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Sex Bomb

Sex Bomb may refer to:

  • A colloquial phrase for somebody of high physical attractiveness, see Bombshell (sex symbol)
  • Sex Bomb (album), a 1993 album by Spitfire
  • "Sex Bomb" (song), by Tom Jones and Mousse T., also covered by Max Raabe
  • "Sex Bomb" (Flipper song), by Flipper from their album Album – Generic Flipper, also covered by Lords of Acid
  • "Sex Bomb" (Spinnerette song), by Spinnerette from their album Spinnerette
  • See also

  • SexBomb Girls, an all-female singing, dancing, and acting group from the Philippines
  • Sex Bob-omb, a fictional band in the Scott Pilgrim universe
  • Album – Generic Flipper

    Album – Generic Flipper is the debut album by the San Francisco band Flipper. In November 2007, Blender magazine ranked it #86 on their list of the 100 greatest "indie rock" albums of all time. It is also referred to as Album, Album: Generic, Generic Flipper, and just Generic. Generic Flipper was issued on CD for the first time by American Recordings (formerly Def American) in 1992 and later deleted. In 2008, the rights reverted to Flipper, and the album was reissued December 9, 2008 by Water Records. Former Nirvana bassist Krist Novoselic, who joined Flipper in 2006, contributed liner notes to the new reissue. Kurt Cobain listed it in his top 50 albums of all time.

    Track listing

    Side one

  • "Ever" (Loose)  – 2:56
  • "Life Is Cheap" (Loose)  – 3:55
  • "Shed No Tears" (Shatter)  – 4:26
  • "(I Saw You) Shine" (Shatter)  – 8:31
  • Side two

  • "The Way of the World" (Shatter)  – 4:23
  • "Life" (Shatter)  – 4:44
  • "Nothing" (Loose)  – 2:18
  • "Living for the Depression" (Ant/Loose)  – 1:23
  • "Sex Bomb" (Shatter)  – 7:48
  • Sex Bomb (song)

    "Sex Bomb" is a 1999 song recorded by Welsh pop singer Tom Jones. Performed in collaboration with producer Mousse T., it was released in May 2000 and became the biggest single from the album Reload. It reached #3 in the UK Singles Chart. The "Peppermint Disco Mix", a club version with house music beats, contains a sample from "All American Girls" by Sister Sledge and has been used as the opening theme song of the WB Network television series Grosse Pointe. A jazzier "swing version" appears in Mousse T.'s solo album Gourmet De Funk.

    Track listings

  • "Sex Bomb" (Peppermint Disco radio mix) – 3:55
  • "Sex Bomb" (Sounds of Life half vocal mix) – 6:40
  • "Sex Bomb" (Strike Boys mix) – 5:33
  • "Sex Bomb" (album version) – 3:30
  • "Sex Bomb" (Peppermint Disco radio mix) – 3:55
  • "Sex Bomb" (Agent Sumo's freestyle mix)
  • "Sex Bomb" (Peppermint Disco dub mix)
  • "Sex Bomb" (video)
  • "Sex Bomb" (album version) – 3:34
  • "Sex Bomb" (Peppermint Disco radio mix) – 3:57
  • "Sex Bomb" (Peppermint Disco mix) – 6:28
  • "Sex Bomb" (Strike Boys mix) – 5:35
  • Looking Up

    Looking Up may refer to:


  • Looking Up (Autopilot Off album), or the title song, 2000
  • Looking Up (Michelle Gayle album), or the title song, 2000
  • Songs

  • "Looking Up", by Eels from Tomorrow Morning
  • "Looking Up", by Elton John from Wonderful Crazy Night
  • "Looking Up", by Michael W. Smith from Michael W. Smith Project
  • "Looking Up", by Paramore from Brand New Eyes
  • Looking Up (Michelle Gayle album)

    Track listing

  • "Looking Up" - 4.33 from Michelle Gayle
  • "Girlfriend" - 4.10 from Michelle Gayle
  • "Sweetness (Radio Edit)" - 3.38 from Michelle Gayle
  • "Fly Away" - 3.41 from Sensational
  • "Your Love" - 5.10 from Michelle Gayle
  • "Talk It Over" - 4.46 from Sensational
  • "Do You Know (Radio Edit)" - 3.36 from Sensational
  • "One Day" - 3.45 from Michelle Gayle
  • "Sensational (Radio Edit)" - 3.08 from Sensational
  • "Say What's On Your Mind" - 3.34 from Michelle Gayle
  • "Freedom" - 4.06 from Michelle Gayle
  • "Get Off My Back" - 4.09 from Michelle Gayle
  • "Personality" - 3.49 from Michelle Gayle
  • "All Night Long" - 4.42 from Michelle Gayle
  • "Baby Don't Go" - 5.03 from Michelle Gayle
  • "Happy Just To Be With You (Nigel Lowis Mix)" - 3.51 from Sensational
  • Tomorrow Morning (album)

    Tomorrow Morning is the ninth studio album by Eels; the third in a trilogy of concept albums including Hombre Lobo (2009) and End Times (2010).


    The album has been released on Compact Disc, a two-CD edition with a bonus EP, and a vinyl edition with the EP and a bonus 7" single. The vinyl edition was released on August 17, 2010, and the CD versions followed on August 24.

    The band toured for the first time since their 2008 An Evening with Eels tour to support this release.

    Critical reception

    AllMusic wrote "While some of this album feels a bit rushed at times, as a whole Tomorrow Morning is a welcome contrast to the darkness of its predecessors, and a deft summertime pop record." Wilbur Kane of The Skinny noted the album's optimistic tone — especially in comparison to Hombre Lobo — as well as the melodic tone of "Spectacular Girl", which he compared to Beautiful Freak.

    More critical was Pitchfork, writing "Tomorrow Morning [...] meanders aimlessly through 14 songs that sound like 28."


    • Tom Jones & Mousse T - Sexbomb (Official Music Video)

      Official Tom Jones & Mousse T - Sexbomb music video Sexbomb is taken from Tom Jones' Reload album - http://bit.do/TJReload Follow Tom Jones: Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/SirTomJones/ Twitter: https://twitter.com/realsirtomjones Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/realsirtomjones/ Music video by Tom Jones & Mousse T performing Sexbomb (C) 1999 Gut Records, a division of Universal Music Operations Limited

      published: 06 Oct 2017
    • Tom Jones, Mousse T. - Sexbomb (Official Video)

      Official Website: https://www.tomjones.com/ Stream: https://lnk.to/Soakz Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/SirTomJones/ Twitter: https://twitter.com/RealSirTomJones Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/realsirtomjones/ Music video by Tom Jones, Mousse T. performing Sexbomb. (C) 2003 Universal Music TV, a division of Universal Music Operations Ltd. #TomJones #Sexbomb #Vevo

      published: 09 Jan 2017
    • SEX BOMBS Miss Tres surprise everyone with SIZZLING performance! | Auditions | BGT 2018

      Jetting in from the Philippines Miss Tres are taking on Tom Jones’ Sex Bomb. Cue plenty of sparkle and so much girl power! See more from Britain's Got Talent at http://itv.com/talent SUBSCRIBE: http://bit.ly/BGTsub Facebook: http://www.facebook.com/BGT Twitter: http://twitter.com/BGT

      published: 12 May 2018
    • Sexbomb Girls Best Songs | Music Collection | Greatest Album

      #music #best #sexbombgirls

      published: 26 Feb 2023
    • Tom Jones - Sex Bomb

      Video clip from Belgian national TV "De Topcollectie Van". All credits to één.

      published: 28 Dec 2014
    • Tom Jones - Sexbomb (Lyrics)

      published: 03 Aug 2014
    • Singing Trio Miss Tres Has Big Surprise | Asia’s Got Talent Episode 3

      Singing trio Miss Tres promise a big surprise before taking the stage. When they open their mouths to sing, it all makes sense! Don’t forget to subscribe to our channel for more amazing acts! Facebook: http://bit.ly/AGTfacebook Twitter: http://bit.ly/AGTtwitter Instagram: http://bit.ly/AGTinstagram You can also watch Asia’s Got Talent on your favourite local channels: THAILAND: Sundays on Channel 3 SD 20:15pm with reruns every Monday 9:30am on Analog and Channel 3 HD. INDONESIA: ANTV on Sundays 6-8pm. VIETNAM: Sunday & Mondays 8-9 PM on VTV 6. Re-runs on VTV 3 every Mondays & Tuesdays from 11am-12noon.

      published: 27 Mar 2015
    • SEXBOMB GIRLS – Spageti Song (MYX Performance)

      The Sexbomb Girls perform their iconic song that sparked a danced craze ‘Spageti Song’ Subscribe to MYX Philippines Channel here: http://bit.ly/MYXPhilippines For more updates in the music and entertainment world, follow us on our social media accounts: Facebook: http://www.facebook.com/MYX.Philippines Twitter: http://twitter.com/myxphilippines Instagram: https://instagram.com/myxph Or visit our official website: http://myxph.com

      published: 09 Sep 2019
    • Helene Fischer, Tom Jones - Sexbomb (Live - Die Helene Fischer Show)

      Helene Fischer, Tom Jones - Sexbomb „Die Helene Fischer Show – Meine Schönsten Momente“ Mehr dazu: https://umg.lnk.to/DieHeleneFischerShow Helene Fischer präsentierte im Jahr 2020 eine Spezialausgabe der „Helene Fischer Show“: Das Album zur Sendung „Die Helene Fischer Show – Meine Schönsten Momente Vol. 1“ kommt mit 40 eigenhändig von Helene Fischer ausgewählten Songs, versammelt auf einem exklusiven Doppelalbum (streamen, downloaden oder auf 2-CD, 24-seitiges Booklet) mit einmaligen Duetten, Klassikern, Megahits und jeder Menge Gänsehaut-Momenten. Die Deluxe Edition umfasst zusätzlich eine DVD bzw. Blu-ray, auf der alle Performances der CD in bester Sendequalität enthalten sind. Außerdem besticht das Bundle durch ein liebevoll gestaltetes 60-seitiges Fotobuch. Das Video seht ihr hi...

      published: 27 Nov 2020
    • David Walliams's Golden Buzzer act Christian Spridon SEX BOMB | Britain's Got Talent 2014

      See more from Britain's Got Talent at http://itv.com/talent Just when it looks like Christian Spridon's act is going to bomb, David presses his Golden Buzzer! Despite receiving three buzzes from the Judges, the man with the Hollywood smile is through to the live shows. SUBSCRIBE: http://bit.ly/BGTsub Facebook: http://www.facebook.com/BritainsGotTalent Twitter: http://twitter.com/GotTalent

      published: 19 Apr 2014
    Tom Jones & Mousse T  - Sexbomb (Official Music Video)

    Tom Jones & Mousse T - Sexbomb (Official Music Video)

    • Order:
    • Duration: 3:30
    • Uploaded Date: 06 Oct 2017
    • views: 33024688
    Official Tom Jones & Mousse T - Sexbomb music video Sexbomb is taken from Tom Jones' Reload album - http://bit.do/TJReload Follow Tom Jones: Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/SirTomJones/ Twitter: https://twitter.com/realsirtomjones Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/realsirtomjones/ Music video by Tom Jones & Mousse T performing Sexbomb (C) 1999 Gut Records, a division of Universal Music Operations Limited
    Tom Jones, Mousse T. - Sexbomb (Official Video)

    Tom Jones, Mousse T. - Sexbomb (Official Video)

    • Order:
    • Duration: 3:38
    • Uploaded Date: 09 Jan 2017
    • views: 35252789
    Official Website: https://www.tomjones.com/ Stream: https://lnk.to/Soakz Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/SirTomJones/ Twitter: https://twitter.com/RealSirTomJones Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/realsirtomjones/ Music video by Tom Jones, Mousse T. performing Sexbomb. (C) 2003 Universal Music TV, a division of Universal Music Operations Ltd. #TomJones #Sexbomb #Vevo
    SEX BOMBS Miss Tres surprise everyone with SIZZLING performance! | Auditions | BGT 2018

    SEX BOMBS Miss Tres surprise everyone with SIZZLING performance! | Auditions | BGT 2018

    • Order:
    • Duration: 2:18
    • Uploaded Date: 12 May 2018
    • views: 58008362
    Jetting in from the Philippines Miss Tres are taking on Tom Jones’ Sex Bomb. Cue plenty of sparkle and so much girl power! See more from Britain's Got Talent at http://itv.com/talent SUBSCRIBE: http://bit.ly/BGTsub Facebook: http://www.facebook.com/BGT Twitter: http://twitter.com/BGT
    Sexbomb Girls Best Songs | Music Collection | Greatest Album

    Sexbomb Girls Best Songs | Music Collection | Greatest Album

    • Order:
    • Duration: 1:25:45
    • Uploaded Date: 26 Feb 2023
    • views: 33707
    #music #best #sexbombgirls
    Tom Jones - Sex Bomb

    Tom Jones - Sex Bomb

    • Order:
    • Duration: 2:39
    • Uploaded Date: 28 Dec 2014
    • views: 413000
    Video clip from Belgian national TV "De Topcollectie Van". All credits to één.
    Tom Jones - Sexbomb (Lyrics)

    Tom Jones - Sexbomb (Lyrics)

    • Order:
    • Duration: 3:32
    • Uploaded Date: 03 Aug 2014
    • views: 2383893
    Singing Trio Miss Tres Has Big Surprise | Asia’s Got Talent Episode 3

    Singing Trio Miss Tres Has Big Surprise | Asia’s Got Talent Episode 3

    • Order:
    • Duration: 4:09
    • Uploaded Date: 27 Mar 2015
    • views: 36250564
    Singing trio Miss Tres promise a big surprise before taking the stage. When they open their mouths to sing, it all makes sense! Don’t forget to subscribe to our channel for more amazing acts! Facebook: http://bit.ly/AGTfacebook Twitter: http://bit.ly/AGTtwitter Instagram: http://bit.ly/AGTinstagram You can also watch Asia’s Got Talent on your favourite local channels: THAILAND: Sundays on Channel 3 SD 20:15pm with reruns every Monday 9:30am on Analog and Channel 3 HD. INDONESIA: ANTV on Sundays 6-8pm. VIETNAM: Sunday & Mondays 8-9 PM on VTV 6. Re-runs on VTV 3 every Mondays & Tuesdays from 11am-12noon.
    SEXBOMB GIRLS – Spageti Song (MYX Performance)

    SEXBOMB GIRLS – Spageti Song (MYX Performance)

    • Order:
    • Duration: 4:03
    • Uploaded Date: 09 Sep 2019
    • views: 2522345
    The Sexbomb Girls perform their iconic song that sparked a danced craze ‘Spageti Song’ Subscribe to MYX Philippines Channel here: http://bit.ly/MYXPhilippines For more updates in the music and entertainment world, follow us on our social media accounts: Facebook: http://www.facebook.com/MYX.Philippines Twitter: http://twitter.com/myxphilippines Instagram: https://instagram.com/myxph Or visit our official website: http://myxph.com
    Helene Fischer, Tom Jones - Sexbomb (Live - Die Helene Fischer Show)

    Helene Fischer, Tom Jones - Sexbomb (Live - Die Helene Fischer Show)

    • Order:
    • Duration: 4:41
    • Uploaded Date: 27 Nov 2020
    • views: 22821843
    Helene Fischer, Tom Jones - Sexbomb „Die Helene Fischer Show – Meine Schönsten Momente“ Mehr dazu: https://umg.lnk.to/DieHeleneFischerShow Helene Fischer präsentierte im Jahr 2020 eine Spezialausgabe der „Helene Fischer Show“: Das Album zur Sendung „Die Helene Fischer Show – Meine Schönsten Momente Vol. 1“ kommt mit 40 eigenhändig von Helene Fischer ausgewählten Songs, versammelt auf einem exklusiven Doppelalbum (streamen, downloaden oder auf 2-CD, 24-seitiges Booklet) mit einmaligen Duetten, Klassikern, Megahits und jeder Menge Gänsehaut-Momenten. Die Deluxe Edition umfasst zusätzlich eine DVD bzw. Blu-ray, auf der alle Performances der CD in bester Sendequalität enthalten sind. Außerdem besticht das Bundle durch ein liebevoll gestaltetes 60-seitiges Fotobuch. Das Video seht ihr hier auf YouTube mit freundlicher Unterstützung vom ZDF. Mehr zu Helene Fischer: http://www.helene-fischer.deMusic video by Helene Fischer, Melanie Oesch performing Atemlos durch die Nacht. A Polydor recording; © 2020 Helene Fischer, under exclusive license to Universal Music GmbH
    David Walliams's Golden Buzzer act Christian Spridon SEX BOMB | Britain's Got Talent 2014

    David Walliams's Golden Buzzer act Christian Spridon SEX BOMB | Britain's Got Talent 2014

    • Order:
    • Duration: 5:27
    • Uploaded Date: 19 Apr 2014
    • views: 14218530
    See more from Britain's Got Talent at http://itv.com/talent Just when it looks like Christian Spridon's act is going to bomb, David presses his Golden Buzzer! Despite receiving three buzzes from the Judges, the man with the Hollywood smile is through to the live shows. SUBSCRIBE: http://bit.ly/BGTsub Facebook: http://www.facebook.com/BritainsGotTalent Twitter: http://twitter.com/GotTalent
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    Tom Jones & Mousse T - Sexbomb (Official Music Video)

    Official Tom Jones & Mousse T - Sexbomb music video Sexbomb is taken from Tom Jones' Reload album - http://bit.do/TJReload Follow Tom Jones: Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/SirTomJones/ Twitter: https://twitter.com/realsirtomjones Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/realsirtomjones/ Music video by Tom Jones & Mousse T performing Sexbomb (C) 1999 Gut Records, a division of Universal Music Operations Limited
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    Tom Jones, Mousse T. - Sexbomb (Official Video)
    Official Website: https://www.tomjones.com/ Stream: https://lnk.to/Soakz Facebook: https:/...
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    Jetting in from the Philippines Miss Tres are taking on Tom Jones’ Sex Bomb. Cue plenty o...
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    Tom Jones - Sex Bomb
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    David Walliams's Golden Buzzer act Christian Spridon SEX BOMB | Britain's Got Talent 2014
    See more from Britain's Got Talent at http://itv.com/talent Just when it looks like Chris...
    published: 19 Apr 2014
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    Sex Bomb

    Sex Bomb may refer to:

  • A colloquial phrase for somebody of high physical attractiveness, see Bombshell (sex symbol)
  • Sex Bomb (album), a 1993 album by Spitfire
  • "Sex Bomb" (song), by Tom Jones and Mousse T., also covered by Max Raabe
  • "Sex Bomb" (Flipper song), by Flipper from their album Album – Generic Flipper, also covered by Lords of Acid
  • "Sex Bomb" (Spinnerette song), by Spinnerette from their album Spinnerette
  • See also

  • SexBomb Girls, an all-female singing, dancing, and acting group from the Philippines
  • Sex Bob-omb, a fictional band in the Scott Pilgrim universe
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