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Ben Bishop

Benjamin Manning Bishop III (born November 21, 1986) is an American professional ice hockey goaltender currently playing for the Tampa Bay Lightning of the National Hockey League (NHL). Bishop previously played in the NHL with the St. Louis Blues and Ottawa Senators. Nicknamed 'Big Ben', Bishop is 6' 7" tall (2.01 m).


Bishop was born in Denver, Colorado, and grew up in Des Peres, Missouri. He is the son of Ben Bishop, Jr. and Cindy Bishop. Bishop's grandfather, Ben Bishop, Sr. was a tennis professional who played in the US Open.

Playing career

Bishop played youth hockey for the Kirkwood Stars in suburban St. Louis, as well as for the St. Louis Junior Blues. He attended Chaminade College Preparatory School in St. Louis. Bishop played forward until eight years of age, when he was converted to a goaltender.

Bishop played for the Texas Tornado of North American Hockey League (NAHL) during the 2004–05 season. He appeared in 45 games and posted a League-best record of 35 wins, eight losses and five shutouts. His goals against average (GAA) of 1.93 was second in the League. Most notably, he led the Texas Tornado to their second consecutive National Championship and Gold Cup, given to the best junior A hockey team in North America. Bishop was named to the first team of the NAHL All-Rookie Team at the end of the season.


  • Top 10 Ben Bishop saves from 2018-19

    We count down the top ten highlight-reel saves in 2018-19 from Dallas Stars goaltender Ben Bishop For the latest hockey action, subscribe to our channel by clicking the big, red shiny SUBSCRIBE button Watch live hockey wherever you are: https://www.nhl.com/tv Breaking news, scores, stats, analysis & real-time highlights: https://www.nhl.com Feeling social? Twitter: http://twitter.com/nhl Facebook: http://facebook.com/nhl Instagram: http://instagram.com/nhl

    published: 21 Jun 2019
  • Ben Bishop’s Last Pro Start

    Taking the ice in Cedar Park, Texas for the Texas Stars, Ben Bishop leads the team out for what would be the final game in his career. Bishop unfortunately gave up 8 goals to the Chicago Wolves and would be recalled to the Dallas Stars on LTIR pending retirement/end of his contract. Bish was one hell of a goalie and helped bring the Stars to their first Stanley Cup Final appearance in 20 years. Best of luck in retirement Big Ben!

    published: 11 Dec 2021
  • The Career of Ben Bishop

    If not for injuries, he could have had a hall of fame worthy career. He was an excellent goaltender when on top of his game. Check out the new THG website: https://thgyt.com/ (Updated) Use the code "thgsentme" on Bench Clearers for 15% off:: https://benchclearers.com/?aff=7&fbclid=IwAR17EPrmSq70Qy24SEfLQo6TNUng_5fkdhl-4Afcmjo6vd2lyp9diuCtKFA Order jerseys from Ben H Sports while saving 10% off the listed eBay prices by sending him an email regarding jerseys you spot in his listings. ben.hoogenband@yahoo.ca Just tell him Shannon sent you. Use the code THG25 at Elite Prospects to get 25% off your first three months of a premium membership on their site from the 1st to 7th of any given month. https://www.eliteprospects.com/register Support The Hockey Guy via Patreon https://www.patreon.c...

    published: 12 Dec 2021

    BISHOP BEN CONSECRATION CEREMONY Welcome to our today`s consecration service, we are glad you are fellowshipping with us today. Thank you for tuning into JCM TV. Reach us on Facebook: JCM TV KENYA | Youtube : JCM TV OFFICIAL Twitter: JCM TV OFFICIAL, Instagram: JCM TV OFFICIAL For advertisement Call - 0758808655 Jared The-Producer

    published: 21 Jun 2024
  • NHL: Ben Bishop Injuries

    Hockey Players Club App: http://hockeyplayersclub.com/app?utm_source=YouTube&utm_medium=Jens95 Redzone Cases: Use code "JENS95" for 20% off https://redzonecases.com/?ref=mmt6ymg1yn Merch: https://chrysosmerch.com/collections/jens95 Twitter: https://twitter.com/Jensrud95 All videos are copyright claimed and all ads are placed by the content owner. I have zero control over the ads. All rights go to the NHL, AHL, OHL, WHL, CHL, QMJHL, ECHL, NAHL, USHL, SPHL, EIHL, SHL, LIIGA, DEL, AIHL, NWHL, CWHL, NCAA, or any missing league and its broadcasters. I do not own the music and the footage used in this video. For entertainment purposes only.

    published: 12 Jun 2020
  • Holland's shot knocks out Bishop's front teeth

    Peter Holland's howitzer did more than stun Ben Bishop when it hit him in the mask. It also knocked out his two front teeth. Somehow, the man managed to stay in the game. ---------------------------------------------- Subscribe to Sportsnet on YouTube - http://sprtsnt.ca/YTSub Follow Sportsnet online - http://www.sportsnet.ca Follow Sportsnet on Facebook - http://sprtsnt.ca/YTFB Follow Sportsnet on Twitter - http://sprtsnt.ca/YTTWTR Follow Sportsnet on Instagram - http://sprtsnt.ca/YTINST Follow Sportsnet on Snapchat - http://sprtsnt.ca/YTSNAP

    published: 26 Oct 2016
  • ben bishop is worried

    ahh too scary

    published: 04 Sep 2020
  • Hockey goalie ASMR with Ben Bishop

    PUCK DAILY: THE HOCKEY FANATICS Second Channel For Prospect Highlights: https://www.youtube.com/c/PuckDaily2

    published: 30 Aug 2019
  • Order in the Court | Bishop Ben Drone | Faith Temple Church

    PARTNER with us if this blessed you: GIVE via Givelify with the link here - https://giv.li/htw6gv . LIKE Faith Temple CLG on Facebook with the link here - https://www.facebook.com/FaithTempleCLG . SUBSCRIBE to the official Faith Temple CLG YouTube Channel with this link: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UC1pstIVjn81IXXkJIJ1bXmA?sub_confirmation=1 . Hit the 🛎 Notification Bell so that you never miss our most recent video. #FaithTempleCLG #TheFaithStation

    published: 01 Jul 2024
  • Ben Bishop collects 35 saves to record third consecutive shutout

    Ben Bishop makes 35 saves in a 2-0 win against the Sabres, earning his third consecutive shutout and seventh of the season For the latest, exclusive hockey action, subscribe to our channel by clicking the big, red shiny SUBSCRIBE button Watch live hockey wherever you are: https://www.nhl.com/tv For breaking news, scores and stats, analysis and real-time highlights: https://www.nhl.com Feeling social? Twitter: http://twitter.com/nhl Facebook: http://facebook.com/nhl Instagram: http://instagram.com/nhl

    published: 13 Mar 2019
Top 10 Ben Bishop saves from 2018-19

Top 10 Ben Bishop saves from 2018-19

  • Order:
  • Duration: 4:34
  • Uploaded Date: 21 Jun 2019
  • views: 30773
We count down the top ten highlight-reel saves in 2018-19 from Dallas Stars goaltender Ben Bishop For the latest hockey action, subscribe to our channel by clicking the big, red shiny SUBSCRIBE button Watch live hockey wherever you are: https://www.nhl.com/tv Breaking news, scores, stats, analysis & real-time highlights: https://www.nhl.com Feeling social? Twitter: http://twitter.com/nhl Facebook: http://facebook.com/nhl Instagram: http://instagram.com/nhl
Ben Bishop’s Last Pro Start

Ben Bishop’s Last Pro Start

  • Order:
  • Duration: 1:07
  • Uploaded Date: 11 Dec 2021
  • views: 10132
Taking the ice in Cedar Park, Texas for the Texas Stars, Ben Bishop leads the team out for what would be the final game in his career. Bishop unfortunately gave up 8 goals to the Chicago Wolves and would be recalled to the Dallas Stars on LTIR pending retirement/end of his contract. Bish was one hell of a goalie and helped bring the Stars to their first Stanley Cup Final appearance in 20 years. Best of luck in retirement Big Ben!
The Career of Ben Bishop

The Career of Ben Bishop

  • Order:
  • Duration: 10:08
  • Uploaded Date: 12 Dec 2021
  • views: 22890
If not for injuries, he could have had a hall of fame worthy career. He was an excellent goaltender when on top of his game. Check out the new THG website: https://thgyt.com/ (Updated) Use the code "thgsentme" on Bench Clearers for 15% off:: https://benchclearers.com/?aff=7&fbclid=IwAR17EPrmSq70Qy24SEfLQo6TNUng_5fkdhl-4Afcmjo6vd2lyp9diuCtKFA Order jerseys from Ben H Sports while saving 10% off the listed eBay prices by sending him an email regarding jerseys you spot in his listings. ben.hoogenband@yahoo.ca Just tell him Shannon sent you. Use the code THG25 at Elite Prospects to get 25% off your first three months of a premium membership on their site from the 1st to 7th of any given month. https://www.eliteprospects.com/register Support The Hockey Guy via Patreon https://www.patreon.com/thehockeyguy Join the Discord server: https://discord.com/invite/thehockeyguy?fbclid=IwAR0lJA5oRBUNjF0Summt6Dm72vPinjGfv7OMisjM66nan9giCjTMXWycZuM https://www.facebook.com/youtubehockeyguy/ Follow me on Twitter: @thgofyoutube Instagram: thgshannon TheHockeyGuy.yt@gmail.com Contact me via snail mail at: The Hockey Guy PO Box 15038 Seven Oaks PO Abbotsford, BC V2S 8P1 In the USA: Shannon Skanes 1125 Fir Avenue Suite 119 Blaine, WA 98230


  • Order:
  • Duration: 10:31:23
  • Uploaded Date: 21 Jun 2024
  • views: 520551
BISHOP BEN CONSECRATION CEREMONY Welcome to our today`s consecration service, we are glad you are fellowshipping with us today. Thank you for tuning into JCM TV. Reach us on Facebook: JCM TV KENYA | Youtube : JCM TV OFFICIAL Twitter: JCM TV OFFICIAL, Instagram: JCM TV OFFICIAL For advertisement Call - 0758808655 Jared The-Producer
NHL: Ben Bishop Injuries

NHL: Ben Bishop Injuries

  • Order:
  • Duration: 13:36
  • Uploaded Date: 12 Jun 2020
  • views: 549801
Hockey Players Club App: http://hockeyplayersclub.com/app?utm_source=YouTube&utm_medium=Jens95 Redzone Cases: Use code "JENS95" for 20% off https://redzonecases.com/?ref=mmt6ymg1yn Merch: https://chrysosmerch.com/collections/jens95 Twitter: https://twitter.com/Jensrud95 All videos are copyright claimed and all ads are placed by the content owner. I have zero control over the ads. All rights go to the NHL, AHL, OHL, WHL, CHL, QMJHL, ECHL, NAHL, USHL, SPHL, EIHL, SHL, LIIGA, DEL, AIHL, NWHL, CWHL, NCAA, or any missing league and its broadcasters. I do not own the music and the footage used in this video. For entertainment purposes only.
Holland's shot knocks out Bishop's front teeth

Holland's shot knocks out Bishop's front teeth

  • Order:
  • Duration: 1:27
  • Uploaded Date: 26 Oct 2016
  • views: 656577
Peter Holland's howitzer did more than stun Ben Bishop when it hit him in the mask. It also knocked out his two front teeth. Somehow, the man managed to stay in the game. ---------------------------------------------- Subscribe to Sportsnet on YouTube - http://sprtsnt.ca/YTSub Follow Sportsnet online - http://www.sportsnet.ca Follow Sportsnet on Facebook - http://sprtsnt.ca/YTFB Follow Sportsnet on Twitter - http://sprtsnt.ca/YTTWTR Follow Sportsnet on Instagram - http://sprtsnt.ca/YTINST Follow Sportsnet on Snapchat - http://sprtsnt.ca/YTSNAP
ben bishop is worried

ben bishop is worried

  • Order:
  • Duration: 1:04
  • Uploaded Date: 04 Sep 2020
  • views: 2353
ahh too scary
Hockey goalie ASMR with Ben Bishop

Hockey goalie ASMR with Ben Bishop

  • Order:
  • Duration: 1:00
  • Uploaded Date: 30 Aug 2019
  • views: 27646
PUCK DAILY: THE HOCKEY FANATICS Second Channel For Prospect Highlights: https://www.youtube.com/c/PuckDaily2
Order in the Court | Bishop Ben Drone | Faith Temple Church

Order in the Court | Bishop Ben Drone | Faith Temple Church

  • Order:
  • Duration: 56:05
  • Uploaded Date: 01 Jul 2024
  • views: 12
PARTNER with us if this blessed you: GIVE via Givelify with the link here - https://giv.li/htw6gv . LIKE Faith Temple CLG on Facebook with the link here - https://www.facebook.com/FaithTempleCLG . SUBSCRIBE to the official Faith Temple CLG YouTube Channel with this link: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UC1pstIVjn81IXXkJIJ1bXmA?sub_confirmation=1 . Hit the 🛎 Notification Bell so that you never miss our most recent video. #FaithTempleCLG #TheFaithStation
Ben Bishop collects 35 saves to record third consecutive shutout

Ben Bishop collects 35 saves to record third consecutive shutout

  • Order:
  • Duration: 1:30
  • Uploaded Date: 13 Mar 2019
  • views: 3046
Ben Bishop makes 35 saves in a 2-0 win against the Sabres, earning his third consecutive shutout and seventh of the season For the latest, exclusive hockey action, subscribe to our channel by clicking the big, red shiny SUBSCRIBE button Watch live hockey wherever you are: https://www.nhl.com/tv For breaking news, scores and stats, analysis and real-time highlights: https://www.nhl.com Feeling social? Twitter: http://twitter.com/nhl Facebook: http://facebook.com/nhl Instagram: http://instagram.com/nhl
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Top 10 Ben Bishop saves from 2018-19

We count down the top ten highlight-reel saves in 2018-19 from Dallas Stars goaltender Ben Bishop For the latest hockey action, subscribe to our channel by clicking the big, red shiny SUBSCRIBE button Watch live hockey wherever you are: https://www.nhl.com/tv Breaking news, scores, stats, analysis & real-time highlights: https://www.nhl.com Feeling social? Twitter: http://twitter.com/nhl Facebook: http://facebook.com/nhl Instagram: http://instagram.com/nhl
Top 10 Ben Bishop saves from 2018-19
We count down the top ten highlight-reel saves in 2018-19 from Dallas Stars goaltender Ben...
published: 21 Jun 2019
Play in Full Screen
Ben Bishop’s Last Pro Start
Taking the ice in Cedar Park, Texas for the Texas Stars, Ben Bishop leads the team out for...
published: 11 Dec 2021
Play in Full Screen
The Career of Ben Bishop
If not for injuries, he could have had a hall of fame worthy career. He was an excellent g...
published: 12 Dec 2021
Play in Full Screen
BISHOP BEN CONSECRATION CEREMONY Welcome to our today`s consecration service, we are glad...
published: 21 Jun 2024
Play in Full Screen
NHL: Ben Bishop Injuries
Hockey Players Club App: http://hockeyplayersclub.com/app?utm_source=YouTube&utm_medium=Je...
published: 12 Jun 2020
Play in Full Screen
Holland's shot knocks out Bishop's front teeth
Peter Holland's howitzer did more than stun Ben Bishop when it hit him in the mask. It als...
published: 26 Oct 2016
Play in Full Screen
ben bishop is worried
ahh too scary
published: 04 Sep 2020
Play in Full Screen
Hockey goalie ASMR with Ben Bishop
PUCK DAILY: THE HOCKEY FANATICS Second Channel For Prospect Highlights: https://www.youtub...
published: 30 Aug 2019
Play in Full Screen
Order in the Court | Bishop Ben Drone | Faith Temple Church
PARTNER with us if this blessed you: GIVE via Givelify with the link here - https://giv.li...
published: 01 Jul 2024
Play in Full Screen
Ben Bishop collects 35 saves to record third consecutive shutout
Ben Bishop makes 35 saves in a 2-0 win against the Sabres, earning his third consecutive s...
published: 13 Mar 2019
Play in Full Screen

Ben Bishop

Benjamin Manning Bishop III (born November 21, 1986) is an American professional ice hockey goaltender currently playing for the Tampa Bay Lightning of the National Hockey League (NHL). Bishop previously played in the NHL with the St. Louis Blues and Ottawa Senators. Nicknamed 'Big Ben', Bishop is 6' 7" tall (2.01 m).


Bishop was born in Denver, Colorado, and grew up in Des Peres, Missouri. He is the son of Ben Bishop, Jr. and Cindy Bishop. Bishop's grandfather, Ben Bishop, Sr. was a tennis professional who played in the US Open.

Playing career

Bishop played youth hockey for the Kirkwood Stars in suburban St. Louis, as well as for the St. Louis Junior Blues. He attended Chaminade College Preparatory School in St. Louis. Bishop played forward until eight years of age, when he was converted to a goaltender.

Bishop played for the Texas Tornado of North American Hockey League (NAHL) during the 2004–05 season. He appeared in 45 games and posted a League-best record of 35 wins, eight losses and five shutouts. His goals against average (GAA) of 1.93 was second in the League. Most notably, he led the Texas Tornado to their second consecutive National Championship and Gold Cup, given to the best junior A hockey team in North America. Bishop was named to the first team of the NAHL All-Rookie Team at the end of the season.

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