The Threat is the 21st book in the Animorphs series, written by K.A. Applegate. It is narrated by Jake. It is the second book in the David trilogy.
Plot summary
After falling from the Blade ship, the Animorphs are snagged from mid-air by Rachel and Tobias, in their respective eagle and hawk morphs. They land on the beach, needing a plan to infiltrate the Marriott resort. Jake becomes aware of the tensions between David and Marco, and is disturbed by David's unnecessary excesses. The team morphs into seagulls, and spy out the area, crawling with security agents armed to the teeth and accompanied by dogs. They're zapped by a security man wearing sunglasses with weak Dracon beam emitters built into them. Jake tells them to leave.
Upon his return home, Jake's parents tell him and his brother Tom that their obnoxious cousin, Saddler, was gravely injured in a car accident, and that they were leaving town to spend time with his parents. Jake is presented with the opportunity to advance his plans. Unfortunately, that night, David disappears from Cassie's barn. Jake morphs into his dog, Homer, and tracks David's scent to an inn. David had morphed into a golden eagle, smashed the window with a rock and entered a room without paying. Jake warns him of the consequences of this action, while also saying he won't have time to help David with his living problems until after the mission. David doesn't hide his contempt, but leaves with Jake anyway.
Detective Ray Williams (Michael O'Shea) is recuperating from a broken rib as his wife Ann (Julie Bishop) tries to persuade him to get a desk job, especially with the new baby on the way. However, a call from the police inspector (Robert Shayne) informs him that homicidal criminal "Red" Kluger (who Williams apprehended) has busted out of Folsom Prison. As Williams is going to leave in his police car, he is kidnapped by Kluger (Charles McGraw) and his men. District attorney Barker MacDonald (Frank Conroy) is also kidnapped by his men. Lastly, nightclub singer Carol (Virginia Grey), who apparently ratted him out is kidnapped. She however claims it was Tony, one of Kluger's associates, who Red has arranged to come out of Mexico City to Palm Springs to give Red and his associates the $12,000 from a deposit box and give them an escape plane to leave the country out of. Kluger makes no secret of his plans to kill Williams and MacDonald once he's made a getaway. Carol claims to not have ratted him out constantly, but Kluger rejects her claims. Kluger also takes in another hostage, Joe Turner, driver of the truck escorting the gang. The gang is housed up at a shack, awaiting Tony. Joe tries to escape with a gun he had stolen from the truck earlier, but Kluger subdues him, takes the gun and kills him.
Opinionated Animorphs Book Guide - #21 The Threat (1/2)
We continue the David Trilogy, with enough holograms and force fields to choke a hippo.
1 of 2
published: 22 Jun 2011
NTTS: Animorphs | Book 21 The Threat
Written by K.A Applegate
There is a new Animorph. And he's arrived just in time, because the Yeerks are preparing their biggest takeover ever. The ultimate target: the world's most powerful leaders gathered together in one place. What better way to get into the minds of humans? Literally.
At first, David joins the fight with a vengeance. But there is definitely something wrong. Because he's starting to break the rules. Taking risks that could get them all captured. Or killed. The Animorphs don't know what to do. Because there was a time when the Yeerks were their greatest enemy. That's about to change...
Read by Amazon Matthew/Salli/Kevin
Playlist Link
published: 26 Oct 2022
Animorphs #21: The Threat
The Animorphs and Ax are faced with their biggest mission yet, even as they adjust to David's new presence on the team.
I'll be discussing Animorphs #22: The Solution on Thursday 7/9!
Other Upcoming Videos:
7/13-The Hork-Bajir Chronicles
7/16-#23: The Pretender
7/20-#24: The Suspicion
7/23-#25: The Extreme
7/27-#26: The Attack
7/30-#27: The Exposed
See the full reading order on the about page for this channel!
published: 06 Jul 2015
The Threat (Animorphs, No. 21)
published: 04 Mar 2016
Animorphs Vlogs: Book 21 - The Threat
Sorry. Not feeling 100% right now because of school starting. Once I establish more of a routine I will sound more enthusiastic.
published: 05 Sep 2016
Opinionated Animorphs Book Guide - #21 The Threat (2/2)
2 of 2
published: 22 Jun 2011
Animorphs #21: The Threat
We’re back for the second book in the David Trilogy: Animorphs #21: The Threat. Oooh, ominous name. Join Mikael, Tessa, and Brayden for another deep dive into perhaps the most famous story arc in the entire series!
We talk the difference between killing humans versus animals, how elaborate can a hologram trick ACTUALLY be, and listen as Brayden slowly excuses more and more of David’s behaviour. We also go over our theories of what the Animorphs could have done other offer David membership in the gang.
Thought-Speak: The Original Animorphs Podcast is a show dedicated to two, full grown adults cracking open copies of their favorite childhood Scholastic book series to see what holds up and share their love for this incredible work of middle-grade fiction that’s inspired generations of science fiction ani-fans.
Hosts Michelle and Coleman welcome you to join them as they look back on these unique books and the intricate narratives constructed by writers Katherine Applegate and Michael Grant, the collective writing powerhouse duo known simply as K.A. Applegate!
Be sure to follow us across all our social media platforms and keep up to date with all the future developments and projects from Michelle and Coleman!
Facebook –
published: 09 Nov 2018
Reading All 54 Books in the Animorphs Series Disturbed Me To My Core 😱
A deep dive recap and review of reading all 54 original Animorphs books (main series only) for the first time.
EarthIsOurs Website:
✨ You can find me socially here ✨
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✨ For business enquiries, e-mail me here ✨
✨ Videos Mentioned ✨
Reading All 62 Original Goosebumps Books Vlog: https://yo...
Written by K.A Applegate
There is a new Animorph. And he's arrived just in time, because the Yeerks are preparing their biggest takeover ever. The ultimate tar...
Written by K.A Applegate
There is a new Animorph. And he's arrived just in time, because the Yeerks are preparing their biggest takeover ever. The ultimate target: the world's most powerful leaders gathered together in one place. What better way to get into the minds of humans? Literally.
At first, David joins the fight with a vengeance. But there is definitely something wrong. Because he's starting to break the rules. Taking risks that could get them all captured. Or killed. The Animorphs don't know what to do. Because there was a time when the Yeerks were their greatest enemy. That's about to change...
Read by Amazon Matthew/Salli/Kevin
Playlist Link
Written by K.A Applegate
There is a new Animorph. And he's arrived just in time, because the Yeerks are preparing their biggest takeover ever. The ultimate target: the world's most powerful leaders gathered together in one place. What better way to get into the minds of humans? Literally.
At first, David joins the fight with a vengeance. But there is definitely something wrong. Because he's starting to break the rules. Taking risks that could get them all captured. Or killed. The Animorphs don't know what to do. Because there was a time when the Yeerks were their greatest enemy. That's about to change...
Read by Amazon Matthew/Salli/Kevin
Playlist Link
The Animorphs and Ax are faced with their biggest mission yet, even as they adjust to David's new presence on the team.
I'll be discussing Animorphs #22: The...
The Animorphs and Ax are faced with their biggest mission yet, even as they adjust to David's new presence on the team.
I'll be discussing Animorphs #22: The Solution on Thursday 7/9!
Other Upcoming Videos:
7/13-The Hork-Bajir Chronicles
7/16-#23: The Pretender
7/20-#24: The Suspicion
7/23-#25: The Extreme
7/27-#26: The Attack
7/30-#27: The Exposed
See the full reading order on the about page for this channel!
The Animorphs and Ax are faced with their biggest mission yet, even as they adjust to David's new presence on the team.
I'll be discussing Animorphs #22: The Solution on Thursday 7/9!
Other Upcoming Videos:
7/13-The Hork-Bajir Chronicles
7/16-#23: The Pretender
7/20-#24: The Suspicion
7/23-#25: The Extreme
7/27-#26: The Attack
7/30-#27: The Exposed
See the full reading order on the about page for this channel!
We’re back for the second book in the David Trilogy: Animorphs #21: The Threat. Oooh, ominous name. Join Mikael, Tessa, and Brayden for another deep dive into p...
We’re back for the second book in the David Trilogy: Animorphs #21: The Threat. Oooh, ominous name. Join Mikael, Tessa, and Brayden for another deep dive into perhaps the most famous story arc in the entire series!
We talk the difference between killing humans versus animals, how elaborate can a hologram trick ACTUALLY be, and listen as Brayden slowly excuses more and more of David’s behaviour. We also go over our theories of what the Animorphs could have done other offer David membership in the gang.
We’re back for the second book in the David Trilogy: Animorphs #21: The Threat. Oooh, ominous name. Join Mikael, Tessa, and Brayden for another deep dive into perhaps the most famous story arc in the entire series!
We talk the difference between killing humans versus animals, how elaborate can a hologram trick ACTUALLY be, and listen as Brayden slowly excuses more and more of David’s behaviour. We also go over our theories of what the Animorphs could have done other offer David membership in the gang.
Thought-Speak: The Original Animorphs Podcast is a show dedicated to two, full grown adults cracking open copies of their favorite childhood Scholastic book ser...
Thought-Speak: The Original Animorphs Podcast is a show dedicated to two, full grown adults cracking open copies of their favorite childhood Scholastic book series to see what holds up and share their love for this incredible work of middle-grade fiction that’s inspired generations of science fiction ani-fans.
Hosts Michelle and Coleman welcome you to join them as they look back on these unique books and the intricate narratives constructed by writers Katherine Applegate and Michael Grant, the collective writing powerhouse duo known simply as K.A. Applegate!
Be sure to follow us across all our social media platforms and keep up to date with all the future developments and projects from Michelle and Coleman!
Facebook –
Twitter – @ColemanMcClung @MorethanMimi
Gmail – [email protected]
Reddit –
Follow Michelle on Instagram: @more.than.mimi
Like, Subscribe, Share, and Comment to help the show grow!
Thought-Speak: The Original Animorphs Podcast is a show dedicated to two, full grown adults cracking open copies of their favorite childhood Scholastic book series to see what holds up and share their love for this incredible work of middle-grade fiction that’s inspired generations of science fiction ani-fans.
Hosts Michelle and Coleman welcome you to join them as they look back on these unique books and the intricate narratives constructed by writers Katherine Applegate and Michael Grant, the collective writing powerhouse duo known simply as K.A. Applegate!
Be sure to follow us across all our social media platforms and keep up to date with all the future developments and projects from Michelle and Coleman!
Facebook –
Twitter – @ColemanMcClung @MorethanMimi
Gmail – [email protected]
Reddit –
Follow Michelle on Instagram: @more.than.mimi
Like, Subscribe, Share, and Comment to help the show grow!
A deep dive recap and review of reading all 54 original Animorphs books (main series only) for the first time.
EarthIsOurs Website:
A deep dive recap and review of reading all 54 original Animorphs books (main series only) for the first time.
EarthIsOurs Website:
✨ You can find me socially here ✨
✨ Support My Channel ✨
✨ For business enquiries, e-mail me here ✨
✨ Videos Mentioned ✨
Reading All 62 Original Goosebumps Books Vlog:
Reading the Entire Demonata Saga Vlog:
✨ Timestamps ✨
0:00 Introduction
7:57 1 - The Invasion
23:03 January 1st Progress Report
23:50 2 - The Visitor
31:40 3 - The Encounter
38:20 4 - The Message
42:18 January 3rd Progress Report
43:16 5 - The Predator
49:39 January 5th Morning Progress Report
50:21 6 - The Capture
55:53 7 - The Stranger
59:09 8 - The Alien
1:02:27 January 5th Night Progress Report
1:03:00 9 - The Secret
1:07:08 10 - The Android
1:10:01 11 - The Forgotten
1:13:53 12 - The Reaction
1:18:50 January 10th Progress Report
1:20:06 13 - The Change
1:24:49 14 - The Unknown
1:28:02 15 - The Escape
1:32:01 16 - The Warning
1:37:44 17 - The Underground
1:42:42 18 - The Decision
1:49:05 January 11th Progress Report
1:51:22 19 - The Departure
1:58:15 20 - The Discovery
2:03:24 21 - The Threat
2:09:00 22 - The Solution
2:13:39 23 - The Pretender
2:17:16 24 - The Suspicion
2:20:20 January 14th Progress Report
2:20:43 25 - The Extreme
2:23:34 26 - The Attack
2:29:35 27 - The Exposed
2:32:46 28 - The Experiment
2:36:19 29 - The Sickness
2:40:30 30 - The Reunion
2:45:12 January 15th Progress Report
2:46:00 31 - The Conspiracy
2:50:48 32 - The Separation
2:54:47 33 - The Illusion
2:58:51 34 - The Prophecy
3:01:37 35 - The Proposal
3:04:19 36 - The Mutation
3:08:43 January 17th Progress Report
3:08:54 37 - The Weakness
3:14:21 38 - The Arrival
3:18:23 39 - The Hidden
3:22:37 40 - The Other
3:26:39 41 - The Familiar
3:31:10 January 18th Progress Report
3:31:40 42 - The Journey
3:34:13 43 - The Test
3:38:42 44 - The Unexpected
3:41:11 45 - The Revelation
3:46:05 46 - The Deception
3:50:06 January 19th Morning Progress Report
3:51:16 47 - The Resistance
3:56:30 48 - The Return
4:00:46 49 - The Diversion
4:05:31 50 - The Ultimate
4:12:57 January 19th Night Progress Report
4:13:49 51 - The Absolute
4:17:00 52 - The Sacrifice
4:21:19 53 - The Answer
4:27:48 54 - The Beginning
4:32:55 Series Wrap-Up and Conclusion
✨ Scribd Code ✨
If you'd like an extra month free on Scribd when you sign up for a free trial, you can use my link and we'll both get the extra month free:
✨ My Incredible Patrons! ✨
A huge thank you to ALL my Patrons and the following in the Nevermoorians and Frosthearters tiers (as of January 26, 2022)
Agnes ✨ Alexander ✨ Arya ✨ Áslaug ✨ Astrid ✨ Betty ✨ Breanna ✨ Caroline ✨ Cecilie ✨ Cetus ✨ Claire ✨ Colleen ✨ Cora ✨ Courtney B ✨ Courtney M ✨ Darcy ✨ Drea ✨ Eileen ✨ Elizabeth ✨ Emma ✨ Emma W ✨ Erin ✨ Fi ✨ Frankie ✨ Hailee ✨ Harrie ✨ Hattie ✨ Heather ✨ Holly ✨ I Have an Addiction to Books ✨ Jelke ✨ Jess ✨ Jessica ✨ Jordan ✨ Kate ✨ Krystina ✨ Larissa ✨ Lauren ✨ Leanne ✨ Lisa ✨ Louisa ✨ Marta ✨ Marvyn ✨ Megan D ✨ Megan L ✨ Meghan ✨ Mellisa ✨ Mia ✨ Mickenzie ✨ Mindy ✨ Monica ✨ Nickie ✨ Nina ✨ Novice Reviews ✨ Olivia ✨ Paige ✨ Rachel D ✨ Rebecca ✨ Sammi ✨ Sarah J ✨ Sarah W ✨ Thomas ✨ Tori ✨ Tracey ✨ Victoria ✨
#Animorphs #AnimorphsBooks
A deep dive recap and review of reading all 54 original Animorphs books (main series only) for the first time.
EarthIsOurs Website:
✨ You can find me socially here ✨
✨ Support My Channel ✨
✨ For business enquiries, e-mail me here ✨
✨ Videos Mentioned ✨
Reading All 62 Original Goosebumps Books Vlog:
Reading the Entire Demonata Saga Vlog:
✨ Timestamps ✨
0:00 Introduction
7:57 1 - The Invasion
23:03 January 1st Progress Report
23:50 2 - The Visitor
31:40 3 - The Encounter
38:20 4 - The Message
42:18 January 3rd Progress Report
43:16 5 - The Predator
49:39 January 5th Morning Progress Report
50:21 6 - The Capture
55:53 7 - The Stranger
59:09 8 - The Alien
1:02:27 January 5th Night Progress Report
1:03:00 9 - The Secret
1:07:08 10 - The Android
1:10:01 11 - The Forgotten
1:13:53 12 - The Reaction
1:18:50 January 10th Progress Report
1:20:06 13 - The Change
1:24:49 14 - The Unknown
1:28:02 15 - The Escape
1:32:01 16 - The Warning
1:37:44 17 - The Underground
1:42:42 18 - The Decision
1:49:05 January 11th Progress Report
1:51:22 19 - The Departure
1:58:15 20 - The Discovery
2:03:24 21 - The Threat
2:09:00 22 - The Solution
2:13:39 23 - The Pretender
2:17:16 24 - The Suspicion
2:20:20 January 14th Progress Report
2:20:43 25 - The Extreme
2:23:34 26 - The Attack
2:29:35 27 - The Exposed
2:32:46 28 - The Experiment
2:36:19 29 - The Sickness
2:40:30 30 - The Reunion
2:45:12 January 15th Progress Report
2:46:00 31 - The Conspiracy
2:50:48 32 - The Separation
2:54:47 33 - The Illusion
2:58:51 34 - The Prophecy
3:01:37 35 - The Proposal
3:04:19 36 - The Mutation
3:08:43 January 17th Progress Report
3:08:54 37 - The Weakness
3:14:21 38 - The Arrival
3:18:23 39 - The Hidden
3:22:37 40 - The Other
3:26:39 41 - The Familiar
3:31:10 January 18th Progress Report
3:31:40 42 - The Journey
3:34:13 43 - The Test
3:38:42 44 - The Unexpected
3:41:11 45 - The Revelation
3:46:05 46 - The Deception
3:50:06 January 19th Morning Progress Report
3:51:16 47 - The Resistance
3:56:30 48 - The Return
4:00:46 49 - The Diversion
4:05:31 50 - The Ultimate
4:12:57 January 19th Night Progress Report
4:13:49 51 - The Absolute
4:17:00 52 - The Sacrifice
4:21:19 53 - The Answer
4:27:48 54 - The Beginning
4:32:55 Series Wrap-Up and Conclusion
✨ Scribd Code ✨
If you'd like an extra month free on Scribd when you sign up for a free trial, you can use my link and we'll both get the extra month free:
✨ My Incredible Patrons! ✨
A huge thank you to ALL my Patrons and the following in the Nevermoorians and Frosthearters tiers (as of January 26, 2022)
Agnes ✨ Alexander ✨ Arya ✨ Áslaug ✨ Astrid ✨ Betty ✨ Breanna ✨ Caroline ✨ Cecilie ✨ Cetus ✨ Claire ✨ Colleen ✨ Cora ✨ Courtney B ✨ Courtney M ✨ Darcy ✨ Drea ✨ Eileen ✨ Elizabeth ✨ Emma ✨ Emma W ✨ Erin ✨ Fi ✨ Frankie ✨ Hailee ✨ Harrie ✨ Hattie ✨ Heather ✨ Holly ✨ I Have an Addiction to Books ✨ Jelke ✨ Jess ✨ Jessica ✨ Jordan ✨ Kate ✨ Krystina ✨ Larissa ✨ Lauren ✨ Leanne ✨ Lisa ✨ Louisa ✨ Marta ✨ Marvyn ✨ Megan D ✨ Megan L ✨ Meghan ✨ Mellisa ✨ Mia ✨ Mickenzie ✨ Mindy ✨ Monica ✨ Nickie ✨ Nina ✨ Novice Reviews ✨ Olivia ✨ Paige ✨ Rachel D ✨ Rebecca ✨ Sammi ✨ Sarah J ✨ Sarah W ✨ Thomas ✨ Tori ✨ Tracey ✨ Victoria ✨
#Animorphs #AnimorphsBooks
Written by K.A Applegate
There is a new Animorph. And he's arrived just in time, because the Yeerks are preparing their biggest takeover ever. The ultimate target: the world's most powerful leaders gathered together in one place. What better way to get into the minds of humans? Literally.
At first, David joins the fight with a vengeance. But there is definitely something wrong. Because he's starting to break the rules. Taking risks that could get them all captured. Or killed. The Animorphs don't know what to do. Because there was a time when the Yeerks were their greatest enemy. That's about to change...
Read by Amazon Matthew/Salli/Kevin
Playlist Link
The Animorphs and Ax are faced with their biggest mission yet, even as they adjust to David's new presence on the team.
I'll be discussing Animorphs #22: The Solution on Thursday 7/9!
Other Upcoming Videos:
7/13-The Hork-Bajir Chronicles
7/16-#23: The Pretender
7/20-#24: The Suspicion
7/23-#25: The Extreme
7/27-#26: The Attack
7/30-#27: The Exposed
See the full reading order on the about page for this channel!
We’re back for the second book in the David Trilogy: Animorphs #21: The Threat. Oooh, ominous name. Join Mikael, Tessa, and Brayden for another deep dive into perhaps the most famous story arc in the entire series!
We talk the difference between killing humans versus animals, how elaborate can a hologram trick ACTUALLY be, and listen as Brayden slowly excuses more and more of David’s behaviour. We also go over our theories of what the Animorphs could have done other offer David membership in the gang.
Thought-Speak: The Original Animorphs Podcast is a show dedicated to two, full grown adults cracking open copies of their favorite childhood Scholastic book series to see what holds up and share their love for this incredible work of middle-grade fiction that’s inspired generations of science fiction ani-fans.
Hosts Michelle and Coleman welcome you to join them as they look back on these unique books and the intricate narratives constructed by writers Katherine Applegate and Michael Grant, the collective writing powerhouse duo known simply as K.A. Applegate!
Be sure to follow us across all our social media platforms and keep up to date with all the future developments and projects from Michelle and Coleman!
Facebook –
Twitter – @ColemanMcClung @MorethanMimi
Gmail – [email protected]
Reddit –
Follow Michelle on Instagram: @more.than.mimi
Like, Subscribe, Share, and Comment to help the show grow!
A deep dive recap and review of reading all 54 original Animorphs books (main series only) for the first time.
EarthIsOurs Website:
✨ You can find me socially here ✨
✨ Support My Channel ✨
✨ For business enquiries, e-mail me here ✨
✨ Videos Mentioned ✨
Reading All 62 Original Goosebumps Books Vlog:
Reading the Entire Demonata Saga Vlog:
✨ Timestamps ✨
0:00 Introduction
7:57 1 - The Invasion
23:03 January 1st Progress Report
23:50 2 - The Visitor
31:40 3 - The Encounter
38:20 4 - The Message
42:18 January 3rd Progress Report
43:16 5 - The Predator
49:39 January 5th Morning Progress Report
50:21 6 - The Capture
55:53 7 - The Stranger
59:09 8 - The Alien
1:02:27 January 5th Night Progress Report
1:03:00 9 - The Secret
1:07:08 10 - The Android
1:10:01 11 - The Forgotten
1:13:53 12 - The Reaction
1:18:50 January 10th Progress Report
1:20:06 13 - The Change
1:24:49 14 - The Unknown
1:28:02 15 - The Escape
1:32:01 16 - The Warning
1:37:44 17 - The Underground
1:42:42 18 - The Decision
1:49:05 January 11th Progress Report
1:51:22 19 - The Departure
1:58:15 20 - The Discovery
2:03:24 21 - The Threat
2:09:00 22 - The Solution
2:13:39 23 - The Pretender
2:17:16 24 - The Suspicion
2:20:20 January 14th Progress Report
2:20:43 25 - The Extreme
2:23:34 26 - The Attack
2:29:35 27 - The Exposed
2:32:46 28 - The Experiment
2:36:19 29 - The Sickness
2:40:30 30 - The Reunion
2:45:12 January 15th Progress Report
2:46:00 31 - The Conspiracy
2:50:48 32 - The Separation
2:54:47 33 - The Illusion
2:58:51 34 - The Prophecy
3:01:37 35 - The Proposal
3:04:19 36 - The Mutation
3:08:43 January 17th Progress Report
3:08:54 37 - The Weakness
3:14:21 38 - The Arrival
3:18:23 39 - The Hidden
3:22:37 40 - The Other
3:26:39 41 - The Familiar
3:31:10 January 18th Progress Report
3:31:40 42 - The Journey
3:34:13 43 - The Test
3:38:42 44 - The Unexpected
3:41:11 45 - The Revelation
3:46:05 46 - The Deception
3:50:06 January 19th Morning Progress Report
3:51:16 47 - The Resistance
3:56:30 48 - The Return
4:00:46 49 - The Diversion
4:05:31 50 - The Ultimate
4:12:57 January 19th Night Progress Report
4:13:49 51 - The Absolute
4:17:00 52 - The Sacrifice
4:21:19 53 - The Answer
4:27:48 54 - The Beginning
4:32:55 Series Wrap-Up and Conclusion
✨ Scribd Code ✨
If you'd like an extra month free on Scribd when you sign up for a free trial, you can use my link and we'll both get the extra month free:
✨ My Incredible Patrons! ✨
A huge thank you to ALL my Patrons and the following in the Nevermoorians and Frosthearters tiers (as of January 26, 2022)
Agnes ✨ Alexander ✨ Arya ✨ Áslaug ✨ Astrid ✨ Betty ✨ Breanna ✨ Caroline ✨ Cecilie ✨ Cetus ✨ Claire ✨ Colleen ✨ Cora ✨ Courtney B ✨ Courtney M ✨ Darcy ✨ Drea ✨ Eileen ✨ Elizabeth ✨ Emma ✨ Emma W ✨ Erin ✨ Fi ✨ Frankie ✨ Hailee ✨ Harrie ✨ Hattie ✨ Heather ✨ Holly ✨ I Have an Addiction to Books ✨ Jelke ✨ Jess ✨ Jessica ✨ Jordan ✨ Kate ✨ Krystina ✨ Larissa ✨ Lauren ✨ Leanne ✨ Lisa ✨ Louisa ✨ Marta ✨ Marvyn ✨ Megan D ✨ Megan L ✨ Meghan ✨ Mellisa ✨ Mia ✨ Mickenzie ✨ Mindy ✨ Monica ✨ Nickie ✨ Nina ✨ Novice Reviews ✨ Olivia ✨ Paige ✨ Rachel D ✨ Rebecca ✨ Sammi ✨ Sarah J ✨ Sarah W ✨ Thomas ✨ Tori ✨ Tracey ✨ Victoria ✨
#Animorphs #AnimorphsBooks
The Threat is the 21st book in the Animorphs series, written by K.A. Applegate. It is narrated by Jake. It is the second book in the David trilogy.
Plot summary
After falling from the Blade ship, the Animorphs are snagged from mid-air by Rachel and Tobias, in their respective eagle and hawk morphs. They land on the beach, needing a plan to infiltrate the Marriott resort. Jake becomes aware of the tensions between David and Marco, and is disturbed by David's unnecessary excesses. The team morphs into seagulls, and spy out the area, crawling with security agents armed to the teeth and accompanied by dogs. They're zapped by a security man wearing sunglasses with weak Dracon beam emitters built into them. Jake tells them to leave.
Upon his return home, Jake's parents tell him and his brother Tom that their obnoxious cousin, Saddler, was gravely injured in a car accident, and that they were leaving town to spend time with his parents. Jake is presented with the opportunity to advance his plans. Unfortunately, that night, David disappears from Cassie's barn. Jake morphs into his dog, Homer, and tracks David's scent to an inn. David had morphed into a golden eagle, smashed the window with a rock and entered a room without paying. Jake warns him of the consequences of this action, while also saying he won't have time to help David with his living problems until after the mission. David doesn't hide his contempt, but leaves with Jake anyway.