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Smoke Gets in Your Eyes

"Smoke Gets in Your Eyes" is a show tune written by American composer Jerome Kern and lyricist Otto Harbach for their 1933 musical Roberta. The song was sung in the original Broadway show by Tamara Drasin. Its first recorded performance was by Gertrude Niesen, who recorded the song with orchestral direction from Ray Sinatra, Frank Sinatra's second-cousin, on October 13, 1933. Niesen's recording of the song was released by Victor, catalog# VE B 24454, with the b-side, "Jealousy", featuring Isham Jones and his Orchestra. The song was later reprised by Irene Dunne, who performed it in the original 1935 film adaptation of the musical, co-starring Fred Astaire, Ginger Rogers and Randolph Scott. The song was also included in the 1952 remake of Roberta, Lovely to Look At, in which it was performed by Kathryn Grayson. It is perhaps best known today from its chart-topping 1958 hit recording by The Platters (see below).

Later recordings


Smoke Gets in Your Eyes (Homicide: Life on the Street)

"Smoke Gets in Your Eyes" is the eighth episode of the first season of the American police drama television series Homicide: Life on the Street. It originally aired on NBC in the United States on March 24, 1993. In the episode, Howard and Bayliss attempt to quit smoking, Gee discovers secret asbestos removal in the squad room, and Munch and Bolander investigate the beating death of a 14-year-old boy. The episode was written by James Yoshimura and Tom Fontana, and was directed by Wayne Ewing, who doubled as director of photography.

The episode featured a cameo appearance by film director and Baltimore native John Waters as a bartender. "Smoke Gets in Your Eyes" was originally supposed to be the first season finale, but the episode "Night of the Dead Living" was moved to the end of the season because NBC programmers felt it was too slow-paced to show any earlier in the season. During one scene, Munch and Bolander convince a suspect the copy machine is a dangerous lie-detector machine. This was inspired by a real-life trick used by the Baltimore Police Department and documented in David Simon's 1991 non-fiction book Homicide: A Year on the Killing Streets, on which the series was based. It was later used in an episode of Simon's police drama series, The Wire.

Smoke Gets in Your Eyes (disambiguation)

"Smoke Gets in Your Eyes" is a show tune from the operetta Roberta.

"Smoke Gets in Your Eyes" may also refer to:

  • "Smoke Gets in Your Eyes" (Homicide: Life on the Street)
  • "Smoke Gets in Your Eyes" (Mad Men)
  • Smoke Gets in Your Eyes: And Other Lessons from the Crematory, 2014 bestselling memoir on the death industry by Caitlin Doughty
  • Podcasts:

    • The Platters - Smoke Get In Your Eyes - Lyrics

      The Platters - Smoke Get In Your Eyes - Lyrics Download "The Platters : Only You and Their Best Songs Ever" on iTunes now : http://bit.ly/qTxH5n

      published: 11 Apr 2012
    • The Platters "Smoke Gets In Your Eyes" on The Ed Sullivan Show

      The Platters "Smoke Gets In Your Eyes" on The Ed Sullivan Show, March 1, 1959. Subscribe now to never miss an update: https://ume.lnk.to/EdSullivanSubscribe Watch Motown performances from The Ed Sullivan Show https://youtube.com/watch?v=B9YrYoY0N4I&list=PLQWND5qZhbj3tfQKiK-5FzjLSTUz5WRTf Watch classic Rock and Roll performances from The Ed Sullivan Show: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=yxrz00XSOAo&list=PLQWND5qZhbj06AA1fnZQnHvOqP5ZctF8Y Watch Iconic Singers perform on The Ed Sullivan Show: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=MIIU9xkGAMs&list=PLQWND5qZhbj1fSTRzLrpV3vLO1yOGx8vH Sign up to receive the Ed Sullivan Show newsletter! https://EdSullivan.lnk.to/SubscribeToEmail Follow The Ed Sullivan Show: Website http://edsullivan.com/ Facebook https://facebook.com/EdSullivanShow Twitter https:/...

      published: 02 Apr 2022
    • The Platters - Smoke Gets In Your Eyes

      The Platters - Smoke Gets In Your Eyes

      published: 19 Sep 2011
    • Smoke Gets In Your Eyes

      Provided to YouTube by Universal Music Group Smoke Gets In Your Eyes · Patti Austin The Real Me ℗ 1988 Craft Recordings., Distributed by Concord. Released on: 1988-07-12 Studio Personnel, Mixer: Ross Pallone Associated Performer, Percussion: Paulinho Da Costa Producer, Associate Producer, Associated Performer, Background Vocalist: Patti Austin Associated Performer, Bass Guitar: Nathan East Associated Performer, Drums: George Perilli Associated Performer, Saxophone: Ernie Watts Associated Performer, Conga, Producer, Recording Producer: David Pack Associated Performer, Keyboards: David Benoit Studio Personnel, Mixer, Recording Engineer: Ben Rodgers Composer: Jerome Kern Author: Otto Harbach Auto-generated by YouTube.

      published: 22 Apr 2022
    • Smoke gets in your eyes (1989 Always) JD Souther

      published: 09 Apr 2019
    • The Platters - Smoke Gets In Your Eyes - 1958

      They asked me how I knew My true love was true Oh, I of course replied Something here inside cannot be denied They said someday you'll find All who love are blind Oh, when your heart's on fire You must realize Smoke gets in your eyes So, I chaffed them and I gaily laughed To think they could doubt my love Yet, today my love has flown away I am without my love Now laughing friends deride Tears I cannot hide Oh, so I smile and say When a lovely flame dies Smoke gets in your eyes Smoke gets in your eyes

      published: 11 Mar 2012
    • Chantal Chamberland - Smoke Gets in Your Eyes

      Chantal Chamberland - Smoke Gets in Your Eyes © Alasdair McLellan photography Album - Dripping Indigo, released on December 12, 2007 Producer - Bob Doidge Label - Evosound [Chantal Chamberland, Governess Music Inc.] Sound recording - The Orchard Music/[Merlin] Evolution Limited ___"Chantal Chamberland is one of those rare contemporary artists who easily measures up to the greats. This is just too good not to rave about!." ___Lee Oberg___ http://www.chantalc.com/#!dripping-in... Thank You, Chantal Chamberland! _________________________________________________________________________________________________ This upload have the purpose of promoting a fine piece of music and ©Alasdair McLellan fashion photographs. Has no commercial purpose. Music and photographs belong to the their rightf...

      published: 14 Jan 2016
    • Platters - Smoke Gets In Your Eyes

      The Platters ROCK & ROLL OF FAME

      published: 14 Nov 2006
    • Wired or Weird Questions (Episode 2) Part-1 #wouldyourather #quiz #choices #game #trivia #challenge

      Wired or Weird Questions (Episode 2) Impossible to Decide! - Part 1 Which color are you going to choose 👀🔵🟠? #wouldyourather #wiredorweird #wiredvsweird #wiredorweirdgame #quiz #trivia #choose #blue #orange #challenge #toughchoices #choices Welcome back to Wired and Weird, where we pit technology against your natural instincts in the most entertaining way possible! Let’s see who wins today’s matchups! 🎉 Motion Sensor VS Your Eyes Who spots movement first—a motion sensor or your eyes catching something in the corner? 🤖👁️ Motion sensors win this one at 70%, but those sharp eyes still snag 30% 👀😳. Ever feel like someone’s watching you? Your eyes usually know first! Temperature Sensor VS Skin Sensitivity Who notices the cold faster—a temperature sensor or your skin feeling a breeze? 🌡️...

      published: 01 Oct 2024
    • Smoke Gets In Your Eyes – Fred Astaire and Ginger Rogers in Roberta 1935

      The Style: https://www.thecelebritydresses.com/ginger-rogers-black-evening-dress-in-movie-roberta.html 🎬Fred and Ginger Rogers performed "Smoke in Your Eyes" perfectly in the 1935 music movie Roberta. This is the music composed by American composer Jerome Kern and the composer Otto Harbach for the 1933 Broadway musical "Roberta". Fred and Ginger only tuned in the 1935 film adaptation. The most famous singing version of the song was recorded by "The Platters" in 1958, and the song ranked first on the Billboard Hot 100 in the United States. 💖More chic dresses from classic movies: https://www.thecelebritydresses.com/red-carpet-dresses/celebrity-dresses-in-movies.html

      published: 03 Mar 2020
    The Platters - Smoke Get In Your Eyes - Lyrics

    The Platters - Smoke Get In Your Eyes - Lyrics

    • Order:
    • Duration: 2:41
    • Uploaded Date: 11 Apr 2012
    • views: 17189604
    The Platters - Smoke Get In Your Eyes - Lyrics Download "The Platters : Only You and Their Best Songs Ever" on iTunes now : http://bit.ly/qTxH5n
    The Platters "Smoke Gets In Your Eyes" on The Ed Sullivan Show

    The Platters "Smoke Gets In Your Eyes" on The Ed Sullivan Show

    • Order:
    • Duration: 2:29
    • Uploaded Date: 02 Apr 2022
    • views: 267664
    The Platters "Smoke Gets In Your Eyes" on The Ed Sullivan Show, March 1, 1959. Subscribe now to never miss an update: https://ume.lnk.to/EdSullivanSubscribe Watch Motown performances from The Ed Sullivan Show https://youtube.com/watch?v=B9YrYoY0N4I&list=PLQWND5qZhbj3tfQKiK-5FzjLSTUz5WRTf Watch classic Rock and Roll performances from The Ed Sullivan Show: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=yxrz00XSOAo&list=PLQWND5qZhbj06AA1fnZQnHvOqP5ZctF8Y Watch Iconic Singers perform on The Ed Sullivan Show: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=MIIU9xkGAMs&list=PLQWND5qZhbj1fSTRzLrpV3vLO1yOGx8vH Sign up to receive the Ed Sullivan Show newsletter! https://EdSullivan.lnk.to/SubscribeToEmail Follow The Ed Sullivan Show: Website http://edsullivan.com/ Facebook https://facebook.com/EdSullivanShow Twitter https://twitter.com/EdSullivanShow Instagram https://instagram.com/theedsullivanshow/ TikTok: https://www.tiktok.com/@theedsullivanshow The Ed Sullivan Show was a television variety program that aired on CBS from 1948-1971. For 23 years it aired every Sunday night and played host to the world's greatest talents. The Ed Sullivan Show is well known for bringing rock n' roll music to the forefront of American culture through acts like Elvis Presley, The Beatles, and The Rolling Stones. The entertainers each week ranged from comedians like Joan Rivers and Rodney Dangerfield, to Broadway stars Julie Andrews and Richard Burton, to pop singers such as Bobby Darin and Petula Clark. It also frequently featured stars of Motown such as The Supremes, The Temptations, Stevie Wonder and The Jackson 5. The Ed Sullivan Show was one of the only places on American television where such a wide variety of popular culture was showcased and its legacy lives on to this day. © SOFA Entertainment. All Rights Reserved. #ThePlatters #EdSullivan #EdSullivanShow
    The Platters - Smoke Gets In Your Eyes

    The Platters - Smoke Gets In Your Eyes

    • Order:
    • Duration: 2:41
    • Uploaded Date: 19 Sep 2011
    • views: 11115227
    The Platters - Smoke Gets In Your Eyes
    Smoke Gets In Your Eyes

    Smoke Gets In Your Eyes

    • Order:
    • Duration: 4:15
    • Uploaded Date: 22 Apr 2022
    • views: 297729
    Provided to YouTube by Universal Music Group Smoke Gets In Your Eyes · Patti Austin The Real Me ℗ 1988 Craft Recordings., Distributed by Concord. Released on: 1988-07-12 Studio Personnel, Mixer: Ross Pallone Associated Performer, Percussion: Paulinho Da Costa Producer, Associate Producer, Associated Performer, Background Vocalist: Patti Austin Associated Performer, Bass Guitar: Nathan East Associated Performer, Drums: George Perilli Associated Performer, Saxophone: Ernie Watts Associated Performer, Conga, Producer, Recording Producer: David Pack Associated Performer, Keyboards: David Benoit Studio Personnel, Mixer, Recording Engineer: Ben Rodgers Composer: Jerome Kern Author: Otto Harbach Auto-generated by YouTube.
    Smoke gets in your eyes (1989 Always) JD Souther

    Smoke gets in your eyes (1989 Always) JD Souther

    • Order:
    • Duration: 4:20
    • Uploaded Date: 09 Apr 2019
    • views: 314669
    The Platters - Smoke Gets In Your Eyes - 1958

    The Platters - Smoke Gets In Your Eyes - 1958

    • Order:
    • Duration: 2:40
    • Uploaded Date: 11 Mar 2012
    • views: 684139
    They asked me how I knew My true love was true Oh, I of course replied Something here inside cannot be denied They said someday you'll find All who love are blind Oh, when your heart's on fire You must realize Smoke gets in your eyes So, I chaffed them and I gaily laughed To think they could doubt my love Yet, today my love has flown away I am without my love Now laughing friends deride Tears I cannot hide Oh, so I smile and say When a lovely flame dies Smoke gets in your eyes Smoke gets in your eyes
    Chantal Chamberland - Smoke Gets in Your Eyes

    Chantal Chamberland - Smoke Gets in Your Eyes

    • Order:
    • Duration: 4:33
    • Uploaded Date: 14 Jan 2016
    • views: 2703685
    Chantal Chamberland - Smoke Gets in Your Eyes © Alasdair McLellan photography Album - Dripping Indigo, released on December 12, 2007 Producer - Bob Doidge Label - Evosound [Chantal Chamberland, Governess Music Inc.] Sound recording - The Orchard Music/[Merlin] Evolution Limited ___"Chantal Chamberland is one of those rare contemporary artists who easily measures up to the greats. This is just too good not to rave about!." ___Lee Oberg___ http://www.chantalc.com/#!dripping-in... Thank You, Chantal Chamberland! _________________________________________________________________________________________________ This upload have the purpose of promoting a fine piece of music and ©Alasdair McLellan fashion photographs. Has no commercial purpose. Music and photographs belong to the their rightful owners. Absolutely no copyright infringement intended. If any of the copyright owners find this abusive or offensive, please contact me and I will delete it asap.
    Platters - Smoke Gets In Your Eyes

    Platters - Smoke Gets In Your Eyes

    • Order:
    • Duration: 2:31
    • Uploaded Date: 14 Nov 2006
    • views: 15275317
    The Platters ROCK & ROLL OF FAME
    Wired or Weird Questions (Episode 2) Part-1 #wouldyourather #quiz #choices #game #trivia #challenge

    Wired or Weird Questions (Episode 2) Part-1 #wouldyourather #quiz #choices #game #trivia #challenge

    • Order:
    • Duration: 0:45
    • Uploaded Date: 01 Oct 2024
    • views: 506
    Wired or Weird Questions (Episode 2) Impossible to Decide! - Part 1 Which color are you going to choose 👀🔵🟠? #wouldyourather #wiredorweird #wiredvsweird #wiredorweirdgame #quiz #trivia #choose #blue #orange #challenge #toughchoices #choices Welcome back to Wired and Weird, where we pit technology against your natural instincts in the most entertaining way possible! Let’s see who wins today’s matchups! 🎉 Motion Sensor VS Your Eyes Who spots movement first—a motion sensor or your eyes catching something in the corner? 🤖👁️ Motion sensors win this one at 70%, but those sharp eyes still snag 30% 👀😳. Ever feel like someone’s watching you? Your eyes usually know first! Temperature Sensor VS Skin Sensitivity Who notices the cold faster—a temperature sensor or your skin feeling a breeze? 🌡️❄️ The sensor gets the upper hand with 65%, but your skin’s not far behind at 35% 🧊🖐️. There’s no denying that first chilly gust on a windy day! Proximity Sensor VS Your Reflexes Who knows someone’s too close first—a proximity sensor or your reflexes saying 'back off'? 🤖📏 The proximity sensor wins with 60%, but your reflexes are always on alert, grabbing 40% 😬🙅. Sometimes, you don’t need tech to feel the need for personal space! Smoke Detector VS Your Nose Who smells trouble faster—a smoke detector or your nose sniffing something funny? 🚨🔥 Smoke detectors take this one at 75%, but your nose still gets a whiff at 25% 👃😮‍💨. When in doubt, trust your tech and your senses! Thanks for tuning in to Wired and Weird! Don’t forget to subscribe, hit that notification bell 🔔, and let us know—has your nose ever caught something before your smoke detector did? Let’s hear your stories in the comments! 😅
    Smoke Gets In Your Eyes – Fred Astaire and Ginger Rogers in Roberta 1935

    Smoke Gets In Your Eyes – Fred Astaire and Ginger Rogers in Roberta 1935

    • Order:
    • Duration: 4:34
    • Uploaded Date: 03 Mar 2020
    • views: 663246
    The Style: https://www.thecelebritydresses.com/ginger-rogers-black-evening-dress-in-movie-roberta.html 🎬Fred and Ginger Rogers performed "Smoke in Your Eyes" perfectly in the 1935 music movie Roberta. This is the music composed by American composer Jerome Kern and the composer Otto Harbach for the 1933 Broadway musical "Roberta". Fred and Ginger only tuned in the 1935 film adaptation. The most famous singing version of the song was recorded by "The Platters" in 1958, and the song ranked first on the Billboard Hot 100 in the United States. 💖More chic dresses from classic movies: https://www.thecelebritydresses.com/red-carpet-dresses/celebrity-dresses-in-movies.html
    • Smoke Gets In Your Eyes / Fun Time Big Band - Tokyo

      (180) 煙が目にしみる Smoke Gets in Your Eyes From Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia This article is about the song. For other uses, see Smoke Gets in Your Eyes (disambiguation). "Smoke Gets in Your Eyes" "Smoke Gets in Your Eyes" - Gertrude Niendsen and Ray Sinatra (original 1933 recording).jpg Single by Gertrude Niesen with Ray Sinatra and his Orchestra B-side "Jealousy" Released 1933 Format 10" Recorded October 13, 1933 Label Victor Songwriter(s) Otto HarbachJerome Kern Producer(s) Ray Sinatra "Smoke Gets in Your Eyes" is a show tune written by American composer Jerome Kern and lyricist Otto Harbach for the 1933 musical Roberta. The song was sung in the Broadway show by Tamara Drasin. Its first recorded performance was by Gertrude Niesen, who recorded the song with orchestral direction from ...

      published: 23 Mar 2019
    • Magnus Carlsen Plays Bongcloud Opening Against Hikaru Nakamura and They Laugh While They Are Playing

      Magnus Carlsen vs Hikaru Nakamura in Magnus Carlsen Invitational 2021. ♜ Visit our deals page for our limited time offers!: https://events.chess24.com/deals/?utm_source=youtube.com&utm_medium=owned_social&utm_campaign=chess24.5 ♜ Become a Premium member to get access to everything chess24 has to offer: https://explore.chess24.com/premium?utm_source=youtube.com&utm_medium=owned_social&utm_campaign=chess24.5 ► Watch live and on-demand shows: https://chess24.com/en/live/video/?utm_source=youtube.com&utm_medium=owned_social&utm_campaign=chess24.5 ► Follow top tournaments with our state-of-the-art broadcast system: https://chess24.com/en/watch/live-tournaments?utm_source=youtube.com&utm_medium=owned_social&utm_campaign=chess24.5 ► Play chess in our playzone: https://chess24.com/en/play/che...

      published: 15 Mar 2021
    • King Of The Hill But Its a Midwest Emo Intro

      published: 03 Apr 2023
    • Toto - Africa (Official HD Video)

      Official HD Video for "Africa" by Toto Listen to Toto: https://Toto.lnk.to/listenYD Watch more Toto videos: https://Toto.lnk.to/listenYD/youtube Subscribe to the official Toto YouTube Channel: https://totoband.lnk.to/subscribeYD Follow Toto: Facebook: https://Toto.lnk.to/followFI Twitter: https://Toto.lnk.to/followTI Website: https://Toto.lnk.to/followWI YouTube: https://totoband.lnk.to/subscribeYD Spotify: https://Toto.lnk.to/followSI Chorus: It's gonna take a lot to drag me away from you There's nothing that a hundred men or more could ever do I bless the rains down in Africa Gonna take some time to do the things we never had #Toto #Africa #Rock #TotoIV #HD #Remastered

      published: 22 May 2013
    • Real Phaser Reverse Debunk

      Captain Disillusion makes a glowing point.

      published: 15 Sep 2012
    • We finally know who killed Biggie Smalls 🙏🏼 | #shorts

      I respond on IG (say wassup): https://bit.ly/frankInstagram Do you sub my 2nd channel? https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCLh4IlP1baVfBWRmguWyVhA

      published: 14 Apr 2022

      Captain Disillusion faces the scariest of all nemeses. Written by Alan Melikdjanian and Samantha Kuk Please consider supporting my videos on: http://www.patreon.com/CaptainDisillusion Creative Commons Images: • Dolly Parton accepting Liseberg Applause Award 2010 - by Curtis Hilbun • Dodie Clark You Tour at Brussels La Madeleine - by DancingInSpace (https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCTZ5TmejeEN2nS2HFZ1hzWw/about)

      published: 08 Apr 2020
    • Servitor Magick - TUTORIAL [Members' Exclusive Preview]

      Servitor Magick is a surprisingly simple skill that forms the bread and butter of many Chaos Magicians. Following the first tutorial on sigils, I hope you will enjoy this slightly more involved, but incredibly effective technique that has split the opinions of the magickal community (more about that in the video itself). ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ *Videos featured this week:* *Sigil Magick - TUTORIAL* https://youtu.be/LMqtmaLCynk *FAQ for Sigil Magick:* https://youtu.be/UycdDoaDVz4 *Full Esoteric Saturday Playlist*: https://www.youtube.com/playlist?list=PLZ8jvagxnHezXztUVVInz4gmWmiuCauvy --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------...

      published: 25 Sep 2021
    • John Wesley Harding Ordinary Weekend + Lyrics

      Best music John Wesley Harding Ordinary Weekend Lyrics: I lost my job on friday, I went drinking to forget My luck it had been down so long but I could change it yet Sat down and strted talking with some guy sitting there He bought me drinks all afternoon until I didn't care He said was I in need of work, some money could be found I said "is it above the law? " he said "it's underground" I said "i need the paycheck now, I got debts here and there" He smiled and asked if I could drive and I said "anywhere" Anywhere... In this weekend of ordinary dreams Everything was not just as it seems Take a look around at the faces in the crowd And you'll see wehre I've been We met up on the saturday, I thought it was us two But I ...

      published: 05 Feb 2013
    • Smoking Kills || ELEVEN GATES

      This article is about smoking of tobacco and other drugs. For the method of food preparation, see Smoking (cooking). For other uses, see Smoking (disambiguation). Smoking is a practice in which a substance is burned and the resulting smoke breathed in to be tasted and absorbed into the bloodstream. Most commonly the substance is the dried leaves of the tobacco plant which have been rolled into a small square of rice paper to create a small, round cylinder called a "cigarette". Smoking is primarily practiced as a route of administration for recreational drug use because the combustion of the dried plant leaves vaporizes and delivers active substances into the lungs where they are rapidly absorbed into the bloodstream and reach bodily tissue. In the case of cigarette smoking these substance...

      published: 09 Feb 2016
    Smoke Gets In Your Eyes / Fun Time Big Band - Tokyo

    Smoke Gets In Your Eyes / Fun Time Big Band - Tokyo

    • Order:
    • Duration: 4:08
    • Uploaded Date: 23 Mar 2019
    • views: 261
    (180) 煙が目にしみる Smoke Gets in Your Eyes From Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia This article is about the song. For other uses, see Smoke Gets in Your Eyes (disambiguation). "Smoke Gets in Your Eyes" "Smoke Gets in Your Eyes" - Gertrude Niendsen and Ray Sinatra (original 1933 recording).jpg Single by Gertrude Niesen with Ray Sinatra and his Orchestra B-side "Jealousy" Released 1933 Format 10" Recorded October 13, 1933 Label Victor Songwriter(s) Otto HarbachJerome Kern Producer(s) Ray Sinatra "Smoke Gets in Your Eyes" is a show tune written by American composer Jerome Kern and lyricist Otto Harbach for the 1933 musical Roberta. The song was sung in the Broadway show by Tamara Drasin. Its first recorded performance was by Gertrude Niesen, who recorded the song with orchestral direction from Ray Sinatra, Frank Sinatra's second cousin,[1] on October 13, 1933. Niesen's recording of the song was released by Victor, with the B-side, "Jealousy", featuring Isham Jones and his Orchestra.[2] Paul Whiteman had the first hit recording of the song on the record charts in 1934.[3] The song was reprised by Irene Dunne, who performed it in the 1935 film adaptation of the musical co-starring Fred Astaire, Ginger Rogers, and Randolph Scott. The song was also included in the 1952 remake of Roberta, Lovely to Look At, in which it was performed by Kathryn Grayson, and was a number 1 chart hit in 1959 for The Platters. Contents 1 Later recordings 1.1 1930s–1950s 1.2 The Platters version 2 Chart history 2.1 Weekly charts 2.2 Year-end charts 2.2.1 All-time charts 3 Notable recordings 4 See also 5 References 6 External links ・Later recordings 1930s–1950s Benny Goodman and his orchestra perform with Peggy Lee. Paul Whiteman and his Orchestra performed the song with vocals by Bob Lawrence. This version of the song topped music charts in 1934.[4] The Tommy Dorsey orchestra released their version in 1938. The B-side to Dorsey's single was "Night and Day". During the mid-to-late 1930s Larry Adler and Henry Hall recorded live radio performances of the song on BBC Radio. Adler's rendition was a syncopated, harmonic arrangement. Hall's was with the BBC orchestra with vocals by Dan Donovan. Hall's version was released as a 10" single.[5] Pianist Art Tatum said in an introduction in 1955 that he performed "Smoke Gets in Your Eyes" in the 1930s. In 1941 the Benny Goodman Orchestra played the song on the radio with Helen Forrest. Forrest left the ensemble during the early part of 1941.[6] Goodman replaced her with Peggy Lee.[7] Her recording for a Mutual broadcast was released on the album Benny and Sid Roll 'Em. Glenn Miller conducted his rendition of the song at Abbey Road Studios in 1944, but due to his death later that year, his version was unreleased until 1995.[8] On October 30, 1946 Nat "King" Cole recorded the song in his trio with Oscar Moore on guitar and Johnny Miller on double bass during a live broadcast from New York City.[9] Cole performed it on television in 1957 for The Nat King Cole Show. Harry Belafonte made a recording of the song in 1949 with jazz saxophonist Zoot Sims. This was one of Belafonte's first recordings. Sims' performance was parodied on December 10, 1977. on The Muppet Show by the character he inspired. The song was covered by Nat King Cole (left), Jo Stafford (center), and Sarah Vaughan (right). In 1950 Charlie Parker and Jo Stafford each released versions of the song on their respective albums, Bird at St. Nick's and Autumn in New York. Dinah Washington released the song in 1956, on her album Dinah!. Jeri Southern named her 1957 album When Your Heart's On Fire after a lyric from the song; the album features her version of the song. The same year as Nat King Cole's televised performance of the song, Polly Bergen performed the song during the series premiere of her variety show The Polly Bergen Show, originally airing September 21, 1957.[10] In 1958 Sarah Vaughan released her rendition on her album, No Count Sarah. Eartha Kitt recorded "Smoke Gets in Your Eyes" with the Henri Rene Orchestra in 1952. These sessions also yielded her hit single "Santa Baby". "Smoke Gets in Your Eyes" was recorded in 1958 by The Platters for their album Remember When?. The group's version became a number one hit in the U.S. on the Billboard Hot 100 music chart. In 1959 it peaked at No. 3 on the Rhythm and Blues chart.[12] The song spent 20 weeks on the UK charts, peaking at Number 1 for one week on March 20 of that same year.[13] Buck Ram, the producer, said that Harbach praised them "for reviving his song with taste."[11] The widow of composer Jerome Kern disliked the recording so much she considered legal action to prevent its distribution.[14] (From Wikipedia)
    Magnus Carlsen Plays Bongcloud Opening Against Hikaru Nakamura and They Laugh While They Are Playing

    Magnus Carlsen Plays Bongcloud Opening Against Hikaru Nakamura and They Laugh While They Are Playing

    • Order:
    • Duration: 1:33
    • Uploaded Date: 15 Mar 2021
    • views: 5611801
    Magnus Carlsen vs Hikaru Nakamura in Magnus Carlsen Invitational 2021. ♜ Visit our deals page for our limited time offers!: https://events.chess24.com/deals/?utm_source=youtube.com&utm_medium=owned_social&utm_campaign=chess24.5 ♜ Become a Premium member to get access to everything chess24 has to offer: https://explore.chess24.com/premium?utm_source=youtube.com&utm_medium=owned_social&utm_campaign=chess24.5 ► Watch live and on-demand shows: https://chess24.com/en/live/video/?utm_source=youtube.com&utm_medium=owned_social&utm_campaign=chess24.5 ► Follow top tournaments with our state-of-the-art broadcast system: https://chess24.com/en/watch/live-tournaments?utm_source=youtube.com&utm_medium=owned_social&utm_campaign=chess24.5 ► Play chess in our playzone: https://chess24.com/en/play/chess?utm_source=youtube.com&utm_medium=owned_social&utm_campaign=chess24.5 ► Improve your chess by learning from grandmasters in interactive videos: https://chess24.com/en/learn/videoseries?utm_source=youtube.com&utm_medium=owned_social&utm_campaign=chess24.5
    King Of The Hill But Its a Midwest Emo Intro

    King Of The Hill But Its a Midwest Emo Intro

    • Order:
    • Duration: 1:01
    • Uploaded Date: 03 Apr 2023
    • views: 460010
    Toto - Africa (Official HD Video)

    Toto - Africa (Official HD Video)

    • Order:
    • Duration: 4:32
    • Uploaded Date: 22 May 2013
    • views: 1088863510
    Official HD Video for "Africa" by Toto Listen to Toto: https://Toto.lnk.to/listenYD Watch more Toto videos: https://Toto.lnk.to/listenYD/youtube Subscribe to the official Toto YouTube Channel: https://totoband.lnk.to/subscribeYD Follow Toto: Facebook: https://Toto.lnk.to/followFI Twitter: https://Toto.lnk.to/followTI Website: https://Toto.lnk.to/followWI YouTube: https://totoband.lnk.to/subscribeYD Spotify: https://Toto.lnk.to/followSI Chorus: It's gonna take a lot to drag me away from you There's nothing that a hundred men or more could ever do I bless the rains down in Africa Gonna take some time to do the things we never had #Toto #Africa #Rock #TotoIV #HD #Remastered
    Real Phaser Reverse Debunk

    Real Phaser Reverse Debunk

    • Order:
    • Duration: 6:04
    • Uploaded Date: 15 Sep 2012
    • views: 2162439
    Captain Disillusion makes a glowing point.
    We finally know who killed Biggie Smalls 🙏🏼 | #shorts

    We finally know who killed Biggie Smalls 🙏🏼 | #shorts

    • Order:
    • Duration: 0:59
    • Uploaded Date: 14 Apr 2022
    • views: 4403045
    I respond on IG (say wassup): https://bit.ly/frankInstagram Do you sub my 2nd channel? https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCLh4IlP1baVfBWRmguWyVhA


    • Order:
    • Duration: 10:23
    • Uploaded Date: 08 Apr 2020
    • views: 2846158
    Captain Disillusion faces the scariest of all nemeses. Written by Alan Melikdjanian and Samantha Kuk Please consider supporting my videos on: http://www.patreon.com/CaptainDisillusion Creative Commons Images: • Dolly Parton accepting Liseberg Applause Award 2010 - by Curtis Hilbun • Dodie Clark You Tour at Brussels La Madeleine - by DancingInSpace (https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCTZ5TmejeEN2nS2HFZ1hzWw/about)
    Servitor Magick - TUTORIAL  [Members' Exclusive Preview]

    Servitor Magick - TUTORIAL [Members' Exclusive Preview]

    • Order:
    • Duration: 16:01
    • Uploaded Date: 25 Sep 2021
    • views: 87901
    Servitor Magick is a surprisingly simple skill that forms the bread and butter of many Chaos Magicians. Following the first tutorial on sigils, I hope you will enjoy this slightly more involved, but incredibly effective technique that has split the opinions of the magickal community (more about that in the video itself). ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ *Videos featured this week:* *Sigil Magick - TUTORIAL* https://youtu.be/LMqtmaLCynk *FAQ for Sigil Magick:* https://youtu.be/UycdDoaDVz4 *Full Esoteric Saturday Playlist*: https://www.youtube.com/playlist?list=PLZ8jvagxnHezXztUVVInz4gmWmiuCauvy -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- *Books featured this week: * (the following links are Amazon associate links) *Magickal Servitors* Amazon.com: https://amzn.to/3tUZg2A Amazon.co.uk: https://amzn.to/2Z78hud ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- HEY FF MEMBERS! COME JOIN US ON DISCORD! Members are often surprised to find out that checking out the Foolish Fish Discord Chat server is actually the best part of being a member ;) It's easy: 1) Download the Discord app (phone or computer, best on computer), 2) sign in or create a free account if you don't already have one, 3) go to "User Settings", then click on "Connections", then click on "YouTube" 4) enter your Youtube Credentials 5) Discord will be able to see that you are a member and will invite you to join the Foolish Fish Members Discord server right there. 6) click on the invitation and come and chat chat with like-minded people, or just chill in the background and quietly enjoy reading the interesting conversations, tips and trick of all the other magi! Hope to see you there soon! Thank you for watching! :) ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- *If you'd like to support the channel, there are 5 ways:* - *Memberships*: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCVtWVX2xirq6Nybf5bumqwg/join - *Visit my inventory and order from the amazon associate links*: https://docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/1QKMxEeptfo-A62LrLNa9WkM2TkvigAzChKBcG1sU5Hg/edit?usp=sharing - *Merchandise*: US: https://foolishfish.myspreadshop.com/ UK: https://foolishfish.myspreadshop.co.uk/ EU: https://foolishfish.myspreadshop.net/ - *PAYPAL One-off donation*: paypal.me/foolishfish - *ETH wallet*: 0x64a4c581634d5ec16b02caec2224d1db42914f60 All *Foolish Fish Members* get to watch Esoteric Saturday videos one week early without advertisements, get to chat on the FF Discord server, and get to watch my FF News videos a day early, among other perks :)
    John Wesley Harding Ordinary Weekend + Lyrics

    John Wesley Harding Ordinary Weekend + Lyrics

    • Order:
    • Duration: 4:38
    • Uploaded Date: 05 Feb 2013
    • views: 777
    Best music John Wesley Harding Ordinary Weekend Lyrics: I lost my job on friday, I went drinking to forget My luck it had been down so long but I could change it yet Sat down and strted talking with some guy sitting there He bought me drinks all afternoon until I didn't care He said was I in need of work, some money could be found I said "is it above the law? " he said "it's underground" I said "i need the paycheck now, I got debts here and there" He smiled and asked if I could drive and I said "anywhere" Anywhere... In this weekend of ordinary dreams Everything was not just as it seems Take a look around at the faces in the crowd And you'll see wehre I've been We met up on the saturday, I thought it was us two But I had not asked quetions not knowing what to do Twelve of them were in the van, thirteen including me Twelve pairs of eyes were staring back at me, suspiciously And so I just sat down and drove, took them to some track And drove past the security guard while they hid in the back They made me stop, and got out there, and I heard a couple of shots I hoped they were in self-defense but I knew that they were not They were not... Not in this weekend of ordinary dreams... I drummed my fingers on the wheel and waited for the boys Had a smoke, I had a few, I got very paranoid And still they hadn't come back there, so I just drove away Deciding to play safe and get my share another day On sunday, he came round my place, I asked him where they'd been He said they'd left another way and only I was seen He said that we should cash the van and did I want my share I didn't like the way they'd left but by now I didn't care Didn't care... Didn't care for this weekend of ordinary dreams... He drove me to a back room with a single swinging light Someone said "the fish are starving, ain't it time they had a bite" And I felt sick and stupid and damned my own brown hair Forgetting that the price you pay must far exceed the share Someone pulled a knife out and they stabbed me in the back They tied my hands and bound my feet and threw me in a sack They took me to a lakeside and they threw my body in I could hear them laughing, they said you can sink or swim Sink or swim... So hear you desperate women and hear you desperate men Don't take your life for granted Don't live your life in vain But if you think that you can cahnge it, Hope you know you an't go back Just go down to the lakeside Watch me floating in a sack, In this sack. John Wesley Harding may refer to: John Wesley Harding (album), a 1967 Bob Dylan album John Wesley Harding (song), the title track of this album John Wesley Harding (2011 album) by Thea Gilmore, a cover version of the entire Bob Dylan album John Wesley Harding (singer) (born 1965), English singer (born Wesley Stace) John Wesley Hardin (1853--1895), American gun-fighter whose name is rendered as "John Wesley Harding" on the Dylan song and album This disambiguation page lists articles associated with the same title. If an internal link led you here, you may wish to change the link to point directly to the intended article. Retrieved from "http://en.wikipedia.org/w/index.php?title=John_Wesley_Harding&oldid=530960637" Categories: Disambiguation pagesHuman name disambiguation pagesHidden categories: All article disambiguation pagesAll disambiguation pagesArticle Feedback Blacklist
    Smoking Kills || ELEVEN GATES

    Smoking Kills || ELEVEN GATES

    • Order:
    • Duration: 2:31
    • Uploaded Date: 09 Feb 2016
    • views: 447
    This article is about smoking of tobacco and other drugs. For the method of food preparation, see Smoking (cooking). For other uses, see Smoking (disambiguation). Smoking is a practice in which a substance is burned and the resulting smoke breathed in to be tasted and absorbed into the bloodstream. Most commonly the substance is the dried leaves of the tobacco plant which have been rolled into a small square of rice paper to create a small, round cylinder called a "cigarette". Smoking is primarily practiced as a route of administration for recreational drug use because the combustion of the dried plant leaves vaporizes and delivers active substances into the lungs where they are rapidly absorbed into the bloodstream and reach bodily tissue. In the case of cigarette smoking these substances are contained in a mixture of aerosol particles and gasses and include the pharmacologically active alkaloid nicotine; the vaporization creates heated aerosol and gas to form that allows inhalation and deep penetration into the lungs where absorption into the bloodstream of the active substances occurs. In some cultures, smoking is also carried out as a part of various rituals, where participants use it to help induce trance-like states that, they believe, can lead them to "spiritual enlightenment". Cigarettes are primarily industrially manufactured but also can be hand-rolled from loose tobacco and rolling paper. Other smoking implements include pipes, cigars, bidis, hookahs, vaporizers, and bongs. Smoking generally has adverse health effects, because smoke inhalation inherently poses challenges to various physiologic processes such as respiration. Diseases related to tobacco smoking have been shown to kill approximately half of long term smokers when compared to average mortality rates faced by non-smokers. A 2007 report states that, each year, about 4.9 million people worldwide die as a result of smoking.[1] Smoking is one of the most common forms of recreational drug use. Tobacco smoking is the most popular form, being practiced by over one billion people globally, of whom the majority are in the developing world.Less common drugs for smoking include cannabis and opium. Some of the substances are classified as hard narcotics, like heroin, but the use of these is very limited as they are usually not commercially available. The history of smoking can be dated to as early as 5000 BC, and has been recorded in many different cultures across the world. Early smoking evolved in association with religious ceremonies; as offerings to deities, in cleansing rituals or to allow shamans and priests to alter their minds for purposes of divination or spiritual enlightenment. After the European exploration and conquest of the Americas, the practice of smoking tobacco quickly spread to the rest of the world. In regions like India and Sub-Saharan Africa, it merged with existing practices of smoking (mostly of cannabis). In Europe, it introduced a new type of social activity and a form of drug intake which previously had been unknown. Perception surrounding smoking has varied over time and from one place to another: holy and sinful, sophisticated and vulgar, a panacea and deadly health hazard. In the 20th century smoking came to be viewed in a decidedly negative light, especially in Western countries. This is due to smoking tobacco being among the leading causes of many diseases such as lung cancer, heart attacks, COPD, erectile dysfunction, and birth defects.The health hazards of smoking have caused many countries to institute high taxes on tobacco products, run ads to discourage use, limit ads that promote use, and provide help with quitting for those who do smoke.
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    PLAYLIST TIME: 0:00 / 31:29

    The Platters - Smoke Get In Your Eyes - Lyrics

    The Platters - Smoke Get In Your Eyes - Lyrics Download "The Platters : Only You and Their Best Songs Ever" on iTunes now : http://bit.ly/qTxH5n
    The Platters - Smoke Get In Your Eyes - Lyrics
    The Platters - Smoke Get In Your Eyes - Lyrics Download "The Platters : Only You and Th...
    published: 11 Apr 2012
    Play in Full Screen
    The Platters "Smoke Gets In Your Eyes" on The Ed Sullivan Show
    The Platters "Smoke Gets In Your Eyes" on The Ed Sullivan Show, March 1, 1959. Subscribe n...
    published: 02 Apr 2022
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    The Platters - Smoke Gets In Your Eyes
    The Platters - Smoke Gets In Your Eyes
    published: 19 Sep 2011
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    Smoke Gets In Your Eyes
    Provided to YouTube by Universal Music Group Smoke Gets In Your Eyes · Patti Austin The ...
    published: 22 Apr 2022
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    Smoke gets in your eyes (1989 Always) JD Souther
    published: 09 Apr 2019
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    The Platters - Smoke Gets In Your Eyes - 1958
    They asked me how I knew My true love was true Oh, I of course replied Something here i...
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    Chantal Chamberland - Smoke Gets in Your Eyes
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    published: 14 Jan 2016
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    Platters - Smoke Gets In Your Eyes
    The Platters ROCK & ROLL OF FAME
    published: 14 Nov 2006
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    Wired or Weird Questions (Episode 2) Part-1 #wouldyourather #quiz #choices #game #trivia #challenge
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    published: 01 Oct 2024
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    Smoke Gets In Your Eyes – Fred Astaire and Ginger Rogers in Roberta 1935
    The Style: https://www.thecelebritydresses.com/ginger-rogers-black-evening-dress-in-movie-...
    published: 03 Mar 2020
    Play in Full Screen

    Smoke Gets in Your Eyes

    "Smoke Gets in Your Eyes" is a show tune written by American composer Jerome Kern and lyricist Otto Harbach for their 1933 musical Roberta. The song was sung in the original Broadway show by Tamara Drasin. Its first recorded performance was by Gertrude Niesen, who recorded the song with orchestral direction from Ray Sinatra, Frank Sinatra's second-cousin, on October 13, 1933. Niesen's recording of the song was released by Victor, catalog# VE B 24454, with the b-side, "Jealousy", featuring Isham Jones and his Orchestra. The song was later reprised by Irene Dunne, who performed it in the original 1935 film adaptation of the musical, co-starring Fred Astaire, Ginger Rogers and Randolph Scott. The song was also included in the 1952 remake of Roberta, Lovely to Look At, in which it was performed by Kathryn Grayson. It is perhaps best known today from its chart-topping 1958 hit recording by The Platters (see below).

    Later recordings


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    • Smoking Kills || ELEVEN GATES
      Smoking Kills || ELEVEN GATESremove from playlist
    PLAYLIST TIME: 0:00 / 51:50

    Smoke Gets In Your Eyes / Fun Time Big Band - Tokyo

    (180) 煙が目にしみる Smoke Gets in Your Eyes From Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia This article is about the song. For other uses, see Smoke Gets in Your Eyes (disambiguation). "Smoke Gets in Your Eyes" "Smoke Gets in Your Eyes" - Gertrude Niendsen and Ray Sinatra (original 1933 recording).jpg Single by Gertrude Niesen with Ray Sinatra and his Orchestra B-side "Jealousy" Released 1933 Format 10" Recorded October 13, 1933 Label Victor Songwriter(s) Otto HarbachJerome Kern Producer(s) Ray Sinatra "Smoke Gets in Your Eyes" is a show tune written by American composer Jerome Kern and lyricist Otto Harbach for the 1933 musical Roberta. The song was sung in the Broadway show by Tamara Drasin. Its first recorded performance was by Gertrude Niesen, who recorded the song with orchestral direction from Ray Sinatra, Frank Sinatra's second cousin,[1] on October 13, 1933. Niesen's recording of the song was released by Victor, with the B-side, "Jealousy", featuring Isham Jones and his Orchestra.[2] Paul Whiteman had the first hit recording of the song on the record charts in 1934.[3] The song was reprised by Irene Dunne, who performed it in the 1935 film adaptation of the musical co-starring Fred Astaire, Ginger Rogers, and Randolph Scott. The song was also included in the 1952 remake of Roberta, Lovely to Look At, in which it was performed by Kathryn Grayson, and was a number 1 chart hit in 1959 for The Platters. Contents 1 Later recordings 1.1 1930s–1950s 1.2 The Platters version 2 Chart history 2.1 Weekly charts 2.2 Year-end charts 2.2.1 All-time charts 3 Notable recordings 4 See also 5 References 6 External links ・Later recordings 1930s–1950s Benny Goodman and his orchestra perform with Peggy Lee. Paul Whiteman and his Orchestra performed the song with vocals by Bob Lawrence. This version of the song topped music charts in 1934.[4] The Tommy Dorsey orchestra released their version in 1938. The B-side to Dorsey's single was "Night and Day". During the mid-to-late 1930s Larry Adler and Henry Hall recorded live radio performances of the song on BBC Radio. Adler's rendition was a syncopated, harmonic arrangement. Hall's was with the BBC orchestra with vocals by Dan Donovan. Hall's version was released as a 10" single.[5] Pianist Art Tatum said in an introduction in 1955 that he performed "Smoke Gets in Your Eyes" in the 1930s. In 1941 the Benny Goodman Orchestra played the song on the radio with Helen Forrest. Forrest left the ensemble during the early part of 1941.[6] Goodman replaced her with Peggy Lee.[7] Her recording for a Mutual broadcast was released on the album Benny and Sid Roll 'Em. Glenn Miller conducted his rendition of the song at Abbey Road Studios in 1944, but due to his death later that year, his version was unreleased until 1995.[8] On October 30, 1946 Nat "King" Cole recorded the song in his trio with Oscar Moore on guitar and Johnny Miller on double bass during a live broadcast from New York City.[9] Cole performed it on television in 1957 for The Nat King Cole Show. Harry Belafonte made a recording of the song in 1949 with jazz saxophonist Zoot Sims. This was one of Belafonte's first recordings. Sims' performance was parodied on December 10, 1977. on The Muppet Show by the character he inspired. The song was covered by Nat King Cole (left), Jo Stafford (center), and Sarah Vaughan (right). In 1950 Charlie Parker and Jo Stafford each released versions of the song on their respective albums, Bird at St. Nick's and Autumn in New York. Dinah Washington released the song in 1956, on her album Dinah!. Jeri Southern named her 1957 album When Your Heart's On Fire after a lyric from the song; the album features her version of the song. The same year as Nat King Cole's televised performance of the song, Polly Bergen performed the song during the series premiere of her variety show The Polly Bergen Show, originally airing September 21, 1957.[10] In 1958 Sarah Vaughan released her rendition on her album, No Count Sarah. Eartha Kitt recorded "Smoke Gets in Your Eyes" with the Henri Rene Orchestra in 1952. These sessions also yielded her hit single "Santa Baby". "Smoke Gets in Your Eyes" was recorded in 1958 by The Platters for their album Remember When?. The group's version became a number one hit in the U.S. on the Billboard Hot 100 music chart. In 1959 it peaked at No. 3 on the Rhythm and Blues chart.[12] The song spent 20 weeks on the UK charts, peaking at Number 1 for one week on March 20 of that same year.[13] Buck Ram, the producer, said that Harbach praised them "for reviving his song with taste."[11] The widow of composer Jerome Kern disliked the recording so much she considered legal action to prevent its distribution.[14] (From Wikipedia)
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