Teletubbies is a British pre-schoolchildren's television series created by Ragdoll Productions' Anne WoodCBE and Andrew Davenport, who wrote each of the show's 365 episodes. It originally aired on BBC2 from 31 March, 1997 to 16 February, 2001. The programme's original narrator was Tim Whitnall in the United Kingdom, while the United States narrator was Rolf Saxon. Though production had been announced cancelled in 2002, a new series of Teletubbies was created for 2015.
Teletubbies, particularly notable for its high production values, rapidly became a critical and commercial success in Britain and abroad and won a BAFTA in 1998.Teletubbies Everywhere was awarded "Best Pre-school Live Action Series" at the 2002 Children's BAFTA Awards. 'Teletubbies say "Eh-oh!"', a single based on the show's theme song, reached number 1 in the UK Singles Chart in December 1997 and remained in the Top 75 for 32 weeks, selling over a million copies.
In June 2014, the BBC announced it had ordered 60 episodes of a new series of Teletubbies to be aired, with DHX Media, which recently acquired Ragdoll Productions, producing the series. This marks the first new episodes of the series since 2001 and the first to be aired on CBeebies, after reruns of the original series were broadcast on the channel. However, the new series was filmed on replica model sets instead of Wimpstone Farm in Warwickshire (the original setting for Teletubbyland), because the owner of the land flooded the old set and turned it into a lake in 2003. In April 2015, Daniel Rigby was announced as the show's narrator. Fearne Cotton and Jim Broadbent were announced as the voices for the Voice Trumpets and Jane Horrocks will voice the Tubby Phone, a device that transports the Teletubbies to the modern world.
Beatboxing (also beat boxing or b-boxing) is a form of vocal percussion primarily involving the art of mimicking drum beats using one's mouth, lips, tongue, and voice. It may also involve vocal imitation of turntablism, and other musical instruments. Beatboxing today is connected with hip-hop culture, often referred to as "the fifth element" of hip-hop, although it is not limited to hip-hop music. The term "beatboxing" is sometimes used to refer to vocal percussion in general.
"Beat Box" is an instrumental, experimental piece that implements sounds and noises (such as car key ignitions, falling drain water, and calliope music — most notably on the chorus) to ride the rhythm of the beat (a sample of drums played by Alan White).
As a single, the song reached the lower regions of the UK Singles Chart, where it peaked at no. 92. It was more popular with dance music and (particularly) hip hop audiences, and in February 1984 the song reached no. 1 on the American dance chart, where it remained for two weeks. "Beat Box" was a hit on the Black Singles chart, where it reached no. 10. The US 7" single spent 5 weeks on the BillboardBubbling Under chart, starting 7 April 1984 and spending two weeks at no. 101, the chart's top position.
After the original "Beat Box" grew popular, The Art Of Noise decided to expand on the tune by adding on more instruments and sounds, giving the song a completely different outlook and practically drowning out the hip hop element that now only remained in the drum beat itself. Two remix cuts resulted from this session and were initially released on 12" single in 1984 and referred to as "Diversion One" and "Diversion Two", along with the song "Moments in Love". The original unremixed version has retroactively been dubbed "Diversion Zero" by fans, though it was never officially released under this title. Other remixes were issued, and are officially subtitled variously as Diversions Three, Four, Six, Seven and Ten.
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(#Teletubbies, #TeletubbiesFullEpisodes, #TeletubbiesSong)
Teletubbies is a British pre-schoolchildren's television series created by Ragdoll Productions' Anne WoodCBE and Andrew Davenport, who wrote each of the show's 365 episodes. It originally aired on BBC2 from 31 March, 1997 to 16 February, 2001. The programme's original narrator was Tim Whitnall in the United Kingdom, while the United States narrator was Rolf Saxon. Though production had been announced cancelled in 2002, a new series of Teletubbies was created for 2015.
Teletubbies, particularly notable for its high production values, rapidly became a critical and commercial success in Britain and abroad and won a BAFTA in 1998.Teletubbies Everywhere was awarded "Best Pre-school Live Action Series" at the 2002 Children's BAFTA Awards. 'Teletubbies say "Eh-oh!"', a single based on the show's theme song, reached number 1 in the UK Singles Chart in December 1997 and remained in the Top 75 for 32 weeks, selling over a million copies.
In June 2014, the BBC announced it had ordered 60 episodes of a new series of Teletubbies to be aired, with DHX Media, which recently acquired Ragdoll Productions, producing the series. This marks the first new episodes of the series since 2001 and the first to be aired on CBeebies, after reruns of the original series were broadcast on the channel. However, the new series was filmed on replica model sets instead of Wimpstone Farm in Warwickshire (the original setting for Teletubbyland), because the owner of the land flooded the old set and turned it into a lake in 2003. In April 2015, Daniel Rigby was announced as the show's narrator. Fearne Cotton and Jim Broadbent were announced as the voices for the Voice Trumpets and Jane Horrocks will voice the Tubby Phone, a device that transports the Teletubbies to the modern world.