The Virgin - Cinta Terlarang (Official Music Video NAGASWARA) #music
The Virgin - Cinta Terlarang (Official Music Video NAGASWARA)
Download and Stream:
Berawal dari pertemuan itulah akhirnya Ahmad Dhani selaku producer menyusun konsep duo The Virgin dengan memasukan Mitha (gitar - vokal) yang selama ini menjadi personel The Rock Indonesia.
Bermodalkan tarikan suara Dara yang khas dan kemampuan bermusik Mitha dalam menciptakan lagu duo ini menyelesaikan lagu pertama mereka yang berjudul “Cinta Terlarang”. Sejak pertama kali penampilan The Virgin di televisi menyanyikan lagu “Cinta Terlarang” pada awal Januari 2009 beberapa komentar mulai bermunculan. Sebagian besar memuji kemampuan bernyanyi Dara yang memiliki vokal sangat berkarakter dan sangat luar biasa terutama bagi wanita yang masih duduk di bangku SMA ini.
Respon ...
published: 10 Jul 2012
The Virgin - Belahan Jiwa (Official Music Video NAGASWARA) #music
The Virgin - Belahan Jiwa (Official Music Video NAGASWARA) #music
RBT The Virgin - Belahan Jiwa
Telkomsel : BEFFZ
Indosat : VIRGI9
3 RBT : 5511988
Untuk aktivasi RBT :
- Telkomsel ketik BEFFZ kirim ke 1212.
- Indosat ketik SET VIRGI9 kirim ke 808.
- XL ketik VIRGI9 kirim ke 1818.
- 3 RBT ketik 5511988 kirim ke 1212.
ARTIST : The Virgin
JUDUL : Belahan Jiwa
Kau yang selalu di hati
Selalu bersemi di dalam jiwaku
Kau takkan ku lupa
Dalam hidupku untuk selamanya
Ooo.. Kenangan dirimu
Menyatu dalam darahku
Takkan pernah terhapus waktu
Ooo.. Hatiku bahagia
Saat kau ada di sisi
Tak ingin kau pergi lagi
Meninggalkan aku
Ooo Belahan jiwaku
Hampa hidupku
Jika kau pergi dariku
Repeat reff
published: 18 Feb 2014
Follow Sosial Media:
Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/dr.richard_lee/
Instagram official: https://www.instagram.com/drlchannel.official/
Tiktok: https://www.tiktok.com/@drrichardlee/
Tiktok Official: https://www.tiktok.com/@drlchannel.official
Dan jangan lupa subscribe channel youtube ini.
== Konsultasi Online:
Mobile: 0823-8555-5963
== Pemesanan Online:
Mobile: 0823-0000-4001
== Official Shopee:
== Official Tokopedia
== Official Lazada
== Official BukaLapak
published: 28 Oct 2024
The Virgin - Cinta Terlarang 2 (Milik Temanku) (Official Music Video NAGASWARA)
The Virgin - Cinta Terlarang 2 (Milik Temanku) (Official Music Video NAGASWARA)
Download and Stream: https://lnk.to/CintaTerlarang2
Memasuki awal tahun 2024 ini, Mita (gitar / vokal) dan Dara (vokal) dari grup duo The Virgin kembali mengobarkan semangat dengan merilis single terbaru mereka yang berjudul “Cinta Terlarang 2 (Milik Temanku)”.
Lagu ciptaan Mita itu merupakan kelanjutan dari hits single “Cinta Terlarang” yang rilis pada tahun 2009 silam, sekaligus menjadi debut perdana The Virgin dan mengangkat nama mereka hingga dikenal luas.
“Cinta Terlarang 2 (Milik Temanku)” dirilis bertepatan dengan Anniversary The Virgin yang ke-15 menuju rilis album terbaru mereka. Syairnya kurang lebih sama dengan “Cinta Terlarang”, yaitu bercerita tentang seseorang yang suka dengan pacar sahabat...
published: 09 Jan 2024
The Virgin - Demi Nama Cinta (Official Music Video NAGASWARA) #music
The Virgin - Demi Nama Cinta (Official Music Video NAGASWARA) #music
RBT The Virgin - Demi Nama Cinta
Telkomsel : DEASC
Indosat : VIRGI4
3 RBT : 5514514
Untuk aktivasi RBT :
- Telkomsel ketik DEASC kirim ke 1212.
- Indosat ketik SET VIRGI4 kirim ke 808.
- XL ketik VIRGI4 kirim ke 1818.
- 3 RBT ketik 5514514 kirim ke 1212.
ARTIST : The Virgin
JUDUL : Demi Nama Cinta
Andai engkau tahu
Ku hanya ingin dirimu
Tak peduli yang lain menentang hatiku
Jika kau sayang aku buktikanlah hatimu
Agar aku tak ragu jalani bersamamu
Demi nama cinta yang tumbuh di hatiku
Ku serahkan cintaku hanya untukmu
Demi nama cinta yang tumbuh di hatiku
Ku serahkan cintaku hanya untukmu
Demi nama cinta yang tumbuh di hatiku
Ku serahkan cintaku hanyalah untukmu
Demi nama ci...
published: 01 Jun 2012
The Virgin - Cinta Terlarang (Lirik)
Jangan pernah ketinggalan update terbaru lagu kami ! silakan berlangganan Channel Happy Sing Lirik di sini: https://bit.ly/HappySingLirik
Official Music Video here : https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=MyVb-8mYV7Q
The Virgin - Cinta Terlarang (Lirik) semua hak milik artis dan label asli.
Follow & support The Virgin :
Youtube - https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCsS5sLqNZu1jWxPt8lS2cKA
Instagram - https://www.instagram.com/mitathevirgin/
#TheVirgin #CintaTerlarang #Lirik
published: 31 Aug 2020
The Virgin - Bimbi (Official Music Video NAGASWARA)
The Virgin - Bimbi (Official Music Video NAGASWARA)
Download & Stream "Full Circle" Album: https://lnk.to/Full_Circle
Download & Stream "Full Circle" Album on YouTube Music: https://lnk.to/FullCircleYTM
The Virgin mempersembahkan lagu legendaris ciptaan Titiek Puspa berjudul “Bimbi“. Lagu ini ada di album baru The Virgin “Full Circle” yang secara bersamaan telah dirilis ke publik.
Lagu “Bimbi” bercerita tentang seorang wanita dari perantauan yang lupa daratan ketika sudah mengenal kehidupan di kota besar, akhirnya membuat dia tersesat dan hilang arah.
Konsep musik dilagu ini di aransemen oleh Wawan TMG & Mita tentunya berubah total dari musik sebelumnya. Musiknya lebih full rock dengan gaya musik The Virgin seperti biasanya.
Pemilihan lagu “Bimbi” menjadi fokus track single di alb...
published: 30 Aug 2024
The Virgin - Sedetik (Official Music Video NAGASWARA)
Video Klip Official The Virgin Sedetik
Download Lagu MP3 Sedetik The Virgin :
Lirik Lagu The Virgin Sedetik :
Sedetik saja takkan terlupa
Rasanya ingin lagi berjumpa
Awal pertemuan lembut terdengar
Saat kau jabat erat jemariku
Kini kau hadir di tiap malamku
Menumpahkan segala rindumu
Janji terucap terjalin indah
Kau dan diriku saling memiliki
Kaulah yang pertama yang memberi aku cinta
Genggamlah tanganku yakinkan kita bersatu
Kaulah yang pertama yang membuatku terpana
Ku ingin kau hadir di setiap anganku
Ku ingin kau ada di setiap langkahku
Kini kau hadir di tiap malamku (malam-malamku)
Menumpahkan segala rindumu
Janji terucap terjalin indah
Kau dan diriku saling memiliki
Kaulah yang pertama yang memberi aku cinta
Genggamlah tanganku yakinkan kita bersatu...
published: 07 Jan 2015
The Virgin
published: 30 Oct 2024
The Virgin - Tak Ingin Menggantikannya (Pop Music Video Official NAGASWARA)
The Virgin - Tak Ingin Menggantikannya (Pop Music Video Official NAGASWARA)
Artist : The Virgin
Title : Tak Ingin Menggantikannya
Composed by : Mita
Arrangement : Wawan TMG & Mita
Lirik Lagu :
Hancur pilu hatiku
Tak kuasa ku ungkapkan
Karena ku tau hatimu untuknya
Ku hanya ingin mencintai
Tak memaksamu mencintai
Tulus hati kuserahkan
Hidupku ..
Sayang mengertilah isi hatiku
Akupun tak ingin menggantikannya
Karena aku tau dirinya tak tergantikan
Yakinkan hatimu tuk bersamaku
Sampai saat nanti hatimu utuh untukku
Ku kan sabar menanti
Sayang mengertilah isi hatiku
Akupun tak ingin menggantikannya
Karena aku tau dirinya tak tergantikan
Yakinkan hatimu tuk bersamaku
Sampai saat nanti hatimu utuh untukku
Ku kan sabar menanti
published: 23 Mar 2021
The Virgin - Cinta Terlarang (Official Music Video NAGASWARA) #music
The Virgin - Cinta Terlarang (Official Music Video NAGASWARA)
Download and Stream:
Berawal dari pertemuan itulah akhirnya Ah...
The Virgin - Cinta Terlarang (Official Music Video NAGASWARA)
Download and Stream:
Berawal dari pertemuan itulah akhirnya Ahmad Dhani selaku producer menyusun konsep duo The Virgin dengan memasukan Mitha (gitar - vokal) yang selama ini menjadi personel The Rock Indonesia.
Bermodalkan tarikan suara Dara yang khas dan kemampuan bermusik Mitha dalam menciptakan lagu duo ini menyelesaikan lagu pertama mereka yang berjudul “Cinta Terlarang”. Sejak pertama kali penampilan The Virgin di televisi menyanyikan lagu “Cinta Terlarang” pada awal Januari 2009 beberapa komentar mulai bermunculan. Sebagian besar memuji kemampuan bernyanyi Dara yang memiliki vokal sangat berkarakter dan sangat luar biasa terutama bagi wanita yang masih duduk di bangku SMA ini.
Respon yang cukup menggembirakan juga datang dari penyedia jasa telekomunikasi yang meminta agar Nagaswara (selaku distributor eksklusif digital artis Republik Cinta Record) secepatnya meng-upload lagu “Cinta Terlarang” karena sudah cukup besarnya minta pengguna layanan RBT untuk menggunakan nada sambung lagu perdana “Cinta Terlarang”.
Pada akhir bulan Maret 2009, lagu “Cinta Terlarang” secara resmi disebar ke seluruh radio di Indonesia dan mendapat tanggapan yang menggembirakan dari rekan-rekan radio serentak dengan video klip “Cinta Terlarang” yang sudah bisa disaksikan di program musik televisi swasta.
Info selengkapnya klik https://nagaswara.id/news/
Connect with The Virgin on:
YouTube: https://www.youtube.com/@TheVirginOfficial?sub_confirmation=1
Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/thevirginbandofficial
Instagram Mita: https://www.instagram.com/mitathevirgin
Instagram Dara: https://www.instagram.com/darathevirgin
TikTok The Virgin: https://www.tiktok.com/@thevirginband
TikTok Mita: https://www.tiktok.com/@mitathevirgin
TikTok Dara: https://www.tiktok.com/@darathevirgin
Audio Credits:
Composed by: Mita
Executive Producer: Rahayu Kertawiguna
A&R: Rahayu Kertawiguna
Label: https://nagaswara.id/
Publishing: https://nagaswarapublisher.com/
Aktifkan RBT atau Nada Sambung Pribadi:
RBT atau Nada Sambung Pribadi
"The Virgin - Cinta Terlarang”
Ciptaan : Mita
Telkomsel : ketik CIQAJ kirim ke 1212.
Indosat : ketik SET VIRGI10 kirim ke 808.
3RBT : ketik 0615787 kirim ke 1212.
Dengerin juga lagu Pop terbaru Artist Nagaswara di sini:
KADRI - Karmila: https://youtu.be/Gxc6O2dB0uc
Inas Hafizhah - 1/4 Abad: https://youtu.be/mWF4HauXcRI
Adjji Alvarendra - Lelah Menghadapimu: https://youtu.be/9jAhRp7SbS4
Badai - Belum Bisa Percaya: https://youtu.be/of0wyX7lthE
Kerispatih - Pesan Rindu: https://youtu.be/BI87yj0XggQ
Lirik Lagu:
Kau kan slalu tersimpan di hatiku
Meski ragamu tak dapat ku miliku
Jiwaku kan slalu bersamamu
Meski kau tercipta bukan untukku
Tuhan berikan aku cinta satu kali lagi
Hanya untuk bersamanya
Ku mencintainya sungguh mencintainya
Rasa ini sungguh tak wajar
Namun ku ingin tetap bersama dia
Untuk selamanya
Mengapa cinta ini terlarang
Saat ku yakini kaulah milikku
Mengapa cinta kita tak bisa bersatu
Saat ku yakin tak ada cinta selain dirimu
Tuhan berikan aku hidup satu kali lagi
Hanya untuk bersamanya
Ku mencintainya sungguh mencintainya
Rasa ini sungguh tak wajar
Namun ku ingin tetap bersama dia
Untuk selamanya
Don't forget to Like, Comment, Share & Subscribe:
NAGASWARA Official Music Videos: https://www.youtube.com/user/NagaswaraOfficial
NAGASWARA Official Pop Music Videos: https://www.youtube.com/@nagaswarapop
NAGASWARA Various Content: https://www.youtube.com/user/Nagaswaratv
NAGASWARA Live Performances : https://www.youtube.com/@NAGASWARADigitalMedia
NAGASWARA News Channel: https://www.youtube.com/@diberitaincom
Find Us On:
NAGASWARA Official TikTok: https://www.tiktok.com/@nagaswara.official
NAGASWARA Official Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/nagaswaraofficial/
NAGASWARA Official Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/NAGASWARAID/
NAGASWARA Official Twitter: https://twitter.com/NAGASWARA_ID
NAGASWARA Official Website: https://www.nagaswara.id
NAGASWARA Live Streaming TV: https://nagaswara.tv/
NAGASWARA Radio Website: https://www.nagaswarafm.com/
NAGASWARA News & Artist Updates: Diberitain: https://diberitain.com/
Artist Management: Julius
[email protected] || (+62) 81908834348
℗ & © 2012 NAGASWARA
#CintaTerlarang #TheVirgin #musicvideo #indonesia
The Virgin - Cinta Terlarang (Official Music Video NAGASWARA)
Download and Stream:
Berawal dari pertemuan itulah akhirnya Ahmad Dhani selaku producer menyusun konsep duo The Virgin dengan memasukan Mitha (gitar - vokal) yang selama ini menjadi personel The Rock Indonesia.
Bermodalkan tarikan suara Dara yang khas dan kemampuan bermusik Mitha dalam menciptakan lagu duo ini menyelesaikan lagu pertama mereka yang berjudul “Cinta Terlarang”. Sejak pertama kali penampilan The Virgin di televisi menyanyikan lagu “Cinta Terlarang” pada awal Januari 2009 beberapa komentar mulai bermunculan. Sebagian besar memuji kemampuan bernyanyi Dara yang memiliki vokal sangat berkarakter dan sangat luar biasa terutama bagi wanita yang masih duduk di bangku SMA ini.
Respon yang cukup menggembirakan juga datang dari penyedia jasa telekomunikasi yang meminta agar Nagaswara (selaku distributor eksklusif digital artis Republik Cinta Record) secepatnya meng-upload lagu “Cinta Terlarang” karena sudah cukup besarnya minta pengguna layanan RBT untuk menggunakan nada sambung lagu perdana “Cinta Terlarang”.
Pada akhir bulan Maret 2009, lagu “Cinta Terlarang” secara resmi disebar ke seluruh radio di Indonesia dan mendapat tanggapan yang menggembirakan dari rekan-rekan radio serentak dengan video klip “Cinta Terlarang” yang sudah bisa disaksikan di program musik televisi swasta.
Info selengkapnya klik https://nagaswara.id/news/
Connect with The Virgin on:
YouTube: https://www.youtube.com/@TheVirginOfficial?sub_confirmation=1
Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/thevirginbandofficial
Instagram Mita: https://www.instagram.com/mitathevirgin
Instagram Dara: https://www.instagram.com/darathevirgin
TikTok The Virgin: https://www.tiktok.com/@thevirginband
TikTok Mita: https://www.tiktok.com/@mitathevirgin
TikTok Dara: https://www.tiktok.com/@darathevirgin
Audio Credits:
Composed by: Mita
Executive Producer: Rahayu Kertawiguna
A&R: Rahayu Kertawiguna
Label: https://nagaswara.id/
Publishing: https://nagaswarapublisher.com/
Aktifkan RBT atau Nada Sambung Pribadi:
RBT atau Nada Sambung Pribadi
"The Virgin - Cinta Terlarang”
Ciptaan : Mita
Telkomsel : ketik CIQAJ kirim ke 1212.
Indosat : ketik SET VIRGI10 kirim ke 808.
3RBT : ketik 0615787 kirim ke 1212.
Dengerin juga lagu Pop terbaru Artist Nagaswara di sini:
KADRI - Karmila: https://youtu.be/Gxc6O2dB0uc
Inas Hafizhah - 1/4 Abad: https://youtu.be/mWF4HauXcRI
Adjji Alvarendra - Lelah Menghadapimu: https://youtu.be/9jAhRp7SbS4
Badai - Belum Bisa Percaya: https://youtu.be/of0wyX7lthE
Kerispatih - Pesan Rindu: https://youtu.be/BI87yj0XggQ
Lirik Lagu:
Kau kan slalu tersimpan di hatiku
Meski ragamu tak dapat ku miliku
Jiwaku kan slalu bersamamu
Meski kau tercipta bukan untukku
Tuhan berikan aku cinta satu kali lagi
Hanya untuk bersamanya
Ku mencintainya sungguh mencintainya
Rasa ini sungguh tak wajar
Namun ku ingin tetap bersama dia
Untuk selamanya
Mengapa cinta ini terlarang
Saat ku yakini kaulah milikku
Mengapa cinta kita tak bisa bersatu
Saat ku yakin tak ada cinta selain dirimu
Tuhan berikan aku hidup satu kali lagi
Hanya untuk bersamanya
Ku mencintainya sungguh mencintainya
Rasa ini sungguh tak wajar
Namun ku ingin tetap bersama dia
Untuk selamanya
Don't forget to Like, Comment, Share & Subscribe:
NAGASWARA Official Music Videos: https://www.youtube.com/user/NagaswaraOfficial
NAGASWARA Official Pop Music Videos: https://www.youtube.com/@nagaswarapop
NAGASWARA Various Content: https://www.youtube.com/user/Nagaswaratv
NAGASWARA Live Performances : https://www.youtube.com/@NAGASWARADigitalMedia
NAGASWARA News Channel: https://www.youtube.com/@diberitaincom
Find Us On:
NAGASWARA Official TikTok: https://www.tiktok.com/@nagaswara.official
NAGASWARA Official Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/nagaswaraofficial/
NAGASWARA Official Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/NAGASWARAID/
NAGASWARA Official Twitter: https://twitter.com/NAGASWARA_ID
NAGASWARA Official Website: https://www.nagaswara.id
NAGASWARA Live Streaming TV: https://nagaswara.tv/
NAGASWARA Radio Website: https://www.nagaswarafm.com/
NAGASWARA News & Artist Updates: Diberitain: https://diberitain.com/
Artist Management: Julius
[email protected] || (+62) 81908834348
℗ & © 2012 NAGASWARA
#CintaTerlarang #TheVirgin #musicvideo #indonesia
- published: 10 Jul 2012
- views: 66798449
The Virgin - Belahan Jiwa (Official Music Video NAGASWARA) #music
The Virgin - Belahan Jiwa (Official Music Video NAGASWARA) #music
RBT The Virgin - Belahan Jiwa
Telkomsel : BEFFZ
Indosat : VIRGI9
3 RBT : 5511988
The Virgin - Belahan Jiwa (Official Music Video NAGASWARA) #music
RBT The Virgin - Belahan Jiwa
Telkomsel : BEFFZ
Indosat : VIRGI9
3 RBT : 5511988
Untuk aktivasi RBT :
- Telkomsel ketik BEFFZ kirim ke 1212.
- Indosat ketik SET VIRGI9 kirim ke 808.
- XL ketik VIRGI9 kirim ke 1818.
- 3 RBT ketik 5511988 kirim ke 1212.
ARTIST : The Virgin
JUDUL : Belahan Jiwa
Kau yang selalu di hati
Selalu bersemi di dalam jiwaku
Kau takkan ku lupa
Dalam hidupku untuk selamanya
Ooo.. Kenangan dirimu
Menyatu dalam darahku
Takkan pernah terhapus waktu
Ooo.. Hatiku bahagia
Saat kau ada di sisi
Tak ingin kau pergi lagi
Meninggalkan aku
Ooo Belahan jiwaku
Hampa hidupku
Jika kau pergi dariku
Repeat reff
Don't forget to Like, Comment, Share & Subscribe:
NAGASWARA Official Music Videos: https://www.youtube.com/user/NagaswaraOfficial
NAGASWARA Official Pop Music Videos: https://www.youtube.com/@nagaswarapop
NAGASWARA Various Content: https://www.youtube.com/user/Nagaswaratv
NAGASWARA Live Performances : https://www.youtube.com/@NAGASWARADigitalMedia
NAGASWARA News Channel: https://www.youtube.com/@diberitaincom
Find Us On:
NAGASWARA Official TikTok: https://www.tiktok.com/@nagaswara.official
NAGASWARA Official Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/nagaswaraofficial/
NAGASWARA Official Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/NAGASWARAID/
NAGASWARA Official Twitter: https://twitter.com/NAGASWARA_ID
NAGASWARA Official Website: https://www.nagaswara.id
NAGASWARA Live Streaming TV: https://nagaswara.tv/
NAGASWARA Radio Website: https://www.nagaswarafm.com/
NAGASWARA News & Artist Updates: Diberitain: https://diberitain.com/
Artist Management: Julius
[email protected] || (+62) 81908834348
℗ & © 2014 NAGASWARA
The Virgin - Belahan Jiwa (Official Music Video NAGASWARA) #music
RBT The Virgin - Belahan Jiwa
Telkomsel : BEFFZ
Indosat : VIRGI9
3 RBT : 5511988
Untuk aktivasi RBT :
- Telkomsel ketik BEFFZ kirim ke 1212.
- Indosat ketik SET VIRGI9 kirim ke 808.
- XL ketik VIRGI9 kirim ke 1818.
- 3 RBT ketik 5511988 kirim ke 1212.
ARTIST : The Virgin
JUDUL : Belahan Jiwa
Kau yang selalu di hati
Selalu bersemi di dalam jiwaku
Kau takkan ku lupa
Dalam hidupku untuk selamanya
Ooo.. Kenangan dirimu
Menyatu dalam darahku
Takkan pernah terhapus waktu
Ooo.. Hatiku bahagia
Saat kau ada di sisi
Tak ingin kau pergi lagi
Meninggalkan aku
Ooo Belahan jiwaku
Hampa hidupku
Jika kau pergi dariku
Repeat reff
Don't forget to Like, Comment, Share & Subscribe:
NAGASWARA Official Music Videos: https://www.youtube.com/user/NagaswaraOfficial
NAGASWARA Official Pop Music Videos: https://www.youtube.com/@nagaswarapop
NAGASWARA Various Content: https://www.youtube.com/user/Nagaswaratv
NAGASWARA Live Performances : https://www.youtube.com/@NAGASWARADigitalMedia
NAGASWARA News Channel: https://www.youtube.com/@diberitaincom
Find Us On:
NAGASWARA Official TikTok: https://www.tiktok.com/@nagaswara.official
NAGASWARA Official Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/nagaswaraofficial/
NAGASWARA Official Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/NAGASWARAID/
NAGASWARA Official Twitter: https://twitter.com/NAGASWARA_ID
NAGASWARA Official Website: https://www.nagaswara.id
NAGASWARA Live Streaming TV: https://nagaswara.tv/
NAGASWARA Radio Website: https://www.nagaswarafm.com/
NAGASWARA News & Artist Updates: Diberitain: https://diberitain.com/
Artist Management: Julius
[email protected] || (+62) 81908834348
℗ & © 2014 NAGASWARA
- published: 18 Feb 2014
- views: 6154453
Follow Sosial Media:
Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/dr.richard_lee/
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Follow Sosial Media:
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#dokterrichard #goddesskin #klinikathena #athenaeffect #diluarnurul #konsuldok
Follow Sosial Media:
Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/dr.richard_lee/
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== Konsultasi Online:
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== Official Shopee:
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== Official Blibli
#dokterrichard #goddesskin #klinikathena #athenaeffect #diluarnurul #konsuldok
- published: 28 Oct 2024
- views: 44605
The Virgin - Cinta Terlarang 2 (Milik Temanku) (Official Music Video NAGASWARA)
The Virgin - Cinta Terlarang 2 (Milik Temanku) (Official Music Video NAGASWARA)
Download and Stream: https://lnk.to/CintaTerlarang2
Memasuki awal tahun 2024 i...
The Virgin - Cinta Terlarang 2 (Milik Temanku) (Official Music Video NAGASWARA)
Download and Stream: https://lnk.to/CintaTerlarang2
Memasuki awal tahun 2024 ini, Mita (gitar / vokal) dan Dara (vokal) dari grup duo The Virgin kembali mengobarkan semangat dengan merilis single terbaru mereka yang berjudul “Cinta Terlarang 2 (Milik Temanku)”.
Lagu ciptaan Mita itu merupakan kelanjutan dari hits single “Cinta Terlarang” yang rilis pada tahun 2009 silam, sekaligus menjadi debut perdana The Virgin dan mengangkat nama mereka hingga dikenal luas.
“Cinta Terlarang 2 (Milik Temanku)” dirilis bertepatan dengan Anniversary The Virgin yang ke-15 menuju rilis album terbaru mereka. Syairnya kurang lebih sama dengan “Cinta Terlarang”, yaitu bercerita tentang seseorang yang suka dengan pacar sahabatnya.
“Untuk konsep musik dan lagunya, single ini lebih spesifik dan lebih upbeat, mirip-mirip dengan single ‘Demi Nama Cinta’, dan berbeda dari lagu ‘Cinta Terlarang’ sebelumnya yang lebih universal,” jelas Dara.
Ide terciptanya “Cinta Terlarang 2 (Milik Temanku)” muncul karena ada netizen yang mengusulkannya melalui komen di link YouTube single “Tak Setia” agar The Virgin membuat sekuel “Cinta Terlarang 2”.
Single ini masuk dalam album spesial Anniversary The Virgin ke-15. Terakhir The Virgin mengeluarkan album solo bertajuk “Positive Negative” tahun 2014.
Info selengkapnya klik https://nagaswara.id/news/
Connect with The Virgin on:
YouTube: https://www.youtube.com/@TheVirginOfficial?sub_confirmation=1
Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/thevirginbandofficial
Instagram Mita: https://www.instagram.com/mitathevirgin
Instagram Dara: https://www.instagram.com/darathevirgin
TikTok The Virgin: https://www.tiktok.com/@thevirginband
TikTok Mita: https://www.tiktok.com/@mitathevirgin
TikTok Dara: https://www.tiktok.com/@darathevirgin
Audio Credits:
Composed by/Written by: Mita
Arrangement/Produced by: Mita & Wawan TMG
Vocal Director: Mita & Wawan TMG
Mixing: Wawan TMG
Mastering: Satrio Pratomo
Music Video Credits:
Directed by: Angga Dwi Cahyo
Produced by: Gadutism
Editor: Gadutism
Wardrobe: Ines Ariani
Makeup/Hairdo: Elvina
Starring: The Virgin, Denny Adrian, Ines Ariani
Executive Producer: Rahayu Kertawiguna
A&R: Satrio Pratomo
A&R Assistant: Mandy Laura, Sobro Nagalih
Label: https://nagaswara.id/
Publishing: https://nagaswarapublisher.com/
Aktifkan RBT atau Nada Sambung Pribadi:
RBT atau Nada Sambung Pribadi
"The Virgin_Cinta Terlarang 2 (Milik Temanku)”
Ciptaan : Mita.
Telkomsel : ketik TERLARANG2 kirim ke 1212.
Indosat : ketik TERLARANG2 kirim ke 808.
3RBT : ketik TERLARANG2 kirim ke 1212
Lirik Lagu:
Saat pertama kali ku berjumpa dia
Melihat wajahnya jantungku berdebar
Ada rasa yang membuatku
Mabuk kepayang oh ku jatuh cinta
Namun kedua kali ku berjumpa lagi
Ternyata dirinya sudah ada yang punya
Hatiku terkoyak remuk dan hancur
Ternyata dirinya ohhh milik temanku
Oooo...Oooo...haaa...haaa...hayai ya yaiyaa...
Salahkah bila ku mencintainya
Mencintainya dengan rasa ini
Meski terlarang
Karena dia milik teman baik ku
Namun rasa ini anugerah yang Kuasa
Salahkah bila ku mencintai kamu
Walau cinta ini terlarang
Karena kamu milik temanku
Namun tak bisa ku bendung lagi
Salahkah bila ku mencintainya
Mencintainya dengan rasa ini
Meski terlarang
Karena dia milik teman baik ku
Namun rasa ini anugerah yang Kuasa
Salahkah bila ku mencintainya
Mencintainya dengan rasa ini
Meski terlarang
Karena dia milik teman baik ku
Namun rasa ini anugerah yang Kuasa
Don't forget to Like, Comment, Share & Subscribe:
NAGASWARA Official Music Videos: https://www.youtube.com/user/NagaswaraOfficial
NAGASWARA Official Pop Music Videos: https://www.youtube.com/@nagaswarapop
NAGASWARA Various Content: https://www.youtube.com/user/Nagaswaratv
NAGASWARA Live Performances : https://www.youtube.com/@NAGASWARADigitalMedia
NAGASWARA News Channel: https://www.youtube.com/@diberitaincom
Find Us On:
NAGASWARA Official TikTok: https://www.tiktok.com/@nagaswara.official
NAGASWARA Official Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/nagaswaraofficial/
NAGASWARA Official Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/NAGASWARAID/
NAGASWARA Official Twitter: https://twitter.com/NAGASWARA_ID
NAGASWARA Official Website: https://www.nagaswara.id
NAGASWARA Live Streaming TV: https://nagaswara.tv/
NAGASWARA Radio Website: https://www.nagaswarafm.com/
NAGASWARA News & Artist Updates: Diberitain: https://diberitain.com/
Artist Management: Julius
[email protected] || (+62) 81908834348
℗ & © 2024 NAGASWARA
#TheVirgin #CintaTerlarang2 #TheVirginCintaTerlarang2
The Virgin - Cinta Terlarang 2 (Milik Temanku) (Official Music Video NAGASWARA)
Download and Stream: https://lnk.to/CintaTerlarang2
Memasuki awal tahun 2024 ini, Mita (gitar / vokal) dan Dara (vokal) dari grup duo The Virgin kembali mengobarkan semangat dengan merilis single terbaru mereka yang berjudul “Cinta Terlarang 2 (Milik Temanku)”.
Lagu ciptaan Mita itu merupakan kelanjutan dari hits single “Cinta Terlarang” yang rilis pada tahun 2009 silam, sekaligus menjadi debut perdana The Virgin dan mengangkat nama mereka hingga dikenal luas.
“Cinta Terlarang 2 (Milik Temanku)” dirilis bertepatan dengan Anniversary The Virgin yang ke-15 menuju rilis album terbaru mereka. Syairnya kurang lebih sama dengan “Cinta Terlarang”, yaitu bercerita tentang seseorang yang suka dengan pacar sahabatnya.
“Untuk konsep musik dan lagunya, single ini lebih spesifik dan lebih upbeat, mirip-mirip dengan single ‘Demi Nama Cinta’, dan berbeda dari lagu ‘Cinta Terlarang’ sebelumnya yang lebih universal,” jelas Dara.
Ide terciptanya “Cinta Terlarang 2 (Milik Temanku)” muncul karena ada netizen yang mengusulkannya melalui komen di link YouTube single “Tak Setia” agar The Virgin membuat sekuel “Cinta Terlarang 2”.
Single ini masuk dalam album spesial Anniversary The Virgin ke-15. Terakhir The Virgin mengeluarkan album solo bertajuk “Positive Negative” tahun 2014.
Info selengkapnya klik https://nagaswara.id/news/
Connect with The Virgin on:
YouTube: https://www.youtube.com/@TheVirginOfficial?sub_confirmation=1
Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/thevirginbandofficial
Instagram Mita: https://www.instagram.com/mitathevirgin
Instagram Dara: https://www.instagram.com/darathevirgin
TikTok The Virgin: https://www.tiktok.com/@thevirginband
TikTok Mita: https://www.tiktok.com/@mitathevirgin
TikTok Dara: https://www.tiktok.com/@darathevirgin
Audio Credits:
Composed by/Written by: Mita
Arrangement/Produced by: Mita & Wawan TMG
Vocal Director: Mita & Wawan TMG
Mixing: Wawan TMG
Mastering: Satrio Pratomo
Music Video Credits:
Directed by: Angga Dwi Cahyo
Produced by: Gadutism
Editor: Gadutism
Wardrobe: Ines Ariani
Makeup/Hairdo: Elvina
Starring: The Virgin, Denny Adrian, Ines Ariani
Executive Producer: Rahayu Kertawiguna
A&R: Satrio Pratomo
A&R Assistant: Mandy Laura, Sobro Nagalih
Label: https://nagaswara.id/
Publishing: https://nagaswarapublisher.com/
Aktifkan RBT atau Nada Sambung Pribadi:
RBT atau Nada Sambung Pribadi
"The Virgin_Cinta Terlarang 2 (Milik Temanku)”
Ciptaan : Mita.
Telkomsel : ketik TERLARANG2 kirim ke 1212.
Indosat : ketik TERLARANG2 kirim ke 808.
3RBT : ketik TERLARANG2 kirim ke 1212
Lirik Lagu:
Saat pertama kali ku berjumpa dia
Melihat wajahnya jantungku berdebar
Ada rasa yang membuatku
Mabuk kepayang oh ku jatuh cinta
Namun kedua kali ku berjumpa lagi
Ternyata dirinya sudah ada yang punya
Hatiku terkoyak remuk dan hancur
Ternyata dirinya ohhh milik temanku
Oooo...Oooo...haaa...haaa...hayai ya yaiyaa...
Salahkah bila ku mencintainya
Mencintainya dengan rasa ini
Meski terlarang
Karena dia milik teman baik ku
Namun rasa ini anugerah yang Kuasa
Salahkah bila ku mencintai kamu
Walau cinta ini terlarang
Karena kamu milik temanku
Namun tak bisa ku bendung lagi
Salahkah bila ku mencintainya
Mencintainya dengan rasa ini
Meski terlarang
Karena dia milik teman baik ku
Namun rasa ini anugerah yang Kuasa
Salahkah bila ku mencintainya
Mencintainya dengan rasa ini
Meski terlarang
Karena dia milik teman baik ku
Namun rasa ini anugerah yang Kuasa
Don't forget to Like, Comment, Share & Subscribe:
NAGASWARA Official Music Videos: https://www.youtube.com/user/NagaswaraOfficial
NAGASWARA Official Pop Music Videos: https://www.youtube.com/@nagaswarapop
NAGASWARA Various Content: https://www.youtube.com/user/Nagaswaratv
NAGASWARA Live Performances : https://www.youtube.com/@NAGASWARADigitalMedia
NAGASWARA News Channel: https://www.youtube.com/@diberitaincom
Find Us On:
NAGASWARA Official TikTok: https://www.tiktok.com/@nagaswara.official
NAGASWARA Official Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/nagaswaraofficial/
NAGASWARA Official Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/NAGASWARAID/
NAGASWARA Official Twitter: https://twitter.com/NAGASWARA_ID
NAGASWARA Official Website: https://www.nagaswara.id
NAGASWARA Live Streaming TV: https://nagaswara.tv/
NAGASWARA Radio Website: https://www.nagaswarafm.com/
NAGASWARA News & Artist Updates: Diberitain: https://diberitain.com/
Artist Management: Julius
[email protected] || (+62) 81908834348
℗ & © 2024 NAGASWARA
#TheVirgin #CintaTerlarang2 #TheVirginCintaTerlarang2
- published: 09 Jan 2024
- views: 327419
The Virgin - Demi Nama Cinta (Official Music Video NAGASWARA) #music
The Virgin - Demi Nama Cinta (Official Music Video NAGASWARA) #music
RBT The Virgin - Demi Nama Cinta
Telkomsel : DEASC
Indosat : VIRGI4
3 RBT : 55...
The Virgin - Demi Nama Cinta (Official Music Video NAGASWARA) #music
RBT The Virgin - Demi Nama Cinta
Telkomsel : DEASC
Indosat : VIRGI4
3 RBT : 5514514
Untuk aktivasi RBT :
- Telkomsel ketik DEASC kirim ke 1212.
- Indosat ketik SET VIRGI4 kirim ke 808.
- XL ketik VIRGI4 kirim ke 1818.
- 3 RBT ketik 5514514 kirim ke 1212.
ARTIST : The Virgin
JUDUL : Demi Nama Cinta
Andai engkau tahu
Ku hanya ingin dirimu
Tak peduli yang lain menentang hatiku
Jika kau sayang aku buktikanlah hatimu
Agar aku tak ragu jalani bersamamu
Demi nama cinta yang tumbuh di hatiku
Ku serahkan cintaku hanya untukmu
Demi nama cinta yang tumbuh di hatiku
Ku serahkan cintaku hanya untukmu
Demi nama cinta yang tumbuh di hatiku
Ku serahkan cintaku hanyalah untukmu
Demi nama cinta yang tumbuh di hatiku
Buktikanlah cinta matimu
Andai engkau tahu ku hanya ingin dirimu
Tak peduli yang lain menentang hatiku
Jika kau sayang aku (jika kau sayang aku)
Buktikanlah hatimu (buktikanlah hatimu)
Agar aku tak ragu (agar ku tak ragu)
Jalani bersamamu
Demi nama cinta yang tumbuh di hatiku
Ku serahkan cintaku hanyalah untukmu
Demi nama cinta yang tumbuh di hatiku
Ku serahkan cintaku hanyalah untukmu
Demi nama cinta yang tumbuh di hatiku
Ku serahkan cintaku hanya untukmu
Demi nama cinta (demi nama cinta)
Yang tumbuh di hatiku (yang tumbuh di hati)
Ku serahkan cintaku (cintaku) hanya untukmu
Demi nama cinta (demi nama cinta)
Yang tumbuh di hatiku (yang tumbuh di hati)
Ku serahkan cintaku (ku serahkan cintaku) hanya untukmu
Demi nama cinta (demi nama cinta)
Yang tumbuh di hatiku (yang tumbuh di hati)
Ku serahkan cintaku (cintaku)
Hanya untukmu
Don't forget to Like, Comment, Share & Subscribe:
NAGASWARA Official Music Videos: https://www.youtube.com/user/NagaswaraOfficial
NAGASWARA Official Pop Music Videos: https://www.youtube.com/@nagaswarapop
NAGASWARA Various Content: https://www.youtube.com/user/Nagaswaratv
NAGASWARA Live Performances : https://www.youtube.com/@NAGASWARADigitalMedia
NAGASWARA News Channel: https://www.youtube.com/@diberitaincom
Find Us On:
NAGASWARA Official TikTok: https://www.tiktok.com/@nagaswara.official
NAGASWARA Official Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/nagaswaraofficial/
NAGASWARA Official Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/NAGASWARAID/
NAGASWARA Official Twitter: https://twitter.com/NAGASWARA_ID
NAGASWARA Official Website: https://www.nagaswara.id
NAGASWARA Live Streaming TV: https://nagaswara.tv/
NAGASWARA Radio Website: https://www.nagaswarafm.com/
NAGASWARA News & Artist Updates: Diberitain: https://diberitain.com/
Artist Management: Julius
[email protected] || (+62) 81908834348
℗ & © 2012 NAGASWARA
The Virgin - Demi Nama Cinta (Official Music Video NAGASWARA) #music
RBT The Virgin - Demi Nama Cinta
Telkomsel : DEASC
Indosat : VIRGI4
3 RBT : 5514514
Untuk aktivasi RBT :
- Telkomsel ketik DEASC kirim ke 1212.
- Indosat ketik SET VIRGI4 kirim ke 808.
- XL ketik VIRGI4 kirim ke 1818.
- 3 RBT ketik 5514514 kirim ke 1212.
ARTIST : The Virgin
JUDUL : Demi Nama Cinta
Andai engkau tahu
Ku hanya ingin dirimu
Tak peduli yang lain menentang hatiku
Jika kau sayang aku buktikanlah hatimu
Agar aku tak ragu jalani bersamamu
Demi nama cinta yang tumbuh di hatiku
Ku serahkan cintaku hanya untukmu
Demi nama cinta yang tumbuh di hatiku
Ku serahkan cintaku hanya untukmu
Demi nama cinta yang tumbuh di hatiku
Ku serahkan cintaku hanyalah untukmu
Demi nama cinta yang tumbuh di hatiku
Buktikanlah cinta matimu
Andai engkau tahu ku hanya ingin dirimu
Tak peduli yang lain menentang hatiku
Jika kau sayang aku (jika kau sayang aku)
Buktikanlah hatimu (buktikanlah hatimu)
Agar aku tak ragu (agar ku tak ragu)
Jalani bersamamu
Demi nama cinta yang tumbuh di hatiku
Ku serahkan cintaku hanyalah untukmu
Demi nama cinta yang tumbuh di hatiku
Ku serahkan cintaku hanyalah untukmu
Demi nama cinta yang tumbuh di hatiku
Ku serahkan cintaku hanya untukmu
Demi nama cinta (demi nama cinta)
Yang tumbuh di hatiku (yang tumbuh di hati)
Ku serahkan cintaku (cintaku) hanya untukmu
Demi nama cinta (demi nama cinta)
Yang tumbuh di hatiku (yang tumbuh di hati)
Ku serahkan cintaku (ku serahkan cintaku) hanya untukmu
Demi nama cinta (demi nama cinta)
Yang tumbuh di hatiku (yang tumbuh di hati)
Ku serahkan cintaku (cintaku)
Hanya untukmu
Don't forget to Like, Comment, Share & Subscribe:
NAGASWARA Official Music Videos: https://www.youtube.com/user/NagaswaraOfficial
NAGASWARA Official Pop Music Videos: https://www.youtube.com/@nagaswarapop
NAGASWARA Various Content: https://www.youtube.com/user/Nagaswaratv
NAGASWARA Live Performances : https://www.youtube.com/@NAGASWARADigitalMedia
NAGASWARA News Channel: https://www.youtube.com/@diberitaincom
Find Us On:
NAGASWARA Official TikTok: https://www.tiktok.com/@nagaswara.official
NAGASWARA Official Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/nagaswaraofficial/
NAGASWARA Official Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/NAGASWARAID/
NAGASWARA Official Twitter: https://twitter.com/NAGASWARA_ID
NAGASWARA Official Website: https://www.nagaswara.id
NAGASWARA Live Streaming TV: https://nagaswara.tv/
NAGASWARA Radio Website: https://www.nagaswarafm.com/
NAGASWARA News & Artist Updates: Diberitain: https://diberitain.com/
Artist Management: Julius
[email protected] || (+62) 81908834348
℗ & © 2012 NAGASWARA
- published: 01 Jun 2012
- views: 3873485
The Virgin - Cinta Terlarang (Lirik)
Jangan pernah ketinggalan update terbaru lagu kami ! silakan berlangganan Channel Happy Sing Lirik di sini: https://bit.ly/HappySingLirik
Official Music Video ...
Jangan pernah ketinggalan update terbaru lagu kami ! silakan berlangganan Channel Happy Sing Lirik di sini: https://bit.ly/HappySingLirik
Official Music Video here : https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=MyVb-8mYV7Q
The Virgin - Cinta Terlarang (Lirik) semua hak milik artis dan label asli.
Follow & support The Virgin :
Youtube - https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCsS5sLqNZu1jWxPt8lS2cKA
Instagram - https://www.instagram.com/mitathevirgin/
#TheVirgin #CintaTerlarang #Lirik
Jangan pernah ketinggalan update terbaru lagu kami ! silakan berlangganan Channel Happy Sing Lirik di sini: https://bit.ly/HappySingLirik
Official Music Video here : https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=MyVb-8mYV7Q
The Virgin - Cinta Terlarang (Lirik) semua hak milik artis dan label asli.
Follow & support The Virgin :
Youtube - https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCsS5sLqNZu1jWxPt8lS2cKA
Instagram - https://www.instagram.com/mitathevirgin/
#TheVirgin #CintaTerlarang #Lirik
- published: 31 Aug 2020
- views: 1939783
The Virgin - Bimbi (Official Music Video NAGASWARA)
The Virgin - Bimbi (Official Music Video NAGASWARA)
Download & Stream "Full Circle" Album: https://lnk.to/Full_Circle
Download & Stream "Full Circle" Album on ...
The Virgin - Bimbi (Official Music Video NAGASWARA)
Download & Stream "Full Circle" Album: https://lnk.to/Full_Circle
Download & Stream "Full Circle" Album on YouTube Music: https://lnk.to/FullCircleYTM
The Virgin mempersembahkan lagu legendaris ciptaan Titiek Puspa berjudul “Bimbi“. Lagu ini ada di album baru The Virgin “Full Circle” yang secara bersamaan telah dirilis ke publik.
Lagu “Bimbi” bercerita tentang seorang wanita dari perantauan yang lupa daratan ketika sudah mengenal kehidupan di kota besar, akhirnya membuat dia tersesat dan hilang arah.
Konsep musik dilagu ini di aransemen oleh Wawan TMG & Mita tentunya berubah total dari musik sebelumnya. Musiknya lebih full rock dengan gaya musik The Virgin seperti biasanya.
Pemilihan lagu “Bimbi” menjadi fokus track single di album Full Circle menurut Mita berawal dari diskusi dengan Music Director Wawan TMG dengan mencocokkan karakter vokal Dara. Ternyata, vokal Dara sangat cocok.
“Harapannya semoga lagu “Bimbi” sebagai fokus track single di album “Full Circle” ini bisa hits lagi seperti dahulu dikalangan anak jaman sekarang dan membawa warna baru di industri musik jaman sekarang”, pungkas Mita dan Dara, kompak.
Info selengkapnya klik https://nagaswara.id/news/
Connect with The Virgin on:
YouTube: https://www.youtube.com/@TheVirginOfficial?sub_confirmation=1
Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/thevirginbandofficial
Instagram Mita: https://www.instagram.com/mitathevirgin
Instagram Dara: https://www.instagram.com/darathevirgin
TikTok The Virgin: https://www.tiktok.com/@thevirginband
TikTok Mita: https://www.tiktok.com/@mitathevirgin
TikTok Dara: https://www.tiktok.com/@darathevirgin
Audio Credits:
Composer: Titiek Puspa
Producer & Arranger: Mita & Wawan TMG
Vocal Director: Wawan TMG
Mixing Engineer: Wawan TMG
Mastering Engineer: Satrio Pratomo
Music Video Credits:
Performer: The Virgin (Mita & Dara)
Additional Player: Rara Cellina, Arief Budiman, Noviansyah Sukma
Starring: Missuary Putri K., Paramadita, Mandy Robins
Script Writer: Dvh.Bale, Evan Wiratama
Director: Dvh.Bale
Co-Director: Evan Wiratama
Director of Photography: Yoeskar Ramadhan, Dvh.Bale
Camera Department : oms Equipt
Gaffer: Yoeskar, Roni
Post Production
Offline & Online Editor: Dvh.Bale
Motion: Kiky
Behind The Scenes: Roni, Ramdhani
Art Director: Rasyid
Props Master: Rasyid, Evan Wiratama
Driver: Bona
Runner: Indra
Location Team: Egi Virgiawan
Stylist: Mandy Robins
Wardrobe: Scissors
Make Up Artist: Ervina
Extras: Saffa,Agi, Pras, Yanti, Roji, Syarif, Brahma, Thoni, Rasyid, Evan, Randy, Dita, Dikdik
Executive Producer: Rahayu Kertawiguna
A&R: Satrio Pratomo
A&R Assistant: Mandy Laura
Label: https://nagaswara.id/
RBT atau Nada Sambung Pribadi
"The Virgin_Bimbi”
Ciptaan : Titiek Puspa.
Telkomsel : ketik VIRGINBIMBI kirim ke 1212.
Indosat : ketik VIRGINBIMBI kirim ke 808.
Lirik Lagu:
Bimbi nama seorang gadis
Sederhana tapi manis
Pergi dari kampungnya tujuannya ke kota
Ingin hidup coba coba
Cepat dia sesuaikan diri
Lagaknya bak peragawati
Uang entah darimana
Segalanya dia punya
Dan langsung ngetop namanya
Bimbi tak mau kenal lagi kampungnya
Bimbi tak mau kenal lagi saudara
Tahun ke masa berganti
Bimbi tak dikenal lagi
Wajah serupa Bimbi
Memelas pucat pasi
Menanti di jalan sepi
Bimbi tak mau kenal lagi kampungnya
Bimbi tak mau kenal lagi saudara
Tahun ke masa berganti
Bimbi tak dikenal lagi
Wajah serupa Bimbi
Memelas pucat pasi
Menanti di jalan sepi
Don't forget to Like, Comment, Share & Subscribe:
NAGASWARA Official Music Videos: https://www.youtube.com/user/NagaswaraOfficial
NAGASWARA Official Pop Music Videos: https://www.youtube.com/@nagaswarapop
NAGASWARA Various Content: https://www.youtube.com/user/Nagaswaratv
NAGASWARA Live Performances : https://www.youtube.com/@NAGASWARADigitalMedia
NAGASWARA News Channel: https://www.youtube.com/@diberitaincom
Find Us On:
NAGASWARA Official TikTok: https://www.tiktok.com/@nagaswara.official
NAGASWARA Official Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/nagaswaraofficial/
NAGASWARA Official Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/NAGASWARAID/
NAGASWARA Official Twitter: https://twitter.com/NAGASWARA_ID
NAGASWARA Official Website: https://www.nagaswara.id
NAGASWARA Live Streaming TV: https://nagaswara.tv/
NAGASWARA Radio Website: https://www.nagaswarafm.com/
NAGASWARA News & Artist Updates: Diberitain: https://diberitain.com/
Artist Management: Julius
[email protected] || (+62) 81908834348
℗ & © 2024 NAGASWARA
#TheVirgin #Bimbi #FullCircle
The Virgin - Bimbi (Official Music Video NAGASWARA)
Download & Stream "Full Circle" Album: https://lnk.to/Full_Circle
Download & Stream "Full Circle" Album on YouTube Music: https://lnk.to/FullCircleYTM
The Virgin mempersembahkan lagu legendaris ciptaan Titiek Puspa berjudul “Bimbi“. Lagu ini ada di album baru The Virgin “Full Circle” yang secara bersamaan telah dirilis ke publik.
Lagu “Bimbi” bercerita tentang seorang wanita dari perantauan yang lupa daratan ketika sudah mengenal kehidupan di kota besar, akhirnya membuat dia tersesat dan hilang arah.
Konsep musik dilagu ini di aransemen oleh Wawan TMG & Mita tentunya berubah total dari musik sebelumnya. Musiknya lebih full rock dengan gaya musik The Virgin seperti biasanya.
Pemilihan lagu “Bimbi” menjadi fokus track single di album Full Circle menurut Mita berawal dari diskusi dengan Music Director Wawan TMG dengan mencocokkan karakter vokal Dara. Ternyata, vokal Dara sangat cocok.
“Harapannya semoga lagu “Bimbi” sebagai fokus track single di album “Full Circle” ini bisa hits lagi seperti dahulu dikalangan anak jaman sekarang dan membawa warna baru di industri musik jaman sekarang”, pungkas Mita dan Dara, kompak.
Info selengkapnya klik https://nagaswara.id/news/
Connect with The Virgin on:
YouTube: https://www.youtube.com/@TheVirginOfficial?sub_confirmation=1
Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/thevirginbandofficial
Instagram Mita: https://www.instagram.com/mitathevirgin
Instagram Dara: https://www.instagram.com/darathevirgin
TikTok The Virgin: https://www.tiktok.com/@thevirginband
TikTok Mita: https://www.tiktok.com/@mitathevirgin
TikTok Dara: https://www.tiktok.com/@darathevirgin
Audio Credits:
Composer: Titiek Puspa
Producer & Arranger: Mita & Wawan TMG
Vocal Director: Wawan TMG
Mixing Engineer: Wawan TMG
Mastering Engineer: Satrio Pratomo
Music Video Credits:
Performer: The Virgin (Mita & Dara)
Additional Player: Rara Cellina, Arief Budiman, Noviansyah Sukma
Starring: Missuary Putri K., Paramadita, Mandy Robins
Script Writer: Dvh.Bale, Evan Wiratama
Director: Dvh.Bale
Co-Director: Evan Wiratama
Director of Photography: Yoeskar Ramadhan, Dvh.Bale
Camera Department : oms Equipt
Gaffer: Yoeskar, Roni
Post Production
Offline & Online Editor: Dvh.Bale
Motion: Kiky
Behind The Scenes: Roni, Ramdhani
Art Director: Rasyid
Props Master: Rasyid, Evan Wiratama
Driver: Bona
Runner: Indra
Location Team: Egi Virgiawan
Stylist: Mandy Robins
Wardrobe: Scissors
Make Up Artist: Ervina
Extras: Saffa,Agi, Pras, Yanti, Roji, Syarif, Brahma, Thoni, Rasyid, Evan, Randy, Dita, Dikdik
Executive Producer: Rahayu Kertawiguna
A&R: Satrio Pratomo
A&R Assistant: Mandy Laura
Label: https://nagaswara.id/
RBT atau Nada Sambung Pribadi
"The Virgin_Bimbi”
Ciptaan : Titiek Puspa.
Telkomsel : ketik VIRGINBIMBI kirim ke 1212.
Indosat : ketik VIRGINBIMBI kirim ke 808.
Lirik Lagu:
Bimbi nama seorang gadis
Sederhana tapi manis
Pergi dari kampungnya tujuannya ke kota
Ingin hidup coba coba
Cepat dia sesuaikan diri
Lagaknya bak peragawati
Uang entah darimana
Segalanya dia punya
Dan langsung ngetop namanya
Bimbi tak mau kenal lagi kampungnya
Bimbi tak mau kenal lagi saudara
Tahun ke masa berganti
Bimbi tak dikenal lagi
Wajah serupa Bimbi
Memelas pucat pasi
Menanti di jalan sepi
Bimbi tak mau kenal lagi kampungnya
Bimbi tak mau kenal lagi saudara
Tahun ke masa berganti
Bimbi tak dikenal lagi
Wajah serupa Bimbi
Memelas pucat pasi
Menanti di jalan sepi
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NAGASWARA Live Performances : https://www.youtube.com/@NAGASWARADigitalMedia
NAGASWARA News Channel: https://www.youtube.com/@diberitaincom
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NAGASWARA Radio Website: https://www.nagaswarafm.com/
NAGASWARA News & Artist Updates: Diberitain: https://diberitain.com/
Artist Management: Julius
[email protected] || (+62) 81908834348
℗ & © 2024 NAGASWARA
#TheVirgin #Bimbi #FullCircle
- published: 30 Aug 2024
- views: 114554
The Virgin - Sedetik (Official Music Video NAGASWARA)
Video Klip Official The Virgin Sedetik
Download Lagu MP3 Sedetik The Virgin :
Lirik Lagu The Virgin Sedetik :
Sedetik saja takkan...
Video Klip Official The Virgin Sedetik
Download Lagu MP3 Sedetik The Virgin :
Lirik Lagu The Virgin Sedetik :
Sedetik saja takkan terlupa
Rasanya ingin lagi berjumpa
Awal pertemuan lembut terdengar
Saat kau jabat erat jemariku
Kini kau hadir di tiap malamku
Menumpahkan segala rindumu
Janji terucap terjalin indah
Kau dan diriku saling memiliki
Kaulah yang pertama yang memberi aku cinta
Genggamlah tanganku yakinkan kita bersatu
Kaulah yang pertama yang membuatku terpana
Ku ingin kau hadir di setiap anganku
Ku ingin kau ada di setiap langkahku
Kini kau hadir di tiap malamku (malam-malamku)
Menumpahkan segala rindumu
Janji terucap terjalin indah
Kau dan diriku saling memiliki
Kaulah yang pertama yang memberi aku cinta
Genggamlah tanganku yakinkan kita bersatu
Kaulah yang pertama yang membuatku terpana
Ku ingin kau hadir di setiap anganku
Ku ingin kau ada di setiap langkahku
Biografi Artis Penyanyi The Virgin : https://smarturl.id/1MCEr2Nu
Download Video Klip Karaoke HD The Virgin - Sedetik : http://nagadigi.com
Nagaswara Official Music Video The Virgin Egois
Nagaswara Channel Musik Indonesia
Lagu POP Rock Baru 2014 2015
Musik POP Baru Nagaswara
Don't forget to Like, Comment, Share & Subscribe:
NAGASWARA Official Music Videos: https://www.youtube.com/user/NagaswaraOfficial
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NAGASWARA Live Performances : https://www.youtube.com/@NAGASWARADigitalMedia
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NAGASWARA Official Twitter: https://twitter.com/NAGASWARA_ID
NAGASWARA Official Website: https://www.nagaswara.id
NAGASWARA Live Streaming TV: https://nagaswara.tv/
NAGASWARA Radio Website: https://www.nagaswarafm.com/
NAGASWARA News & Artist Updates: Diberitain: https://diberitain.com/
Artist Management: Julius
[email protected] || (+62) 81908834348
℗ & © 2020 NAGASWARA
Video Klip Official The Virgin Sedetik
Download Lagu MP3 Sedetik The Virgin :
Lirik Lagu The Virgin Sedetik :
Sedetik saja takkan terlupa
Rasanya ingin lagi berjumpa
Awal pertemuan lembut terdengar
Saat kau jabat erat jemariku
Kini kau hadir di tiap malamku
Menumpahkan segala rindumu
Janji terucap terjalin indah
Kau dan diriku saling memiliki
Kaulah yang pertama yang memberi aku cinta
Genggamlah tanganku yakinkan kita bersatu
Kaulah yang pertama yang membuatku terpana
Ku ingin kau hadir di setiap anganku
Ku ingin kau ada di setiap langkahku
Kini kau hadir di tiap malamku (malam-malamku)
Menumpahkan segala rindumu
Janji terucap terjalin indah
Kau dan diriku saling memiliki
Kaulah yang pertama yang memberi aku cinta
Genggamlah tanganku yakinkan kita bersatu
Kaulah yang pertama yang membuatku terpana
Ku ingin kau hadir di setiap anganku
Ku ingin kau ada di setiap langkahku
Biografi Artis Penyanyi The Virgin : https://smarturl.id/1MCEr2Nu
Download Video Klip Karaoke HD The Virgin - Sedetik : http://nagadigi.com
Nagaswara Official Music Video The Virgin Egois
Nagaswara Channel Musik Indonesia
Lagu POP Rock Baru 2014 2015
Musik POP Baru Nagaswara
Don't forget to Like, Comment, Share & Subscribe:
NAGASWARA Official Music Videos: https://www.youtube.com/user/NagaswaraOfficial
NAGASWARA Official Pop Music Videos: https://www.youtube.com/@nagaswarapop
NAGASWARA Various Content: https://www.youtube.com/user/Nagaswaratv
NAGASWARA Live Performances : https://www.youtube.com/@NAGASWARADigitalMedia
NAGASWARA News Channel: https://www.youtube.com/@diberitaincom
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NAGASWARA Official TikTok: https://www.tiktok.com/@nagaswara.official
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NAGASWARA Official Twitter: https://twitter.com/NAGASWARA_ID
NAGASWARA Official Website: https://www.nagaswara.id
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NAGASWARA Radio Website: https://www.nagaswarafm.com/
NAGASWARA News & Artist Updates: Diberitain: https://diberitain.com/
Artist Management: Julius
[email protected] || (+62) 81908834348
℗ & © 2020 NAGASWARA
- published: 07 Jan 2015
- views: 5211328
The Virgin - Tak Ingin Menggantikannya (Pop Music Video Official NAGASWARA)
The Virgin - Tak Ingin Menggantikannya (Pop Music Video Official NAGASWARA)
Artist : The Virgin
Title : Tak Ingin Menggantikannya
Composed by : Mita
The Virgin - Tak Ingin Menggantikannya (Pop Music Video Official NAGASWARA)
Artist : The Virgin
Title : Tak Ingin Menggantikannya
Composed by : Mita
Arrangement : Wawan TMG & Mita
Lirik Lagu :
Hancur pilu hatiku
Tak kuasa ku ungkapkan
Karena ku tau hatimu untuknya
Ku hanya ingin mencintai
Tak memaksamu mencintai
Tulus hati kuserahkan
Hidupku ..
Sayang mengertilah isi hatiku
Akupun tak ingin menggantikannya
Karena aku tau dirinya tak tergantikan
Yakinkan hatimu tuk bersamaku
Sampai saat nanti hatimu utuh untukku
Ku kan sabar menanti
Sayang mengertilah isi hatiku
Akupun tak ingin menggantikannya
Karena aku tau dirinya tak tergantikan
Yakinkan hatimu tuk bersamaku
Sampai saat nanti hatimu utuh untukku
Ku kan sabar menanti
Don't forget to Like, Comment, Share & Subscribe:
NAGASWARA Official Music Videos: https://www.youtube.com/user/NagaswaraOfficial
NAGASWARA Official Pop Music Videos: https://www.youtube.com/@nagaswarapop
NAGASWARA Various Content: https://www.youtube.com/user/Nagaswaratv
NAGASWARA Live Performances : https://www.youtube.com/@NAGASWARADigitalMedia
NAGASWARA News Channel: https://www.youtube.com/@diberitaincom
Find Us On:
NAGASWARA Official TikTok: https://www.tiktok.com/@nagaswara.official
NAGASWARA Official Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/nagaswaraofficial/
NAGASWARA Official Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/NAGASWARAID/
NAGASWARA Official Twitter: https://twitter.com/NAGASWARA_ID
NAGASWARA Official Website: https://www.nagaswara.id
NAGASWARA Live Streaming TV: https://nagaswara.tv/
NAGASWARA Radio Website: https://www.nagaswarafm.com/
NAGASWARA News & Artist Updates: Diberitain: https://diberitain.com/
Artist Management: Julius
[email protected] || (+62) 81908834348
℗ & © 2021 NAGASWARA
The Virgin - Tak Ingin Menggantikannya (Pop Music Video Official NAGASWARA)
Artist : The Virgin
Title : Tak Ingin Menggantikannya
Composed by : Mita
Arrangement : Wawan TMG & Mita
Lirik Lagu :
Hancur pilu hatiku
Tak kuasa ku ungkapkan
Karena ku tau hatimu untuknya
Ku hanya ingin mencintai
Tak memaksamu mencintai
Tulus hati kuserahkan
Hidupku ..
Sayang mengertilah isi hatiku
Akupun tak ingin menggantikannya
Karena aku tau dirinya tak tergantikan
Yakinkan hatimu tuk bersamaku
Sampai saat nanti hatimu utuh untukku
Ku kan sabar menanti
Sayang mengertilah isi hatiku
Akupun tak ingin menggantikannya
Karena aku tau dirinya tak tergantikan
Yakinkan hatimu tuk bersamaku
Sampai saat nanti hatimu utuh untukku
Ku kan sabar menanti
Don't forget to Like, Comment, Share & Subscribe:
NAGASWARA Official Music Videos: https://www.youtube.com/user/NagaswaraOfficial
NAGASWARA Official Pop Music Videos: https://www.youtube.com/@nagaswarapop
NAGASWARA Various Content: https://www.youtube.com/user/Nagaswaratv
NAGASWARA Live Performances : https://www.youtube.com/@NAGASWARADigitalMedia
NAGASWARA News Channel: https://www.youtube.com/@diberitaincom
Find Us On:
NAGASWARA Official TikTok: https://www.tiktok.com/@nagaswara.official
NAGASWARA Official Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/nagaswaraofficial/
NAGASWARA Official Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/NAGASWARAID/
NAGASWARA Official Twitter: https://twitter.com/NAGASWARA_ID
NAGASWARA Official Website: https://www.nagaswara.id
NAGASWARA Live Streaming TV: https://nagaswara.tv/
NAGASWARA Radio Website: https://www.nagaswarafm.com/
NAGASWARA News & Artist Updates: Diberitain: https://diberitain.com/
Artist Management: Julius
[email protected] || (+62) 81908834348
℗ & © 2021 NAGASWARA
- published: 23 Mar 2021
- views: 1356292
Kramer Gives Away His TV | The Virgin | Seinfeld
"I don't need weather; weather doesn't do it for me."
From Seinfeld Season 4 Episode 10 'The Virgin': A procrastinating Jerry and George strain to think of an idea for a TV series just hours before meeting with impatient network honchos. But Jerry can't forget about his date with a beautiful young woman who confesses to him that she's still a virgin -- putting even more pressure on him.
Find your local listing | http://www.seinfeld.com/
Watch all 180 episodes of Seinfeld any time, only on Netflix | https://www.netflix.com/title/70153373
Watch weekdays at 4pm/3c on Comedy Central | https://www.cc.com
Subscribe to the Seinfeld channel: https://bit.ly/OfficialSeinfeld
Follow Us on Social:
Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/seinfeld/
Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/seinfeldtv/
published: 18 Jul 2024
George's Girlfriend Dilemma | The Virgin | Seinfeld
Once you've got a girlfriend, you don't want a girlfriend- you just want more girlfriends!
From Seinfeld Season 4 Episode 10 'The Virgin': A procrastinating Jerry and George strain to think of an idea for a TV series just hours before meeting with impatient network honchos. But Jerry can't forget about his date with a beautiful young woman who confesses to him that she's still a virgin -- putting even more pressure on him.
Find your local listing | http://www.seinfeld.com/
Watch all 180 episodes of Seinfeld any time, only on Netflix | https://www.netflix.com/title/70153373
Watch weekdays at 4pm/3c on Comedy Central | https://www.cc.com
Subscribe to the Seinfeld channel: https://bit.ly/OfficialSeinfeld
Follow Us on Social:
Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/seinfeld/
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published: 07 Feb 2022
Jerry Dates A Virgin | The Virgin | Seinfeld
"It's like they've committed a crime and want to flee the scene before the police get there."
From Seinfeld Season 4 Episode 10 'The Virgin': A procrastinating Jerry and George strain to think of an idea for a TV series just hours before meeting with impatient network honchos. But Jerry can't forget about his date with a beautiful young woman who confesses to him that she's still a virgin -- putting even more pressure on him.
Find your local listing | http://www.seinfeld.com/
Watch all 180 episodes of Seinfeld any time, only on Netflix | https://www.netflix.com/title/70153373
Watch weekdays at 4pm/3c on Comedy Central | https://www.cc.com
Subscribe to the Seinfeld channel: https://bit.ly/OfficialSeinfeld
Follow Us on Social:
Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/seinfeld/
Instagram: http...
published: 10 Apr 2023
Seinfeld / Jerry finds out that the girl he likes is still a virgin
Jerry finds out that the girl he likes is still a virgin; George wants to end his relationship with Susan to exploit his writing profession as a pick-up line.
Seinfeld is an American sitcom television series created by Larry David and Jerry Seinfeld. It aired on NBC from July 5, 1989, to May 14, 1998, over nine seasons and 180 episodes. It stars Seinfeld as a fictionalized version of himself and focuses on his personal life with three of his friends: best friend George Costanza (Jason Alexander), former girlfriend Elaine Benes (Julia Louis-Dreyfus), and his neighbor from across the hall, Cosmo Kramer (Michael Richards). It is set mostly in an apartment building in Manhattan's Upper West Side in New York City. It has been described as "a show about nothing", often focusing on the minutiae ...
published: 07 Apr 2022
Seinfeld - George Marla Jerry Stacy (Everyone Saying Their Names)
Seinfeld Season 4 Episode 10: The Virgin
published: 13 Sep 2022
Seinfeld - Introducing
Seinfeld 4 x 10 - The Virgin
published: 20 Feb 2010
Seinfeld | The Virgin | Kramer's Pea Pods | S4EP10
published: 21 Oct 2022
Jerry Dates A Girl Who Doesn't Laugh | The Switch | Seinfeld
[Video Specific Description]
From Seinfeld Season 6 Episode 10 The Switch: Jerry wants to switch from dating a non-laughing woman to dating her roommate; Elaine has difficulty retrieving a tennis racket she loaned out; George enlists Kramer's mother to spy on his seemingly bulimic girlfriend.
Find your local listing | http://www.seinfeld.com/
Watch all 180 episodes of Seinfeld any time, only on Netflix | https://www.netflix.com/title/70153373
Watch weekdays at 4pm/3c on Comedy Central | https://www.cc.com
Subscribe to the Seinfeld channel: https://bit.ly/OfficialSeinfeld
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published: 28 Aug 2024
George Goes Abstinent! | The Abstinence | Seinfeld
George finally reaches his full potential, he only has to give up one thing...
From Seinfeld Season 8 Episode 9 'The Abstinence': While abstinence makes George smarter, it has the opposite effect on Elaine; Kramer opens a smoker's lounge in his apartment as Jerry prepares to speak at a junior high school.
Find your local listing | http://www.seinfeld.com/
Watch all 180 episodes of Seinfeld any time, only on Netflix | https://www.netflix.com/title/70153373
Watch weekdays at 4pm/3c on Comedy Central | https://www.cc.com
Subscribe to the Seinfeld channel: https://bit.ly/OfficialSeinfeld
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published: 02 Dec 2021
Seinfeld Video - The Virgin clip 1 - tbs.com2.flv
published: 15 May 2011
Kramer Gives Away His TV | The Virgin | Seinfeld
"I don't need weather; weather doesn't do it for me."
From Seinfeld Season 4 Episode 10 'The Virgin': A procrastinating Jerry and George strain to think of an ...
"I don't need weather; weather doesn't do it for me."
From Seinfeld Season 4 Episode 10 'The Virgin': A procrastinating Jerry and George strain to think of an idea for a TV series just hours before meeting with impatient network honchos. But Jerry can't forget about his date with a beautiful young woman who confesses to him that she's still a virgin -- putting even more pressure on him.
Find your local listing | http://www.seinfeld.com/
Watch all 180 episodes of Seinfeld any time, only on Netflix | https://www.netflix.com/title/70153373
Watch weekdays at 4pm/3c on Comedy Central | https://www.cc.com
Subscribe to the Seinfeld channel: https://bit.ly/OfficialSeinfeld
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About Seinfeld:
Seinfeld stars Jerry Seinfeld as a stand-up comedian whose life in New York City is made even more chaotic by his quirky group of friends who join him in wrestling with life's most perplexing, yet often trivial questions. Often described as "a show about nothing," Seinfeld mines the humor in life's mundane situations like waiting in line, searching for a lost item, or the trials and tribulations of dating. Co-starring are Julia Louis-Dreyfus as Jerry's ex-girlfriend and current platonic pal, Elaine Benes; Jason Alexander as George Costanza, Jerry's neurotic hard-luck best friend; and Michael Richards as Jerry's eccentric neighbor, Kramer.
#Seinfeld #LarryDavid #TheVirgin
Kramer Gives Away His TV | The Virgin | Seinfeld
"I don't need weather; weather doesn't do it for me."
From Seinfeld Season 4 Episode 10 'The Virgin': A procrastinating Jerry and George strain to think of an idea for a TV series just hours before meeting with impatient network honchos. But Jerry can't forget about his date with a beautiful young woman who confesses to him that she's still a virgin -- putting even more pressure on him.
Find your local listing | http://www.seinfeld.com/
Watch all 180 episodes of Seinfeld any time, only on Netflix | https://www.netflix.com/title/70153373
Watch weekdays at 4pm/3c on Comedy Central | https://www.cc.com
Subscribe to the Seinfeld channel: https://bit.ly/OfficialSeinfeld
Follow Us on Social:
Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/seinfeld/
Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/seinfeldtv/
Twitter: https://twitter.com/seinfeldtv?lang=en
TikTok: https://www.tiktok.com/@officialseinfeldtv
About Seinfeld:
Seinfeld stars Jerry Seinfeld as a stand-up comedian whose life in New York City is made even more chaotic by his quirky group of friends who join him in wrestling with life's most perplexing, yet often trivial questions. Often described as "a show about nothing," Seinfeld mines the humor in life's mundane situations like waiting in line, searching for a lost item, or the trials and tribulations of dating. Co-starring are Julia Louis-Dreyfus as Jerry's ex-girlfriend and current platonic pal, Elaine Benes; Jason Alexander as George Costanza, Jerry's neurotic hard-luck best friend; and Michael Richards as Jerry's eccentric neighbor, Kramer.
#Seinfeld #LarryDavid #TheVirgin
Kramer Gives Away His TV | The Virgin | Seinfeld
- published: 18 Jul 2024
- views: 196346
George's Girlfriend Dilemma | The Virgin | Seinfeld
Once you've got a girlfriend, you don't want a girlfriend- you just want more girlfriends!
From Seinfeld Season 4 Episode 10 'The Virgin': A procrastinating Je...
Once you've got a girlfriend, you don't want a girlfriend- you just want more girlfriends!
From Seinfeld Season 4 Episode 10 'The Virgin': A procrastinating Jerry and George strain to think of an idea for a TV series just hours before meeting with impatient network honchos. But Jerry can't forget about his date with a beautiful young woman who confesses to him that she's still a virgin -- putting even more pressure on him.
Find your local listing | http://www.seinfeld.com/
Watch all 180 episodes of Seinfeld any time, only on Netflix | https://www.netflix.com/title/70153373
Watch weekdays at 4pm/3c on Comedy Central | https://www.cc.com
Subscribe to the Seinfeld channel: https://bit.ly/OfficialSeinfeld
Follow Us on Social:
Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/seinfeld/
Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/seinfeldtv/
Twitter: https://twitter.com/seinfeldtv?lang=en
TikTok: https://www.tiktok.com/@officialseinfeldtv
About Seinfeld:
Seinfeld stars Jerry Seinfeld as a stand-up comedian whose life in New York City is made even more chaotic by his quirky group of friends who join him in wrestling with life's most perplexing, yet often trivial questions. Often described as "a show about nothing," Seinfeld mines the humor in life's mundane situations like waiting in line, searching for a lost item, or the trials and tribulations of dating. Co-starring are Julia Louis-Dreyfus as Jerry's ex-girlfriend and current platonic pal, Elaine Benes; Jason Alexander as George Costanza, Jerry's neurotic hard-luck best friend; and Michael Richards as Jerry's eccentric neighbor, Kramer.
#Seinfeld #LarryDavid #TheVirgin
George's Girlfriend Dilemma | The Virgin | Seinfeld
Once you've got a girlfriend, you don't want a girlfriend- you just want more girlfriends!
From Seinfeld Season 4 Episode 10 'The Virgin': A procrastinating Jerry and George strain to think of an idea for a TV series just hours before meeting with impatient network honchos. But Jerry can't forget about his date with a beautiful young woman who confesses to him that she's still a virgin -- putting even more pressure on him.
Find your local listing | http://www.seinfeld.com/
Watch all 180 episodes of Seinfeld any time, only on Netflix | https://www.netflix.com/title/70153373
Watch weekdays at 4pm/3c on Comedy Central | https://www.cc.com
Subscribe to the Seinfeld channel: https://bit.ly/OfficialSeinfeld
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About Seinfeld:
Seinfeld stars Jerry Seinfeld as a stand-up comedian whose life in New York City is made even more chaotic by his quirky group of friends who join him in wrestling with life's most perplexing, yet often trivial questions. Often described as "a show about nothing," Seinfeld mines the humor in life's mundane situations like waiting in line, searching for a lost item, or the trials and tribulations of dating. Co-starring are Julia Louis-Dreyfus as Jerry's ex-girlfriend and current platonic pal, Elaine Benes; Jason Alexander as George Costanza, Jerry's neurotic hard-luck best friend; and Michael Richards as Jerry's eccentric neighbor, Kramer.
#Seinfeld #LarryDavid #TheVirgin
George's Girlfriend Dilemma | The Virgin | Seinfeld
- published: 07 Feb 2022
- views: 827164
Jerry Dates A Virgin | The Virgin | Seinfeld
"It's like they've committed a crime and want to flee the scene before the police get there."
From Seinfeld Season 4 Episode 10 'The Virgin': A procrastinating...
"It's like they've committed a crime and want to flee the scene before the police get there."
From Seinfeld Season 4 Episode 10 'The Virgin': A procrastinating Jerry and George strain to think of an idea for a TV series just hours before meeting with impatient network honchos. But Jerry can't forget about his date with a beautiful young woman who confesses to him that she's still a virgin -- putting even more pressure on him.
Find your local listing | http://www.seinfeld.com/
Watch all 180 episodes of Seinfeld any time, only on Netflix | https://www.netflix.com/title/70153373
Watch weekdays at 4pm/3c on Comedy Central | https://www.cc.com
Subscribe to the Seinfeld channel: https://bit.ly/OfficialSeinfeld
Follow Us on Social:
Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/seinfeld/
Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/seinfeldtv/
Twitter: https://twitter.com/seinfeldtv?lang=en
TikTok: https://www.tiktok.com/@officialseinfeldtv
About Seinfeld:
Seinfeld stars Jerry Seinfeld as a stand-up comedian whose life in New York City is made even more chaotic by his quirky group of friends who join him in wrestling with life's most perplexing, yet often trivial questions. Often described as "a show about nothing," Seinfeld mines the humor in life's mundane situations like waiting in line, searching for a lost item, or the trials and tribulations of dating. Co-starring are Julia Louis-Dreyfus as Jerry's ex-girlfriend and current platonic pal, Elaine Benes; Jason Alexander as George Costanza, Jerry's neurotic hard-luck best friend; and Michael Richards as Jerry's eccentric neighbor, Kramer.
#Seinfeld #LarryDavid #TheVirgin
Jerry Dates A Virgin | The Virgin | Seinfeld
"It's like they've committed a crime and want to flee the scene before the police get there."
From Seinfeld Season 4 Episode 10 'The Virgin': A procrastinating Jerry and George strain to think of an idea for a TV series just hours before meeting with impatient network honchos. But Jerry can't forget about his date with a beautiful young woman who confesses to him that she's still a virgin -- putting even more pressure on him.
Find your local listing | http://www.seinfeld.com/
Watch all 180 episodes of Seinfeld any time, only on Netflix | https://www.netflix.com/title/70153373
Watch weekdays at 4pm/3c on Comedy Central | https://www.cc.com
Subscribe to the Seinfeld channel: https://bit.ly/OfficialSeinfeld
Follow Us on Social:
Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/seinfeld/
Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/seinfeldtv/
Twitter: https://twitter.com/seinfeldtv?lang=en
TikTok: https://www.tiktok.com/@officialseinfeldtv
About Seinfeld:
Seinfeld stars Jerry Seinfeld as a stand-up comedian whose life in New York City is made even more chaotic by his quirky group of friends who join him in wrestling with life's most perplexing, yet often trivial questions. Often described as "a show about nothing," Seinfeld mines the humor in life's mundane situations like waiting in line, searching for a lost item, or the trials and tribulations of dating. Co-starring are Julia Louis-Dreyfus as Jerry's ex-girlfriend and current platonic pal, Elaine Benes; Jason Alexander as George Costanza, Jerry's neurotic hard-luck best friend; and Michael Richards as Jerry's eccentric neighbor, Kramer.
#Seinfeld #LarryDavid #TheVirgin
Jerry Dates A Virgin | The Virgin | Seinfeld
- published: 10 Apr 2023
- views: 186411
Seinfeld / Jerry finds out that the girl he likes is still a virgin
Jerry finds out that the girl he likes is still a virgin; George wants to end his relationship with Susan to exploit his writing profession as a pick-up line.
Jerry finds out that the girl he likes is still a virgin; George wants to end his relationship with Susan to exploit his writing profession as a pick-up line.
Seinfeld is an American sitcom television series created by Larry David and Jerry Seinfeld. It aired on NBC from July 5, 1989, to May 14, 1998, over nine seasons and 180 episodes. It stars Seinfeld as a fictionalized version of himself and focuses on his personal life with three of his friends: best friend George Costanza (Jason Alexander), former girlfriend Elaine Benes (Julia Louis-Dreyfus), and his neighbor from across the hall, Cosmo Kramer (Michael Richards). It is set mostly in an apartment building in Manhattan's Upper West Side in New York City. It has been described as "a show about nothing", often focusing on the minutiae of daily life.
As a rising comedian in the late 1980s, Jerry Seinfeld was presented with an opportunity to create a show with NBC. He asked David, a fellow comedian and friend, to help create a premise for a sitcom. The series was produced by West-Shapiro Productions and Castle Rock Entertainment, and distributed by Columbia Pictures Television. It was largely written by David and Seinfeld, with script writers who included Larry Charles, Peter Mehlman, Gregg Kavet, Carol Leifer, David Mandel, Jeff Schaffer, Steve Koren, Jennifer Crittenden, Tom Gammill, Max Pross, Dan O'Keefe, Charlie Rubin, Marjorie Gross, Alec Berg, Elaine Pope, and Spike Feresten. A favorite among critics, the series led the Nielsen ratings in seasons six and nine, and finished among the top two (with NBC's ER) every year from 1994 to 1998. Only two other shows, I Love Lucy and The Andy Griffith Show, have finished their runs at the top of the ratings
Jerry finds out that the girl he likes is still a virgin; George wants to end his relationship with Susan to exploit his writing profession as a pick-up line.
Seinfeld is an American sitcom television series created by Larry David and Jerry Seinfeld. It aired on NBC from July 5, 1989, to May 14, 1998, over nine seasons and 180 episodes. It stars Seinfeld as a fictionalized version of himself and focuses on his personal life with three of his friends: best friend George Costanza (Jason Alexander), former girlfriend Elaine Benes (Julia Louis-Dreyfus), and his neighbor from across the hall, Cosmo Kramer (Michael Richards). It is set mostly in an apartment building in Manhattan's Upper West Side in New York City. It has been described as "a show about nothing", often focusing on the minutiae of daily life.
As a rising comedian in the late 1980s, Jerry Seinfeld was presented with an opportunity to create a show with NBC. He asked David, a fellow comedian and friend, to help create a premise for a sitcom. The series was produced by West-Shapiro Productions and Castle Rock Entertainment, and distributed by Columbia Pictures Television. It was largely written by David and Seinfeld, with script writers who included Larry Charles, Peter Mehlman, Gregg Kavet, Carol Leifer, David Mandel, Jeff Schaffer, Steve Koren, Jennifer Crittenden, Tom Gammill, Max Pross, Dan O'Keefe, Charlie Rubin, Marjorie Gross, Alec Berg, Elaine Pope, and Spike Feresten. A favorite among critics, the series led the Nielsen ratings in seasons six and nine, and finished among the top two (with NBC's ER) every year from 1994 to 1998. Only two other shows, I Love Lucy and The Andy Griffith Show, have finished their runs at the top of the ratings
- published: 07 Apr 2022
- views: 43372
Jerry Dates A Girl Who Doesn't Laugh | The Switch | Seinfeld
[Video Specific Description]
From Seinfeld Season 6 Episode 10 The Switch: Jerry wants to switch from dating a non-laughing woman to dating her roommate; Elain...
[Video Specific Description]
From Seinfeld Season 6 Episode 10 The Switch: Jerry wants to switch from dating a non-laughing woman to dating her roommate; Elaine has difficulty retrieving a tennis racket she loaned out; George enlists Kramer's mother to spy on his seemingly bulimic girlfriend.
Find your local listing | http://www.seinfeld.com/
Watch all 180 episodes of Seinfeld any time, only on Netflix | https://www.netflix.com/title/70153373
Watch weekdays at 4pm/3c on Comedy Central | https://www.cc.com
Subscribe to the Seinfeld channel: https://bit.ly/OfficialSeinfeld
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TikTok: https://www.tiktok.com/@officialseinfeldtv
About Seinfeld:
Seinfeld stars Jerry Seinfeld as a stand-up comedian whose life in New York City is made even more chaotic by his quirky group of friends who join him in wrestling with life's most perplexing, yet often trivial questions. Often described as "a show about nothing," Seinfeld mines the humor in life's mundane situations like waiting in line, searching for a lost item, or the trials and tribulations of dating. Co-starring are Julia Louis-Dreyfus as Jerry's ex-girlfriend and current platonic pal, Elaine Benes; Jason Alexander as George Costanza, Jerry's neurotic hard-luck best friend; and Michael Richards as Jerry's eccentric neighbor, Kramer.
#Seinfeld #LarryDavid #TheSwitch
Jerry Dates A Girl Who Doesn't Laugh | The Switch | Seinfeld
[Video Specific Description]
From Seinfeld Season 6 Episode 10 The Switch: Jerry wants to switch from dating a non-laughing woman to dating her roommate; Elaine has difficulty retrieving a tennis racket she loaned out; George enlists Kramer's mother to spy on his seemingly bulimic girlfriend.
Find your local listing | http://www.seinfeld.com/
Watch all 180 episodes of Seinfeld any time, only on Netflix | https://www.netflix.com/title/70153373
Watch weekdays at 4pm/3c on Comedy Central | https://www.cc.com
Subscribe to the Seinfeld channel: https://bit.ly/OfficialSeinfeld
Follow Us on Social:
Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/seinfeld/
Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/seinfeldtv/
Twitter: https://twitter.com/seinfeldtv?lang=en
TikTok: https://www.tiktok.com/@officialseinfeldtv
About Seinfeld:
Seinfeld stars Jerry Seinfeld as a stand-up comedian whose life in New York City is made even more chaotic by his quirky group of friends who join him in wrestling with life's most perplexing, yet often trivial questions. Often described as "a show about nothing," Seinfeld mines the humor in life's mundane situations like waiting in line, searching for a lost item, or the trials and tribulations of dating. Co-starring are Julia Louis-Dreyfus as Jerry's ex-girlfriend and current platonic pal, Elaine Benes; Jason Alexander as George Costanza, Jerry's neurotic hard-luck best friend; and Michael Richards as Jerry's eccentric neighbor, Kramer.
#Seinfeld #LarryDavid #TheSwitch
Jerry Dates A Girl Who Doesn't Laugh | The Switch | Seinfeld
- published: 28 Aug 2024
- views: 424991
George Goes Abstinent! | The Abstinence | Seinfeld
George finally reaches his full potential, he only has to give up one thing...
From Seinfeld Season 8 Episode 9 'The Abstinence': While abstinence makes George...
George finally reaches his full potential, he only has to give up one thing...
From Seinfeld Season 8 Episode 9 'The Abstinence': While abstinence makes George smarter, it has the opposite effect on Elaine; Kramer opens a smoker's lounge in his apartment as Jerry prepares to speak at a junior high school.
Find your local listing | http://www.seinfeld.com/
Watch all 180 episodes of Seinfeld any time, only on Netflix | https://www.netflix.com/title/70153373
Watch weekdays at 4pm/3c on Comedy Central | https://www.cc.com
Subscribe to the Seinfeld channel: https://bit.ly/OfficialSeinfeld
Follow Us on Social:
Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/seinfeld/
Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/seinfeldtv/
Twitter: https://twitter.com/seinfeldtv?lang=en
TikTok: https://www.tiktok.com/@officialseinfeldtv
About Seinfeld:
Seinfeld stars Jerry Seinfeld as a stand-up comedian whose life in New York City is made even more chaotic by his quirky group of friends who join him in wrestling with life's most perplexing, yet often trivial questions. Often described as "a show about nothing," Seinfeld mines the humor in life's mundane situations like waiting in line, searching for a lost item, or the trials and tribulations of dating. Co-starring are Julia Louis-Dreyfus as Jerry's ex-girlfriend and current platonic pal, Elaine Benes; Jason Alexander as George Costanza, Jerry's neurotic hard-luck best friend; and Michael Richards as Jerry's eccentric neighbor, Kramer.
#Seinfeld #LarryDavid #TheAbstinence
George Goes Abstinent! | The Abstinence | Seinfeld
George finally reaches his full potential, he only has to give up one thing...
From Seinfeld Season 8 Episode 9 'The Abstinence': While abstinence makes George smarter, it has the opposite effect on Elaine; Kramer opens a smoker's lounge in his apartment as Jerry prepares to speak at a junior high school.
Find your local listing | http://www.seinfeld.com/
Watch all 180 episodes of Seinfeld any time, only on Netflix | https://www.netflix.com/title/70153373
Watch weekdays at 4pm/3c on Comedy Central | https://www.cc.com
Subscribe to the Seinfeld channel: https://bit.ly/OfficialSeinfeld
Follow Us on Social:
Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/seinfeld/
Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/seinfeldtv/
Twitter: https://twitter.com/seinfeldtv?lang=en
TikTok: https://www.tiktok.com/@officialseinfeldtv
About Seinfeld:
Seinfeld stars Jerry Seinfeld as a stand-up comedian whose life in New York City is made even more chaotic by his quirky group of friends who join him in wrestling with life's most perplexing, yet often trivial questions. Often described as "a show about nothing," Seinfeld mines the humor in life's mundane situations like waiting in line, searching for a lost item, or the trials and tribulations of dating. Co-starring are Julia Louis-Dreyfus as Jerry's ex-girlfriend and current platonic pal, Elaine Benes; Jason Alexander as George Costanza, Jerry's neurotic hard-luck best friend; and Michael Richards as Jerry's eccentric neighbor, Kramer.
#Seinfeld #LarryDavid #TheAbstinence
George Goes Abstinent! | The Abstinence | Seinfeld
- published: 02 Dec 2021
- views: 1579714