In logic, a three-valued logic (also trinary logic, trivalent, ternary, or trilean, sometimes abbreviated 3VL) is any of several many-valued logic systems in which there are three truth values indicating true, false and some indeterminate third value. This is contrasted with the more commonly known bivalent logics (such as classical sentential or Boolean logic) which provide only for true and false. Conceptual form and basic ideas were initially created by Jan Łukasiewicz and C. I. Lewis. These were then re-formulated by Grigore Moisil in an axiomatic algebraic form, and also extended to n-valued logics in 1945.
Representation of values
As with bivalent logic, truth values in ternary logic may be represented numerically using various representations of the ternary numeral system. A few of the more common examples are:
in balanced ternary, each digit has one of 3 values: −1, 0, or +1; these values may also be simplified to −, 0, +, respectively.
in the redundant binary representation, each digit can have a value of -1, 0, 0, or 1 (the value 0 has two different representations)
Program Verification via Three-Valued Logic Analysis
Software errors cost the US economy billions of dollars each year. According to reasonable estimates, a third of the cost can be saved through the use of enhanced tools for software quality. My dissertation addresses a key challenge in software verification: how to analyze programs that perform destructive manipulation of linked (or recursive) data structures. I applied the concept of abstraction refinement to the problem of automating shape analysis, static analysis that establishes properties of such programs. My thesis exposed a new connection between Machine Learning and program analysis--in particular, that Inductive Logic Programming (ILP) provides a key primitive for abstraction refinement. The techniques developed in my thesis have been implemented as extensions to the Three-V...
published: 06 Sep 2016
Three Value Logic
Career Sales Promo Video
published: 29 Feb 2008
Lecture 24: Three valued And Fuzzy Logic
See what happens if we deny the central claim of classical logic, that a proposition is either true or false. This step leads to new and useful types of reasoning called multi-valued logic and fuzzy logic. Wind up the course by considering where you've been and what logic is ultimately about.
published: 30 Jul 2022
Three or More Value Logic
Very good. R8 8/8.
published: 28 Sep 2015
NULL Values in SQL
See full Playlist at
00:00 Introduction
00:39 Sample Data
00:43 How to Test for NULL
01:44 How NOT to Test for NULL
02:07 NULL in DISTINCT, and Aggregates
04:10 3-Valued Logic
04:20 "Accept True" & Unknown
05:04 Equal or Not Equal NULL gives UNKNOWN
05:59 WHERE & HAVING treat Unknown as False
06:06 Recap - 5 Takeaways
06:59 The End
published: 25 Mar 2019
Replicating SQL's Three Value Logic System
This video uses T-SQL code to evaluate conditional logic statements against values of NULL. The video demonstrates SQL's three value logic system in which NULL values are treated differently than they otherwise would be under a two value logic system.
The video also covers: temporary tables, CASE, CREATE TABLE, DROP TABLE, INSERT INTO, and VALUES.
published: 19 Nov 2020
Kleene's Three-Valued Logic
The Wolfram Demonstrations Project contains thousands of free interactive visualizations, with new entries added daily.
This Demonstration presents a simple test for Kleene's three-valued logic. The values are: True, False, and Undefined (or Unknown or Undecided), with associated numerical values 1, 0, 1/2, respectively. The value of compound propositions is evaluated ac...
Contributed by: Izidor Hafner
Based on work by: Jon Barwise and John Etchemendy
published: 16 Jul 2009
Three Valued Logic | V Semester | CSE | Module 03 | DBMS | Session 01
Software errors cost the US economy billions of dollars each year. According to reasonable estimates, a third of the cost can be saved through the use of enhan...
Software errors cost the US economy billions of dollars each year. According to reasonable estimates, a third of the cost can be saved through the use of enhanced tools for software quality. My dissertation addresses a key challenge in software verification: how to analyze programs that perform destructive manipulation of linked (or recursive) data structures. I applied the concept of abstraction refinement to the problem of automating shape analysis, static analysis that establishes properties of such programs. My thesis exposed a new connection between Machine Learning and program analysis--in particular, that Inductive Logic Programming (ILP) provides a key primitive for abstraction refinement. The techniques developed in my thesis have been implemented as extensions to the Three-Valued Logic Analysis tool, or TVLA. They allowed the automatic verification of a number of interesting properties of programs that destructively manipulate singly- and doubly-linked lists, binary trees, and binary-search trees.
Software errors cost the US economy billions of dollars each year. According to reasonable estimates, a third of the cost can be saved through the use of enhanced tools for software quality. My dissertation addresses a key challenge in software verification: how to analyze programs that perform destructive manipulation of linked (or recursive) data structures. I applied the concept of abstraction refinement to the problem of automating shape analysis, static analysis that establishes properties of such programs. My thesis exposed a new connection between Machine Learning and program analysis--in particular, that Inductive Logic Programming (ILP) provides a key primitive for abstraction refinement. The techniques developed in my thesis have been implemented as extensions to the Three-Valued Logic Analysis tool, or TVLA. They allowed the automatic verification of a number of interesting properties of programs that destructively manipulate singly- and doubly-linked lists, binary trees, and binary-search trees.
See what happens if we deny the central claim of classical logic, that a proposition is either true or false. This step leads to new and useful types of reasoni...
See what happens if we deny the central claim of classical logic, that a proposition is either true or false. This step leads to new and useful types of reasoning called multi-valued logic and fuzzy logic. Wind up the course by considering where you've been and what logic is ultimately about.
See what happens if we deny the central claim of classical logic, that a proposition is either true or false. This step leads to new and useful types of reasoning called multi-valued logic and fuzzy logic. Wind up the course by considering where you've been and what logic is ultimately about.
See full Playlist at
00:00 Introduction
00:39 Sample Data
00:43 How to Test for NULL
See full Playlist at
00:00 Introduction
00:39 Sample Data
00:43 How to Test for NULL
01:44 How NOT to Test for NULL
02:07 NULL in DISTINCT, and Aggregates
04:10 3-Valued Logic
04:20 "Accept True" & Unknown
05:04 Equal or Not Equal NULL gives UNKNOWN
05:59 WHERE & HAVING treat Unknown as False
06:06 Recap - 5 Takeaways
06:59 The End
See full Playlist at
00:00 Introduction
00:39 Sample Data
00:43 How to Test for NULL
01:44 How NOT to Test for NULL
02:07 NULL in DISTINCT, and Aggregates
04:10 3-Valued Logic
04:20 "Accept True" & Unknown
05:04 Equal or Not Equal NULL gives UNKNOWN
05:59 WHERE & HAVING treat Unknown as False
06:06 Recap - 5 Takeaways
06:59 The End
This video uses T-SQL code to evaluate conditional logic statements against values of NULL. The video demonstrates SQL's three value logic system in which NULL ...
This video uses T-SQL code to evaluate conditional logic statements against values of NULL. The video demonstrates SQL's three value logic system in which NULL values are treated differently than they otherwise would be under a two value logic system.
The video also covers: temporary tables, CASE, CREATE TABLE, DROP TABLE, INSERT INTO, and VALUES.
This video uses T-SQL code to evaluate conditional logic statements against values of NULL. The video demonstrates SQL's three value logic system in which NULL values are treated differently than they otherwise would be under a two value logic system.
The video also covers: temporary tables, CASE, CREATE TABLE, DROP TABLE, INSERT INTO, and VALUES.
The Wolfram Demonstrations Project contains thousands of free interactive visualizations, with new e...
The Wolfram Demonstrations Project contains thousands of free interactive visualizations, with new entries added daily.
This Demonstration presents a simple test for Kleene's three-valued logic. The values are: True, False, and Undefined (or Unknown or Undecided), with associated numerical values 1, 0, 1/2, respectively. The value of compound propositions is evaluated ac...
Contributed by: Izidor Hafner
Based on work by: Jon Barwise and John Etchemendy
The Wolfram Demonstrations Project contains thousands of free interactive visualizations, with new entries added daily.
This Demonstration presents a simple test for Kleene's three-valued logic. The values are: True, False, and Undefined (or Unknown or Undecided), with associated numerical values 1, 0, 1/2, respectively. The value of compound propositions is evaluated ac...
Contributed by: Izidor Hafner
Based on work by: Jon Barwise and John Etchemendy
Software errors cost the US economy billions of dollars each year. According to reasonable estimates, a third of the cost can be saved through the use of enhanced tools for software quality. My dissertation addresses a key challenge in software verification: how to analyze programs that perform destructive manipulation of linked (or recursive) data structures. I applied the concept of abstraction refinement to the problem of automating shape analysis, static analysis that establishes properties of such programs. My thesis exposed a new connection between Machine Learning and program analysis--in particular, that Inductive Logic Programming (ILP) provides a key primitive for abstraction refinement. The techniques developed in my thesis have been implemented as extensions to the Three-Valued Logic Analysis tool, or TVLA. They allowed the automatic verification of a number of interesting properties of programs that destructively manipulate singly- and doubly-linked lists, binary trees, and binary-search trees.
See what happens if we deny the central claim of classical logic, that a proposition is either true or false. This step leads to new and useful types of reasoning called multi-valued logic and fuzzy logic. Wind up the course by considering where you've been and what logic is ultimately about.
See full Playlist at
00:00 Introduction
00:39 Sample Data
00:43 How to Test for NULL
01:44 How NOT to Test for NULL
02:07 NULL in DISTINCT, and Aggregates
04:10 3-Valued Logic
04:20 "Accept True" & Unknown
05:04 Equal or Not Equal NULL gives UNKNOWN
05:59 WHERE & HAVING treat Unknown as False
06:06 Recap - 5 Takeaways
06:59 The End
This video uses T-SQL code to evaluate conditional logic statements against values of NULL. The video demonstrates SQL's three value logic system in which NULL values are treated differently than they otherwise would be under a two value logic system.
The video also covers: temporary tables, CASE, CREATE TABLE, DROP TABLE, INSERT INTO, and VALUES.
The Wolfram Demonstrations Project contains thousands of free interactive visualizations, with new entries added daily.
This Demonstration presents a simple test for Kleene's three-valued logic. The values are: True, False, and Undefined (or Unknown or Undecided), with associated numerical values 1, 0, 1/2, respectively. The value of compound propositions is evaluated ac...
Contributed by: Izidor Hafner
Based on work by: Jon Barwise and John Etchemendy
In logic, a three-valued logic (also trinary logic, trivalent, ternary, or trilean, sometimes abbreviated 3VL) is any of several many-valued logic systems in which there are three truth values indicating true, false and some indeterminate third value. This is contrasted with the more commonly known bivalent logics (such as classical sentential or Boolean logic) which provide only for true and false. Conceptual form and basic ideas were initially created by Jan Łukasiewicz and C. I. Lewis. These were then re-formulated by Grigore Moisil in an axiomatic algebraic form, and also extended to n-valued logics in 1945.
Representation of values
As with bivalent logic, truth values in ternary logic may be represented numerically using various representations of the ternary numeral system. A few of the more common examples are:
in balanced ternary, each digit has one of 3 values: −1, 0, or +1; these values may also be simplified to −, 0, +, respectively.
in the redundant binary representation, each digit can have a value of -1, 0, 0, or 1 (the value 0 has two different representations)