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University of California, Berkeley

The University of California, Berkeley (also referred to as Berkeley, UC Berkeley, California or simply Cal) is a public research university located in Berkeley, California. It is the flagship campus of the University of California system, one of three parts in the state's public higher education plan, which also includes the California State University system and the California Community Colleges System.

It is considered by the Times Higher Education World University Rankings as one of six university brands that lead in world reputation rankings in 2015 and is ranked third on the U.S. News' 2015 Best Global Universities rankings conducted in the U.S. and nearly 50 other countries. The Academic Ranking of World Universities (ARWU) also ranks the University of California, Berkeley fourth in the world overall, and first among public universities. It is broadly ranked first in science, third in engineering, and fifth in social sciences, with specific rankings of first in chemistry, first in physics, third in computer science, fourth in mathematics, and fourth in economics/business. The university is also well known for producing a high number of entrepreneurs.

UC Berkeley College of Letters and Science

The College of Letters and Science (L&S) is the largest of the 14 colleges at the University of California, Berkeley and encompasses the liberal arts. The college was established in its present state in 1915 with the merger of the College of Letters, the College of Social Science, and the College of Natural Science. As of the 2013-14 academic year, there were about 19,000 undergraduates and 2,763 graduate students enrolled in the college. The College of Letters and Science awards only Bachelor of Arts degrees at the undergraduate level, in contrast to the other schools and colleges of UC Berkeley which award only Bachelor of Science degrees at the undergraduate level.

Faculty and Students

L&S is organized into five divisions: Arts and Humanities, Biological Science, Mathematical and Physical Sciences, Social Sciences, and the Undergraduate Division. Of the graduate divisions, Social Sciences is the most popular, followed by Mathematical and Physical Sciences, Arts and Humanities, and Biological Science. The Undergraduate Division serves the 19,000 undergraduate students in L&S. Each division has its own administration, including a dean, associate dean, and assistant deans. Mark Richards, dean of the Division of Mathematical and Physical Sciences, serves as the College's executive dean. L&S has about 800 faculty members, including 13 Nobel laureates, 3 Pulitzer Prize winners, and 12 MacArthur Fellows.


  • What's It Like Inside the BEST Public University In the World? | UC Berkeley Campus Tour

    Have you ever dreamed of going to UC Berkeley? UCLA vs. UC Berkeley, which is better? Increase your chances of admission to UC Berkeley by working with former Admissions Officers and Expert Advisors at CollegeAdvisor. Sign up here: https://CollegeAdvisor.com/hafu 🎓 Watch UCLA Campus Tour ➤ https://youtu.be/bLp3SGZYWjE 💬 DM Me On Instagram (I reply 😊) ➤ https://www.instagram.com/hafugo/ 🔴SUBSCRIBE for More College Study Tips➤ https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCXMVaxrax7RNDPdfRrXXgtQ?sub_confirmation=1 WEIBO 微博 (有中文视频) ➤ @郭哈福 UC Berkeley is top public and No. 4 best overall in U.S. News rankings. Is it actually any good? UC Berkeley is located in California, more specifically, right next to San Francisco! Being less than an hour away from Silicon Valley definitely has had a big influence ...

    published: 21 Nov 2019
  • University of California, Berkeley | UC Berkeley | 8K Campus Drone Tour

    An 8K drone tour of UC Berkeley (AKA Cal) Campus! The University of California, Berkeley (UC Berkeley, Berkeley, Cal, or California) is a public land-grant research university in Berkeley, California. Established in 1868 as the University of California, it is the state's first land-grant university and the first campus of the University of California system. Its fourteen colleges and schools offer over 350 degree programs and enroll some 31,000 undergraduate and 12,000 graduate students. Berkeley is ranked among the world's top universities by major educational publications. It is the best public University in the world as of 2021 and one of the US Public Ivies. Gear I use/like: Drone #1: https://amzn.to/3OlVH1A Drone #2: https://amzn.to/44CtQzW Drone #3: https://amzn.to/3Dj15vR Drone #4...

    published: 22 Feb 2021
  • Asking UC Berkeley Students If They Are Happy

    I visited the University of California, Berkeley to ask students about their sleep schedules, study habits, screen time, and more! Comment your thoughts below!! Shoutout to Minston, Maia, Kristma, Rachel, Srinath, Adith, Isabel, and Julie!! AND Jeffrey, Owen, & Srinath for filming!! NEW VIDEOS EVERY WEDNESDAY! Like and subscribe for more! Harvard: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Bt1SIIe8s5I MIT: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=jiYjHbLv8Vc Stanford: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=r0bGgV2aA2I Yale: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=f3iEGjOL2Io

    published: 12 Apr 2023
  • UC Berkeley Campus Tour: World's Best Public University

    This is the best campus tour of UC Berkeley on YouTube! The University of California, Berkeley is the world’s top public and fourth best university overall in the latest global rankings by U.S. News. ▶️WATCH NEXT: UCLA Campus Tour ➤ https://youtu.be/kkcu0GRmZ3Q ▶️ Watch More Campus Crawl: Harvard Campus Tour ➤ https://youtu.be/vXgw63Zc4yQ MIT Campus Tour ➤ https://youtu.be/elmZ-SFw5a4 Stanford Campus Tour ➤ https://youtu.be/4gNhTHpuCIg UCLA Campus Tour ➤ https://youtu.be/kkcu0GRmZ3Q UC Berkeley Campus ➤ Tour https://youtu.be/-5XxqW9Z7PI UBC Campus Tour ➤ https://youtu.be/udQU2YhUknA 👊 SUBSCRIBE & DING THE BELL FOR MORE CAMPUS CRAWL https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCyN2PfRtJY0dL4sdI-wbltA?sub_confirmation=1 💬 Join our DISCORD SERVER: https://discord.gg/Xt6NBkq ❗ ADD US ON INSTAGRAM: ht...

    published: 04 May 2021
  • That's Berkeley

    berkeley.edu http://news.berkeley.edu/ http://www.facebook.com/UCBerkeley http://twitter.com/UCBerkeley http://instagram.com/ucberkeleyofficial https://plus.google.com/+berkeley

    published: 27 Aug 2020
  • Asking Cal students if Berkeley was their first-choice👀 #ucberkeley #cal #college #collegedecisions

    published: 01 May 2023
  • UC Berkeley: Just Getting Started

    On March 23, 1868, the University of California was born — and Berkeley, its first campus, is one of the greatest sources of research and knowledge the world has ever known. Produced by UC Berkeley, this video marks Berkeley 150, the year-long sesquicentennial celebration, as both the culmination of 150 years of light and an inspiring call to action to sustain our brilliance for another 150 years. Featuring excerpts from Chancellor Carol T. Christ’s keynote address on Charter Day, March 23, 2018. · Video: University Development and Alumni Relations, UC Berkeley. Historic footage: UC Berkeley university collections. Photos: Keegan Houser, UC Berkeley and UC Berkeley university collections.

    published: 24 Apr 2019
  • Interviewing UC Berkeley Students

    What's your favorite programming language? 🔥 I PREDICTED THE STOCK MARKET WITH AI! ➡️ https://youtu.be/0lvqJ-XdjtQ ⏱️⏱️VIDEO CHAPTERS⏱️⏱️ 🔔 Subscribe for more videos just like this: https://www.youtube.com/@NeelsTechShow/sub_confirmation=1 CHAT WITH US! =============================== 🛠️ - EMAIL: programmingdoneright@gmail.com 🎵 - TIKTOK: https://www.tiktok.com/@neels_tech_show 💬 - DISCORD: https://discord.com/invite/UbWFK4je7B 🧑‍💻 - GITHUB: https://github.com/neel-banga/ 🐦 - TWITTER: https://twitter.com/NeelBanga #neelstechshow #coding #programming

    published: 20 Feb 2023
  • U.C. Berkeley, California Calzone Adventures 🥠🍝🍴

    finally gonna show y’all my lil food spot I be goin to, the best italian food place out here. 😋🍴🍝🍽 #retro #retrogames #retrogaming #games #gaming #live #stream #livestream #food #italianfood #bayareafood #bayareafoodie #bayareafoodies #gypsys #calzone #calzones #pizza #chicken #chickenalfredo #shrimp #shrimpalfredo #pasta #pesto #bayarea #alameda #oakland #oaklandca #oak #sf #sanfrancisco #sanfierro #510 #415

    published: 03 Feb 2025
  • California Universities for International Students | High Acceptance, Low Tuition Fee!

    Go to our partner https://trymintmobile.com/crazymedusa to get premium wireless for as low as $15 a month Free to Apply International STEM Research Program: https://www.incognitoblueprints.com/isrp Personal mentorship program: https://www.incognitoblueprints.com/mentorships College Application (Code: INCOGNITO for 10% off): https://www.incognitoblueprints.com/templates Crazy Medusa Study Abroad FREE Discord server: https://discord.gg/ZFbRaXqGzG 👩🏻‍🔬 Instagram: @salonivermaofficial 📰 Contact: info@crazymedusa.com 🎵 Music in my videos: https://bit.ly/3mevJ28 ⚠️ Disclaimer: This video is for educational purposes only. My ideas are opinions expressed on my own. 🏀 177,006

    published: 04 Mar 2024
What's It Like Inside the BEST Public University In the World? | UC Berkeley Campus Tour

What's It Like Inside the BEST Public University In the World? | UC Berkeley Campus Tour

  • Order:
  • Duration: 10:36
  • Uploaded Date: 21 Nov 2019
  • views: 499601
Have you ever dreamed of going to UC Berkeley? UCLA vs. UC Berkeley, which is better? Increase your chances of admission to UC Berkeley by working with former Admissions Officers and Expert Advisors at CollegeAdvisor. Sign up here: https://CollegeAdvisor.com/hafu 🎓 Watch UCLA Campus Tour ➤ https://youtu.be/bLp3SGZYWjE 💬 DM Me On Instagram (I reply 😊) ➤ https://www.instagram.com/hafugo/ 🔴SUBSCRIBE for More College Study Tips➤ https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCXMVaxrax7RNDPdfRrXXgtQ?sub_confirmation=1 WEIBO 微博 (有中文视频) ➤ @郭哈福 UC Berkeley is top public and No. 4 best overall in U.S. News rankings. Is it actually any good? UC Berkeley is located in California, more specifically, right next to San Francisco! Being less than an hour away from Silicon Valley definitely has had a big influence on the school culture at Berkeley. Walking into campus, the first thing you'll notice is how small and compact the UC Berkeley campus feels. It's probably the smallest college campus I've been to so far in the Campus Crawl series. Right after class, it can get crowded. But that won't stop the tiny Kiwi Bot from delivering your food! That's right, UCB has robot food delivery. College life at UC Berkeley is mostly centered around academics. However, they do have a HUGE selection of clubs you can join...Including Venture Capital Club and the HyperLoop Club (yes, the Elon Musk one). You'll probably never be bored on campus. Even if you get bored, you can always just walk five minutes out the Sather Gates and into the nearby town for some delicious food. If you're looking to go into the tech startups scene, UC Berkeley is definitely a top choice for you. BUT it can be incredibility difficult to get admitted into because it's one of the top public universities in the country. That's why I suggest you to sign up for a free college advising session with our advisor Bullseye at https://www.joinbullseye.com/freesession You can ask Berkeley grads for advice on how they got in! Good luck and I'll see you in the next video.
University of California, Berkeley | UC Berkeley | 8K Campus Drone Tour

University of California, Berkeley | UC Berkeley | 8K Campus Drone Tour

  • Order:
  • Duration: 4:06
  • Uploaded Date: 22 Feb 2021
  • views: 95808
An 8K drone tour of UC Berkeley (AKA Cal) Campus! The University of California, Berkeley (UC Berkeley, Berkeley, Cal, or California) is a public land-grant research university in Berkeley, California. Established in 1868 as the University of California, it is the state's first land-grant university and the first campus of the University of California system. Its fourteen colleges and schools offer over 350 degree programs and enroll some 31,000 undergraduate and 12,000 graduate students. Berkeley is ranked among the world's top universities by major educational publications. It is the best public University in the world as of 2021 and one of the US Public Ivies. Gear I use/like: Drone #1: https://amzn.to/3OlVH1A Drone #2: https://amzn.to/44CtQzW Drone #3: https://amzn.to/3Dj15vR Drone #4: https://amzn.to/3Q2TQQv Phone #1: https://amzn.to/44x77VB Phone #2: https://amzn.to/3OmN1YN Camera #1: https://amzn.to/3Ok4IrT Camera #2: https://amzn.to/3NXvnJE Camera #3: https://amzn.to/3XW4NoE Laptop #1: https://amzn.to/3XZIr5Q Laptop #2: https://amzn.to/44Shyms University of California System Playlist: https://www.youtube.com/playlist?list=PLIVa5ZuPb-us7qH8jrDKwYA47vqap2W3P California State University System Playlist: https://www.youtube.com/playlist?list=PLIVa5ZuPb-usjt71d3fZvDWSKl4jBdwlI California Universities Playlist: https://www.youtube.com/playlist?list=PLIVa5ZuPb-uv-AwumLLfHgzQdFm87SCab Shot and edited by: Moataz Sheha Filmed in Berkeley, California, USA Subscribe to the channel: CampusMania https://www.youtube.com/c/CampusMania Follow me on Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/moatazns Follow me on Twitter: https://twitter.com/Moataz_Sheha Music from: https://www.epidemicsound.com/referral/s1cbo5 #8Kvideo #8K #8Kdrone #UCBerkeley​ #Berkeley​ #Cal​ #UniversityofCalifornia​ #PublicIvy #UniversityofCaliforniaBerkeley #California​ #TopUniversity​​​ #Dronegraphy​ #MizoTravel​ #CampusMania #UniversityCampusTours​ #MT
Asking UC Berkeley Students If They Are Happy

Asking UC Berkeley Students If They Are Happy

  • Order:
  • Duration: 5:04
  • Uploaded Date: 12 Apr 2023
  • views: 85188
I visited the University of California, Berkeley to ask students about their sleep schedules, study habits, screen time, and more! Comment your thoughts below!! Shoutout to Minston, Maia, Kristma, Rachel, Srinath, Adith, Isabel, and Julie!! AND Jeffrey, Owen, & Srinath for filming!! NEW VIDEOS EVERY WEDNESDAY! Like and subscribe for more! Harvard: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Bt1SIIe8s5I MIT: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=jiYjHbLv8Vc Stanford: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=r0bGgV2aA2I Yale: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=f3iEGjOL2Io
UC Berkeley Campus Tour: World's Best Public University

UC Berkeley Campus Tour: World's Best Public University

  • Order:
  • Duration: 8:50
  • Uploaded Date: 04 May 2021
  • views: 111911
This is the best campus tour of UC Berkeley on YouTube! The University of California, Berkeley is the world’s top public and fourth best university overall in the latest global rankings by U.S. News. ▶️WATCH NEXT: UCLA Campus Tour ➤ https://youtu.be/kkcu0GRmZ3Q ▶️ Watch More Campus Crawl: Harvard Campus Tour ➤ https://youtu.be/vXgw63Zc4yQ MIT Campus Tour ➤ https://youtu.be/elmZ-SFw5a4 Stanford Campus Tour ➤ https://youtu.be/4gNhTHpuCIg UCLA Campus Tour ➤ https://youtu.be/kkcu0GRmZ3Q UC Berkeley Campus ➤ Tour https://youtu.be/-5XxqW9Z7PI UBC Campus Tour ➤ https://youtu.be/udQU2YhUknA 👊 SUBSCRIBE & DING THE BELL FOR MORE CAMPUS CRAWL https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCyN2PfRtJY0dL4sdI-wbltA?sub_confirmation=1 💬 Join our DISCORD SERVER: https://discord.gg/Xt6NBkq ❗ ADD US ON INSTAGRAM: https://www.instagram.com/campuscrawlofficial 🗳️ Channel Suggestion Box: https://forms.gle/yJxVYjqVpMPBUJ5ZA ✉️ Business Inquiries Only: sponsorships@hafugo.com UC Berkeley is top public and No. 4 best overall in U.S. News rankings. UC Berkeley is located in California, next to San Francisco! It's an hour away from Silicon Valley. So the school has a big tech culture. The UC Berkeley campus feels really compact. It's probably the smallest college campus I've been to in the Campus Crawl series thus far. UCB has a food delivery robot that roams around campus. College life at UC Berkeley mostly revolves around academics. But they do have a HUGE selection of clubs you can join...like HyperLoop Club (yes, the Elon Musk one). You'll never be bored on campus. UC Berkeley Campus Tour Guide 0:00 Sather Gate 0:07 Doe Library 0:45 Memorial Glade 1:15 The Cursed Seal 2:10 Sproul Plaza 3:05 Campanile 3:55 Student Union Plaza 5:01 Haas Classrooms 6:25 California Memorial Stadium 6:35 4.0 Ball 7:00 UC Berkeley Libraries 7:25 Frat Houses 7:55 UC Berkeley Dorms
That's Berkeley

That's Berkeley

  • Order:
  • Duration: 2:42
  • Uploaded Date: 27 Aug 2020
  • views: 82630
berkeley.edu http://news.berkeley.edu/ http://www.facebook.com/UCBerkeley http://twitter.com/UCBerkeley http://instagram.com/ucberkeleyofficial https://plus.google.com/+berkeley
Asking Cal students if Berkeley was their first-choice👀 #ucberkeley #cal #college #collegedecisions

Asking Cal students if Berkeley was their first-choice👀 #ucberkeley #cal #college #collegedecisions

  • Order:
  • Duration: 0:33
  • Uploaded Date: 01 May 2023
  • views: 55505
UC Berkeley: Just Getting Started

UC Berkeley: Just Getting Started

  • Order:
  • Duration: 2:46
  • Uploaded Date: 24 Apr 2019
  • views: 117998
On March 23, 1868, the University of California was born — and Berkeley, its first campus, is one of the greatest sources of research and knowledge the world has ever known. Produced by UC Berkeley, this video marks Berkeley 150, the year-long sesquicentennial celebration, as both the culmination of 150 years of light and an inspiring call to action to sustain our brilliance for another 150 years. Featuring excerpts from Chancellor Carol T. Christ’s keynote address on Charter Day, March 23, 2018. · Video: University Development and Alumni Relations, UC Berkeley. Historic footage: UC Berkeley university collections. Photos: Keegan Houser, UC Berkeley and UC Berkeley university collections.
Interviewing UC Berkeley Students

Interviewing UC Berkeley Students

  • Order:
  • Duration: 0:30
  • Uploaded Date: 20 Feb 2023
  • views: 985596
What's your favorite programming language? 🔥 I PREDICTED THE STOCK MARKET WITH AI! ➡️ https://youtu.be/0lvqJ-XdjtQ ⏱️⏱️VIDEO CHAPTERS⏱️⏱️ 🔔 Subscribe for more videos just like this: https://www.youtube.com/@NeelsTechShow/sub_confirmation=1 CHAT WITH US! =============================== 🛠️ - EMAIL: programmingdoneright@gmail.com 🎵 - TIKTOK: https://www.tiktok.com/@neels_tech_show 💬 - DISCORD: https://discord.com/invite/UbWFK4je7B 🧑‍💻 - GITHUB: https://github.com/neel-banga/ 🐦 - TWITTER: https://twitter.com/NeelBanga #neelstechshow #coding #programming
U.C. Berkeley, California Calzone Adventures 🥠🍝🍴

U.C. Berkeley, California Calzone Adventures 🥠🍝🍴

  • Order:
  • Duration: 1:02:30
  • Uploaded Date: 03 Feb 2025
  • views: 386
finally gonna show y’all my lil food spot I be goin to, the best italian food place out here. 😋🍴🍝🍽 #retro #retrogames #retrogaming #games #gaming #live #stream #livestream #food #italianfood #bayareafood #bayareafoodie #bayareafoodies #gypsys #calzone #calzones #pizza #chicken #chickenalfredo #shrimp #shrimpalfredo #pasta #pesto #bayarea #alameda #oakland #oaklandca #oak #sf #sanfrancisco #sanfierro #510 #415
California Universities for International Students | High Acceptance, Low Tuition Fee!

California Universities for International Students | High Acceptance, Low Tuition Fee!

  • Order:
  • Duration: 9:57
  • Uploaded Date: 04 Mar 2024
  • views: 71038
Go to our partner https://trymintmobile.com/crazymedusa to get premium wireless for as low as $15 a month Free to Apply International STEM Research Program: https://www.incognitoblueprints.com/isrp Personal mentorship program: https://www.incognitoblueprints.com/mentorships College Application (Code: INCOGNITO for 10% off): https://www.incognitoblueprints.com/templates Crazy Medusa Study Abroad FREE Discord server: https://discord.gg/ZFbRaXqGzG 👩🏻‍🔬 Instagram: @salonivermaofficial 📰 Contact: info@crazymedusa.com 🎵 Music in my videos: https://bit.ly/3mevJ28 ⚠️ Disclaimer: This video is for educational purposes only. My ideas are opinions expressed on my own. 🏀 177,006
  • Campus Conversation: Deans of the College of Letters & Science

    Join Executive Dean, Jennifer Johnson-Hanks, Dean Michael Botchan, Biological Sciences, Dean Steven Kahn, Mathematical & Physical Sciences and Dean Raka Ray, Social Sciences as they discuss the exciting work and research happening across the college, the intellectual challenges faced by each division, and what distinguishes a Letters & Science education for students today. Note: Dean Sara Guyer, Arts & Humanities, is unable to attend this session and will be scheduled for a conversation in the spring.

    published: 03 Oct 2022
  • College of Letters & Science Overview

    View the "College of Letters and Science Overview" recording from UCSB's Virtual Open House. What does it meant to study within the College of Letters & Science at UCSB? Led by Associate Vice Chancellor for Undergraduate Education, Dean Stopple, this presentation outlines the many areas of study, opportunities, and programs offered by the college that make a rich and rigorous academic experience for undergraduates.

    published: 28 Apr 2021
  • Meet the College of Letters and Science

    At the College of Letters and Science, students write their own stories for making a better world. In this video, you’ll meet Ava, Micha, Ginny, Claire and Tony — five Aggies with different pursuits but a common passion. They’re here to develop themselves personally and professionally. UC Davis provides them extraordinary expertise, support and room to grow. Want to learn more? Visit: lettersandscience.ucdavis.edu. YouTube: UC Davis College of Letters and Science Channel Instagram: @ucdavislands #UCDavis #UCDLANDS #Undergraduate

    published: 18 Mar 2021
  • The College of Letters and Science at UC Davis

    Education without boundaries for a life of boundless impact.

    published: 26 Jul 2024
  • Inside the College of Letters and Science

    The rewarding academic experiences. A warm and welcoming community like no other. Students in the College of Letters and Science share what makes their college experience unique, and how UC Davis became a home away from home. Website: https://lettersandscience.ucdavis.edu Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/ucdlands Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/ucdavis.ls Video produced by Dominic Dal Porto (Cinema & Digital Media, '22).

    published: 21 Dec 2020
  • College of Letters and Science

    Intersectional feminist and fierce advocate Akshita Gandra (Cognitive Science, Senior, Fremont, California) shares the many directions her education has taken her at the College of Letters and Science, and that’s just the beginning of her journey. #CollegeofLettersandScience #UCDavis #CollegeTour

    published: 30 Sep 2021
  • Life at the College of Letters and Science at UC Davis

    published: 24 Oct 2024
  • College of Letters and Science Overview and Student Panel

    Learn all about UC Berkeley's College of Letters and Science from current students in this panel discussion. #DiscoverBerkeley #IAmBerkeley

    published: 15 Feb 2022
  • Ask Us Anything: College Applications

    Have last-minute questions before you apply to college this fall? In this panel discussion recording, you'll get application tips from admissions counselors at Coalition member schools. Featuring admissions counselors from: Clark University, Syracuse University, Texas Christian University, and Vanderbilt University. Learn more about Apply Coalition with Scoir here→ https://www.coalitionforcollegeaccess.org/apply-coalition-on-scoir Join us at our upcoming events→ https://www.coalitionforcollegeaccess.org/events Additional articles to reference: https://www.coalitionforcollegeaccess.org/mycoalition-counselor 0:00 Ask Us Anything introduction 1:27 Coalition for College 4:11 Panelist introductions 9:02 Where to start in the college application process? 12:46 How to support your student? ...

    published: 29 Oct 2024
  • College of Letters and Science Info Session and Panel (for transfer students) - May 18, 2021

    Join Claire Waters, professor and faculty advisor to the dean; Mark Reyes, assistant director for First-Year Academic Advising; and several students for an introduction into what makes the College of Letters and Science such a wonderful and distinct place to transfer to. In this video, you'll gain many tips on how to make the most of your time at UC Davis. For more information, go to https://lettersandscience.ucdavis.edu/future-students.

    published: 11 Jun 2021
Campus Conversation: Deans of the College of Letters & Science

Campus Conversation: Deans of the College of Letters & Science

  • Order:
  • Duration: 1:05:16
  • Uploaded Date: 03 Oct 2022
  • views: 4888
Join Executive Dean, Jennifer Johnson-Hanks, Dean Michael Botchan, Biological Sciences, Dean Steven Kahn, Mathematical & Physical Sciences and Dean Raka Ray, Social Sciences as they discuss the exciting work and research happening across the college, the intellectual challenges faced by each division, and what distinguishes a Letters & Science education for students today. Note: Dean Sara Guyer, Arts & Humanities, is unable to attend this session and will be scheduled for a conversation in the spring.
College of Letters & Science Overview

College of Letters & Science Overview

  • Order:
  • Duration: 44:11
  • Uploaded Date: 28 Apr 2021
  • views: 452
View the "College of Letters and Science Overview" recording from UCSB's Virtual Open House. What does it meant to study within the College of Letters & Science at UCSB? Led by Associate Vice Chancellor for Undergraduate Education, Dean Stopple, this presentation outlines the many areas of study, opportunities, and programs offered by the college that make a rich and rigorous academic experience for undergraduates.
Meet the College of Letters and Science

Meet the College of Letters and Science

  • Order:
  • Duration: 2:11
  • Uploaded Date: 18 Mar 2021
  • views: 1147
At the College of Letters and Science, students write their own stories for making a better world. In this video, you’ll meet Ava, Micha, Ginny, Claire and Tony — five Aggies with different pursuits but a common passion. They’re here to develop themselves personally and professionally. UC Davis provides them extraordinary expertise, support and room to grow. Want to learn more? Visit: lettersandscience.ucdavis.edu. YouTube: UC Davis College of Letters and Science Channel Instagram: @ucdavislands #UCDavis #UCDLANDS #Undergraduate
The College of Letters and Science at UC Davis

The College of Letters and Science at UC Davis

  • Order:
  • Duration: 0:59
  • Uploaded Date: 26 Jul 2024
  • views: 43
Education without boundaries for a life of boundless impact.
Inside the College of Letters and Science

Inside the College of Letters and Science

  • Order:
  • Duration: 3:00
  • Uploaded Date: 21 Dec 2020
  • views: 1165
The rewarding academic experiences. A warm and welcoming community like no other. Students in the College of Letters and Science share what makes their college experience unique, and how UC Davis became a home away from home. Website: https://lettersandscience.ucdavis.edu Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/ucdlands Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/ucdavis.ls Video produced by Dominic Dal Porto (Cinema & Digital Media, '22).
College of Letters and Science

College of Letters and Science

  • Order:
  • Duration: 3:42
  • Uploaded Date: 30 Sep 2021
  • views: 374
Intersectional feminist and fierce advocate Akshita Gandra (Cognitive Science, Senior, Fremont, California) shares the many directions her education has taken her at the College of Letters and Science, and that’s just the beginning of her journey. #CollegeofLettersandScience #UCDavis #CollegeTour
Life at the College of Letters and Science at UC Davis

Life at the College of Letters and Science at UC Davis

  • Order:
  • Duration: 1:46
  • Uploaded Date: 24 Oct 2024
  • views: 137
College of Letters and Science Overview and Student Panel

College of Letters and Science Overview and Student Panel

  • Order:
  • Duration: 42:44
  • Uploaded Date: 15 Feb 2022
  • views: 990
Learn all about UC Berkeley's College of Letters and Science from current students in this panel discussion. #DiscoverBerkeley #IAmBerkeley
Ask Us Anything: College Applications

Ask Us Anything: College Applications

  • Order:
  • Duration: 59:54
  • Uploaded Date: 29 Oct 2024
  • views: 73
Have last-minute questions before you apply to college this fall? In this panel discussion recording, you'll get application tips from admissions counselors at Coalition member schools. Featuring admissions counselors from: Clark University, Syracuse University, Texas Christian University, and Vanderbilt University. Learn more about Apply Coalition with Scoir here→ https://www.coalitionforcollegeaccess.org/apply-coalition-on-scoir Join us at our upcoming events→ https://www.coalitionforcollegeaccess.org/events Additional articles to reference: https://www.coalitionforcollegeaccess.org/mycoalition-counselor 0:00 Ask Us Anything introduction 1:27 Coalition for College 4:11 Panelist introductions 9:02 Where to start in the college application process? 12:46 How to support your student? 16:20 Test-optional policies 18:20 Demonstrated interest 22:00 Apply Coalition for Scoir 24:53 Application timelines 27:44 Volunteering 29:32 Misconceptions 33:15 Letters of recommendations 35:00 Essay mistakes 37:51 Importance of campus visits 40:00 Students with disabilities 43:05 Extracurricular activities 45:27 Documents needed 47:25 Holistic admissions 49:32 Portfolios 52:38 Last words of advice
College of Letters and Science Info Session and Panel (for transfer students) - May 18, 2021

College of Letters and Science Info Session and Panel (for transfer students) - May 18, 2021

  • Order:
  • Duration: 1:31:03
  • Uploaded Date: 11 Jun 2021
  • views: 140
Join Claire Waters, professor and faculty advisor to the dean; Mark Reyes, assistant director for First-Year Academic Advising; and several students for an introduction into what makes the College of Letters and Science such a wonderful and distinct place to transfer to. In this video, you'll gain many tips on how to make the most of your time at UC Davis. For more information, go to https://lettersandscience.ucdavis.edu/future-students.
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  • What's It Like Inside the BEST Public University In the World? | UC Berkeley Campus Tour
    What's It Like Inside the BEST Public University In the World? | UC Berkeley Campus Tourremove from playlist
  • University of California, Berkeley | UC Berkeley | 8K Campus Drone Tour
    University of California, Berkeley | UC Berkeley | 8K Campus Drone Tourremove from playlist
  • Asking UC Berkeley Students If They Are Happy
    Asking UC Berkeley Students If They Are Happyremove from playlist
  • UC Berkeley Campus Tour: World's Best Public University
    UC Berkeley Campus Tour: World's Best Public Universityremove from playlist
  • That's Berkeley
    That's Berkeleyremove from playlist
  • UC Berkeley: Just Getting Started
    UC Berkeley: Just Getting Startedremove from playlist
  • Interviewing UC Berkeley Students
    Interviewing UC Berkeley Studentsremove from playlist
  • U.C. Berkeley, California Calzone Adventures 🥠🍝🍴
    U.C. Berkeley, California Calzone Adventures 🥠🍝🍴remove from playlist
  • California Universities for International Students | High Acceptance, Low Tuition Fee!
    California Universities for International Students | High Acceptance, Low Tuition Fee!remove from playlist
PLAYLIST TIME: 0:00 / 1:47:34

What's It Like Inside the BEST Public University In the World? | UC Berkeley Campus Tour

Have you ever dreamed of going to UC Berkeley? UCLA vs. UC Berkeley, which is better? Increase your chances of admission to UC Berkeley by working with former Admissions Officers and Expert Advisors at CollegeAdvisor. Sign up here: https://CollegeAdvisor.com/hafu 🎓 Watch UCLA Campus Tour ➤ https://youtu.be/bLp3SGZYWjE 💬 DM Me On Instagram (I reply 😊) ➤ https://www.instagram.com/hafugo/ 🔴SUBSCRIBE for More College Study Tips➤ https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCXMVaxrax7RNDPdfRrXXgtQ?sub_confirmation=1 WEIBO 微博 (有中文视频) ➤ @郭哈福 UC Berkeley is top public and No. 4 best overall in U.S. News rankings. Is it actually any good? UC Berkeley is located in California, more specifically, right next to San Francisco! Being less than an hour away from Silicon Valley definitely has had a big influence on the school culture at Berkeley. Walking into campus, the first thing you'll notice is how small and compact the UC Berkeley campus feels. It's probably the smallest college campus I've been to so far in the Campus Crawl series. Right after class, it can get crowded. But that won't stop the tiny Kiwi Bot from delivering your food! That's right, UCB has robot food delivery. College life at UC Berkeley is mostly centered around academics. However, they do have a HUGE selection of clubs you can join...Including Venture Capital Club and the HyperLoop Club (yes, the Elon Musk one). You'll probably never be bored on campus. Even if you get bored, you can always just walk five minutes out the Sather Gates and into the nearby town for some delicious food. If you're looking to go into the tech startups scene, UC Berkeley is definitely a top choice for you. BUT it can be incredibility difficult to get admitted into because it's one of the top public universities in the country. That's why I suggest you to sign up for a free college advising session with our advisor Bullseye at https://www.joinbullseye.com/freesession You can ask Berkeley grads for advice on how they got in! Good luck and I'll see you in the next video.
What's It Like Inside the BEST Public University In the World? | UC Berkeley Campus Tour
Have you ever dreamed of going to UC Berkeley? UCLA vs. UC Berkeley, which is better? Incr...
published: 21 Nov 2019
Play in Full Screen
University of California, Berkeley | UC Berkeley | 8K Campus Drone Tour
An 8K drone tour of UC Berkeley (AKA Cal) Campus! The University of California, Berkeley ...
published: 22 Feb 2021
Play in Full Screen
Asking UC Berkeley Students If They Are Happy
I visited the University of California, Berkeley to ask students about their sleep schedul...
published: 12 Apr 2023
Play in Full Screen
UC Berkeley Campus Tour: World's Best Public University
This is the best campus tour of UC Berkeley on YouTube! The University of California, Berk...
published: 04 May 2021
Play in Full Screen
That's Berkeley
berkeley.edu http://news.berkeley.edu/ http://www.facebook.com/UCBerkeley http://twitter....
published: 27 Aug 2020
Play in Full Screen
Asking Cal students if Berkeley was their first-choice👀 #ucberkeley #cal #college #collegedecisions
published: 01 May 2023
Play in Full Screen
UC Berkeley: Just Getting Started
On March 23, 1868, the University of California was born — and Berkeley, its first campus,...
published: 24 Apr 2019
Play in Full Screen
Interviewing UC Berkeley Students
What's your favorite programming language? 🔥 I PREDICTED THE STOCK MARKET WITH AI! ➡️ htt...
published: 20 Feb 2023
Play in Full Screen
U.C. Berkeley, California Calzone Adventures 🥠🍝🍴
finally gonna show y’all my lil food spot I be goin to, the best italian food place out he...
published: 03 Feb 2025
Play in Full Screen
California Universities for International Students | High Acceptance, Low Tuition Fee!
Go to our partner https://trymintmobile.com/crazymedusa to get premium wireless for as low...
published: 04 Mar 2024
Play in Full Screen

University of California, Berkeley

The University of California, Berkeley (also referred to as Berkeley, UC Berkeley, California or simply Cal) is a public research university located in Berkeley, California. It is the flagship campus of the University of California system, one of three parts in the state's public higher education plan, which also includes the California State University system and the California Community Colleges System.

It is considered by the Times Higher Education World University Rankings as one of six university brands that lead in world reputation rankings in 2015 and is ranked third on the U.S. News' 2015 Best Global Universities rankings conducted in the U.S. and nearly 50 other countries. The Academic Ranking of World Universities (ARWU) also ranks the University of California, Berkeley fourth in the world overall, and first among public universities. It is broadly ranked first in science, third in engineering, and fifth in social sciences, with specific rankings of first in chemistry, first in physics, third in computer science, fourth in mathematics, and fourth in economics/business. The university is also well known for producing a high number of entrepreneurs.

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PLAYLIST TIME: 0:00 / 5:14:46

Campus Conversation: Deans of the College of Letters & Science

Join Executive Dean, Jennifer Johnson-Hanks, Dean Michael Botchan, Biological Sciences, Dean Steven Kahn, Mathematical & Physical Sciences and Dean Raka Ray, Social Sciences as they discuss the exciting work and research happening across the college, the intellectual challenges faced by each division, and what distinguishes a Letters & Science education for students today. Note: Dean Sara Guyer, Arts & Humanities, is unable to attend this session and will be scheduled for a conversation in the spring.
Campus Conversation: Deans of the College of Letters & Science
Join Executive Dean, Jennifer Johnson-Hanks, Dean Michael Botchan, Biological Sciences, De...
published: 03 Oct 2022
Play in Full Screen
College of Letters & Science Overview
View the "College of Letters and Science Overview" recording from UCSB's Virtual Open Hous...
published: 28 Apr 2021
Play in Full Screen
Meet the College of Letters and Science
At the College of Letters and Science, students write their own stories for making a bette...
published: 18 Mar 2021
Play in Full Screen
The College of Letters and Science at UC Davis
Education without boundaries for a life of boundless impact.
published: 26 Jul 2024
Play in Full Screen
Inside the College of Letters and Science
The rewarding academic experiences. A warm and welcoming community like no other. Students...
published: 21 Dec 2020
Play in Full Screen
College of Letters and Science
Intersectional feminist and fierce advocate Akshita Gandra (Cognitive Science, Senior, Fre...
published: 30 Sep 2021
Play in Full Screen
Life at the College of Letters and Science at UC Davis
published: 24 Oct 2024
Play in Full Screen
College of Letters and Science Overview and Student Panel
Learn all about UC Berkeley's College of Letters and Science from current students in this...
published: 15 Feb 2022
Play in Full Screen
Ask Us Anything: College Applications
Have last-minute questions before you apply to college this fall? In this panel discussion...
published: 29 Oct 2024
Play in Full Screen
College of Letters and Science Info Session and Panel (for transfer students) - May 18, 2021
Join Claire Waters, professor and faculty advisor to the dean; Mark Reyes, assistant direc...
published: 11 Jun 2021
Play in Full Screen
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