In 1470, the island of Tilos (located between Rhodes and another island, Kos) was evacuated to Rhodes because they were susceptible to attacks from the Ottoman Empire. In 1475, the island of Chalki (6km west of Rhodes, smallest inhabited island of the Dodecanese) was also evacuated to Rhodes for the same reason.
On 23 May 1480 an Ottoman fleet of 160 ships appeared before Rhodes, at the gulf of Trianda, along with an army of 70,000 men under the command of Gedik Ahmed Pasha or Mesih Pasha. The Knights Hospitaller garrison was led by Grand MasterPierre d'Aubusson. The Knights were reinforced from France by 500 knights and 2,000 soldiers under d'Aubusson's brother Antoine.
The Ottomans' first strategic goal was to capture the Tower of St Nicholas, which was the knights' key point in the defence of the two harbours: the commercial, Mandraki, and the one to the east bay of Akandia. The Turkish artillery kept up an unbroken bombardment and on 9 June the infantry made a series of attacks. Grand Master d'Aubusson himself sped to the aid of the garrison and after a fierce struggle the enemy was repelled.
The Siege of Rhodes of 1522 was the second and ultimately successful attempt by the Ottoman Empire to expel the Knights of Rhodes from their island stronghold and thereby secure Ottoman control of the Eastern Mediterranean. The first siege in 1480 had been unsuccessful.
The Knights of St. John, or Knights Hospitallers, had captured Rhodes in the early 14th century after the loss of Acre, the last Crusader stronghold in Palestine in 1291. From Rhodes, they became an active part of the trade in the Aegean sea, and at times harassed Turkish shipping in the Levant to secure control over the eastern Mediterranean. A first effort by the Ottomans to capture the island, in 1480, was repulsed by the Order, but the continuing presence of the knights just off the southern coast of Anatolia was a major obstacle to Ottoman expansion.
Since the previous siege the fortress had received many upgrades from the new school of trace italienne, which made it much more formidable in resisting artillery. In the most exposed land-facing sectors, these included a thickening of the main wall, doubling of the width of the dry ditch, coupled with a transformation of the old counterscarp into massive outworks (tenailles), the construction of bulwarks around most towers, and caponiers enfilading the ditch. Gates were reduced in number, and the old battlement parapets were replaced with slanting ones suitable for artillery fights. A team of masons, labourers and slaves did the construction work, the Muslim slaves were charged with the hardest labor.
The Siege of Rhodes in 305–304 BC was one of the most notable sieges of antiquity, when Demetrius Poliorcetes, son of Antigonus I, besieged Rhodes in an attempt to make it abandon its neutrality and close relationship with Ptolemy I.
The island of Rhodes was a mercantile republic with a large navy which controlled the entrance to the Aegean Sea. Rhodes maintained treaties of neutrality with other empires to protect trade. However, they had a close relationship with Ptolemy I and Demetrius was worried Rhodes would supply him with ships. Demetrius also saw the possibility of using Rhodes as a base. The decision to lay siege to Rhodes was influenced by these fears but it was also a piratical enterprise by Demetrius. Much of the Greek world, regardless of whether they were allies of Demetrius or not, apparently also viewed the siege as a pirate attack and sympathized with the Rhodians, and this attitude existed even in Macedonia.
As well as a fighting fleet of 200 ships and 150 auxiliary vessels Demetrius also enlisted the aid of many pirate fleets. Over 1,000 private trading vessels followed his fleets in anticipation of the plunder success would bring.
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Our animated historical series on the Ottoman Wars continues with the siege of Rhodes of 1522. By the early XVI century the famous Crusaders from the Order of the Hospitallers controlled Rhodes and became a constant threat to the Ottoman naval dominance and economic interest. New sultan Suleiman I, who would be later known as the Magnificent just took Belgrade and opened the road into Europe, yet he needed to take control of Rhodes to secure his flank and that led to the siege of Rhodes in 1522.
Previously in our animated historical documentary series on the Ottoman Wars, we have covered the battles of Kosovo (, Nicopolis (http:/...
published: 20 Jan 2019
Battle of Rhodes 1522
Muhteşem Yüzyıl Magnificent Century Battle of Rhodes zionist farmason Knights Hospitaller Illuminati crusader Ottoman Empire Osmanlı imparatorluğu Osmanlı devleti Rodosun fethi Suleiman the Magnificent England Britain UK British empire Sovrano Militare Ordine Ospedaliero di San Giovanni di Gerusalemme di Rodi e di Malta Törökország Oszmán Birodalom Kanuni Sultan Süleyman Rodos muharabesi ottoman military band Macarlar Turks attack march mehter أتراك turkey islam islamic jihad القرآن turkish music kafir enemy empire quran الدولة العثمانية white power europe union muslim moslem Turkey islamophobia Anti-Turkism Anti-islam islamism israel zionist jew jewish nazi germany poland polish تركيا Turska Türkei Osmanischen Reich Τουρκία Οθωμανική Αυτοκρατορία Turquía Turcos Imperio otomano Turquie L'E...
published: 01 Oct 2011
Excerpts: Knights Hospitaller and their Heroic Defence of Rhodes 1480, 1522
The Knights Hospitaller (Kinghts of St John of Jerusalem) and their defence of Rhodes in 1480 and 1522 cemented their reputation as ferocious defenders of Christendom, even after most other military had become obsolete or defunct. Their tenacious battle against the Ottoman empire gained them the respect of their enemies, and eventually a negotiated truce and honourable withdrawal from the Island. The hard learned lessons on Rhodes would go a long way to serve them in their later fortification of Malta, where they would become legendary for their unyielding resistance against overwhelming odds. This excerpt is part of a longer video on the Hospitallers, which you can view in its entirety here:
#knights #hospitallers #crusades #ottoman #christian #rhodes
All f...
published: 21 Sep 2022
Conquest of Rhodes (1522) | Suleiman the Magnificent #2 - DOCUMENTARY
The Knights of Rhodes, who carried out piracy activities in the Mediterranean, prevented the Ottomans from trading through the Mediterranean, as well as participating in all alliances against the Ottomans and supporting those who rebelled against the Ottomans. For Suleiman the Magnificent, the time for the capture of this island was long overdue. In this second part of our series The Wars of Suleiman the Magnificent, we tell how Rhodes was conquered.
All videos about Sultan Suleiman:
Conquest of Belgrade (1521):
Conquest of Rhodes (1522):
Egyptian Rebellions (1524):
Battle of Mohacs (1526):
published: 06 Feb 2023
Age of Empires II, Definitive Edition - Siege of Rhodes (1522)
published: 24 Jul 2021
Siege of Rhodes 1522 (Quick History)
Thanks for watching! Being sure to leave feedback on what you'd like to see or how I could improve!
Please also checkout Kings & Generals video on this event for more historical information:
published: 21 Jun 2021
The Valiant Last Stand at the Siege of Rhodes 1522
Today we take a look at the valiant last stand of the knights hospitallers at the siege of rhodes in 1522, as they faced an overhwleming force from the ottoman empire!
Hope you enjoy! :)
History shorts on the tok! ►►
Empires of the Sea by roger crowley
Videos You should watch after this!:
The mystery of Gevaudan
Are we living in the past?
Does human flesh taste nice?
published: 16 Jan 2024
Medieval II: Siege of Rhodes 1522 - OTTOMAN-HOSPİTALLER WAR - Tsardoms Total War Mod
Mod Link:
published: 23 Sep 2023
1522 Siege of Rhodes Research
Brief discussion of a project I have been doing about the Ottoman siege against the island of Rhodes and the Knights Hospitaller.
Link to Piri Reis atlas:
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Our animated histori...
Go to to get started on your website today!
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Our animated historical series on the Ottoman Wars continues with the siege of Rhodes of 1522. By the early XVI century the famous Crusaders from the Order of the Hospitallers controlled Rhodes and became a constant threat to the Ottoman naval dominance and economic interest. New sultan Suleiman I, who would be later known as the Magnificent just took Belgrade and opened the road into Europe, yet he needed to take control of Rhodes to secure his flank and that led to the siege of Rhodes in 1522.
Previously in our animated historical documentary series on the Ottoman Wars, we have covered the battles of Kosovo (, Nicopolis (, Ankara (, Varna (, Second Kosovo, Constantinople (, Belgrade, Targoviste and Otlukbeli (, Vaslui, Valea Alba (, Skanderbeg's rebellion (, Breadfield, Krbava, Otranto and Chaldiran ( and the Ottoman-Mamluk War of 1516-1517 (
Support us on Patreon: or Paypal:
We are grateful to our patrons and sponsors, who made this video possible:
The script for this video was written by Leo Stone
This video was narrated by Officially Devin ( &
Machinimas were made on Total War: Attila engine (
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Crowley, R. (2008). Empires of the Sea: The Final Battle for the Mediterranean, 1521-1580. London: Random House.
Middleton, J. (2004). World Monarchies and Dynasties. New York: Routledge.
Packard, B. (2018, 15 January). The Sieges of Rhodes: Print and Propaganda. Retrieved from Museum of the Order of St. John:
Tschen-Emmons, J. (2017). Hospital of the Knights of St. John on Rhodes. In J. Tschen-Emmons, Buildings and Landmarks of Medieval Europe: The Middle Ages Revealed (pp. 34-39). Santa Barbara: ABC-CLIO.
Woodhouse, F. C. (1879). The Military Religious Orders of the Middle Ages: The Hospitallers, the Templars, the Teutonic Knights and Others. London: Pott, Young & Co.
Production Music courtesy of Epidemic Sound:
#Documentary #Ottoman #Hospitallers
Go to to get started on your website today!
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Our animated historical series on the Ottoman Wars continues with the siege of Rhodes of 1522. By the early XVI century the famous Crusaders from the Order of the Hospitallers controlled Rhodes and became a constant threat to the Ottoman naval dominance and economic interest. New sultan Suleiman I, who would be later known as the Magnificent just took Belgrade and opened the road into Europe, yet he needed to take control of Rhodes to secure his flank and that led to the siege of Rhodes in 1522.
Previously in our animated historical documentary series on the Ottoman Wars, we have covered the battles of Kosovo (, Nicopolis (, Ankara (, Varna (, Second Kosovo, Constantinople (, Belgrade, Targoviste and Otlukbeli (, Vaslui, Valea Alba (, Skanderbeg's rebellion (, Breadfield, Krbava, Otranto and Chaldiran ( and the Ottoman-Mamluk War of 1516-1517 (
Support us on Patreon: or Paypal:
We are grateful to our patrons and sponsors, who made this video possible:
The script for this video was written by Leo Stone
This video was narrated by Officially Devin ( &
Machinimas were made on Total War: Attila engine (
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Crowley, R. (2008). Empires of the Sea: The Final Battle for the Mediterranean, 1521-1580. London: Random House.
Middleton, J. (2004). World Monarchies and Dynasties. New York: Routledge.
Packard, B. (2018, 15 January). The Sieges of Rhodes: Print and Propaganda. Retrieved from Museum of the Order of St. John:
Tschen-Emmons, J. (2017). Hospital of the Knights of St. John on Rhodes. In J. Tschen-Emmons, Buildings and Landmarks of Medieval Europe: The Middle Ages Revealed (pp. 34-39). Santa Barbara: ABC-CLIO.
Woodhouse, F. C. (1879). The Military Religious Orders of the Middle Ages: The Hospitallers, the Templars, the Teutonic Knights and Others. London: Pott, Young & Co.
Production Music courtesy of Epidemic Sound:
#Documentary #Ottoman #Hospitallers
Muhteşem Yüzyıl Magnificent Century Battle of Rhodes zionist farmason Knights Hospitaller Illuminati crusader Ottoman Empire Osmanlı imparatorluğu Osmanlı devle...
Muhteşem Yüzyıl Magnificent Century Battle of Rhodes zionist farmason Knights Hospitaller Illuminati crusader Ottoman Empire Osmanlı imparatorluğu Osmanlı devleti Rodosun fethi Suleiman the Magnificent England Britain UK British empire Sovrano Militare Ordine Ospedaliero di San Giovanni di Gerusalemme di Rodi e di Malta Törökország Oszmán Birodalom Kanuni Sultan Süleyman Rodos muharabesi ottoman military band Macarlar Turks attack march mehter أتراك turkey islam islamic jihad القرآن turkish music kafir enemy empire quran الدولة العثمانية white power europe union muslim moslem Turkey islamophobia Anti-Turkism Anti-islam islamism israel zionist jew jewish nazi germany poland polish تركيا Turska Türkei Osmanischen Reich Τουρκία Οθωμανική Αυτοκρατορία Turquía Turcos Imperio otomano Turquie L'Empire ottoman טורקיה האימפריה העות'מאנית Turki Kesultanan Utsmaniyah Turchia Impero ottomano Turchi თურქეთი ოსმალეთის იმპერია トルコ オスマン帝国 Turcija Osmaņu impērija Турција Отоманска Империја Turkije Ottomaanse Rijk Turcja Imperium osmańskie Turcy Turcia Imperiul Otoman Турция Отоманска Империја Турска Османско царство Төркия Госман империясе Turkiya
Muhteşem Yüzyıl Magnificent Century Battle of Rhodes zionist farmason Knights Hospitaller Illuminati crusader Ottoman Empire Osmanlı imparatorluğu Osmanlı devleti Rodosun fethi Suleiman the Magnificent England Britain UK British empire Sovrano Militare Ordine Ospedaliero di San Giovanni di Gerusalemme di Rodi e di Malta Törökország Oszmán Birodalom Kanuni Sultan Süleyman Rodos muharabesi ottoman military band Macarlar Turks attack march mehter أتراك turkey islam islamic jihad القرآن turkish music kafir enemy empire quran الدولة العثمانية white power europe union muslim moslem Turkey islamophobia Anti-Turkism Anti-islam islamism israel zionist jew jewish nazi germany poland polish تركيا Turska Türkei Osmanischen Reich Τουρκία Οθωμανική Αυτοκρατορία Turquía Turcos Imperio otomano Turquie L'Empire ottoman טורקיה האימפריה העות'מאנית Turki Kesultanan Utsmaniyah Turchia Impero ottomano Turchi თურქეთი ოსმალეთის იმპერია トルコ オスマン帝国 Turcija Osmaņu impērija Турција Отоманска Империја Turkije Ottomaanse Rijk Turcja Imperium osmańskie Turcy Turcia Imperiul Otoman Турция Отоманска Империја Турска Османско царство Төркия Госман империясе Turkiya
The Knights Hospitaller (Kinghts of St John of Jerusalem) and their defence of Rhodes in 1480 and 1522 cemented their reputation as ferocious defenders of Chris...
The Knights Hospitaller (Kinghts of St John of Jerusalem) and their defence of Rhodes in 1480 and 1522 cemented their reputation as ferocious defenders of Christendom, even after most other military had become obsolete or defunct. Their tenacious battle against the Ottoman empire gained them the respect of their enemies, and eventually a negotiated truce and honourable withdrawal from the Island. The hard learned lessons on Rhodes would go a long way to serve them in their later fortification of Malta, where they would become legendary for their unyielding resistance against overwhelming odds. This excerpt is part of a longer video on the Hospitallers, which you can view in its entirety here:
#knights #hospitallers #crusades #ottoman #christian #rhodes
All footage used in this montage is for educational purposes. It remains the property of its respective creators, and is gratefully acknowledged in the end credits of the full length video. Copyright Disclaimer- under Section 107 of the Copyright Act 1976, allowance is made for "fair use" for purposes such as criticism, comment, news reporting, teaching, scholarship, and research. Fair use is a use permitted by copyright statute that might otherwise be infringing. Non-profit, educational or personal use tips the balance in favour of fair use. Please contact us on [email protected] if you have any concerns about its use.
If you enjoy my content, leave your suggestions and comments below, and please consider making a donation via PayPal or sign up as a Patreon supporter to help me continue making these unfunded educational videos:
For resources, links to my other videos, merchandise, the latest social media posts and podcast links, please visit my Heroes and Legends Website:
The Knights Hospitaller (Kinghts of St John of Jerusalem) and their defence of Rhodes in 1480 and 1522 cemented their reputation as ferocious defenders of Christendom, even after most other military had become obsolete or defunct. Their tenacious battle against the Ottoman empire gained them the respect of their enemies, and eventually a negotiated truce and honourable withdrawal from the Island. The hard learned lessons on Rhodes would go a long way to serve them in their later fortification of Malta, where they would become legendary for their unyielding resistance against overwhelming odds. This excerpt is part of a longer video on the Hospitallers, which you can view in its entirety here:
#knights #hospitallers #crusades #ottoman #christian #rhodes
All footage used in this montage is for educational purposes. It remains the property of its respective creators, and is gratefully acknowledged in the end credits of the full length video. Copyright Disclaimer- under Section 107 of the Copyright Act 1976, allowance is made for "fair use" for purposes such as criticism, comment, news reporting, teaching, scholarship, and research. Fair use is a use permitted by copyright statute that might otherwise be infringing. Non-profit, educational or personal use tips the balance in favour of fair use. Please contact us on [email protected] if you have any concerns about its use.
If you enjoy my content, leave your suggestions and comments below, and please consider making a donation via PayPal or sign up as a Patreon supporter to help me continue making these unfunded educational videos:
For resources, links to my other videos, merchandise, the latest social media posts and podcast links, please visit my Heroes and Legends Website:
The Knights of Rhodes, who carried out piracy activities in the Mediterranean, prevented the Ottomans from trading through the Mediterranean, as well as partici...
The Knights of Rhodes, who carried out piracy activities in the Mediterranean, prevented the Ottomans from trading through the Mediterranean, as well as participating in all alliances against the Ottomans and supporting those who rebelled against the Ottomans. For Suleiman the Magnificent, the time for the capture of this island was long overdue. In this second part of our series The Wars of Suleiman the Magnificent, we tell how Rhodes was conquered.
All videos about Sultan Suleiman:
Conquest of Belgrade (1521):
Conquest of Rhodes (1522):
Egyptian Rebellions (1524):
Battle of Mohacs (1526):
Saladin Ayyubi DOCUMENTARY:
Ottoman Empire DOCUMENTARY:
Suleiman the Magnificent DOCUMENTARY:
Islamic History DOCUMENTARY
Historic Battles ►
Harp Tarihi (Turkish) ►
For the other videos:
You can support us from the link below:
#history #documentary #battle
The Knights of Rhodes, who carried out piracy activities in the Mediterranean, prevented the Ottomans from trading through the Mediterranean, as well as participating in all alliances against the Ottomans and supporting those who rebelled against the Ottomans. For Suleiman the Magnificent, the time for the capture of this island was long overdue. In this second part of our series The Wars of Suleiman the Magnificent, we tell how Rhodes was conquered.
All videos about Sultan Suleiman:
Conquest of Belgrade (1521):
Conquest of Rhodes (1522):
Egyptian Rebellions (1524):
Battle of Mohacs (1526):
Saladin Ayyubi DOCUMENTARY:
Ottoman Empire DOCUMENTARY:
Suleiman the Magnificent DOCUMENTARY:
Islamic History DOCUMENTARY
Historic Battles ►
Harp Tarihi (Turkish) ►
For the other videos:
You can support us from the link below:
#history #documentary #battle
Thanks for watching! Being sure to leave feedback on what you'd like to see or how I could improve!
Please also checkout Kings & Generals video on this event f...
Thanks for watching! Being sure to leave feedback on what you'd like to see or how I could improve!
Please also checkout Kings & Generals video on this event for more historical information:
Thanks for watching! Being sure to leave feedback on what you'd like to see or how I could improve!
Please also checkout Kings & Generals video on this event for more historical information:
Today we take a look at the valiant last stand of the knights hospitallers at the siege of rhodes in 1522, as they faced an overhwleming force from the ottoman ...
Today we take a look at the valiant last stand of the knights hospitallers at the siege of rhodes in 1522, as they faced an overhwleming force from the ottoman empire!
Hope you enjoy! :)
History shorts on the tok! ►►
Empires of the Sea by roger crowley
Videos You should watch after this!:
The mystery of Gevaudan
Are we living in the past?
Does human flesh taste nice?
Today we take a look at the valiant last stand of the knights hospitallers at the siege of rhodes in 1522, as they faced an overhwleming force from the ottoman empire!
Hope you enjoy! :)
History shorts on the tok! ►►
Empires of the Sea by roger crowley
Videos You should watch after this!:
The mystery of Gevaudan
Are we living in the past?
Does human flesh taste nice?
Brief discussion of a project I have been doing about the Ottoman siege against the island of Rhodes and the Knights Hospitaller.
Link to Piri Reis atlas: htt...
Brief discussion of a project I have been doing about the Ottoman siege against the island of Rhodes and the Knights Hospitaller.
Link to Piri Reis atlas:
Brief discussion of a project I have been doing about the Ottoman siege against the island of Rhodes and the Knights Hospitaller.
Link to Piri Reis atlas:
Go to to get started on your website today!
Check out our new website at
Our animated historical series on the Ottoman Wars continues with the siege of Rhodes of 1522. By the early XVI century the famous Crusaders from the Order of the Hospitallers controlled Rhodes and became a constant threat to the Ottoman naval dominance and economic interest. New sultan Suleiman I, who would be later known as the Magnificent just took Belgrade and opened the road into Europe, yet he needed to take control of Rhodes to secure his flank and that led to the siege of Rhodes in 1522.
Previously in our animated historical documentary series on the Ottoman Wars, we have covered the battles of Kosovo (, Nicopolis (, Ankara (, Varna (, Second Kosovo, Constantinople (, Belgrade, Targoviste and Otlukbeli (, Vaslui, Valea Alba (, Skanderbeg's rebellion (, Breadfield, Krbava, Otranto and Chaldiran ( and the Ottoman-Mamluk War of 1516-1517 (
Support us on Patreon: or Paypal:
We are grateful to our patrons and sponsors, who made this video possible:
The script for this video was written by Leo Stone
This video was narrated by Officially Devin ( &
Machinimas were made on Total War: Attila engine (
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Crowley, R. (2008). Empires of the Sea: The Final Battle for the Mediterranean, 1521-1580. London: Random House.
Middleton, J. (2004). World Monarchies and Dynasties. New York: Routledge.
Packard, B. (2018, 15 January). The Sieges of Rhodes: Print and Propaganda. Retrieved from Museum of the Order of St. John:
Tschen-Emmons, J. (2017). Hospital of the Knights of St. John on Rhodes. In J. Tschen-Emmons, Buildings and Landmarks of Medieval Europe: The Middle Ages Revealed (pp. 34-39). Santa Barbara: ABC-CLIO.
Woodhouse, F. C. (1879). The Military Religious Orders of the Middle Ages: The Hospitallers, the Templars, the Teutonic Knights and Others. London: Pott, Young & Co.
Production Music courtesy of Epidemic Sound:
#Documentary #Ottoman #Hospitallers
Muhteşem Yüzyıl Magnificent Century Battle of Rhodes zionist farmason Knights Hospitaller Illuminati crusader Ottoman Empire Osmanlı imparatorluğu Osmanlı devleti Rodosun fethi Suleiman the Magnificent England Britain UK British empire Sovrano Militare Ordine Ospedaliero di San Giovanni di Gerusalemme di Rodi e di Malta Törökország Oszmán Birodalom Kanuni Sultan Süleyman Rodos muharabesi ottoman military band Macarlar Turks attack march mehter أتراك turkey islam islamic jihad القرآن turkish music kafir enemy empire quran الدولة العثمانية white power europe union muslim moslem Turkey islamophobia Anti-Turkism Anti-islam islamism israel zionist jew jewish nazi germany poland polish تركيا Turska Türkei Osmanischen Reich Τουρκία Οθωμανική Αυτοκρατορία Turquía Turcos Imperio otomano Turquie L'Empire ottoman טורקיה האימפריה העות'מאנית Turki Kesultanan Utsmaniyah Turchia Impero ottomano Turchi თურქეთი ოსმალეთის იმპერია トルコ オスマン帝国 Turcija Osmaņu impērija Турција Отоманска Империја Turkije Ottomaanse Rijk Turcja Imperium osmańskie Turcy Turcia Imperiul Otoman Турция Отоманска Империја Турска Османско царство Төркия Госман империясе Turkiya
The Knights Hospitaller (Kinghts of St John of Jerusalem) and their defence of Rhodes in 1480 and 1522 cemented their reputation as ferocious defenders of Christendom, even after most other military had become obsolete or defunct. Their tenacious battle against the Ottoman empire gained them the respect of their enemies, and eventually a negotiated truce and honourable withdrawal from the Island. The hard learned lessons on Rhodes would go a long way to serve them in their later fortification of Malta, where they would become legendary for their unyielding resistance against overwhelming odds. This excerpt is part of a longer video on the Hospitallers, which you can view in its entirety here:
#knights #hospitallers #crusades #ottoman #christian #rhodes
All footage used in this montage is for educational purposes. It remains the property of its respective creators, and is gratefully acknowledged in the end credits of the full length video. Copyright Disclaimer- under Section 107 of the Copyright Act 1976, allowance is made for "fair use" for purposes such as criticism, comment, news reporting, teaching, scholarship, and research. Fair use is a use permitted by copyright statute that might otherwise be infringing. Non-profit, educational or personal use tips the balance in favour of fair use. Please contact us on [email protected] if you have any concerns about its use.
If you enjoy my content, leave your suggestions and comments below, and please consider making a donation via PayPal or sign up as a Patreon supporter to help me continue making these unfunded educational videos:
For resources, links to my other videos, merchandise, the latest social media posts and podcast links, please visit my Heroes and Legends Website:
The Knights of Rhodes, who carried out piracy activities in the Mediterranean, prevented the Ottomans from trading through the Mediterranean, as well as participating in all alliances against the Ottomans and supporting those who rebelled against the Ottomans. For Suleiman the Magnificent, the time for the capture of this island was long overdue. In this second part of our series The Wars of Suleiman the Magnificent, we tell how Rhodes was conquered.
All videos about Sultan Suleiman:
Conquest of Belgrade (1521):
Conquest of Rhodes (1522):
Egyptian Rebellions (1524):
Battle of Mohacs (1526):
Saladin Ayyubi DOCUMENTARY:
Ottoman Empire DOCUMENTARY:
Suleiman the Magnificent DOCUMENTARY:
Islamic History DOCUMENTARY
Historic Battles ►
Harp Tarihi (Turkish) ►
For the other videos:
You can support us from the link below:
#history #documentary #battle
Thanks for watching! Being sure to leave feedback on what you'd like to see or how I could improve!
Please also checkout Kings & Generals video on this event for more historical information:
Today we take a look at the valiant last stand of the knights hospitallers at the siege of rhodes in 1522, as they faced an overhwleming force from the ottoman empire!
Hope you enjoy! :)
History shorts on the tok! ►►
Empires of the Sea by roger crowley
Videos You should watch after this!:
The mystery of Gevaudan
Are we living in the past?
Does human flesh taste nice?
Brief discussion of a project I have been doing about the Ottoman siege against the island of Rhodes and the Knights Hospitaller.
Link to Piri Reis atlas:
In 1470, the island of Tilos (located between Rhodes and another island, Kos) was evacuated to Rhodes because they were susceptible to attacks from the Ottoman Empire. In 1475, the island of Chalki (6km west of Rhodes, smallest inhabited island of the Dodecanese) was also evacuated to Rhodes for the same reason.
On 23 May 1480 an Ottoman fleet of 160 ships appeared before Rhodes, at the gulf of Trianda, along with an army of 70,000 men under the command of Gedik Ahmed Pasha or Mesih Pasha. The Knights Hospitaller garrison was led by Grand MasterPierre d'Aubusson. The Knights were reinforced from France by 500 knights and 2,000 soldiers under d'Aubusson's brother Antoine.
The Ottomans' first strategic goal was to capture the Tower of St Nicholas, which was the knights' key point in the defence of the two harbours: the commercial, Mandraki, and the one to the east bay of Akandia. The Turkish artillery kept up an unbroken bombardment and on 9 June the infantry made a series of attacks. Grand Master d'Aubusson himself sped to the aid of the garrison and after a fierce struggle the enemy was repelled.