Set in a small 1940s Alabama town, the film follows Collin Fenwick (Edward Furlong) as he is sent to live with his father's maiden cousins, the sweet Dolly (Piper Laurie) and the overbearing Verena (Sissy Spacek), following the death of his mother. He soon discovers that the Talbo household is anything but normal. After also losing his father, Collin grows to be close to Dolly and Catherine (Nell Carter) and becomes acquainted with the eccentric townspeople, from the gossip-loving barber (Roddy McDowall) to a traveling evangelist with fifteen illegitimate kids (Mary Steenburgen). To escape Verena's oppression, Dolly, Collin, and Catherine run away to an old tree house in the woods. Their rebellion sparks a series of events that change their lives and the entire town as well.
The Grass Harp is a novel by Truman Capote published on October 1, 1951 It tells the story of an orphaned boy and two elderly ladies who observe life from a tree. They eventually leave their temporary retreat to make amends with each other and other members of society.
Not wanting to take up his incomplete first novel, Summer Crossing, Capote began writing The Grass Harp in June 1950 and completed it on May 27, 1951. The novel was inspired by memories of his Alabama childhood, specifically a tree house constructed in the 1930s in a large walnut tree in his cousin Jenny's backyard. This large tree house, accessible by an antique spiral staircase, featured cypress wood construction and a tin roof, and was furnished with a rattan sofa. Capote spent time in this tree house with his cousin Sook or other childhood friends such as Nelle Harper Lee. The novel was additionally inspired by his cousin Sook's dropsy medicine, which she made yearly until the age of 62. She took the recipe for it to the grave, despite Jenny's wanting first to patent the recipe and then to sell it to a manufacturer.
The Grass Harp Trailer 1996
Director: Charles Matthau
Starring: Edward Furlong, Jack Lemmon, Mary Steenburgen, Piper Laurie, Sissy Spacek, Walter Matthau
Official Content From New Line Home Entertainment
A young boy learns about life by observing the eccentric grown-ups in his small hometown. Based on the heartwarming classic novel by Truman Capote.
Movie, The Grass Harp Movie,The Grass Harp Trailer,The Grass Harp 1996, Charles Matthau,Edward Furlong, Jack Lemmon, Mary Steenburgen, Piper Laurie, Sissy Spacek, Walter Matthau
published: 15 Nov 2014
Edward Furlong The Grass Harp/First Date
published: 05 Mar 2023
Grass Harp (Play of the Week) Written by Truman Capote and Starring Lillian Gish & Carmen Mathews
Grass Harp was broadcast on March 28, 1960; this coming attraction would have run the previous week.
published: 28 May 2022
Patrick Williams - Main Title (from "The Grass Harp")
The lovely opening theme from the wonderful 1995 film adaptation of Truman Capote's "The Grass Harp," starring Piper Laurie, Sissy Spacek, Walter Matthau, Edward Furlong, Nell Carter, Roddy McDowall, Jack Lemmon, and Mary Steenburgen. The film was directed by Charles Matthau.
published: 24 Jul 2011
SPF's parts in "The Grass Harp"
published: 03 Jan 2014
Piper Laurie "The Grass Harp" 8/19/96 - Bobbie Wygant Archive
For more interviews and stories go to
published: 20 Jun 2021
Nell Carter "The Grass Harp" 7/19/96 - Bobbie Wygant Archive
For more interviews and stories go to
published: 21 Apr 2021
Charlie Matthau "The Grass Harp" 1996 - Bobbie Wygant Archive
For more interviews and stories go to
published: 17 May 2021
Barbara Cook sings from "The Grass Harp" - LIVE! -
The legendary Barbara Cook sings selections from the final performance on 6 November 1971 of the musical "The Grass Harp".
1. "Dropsy Cure Weather" (Barbara Cook, Carol Brice, Russ Thacker)
2. "Yellow Drum" (Barbara Cook, Carol Brice, Russ Thacker)
3. "Chain of Love" (Barbara Cook)
4. "Reach Out" (Barbara Cook, Carol Brice, Karen Morrow, Russ Thacker)
Catherine Creek: Carol Brice
Dolly Talbo: Barbara Cook
Collin Talbo: Russ Thacker
Verena Talbo: Ruth Ford
Dr. Morris Ritz: Max Showalter
Judge Cool: John Baragrey
Maude Riordan: Christine Stabile
Babylove: Karen Morrow
Sheriff Amos Legrand: Harvey Vernon
For more songs from this performance with the multi-gifted Carol Brice click here:
Based on the n...
published: 10 Feb 2011
The Grass Harp Suite ~ Live Recording - Claibe Richardson
Suite orchestrated by Jonathan Tunick
New York Pops - 2002
The Grass Harp Trailer 1996
Director: Charles Matthau
Starring: Edward Furlong, Jack Lemmon, Mary Steenburgen, Piper Laurie, Sissy Spacek, Walter Matthau
The Grass Harp Trailer 1996
Director: Charles Matthau
Starring: Edward Furlong, Jack Lemmon, Mary Steenburgen, Piper Laurie, Sissy Spacek, Walter Matthau
Official Content From New Line Home Entertainment
A young boy learns about life by observing the eccentric grown-ups in his small hometown. Based on the heartwarming classic novel by Truman Capote.
Movie, The Grass Harp Movie,The Grass Harp Trailer,The Grass Harp 1996, Charles Matthau,Edward Furlong, Jack Lemmon, Mary Steenburgen, Piper Laurie, Sissy Spacek, Walter Matthau
The Grass Harp Trailer 1996
Director: Charles Matthau
Starring: Edward Furlong, Jack Lemmon, Mary Steenburgen, Piper Laurie, Sissy Spacek, Walter Matthau
Official Content From New Line Home Entertainment
A young boy learns about life by observing the eccentric grown-ups in his small hometown. Based on the heartwarming classic novel by Truman Capote.
Movie, The Grass Harp Movie,The Grass Harp Trailer,The Grass Harp 1996, Charles Matthau,Edward Furlong, Jack Lemmon, Mary Steenburgen, Piper Laurie, Sissy Spacek, Walter Matthau
The lovely opening theme from the wonderful 1995 film adaptation of Truman Capote's "The Grass Harp," starring Piper Laurie, Sissy Spacek, Walter Matthau, Edwar...
The lovely opening theme from the wonderful 1995 film adaptation of Truman Capote's "The Grass Harp," starring Piper Laurie, Sissy Spacek, Walter Matthau, Edward Furlong, Nell Carter, Roddy McDowall, Jack Lemmon, and Mary Steenburgen. The film was directed by Charles Matthau.
The lovely opening theme from the wonderful 1995 film adaptation of Truman Capote's "The Grass Harp," starring Piper Laurie, Sissy Spacek, Walter Matthau, Edward Furlong, Nell Carter, Roddy McDowall, Jack Lemmon, and Mary Steenburgen. The film was directed by Charles Matthau.
The legendary Barbara Cook sings selections from the final performance on 6 November 1971 of the musical "The Grass Harp".
1. "Dropsy Cure Weather" (Barbara...
The legendary Barbara Cook sings selections from the final performance on 6 November 1971 of the musical "The Grass Harp".
1. "Dropsy Cure Weather" (Barbara Cook, Carol Brice, Russ Thacker)
2. "Yellow Drum" (Barbara Cook, Carol Brice, Russ Thacker)
3. "Chain of Love" (Barbara Cook)
4. "Reach Out" (Barbara Cook, Carol Brice, Karen Morrow, Russ Thacker)
Catherine Creek: Carol Brice
Dolly Talbo: Barbara Cook
Collin Talbo: Russ Thacker
Verena Talbo: Ruth Ford
Dr. Morris Ritz: Max Showalter
Judge Cool: John Baragrey
Maude Riordan: Christine Stabile
Babylove: Karen Morrow
Sheriff Amos Legrand: Harvey Vernon
For more songs from this performance with the multi-gifted Carol Brice click here:
Based on the novel by Truman Capote
Book and lyrics by Kenward Elmslie
Music by Claibe Richardson
Musical director: Theodore J. Saidenberg
This is not the soundtrack. Back then, in this production, the singers performed without amplification!
Link to my Carol Brice playlist:
The legendary Barbara Cook sings selections from the final performance on 6 November 1971 of the musical "The Grass Harp".
1. "Dropsy Cure Weather" (Barbara Cook, Carol Brice, Russ Thacker)
2. "Yellow Drum" (Barbara Cook, Carol Brice, Russ Thacker)
3. "Chain of Love" (Barbara Cook)
4. "Reach Out" (Barbara Cook, Carol Brice, Karen Morrow, Russ Thacker)
Catherine Creek: Carol Brice
Dolly Talbo: Barbara Cook
Collin Talbo: Russ Thacker
Verena Talbo: Ruth Ford
Dr. Morris Ritz: Max Showalter
Judge Cool: John Baragrey
Maude Riordan: Christine Stabile
Babylove: Karen Morrow
Sheriff Amos Legrand: Harvey Vernon
For more songs from this performance with the multi-gifted Carol Brice click here:
Based on the novel by Truman Capote
Book and lyrics by Kenward Elmslie
Music by Claibe Richardson
Musical director: Theodore J. Saidenberg
This is not the soundtrack. Back then, in this production, the singers performed without amplification!
Link to my Carol Brice playlist:
The Grass Harp Trailer 1996
Director: Charles Matthau
Starring: Edward Furlong, Jack Lemmon, Mary Steenburgen, Piper Laurie, Sissy Spacek, Walter Matthau
Official Content From New Line Home Entertainment
A young boy learns about life by observing the eccentric grown-ups in his small hometown. Based on the heartwarming classic novel by Truman Capote.
Movie, The Grass Harp Movie,The Grass Harp Trailer,The Grass Harp 1996, Charles Matthau,Edward Furlong, Jack Lemmon, Mary Steenburgen, Piper Laurie, Sissy Spacek, Walter Matthau
The lovely opening theme from the wonderful 1995 film adaptation of Truman Capote's "The Grass Harp," starring Piper Laurie, Sissy Spacek, Walter Matthau, Edward Furlong, Nell Carter, Roddy McDowall, Jack Lemmon, and Mary Steenburgen. The film was directed by Charles Matthau.
The legendary Barbara Cook sings selections from the final performance on 6 November 1971 of the musical "The Grass Harp".
1. "Dropsy Cure Weather" (Barbara Cook, Carol Brice, Russ Thacker)
2. "Yellow Drum" (Barbara Cook, Carol Brice, Russ Thacker)
3. "Chain of Love" (Barbara Cook)
4. "Reach Out" (Barbara Cook, Carol Brice, Karen Morrow, Russ Thacker)
Catherine Creek: Carol Brice
Dolly Talbo: Barbara Cook
Collin Talbo: Russ Thacker
Verena Talbo: Ruth Ford
Dr. Morris Ritz: Max Showalter
Judge Cool: John Baragrey
Maude Riordan: Christine Stabile
Babylove: Karen Morrow
Sheriff Amos Legrand: Harvey Vernon
For more songs from this performance with the multi-gifted Carol Brice click here:
Based on the novel by Truman Capote
Book and lyrics by Kenward Elmslie
Music by Claibe Richardson
Musical director: Theodore J. Saidenberg
This is not the soundtrack. Back then, in this production, the singers performed without amplification!
Link to my Carol Brice playlist:
Set in a small 1940s Alabama town, the film follows Collin Fenwick (Edward Furlong) as he is sent to live with his father's maiden cousins, the sweet Dolly (Piper Laurie) and the overbearing Verena (Sissy Spacek), following the death of his mother. He soon discovers that the Talbo household is anything but normal. After also losing his father, Collin grows to be close to Dolly and Catherine (Nell Carter) and becomes acquainted with the eccentric townspeople, from the gossip-loving barber (Roddy McDowall) to a traveling evangelist with fifteen illegitimate kids (Mary Steenburgen). To escape Verena's oppression, Dolly, Collin, and Catherine run away to an old tree house in the woods. Their rebellion sparks a series of events that change their lives and the entire town as well.