Is Tretinoin the BEST Treatment For Acne? | Dr Sam Bunting
One of the oldest retinoids but still one of the best and certainly the most studied as it’s been used in dermatology since the 1960s. Retinoids are central to the treatment of acne because of their multi-pronged attack on the acne pathway. Perhaps most importantly, is their ability to target the micro-comedone - the precursor of all acne lesions, hence the importance of retinoids in preventing disease relapse.
How to find me:
**SHOP DR SAM'S SKINCARE ➯ https://bit.ly/3gEHfyt
** Take CHARGE of your skin with Dr Sam's exclusive cheatsheets including her Secrets to Retinoid Happiness pdf and EXCLUSIVE acne video content which you can access by signing up here!!! https://bit.ly/2IUFNfBdrsambunting
Blog post ➯ https://bit.ly/37YpFDI
Find YOUR Dr Sam System with our Routine Finder ➯ htt...
published: 29 Oct 2020
Top Tretinoin Tips! 5 Ways To Use Tretinoin Without Irritation!
My Top 5 Hacks for Avoiding Irritation & Peeling with Tretinoin! Beginners Guide! Thanks for Watching!
⬇️ Click SHOW MORE ⬇️ Shopping Links Below
Sign up for custom skincare by Agency with my link: http://withagen.cy/hotandflashy
SUBSCRIBE To My CHANNEL: http://bit.ly/2s1YyCV
Thank you Agency for sponsoring a portion of this video!
Shopping Links:
Agency: http://withagen.cy/hotandflashy (Only $4.95 shipping & handling).
Nice Lotions & Creams to “Sandwich” With:
CeraVe PM Moisturizing Lotion: http://bit.ly/1ncjnG7 (Ulta), http://bit.ly/1SQbEe5 (Amazon), https://bit.ly/2QKZpU8 (Walmart), https://bit.ly/3dDXFs3 (Target)
ELF Holy Hydration Cream: https://bit.ly/3Mo9ams (Ulta), https://amzn.to/3tr9lEH (Amazon)
Olay Regenerist Ultra Rich Moisturizer: https://bit.ly/39PvPY1 (Ulta), http...
published: 19 May 2023
how I got my dream skin *tretinoin*
pm tretinoin skincare routine OUT NOW:
thank you so much for watching, I hope my tips helped! let me know if you have any questions below xx
business inquires:
[email protected]
instagram: https://www.instagram.com/sagonialazarof/?hl=en
tik tok: https://www.tiktok.com/@sagonialazarof?lang=en
published: 03 Feb 2023
Tretinoin Nighttime Skin Care Routine #dermatologist @DrDrayzday
#skincareroutine #skincareproducts #skincareroutines #tretinoin #retinol
published: 01 May 2023
Where to start with Tretinoin and Retinol #shorts
published: 04 May 2023
Should you use Tretinoin? | Dr Davin Lim
Short contact therapy is the best to get started using potentially irritating formulations, such as; #retinol, #tretinoin, #adapalene, #tazarotene, #hydroquinone, & many others
😙Who should use? People with sensitive skin, this includes rosacea patients. If you have normal skin but would like to reduce chances of any irritation, SCT is a sensible option
👉How to use? Apply the product for 5 to 10 minutes then wash off. You can do it nightly or three times a week if you have super sensitive skin, or the topical is potentially super irritating
📈How to increase? Add 5-10 minutes every week or two. End point is to leave overnight. If you have any irritation, back off.
✍🏻Clinical indications: #acne, photodamage, photoaging, #melasma (hydroquinone) & many more
📖What do the papers say? ...
published: 06 Apr 2024
Hi Beauties! Today I am sharing 5 pro tips for Tretinoin or Retin-A users. These hacks will help maximize your results and help to prevent irritation during your Tretinoin journey. These tips are exceptionally great for beginners and I must admit, I wished I knew these tricks sooner! ▪️Links Below▪️
▪️Subscribe for more FREE Skincare & Beauty Tips: https://www.youtube.com/SincerelyMissAsh?sub_confirmation=1
▪️IG: https://www.instagram.com/sincerelymissash/
▪️TikTok: https://www.tiktok.com/@sincerelymissash
▪️Email (Business Inquiries Only): [email protected]
DRMTLGY 20% OFF Code: SINCERELYMISSASH https://www.drmtlgy.com/?ref=EUeKQQHDJnqt
TIMELESS 20% OFF Code: SINCERELYMISSASH ($16 minimum purchase) https://www.timelessha.com/sincerelymissash
published: 18 May 2023
Tretinoin 0.025% cream review
Guys the correct way to use tretinoin is
1.Wash your face with soap or facewash.
2.apply moisturizer.
3.Only P size tretinoin apply on your face.
Also use tretinoin alternate days.
Plz like,share and subscribe 🙏
published: 08 Jun 2024
RETINOL ANSWERS: Does Retinol Thin the Skin? Difference between retinol and tretinoin?
Today, we answer some of the internet's most asked retinol questions! #kiehlspartner
Shoutout to @Kiehl's @Kiehls @KiehlsNYC
for sponsoring this video and giving us another opportunity to talk about one of our favorite ingredients!
Kiehl's Fast Release Wrinkle-Reducing 0.3% Retinol Night Serum: https://bit.ly/3K5g3rR
0:00 Intro
1:40 Difference Between Retinol and Tretinoin?
2:42 What is Retinol Used For?
5:06 How to Start a Retinol?
6:36 Kiehl's New Retinol Serum
9:50 Does Retinol Thin Your Skin?
11:40 Can You Wax Your Eyebrows While Using Retinol?
12:45 How Long Does it Take to See Benefits From Retinol?
Disclaimer: This video is not intended to provide diagnosis, treatment, or medical advice. Content provided in this video is for educational purposes only. Please consult with a...
published: 02 Sep 2022
20 Year Results of Using Tretinoin
FTC: I am neither sponsored by nor affiliated with any of the brands or products featured and/or mentioned in this video. Products are linked in accordance w/the Amazon Associates Program Operating Agreement per Amazon.com Services LLC.
*Disclaimer: Content is for informational purposes only. You must consult a board-certified, licensed physician to obtain a tretinoin prescription and receive individualized treatment guidance in accordance with this drug. Never purchase prescription retinoids (or any other prescription drug for that matter) from any website.*
Twenty years ago I began using prescription-strength topical retinoids - tazarotene (Tazorac®) and tretinoin are the two I've tried; ultimately, I stuck w/tretinoin and have continued its usage to current day. Now, at 41, I couldn'...
published: 13 Jun 2023
Is Tretinoin the BEST Treatment For Acne? | Dr Sam Bunting
One of the oldest retinoids but still one of the best and certainly the most studied as it’s been used in dermatology since the 1960s. Retinoids are central to ...
One of the oldest retinoids but still one of the best and certainly the most studied as it’s been used in dermatology since the 1960s. Retinoids are central to the treatment of acne because of their multi-pronged attack on the acne pathway. Perhaps most importantly, is their ability to target the micro-comedone - the precursor of all acne lesions, hence the importance of retinoids in preventing disease relapse.
How to find me:
**SHOP DR SAM'S SKINCARE ➯ https://bit.ly/3gEHfyt
** Take CHARGE of your skin with Dr Sam's exclusive cheatsheets including her Secrets to Retinoid Happiness pdf and EXCLUSIVE acne video content which you can access by signing up here!!! https://bit.ly/2IUFNfBdrsambunting
Blog post ➯ https://bit.ly/37YpFDI
Find YOUR Dr Sam System with our Routine Finder ➯ https://bit.ly/2PkEiqr
Instagram ➯ https://bit.ly/3gxVaGw
Facebook ➯ https://bit.ly/39VSn7b
To continue the discussion of all things skincare, follow the link below to join my secret Skincare Club Facebook Group! https://bit.ly/39VSn7b
As always thank you so much for watching and for all your support!
Disclaimer: The content seen in this video is provided only for medical educational purposes and is not intended to be a substitute for professional medical advice, diagnosis, or treatment. Please seek professional help individually if you suffer from any dermatological condition. Due to the volume of patients seen in the clinic, and to the unique nature of skin, Dr Bunting is unable to respond to every query on these videos.
One of the oldest retinoids but still one of the best and certainly the most studied as it’s been used in dermatology since the 1960s. Retinoids are central to the treatment of acne because of their multi-pronged attack on the acne pathway. Perhaps most importantly, is their ability to target the micro-comedone - the precursor of all acne lesions, hence the importance of retinoids in preventing disease relapse.
How to find me:
**SHOP DR SAM'S SKINCARE ➯ https://bit.ly/3gEHfyt
** Take CHARGE of your skin with Dr Sam's exclusive cheatsheets including her Secrets to Retinoid Happiness pdf and EXCLUSIVE acne video content which you can access by signing up here!!! https://bit.ly/2IUFNfBdrsambunting
Blog post ➯ https://bit.ly/37YpFDI
Find YOUR Dr Sam System with our Routine Finder ➯ https://bit.ly/2PkEiqr
Instagram ➯ https://bit.ly/3gxVaGw
Facebook ➯ https://bit.ly/39VSn7b
To continue the discussion of all things skincare, follow the link below to join my secret Skincare Club Facebook Group! https://bit.ly/39VSn7b
As always thank you so much for watching and for all your support!
Disclaimer: The content seen in this video is provided only for medical educational purposes and is not intended to be a substitute for professional medical advice, diagnosis, or treatment. Please seek professional help individually if you suffer from any dermatological condition. Due to the volume of patients seen in the clinic, and to the unique nature of skin, Dr Bunting is unable to respond to every query on these videos.
- published: 29 Oct 2020
- views: 271317
Top Tretinoin Tips! 5 Ways To Use Tretinoin Without Irritation!
My Top 5 Hacks for Avoiding Irritation & Peeling with Tretinoin! Beginners Guide! Thanks for Watching!
⬇️ Click SHOW MORE ⬇️ Shopping Links Below
Sign up for c...
My Top 5 Hacks for Avoiding Irritation & Peeling with Tretinoin! Beginners Guide! Thanks for Watching!
⬇️ Click SHOW MORE ⬇️ Shopping Links Below
Sign up for custom skincare by Agency with my link: http://withagen.cy/hotandflashy
SUBSCRIBE To My CHANNEL: http://bit.ly/2s1YyCV
Thank you Agency for sponsoring a portion of this video!
Shopping Links:
Agency: http://withagen.cy/hotandflashy (Only $4.95 shipping & handling).
Nice Lotions & Creams to “Sandwich” With:
CeraVe PM Moisturizing Lotion: http://bit.ly/1ncjnG7 (Ulta), http://bit.ly/1SQbEe5 (Amazon), https://bit.ly/2QKZpU8 (Walmart), https://bit.ly/3dDXFs3 (Target)
ELF Holy Hydration Cream: https://bit.ly/3Mo9ams (Ulta), https://amzn.to/3tr9lEH (Amazon)
Olay Regenerist Ultra Rich Moisturizer: https://bit.ly/39PvPY1 (Ulta), https://amzn.to/3sLJsyq (Amazon), https://bit.ly/394AZyo (Target)
Vanicream Daily Facial Moisturizer: https://bit.ly/32ckTSf (Walmart), https://amzn.to/3ITJbS7 (Amazon)
Pacifica Vegan Ceramide Barrier Cream: https://bit.ly/3BuPMkN (Ulta), https://amzn.to/3CVkR11 (Amazon)
Best Creams to Help With Occasional Irritation:
Derma-E Eczema Relief Cream: https://bit.ly/2UWhjEY (Derma-E), https://amzn.to/375Kqvp (Amazon)
La Roche-Posay Cicaplast Baume B5 Intensive Cream: http://bit.ly/2tF3ddZ (Dermstore), http://bit.ly/2IyyHao (Target), https://amzn.to/2NbotQy (Amazon)
La Roche-Posay Lipikar Eczema Soothing Relief Cream: https://bit.ly/30mSchF (Dermstore), https://amzn.to/2Ggd9Ec (Amazon), https://bit.ly/2SjL4hH (Target)
Top: https://bit.ly/3ylMxc9
Necklaces: https://bit.ly/3ZXXvky, https://bit.ly/335XUDm
Rings: https://bit.ly/3TpPK32, https://bit.ly/2utPAS2
Watch: https://bit.ly/3EGI5YL
Band: https://amzn.to/3XwgZuE
Nail Polish:
MY AMAZON SHOP: https://www.amazon.com/shop/hotandflashy
MY CHANNEL: http://www.youtube.com/user/HotandFlashy
BLOG: http://www.hotandflashy.com
INSTAGRAM: http://instagram.com/angiehotandflashy
LIKETOKNOW.IT: https://www.liketoknow.it/angiehotandflashy
FACEBOOK: https://www.facebook.com/angie.hotandflashy
TWITTER: https://www.twitter.com/HotAndFlashy50
My Discount Codes
Sign up for custom skincare by Agency with my link: http://withagen.cy/hotandflashy
OmniLux Contour Face Mask, Neck & Chest Mask or Hand Mitt: https://bit.ly/3FRxRmV Use Code HF10 for 10% Off
Save 50% on Tao Clean Aura Orbital Face Brush System: Use code HotAndFlashy at http://bit.ly/HotAndFlashyFav
$5 Off at Timeless Skincare use this link: https://www.timelessha.com/discount/HOTANDFLASHY (discount automatically applied at checkout)
20% Off at DRMTLGY https://bit.ly/3cjLqPn with Code ANGIE20
20% Off at Colleen Rothschild Skincare: Use code FLASHY20 at http://bit.ly/2YvrbWl on any full priced item (can't be combined with other offers).
BK Beauty Brushes (Get 10% Off with Code ANGIE10): http://shrsl.com/21jc7
Today’s Makeup:
Undefined R&R Sun Serum SPF 50 PA++++: https://bit.ly/3Pm0lLw
NYX Matte Mineral Powder in Light/Medium: https://bit.ly/3Im1mS9 (Walmart), https://bit.ly/3qvHanu (Ulta)
Sephora Retractable Waterproof Eyeliner in "Matte Charcoal": https://bit.ly/34yyH8T
Sephora Collection Colorful Eyeliner in Fresh Mint: https://bit.ly/3mxYMzQ
CaliRay Come Hell or High Water Mascara: https://bit.ly/3GDonxD
All Rights Reserved © 2023, Hot & Flashy, LLC
FTC: A portion of this video is sponsored by Agency. All opinions are always 100% honest and my own. Links are affiliate links. If you click a link and buy something, I receive a commission for the sale. It doesn't cost you anything extra and you are free to use the link or not as you choose. If you do use my links, I appreciate your support.
My Top 5 Hacks for Avoiding Irritation & Peeling with Tretinoin! Beginners Guide! Thanks for Watching!
⬇️ Click SHOW MORE ⬇️ Shopping Links Below
Sign up for custom skincare by Agency with my link: http://withagen.cy/hotandflashy
SUBSCRIBE To My CHANNEL: http://bit.ly/2s1YyCV
Thank you Agency for sponsoring a portion of this video!
Shopping Links:
Agency: http://withagen.cy/hotandflashy (Only $4.95 shipping & handling).
Nice Lotions & Creams to “Sandwich” With:
CeraVe PM Moisturizing Lotion: http://bit.ly/1ncjnG7 (Ulta), http://bit.ly/1SQbEe5 (Amazon), https://bit.ly/2QKZpU8 (Walmart), https://bit.ly/3dDXFs3 (Target)
ELF Holy Hydration Cream: https://bit.ly/3Mo9ams (Ulta), https://amzn.to/3tr9lEH (Amazon)
Olay Regenerist Ultra Rich Moisturizer: https://bit.ly/39PvPY1 (Ulta), https://amzn.to/3sLJsyq (Amazon), https://bit.ly/394AZyo (Target)
Vanicream Daily Facial Moisturizer: https://bit.ly/32ckTSf (Walmart), https://amzn.to/3ITJbS7 (Amazon)
Pacifica Vegan Ceramide Barrier Cream: https://bit.ly/3BuPMkN (Ulta), https://amzn.to/3CVkR11 (Amazon)
Best Creams to Help With Occasional Irritation:
Derma-E Eczema Relief Cream: https://bit.ly/2UWhjEY (Derma-E), https://amzn.to/375Kqvp (Amazon)
La Roche-Posay Cicaplast Baume B5 Intensive Cream: http://bit.ly/2tF3ddZ (Dermstore), http://bit.ly/2IyyHao (Target), https://amzn.to/2NbotQy (Amazon)
La Roche-Posay Lipikar Eczema Soothing Relief Cream: https://bit.ly/30mSchF (Dermstore), https://amzn.to/2Ggd9Ec (Amazon), https://bit.ly/2SjL4hH (Target)
Top: https://bit.ly/3ylMxc9
Necklaces: https://bit.ly/3ZXXvky, https://bit.ly/335XUDm
Rings: https://bit.ly/3TpPK32, https://bit.ly/2utPAS2
Watch: https://bit.ly/3EGI5YL
Band: https://amzn.to/3XwgZuE
Nail Polish:
MY AMAZON SHOP: https://www.amazon.com/shop/hotandflashy
MY CHANNEL: http://www.youtube.com/user/HotandFlashy
BLOG: http://www.hotandflashy.com
INSTAGRAM: http://instagram.com/angiehotandflashy
LIKETOKNOW.IT: https://www.liketoknow.it/angiehotandflashy
FACEBOOK: https://www.facebook.com/angie.hotandflashy
TWITTER: https://www.twitter.com/HotAndFlashy50
My Discount Codes
Sign up for custom skincare by Agency with my link: http://withagen.cy/hotandflashy
OmniLux Contour Face Mask, Neck & Chest Mask or Hand Mitt: https://bit.ly/3FRxRmV Use Code HF10 for 10% Off
Save 50% on Tao Clean Aura Orbital Face Brush System: Use code HotAndFlashy at http://bit.ly/HotAndFlashyFav
$5 Off at Timeless Skincare use this link: https://www.timelessha.com/discount/HOTANDFLASHY (discount automatically applied at checkout)
20% Off at DRMTLGY https://bit.ly/3cjLqPn with Code ANGIE20
20% Off at Colleen Rothschild Skincare: Use code FLASHY20 at http://bit.ly/2YvrbWl on any full priced item (can't be combined with other offers).
BK Beauty Brushes (Get 10% Off with Code ANGIE10): http://shrsl.com/21jc7
Today’s Makeup:
Undefined R&R Sun Serum SPF 50 PA++++: https://bit.ly/3Pm0lLw
NYX Matte Mineral Powder in Light/Medium: https://bit.ly/3Im1mS9 (Walmart), https://bit.ly/3qvHanu (Ulta)
Sephora Retractable Waterproof Eyeliner in "Matte Charcoal": https://bit.ly/34yyH8T
Sephora Collection Colorful Eyeliner in Fresh Mint: https://bit.ly/3mxYMzQ
CaliRay Come Hell or High Water Mascara: https://bit.ly/3GDonxD
All Rights Reserved © 2023, Hot & Flashy, LLC
FTC: A portion of this video is sponsored by Agency. All opinions are always 100% honest and my own. Links are affiliate links. If you click a link and buy something, I receive a commission for the sale. It doesn't cost you anything extra and you are free to use the link or not as you choose. If you do use my links, I appreciate your support.
- published: 19 May 2023
- views: 293275
how I got my dream skin *tretinoin*
pm tretinoin skincare routine OUT NOW:
thank you so much for watching, I hope my tips helped! let me know if y...
pm tretinoin skincare routine OUT NOW:
thank you so much for watching, I hope my tips helped! let me know if you have any questions below xx
business inquires:
[email protected]
instagram: https://www.instagram.com/sagonialazarof/?hl=en
tik tok: https://www.tiktok.com/@sagonialazarof?lang=en
pm tretinoin skincare routine OUT NOW:
thank you so much for watching, I hope my tips helped! let me know if you have any questions below xx
business inquires:
[email protected]
instagram: https://www.instagram.com/sagonialazarof/?hl=en
tik tok: https://www.tiktok.com/@sagonialazarof?lang=en
- published: 03 Feb 2023
- views: 1700473
Should you use Tretinoin? | Dr Davin Lim
Short contact therapy is the best to get started using potentially irritating formulations, such as; #retinol, #tretinoin, #adapalene, #tazarotene, #hydroquinon...
Short contact therapy is the best to get started using potentially irritating formulations, such as; #retinol, #tretinoin, #adapalene, #tazarotene, #hydroquinone, & many others
😙Who should use? People with sensitive skin, this includes rosacea patients. If you have normal skin but would like to reduce chances of any irritation, SCT is a sensible option
👉How to use? Apply the product for 5 to 10 minutes then wash off. You can do it nightly or three times a week if you have super sensitive skin, or the topical is potentially super irritating
📈How to increase? Add 5-10 minutes every week or two. End point is to leave overnight. If you have any irritation, back off.
✍🏻Clinical indications: #acne, photodamage, photoaging, #melasma (hydroquinone) & many more
📖What do the papers say? Great treatment for acne in the context of retinoids. Favourable outcomes. Logic prevails that it is better to have someone on the skin for a short period of time, compared to a longer period of time just to get marked skin irritation (& not use it after)
Short contact therapy is the best to get started using potentially irritating formulations, such as; #retinol, #tretinoin, #adapalene, #tazarotene, #hydroquinone, & many others
😙Who should use? People with sensitive skin, this includes rosacea patients. If you have normal skin but would like to reduce chances of any irritation, SCT is a sensible option
👉How to use? Apply the product for 5 to 10 minutes then wash off. You can do it nightly or three times a week if you have super sensitive skin, or the topical is potentially super irritating
📈How to increase? Add 5-10 minutes every week or two. End point is to leave overnight. If you have any irritation, back off.
✍🏻Clinical indications: #acne, photodamage, photoaging, #melasma (hydroquinone) & many more
📖What do the papers say? Great treatment for acne in the context of retinoids. Favourable outcomes. Logic prevails that it is better to have someone on the skin for a short period of time, compared to a longer period of time just to get marked skin irritation (& not use it after)
- published: 06 Apr 2024
- views: 8612
Hi Beauties! Today I am sharing 5 pro tips for Tretinoin or Retin-A users. These hacks will help maximize your results and help to prevent irritation during you...
Hi Beauties! Today I am sharing 5 pro tips for Tretinoin or Retin-A users. These hacks will help maximize your results and help to prevent irritation during your Tretinoin journey. These tips are exceptionally great for beginners and I must admit, I wished I knew these tricks sooner! ▪️Links Below▪️
▪️Subscribe for more FREE Skincare & Beauty Tips: https://www.youtube.com/SincerelyMissAsh?sub_confirmation=1
▪️IG: https://www.instagram.com/sincerelymissash/
▪️TikTok: https://www.tiktok.com/@sincerelymissash
▪️Email (Business Inquiries Only):
[email protected]
DRMTLGY 20% OFF Code: SINCERELYMISSASH https://www.drmtlgy.com/?ref=EUeKQQHDJnqt
TIMELESS 20% OFF Code: SINCERELYMISSASH ($16 minimum purchase) https://www.timelessha.com/sincerelymissash
REVIV SERUMS 7% OFF Code: ASHLEY https://revivserums.com/ASHLEY
PALLURE 10% OFF Code: ASHLEY10 https://pallure.com/ASHLEY10
▪️MY EARRINGS: https://bit.ly/3HA9QVR
▪️MY EARRINGS: https://bit.ly/3I2Od0y
How to Use Tretinoin: https://youtu.be/pJYuGEfXRbc
My Morning Anti-Aging Skincare Routine: https://youtu.be/OEzppUCVwE4
My Nighttime Anti-Aging Skincare Routine: https://youtu.be/6HrL8-RLLt4
Steiva-A Tretinoin Cream 0.05% (Prescription)
The Ordinary Glycolipid Cream Cleanser: US: https://bit.ly/3IjX3Gy or CAD: https://bit.ly/3pKF6KN or UK: https://bit.ly/41Ue69i
Cocokind Oil to Milk Cleanser: US: https://bit.ly/3Z0jczt or CDN: (US LINK Ships to Canada): https://amzn.to/3EkxF1z
Aveeno Daily Moisturizing Facial Cleanser: US: https://amzn.to/3F6Yyqt or CDN: https://bit.ly/3wCyVIE
Paula's Choice Ultra Gentle Cleanser: US/CAD: https://bit.ly/3WpBU2P or UK: https://bit.ly/4122im9
Timeless B5 Hydration Serum: (20% OFF Discount Code: SINCERELYMISSASH) https://www.timelessha.com/sincerelymissash
The Ordinary Amino Acids + B5: US: https://bit.ly/3obrGah or CAD: https://bit.ly/3MDqVAp or UK: https://bit.ly/452cOvs
NIOD Modulating Glucosides: US: https://bit.ly/3oaqfJk or CAD: https://bit.ly/3ocoFGO or UK: https://bit.ly/3MAz5cF
Skinfix Barrier+ Triple Lipid + Collagen + Niacinamide Activating Serum: US: https://bit.ly/3Ih8zm7 or CAD: https://bit.ly/3Bzrd4G or UK: https://bit.ly/42Ks8vm
Glow Recipe Avocado Ceramide Recovery Serum: US: https://bit.ly/3lkgEhJ or CAD: https://bit.ly/3lnvKTs
Cocokind Ceramide Barrier Serum: US: https://bit.ly/3mUpqDg
Byoma Hydrating Serum: US: https://bit.ly/3ZpK78K or UK: https://bit.ly/3Jbv1hl
Skinfix Barrier+ Skin Barrier Niacinamide Restoring Gel Cream: US: https://bit.ly/459laS8 or CAD: https://bit.ly/3IlsrVe or UK: https://bit.ly/3IpO9Hx
La Roche Posay Cicaplast Baume B5: US: https://bit.ly/3WMxfIS or CAD: https://bit.ly/3Uc25sE or UK: https://bit.ly/3UeQCbU
The Ordinary Natural Moisturizing Factors + PhytoCeramides: US: https://bit.ly/40srEZE or CAD: https://bit.ly/3G2bjCx or UK: https://bit.ly/3obqJPf
Farmacy Honey Halo Ultra-Hydrating Ceramide Moisturizer: US: https://bit.ly/3qjpefH or CAD: https://bit.ly/42m7qC8
Summer Fridays Jet Leg Mask: US: https://bit.ly/3LzY5kb or CAD: https://bit.ly/3To0hx7
Lawless Shape Up Soft Fill Eyebrow Pencil (Blondie) US: https://bit.ly/3DwTAC9 or CAD: https://bit.ly/3JuEjFP
Charlotte Tilbury Beautiful Skin Foundation (2W): US: https://bit.ly/3HrgWLn or CAD: https://bit.ly/3oVIfXW or UK:
Makeup By Mario Shaping Stick (Light-Medium): US: https://bit.ly/3zWcFvj or CAD: https://bit.ly/425wFaU
Rare Beauty Soft Pinch Liquid Blush (Worth): US: https://bit.ly/3vRe7gE or CAD: https://bit.ly/3GxhoXn or UK: https://bit.ly/3H7gTo6
Charlotte Tilbury Beautiful Skin Medium to Full Coverage Radiant Concealer (Shade 4): US: https://bit.ly/3DyKd5C or CAD: https://bit.ly/3qOifvc or UK: https://bit.ly/3Hrcyvc
Givenchy Prism Libre Finishing Setting Powder (Shade 3): US: https://bit.ly/3IOWZ2l or CAD: https://bit.ly/3YSqVzT or UK: https://bit.ly/3Kwap4p
Moondust Eyeshadow (Space Cowboy): US: https://bit.ly/428FLns or CDN: https://bit.ly/3LgZz0V or UK: https://bit.ly/3oTWcp2
Tarte Tartelette Toasted Eyeshadow Palette Eyeshadow Palette: US: https://bit.ly/3AZ6mrf or CAD: https://bit.ly/427KsOJ
Lancôme Lash Idôle Mascara: US: https://bit.ly/3JuJ1Bx or CAD: https://bit.ly/3JuX2zq
Anastasia Beverly Hills Brow Freeze: US: https://bit.ly/3vzRs5P or CAD: https://bit.ly/3y2EoqG or UK: https://bit.ly/40gw6uV
Charlotte Tilbury Pillow Talk Lip Liner: US: http://bit.ly/2UZA383 or CAD: http://bit.ly/2HziIee
Rare Beauty Soft Pinch Tinted Lip Oil (Hope): US: https://bit.ly/3zSDpgl or CDN: https://bit.ly/3mEZgEK or UK: https://bit.ly/3GHuL7Z
Music is from Epidemic Sound: https://www.epidemicsound.com/track/ZpOrhCM6nN/
This video is not sponsored and some links are affiliate links where I earn a commission.
Hi Beauties! Today I am sharing 5 pro tips for Tretinoin or Retin-A users. These hacks will help maximize your results and help to prevent irritation during your Tretinoin journey. These tips are exceptionally great for beginners and I must admit, I wished I knew these tricks sooner! ▪️Links Below▪️
▪️Subscribe for more FREE Skincare & Beauty Tips: https://www.youtube.com/SincerelyMissAsh?sub_confirmation=1
▪️IG: https://www.instagram.com/sincerelymissash/
▪️TikTok: https://www.tiktok.com/@sincerelymissash
▪️Email (Business Inquiries Only):
[email protected]
DRMTLGY 20% OFF Code: SINCERELYMISSASH https://www.drmtlgy.com/?ref=EUeKQQHDJnqt
TIMELESS 20% OFF Code: SINCERELYMISSASH ($16 minimum purchase) https://www.timelessha.com/sincerelymissash
REVIV SERUMS 7% OFF Code: ASHLEY https://revivserums.com/ASHLEY
PALLURE 10% OFF Code: ASHLEY10 https://pallure.com/ASHLEY10
▪️MY EARRINGS: https://bit.ly/3HA9QVR
▪️MY EARRINGS: https://bit.ly/3I2Od0y
How to Use Tretinoin: https://youtu.be/pJYuGEfXRbc
My Morning Anti-Aging Skincare Routine: https://youtu.be/OEzppUCVwE4
My Nighttime Anti-Aging Skincare Routine: https://youtu.be/6HrL8-RLLt4
Steiva-A Tretinoin Cream 0.05% (Prescription)
The Ordinary Glycolipid Cream Cleanser: US: https://bit.ly/3IjX3Gy or CAD: https://bit.ly/3pKF6KN or UK: https://bit.ly/41Ue69i
Cocokind Oil to Milk Cleanser: US: https://bit.ly/3Z0jczt or CDN: (US LINK Ships to Canada): https://amzn.to/3EkxF1z
Aveeno Daily Moisturizing Facial Cleanser: US: https://amzn.to/3F6Yyqt or CDN: https://bit.ly/3wCyVIE
Paula's Choice Ultra Gentle Cleanser: US/CAD: https://bit.ly/3WpBU2P or UK: https://bit.ly/4122im9
Timeless B5 Hydration Serum: (20% OFF Discount Code: SINCERELYMISSASH) https://www.timelessha.com/sincerelymissash
The Ordinary Amino Acids + B5: US: https://bit.ly/3obrGah or CAD: https://bit.ly/3MDqVAp or UK: https://bit.ly/452cOvs
NIOD Modulating Glucosides: US: https://bit.ly/3oaqfJk or CAD: https://bit.ly/3ocoFGO or UK: https://bit.ly/3MAz5cF
Skinfix Barrier+ Triple Lipid + Collagen + Niacinamide Activating Serum: US: https://bit.ly/3Ih8zm7 or CAD: https://bit.ly/3Bzrd4G or UK: https://bit.ly/42Ks8vm
Glow Recipe Avocado Ceramide Recovery Serum: US: https://bit.ly/3lkgEhJ or CAD: https://bit.ly/3lnvKTs
Cocokind Ceramide Barrier Serum: US: https://bit.ly/3mUpqDg
Byoma Hydrating Serum: US: https://bit.ly/3ZpK78K or UK: https://bit.ly/3Jbv1hl
Skinfix Barrier+ Skin Barrier Niacinamide Restoring Gel Cream: US: https://bit.ly/459laS8 or CAD: https://bit.ly/3IlsrVe or UK: https://bit.ly/3IpO9Hx
La Roche Posay Cicaplast Baume B5: US: https://bit.ly/3WMxfIS or CAD: https://bit.ly/3Uc25sE or UK: https://bit.ly/3UeQCbU
The Ordinary Natural Moisturizing Factors + PhytoCeramides: US: https://bit.ly/40srEZE or CAD: https://bit.ly/3G2bjCx or UK: https://bit.ly/3obqJPf
Farmacy Honey Halo Ultra-Hydrating Ceramide Moisturizer: US: https://bit.ly/3qjpefH or CAD: https://bit.ly/42m7qC8
Summer Fridays Jet Leg Mask: US: https://bit.ly/3LzY5kb or CAD: https://bit.ly/3To0hx7
Lawless Shape Up Soft Fill Eyebrow Pencil (Blondie) US: https://bit.ly/3DwTAC9 or CAD: https://bit.ly/3JuEjFP
Charlotte Tilbury Beautiful Skin Foundation (2W): US: https://bit.ly/3HrgWLn or CAD: https://bit.ly/3oVIfXW or UK:
Makeup By Mario Shaping Stick (Light-Medium): US: https://bit.ly/3zWcFvj or CAD: https://bit.ly/425wFaU
Rare Beauty Soft Pinch Liquid Blush (Worth): US: https://bit.ly/3vRe7gE or CAD: https://bit.ly/3GxhoXn or UK: https://bit.ly/3H7gTo6
Charlotte Tilbury Beautiful Skin Medium to Full Coverage Radiant Concealer (Shade 4): US: https://bit.ly/3DyKd5C or CAD: https://bit.ly/3qOifvc or UK: https://bit.ly/3Hrcyvc
Givenchy Prism Libre Finishing Setting Powder (Shade 3): US: https://bit.ly/3IOWZ2l or CAD: https://bit.ly/3YSqVzT or UK: https://bit.ly/3Kwap4p
Moondust Eyeshadow (Space Cowboy): US: https://bit.ly/428FLns or CDN: https://bit.ly/3LgZz0V or UK: https://bit.ly/3oTWcp2
Tarte Tartelette Toasted Eyeshadow Palette Eyeshadow Palette: US: https://bit.ly/3AZ6mrf or CAD: https://bit.ly/427KsOJ
Lancôme Lash Idôle Mascara: US: https://bit.ly/3JuJ1Bx or CAD: https://bit.ly/3JuX2zq
Anastasia Beverly Hills Brow Freeze: US: https://bit.ly/3vzRs5P or CAD: https://bit.ly/3y2EoqG or UK: https://bit.ly/40gw6uV
Charlotte Tilbury Pillow Talk Lip Liner: US: http://bit.ly/2UZA383 or CAD: http://bit.ly/2HziIee
Rare Beauty Soft Pinch Tinted Lip Oil (Hope): US: https://bit.ly/3zSDpgl or CDN: https://bit.ly/3mEZgEK or UK: https://bit.ly/3GHuL7Z
Music is from Epidemic Sound: https://www.epidemicsound.com/track/ZpOrhCM6nN/
This video is not sponsored and some links are affiliate links where I earn a commission.
- published: 18 May 2023
- views: 264448
Tretinoin 0.025% cream review
Guys the correct way to use tretinoin is
1.Wash your face with soap or facewash.
2.apply moisturizer.
3.Only P size tretinoin apply on your face.
Also use tre...
Guys the correct way to use tretinoin is
1.Wash your face with soap or facewash.
2.apply moisturizer.
3.Only P size tretinoin apply on your face.
Also use tretinoin alternate days.
Plz like,share and subscribe 🙏
Guys the correct way to use tretinoin is
1.Wash your face with soap or facewash.
2.apply moisturizer.
3.Only P size tretinoin apply on your face.
Also use tretinoin alternate days.
Plz like,share and subscribe 🙏
- published: 08 Jun 2024
- views: 76
RETINOL ANSWERS: Does Retinol Thin the Skin? Difference between retinol and tretinoin?
Today, we answer some of the internet's most asked retinol questions! #kiehlspartner
Shoutout to @Kiehl's @Kiehls @KiehlsNYC
for sponsoring this video and gi...
Today, we answer some of the internet's most asked retinol questions! #kiehlspartner
Shoutout to @Kiehl's @Kiehls @KiehlsNYC
for sponsoring this video and giving us another opportunity to talk about one of our favorite ingredients!
Kiehl's Fast Release Wrinkle-Reducing 0.3% Retinol Night Serum: https://bit.ly/3K5g3rR
0:00 Intro
1:40 Difference Between Retinol and Tretinoin?
2:42 What is Retinol Used For?
5:06 How to Start a Retinol?
6:36 Kiehl's New Retinol Serum
9:50 Does Retinol Thin Your Skin?
11:40 Can You Wax Your Eyebrows While Using Retinol?
12:45 How Long Does it Take to See Benefits From Retinol?
Disclaimer: This video is not intended to provide diagnosis, treatment, or medical advice. Content provided in this video is for educational purposes only. Please consult with a physician regarding any health-related diagnosis or treatment.
Today, we answer some of the internet's most asked retinol questions! #kiehlspartner
Shoutout to @Kiehl's @Kiehls @KiehlsNYC
for sponsoring this video and giving us another opportunity to talk about one of our favorite ingredients!
Kiehl's Fast Release Wrinkle-Reducing 0.3% Retinol Night Serum: https://bit.ly/3K5g3rR
0:00 Intro
1:40 Difference Between Retinol and Tretinoin?
2:42 What is Retinol Used For?
5:06 How to Start a Retinol?
6:36 Kiehl's New Retinol Serum
9:50 Does Retinol Thin Your Skin?
11:40 Can You Wax Your Eyebrows While Using Retinol?
12:45 How Long Does it Take to See Benefits From Retinol?
Disclaimer: This video is not intended to provide diagnosis, treatment, or medical advice. Content provided in this video is for educational purposes only. Please consult with a physician regarding any health-related diagnosis or treatment.
- published: 02 Sep 2022
- views: 378968
20 Year Results of Using Tretinoin
FTC: I am neither sponsored by nor affiliated with any of the brands or products featured and/or mentioned in this video. Products are linked in accordance w/t...
FTC: I am neither sponsored by nor affiliated with any of the brands or products featured and/or mentioned in this video. Products are linked in accordance w/the Amazon Associates Program Operating Agreement per Amazon.com Services LLC.
*Disclaimer: Content is for informational purposes only. You must consult a board-certified, licensed physician to obtain a tretinoin prescription and receive individualized treatment guidance in accordance with this drug. Never purchase prescription retinoids (or any other prescription drug for that matter) from any website.*
Twenty years ago I began using prescription-strength topical retinoids - tazarotene (Tazorac®) and tretinoin are the two I've tried; ultimately, I stuck w/tretinoin and have continued its usage to current day. Now, at 41, I couldn't be happier with my decision. It is why I'm excited to share my experience and results w/this product.
Tretinoin does not interfere with but rather *delays* the visible signs of aging (i.e. fine lines, wrinkles, dull & uneven tone, inconsistent texture, sagging skin/loss of firmness...) which is what makes it so remarkable. There is ~80% increase in collagen production in skin treated w/tretinoin. Additionally, the results are such that the longer you use it, the better the results over time - I've now been using tretinoin for half my life, and I can attest to this!
If you've watched any of my skincare demos, you'll notice how low maintenance I am. I focus on efficacy of active ingredients (retinoid in the evening & titanium dioxide and/or zinc oxide, plus Vitamin C in the morning).
Consistent use of tretinoin has enabled me to spend very little time on my skin yet achieve these results. If I'm not filming myself and speaking while doing so, I spend ~5-6 min total per day, split between AM & PM, tending to my skin.
Above all I rely on simplicity & sustainability of routine (habit) so that I can remain consistent w/my skincare regimen for *life* and thus achieve max results w/minimal effort; at minimal cost, too. (It is also a tremendous time- and money-saver in that you can achieve "makeup-optional" skin.)
Overall I'm very satisfied with my results and so I wish to encourage people to explore this topical (noninvasive) treatment option.
Products mentioned:
Atralin® (tretinoin) Gel, 0.05% (avail. by prescription only)
Differin® Gel (adapalene 0.1%): https://amzn.to/3oEu6P3
Cetaphil Face Wash (Fragrance Free): https://amzn.to/3qd4qt6
CeraVe PM Facial Moisturizing Lotion: https://amzn.to/45zbvV4
Cetaphil Advanced Relief Lotion w/Shea Butter: https://amzn.to/3C8am9C
OLAY Regenerist Mineral SPF 30, Fragrance Free: https://amzn.to/3IQV2C7
Eucerin Daily Hydration Broad Spectrum SPF 30: https://amzn.to/3MJJjpR
Neutrogena Hydro Boost Broad Spectrum SPF 50: https://amzn.to/42jzYLn
Organic Castor Oil: https://amzn.to/3IOVDE4, https://amzn.to/43xfnEe
Vaseline Pure Petroleum Jelly: https://amzn.to/3WJa1DA
Vaseline Lip Therapy Original Mini (so cute): https://amzn.to/3N8u5wg
Aquaphor Healing Ointment: https://amzn.to/3N3CRLP
CeraVe Healing Ointment: https://amzn.to/3WNpRNS
On my face:
OLAY Regenerist Mineral SPF 30, Fragrance Free: https://amzn.to/3IQV2C7
Maybelline Hydrating Lip Gloss w/Hyaluronic Acid, Opal (Pink Neutral): https://amzn.to/43UMQZk
#JenniferMyers #skincare #tretinoin
FTC: I am neither sponsored by nor affiliated with any of the brands or products featured and/or mentioned in this video. Products are linked in accordance w/the Amazon Associates Program Operating Agreement per Amazon.com Services LLC.
*Disclaimer: Content is for informational purposes only. You must consult a board-certified, licensed physician to obtain a tretinoin prescription and receive individualized treatment guidance in accordance with this drug. Never purchase prescription retinoids (or any other prescription drug for that matter) from any website.*
Twenty years ago I began using prescription-strength topical retinoids - tazarotene (Tazorac®) and tretinoin are the two I've tried; ultimately, I stuck w/tretinoin and have continued its usage to current day. Now, at 41, I couldn't be happier with my decision. It is why I'm excited to share my experience and results w/this product.
Tretinoin does not interfere with but rather *delays* the visible signs of aging (i.e. fine lines, wrinkles, dull & uneven tone, inconsistent texture, sagging skin/loss of firmness...) which is what makes it so remarkable. There is ~80% increase in collagen production in skin treated w/tretinoin. Additionally, the results are such that the longer you use it, the better the results over time - I've now been using tretinoin for half my life, and I can attest to this!
If you've watched any of my skincare demos, you'll notice how low maintenance I am. I focus on efficacy of active ingredients (retinoid in the evening & titanium dioxide and/or zinc oxide, plus Vitamin C in the morning).
Consistent use of tretinoin has enabled me to spend very little time on my skin yet achieve these results. If I'm not filming myself and speaking while doing so, I spend ~5-6 min total per day, split between AM & PM, tending to my skin.
Above all I rely on simplicity & sustainability of routine (habit) so that I can remain consistent w/my skincare regimen for *life* and thus achieve max results w/minimal effort; at minimal cost, too. (It is also a tremendous time- and money-saver in that you can achieve "makeup-optional" skin.)
Overall I'm very satisfied with my results and so I wish to encourage people to explore this topical (noninvasive) treatment option.
Products mentioned:
Atralin® (tretinoin) Gel, 0.05% (avail. by prescription only)
Differin® Gel (adapalene 0.1%): https://amzn.to/3oEu6P3
Cetaphil Face Wash (Fragrance Free): https://amzn.to/3qd4qt6
CeraVe PM Facial Moisturizing Lotion: https://amzn.to/45zbvV4
Cetaphil Advanced Relief Lotion w/Shea Butter: https://amzn.to/3C8am9C
OLAY Regenerist Mineral SPF 30, Fragrance Free: https://amzn.to/3IQV2C7
Eucerin Daily Hydration Broad Spectrum SPF 30: https://amzn.to/3MJJjpR
Neutrogena Hydro Boost Broad Spectrum SPF 50: https://amzn.to/42jzYLn
Organic Castor Oil: https://amzn.to/3IOVDE4, https://amzn.to/43xfnEe
Vaseline Pure Petroleum Jelly: https://amzn.to/3WJa1DA
Vaseline Lip Therapy Original Mini (so cute): https://amzn.to/3N8u5wg
Aquaphor Healing Ointment: https://amzn.to/3N3CRLP
CeraVe Healing Ointment: https://amzn.to/3WNpRNS
On my face:
OLAY Regenerist Mineral SPF 30, Fragrance Free: https://amzn.to/3IQV2C7
Maybelline Hydrating Lip Gloss w/Hyaluronic Acid, Opal (Pink Neutral): https://amzn.to/43UMQZk
#JenniferMyers #skincare #tretinoin
- published: 13 Jun 2023
- views: 463807