Stilton is an English cheese, produced in two varieties: Blue known for its characteristic strong smell and taste, and the lesser-known White.
Both Blue Stilton and White Stilton have been granted the status of a protected designation of origin by the European Commission. The PDO status requires that only cheese produced in the three counties of Derbyshire, Leicestershire, and Nottinghamshire and made according to a strict code may be called "Stilton"; thus cheese made in the village of Stilton cannot be called "Stilton".
According to the Stilton Cheesemaker's Association, the first Englishman to market Blue Stilton cheese was Cooper Thornhill, owner of the Bell Inn on the Great North Road, in the village of Stilton, Huntingdonshire. Traditional legend has it that in 1730, Thornhill discovered a distinctive blue cheese while visiting a small farm near Melton Mowbray in rural Leicestershire – possibly in Wymondham. He fell in love with the cheese and made a business arrangement that granted the Bell Inn exclusive marketing rights to Blue Stilton. Soon thereafter, wagon loads of cheese were being delivered to the inn. Since the main stagecoach routes from London to Northern England passed through the village of Stilton he was able to promote the sale of this cheese and the fame of Stilton rapidly spread.
There is evidence of Neolithic occupation of the parish, and a number of Roman finds have been uncovered in the village; as well as a Roman silver ring and a 2nd-century jug, archaeologists found a potential Roman settlement in the village as well as Roman cheese press.
Coaching inns
The Roman Ermine Street, which later became the Great North Road, was integral to the development of the village, and in late medieval times the village was a popular posting station and coaching stop. At one time there were 14 public houses for a population of around 500.
The main inns of the period were The Bell and The Angel, both of which are still in existence. The Bell Inn has been recorded since 1515 and was rebuilt in 1642. The Angel Inn, dating from the early 17th century was rebuilt as an impressive red brick house in the 18th century ceased to be an inn and was badly burned in 1923. Fires also damaged the village as a whole in 1729, 1798 and 1895.
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published: 19 Jul 2022
How Traditional English Stilton Cheese Is Made At A 100-Year-Old Dairy | Regional Eats
Stilton cheese takes its name from the village of Stilton, in the east of England. The earliest reports of cheese made and sold here date to the 17th century. In 1724, English writer Daniel Defoe referred to the town being "famous for cheese," calling the product the "English Parmesan." Today, Stilton can only be made in six dairies, which are spread across three counties in England: Nottinghamshire, Leicestershire, and Derbyshire. We visited Colston Bassett Dairy in Nottinghamshire to learn more about the cheese is made.
For more, visit:
Why Spanish Iberian Ham Is The World's Most Expensive Cured Meat | Regional Eats
Why Gruyère Is The Most Popular Swiss Cheese | Regional Eats
published: 04 Dec 2019
Stilton episode one
published: 04 Jul 2018
1912 Stilton® Butter with Rib-Eye Steak
One of Marco Pierre White's Creations for 1912 Artisan Stilton® - a delicious Stilton Butter served on a Rib-Eye Steak. For full recipe, visit our website
➡️➡️➡️ SUBSCRIBE to the official channel of Geronimo Stilton:
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Meet the characters!
Geronimo Stilton, born in New Mouse City, the capital of the Mice, is a type, even a rat, intellectual, he graduated in Rattica topology of Literature and Comparative Philosophy Archeotopica.
He directs the Rodent's Gazette, the most famous island of the Topi newspaper, founded by his grandfather Torquato Travolgiratti, but his real passion is writing.
In his spare time Geronimo listen to classical music and collects antique cheese crusts of the eighteenth century, but especially loves writing books.
published: 19 Dec 2017
Džeronimo Stilton - Operacija Šufongfong
published: 29 Jan 2016
Stilton's in Charge 2
Made with my good friend Victoria "vewn" Vincent as a sequel/finale to our longstanding Stilton series. We worked really hard on it hope you like it
published: 12 Feb 2023
Domowy ser typu Stilton/ Stilton style blue cheese
Stilton to #ser pleśniowy w stylu angielskim. Ma barwę od biało-kremowej do bursztynowej, poprzeplataną żyłami niebieskiej pleśni. Ma twardą, chropowatą, pomarszczoną skórkę, uformowaną na skutek działania różnych pleśni.
#Stilton jest gatunkiem chronionym przez #prawo Unii Europejskiej; nazwa jest zastrzeżona tylko dla gatunków wytwarzanych według ściśle określonej receptury w hrabstwach Derbyshire, Leicestershire i Nottinghamshire.
Do produkcji użyłem:
10l mleka krowiego, pełnego pasteryzowanego w 65*C/ 30 minut
2ml chlorku wapnia
1g kultur mezofilnych MSE (
1g kultur pleśniowych penicillum roqueforti (
2ml podpuszczki cielęcej "carlina" (wańczykó
30g niejodowanej soli
niechlorowana woda do rozcieńczenia chlorku i podpuszczki
Zapraszam na mojego bloga: http...
published: 16 Dec 2020
Geronimo Stilton and the Dino Mice - S2 Ep 18
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Stilton cheese takes its name from the village of Stilton, in the east of England. The earliest reports of cheese made and sold here date to the 17th century. I...
Stilton cheese takes its name from the village of Stilton, in the east of England. The earliest reports of cheese made and sold here date to the 17th century. In 1724, English writer Daniel Defoe referred to the town being "famous for cheese," calling the product the "English Parmesan." Today, Stilton can only be made in six dairies, which are spread across three counties in England: Nottinghamshire, Leicestershire, and Derbyshire. We visited Colston Bassett Dairy in Nottinghamshire to learn more about the cheese is made.
For more, visit:
Why Spanish Iberian Ham Is The World's Most Expensive Cured Meat | Regional Eats
Why Gruyère Is The Most Popular Swiss Cheese | Regional Eats
How English Crumpets Are Made At Europe's Biggest Bakery | Regional Eats
#Cheese #England #FoodInsider
Insider is great journalism about what passionate people actually want to know. That’s everything from news to food, celebrity to science, politics to sports and all the rest. It’s smart. It’s fearless. It’s fun. We push the boundaries of digital storytelling. Our mission is to inform and inspire.
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How Traditional English Stilton Cheese Is Made At A 100-Year-Old Dairy | Regional Eats
Stilton cheese takes its name from the village of Stilton, in the east of England. The earliest reports of cheese made and sold here date to the 17th century. In 1724, English writer Daniel Defoe referred to the town being "famous for cheese," calling the product the "English Parmesan." Today, Stilton can only be made in six dairies, which are spread across three counties in England: Nottinghamshire, Leicestershire, and Derbyshire. We visited Colston Bassett Dairy in Nottinghamshire to learn more about the cheese is made.
For more, visit:
Why Spanish Iberian Ham Is The World's Most Expensive Cured Meat | Regional Eats
Why Gruyère Is The Most Popular Swiss Cheese | Regional Eats
How English Crumpets Are Made At Europe's Biggest Bakery | Regional Eats
#Cheese #England #FoodInsider
Insider is great journalism about what passionate people actually want to know. That’s everything from news to food, celebrity to science, politics to sports and all the rest. It’s smart. It’s fearless. It’s fun. We push the boundaries of digital storytelling. Our mission is to inform and inspire.
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How Traditional English Stilton Cheese Is Made At A 100-Year-Old Dairy | Regional Eats
One of Marco Pierre White's Creations for 1912 Artisan Stilton® - a delicious Stilton Butter served on a Rib-Eye Steak. For full recipe, visit our website www.1...
One of Marco Pierre White's Creations for 1912 Artisan Stilton® - a delicious Stilton Butter served on a Rib-Eye Steak. For full recipe, visit our website
One of Marco Pierre White's Creations for 1912 Artisan Stilton® - a delicious Stilton Butter served on a Rib-Eye Steak. For full recipe, visit our website
➡️➡️➡️ SUBSCRIBE to the official channel of Geronimo Stilton:
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➡️➡️➡️ SUBSCRIBE to the official channel of Geronimo Stilton:
FOLLOW Geronimo on Facebook:
VISIT the Geronimo site:
Meet the characters!
Geronimo Stilton, born in New Mouse City, the capital of the Mice, is a type, even a rat, intellectual, he graduated in Rattica topology of Literature and Comparative Philosophy Archeotopica.
He directs the Rodent's Gazette, the most famous island of the Topi newspaper, founded by his grandfather Torquato Travolgiratti, but his real passion is writing.
In his spare time Geronimo listen to classical music and collects antique cheese crusts of the eighteenth century, but especially loves writing books.
He loves Patty Spring. His weakness is that he can never refuse anything to his grandson Benjamin (for this often happens that others ask Benjamin to ask his uncle to do something that Geronimo, if it was for him, would not absolutely).
Tea Stilton, Geronimo's sister, is the special correspondent and photographer Eco Rodent.
It is very sporty, aggressive, reckless and an expert in any extreme sport, and moves ever riding a big bike (and because of these aspects of her personality form a strange contrast to his brother, the diametrically opposite character).
It is also very athletic and charming, and this has many suitors, and had many boyfriends and left.
Benjamin Stilton, favourite nephew of Geronimo, is nine years old. Polite, inquisitive and intelligent, he's very good at school, except in physical education, where, like his uncle, is a real duffer.
It is quite tech savvy and computer science, for this always helps his uncle, but that is a true landslide with any form of technology.
He loves Pandora Woz. Often he accompany his uncle on his adventures, adventures and Geronimo tells in his books.
Trap Stilton, Geronimo's cousin and Tea. She loves to cook and even eat. His specialty is the trappolosa sauce, a spicy sauce.
He also likes to make many jokes and teasing, even heavy, Geronimo (which, as everyone in the family, has a great love anyway) and often end up getting into trouble.
It has a multi-faceted personality, has played and changed many jobs even absurd, and unwittingly saved the precious picture of the Mona Topisa by fire (he had not realised that the painting was on fire, he just wanted to drink orangeade and opening the spray cans was done randomly on the board), becoming a hero.
It is believed to be descended from "noble" House of Von Trappen of Transtopacchia until in a slush of flies for the count will start for Transtopacchia and discover not descended from Von Trappen (which is hiding a big secret, that is, who are vampires) but from noble decayed Trap Testadura.
Patty Spring, television journalist who dedicates his life to protect the environment, and in his spare time plays the flute and sings.
It is blonde, slim and beautiful and returns secretly love that Geronimo feels for her, even though between them is always a stalemate. It's the Pandora's aunt.
Pandora Woz, best friend of Benjamin and grandson of Patty Spring, is a very nice little mouse and all too vivid, especially for Geronimo.
Grandfather Torquato Travolgiratti, said Panzer, is the grandfather of Geronimo, Tea & Trap and great-grandfather of Benjamin.
He founded the Rodent's Gazette, which he directed for many years and then left reluctantly inherited by Geronimo, and then often threaten to return him to direct the head. It has a giant camper-coloured cheese, almost 25 meters long, and inside it looks like a 5-star hotel.
His favourite nephew Tea, which always praises, and often at all is natural to ask why has not left her the newspaper. Although it is always very critical and hard on Geronimo, basically she loves him.
It is a big fan of golf, sport practice forever, and as a young man has won many tournaments. Still a young man, before you decide to become a journalist, was also a promising football player, and founded the Rattonia Football Club, football club based in New Mouse City, where he is currently chairman;
➡️➡️➡️ SUBSCRIBE to the official channel of Geronimo Stilton:
FOLLOW Geronimo on Facebook:
VISIT the Geronimo site:
Meet the characters!
Geronimo Stilton, born in New Mouse City, the capital of the Mice, is a type, even a rat, intellectual, he graduated in Rattica topology of Literature and Comparative Philosophy Archeotopica.
He directs the Rodent's Gazette, the most famous island of the Topi newspaper, founded by his grandfather Torquato Travolgiratti, but his real passion is writing.
In his spare time Geronimo listen to classical music and collects antique cheese crusts of the eighteenth century, but especially loves writing books.
He loves Patty Spring. His weakness is that he can never refuse anything to his grandson Benjamin (for this often happens that others ask Benjamin to ask his uncle to do something that Geronimo, if it was for him, would not absolutely).
Tea Stilton, Geronimo's sister, is the special correspondent and photographer Eco Rodent.
It is very sporty, aggressive, reckless and an expert in any extreme sport, and moves ever riding a big bike (and because of these aspects of her personality form a strange contrast to his brother, the diametrically opposite character).
It is also very athletic and charming, and this has many suitors, and had many boyfriends and left.
Benjamin Stilton, favourite nephew of Geronimo, is nine years old. Polite, inquisitive and intelligent, he's very good at school, except in physical education, where, like his uncle, is a real duffer.
It is quite tech savvy and computer science, for this always helps his uncle, but that is a true landslide with any form of technology.
He loves Pandora Woz. Often he accompany his uncle on his adventures, adventures and Geronimo tells in his books.
Trap Stilton, Geronimo's cousin and Tea. She loves to cook and even eat. His specialty is the trappolosa sauce, a spicy sauce.
He also likes to make many jokes and teasing, even heavy, Geronimo (which, as everyone in the family, has a great love anyway) and often end up getting into trouble.
It has a multi-faceted personality, has played and changed many jobs even absurd, and unwittingly saved the precious picture of the Mona Topisa by fire (he had not realised that the painting was on fire, he just wanted to drink orangeade and opening the spray cans was done randomly on the board), becoming a hero.
It is believed to be descended from "noble" House of Von Trappen of Transtopacchia until in a slush of flies for the count will start for Transtopacchia and discover not descended from Von Trappen (which is hiding a big secret, that is, who are vampires) but from noble decayed Trap Testadura.
Patty Spring, television journalist who dedicates his life to protect the environment, and in his spare time plays the flute and sings.
It is blonde, slim and beautiful and returns secretly love that Geronimo feels for her, even though between them is always a stalemate. It's the Pandora's aunt.
Pandora Woz, best friend of Benjamin and grandson of Patty Spring, is a very nice little mouse and all too vivid, especially for Geronimo.
Grandfather Torquato Travolgiratti, said Panzer, is the grandfather of Geronimo, Tea & Trap and great-grandfather of Benjamin.
He founded the Rodent's Gazette, which he directed for many years and then left reluctantly inherited by Geronimo, and then often threaten to return him to direct the head. It has a giant camper-coloured cheese, almost 25 meters long, and inside it looks like a 5-star hotel.
His favourite nephew Tea, which always praises, and often at all is natural to ask why has not left her the newspaper. Although it is always very critical and hard on Geronimo, basically she loves him.
It is a big fan of golf, sport practice forever, and as a young man has won many tournaments. Still a young man, before you decide to become a journalist, was also a promising football player, and founded the Rattonia Football Club, football club based in New Mouse City, where he is currently chairman;
Stilton to #ser pleśniowy w stylu angielskim. Ma barwę od biało-kremowej do bursztynowej, poprzeplataną żyłami niebieskiej pleśni. Ma twardą, chropowatą, pomars...
Stilton to #ser pleśniowy w stylu angielskim. Ma barwę od biało-kremowej do bursztynowej, poprzeplataną żyłami niebieskiej pleśni. Ma twardą, chropowatą, pomarszczoną skórkę, uformowaną na skutek działania różnych pleśni.
#Stilton jest gatunkiem chronionym przez #prawo Unii Europejskiej; nazwa jest zastrzeżona tylko dla gatunków wytwarzanych według ściśle określonej receptury w hrabstwach Derbyshire, Leicestershire i Nottinghamshire.
Do produkcji użyłem:
10l mleka krowiego, pełnego pasteryzowanego w 65*C/ 30 minut
2ml chlorku wapnia
1g kultur mezofilnych MSE (
1g kultur pleśniowych penicillum roqueforti (
2ml podpuszczki cielęcej "carlina" (wańczykó
30g niejodowanej soli
niechlorowana woda do rozcieńczenia chlorku i podpuszczki
Zapraszam na mojego bloga:
Wesprzyj mój kanał w tworzeniu nowych treści.
Stilton to #ser pleśniowy w stylu angielskim. Ma barwę od biało-kremowej do bursztynowej, poprzeplataną żyłami niebieskiej pleśni. Ma twardą, chropowatą, pomarszczoną skórkę, uformowaną na skutek działania różnych pleśni.
#Stilton jest gatunkiem chronionym przez #prawo Unii Europejskiej; nazwa jest zastrzeżona tylko dla gatunków wytwarzanych według ściśle określonej receptury w hrabstwach Derbyshire, Leicestershire i Nottinghamshire.
Do produkcji użyłem:
10l mleka krowiego, pełnego pasteryzowanego w 65*C/ 30 minut
2ml chlorku wapnia
1g kultur mezofilnych MSE (
1g kultur pleśniowych penicillum roqueforti (
2ml podpuszczki cielęcej "carlina" (wańczykó
30g niejodowanej soli
niechlorowana woda do rozcieńczenia chlorku i podpuszczki
Zapraszam na mojego bloga:
Wesprzyj mój kanał w tworzeniu nowych treści.
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Stilton cheese takes its name from the village of Stilton, in the east of England. The earliest reports of cheese made and sold here date to the 17th century. In 1724, English writer Daniel Defoe referred to the town being "famous for cheese," calling the product the "English Parmesan." Today, Stilton can only be made in six dairies, which are spread across three counties in England: Nottinghamshire, Leicestershire, and Derbyshire. We visited Colston Bassett Dairy in Nottinghamshire to learn more about the cheese is made.
For more, visit:
Why Spanish Iberian Ham Is The World's Most Expensive Cured Meat | Regional Eats
Why Gruyère Is The Most Popular Swiss Cheese | Regional Eats
How English Crumpets Are Made At Europe's Biggest Bakery | Regional Eats
#Cheese #England #FoodInsider
Insider is great journalism about what passionate people actually want to know. That’s everything from news to food, celebrity to science, politics to sports and all the rest. It’s smart. It’s fearless. It’s fun. We push the boundaries of digital storytelling. Our mission is to inform and inspire.
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How Traditional English Stilton Cheese Is Made At A 100-Year-Old Dairy | Regional Eats
One of Marco Pierre White's Creations for 1912 Artisan Stilton® - a delicious Stilton Butter served on a Rib-Eye Steak. For full recipe, visit our website
➡️➡️➡️ SUBSCRIBE to the official channel of Geronimo Stilton:
FOLLOW Geronimo on Facebook:
VISIT the Geronimo site:
Meet the characters!
Geronimo Stilton, born in New Mouse City, the capital of the Mice, is a type, even a rat, intellectual, he graduated in Rattica topology of Literature and Comparative Philosophy Archeotopica.
He directs the Rodent's Gazette, the most famous island of the Topi newspaper, founded by his grandfather Torquato Travolgiratti, but his real passion is writing.
In his spare time Geronimo listen to classical music and collects antique cheese crusts of the eighteenth century, but especially loves writing books.
He loves Patty Spring. His weakness is that he can never refuse anything to his grandson Benjamin (for this often happens that others ask Benjamin to ask his uncle to do something that Geronimo, if it was for him, would not absolutely).
Tea Stilton, Geronimo's sister, is the special correspondent and photographer Eco Rodent.
It is very sporty, aggressive, reckless and an expert in any extreme sport, and moves ever riding a big bike (and because of these aspects of her personality form a strange contrast to his brother, the diametrically opposite character).
It is also very athletic and charming, and this has many suitors, and had many boyfriends and left.
Benjamin Stilton, favourite nephew of Geronimo, is nine years old. Polite, inquisitive and intelligent, he's very good at school, except in physical education, where, like his uncle, is a real duffer.
It is quite tech savvy and computer science, for this always helps his uncle, but that is a true landslide with any form of technology.
He loves Pandora Woz. Often he accompany his uncle on his adventures, adventures and Geronimo tells in his books.
Trap Stilton, Geronimo's cousin and Tea. She loves to cook and even eat. His specialty is the trappolosa sauce, a spicy sauce.
He also likes to make many jokes and teasing, even heavy, Geronimo (which, as everyone in the family, has a great love anyway) and often end up getting into trouble.
It has a multi-faceted personality, has played and changed many jobs even absurd, and unwittingly saved the precious picture of the Mona Topisa by fire (he had not realised that the painting was on fire, he just wanted to drink orangeade and opening the spray cans was done randomly on the board), becoming a hero.
It is believed to be descended from "noble" House of Von Trappen of Transtopacchia until in a slush of flies for the count will start for Transtopacchia and discover not descended from Von Trappen (which is hiding a big secret, that is, who are vampires) but from noble decayed Trap Testadura.
Patty Spring, television journalist who dedicates his life to protect the environment, and in his spare time plays the flute and sings.
It is blonde, slim and beautiful and returns secretly love that Geronimo feels for her, even though between them is always a stalemate. It's the Pandora's aunt.
Pandora Woz, best friend of Benjamin and grandson of Patty Spring, is a very nice little mouse and all too vivid, especially for Geronimo.
Grandfather Torquato Travolgiratti, said Panzer, is the grandfather of Geronimo, Tea & Trap and great-grandfather of Benjamin.
He founded the Rodent's Gazette, which he directed for many years and then left reluctantly inherited by Geronimo, and then often threaten to return him to direct the head. It has a giant camper-coloured cheese, almost 25 meters long, and inside it looks like a 5-star hotel.
His favourite nephew Tea, which always praises, and often at all is natural to ask why has not left her the newspaper. Although it is always very critical and hard on Geronimo, basically she loves him.
It is a big fan of golf, sport practice forever, and as a young man has won many tournaments. Still a young man, before you decide to become a journalist, was also a promising football player, and founded the Rattonia Football Club, football club based in New Mouse City, where he is currently chairman;
Stilton to #ser pleśniowy w stylu angielskim. Ma barwę od biało-kremowej do bursztynowej, poprzeplataną żyłami niebieskiej pleśni. Ma twardą, chropowatą, pomarszczoną skórkę, uformowaną na skutek działania różnych pleśni.
#Stilton jest gatunkiem chronionym przez #prawo Unii Europejskiej; nazwa jest zastrzeżona tylko dla gatunków wytwarzanych według ściśle określonej receptury w hrabstwach Derbyshire, Leicestershire i Nottinghamshire.
Do produkcji użyłem:
10l mleka krowiego, pełnego pasteryzowanego w 65*C/ 30 minut
2ml chlorku wapnia
1g kultur mezofilnych MSE (
1g kultur pleśniowych penicillum roqueforti (
2ml podpuszczki cielęcej "carlina" (wańczykó
30g niejodowanej soli
niechlorowana woda do rozcieńczenia chlorku i podpuszczki
Zapraszam na mojego bloga:
Wesprzyj mój kanał w tworzeniu nowych treści.
Stilton is an English cheese, produced in two varieties: Blue known for its characteristic strong smell and taste, and the lesser-known White.
Both Blue Stilton and White Stilton have been granted the status of a protected designation of origin by the European Commission. The PDO status requires that only cheese produced in the three counties of Derbyshire, Leicestershire, and Nottinghamshire and made according to a strict code may be called "Stilton"; thus cheese made in the village of Stilton cannot be called "Stilton".
According to the Stilton Cheesemaker's Association, the first Englishman to market Blue Stilton cheese was Cooper Thornhill, owner of the Bell Inn on the Great North Road, in the village of Stilton, Huntingdonshire. Traditional legend has it that in 1730, Thornhill discovered a distinctive blue cheese while visiting a small farm near Melton Mowbray in rural Leicestershire – possibly in Wymondham. He fell in love with the cheese and made a business arrangement that granted the Bell Inn exclusive marketing rights to Blue Stilton. Soon thereafter, wagon loads of cheese were being delivered to the inn. Since the main stagecoach routes from London to Northern England passed through the village of Stilton he was able to promote the sale of this cheese and the fame of Stilton rapidly spread.
Visitors to The Hawk Conservancy Trust near Andover have been meeting Stilton the steppe eagle, who got his name in line with the charity's 2024 cheese-based naming theme.