Silius Italicus, in full Tiberius Catius Asconius Silius Italicus (c. 28 – c. 103), was a Romanconsul, orator, and Latinepic poet of the 1st century AD, (Silver Age of Latin literature). His only surviving work is the 17-book Punica, an epic poem about the Second Punic War and the longest surviving poem in Latin at over 12,000 lines.
Sources and birthplace
The sources for the life of Silius Italicus are primarily letter 3.7 of Pliny the Younger, which is a description of the poet's life written on the occasion of his suicide, some inscriptions, and several epigrams by the poet Martial. Silius is believed to have been born between AD 23 and 35, but his birthplace has not been securely identified. Italica, in the Roman province of Hispania i.e., Spain was once considered the prime candidate, based on his cognomen Italicus, but if that were the case Latin usage would have demanded the form Italicensis, and it is highly improbable that Martial would have failed to name him among the literary celebrities of Spain in the latter half of the 1st century. The city of Patavium, Padua in northern Italy has been suggested by J. D. Campbell based on a seeming bias in favor of the region in the Punica and the prevalence of the name Asconius in inscriptions from the region.
Vielen Dank für Ihre Unterstützung:
Silius Italicus
Tiberius Catius Asconius Silius Italicus war ein römischer Politiker und Dichter.Er verfasste die Punica, ein Epos über den zweiten Punischen Krieg, das in 17 Büchern über 12.000 Verse umfasst.Sein Werk ist nicht nur eines der bedeutendsten Epen der nachklassischen Lateinischen Literatur, sondern auch das umfangreichste lateinische Epos, das aus der Antike überliefert ist.Gegen die Punica erhoben neuzeitliche Altphilologen lange den pauschalen Vorwurf, dass sie stilistisch nicht zu den Glanzstücken ihrer Zeit zählte und teilweise epigonale Züge gegenüber den Augusteischen Dichtern Vergil und Ovid zeige, die Silius verehrte.
Urheber Info: Silius Italicus
Lizenz: Pub...
published: 03 Jul 2016
How to pronounce Silius Italicus (Italian/Italy) -
Audio and video pronunciation of Silius Italicus brought to you by Pronounce Names (, a website dedicated to helping people pronounce names correctly. For more information about this name, such as gender, origin, etc., go to Italicus
published: 08 Feb 2014
CAPUT In Prohibendo exuvias indutus est Silius Italicus (Al-Riyadh Saleheen)
published: 20 Mar 2021
Akademski pjevački zbor Maribor | Fortuna
Akademski pjevački zbor Maribor
Tadeja Vulc, dirigentica
Tadeja Vulc: Fortuna (Codex Burana, Silius Italicus, Lucius Annaeus Seneca)
published: 24 Oct 2016
HESPERIA-"SPIRITUS ITALICUS" (Trailer preview of the forthcoming new album)
(c)+(p) Sleaszy Rider Records/ Hesperia 2013
Trailer Preview of the new HESPERIA album titled "SPIRITVS ITALICVS ( III).
Uploaded on the 21 of April 2013, anniversary of the birth of ROME.
Hesperus dedicates this album to the Eternal Holy "URBS" and to the Italic lands in the hope that they return to the ancient glory.
The location of the video trailer is Ancient Roman Amphitheater and Ruins of the old ancient town of URBS SALVIA (Urbisaglia, MC, ITALY)
Filming Location "under courtesy of":
"Ministero per i Beni e le Attività culturali-Direzione regionale per i Beni Culturali e Paesaggistici delle MARCHE-Soprintendenza Beni Archeologici delle MARCHE"
Video shots taken by Forart/Forward Agency
Spiritvs Italicvs by HESPERIA...
published: 22 Apr 2013
My DNA test results
Visit to find out about taking your own test. Here I discuss the results of my DNA test, and ramble about genetics in general.
Support me on Patreon:
Link to the earlier video about taking the test:
Link to the on-line paper about Neanderthals mentioned in the video:
Buy the music - the music played at the end of my videos is now available here:
More weapons and armour videos here:
Picture credits:
Silius italicus
By OCW Universidad de Cantabria-Humanidades-Historia Antigua de la Península Ibéri...
published: 26 Mar 2018
wodzionka, wodzionka, wodzionka, wodzionka. Vivamus elit risus. Wodzionka sicci panis et poculum aquae. Vivamus elit risus. Wodzionka est optimus omnium Silius Italicus soups. Vivamus elit risus. Wodzionka, quid faciatis non uxor mea. Vivamus elit risus. Wodzionka, hoc est annus mirantibus mundi. Ad culinam accipere urceoli in ollam. Turn ex ICTUS, et effundam aquam in conceptu camini. Si ergo recte ignem. Bene, vos scitis a prima pars coctione. Nunc maxime res est momenti panem siccum. Comminuet autem, et ponet eam in patera. Vide si quis adipis suillae Habes in ollam. Bene, scitis secunda parte coctione. Vivamus elit risus. Wodzionka sicci panis et poculum aquae. Vivamus elit risus. Wodzionka est optimus omnium Silius Italicus soups. Vivamus elit risus. Wodzionka, quid faciatis non uxor ...
Vielen Dank für Ihre Unterstützung:
Silius Italicus
Tiberius Catius Asconius Silius Italicus war ein römischer Politiker und Dichter.Er...
Vielen Dank für Ihre Unterstützung:
Silius Italicus
Tiberius Catius Asconius Silius Italicus war ein römischer Politiker und Dichter.Er verfasste die Punica, ein Epos über den zweiten Punischen Krieg, das in 17 Büchern über 12.000 Verse umfasst.Sein Werk ist nicht nur eines der bedeutendsten Epen der nachklassischen Lateinischen Literatur, sondern auch das umfangreichste lateinische Epos, das aus der Antike überliefert ist.Gegen die Punica erhoben neuzeitliche Altphilologen lange den pauschalen Vorwurf, dass sie stilistisch nicht zu den Glanzstücken ihrer Zeit zählte und teilweise epigonale Züge gegenüber den Augusteischen Dichtern Vergil und Ovid zeige, die Silius verehrte.
Urheber Info: Silius Italicus
Lizenz: Public domain
✪Video ist an blinde Nutzer gerichtet
✪Text verfügbar unter der Lizens CC-BY-SA
✪Bild Quelle im Video
Vielen Dank für Ihre Unterstützung:
Silius Italicus
Tiberius Catius Asconius Silius Italicus war ein römischer Politiker und Dichter.Er verfasste die Punica, ein Epos über den zweiten Punischen Krieg, das in 17 Büchern über 12.000 Verse umfasst.Sein Werk ist nicht nur eines der bedeutendsten Epen der nachklassischen Lateinischen Literatur, sondern auch das umfangreichste lateinische Epos, das aus der Antike überliefert ist.Gegen die Punica erhoben neuzeitliche Altphilologen lange den pauschalen Vorwurf, dass sie stilistisch nicht zu den Glanzstücken ihrer Zeit zählte und teilweise epigonale Züge gegenüber den Augusteischen Dichtern Vergil und Ovid zeige, die Silius verehrte.
Urheber Info: Silius Italicus
Lizenz: Public domain
✪Video ist an blinde Nutzer gerichtet
✪Text verfügbar unter der Lizens CC-BY-SA
✪Bild Quelle im Video
Audio and video pronunciation of Silius Italicus brought to you by Pronounce Names (, a website dedicated to helping people pronou...
Audio and video pronunciation of Silius Italicus brought to you by Pronounce Names (, a website dedicated to helping people pronounce names correctly. For more information about this name, such as gender, origin, etc., go to Italicus
Audio and video pronunciation of Silius Italicus brought to you by Pronounce Names (, a website dedicated to helping people pronounce names correctly. For more information about this name, such as gender, origin, etc., go to Italicus
(c)+(p) Sleaszy Rider Records/ Hesperia 2013
Trailer Preview of the new HESPERIA album titled "SPIRITVS ITALICVS ( ...
(c)+(p) Sleaszy Rider Records/ Hesperia 2013
Trailer Preview of the new HESPERIA album titled "SPIRITVS ITALICVS ( III).
Uploaded on the 21 of April 2013, anniversary of the birth of ROME.
Hesperus dedicates this album to the Eternal Holy "URBS" and to the Italic lands in the hope that they return to the ancient glory.
The location of the video trailer is Ancient Roman Amphitheater and Ruins of the old ancient town of URBS SALVIA (Urbisaglia, MC, ITALY)
Filming Location "under courtesy of":
"Ministero per i Beni e le Attività culturali-Direzione regionale per i Beni Culturali e Paesaggistici delle MARCHE-Soprintendenza Beni Archeologici delle MARCHE"
Video shots taken by Forart/Forward Agency
Spiritvs Italicvs by HESPERIA®
(p)+(c) Sleaszy Rider Records 2013
All rights reserved 2013.
Hesperus plays:
Guitars electric & acoustic
Bass & bass effects
Every voices, singing, screaming, narration, characters
Synth & synth guitars
Movie peplum effects
Ancient Roman acoustic instruments: pan flute(syrinx), tibia, crotali, sistrum, cimbali
Drums (with the assistance of the drummer Saturnus)
Official HESPERIA website:
(c)+(p) Sleaszy Rider Records/ Hesperia 2013
Trailer Preview of the new HESPERIA album titled "SPIRITVS ITALICVS ( III).
Uploaded on the 21 of April 2013, anniversary of the birth of ROME.
Hesperus dedicates this album to the Eternal Holy "URBS" and to the Italic lands in the hope that they return to the ancient glory.
The location of the video trailer is Ancient Roman Amphitheater and Ruins of the old ancient town of URBS SALVIA (Urbisaglia, MC, ITALY)
Filming Location "under courtesy of":
"Ministero per i Beni e le Attività culturali-Direzione regionale per i Beni Culturali e Paesaggistici delle MARCHE-Soprintendenza Beni Archeologici delle MARCHE"
Video shots taken by Forart/Forward Agency
Spiritvs Italicvs by HESPERIA®
(p)+(c) Sleaszy Rider Records 2013
All rights reserved 2013.
Hesperus plays:
Guitars electric & acoustic
Bass & bass effects
Every voices, singing, screaming, narration, characters
Synth & synth guitars
Movie peplum effects
Ancient Roman acoustic instruments: pan flute(syrinx), tibia, crotali, sistrum, cimbali
Drums (with the assistance of the drummer Saturnus)
Official HESPERIA website:
Visit to find out about taking your own test. Here I discuss the results of my DNA test, and ramble about genetics in genera...
Visit to find out about taking your own test. Here I discuss the results of my DNA test, and ramble about genetics in general.
Support me on Patreon:
Link to the earlier video about taking the test:
Link to the on-line paper about Neanderthals mentioned in the video:
Buy the music - the music played at the end of my videos is now available here:
More weapons and armour videos here:
Picture credits:
Silius italicus
By OCW Universidad de Cantabria-Humanidades-Historia Antigua de la Península Ibérica [CC BY-SA 3.0 (], via Wikimedia Commons
Joseph-Noël Sylvestre [Public domain], via Wikimedia Commons
Lindybeige: a channel of archaeology, ancient and medieval warfare, rants, swing dance, travelogues, evolution, and whatever else occurs to me to make.
▼ Follow me...
Twitter: I may have some drivel to contribute to the Twittersphere, plus you get notice of uploads.
Facebook: (it's a 'page' and now seems to be working).
Google+: ""
Visit to find out about taking your own test. Here I discuss the results of my DNA test, and ramble about genetics in general.
Support me on Patreon:
Link to the earlier video about taking the test:
Link to the on-line paper about Neanderthals mentioned in the video:
Buy the music - the music played at the end of my videos is now available here:
More weapons and armour videos here:
Picture credits:
Silius italicus
By OCW Universidad de Cantabria-Humanidades-Historia Antigua de la Península Ibérica [CC BY-SA 3.0 (], via Wikimedia Commons
Joseph-Noël Sylvestre [Public domain], via Wikimedia Commons
Lindybeige: a channel of archaeology, ancient and medieval warfare, rants, swing dance, travelogues, evolution, and whatever else occurs to me to make.
▼ Follow me...
Twitter: I may have some drivel to contribute to the Twittersphere, plus you get notice of uploads.
Facebook: (it's a 'page' and now seems to be working).
Google+: ""
wodzionka, wodzionka, wodzionka, wodzionka. Vivamus elit risus. Wodzionka sicci panis et poculum aquae. Vivamus elit risus. Wodzionka est optimus omnium Silius ...
wodzionka, wodzionka, wodzionka, wodzionka. Vivamus elit risus. Wodzionka sicci panis et poculum aquae. Vivamus elit risus. Wodzionka est optimus omnium Silius Italicus soups. Vivamus elit risus. Wodzionka, quid faciatis non uxor mea. Vivamus elit risus. Wodzionka, hoc est annus mirantibus mundi. Ad culinam accipere urceoli in ollam. Turn ex ICTUS, et effundam aquam in conceptu camini. Si ergo recte ignem. Bene, vos scitis a prima pars coctione. Nunc maxime res est momenti panem siccum. Comminuet autem, et ponet eam in patera. Vide si quis adipis suillae Habes in ollam. Bene, scitis secunda parte coctione. Vivamus elit risus. Wodzionka sicci panis et poculum aquae. Vivamus elit risus. Wodzionka est optimus omnium Silius Italicus soups. Vivamus elit risus. Wodzionka, quid faciatis non uxor mea. Vivamus elit risus. Wodzionka, hoc est annus mirantibus mundi. Nunc autem posuit in allium, quod est ibi. Addere magica, sal et piper quoque. Si habes aquam tollere lid. Bene, scitis tertia pars coctione. Ubi coctum sit, sic inundat. Custodite animas vestras et cum digitos, ne adolebitque ea. Iam de filiis fenestram vociferatione prandium. Bene olet si habes elit. Vivamus elit risus. Wodzionka sicci panis et poculum aquae. Vivamus elit risus. Wodzionka est optimus omnium Silius Italicus soups. Vivamus elit risus. Wodzionka, quid faciatis non uxor mea. Vivamus elit risus. Wodzionka, hoc est annus mirantibus mundi. Dives et pauper resistere. Cum autem incipit esse cum olfacies, in ANDRON, quisque rapit cochleari. Nulla vi prohibere ad te. Pulmentum unius et lamminam occidunt. Nos paenitet populum, et ego compleverunt. Panem siccum in loculum. Et os tuum videre potest, quod iam tabe pituitae. Quid est? Es, vigilator cum in cogitationem. Consilium autem do tibi pars una boni. Non creditis quia non alii bono soups. Quisque novit, hoc recipe dedit tibi. Bene. Nunc ulcus est. Vivamus elit risus. Wodzionka sicci panis et poculum aquae. Vivamus elit risus. Wodzionka est optimus omnium Silius Italicus soups. Vivamus elit risus. Wodzionka, quid faciatis non uxor mea. Vivamus elit risus. Wodzionka, hoc est annus mirantibus mundi. Vivamus elit risus. Wodzionka Vivamus elit risus. Wodzionka Vivamus elit risus. Wodzionka sicci panis et poculum aquae.
wodzionka, wodzionka, wodzionka, wodzionka. Vivamus elit risus. Wodzionka sicci panis et poculum aquae. Vivamus elit risus. Wodzionka est optimus omnium Silius Italicus soups. Vivamus elit risus. Wodzionka, quid faciatis non uxor mea. Vivamus elit risus. Wodzionka, hoc est annus mirantibus mundi. Ad culinam accipere urceoli in ollam. Turn ex ICTUS, et effundam aquam in conceptu camini. Si ergo recte ignem. Bene, vos scitis a prima pars coctione. Nunc maxime res est momenti panem siccum. Comminuet autem, et ponet eam in patera. Vide si quis adipis suillae Habes in ollam. Bene, scitis secunda parte coctione. Vivamus elit risus. Wodzionka sicci panis et poculum aquae. Vivamus elit risus. Wodzionka est optimus omnium Silius Italicus soups. Vivamus elit risus. Wodzionka, quid faciatis non uxor mea. Vivamus elit risus. Wodzionka, hoc est annus mirantibus mundi. Nunc autem posuit in allium, quod est ibi. Addere magica, sal et piper quoque. Si habes aquam tollere lid. Bene, scitis tertia pars coctione. Ubi coctum sit, sic inundat. Custodite animas vestras et cum digitos, ne adolebitque ea. Iam de filiis fenestram vociferatione prandium. Bene olet si habes elit. Vivamus elit risus. Wodzionka sicci panis et poculum aquae. Vivamus elit risus. Wodzionka est optimus omnium Silius Italicus soups. Vivamus elit risus. Wodzionka, quid faciatis non uxor mea. Vivamus elit risus. Wodzionka, hoc est annus mirantibus mundi. Dives et pauper resistere. Cum autem incipit esse cum olfacies, in ANDRON, quisque rapit cochleari. Nulla vi prohibere ad te. Pulmentum unius et lamminam occidunt. Nos paenitet populum, et ego compleverunt. Panem siccum in loculum. Et os tuum videre potest, quod iam tabe pituitae. Quid est? Es, vigilator cum in cogitationem. Consilium autem do tibi pars una boni. Non creditis quia non alii bono soups. Quisque novit, hoc recipe dedit tibi. Bene. Nunc ulcus est. Vivamus elit risus. Wodzionka sicci panis et poculum aquae. Vivamus elit risus. Wodzionka est optimus omnium Silius Italicus soups. Vivamus elit risus. Wodzionka, quid faciatis non uxor mea. Vivamus elit risus. Wodzionka, hoc est annus mirantibus mundi. Vivamus elit risus. Wodzionka Vivamus elit risus. Wodzionka Vivamus elit risus. Wodzionka sicci panis et poculum aquae.
Vielen Dank für Ihre Unterstützung:
Silius Italicus
Tiberius Catius Asconius Silius Italicus war ein römischer Politiker und Dichter.Er verfasste die Punica, ein Epos über den zweiten Punischen Krieg, das in 17 Büchern über 12.000 Verse umfasst.Sein Werk ist nicht nur eines der bedeutendsten Epen der nachklassischen Lateinischen Literatur, sondern auch das umfangreichste lateinische Epos, das aus der Antike überliefert ist.Gegen die Punica erhoben neuzeitliche Altphilologen lange den pauschalen Vorwurf, dass sie stilistisch nicht zu den Glanzstücken ihrer Zeit zählte und teilweise epigonale Züge gegenüber den Augusteischen Dichtern Vergil und Ovid zeige, die Silius verehrte.
Urheber Info: Silius Italicus
Lizenz: Public domain
✪Video ist an blinde Nutzer gerichtet
✪Text verfügbar unter der Lizens CC-BY-SA
✪Bild Quelle im Video
Audio and video pronunciation of Silius Italicus brought to you by Pronounce Names (, a website dedicated to helping people pronounce names correctly. For more information about this name, such as gender, origin, etc., go to Italicus
(c)+(p) Sleaszy Rider Records/ Hesperia 2013
Trailer Preview of the new HESPERIA album titled "SPIRITVS ITALICVS ( III).
Uploaded on the 21 of April 2013, anniversary of the birth of ROME.
Hesperus dedicates this album to the Eternal Holy "URBS" and to the Italic lands in the hope that they return to the ancient glory.
The location of the video trailer is Ancient Roman Amphitheater and Ruins of the old ancient town of URBS SALVIA (Urbisaglia, MC, ITALY)
Filming Location "under courtesy of":
"Ministero per i Beni e le Attività culturali-Direzione regionale per i Beni Culturali e Paesaggistici delle MARCHE-Soprintendenza Beni Archeologici delle MARCHE"
Video shots taken by Forart/Forward Agency
Spiritvs Italicvs by HESPERIA®
(p)+(c) Sleaszy Rider Records 2013
All rights reserved 2013.
Hesperus plays:
Guitars electric & acoustic
Bass & bass effects
Every voices, singing, screaming, narration, characters
Synth & synth guitars
Movie peplum effects
Ancient Roman acoustic instruments: pan flute(syrinx), tibia, crotali, sistrum, cimbali
Drums (with the assistance of the drummer Saturnus)
Official HESPERIA website:
Visit to find out about taking your own test. Here I discuss the results of my DNA test, and ramble about genetics in general.
Support me on Patreon:
Link to the earlier video about taking the test:
Link to the on-line paper about Neanderthals mentioned in the video:
Buy the music - the music played at the end of my videos is now available here:
More weapons and armour videos here:
Picture credits:
Silius italicus
By OCW Universidad de Cantabria-Humanidades-Historia Antigua de la Península Ibérica [CC BY-SA 3.0 (], via Wikimedia Commons
Joseph-Noël Sylvestre [Public domain], via Wikimedia Commons
Lindybeige: a channel of archaeology, ancient and medieval warfare, rants, swing dance, travelogues, evolution, and whatever else occurs to me to make.
▼ Follow me...
Twitter: I may have some drivel to contribute to the Twittersphere, plus you get notice of uploads.
Facebook: (it's a 'page' and now seems to be working).
Google+: ""
wodzionka, wodzionka, wodzionka, wodzionka. Vivamus elit risus. Wodzionka sicci panis et poculum aquae. Vivamus elit risus. Wodzionka est optimus omnium Silius Italicus soups. Vivamus elit risus. Wodzionka, quid faciatis non uxor mea. Vivamus elit risus. Wodzionka, hoc est annus mirantibus mundi. Ad culinam accipere urceoli in ollam. Turn ex ICTUS, et effundam aquam in conceptu camini. Si ergo recte ignem. Bene, vos scitis a prima pars coctione. Nunc maxime res est momenti panem siccum. Comminuet autem, et ponet eam in patera. Vide si quis adipis suillae Habes in ollam. Bene, scitis secunda parte coctione. Vivamus elit risus. Wodzionka sicci panis et poculum aquae. Vivamus elit risus. Wodzionka est optimus omnium Silius Italicus soups. Vivamus elit risus. Wodzionka, quid faciatis non uxor mea. Vivamus elit risus. Wodzionka, hoc est annus mirantibus mundi. Nunc autem posuit in allium, quod est ibi. Addere magica, sal et piper quoque. Si habes aquam tollere lid. Bene, scitis tertia pars coctione. Ubi coctum sit, sic inundat. Custodite animas vestras et cum digitos, ne adolebitque ea. Iam de filiis fenestram vociferatione prandium. Bene olet si habes elit. Vivamus elit risus. Wodzionka sicci panis et poculum aquae. Vivamus elit risus. Wodzionka est optimus omnium Silius Italicus soups. Vivamus elit risus. Wodzionka, quid faciatis non uxor mea. Vivamus elit risus. Wodzionka, hoc est annus mirantibus mundi. Dives et pauper resistere. Cum autem incipit esse cum olfacies, in ANDRON, quisque rapit cochleari. Nulla vi prohibere ad te. Pulmentum unius et lamminam occidunt. Nos paenitet populum, et ego compleverunt. Panem siccum in loculum. Et os tuum videre potest, quod iam tabe pituitae. Quid est? Es, vigilator cum in cogitationem. Consilium autem do tibi pars una boni. Non creditis quia non alii bono soups. Quisque novit, hoc recipe dedit tibi. Bene. Nunc ulcus est. Vivamus elit risus. Wodzionka sicci panis et poculum aquae. Vivamus elit risus. Wodzionka est optimus omnium Silius Italicus soups. Vivamus elit risus. Wodzionka, quid faciatis non uxor mea. Vivamus elit risus. Wodzionka, hoc est annus mirantibus mundi. Vivamus elit risus. Wodzionka Vivamus elit risus. Wodzionka Vivamus elit risus. Wodzionka sicci panis et poculum aquae.
Silius Italicus, in full Tiberius Catius Asconius Silius Italicus (c. 28 – c. 103), was a Romanconsul, orator, and Latinepic poet of the 1st century AD, (Silver Age of Latin literature). His only surviving work is the 17-book Punica, an epic poem about the Second Punic War and the longest surviving poem in Latin at over 12,000 lines.
Sources and birthplace
The sources for the life of Silius Italicus are primarily letter 3.7 of Pliny the Younger, which is a description of the poet's life written on the occasion of his suicide, some inscriptions, and several epigrams by the poet Martial. Silius is believed to have been born between AD 23 and 35, but his birthplace has not been securely identified. Italica, in the Roman province of Hispania i.e., Spain was once considered the prime candidate, based on his cognomen Italicus, but if that were the case Latin usage would have demanded the form Italicensis, and it is highly improbable that Martial would have failed to name him among the literary celebrities of Spain in the latter half of the 1st century. The city of Patavium, Padua in northern Italy has been suggested by J. D. Campbell based on a seeming bias in favor of the region in the Punica and the prevalence of the name Asconius in inscriptions from the region.
In the Greco-Roman period, there were different opinions about the cause of cancer. Painting by Jacques-Louis David. Public Domain... cancer ... cancer ... Some people with cancer, such as the poet Silius Italicus (26-102 AD), died by suicide to end the torment.