The Third Temple, or Ezekiel's Temple (Hebrew:בית המקדש השלישי: Beit haMikdash haShlishi lit. (The) House, the Holy, the Third), is a Holy Temple architecturally described and prophesied in the Book of Ezekiel, a house of prayer for all people with a sacrificial service. It is noted by Ezekiel as an eternal edifice and permanent dwelling place of the God of Israel on the Temple Mount in Jerusalem.
The architecture of the temple is described in detail in Chapters 40 to 42 of Ezekiel. Maimonides qualified those chapters as complex for the common reader and even for the seasoned scholar. Bible commentators who have ventured into explaining the design detail directly from the Hebrew Bible text include Rashi, David Kimhi, Yom-Tov Lipmann Heller, and Meir Leibush ben Yehiel Michal – all producing slightly varying sketches of the temple envisioned by Ezekiel. The layout and measurements of the building are described in detail, and decoration of "carved cherubim and palm trees. Palm trees alternated with cherubim. Each cherub had two faces: the face of a human being toward the palm tree on one side and the face of a lion toward the palm tree on the other. They were carved all around the whole temple" Ezekiel 41:18–19
The Third(Japanese:ザ・サード,Hepburn:Za Sādo) is a light novel series, that has also been made into manga and anime series by Ryo Hoshino(星野亮,Hoshino Ryō) and illustrated by Nao Goto(後藤なお,Gotō Nao). The anime series goes under the name The Third: Aoi Hitomi no Shōjo(ザ・サード~蒼い瞳の少女~,Za Sādo - Aoi Hitomi no Shōjo, "The Third: The Girl with the Blue Eye"). According to the New York Comic Convention, The Third has been licensed by Kadokawa Pictures U.S.A. and is distributed by Nozomi Entertainment for U.S. release. The anime was released in summer of 2007.
The series is set many years after a devastating war, which killed 80% of the Earth's population. Earth is being watched by a group of beings known as The Third from a city called Hyperius. They are named after a red jewel-like eye on their forehead (Space Eye) that serves as a port for data access and other types of communication. These beings are committed to protecting the humans from harm. One of the main ways is to protect the humans is to control the amount of "technos" or technology that the humans have access to, known as the "technos taboo". Humans found using forbidden technos could be killed by The Third's best "autoenforcer" an AI robot named Bluebreaker.
Her Third (German:Der Dritte) is a 1972 East German (then GDR) film directed by Egon Günther and starring Jutta Hoffmann, Barbara Dittus, Rolf Ludwig and Armin Mueller-Stahl. The film is based on the short story Unter den Bäumen regnet es zweimal by Eberhard Panitz and tells the story of the single mother Margit looking for a new partner. The film was produced in 1971 by the DEFA film studio and premiered on 16 March, 1972 in East Berlin.
Margit Fließer (Jutta Hoffmann) is in her mid-thirties, has two children and has been divorced twice. She works as a mathematician in a medium-sized company where she is well respected by her colleagues. Margit has a shy and repressed personality due to her past and her childhood. Margit became a nurse in a Protestant order following the early death of her mother. Realizing that this vocation is not really for her she starts her studies at a university preparatory school. She falls in love with the lecturer Bachmann (Peter Köhncke), who becomes her first husband. The marriage fails, and she enters a second marriage with a blind man (Armin Mueller-Stahl). But her new husband is a disappointment and this second marriage also fails. She now decides to find "her third" husband herself and not leaving it up to fate. She chooses Hrdlitschka (Rolf Ludwig), a colleague, but only after some efforts and with the help of her friend Lucie (Barbara Dittus) she is successful and wins Hrdlitschka as her third husband.
Virtual Israel Tour Day 61: Rebuilding the Third Temple
Virtual Israel Tour Day 61: Rebuilding the Third Temple
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published: 19 May 2020
Rockets and the Third Temple // THE FAI WIRE
In this episode, Gabe reports on events in Israel over the past week, including a standoff in the Al-Aqsa Mosque and rocket fire in the Northern Galilee, and how they relate to the growing normalization of Jewish worship on the Temple Mount.
FAI's Israeli Bomb Shelter Campaign:
published: 08 Apr 2023
The Third Temple is coming! Have patience…
published: 24 Jan 2023
These RED HEIFERS May Be Used in the Third Temple | SPECIAL INTERVIEW
Buy incredible products from Israel for Passover. Go to use discount code PASSOVER for $5 off your order.
What if we told you right now there are several red heifers in Israel that may be used as part of the process in the rebuilding of the Third Temple? You’ll be even more surprised to find out that these cows will soon be housed in Shiloh in Samaria, and you may even be able to visit them.
While Joshua and Luke were in Houston, TX, they had a chance to sit down with Moriel (Mo) Barelli, an Orthodox Jew from Shiloh who is part of the Red Heifer Project. You don’t want to miss this special interview about the incredible story of five red heifers who were brought all the way from Texas to the land of Israel to be part of prophecy coming to pass in our times....
published: 04 Apr 2023
Is it Time to Rebuild the Third Temple?
Is it Time to Rebuild the Third Temple?
published: 06 Oct 2016
We are ready to build the THIRD TEMPLE!
The second temple was a miracle of engineering and elevated Jerusalem to a true worship center for all Jews. Herod began construction work on the Temple in the 18th year of his reign, around 19 B.C. To avoid interruption in the Temple service, Herod had all the materials made ready in advance, preparing a thousand wagons to carry the stones and employing 10,000 highly skilled workmen. A thousand priests were divided into those who would be stone masons or carpenters and given special training for this sensitive task. Herod doubled the size of the previous Temple Mount and extended it to the South, West and North. It was a gigantic structure that and a wonder that attracted pilgrims from all over the world. It’s glory did not last long, however, because in AD 70 the Roman’s in retaliation f...
published: 20 Sep 2022
The Third Temple - Amir Tsarfati
Since creation God wants to dwell among His people.
published: 25 Nov 2022
RAPTURE SIGN: Preparations for the THIRD TEMPLE in Jerusalem are happening! | Jim Scudder, Jr.
Join us in Jerusalem, Israel as we take an informative and insightful journey with Jim Scudder, Jr. to explore the latest developments in the preparations for building the Third Temple. We'll delve into the biblical prophecies that surround the Third Temple and the potential significance of these preparations for the future of Israel and the world and answer the question, When Will the THIRD TEMPLE Be Built?
In this video, we will be taking a closer look at the arrival of the red heifer in Israel, the purchased property for the red heifer sacrifice, the Balm of Gilead, and the harps made for the Third Temple. We will provide you with a comprehensive overview of these topics, helping you to gain a deeper understanding of the significance of these developments in the context of the Third T...
published: 24 Feb 2023
Discussing the Third Temple with Jewish People Part 1 #shorts
Discussing the Third Temple with Jewish People Part 1 #shorts #shorts
published: 23 Apr 2023
The Third Holy Temple Plans Have Begun
This is a walk-through the main sanctuary of the Holy Temple, showcasing decades of research and tens of innovative Halachic solutions to various perplexing issues that were resolved to create fully functional, ready-to-use plans. As the visual tour sweeps through the sanctuary, one can see the menorah, incense altar and showbread table, all of which have already been prepared by the Institute, among 70 other sacred vessels. The presentation was specially released to coincide with the Ninth of Av, the Jewish national day of mourning which commemorates the destruction of the First and Second Temples.
This is not a ‘virtual’ representation, but a portion of a complete and highly detailed architectural plan which has been prepared for the immediate construction of the Holy Temple. The plan ...
Virtual Israel Tour Day 61: Rebuilding the Third Temple
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Virtual Israel Tour Day 61: Rebuilding the Third Temple
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#christiannews #live #livenews #christiannewsfeed #christiannewswire #christian #christianity #prayer #church #bible #breakingnews
Virtual Israel Tour Day 61: Rebuilding the Third Temple
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CBN features 24-hour TV news from a Christian perspective. The CBN News Channel provides independent news programming to an underserved audience to enlighten, entertain and inspire Christians around the world. Comments below do not necessarily reflect the views of CBN.
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#christiannews #live #livenews #christiannewsfeed #christiannewswire #christian #christianity #prayer #church #bible #breakingnews
In this episode, Gabe reports on events in Israel over the past week, including a standoff in the Al-Aqsa Mosque and rocket fire in the Northern Galilee, and ho...
In this episode, Gabe reports on events in Israel over the past week, including a standoff in the Al-Aqsa Mosque and rocket fire in the Northern Galilee, and how they relate to the growing normalization of Jewish worship on the Temple Mount.
FAI's Israeli Bomb Shelter Campaign:
In this episode, Gabe reports on events in Israel over the past week, including a standoff in the Al-Aqsa Mosque and rocket fire in the Northern Galilee, and how they relate to the growing normalization of Jewish worship on the Temple Mount.
FAI's Israeli Bomb Shelter Campaign:
Buy incredible products from Israel for Passover. Go to use discount code PASSOVER for $5 off your order.
What if we told you rig...
Buy incredible products from Israel for Passover. Go to use discount code PASSOVER for $5 off your order.
What if we told you right now there are several red heifers in Israel that may be used as part of the process in the rebuilding of the Third Temple? You’ll be even more surprised to find out that these cows will soon be housed in Shiloh in Samaria, and you may even be able to visit them.
While Joshua and Luke were in Houston, TX, they had a chance to sit down with Moriel (Mo) Barelli, an Orthodox Jew from Shiloh who is part of the Red Heifer Project. You don’t want to miss this special interview about the incredible story of five red heifers who were brought all the way from Texas to the land of Israel to be part of prophecy coming to pass in our times.
Purchase TIG Merch:
Heartland Tumbler:…
“Israel” Leather Patch Hat:…
Facing Jerusalem the Book:…
Jesus Loves the Temple the Book:…
#theisraelguys #redheifer2023 #israelnews
Buy incredible products from Israel for Passover. Go to use discount code PASSOVER for $5 off your order.
What if we told you right now there are several red heifers in Israel that may be used as part of the process in the rebuilding of the Third Temple? You’ll be even more surprised to find out that these cows will soon be housed in Shiloh in Samaria, and you may even be able to visit them.
While Joshua and Luke were in Houston, TX, they had a chance to sit down with Moriel (Mo) Barelli, an Orthodox Jew from Shiloh who is part of the Red Heifer Project. You don’t want to miss this special interview about the incredible story of five red heifers who were brought all the way from Texas to the land of Israel to be part of prophecy coming to pass in our times.
Purchase TIG Merch:
Heartland Tumbler:…
“Israel” Leather Patch Hat:…
Facing Jerusalem the Book:…
Jesus Loves the Temple the Book:…
#theisraelguys #redheifer2023 #israelnews
The second temple was a miracle of engineering and elevated Jerusalem to a true worship center for all Jews. Herod began construction work on the Temple in the ...
The second temple was a miracle of engineering and elevated Jerusalem to a true worship center for all Jews. Herod began construction work on the Temple in the 18th year of his reign, around 19 B.C. To avoid interruption in the Temple service, Herod had all the materials made ready in advance, preparing a thousand wagons to carry the stones and employing 10,000 highly skilled workmen. A thousand priests were divided into those who would be stone masons or carpenters and given special training for this sensitive task. Herod doubled the size of the previous Temple Mount and extended it to the South, West and North. It was a gigantic structure that and a wonder that attracted pilgrims from all over the world. It’s glory did not last long, however, because in AD 70 the Roman’s in retaliation for the Jewish revolt decide to demolish the temple. The Romans ensured that nothing would be left of the original Temple building. Massive stones that Herod put to enlarge the temple complex where now thrown down unto the streets below. For centuries the temple Mount stayed abandoned until the Muslim conquest of the Holy Land. Today the plaza is dominated by two monumental structures originally built after the city's capture in 661 AD. The Dome of the Rock and the Al Aqsa mosque. But what if I tell you that the Jewish dream to rebuild the temple is not over. There are things that are happening currently in Israel and around the world to clear out the way for a New Jewish temple. In this episode, we will talk about those fascinating preparations, the consequences of what it would mean if a new Temple is built and what still needs to happen for it to be completed.
Special thanks for the pictures to
To contact me, use this email: [email protected]
Materials that I used to create the episode:
The Temple Institute:
HolyLand Site Steve Creitz, Illustrator
Thy kingdom Come - J. Dwight Pentecost
Ritmeyer Archaeological Project
Rose Guides Materials
Official website of the City of David Museum of the Bible Lands in Jerusalem
See all the episodes on Jerusalem history follow this link: PLEASE CONSIDER SUPPORTING MY CHANEL SO THAT I CAN IMPROVE MY WORK: or PATREON PAGE:
To contact me use this email: [email protected]
The second temple was a miracle of engineering and elevated Jerusalem to a true worship center for all Jews. Herod began construction work on the Temple in the 18th year of his reign, around 19 B.C. To avoid interruption in the Temple service, Herod had all the materials made ready in advance, preparing a thousand wagons to carry the stones and employing 10,000 highly skilled workmen. A thousand priests were divided into those who would be stone masons or carpenters and given special training for this sensitive task. Herod doubled the size of the previous Temple Mount and extended it to the South, West and North. It was a gigantic structure that and a wonder that attracted pilgrims from all over the world. It’s glory did not last long, however, because in AD 70 the Roman’s in retaliation for the Jewish revolt decide to demolish the temple. The Romans ensured that nothing would be left of the original Temple building. Massive stones that Herod put to enlarge the temple complex where now thrown down unto the streets below. For centuries the temple Mount stayed abandoned until the Muslim conquest of the Holy Land. Today the plaza is dominated by two monumental structures originally built after the city's capture in 661 AD. The Dome of the Rock and the Al Aqsa mosque. But what if I tell you that the Jewish dream to rebuild the temple is not over. There are things that are happening currently in Israel and around the world to clear out the way for a New Jewish temple. In this episode, we will talk about those fascinating preparations, the consequences of what it would mean if a new Temple is built and what still needs to happen for it to be completed.
Special thanks for the pictures to
To contact me, use this email: [email protected]
Materials that I used to create the episode:
The Temple Institute:
HolyLand Site Steve Creitz, Illustrator
Thy kingdom Come - J. Dwight Pentecost
Ritmeyer Archaeological Project
Rose Guides Materials
Official website of the City of David Museum of the Bible Lands in Jerusalem
See all the episodes on Jerusalem history follow this link: PLEASE CONSIDER SUPPORTING MY CHANEL SO THAT I CAN IMPROVE MY WORK: or PATREON PAGE:
To contact me use this email: [email protected]
Join us in Jerusalem, Israel as we take an informative and insightful journey with Jim Scudder, Jr. to explore the latest developments in the preparations for b...
Join us in Jerusalem, Israel as we take an informative and insightful journey with Jim Scudder, Jr. to explore the latest developments in the preparations for building the Third Temple. We'll delve into the biblical prophecies that surround the Third Temple and the potential significance of these preparations for the future of Israel and the world and answer the question, When Will the THIRD TEMPLE Be Built?
In this video, we will be taking a closer look at the arrival of the red heifer in Israel, the purchased property for the red heifer sacrifice, the Balm of Gilead, and the harps made for the Third Temple. We will provide you with a comprehensive overview of these topics, helping you to gain a deeper understanding of the significance of these developments in the context of the Third Temple prophecy. This is a must-watch video for anyone who wants to stay up-to-date with the latest news and information on this crucial topic.
The Quest to Rebuild the Jewish Temple - Part 3
RAPTURE SIGN: Preparations for the THIRD TEMPLE are happening! | Jim Scudder, Jr. | InGrace
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Thanks for watching! God bless.
----- Channel Content ------
0:00 Intro
1:02 Interview with Rabbi Chanan Kupietzky
1:28 Interview with Rabbi Tzachi Mamo - Red Heifer Ceremony property
3:00 Yearning to rebuild the Jewish Temple
5:34 Temple Institute Museum tour
8:07 Golden Menorah
8:37 Commercial
9:25 Harrari Harp Shop
14:19 Balm of Gilead Farm
16:36 Making Temple incense
19:43 Most important part of the show
21:21 Commercial
Join us in Jerusalem, Israel as we take an informative and insightful journey with Jim Scudder, Jr. to explore the latest developments in the preparations for building the Third Temple. We'll delve into the biblical prophecies that surround the Third Temple and the potential significance of these preparations for the future of Israel and the world and answer the question, When Will the THIRD TEMPLE Be Built?
In this video, we will be taking a closer look at the arrival of the red heifer in Israel, the purchased property for the red heifer sacrifice, the Balm of Gilead, and the harps made for the Third Temple. We will provide you with a comprehensive overview of these topics, helping you to gain a deeper understanding of the significance of these developments in the context of the Third Temple prophecy. This is a must-watch video for anyone who wants to stay up-to-date with the latest news and information on this crucial topic.
The Quest to Rebuild the Jewish Temple - Part 3
RAPTURE SIGN: Preparations for the THIRD TEMPLE are happening! | Jim Scudder, Jr. | InGrace
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For more information about this episode and for related resources click here -
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Thanks for watching! God bless.
----- Channel Content ------
0:00 Intro
1:02 Interview with Rabbi Chanan Kupietzky
1:28 Interview with Rabbi Tzachi Mamo - Red Heifer Ceremony property
3:00 Yearning to rebuild the Jewish Temple
5:34 Temple Institute Museum tour
8:07 Golden Menorah
8:37 Commercial
9:25 Harrari Harp Shop
14:19 Balm of Gilead Farm
16:36 Making Temple incense
19:43 Most important part of the show
21:21 Commercial
This is a walk-through the main sanctuary of the Holy Temple, showcasing decades of research and tens of innovative Halachic solutions to various perplexing iss...
This is a walk-through the main sanctuary of the Holy Temple, showcasing decades of research and tens of innovative Halachic solutions to various perplexing issues that were resolved to create fully functional, ready-to-use plans. As the visual tour sweeps through the sanctuary, one can see the menorah, incense altar and showbread table, all of which have already been prepared by the Institute, among 70 other sacred vessels. The presentation was specially released to coincide with the Ninth of Av, the Jewish national day of mourning which commemorates the destruction of the First and Second Temples.
This is not a ‘virtual’ representation, but a portion of a complete and highly detailed architectural plan which has been prepared for the immediate construction of the Holy Temple. The plan includes all of components that will be used in building: marble, stone, concrete, wood, flooring materials, overlay of gold, etc.
The external view presents the openings, windows, chambers, the outer hall, the Sanctuary and the Holy of Holies.
In the first stage we are moving through the hall’s entrance. As we continue we arrive at the golden chains described in Tractate Middot, which the young priests-in-training would climb in order to view the decorative crowns that were placed in unique windows above the entrance to the Sanctuary. The visit continues on to the 38 chambers that surrounded the Sanctuary. The door opens and we find ourselves within the first chamber. We turn left and enter into the Sanctuary. From the right we see the three major vessels of the Sanctuary: The golden altar, the table of the showbread, and the menorah. We also see the curtain with its depiction of the two cherubim.
This curtain is actually a double curtain, that separates between the Holy area (the Sanctuary), and the Holy of Holies. We look up to the ceiling of the Sanctuary, which reaches a height of 40 amot. Near the ceiling are the ‘narrowing windows’ (Kings I 6:4) which direct from the Temple outwards.
Turning behind us, we see the doors of the Sanctuary towards the east, as they are opened each morning by the priests, revealing the blue skies of Jerusalem at sunrise.
From the Sanctuary, we turn back to the chambers and go out to the long passageway known as the ‘mesiba.’ We ascend stairs that lead to the roof of the chambers. We continue moving, encircling the Temple from the north and west, afterwards turning east.
At the end of the passageway stands a special ladder that is used to ascend to the upper level. This level has a very high level of sanctity. One opinion maintains that it is only entered once in seventy years (for maintenance purposes).
In summary, this is a highly-detailed building plan which includes room for further innovation by professionals and craftsmen, including decoration, heating and electric etc. According to the decisions of the steering committee that will be established to oversee the construction of the Third Holy Temple, which can be begun immediately.
The video comes one year after the Temple Institute appealed to its supporters to take part in an Indiegogo crowd funding campaign that raised over $100,000 for the architectural plans. The video was first released to supporters of a current campaign to raise the first kosher Red Heifer in Israel in over 2,000 years. Over the past five years, the organization has released its most ambitious campaigns and poignant videos to reframe the mourning period into one of active preparation for the Third Holy Temple.
Support the Temple Institute's new Nezer HaKodesh Institute for training Levitical Priests for the Holy Temple:
Rabbi Chaim Richman, International Director of The Temple Institute noted: “One third of all Torah commandments pertain to the building of and service in the Holy Temple. Today, we not only mourn the destruction of the two Holy Temples, but also our inability to fulfill one third of the Torah. Over the last three decades, the Temple Institute has done everything in our power to research and prepare for the Third Temple. As world Jewry sits on the ground mourning the first two Temples, we have taken a huge leap towards the rebuilding, by releasing a 3D architectural rendition of the Third Temple”
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This is a walk-through the main sanctuary of the Holy Temple, showcasing decades of research and tens of innovative Halachic solutions to various perplexing issues that were resolved to create fully functional, ready-to-use plans. As the visual tour sweeps through the sanctuary, one can see the menorah, incense altar and showbread table, all of which have already been prepared by the Institute, among 70 other sacred vessels. The presentation was specially released to coincide with the Ninth of Av, the Jewish national day of mourning which commemorates the destruction of the First and Second Temples.
This is not a ‘virtual’ representation, but a portion of a complete and highly detailed architectural plan which has been prepared for the immediate construction of the Holy Temple. The plan includes all of components that will be used in building: marble, stone, concrete, wood, flooring materials, overlay of gold, etc.
The external view presents the openings, windows, chambers, the outer hall, the Sanctuary and the Holy of Holies.
In the first stage we are moving through the hall’s entrance. As we continue we arrive at the golden chains described in Tractate Middot, which the young priests-in-training would climb in order to view the decorative crowns that were placed in unique windows above the entrance to the Sanctuary. The visit continues on to the 38 chambers that surrounded the Sanctuary. The door opens and we find ourselves within the first chamber. We turn left and enter into the Sanctuary. From the right we see the three major vessels of the Sanctuary: The golden altar, the table of the showbread, and the menorah. We also see the curtain with its depiction of the two cherubim.
This curtain is actually a double curtain, that separates between the Holy area (the Sanctuary), and the Holy of Holies. We look up to the ceiling of the Sanctuary, which reaches a height of 40 amot. Near the ceiling are the ‘narrowing windows’ (Kings I 6:4) which direct from the Temple outwards.
Turning behind us, we see the doors of the Sanctuary towards the east, as they are opened each morning by the priests, revealing the blue skies of Jerusalem at sunrise.
From the Sanctuary, we turn back to the chambers and go out to the long passageway known as the ‘mesiba.’ We ascend stairs that lead to the roof of the chambers. We continue moving, encircling the Temple from the north and west, afterwards turning east.
At the end of the passageway stands a special ladder that is used to ascend to the upper level. This level has a very high level of sanctity. One opinion maintains that it is only entered once in seventy years (for maintenance purposes).
In summary, this is a highly-detailed building plan which includes room for further innovation by professionals and craftsmen, including decoration, heating and electric etc. According to the decisions of the steering committee that will be established to oversee the construction of the Third Holy Temple, which can be begun immediately.
The video comes one year after the Temple Institute appealed to its supporters to take part in an Indiegogo crowd funding campaign that raised over $100,000 for the architectural plans. The video was first released to supporters of a current campaign to raise the first kosher Red Heifer in Israel in over 2,000 years. Over the past five years, the organization has released its most ambitious campaigns and poignant videos to reframe the mourning period into one of active preparation for the Third Holy Temple.
Support the Temple Institute's new Nezer HaKodesh Institute for training Levitical Priests for the Holy Temple:
Rabbi Chaim Richman, International Director of The Temple Institute noted: “One third of all Torah commandments pertain to the building of and service in the Holy Temple. Today, we not only mourn the destruction of the two Holy Temples, but also our inability to fulfill one third of the Torah. Over the last three decades, the Temple Institute has done everything in our power to research and prepare for the Third Temple. As world Jewry sits on the ground mourning the first two Temples, we have taken a huge leap towards the rebuilding, by releasing a 3D architectural rendition of the Third Temple”
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Virtual Israel Tour Day 61: Rebuilding the Third Temple
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CBN features 24-hour TV news from a Christian perspective. The CBN News Channel provides independent news programming to an underserved audience to enlighten, entertain and inspire Christians around the world. Comments below do not necessarily reflect the views of CBN.
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#christiannews #live #livenews #christiannewsfeed #christiannewswire #christian #christianity #prayer #church #bible #breakingnews
In this episode, Gabe reports on events in Israel over the past week, including a standoff in the Al-Aqsa Mosque and rocket fire in the Northern Galilee, and how they relate to the growing normalization of Jewish worship on the Temple Mount.
FAI's Israeli Bomb Shelter Campaign:
Buy incredible products from Israel for Passover. Go to use discount code PASSOVER for $5 off your order.
What if we told you right now there are several red heifers in Israel that may be used as part of the process in the rebuilding of the Third Temple? You’ll be even more surprised to find out that these cows will soon be housed in Shiloh in Samaria, and you may even be able to visit them.
While Joshua and Luke were in Houston, TX, they had a chance to sit down with Moriel (Mo) Barelli, an Orthodox Jew from Shiloh who is part of the Red Heifer Project. You don’t want to miss this special interview about the incredible story of five red heifers who were brought all the way from Texas to the land of Israel to be part of prophecy coming to pass in our times.
Purchase TIG Merch:
Heartland Tumbler:…
“Israel” Leather Patch Hat:…
Facing Jerusalem the Book:…
Jesus Loves the Temple the Book:…
#theisraelguys #redheifer2023 #israelnews
The second temple was a miracle of engineering and elevated Jerusalem to a true worship center for all Jews. Herod began construction work on the Temple in the 18th year of his reign, around 19 B.C. To avoid interruption in the Temple service, Herod had all the materials made ready in advance, preparing a thousand wagons to carry the stones and employing 10,000 highly skilled workmen. A thousand priests were divided into those who would be stone masons or carpenters and given special training for this sensitive task. Herod doubled the size of the previous Temple Mount and extended it to the South, West and North. It was a gigantic structure that and a wonder that attracted pilgrims from all over the world. It’s glory did not last long, however, because in AD 70 the Roman’s in retaliation for the Jewish revolt decide to demolish the temple. The Romans ensured that nothing would be left of the original Temple building. Massive stones that Herod put to enlarge the temple complex where now thrown down unto the streets below. For centuries the temple Mount stayed abandoned until the Muslim conquest of the Holy Land. Today the plaza is dominated by two monumental structures originally built after the city's capture in 661 AD. The Dome of the Rock and the Al Aqsa mosque. But what if I tell you that the Jewish dream to rebuild the temple is not over. There are things that are happening currently in Israel and around the world to clear out the way for a New Jewish temple. In this episode, we will talk about those fascinating preparations, the consequences of what it would mean if a new Temple is built and what still needs to happen for it to be completed.
Special thanks for the pictures to
To contact me, use this email: [email protected]
Materials that I used to create the episode:
The Temple Institute:
HolyLand Site Steve Creitz, Illustrator
Thy kingdom Come - J. Dwight Pentecost
Ritmeyer Archaeological Project
Rose Guides Materials
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Join us in Jerusalem, Israel as we take an informative and insightful journey with Jim Scudder, Jr. to explore the latest developments in the preparations for building the Third Temple. We'll delve into the biblical prophecies that surround the Third Temple and the potential significance of these preparations for the future of Israel and the world and answer the question, When Will the THIRD TEMPLE Be Built?
In this video, we will be taking a closer look at the arrival of the red heifer in Israel, the purchased property for the red heifer sacrifice, the Balm of Gilead, and the harps made for the Third Temple. We will provide you with a comprehensive overview of these topics, helping you to gain a deeper understanding of the significance of these developments in the context of the Third Temple prophecy. This is a must-watch video for anyone who wants to stay up-to-date with the latest news and information on this crucial topic.
The Quest to Rebuild the Jewish Temple - Part 3
RAPTURE SIGN: Preparations for the THIRD TEMPLE are happening! | Jim Scudder, Jr. | InGrace
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----- Channel Content ------
0:00 Intro
1:02 Interview with Rabbi Chanan Kupietzky
1:28 Interview with Rabbi Tzachi Mamo - Red Heifer Ceremony property
3:00 Yearning to rebuild the Jewish Temple
5:34 Temple Institute Museum tour
8:07 Golden Menorah
8:37 Commercial
9:25 Harrari Harp Shop
14:19 Balm of Gilead Farm
16:36 Making Temple incense
19:43 Most important part of the show
21:21 Commercial
This is a walk-through the main sanctuary of the Holy Temple, showcasing decades of research and tens of innovative Halachic solutions to various perplexing issues that were resolved to create fully functional, ready-to-use plans. As the visual tour sweeps through the sanctuary, one can see the menorah, incense altar and showbread table, all of which have already been prepared by the Institute, among 70 other sacred vessels. The presentation was specially released to coincide with the Ninth of Av, the Jewish national day of mourning which commemorates the destruction of the First and Second Temples.
This is not a ‘virtual’ representation, but a portion of a complete and highly detailed architectural plan which has been prepared for the immediate construction of the Holy Temple. The plan includes all of components that will be used in building: marble, stone, concrete, wood, flooring materials, overlay of gold, etc.
The external view presents the openings, windows, chambers, the outer hall, the Sanctuary and the Holy of Holies.
In the first stage we are moving through the hall’s entrance. As we continue we arrive at the golden chains described in Tractate Middot, which the young priests-in-training would climb in order to view the decorative crowns that were placed in unique windows above the entrance to the Sanctuary. The visit continues on to the 38 chambers that surrounded the Sanctuary. The door opens and we find ourselves within the first chamber. We turn left and enter into the Sanctuary. From the right we see the three major vessels of the Sanctuary: The golden altar, the table of the showbread, and the menorah. We also see the curtain with its depiction of the two cherubim.
This curtain is actually a double curtain, that separates between the Holy area (the Sanctuary), and the Holy of Holies. We look up to the ceiling of the Sanctuary, which reaches a height of 40 amot. Near the ceiling are the ‘narrowing windows’ (Kings I 6:4) which direct from the Temple outwards.
Turning behind us, we see the doors of the Sanctuary towards the east, as they are opened each morning by the priests, revealing the blue skies of Jerusalem at sunrise.
From the Sanctuary, we turn back to the chambers and go out to the long passageway known as the ‘mesiba.’ We ascend stairs that lead to the roof of the chambers. We continue moving, encircling the Temple from the north and west, afterwards turning east.
At the end of the passageway stands a special ladder that is used to ascend to the upper level. This level has a very high level of sanctity. One opinion maintains that it is only entered once in seventy years (for maintenance purposes).
In summary, this is a highly-detailed building plan which includes room for further innovation by professionals and craftsmen, including decoration, heating and electric etc. According to the decisions of the steering committee that will be established to oversee the construction of the Third Holy Temple, which can be begun immediately.
The video comes one year after the Temple Institute appealed to its supporters to take part in an Indiegogo crowd funding campaign that raised over $100,000 for the architectural plans. The video was first released to supporters of a current campaign to raise the first kosher Red Heifer in Israel in over 2,000 years. Over the past five years, the organization has released its most ambitious campaigns and poignant videos to reframe the mourning period into one of active preparation for the Third Holy Temple.
Support the Temple Institute's new Nezer HaKodesh Institute for training Levitical Priests for the Holy Temple:
Rabbi Chaim Richman, International Director of The Temple Institute noted: “One third of all Torah commandments pertain to the building of and service in the Holy Temple. Today, we not only mourn the destruction of the two Holy Temples, but also our inability to fulfill one third of the Torah. Over the last three decades, the Temple Institute has done everything in our power to research and prepare for the Third Temple. As world Jewry sits on the ground mourning the first two Temples, we have taken a huge leap towards the rebuilding, by releasing a 3D architectural rendition of the Third Temple”
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The Third Temple, or Ezekiel's Temple (Hebrew:בית המקדש השלישי: Beit haMikdash haShlishi lit. (The) House, the Holy, the Third), is a Holy Temple architecturally described and prophesied in the Book of Ezekiel, a house of prayer for all people with a sacrificial service. It is noted by Ezekiel as an eternal edifice and permanent dwelling place of the God of Israel on the Temple Mount in Jerusalem.
The architecture of the temple is described in detail in Chapters 40 to 42 of Ezekiel. Maimonides qualified those chapters as complex for the common reader and even for the seasoned scholar. Bible commentators who have ventured into explaining the design detail directly from the Hebrew Bible text include Rashi, David Kimhi, Yom-Tov Lipmann Heller, and Meir Leibush ben Yehiel Michal – all producing slightly varying sketches of the temple envisioned by Ezekiel. The layout and measurements of the building are described in detail, and decoration of "carved cherubim and palm trees. Palm trees alternated with cherubim. Each cherub had two faces: the face of a human being toward the palm tree on one side and the face of a lion toward the palm tree on the other. They were carved all around the whole temple" Ezekiel 41:18–19
You're a lady I know baby And I'm a man, I know that too So this might come as some surprise, a bit unusual When I lay down the rules You got my heart, now you want my body Keep my cool, girl you lucky you's a hottie Ain't no games that I play that you can win If you want inside my temple I'm gonna have to let you in You're holding out for sweet surrender, baby yeah It won't be coming no time soon Our love has just begun to simmer And when it boils you'll be cooked through You got my heart, now you want my body Keep my cool, girl you lucky you's a hottie Ain't no games that I play that you can win If you want inside my temple I'm gonna have to let you in Your eyes are filled with fire, Your mouth is filled with cuss And I'm tired, tired, tired When I get home from work and I come through the door And I'm tired And I walk into the kitchen And you're wearing that mad face on your head And I shiver in the corner like a frightened thing