic calculations can be used to study the time-dependence of the outflow and link the small but growing number of observations of exoplanet evaporation to the theoretical models. Finally, we will indicate that asymmetric evaporative flows can lead to orbital evolution of planets at close separations.
Figure Caption: "Flow structure from an evaporating Hot Jupiter with a magnetic field strength of 0.3 Gauss. Top panels show density and magnetic field configuration and bottom panel shows plasma beta and velocity structure; left panels show simulation domain, right panels show a zoom in on the planet."
Cite as: Author(s) (2014), Title, Abstract P51G-02 presented at 2014 Fall Meeting, AGU, San Francisco, Calif., 15-19 Dec.
Learn more here:
2014 Fall Meeting
Section: Planetary Sciences
Session: Planetary Atmospheres and Their Evolution I
Title: Evaporating Atmospheres Around Close-in Exoplanets.
Adams, F, University of Michigan, Ann Arbor, MI, United States
Wu, Y, University of Toronto, Toronto, ON, Canada
Jackson, A, Arizona State University, Tempe, AZ, United States
Owen, J, University of Toronto, Toronto, ON, Canada
The majority of currently observed exoplanets appear exceeding close to the central star (<0.1 AU) and as such are subject to intense high energy radiation from UV & X-ray photons. We will discuss that in such environments the atmospheres these planets are heated sufficiently that they can escape the planet's gravitational field in a hydrodynamic trans-sonic wind. We will show that this hydrodynamic mass-loss occurs for the majority of exoplanets at short periods, and for low-mass planets (<50 Mearth) is vigorous enough to significantly alter the planet's evolution. In some cases we will argue that an originally gas rich exoplanet can be completely evaporated leaving behind a bare rock core. In addition, we will present new multi-dimensional simulations of evaporation that include realistic treatment of the radiative transfer. These new simulations show that evaporation from 'hot' Jupiters is likely to be magnetically controlled, where mass-loss can only occur along open filed lines, where the interaction between the stellar and planetary magnetic field strongly controls the geometry of the evaporative flow. We will indicate how these new multi-dimensional radiation-magneto-hydrodynamic calculations can be used to study the time-dependence of the outflow and link the small but growing number of observations of exoplanet evaporation to the theoretical models. Finally, we will indicate that asymmetric evaporative flows can lead to orbital evolution of planets at close separations.
Figure Caption: "Flow structure from an evaporating Hot Jupiter with a magnetic field strength of 0.3 Gauss. Top panels show density and magnetic field configuration and bottom panel shows plasma beta and velocity structure; left panels show simulation domain, right panels show a zoom in on the planet."
Cite as: Author(s) (2014), Title, Abstract P51G-02 presented at 2014 Fall Meeting, AGU, San Francisco, Calif., 15-19 Dec.
Learn more here:
- published: 30 Sep 2016
- views: 52
Exosomes Ameliorate the Photo-Aging of Skin Fibroblast - Video Abstract [371330]
Video abstract of original research “Exosomes Derived from Secretome Human Umbilical Vein Endothelial Cells (Exo-HUVEC) Ameliorate the Photo-Aging of Skin...
Video abstract of original research “Exosomes Derived from Secretome Human Umbilical Vein Endothelial Cells (Exo-HUVEC) Ameliorate the Photo-Aging of Skin Fibroblast” published in the open access journal Clinical, Cosmetic and Investigational Dermatology by Endra Yustin Ellistasari, Harijono Kariosentono, Bambang Purwanto et al.
Purpose: This is an in-vitro experimental study to analyze the effect of Exo-HUVEC on endothelial cell (CD31), cell proliferation, matrix metalloproteinase 1 (MMP-1) and collagen type 1 on irradiated fibroblast with UVB as photo-aging model.
Patients and Methods: Fibroblast cultures were divided into 5 groups, namely without UVB exposure, UVB exposure 600mJ/cm2 for 80 seconds as photo-aging model, and UVB exposure +Exo-HUVEC exposure 0.1%, 0.5% and 1%. The endothelial cell was stained with a CD31 marker, MMP-1 were examined with ELISA, cell proliferation is detected using an MTT assay; meanwhile, collagen type 1 deposition and endothelial cell were measured using flowcytometry.
Results: This study found positive endothelial cell marker CD31. Significant difference was found in cell proliferation, MMP-1 and collagen type 1 level between the control group with UVB irradiation and the treatment group with Exo-HUVEC (p < 0.05).
Conclusion: Exo-HUVEC significantly increases cell proliferation and collagen type 1 level, while decrease MMP-1 levels on irradiated fibroblast; therefore, Exo-HUVEC ameliorate the photo-aging of skin fibroblast.
Read the full paper here: https://www.dovepress.com/exosomes-derived-from-secretome-human-umbilical-vein-endothelial-cells-peer-reviewed-fulltext-article-CCID
Video abstract of original research “Exosomes Derived from Secretome Human Umbilical Vein Endothelial Cells (Exo-HUVEC) Ameliorate the Photo-Aging of Skin Fibroblast” published in the open access journal Clinical, Cosmetic and Investigational Dermatology by Endra Yustin Ellistasari, Harijono Kariosentono, Bambang Purwanto et al.
Purpose: This is an in-vitro experimental study to analyze the effect of Exo-HUVEC on endothelial cell (CD31), cell proliferation, matrix metalloproteinase 1 (MMP-1) and collagen type 1 on irradiated fibroblast with UVB as photo-aging model.
Patients and Methods: Fibroblast cultures were divided into 5 groups, namely without UVB exposure, UVB exposure 600mJ/cm2 for 80 seconds as photo-aging model, and UVB exposure +Exo-HUVEC exposure 0.1%, 0.5% and 1%. The endothelial cell was stained with a CD31 marker, MMP-1 were examined with ELISA, cell proliferation is detected using an MTT assay; meanwhile, collagen type 1 deposition and endothelial cell were measured using flowcytometry.
Results: This study found positive endothelial cell marker CD31. Significant difference was found in cell proliferation, MMP-1 and collagen type 1 level between the control group with UVB irradiation and the treatment group with Exo-HUVEC (p < 0.05).
Conclusion: Exo-HUVEC significantly increases cell proliferation and collagen type 1 level, while decrease MMP-1 levels on irradiated fibroblast; therefore, Exo-HUVEC ameliorate the photo-aging of skin fibroblast.
Read the full paper here: https://www.dovepress.com/exosomes-derived-from-secretome-human-umbilical-vein-endothelial-cells-peer-reviewed-fulltext-article-CCID
- published: 07 Aug 2022
- views: 537
On the Calibration of the Large Magellanic Cloud as an Anchor for the Hubble Constant, and on ...
Full Title: On the Calibration of the Large Magellanic Cloud as an Anchor for the Hubble Constant, and on the Star-Formation History of the Solar Neighbourhood...
Full Title: On the Calibration of the Large Magellanic Cloud as an Anchor for the Hubble Constant, and on the Star-Formation History of the Solar Neighbourhood
David Nataf (JHU)
Part I: The Small and in particular the Large Magellanic Clouds (LMC) remain important anchors both to the extragalactic distance scale and to stellar astrophysics in general. As virtually all classes of variable stars and all classes of distance indicators have been studied in the LMC, it is possible and necessary to evaluate if these are consistent. I will begin my talk by first reviewing a surprising recent development. There is a 0.18 mag in the zero-point of the V-band extinction to the LMC, which vastly exceeds the quoted errors of virtually all prior studies of the matter. I will then discuss how our recent paper (Nataf et al, 2021ApJ...910..121N) resolved this issue, concurrently with another independent effort (Skowron et al., 2021ApJS..252...23S), using four different calibrations: stellar isochrones, RR Lyrae stars, Cepheids, and the SFD extinction maps. The resulting error is decreased to <~ 0.04 mag.
Part II: Precision age determinations are a holy grail of Galactic astronomy. Here, I discuss the successful use of astrophotometric age-metallicity determinations of 500,000 solar neighbourhood subgiant stars, to a precision of 5% in age and 0.12 dex in metallicity, where we thus not only match but define the state-of-the-art. The combination of spectacular panchromatic photometry, parallax data, 3D extinction maps, improving stellar models, variability data, and the sensitivity of subgiant luminosities to stellar ages help us resolve the star formation history of the solar neighbourhood as never done before.
Full Title: On the Calibration of the Large Magellanic Cloud as an Anchor for the Hubble Constant, and on the Star-Formation History of the Solar Neighbourhood
David Nataf (JHU)
Part I: The Small and in particular the Large Magellanic Clouds (LMC) remain important anchors both to the extragalactic distance scale and to stellar astrophysics in general. As virtually all classes of variable stars and all classes of distance indicators have been studied in the LMC, it is possible and necessary to evaluate if these are consistent. I will begin my talk by first reviewing a surprising recent development. There is a 0.18 mag in the zero-point of the V-band extinction to the LMC, which vastly exceeds the quoted errors of virtually all prior studies of the matter. I will then discuss how our recent paper (Nataf et al, 2021ApJ...910..121N) resolved this issue, concurrently with another independent effort (Skowron et al., 2021ApJS..252...23S), using four different calibrations: stellar isochrones, RR Lyrae stars, Cepheids, and the SFD extinction maps. The resulting error is decreased to <~ 0.04 mag.
Part II: Precision age determinations are a holy grail of Galactic astronomy. Here, I discuss the successful use of astrophotometric age-metallicity determinations of 500,000 solar neighbourhood subgiant stars, to a precision of 5% in age and 0.12 dex in metallicity, where we thus not only match but define the state-of-the-art. The combination of spectacular panchromatic photometry, parallax data, 3D extinction maps, improving stellar models, variability data, and the sensitivity of subgiant luminosities to stellar ages help us resolve the star formation history of the solar neighbourhood as never done before.
- published: 10 Apr 2023
- views: 325
The History of Planet Formation with the SEAMSTRESS Survey
Kaitlin Rasmussen (Notre Dame)
The Search for Exoplanets Around Metal-poor Stars with T(r)ESS (SEAMSTRESS) Survey seeks to answer the question: "When ...
Kaitlin Rasmussen (Notre Dame)
The Search for Exoplanets Around Metal-poor Stars with T(r)ESS (SEAMSTRESS) Survey seeks to answer the question: "When and how did planet formation begin in the Universe?" To achieve this, we have conducted a large-scale search for transits of metal-poor stars in TESS light curves and discovered 49 previously unknown planet candidates around host stars in the metallicity range -2.28 < [Fe/H] < -0.5, eight of which have lower [Fe/H] than any known transiting planet hosts.
Kaitlin Rasmussen (Notre Dame)
The Search for Exoplanets Around Metal-poor Stars with T(r)ESS (SEAMSTRESS) Survey seeks to answer the question: "When and how did planet formation begin in the Universe?" To achieve this, we have conducted a large-scale search for transits of metal-poor stars in TESS light curves and discovered 49 previously unknown planet candidates around host stars in the metallicity range -2.28 < [Fe/H] < -0.5, eight of which have lower [Fe/H] than any known transiting planet hosts.
- published: 29 Jul 2020
- views: 357