The Love Boat is an American television series set on a cruise ship which aired on the ABC Television Network from May 5, 1977, until February 12, 1990. The show revolves around the ship's captain (played by Gavin MacLeod) and a handful of its crew, with several passengers – played by different guest actors for each episode – having romantic and humorous adventures. It was part of ABC's popular Saturday night lineup that included Fantasy Island until that show ended in 1984.
The original 1976made-for-TV movie on which the show was based (also titled The Love Boat) was itself based on the nonfiction book Love Boats by Jeraldine Saunders, a real-life cruise director. Two more TV movies (titled The Love Boat II and The New Love Boat) would follow before the series began its run.
The executive producer for the series was Aaron Spelling, who produced several successful series for ABC from the 1960s into the 1980s.
In 1997, the episode with segment titles "Hidden Treasure," "Picture from the Past," and "Ace's Salary" (season 9, episode 3) was ranked No. 82 on TV Guide's 100 Greatest Episodes of All Time.The Love Boat ran for ten seasons, including specials.
R.I.P. Gavin MacLeod 1931-2021
Mama, I can't breathe! Two of the hottest women ever in one show: Elaine Joyce and Mindy Naud. They definitely float my "Boat"!
Ms. Joyce was married to her co-star, the late Bobby Van. She is now married to some guy that writes plays. She was quite prolific most of thirty-five years but retired at 53. I first remember seeing her as one of the "Brides" as in "Here Come The.."
Melinda Naud, on the other hand, seems to have practically fallen off the face of the earth for the past 30 years. Supposedly she has been behind the scenes in special effects for most of that time. But golly, she definitely had a special effect all her own! A beauty like that belongs in front of the camera, not behind it!
One final thing, what is Julie looking at that...
published: 06 Oct 2010
The Love Boat theme (long version)
published: 09 Oct 2011
‘The Love Boat’ Cast Reunites And Gets A Big Surprise About Walk Of Fame Star | TODAY
Gavin MacLeod, Jill Whelan, Bernie Kopell, Ted Lange, Cynthia Lauren Tewes, Fred Grandy and Ted McGinley, the stars of the classic series “The Love Boat,” gather live on TODAY for the beloved show’s 40th anniversary. And they get a big surprise live on air: the news that they’re getting a star on the Hollywood Walk of Fame.
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About: TODAY brings you the latest headlines and expert tips on money, health and parenting. We wake up every morning to give you and your family all you need to start your day. If it matters to you, it matters to us. We are in the people business. Subscribe to our channel for exclusive TODAY archival footage & our original web series.
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published: 23 May 2017
The Love Boat SEASON 5 Episode 4 FULL
LOVE BOAT .... what a wonderful time !!!!!!
published: 01 Jan 2023
Love Boat (Long Version) - Jack Jones
From the album "New Jack Swing" '1997
Linn Records
℗ 1978 J. Albert & Son Pty Limited
📢 This video is for entertainment use only and we do not own the music. If any problems with this video we're willing to delete and solve the issues.
Video Source
Background: Willian Justen de Vasconcellos
Jack Jones Photo:
published: 23 May 2021
Michael j. Fox, The Love Boat HD
published: 07 Jul 2021
Tom Hanks on The Love Boat (Clip)
Weeks before the premiere of Bosom Buddies, on October 25, 1980, Tom Hanks made his TV debut in an episode of The Love Boat. In this clip, Rick (Hanks) greets his old frat bro Gopher (Fred Grandy) and immediately starts razzing him like they're back on campus, calling him "ol' Strikeout Smith" because Gopher never had any luck with women. Embarrassed and not wanting to lose face with Rick, Gopher finds the closest female — cruise director Julie (Lauren Tewes) — and claims she's his girlfriend. And thus a Love Boat subplot was born.... More here:
published: 24 Nov 2021
I dare not row the love boat because I drive a Highlander Huiyao toy car model alloy car model T
I dare not row the love boat because I drive a Highlander Huiyao toy car model alloy car model T
published: 13 Jan 2025
THE LOVE BOAT (La Croisière S'amuse) I GUEST-STARS 😱
R.I.P. Gavin MacLeod 1931-2021
Mama, I can't breathe! Two of the hottest women ever in one show: Elaine Joyce and Mindy Naud. They definitely float my "Boat"!...
R.I.P. Gavin MacLeod 1931-2021
Mama, I can't breathe! Two of the hottest women ever in one show: Elaine Joyce and Mindy Naud. They definitely float my "Boat"!
Ms. Joyce was married to her co-star, the late Bobby Van. She is now married to some guy that writes plays. She was quite prolific most of thirty-five years but retired at 53. I first remember seeing her as one of the "Brides" as in "Here Come The.."
Melinda Naud, on the other hand, seems to have practically fallen off the face of the earth for the past 30 years. Supposedly she has been behind the scenes in special effects for most of that time. But golly, she definitely had a special effect all her own! A beauty like that belongs in front of the camera, not behind it!
One final thing, what is Julie looking at that draws her attention away from the camera? That always seemed like an editing error that was never corrected.
R.I.P. Gavin MacLeod 1931-2021
Mama, I can't breathe! Two of the hottest women ever in one show: Elaine Joyce and Mindy Naud. They definitely float my "Boat"!
Ms. Joyce was married to her co-star, the late Bobby Van. She is now married to some guy that writes plays. She was quite prolific most of thirty-five years but retired at 53. I first remember seeing her as one of the "Brides" as in "Here Come The.."
Melinda Naud, on the other hand, seems to have practically fallen off the face of the earth for the past 30 years. Supposedly she has been behind the scenes in special effects for most of that time. But golly, she definitely had a special effect all her own! A beauty like that belongs in front of the camera, not behind it!
One final thing, what is Julie looking at that draws her attention away from the camera? That always seemed like an editing error that was never corrected.
Gavin MacLeod, Jill Whelan, Bernie Kopell, Ted Lange, Cynthia Lauren Tewes, Fred Grandy and Ted McGinley, the stars of the classic series “The Love Boat,” gathe...
Gavin MacLeod, Jill Whelan, Bernie Kopell, Ted Lange, Cynthia Lauren Tewes, Fred Grandy and Ted McGinley, the stars of the classic series “The Love Boat,” gather live on TODAY for the beloved show’s 40th anniversary. And they get a big surprise live on air: the news that they’re getting a star on the Hollywood Walk of Fame.
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‘The Love Boat’ Cast Reunites And Gets A Big Surprise About Walk Of Fame Star | TODAY
Gavin MacLeod, Jill Whelan, Bernie Kopell, Ted Lange, Cynthia Lauren Tewes, Fred Grandy and Ted McGinley, the stars of the classic series “The Love Boat,” gather live on TODAY for the beloved show’s 40th anniversary. And they get a big surprise live on air: the news that they’re getting a star on the Hollywood Walk of Fame.
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About: TODAY brings you the latest headlines and expert tips on money, health and parenting. We wake up every morning to give you and your family all you need to start your day. If it matters to you, it matters to us. We are in the people business. Subscribe to our channel for exclusive TODAY archival footage & our original web series.
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‘The Love Boat’ Cast Reunites And Gets A Big Surprise About Walk Of Fame Star | TODAY
From the album "New Jack Swing" '1997
Linn Records
℗ 1978 J. Albert & Son Pty Limited
📢 This video is for entertainment use only and we do not own the music. ...
From the album "New Jack Swing" '1997
Linn Records
℗ 1978 J. Albert & Son Pty Limited
📢 This video is for entertainment use only and we do not own the music. If any problems with this video we're willing to delete and solve the issues.
Video Source
Background: Willian Justen de Vasconcellos
Jack Jones Photo:
From the album "New Jack Swing" '1997
Linn Records
℗ 1978 J. Albert & Son Pty Limited
📢 This video is for entertainment use only and we do not own the music. If any problems with this video we're willing to delete and solve the issues.
Video Source
Background: Willian Justen de Vasconcellos
Jack Jones Photo:
Weeks before the premiere of Bosom Buddies, on October 25, 1980, Tom Hanks made his TV debut in an episode of The Love Boat. In this clip, Rick (Hanks) greets h...
Weeks before the premiere of Bosom Buddies, on October 25, 1980, Tom Hanks made his TV debut in an episode of The Love Boat. In this clip, Rick (Hanks) greets his old frat bro Gopher (Fred Grandy) and immediately starts razzing him like they're back on campus, calling him "ol' Strikeout Smith" because Gopher never had any luck with women. Embarrassed and not wanting to lose face with Rick, Gopher finds the closest female — cruise director Julie (Lauren Tewes) — and claims she's his girlfriend. And thus a Love Boat subplot was born.... More here:
Weeks before the premiere of Bosom Buddies, on October 25, 1980, Tom Hanks made his TV debut in an episode of The Love Boat. In this clip, Rick (Hanks) greets his old frat bro Gopher (Fred Grandy) and immediately starts razzing him like they're back on campus, calling him "ol' Strikeout Smith" because Gopher never had any luck with women. Embarrassed and not wanting to lose face with Rick, Gopher finds the closest female — cruise director Julie (Lauren Tewes) — and claims she's his girlfriend. And thus a Love Boat subplot was born.... More here:
R.I.P. Gavin MacLeod 1931-2021
Mama, I can't breathe! Two of the hottest women ever in one show: Elaine Joyce and Mindy Naud. They definitely float my "Boat"!
Ms. Joyce was married to her co-star, the late Bobby Van. She is now married to some guy that writes plays. She was quite prolific most of thirty-five years but retired at 53. I first remember seeing her as one of the "Brides" as in "Here Come The.."
Melinda Naud, on the other hand, seems to have practically fallen off the face of the earth for the past 30 years. Supposedly she has been behind the scenes in special effects for most of that time. But golly, she definitely had a special effect all her own! A beauty like that belongs in front of the camera, not behind it!
One final thing, what is Julie looking at that draws her attention away from the camera? That always seemed like an editing error that was never corrected.
Gavin MacLeod, Jill Whelan, Bernie Kopell, Ted Lange, Cynthia Lauren Tewes, Fred Grandy and Ted McGinley, the stars of the classic series “The Love Boat,” gather live on TODAY for the beloved show’s 40th anniversary. And they get a big surprise live on air: the news that they’re getting a star on the Hollywood Walk of Fame.
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About: TODAY brings you the latest headlines and expert tips on money, health and parenting. We wake up every morning to give you and your family all you need to start your day. If it matters to you, it matters to us. We are in the people business. Subscribe to our channel for exclusive TODAY archival footage & our original web series.
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‘The Love Boat’ Cast Reunites And Gets A Big Surprise About Walk Of Fame Star | TODAY
From the album "New Jack Swing" '1997
Linn Records
℗ 1978 J. Albert & Son Pty Limited
📢 This video is for entertainment use only and we do not own the music. If any problems with this video we're willing to delete and solve the issues.
Video Source
Background: Willian Justen de Vasconcellos
Jack Jones Photo:
Weeks before the premiere of Bosom Buddies, on October 25, 1980, Tom Hanks made his TV debut in an episode of The Love Boat. In this clip, Rick (Hanks) greets his old frat bro Gopher (Fred Grandy) and immediately starts razzing him like they're back on campus, calling him "ol' Strikeout Smith" because Gopher never had any luck with women. Embarrassed and not wanting to lose face with Rick, Gopher finds the closest female — cruise director Julie (Lauren Tewes) — and claims she's his girlfriend. And thus a Love Boat subplot was born.... More here:
The Love Boat is an American television series set on a cruise ship which aired on the ABC Television Network from May 5, 1977, until February 12, 1990. The show revolves around the ship's captain (played by Gavin MacLeod) and a handful of its crew, with several passengers – played by different guest actors for each episode – having romantic and humorous adventures. It was part of ABC's popular Saturday night lineup that included Fantasy Island until that show ended in 1984.
The original 1976made-for-TV movie on which the show was based (also titled The Love Boat) was itself based on the nonfiction book Love Boats by Jeraldine Saunders, a real-life cruise director. Two more TV movies (titled The Love Boat II and The New Love Boat) would follow before the series began its run.
The executive producer for the series was Aaron Spelling, who produced several successful series for ABC from the 1960s into the 1980s.
In 1997, the episode with segment titles "Hidden Treasure," "Picture from the Past," and "Ace's Salary" (season 9, episode 3) was ranked No. 82 on TV Guide's 100 Greatest Episodes of All Time.The Love Boat ran for ten seasons, including specials.