The outbreak of hostilities in Europe in August 1914 had been anticipated and government officials of South Africa were aware of the significance of their common border with the German colony. Prime Minister Louis Botha informed London that South Africa could defend itself and that the Imperial Garrison might depart for France; when the British government asked Botha whether his forces would invade German South-West Africa, the reply was that they could and would.
South African troops were mobilised along the border between the two countries under the command of General Henry Lukin and Lt Col Manie Maritz early in September 1914. Shortly afterwards another force occupied the port of Lüderitz.
Boer Revolt
There was considerable sympathy among the Boer population of South Africa for the German cause. Only twelve years had passed since the end of the Second Boer War, in which Germany had offered the two Boer republics moral support against the British Empire. Lieutenant-Colonel Manie Maritz, heading commando forces on the border of German South-West Africa, declared that
South-West Africa (Afrikaans: Suidwes-Afrika; Dutch: Zuidwest-Afrika; German: Südwestafrika) was the name for modern-day Namibia when it was ruled by the German Empire and later South Africa.
World War One: The Southwest Africa Campaign Part 1
A history of the fighting in German Southwest Africa during the first World War. Part One covers the first year of the conflict during 1914.
Music by Kevin Macleod
published: 07 Jul 2022
South West Africa Campaign WW1
Prime Minister Botha informs the British Empire that SA that defend themselves from South West Africa (Namibia) and prepares fro war but at the same time there is the Maritz Rebellion that delayed the invasion of SWA.
By February 1915 the Union of South Africa was ready for a complete occupation of SWA and the invasion begins. On the 9th of July the SWA surrenders as all territory is occupied and the army is captured. In the end annexes SWA.
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published: 25 Apr 2020
[World War One] The South-West Africa Campaign (1914-1915): Every Day
This video shows the changes in frontline every day of the South-West Africa campaign of World War I.
published: 19 Jan 2015
South West Africa campaign
The South West Africa campaign was the conquest and occupation of German South West Africa by forces from the Union of South Africa acting on behalf of the British imperial government at the beginning of the First World War.
Created with WikipediaReaderReborn (c) WikipediaReader
published: 20 Jun 2021
Namibia: Genocide and the Second Reich - Germany in Africa - German South West Africa (Namibia)
Namibia: Genocide and the Second Reich - Germany in Africa - German South West Africa (Namibia) - Documentary.
German South West Africa (German: Deutsch-Südwestafrika) was a colony of the German Empire from 1884 until 1915, though Germany did not officially recognise its loss of this territory until the 1919 Treaty of Versailles. With a total area of 835,100 km², it was one and a half times the size of the mainland German Empire in Europe at the time. The colony had a population of around 2,600 Germans.
German rule over this territory was punctuated by numerous rebellions by its native African peoples, which culminated in a campaign of German reprisals from 1904 to 1908 known as the Herero and Namaqua genocide.
In 1915, during World War I, German South West Africa was invaded by the W...
published: 28 Jul 2021
Old photos of South West Africa Campaign
Here are some old photos of the South West Africa Campaign. I found the photos on the internet and other websites. Vote on whether you want me to make s few more videos in the future like this.
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published: 26 Apr 2020
Suidwes-Afrika | Südwestafrika | South West Africa
In Treue fest, Südwest!
Südwestafrika (Afrikaans: Suidwes Afrika; Englisch: Southwest Africa) war die Bezeichnung Namibias während seiner Verwaltung durch Südafrika in den Jahren 1918 bis 1990.
Zeitlich wurde diese Periode der Republik Namibia gefasst durch das Ende der reichsdeutschen Kolonie Deutsch-Südwestafrika (18841918) und die staatliche "Unabhängigkeit" des Landes (seit 1990).
Die ehemalige deutsche Kolonie wurde 1919 ein Mandatsgebiet des Völkerbundes und unter Verwaltung der Südafrikanischen Union gestellt. 1946 wurde das Gebiet offiziell in ein Treuhandgebiet der UNO umgewandelt, was den Einfluss der Weltorganisation erhöht hätte, dieser Schritt wurde jedoch von südafrikanischer Seite ignoriert, die darauf begann, das Territorium de facto als Teil ihres Staatsgebiete...
published: 09 Apr 2010
World War One: The Southwest Africa Campaign Part Two
Details about the Southwest Africa Campaign during World War One covering the year 1915.
Music by Kevin Macleod
published: 31 Jul 2022
The 23 Year Long War the World Forgot About - The South African Border War
From 1966 to 1990 a vicious war was raging in southern Africa. Called the South African Border War by some and the Namibian War for Independence by others, this 23-year long conflict has been largely forgotten by the rest of the world.
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Check out some of the music we use in our videos!🎶
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🎬Video Credits:
Narrator - Cam
Editors - Giorgi, Steve
Writer - Nick, Brad Dare
Researcher - Daniel
Intro music -
#TheFront #History
For business inquiries and to learn about our team check out our website🌐:
0:00 Introduction
1:03 South...
published: 18 Jul 2021
South African Invasion of German South West Afrika.
BRB going to play BFV will update but read up though.
A history of the fighting in German Southwest Africa during the first World War. Part One covers the first year of the conflict during 1914.
Music by Kevin Mac...
A history of the fighting in German Southwest Africa during the first World War. Part One covers the first year of the conflict during 1914.
Music by Kevin Macleod
A history of the fighting in German Southwest Africa during the first World War. Part One covers the first year of the conflict during 1914.
Music by Kevin Macleod
Prime Minister Botha informs the British Empire that SA that defend themselves from South West Africa (Namibia) and prepares fro war but at the same time there ...
Prime Minister Botha informs the British Empire that SA that defend themselves from South West Africa (Namibia) and prepares fro war but at the same time there is the Maritz Rebellion that delayed the invasion of SWA.
By February 1915 the Union of South Africa was ready for a complete occupation of SWA and the invasion begins. On the 9th of July the SWA surrenders as all territory is occupied and the army is captured. In the end annexes SWA.
SUBSCRIBE and LIKE to support the channel and Emperor Scoubs
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Prime Minister Botha informs the British Empire that SA that defend themselves from South West Africa (Namibia) and prepares fro war but at the same time there is the Maritz Rebellion that delayed the invasion of SWA.
By February 1915 the Union of South Africa was ready for a complete occupation of SWA and the invasion begins. On the 9th of July the SWA surrenders as all territory is occupied and the army is captured. In the end annexes SWA.
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The South West Africa campaign was the conquest and occupation of German South West Africa by forces from the Union of South Africa acting on behalf of the Brit...
The South West Africa campaign was the conquest and occupation of German South West Africa by forces from the Union of South Africa acting on behalf of the British imperial government at the beginning of the First World War.
Created with WikipediaReaderReborn (c) WikipediaReader
The South West Africa campaign was the conquest and occupation of German South West Africa by forces from the Union of South Africa acting on behalf of the British imperial government at the beginning of the First World War.
Created with WikipediaReaderReborn (c) WikipediaReader
Namibia: Genocide and the Second Reich - Germany in Africa - German South West Africa (Namibia) - Documentary.
German South West Africa (German: Deutsch-Südw...
Namibia: Genocide and the Second Reich - Germany in Africa - German South West Africa (Namibia) - Documentary.
German South West Africa (German: Deutsch-Südwestafrika) was a colony of the German Empire from 1884 until 1915, though Germany did not officially recognise its loss of this territory until the 1919 Treaty of Versailles. With a total area of 835,100 km², it was one and a half times the size of the mainland German Empire in Europe at the time. The colony had a population of around 2,600 Germans.
German rule over this territory was punctuated by numerous rebellions by its native African peoples, which culminated in a campaign of German reprisals from 1904 to 1908 known as the Herero and Namaqua genocide.
In 1915, during World War I, German South West Africa was invaded by the Western Allies in the form of South African and British forces. After the war its administration was taken over by the Union of South Africa (part of the British Empire) and the territory was administered as South West Africa under a League of Nations mandate. It became independent as Namibia on 21 March 1990.
Namibia: Genocide and the Second Reich - Germany in Africa - German South West Africa (Namibia) - Documentary.
German South West Africa (German: Deutsch-Südwestafrika) was a colony of the German Empire from 1884 until 1915, though Germany did not officially recognise its loss of this territory until the 1919 Treaty of Versailles. With a total area of 835,100 km², it was one and a half times the size of the mainland German Empire in Europe at the time. The colony had a population of around 2,600 Germans.
German rule over this territory was punctuated by numerous rebellions by its native African peoples, which culminated in a campaign of German reprisals from 1904 to 1908 known as the Herero and Namaqua genocide.
In 1915, during World War I, German South West Africa was invaded by the Western Allies in the form of South African and British forces. After the war its administration was taken over by the Union of South Africa (part of the British Empire) and the territory was administered as South West Africa under a League of Nations mandate. It became independent as Namibia on 21 March 1990.
Here are some old photos of the South West Africa Campaign. I found the photos on the internet and other websites. Vote on whether you want me to make s few mor...
Here are some old photos of the South West Africa Campaign. I found the photos on the internet and other websites. Vote on whether you want me to make s few more videos in the future like this.
LIKE and SUBSCRIBE to support the Channel and Emperor Scoubs
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Here are some old photos of the South West Africa Campaign. I found the photos on the internet and other websites. Vote on whether you want me to make s few more videos in the future like this.
LIKE and SUBSCRIBE to support the Channel and Emperor Scoubs
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In Treue fest, Südwest!
Südwestafrika (Afrikaans: Suidwes Afrika; Englisch: Southwest Africa) war die Bezeichnung Namibias während seiner Verwaltung durch S...
In Treue fest, Südwest!
Südwestafrika (Afrikaans: Suidwes Afrika; Englisch: Southwest Africa) war die Bezeichnung Namibias während seiner Verwaltung durch Südafrika in den Jahren 1918 bis 1990.
Zeitlich wurde diese Periode der Republik Namibia gefasst durch das Ende der reichsdeutschen Kolonie Deutsch-Südwestafrika (18841918) und die staatliche "Unabhängigkeit" des Landes (seit 1990).
Die ehemalige deutsche Kolonie wurde 1919 ein Mandatsgebiet des Völkerbundes und unter Verwaltung der Südafrikanischen Union gestellt. 1946 wurde das Gebiet offiziell in ein Treuhandgebiet der UNO umgewandelt, was den Einfluss der Weltorganisation erhöht hätte, dieser Schritt wurde jedoch von südafrikanischer Seite ignoriert, die darauf begann, das Territorium de facto als Teil ihres Staatsgebietes einzugliedern. So bekam die weiße Minderheit das Recht, eigene Vertreter in das Kapstädter Parlament zu entsenden.
Die UNO entzog 1966 der Republik Südafrika das Mandat über Südwestafrika und stellte es zwei Jahre später unter dem Namen Namibia de jure unter eigene Verwaltung. Nachdem der Internationale Gerichtshof 1971 die fortdauernde südafrikanische Präsenz als unrechtmäßig verurteilte, begann ab Mitte der 70er Jahre unter starkem internationalen Druck ein Transitionsprozess, der schließlich 1990 zur Unabhängigkeit der Republik Namibia führte.
Die Verwendung der Begriffe Südwestafrika oder Südwest wird im heutigen Namibia nach wie vor geschätzt. Sie werden aber auch, besonders von im Ausland lebenden unkundigen Zeitgenossen, als Zeichen für einen nostalgischen Umgang mit der deutschen Kolonialzeit sowie der Zeit der Apartheid gedeutet.
Suidwes-Afrika is 'n land in suidwestelike Afrika, aan die Atlantiese kus. Dit word deur Angola en Zambië in die noorde, Botswana in die weste, en Suid-Afrika in die suide begrens.
Suidwes-Afrika was van die laat 19de eeu tot by die Eerste Wêreldoorlog 'n Duitse kolonie en is daarna deur Suid-Afrika geadministreer. "Onafhanklikheid" was in 1990, wat Namibië een van die jongste nasies ter wêreld maak.
Die amptelike taal is Engels, maar omtrent 60 persent van die bevolking kan Afrikaans praat. Die Namibiese staat erken alle tale, alhoewel net Engels ampstaalstatus het. Duits is naas Afrikaans die mees gebruiklike taal in Suid- en Sentraal-Namibië, met tussen 20 000 en 30 000 moedertaalsprekers en enkele honderdduisend mense wat dit as tweede taal kan praat. Duits speel nog steeds 'n belangrike rol in die Namibiese ekonomie en toerisme. Ook die topografie van Namibië word deur baie Duitse plek- en straatname gekenmerk.
South-West Africa (Afrikaans: Suidwes-Afrika; German: Südwestafrika) was the name that was used for the modern day Republic of Namibia during the earlier eras when the territory was controlled by the German Empire and later by South Africa.
As a German colony from 1884 it was known as German South-West Africa (Deutsch-Südwestafrika). Germany had a difficult time administering the territory, which, owing to the Germans' native policy, experienced many insurrections, especially those led by guerilla leader Jacob Morenga. The main port, Walvis Bay, and the Penguin islands had been annexed by Britain as part of the Cape Colony in 1878, and became part of the Union of South Africa in 1910.
During 1915 the region was taken from German control in the South-West Africa Campaign of World War I. After the war it was declared a League of Nations Mandate territory under the Treaty of Versailles, with South Africa responsible for the administration of South-West Africa, including Walvis Bay.
In 1966, the General Assembly passed resolution 2145 (XXI) which declared the Mandate terminated and that South Africa had no further right to administer South-West Africa. In 1971, acting on a request for advisory opinion from the United Nations Security Council, the ICJ ruled that the continued presence of South Africa in Namibia was illegal and that South Africa was under an obligation to withdraw from Namibia immediately. It also ruled that all member states of the United Nations were under an obligation to recognize the invalidity of any act performed by South Africa on behalf of Namibia.
South-West Africa became known internationally as Namibia when the UN General Assembly changed the territory's name by Resolution 2372 (XXII) of 12 June 1968.
There was a protracted struggle between South Africa and forces fighting for independence, particularly after the formation of the South-West Africa People's Organisation in 1960, communist backed terrorists.
The territory became the independent Republic of Namibia on 21 March 1990, with Walvis Bay only becoming part of Namibia in 1994.
In Treue fest, Südwest!
Südwestafrika (Afrikaans: Suidwes Afrika; Englisch: Southwest Africa) war die Bezeichnung Namibias während seiner Verwaltung durch Südafrika in den Jahren 1918 bis 1990.
Zeitlich wurde diese Periode der Republik Namibia gefasst durch das Ende der reichsdeutschen Kolonie Deutsch-Südwestafrika (18841918) und die staatliche "Unabhängigkeit" des Landes (seit 1990).
Die ehemalige deutsche Kolonie wurde 1919 ein Mandatsgebiet des Völkerbundes und unter Verwaltung der Südafrikanischen Union gestellt. 1946 wurde das Gebiet offiziell in ein Treuhandgebiet der UNO umgewandelt, was den Einfluss der Weltorganisation erhöht hätte, dieser Schritt wurde jedoch von südafrikanischer Seite ignoriert, die darauf begann, das Territorium de facto als Teil ihres Staatsgebietes einzugliedern. So bekam die weiße Minderheit das Recht, eigene Vertreter in das Kapstädter Parlament zu entsenden.
Die UNO entzog 1966 der Republik Südafrika das Mandat über Südwestafrika und stellte es zwei Jahre später unter dem Namen Namibia de jure unter eigene Verwaltung. Nachdem der Internationale Gerichtshof 1971 die fortdauernde südafrikanische Präsenz als unrechtmäßig verurteilte, begann ab Mitte der 70er Jahre unter starkem internationalen Druck ein Transitionsprozess, der schließlich 1990 zur Unabhängigkeit der Republik Namibia führte.
Die Verwendung der Begriffe Südwestafrika oder Südwest wird im heutigen Namibia nach wie vor geschätzt. Sie werden aber auch, besonders von im Ausland lebenden unkundigen Zeitgenossen, als Zeichen für einen nostalgischen Umgang mit der deutschen Kolonialzeit sowie der Zeit der Apartheid gedeutet.
Suidwes-Afrika is 'n land in suidwestelike Afrika, aan die Atlantiese kus. Dit word deur Angola en Zambië in die noorde, Botswana in die weste, en Suid-Afrika in die suide begrens.
Suidwes-Afrika was van die laat 19de eeu tot by die Eerste Wêreldoorlog 'n Duitse kolonie en is daarna deur Suid-Afrika geadministreer. "Onafhanklikheid" was in 1990, wat Namibië een van die jongste nasies ter wêreld maak.
Die amptelike taal is Engels, maar omtrent 60 persent van die bevolking kan Afrikaans praat. Die Namibiese staat erken alle tale, alhoewel net Engels ampstaalstatus het. Duits is naas Afrikaans die mees gebruiklike taal in Suid- en Sentraal-Namibië, met tussen 20 000 en 30 000 moedertaalsprekers en enkele honderdduisend mense wat dit as tweede taal kan praat. Duits speel nog steeds 'n belangrike rol in die Namibiese ekonomie en toerisme. Ook die topografie van Namibië word deur baie Duitse plek- en straatname gekenmerk.
South-West Africa (Afrikaans: Suidwes-Afrika; German: Südwestafrika) was the name that was used for the modern day Republic of Namibia during the earlier eras when the territory was controlled by the German Empire and later by South Africa.
As a German colony from 1884 it was known as German South-West Africa (Deutsch-Südwestafrika). Germany had a difficult time administering the territory, which, owing to the Germans' native policy, experienced many insurrections, especially those led by guerilla leader Jacob Morenga. The main port, Walvis Bay, and the Penguin islands had been annexed by Britain as part of the Cape Colony in 1878, and became part of the Union of South Africa in 1910.
During 1915 the region was taken from German control in the South-West Africa Campaign of World War I. After the war it was declared a League of Nations Mandate territory under the Treaty of Versailles, with South Africa responsible for the administration of South-West Africa, including Walvis Bay.
In 1966, the General Assembly passed resolution 2145 (XXI) which declared the Mandate terminated and that South Africa had no further right to administer South-West Africa. In 1971, acting on a request for advisory opinion from the United Nations Security Council, the ICJ ruled that the continued presence of South Africa in Namibia was illegal and that South Africa was under an obligation to withdraw from Namibia immediately. It also ruled that all member states of the United Nations were under an obligation to recognize the invalidity of any act performed by South Africa on behalf of Namibia.
South-West Africa became known internationally as Namibia when the UN General Assembly changed the territory's name by Resolution 2372 (XXII) of 12 June 1968.
There was a protracted struggle between South Africa and forces fighting for independence, particularly after the formation of the South-West Africa People's Organisation in 1960, communist backed terrorists.
The territory became the independent Republic of Namibia on 21 March 1990, with Walvis Bay only becoming part of Namibia in 1994.
From 1966 to 1990 a vicious war was raging in southern Africa. Called the South African Border War by some and the Namibian War for Independence by others, this...
From 1966 to 1990 a vicious war was raging in southern Africa. Called the South African Border War by some and the Namibian War for Independence by others, this 23-year long conflict has been largely forgotten by the rest of the world.
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🎬Video Credits:
Narrator - Cam
Editors - Giorgi, Steve
Writer - Nick, Brad Dare
Researcher - Daniel
Intro music -
#TheFront #History
For business inquiries and to learn about our team check out our website🌐:
0:00 Introduction
1:03 South West Africa and Apartheid
2:32 The Cold War
4:29 South African Crack Down
5:48 The Angolan Civil War
7:41 The Corporal's War
8:58 The Cassinga Massacre
10:28 Battle of Cuito Cuanavale
11:51 Tripartite Accord
12:34 Conclusion
From 1966 to 1990 a vicious war was raging in southern Africa. Called the South African Border War by some and the Namibian War for Independence by others, this 23-year long conflict has been largely forgotten by the rest of the world.
Buy us a KoFi to help support the channel & team! 🎭
Check out some of the music we use in our videos!🎶
Join other history buffs on our Discord!📚
🎬Video Credits:
Narrator - Cam
Editors - Giorgi, Steve
Writer - Nick, Brad Dare
Researcher - Daniel
Intro music -
#TheFront #History
For business inquiries and to learn about our team check out our website🌐:
0:00 Introduction
1:03 South West Africa and Apartheid
2:32 The Cold War
4:29 South African Crack Down
5:48 The Angolan Civil War
7:41 The Corporal's War
8:58 The Cassinga Massacre
10:28 Battle of Cuito Cuanavale
11:51 Tripartite Accord
12:34 Conclusion
BRB going to play BFV will update but read up though.
BRB going to play BFV will update but read up though.
BRB going to play BFV will update but read up though.
A history of the fighting in German Southwest Africa during the first World War. Part One covers the first year of the conflict during 1914.
Music by Kevin Macleod
Prime Minister Botha informs the British Empire that SA that defend themselves from South West Africa (Namibia) and prepares fro war but at the same time there is the Maritz Rebellion that delayed the invasion of SWA.
By February 1915 the Union of South Africa was ready for a complete occupation of SWA and the invasion begins. On the 9th of July the SWA surrenders as all territory is occupied and the army is captured. In the end annexes SWA.
SUBSCRIBE and LIKE to support the channel and Emperor Scoubs
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The South West Africa campaign was the conquest and occupation of German South West Africa by forces from the Union of South Africa acting on behalf of the British imperial government at the beginning of the First World War.
Created with WikipediaReaderReborn (c) WikipediaReader
Namibia: Genocide and the Second Reich - Germany in Africa - German South West Africa (Namibia) - Documentary.
German South West Africa (German: Deutsch-Südwestafrika) was a colony of the German Empire from 1884 until 1915, though Germany did not officially recognise its loss of this territory until the 1919 Treaty of Versailles. With a total area of 835,100 km², it was one and a half times the size of the mainland German Empire in Europe at the time. The colony had a population of around 2,600 Germans.
German rule over this territory was punctuated by numerous rebellions by its native African peoples, which culminated in a campaign of German reprisals from 1904 to 1908 known as the Herero and Namaqua genocide.
In 1915, during World War I, German South West Africa was invaded by the Western Allies in the form of South African and British forces. After the war its administration was taken over by the Union of South Africa (part of the British Empire) and the territory was administered as South West Africa under a League of Nations mandate. It became independent as Namibia on 21 March 1990.
Here are some old photos of the South West Africa Campaign. I found the photos on the internet and other websites. Vote on whether you want me to make s few more videos in the future like this.
LIKE and SUBSCRIBE to support the Channel and Emperor Scoubs
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In Treue fest, Südwest!
Südwestafrika (Afrikaans: Suidwes Afrika; Englisch: Southwest Africa) war die Bezeichnung Namibias während seiner Verwaltung durch Südafrika in den Jahren 1918 bis 1990.
Zeitlich wurde diese Periode der Republik Namibia gefasst durch das Ende der reichsdeutschen Kolonie Deutsch-Südwestafrika (18841918) und die staatliche "Unabhängigkeit" des Landes (seit 1990).
Die ehemalige deutsche Kolonie wurde 1919 ein Mandatsgebiet des Völkerbundes und unter Verwaltung der Südafrikanischen Union gestellt. 1946 wurde das Gebiet offiziell in ein Treuhandgebiet der UNO umgewandelt, was den Einfluss der Weltorganisation erhöht hätte, dieser Schritt wurde jedoch von südafrikanischer Seite ignoriert, die darauf begann, das Territorium de facto als Teil ihres Staatsgebietes einzugliedern. So bekam die weiße Minderheit das Recht, eigene Vertreter in das Kapstädter Parlament zu entsenden.
Die UNO entzog 1966 der Republik Südafrika das Mandat über Südwestafrika und stellte es zwei Jahre später unter dem Namen Namibia de jure unter eigene Verwaltung. Nachdem der Internationale Gerichtshof 1971 die fortdauernde südafrikanische Präsenz als unrechtmäßig verurteilte, begann ab Mitte der 70er Jahre unter starkem internationalen Druck ein Transitionsprozess, der schließlich 1990 zur Unabhängigkeit der Republik Namibia führte.
Die Verwendung der Begriffe Südwestafrika oder Südwest wird im heutigen Namibia nach wie vor geschätzt. Sie werden aber auch, besonders von im Ausland lebenden unkundigen Zeitgenossen, als Zeichen für einen nostalgischen Umgang mit der deutschen Kolonialzeit sowie der Zeit der Apartheid gedeutet.
Suidwes-Afrika is 'n land in suidwestelike Afrika, aan die Atlantiese kus. Dit word deur Angola en Zambië in die noorde, Botswana in die weste, en Suid-Afrika in die suide begrens.
Suidwes-Afrika was van die laat 19de eeu tot by die Eerste Wêreldoorlog 'n Duitse kolonie en is daarna deur Suid-Afrika geadministreer. "Onafhanklikheid" was in 1990, wat Namibië een van die jongste nasies ter wêreld maak.
Die amptelike taal is Engels, maar omtrent 60 persent van die bevolking kan Afrikaans praat. Die Namibiese staat erken alle tale, alhoewel net Engels ampstaalstatus het. Duits is naas Afrikaans die mees gebruiklike taal in Suid- en Sentraal-Namibië, met tussen 20 000 en 30 000 moedertaalsprekers en enkele honderdduisend mense wat dit as tweede taal kan praat. Duits speel nog steeds 'n belangrike rol in die Namibiese ekonomie en toerisme. Ook die topografie van Namibië word deur baie Duitse plek- en straatname gekenmerk.
South-West Africa (Afrikaans: Suidwes-Afrika; German: Südwestafrika) was the name that was used for the modern day Republic of Namibia during the earlier eras when the territory was controlled by the German Empire and later by South Africa.
As a German colony from 1884 it was known as German South-West Africa (Deutsch-Südwestafrika). Germany had a difficult time administering the territory, which, owing to the Germans' native policy, experienced many insurrections, especially those led by guerilla leader Jacob Morenga. The main port, Walvis Bay, and the Penguin islands had been annexed by Britain as part of the Cape Colony in 1878, and became part of the Union of South Africa in 1910.
During 1915 the region was taken from German control in the South-West Africa Campaign of World War I. After the war it was declared a League of Nations Mandate territory under the Treaty of Versailles, with South Africa responsible for the administration of South-West Africa, including Walvis Bay.
In 1966, the General Assembly passed resolution 2145 (XXI) which declared the Mandate terminated and that South Africa had no further right to administer South-West Africa. In 1971, acting on a request for advisory opinion from the United Nations Security Council, the ICJ ruled that the continued presence of South Africa in Namibia was illegal and that South Africa was under an obligation to withdraw from Namibia immediately. It also ruled that all member states of the United Nations were under an obligation to recognize the invalidity of any act performed by South Africa on behalf of Namibia.
South-West Africa became known internationally as Namibia when the UN General Assembly changed the territory's name by Resolution 2372 (XXII) of 12 June 1968.
There was a protracted struggle between South Africa and forces fighting for independence, particularly after the formation of the South-West Africa People's Organisation in 1960, communist backed terrorists.
The territory became the independent Republic of Namibia on 21 March 1990, with Walvis Bay only becoming part of Namibia in 1994.
From 1966 to 1990 a vicious war was raging in southern Africa. Called the South African Border War by some and the Namibian War for Independence by others, this 23-year long conflict has been largely forgotten by the rest of the world.
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🎬Video Credits:
Narrator - Cam
Editors - Giorgi, Steve
Writer - Nick, Brad Dare
Researcher - Daniel
Intro music -
#TheFront #History
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0:00 Introduction
1:03 South West Africa and Apartheid
2:32 The Cold War
4:29 South African Crack Down
5:48 The Angolan Civil War
7:41 The Corporal's War
8:58 The Cassinga Massacre
10:28 Battle of Cuito Cuanavale
11:51 Tripartite Accord
12:34 Conclusion
BRB going to play BFV will update but read up though.
The outbreak of hostilities in Europe in August 1914 had been anticipated and government officials of South Africa were aware of the significance of their common border with the German colony. Prime Minister Louis Botha informed London that South Africa could defend itself and that the Imperial Garrison might depart for France; when the British government asked Botha whether his forces would invade German South-West Africa, the reply was that they could and would.
South African troops were mobilised along the border between the two countries under the command of General Henry Lukin and Lt Col Manie Maritz early in September 1914. Shortly afterwards another force occupied the port of Lüderitz.
Boer Revolt
There was considerable sympathy among the Boer population of South Africa for the German cause. Only twelve years had passed since the end of the Second Boer War, in which Germany had offered the two Boer republics moral support against the British Empire. Lieutenant-Colonel Manie Maritz, heading commando forces on the border of German South-West Africa, declared that
Once I was anothers lover Now I am my own Trying to call myself a brother Living here alone Maybe if you came to see me Wishing I wasn't so blind Sitting here thinking to be free Maybe we'd all change our mind She is kind and beautiful I am young and strong We have never met each other But it can't be long Oft' I have slept by her window Often I whisper her name And wonder that words in the wind blow
The IndiaMasters then completed a hat-trick of wins with an 8-wicket thrashing of SouthAfrica Masters. On the other hand, the West Indies Masters began their campaign with back-to-back wins against the Australia Masters and the England Masters.
Lara, Simmons shine as West Indies Masters cruise to semis with win over SouthAfrica Masters ... With that loss, the South Africa Masters' campaign came to a disappointing end ... West Indies Masters 200/5 beat South Africa Masters 171/8 by 29 runs.