Grosse Pointe is an American television parody series which aired on the WB Network during the 2000–2001 television season. Created by Darren Star, it was a satire depicting the behind-the-scenes drama on the set of a television show, and was inspired in large part by Star's experiences as the creator and producer of the nighttime soapBeverly Hills, 90210.
Series overview
The series takes place in Los Angeles, on the set of a fictitious WB nighttime soap, also called Grosse Pointe, and several characters were based on real-life actors. The fictitious Grosse Pointe ("a misguided 90210 rip-off", as Star describes it) is set in the wealthy Michigan suburb, and was very much a parody of teenage nighttime soaps.
Reportedly, Beverly Hills 90210 producer Aaron Spelling called WB executive Jamie Kellner to complain about Lindsay Sloane's character Marcy Sternfeld, who in the original pilot was a thinly veiled parody of Spelling's daughter, actress Tori Spelling.
Darren Star asked several actors from Spelling-produced shows to appear on the series. Jason Priestley and Joe E. Tata from Beverly Hills, 90210 appeared in separate episodes, with Priestley directing the episode in which he appeared. Kristin Davis from Melrose Place and Sex in the City also appeared in an episode. Katie Wagner, who hosted a Beverly Hills, 90210 special in 1993, also appeared on the show as herself for one episode. Former Saved by the Bell teen star Elizabeth Berkley appeared in the series finale.
Grosse Pointe refers to an affluent coastal area in Metro Detroit, Michigan, USA, that comprises five adjacent individual communities. From southwest to northeast, they are:
The terms "Grosse Pointe" or "the Pointes" are ordinarily used to refer to the entire area, referencing all five individual communities, with a total population of about 46,000. The Grosse Pointes altogether are 10.4 square miles, bordered by Detroit on the south and west, Lake St. Clair on the east and south, Harper Woods on the west of some portions, and St. Clair Shores on the north. The cities are in eastern Wayne County, except for a very small section in Macomb County. The Pointes begin six miles (10km) northeast of downtown Detroit and extend several miles northeastward, in a narrow swath of land, to the edge of Wayne County. The name "Grosse Pointe" derives from the size of the area, and its projection into Lake St. Clair.
Grosse Pointe Season 1 Episode 1 - Pilot
Grosse Pointe was a 2000-2001 WB sitcom created by Darren Star. It satirised the behind-the-scenes drama on a TV soap, inspired by Star's real-life experiences on Beverly Hills 90210.
Note: I took out the Tom Jones theme song which meant snipping the opening but all the dialogue is there.
published: 04 Jan 2021
Grosse Pointe - Intro
Grosse Pointe - Intro
published: 10 Apr 2007
Grosse Pointe TV series - Season 1 Episode 2
Grosse Pointe episode 2 - "Thieves Like Us"
Grosse Pointe was a 2000-2001 WB sitcom created by Darren Star. It satirised the behind-the-scenes drama on the set of a TV soap, inspired by Star's experiences on real-life teen drama Beverly Hills 90210.
published: 22 Dec 2020
Grosse Pointe TV series - Season 1 Episode 3
Grosse Pointe Season 1 Episode 3 - "Prelude to a Kiss"
Grosse Pointe was a 2000-2001 WB sitcom created by Darren Star. It satirised the behind-the-scenes drama on a TV soap, inspired by Star's real-life experiences on Beverly Hills 90210.
published: 04 Jan 2021
Grosse Pointe Opening Credits (TV Show)
For those who miss this terrific and underrated TV show as much as I do, the opening credits. Hunter Fallow is queen!
published: 08 Jul 2012
Hunky Al Santos on Grosse Pointe (TV)
Chisled, shirtless Al Santos on the TV series Grosse Pointe, from the year 2000. Grosse Pointe was a comedy about the making of a TV show like "90210." The 2-DVD set Grosse Pointe, The Complete Series is available from amazon. Search for "Grosse Pointe TV" -- Great show.
published: 12 Jul 2017
Grosse Pointe TV series - Season 1 Episode 5
Grosse Pointe Season 1 Episode 5 - Halloween
Grosse Pointe was a 2000-2001 WB sitcom created by Darren Star. It satirised the behind-the-scenes drama on a TV soap, inspired by Star's real-life experiences on Beverly Hills 90210.
published: 01 Feb 2021
Grosse Pointe TV series - Season 1 Episode 7
Grosse Pointe Season 1 Episode 7 - "Sleeping with the Enemy"
Grosse Pointe was a 2000-2001 WB sitcom created by Darren Star. It satirised the behind-the-scenes drama on a TV soap, inspired by Star's real-life experiences on Beverly Hills 90210.
published: 20 Jan 2021
Grosse Pointe TV series - Season 1 Episode 16
Grosse Pointe Season 1 Episode 16 - "Passion Fish"
Guest starring Sarah Michelle Gellar as herself lol
Grosse Pointe was a 2000-2001 WB sitcom created by Darren Star. It satirised the behind-the-scenes drama on a TV soap, inspired by Star's real-life experiences on Beverly Hills 90210.
published: 13 Mar 2021
Grosse Pointe TV series - Season 1 Episode 9
Grosse Pointe Season 1 Episode 9 - "Boys on the Side"
Grosse Pointe was a 2000-2001 WB sitcom created by Darren Star. It satirised the behind-the-scenes drama on a TV soap, inspired by Star's real-life experiences on Beverly Hills 90210.
Grosse Pointe Season 1 Episode 1 - Pilot
Grosse Pointe was a 2000-2001 WB sitcom created by Darren Star. It satirised the behind-the-scenes drama on a TV soap,...
Grosse Pointe Season 1 Episode 1 - Pilot
Grosse Pointe was a 2000-2001 WB sitcom created by Darren Star. It satirised the behind-the-scenes drama on a TV soap, inspired by Star's real-life experiences on Beverly Hills 90210.
Note: I took out the Tom Jones theme song which meant snipping the opening but all the dialogue is there.
Grosse Pointe Season 1 Episode 1 - Pilot
Grosse Pointe was a 2000-2001 WB sitcom created by Darren Star. It satirised the behind-the-scenes drama on a TV soap, inspired by Star's real-life experiences on Beverly Hills 90210.
Note: I took out the Tom Jones theme song which meant snipping the opening but all the dialogue is there.
Grosse Pointe episode 2 - "Thieves Like Us"
Grosse Pointe was a 2000-2001 WB sitcom created by Darren Star. It satirised the behind-the-scenes drama on the set...
Grosse Pointe episode 2 - "Thieves Like Us"
Grosse Pointe was a 2000-2001 WB sitcom created by Darren Star. It satirised the behind-the-scenes drama on the set of a TV soap, inspired by Star's experiences on real-life teen drama Beverly Hills 90210.
Grosse Pointe episode 2 - "Thieves Like Us"
Grosse Pointe was a 2000-2001 WB sitcom created by Darren Star. It satirised the behind-the-scenes drama on the set of a TV soap, inspired by Star's experiences on real-life teen drama Beverly Hills 90210.
Grosse Pointe Season 1 Episode 3 - "Prelude to a Kiss"
Grosse Pointe was a 2000-2001 WB sitcom created by Darren Star. It satirised the behind-the-scenes drama...
Grosse Pointe Season 1 Episode 3 - "Prelude to a Kiss"
Grosse Pointe was a 2000-2001 WB sitcom created by Darren Star. It satirised the behind-the-scenes drama on a TV soap, inspired by Star's real-life experiences on Beverly Hills 90210.
Grosse Pointe Season 1 Episode 3 - "Prelude to a Kiss"
Grosse Pointe was a 2000-2001 WB sitcom created by Darren Star. It satirised the behind-the-scenes drama on a TV soap, inspired by Star's real-life experiences on Beverly Hills 90210.
Chisled, shirtless Al Santos on the TV series Grosse Pointe, from the year 2000. Grosse Pointe was a comedy about the making of a TV show like "90210." The 2...
Chisled, shirtless Al Santos on the TV series Grosse Pointe, from the year 2000. Grosse Pointe was a comedy about the making of a TV show like "90210." The 2-DVD set Grosse Pointe, The Complete Series is available from amazon. Search for "Grosse Pointe TV" -- Great show.
Chisled, shirtless Al Santos on the TV series Grosse Pointe, from the year 2000. Grosse Pointe was a comedy about the making of a TV show like "90210." The 2-DVD set Grosse Pointe, The Complete Series is available from amazon. Search for "Grosse Pointe TV" -- Great show.
Grosse Pointe Season 1 Episode 5 - Halloween
Grosse Pointe was a 2000-2001 WB sitcom created by Darren Star. It satirised the behind-the-scenes drama on a TV s...
Grosse Pointe Season 1 Episode 5 - Halloween
Grosse Pointe was a 2000-2001 WB sitcom created by Darren Star. It satirised the behind-the-scenes drama on a TV soap, inspired by Star's real-life experiences on Beverly Hills 90210.
Grosse Pointe Season 1 Episode 5 - Halloween
Grosse Pointe was a 2000-2001 WB sitcom created by Darren Star. It satirised the behind-the-scenes drama on a TV soap, inspired by Star's real-life experiences on Beverly Hills 90210.
Grosse Pointe Season 1 Episode 7 - "Sleeping with the Enemy"
Grosse Pointe was a 2000-2001 WB sitcom created by Darren Star. It satirised the behind-the-scenes...
Grosse Pointe Season 1 Episode 7 - "Sleeping with the Enemy"
Grosse Pointe was a 2000-2001 WB sitcom created by Darren Star. It satirised the behind-the-scenes drama on a TV soap, inspired by Star's real-life experiences on Beverly Hills 90210.
Grosse Pointe Season 1 Episode 7 - "Sleeping with the Enemy"
Grosse Pointe was a 2000-2001 WB sitcom created by Darren Star. It satirised the behind-the-scenes drama on a TV soap, inspired by Star's real-life experiences on Beverly Hills 90210.
Grosse Pointe Season 1 Episode 16 - "Passion Fish"
Guest starring Sarah Michelle Gellar as herself lol
Grosse Pointe was a 2000-2001 WB sitcom created by Darr...
Grosse Pointe Season 1 Episode 16 - "Passion Fish"
Guest starring Sarah Michelle Gellar as herself lol
Grosse Pointe was a 2000-2001 WB sitcom created by Darren Star. It satirised the behind-the-scenes drama on a TV soap, inspired by Star's real-life experiences on Beverly Hills 90210.
Grosse Pointe Season 1 Episode 16 - "Passion Fish"
Guest starring Sarah Michelle Gellar as herself lol
Grosse Pointe was a 2000-2001 WB sitcom created by Darren Star. It satirised the behind-the-scenes drama on a TV soap, inspired by Star's real-life experiences on Beverly Hills 90210.
Grosse Pointe Season 1 Episode 9 - "Boys on the Side"
Grosse Pointe was a 2000-2001 WB sitcom created by Darren Star. It satirised the behind-the-scenes drama ...
Grosse Pointe Season 1 Episode 9 - "Boys on the Side"
Grosse Pointe was a 2000-2001 WB sitcom created by Darren Star. It satirised the behind-the-scenes drama on a TV soap, inspired by Star's real-life experiences on Beverly Hills 90210.
Grosse Pointe Season 1 Episode 9 - "Boys on the Side"
Grosse Pointe was a 2000-2001 WB sitcom created by Darren Star. It satirised the behind-the-scenes drama on a TV soap, inspired by Star's real-life experiences on Beverly Hills 90210.
Grosse Pointe Season 1 Episode 1 - Pilot
Grosse Pointe was a 2000-2001 WB sitcom created by Darren Star. It satirised the behind-the-scenes drama on a TV soap, inspired by Star's real-life experiences on Beverly Hills 90210.
Note: I took out the Tom Jones theme song which meant snipping the opening but all the dialogue is there.
Grosse Pointe episode 2 - "Thieves Like Us"
Grosse Pointe was a 2000-2001 WB sitcom created by Darren Star. It satirised the behind-the-scenes drama on the set of a TV soap, inspired by Star's experiences on real-life teen drama Beverly Hills 90210.
Grosse Pointe Season 1 Episode 3 - "Prelude to a Kiss"
Grosse Pointe was a 2000-2001 WB sitcom created by Darren Star. It satirised the behind-the-scenes drama on a TV soap, inspired by Star's real-life experiences on Beverly Hills 90210.
Chisled, shirtless Al Santos on the TV series Grosse Pointe, from the year 2000. Grosse Pointe was a comedy about the making of a TV show like "90210." The 2-DVD set Grosse Pointe, The Complete Series is available from amazon. Search for "Grosse Pointe TV" -- Great show.
Grosse Pointe Season 1 Episode 5 - Halloween
Grosse Pointe was a 2000-2001 WB sitcom created by Darren Star. It satirised the behind-the-scenes drama on a TV soap, inspired by Star's real-life experiences on Beverly Hills 90210.
Grosse Pointe Season 1 Episode 7 - "Sleeping with the Enemy"
Grosse Pointe was a 2000-2001 WB sitcom created by Darren Star. It satirised the behind-the-scenes drama on a TV soap, inspired by Star's real-life experiences on Beverly Hills 90210.
Grosse Pointe Season 1 Episode 16 - "Passion Fish"
Guest starring Sarah Michelle Gellar as herself lol
Grosse Pointe was a 2000-2001 WB sitcom created by Darren Star. It satirised the behind-the-scenes drama on a TV soap, inspired by Star's real-life experiences on Beverly Hills 90210.
Grosse Pointe Season 1 Episode 9 - "Boys on the Side"
Grosse Pointe was a 2000-2001 WB sitcom created by Darren Star. It satirised the behind-the-scenes drama on a TV soap, inspired by Star's real-life experiences on Beverly Hills 90210.
Grosse Pointe is an American television parody series which aired on the WB Network during the 2000–2001 television season. Created by Darren Star, it was a satire depicting the behind-the-scenes drama on the set of a television show, and was inspired in large part by Star's experiences as the creator and producer of the nighttime soapBeverly Hills, 90210.
Series overview
The series takes place in Los Angeles, on the set of a fictitious WB nighttime soap, also called Grosse Pointe, and several characters were based on real-life actors. The fictitious Grosse Pointe ("a misguided 90210 rip-off", as Star describes it) is set in the wealthy Michigan suburb, and was very much a parody of teenage nighttime soaps.
Reportedly, Beverly Hills 90210 producer Aaron Spelling called WB executive Jamie Kellner to complain about Lindsay Sloane's character Marcy Sternfeld, who in the original pilot was a thinly veiled parody of Spelling's daughter, actress Tori Spelling.
Darren Star asked several actors from Spelling-produced shows to appear on the series. Jason Priestley and Joe E. Tata from Beverly Hills, 90210 appeared in separate episodes, with Priestley directing the episode in which he appeared. Kristin Davis from Melrose Place and Sex in the City also appeared in an episode. Katie Wagner, who hosted a Beverly Hills, 90210 special in 1993, also appeared on the show as herself for one episode. Former Saved by the Bell teen star Elizabeth Berkley appeared in the series finale.
Four-part series After Baywatch... Four-part series After Baywatch ... The original series was a worldwide phenomenon as it aired in more than 145 countries at one point which is more than any other TV show.
... — he still makes me cry laughing in "Waiting for Guffman," no matter how many times I watch it — and recurring characters on TV series including "Mad TV," "Grosse Pointe" and "Crazy Ex-Girlfriend.".
Beyond film, the production company is also known for acclaimed TV series like “The Boys” and its upcoming spinoffs. PointGrey projects have collectively grossed over $1 billion globally.