Shifter (Eberron), a race in the Eberron campaign setting of the Dungeons & Dragons role-playing game
In US English, The Gear stick lever, gearstick or gear lever of an automatic or manual transmission
A shapeshifting character in science fiction, fantasy fiction, and role-playing games
A switcher in the terminology of the Pennsylvania Railroad
Jenny Everywhere aka The Shifter, open source webcomic character
Barrel shifter, part of a computer processor that performs bit shifts
Comic books
Shifter, an action-comedy, creator-owned comic book by Brian G. Lefevre of Sho 'Nuff Studios, which features a firearm wielding anthropomorphic otter as the main character.
In the mythic past, the world was one great mass. The progenitor wyrms, the first and the greatest of dragon-kind, ruled all. The three most powerful - Siberys, Eberron, and Khyber - discovered the Prophecy. A world shattering struggle ensued. The battle split the world into three parts. Siberys became the glowing ring that surrounds the world and gave birth to the next generation of dragons. Khyber was bound to the darkest depths and spat out various fiends and demons. However, Ebberon laid amid them, to heal the world and from this sacrifice sprang all manner of living things. The Prophecy was scattered across the width and breadth of existence and lost.
The number 13, also known as a "baker's dozen", has been part of a theme of Keith Baker regarding aspects of the world.
The 4th edition cosmology of the Eberron campaign setting is divided into Siberys (The Astral Sea), Eberron (The Mortal World), and Khyber (The Elemental Chaos). Siberys consists of 7 planes: Daanvi (Perfect Order), Irian (Eternal Day), Syrania (Azure Sky), Lamannia (Twilight Forest), Mabar (Endless Night), Baator (Nine Hells), and Shavarath (Battleground). The physical world has three planes called Coils which consists of: Dolurrh (The Shadowfell), Thelanis (The Feywild) and Dal Quor (Region of Dreams). Khyber includes: Fernia (Sea of Fire), Risia (Plain of Ice), Kythri (Churning Chaos) and the Abyss. Xoriat (The Realm of Madness) is a fourth anomalous plane existing beyond the known cosmology.
This is a list of prestige classes in the 3rd edition of the Dungeons and Dragonsrole-playing game. Prestige classes were introduced in third edition as a further means of individualizing a character. This list includes content for both the original 3rd edition and the 3.5 revision.
Nearly every official supplement source book and most issues of Dragon magazine introduced new prestige classes. This list does not include prestige classes from third-party material offered under the d20 System or the Open Game License. It also does not include prestige classes in video games based on Dungeons & Dragons, such as the Neverwinter Nights series.
Some prestige classes, such as the Bladesinger, Ur-Priest, and the Purple Dragon Knight, are printed in multiple sources. Sometimes there are slight revisions between these reprints, while others are exact duplications. As a result, there are fewer total prestige classes than the sum of those appearing in each source.
How people in 100 cities ride bikes differently | The Shifter Global Bike Culture Index
It's here! The first-ever Shifter Global Bike Culture Index, which compares the culture of cycling in more than 100 cities around the world — and it all came from viewers of this channel. And the results are endlessly interesting.
The background: A few months ago, to mark 100,000 subscribers, I asked all of you to help me compare the different cultures of cycling around the world. I had no idea if this would work, because it involved a big request: Asking viewers to record a 20-minute video of cyclists in their city, then tallying up things like types of bikes, clothing, helmet use and demographics. But I was overwhelmed by the response. More than 100 cities from four continents are represented. And this video is all about the results.
Here's a map I made with the data (the icon in eac...
published: 14 Dec 2023
Shifter - Luka
Artist: Shifter.
Song title: Luka.
label : Big Music / Musica studio
Direct Video: Richard Buntario
Model Video : Rifat Sungkar & Reyna
Tentang PostTherapy :
PostTherapy adalah sebuah band 'kecil' dari semesta 90'an asal Bandung yang merilis album F.I.L.E ( Sony music Indonesia ) dengan single hit TAMAN, lalu berpindah label dan sempat berganti nama menjadi SHIFTER dengan merilis 2 Album ( BIG MUSIC / MUSICA ) yaitu album USIA DINI dengan single hits LUKA, YANG TERBAIK dan RENJANA serta album YANG TERSEMBUNYI NAMUN NYATA dengan single hits IKRAR dan KAULAH NAFASKU lalu kembali memakai nama PostTherapy lagi setelah lepas dari Label rekaman mereka.
Official PostTherapy YouTube channel ini di kelola lang...
published: 25 Jan 2008
Shifter: It's Complicated
As you begin to learn more about photography your life will become more difficult. The more you know, the harder it gets. We all know the expression, "I can't unsee that." It's true. Once you know where the bar is set, the work that falls below the bar fades into the night. Within minutes, seconds even, you will make decisions because your foundational knowledge will allow for it. It's not that subpar work is to be disdained. Not at all. It's to be quickly factored and dismissed until it is abandoned or improved. The same can be said for any creative endeavor. Ever start a book you didn't finish? Ever start a movie with high hopes only to find yourself reaching for the remote? This is natural and to be expected. And remember that just because something is hyped or heavily trafficked doesn...
published: 29 Nov 2023
Shifter - yang terbaik
Shifter - Yang terbaik
Yang terbaik its first single from USIA DINI album shifter.
Music Video Directed by : E.Panji
stories and concept by : E.Panji
song & lyrics by : Boding tigabelaz
Music by : Shifter
Shifter :
Boding 13 : Vocal
Budi : Bass
Agung : Guitar
Ale : Drums
Tentang PostTherapy :
PostTherapy adalah sebuah band 'kecil' dari semesta 90'an asal Bandung yang merilis album F.I.L.E ( Sony music Indonesia ) dengan single hit TAMAN, lalu berpindah label dan sempat berganti nama menjadi SHIFTER dengan merilis 2 Album ( BIG MUSIC / MUSICA ) yaitu album USIA DINI dengan single hits LUKA, YANG TERBAIK dan RENJANA serta album YANG TERSEMBUNYI NAMUN NYATA dengan single hits IKRAR dan KAULAH NAFASKU lalu...
published: 25 Jan 2008
Gift guide for urban cyclists and bike commuters 2023
Ho ho ho. It’s time once again for the Shifter gift guide. Here are some of the products that I’ve been interested in, or used a lot this year, that may make a great gift for that urban cyclist or bike commuter in your life. This isn’t about bikes or gear. It’s more about the little things that can make your bike life a a little better.
Don’t forget to share your gift ideas in the comments.
0:00 Merry Christmas welcome
0:32 Bumper Pedals by Intrinsic:
1:54 Arclight City Pedals by Redshift:
3:27 Tiny Pump Cube:
4:20 Air Tool Flex Pump by Specialized:
published: 20 Nov 2023
Shifter Luka
Namun.. semua itu terlalu .. terlalu sesakan nafasku ..
saat bayangmu menggoda ku ...
Namun ... sadar ku harus menepis ... semuanya tentang dirimu ..
kau tlah patahkan asaku ...........
Tahiyati To : Arek'' Cirebon
published: 21 May 2012
OEM Shifter vs ACUiTY Short Shifter (#8thgencivic)
published: 29 Apr 2023
Linkin Park - Shifter (From The Inside Demo)
Linkin Park - Shifter (From The Inside Demo)
Directed by Jacky Lu, made with
Papercuts - Singles Collection (2000-2023) | Available Now |
Apple Music:
Follow Linkin Park: |
Official Linkin Park Merch:
YouTube Subscribe:
#LinkinPark #Meteora #Meteora20
published: 07 Apr 2023
SHIFTER (2020) - Official Trailer #1
SHIFTER is now available on VOD everywhere!
Watch on your favorite platform:
iTunes ⮕
Amazon ⮕
Vudu ⮕
Google Play ⮕
Microsoft Xbox ⮕
DirecTV ⮕
YouTube VOD ⮕
Vimeo ⮕
More on the official page ⮕
A young woman experiences painful and gruesome side effects after an experiment with time travel goes wrong.
Directed ...
published: 17 Jul 2020
Is a Short Shifter Worth It?
The first 100 people to go to are going to get unlimited
access for 1 week to try it out. You’ll also get 25% off if you want the
full membership.
This week on Money Pit, we’re replacing the 26 year old oem shifter with a Short Shifter. Along the way we’ll take a look at how short shifters actually make shifts shorter and we’ll see if it’s a worthy mod.
I’m also going to start including links to all the stuff that we use on the show for anyone that wants to check them out!
Link to the short shifter kit:
We have a new channel!
Money Pit ...
It's here! The first-ever Shifter Global Bike Culture Index, which compares the culture of cycling in more than 100 cities around the world — and it all came fr...
It's here! The first-ever Shifter Global Bike Culture Index, which compares the culture of cycling in more than 100 cities around the world — and it all came from viewers of this channel. And the results are endlessly interesting.
The background: A few months ago, to mark 100,000 subscribers, I asked all of you to help me compare the different cultures of cycling around the world. I had no idea if this would work, because it involved a big request: Asking viewers to record a 20-minute video of cyclists in their city, then tallying up things like types of bikes, clothing, helmet use and demographics. But I was overwhelmed by the response. More than 100 cities from four continents are represented. And this video is all about the results.
Here's a map I made with the data (the icon in each city represents the most common type of cycling in that city):
Want to explore the anonymized data yourself? Here is it. If you do something cool with it, please share:
For the record: This data isn't scientific, so don't read too much into it. It's just a fun exercise. And I apologize in advance for those cities whose names I misprounouce and for any errors that may have emerged from the data -- this was a big project and I did my honest best.
0:00 Intro
0:40 Check out my new wall ornament!
2:30 Representing this data in pictures and maps
3:41 Global data
4:11 The bikes we ride around the world
12:21 The clothes we wear while riding bikes
15:27 Helmets
18:26 Demographics
20:33 Questions and surprises
24:02 Thanks to those who contributed
#cycling #bike #commuting
Big thanks to Two Wheel Gear for being Shifter’s bag and pannier sponsor. Not only are their products great, but they are also amazing people who care deeply about urban cycling. They support me, so please support them:
Buy my book Frostbike: The Joy, Pain and Numbness of Winter Cycling:
I don’t really do proper product reviews, but here are some products that I’ve tried on this channel that I like. (Of course you don’t need anything fancy to ride a bike, other than a bike, but these are Amazon affiliate links, and I get paid a small commission if you buy them 😉)
• Here's the winter bike I'm riding these days:
• Cliq Smart Bike Light (nice rear brake light):
• RedShift Acrlight Smart LED Pedals (clever lights for your pedals):
• Aftershokz Titanium bone-conducting headphones (if you want to listen while you ride):
• JBL CLip 4 Waterproof Bluetooth Speaker (for your party-pace group rides):
• Crane Bicycle Bell (the ding is sublime):
• Ibex Merino Wool clothing (good for summer and winter):
• Bicycle Cargo Net (why did it take so long for me to buy one of these?):
• Vaude Cover II Rain Poncho (for higher-end, try Cleverhood or People’s Poncho):
• Kryptonite U-Lock (your bike is going to get stolen eventually, sigh, but at least make it hard):
• Peak Design phone case (the one I use, paired with the Peak Design phone mount):
Follow me!
Threads: (@[email protected])
It's here! The first-ever Shifter Global Bike Culture Index, which compares the culture of cycling in more than 100 cities around the world — and it all came from viewers of this channel. And the results are endlessly interesting.
The background: A few months ago, to mark 100,000 subscribers, I asked all of you to help me compare the different cultures of cycling around the world. I had no idea if this would work, because it involved a big request: Asking viewers to record a 20-minute video of cyclists in their city, then tallying up things like types of bikes, clothing, helmet use and demographics. But I was overwhelmed by the response. More than 100 cities from four continents are represented. And this video is all about the results.
Here's a map I made with the data (the icon in each city represents the most common type of cycling in that city):
Want to explore the anonymized data yourself? Here is it. If you do something cool with it, please share:
For the record: This data isn't scientific, so don't read too much into it. It's just a fun exercise. And I apologize in advance for those cities whose names I misprounouce and for any errors that may have emerged from the data -- this was a big project and I did my honest best.
0:00 Intro
0:40 Check out my new wall ornament!
2:30 Representing this data in pictures and maps
3:41 Global data
4:11 The bikes we ride around the world
12:21 The clothes we wear while riding bikes
15:27 Helmets
18:26 Demographics
20:33 Questions and surprises
24:02 Thanks to those who contributed
#cycling #bike #commuting
Big thanks to Two Wheel Gear for being Shifter’s bag and pannier sponsor. Not only are their products great, but they are also amazing people who care deeply about urban cycling. They support me, so please support them:
Buy my book Frostbike: The Joy, Pain and Numbness of Winter Cycling:
I don’t really do proper product reviews, but here are some products that I’ve tried on this channel that I like. (Of course you don’t need anything fancy to ride a bike, other than a bike, but these are Amazon affiliate links, and I get paid a small commission if you buy them 😉)
• Here's the winter bike I'm riding these days:
• Cliq Smart Bike Light (nice rear brake light):
• RedShift Acrlight Smart LED Pedals (clever lights for your pedals):
• Aftershokz Titanium bone-conducting headphones (if you want to listen while you ride):
• JBL CLip 4 Waterproof Bluetooth Speaker (for your party-pace group rides):
• Crane Bicycle Bell (the ding is sublime):
• Ibex Merino Wool clothing (good for summer and winter):
• Bicycle Cargo Net (why did it take so long for me to buy one of these?):
• Vaude Cover II Rain Poncho (for higher-end, try Cleverhood or People’s Poncho):
• Kryptonite U-Lock (your bike is going to get stolen eventually, sigh, but at least make it hard):
• Peak Design phone case (the one I use, paired with the Peak Design phone mount):
Follow me!
Threads: (@[email protected])
Artist: Shifter.
Song title: Luka.
label : Big Music / Musica studio
Direct Video: Richard Buntario
Model Video : Rifat Sungkar & Reyna
Artist: Shifter.
Song title: Luka.
label : Big Music / Musica studio
Direct Video: Richard Buntario
Model Video : Rifat Sungkar & Reyna
Tentang PostTherapy :
PostTherapy adalah sebuah band 'kecil' dari semesta 90'an asal Bandung yang merilis album F.I.L.E ( Sony music Indonesia ) dengan single hit TAMAN, lalu berpindah label dan sempat berganti nama menjadi SHIFTER dengan merilis 2 Album ( BIG MUSIC / MUSICA ) yaitu album USIA DINI dengan single hits LUKA, YANG TERBAIK dan RENJANA serta album YANG TERSEMBUNYI NAMUN NYATA dengan single hits IKRAR dan KAULAH NAFASKU lalu kembali memakai nama PostTherapy lagi setelah lepas dari Label rekaman mereka.
Official PostTherapy YouTube channel ini di kelola langsung oleh Boding, sekaligus juga sebagai Sebuah Ruang Penyimpanan karya dari Boding tigabelaz / PostTherapy berserta beberapa projects lainnya.
Ep terbaru dari PostTherapy album 'DEMOLITION' sudah tersedia di seluruh semesta musik digital.
Follow PostTherapy :
#shifter #posttherapy #duniakedua #band #pop #song #90s #indiepop #pop #poprock #musiklawas #musicvideo #videomusic #videoklip #alternative #new #music #hiburan #lucu #ngakak #bandung #jakarta #bali #surabaya #jogjakarta #indie #radio #televisi #podcast #talkshow #show #gigs #event #berita #news
Artist: Shifter.
Song title: Luka.
label : Big Music / Musica studio
Direct Video: Richard Buntario
Model Video : Rifat Sungkar & Reyna
Tentang PostTherapy :
PostTherapy adalah sebuah band 'kecil' dari semesta 90'an asal Bandung yang merilis album F.I.L.E ( Sony music Indonesia ) dengan single hit TAMAN, lalu berpindah label dan sempat berganti nama menjadi SHIFTER dengan merilis 2 Album ( BIG MUSIC / MUSICA ) yaitu album USIA DINI dengan single hits LUKA, YANG TERBAIK dan RENJANA serta album YANG TERSEMBUNYI NAMUN NYATA dengan single hits IKRAR dan KAULAH NAFASKU lalu kembali memakai nama PostTherapy lagi setelah lepas dari Label rekaman mereka.
Official PostTherapy YouTube channel ini di kelola langsung oleh Boding, sekaligus juga sebagai Sebuah Ruang Penyimpanan karya dari Boding tigabelaz / PostTherapy berserta beberapa projects lainnya.
Ep terbaru dari PostTherapy album 'DEMOLITION' sudah tersedia di seluruh semesta musik digital.
Follow PostTherapy :
#shifter #posttherapy #duniakedua #band #pop #song #90s #indiepop #pop #poprock #musiklawas #musicvideo #videomusic #videoklip #alternative #new #music #hiburan #lucu #ngakak #bandung #jakarta #bali #surabaya #jogjakarta #indie #radio #televisi #podcast #talkshow #show #gigs #event #berita #news
As you begin to learn more about photography your life will become more difficult. The more you know, the harder it gets. We all know the expression, "I can't ...
As you begin to learn more about photography your life will become more difficult. The more you know, the harder it gets. We all know the expression, "I can't unsee that." It's true. Once you know where the bar is set, the work that falls below the bar fades into the night. Within minutes, seconds even, you will make decisions because your foundational knowledge will allow for it. It's not that subpar work is to be disdained. Not at all. It's to be quickly factored and dismissed until it is abandoned or improved. The same can be said for any creative endeavor. Ever start a book you didn't finish? Ever start a movie with high hopes only to find yourself reaching for the remote? This is natural and to be expected. And remember that just because something is hyped or heavily trafficked doesn't mean it's good. Some of the highest-selling books in history are poorly written. Some of the most popular movies are total crap. The same applies to photography. But ultimately, knowing what is out there, and understanding what makes a great "something," is enjoyable and should be pursued with vigor.
As you begin to learn more about photography your life will become more difficult. The more you know, the harder it gets. We all know the expression, "I can't unsee that." It's true. Once you know where the bar is set, the work that falls below the bar fades into the night. Within minutes, seconds even, you will make decisions because your foundational knowledge will allow for it. It's not that subpar work is to be disdained. Not at all. It's to be quickly factored and dismissed until it is abandoned or improved. The same can be said for any creative endeavor. Ever start a book you didn't finish? Ever start a movie with high hopes only to find yourself reaching for the remote? This is natural and to be expected. And remember that just because something is hyped or heavily trafficked doesn't mean it's good. Some of the highest-selling books in history are poorly written. Some of the most popular movies are total crap. The same applies to photography. But ultimately, knowing what is out there, and understanding what makes a great "something," is enjoyable and should be pursued with vigor.
Shifter - Yang terbaik
Yang terbaik its first single from USIA DINI album shifter.
Shifter - Yang terbaik
Yang terbaik its first single from USIA DINI album shifter.
Music Video Directed by : E.Panji
stories and concept by : E.Panji
song & lyrics by : Boding tigabelaz
Music by : Shifter
Shifter :
Boding 13 : Vocal
Budi : Bass
Agung : Guitar
Ale : Drums
Tentang PostTherapy :
PostTherapy adalah sebuah band 'kecil' dari semesta 90'an asal Bandung yang merilis album F.I.L.E ( Sony music Indonesia ) dengan single hit TAMAN, lalu berpindah label dan sempat berganti nama menjadi SHIFTER dengan merilis 2 Album ( BIG MUSIC / MUSICA ) yaitu album USIA DINI dengan single hits LUKA, YANG TERBAIK dan RENJANA serta album YANG TERSEMBUNYI NAMUN NYATA dengan single hits IKRAR dan KAULAH NAFASKU lalu kembali memakai nama PostTherapy lagi setelah lepas dari Label rekaman mereka.
Official PostTherapy YouTube channel ini di kelola langsung oleh Boding, sekaligus juga sebagai Sebuah Ruang Penyimpanan karya dari Boding tigabelaz / PostTherapy berserta beberapa projects lainnya.
Ep terbaru dari PostTherapy album 'DEMOLITION' sudah tersedia di seluruh semesta musik digital.
Follow PostTherapy :
#posttherapy #yangterbaik #shifter #band #90s #pop #alternative #bandung #jakarta #indie #alternativepop #gigs #show #oldies #lawas #radio #tiktok #mancing #bali #surabaya #berita #podcast #sule #pamungkas #music #musicvideo #kuliner #sejarah #indonesia #mtv #prambors #jogjakarta #poprock #terkini #terbaru #jajan #festival #pensi #videomusic #berita #news #infotaiment #entertaiment
Shifter - Yang terbaik
Yang terbaik its first single from USIA DINI album shifter.
Music Video Directed by : E.Panji
stories and concept by : E.Panji
song & lyrics by : Boding tigabelaz
Music by : Shifter
Shifter :
Boding 13 : Vocal
Budi : Bass
Agung : Guitar
Ale : Drums
Tentang PostTherapy :
PostTherapy adalah sebuah band 'kecil' dari semesta 90'an asal Bandung yang merilis album F.I.L.E ( Sony music Indonesia ) dengan single hit TAMAN, lalu berpindah label dan sempat berganti nama menjadi SHIFTER dengan merilis 2 Album ( BIG MUSIC / MUSICA ) yaitu album USIA DINI dengan single hits LUKA, YANG TERBAIK dan RENJANA serta album YANG TERSEMBUNYI NAMUN NYATA dengan single hits IKRAR dan KAULAH NAFASKU lalu kembali memakai nama PostTherapy lagi setelah lepas dari Label rekaman mereka.
Official PostTherapy YouTube channel ini di kelola langsung oleh Boding, sekaligus juga sebagai Sebuah Ruang Penyimpanan karya dari Boding tigabelaz / PostTherapy berserta beberapa projects lainnya.
Ep terbaru dari PostTherapy album 'DEMOLITION' sudah tersedia di seluruh semesta musik digital.
Follow PostTherapy :
#posttherapy #yangterbaik #shifter #band #90s #pop #alternative #bandung #jakarta #indie #alternativepop #gigs #show #oldies #lawas #radio #tiktok #mancing #bali #surabaya #berita #podcast #sule #pamungkas #music #musicvideo #kuliner #sejarah #indonesia #mtv #prambors #jogjakarta #poprock #terkini #terbaru #jajan #festival #pensi #videomusic #berita #news #infotaiment #entertaiment
Ho ho ho. It’s time once again for the Shifter gift guide. Here are some of the products that I’ve been interested in, or used a lot this year, that may make a ...
Ho ho ho. It’s time once again for the Shifter gift guide. Here are some of the products that I’ve been interested in, or used a lot this year, that may make a great gift for that urban cyclist or bike commuter in your life. This isn’t about bikes or gear. It’s more about the little things that can make your bike life a a little better.
Don’t forget to share your gift ideas in the comments.
0:00 Merry Christmas welcome
0:32 Bumper Pedals by Intrinsic:
1:54 Arclight City Pedals by Redshift:
3:27 Tiny Pump Cube:
4:20 Air Tool Flex Pump by Specialized:
5:15 Rear View Cycling Glasses by Hindsight:
6:56 Clutch Bar Bag by Two Wheel Gear:
8:26 Tack Strap by Two Wheel Gear:
9:33 Matrix bike helmet by Lumos:
11:07 Winter socks (any decent merino wool brand will do, but Ibex makes good stuff)
12:00 Bike roadside assistance. You'll have to find the one in your region.
12:59 There Are No Accidents by Jesse Singer:
14:04 Paved Paradise: How Parking Explains the World by Henry Grabar:
14:48 The Power Broker: Robert Moses and the Fall of New York by Robert Caro:
#cycling #bike #commuting
The products above are a mix of items that were sent to me try out, affiliate links and items I purchased myself. But a particular thanks to Two Wheel Gear for being Shifter’s bag and pannier sponsor. Not only are their products great, but they are also amazing people who care deeply about urban cycling. They support me, so please support them:
Buy my book Frostbike: The Joy, Pain and Numbness of Winter Cycling:
I don’t really do proper product reviews, but here are some products that I’ve tried on this channel that I like. (Of course you don’t need anything fancy to ride a bike, other than a bike, but these are Amazon affiliate links, and I get paid a small commission if you buy them 😉)
• Here's the winter bike I'm riding these days:
• Cliq Smart Bike Light (nice rear brake light):
• RedShift Acrlight Smart LED Pedals (clever lights for your pedals):
• Aftershokz Titanium bone-conducting headphones (if you want to listen while you ride):
• JBL CLip 4 Waterproof Bluetooth Speaker (for your party-pace group rides):
• Crane Bicycle Bell (the ding is sublime):
• Ibex Merino Wool clothing (good for summer and winter):
• Bicycle Cargo Net (why did it take so long for me to buy one of these?):
• Vaude Cover II Rain Poncho (for higher-end, try Cleverhood or People’s Poncho):
• Kryptonite U-Lock (your bike is going to get stolen eventually, sigh, but at least make it hard):
• Peak Design phone case (the one I use, paired with the Peak Design phone mount):
Follow me!
Threads: (@[email protected])
Ho ho ho. It’s time once again for the Shifter gift guide. Here are some of the products that I’ve been interested in, or used a lot this year, that may make a great gift for that urban cyclist or bike commuter in your life. This isn’t about bikes or gear. It’s more about the little things that can make your bike life a a little better.
Don’t forget to share your gift ideas in the comments.
0:00 Merry Christmas welcome
0:32 Bumper Pedals by Intrinsic:
1:54 Arclight City Pedals by Redshift:
3:27 Tiny Pump Cube:
4:20 Air Tool Flex Pump by Specialized:
5:15 Rear View Cycling Glasses by Hindsight:
6:56 Clutch Bar Bag by Two Wheel Gear:
8:26 Tack Strap by Two Wheel Gear:
9:33 Matrix bike helmet by Lumos:
11:07 Winter socks (any decent merino wool brand will do, but Ibex makes good stuff)
12:00 Bike roadside assistance. You'll have to find the one in your region.
12:59 There Are No Accidents by Jesse Singer:
14:04 Paved Paradise: How Parking Explains the World by Henry Grabar:
14:48 The Power Broker: Robert Moses and the Fall of New York by Robert Caro:
#cycling #bike #commuting
The products above are a mix of items that were sent to me try out, affiliate links and items I purchased myself. But a particular thanks to Two Wheel Gear for being Shifter’s bag and pannier sponsor. Not only are their products great, but they are also amazing people who care deeply about urban cycling. They support me, so please support them:
Buy my book Frostbike: The Joy, Pain and Numbness of Winter Cycling:
I don’t really do proper product reviews, but here are some products that I’ve tried on this channel that I like. (Of course you don’t need anything fancy to ride a bike, other than a bike, but these are Amazon affiliate links, and I get paid a small commission if you buy them 😉)
• Here's the winter bike I'm riding these days:
• Cliq Smart Bike Light (nice rear brake light):
• RedShift Acrlight Smart LED Pedals (clever lights for your pedals):
• Aftershokz Titanium bone-conducting headphones (if you want to listen while you ride):
• JBL CLip 4 Waterproof Bluetooth Speaker (for your party-pace group rides):
• Crane Bicycle Bell (the ding is sublime):
• Ibex Merino Wool clothing (good for summer and winter):
• Bicycle Cargo Net (why did it take so long for me to buy one of these?):
• Vaude Cover II Rain Poncho (for higher-end, try Cleverhood or People’s Poncho):
• Kryptonite U-Lock (your bike is going to get stolen eventually, sigh, but at least make it hard):
• Peak Design phone case (the one I use, paired with the Peak Design phone mount):
Follow me!
Threads: (@[email protected])
Namun.. semua itu terlalu .. terlalu sesakan nafasku ..
saat bayangmu menggoda ku ...
Namun ... sadar ku harus menepis ... semuanya tentang dirimu ..
kau tlah...
Namun.. semua itu terlalu .. terlalu sesakan nafasku ..
saat bayangmu menggoda ku ...
Namun ... sadar ku harus menepis ... semuanya tentang dirimu ..
kau tlah patahkan asaku ...........
Tahiyati To : Arek'' Cirebon
Namun.. semua itu terlalu .. terlalu sesakan nafasku ..
saat bayangmu menggoda ku ...
Namun ... sadar ku harus menepis ... semuanya tentang dirimu ..
kau tlah patahkan asaku ...........
Tahiyati To : Arek'' Cirebon
Linkin Park - Shifter (From The Inside Demo)
Directed by Jacky Lu, made with
Papercuts - Singles Collection (2000-2023) | Available Now | ...
Linkin Park - Shifter (From The Inside Demo)
Directed by Jacky Lu, made with
Papercuts - Singles Collection (2000-2023) | Available Now |
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Official Linkin Park Merch:
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#LinkinPark #Meteora #Meteora20
Linkin Park - Shifter (From The Inside Demo)
Directed by Jacky Lu, made with
Papercuts - Singles Collection (2000-2023) | Available Now |
Apple Music:
Follow Linkin Park: |
Official Linkin Park Merch:
YouTube Subscribe:
#LinkinPark #Meteora #Meteora20
SHIFTER is now available on VOD everywhere!
Watch on your favorite platform:
iTunes ⮕
Amazon ⮕ https://w...
SHIFTER is now available on VOD everywhere!
Watch on your favorite platform:
iTunes ⮕
Amazon ⮕
Vudu ⮕
Google Play ⮕
Microsoft Xbox ⮕
DirecTV ⮕
YouTube VOD ⮕
Vimeo ⮕
More on the official page ⮕
A young woman experiences painful and gruesome side effects after an experiment with time travel goes wrong.
Directed by Jacob Burns, who co-wrote alongside Zach Burns, SHIFTER was produced by Jacob Burns, Zach Burns, and Vinnie Hogan.
SHIFTER stars Nicole Fancher (Unchained Love), Ashley Mandanas (Golden Arm), Paul T. Taylor (Hellraiser: Judgment), and Jamie Brewster (The Adventures of Jurassic Pet: Chapter 1).
SHIFTER is now available on VOD everywhere!
Watch on your favorite platform:
iTunes ⮕
Amazon ⮕
Vudu ⮕
Google Play ⮕
Microsoft Xbox ⮕
DirecTV ⮕
YouTube VOD ⮕
Vimeo ⮕
More on the official page ⮕
A young woman experiences painful and gruesome side effects after an experiment with time travel goes wrong.
Directed by Jacob Burns, who co-wrote alongside Zach Burns, SHIFTER was produced by Jacob Burns, Zach Burns, and Vinnie Hogan.
SHIFTER stars Nicole Fancher (Unchained Love), Ashley Mandanas (Golden Arm), Paul T. Taylor (Hellraiser: Judgment), and Jamie Brewster (The Adventures of Jurassic Pet: Chapter 1).
The first 100 people to go to are going to get unlimited
access for 1 week to try it out. You’ll also get 25% off if you wa...
The first 100 people to go to are going to get unlimited
access for 1 week to try it out. You’ll also get 25% off if you want the
full membership.
This week on Money Pit, we’re replacing the 26 year old oem shifter with a Short Shifter. Along the way we’ll take a look at how short shifters actually make shifts shorter and we’ll see if it’s a worthy mod.
I’m also going to start including links to all the stuff that we use on the show for anyone that wants to check them out!
Link to the short shifter kit:
We have a new channel!
Money Pit is where you get to learn about cars as we work on them. Each ep we’ll breakdown how each component works and then we’ll upgrade it. Join us in our journey to build cool cars, learn about them, and drive the crap out of them!
Some of our best videos ever are coming out soon, stay tuned so you won't miss a thing!
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Click here if you want to learn more about Donut Media:
Donut Media is at the center of digital media for the next generation of automotive and motorsports enthusiasts. We are drivers, drifters, and car enthusiasts who love to tell stories.
The first 100 people to go to are going to get unlimited
access for 1 week to try it out. You’ll also get 25% off if you want the
full membership.
This week on Money Pit, we’re replacing the 26 year old oem shifter with a Short Shifter. Along the way we’ll take a look at how short shifters actually make shifts shorter and we’ll see if it’s a worthy mod.
I’m also going to start including links to all the stuff that we use on the show for anyone that wants to check them out!
Link to the short shifter kit:
We have a new channel!
Money Pit is where you get to learn about cars as we work on them. Each ep we’ll breakdown how each component works and then we’ll upgrade it. Join us in our journey to build cool cars, learn about them, and drive the crap out of them!
Some of our best videos ever are coming out soon, stay tuned so you won't miss a thing!
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Want a Donut shirt or sticker? Visit
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Click here if you want to learn more about Donut Media:
Donut Media is at the center of digital media for the next generation of automotive and motorsports enthusiasts. We are drivers, drifters, and car enthusiasts who love to tell stories.
It's here! The first-ever Shifter Global Bike Culture Index, which compares the culture of cycling in more than 100 cities around the world — and it all came from viewers of this channel. And the results are endlessly interesting.
The background: A few months ago, to mark 100,000 subscribers, I asked all of you to help me compare the different cultures of cycling around the world. I had no idea if this would work, because it involved a big request: Asking viewers to record a 20-minute video of cyclists in their city, then tallying up things like types of bikes, clothing, helmet use and demographics. But I was overwhelmed by the response. More than 100 cities from four continents are represented. And this video is all about the results.
Here's a map I made with the data (the icon in each city represents the most common type of cycling in that city):
Want to explore the anonymized data yourself? Here is it. If you do something cool with it, please share:
For the record: This data isn't scientific, so don't read too much into it. It's just a fun exercise. And I apologize in advance for those cities whose names I misprounouce and for any errors that may have emerged from the data -- this was a big project and I did my honest best.
0:00 Intro
0:40 Check out my new wall ornament!
2:30 Representing this data in pictures and maps
3:41 Global data
4:11 The bikes we ride around the world
12:21 The clothes we wear while riding bikes
15:27 Helmets
18:26 Demographics
20:33 Questions and surprises
24:02 Thanks to those who contributed
#cycling #bike #commuting
Big thanks to Two Wheel Gear for being Shifter’s bag and pannier sponsor. Not only are their products great, but they are also amazing people who care deeply about urban cycling. They support me, so please support them:
Buy my book Frostbike: The Joy, Pain and Numbness of Winter Cycling:
I don’t really do proper product reviews, but here are some products that I’ve tried on this channel that I like. (Of course you don’t need anything fancy to ride a bike, other than a bike, but these are Amazon affiliate links, and I get paid a small commission if you buy them 😉)
• Here's the winter bike I'm riding these days:
• Cliq Smart Bike Light (nice rear brake light):
• RedShift Acrlight Smart LED Pedals (clever lights for your pedals):
• Aftershokz Titanium bone-conducting headphones (if you want to listen while you ride):
• JBL CLip 4 Waterproof Bluetooth Speaker (for your party-pace group rides):
• Crane Bicycle Bell (the ding is sublime):
• Ibex Merino Wool clothing (good for summer and winter):
• Bicycle Cargo Net (why did it take so long for me to buy one of these?):
• Vaude Cover II Rain Poncho (for higher-end, try Cleverhood or People’s Poncho):
• Kryptonite U-Lock (your bike is going to get stolen eventually, sigh, but at least make it hard):
• Peak Design phone case (the one I use, paired with the Peak Design phone mount):
Follow me!
Threads: (@[email protected])
Artist: Shifter.
Song title: Luka.
label : Big Music / Musica studio
Direct Video: Richard Buntario
Model Video : Rifat Sungkar & Reyna
Tentang PostTherapy :
PostTherapy adalah sebuah band 'kecil' dari semesta 90'an asal Bandung yang merilis album F.I.L.E ( Sony music Indonesia ) dengan single hit TAMAN, lalu berpindah label dan sempat berganti nama menjadi SHIFTER dengan merilis 2 Album ( BIG MUSIC / MUSICA ) yaitu album USIA DINI dengan single hits LUKA, YANG TERBAIK dan RENJANA serta album YANG TERSEMBUNYI NAMUN NYATA dengan single hits IKRAR dan KAULAH NAFASKU lalu kembali memakai nama PostTherapy lagi setelah lepas dari Label rekaman mereka.
Official PostTherapy YouTube channel ini di kelola langsung oleh Boding, sekaligus juga sebagai Sebuah Ruang Penyimpanan karya dari Boding tigabelaz / PostTherapy berserta beberapa projects lainnya.
Ep terbaru dari PostTherapy album 'DEMOLITION' sudah tersedia di seluruh semesta musik digital.
Follow PostTherapy :
#shifter #posttherapy #duniakedua #band #pop #song #90s #indiepop #pop #poprock #musiklawas #musicvideo #videomusic #videoklip #alternative #new #music #hiburan #lucu #ngakak #bandung #jakarta #bali #surabaya #jogjakarta #indie #radio #televisi #podcast #talkshow #show #gigs #event #berita #news
As you begin to learn more about photography your life will become more difficult. The more you know, the harder it gets. We all know the expression, "I can't unsee that." It's true. Once you know where the bar is set, the work that falls below the bar fades into the night. Within minutes, seconds even, you will make decisions because your foundational knowledge will allow for it. It's not that subpar work is to be disdained. Not at all. It's to be quickly factored and dismissed until it is abandoned or improved. The same can be said for any creative endeavor. Ever start a book you didn't finish? Ever start a movie with high hopes only to find yourself reaching for the remote? This is natural and to be expected. And remember that just because something is hyped or heavily trafficked doesn't mean it's good. Some of the highest-selling books in history are poorly written. Some of the most popular movies are total crap. The same applies to photography. But ultimately, knowing what is out there, and understanding what makes a great "something," is enjoyable and should be pursued with vigor.
Shifter - Yang terbaik
Yang terbaik its first single from USIA DINI album shifter.
Music Video Directed by : E.Panji
stories and concept by : E.Panji
song & lyrics by : Boding tigabelaz
Music by : Shifter
Shifter :
Boding 13 : Vocal
Budi : Bass
Agung : Guitar
Ale : Drums
Tentang PostTherapy :
PostTherapy adalah sebuah band 'kecil' dari semesta 90'an asal Bandung yang merilis album F.I.L.E ( Sony music Indonesia ) dengan single hit TAMAN, lalu berpindah label dan sempat berganti nama menjadi SHIFTER dengan merilis 2 Album ( BIG MUSIC / MUSICA ) yaitu album USIA DINI dengan single hits LUKA, YANG TERBAIK dan RENJANA serta album YANG TERSEMBUNYI NAMUN NYATA dengan single hits IKRAR dan KAULAH NAFASKU lalu kembali memakai nama PostTherapy lagi setelah lepas dari Label rekaman mereka.
Official PostTherapy YouTube channel ini di kelola langsung oleh Boding, sekaligus juga sebagai Sebuah Ruang Penyimpanan karya dari Boding tigabelaz / PostTherapy berserta beberapa projects lainnya.
Ep terbaru dari PostTherapy album 'DEMOLITION' sudah tersedia di seluruh semesta musik digital.
Follow PostTherapy :
#posttherapy #yangterbaik #shifter #band #90s #pop #alternative #bandung #jakarta #indie #alternativepop #gigs #show #oldies #lawas #radio #tiktok #mancing #bali #surabaya #berita #podcast #sule #pamungkas #music #musicvideo #kuliner #sejarah #indonesia #mtv #prambors #jogjakarta #poprock #terkini #terbaru #jajan #festival #pensi #videomusic #berita #news #infotaiment #entertaiment
Ho ho ho. It’s time once again for the Shifter gift guide. Here are some of the products that I’ve been interested in, or used a lot this year, that may make a great gift for that urban cyclist or bike commuter in your life. This isn’t about bikes or gear. It’s more about the little things that can make your bike life a a little better.
Don’t forget to share your gift ideas in the comments.
0:00 Merry Christmas welcome
0:32 Bumper Pedals by Intrinsic:
1:54 Arclight City Pedals by Redshift:
3:27 Tiny Pump Cube:
4:20 Air Tool Flex Pump by Specialized:
5:15 Rear View Cycling Glasses by Hindsight:
6:56 Clutch Bar Bag by Two Wheel Gear:
8:26 Tack Strap by Two Wheel Gear:
9:33 Matrix bike helmet by Lumos:
11:07 Winter socks (any decent merino wool brand will do, but Ibex makes good stuff)
12:00 Bike roadside assistance. You'll have to find the one in your region.
12:59 There Are No Accidents by Jesse Singer:
14:04 Paved Paradise: How Parking Explains the World by Henry Grabar:
14:48 The Power Broker: Robert Moses and the Fall of New York by Robert Caro:
#cycling #bike #commuting
The products above are a mix of items that were sent to me try out, affiliate links and items I purchased myself. But a particular thanks to Two Wheel Gear for being Shifter’s bag and pannier sponsor. Not only are their products great, but they are also amazing people who care deeply about urban cycling. They support me, so please support them:
Buy my book Frostbike: The Joy, Pain and Numbness of Winter Cycling:
I don’t really do proper product reviews, but here are some products that I’ve tried on this channel that I like. (Of course you don’t need anything fancy to ride a bike, other than a bike, but these are Amazon affiliate links, and I get paid a small commission if you buy them 😉)
• Here's the winter bike I'm riding these days:
• Cliq Smart Bike Light (nice rear brake light):
• RedShift Acrlight Smart LED Pedals (clever lights for your pedals):
• Aftershokz Titanium bone-conducting headphones (if you want to listen while you ride):
• JBL CLip 4 Waterproof Bluetooth Speaker (for your party-pace group rides):
• Crane Bicycle Bell (the ding is sublime):
• Ibex Merino Wool clothing (good for summer and winter):
• Bicycle Cargo Net (why did it take so long for me to buy one of these?):
• Vaude Cover II Rain Poncho (for higher-end, try Cleverhood or People’s Poncho):
• Kryptonite U-Lock (your bike is going to get stolen eventually, sigh, but at least make it hard):
• Peak Design phone case (the one I use, paired with the Peak Design phone mount):
Follow me!
Threads: (@[email protected])
Namun.. semua itu terlalu .. terlalu sesakan nafasku ..
saat bayangmu menggoda ku ...
Namun ... sadar ku harus menepis ... semuanya tentang dirimu ..
kau tlah patahkan asaku ...........
Tahiyati To : Arek'' Cirebon
Linkin Park - Shifter (From The Inside Demo)
Directed by Jacky Lu, made with
Papercuts - Singles Collection (2000-2023) | Available Now |
Apple Music:
Follow Linkin Park: |
Official Linkin Park Merch:
YouTube Subscribe:
#LinkinPark #Meteora #Meteora20
SHIFTER is now available on VOD everywhere!
Watch on your favorite platform:
iTunes ⮕
Amazon ⮕
Vudu ⮕
Google Play ⮕
Microsoft Xbox ⮕
DirecTV ⮕
YouTube VOD ⮕
Vimeo ⮕
More on the official page ⮕
A young woman experiences painful and gruesome side effects after an experiment with time travel goes wrong.
Directed by Jacob Burns, who co-wrote alongside Zach Burns, SHIFTER was produced by Jacob Burns, Zach Burns, and Vinnie Hogan.
SHIFTER stars Nicole Fancher (Unchained Love), Ashley Mandanas (Golden Arm), Paul T. Taylor (Hellraiser: Judgment), and Jamie Brewster (The Adventures of Jurassic Pet: Chapter 1).
The first 100 people to go to are going to get unlimited
access for 1 week to try it out. You’ll also get 25% off if you want the
full membership.
This week on Money Pit, we’re replacing the 26 year old oem shifter with a Short Shifter. Along the way we’ll take a look at how short shifters actually make shifts shorter and we’ll see if it’s a worthy mod.
I’m also going to start including links to all the stuff that we use on the show for anyone that wants to check them out!
Link to the short shifter kit:
We have a new channel!
Money Pit is where you get to learn about cars as we work on them. Each ep we’ll breakdown how each component works and then we’ll upgrade it. Join us in our journey to build cool cars, learn about them, and drive the crap out of them!
Some of our best videos ever are coming out soon, stay tuned so you won't miss a thing!
►Subscribe here:
Check out more Donut Media Videos:…
Want a Donut shirt or sticker? Visit
Like us on Facebook:
Click here if you want to learn more about Donut Media:
Donut Media is at the center of digital media for the next generation of automotive and motorsports enthusiasts. We are drivers, drifters, and car enthusiasts who love to tell stories.
Shifter (Eberron), a race in the Eberron campaign setting of the Dungeons & Dragons role-playing game
In US English, The Gear stick lever, gearstick or gear lever of an automatic or manual transmission
A shapeshifting character in science fiction, fantasy fiction, and role-playing games
A switcher in the terminology of the Pennsylvania Railroad
Jenny Everywhere aka The Shifter, open source webcomic character
Barrel shifter, part of a computer processor that performs bit shifts
Comic books
Shifter, an action-comedy, creator-owned comic book by Brian G. Lefevre of Sho 'Nuff Studios, which features a firearm wielding anthropomorphic otter as the main character.
Thrillseeker, heartbreaker Shapeshifter, secret keeper You know I love to see ya All the time shakin' down Movin' with the sound You know we like to turn it up loud Price is right (x5) Rhyme, we steppin' up and dance oh Move on up and get yours You know, right on up and they go We say, "Go move your body baby" All right, we're movin' up and inside And get to ride, move your body baby This place is live movin' with the ride Thrillseeker, heartbreaker Shapeshifter, secret keeper I love to see ya Movin' it on shake your body down yeah I'm moving with the sound With the ride we're moving up and inside I'm feeling high upon life I'm feeling good tonight And there's strange vibe Don't know what it is Let's check inside Open it, space is too tight Hey you know, somebody say hello You know it's time to go say flow so A different kind of style you never know Never right, we're so slick we slip and slide We say, "Go move your body baby" All right, we're movin' up and inside And get to ride, move your body baby This place is live movin' with the ride We say, "Go move your body baby" All right, we're movin' up and inside And get to ride, move your body baby This place is live movin' with the ride Thrillseeker, heartbreaker Shapeshifter, secret keeper You know I love to see ya Make it tight, slip and slide with the right so this is how we flow hard We say, "Go move your body baby" All right, we're movin' up and inside And get to ride, move your body baby This place is live movin' with the ride We say, "Go move your body baby" All right, we're movin' up and inside And get to ride, move your body baby