Bacteria engage in horizontal, or lateral, gene transfer, meaning that genes are exchanged between cells of the same generation. In contrast, vertical gene transfer occurs when parents pass genes to their progeny. The three methods of horizontal gene transfer that bacteria employ are conjugation, transformation, and transduction, with conjugation being the most common. Transformation and transduction typically take place between bacteria of the same or closely-related species. Conjugation is encoded by plasmids or transposons. Plasmids are circular DNA sections that replicate independently of chromosomes. Transposons, also known as transposable elements, or jumping genes, are mobile sections of DNA that can move within or between genomes. Conjugation with plasmids is more common than conju...
published: 13 Jun 2021
Transformation, Transduction and Conjugation (Horizontal Gene Transfer in Bacteria)
Hey Friends,
Transformation, Conjugation and Transduction are ways of bacteria to transfer genetic material horizontally. Transformation is the uptake of free genetic material. Conjugation is exchange of DNA via cell-cell contact and Transduction is gene transfer via a viral vector. In the lab, we use Heat-shock transformation to make bacteria competent to take up plasmid DNA or we use lentiviral transduction (Lentivirus) to integrate genes in the genome of eukaryotic cells.
Bacterial Transformation:
published: 12 Apr 2021
Genetics - The Transforming Principle - Lesson 12 | Don't Memorise
The proof of Chromosomal Theory of Inheritance and Morgan's experiment opened new doors for scientists all over. Now that people understood the concept of Heredity better, the entire focus was shifted to find out what the nature of the genetic material could be. Meanwhile, a British Bacteriologist named Frederick Griffith came up with his famous "Transformation Experiment" which made an amazing impact on the scientific world. Want to know what exactly the experiment was? Watch this video to find out!
✅To access all videos related to Genetics, enroll in our full course now: https://infinitylearn.com/microcourses?utm_source=youtube&utm_medium=Soical&utm_campaign=DM&utm_content=0QjVnJ7H198&utm_term=%7Bkeyword%7D
In this video, we will learn:
0:00 Introduction
00:34 chemical nature of genet...
published: 08 Apr 2019
Bacterial transformation
This video explains the principle behind the bacterial transformation
published: 31 Jul 2019
Vectors and Transformation - Genetic Engineering Pt2 - A Level Biology
published: 11 Nov 2021
Transformation, Conjugation, Transposition and Transduction
Bacterial genetics is the study of the genetic material and mechanisms that govern the inheritance, variation, and expression of traits in bacteria. Bacteria are single-celled microorganisms that possess a relatively simple yet highly efficient genetic system. Understanding bacterial genetics is essential not only for deciphering the fundamental principles of genetics but also for applications in fields such as medicine, biotechnology, and environmental science.
Here are some key concepts in bacterial genetics:
1. Chromosomes: Bacterial cells typically have a single, circular chromosome located in the nucleoid region. This chromosome carries the essential genetic information required for the bacterium's survival and growth.
2. Plasmids: Plasmids are small, circular pieces of DNA that ca...
published: 28 Feb 2018
Horizontal gene transfer | Transformation, Transduction and Conjugation
Transformation, Transduction and Conjugation - This lecture explains about the difference between conjugation, transformation and transduction. It explains the process of gene exchange between bacteria via horizontal gene transfer also known as lateral gene transfer.
Conjugation - gene exchange between bacteria by physical contact through the formation of conjugation tube.
Transformation - the transfer of DNA fragments through bacterial uptake
Transduction - the transfer of genes through the bacteriophage particles.
Transformation involves uptake of short fragments of naked DNA by naturally transformable bacteria. Transduction involves transfer of DNA from one bacterium into another via bacteriophages. Conjugation involves transfer of DNA via sexual pilus and requires cell –to-cell co...
published: 16 May 2016
Transformation is a type of horizontal gene transfer
published: 12 Oct 2021
Bacteria engage in horizontal, or lateral, gene transfer, meaning that genes are exchanged between cells of the same generation. In contrast, vertical gene tran...
Bacteria engage in horizontal, or lateral, gene transfer, meaning that genes are exchanged between cells of the same generation. In contrast, vertical gene transfer occurs when parents pass genes to their progeny. The three methods of horizontal gene transfer that bacteria employ are conjugation, transformation, and transduction, with conjugation being the most common. Transformation and transduction typically take place between bacteria of the same or closely-related species. Conjugation is encoded by plasmids or transposons. Plasmids are circular DNA sections that replicate independently of chromosomes. Transposons, also known as transposable elements, or jumping genes, are mobile sections of DNA that can move within or between genomes. Conjugation with plasmids is more common than conjugation with transposons. Conjugation requires direct cell-cell contact. A conjugative plasmid or conjugative transposon is self-transmissible – in other words, it has all the genes need to connect with another bacterium and transmit itself to another bacterium via conjugation. We still don’t know how the majority of gram-positive bacteria achieve the intimate association of cell surfaces required, however, in gram-negative bacteria, this typically involves a conjugation pilus, also known as an F pilus, or a sex pilus. The conjugation pilus binds the other bacterium, then retracts to pull the two cells together. Once a bridge is formed with an opening between the two bacteria, they are now called a “mating pair”. A nuclease breaks one strand of the plasmid DNA at the oriT, or origin of transfer site. The nicked strand enters the other bacterium while the other strand remains behind in the donor. They can now both produce a complementary copy of the plasmid so the DNA is double stranded again. Now each bacterium has a copy of the plasmid and both can make a conjugation pilus! Note that in a population of bacteria in which some have a conjugative plasmid and others do not, eventually all cells will acquire a conjugative plasmid. The enzyme transposase catalyzes cutting and resealing of DNA during transposition. Note that once mating pairs are formed by conjugative plasmids or transposons, this also allows nonconjugative transposons and plasmids to be transferred to another bacterium. Transformation occurs when bacteria take up extracellular DNA and incorporate it into their genomes. Typically, this occurs when one bacteria lyses, or splits open, releasing its genetic contents, and then another bacteria comes by and acquires it. Bacteria able to bind large amounts of DNA are termed “competent”. Competency is a state of increased cell wall and cell membrane permeability that allows cells to uptake DNA. Many bacteria are naturally competent, and so actively bind environmental DNA. After transport into their cytoplasm, the bacterium can incorporate the new DNA into its genome through the process of “recombination”. Recombination is the rearrangement of donor and recipient genomes into new, hybrid genomes. This can result in new phenotypes – for example, the bacteria can acquire pathogenicity or antibiotic resistance. Some competent bacteria actually kill noncompetent bacteria to release DNA for transformation! Transduction occurs when DNA is transferred from one cell to another by a bacteriophage – a type of virus that infects bacteria. Viruses cannot replicate on their own – they are obligate parasites that rely on host machinery. Many bacteriophages can switch between a state of lysogeny and a lytic cycle. When the bacteriophage is in a state of lysogeny, the virus combines its genome with the bacterial chromosome. The viral genome hangs out there for many generations as the bacterium replicates. When induction occurs, the virus switches to the lytic cycle. The cell becomes a virus-producing factory until it gets so full of virus that it lyses, or bursts open, releasing virus particles into its surroundings. There are two kinds of transduction – generalized and specialized. During generalized transduction, the phage capsid accidentally assembles around a fragment of bacterial DNA or a plasmid. When the assembled viral particle infects a new bacterium, it injects its previous host’s DNA into its new host. Specialized transduction occurs during the lysogenic life cycle of the virus. Incorrect excision of DNA during induction results in a fragment of bacterial DNA being picked up instead of a part of the viral genome, which then stays in the bacterial nucleoid. Now, the bacterial DNA replicates as part of the bacteriophage genome, is packaged into phage capsids, and is injected into new bacteria. Horizontal gene transfer, along with mutations, allows bacteria to achieve genetic diversity. Mutation is a slow process, and most mutations are harmful or neutral, not beneficial to the bacterium. Meanwhile, horizontal gene transfer is a rapid way to acquire large chunks of DNA from another bacterium all at once.
Bacteria engage in horizontal, or lateral, gene transfer, meaning that genes are exchanged between cells of the same generation. In contrast, vertical gene transfer occurs when parents pass genes to their progeny. The three methods of horizontal gene transfer that bacteria employ are conjugation, transformation, and transduction, with conjugation being the most common. Transformation and transduction typically take place between bacteria of the same or closely-related species. Conjugation is encoded by plasmids or transposons. Plasmids are circular DNA sections that replicate independently of chromosomes. Transposons, also known as transposable elements, or jumping genes, are mobile sections of DNA that can move within or between genomes. Conjugation with plasmids is more common than conjugation with transposons. Conjugation requires direct cell-cell contact. A conjugative plasmid or conjugative transposon is self-transmissible – in other words, it has all the genes need to connect with another bacterium and transmit itself to another bacterium via conjugation. We still don’t know how the majority of gram-positive bacteria achieve the intimate association of cell surfaces required, however, in gram-negative bacteria, this typically involves a conjugation pilus, also known as an F pilus, or a sex pilus. The conjugation pilus binds the other bacterium, then retracts to pull the two cells together. Once a bridge is formed with an opening between the two bacteria, they are now called a “mating pair”. A nuclease breaks one strand of the plasmid DNA at the oriT, or origin of transfer site. The nicked strand enters the other bacterium while the other strand remains behind in the donor. They can now both produce a complementary copy of the plasmid so the DNA is double stranded again. Now each bacterium has a copy of the plasmid and both can make a conjugation pilus! Note that in a population of bacteria in which some have a conjugative plasmid and others do not, eventually all cells will acquire a conjugative plasmid. The enzyme transposase catalyzes cutting and resealing of DNA during transposition. Note that once mating pairs are formed by conjugative plasmids or transposons, this also allows nonconjugative transposons and plasmids to be transferred to another bacterium. Transformation occurs when bacteria take up extracellular DNA and incorporate it into their genomes. Typically, this occurs when one bacteria lyses, or splits open, releasing its genetic contents, and then another bacteria comes by and acquires it. Bacteria able to bind large amounts of DNA are termed “competent”. Competency is a state of increased cell wall and cell membrane permeability that allows cells to uptake DNA. Many bacteria are naturally competent, and so actively bind environmental DNA. After transport into their cytoplasm, the bacterium can incorporate the new DNA into its genome through the process of “recombination”. Recombination is the rearrangement of donor and recipient genomes into new, hybrid genomes. This can result in new phenotypes – for example, the bacteria can acquire pathogenicity or antibiotic resistance. Some competent bacteria actually kill noncompetent bacteria to release DNA for transformation! Transduction occurs when DNA is transferred from one cell to another by a bacteriophage – a type of virus that infects bacteria. Viruses cannot replicate on their own – they are obligate parasites that rely on host machinery. Many bacteriophages can switch between a state of lysogeny and a lytic cycle. When the bacteriophage is in a state of lysogeny, the virus combines its genome with the bacterial chromosome. The viral genome hangs out there for many generations as the bacterium replicates. When induction occurs, the virus switches to the lytic cycle. The cell becomes a virus-producing factory until it gets so full of virus that it lyses, or bursts open, releasing virus particles into its surroundings. There are two kinds of transduction – generalized and specialized. During generalized transduction, the phage capsid accidentally assembles around a fragment of bacterial DNA or a plasmid. When the assembled viral particle infects a new bacterium, it injects its previous host’s DNA into its new host. Specialized transduction occurs during the lysogenic life cycle of the virus. Incorrect excision of DNA during induction results in a fragment of bacterial DNA being picked up instead of a part of the viral genome, which then stays in the bacterial nucleoid. Now, the bacterial DNA replicates as part of the bacteriophage genome, is packaged into phage capsids, and is injected into new bacteria. Horizontal gene transfer, along with mutations, allows bacteria to achieve genetic diversity. Mutation is a slow process, and most mutations are harmful or neutral, not beneficial to the bacterium. Meanwhile, horizontal gene transfer is a rapid way to acquire large chunks of DNA from another bacterium all at once.
- published: 13 Jun 2021
- views: 315014
Transformation, Transduction and Conjugation (Horizontal Gene Transfer in Bacteria)
Hey Friends,
Transformation, Conjugation and Transduction are ways of bacteria to transfer genetic material horizontally. Transformation is the uptake of free ...
Hey Friends,
Transformation, Conjugation and Transduction are ways of bacteria to transfer genetic material horizontally. Transformation is the uptake of free genetic material. Conjugation is exchange of DNA via cell-cell contact and Transduction is gene transfer via a viral vector. In the lab, we use Heat-shock transformation to make bacteria competent to take up plasmid DNA or we use lentiviral transduction (Lentivirus) to integrate genes in the genome of eukaryotic cells.
Bacterial Transformation:
Bacterial Conjugation:
Cool & Short Blog article:
0:00 Introduction
0:54 Transformation
2:43 Transduction
4:09 Conjugation
Hey Friends,
Transformation, Conjugation and Transduction are ways of bacteria to transfer genetic material horizontally. Transformation is the uptake of free genetic material. Conjugation is exchange of DNA via cell-cell contact and Transduction is gene transfer via a viral vector. In the lab, we use Heat-shock transformation to make bacteria competent to take up plasmid DNA or we use lentiviral transduction (Lentivirus) to integrate genes in the genome of eukaryotic cells.
Bacterial Transformation:
Bacterial Conjugation:
Cool & Short Blog article:
0:00 Introduction
0:54 Transformation
2:43 Transduction
4:09 Conjugation
- published: 12 Apr 2021
- views: 234657
Genetics - The Transforming Principle - Lesson 12 | Don't Memorise
The proof of Chromosomal Theory of Inheritance and Morgan's experiment opened new doors for scientists all over. Now that people understood the concept of Hered...
The proof of Chromosomal Theory of Inheritance and Morgan's experiment opened new doors for scientists all over. Now that people understood the concept of Heredity better, the entire focus was shifted to find out what the nature of the genetic material could be. Meanwhile, a British Bacteriologist named Frederick Griffith came up with his famous "Transformation Experiment" which made an amazing impact on the scientific world. Want to know what exactly the experiment was? Watch this video to find out!
✅To access all videos related to Genetics, enroll in our full course now: https://infinitylearn.com/microcourses?utm_source=youtube&utm_medium=Soical&utm_campaign=DM&utm_content=0QjVnJ7H198&utm_term=%7Bkeyword%7D
In this video, we will learn:
0:00 Introduction
00:34 chemical nature of genetic material
00:56 Fredrick Griffith - Transformation experiment
04:35 genetic material
5:40 Avery, MacLeod and McCarty - DNA molecules
To watch more Genetics videos, click here: https://bit.ly/GeneticsBasics_DMYT
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#Genetics #TransformingPrinciple #InfinityLearn
The proof of Chromosomal Theory of Inheritance and Morgan's experiment opened new doors for scientists all over. Now that people understood the concept of Heredity better, the entire focus was shifted to find out what the nature of the genetic material could be. Meanwhile, a British Bacteriologist named Frederick Griffith came up with his famous "Transformation Experiment" which made an amazing impact on the scientific world. Want to know what exactly the experiment was? Watch this video to find out!
✅To access all videos related to Genetics, enroll in our full course now: https://infinitylearn.com/microcourses?utm_source=youtube&utm_medium=Soical&utm_campaign=DM&utm_content=0QjVnJ7H198&utm_term=%7Bkeyword%7D
In this video, we will learn:
0:00 Introduction
00:34 chemical nature of genetic material
00:56 Fredrick Griffith - Transformation experiment
04:35 genetic material
5:40 Avery, MacLeod and McCarty - DNA molecules
To watch more Genetics videos, click here: https://bit.ly/GeneticsBasics_DMYT
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#Genetics #TransformingPrinciple #InfinityLearn
- published: 08 Apr 2019
- views: 316749
Bacterial transformation
This video explains the principle behind the bacterial transformation
This video explains the principle behind the bacterial transformation
This video explains the principle behind the bacterial transformation
- published: 31 Jul 2019
- views: 152672
Transformation, Conjugation, Transposition and Transduction
Bacterial genetics is the study of the genetic material and mechanisms that govern the inheritance, variation, and expression of traits in bacteria. Bacteria ar...
Bacterial genetics is the study of the genetic material and mechanisms that govern the inheritance, variation, and expression of traits in bacteria. Bacteria are single-celled microorganisms that possess a relatively simple yet highly efficient genetic system. Understanding bacterial genetics is essential not only for deciphering the fundamental principles of genetics but also for applications in fields such as medicine, biotechnology, and environmental science.
Here are some key concepts in bacterial genetics:
1. Chromosomes: Bacterial cells typically have a single, circular chromosome located in the nucleoid region. This chromosome carries the essential genetic information required for the bacterium's survival and growth.
2. Plasmids: Plasmids are small, circular pieces of DNA that can exist independently of the main bacterial chromosome. They often carry non-essential genes that can provide selective advantages to the bacteria, such as antibiotic resistance genes or genes involved in metabolic pathways.
3. Horizontal Gene Transfer: Bacteria have unique mechanisms for transferring genetic material between individual cells. Three main mechanisms of horizontal gene transfer are transformation (uptake of free DNA from the environment), transduction (transfer of DNA through bacteriophages), and conjugation (direct transfer of DNA between bacterial cells through a pilus).
4. Mutation: Bacteria can acquire genetic variation through mutations, which are changes in their DNA sequence. Mutations can occur spontaneously during DNA replication or can be induced by external factors like radiation, chemicals, or certain drugs.
5. Gene Expression: Bacteria tightly regulate the expression of their genes to respond to environmental cues and ensure efficient resource utilization. This involves processes such as transcription (copying DNA into RNA) and translation (using RNA to synthesize proteins).
6. Regulatory Elements: Bacterial genomes contain regions known as promoters and operators, which control gene expression by interacting with regulatory proteins. The lac operon in Escherichia coli is a classic example of a bacterial regulatory system.
7. Antibiotic Resistance: Bacterial genetics plays a crucial role in the development and spread of antibiotic resistance. Bacteria can acquire resistance genes through horizontal gene transfer, allowing them to survive exposure to antibiotics that would normally kill susceptible bacteria.
8. Genetic Engineering: Bacterial genetics has revolutionized biotechnology by enabling the manipulation of bacterial genomes for various purposes. Recombinant DNA technology involves inserting specific genes into bacterial cells to produce valuable proteins, such as insulin or enzymes used in industrial processes.
9. Genome Sequencing: The advent of DNA sequencing technology has facilitated the complete sequencing of bacterial genomes. This has led to insights into bacterial evolution, taxonomy, and the identification of potential drug targets.
10. Evolution and Adaptation: Bacteria have incredibly short generation times and high mutation rates, which contribute to their rapid evolution and adaptation to changing environments. This evolutionary process has resulted in the diverse array of bacterial species we observe today.
Bacterial genetics continues to be a vibrant field of research, with ongoing discoveries shedding light on the intricate mechanisms that govern bacterial traits, interactions, and evolution.
Bacterial genetics is the study of the genetic material and mechanisms that govern the inheritance, variation, and expression of traits in bacteria. Bacteria are single-celled microorganisms that possess a relatively simple yet highly efficient genetic system. Understanding bacterial genetics is essential not only for deciphering the fundamental principles of genetics but also for applications in fields such as medicine, biotechnology, and environmental science.
Here are some key concepts in bacterial genetics:
1. Chromosomes: Bacterial cells typically have a single, circular chromosome located in the nucleoid region. This chromosome carries the essential genetic information required for the bacterium's survival and growth.
2. Plasmids: Plasmids are small, circular pieces of DNA that can exist independently of the main bacterial chromosome. They often carry non-essential genes that can provide selective advantages to the bacteria, such as antibiotic resistance genes or genes involved in metabolic pathways.
3. Horizontal Gene Transfer: Bacteria have unique mechanisms for transferring genetic material between individual cells. Three main mechanisms of horizontal gene transfer are transformation (uptake of free DNA from the environment), transduction (transfer of DNA through bacteriophages), and conjugation (direct transfer of DNA between bacterial cells through a pilus).
4. Mutation: Bacteria can acquire genetic variation through mutations, which are changes in their DNA sequence. Mutations can occur spontaneously during DNA replication or can be induced by external factors like radiation, chemicals, or certain drugs.
5. Gene Expression: Bacteria tightly regulate the expression of their genes to respond to environmental cues and ensure efficient resource utilization. This involves processes such as transcription (copying DNA into RNA) and translation (using RNA to synthesize proteins).
6. Regulatory Elements: Bacterial genomes contain regions known as promoters and operators, which control gene expression by interacting with regulatory proteins. The lac operon in Escherichia coli is a classic example of a bacterial regulatory system.
7. Antibiotic Resistance: Bacterial genetics plays a crucial role in the development and spread of antibiotic resistance. Bacteria can acquire resistance genes through horizontal gene transfer, allowing them to survive exposure to antibiotics that would normally kill susceptible bacteria.
8. Genetic Engineering: Bacterial genetics has revolutionized biotechnology by enabling the manipulation of bacterial genomes for various purposes. Recombinant DNA technology involves inserting specific genes into bacterial cells to produce valuable proteins, such as insulin or enzymes used in industrial processes.
9. Genome Sequencing: The advent of DNA sequencing technology has facilitated the complete sequencing of bacterial genomes. This has led to insights into bacterial evolution, taxonomy, and the identification of potential drug targets.
10. Evolution and Adaptation: Bacteria have incredibly short generation times and high mutation rates, which contribute to their rapid evolution and adaptation to changing environments. This evolutionary process has resulted in the diverse array of bacterial species we observe today.
Bacterial genetics continues to be a vibrant field of research, with ongoing discoveries shedding light on the intricate mechanisms that govern bacterial traits, interactions, and evolution.
- published: 28 Feb 2018
- views: 369686
Horizontal gene transfer | Transformation, Transduction and Conjugation
Transformation, Transduction and Conjugation - This lecture explains about the difference between conjugation, transformation and transduction. It explains the ...
Transformation, Transduction and Conjugation - This lecture explains about the difference between conjugation, transformation and transduction. It explains the process of gene exchange between bacteria via horizontal gene transfer also known as lateral gene transfer.
Conjugation - gene exchange between bacteria by physical contact through the formation of conjugation tube.
Transformation - the transfer of DNA fragments through bacterial uptake
Transduction - the transfer of genes through the bacteriophage particles.
Transformation involves uptake of short fragments of naked DNA by naturally transformable bacteria. Transduction involves transfer of DNA from one bacterium into another via bacteriophages. Conjugation involves transfer of DNA via sexual pilus and requires cell –to-cell contact. DNA fragments that contain resistance genes from resistant donors can then make previously susceptible bacteria express resistance as coded by these newly acquired resistance genes.
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Thank you for watching
Transformation, Transduction and Conjugation - This lecture explains about the difference between conjugation, transformation and transduction. It explains the process of gene exchange between bacteria via horizontal gene transfer also known as lateral gene transfer.
Conjugation - gene exchange between bacteria by physical contact through the formation of conjugation tube.
Transformation - the transfer of DNA fragments through bacterial uptake
Transduction - the transfer of genes through the bacteriophage particles.
Transformation involves uptake of short fragments of naked DNA by naturally transformable bacteria. Transduction involves transfer of DNA from one bacterium into another via bacteriophages. Conjugation involves transfer of DNA via sexual pilus and requires cell –to-cell contact. DNA fragments that contain resistance genes from resistant donors can then make previously susceptible bacteria express resistance as coded by these newly acquired resistance genes.
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Remember Shomu’s Biology is created to spread the knowledge of life science and biology by sharing all this free biology lectures video and animation presented by Suman Bhattacharjee in YouTube. All these tutorials are brought to you for free. Please subscribe to our channel so that we can grow together. You can check for any of the following services from Shomu’s Biology-
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Thank you for watching
- published: 16 May 2016
- views: 306888