Batman: The Animated Series is an American television series based on the DC Comics superhero Batman, which was produced by Warner Bros. Animation and originally aired on Fox from 1992 to 1995; lasting 85 episodes. The series has since aired in re-runs on various other broadcast and cable networks, including The WB, Cartoon Network, Toon Disney and The Hub. Each episode is approximately 22minutes long, excluding commercials.
This article lists the episodes in their production order, in accordance with the order the series was released on DVD; rather than by their original airdates, the former was often preferred by fans due to establishment, story flow, consistency, character introduction, etc.
Off-Balance(非・バランス) is a 2001 Japanese film directed by Shin Togashi based on the novel Hi-baransu by Naoko Uozumi which won the author the Kodansha Award for New Writers of Children's Literature.
Provided to YouTube by [Merlin] RealPlayazLtd
Midnight Run · The Spirit
Midnight Run / Off Balance
℗ Computer Integrated Audio
Released on: 2001-12-23
Auto-generated by YouTube.
published: 28 Apr 2016
Off Balance
Provided to YouTube by [Merlin] RealPlayazLtd
Off Balance · The Spirit
Midnight Run / Off Balance
℗ Computer Integrated Audio
Released on: 2001-12-23
Auto-generated by YouTube.
published: 28 Apr 2016
J. Cole - MIDDLE CHILD (Official Music Video)
Stream or Download "Middle Child" now:
Director: Mez
Creative Direction: Scott Lazer
Edited by: Roberta Spitz
Executive Producer: Candice Dragonas
Produced by: Daniel Yaro
Cinematography: Sing Howe Yam
Production Design: Greg Lang
J. Cole - Middle Child (2019 NBA All Star Halftime Performance):
Where the fuck is the off season YouTube playlist:
Connect with J. Cole:
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#JCole #Mid...
published: 25 Feb 2019
Running With The Judge
They hit the pavement early in the morning, running through the streets of skid row in Los Angeles with an important goal in mind. “Making a new start,” says one of the runners.
That’s what all of the men in this running group want—a better life. They are homeless recovering addicts, now training to run marathons with Craig Mitchell.
Mitchell started the Midnight Mission Running Club. When he’s not out pounding the pavement with the group, he’s behind the bench at LA’s Superior Criminal Court house. He says, “It certainly provides a great balance for me as a judge to realize that in a different setting, the same people that I sent to state prison or to county jail, with the right supportive services in a different context, their lives can be rebuilt.” Since the program started four years ...
Provided to YouTube by [Merlin] RealPlayazLtd
Midnight Run · The Spirit
Midnight Run / Off Balance
℗ Computer Integrated Audio
Released on: 2001-12-23
Provided to YouTube by [Merlin] RealPlayazLtd
Midnight Run · The Spirit
Midnight Run / Off Balance
℗ Computer Integrated Audio
Released on: 2001-12-23
Auto-generated by YouTube.
Provided to YouTube by [Merlin] RealPlayazLtd
Midnight Run · The Spirit
Midnight Run / Off Balance
℗ Computer Integrated Audio
Released on: 2001-12-23
Auto-generated by YouTube.
Provided to YouTube by [Merlin] RealPlayazLtd
Off Balance · The Spirit
Midnight Run / Off Balance
℗ Computer Integrated Audio
Released on: 2001-12-23
Provided to YouTube by [Merlin] RealPlayazLtd
Off Balance · The Spirit
Midnight Run / Off Balance
℗ Computer Integrated Audio
Released on: 2001-12-23
Auto-generated by YouTube.
Provided to YouTube by [Merlin] RealPlayazLtd
Off Balance · The Spirit
Midnight Run / Off Balance
℗ Computer Integrated Audio
Released on: 2001-12-23
Auto-generated by YouTube.
They hit the pavement early in the morning, running through the streets of skid row in Los Angeles with an important goal in mind. “Making a new start,” says on...
They hit the pavement early in the morning, running through the streets of skid row in Los Angeles with an important goal in mind. “Making a new start,” says one of the runners.
That’s what all of the men in this running group want—a better life. They are homeless recovering addicts, now training to run marathons with Craig Mitchell.
Mitchell started the Midnight Mission Running Club. When he’s not out pounding the pavement with the group, he’s behind the bench at LA’s Superior Criminal Court house. He says, “It certainly provides a great balance for me as a judge to realize that in a different setting, the same people that I sent to state prison or to county jail, with the right supportive services in a different context, their lives can be rebuilt.” Since the program started four years ago, there have been numerous success stories.
Judge Mitchell says it comes down to realizing that one person’s mistake does not define them in their entirety. He says, “There are times as a judge that I have to lower the boom and it’s appropriate to protect the community to punish someone for what they did, but before I was a judge, before I entered the law, I was a high school teacher for 17 years and it instilled in me a sense of what people are capable of if they’re given the right tools set.” Most of the men in this club were not really into running until they met Judge Mitchell, since then, some have completed international marathons.
This year, they plan to run the LA Marathon and another one in the Vietnam. No doubt, Judge Mitchell is making a difference.
It’s expensive to run international marathons. Judge Mitchell pays for a lot of the costs out of his own pocket but the group keeps growing and funds are in need.
If you wold like to help, you can make donations to the
They hit the pavement early in the morning, running through the streets of skid row in Los Angeles with an important goal in mind. “Making a new start,” says one of the runners.
That’s what all of the men in this running group want—a better life. They are homeless recovering addicts, now training to run marathons with Craig Mitchell.
Mitchell started the Midnight Mission Running Club. When he’s not out pounding the pavement with the group, he’s behind the bench at LA’s Superior Criminal Court house. He says, “It certainly provides a great balance for me as a judge to realize that in a different setting, the same people that I sent to state prison or to county jail, with the right supportive services in a different context, their lives can be rebuilt.” Since the program started four years ago, there have been numerous success stories.
Judge Mitchell says it comes down to realizing that one person’s mistake does not define them in their entirety. He says, “There are times as a judge that I have to lower the boom and it’s appropriate to protect the community to punish someone for what they did, but before I was a judge, before I entered the law, I was a high school teacher for 17 years and it instilled in me a sense of what people are capable of if they’re given the right tools set.” Most of the men in this club were not really into running until they met Judge Mitchell, since then, some have completed international marathons.
This year, they plan to run the LA Marathon and another one in the Vietnam. No doubt, Judge Mitchell is making a difference.
It’s expensive to run international marathons. Judge Mitchell pays for a lot of the costs out of his own pocket but the group keeps growing and funds are in need.
If you wold like to help, you can make donations to the
Provided to YouTube by [Merlin] RealPlayazLtd
Midnight Run · The Spirit
Midnight Run / Off Balance
℗ Computer Integrated Audio
Released on: 2001-12-23
Auto-generated by YouTube.
Provided to YouTube by [Merlin] RealPlayazLtd
Off Balance · The Spirit
Midnight Run / Off Balance
℗ Computer Integrated Audio
Released on: 2001-12-23
Auto-generated by YouTube.
They hit the pavement early in the morning, running through the streets of skid row in Los Angeles with an important goal in mind. “Making a new start,” says one of the runners.
That’s what all of the men in this running group want—a better life. They are homeless recovering addicts, now training to run marathons with Craig Mitchell.
Mitchell started the Midnight Mission Running Club. When he’s not out pounding the pavement with the group, he’s behind the bench at LA’s Superior Criminal Court house. He says, “It certainly provides a great balance for me as a judge to realize that in a different setting, the same people that I sent to state prison or to county jail, with the right supportive services in a different context, their lives can be rebuilt.” Since the program started four years ago, there have been numerous success stories.
Judge Mitchell says it comes down to realizing that one person’s mistake does not define them in their entirety. He says, “There are times as a judge that I have to lower the boom and it’s appropriate to protect the community to punish someone for what they did, but before I was a judge, before I entered the law, I was a high school teacher for 17 years and it instilled in me a sense of what people are capable of if they’re given the right tools set.” Most of the men in this club were not really into running until they met Judge Mitchell, since then, some have completed international marathons.
This year, they plan to run the LA Marathon and another one in the Vietnam. No doubt, Judge Mitchell is making a difference.
It’s expensive to run international marathons. Judge Mitchell pays for a lot of the costs out of his own pocket but the group keeps growing and funds are in need.
If you wold like to help, you can make donations to the
Batman: The Animated Series is an American television series based on the DC Comics superhero Batman, which was produced by Warner Bros. Animation and originally aired on Fox from 1992 to 1995; lasting 85 episodes. The series has since aired in re-runs on various other broadcast and cable networks, including The WB, Cartoon Network, Toon Disney and The Hub. Each episode is approximately 22minutes long, excluding commercials.
This article lists the episodes in their production order, in accordance with the order the series was released on DVD; rather than by their original airdates, the former was often preferred by fans due to establishment, story flow, consistency, character introduction, etc.
Run off, run off, run off from the stream Run off, run off, run off into the stream. Water rose over me and you, run off, run off, run off through the screen. Stop there. They're poking fun at all the words that you write. I stayed up all night. I put the easel by the window so I could see you. I put the glass of water up to my mouth so I could swallow. The water rose and the (?) stopped there. They're poking fun at all of the words that you write. I stay up all night. I set up a still life Still life moves around me. I set up a still life, still life Still life moves around me. Well, the way that water's flowing gives the illusion that everything flows on, moving on, Well it don't. And I know you're disappointed, well, this heart was a stone. This heart was turned cold. Well you put a paintbrush in my hand and water breaks through the dam, but the stone is collecting moss. And I'm turning soft, so run off. Stop there. They're poking fun at all the words that we write,