var global_geo = jQuery('#forecast');
get_forecast_details(city, 4, global_geo, country);
function forecast_status(msg) {
function get_forecast_details(city, days_count, global_geo, country) {
global_geo.html('Loading forecast ...');
data: {
city: city,
report: 'daily'
dataType: 'jsonp',
url: 'https://upge.wn.com/api/upge/cheetah-photo-search/weather_forecast_4days',
success: function(data) {
if(!data) { text = ('weater data temporarily not available'); }
// loop through the list of weather info
weather_info = '';
var weather_day_loop = 0;
jQuery.each(data.list, function(idx, value) {
if (idx < 1) {
if (weather_day_loop >= days_count) {
return false;
weather = value.weather.shift()
clouds = value.clouds
d = new Date(value.dt*1000)
t = d.getMonth()+1 + '-' + d.getDate() + '-' + d.getFullYear()
moment.lang('en', {
calendar : {
lastDay : '[Yesterday]',
sameDay : '[Today]',
nextDay : '[Tomorrow]',
lastWeek : '[last] dddd',
nextWeek : 'dddd',
sameElse : 'L'
mobj = moment(value.dt*1000)
// skip today
if (t == today) {
tempC = parseInt(parseFloat(value.temp.day)-273.15)
tempF = parseInt(tempC*1.8+32)
today = t;
weather_day_loop += 1;
weather_info += '
6 Things You Didn't Know About Andrew the Disciple
FREE BOOK download: "10 Words that Will Change the Way You Read the Bible!" www.brandonrobbinsministry.com/
Andrew. He’s the brother of Simon Peter and….
Yah, that seems like basically all we know about him.
(That, and the fact that he gets a little moody in The Chosen.)
But is that all there is to know?
Well, in this video, I’m going to reveal to you 6 things you didn’t know about Andrew.
Intro: 00:00
Andrew looked like John the Baptist - 00:23
Andrew was more talented than Peter - 03:08
Andrew was especially close to Jesus - 08:44
Andrew knew Jesus before becoming his disciple - 11:40
Andrew was the "manly" disciple - 14:41
Andrew was trying to find his way - 16:25
published: 02 Mar 2022
Who Is Saint Andrew the Apostle? | The Catholic Saints Podcast
All of the saints had a story before they met Christ. For St. Andrew, he was a fisherman. Hearing the call of Christ, Andrew and his brother Peter left everything behind to follow Jesus. Join Dr. Ben Akers and Mary McGeehan as they discuss St. Andrew, his life, and the example he provides to all Christians.
▶ Learn more about the Saints on FORMED: https://bit.ly/3TTBPFF
▶ Sign Up for FORMED: https://bit.ly/3J290QZ
▶ Support this channel and the Augustine Institute on the Mission Circle: https://bit.ly/4cBdmfO
🔔 SUBSCRIBE FOR MORE: https://www.youtube.com/c/AugustineInstitute
▶ FACEBOOK: https://www.facebook.com/AugustineInst
▶ INSTA: https://www.instagram.com/augustineinst/
▶ FORMED FACEBOOK PAGE: https://www.facebook.com/FORMEDCatho...
published: 23 Oct 2023
The Story of Saint Andrew - Drive Thru History®: Ends of the Earth
The Story of Saint Andrew - Drive Thru History®: Ends of the Earth
"Ends of the Earth" is airing now on TBN! We'll be sharing exclusive clips and BTS from the show on our social media , so stay tuned as we travel the world...
Need more Drive Thru History content? Visit our website to subscribe and watch a full episode! https://www.drivethruhistory.com/subscribe/
Want on-demand curriculum to stream and work alongside all the Drive Thru History shows? http://drivethruhistoryadventures.com
published: 24 Feb 2020
Andrew the Apostle: A Brother Among Brothers – David Laton, D.Min. | BibleTalk.tv
This apostle, the first follower of Jesus, shows us the value of taking the gospel to those close to us. He, like his famous brother, Peter, grew to become fishers of men.
Subscribe to BibleTalk.tv:
Student Workbook:
Buy - https://www.amazon.com/dp/B09LGW5CDK
PDF - https://bibletalk.tv/twelve-were-chosen.workbook.pdf
Next lesson in this series:
About David Laton, D.Min.:
Twelve Were Chosen:
Support this Ministry:
#BibleTalk #BibleTalkTV
published: 01 Jul 2021
Story of Saint Andrew| English | Story of Saints
Watch the amazing story of saint Andrew today,
Andrew the Apostle also known as Saint Andrew and called in the Orthodox tradition the First-Called was a Christian Apostle and the brother of Saint Peter.
Stories of saints
This is a first of its kind you tube channel that is dedicated completely on the stories of the disciples of Jesus and teaches you the different saints across the globe who walked through the path of Jesus Christ, you can watch the stories of saints in malayalam and the channel covers the life stories, the hard paths that the saints have passed through in their way to saint hood, you can also watch the miracles and the truth that the saints teaches you through their life.
Please don't forget to share and subscribe.
Andrew the Apostle,Story of Saint Andrew,Story of S...
published: 28 Oct 2017
St Andrew the Apostle (30 November)
For more please visit http://veritascaritas.com/ & remember to say 3 Hail Marys for the priest
▶️ 1. Become a Channel Patron: https://www.patreon.com/SensusFidelium
▶️ 2. Visit the website https://www.sensusfidelium.us for Gueranger, Saint of the Day, Apologetics, Meditation by the Saints, Scripture Study and more.
▶️ 3. BitChute --- https://www.bitchute.com/channel/Sensus_Fidelium/
▶️ 4. Rumble --- https://rumble.com/c/c-298311
▶️ 5. My Catholic Tube - https://mycatholictube.com/videos/sensus-fidelium-channel/
▶️ 6. LBRY.tv --- https://lbry.tv/@SensusFidelium:c
▶️ 7. UGETube - https://videos.utahgunexchange.com/@Sensus%20Fidelium
▶️ 8. Pa...
published: 01 Dec 2020
The Apostle Andrew's Adventures
The Apostle Andrew was one of the first to follow Jesus, and was there for some the most well known parts of his ministry. But what happened top him after the Gospels? Let's find out.
Subscribe for more Theology and Beer based content: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCXME3bcB4OatqGMs48WD9-A?view_as=subscriber?sub_comfirmation=1
Follow me on Twitter for ramblings: https://twitter.com/CaskTheology
Check out my site for detailed ramblings: https://casktheology.wixsite.com/learn
Links for the Lazy:
published: 18 Jan 2021
Prayer to Saint Andrew the Apostle
Prayer to Saint Andrew the Apostle
#Jesus #Mary #Joseph #Saint #Prayer
Andrew was Saint Peter’s brother, and was called with him. “As [Jesus] was walking by the sea of Galilee, he saw two brothers, Simon who is now called Peter, and his brother Andrew, casting a net into the sea; they were fishermen. He said to them, ‘Come after me, and I will make you fishers of men.’ At once they left their nets and followed him” (Matthew 4:18-20).
John the Evangelist presents Andrew as a disciple of John the Baptist. When Jesus walked by one day, John said, “Behold, the Lamb of God.” Andrew and another disciple followed Jesus. “Jesus turned and saw them following him and said to them, ‘What are you looking for?’ They said to him, ‘Rabbi (which translated means Teacher), where ar...
published: 29 Nov 2022
The Story of Andrew | 12 Disciples of Jesus I Animated Bible Story | HolyTales Bible Stories
Old Holy tells kids animated Holy Tales from The Bible. The Holy Tales: Bible Stories is the channel that can teach your children about all Christian Bible stories through animations, songs, nursery rhymes in a fun joyful learning process. As a parent, you can trust our animated characters to keep your kids entertained and educated about Christianity. Discover timeless religious stories such as: The Garden of Eden, The Life of Jesus Christ, The Creation, Adam & Eve, The Old Testament, The Book of Genesis, Stories of Solomon, Stories about the Israelites, Stories of David, The Book of Samuel, Stories of Joseph, Stories of Jacob, Stories of Moses, The Book of Exodus as well as Christmas bedtime stories, singalongs, nursery rhymes by The Hippy Hoppy Show. We hope you enjoy our world of childr...
published: 28 May 2019
3 Things You Didn't Know about St. Andrew
The feast of St. Andrew is November 30. These 3 little-known facts about the great apostle might surprise you!
published: 29 Nov 2019
6 Things You Didn't Know About Andrew the Disciple
FREE BOOK download: "10 Words that Will Change the Way You Read the Bible!" www.brandonrobbinsministry.com/
FREE BOOK download: "10 Words that Will Change the Way You Read the Bible!" www.brandonrobbinsministry.com/
Andrew. He’s the brother of Simon Peter and….
Yah, that seems like basically all we know about him.
(That, and the fact that he gets a little moody in The Chosen.)
But is that all there is to know?
Well, in this video, I’m going to reveal to you 6 things you didn’t know about Andrew.
Intro: 00:00
Andrew looked like John the Baptist - 00:23
Andrew was more talented than Peter - 03:08
Andrew was especially close to Jesus - 08:44
Andrew knew Jesus before becoming his disciple - 11:40
Andrew was the "manly" disciple - 14:41
Andrew was trying to find his way - 16:25
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I will be helping to lead a trip to the HOLY LAND in February 2023, along with @TheSnipeLife and @NowLetsBeHonest
To learn more about the trip, you can find details here: https://mysnipesolutions.com/isreal-2023/
Register here: 👇 TYPE IN CODE: SNIPELIFE23
Wondering IS ISRAEL SAFE? Check out this video:
We have been invited to partner with ArtzaBox, which is a company that provides quarterly subscription boxes filled with items from different regions of the Holy Land. The items come from local vendors in the Holy Land and have been very helpful in supporting these businesses throughout the pandemic.
And if you'd like to subscribe, you can get 20% off by entering this Coupon Code (ARTZABRANDONROBBINS) at this link (https://www.artzabox.com/?rfsn=6115370.56454d)
and an EXTRA 10% on top of that if you sign up for an annual subscription.*
I've received some questions about how people can donate. I love being able to provide these videos for free. But I'm also so grateful for your support of this channel and the work we are doing to grow this ministry!
You can donate here:
N.B. Due to some IRS limitations, donations are not tax deductible.
SUBSCRIBE to get videos each week that will help you grow your relationship with Jesus and grow your church.
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And please leave COMMENTS below. I love to hear your thoughts about our videos, ideas for future videos, and ways I can be praying for you!
Photos courtesy of www.unsplash.com
#thechosen #thechosenseries #Jesus #thechosentv
@TheChosen @The Chosen
FREE BOOK download: "10 Words that Will Change the Way You Read the Bible!" www.brandonrobbinsministry.com/
Andrew. He’s the brother of Simon Peter and….
Yah, that seems like basically all we know about him.
(That, and the fact that he gets a little moody in The Chosen.)
But is that all there is to know?
Well, in this video, I’m going to reveal to you 6 things you didn’t know about Andrew.
Intro: 00:00
Andrew looked like John the Baptist - 00:23
Andrew was more talented than Peter - 03:08
Andrew was especially close to Jesus - 08:44
Andrew knew Jesus before becoming his disciple - 11:40
Andrew was the "manly" disciple - 14:41
Andrew was trying to find his way - 16:25
I will receive partial compensation through affiliate links. Affiliate links are marked with "*".
Other Links You Might Enjoy...
Email Me:
[email protected]
Get FREE Weekly Teachings in the Beyond the Words Community:
*Books I have found helpful in creating these videos:
I will be helping to lead a trip to the HOLY LAND in February 2023, along with @TheSnipeLife and @NowLetsBeHonest
To learn more about the trip, you can find details here: https://mysnipesolutions.com/isreal-2023/
Register here: 👇 TYPE IN CODE: SNIPELIFE23
Wondering IS ISRAEL SAFE? Check out this video:
We have been invited to partner with ArtzaBox, which is a company that provides quarterly subscription boxes filled with items from different regions of the Holy Land. The items come from local vendors in the Holy Land and have been very helpful in supporting these businesses throughout the pandemic.
And if you'd like to subscribe, you can get 20% off by entering this Coupon Code (ARTZABRANDONROBBINS) at this link (https://www.artzabox.com/?rfsn=6115370.56454d)
and an EXTRA 10% on top of that if you sign up for an annual subscription.*
I've received some questions about how people can donate. I love being able to provide these videos for free. But I'm also so grateful for your support of this channel and the work we are doing to grow this ministry!
You can donate here:
N.B. Due to some IRS limitations, donations are not tax deductible.
SUBSCRIBE to get videos each week that will help you grow your relationship with Jesus and grow your church.
Click the NOTIFICATION BELL so that you don't miss out when we release new videos each week.
And please leave COMMENTS below. I love to hear your thoughts about our videos, ideas for future videos, and ways I can be praying for you!
Photos courtesy of www.unsplash.com
#thechosen #thechosenseries #Jesus #thechosentv
@TheChosen @The Chosen
- published: 02 Mar 2022
- views: 69043
Who Is Saint Andrew the Apostle? | The Catholic Saints Podcast
All of the saints had a story before they met Christ. For St. Andrew, he was a fisherman. Hearing the call of Christ, Andrew and his brother Peter left everythi...
All of the saints had a story before they met Christ. For St. Andrew, he was a fisherman. Hearing the call of Christ, Andrew and his brother Peter left everything behind to follow Jesus. Join Dr. Ben Akers and Mary McGeehan as they discuss St. Andrew, his life, and the example he provides to all Christians.
▶ Learn more about the Saints on FORMED: https://bit.ly/3TTBPFF
▶ Sign Up for FORMED: https://bit.ly/3J290QZ
▶ Support this channel and the Augustine Institute on the Mission Circle: https://bit.ly/4cBdmfO
🔔 SUBSCRIBE FOR MORE: https://www.youtube.com/c/AugustineInstitute
▶ FACEBOOK: https://www.facebook.com/AugustineInst
▶ INSTA: https://www.instagram.com/augustineinst/
▶ FORMED FACEBOOK PAGE: https://www.facebook.com/FORMEDCatholic
All of the saints had a story before they met Christ. For St. Andrew, he was a fisherman. Hearing the call of Christ, Andrew and his brother Peter left everything behind to follow Jesus. Join Dr. Ben Akers and Mary McGeehan as they discuss St. Andrew, his life, and the example he provides to all Christians.
▶ Learn more about the Saints on FORMED: https://bit.ly/3TTBPFF
▶ Sign Up for FORMED: https://bit.ly/3J290QZ
▶ Support this channel and the Augustine Institute on the Mission Circle: https://bit.ly/4cBdmfO
🔔 SUBSCRIBE FOR MORE: https://www.youtube.com/c/AugustineInstitute
▶ FACEBOOK: https://www.facebook.com/AugustineInst
▶ INSTA: https://www.instagram.com/augustineinst/
▶ FORMED FACEBOOK PAGE: https://www.facebook.com/FORMEDCatholic
- published: 23 Oct 2023
- views: 3982
The Story of Saint Andrew - Drive Thru History®: Ends of the Earth
The Story of Saint Andrew - Drive Thru History®: Ends of the Earth
"Ends of the Earth" is airing now on TBN! We'll be sharing exclusive clips and BTS from the ...
The Story of Saint Andrew - Drive Thru History®: Ends of the Earth
"Ends of the Earth" is airing now on TBN! We'll be sharing exclusive clips and BTS from the show on our social media , so stay tuned as we travel the world...
Need more Drive Thru History content? Visit our website to subscribe and watch a full episode! https://www.drivethruhistory.com/subscribe/
Want on-demand curriculum to stream and work alongside all the Drive Thru History shows? http://drivethruhistoryadventures.com
The Story of Saint Andrew - Drive Thru History®: Ends of the Earth
"Ends of the Earth" is airing now on TBN! We'll be sharing exclusive clips and BTS from the show on our social media , so stay tuned as we travel the world...
Need more Drive Thru History content? Visit our website to subscribe and watch a full episode! https://www.drivethruhistory.com/subscribe/
Want on-demand curriculum to stream and work alongside all the Drive Thru History shows? http://drivethruhistoryadventures.com
- published: 24 Feb 2020
- views: 44194
Andrew the Apostle: A Brother Among Brothers – David Laton, D.Min. | BibleTalk.tv
This apostle, the first follower of Jesus, shows us the value of taking the gospel to those close to us. He, like his famous brother, Peter, grew to become fish...
This apostle, the first follower of Jesus, shows us the value of taking the gospel to those close to us. He, like his famous brother, Peter, grew to become fishers of men.
Subscribe to BibleTalk.tv:
Student Workbook:
Buy - https://www.amazon.com/dp/B09LGW5CDK
PDF - https://bibletalk.tv/twelve-were-chosen.workbook.pdf
Next lesson in this series:
About David Laton, D.Min.:
Twelve Were Chosen:
Support this Ministry:
#BibleTalk #BibleTalkTV
This apostle, the first follower of Jesus, shows us the value of taking the gospel to those close to us. He, like his famous brother, Peter, grew to become fishers of men.
Subscribe to BibleTalk.tv:
Student Workbook:
Buy - https://www.amazon.com/dp/B09LGW5CDK
PDF - https://bibletalk.tv/twelve-were-chosen.workbook.pdf
Next lesson in this series:
About David Laton, D.Min.:
Twelve Were Chosen:
Support this Ministry:
#BibleTalk #BibleTalkTV
- published: 01 Jul 2021
- views: 6306
Story of Saint Andrew| English | Story of Saints
Watch the amazing story of saint Andrew today,
Andrew the Apostle also known as Saint Andrew and called in the Orthodox tradition the First-Called was a Chris...
Watch the amazing story of saint Andrew today,
Andrew the Apostle also known as Saint Andrew and called in the Orthodox tradition the First-Called was a Christian Apostle and the brother of Saint Peter.
Stories of saints
This is a first of its kind you tube channel that is dedicated completely on the stories of the disciples of Jesus and teaches you the different saints across the globe who walked through the path of Jesus Christ, you can watch the stories of saints in malayalam and the channel covers the life stories, the hard paths that the saints have passed through in their way to saint hood, you can also watch the miracles and the truth that the saints teaches you through their life.
Please don't forget to share and subscribe.
Andrew the Apostle,Story of Saint Andrew,Story of Saints For Kids,stories from the bible,saint andrew feast day,animated saint andrew movie,
Watch the amazing story of saint Andrew today,
Andrew the Apostle also known as Saint Andrew and called in the Orthodox tradition the First-Called was a Christian Apostle and the brother of Saint Peter.
Stories of saints
This is a first of its kind you tube channel that is dedicated completely on the stories of the disciples of Jesus and teaches you the different saints across the globe who walked through the path of Jesus Christ, you can watch the stories of saints in malayalam and the channel covers the life stories, the hard paths that the saints have passed through in their way to saint hood, you can also watch the miracles and the truth that the saints teaches you through their life.
Please don't forget to share and subscribe.
Andrew the Apostle,Story of Saint Andrew,Story of Saints For Kids,stories from the bible,saint andrew feast day,animated saint andrew movie,
- published: 28 Oct 2017
- views: 98102
St Andrew the Apostle (30 November)
For more please visit http://veritascaritas.com/ & remember to say 3 Hail Marys for the priest
For more please visit http://veritascaritas.com/ & remember to say 3 Hail Marys for the priest
▶️ 1. Become a Channel Patron: https://www.patreon.com/SensusFidelium
▶️ 2. Visit the website https://www.sensusfidelium.us for Gueranger, Saint of the Day, Apologetics, Meditation by the Saints, Scripture Study and more.
▶️ 3. BitChute --- https://www.bitchute.com/channel/Sensus_Fidelium/
▶️ 4. Rumble --- https://rumble.com/c/c-298311
▶️ 5. My Catholic Tube - https://mycatholictube.com/videos/sensus-fidelium-channel/
▶️ 6. LBRY.tv --- https://lbry.tv/@SensusFidelium:c
▶️ 7. UGETube - https://videos.utahgunexchange.com/@Sensus%20Fidelium
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For more please visit http://veritascaritas.com/ & remember to say 3 Hail Marys for the priest
▶️ 1. Become a Channel Patron: https://www.patreon.com/SensusFidelium
▶️ 2. Visit the website https://www.sensusfidelium.us for Gueranger, Saint of the Day, Apologetics, Meditation by the Saints, Scripture Study and more.
▶️ 3. BitChute --- https://www.bitchute.com/channel/Sensus_Fidelium/
▶️ 4. Rumble --- https://rumble.com/c/c-298311
▶️ 5. My Catholic Tube - https://mycatholictube.com/videos/sensus-fidelium-channel/
▶️ 6. LBRY.tv --- https://lbry.tv/@SensusFidelium:c
▶️ 7. UGETube - https://videos.utahgunexchange.com/@Sensus%20Fidelium
▶️ 8. Paypal, Bitcoin, Anedot, Stripe, Square & PO Box donations - https://sensusfidelium.us/donate-support/
▶️ 9. YouTube: Click Subscribe, then Click "Notification Bell" = 🔔
Please "Like" our videos so that Youtube shares it to others by clicking the "Like" thumbs-up under the video = 👍🏻
▶️ 10. Please share this video 📲, and help others find Christ inside the Catholic Church! Please share this video on Facebook and Twitter using the share button.
▶️ 11. Follow on Social Media:
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▶️ 12. Follow on iTunes:
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- published: 01 Dec 2020
- views: 8164
The Apostle Andrew's Adventures
The Apostle Andrew was one of the first to follow Jesus, and was there for some the most well known parts of his ministry. But what happened top him after the G...
The Apostle Andrew was one of the first to follow Jesus, and was there for some the most well known parts of his ministry. But what happened top him after the Gospels? Let's find out.
Subscribe for more Theology and Beer based content: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCXME3bcB4OatqGMs48WD9-A?view_as=subscriber?sub_comfirmation=1
Follow me on Twitter for ramblings: https://twitter.com/CaskTheology
Check out my site for detailed ramblings: https://casktheology.wixsite.com/learn
Links for the Lazy:
The Apostle Andrew was one of the first to follow Jesus, and was there for some the most well known parts of his ministry. But what happened top him after the Gospels? Let's find out.
Subscribe for more Theology and Beer based content: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCXME3bcB4OatqGMs48WD9-A?view_as=subscriber?sub_comfirmation=1
Follow me on Twitter for ramblings: https://twitter.com/CaskTheology
Check out my site for detailed ramblings: https://casktheology.wixsite.com/learn
Links for the Lazy:
- published: 18 Jan 2021
- views: 1845
Prayer to Saint Andrew the Apostle
Prayer to Saint Andrew the Apostle
#Jesus #Mary #Joseph #Saint #Prayer
Andrew was Saint Peter’s brother, and was called with him. “As [J...
Prayer to Saint Andrew the Apostle
#Jesus #Mary #Joseph #Saint #Prayer
Andrew was Saint Peter’s brother, and was called with him. “As [Jesus] was walking by the sea of Galilee, he saw two brothers, Simon who is now called Peter, and his brother Andrew, casting a net into the sea; they were fishermen. He said to them, ‘Come after me, and I will make you fishers of men.’ At once they left their nets and followed him” (Matthew 4:18-20).
John the Evangelist presents Andrew as a disciple of John the Baptist. When Jesus walked by one day, John said, “Behold, the Lamb of God.” Andrew and another disciple followed Jesus. “Jesus turned and saw them following him and said to them, ‘What are you looking for?’ They said to him, ‘Rabbi (which translated means Teacher), where are you staying?’ He said to them, ‘Come, and you will see.’ So they went and saw where he was staying, and they stayed with him that day” (John 1:38-39a).
Little else is said about Andrew in the Gospels. Before the multiplication of the loaves, it was Andrew who spoke up about the boy who had the barley loaves and fishes. When the Gentiles went to see Jesus, they came to Philip, but Philip then had recourse to Andrew.
Legend has it that Andrew preached the Good News in what is now modern Greece and Turkey and was crucified at Patras on an X-shaped cross.
Prayer to Saint Andrew the Apostle
#Jesus #Mary #Joseph #Saint #Prayer
Andrew was Saint Peter’s brother, and was called with him. “As [Jesus] was walking by the sea of Galilee, he saw two brothers, Simon who is now called Peter, and his brother Andrew, casting a net into the sea; they were fishermen. He said to them, ‘Come after me, and I will make you fishers of men.’ At once they left their nets and followed him” (Matthew 4:18-20).
John the Evangelist presents Andrew as a disciple of John the Baptist. When Jesus walked by one day, John said, “Behold, the Lamb of God.” Andrew and another disciple followed Jesus. “Jesus turned and saw them following him and said to them, ‘What are you looking for?’ They said to him, ‘Rabbi (which translated means Teacher), where are you staying?’ He said to them, ‘Come, and you will see.’ So they went and saw where he was staying, and they stayed with him that day” (John 1:38-39a).
Little else is said about Andrew in the Gospels. Before the multiplication of the loaves, it was Andrew who spoke up about the boy who had the barley loaves and fishes. When the Gentiles went to see Jesus, they came to Philip, but Philip then had recourse to Andrew.
Legend has it that Andrew preached the Good News in what is now modern Greece and Turkey and was crucified at Patras on an X-shaped cross.
- published: 29 Nov 2022
- views: 1755
The Story of Andrew | 12 Disciples of Jesus I Animated Bible Story | HolyTales Bible Stories
Old Holy tells kids animated Holy Tales from The Bible. The Holy Tales: Bible Stories is the channel that can teach your children about all Christian Bible stor...
Old Holy tells kids animated Holy Tales from The Bible. The Holy Tales: Bible Stories is the channel that can teach your children about all Christian Bible stories through animations, songs, nursery rhymes in a fun joyful learning process. As a parent, you can trust our animated characters to keep your kids entertained and educated about Christianity. Discover timeless religious stories such as: The Garden of Eden, The Life of Jesus Christ, The Creation, Adam & Eve, The Old Testament, The Book of Genesis, Stories of Solomon, Stories about the Israelites, Stories of David, The Book of Samuel, Stories of Joseph, Stories of Jacob, Stories of Moses, The Book of Exodus as well as Christmas bedtime stories, singalongs, nursery rhymes by The Hippy Hoppy Show. We hope you enjoy our world of children's animated Bible stories.
We upload a new video every Friday but don't forget to subscribe to stay up to date with our latest videos and special video previews.
Participate in the Holy Tales community by commenting on our videos and sharing.
Join hands with our parents and children to acknowledge the wonders of Bible stories.
Watching The Holy Tales: Bible will turn parents and children into Happy Kids.
Parents subscribe, kids love!
Check for new video uploads every Friday and Saturday.
Like our page on Facebook to keep up with the latest news from Holy Tales: https://www.facebook.com/TheHolyTales
Visit our website: http://www.happykids.tv
Find us on Roku: https://channelstore.roku.com/#!details/39759/the-holy-tales-bible
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Old Holy tells kids animated Holy Tales from The Bible. The Holy Tales: Bible Stories is the channel that can teach your children about all Christian Bible stories through animations, songs, nursery rhymes in a fun joyful learning process. As a parent, you can trust our animated characters to keep your kids entertained and educated about Christianity. Discover timeless religious stories such as: The Garden of Eden, The Life of Jesus Christ, The Creation, Adam & Eve, The Old Testament, The Book of Genesis, Stories of Solomon, Stories about the Israelites, Stories of David, The Book of Samuel, Stories of Joseph, Stories of Jacob, Stories of Moses, The Book of Exodus as well as Christmas bedtime stories, singalongs, nursery rhymes by The Hippy Hoppy Show. We hope you enjoy our world of children's animated Bible stories.
We upload a new video every Friday but don't forget to subscribe to stay up to date with our latest videos and special video previews.
Participate in the Holy Tales community by commenting on our videos and sharing.
Join hands with our parents and children to acknowledge the wonders of Bible stories.
Watching The Holy Tales: Bible will turn parents and children into Happy Kids.
Parents subscribe, kids love!
Check for new video uploads every Friday and Saturday.
Like our page on Facebook to keep up with the latest news from Holy Tales: https://www.facebook.com/TheHolyTales
Visit our website: http://www.happykids.tv
Find us on Roku: https://channelstore.roku.com/#!details/39759/the-holy-tales-bible
Like our Happy Kids page on Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/happykids.tv
Find your happy kid: https://www.youtube.com/user/HappyKidsOfficial
Subscribe, comment and share! :)
- published: 28 May 2019
- views: 17002
3 Things You Didn't Know about St. Andrew
The feast of St. Andrew is November 30. These 3 little-known facts about the great apostle might surprise you!
The feast of St. Andrew is November 30. These 3 little-known facts about the great apostle might surprise you!
The feast of St. Andrew is November 30. These 3 little-known facts about the great apostle might surprise you!
- published: 29 Nov 2019
- views: 3047