Patriot Energy Rig Site Drilling Process
View exclusive footage from one of Patriot Energy's drilling rigs in the Permian Basin of West Texas, and learn about the drilling process from start to finish. For more information on investing in upcoming oil and gas wells with Patriot Energy, visit us online at http://www.patriotenergy.com or call (469) 269-5414 and ask to speak to one of our consultants.
To view this video on our website and read the full video transcription, visit http://www.patriotenergy.com/media/patriot-energy-rig-site-drilling-process/
Video Transcription (Partial):
This is a Patriot Energy drilling rig site in the Permian Basin in West Texas. This well will be drilled to a total depth of about 8,900 feet, then it will be logged and eventually fracked.
Here, you’ll see what the drilling and logging looks ...
published: 25 Aug 2015
How Offshore Oil Rigs Work
Get a free audiobook plus unlimited Audible originals for free by signing up at http://Audible.com/wendover or by texting “wendover” to 500-500
Listen to Extremities at http://ExtremitiesPodcast.com
Buy a Wendover Productions t-shirt: https://standard.tv/collections/wendover-productions/products/wendover-productions-shirt
Subscribe to Half as Interesting (The other channel from Wendover Productions): https://www.youtube.com/halfasinteresting
Youtube: http://www.YouTube.com/WendoverProductions
Instagram: http://Instagram.com/sam.from.wendover
Twitter: http://www.Twitter.com/WendoverPro
Sponsorship Enquiries: [email protected]
Other emails: [email protected]
Reddit: http://Reddit.com/r/WendoverProductions
Animation by Josh Sherrington
Sound by Graham Haerther (http://www.Haert...
published: 21 Apr 2020
The object dropped in the rotary table of the oil rig
This video showed that the crew failed to recognise the dropped object issue. The object was accidentally dropped into the rotary table. This will cause a lot of time and money to fish it out of hole. It may end up with side tracking the well if the fish cannot be recovered from the wellbore.
We need to ensure that the team must work carefully while working on the rotary table.
✅ More details about drilling - https://www.drillingformulas.com/
✅Test your well control knowledge - https://wellcontrolquiz.com/
published: 25 Jul 2016
Drilling Animation
published: 22 Jan 2014
Roughnecks at Work in HD - Drilling Rig Pipe Connection
Roughnecks at work smoothly running a kelly drive drilling rig exploring for oil. They're making a connection or "pipe stab" to continue drilling downward. You can see why this job is high risk and requires concentration and skill.
published: 29 Jul 2014
Huge Drilling Rig Transport | Mega Transports | Free Documentary
An drilling rig is towed around the world by a single tug.
A brand-new drilling rig, worth 500 million dollar, has to go from South Korea to Europe. The problem: It is too gigantic for a heavy transport vessel. The solution: it’s being towed. By one single tug. It’s a true Mega Transport, halfway around the globe – all that in just 90 days.
The Mega Transport starts in Ulsan, South Korea. West Bollsta was built here for 6 years – and is now ready to get to its operation site. But how should this beast be delivered? It’s 123 meters long and 76 meters wide. Its maximum drilling depth: incredible 12 kilometers! Way to bulky to be transported in a common way. Surprisingly, a rather small kind of boat is best for the job: the ALP Striker – one of the strongest ocean tugs in the world.
published: 06 Dec 2019
Drilling Rig Components Animated | List of drilling rig components | drilling engineering
Learn about Drilling Rig Components in a short, details-free video!
List of drilling rig components:
Mud tank
Shale shakers
Suction line (mud pump)
Mud pump
Motor or power source
Kelly hose
Traveling block
Drill line
Crown block
Racking Board (Monkey Board)
Stand (of drill pipe)
Setback (floor)
Swivel (On newer rigs this may be replaced by a top drive)
Kelly drive
Rotary table
Drill floor
Bell nipple
Blowout preventers (BOPs)
Drill string
Drill bit
Casing head or Wellhead
Flow line
Check out our other videos:
Top Drive: https://youtu.be/L8wm0XocxhQ
Borehole Camera: https://youtu.be/zgxuZmY4R-I
Oil Subsea Storage: https://youtu.be/YR4EViy0tP0
Hybrid Drill Bits: https://youtu.be/CQv3d-r3tlo
Subscribe, Like, Comment, and Share.
Dr. Petro
published: 24 Sep 2016
Oil rig workers throwing the chain
published: 25 May 2020
High Paying Offshore Oil Rig Jobs A Life Away from Family
While the manning needed to oil platform to rise drastically based in its size platforms in general will have about 100-150 workers in board to keep everything running smoothly Offshore rigs run 24 hours 365 days a year which means that everyone in the rig works in a day-night shift Being that this job requires the workers to be away from their families and allow it once for extended periods of time they are compensated fairly well The entry-level positions are roughly 50,000 per year whereas more specialized engineering positions can earn upwards 200,000 dollars per year.
published: 12 Jan 2024
How Offshore Oilrigs Work, Float, and Extract Oil
Offshore drilling is the process of extracting petroleum from reserves located beneath the Earth's oceans instead of reserves located on the mainland. Offshore oil rigs have developed greatly over the past years, and have become gigantic structures that house hundreds of people at a time.
0:55 How it floats
1:35 What's on the oilrig
2:30 Drilling
3:27 Blowout Preventer
3D graphic tutorials & learning new skills https://skillshare.eqcm.net/rQErOy
I do not authorize the reuploading of my videos on any social media platform. You will face a copyright strike without notice if you do so. However, you have permission to share my videos on your website using the YouTube link.
published: 20 Jul 2022
Patriot Energy Rig Site Drilling Process
View exclusive footage from one of Patriot Energy's drilling rigs in the Permian Basin of West Texas, and learn about the drilling process from start to finish....
View exclusive footage from one of Patriot Energy's drilling rigs in the Permian Basin of West Texas, and learn about the drilling process from start to finish. For more information on investing in upcoming oil and gas wells with Patriot Energy, visit us online at http://www.patriotenergy.com or call (469) 269-5414 and ask to speak to one of our consultants.
To view this video on our website and read the full video transcription, visit http://www.patriotenergy.com/media/patriot-energy-rig-site-drilling-process/
Video Transcription (Partial):
This is a Patriot Energy drilling rig site in the Permian Basin in West Texas. This well will be drilled to a total depth of about 8,900 feet, then it will be logged and eventually fracked.
Here, you’ll see what the drilling and logging looks like, then in a separate video, we’ll go through the entire fracking process at another well.
This well had been drilling for a couple weeks when our camera showed up to capture the well hitting total depth. Here’s how it works…
There are 3 crew shifts, working around the clock until drilling is complete. They drill rain or shine, and in fact the rig itself is triple grounded, so even lightning is not a threat.
The main position on the platform is the driller. He runs the controls, maintains the written logs and basically directs the show. He’s the guy in charge as far as the drilling is concerned. But really, rig crews work so cohesively, that there is very little discussion, often just occasional sign language to guide a pipe or a chain into place.
There are many moving parts on the rig, once it's set up. Here, for example, they’re mixing drilling mud. You could have all the latest technology in the world, but without drilling mud, the whole operation would come to a halt. Mud serves several purposes besides lubrication. Mud engineers constantly monitor the drilling mud as it circulates out of the well and they can tell what’s going on down the hole from what comes up out of the hole.
This tank is where the water is circulated and flows out of the well, and is where it is filtered and is pumped back into the hole.
Large generators power the rig’s electrical needs and a massive diesel engine drives the motor that powers the bit.
This is where all the action happens, the drilling platform. If you visited a rig site anywhere in the world, most of the time it would look about like this: Pipe spinning at about 45 – 50 RPM and not much else going on.
That weight above the pipe keeps enough pressure on the bit and keeps the drilling process moving methodically.
Each section of drilling pipe is about 35 feet long, and takes anywhere from about – say - 20 minutes…up to an hour and a half to drill the length of one pipe. The difference is obviously what they’re drilling through at any given time. Sandstone goes fast. Shale grinds down to a trickle.
Once a section of pipe is getting close to the end, the driller suspends the weight and the bit stops its progress. That’s when the action begins.
The driller and roughnecks man the rig floor and go to work.
First, the Kelly Drive is moved over and lifted up to where it connected to the last pipe. Large tongs are used to break the seal, then the driller uses back pressure to unscrew the pipe.
Then the Kelly drive is connected to the next section of pipe – which is sitting off to the side in a rat hole, which is just a shallow queue-up hole that gets poked into the ground when the rig is set up.
Then that section of pipe is raised up into the rig tower and lowered to match the previous section that is just sticking up out of the rotary drive area.
The Tongs are once again used to seal this tightly, then the string is in position for the next section of pipe. The master bushing is lowered into position, traveling block and swivel are engaged, the RPMs are dialed in to proper speed. Now, the next section of pipe begins making its way down the hole.
If you figure 8,00 feet depth for this hole, at 35-feet per pipe, this process will take place around 230 times – day and night – before finally the graph that shows exactly where the drill bit is beneath the surface – reaches it’s destination.
At that point, things really begin to shift. First, the hole is flushed out with circulating water for a period of several hours.
At that point, all the pipe is pulled….or tripped….out of the hole.
Then, a logging crew arrives and they begin a multi-hour process of connecting probes and wires that will begin the computerized logging analysis of the well.
To view this video on our website and read the full video transcription, visit http://www.patriotenergy.com/media/patriot-energy-rig-site-drilling-process/
View exclusive footage from one of Patriot Energy's drilling rigs in the Permian Basin of West Texas, and learn about the drilling process from start to finish. For more information on investing in upcoming oil and gas wells with Patriot Energy, visit us online at http://www.patriotenergy.com or call (469) 269-5414 and ask to speak to one of our consultants.
To view this video on our website and read the full video transcription, visit http://www.patriotenergy.com/media/patriot-energy-rig-site-drilling-process/
Video Transcription (Partial):
This is a Patriot Energy drilling rig site in the Permian Basin in West Texas. This well will be drilled to a total depth of about 8,900 feet, then it will be logged and eventually fracked.
Here, you’ll see what the drilling and logging looks like, then in a separate video, we’ll go through the entire fracking process at another well.
This well had been drilling for a couple weeks when our camera showed up to capture the well hitting total depth. Here’s how it works…
There are 3 crew shifts, working around the clock until drilling is complete. They drill rain or shine, and in fact the rig itself is triple grounded, so even lightning is not a threat.
The main position on the platform is the driller. He runs the controls, maintains the written logs and basically directs the show. He’s the guy in charge as far as the drilling is concerned. But really, rig crews work so cohesively, that there is very little discussion, often just occasional sign language to guide a pipe or a chain into place.
There are many moving parts on the rig, once it's set up. Here, for example, they’re mixing drilling mud. You could have all the latest technology in the world, but without drilling mud, the whole operation would come to a halt. Mud serves several purposes besides lubrication. Mud engineers constantly monitor the drilling mud as it circulates out of the well and they can tell what’s going on down the hole from what comes up out of the hole.
This tank is where the water is circulated and flows out of the well, and is where it is filtered and is pumped back into the hole.
Large generators power the rig’s electrical needs and a massive diesel engine drives the motor that powers the bit.
This is where all the action happens, the drilling platform. If you visited a rig site anywhere in the world, most of the time it would look about like this: Pipe spinning at about 45 – 50 RPM and not much else going on.
That weight above the pipe keeps enough pressure on the bit and keeps the drilling process moving methodically.
Each section of drilling pipe is about 35 feet long, and takes anywhere from about – say - 20 minutes…up to an hour and a half to drill the length of one pipe. The difference is obviously what they’re drilling through at any given time. Sandstone goes fast. Shale grinds down to a trickle.
Once a section of pipe is getting close to the end, the driller suspends the weight and the bit stops its progress. That’s when the action begins.
The driller and roughnecks man the rig floor and go to work.
First, the Kelly Drive is moved over and lifted up to where it connected to the last pipe. Large tongs are used to break the seal, then the driller uses back pressure to unscrew the pipe.
Then the Kelly drive is connected to the next section of pipe – which is sitting off to the side in a rat hole, which is just a shallow queue-up hole that gets poked into the ground when the rig is set up.
Then that section of pipe is raised up into the rig tower and lowered to match the previous section that is just sticking up out of the rotary drive area.
The Tongs are once again used to seal this tightly, then the string is in position for the next section of pipe. The master bushing is lowered into position, traveling block and swivel are engaged, the RPMs are dialed in to proper speed. Now, the next section of pipe begins making its way down the hole.
If you figure 8,00 feet depth for this hole, at 35-feet per pipe, this process will take place around 230 times – day and night – before finally the graph that shows exactly where the drill bit is beneath the surface – reaches it’s destination.
At that point, things really begin to shift. First, the hole is flushed out with circulating water for a period of several hours.
At that point, all the pipe is pulled….or tripped….out of the hole.
Then, a logging crew arrives and they begin a multi-hour process of connecting probes and wires that will begin the computerized logging analysis of the well.
To view this video on our website and read the full video transcription, visit http://www.patriotenergy.com/media/patriot-energy-rig-site-drilling-process/
- published: 25 Aug 2015
- views: 1200512
How Offshore Oil Rigs Work
Get a free audiobook plus unlimited Audible originals for free by signing up at http://Audible.com/wendover or by texting “wendover” to 500-500
Listen to Extre...
Get a free audiobook plus unlimited Audible originals for free by signing up at http://Audible.com/wendover or by texting “wendover” to 500-500
Listen to Extremities at http://ExtremitiesPodcast.com
Buy a Wendover Productions t-shirt: https://standard.tv/collections/wendover-productions/products/wendover-productions-shirt
Subscribe to Half as Interesting (The other channel from Wendover Productions): https://www.youtube.com/halfasinteresting
Youtube: http://www.YouTube.com/WendoverProductions
Instagram: http://Instagram.com/sam.from.wendover
Twitter: http://www.Twitter.com/WendoverPro
Sponsorship Enquiries:
[email protected]
Other emails:
[email protected]
Reddit: http://Reddit.com/r/WendoverProductions
Animation by Josh Sherrington
Sound by Graham Haerther (http://www.Haerther.net)
Thumbnail by Simon Buckmaster
Music by http://epidemicsound.com
Select footage courtesy the AP Archive
[1] https://www.rystadenergy.com/globalassets/products/ep-solutions/ucube/cost-of-supply-oil-gas.jpg?w=281&h=211
[2] https://tradingeconomics.com/commodity/crude-oil
[3] https://www.google.com/url?sa=t&rct=j&q=&esrc=s&source=web&cd=7&cad=rja&uact=8&ved=2ahUKEwj42ojRyPDoAhXig3IEHYO6BvQQFjAGegQIBRAB&url=https%3A%2F%2Fwww.ferrovial.com%2Fen-us%2Fbusiness%2Fprojects%2Faberdeen-airport%2F&usg=AOvVaw0xcfjq2cLo2RatByMpAy0P
[4] https://www.offshore-mag.com/business-briefs/equipment-engineering/article/16760123/reviewing-rig-construction-cost-factors
[5] https://www.washingtonpost.com/climate-environment/2019/10/25/americans-would-rather-reduce-oil-gas-exploration-than-drill-baby-drill/
[6] https://www.eia.gov/todayinenergy/detail.php?id=28552
Get a free audiobook plus unlimited Audible originals for free by signing up at http://Audible.com/wendover or by texting “wendover” to 500-500
Listen to Extremities at http://ExtremitiesPodcast.com
Buy a Wendover Productions t-shirt: https://standard.tv/collections/wendover-productions/products/wendover-productions-shirt
Subscribe to Half as Interesting (The other channel from Wendover Productions): https://www.youtube.com/halfasinteresting
Youtube: http://www.YouTube.com/WendoverProductions
Instagram: http://Instagram.com/sam.from.wendover
Twitter: http://www.Twitter.com/WendoverPro
Sponsorship Enquiries:
[email protected]
Other emails:
[email protected]
Reddit: http://Reddit.com/r/WendoverProductions
Animation by Josh Sherrington
Sound by Graham Haerther (http://www.Haerther.net)
Thumbnail by Simon Buckmaster
Music by http://epidemicsound.com
Select footage courtesy the AP Archive
[1] https://www.rystadenergy.com/globalassets/products/ep-solutions/ucube/cost-of-supply-oil-gas.jpg?w=281&h=211
[2] https://tradingeconomics.com/commodity/crude-oil
[3] https://www.google.com/url?sa=t&rct=j&q=&esrc=s&source=web&cd=7&cad=rja&uact=8&ved=2ahUKEwj42ojRyPDoAhXig3IEHYO6BvQQFjAGegQIBRAB&url=https%3A%2F%2Fwww.ferrovial.com%2Fen-us%2Fbusiness%2Fprojects%2Faberdeen-airport%2F&usg=AOvVaw0xcfjq2cLo2RatByMpAy0P
[4] https://www.offshore-mag.com/business-briefs/equipment-engineering/article/16760123/reviewing-rig-construction-cost-factors
[5] https://www.washingtonpost.com/climate-environment/2019/10/25/americans-would-rather-reduce-oil-gas-exploration-than-drill-baby-drill/
[6] https://www.eia.gov/todayinenergy/detail.php?id=28552
- published: 21 Apr 2020
- views: 2961839
The object dropped in the rotary table of the oil rig
This video showed that the crew failed to recognise the dropped object issue. The object was accidentally dropped into the rotary table. This will cause a lot o...
This video showed that the crew failed to recognise the dropped object issue. The object was accidentally dropped into the rotary table. This will cause a lot of time and money to fish it out of hole. It may end up with side tracking the well if the fish cannot be recovered from the wellbore.
We need to ensure that the team must work carefully while working on the rotary table.
✅ More details about drilling - https://www.drillingformulas.com/
✅Test your well control knowledge - https://wellcontrolquiz.com/
This video showed that the crew failed to recognise the dropped object issue. The object was accidentally dropped into the rotary table. This will cause a lot of time and money to fish it out of hole. It may end up with side tracking the well if the fish cannot be recovered from the wellbore.
We need to ensure that the team must work carefully while working on the rotary table.
✅ More details about drilling - https://www.drillingformulas.com/
✅Test your well control knowledge - https://wellcontrolquiz.com/
- published: 25 Jul 2016
- views: 2595294
Roughnecks at Work in HD - Drilling Rig Pipe Connection
Roughnecks at work smoothly running a kelly drive drilling rig exploring for oil. They're making a connection or "pipe stab" to continue drilling downward. You ...
Roughnecks at work smoothly running a kelly drive drilling rig exploring for oil. They're making a connection or "pipe stab" to continue drilling downward. You can see why this job is high risk and requires concentration and skill.
Roughnecks at work smoothly running a kelly drive drilling rig exploring for oil. They're making a connection or "pipe stab" to continue drilling downward. You can see why this job is high risk and requires concentration and skill.
- published: 29 Jul 2014
- views: 4633469
Huge Drilling Rig Transport | Mega Transports | Free Documentary
An drilling rig is towed around the world by a single tug.
A brand-new drilling rig, worth 500 million dollar, has to go from South Korea to Europe. The probl...
An drilling rig is towed around the world by a single tug.
A brand-new drilling rig, worth 500 million dollar, has to go from South Korea to Europe. The problem: It is too gigantic for a heavy transport vessel. The solution: it’s being towed. By one single tug. It’s a true Mega Transport, halfway around the globe – all that in just 90 days.
The Mega Transport starts in Ulsan, South Korea. West Bollsta was built here for 6 years – and is now ready to get to its operation site. But how should this beast be delivered? It’s 123 meters long and 76 meters wide. Its maximum drilling depth: incredible 12 kilometers! Way to bulky to be transported in a common way. Surprisingly, a rather small kind of boat is best for the job: the ALP Striker – one of the strongest ocean tugs in the world.
The ALP Striker will pull the drilling rig across the oceans on arm-thick steel cables. They are so heavy that only the ship's own crane can move them. Connecting tug and rig alone takes a whole day.
Once the drilling rig is towed to the tug, they’re embarking on a journey never before seen: around the cape of good hope. Navigation, pirates, wind and waves – there are many unpredictable challenges along the way. Once they have managed them all, the destination is in sight: the Canary islands.
Subscribe Free Documentary Channel for free: https://bit.ly/2YJ4XzQ
Facebook: https://bit.ly/2QfRxbG
Twitter: https://bit.ly/2QlwRiI
#FreeDocumentary #Documentary #MegaTransports
Free Documentary is dedicated to bring high-class documentaries to you on youtube for free. With the latest camera equipment used by well-known filmmakers working for famous production studios. You will see fascinating shots from the deep seas and up in the air, capturing great stories and pictures from everything our beautiful and interesting planet has to offer.
Enjoy stories about nature, wildlife, culture, people, history and more to come.
An drilling rig is towed around the world by a single tug.
A brand-new drilling rig, worth 500 million dollar, has to go from South Korea to Europe. The problem: It is too gigantic for a heavy transport vessel. The solution: it’s being towed. By one single tug. It’s a true Mega Transport, halfway around the globe – all that in just 90 days.
The Mega Transport starts in Ulsan, South Korea. West Bollsta was built here for 6 years – and is now ready to get to its operation site. But how should this beast be delivered? It’s 123 meters long and 76 meters wide. Its maximum drilling depth: incredible 12 kilometers! Way to bulky to be transported in a common way. Surprisingly, a rather small kind of boat is best for the job: the ALP Striker – one of the strongest ocean tugs in the world.
The ALP Striker will pull the drilling rig across the oceans on arm-thick steel cables. They are so heavy that only the ship's own crane can move them. Connecting tug and rig alone takes a whole day.
Once the drilling rig is towed to the tug, they’re embarking on a journey never before seen: around the cape of good hope. Navigation, pirates, wind and waves – there are many unpredictable challenges along the way. Once they have managed them all, the destination is in sight: the Canary islands.
Subscribe Free Documentary Channel for free: https://bit.ly/2YJ4XzQ
Facebook: https://bit.ly/2QfRxbG
Twitter: https://bit.ly/2QlwRiI
#FreeDocumentary #Documentary #MegaTransports
Free Documentary is dedicated to bring high-class documentaries to you on youtube for free. With the latest camera equipment used by well-known filmmakers working for famous production studios. You will see fascinating shots from the deep seas and up in the air, capturing great stories and pictures from everything our beautiful and interesting planet has to offer.
Enjoy stories about nature, wildlife, culture, people, history and more to come.
- published: 06 Dec 2019
- views: 7038545
Drilling Rig Components Animated | List of drilling rig components | drilling engineering
Learn about Drilling Rig Components in a short, details-free video!
List of drilling rig components:
Mud tank
Shale shakers
Suction line (mud pump)
Mud pump
Learn about Drilling Rig Components in a short, details-free video!
List of drilling rig components:
Mud tank
Shale shakers
Suction line (mud pump)
Mud pump
Motor or power source
Kelly hose
Traveling block
Drill line
Crown block
Racking Board (Monkey Board)
Stand (of drill pipe)
Setback (floor)
Swivel (On newer rigs this may be replaced by a top drive)
Kelly drive
Rotary table
Drill floor
Bell nipple
Blowout preventers (BOPs)
Drill string
Drill bit
Casing head or Wellhead
Flow line
Check out our other videos:
Top Drive: https://youtu.be/L8wm0XocxhQ
Borehole Camera: https://youtu.be/zgxuZmY4R-I
Oil Subsea Storage: https://youtu.be/YR4EViy0tP0
Hybrid Drill Bits: https://youtu.be/CQv3d-r3tlo
Subscribe, Like, Comment, and Share.
Dr. Petro
Credits for the music used in the video: Italian Afternoon by Twin
Learn about Drilling Rig Components in a short, details-free video!
List of drilling rig components:
Mud tank
Shale shakers
Suction line (mud pump)
Mud pump
Motor or power source
Kelly hose
Traveling block
Drill line
Crown block
Racking Board (Monkey Board)
Stand (of drill pipe)
Setback (floor)
Swivel (On newer rigs this may be replaced by a top drive)
Kelly drive
Rotary table
Drill floor
Bell nipple
Blowout preventers (BOPs)
Drill string
Drill bit
Casing head or Wellhead
Flow line
Check out our other videos:
Top Drive: https://youtu.be/L8wm0XocxhQ
Borehole Camera: https://youtu.be/zgxuZmY4R-I
Oil Subsea Storage: https://youtu.be/YR4EViy0tP0
Hybrid Drill Bits: https://youtu.be/CQv3d-r3tlo
Subscribe, Like, Comment, and Share.
Dr. Petro
Credits for the music used in the video: Italian Afternoon by Twin
- published: 24 Sep 2016
- views: 70474
High Paying Offshore Oil Rig Jobs A Life Away from Family
While the manning needed to oil platform to rise drastically based in its size platforms in general will have about 100-150 workers in board to keep everything ...
While the manning needed to oil platform to rise drastically based in its size platforms in general will have about 100-150 workers in board to keep everything running smoothly Offshore rigs run 24 hours 365 days a year which means that everyone in the rig works in a day-night shift Being that this job requires the workers to be away from their families and allow it once for extended periods of time they are compensated fairly well The entry-level positions are roughly 50,000 per year whereas more specialized engineering positions can earn upwards 200,000 dollars per year.
While the manning needed to oil platform to rise drastically based in its size platforms in general will have about 100-150 workers in board to keep everything running smoothly Offshore rigs run 24 hours 365 days a year which means that everyone in the rig works in a day-night shift Being that this job requires the workers to be away from their families and allow it once for extended periods of time they are compensated fairly well The entry-level positions are roughly 50,000 per year whereas more specialized engineering positions can earn upwards 200,000 dollars per year.
- published: 12 Jan 2024
- views: 570
How Offshore Oilrigs Work, Float, and Extract Oil
Offshore drilling is the process of extracting petroleum from reserves located beneath the Earth's oceans instead of reserves located on the mainland. Offshore ...
Offshore drilling is the process of extracting petroleum from reserves located beneath the Earth's oceans instead of reserves located on the mainland. Offshore oil rigs have developed greatly over the past years, and have become gigantic structures that house hundreds of people at a time.
0:55 How it floats
1:35 What's on the oilrig
2:30 Drilling
3:27 Blowout Preventer
3D graphic tutorials & learning new skills https://skillshare.eqcm.net/rQErOy
I do not authorize the reuploading of my videos on any social media platform. You will face a copyright strike without notice if you do so. However, you have permission to share my videos on your website using the YouTube link.
Offshore drilling is the process of extracting petroleum from reserves located beneath the Earth's oceans instead of reserves located on the mainland. Offshore oil rigs have developed greatly over the past years, and have become gigantic structures that house hundreds of people at a time.
0:55 How it floats
1:35 What's on the oilrig
2:30 Drilling
3:27 Blowout Preventer
3D graphic tutorials & learning new skills https://skillshare.eqcm.net/rQErOy
I do not authorize the reuploading of my videos on any social media platform. You will face a copyright strike without notice if you do so. However, you have permission to share my videos on your website using the YouTube link.
- published: 20 Jul 2022
- views: 2531595
The Drill
Best listen when I talk like this.
Song: Pete & Bas - T-Pain
The Dor Brothers' Official Website:
#ai #aivideo #aimeme #thedorbrothers #aianimation #aigenerated
published: 19 Nov 2024
Lil Mabu x Fivio Foreign - TEACH ME HOW TO DRILL (Official Music Video)
WE GOING ON TOUR: https://younggeniusacademy.education/pages/tour ❤️🎤
i completed my 1st drill with my friend Fivio! 😀
Stream/Download: "YOUNG GENIUS" THE ALBUM: https://ffm.to/younggenius 🧠
SIGNED CD'S: https://younggeniusacademy.education 💿
How it was made: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=_VWqT6Kf_48
Subscribe for more official content from Lil Mabu: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCMA_eOj8DY3BcrpZF_vKamg?sub_confirmation=1
Non-explicit version (for the editors): https://www.dropbox.com/scl/fo/ik84e2av1dcmmymt17lx4/h?rlkey=lq4cukwkofe361qo2wd6njyb1&dl=0
Follow Lil Mabu:
Legal Disclaimer:
The intention of this music video is an artistic social commentary on our soc...
published: 21 Dec 2023
Central Cee x Dave - Sprinter [Music Video]
Stream Sprinter: https://davexcench.lnk.to/Sprinter
Subscribe: https://www.youtube.com/user/CentralCee?sub_confirmation=1
Produced by Jo Caleb + Jonny Leslie
Additional Production by Jim Legxacy, TR, Kyle Evans + Santan
Monaco Crew:
1st AC: Lionel FORNINI @bledstarz
2nd AC: Julie LE NÖEL @julialenoel
DIT: Kim CAO @kimcaoimage
Location manager: Philippe KERISIT @phil_krst
Driver/Runner: Sebastien CAUSSE @sebastiencausse1
Driver/Runner: Athénaïs BERTOLI @athenais.brtl
Driver Runner: Dejan TRAKOV @dejan_tkv
Yacht: QUINTA ESSENTIA @yachtquintaessentia
Yacht Event Producer: Tom CLAEREN @tomclaeren
Event Partner: LILLY’S CLUB @lillysclub
Logistic: MM PRIVATE CLUB @mmprivateclub
Car: ALTR TRADE @altr.trade
UK Production:
Editor: Ollie Paxton
Grade: Alexandre Nerzic @ ...
published: 01 Jun 2023
Bernadya - "Untungnya, Hidup Harus Tetap Berjalan" (Jersey Club Remix) [prod. cvplis]
Love for all the support!❤️
Donate me:
stream the song now:
Social Media⬇️
Instagram :
Tiktok : https://www.tiktok.com/@cvplis_
Soundcloud : https://on.soundcloud.com/cvplis
Email : [email protected]
Bernadya - "Untungnya, Hidup Harus Tetap Berjalan" (Jersey Club Remix) [prod. cvplis]
#bernadya #jerseyclub #kylerichh #drillremix #drillmusic
(All works are copyright protected © 2024)
published: 15 Aug 2024
Sha Gz - New Opp (Official Video)
Listen To Sha Gz: https://youtu.be/rcRJY8_72HU?si=gjthfFPjAFo4z4XC
Listen to Sha Gz 'It's That Sha Gz' EP - https://shagz.lnk.to/ItsThatShaGzm
Official video for Sha Gz "New Opp"
Listen to Sha Gz:
Spotify - https://open.spotify.com/artist/5cZA9NpcHyvZjWldBitrR2?si=dsQ4XoGOSoef8d8yb8TGQw
Apple Music - https://music.apple.com/us/artist/sha-gz/1627291575
Soundcloud - https://soundcloud.com/itsshagz
Follow Sha Gz:
Instagram - https://www.instagram.com/sha_gz/
Tik Tok - https://www.tiktok.com/@sha_gz
#ShaGz #NewOpp
published: 17 Mar 2023
Buat makan:
Social Media⬇️
Indo drill, drill remix indonesia, jawa drill pop smoke type beat, fivio foreign type beat, drill type beat, saint cardona, pop smoke, uk drill type beat, fivio foreign, pop smoke type beat 2022, fivio foreign type beat 2022, fivio foreign x pop smoke type beat, uk drill, pop smoke instrumental, ny drill type beat, free pop smoke type beat, pop smoke type beat 2021, fivio foreign type beat free, ny drill, pop smoke type beat free, free fivio foreign type beat, 808 melo, type beats, free type beats, instrumental, drill beat, pop smoke x fivio foreig...
published: 31 Jul 2024
#ukdrill #ukrapper #trending #uk #centralcee #arrdee #aitch #trending #tiktokvideo #olympics #epl #musicmixes #music #viralvideo #world
This Video mix is not monitized
Sendwave/Mpesa +254758800331
Download Link https://hearthis.at/dj-fulkeed/uk-drill-mix-2024-ft-arrdee-central-cee-aitch-russ-million-french-kid-etc/download
🔽 Swahili Worship Mix https://youtu.be/vB48GXMEvIs?si=69g-2GzDuAc75Cs2
🔽 Kenyan Love RnB https://youtu.be/0jsAyakbof8?si=zbs_-9j0DY4WbnUz
🔽 Urban Rhumba Drill https://youtu.be/gq8C97upcU0?si=jpF6iAO9hneN8qza
0:00 Band 4 band Central cee x lilbaby
2:30 Healing Tion wayne
4:05 Whats good SR & Poundz
6:05 Hellomate Arrdee
6:35 Homophobic Central cee
7:55 Sprinter Central cee x Dave
9:40 Late Night Driving Arrdee
11:00 L...
published: 11 Aug 2024
Sóc Trăng Drill (Cypher) : Jombie ft Đông Tây, Sakhar, Chan lekha, AMAG, Chips & Sinkra
►SUBSCRIBE CHANNEL: https://s.net.vn/EJz9
Sóc Trăng Drill (Cypher) : Jombie ft Đông Tây, Sakhar, Chan lekha, AMG, Chips & Sinkra
#soctrangdrill #soctrangcypher
MV có sử dụng một số hình ảnh nổi bật đặc trưng của Sóc Trăng nhằm mục đích quảng bá văn hóa Dân Tộc
Rapper : Jombie ft Sakhar, Chan lekha, AMG, Chips & Sinkra
Singer : Đông Tây
Composer : Nhạc sĩ Thanh Sơn & G5R Squad
Beat : Sinkra
Editor : g5 Media
Camera : Dhuyn & Bin Tài
Recoding mix master : LAC
Poster : Dhuyn
HH Đại Dương: Thu Uyên
Landing page: https://g5r.lnk.to/stdcypher
Direct to service:
Spotify: https://g5r.lnk.to/stdcypher/spotify
Apple Music: https://g5r.lnk.to/stdcypher/applemusic
Zing Mp3: https://g5r.lnk.to/stdcypher/zingmp3
Tiktok: https://g5r.lnk.to/stdcypher/tiktok
NCT: https://g5r.lnk.to/stdcypher/n...
published: 13 Nov 2024
published: 10 Dec 2024
Is NY Drill Cap?
#edit #short #shorts #shortsfeed #youtubeshorts #bronxdrill #fyp #drillrappers #kayflock
published: 25 Sep 2023
The Drill
Best listen when I talk like this.
Song: Pete & Bas - T-Pain
The Dor Brothers' Official Website:
Best listen when I talk like this.
Song: Pete & Bas - T-Pain
The Dor Brothers' Official Website:
#ai #aivideo #aimeme #thedorbrothers #aianimation #aigenerated
Best listen when I talk like this.
Song: Pete & Bas - T-Pain
The Dor Brothers' Official Website:
#ai #aivideo #aimeme #thedorbrothers #aianimation #aigenerated
- published: 19 Nov 2024
- views: 13283979
Lil Mabu x Fivio Foreign - TEACH ME HOW TO DRILL (Official Music Video)
WE GOING ON TOUR: https://younggeniusacademy.education/pages/tour ❤️🎤
i completed my 1st drill with my friend Fivio! 😀
Stream/Download: "YOUNG GENIUS" THE ALBUM...
WE GOING ON TOUR: https://younggeniusacademy.education/pages/tour ❤️🎤
i completed my 1st drill with my friend Fivio! 😀
Stream/Download: "YOUNG GENIUS" THE ALBUM: https://ffm.to/younggenius 🧠
SIGNED CD'S: https://younggeniusacademy.education 💿
How it was made: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=_VWqT6Kf_48
Subscribe for more official content from Lil Mabu: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCMA_eOj8DY3BcrpZF_vKamg?sub_confirmation=1
Non-explicit version (for the editors): https://www.dropbox.com/scl/fo/ik84e2av1dcmmymt17lx4/h?rlkey=lq4cukwkofe361qo2wd6njyb1&dl=0
Follow Lil Mabu:
Legal Disclaimer:
The intention of this music video is an artistic social commentary on our society. Any references to violence and any portrayal of violence in this video are strictly for entertainment purposes. These stunts are scripted and acted out by professionals. The weapons displayed in this video are certified props and are utilized strictly for entertainment purposes. Do not attempt anything in this video from home.
Directed by Rick Lancaster
Written & Co-directed by Lil Mabu
#LilMabu #FivioForeign
WE GOING ON TOUR: https://younggeniusacademy.education/pages/tour ❤️🎤
i completed my 1st drill with my friend Fivio! 😀
Stream/Download: "YOUNG GENIUS" THE ALBUM: https://ffm.to/younggenius 🧠
SIGNED CD'S: https://younggeniusacademy.education 💿
How it was made: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=_VWqT6Kf_48
Subscribe for more official content from Lil Mabu: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCMA_eOj8DY3BcrpZF_vKamg?sub_confirmation=1
Non-explicit version (for the editors): https://www.dropbox.com/scl/fo/ik84e2av1dcmmymt17lx4/h?rlkey=lq4cukwkofe361qo2wd6njyb1&dl=0
Follow Lil Mabu:
Legal Disclaimer:
The intention of this music video is an artistic social commentary on our society. Any references to violence and any portrayal of violence in this video are strictly for entertainment purposes. These stunts are scripted and acted out by professionals. The weapons displayed in this video are certified props and are utilized strictly for entertainment purposes. Do not attempt anything in this video from home.
Directed by Rick Lancaster
Written & Co-directed by Lil Mabu
#LilMabu #FivioForeign
- published: 21 Dec 2023
- views: 40722642
Central Cee x Dave - Sprinter [Music Video]
Stream Sprinter: https://davexcench.lnk.to/Sprinter
Subscribe: https://www.youtube.com/user/CentralCee?sub_confirmation=1
Produced by Jo Caleb + Jonny Leslie...
Stream Sprinter: https://davexcench.lnk.to/Sprinter
Subscribe: https://www.youtube.com/user/CentralCee?sub_confirmation=1
Produced by Jo Caleb + Jonny Leslie
Additional Production by Jim Legxacy, TR, Kyle Evans + Santan
Monaco Crew:
1st AC: Lionel FORNINI @bledstarz
2nd AC: Julie LE NÖEL @julialenoel
DIT: Kim CAO @kimcaoimage
Location manager: Philippe KERISIT @phil_krst
Driver/Runner: Sebastien CAUSSE @sebastiencausse1
Driver/Runner: Athénaïs BERTOLI @athenais.brtl
Driver Runner: Dejan TRAKOV @dejan_tkv
Yacht: QUINTA ESSENTIA @yachtquintaessentia
Yacht Event Producer: Tom CLAEREN @tomclaeren
Event Partner: LILLY’S CLUB @lillysclub
Logistic: MM PRIVATE CLUB @mmprivateclub
Car: ALTR TRADE @altr.trade
UK Production:
Editor: Ollie Paxton
Grade: Alexandre Nerzic @ Creative Outpost
Additional Footage: Orazio
Follow Central Cee:
Follow Dave:
Stream Sprinter: https://davexcench.lnk.to/Sprinter
Subscribe: https://www.youtube.com/user/CentralCee?sub_confirmation=1
Produced by Jo Caleb + Jonny Leslie
Additional Production by Jim Legxacy, TR, Kyle Evans + Santan
Monaco Crew:
1st AC: Lionel FORNINI @bledstarz
2nd AC: Julie LE NÖEL @julialenoel
DIT: Kim CAO @kimcaoimage
Location manager: Philippe KERISIT @phil_krst
Driver/Runner: Sebastien CAUSSE @sebastiencausse1
Driver/Runner: Athénaïs BERTOLI @athenais.brtl
Driver Runner: Dejan TRAKOV @dejan_tkv
Yacht: QUINTA ESSENTIA @yachtquintaessentia
Yacht Event Producer: Tom CLAEREN @tomclaeren
Event Partner: LILLY’S CLUB @lillysclub
Logistic: MM PRIVATE CLUB @mmprivateclub
Car: ALTR TRADE @altr.trade
UK Production:
Editor: Ollie Paxton
Grade: Alexandre Nerzic @ Creative Outpost
Additional Footage: Orazio
Follow Central Cee:
Follow Dave:
- published: 01 Jun 2023
- views: 281081552
Bernadya - "Untungnya, Hidup Harus Tetap Berjalan" (Jersey Club Remix) [prod. cvplis]
Love for all the support!❤️
Donate me:
stream the song now:
Social Media⬇️
Love for all the support!❤️
Donate me:
stream the song now:
Social Media⬇️
Instagram :
Tiktok : https://www.tiktok.com/@cvplis_
Soundcloud : https://on.soundcloud.com/cvplis
Email :
[email protected]
Bernadya - "Untungnya, Hidup Harus Tetap Berjalan" (Jersey Club Remix) [prod. cvplis]
#bernadya #jerseyclub #kylerichh #drillremix #drillmusic
(All works are copyright protected © 2024)
Love for all the support!❤️
Donate me:
stream the song now:
Social Media⬇️
Instagram :
Tiktok : https://www.tiktok.com/@cvplis_
Soundcloud : https://on.soundcloud.com/cvplis
Email :
[email protected]
Bernadya - "Untungnya, Hidup Harus Tetap Berjalan" (Jersey Club Remix) [prod. cvplis]
#bernadya #jerseyclub #kylerichh #drillremix #drillmusic
(All works are copyright protected © 2024)
- published: 15 Aug 2024
- views: 541984
Sha Gz - New Opp (Official Video)
Listen To Sha Gz: https://youtu.be/rcRJY8_72HU?si=gjthfFPjAFo4z4XC
Listen to Sha Gz 'It's That Sha Gz' EP - https://shagz.lnk.to/ItsThatShaGzm
Official video ...
Listen To Sha Gz: https://youtu.be/rcRJY8_72HU?si=gjthfFPjAFo4z4XC
Listen to Sha Gz 'It's That Sha Gz' EP - https://shagz.lnk.to/ItsThatShaGzm
Official video for Sha Gz "New Opp"
Listen to Sha Gz:
Spotify - https://open.spotify.com/artist/5cZA9NpcHyvZjWldBitrR2?si=dsQ4XoGOSoef8d8yb8TGQw
Apple Music - https://music.apple.com/us/artist/sha-gz/1627291575
Soundcloud - https://soundcloud.com/itsshagz
Follow Sha Gz:
Instagram - https://www.instagram.com/sha_gz/
Tik Tok - https://www.tiktok.com/@sha_gz
#ShaGz #NewOpp
Listen To Sha Gz: https://youtu.be/rcRJY8_72HU?si=gjthfFPjAFo4z4XC
Listen to Sha Gz 'It's That Sha Gz' EP - https://shagz.lnk.to/ItsThatShaGzm
Official video for Sha Gz "New Opp"
Listen to Sha Gz:
Spotify - https://open.spotify.com/artist/5cZA9NpcHyvZjWldBitrR2?si=dsQ4XoGOSoef8d8yb8TGQw
Apple Music - https://music.apple.com/us/artist/sha-gz/1627291575
Soundcloud - https://soundcloud.com/itsshagz
Follow Sha Gz:
Instagram - https://www.instagram.com/sha_gz/
Tik Tok - https://www.tiktok.com/@sha_gz
#ShaGz #NewOpp
- published: 17 Mar 2023
- views: 19239992
Buat makan:
Social Media⬇️
Buat makan:
Social Media⬇️
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#nydrill #drillremix #indodrill
Buat makan:
Social Media⬇️
Indo drill, drill remix indonesia, jawa drill pop smoke type beat, fivio foreign type beat, drill type beat, saint cardona, pop smoke, uk drill type beat, fivio foreign, pop smoke type beat 2022, fivio foreign type beat 2022, fivio foreign x pop smoke type beat, uk drill, pop smoke instrumental, ny drill type beat, free pop smoke type beat, pop smoke type beat 2021, fivio foreign type beat free, ny drill, pop smoke type beat free, free fivio foreign type beat, 808 melo, type beats, free type beats, instrumental, drill beat, pop smoke x fivio foreign type beat, fivio foreign instrumental, producer, new york, free drill beat, axl beats, lil tjay, type beat 2021, hard beats, new york drill, free hard beat, yvng finxssa, youtube, emotional drill type beat, lil baby, atlanta, ricorundat, saint cardona type beat, fivio foreign type beat 2021, 22gz type beat, central cee type beat, uk drill type beat 2021, hard drill type beat, uk drill instrumental, pop smoke drill type beat, pop smoke fivio foreign, nyc drill, free drill type beat, free uk drill type beat, cj type beat, pop smoke fivio foreign type beat, drill type beat 2021, type beat, free fivio foreign type beat 2021, 808 melo type beat, epic drill type beat, drill, fivio foreign bible type beat, free pop smoke type beat 2021, pop smoke type beat drill, pop smoke x fivio foreign type beat 2022, type beat pop smoke, dusty locane type beat, emotional drill type beat 2022, alorbeats, ny drill type beat 2021, rah swish type beat, lil tjay type beat, jester beats, sheff g type beat, rv type beat, nyc drill type beat 2020, hard drill type beat 2021, luciano type beat, fivio foreign type beat drill, free type beat, uk drill type beat free, abra cadabra type beat, free fivio foreign type beat 2022.
#nydrill #drillremix #indodrill
- published: 31 Jul 2024
- views: 219014
#ukdrill #ukrapper #trending #uk #centralcee #arrdee #aitch #trending #tiktokvideo #olympics #epl #musicmixes #music #viralvideo #world
#ukdrill #ukrapper #trending #uk #centralcee #arrdee #aitch #trending #tiktokvideo #olympics #epl #musicmixes #music #viralvideo #world
This Video mix is not monitized
Sendwave/Mpesa +254758800331
Download Link https://hearthis.at/dj-fulkeed/uk-drill-mix-2024-ft-arrdee-central-cee-aitch-russ-million-french-kid-etc/download
🔽 Swahili Worship Mix https://youtu.be/vB48GXMEvIs?si=69g-2GzDuAc75Cs2
🔽 Kenyan Love RnB https://youtu.be/0jsAyakbof8?si=zbs_-9j0DY4WbnUz
🔽 Urban Rhumba Drill https://youtu.be/gq8C97upcU0?si=jpF6iAO9hneN8qza
0:00 Band 4 band Central cee x lilbaby
2:30 Healing Tion wayne
4:05 Whats good SR & Poundz
6:05 Hellomate Arrdee
6:35 Homophobic Central cee
7:55 Sprinter Central cee x Dave
9:40 Late Night Driving Arrdee
11:00 Little bit of this Central cee
12:30 Very good very nice Uk drill song
13:45 Oliver twist Arrdee
15:05 Flowers Arrdee
16:25 Come & Go Arrdee
18:15 Locker Arrdee
19:02 Brucky 2.0 SR
20:05 No respawn Buni x Link up Tv
21:35 Hide & Seek CI
22:00 3*5 Riskey x Bagzoverfame
23:20 Hella bow Pureojuice
24:50 Clash Dave & Stormzy
26:10 Loading Central cee
27:30 Entrepreneur Central cee
29:15 Obsessed with you Central cee
30:45 One of us Central cee
32:45 STFU Digga D
34:40 Night Away AI x Jj & Tion Wayne
36:45 Coming for you Switch OTR
38:20 Someone else Private zero
40:00 Edsheeran x central cee remix
42:05 English gurl name fiona remix Ft Arrdee
44:10 One man Russ Millions
45:20 One one Russ Millions x Tion Wayne
46:35 Knock Knock Tion wayne
47:50 Russ Millions
48:10 Backseat Russ Millions
48:50 All eyes on me Russ Millions
49:35 Goat Aitch
51:50 Louis Vuitton Aitch
53:25 She wade Tion wayne x Arrdee
55:15 Bow down Tion Wayne
56:20 Lean shoulder Remix
59:10 freaky
1:00:10 you don't wanna see us
1:01:40 Mans not hot
1:03:20 Rapper
1:04:15 Nemz bros
1:05:15 Neemz
1:06:40 U dont know me French kid
Enquiries +254758800331
[email protected]
Copyright Disclaimer Under Section 107 of the Copyright Act 1976,Allowance is made for "fair use" for purposes such as Criticism, Commentatory, News Reporting Teaching, Scholarships and Research. Fair use is a use permitted to copyright statue that might otherwise be infringing. Non profit, educational or personal use tips the balance in favor of fair use
@DeeJayPuffy @djjoemfcool9612 @DJJoeMfalme @DJKalonje254 @DJLYTAHOTGRABBA @djrickysam @djernest799 @djfesta254 @djtophaz3612 @djannakj222
#ukdrill #ukrapper #trending #uk #centralcee #arrdee #aitch #trending #tiktokvideo #olympics #epl #musicmixes #music #viralvideo #world
This Video mix is not monitized
Sendwave/Mpesa +254758800331
Download Link https://hearthis.at/dj-fulkeed/uk-drill-mix-2024-ft-arrdee-central-cee-aitch-russ-million-french-kid-etc/download
🔽 Swahili Worship Mix https://youtu.be/vB48GXMEvIs?si=69g-2GzDuAc75Cs2
🔽 Kenyan Love RnB https://youtu.be/0jsAyakbof8?si=zbs_-9j0DY4WbnUz
🔽 Urban Rhumba Drill https://youtu.be/gq8C97upcU0?si=jpF6iAO9hneN8qza
0:00 Band 4 band Central cee x lilbaby
2:30 Healing Tion wayne
4:05 Whats good SR & Poundz
6:05 Hellomate Arrdee
6:35 Homophobic Central cee
7:55 Sprinter Central cee x Dave
9:40 Late Night Driving Arrdee
11:00 Little bit of this Central cee
12:30 Very good very nice Uk drill song
13:45 Oliver twist Arrdee
15:05 Flowers Arrdee
16:25 Come & Go Arrdee
18:15 Locker Arrdee
19:02 Brucky 2.0 SR
20:05 No respawn Buni x Link up Tv
21:35 Hide & Seek CI
22:00 3*5 Riskey x Bagzoverfame
23:20 Hella bow Pureojuice
24:50 Clash Dave & Stormzy
26:10 Loading Central cee
27:30 Entrepreneur Central cee
29:15 Obsessed with you Central cee
30:45 One of us Central cee
32:45 STFU Digga D
34:40 Night Away AI x Jj & Tion Wayne
36:45 Coming for you Switch OTR
38:20 Someone else Private zero
40:00 Edsheeran x central cee remix
42:05 English gurl name fiona remix Ft Arrdee
44:10 One man Russ Millions
45:20 One one Russ Millions x Tion Wayne
46:35 Knock Knock Tion wayne
47:50 Russ Millions
48:10 Backseat Russ Millions
48:50 All eyes on me Russ Millions
49:35 Goat Aitch
51:50 Louis Vuitton Aitch
53:25 She wade Tion wayne x Arrdee
55:15 Bow down Tion Wayne
56:20 Lean shoulder Remix
59:10 freaky
1:00:10 you don't wanna see us
1:01:40 Mans not hot
1:03:20 Rapper
1:04:15 Nemz bros
1:05:15 Neemz
1:06:40 U dont know me French kid
Enquiries +254758800331
[email protected]
Copyright Disclaimer Under Section 107 of the Copyright Act 1976,Allowance is made for "fair use" for purposes such as Criticism, Commentatory, News Reporting Teaching, Scholarships and Research. Fair use is a use permitted to copyright statue that might otherwise be infringing. Non profit, educational or personal use tips the balance in favor of fair use
@DeeJayPuffy @djjoemfcool9612 @DJJoeMfalme @DJKalonje254 @DJLYTAHOTGRABBA @djrickysam @djernest799 @djfesta254 @djtophaz3612 @djannakj222
- published: 11 Aug 2024
- views: 896787
Sóc Trăng Drill (Cypher) : Jombie ft Đông Tây, Sakhar, Chan lekha, AMAG, Chips & Sinkra
►SUBSCRIBE CHANNEL: https://s.net.vn/EJz9
Sóc Trăng Drill (Cypher) : Jombie ft Đông Tây, Sakhar, Chan lekha, AMG, Chips & Sinkra
#soctrangdrill #soctrangcypher
►SUBSCRIBE CHANNEL: https://s.net.vn/EJz9
Sóc Trăng Drill (Cypher) : Jombie ft Đông Tây, Sakhar, Chan lekha, AMG, Chips & Sinkra
#soctrangdrill #soctrangcypher
MV có sử dụng một số hình ảnh nổi bật đặc trưng của Sóc Trăng nhằm mục đích quảng bá văn hóa Dân Tộc
Rapper : Jombie ft Sakhar, Chan lekha, AMG, Chips & Sinkra
Singer : Đông Tây
Composer : Nhạc sĩ Thanh Sơn & G5R Squad
Beat : Sinkra
Editor : g5 Media
Camera : Dhuyn & Bin Tài
Recoding mix master : LAC
Poster : Dhuyn
HH Đại Dương: Thu Uyên
Landing page: https://g5r.lnk.to/stdcypher
Direct to service:
Spotify: https://g5r.lnk.to/stdcypher/spotify
Apple Music: https://g5r.lnk.to/stdcypher/applemusic
Zing Mp3: https://g5r.lnk.to/stdcypher/zingmp3
Tiktok: https://g5r.lnk.to/stdcypher/tiktok
NCT: https://g5r.lnk.to/stdcypher/nct
#g5entertainment #g5r #jombie
➥ Follow JOMBIE:
● Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/jombie20
● Fanpage: https://www.facebook.com/jombie1993
● Tiktok: https://vt.tiktok.com/yy3pkL
● Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/jombieg5
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● Tiktok: https://vt.tiktok.com/yyWRy6
● Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/g5r.music
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© Copyright by G5R Squad ☞ Do not Reup
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Sóc Trăng Drill (Cypher) : Jombie ft Đông Tây, Sakhar, Chan lekha, AMG, Chips & Sinkra
#soctrangdrill #soctrangcypher
MV có sử dụng một số hình ảnh nổi bật đặc trưng của Sóc Trăng nhằm mục đích quảng bá văn hóa Dân Tộc
Rapper : Jombie ft Sakhar, Chan lekha, AMG, Chips & Sinkra
Singer : Đông Tây
Composer : Nhạc sĩ Thanh Sơn & G5R Squad
Beat : Sinkra
Editor : g5 Media
Camera : Dhuyn & Bin Tài
Recoding mix master : LAC
Poster : Dhuyn
HH Đại Dương: Thu Uyên
Landing page: https://g5r.lnk.to/stdcypher
Direct to service:
Spotify: https://g5r.lnk.to/stdcypher/spotify
Apple Music: https://g5r.lnk.to/stdcypher/applemusic
Zing Mp3: https://g5r.lnk.to/stdcypher/zingmp3
Tiktok: https://g5r.lnk.to/stdcypher/tiktok
NCT: https://g5r.lnk.to/stdcypher/nct
#g5entertainment #g5r #jombie
➥ Follow JOMBIE:
● Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/jombie20
● Fanpage: https://www.facebook.com/jombie1993
● Tiktok: https://vt.tiktok.com/yy3pkL
● Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/jombieg5
➥ Follow G5R Team:
● Fanpage: https://www.facebook.com/G5R.Music
● Tiktok: https://vt.tiktok.com/yyWRy6
● Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/g5r.music
© Bản quyền thuộc về G5R Squad
© Copyright by G5R Squad ☞ Do not Reup
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