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Taylor Barras

Taylor Francis Barras (born January 1957) is an accountant and banker from New Iberia, Louisiana, who is a Republican member of the Louisiana House of Representatives for District 48, based in Iberia Parish. On January 11, 2016, as he began his third term in the chamber, Barras was elected House Speaker by his colleagues, who in what was considered a political upset on the second ballot rejected Representative Walt Leger, III, of New Orleans, the choice of incoming Democratic Governor John Bel Edwards. Barras received fifty-six votes; Leger, forty-nine. Since the days of Huey Pierce Long, Jr., legislators had confirmed the governor's choice for Speaker, but the Republican House majority instead elected Barras, the governor's wishes to the contrary.

Political biography

A New Iberia native, Barras (pronounced BAH RAH) is the third of four children of Mazel Borel Barras (1924-deceased) and Elton Joseph Barras (1923-2007), a decorated United States Army first lieutenant in World War II, who operated a country grocery store from 1951 until 1969 and was then from 1969 to 1983 the chief deputy under Iberia Parish Tax Assessor Clegg J. LaBauve, Sr. (1906-1987). The senior Barras was elected to succeed LaBauve as tax assessor in 1983; he handily defeated Erland "Ticky" LaBauve (born May 1947) and held the position from 1984 until his retirement in December 2000.


  • Rep. Taylor Barras elected Louisiana House speaker

    Right before the pomp and circumstance of the swearing in, the house was divided. It took two votes to elect a new speaker. When the dust settled, republican Taylor Barras from the Lafayette area was elected by his colleagues. Subscribe to WDSU on YouTube now for more: http://bit.ly/1n00vnY Get more New Orleans news: http://www.wdsu.com/ Like us: http://www.facebook.com/wdsutv Follow us: http://twitter.com/wdsu Google+: http://plus.google.com/+wdsu

    published: 12 Jan 2016
  • A Look Inside The Budget Legislative Process With House Speaker Taylor Barras - "Moon Griffon Show"

    In an exclusive interview with Moon Griffon, House Speaker Taylor Barras takes you behind the scenes of the legislative process, specifically as it regards the state budget's approval during the Special Legislative Session. Barras also makes clear the position of House Republican leadership as it pertains to fiscal policies and the budget. Speaker Barras also takes calls from listeners on how committees are formed and how they work, as well as what lawmakers plan to do moving forward with future budgets. If you’re new, Subscribe! → http://bit.ly/1mHIOs6 Go here → http://kpel965.com Like us → http://facebook.com/kpel965 Follow us → http://twitter.com/kpel965 Get our newsletter → http://kpel965.com/newsletter/ For any licensing requests please contact lafayette.youtube@townsquaremedia.co...

    published: 22 Jun 2017
  • Speaker of the House Taylor Barras Discusses Upcoming Special Session - Moon Griffon Show

    As the special legislative session looms (starts Feb. 19), La. House Speaker Taylor Barras visits the Moon Griffon Show to discuss the state budget deficit and potential taxes. - video upload powered by https://www.TunesToTube.com

    published: 15 Feb 2018
  • House Speaker Taylor Barras Explains Craziness Behind Wild Special Session Finish - Moon Griffon Sho

    Moon welcomes House Speaker Taylor Barras for a discussion about how the Special Legislative Session ended this week. Barras explains the interesting process of how lawmakers got to the late night vote and gives his thoughts on lawmakers who are calling for more taxes despite Louisiana's struggling economy.

    published: 06 Jun 2018
  • House Speaker Taylor Barras Explains Objection To Upgrading La.'s Economic Forecast - Moon Griffon S

    Moon Griffon welcomes the House Speaker for a discussion on why he was the lone vote in the Revenue Estimating Conference to block changes to the state's income forecast.

    published: 11 Dec 2018
  • Barras Pitches LouisianaCheckbook.com

    House Speaker Taylor Barras touts the benefits of LouisianaCheckbook.com (House Bill 29) before the proposal goes for a final vote in the House. The bill passed unanimously Feb. 28.

    published: 02 Mar 2018
  • Moon Griffon Challenges Taylor Barras on Ending of Third Special Session - Moon Griffon Show

    House Speaker Taylor Barras joins Moon as the two discuss the end of the Third Special Session. Moon expresses his frustration with Barras' vote for the tax raising legislation. He also confronts Barras about ending up on the opposite side of the vote as many of the lawmakers he fought with.

    published: 26 Jun 2018
  • Taylor - Barras & Barras (@taylor44 )

    published: 23 Aug 2024
  • Louisiana: The State We're In - 02/02/18

    State Budget, House Speaker Taylor Barras, Washington Impact, LSU's Center for River Studies

    published: 03 Feb 2018
  • Louisiana Legislature adjourns in meltdown with no budget

    The Louisiana Legislature ended its 2017 regular session June 8 without passing a $28 billion operating budget for the fiscal year that starts July 1. Watch the final minutes of the House debate tick by as Speaker Pro Tem Walt Leger, D-New Orleans, tries to force a vote on the budget but is blocked by House Republicans, including Speaker Taylor Barras of New Iberia. (Video from Louisiana Legislature) Want more from NOLA.com | The Times-Picayune? - Website: http://www.nola.com/ - YouTube: http://trib.al/YdvkFWX - Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/nolanews/ - Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/NOLAnews/ - Twitter: https://twitter.com/nolanews

    published: 09 Jun 2017
Rep. Taylor Barras elected Louisiana House speaker

Rep. Taylor Barras elected Louisiana House speaker

  • Order:
  • Duration: 1:43
  • Uploaded Date: 12 Jan 2016
  • views: 130
Right before the pomp and circumstance of the swearing in, the house was divided. It took two votes to elect a new speaker. When the dust settled, republican Taylor Barras from the Lafayette area was elected by his colleagues. Subscribe to WDSU on YouTube now for more: http://bit.ly/1n00vnY Get more New Orleans news: http://www.wdsu.com/ Like us: http://www.facebook.com/wdsutv Follow us: http://twitter.com/wdsu Google+: http://plus.google.com/+wdsu
A Look Inside The Budget Legislative Process With House Speaker Taylor Barras - "Moon Griffon Show"

A Look Inside The Budget Legislative Process With House Speaker Taylor Barras - "Moon Griffon Show"

  • Order:
  • Duration: 37:01
  • Uploaded Date: 22 Jun 2017
  • views: 264
In an exclusive interview with Moon Griffon, House Speaker Taylor Barras takes you behind the scenes of the legislative process, specifically as it regards the state budget's approval during the Special Legislative Session. Barras also makes clear the position of House Republican leadership as it pertains to fiscal policies and the budget. Speaker Barras also takes calls from listeners on how committees are formed and how they work, as well as what lawmakers plan to do moving forward with future budgets. If you’re new, Subscribe! → http://bit.ly/1mHIOs6 Go here → http://kpel965.com Like us → http://facebook.com/kpel965 Follow us → http://twitter.com/kpel965 Get our newsletter → http://kpel965.com/newsletter/ For any licensing requests please contact lafayette.youtube@townsquaremedia.com
Speaker of the House Taylor Barras Discusses Upcoming Special Session - Moon Griffon Show

Speaker of the House Taylor Barras Discusses Upcoming Special Session - Moon Griffon Show

  • Order:
  • Duration: 30:55
  • Uploaded Date: 15 Feb 2018
  • views: 112
As the special legislative session looms (starts Feb. 19), La. House Speaker Taylor Barras visits the Moon Griffon Show to discuss the state budget deficit and potential taxes. - video upload powered by https://www.TunesToTube.com
House Speaker Taylor Barras Explains Craziness Behind Wild Special Session Finish - Moon Griffon Sho

House Speaker Taylor Barras Explains Craziness Behind Wild Special Session Finish - Moon Griffon Sho

  • Order:
  • Duration: 37:15
  • Uploaded Date: 06 Jun 2018
  • views: 132
Moon welcomes House Speaker Taylor Barras for a discussion about how the Special Legislative Session ended this week. Barras explains the interesting process of how lawmakers got to the late night vote and gives his thoughts on lawmakers who are calling for more taxes despite Louisiana's struggling economy.
House Speaker Taylor Barras Explains Objection To Upgrading La.'s Economic Forecast - Moon Griffon S

House Speaker Taylor Barras Explains Objection To Upgrading La.'s Economic Forecast - Moon Griffon S

  • Order:
  • Duration: 18:15
  • Uploaded Date: 11 Dec 2018
  • views: 162
Moon Griffon welcomes the House Speaker for a discussion on why he was the lone vote in the Revenue Estimating Conference to block changes to the state's income forecast.
Barras Pitches LouisianaCheckbook.com

Barras Pitches LouisianaCheckbook.com

  • Order:
  • Duration: 0:57
  • Uploaded Date: 02 Mar 2018
  • views: 13
House Speaker Taylor Barras touts the benefits of LouisianaCheckbook.com (House Bill 29) before the proposal goes for a final vote in the House. The bill passed unanimously Feb. 28.
Moon Griffon Challenges Taylor Barras on Ending of Third Special Session - Moon Griffon Show

Moon Griffon Challenges Taylor Barras on Ending of Third Special Session - Moon Griffon Show

  • Order:
  • Duration: 25:30
  • Uploaded Date: 26 Jun 2018
  • views: 343
House Speaker Taylor Barras joins Moon as the two discuss the end of the Third Special Session. Moon expresses his frustration with Barras' vote for the tax raising legislation. He also confronts Barras about ending up on the opposite side of the vote as many of the lawmakers he fought with.
Taylor - Barras & Barras (@taylor44 )

Taylor - Barras & Barras (@taylor44 )

  • Order:
  • Duration: 2:50
  • Uploaded Date: 23 Aug 2024
  • views: 50
Louisiana: The State We're In - 02/02/18

Louisiana: The State We're In - 02/02/18

  • Order:
  • Duration: 28:15
  • Uploaded Date: 03 Feb 2018
  • views: 46
State Budget, House Speaker Taylor Barras, Washington Impact, LSU's Center for River Studies
Louisiana Legislature adjourns in meltdown with no budget

Louisiana Legislature adjourns in meltdown with no budget

  • Order:
  • Duration: 12:18
  • Uploaded Date: 09 Jun 2017
  • views: 1515
The Louisiana Legislature ended its 2017 regular session June 8 without passing a $28 billion operating budget for the fiscal year that starts July 1. Watch the final minutes of the House debate tick by as Speaker Pro Tem Walt Leger, D-New Orleans, tries to force a vote on the budget but is blocked by House Republicans, including Speaker Taylor Barras of New Iberia. (Video from Louisiana Legislature) Want more from NOLA.com | The Times-Picayune? - Website: http://www.nola.com/ - YouTube: http://trib.al/YdvkFWX - Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/nolanews/ - Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/NOLAnews/ - Twitter: https://twitter.com/nolanews
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PLAYLIST TIME: 0:00 / 3:14:59

Rep. Taylor Barras elected Louisiana House speaker

Right before the pomp and circumstance of the swearing in, the house was divided. It took two votes to elect a new speaker. When the dust settled, republican Taylor Barras from the Lafayette area was elected by his colleagues. Subscribe to WDSU on YouTube now for more: http://bit.ly/1n00vnY Get more New Orleans news: http://www.wdsu.com/ Like us: http://www.facebook.com/wdsutv Follow us: http://twitter.com/wdsu Google+: http://plus.google.com/+wdsu
Rep. Taylor Barras elected Louisiana House speaker
Right before the pomp and circumstance of the swearing in, the house was divided. It took ...
published: 12 Jan 2016
Play in Full Screen
A Look Inside The Budget Legislative Process With House Speaker Taylor Barras - "Moon Griffon Show"
In an exclusive interview with Moon Griffon, House Speaker Taylor Barras takes you behind ...
published: 22 Jun 2017
Play in Full Screen
Speaker of the House Taylor Barras Discusses Upcoming Special Session - Moon Griffon Show
As the special legislative session looms (starts Feb. 19), La. House Speaker Taylor Barras...
published: 15 Feb 2018
Play in Full Screen
House Speaker Taylor Barras Explains Craziness Behind Wild Special Session Finish - Moon Griffon Sho
Moon welcomes House Speaker Taylor Barras for a discussion about how the Special Legislati...
published: 06 Jun 2018
Play in Full Screen
House Speaker Taylor Barras Explains Objection To Upgrading La.'s Economic Forecast - Moon Griffon S
Moon Griffon welcomes the House Speaker for a discussion on why he was the lone vote in th...
published: 11 Dec 2018
Play in Full Screen
Barras Pitches LouisianaCheckbook.com
House Speaker Taylor Barras touts the benefits of LouisianaCheckbook.com (House Bill 29) b...
published: 02 Mar 2018
Play in Full Screen
Moon Griffon Challenges Taylor Barras on Ending of Third Special Session - Moon Griffon Show
House Speaker Taylor Barras joins Moon as the two discuss the end of the Third Special Ses...
published: 26 Jun 2018
Play in Full Screen
Taylor - Barras & Barras (@taylor44 )
published: 23 Aug 2024
Play in Full Screen
Louisiana: The State We're In - 02/02/18
State Budget, House Speaker Taylor Barras, Washington Impact, LSU's Center for River Studi...
published: 03 Feb 2018
Play in Full Screen
Louisiana Legislature adjourns in meltdown with no budget
The Louisiana Legislature ended its 2017 regular session June 8 without passing a $28 bill...
published: 09 Jun 2017
Play in Full Screen

Taylor Barras

Taylor Francis Barras (born January 1957) is an accountant and banker from New Iberia, Louisiana, who is a Republican member of the Louisiana House of Representatives for District 48, based in Iberia Parish. On January 11, 2016, as he began his third term in the chamber, Barras was elected House Speaker by his colleagues, who in what was considered a political upset on the second ballot rejected Representative Walt Leger, III, of New Orleans, the choice of incoming Democratic Governor John Bel Edwards. Barras received fifty-six votes; Leger, forty-nine. Since the days of Huey Pierce Long, Jr., legislators had confirmed the governor's choice for Speaker, but the Republican House majority instead elected Barras, the governor's wishes to the contrary.

Political biography

A New Iberia native, Barras (pronounced BAH RAH) is the third of four children of Mazel Borel Barras (1924-deceased) and Elton Joseph Barras (1923-2007), a decorated United States Army first lieutenant in World War II, who operated a country grocery store from 1951 until 1969 and was then from 1969 to 1983 the chief deputy under Iberia Parish Tax Assessor Clegg J. LaBauve, Sr. (1906-1987). The senior Barras was elected to succeed LaBauve as tax assessor in 1983; he handily defeated Erland "Ticky" LaBauve (born May 1947) and held the position from 1984 until his retirement in December 2000.

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