Te Papapa is a suburb of Auckland, New Zealand. It is located nine kilometres to the southeast of the city centre, on the northern shore of the Mangere Inlet, an arm of the Manukau Harbour. The suburb's population of 3081 (2001 census) has a high proportion of Pacific Island residents (28%).
Cicindela tuberculata is a species of tiger beetle in the subfamilyCicindelinae of the familyCarabidae, endemic to New Zealand. Its common names include common tiger beetle, a name that is also applied to the Cicindela genus, moeone, and papapa, and in its laval stage penny doctor, butcher boy, kapuku, kui, kurikuri, moeone, and muremure. Cicindela tuberculata was the first carabid beetle described from New Zealand. The species can run as fast as 5 miles per hour and are considered to be the fastest running beetles. Adult species prefer clay banks in summer and are good predators when in comes to insects.
When one thinks of a beetle, a likely image is a small, armored creature trundling slowly across the ground, or maybe flying along in a clumsy, almost lugubrious manner.
However, there are more varieties of beetle than one might at first expect. As it happens, one group in particular consists of aggressive hunters that include the fastest runners in the insect world.
The tiger beetles are a curious family. Some species are shining iridescent predators that stalk the open spaces. Others are dark, nightmarish monsters that haunt the night. Though the adults are vicious carnivores, their larvae are even more horrific in their habits and appearance.
The tiger beetles are everything that one would not expect a beetle to be.
Music and Sound Effects from the YouTube Audio Library
published: 29 Jul 2024
Cicindela campestris
Common tiger beetle in Europe, but rare in most of Spain where is substituted by C. maroccana. Difficult to follow this nervous beetle with the camera!
published: 05 Jun 2011
Insecta, ordo Coleoptera, familia Carabidae carabus japonica gigas splendens floridana tuberculata
Insecta ordo Coleoptera, familia Carabidae.
insect of Order Coleoptera Family Carabidae, language: la.
Large Smile Mood - Nico Staf (Free YouTube library)
Great thanks to Wikipedia for the information.
#insecta #ordo_coleoptera #familia_carabidae #arthropoda
Amara convexiuscula
Aplothorax burchellii
Carabus mirabilissimus
Carabus splendens
Carabus ulrichii
Chlaeniellus nigricornis
Cicindela japonica
Neocicindela tuberculata
Omus dejeanii
Philochthus biguttatus
Physomerus grossipes
Platyrhopalopsis meleii
Procerus gigas
Tetracha floridana
published: 25 Jun 2022
Common Tiger Beetle with an Ant clasped to its leg.
I was surprised one fine morning, when I was visited by this tiger beetle in my garden. It was extremely restless and was constantly trying to fight off something by flapping its wings while on its back. Upon closer inspection I found that an ant had clasped one of its legs. May be the pain was too much for the beetle. I removed the ant from its leg and immediately it became silent and calm. I left the beetle in a corner to rest. It continued its journey afterward.
published: 19 Aug 2014
Tiger Beetle eating its prey
The insect Order Coleoptera (Beetles) Family Carabidae (Ground Beetles) subfamily Cicindelinae are known as the Tiger Beetles. They are well-adapted predators that run fast and fly fast to catch their prey.
This common Tiger Beetle has a beautiful metallic green color!
published: 22 Sep 2021
Insect, orden coleópteros, familia Carabidae cicindela bembidion carabus pterostichus calosoma
insect orden coleópteros, familia Carabidae.
insect of Order Coleoptera Family Carabidae, language: es.
Od Yishama - E's Jammy Jams (Free YouTube library)
Great thanks to Wikipedia for the information.
#insect #orden_coleópteros #familia_carabidae #pterostichus #mecodema #carabus #neocicindela #bembidion #calosoma #cicindela #nebria
Agonum (Agonum)
Allocinopus sculpticollis
Amara convexiuscula
Amphimenes carinacaulis
Anchista pilosa
Anthia maxillosa
Asaphidion caraboides
Badister lacertosus
Bembidion argenteolum
Bembidion cillenoides
Bembidion coloradense
Bembidion combustum
Bembidion constricticolle
Bembidion dentellum
Bembidion disjunctum
Bembidion graciliforme
Bembidion iridescens
Bembidion lorquinii
published: 13 Mar 2022
Côn trùng, bộ Bọ cánh cứng, họ Carabidae bembidion minimum insect japonica arenaria splendens đất
côn trùng bộ Bọ cánh cứng, họ Carabidae.
insect of Order Coleoptera Family Carabidae, language: vi.
Satya Yuga - Jesse Gallagher (Free YouTube library)
Great thanks to Wikipedia for the information.
#côn trùng #bộ_bọ cánh cứng #họ_carabidae #arthropoda
Amara convexiuscula
Aplothorax burchellii
Bembidion fumigatum
Bembidion normannum
Bembidion pallidipenne
Bembidion aeneum
Bembidion minimum
Bọ mặt đất vàng
Carabus mirabilissimus
Carabus arcensis
Carabus splendens
Cephalota litorea
Chlaeniellus nigricornis
Chlaenius purpuricollis
Chlaenius vestitus
Cicindela arenaria
Cicindela japonica
Gehringia olympica
Neocicindela tuberculata
Philochthus biguttatus
published: 01 Aug 2022
Feithid, ord ciaróg, fine daol bembidion minimum insect japonica gigas splendens floridana Carabus
feithid ord ciaróg, fine daol.
insect of Order Coleoptera Family Carabidae, language: ga.
Seasons - Telecasted (Free YouTube library)
Great thanks to Wikipedia for the information.
#feithid #ord_ciaróg #fine_daol #arthropoda
Amara convexiuscula
Aplothorax burchellii
Bembidion fumigatum
Bembidion normannum
Bembidion pallidipenne
Bembidion aeneum
Bembidion minimum
Carabus mirabilissimus
Carabus clatratus
Carabus splendens
Cephalota litorea
Chlaeniellus nigricornis
Chlaenius purpuricollis
Chlaenius vestitus
Ciaróg rúisceach
Ciaróg thíograch uaine
Cicindela japonica
Gehringia olympica
Neocicindela tuberculata
Omus dejeanii
Philochthus biguttatus
Physomerus grossipes
Platyrhopalopsis meleii
When one thinks of a beetle, a likely image is a small, armored creature trundling slowly across the ground, or maybe flying along in a clumsy, almost lugubriou...
When one thinks of a beetle, a likely image is a small, armored creature trundling slowly across the ground, or maybe flying along in a clumsy, almost lugubrious manner.
However, there are more varieties of beetle than one might at first expect. As it happens, one group in particular consists of aggressive hunters that include the fastest runners in the insect world.
The tiger beetles are a curious family. Some species are shining iridescent predators that stalk the open spaces. Others are dark, nightmarish monsters that haunt the night. Though the adults are vicious carnivores, their larvae are even more horrific in their habits and appearance.
The tiger beetles are everything that one would not expect a beetle to be.
Music and Sound Effects from the YouTube Audio Library
“Underworld” by Myuu
“Somnolent” by The Tides
“Allegro” by Emmit Fenn
“Faultlines” by Asher Fulero
“No.7 Alone With My Thoughts” by Esther Abrami
“Butterflies in Love” by Sir Cubworth
“A Fool’s Theme” by Brian Bolger
“Waltz To Death” by Sir Cubworth
“Dream Escape” by The Tides
“Alone” by Emmit Fenn
AI art generated at https://dreamlike.art
Further images provided by Pixabay users ekamelev, ElinaElena, Erik_Karits, FranciscoJavierCorador, HOerwin56, Illuvis, juergenrichterich, makamuki0, Miss-Orphelia, mkoziol, Ramapo, terski
Further Research
Cicindela campestris
Cicindela hudsoni
Cicindela fulgida
Cicindela depressula
Manticora latipennis
Manticora tuberculata
Omus dejeani
0:00 - A Hypothetical Horror
1:06 - The Versatile Beetles
3:26 - The Shining Cicindelidae
5:50 - Cicindela Habits
7:31 - The Fastest Runners
10:31 - Grim Jaws
11:11 - Monstrous Larvae
13:14 - In Conclusion
When one thinks of a beetle, a likely image is a small, armored creature trundling slowly across the ground, or maybe flying along in a clumsy, almost lugubrious manner.
However, there are more varieties of beetle than one might at first expect. As it happens, one group in particular consists of aggressive hunters that include the fastest runners in the insect world.
The tiger beetles are a curious family. Some species are shining iridescent predators that stalk the open spaces. Others are dark, nightmarish monsters that haunt the night. Though the adults are vicious carnivores, their larvae are even more horrific in their habits and appearance.
The tiger beetles are everything that one would not expect a beetle to be.
Music and Sound Effects from the YouTube Audio Library
“Underworld” by Myuu
“Somnolent” by The Tides
“Allegro” by Emmit Fenn
“Faultlines” by Asher Fulero
“No.7 Alone With My Thoughts” by Esther Abrami
“Butterflies in Love” by Sir Cubworth
“A Fool’s Theme” by Brian Bolger
“Waltz To Death” by Sir Cubworth
“Dream Escape” by The Tides
“Alone” by Emmit Fenn
AI art generated at https://dreamlike.art
Further images provided by Pixabay users ekamelev, ElinaElena, Erik_Karits, FranciscoJavierCorador, HOerwin56, Illuvis, juergenrichterich, makamuki0, Miss-Orphelia, mkoziol, Ramapo, terski
Further Research
Cicindela campestris
Cicindela hudsoni
Cicindela fulgida
Cicindela depressula
Manticora latipennis
Manticora tuberculata
Omus dejeani
0:00 - A Hypothetical Horror
1:06 - The Versatile Beetles
3:26 - The Shining Cicindelidae
5:50 - Cicindela Habits
7:31 - The Fastest Runners
10:31 - Grim Jaws
11:11 - Monstrous Larvae
13:14 - In Conclusion
Common tiger beetle in Europe, but rare in most of Spain where is substituted by C. maroccana. Difficult to follow this nervous beetle with the camera!
Common tiger beetle in Europe, but rare in most of Spain where is substituted by C. maroccana. Difficult to follow this nervous beetle with the camera!
Common tiger beetle in Europe, but rare in most of Spain where is substituted by C. maroccana. Difficult to follow this nervous beetle with the camera!
Insecta ordo Coleoptera, familia Carabidae.
insect of Order Coleoptera Family Carabidae, language: la.
Large Smile Mood - Nico Staf (Free YouTube library)
Insecta ordo Coleoptera, familia Carabidae.
insect of Order Coleoptera Family Carabidae, language: la.
Large Smile Mood - Nico Staf (Free YouTube library)
Great thanks to Wikipedia for the information.
#insecta #ordo_coleoptera #familia_carabidae #arthropoda
Amara convexiuscula
Aplothorax burchellii
Carabus mirabilissimus
Carabus splendens
Carabus ulrichii
Chlaeniellus nigricornis
Cicindela japonica
Neocicindela tuberculata
Omus dejeanii
Philochthus biguttatus
Physomerus grossipes
Platyrhopalopsis meleii
Procerus gigas
Tetracha floridana
I was surprised one fine morning, when I was visited by this tiger beetle in my garden. It was extremely restless and was constantly trying to fight off somethi...
I was surprised one fine morning, when I was visited by this tiger beetle in my garden. It was extremely restless and was constantly trying to fight off something by flapping its wings while on its back. Upon closer inspection I found that an ant had clasped one of its legs. May be the pain was too much for the beetle. I removed the ant from its leg and immediately it became silent and calm. I left the beetle in a corner to rest. It continued its journey afterward.
I was surprised one fine morning, when I was visited by this tiger beetle in my garden. It was extremely restless and was constantly trying to fight off something by flapping its wings while on its back. Upon closer inspection I found that an ant had clasped one of its legs. May be the pain was too much for the beetle. I removed the ant from its leg and immediately it became silent and calm. I left the beetle in a corner to rest. It continued its journey afterward.
The insect Order Coleoptera (Beetles) Family Carabidae (Ground Beetles) subfamily Cicindelinae are known as the Tiger Beetles. They are well-adapted predators...
The insect Order Coleoptera (Beetles) Family Carabidae (Ground Beetles) subfamily Cicindelinae are known as the Tiger Beetles. They are well-adapted predators that run fast and fly fast to catch their prey.
This common Tiger Beetle has a beautiful metallic green color!
The insect Order Coleoptera (Beetles) Family Carabidae (Ground Beetles) subfamily Cicindelinae are known as the Tiger Beetles. They are well-adapted predators that run fast and fly fast to catch their prey.
This common Tiger Beetle has a beautiful metallic green color!
insect orden coleópteros, familia Carabidae.
insect of Order Coleoptera Family Carabidae, language: es.
Od Yishama - E's Jammy Jams (Free YouTube library)
côn trùng bộ Bọ cánh cứng, họ Carabidae.
insect of Order Coleoptera Family Carabidae, language: vi.
Satya Yuga - Jesse Gallagher (Free YouTube library)
Great ...
côn trùng bộ Bọ cánh cứng, họ Carabidae.
insect of Order Coleoptera Family Carabidae, language: vi.
Satya Yuga - Jesse Gallagher (Free YouTube library)
Great thanks to Wikipedia for the information.
#côn trùng #bộ_bọ cánh cứng #họ_carabidae #arthropoda
Amara convexiuscula
Aplothorax burchellii
Bembidion fumigatum
Bembidion normannum
Bembidion pallidipenne
Bembidion aeneum
Bembidion minimum
Bọ mặt đất vàng
Carabus mirabilissimus
Carabus arcensis
Carabus splendens
Cephalota litorea
Chlaeniellus nigricornis
Chlaenius purpuricollis
Chlaenius vestitus
Cicindela arenaria
Cicindela japonica
Gehringia olympica
Neocicindela tuberculata
Philochthus biguttatus
Physomerus grossipes
Platyrhopalopsis meleii
Tetracha floridana
feithid ord ciaróg, fine daol.
insect of Order Coleoptera Family Carabidae, language: ga.
Seasons - Telecasted (Free YouTube library)
Great thanks to Wikipedi...
feithid ord ciaróg, fine daol.
insect of Order Coleoptera Family Carabidae, language: ga.
Seasons - Telecasted (Free YouTube library)
Great thanks to Wikipedia for the information.
#feithid #ord_ciaróg #fine_daol #arthropoda
Amara convexiuscula
Aplothorax burchellii
Bembidion fumigatum
Bembidion normannum
Bembidion pallidipenne
Bembidion aeneum
Bembidion minimum
Carabus mirabilissimus
Carabus clatratus
Carabus splendens
Cephalota litorea
Chlaeniellus nigricornis
Chlaenius purpuricollis
Chlaenius vestitus
Ciaróg rúisceach
Ciaróg thíograch uaine
Cicindela japonica
Gehringia olympica
Neocicindela tuberculata
Omus dejeanii
Philochthus biguttatus
Physomerus grossipes
Platyrhopalopsis meleii
Procerus gigas
Tetracha floridana
When one thinks of a beetle, a likely image is a small, armored creature trundling slowly across the ground, or maybe flying along in a clumsy, almost lugubrious manner.
However, there are more varieties of beetle than one might at first expect. As it happens, one group in particular consists of aggressive hunters that include the fastest runners in the insect world.
The tiger beetles are a curious family. Some species are shining iridescent predators that stalk the open spaces. Others are dark, nightmarish monsters that haunt the night. Though the adults are vicious carnivores, their larvae are even more horrific in their habits and appearance.
The tiger beetles are everything that one would not expect a beetle to be.
Music and Sound Effects from the YouTube Audio Library
“Underworld” by Myuu
“Somnolent” by The Tides
“Allegro” by Emmit Fenn
“Faultlines” by Asher Fulero
“No.7 Alone With My Thoughts” by Esther Abrami
“Butterflies in Love” by Sir Cubworth
“A Fool’s Theme” by Brian Bolger
“Waltz To Death” by Sir Cubworth
“Dream Escape” by The Tides
“Alone” by Emmit Fenn
AI art generated at https://dreamlike.art
Further images provided by Pixabay users ekamelev, ElinaElena, Erik_Karits, FranciscoJavierCorador, HOerwin56, Illuvis, juergenrichterich, makamuki0, Miss-Orphelia, mkoziol, Ramapo, terski
Further Research
Cicindela campestris
Cicindela hudsoni
Cicindela fulgida
Cicindela depressula
Manticora latipennis
Manticora tuberculata
Omus dejeani
0:00 - A Hypothetical Horror
1:06 - The Versatile Beetles
3:26 - The Shining Cicindelidae
5:50 - Cicindela Habits
7:31 - The Fastest Runners
10:31 - Grim Jaws
11:11 - Monstrous Larvae
13:14 - In Conclusion
Common tiger beetle in Europe, but rare in most of Spain where is substituted by C. maroccana. Difficult to follow this nervous beetle with the camera!
I was surprised one fine morning, when I was visited by this tiger beetle in my garden. It was extremely restless and was constantly trying to fight off something by flapping its wings while on its back. Upon closer inspection I found that an ant had clasped one of its legs. May be the pain was too much for the beetle. I removed the ant from its leg and immediately it became silent and calm. I left the beetle in a corner to rest. It continued its journey afterward.
The insect Order Coleoptera (Beetles) Family Carabidae (Ground Beetles) subfamily Cicindelinae are known as the Tiger Beetles. They are well-adapted predators that run fast and fly fast to catch their prey.
This common Tiger Beetle has a beautiful metallic green color!
Te Papapa is a suburb of Auckland, New Zealand. It is located nine kilometres to the southeast of the city centre, on the northern shore of the Mangere Inlet, an arm of the Manukau Harbour. The suburb's population of 3081 (2001 census) has a high proportion of Pacific Island residents (28%).
Hit it hard from the back Roll around on the front I know you've heard a lot of tracks But 12 Play is what you want Just let me call the studio Then we can go all night Girl I hope you can hang Cause I'm horny as hell tonight Taking off your Secrets with my teeth Slightly rough to let you know it's about to get kinky Three Blind your eyes, then I walk you to my bedroom Four Now open your eyes Surprise you've entered twelve play two Stop We need to catch our breath We've been going for a while It's been about two hours And we're still going round for round The water's getting cold And the movie's going off This is how we do in TP-2 Five I'm about to take you for a ride Now feel it come inside Baby it's as hard as a brick Tell me can you feel this sh, sh, sh Seven That's when to slow it down Cause I'm not ready to Eight We're almost at the peak Cause I'm feeling tingly Now flew your body like, what (what, what) It's like diamonds with the cut (cut, cut) The hottest out of your friends The way you take it from me Girl you put it on me like draws Moaning when you talk I'm about to tear your shit out New millennium style Nine Lookin' you in your eyes As I'm about to do that thing Then on down to your thighs I'm gonna make you scream Eleven Now put your body on top of me I'm about to grab your waist Twelve Now quick before we get to thirteen