The novel's influence on the culture and image of Southern California was considerable. Its sentimental portrayal of Mexican colonial life contributed to establishing a unique cultural identity for the region. As its publication coincided with the arrival of railroad lines in the region, countless tourists visited who wanted to see the locations of the novel.
Plot summary
In Southern California, shortly after the Mexican-American War, a Scots-Native American orphan girl, Ramona, is raised by Señora Gonzaga Moreno, the sister of Ramona's deceased foster mother. Ramona is referred to as illegitimate in some summaries of the novel, but chapter 3 of the novel says that Ramona's parents were married by a priest in the San Gabriel Mission. Señora Moreno has raised Ramona as part of the family, giving her every luxury, but only because Ramona's foster mother had requested it as her dying wish. Because of Ramona's mixed Native American heritage, Moreno does not love her. That love is reserved for her only child, Felipe Moreno, whom she adores. Señora Moreno considers herself a Mexican, although California has recently been taken over by the United States. She hates the Americans, who have cut up her huge rancho after disputing her claim to it.
The New York Times praised its use of new Technicolor technology but found the plot "a piece of unadulterated hokum." It thought "Ramona is a pretty impossible rôle these heartless days" and Don Ameche "a bit too Oxonian" for a chief's son.
Ramona (Loretta Young), is a half-Indian girl who falls in love with the young man Felipe Moreno (Kent Taylor).
Mordaunt Hall of the New York Times found much to praise in what he called "an Indian love lyric": "This current offering is an extraordinarily beautiful production, intelligently directed and, with the exception of a few instances, splendidly acted. The scenic effects are charming.... The different episodes are told discreetly and with a good measure of suspense and sympathy. Some of the characters have been changed to enhance the dramatic worth of the picture, but this is pardonable, especially when one considers this subject as a whole."
This was the first United Artists film with a synchronized score and sound effects, but no dialogue, and so was not a talking picture.
Αλέξανδρος Τσουβέλας: Ραμόνα:Η γυναίκα που προκάλεσε τον πόλεμο Καρατζιοβαλή-Πεσκέση!|ΤΙΝΟΣ ΕΙΣΑΙ ΣΥ
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Κάποιοι άνθρωποι το έχουν στο αίμα τους να προκαλούν ταραχή και ακραία πάθη…
Ένας απο αυτούς τους ανθρώπους είναι σίγουρα η δυναμική και σέξι Ραμόνα Μπούρση, πέτρα του σκανδάλου στην εκτός Ορίων κόντρα ανάμεσα στον Δημήτρη Πεσκέση και τον κυρ-Στέλιο Καρατζιοβαλή.
Τη συναντήσαμε στο μπαρ που εργάζεται και η συζήτηση μαζι της πήρε απρόβλεπτη τροπή…
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#kingbet #tsouvelas #novibet
published: 18 Nov 2022
Provided to YouTube by Universal Music Group
Ramona · Beck
Scott Pilgrim vs. the World (Original Motion Picture Soundtrack)
℗ 2010 Iliad Records
Released on: 2010-01-01
Composer Lyricist: Beck Hansen
Auto-generated by YouTube.
published: 08 Dec 2018
Mireasa: Val de REVOLTA dupa ce Ramona si Stelian si-au prezentat mesajul de campanie
Val de reactii negative la adresa concurentilor Stelian si Ramona. Mai rar sa vezi asa la o emisiune matrimoniala. Dar la Mireasa de la Antena 1 totul este posibil. S-a dovedit asta in decursul timpului. Cei doi au fost practic desfiintati pe paginile de socializare dupa ce si-au prezentat mesajul de campanie. Ce -a nemultumit atat de mult pe oameni vedem imediat.
Patru cupluri sunt în finala sezonului 10 Mireasa. Ionela și Robert, Ramona și Stelian, Daiana și Cristi, Laura și Mihai, sunt cele 4 cupluri logodite care participă la Finala de pe 20 decembrie 2024. Cuplurile din casa Mireasa au fost invitate să-și facă o campanie electorală la camera si de aici a pornit totul. Concret, mesajul lor a continut o greseala uluitoare si mai bine nu il faceau. Este o greseala care ar putea sa-i cos...
published: 18 Dec 2024
Scott Pilgrim - Ramona (Acoustic)
Scott Pilgrim (Michael Cera) serenading Ramona Flowers (Mary Elizabeth Winstead) with a little song he wrote... (Note: This is with Michael Cera's vocals i presume... Do listen to the one that Beck did on the soundtrack =D
published: 01 Nov 2010
Jim Reeves RAMONA
published: 30 Jan 2013
The Blue Diamonds - Ramona
published: 28 Apr 2013
Stelian, reacție neașteptată când Ramona și-a menționat fiica în mesajul de campanie
Ediția din data de 18 decembrie a emisiunii Mireasa, sezonul 10. Stelian și Ramona își pregăteau argumentele pe care aveau să le transmită în mesajul de campanie pentru marea finală. O afirmație pe care o făcea tânăra avea să stârnească o reacție neașteptată din partea lui Stelian.
#Mireasa #Antena1
➠ Abonează-te la canalul nostru:
Urmăreşte „Mireasa” şi pe:
➠ TV Antena 1, de luni până vineri, de la ora 14:00
➠ Site:
➠ liveVIDEO şi emisiunea integrală, doar pe
YouTube network: Antena TV Group
published: 18 Dec 2024
Bob Dylan - To Ramona (Official Audio)
Official audio for "To Ramona" by Bob Dylan
Listen to Bob Dylan:
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#BobDylan #ToRamona #OfficialAudio
Come closer
Shut softly your watery eyes
The pangs of your sadness
Will pass as your senses will rise
Oh the flowers of the city
Though breath-like
Get death-like at times
And there’s no use in...
published: 31 Aug 2021
Enfrentados - Entrevista a Ramona Eunice Batista Vargas
Enfrentados - Entrevista a Ramona Eunice Batista Vargas
published: 18 Dec 2024
Ramona (Deutsche Version)
Provided to YouTube by DANCE ALL DAY Musicvertriebs GmbH
Ramona (Deutsche Version) · Blue Diamonds
Greatest Hits of the Blue Diamonds
℗ Diambla Music Records
Released on: 2020-02-14
Primary Musician: Blue Diamonds
Lyricist: L Wolfe Gilbert
Original Author: Feist Leo Inc
Auto-generated by YouTube.
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Κάποιοι άνθρωποι το έχουν στο αίμα τους να προκαλούν ταραχή και ακραία πάθη…
Ένας απο αυτούς τους ανθρώπους ε...
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Κάποιοι άνθρωποι το έχουν στο αίμα τους να προκαλούν ταραχή και ακραία πάθη…
Ένας απο αυτούς τους ανθρώπους είναι σίγουρα η δυναμική και σέξι Ραμόνα Μπούρση, πέτρα του σκανδάλου στην εκτός Ορίων κόντρα ανάμεσα στον Δημήτρη Πεσκέση και τον κυρ-Στέλιο Καρατζιοβαλή.
Τη συναντήσαμε στο μπαρ που εργάζεται και η συζήτηση μαζι της πήρε απρόβλεπτη τροπή…
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#kingbet #tsouvelas #novibet
Κάνε Subscribe:
Κάποιοι άνθρωποι το έχουν στο αίμα τους να προκαλούν ταραχή και ακραία πάθη…
Ένας απο αυτούς τους ανθρώπους είναι σίγουρα η δυναμική και σέξι Ραμόνα Μπούρση, πέτρα του σκανδάλου στην εκτός Ορίων κόντρα ανάμεσα στον Δημήτρη Πεσκέση και τον κυρ-Στέλιο Καρατζιοβαλή.
Τη συναντήσαμε στο μπαρ που εργάζεται και η συζήτηση μαζι της πήρε απρόβλεπτη τροπή…
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#kingbet #tsouvelas #novibet
Provided to YouTube by Universal Music Group
Ramona · Beck
Scott Pilgrim vs. the World (Original Motion Picture Soundtrack)
℗ 2010 Iliad Records
Released on...
Provided to YouTube by Universal Music Group
Ramona · Beck
Scott Pilgrim vs. the World (Original Motion Picture Soundtrack)
℗ 2010 Iliad Records
Released on: 2010-01-01
Composer Lyricist: Beck Hansen
Auto-generated by YouTube.
Provided to YouTube by Universal Music Group
Ramona · Beck
Scott Pilgrim vs. the World (Original Motion Picture Soundtrack)
℗ 2010 Iliad Records
Released on: 2010-01-01
Composer Lyricist: Beck Hansen
Auto-generated by YouTube.
Val de reactii negative la adresa concurentilor Stelian si Ramona. Mai rar sa vezi asa la o emisiune matrimoniala. Dar la Mireasa de la Antena 1 totul este posi...
Val de reactii negative la adresa concurentilor Stelian si Ramona. Mai rar sa vezi asa la o emisiune matrimoniala. Dar la Mireasa de la Antena 1 totul este posibil. S-a dovedit asta in decursul timpului. Cei doi au fost practic desfiintati pe paginile de socializare dupa ce si-au prezentat mesajul de campanie. Ce -a nemultumit atat de mult pe oameni vedem imediat.
Patru cupluri sunt în finala sezonului 10 Mireasa. Ionela și Robert, Ramona și Stelian, Daiana și Cristi, Laura și Mihai, sunt cele 4 cupluri logodite care participă la Finala de pe 20 decembrie 2024. Cuplurile din casa Mireasa au fost invitate să-și facă o campanie electorală la camera si de aici a pornit totul. Concret, mesajul lor a continut o greseala uluitoare si mai bine nu il faceau. Este o greseala care ar putea sa-i coste mult de tot.
“Daca o sa investim intr-un apartament nu o sa stam doar noi doi ci o sa stea si Rebecca cu noi”, a spus Ramona spre stupefactia baiatului. Acesta se vedea clar ca nu prea ar vrea sa se lege de o asa responsabilitate dar ar vrea probabil sa se lege de niste bani. Si Stelian chiar i-a taiat discursul spunand: Sunt multe pe care trebuie sa le lamurim si va multumim pentru timpul acordat. Revolta in online a si inceput dupa asta, telespectatorii punand accent pe doua aspecte.
Val de reactii negative la adresa concurentilor Stelian si Ramona. Mai rar sa vezi asa la o emisiune matrimoniala. Dar la Mireasa de la Antena 1 totul este posibil. S-a dovedit asta in decursul timpului. Cei doi au fost practic desfiintati pe paginile de socializare dupa ce si-au prezentat mesajul de campanie. Ce -a nemultumit atat de mult pe oameni vedem imediat.
Patru cupluri sunt în finala sezonului 10 Mireasa. Ionela și Robert, Ramona și Stelian, Daiana și Cristi, Laura și Mihai, sunt cele 4 cupluri logodite care participă la Finala de pe 20 decembrie 2024. Cuplurile din casa Mireasa au fost invitate să-și facă o campanie electorală la camera si de aici a pornit totul. Concret, mesajul lor a continut o greseala uluitoare si mai bine nu il faceau. Este o greseala care ar putea sa-i coste mult de tot.
“Daca o sa investim intr-un apartament nu o sa stam doar noi doi ci o sa stea si Rebecca cu noi”, a spus Ramona spre stupefactia baiatului. Acesta se vedea clar ca nu prea ar vrea sa se lege de o asa responsabilitate dar ar vrea probabil sa se lege de niste bani. Si Stelian chiar i-a taiat discursul spunand: Sunt multe pe care trebuie sa le lamurim si va multumim pentru timpul acordat. Revolta in online a si inceput dupa asta, telespectatorii punand accent pe doua aspecte.
Scott Pilgrim (Michael Cera) serenading Ramona Flowers (Mary Elizabeth Winstead) with a little song he wrote... (Note: This is with Michael Cera's vocals i pres...
Scott Pilgrim (Michael Cera) serenading Ramona Flowers (Mary Elizabeth Winstead) with a little song he wrote... (Note: This is with Michael Cera's vocals i presume... Do listen to the one that Beck did on the soundtrack =D
Scott Pilgrim (Michael Cera) serenading Ramona Flowers (Mary Elizabeth Winstead) with a little song he wrote... (Note: This is with Michael Cera's vocals i presume... Do listen to the one that Beck did on the soundtrack =D
Ediția din data de 18 decembrie a emisiunii Mireasa, sezonul 10. Stelian și Ramona își pregăteau argumentele pe care aveau să le transmită în mesajul de campani...
Ediția din data de 18 decembrie a emisiunii Mireasa, sezonul 10. Stelian și Ramona își pregăteau argumentele pe care aveau să le transmită în mesajul de campanie pentru marea finală. O afirmație pe care o făcea tânăra avea să stârnească o reacție neașteptată din partea lui Stelian.
#Mireasa #Antena1
➠ Abonează-te la canalul nostru:
Urmăreşte „Mireasa” şi pe:
➠ TV Antena 1, de luni până vineri, de la ora 14:00
➠ Site:
➠ liveVIDEO şi emisiunea integrală, doar pe
YouTube network: Antena TV Group
Ediția din data de 18 decembrie a emisiunii Mireasa, sezonul 10. Stelian și Ramona își pregăteau argumentele pe care aveau să le transmită în mesajul de campanie pentru marea finală. O afirmație pe care o făcea tânăra avea să stârnească o reacție neașteptată din partea lui Stelian.
#Mireasa #Antena1
➠ Abonează-te la canalul nostru:
Urmăreşte „Mireasa” şi pe:
➠ TV Antena 1, de luni până vineri, de la ora 14:00
➠ Site:
➠ liveVIDEO şi emisiunea integrală, doar pe
YouTube network: Antena TV Group
Official audio for "To Ramona" by Bob Dylan
Listen to Bob Dylan:
Subscribe to the Bob Dylan YouTube channel: https://bobdyl...
Official audio for "To Ramona" by Bob Dylan
Listen to Bob Dylan:
Subscribe to the Bob Dylan YouTube channel:
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#BobDylan #ToRamona #OfficialAudio
Come closer
Shut softly your watery eyes
The pangs of your sadness
Will pass as your senses will rise
Oh the flowers of the city
Though breath-like
Get death-like at times
And there’s no use in trying
To deal with the dying
Though I cannot explain that in lines
Your cracked country lips
I still wish to kiss
As to be by the strength of your skin
Your magnetic movements
Still capture the minutes I’m in
But it grieves my heart, love
To see you trying to be a part of
A world that just don’t exist
It’s all just a dream, babe
A vacuum, a scheme, babe
That sucks you into feelin' like this
Official audio for "To Ramona" by Bob Dylan
Listen to Bob Dylan:
Subscribe to the Bob Dylan YouTube channel:
Watch more Bob Dylan videos:
Follow Bob Dylan:
#BobDylan #ToRamona #OfficialAudio
Come closer
Shut softly your watery eyes
The pangs of your sadness
Will pass as your senses will rise
Oh the flowers of the city
Though breath-like
Get death-like at times
And there’s no use in trying
To deal with the dying
Though I cannot explain that in lines
Your cracked country lips
I still wish to kiss
As to be by the strength of your skin
Your magnetic movements
Still capture the minutes I’m in
But it grieves my heart, love
To see you trying to be a part of
A world that just don’t exist
It’s all just a dream, babe
A vacuum, a scheme, babe
That sucks you into feelin' like this
Provided to YouTube by DANCE ALL DAY Musicvertriebs GmbH
Ramona (Deutsche Version) · Blue Diamonds
Greatest Hits of the Blue Diamonds
℗ Diambla Music Records...
Provided to YouTube by DANCE ALL DAY Musicvertriebs GmbH
Ramona (Deutsche Version) · Blue Diamonds
Greatest Hits of the Blue Diamonds
℗ Diambla Music Records
Released on: 2020-02-14
Primary Musician: Blue Diamonds
Lyricist: L Wolfe Gilbert
Original Author: Feist Leo Inc
Auto-generated by YouTube.
Provided to YouTube by DANCE ALL DAY Musicvertriebs GmbH
Ramona (Deutsche Version) · Blue Diamonds
Greatest Hits of the Blue Diamonds
℗ Diambla Music Records
Released on: 2020-02-14
Primary Musician: Blue Diamonds
Lyricist: L Wolfe Gilbert
Original Author: Feist Leo Inc
Auto-generated by YouTube.
Κάνε Subscribe:
Κάποιοι άνθρωποι το έχουν στο αίμα τους να προκαλούν ταραχή και ακραία πάθη…
Ένας απο αυτούς τους ανθρώπους είναι σίγουρα η δυναμική και σέξι Ραμόνα Μπούρση, πέτρα του σκανδάλου στην εκτός Ορίων κόντρα ανάμεσα στον Δημήτρη Πεσκέση και τον κυρ-Στέλιο Καρατζιοβαλή.
Τη συναντήσαμε στο μπαρ που εργάζεται και η συζήτηση μαζι της πήρε απρόβλεπτη τροπή…
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#kingbet #tsouvelas #novibet
Provided to YouTube by Universal Music Group
Ramona · Beck
Scott Pilgrim vs. the World (Original Motion Picture Soundtrack)
℗ 2010 Iliad Records
Released on: 2010-01-01
Composer Lyricist: Beck Hansen
Auto-generated by YouTube.
Val de reactii negative la adresa concurentilor Stelian si Ramona. Mai rar sa vezi asa la o emisiune matrimoniala. Dar la Mireasa de la Antena 1 totul este posibil. S-a dovedit asta in decursul timpului. Cei doi au fost practic desfiintati pe paginile de socializare dupa ce si-au prezentat mesajul de campanie. Ce -a nemultumit atat de mult pe oameni vedem imediat.
Patru cupluri sunt în finala sezonului 10 Mireasa. Ionela și Robert, Ramona și Stelian, Daiana și Cristi, Laura și Mihai, sunt cele 4 cupluri logodite care participă la Finala de pe 20 decembrie 2024. Cuplurile din casa Mireasa au fost invitate să-și facă o campanie electorală la camera si de aici a pornit totul. Concret, mesajul lor a continut o greseala uluitoare si mai bine nu il faceau. Este o greseala care ar putea sa-i coste mult de tot.
“Daca o sa investim intr-un apartament nu o sa stam doar noi doi ci o sa stea si Rebecca cu noi”, a spus Ramona spre stupefactia baiatului. Acesta se vedea clar ca nu prea ar vrea sa se lege de o asa responsabilitate dar ar vrea probabil sa se lege de niste bani. Si Stelian chiar i-a taiat discursul spunand: Sunt multe pe care trebuie sa le lamurim si va multumim pentru timpul acordat. Revolta in online a si inceput dupa asta, telespectatorii punand accent pe doua aspecte.
Scott Pilgrim (Michael Cera) serenading Ramona Flowers (Mary Elizabeth Winstead) with a little song he wrote... (Note: This is with Michael Cera's vocals i presume... Do listen to the one that Beck did on the soundtrack =D
Ediția din data de 18 decembrie a emisiunii Mireasa, sezonul 10. Stelian și Ramona își pregăteau argumentele pe care aveau să le transmită în mesajul de campanie pentru marea finală. O afirmație pe care o făcea tânăra avea să stârnească o reacție neașteptată din partea lui Stelian.
#Mireasa #Antena1
➠ Abonează-te la canalul nostru:
Urmăreşte „Mireasa” şi pe:
➠ TV Antena 1, de luni până vineri, de la ora 14:00
➠ Site:
➠ liveVIDEO şi emisiunea integrală, doar pe
YouTube network: Antena TV Group
Official audio for "To Ramona" by Bob Dylan
Listen to Bob Dylan:
Subscribe to the Bob Dylan YouTube channel:
Watch more Bob Dylan videos:
Follow Bob Dylan:
#BobDylan #ToRamona #OfficialAudio
Come closer
Shut softly your watery eyes
The pangs of your sadness
Will pass as your senses will rise
Oh the flowers of the city
Though breath-like
Get death-like at times
And there’s no use in trying
To deal with the dying
Though I cannot explain that in lines
Your cracked country lips
I still wish to kiss
As to be by the strength of your skin
Your magnetic movements
Still capture the minutes I’m in
But it grieves my heart, love
To see you trying to be a part of
A world that just don’t exist
It’s all just a dream, babe
A vacuum, a scheme, babe
That sucks you into feelin' like this
Provided to YouTube by DANCE ALL DAY Musicvertriebs GmbH
Ramona (Deutsche Version) · Blue Diamonds
Greatest Hits of the Blue Diamonds
℗ Diambla Music Records
Released on: 2020-02-14
Primary Musician: Blue Diamonds
Lyricist: L Wolfe Gilbert
Original Author: Feist Leo Inc
Auto-generated by YouTube.
The novel's influence on the culture and image of Southern California was considerable. Its sentimental portrayal of Mexican colonial life contributed to establishing a unique cultural identity for the region. As its publication coincided with the arrival of railroad lines in the region, countless tourists visited who wanted to see the locations of the novel.
Plot summary
In Southern California, shortly after the Mexican-American War, a Scots-Native American orphan girl, Ramona, is raised by Señora Gonzaga Moreno, the sister of Ramona's deceased foster mother. Ramona is referred to as illegitimate in some summaries of the novel, but chapter 3 of the novel says that Ramona's parents were married by a priest in the San Gabriel Mission. Señora Moreno has raised Ramona as part of the family, giving her every luxury, but only because Ramona's foster mother had requested it as her dying wish. Because of Ramona's mixed Native American heritage, Moreno does not love her. That love is reserved for her only child, Felipe Moreno, whom she adores. Señora Moreno considers herself a Mexican, although California has recently been taken over by the United States. She hates the Americans, who have cut up her huge rancho after disputing her claim to it.
it hasn't been that long since we drank to the sunset, until it was gone. and down with it went our pain and fear, as we slowly broke contact more and more, with every beer. and we passed out in each other's arms, both admitting we'd never felt better. never felt so warm. but awoke in each other's eyes, without wearing a stitch of clothing. we were both deeply in disguise. and maybe i just set aside the fact that you were broken hearted. in my own special selfish way. and if i hadn't set aside the fact that you were broken hearted. hell knows where your heart would be today. maybe with me. it seems like it's been so long since we kissed through the darkness, until it was dawn. up with it came our pain and fear that we'd already lost each other. we both knew that the end was near. maybe i just set aside the fact that you were broken hearted. in my own special selfish way. and if i hadn't set aside the fact that you were broken hearted. hell knows where your heart would be today. maybe with me. maybe with me. maybe with me. maybe with me. maybe with me. maybe with me. maybe with me.