I Kill People
He is back, and he's going to kill you. www.jonlajoie.com
published: 23 Apr 2009
10 Child Celebs Who Aged Badly!
▬Contents of this video▬
00:00 - Introduction
00:08 - Macaulay Culkin
00:50 - Lark Voorhies
01:28 - Jeremy Miller
01:56 - Haley Joel Osment
02:22 - Sean Astin
02:57 - Taran Noah Smith
04:13 - Josh Saviano
04:41 - Dustin Diamond
05:32 - Mara Wilson
Like this content? Subscribe here:
Or, watch more videos here:
10 Child Celebs Who Aged Badly!
published: 23 Mar 2017
Here Come The Drums! | The Sound of Drums | Doctor Who | BBC
Selected by MrTheMiner for #Throwbackthursday. The Master has turned the Doctor into an old man and torn the sky apart with his paradox machine. Subscribe: http://bit.ly/SubscribeToDoctorWho
GERMAN: https://bit.ly/DoctorWhoDeutsch
FRENCH: https://bit.ly/DoctorWhoFrancais
ITALIAN: https://bit.ly/DoctorWhoItaliano
The Brand New Doctor Who Website - http://www.doctorwho.tv
Doctor Who YouTube Channel http://www.youtube.com/user/doctorwho
Doctor Who Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/DoctorWho
Doctor Who Twitter https://twitter.com/bbcdoctorwho
This is a commercial channel from BBC Studios. Service & Feedback https://www.bbcstudios.com/contact/contact-us/
published: 27 Nov 2014
SQUID GAME, but the Roles are Reversed (Cartoon Animation)
► SUBSCRIBE to GameTunes! -
► SUBSCRIBE to the Channel! -
The Squid Game is over... or is it? Player is back and this time the roles are reversed! Will Player run the Squid Games fairly now that he's the Front Man? Find out!
Don't forget to like, comment, subscribe and share to show your support for this channel!
Follow us here for all sorts of cool stuff!
► STORE: https://newscapepro.com/collections/gametoons-1 👕👚🕶
► INSTAGRAM: https://www.instagram.com/gametoonsofficial/?hl=en 📸
► FACEBOOK: https://www.facebook.com/GameToonsYT 📘
► TIK TOK: https://www.tiktok.com/@gametoonsofficial?lang=en 🎵
► TWITTER: https://twitter.com/GameToons 🐤...
published: 08 Dec 2021
Magnaci i Czarodzieje - absurdalna komedia fantasy. Amatorski film niezależny "zerobudżetowy". Kino dla koneserów taniego wygłupu.
Stworzony na zajawce w wolnym czasie przez grupkę entuzjastów fantastyki i ich znajomych przy użyciu skromnych środków jakimi dysponowaliśmy w momencie kręcenia. Zawsze mogło być lepiej, ale legendy mówią, że daliśmy z siebie całe 30%. Hołd postaci Stachu Jonesa. Nagrywane w większości przy użyciu canon 60d
Dawno, dawno temu..
W krainie wódki, magii i czarów...
W krainie gdzie panoszy się zło i zepsucie…
Gdzie podstępne zbiry sieją spustoszenie...
Gdzie żądni władzy magnaci dążą po trupach do celu...
Gdzie druidzi ciemiężą ludność..
Gdzie po lasach błąkają się obłąkani czarodzieje...
Ostatni żyjący wieśniacy wyruszają w podróż za legendą...
Ten film powsta...
published: 17 Dec 2021
Put a Finger Down | SCARED EDITION
This is Put a Finger Down Scared Edition - Inspired by the popular TikTok challenge
In this video, we will be playing a game of "Put a Finger Down", with questions related to people's fears.
I will give you 35 different things related to being afraid, and for every one of them that relates to you or is something that you have done, you will put your finger down.
So, basically, when you put a finger down, you are keeping a score of how many of these questions that I am going to give you, are things that are about you. So at the end of the video, you will add up how many times you put a finger down, and that will reveal your total points.
Comment below at the end and let everyone know how many fingers you ended up putting down during this challenge. Leave a thumbs up if you enjoyed this ...
published: 25 Jun 2022
Murder Drones: Intermission - A FAN EPISODE ANIMATIC (FULL) (ENGLISH)
When Uzi finds herself plagued by the horrors of her new oil-lust, N sets up a day of fun to quell her worries.
A story of understanding.
Thumbnail by @Animate_A_Thing
Czech subtitles: @Ajnoscz on Twitter!
Russian Subtitles: @netzez89 on Twitter!
Murder Drones: Intermission is a bridge episode acting as a thread between Cabin Fever and Home. I am not affiliated with Glitch Productions. All rights to Murder Drones belong to Glitch and Liam Vickers, I'm just a fan with too much audacity.
This project was a labor of love. This show means so much to me and I'm so grateful to have had the opportunity to make this with a team of people who believed in what I was trying to do. The passion put into this is palpable, and I'm happy I get to share this with the community. I hope you enjoy the ...
published: 27 Jun 2024
繁华都市,命案频发。凶案现场,罪犯总是故意留下一枚指纹和一张字条——“请来抓我”,除此之外,没有丝毫破绽。 面对如此高调的连环杀手,专案组成立四次又解散四次,毫无头绪,只能求助于数理逻辑专家严良,这桩悬案,疑难如一道无解方程,他该如何着手解密?精心布置这一场无证之罪的真凶,为何总是故意留下线索?这是一场巨大的阴谋还是一个陷阱,亦或深藏着更不为人知的秘密?
#无证之罪#悬疑电视剧#犯罪剧 本频道制作的所有解说视频都是针对电影或电视剧的,绝对符合平台的使用政策。
published: 08 Jul 2020
Michael Myers Makes A Ham Sandwhich And Eats It
Michael Myers the serial killer gets hungry sometimes. Here's a perspective on what goes on in Michael's kitchen when he's not murdering victims.
http://www.facebook.com/theshowfoks like the fan page!
http://www.youtube.com/theshowseasonone subscribe to the channel!
published: 30 Jan 2014
Game info:Town of Salem is a browser-based game that challenges players on their ability to convincingly lie as well as detect when other players are lying. The game ranges from 7 to 15 players. These players are randomly divided into alignments - Town, Mafia, Serial Killers, Arsonists and Neutrals. If you are a Town member (the good guys) you must track down the Mafia and other villains before they kill you. The catch? You don't know who is a Town member and who is a villain. If you are an evil role, such as a Serial Killer, you secretly murder town members in the veil of night and try to avoid getting caught.
Follow Me On Twitter: https://twitter.com/TheNidface
Twitch: http://www.twitch.tv/nidface
published: 08 Mar 2015
I Kill People
He is back, and he's going to kill you. www.jonlajoie.com
He is back, and he's going to kill you. www.jonlajoie.com
He is back, and he's going to kill you. www.jonlajoie.com
- published: 23 Apr 2009
- views: 46251475
10 Child Celebs Who Aged Badly!
▬Contents of this video▬
00:00 - Introduction
00:08 - Macaulay Culkin
00:50 - Lark Voorhies
01:28 - Jeremy Miller
01:56 - Haley Joel Osment
02:22 - Sean Astin
▬Contents of this video▬
00:00 - Introduction
00:08 - Macaulay Culkin
00:50 - Lark Voorhies
01:28 - Jeremy Miller
01:56 - Haley Joel Osment
02:22 - Sean Astin
02:57 - Taran Noah Smith
04:13 - Josh Saviano
04:41 - Dustin Diamond
05:32 - Mara Wilson
Like this content? Subscribe here:
Or, watch more videos here:
10 Child Celebs Who Aged Badly!
▬Contents of this video▬
00:00 - Introduction
00:08 - Macaulay Culkin
00:50 - Lark Voorhies
01:28 - Jeremy Miller
01:56 - Haley Joel Osment
02:22 - Sean Astin
02:57 - Taran Noah Smith
04:13 - Josh Saviano
04:41 - Dustin Diamond
05:32 - Mara Wilson
Like this content? Subscribe here:
Or, watch more videos here:
10 Child Celebs Who Aged Badly!
- published: 23 Mar 2017
- views: 13118698
Here Come The Drums! | The Sound of Drums | Doctor Who | BBC
Selected by MrTheMiner for #Throwbackthursday. The Master has turned the Doctor into an old man and torn the sky apart with his paradox machine. Subscribe: http...
Selected by MrTheMiner for #Throwbackthursday. The Master has turned the Doctor into an old man and torn the sky apart with his paradox machine. Subscribe: http://bit.ly/SubscribeToDoctorWho
GERMAN: https://bit.ly/DoctorWhoDeutsch
FRENCH: https://bit.ly/DoctorWhoFrancais
ITALIAN: https://bit.ly/DoctorWhoItaliano
The Brand New Doctor Who Website - http://www.doctorwho.tv
Doctor Who YouTube Channel http://www.youtube.com/user/doctorwho
Doctor Who Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/DoctorWho
Doctor Who Twitter https://twitter.com/bbcdoctorwho
This is a commercial channel from BBC Studios. Service & Feedback https://www.bbcstudios.com/contact/contact-us/
Selected by MrTheMiner for #Throwbackthursday. The Master has turned the Doctor into an old man and torn the sky apart with his paradox machine. Subscribe: http://bit.ly/SubscribeToDoctorWho
GERMAN: https://bit.ly/DoctorWhoDeutsch
FRENCH: https://bit.ly/DoctorWhoFrancais
ITALIAN: https://bit.ly/DoctorWhoItaliano
The Brand New Doctor Who Website - http://www.doctorwho.tv
Doctor Who YouTube Channel http://www.youtube.com/user/doctorwho
Doctor Who Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/DoctorWho
Doctor Who Twitter https://twitter.com/bbcdoctorwho
This is a commercial channel from BBC Studios. Service & Feedback https://www.bbcstudios.com/contact/contact-us/
- published: 27 Nov 2014
- views: 2089040
SQUID GAME, but the Roles are Reversed (Cartoon Animation)
► SUBSCRIBE to GameTunes! -
► SUBSCRIBE to the Channel! -
► SUBSCRIBE to GameTunes! -
► SUBSCRIBE to the Channel! -
The Squid Game is over... or is it? Player is back and this time the roles are reversed! Will Player run the Squid Games fairly now that he's the Front Man? Find out!
Don't forget to like, comment, subscribe and share to show your support for this channel!
Follow us here for all sorts of cool stuff!
► STORE: https://newscapepro.com/collections/gametoons-1 👕👚🕶
► INSTAGRAM: https://www.instagram.com/gametoonsofficial/?hl=en 📸
► FACEBOOK: https://www.facebook.com/GameToonsYT 📘
► TIK TOK: https://www.tiktok.com/@gametoonsofficial?lang=en 🎵
► TWITTER: https://twitter.com/GameToons 🐤
► SUBSCRIBE to GameTunes! -
► SUBSCRIBE to the Channel! -
The Squid Game is over... or is it? Player is back and this time the roles are reversed! Will Player run the Squid Games fairly now that he's the Front Man? Find out!
Don't forget to like, comment, subscribe and share to show your support for this channel!
Follow us here for all sorts of cool stuff!
► STORE: https://newscapepro.com/collections/gametoons-1 👕👚🕶
► INSTAGRAM: https://www.instagram.com/gametoonsofficial/?hl=en 📸
► FACEBOOK: https://www.facebook.com/GameToonsYT 📘
► TIK TOK: https://www.tiktok.com/@gametoonsofficial?lang=en 🎵
► TWITTER: https://twitter.com/GameToons 🐤
- published: 08 Dec 2021
- views: 16565493
Magnaci i Czarodzieje - absurdalna komedia fantasy. Amatorski film niezależny "zerobudżetowy". Kino dla koneserów taniego wygłupu.
Stworzony na zajawce w wol...
Magnaci i Czarodzieje - absurdalna komedia fantasy. Amatorski film niezależny "zerobudżetowy". Kino dla koneserów taniego wygłupu.
Stworzony na zajawce w wolnym czasie przez grupkę entuzjastów fantastyki i ich znajomych przy użyciu skromnych środków jakimi dysponowaliśmy w momencie kręcenia. Zawsze mogło być lepiej, ale legendy mówią, że daliśmy z siebie całe 30%. Hołd postaci Stachu Jonesa. Nagrywane w większości przy użyciu canon 60d
Dawno, dawno temu..
W krainie wódki, magii i czarów...
W krainie gdzie panoszy się zło i zepsucie…
Gdzie podstępne zbiry sieją spustoszenie...
Gdzie żądni władzy magnaci dążą po trupach do celu...
Gdzie druidzi ciemiężą ludność..
Gdzie po lasach błąkają się obłąkani czarodzieje...
Ostatni żyjący wieśniacy wyruszają w podróż za legendą...
Ten film powstawał w swoim czasie
"Czarodziej nigdy się nie spóźnia, nie jest też zbyt wcześnie, przybywa wtedy kiedy ma na to ochotę"
J.R.R. Tolkien, Drużyna Pierścienia
Wsparcie kanału ============= [[[[[[[[ https://tipply.pl/u/donstudio.team ]]]]]]] ============
Oficjalny fanpage na Facebook:
Oraz zaprzyjaźnione kanały naszych znajomych, którzy pomagali przy filmie/brali udział itp:
@Blondynka uczy matmy https://www.facebook.com/skazana.na.emocje/
@Dawid Pokusa https://www.facebook.com/dpokusa1138/
@Kasia Zalewska https://www.facebook.com/Kasia-Zalewska-113688913319413/
@Majena https://www.facebook.com/majenakarnia/
@Magdalena Sadowska (McDusiaShakira) https://www.instagram.com/mcdusiashakira/
@nata'tu (https://www.youtube.com/channel/UChnvFcsy9Xm8SWG11EynivQ) https://www.facebook.com/Renata-Tuszy%C5%84ska-natatu-475747879272040/
LEKTOR: Dawid Pokusa
Muzyka z napisów: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=9RAdqRWRMqI
Music (licensed under a Creative Commons License)
Steven O'Brien (https://soundcloud.com/stevenobrien)
1) Unfinished MMORPG Score: Meadow Theme
2) Christmas Calander (Julkalendern) 2012 - Mostly Mystical Theme
Cjbeards (https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=82hJffyJ5hY)
1) Fire and Thunder by Cjbeards
SILENCYDE (https://soundcloud.com/silencyde)
1) Shroud by Silencyde
ROYALTY FREE KINGS (www.royaltyfreekings.com)
1) Desert Wanderer_NO VOCALS
2) Bombing Run STRINGS
1) Tension - by Daniele Garuglieri
YouTube Playlist: https://www.youtube.com/playlist?list... Spotify: https://open.spotify.com/artist/444F1... Facebook page: https://www.facebook.com/DanieleCinem... Soundcloud: https://soundcloud.com/d4ni3l3
1) Heroes Rise by Hayden Folker | https://soundcloud.com/hayden-folker
Music promoted by https://www.free-stock-music.com
Creative Commons Attribution 3.0 Unported License
MIGUEL JOHNSON | https://soundcloud.com/migueljohnsonmjmusic
1) Battle of 3302 By Miguel Johnson
JH SOUNDTRACKS | https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCuZrRIbccB9SBBw-uKmkb8A
(Creative Commons) CC-BY-NC-ND 4.0
1) JHSoundtracks - Meeting In Woodland
2) JHSoundtracks - Beautiful Nature
MAKAII SYMPHONY | https://www.youtube.com/channel/UC8cn3OdeqYhyhNUyrMxOQKQ
1) Dragon Castle
2) Epic Battle Music - VS Cerberus
3) Epic Battle Music - VS Minotaur
4) RPG Field BGM - Under Cover Of Darkness
5) RPG Field BGM - Devils Gate
6) RPG Field BGM - Volcano
7) RPG Field BGM - The Secrets Of Underground
8) RPG Field BGM - Dark Knight
9) RPG Field BGM - Cemetery
Scott Buckley | https://www.scottbuckley.com.au
1) World of Magic
2) Sb monomyth 11 the fury
3) The Fall
Ender Guney | EnderGuneyMusic.com | https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCHEioEoqyFPsOiW8CepDaYg
1) Great Movie-Scenes Music
2) Watch
3) Drums Trailer
Alexander Nakarada | https://www.serpentsoundstudios.com
Music promoted by https://www.free-stock-music.com
Attribution 4.0 International (CC BY 4.0)
1) Mjolnir
2) Adventure
3) Battle of the creek
4) Wanderer
5) Battle metal
6) Off to war
7) The great battle
8) Pure Rock-n-roll
9) Wonderland
10) Loss
11) Shalash
David Fesliyan | https://www.FesliyanStudios.com
1) Tiny Kingdom
2) Without God
3 ) Evil Rising
4) Super Hero Showdown
5) Action Fight
6) O Holy Night Epic Orchestra Version
7) Beautiful Village
1) The shadow realm haunting
Music Provided By Mediacharger www.youtube.com/user/MediaCharger https://bit.ly/32QJvhx Music Created By : Shane Ivers Song Title: The Paladins Credit: https://goo.gl/437jLD
Cooper Cannel
1) Song Info Title : There s Life Out There
Artist Name : Cooper Cannell
Music released in Youtube Audio Library
Magnaci i Czarodzieje - absurdalna komedia fantasy. Amatorski film niezależny "zerobudżetowy". Kino dla koneserów taniego wygłupu.
Stworzony na zajawce w wolnym czasie przez grupkę entuzjastów fantastyki i ich znajomych przy użyciu skromnych środków jakimi dysponowaliśmy w momencie kręcenia. Zawsze mogło być lepiej, ale legendy mówią, że daliśmy z siebie całe 30%. Hołd postaci Stachu Jonesa. Nagrywane w większości przy użyciu canon 60d
Dawno, dawno temu..
W krainie wódki, magii i czarów...
W krainie gdzie panoszy się zło i zepsucie…
Gdzie podstępne zbiry sieją spustoszenie...
Gdzie żądni władzy magnaci dążą po trupach do celu...
Gdzie druidzi ciemiężą ludność..
Gdzie po lasach błąkają się obłąkani czarodzieje...
Ostatni żyjący wieśniacy wyruszają w podróż za legendą...
Ten film powstawał w swoim czasie
"Czarodziej nigdy się nie spóźnia, nie jest też zbyt wcześnie, przybywa wtedy kiedy ma na to ochotę"
J.R.R. Tolkien, Drużyna Pierścienia
Wsparcie kanału ============= [[[[[[[[ https://tipply.pl/u/donstudio.team ]]]]]]] ============
Oficjalny fanpage na Facebook:
Oraz zaprzyjaźnione kanały naszych znajomych, którzy pomagali przy filmie/brali udział itp:
@Blondynka uczy matmy https://www.facebook.com/skazana.na.emocje/
@Dawid Pokusa https://www.facebook.com/dpokusa1138/
@Kasia Zalewska https://www.facebook.com/Kasia-Zalewska-113688913319413/
@Majena https://www.facebook.com/majenakarnia/
@Magdalena Sadowska (McDusiaShakira) https://www.instagram.com/mcdusiashakira/
@nata'tu (https://www.youtube.com/channel/UChnvFcsy9Xm8SWG11EynivQ) https://www.facebook.com/Renata-Tuszy%C5%84ska-natatu-475747879272040/
LEKTOR: Dawid Pokusa
Muzyka z napisów: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=9RAdqRWRMqI
Music (licensed under a Creative Commons License)
Steven O'Brien (https://soundcloud.com/stevenobrien)
1) Unfinished MMORPG Score: Meadow Theme
2) Christmas Calander (Julkalendern) 2012 - Mostly Mystical Theme
Cjbeards (https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=82hJffyJ5hY)
1) Fire and Thunder by Cjbeards
SILENCYDE (https://soundcloud.com/silencyde)
1) Shroud by Silencyde
ROYALTY FREE KINGS (www.royaltyfreekings.com)
1) Desert Wanderer_NO VOCALS
2) Bombing Run STRINGS
1) Tension - by Daniele Garuglieri
YouTube Playlist: https://www.youtube.com/playlist?list... Spotify: https://open.spotify.com/artist/444F1... Facebook page: https://www.facebook.com/DanieleCinem... Soundcloud: https://soundcloud.com/d4ni3l3
1) Heroes Rise by Hayden Folker | https://soundcloud.com/hayden-folker
Music promoted by https://www.free-stock-music.com
Creative Commons Attribution 3.0 Unported License
MIGUEL JOHNSON | https://soundcloud.com/migueljohnsonmjmusic
1) Battle of 3302 By Miguel Johnson
JH SOUNDTRACKS | https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCuZrRIbccB9SBBw-uKmkb8A
(Creative Commons) CC-BY-NC-ND 4.0
1) JHSoundtracks - Meeting In Woodland
2) JHSoundtracks - Beautiful Nature
MAKAII SYMPHONY | https://www.youtube.com/channel/UC8cn3OdeqYhyhNUyrMxOQKQ
1) Dragon Castle
2) Epic Battle Music - VS Cerberus
3) Epic Battle Music - VS Minotaur
4) RPG Field BGM - Under Cover Of Darkness
5) RPG Field BGM - Devils Gate
6) RPG Field BGM - Volcano
7) RPG Field BGM - The Secrets Of Underground
8) RPG Field BGM - Dark Knight
9) RPG Field BGM - Cemetery
Scott Buckley | https://www.scottbuckley.com.au
1) World of Magic
2) Sb monomyth 11 the fury
3) The Fall
Ender Guney | EnderGuneyMusic.com | https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCHEioEoqyFPsOiW8CepDaYg
1) Great Movie-Scenes Music
2) Watch
3) Drums Trailer
Alexander Nakarada | https://www.serpentsoundstudios.com
Music promoted by https://www.free-stock-music.com
Attribution 4.0 International (CC BY 4.0)
1) Mjolnir
2) Adventure
3) Battle of the creek
4) Wanderer
5) Battle metal
6) Off to war
7) The great battle
8) Pure Rock-n-roll
9) Wonderland
10) Loss
11) Shalash
David Fesliyan | https://www.FesliyanStudios.com
1) Tiny Kingdom
2) Without God
3 ) Evil Rising
4) Super Hero Showdown
5) Action Fight
6) O Holy Night Epic Orchestra Version
7) Beautiful Village
1) The shadow realm haunting
Music Provided By Mediacharger www.youtube.com/user/MediaCharger https://bit.ly/32QJvhx Music Created By : Shane Ivers Song Title: The Paladins Credit: https://goo.gl/437jLD
Cooper Cannel
1) Song Info Title : There s Life Out There
Artist Name : Cooper Cannell
Music released in Youtube Audio Library
- published: 17 Dec 2021
- views: 1315869
Put a Finger Down | SCARED EDITION
This is Put a Finger Down Scared Edition - Inspired by the popular TikTok challenge
In this video, we will be playing a game of "Put a Finger Down", with quest...
This is Put a Finger Down Scared Edition - Inspired by the popular TikTok challenge
In this video, we will be playing a game of "Put a Finger Down", with questions related to people's fears.
I will give you 35 different things related to being afraid, and for every one of them that relates to you or is something that you have done, you will put your finger down.
So, basically, when you put a finger down, you are keeping a score of how many of these questions that I am going to give you, are things that are about you. So at the end of the video, you will add up how many times you put a finger down, and that will reveal your total points.
Comment below at the end and let everyone know how many fingers you ended up putting down during this challenge. Leave a thumbs up if you enjoyed this video.
What is your biggest fear? Was it in this video? Let us know in the comments.
Subscribe with the bell, and never miss when a new Put a Finger Down video drops or any other video on this channel for that matter. They are all fun :)
Good luck, and have fun
This is Put a Finger Down Scared Edition - Inspired by the popular TikTok challenge
In this video, we will be playing a game of "Put a Finger Down", with questions related to people's fears.
I will give you 35 different things related to being afraid, and for every one of them that relates to you or is something that you have done, you will put your finger down.
So, basically, when you put a finger down, you are keeping a score of how many of these questions that I am going to give you, are things that are about you. So at the end of the video, you will add up how many times you put a finger down, and that will reveal your total points.
Comment below at the end and let everyone know how many fingers you ended up putting down during this challenge. Leave a thumbs up if you enjoyed this video.
What is your biggest fear? Was it in this video? Let us know in the comments.
Subscribe with the bell, and never miss when a new Put a Finger Down video drops or any other video on this channel for that matter. They are all fun :)
Good luck, and have fun
- published: 25 Jun 2022
- views: 1896017
Murder Drones: Intermission - A FAN EPISODE ANIMATIC (FULL) (ENGLISH)
When Uzi finds herself plagued by the horrors of her new oil-lust, N sets up a day of fun to quell her worries.
A story of understanding.
Thumbnail by @Animat...
When Uzi finds herself plagued by the horrors of her new oil-lust, N sets up a day of fun to quell her worries.
A story of understanding.
Thumbnail by @Animate_A_Thing
Czech subtitles: @Ajnoscz on Twitter!
Russian Subtitles: @netzez89 on Twitter!
Murder Drones: Intermission is a bridge episode acting as a thread between Cabin Fever and Home. I am not affiliated with Glitch Productions. All rights to Murder Drones belong to Glitch and Liam Vickers, I'm just a fan with too much audacity.
This project was a labor of love. This show means so much to me and I'm so grateful to have had the opportunity to make this with a team of people who believed in what I was trying to do. The passion put into this is palpable, and I'm happy I get to share this with the community. I hope you enjoy the show.
Dialogueless EP Drive: https://drive.google.com/drive/folders/1IFE43yToXXWbhvzCY_QZzIcsTgnzbTFi?usp=drive_link
Murder Drones Insecurity: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=gDeOvqJWXew
When Uzi finds herself plagued by the horrors of her new oil-lust, N sets up a day of fun to quell her worries.
A story of understanding.
Thumbnail by @Animate_A_Thing
Czech subtitles: @Ajnoscz on Twitter!
Russian Subtitles: @netzez89 on Twitter!
Murder Drones: Intermission is a bridge episode acting as a thread between Cabin Fever and Home. I am not affiliated with Glitch Productions. All rights to Murder Drones belong to Glitch and Liam Vickers, I'm just a fan with too much audacity.
This project was a labor of love. This show means so much to me and I'm so grateful to have had the opportunity to make this with a team of people who believed in what I was trying to do. The passion put into this is palpable, and I'm happy I get to share this with the community. I hope you enjoy the show.
Dialogueless EP Drive: https://drive.google.com/drive/folders/1IFE43yToXXWbhvzCY_QZzIcsTgnzbTFi?usp=drive_link
Murder Drones Insecurity: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=gDeOvqJWXew
- published: 27 Jun 2024
- views: 2678112
繁华都市,命案频发。凶案现场,罪犯总是故意留下一枚指纹和一张字条——“请来抓我”,除此之外,没有丝毫破绽。 面对如此高调的连环杀手,专案组成立四次又解散四次,毫无头绪,只能求助于数理逻辑专家严良,这桩悬案,疑难如一道无解方程,他该如何着手解密?精心布置这一场无证之罪的真凶,为何总是...
繁华都市,命案频发。凶案现场,罪犯总是故意留下一枚指纹和一张字条——“请来抓我”,除此之外,没有丝毫破绽。 面对如此高调的连环杀手,专案组成立四次又解散四次,毫无头绪,只能求助于数理逻辑专家严良,这桩悬案,疑难如一道无解方程,他该如何着手解密?精心布置这一场无证之罪的真凶,为何总是故意留下线索?这是一场巨大的阴谋还是一个陷阱,亦或深藏着更不为人知的秘密?
#无证之罪#悬疑电视剧#犯罪剧 本频道制作的所有解说视频都是针对电影或电视剧的,绝对符合平台的使用政策。
繁华都市,命案频发。凶案现场,罪犯总是故意留下一枚指纹和一张字条——“请来抓我”,除此之外,没有丝毫破绽。 面对如此高调的连环杀手,专案组成立四次又解散四次,毫无头绪,只能求助于数理逻辑专家严良,这桩悬案,疑难如一道无解方程,他该如何着手解密?精心布置这一场无证之罪的真凶,为何总是故意留下线索?这是一场巨大的阴谋还是一个陷阱,亦或深藏着更不为人知的秘密?
#无证之罪#悬疑电视剧#犯罪剧 本频道制作的所有解说视频都是针对电影或电视剧的,绝对符合平台的使用政策。
- published: 08 Jul 2020
- views: 141434
Michael Myers Makes A Ham Sandwhich And Eats It
Michael Myers the serial killer gets hungry sometimes. Here's a perspective on what goes on in Michael's kitchen when he's not murdering victims.
Michael Myers the serial killer gets hungry sometimes. Here's a perspective on what goes on in Michael's kitchen when he's not murdering victims.
http://www.facebook.com/theshowfoks like the fan page!
http://www.youtube.com/theshowseasonone subscribe to the channel!
Michael Myers the serial killer gets hungry sometimes. Here's a perspective on what goes on in Michael's kitchen when he's not murdering victims.
http://www.facebook.com/theshowfoks like the fan page!
http://www.youtube.com/theshowseasonone subscribe to the channel!
- published: 30 Jan 2014
- views: 1769
Game info:Town of Salem is a browser-based game that challenges players on their ability to convincingly lie as well as detect when other players are lying. The...
Game info:Town of Salem is a browser-based game that challenges players on their ability to convincingly lie as well as detect when other players are lying. The game ranges from 7 to 15 players. These players are randomly divided into alignments - Town, Mafia, Serial Killers, Arsonists and Neutrals. If you are a Town member (the good guys) you must track down the Mafia and other villains before they kill you. The catch? You don't know who is a Town member and who is a villain. If you are an evil role, such as a Serial Killer, you secretly murder town members in the veil of night and try to avoid getting caught.
Follow Me On Twitter: https://twitter.com/TheNidface
Twitch: http://www.twitch.tv/nidface
Game info:Town of Salem is a browser-based game that challenges players on their ability to convincingly lie as well as detect when other players are lying. The game ranges from 7 to 15 players. These players are randomly divided into alignments - Town, Mafia, Serial Killers, Arsonists and Neutrals. If you are a Town member (the good guys) you must track down the Mafia and other villains before they kill you. The catch? You don't know who is a Town member and who is a villain. If you are an evil role, such as a Serial Killer, you secretly murder town members in the veil of night and try to avoid getting caught.
Follow Me On Twitter: https://twitter.com/TheNidface
Twitch: http://www.twitch.tv/nidface
- published: 08 Mar 2015
- views: 24