Remarkable Rice: how does rice grow
Find out about the fascinating process of growing rice in the paddy fields, and the perfect conditions it needs to thrive.
For resources and activities to accompany this video, visit our website: http://www.eathappyproject.com/online-field-trips/remarkable-rice/
published: 29 Sep 2014
How Rice is Made : Step by Step Growing Rice Paddy Farming, South India
How Rice is Made : Step by Step Growing Rice Paddy Farming, South India, My Village - Agriculture
published: 03 Mar 2018
周杰倫 Jay Chou【稻香 Rice Field】-Official Music Video
周杰倫 稻香
詞: 周杰倫 曲: 周杰倫
溫馨勵志的「稻香」 回到最初的美好
周杰倫填詞作曲的「稻香」,是一首嘻哈民謠搭配周式饒舌曲風,描述現代都市人對社會、生活的壓力過重,開始嚮往鄉下樸實的生活,回到最初的美好;在前奏的蟋蟀聲之後,開頭第一段就唱著:「對這個世界如果你有太多的抱怨 跌倒了就不敢繼續往前走 為什麼人要這麼的脆弱 墮落」,杰倫直率有力的問著,有如當頭棒喝,反問自己是不是早以抱怨代替了感激;「請你打開電視看看 多少人為生命在努力勇敢的走下去 我們是不是該知足 珍惜一切 就算沒有擁有」,天災人禍頻傳的現在,當電視裡播放著被埋在土堆裡十幾個小時的人被救出的畫面,或是災民們努力重建家園的景象,原始的求生能力,是人類最珍貴的力量,生命正發出強大的訊號,每個人都應該聽聽心裡的聲音,知足珍惜眼前的一切,周杰倫唱出了這個最簡單的道理,卻也是最容易被蒙蔽忽略的道理:知足。
接著杰倫帶我們回到鄉下,打赤腳在田裡奔跑、偷摘水果的玩樂嘻鬧聲,無憂無慮的童年,這樣的記憶,恐怕是現在很多都市小孩所沒有的,安親班取代了田埂果園,而喇叭聲讓蟲鳴消失了。大人的世界逐漸侵襲小孩的世界,抱怨、沮喪、謾罵,讓大家忘記了最初的美好,「不要這麼容易就想放棄 就像我說的 追不到的夢想 換個夢不就得了 笑一個吧 功成名就不是目的 讓自己快樂快樂這才叫做意義」在紛亂騷動的現在,聽這首周式療傷嘻哈民謠風的「稻香」,一起回歸心靈的自然,追尋最樸實最真誠的感動。周杰倫用最單純的音色與音符,沒有矯飾的文字,直接有力的為大家加油打氣,努力過生活,知足最快樂!
published: 19 Mar 2013
Sekinchan, Malaysia - Paddy Field
2016 Sekinchan Paddy Field video is up: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=0poSmWZVKO8
published: 25 Nov 2013
Floating Rice Farm | Floating Paddy Cultivation | Floating Rice / Paddy Field
Science and technology agriculture is becoming more and more interesting. China has a large water area. If the cultivation of floating rice can be promoted, it will be a brand-new agricultural model, which will bring great value to the increase in food income.
Video By : LI K (https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCGvSVDOE0mT1_PWYjFSrqxg)
Copyright Disclaimer Under Section 107 of the Copyright Act 1976, allowance is made for "fair use" for purposes such as criticism, commenting, news reporting, teaching, scholarship, and research. Fair use is a use permitted by copyright statute that might otherwise be infringing. Educational or personal use tips the balance in favor of fair use.
-This video has no negative impact on the original work...
published: 30 Dec 2020
Wet Rice From Seed To Harvest Process - Amazing Modern Asia Agriculture Technology
In wet rice agriculture, seeds are sown in small seedbeds; the seedlings are then transplanted one by one to prepared paddy fields. While the plants are maturing, they must be kept irrigated, but as the rice ripens the fields are drained.
The rice is then harvested and threshed by hand. Wet rice agriculture is labor-intensive, meaning that many people are required to do the job (as in the cultivation of silk worms and tea). Labor is particularly important when the fields are prepared, seedlings transplanted, and again when the rice is harvested.
Thumbnails are paddy drying process manually in asia
If you are the owner, send me a comment on the video. I will follow your request as soon as read. Thank you
Thank For Watching Noal Farm
For more Hot video Please Sub me Here: https://bit.l...
published: 23 Apr 2018
MIni Paddy Field Rice Weeder/farm cultivator/rotary power tiller agricul tural
this machine has a mating movtive of 4-6 horsepower diesel g with a mono-wheel drive and a three-point balancing support and a belt tension clutch .It can operate through riding on it by one person.
this machine has an advanced design and a reasonable structure which operates easify and safely and reliably.the machine has such a well working quality and a high work efficiency, and a light and flexible utilization characters, so it can be widely used in soil preparation in plain or mountainous or hilly areas ,
diesel with a mono-wheel driving and a three-potnt balancing support.the product can do such paddy field operation as plowing,harrowing,and pudding, etc,with one person riding on and operating it.
this machine has an advanced design and reasonable structure which operates easily,s...
published: 30 Jun 2021
Beautiful Rice Field || Paddy Field || Greenery Rice Field
Beautiful Rice Field || Paddy Field || Greenery Rice Field
Today i will show you about Beautiful Greenery Rice Field , Hope all of you will enjoy watching my video .
Follow me on social media:
published: 03 Feb 2020
The Narrowbacks - Paddy's Field
A group of clips courtesy of TG4, the NY GAA and the GAA set to Paddy's Field by the Narrowbacks
twitter @thenarrowbacks
instagram @thenarrowbacks
published: 27 Jul 2015
Japan's farmers paddy field physical weeding technology! Micro-tillage
In this video, it will show Japan's farmers paddy field physical weeding technology! Micro-tillage in Japan:
1-Japan, farmers paddy field physical weeding technology! Micro-tillage technology can complete all kinds of weeding without bending over. If the slope is too long, add a rope, so that the physical weeding method reduces the use of herbicides... Japan Weeding Wisdom Agriculture
2- Japan, Hokkaido pasture grass harvesting technology! Most of the forage in Japan's animal husbandry comes from Hokkaido. The integrated operations of harvesting, drying, raking, and bundling... Japan Animal Husbandry Smart Agriculture
3-Japan, cabbage planting and harvesting technology! From seedling planting, ridging and weeding, to harvesting and transportation, various micro-tillage techniques are used....
published: 26 Dec 2022
Remarkable Rice: how does rice grow
Find out about the fascinating process of growing rice in the paddy fields, and the perfect conditions it needs to thrive.
For resources and activities to acco...
Find out about the fascinating process of growing rice in the paddy fields, and the perfect conditions it needs to thrive.
For resources and activities to accompany this video, visit our website: http://www.eathappyproject.com/online-field-trips/remarkable-rice/
Find out about the fascinating process of growing rice in the paddy fields, and the perfect conditions it needs to thrive.
For resources and activities to accompany this video, visit our website: http://www.eathappyproject.com/online-field-trips/remarkable-rice/
- published: 29 Sep 2014
- views: 1214480
How Rice is Made : Step by Step Growing Rice Paddy Farming, South India
How Rice is Made : Step by Step Growing Rice Paddy Farming, South India, My Village - Agriculture
How Rice is Made : Step by Step Growing Rice Paddy Farming, South India, My Village - Agriculture
How Rice is Made : Step by Step Growing Rice Paddy Farming, South India, My Village - Agriculture
- published: 03 Mar 2018
- views: 10487137
周杰倫 Jay Chou【稻香 Rice Field】-Official Music Video
周杰倫 稻香
詞: 周杰倫 曲: 周杰倫
溫馨勵志的「稻香」 回到最初的美好
周杰倫 稻香
詞: 周杰倫 曲: 周杰倫
溫馨勵志的「稻香」 回到最初的美好
周杰倫填詞作曲的「稻香」,是一首嘻哈民謠搭配周式饒舌曲風,描述現代都市人對社會、生活的壓力過重,開始嚮往鄉下樸實的生活,回到最初的美好;在前奏的蟋蟀聲之後,開頭第一段就唱著:「對這個世界如果你有太多的抱怨 跌倒了就不敢繼續往前走 為什麼人要這麼的脆弱 墮落」,杰倫直率有力的問著,有如當頭棒喝,反問自己是不是早以抱怨代替了感激;「請你打開電視看看 多少人為生命在努力勇敢的走下去 我們是不是該知足 珍惜一切 就算沒有擁有」,天災人禍頻傳的現在,當電視裡播放著被埋在土堆裡十幾個小時的人被救出的畫面,或是災民們努力重建家園的景象,原始的求生能力,是人類最珍貴的力量,生命正發出強大的訊號,每個人都應該聽聽心裡的聲音,知足珍惜眼前的一切,周杰倫唱出了這個最簡單的道理,卻也是最容易被蒙蔽忽略的道理:知足。
接著杰倫帶我們回到鄉下,打赤腳在田裡奔跑、偷摘水果的玩樂嘻鬧聲,無憂無慮的童年,這樣的記憶,恐怕是現在很多都市小孩所沒有的,安親班取代了田埂果園,而喇叭聲讓蟲鳴消失了。大人的世界逐漸侵襲小孩的世界,抱怨、沮喪、謾罵,讓大家忘記了最初的美好,「不要這麼容易就想放棄 就像我說的 追不到的夢想 換個夢不就得了 笑一個吧 功成名就不是目的 讓自己快樂快樂這才叫做意義」在紛亂騷動的現在,聽這首周式療傷嘻哈民謠風的「稻香」,一起回歸心靈的自然,追尋最樸實最真誠的感動。周杰倫用最單純的音色與音符,沒有矯飾的文字,直接有力的為大家加油打氣,努力過生活,知足最快樂!
【時光機 完整MV】http://youtu.be/nCfrfCzaB2A
【蛇舞 完整MV】http://youtu.be/aO9SU-w8hnM
【給我一首歌的時間 完整MV】http://youtu.be/wt0RKW3aC84
【喬克叔叔 完整MV】http://youtu.be/GKT_1DTa2as
【說好的幸福呢 完整MV】http://youtu.be/mLFhTFiX0uM
【龍戰騎士 完整MV】http://youtu.be/6VRioN8euIs
【魔術先生 完整MV】http://youtu.be/UXwHuKmuhW8
【蘭亭序 完整MV】http://youtu.be/s5Xl5MXboas
【流浪詩人 完整MV】http://youtu.be/-ytYpXm3cv0
【花海 完整MV】http://youtu.be/q1ww6bDjfiI
【Connection with Jay Chou 周杰倫相關網頁】
◎ Jay Chou FACEBOOK(臉書): http://www.facebook.com/jay
◎ Jay Chou YOUTUBE(視頻): http://www.youtube.com/JVRmuzic
◎ JVR Music Official Site(杰威爾音樂): http://www.jvrmusic.com
◎ iTunes(數位): https://itunes.apple.com/tw/album/shi-er-xin-zuo/id587743633?l=zh
周杰倫 稻香
詞: 周杰倫 曲: 周杰倫
溫馨勵志的「稻香」 回到最初的美好
周杰倫填詞作曲的「稻香」,是一首嘻哈民謠搭配周式饒舌曲風,描述現代都市人對社會、生活的壓力過重,開始嚮往鄉下樸實的生活,回到最初的美好;在前奏的蟋蟀聲之後,開頭第一段就唱著:「對這個世界如果你有太多的抱怨 跌倒了就不敢繼續往前走 為什麼人要這麼的脆弱 墮落」,杰倫直率有力的問著,有如當頭棒喝,反問自己是不是早以抱怨代替了感激;「請你打開電視看看 多少人為生命在努力勇敢的走下去 我們是不是該知足 珍惜一切 就算沒有擁有」,天災人禍頻傳的現在,當電視裡播放著被埋在土堆裡十幾個小時的人被救出的畫面,或是災民們努力重建家園的景象,原始的求生能力,是人類最珍貴的力量,生命正發出強大的訊號,每個人都應該聽聽心裡的聲音,知足珍惜眼前的一切,周杰倫唱出了這個最簡單的道理,卻也是最容易被蒙蔽忽略的道理:知足。
接著杰倫帶我們回到鄉下,打赤腳在田裡奔跑、偷摘水果的玩樂嘻鬧聲,無憂無慮的童年,這樣的記憶,恐怕是現在很多都市小孩所沒有的,安親班取代了田埂果園,而喇叭聲讓蟲鳴消失了。大人的世界逐漸侵襲小孩的世界,抱怨、沮喪、謾罵,讓大家忘記了最初的美好,「不要這麼容易就想放棄 就像我說的 追不到的夢想 換個夢不就得了 笑一個吧 功成名就不是目的 讓自己快樂快樂這才叫做意義」在紛亂騷動的現在,聽這首周式療傷嘻哈民謠風的「稻香」,一起回歸心靈的自然,追尋最樸實最真誠的感動。周杰倫用最單純的音色與音符,沒有矯飾的文字,直接有力的為大家加油打氣,努力過生活,知足最快樂!
【時光機 完整MV】http://youtu.be/nCfrfCzaB2A
【蛇舞 完整MV】http://youtu.be/aO9SU-w8hnM
【給我一首歌的時間 完整MV】http://youtu.be/wt0RKW3aC84
【喬克叔叔 完整MV】http://youtu.be/GKT_1DTa2as
【說好的幸福呢 完整MV】http://youtu.be/mLFhTFiX0uM
【龍戰騎士 完整MV】http://youtu.be/6VRioN8euIs
【魔術先生 完整MV】http://youtu.be/UXwHuKmuhW8
【蘭亭序 完整MV】http://youtu.be/s5Xl5MXboas
【流浪詩人 完整MV】http://youtu.be/-ytYpXm3cv0
【花海 完整MV】http://youtu.be/q1ww6bDjfiI
【Connection with Jay Chou 周杰倫相關網頁】
◎ Jay Chou FACEBOOK(臉書): http://www.facebook.com/jay
◎ Jay Chou YOUTUBE(視頻): http://www.youtube.com/JVRmuzic
◎ JVR Music Official Site(杰威爾音樂): http://www.jvrmusic.com
◎ iTunes(數位): https://itunes.apple.com/tw/album/shi-er-xin-zuo/id587743633?l=zh
- published: 19 Mar 2013
- views: 47293763
Sekinchan, Malaysia - Paddy Field
2016 Sekinchan Paddy Field video is up: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=0poSmWZVKO8
2016 Sekinchan Paddy Field video is up: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=0poSmWZVKO8
2016 Sekinchan Paddy Field video is up: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=0poSmWZVKO8
- published: 25 Nov 2013
- views: 98712
Floating Rice Farm | Floating Paddy Cultivation | Floating Rice / Paddy Field
Science and technology agriculture is becoming more and more interesting. China has a large water area. If the cultivation of floating rice can be promoted, it ...
Science and technology agriculture is becoming more and more interesting. China has a large water area. If the cultivation of floating rice can be promoted, it will be a brand-new agricultural model, which will bring great value to the increase in food income.
Video By : LI K (https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCGvSVDOE0mT1_PWYjFSrqxg)
Copyright Disclaimer Under Section 107 of the Copyright Act 1976, allowance is made for "fair use" for purposes such as criticism, commenting, news reporting, teaching, scholarship, and research. Fair use is a use permitted by copyright statute that might otherwise be infringing. Educational or personal use tips the balance in favor of fair use.
-This video has no negative impact on the original works (It would actually be positive for them)
-This video is also for teaching purposes.
-It is not transformative in nature.
We make these videos with the intention of educating others in a motivational/inspirational form. We do not own the clips and music we use in most cases. Our understanding is that it is in correlation to Fair Right Use, however, given that it is open to interpretation, if any owners of the content clips would like us to remove the video, we have no problem with that and will do so as fast as possible. Please message us on YouTube or Facebook if you have any concerns.
We believe these videos are fair use because:
They are transformative in a positive sense, we take clips from various sources to help create an atmospheric feeling that will help people in hard situations in their life.
We also do not wish to use the heart of any piece of work that would perhaps decrease the market value of the original content, if anything we hope to promote the content so that people can reach out and subsequently increase the market value.
SUBSCRIBE : https://www.youtube.com/DiscoverAgriculture?sub_confirmation=1
Discover Agriculture YouTube Channel: http://www.youtube.com/DiscoverAgriculture
[email protected]
FOLLOW US ON : Instagram : https://www.instagram.com/roshan_shetty_c
Facebook : https://m.facebook.com/RoshanShettyCG/
Instagram : https://www.instagram.com/harshith_bhandary_
Facebook : https://www.facebook.com/harshith.bhandary.7
Floating Rice Farm | Floating Paddy Cultivation
Tags: floating rice, floating rice cultivation, floating rice farming, floating rice paddy, floating rice fields, floating paddy fields, floating paddy farming, floating paddy cultivation, paddy farming, paddy farming step by step, rice farming, rice farming technology, rice growing in water, paddy growing in, growing rice in paddy fields, growing paddy in hydroponics, paddy farm, farming rice technology, farming rice, farming paddy, paddy, rice, rice cultivation
#PaddyFarming #RiceFarming #FloatingFarm #AgricultureMachine #Agriculture #Farming #DiscoverAgriculture Website: https://discoveragriculture.com
Science and technology agriculture is becoming more and more interesting. China has a large water area. If the cultivation of floating rice can be promoted, it will be a brand-new agricultural model, which will bring great value to the increase in food income.
Video By : LI K (https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCGvSVDOE0mT1_PWYjFSrqxg)
Copyright Disclaimer Under Section 107 of the Copyright Act 1976, allowance is made for "fair use" for purposes such as criticism, commenting, news reporting, teaching, scholarship, and research. Fair use is a use permitted by copyright statute that might otherwise be infringing. Educational or personal use tips the balance in favor of fair use.
-This video has no negative impact on the original works (It would actually be positive for them)
-This video is also for teaching purposes.
-It is not transformative in nature.
We make these videos with the intention of educating others in a motivational/inspirational form. We do not own the clips and music we use in most cases. Our understanding is that it is in correlation to Fair Right Use, however, given that it is open to interpretation, if any owners of the content clips would like us to remove the video, we have no problem with that and will do so as fast as possible. Please message us on YouTube or Facebook if you have any concerns.
We believe these videos are fair use because:
They are transformative in a positive sense, we take clips from various sources to help create an atmospheric feeling that will help people in hard situations in their life.
We also do not wish to use the heart of any piece of work that would perhaps decrease the market value of the original content, if anything we hope to promote the content so that people can reach out and subsequently increase the market value.
SUBSCRIBE : https://www.youtube.com/DiscoverAgriculture?sub_confirmation=1
Discover Agriculture YouTube Channel: http://www.youtube.com/DiscoverAgriculture
[email protected]
FOLLOW US ON : Instagram : https://www.instagram.com/roshan_shetty_c
Facebook : https://m.facebook.com/RoshanShettyCG/
Instagram : https://www.instagram.com/harshith_bhandary_
Facebook : https://www.facebook.com/harshith.bhandary.7
Floating Rice Farm | Floating Paddy Cultivation
Tags: floating rice, floating rice cultivation, floating rice farming, floating rice paddy, floating rice fields, floating paddy fields, floating paddy farming, floating paddy cultivation, paddy farming, paddy farming step by step, rice farming, rice farming technology, rice growing in water, paddy growing in, growing rice in paddy fields, growing paddy in hydroponics, paddy farm, farming rice technology, farming rice, farming paddy, paddy, rice, rice cultivation
#PaddyFarming #RiceFarming #FloatingFarm #AgricultureMachine #Agriculture #Farming #DiscoverAgriculture Website: https://discoveragriculture.com
- published: 30 Dec 2020
- views: 282005
Wet Rice From Seed To Harvest Process - Amazing Modern Asia Agriculture Technology
In wet rice agriculture, seeds are sown in small seedbeds; the seedlings are then transplanted one by one to prepared paddy fields. While the plants are maturin...
In wet rice agriculture, seeds are sown in small seedbeds; the seedlings are then transplanted one by one to prepared paddy fields. While the plants are maturing, they must be kept irrigated, but as the rice ripens the fields are drained.
The rice is then harvested and threshed by hand. Wet rice agriculture is labor-intensive, meaning that many people are required to do the job (as in the cultivation of silk worms and tea). Labor is particularly important when the fields are prepared, seedlings transplanted, and again when the rice is harvested.
Thumbnails are paddy drying process manually in asia
If you are the owner, send me a comment on the video. I will follow your request as soon as read. Thank you
Thank For Watching Noal Farm
For more Hot video Please Sub me Here: https://bit.ly/3gy34S6
And More playlist
Noal Farm : https://bit.ly/3gy3sQy
Noal Sea : https://bit.ly/3BaSgBd
Noal Processing : https://bit.ly/3mBP65t
#noalfarm #noalharvesting #ricefarm
In wet rice agriculture, seeds are sown in small seedbeds; the seedlings are then transplanted one by one to prepared paddy fields. While the plants are maturing, they must be kept irrigated, but as the rice ripens the fields are drained.
The rice is then harvested and threshed by hand. Wet rice agriculture is labor-intensive, meaning that many people are required to do the job (as in the cultivation of silk worms and tea). Labor is particularly important when the fields are prepared, seedlings transplanted, and again when the rice is harvested.
Thumbnails are paddy drying process manually in asia
If you are the owner, send me a comment on the video. I will follow your request as soon as read. Thank you
Thank For Watching Noal Farm
For more Hot video Please Sub me Here: https://bit.ly/3gy34S6
And More playlist
Noal Farm : https://bit.ly/3gy3sQy
Noal Sea : https://bit.ly/3BaSgBd
Noal Processing : https://bit.ly/3mBP65t
#noalfarm #noalharvesting #ricefarm
- published: 23 Apr 2018
- views: 3882258
MIni Paddy Field Rice Weeder/farm cultivator/rotary power tiller agricul tural
this machine has a mating movtive of 4-6 horsepower diesel g with a mono-wheel drive and a three-point balancing support and a belt tension clutch .It can opera...
this machine has a mating movtive of 4-6 horsepower diesel g with a mono-wheel drive and a three-point balancing support and a belt tension clutch .It can operate through riding on it by one person.
this machine has an advanced design and a reasonable structure which operates easify and safely and reliably.the machine has such a well working quality and a high work efficiency, and a light and flexible utilization characters, so it can be widely used in soil preparation in plain or mountainous or hilly areas ,
diesel with a mono-wheel driving and a three-potnt balancing support.the product can do such paddy field operation as plowing,harrowing,and pudding, etc,with one person riding on and operating it.
this machine has an advanced design and reasonable structure which operates easily,safely and reliably,the machine has such a well working quality,a high work efficiency, and a light and flexible utilization characters,that it is widely used in soil preparation in plain, mountainous or hilly areas and is an ideal paddy field machinery.
this machine has a mating movtive of 4-6 horsepower diesel g with a mono-wheel drive and a three-point balancing support and a belt tension clutch .It can operate through riding on it by one person.
this machine has an advanced design and a reasonable structure which operates easify and safely and reliably.the machine has such a well working quality and a high work efficiency, and a light and flexible utilization characters, so it can be widely used in soil preparation in plain or mountainous or hilly areas ,
diesel with a mono-wheel driving and a three-potnt balancing support.the product can do such paddy field operation as plowing,harrowing,and pudding, etc,with one person riding on and operating it.
this machine has an advanced design and reasonable structure which operates easily,safely and reliably,the machine has such a well working quality,a high work efficiency, and a light and flexible utilization characters,that it is widely used in soil preparation in plain, mountainous or hilly areas and is an ideal paddy field machinery.
- published: 30 Jun 2021
- views: 41640550
Beautiful Rice Field || Paddy Field || Greenery Rice Field
Beautiful Rice Field || Paddy Field || Greenery Rice Field
Today i will show you about Beautiful Greenery ...
Beautiful Rice Field || Paddy Field || Greenery Rice Field
Today i will show you about Beautiful Greenery Rice Field , Hope all of you will enjoy watching my video .
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Beautiful Rice Field || Paddy Field || Greenery Rice Field
Today i will show you about Beautiful Greenery Rice Field , Hope all of you will enjoy watching my video .
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- published: 03 Feb 2020
- views: 1587
The Narrowbacks - Paddy's Field
A group of clips courtesy of TG4, the NY GAA and the GAA set to Paddy's Field by the Narrowbacks
A group of clips courtesy of TG4, the NY GAA and the GAA set to Paddy's Field by the Narrowbacks
twitter @thenarrowbacks
instagram @thenarrowbacks
A group of clips courtesy of TG4, the NY GAA and the GAA set to Paddy's Field by the Narrowbacks
twitter @thenarrowbacks
instagram @thenarrowbacks
- published: 27 Jul 2015
- views: 12569
Japan's farmers paddy field physical weeding technology! Micro-tillage
In this video, it will show Japan's farmers paddy field physical weeding technology! Micro-tillage in Japan:
1-Japan, farmers paddy field physical weeding techn...
In this video, it will show Japan's farmers paddy field physical weeding technology! Micro-tillage in Japan:
1-Japan, farmers paddy field physical weeding technology! Micro-tillage technology can complete all kinds of weeding without bending over. If the slope is too long, add a rope, so that the physical weeding method reduces the use of herbicides... Japan Weeding Wisdom Agriculture
2- Japan, Hokkaido pasture grass harvesting technology! Most of the forage in Japan's animal husbandry comes from Hokkaido. The integrated operations of harvesting, drying, raking, and bundling... Japan Animal Husbandry Smart Agriculture
3-Japan, cabbage planting and harvesting technology! From seedling planting, ridging and weeding, to harvesting and transportation, various micro-tillage techniques are used...It is worth learning from! Japan #cabbage #wisdom agriculture
In the era of mass production, agriculture machines need to be as advanced as possible to keep up with the demand. They increase production and ease farmers' jobs, making it less physical and time-consuming. Here we bring you a review of the best agriculture machines we have found. Enjoy!
In this video, it will show Japan's farmers paddy field physical weeding technology! Micro-tillage in Japan:
1-Japan, farmers paddy field physical weeding technology! Micro-tillage technology can complete all kinds of weeding without bending over. If the slope is too long, add a rope, so that the physical weeding method reduces the use of herbicides... Japan Weeding Wisdom Agriculture
2- Japan, Hokkaido pasture grass harvesting technology! Most of the forage in Japan's animal husbandry comes from Hokkaido. The integrated operations of harvesting, drying, raking, and bundling... Japan Animal Husbandry Smart Agriculture
3-Japan, cabbage planting and harvesting technology! From seedling planting, ridging and weeding, to harvesting and transportation, various micro-tillage techniques are used...It is worth learning from! Japan #cabbage #wisdom agriculture
In the era of mass production, agriculture machines need to be as advanced as possible to keep up with the demand. They increase production and ease farmers' jobs, making it less physical and time-consuming. Here we bring you a review of the best agriculture machines we have found. Enjoy!
- published: 26 Dec 2022
- views: 1464
Sekinchan ni betul-betul cantik atau HYPE? Tempat menarik di Selangor
Sekinchan antara salah satu tempat menarik yang ada kat Selangor. Sawah padi yang luas dan tenang kat Sekinchan ni buat tempat ni sesuai untuk short getaway dari kesibukan kota.
Tapi berbaloi ke sebenarnya datang Sekinchan ni?
*Minta maaf audio barai sikit. kalau tak dengar, boleh turn on subtitle ya ✌
90% video ni diambil menggunakan Insta360 One R - 1 Inch Mod.
Beli Insta360 One R 1 Inch mod kat link ni:
Shopee : https://invol.co/cl9ji17
Lazada : https://invol.co/cl9ji0f
0:00 - Selamat Datang ke Sekinchan!
0:49 - Paddy Gallery
3:16 - Laman Tebu Aidil
5:08 - Ah Ma House
6:15 - Pantai Redang
7:51 - Wishing Tree
8:19 - Lucky Eight Resources
9:02 - Azri Mentarang Fresh Sekinchan
10:44 - AMG Bicycle Rental
12:38 - Padi Box / N.16 Cafe
🎵 Lagu & Music yang aku pakai dalam video ni: https:...
published: 14 Apr 2021
Sekinchan, Selangor | 12 tempat menarik yang wajib singgah dalam 3 Hari 2 Malam
Video kali ni saya nak share pengalaman 3 hari 2 malam kat Sekinchan. Aktiviti menarik yang kami lakukan banyak, tapi saya senaraikan antara 12 yang terbaik. Sekinchan adalah salah satu kawasan di Selangor yang menjadi pusat pengeluaran padi. Jadi tak hairan lah kalau Sekinchan ni terkenal dengan sawah padinya. Pemandangan sawah padi di sini amatlah cantik especially semasa matahari terbit dan terbenam. Warna hijau keemasan memberi impak scenery yang terbaik. Jangan lepaskan peluang untuk bergambar dan melakukan aktiviti berbasikal di sini.
Selain tu, Sekinchan juga terkenal dengan makanan laut yang segar dan unik seperti Mentarang dan Belangkas. Banyak kedai-kedai makan di area Sekinchan yang menyediakan menu Mentarang, tapi saya memilih untuk mencuba makanan rare ni di Faridah Mentara...
published: 31 Oct 2021
We Explored Sekinchan, Malaysia 🇲🇾 (Super Beautiful)
My first time driving in Malaysia! Trip to Sekinchan, Selangor
Our trip to Kuala Selangor➡ https://youtu.be/nOjHB-H-7Dg
After spending a day in Kuala Selangor (as seen in the previous episode) we drove to Sekinchan. I took over the car and had my first experience driving a car on the roads in Malaysia. Where I am from, we drive on the other side of the road and it was also kind of my first time driving an automatic car. So, there were lots of things new for me. Let`s see how it went….
Sekinchan Bus cafe
➡ https://goo.gl/maps/mwUAqbV7NTRERPEx7
Our lunch restaurant
➡ https://goo.gl/maps/5pkNdD7uCeYgUjRW7
#malaysia #travelmalaysia #sekinchan
🙋🏼♂️A B O U T M E
I am Ken Abroad, a full-time traveler traveling southeast Asia, currently in Malaysia...
published: 28 May 2022
Sekinchan dan Sungai Besar memang terkenal sebagai kawasan sawah padi di Selangor. Rupanya bukan setakat syurga padi je, tempat makan kat sini pun menarik dan makanan dia pun boleh tahan best!
Ini tempat yang kitorang pergi :
0:00 Apa nak buat di Sekinchan?
0:20 Syurga Nasi Lemak
1:32 Paddy Gallery
2:53 Laman Tebu Aidil
5:00 Farm Ville Cafe & Homestay
5:19 Mee Udang King Original
6:15 Roti Canai Pelangi
7:43 Ah Ma House
9:07 Rojak Shamal
11:42 AZR Mentarang Fresh
13:54 Sewa Basikal dan Exercise!
15:11 Mee Udang Galah Banjir
16:08 Bye Sekinchan & Sungai Besar
Follow TikTok diorang jugak :
Mira :
Sumee :
published: 30 Dec 2022
Sekinchan [ Day Trip ] 适耕庄一日游
Music: Spring moon
published: 03 Apr 2022
【Ernie’s Travelogue】at Kuala Selangor | Sekinchan 1 day trip 🌾🍚
This time around I revisited Sekinchan & Kuala Selangor for Ernie's Live A Littlelah Travelogue for a 1 days trip. Visited some new hot spots and some really good places to eat. It was so beautiful that I had to just record my own music video inside this travelogue. 🤣🤣🤣😎😎 Enjoy!!
#sekinchan #kualaselangor #livealittlelah
#education #askernie #ErnieChen #ErnieChenMotivation #travelouge #hohosek #training #PORTMAN #business #entrepreneur #businessstrategies #marketing
published: 30 Apr 2022
SEKINCHAN 一日游适耕庄 !
Thank you for watching my first vlog, please refer maplink below recommended by other bloggers.
Restoran Weng Kee 榮義記海鲜酒家
Sekinchan the Wishing Tree 许愿树
Paddy Gallery
Music credit :
Salamanca by Sarah, the illstrumemtalist
published: 21 Oct 2022
渔米之乡适耕庄,独特的早餐文化,早餐也吃海鲜大餐 Seafood breakfast at Sekinchan
适耕庄旺角民宿 : 017-6856018
Sekinchan Homestay Wong Corner
Jalan Bagan Pekan Sekinchan 45400 Sekinchan Selangor
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published: 18 Feb 2022
Hay Cafe Sekinchan | KakiTravel
Cafe di tepi sawah di Sekinchan, Selangor
published: 05 Dec 2022
TRIANGLE FARM Cottage House | Family Room | Sekinchan Part 1
Staycation Viral dekat Sekinchan
Bilik - Family Room
Date check in: 29-30 April 2021
Harga - RM178 semalam
Deposit xde. Bayar abis jer masa tu👍🏻😊
Kena check website /FB diorg utk info & promosi terkini.
👨 Staff ok. Friendly je semuanye.
🏙 Entrance lobi dia simple jer, ada satu kaunter kt dpn..dpn kaunter ada basikal byk2 utk guest. Ada tmpt air & seating area & game room belah kiri.
🪟 Bilik family room. Ada satu katil super queen sb mcm lebar dan satu katil single. TV xde, diorg just bg satu botol air dgn gelas. Blh refill di kaunter depan. Gula nescafe milo kopi sachet mmg xde. Kettle air, iron & iron board tidak disediakan, tp blh call mintak staff hantarkan. Yg tu free yer.
🛀 Bilik air xde bathtub yer. Dlm tu ada sabun man...
published: 09 May 2021
Sekinchan ni betul-betul cantik atau HYPE? Tempat menarik di Selangor
Sekinchan antara salah satu tempat menarik yang ada kat Selangor. Sawah padi yang luas dan tenang kat Sekinchan ni buat tempat ni sesuai untuk short getaway dar...
Sekinchan antara salah satu tempat menarik yang ada kat Selangor. Sawah padi yang luas dan tenang kat Sekinchan ni buat tempat ni sesuai untuk short getaway dari kesibukan kota.
Tapi berbaloi ke sebenarnya datang Sekinchan ni?
*Minta maaf audio barai sikit. kalau tak dengar, boleh turn on subtitle ya ✌
90% video ni diambil menggunakan Insta360 One R - 1 Inch Mod.
Beli Insta360 One R 1 Inch mod kat link ni:
Shopee : https://invol.co/cl9ji17
Lazada : https://invol.co/cl9ji0f
0:00 - Selamat Datang ke Sekinchan!
0:49 - Paddy Gallery
3:16 - Laman Tebu Aidil
5:08 - Ah Ma House
6:15 - Pantai Redang
7:51 - Wishing Tree
8:19 - Lucky Eight Resources
9:02 - Azri Mentarang Fresh Sekinchan
10:44 - AMG Bicycle Rental
12:38 - Padi Box / N.16 Cafe
🎵 Lagu & Music yang aku pakai dalam video ni: https://share.epidemicsound.com/fikrizamri
📽 check out semua equipment yang aku pakai untuk buat video https://fikrizamri.com/gear
Tiba masa kita merancakkan semula sektor pelancongan negara!
✌🏻 follow untuk join aku travel pusing satu Malaysia!
📘 Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/fikrizamri.films
📸 Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/fikri_zamri
For collaboration / invitation / just want to say hi?
[email protected]
Follow Travel Buddy Aku
1. @nurhadibeseri
2. @HairudeanZakaria
#sekinchan #pusingselangordulu #selangortourism
Sekinchan antara salah satu tempat menarik yang ada kat Selangor. Sawah padi yang luas dan tenang kat Sekinchan ni buat tempat ni sesuai untuk short getaway dari kesibukan kota.
Tapi berbaloi ke sebenarnya datang Sekinchan ni?
*Minta maaf audio barai sikit. kalau tak dengar, boleh turn on subtitle ya ✌
90% video ni diambil menggunakan Insta360 One R - 1 Inch Mod.
Beli Insta360 One R 1 Inch mod kat link ni:
Shopee : https://invol.co/cl9ji17
Lazada : https://invol.co/cl9ji0f
0:00 - Selamat Datang ke Sekinchan!
0:49 - Paddy Gallery
3:16 - Laman Tebu Aidil
5:08 - Ah Ma House
6:15 - Pantai Redang
7:51 - Wishing Tree
8:19 - Lucky Eight Resources
9:02 - Azri Mentarang Fresh Sekinchan
10:44 - AMG Bicycle Rental
12:38 - Padi Box / N.16 Cafe
🎵 Lagu & Music yang aku pakai dalam video ni: https://share.epidemicsound.com/fikrizamri
📽 check out semua equipment yang aku pakai untuk buat video https://fikrizamri.com/gear
Tiba masa kita merancakkan semula sektor pelancongan negara!
✌🏻 follow untuk join aku travel pusing satu Malaysia!
📘 Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/fikrizamri.films
📸 Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/fikri_zamri
For collaboration / invitation / just want to say hi?
[email protected]
Follow Travel Buddy Aku
1. @nurhadibeseri
2. @HairudeanZakaria
#sekinchan #pusingselangordulu #selangortourism
- published: 14 Apr 2021
- views: 498866
Sekinchan, Selangor | 12 tempat menarik yang wajib singgah dalam 3 Hari 2 Malam
Video kali ni saya nak share pengalaman 3 hari 2 malam kat Sekinchan. Aktiviti menarik yang kami lakukan banyak, tapi saya senaraikan antara 12 yang terbaik. Se...
Video kali ni saya nak share pengalaman 3 hari 2 malam kat Sekinchan. Aktiviti menarik yang kami lakukan banyak, tapi saya senaraikan antara 12 yang terbaik. Sekinchan adalah salah satu kawasan di Selangor yang menjadi pusat pengeluaran padi. Jadi tak hairan lah kalau Sekinchan ni terkenal dengan sawah padinya. Pemandangan sawah padi di sini amatlah cantik especially semasa matahari terbit dan terbenam. Warna hijau keemasan memberi impak scenery yang terbaik. Jangan lepaskan peluang untuk bergambar dan melakukan aktiviti berbasikal di sini.
Selain tu, Sekinchan juga terkenal dengan makanan laut yang segar dan unik seperti Mentarang dan Belangkas. Banyak kedai-kedai makan di area Sekinchan yang menyediakan menu Mentarang, tapi saya memilih untuk mencuba makanan rare ni di Faridah Mentarang. Sangat sedap dan juicy. Cuba jangan tak cuba.
Untuk memaksimakan lawatan saya ke Sekinchan dan membolehkan saya travel ke kawasan lain dalam satu masa, saya memilih Villa Chee, sebuah homestay berkonsepkan kabin. Lokasi Villa Chee ni amatlah strategik dan berada di kawasan tengah sawah yang cantik. Ada few lagi homestay berdekatan, seperti Paddy Box, Farm Ville. Bolehlah pilih ikut kesesuaian budget dan availability. Harga bilik jenis "kabin mengadap sawah" di tingkat atas ialah RM 260 semalam. Harga ni tanpa breakfast. Boleh check harga terkini di sini https://www.villachee.com.my/. Servis Food Panda juga available dan mudah untuk memesan food terutama untuk sarapan.
Selain di kawasan Sekinchan, korang boleh juga explore ke Kuala Selangor untuk melihat Kelip2 di Kg Kuantan dan Sky Mirror. Dua aktiviti ni sangat menarik untuk dilakukan terutama bersama kawan2 dan keluarga.
Aktiviti untuk melihat Kelip2 (Fireflies), ia perlu dibuat pada waktu malam dan pakej ini termasuk aktiviti melihat air yang bercahaya biru atau Blue Tears.
Di Skymirror pula, ianya merupakan pengalaman berjalan di dasar laut (seabed) yang kelihatan di atas air semasa air surut. Korang perlu check dulu tarikh2 / masa2 tertentu untuk join aktiviti ini. Teknik gambar2 yang dicapture sangat unik dan menarik seperti kita berdiri di atas cermin (skies meet the earth). Biasanya gambar2 diambil oleh tour guide kita.
Harga keseluruhan untuk tour kelip2 ialah RM 50/dewasa dan RM 30/kanak per trip. Untuk skymirror, harganya adalah sama RM 60/dewasa atau kanak2. Ini adalah harga promo yang saya dapat pada ketika itu. Boleh contact Ms Ng kalau nak book - 010-4357792.
Senarai aktiviti-aktiviti menarik (recommended) adalah seperti dibawah;
1. Kampung Kelip2 dan Blue Tears
2. Membeli ikan segar dan murah di Pasar Awam Sekinchan
3. Muzium/Galeri Padi
4. Bukit Malawati
5. Berbasikal di tengah sawah ketika matahari terbenam
6. Brisk walk pagi di tengah sawah ketika matahari terbit
7. Pantai Redang
8. Ah Ma House
9. Lunch di Faridah Mentarang
10. Drive-through Coconut Shake
11. Lunch di Pantimor
12. Dinner @ Ketam Cabin
Full itinerary 3 hari 2 malam:
a) Hari Pertama
Bertolak dari KL – 2.30 pm
Sampai di Villa Chee – 5.00 pm
Kelip-kelip dan Blue Tears – 7.45 pm
Dinner @ Ketam Cabin – 9.30 pm
b) Hari Kedua
Breakfast – 8.00 am
Skymirror – 12.15 pm
Lunch di Faridah Mentarang – 3.00 pm
Riadah di Pantai Redang – 4.00 pm
Ah Ma House – 5.00 pm
Berbasikal ketika Sunset – 6.30 pm
c) Hari Ketiga
Jalan-jalan di sawah ketika sunrise – 6.45 am
Check-out Villa Chee – 10.00 am
Muzium Padi – 10.45 am
Pasar Awam Sekinchan – 11:30 am
Bukit Malawati – 12.45 pm
Lunch di Pantimor – 1.30 pm
Bertolak ke KL – 2.30 pm
Dibawah ni ada time stamps untuk melihat aktiviti harian kami
0:00 Hari Pertama
3:58 Hari Kedua
8:00 Hari Ketiga
Terima kasih menonton. Jangan lupa untuk subscribe,like dan share video ni.
Below is the gear, equipment I use for filming
Ground Filming - Cameras
1. Gopro 10 -- https://shope.ee/2VEedoJjm5
2. Sony A7S3 -- https://shope.ee/6UknPM3eKW
3. Gimbal for Sony A7S3 -- https://shope.ee/9zKfbkXqFO
4. Lense for A7S3 -- https://shope.ee/3fQc4fr1fd
Aerial Filming - Drone
1. DJI Mavic Air2s -- https://shope.ee/2prV31PS5o
2. DJI Mavic 3 -- https://shope.ee/fn0SwZuyI
SD Card for 4K Video
1. SanDisk Micro SD Card -- https://shope.ee/2prV3tyUXR
2. Lexar Professional -- https://shope.ee/10Pqshwcz2
Video kali ni saya nak share pengalaman 3 hari 2 malam kat Sekinchan. Aktiviti menarik yang kami lakukan banyak, tapi saya senaraikan antara 12 yang terbaik. Sekinchan adalah salah satu kawasan di Selangor yang menjadi pusat pengeluaran padi. Jadi tak hairan lah kalau Sekinchan ni terkenal dengan sawah padinya. Pemandangan sawah padi di sini amatlah cantik especially semasa matahari terbit dan terbenam. Warna hijau keemasan memberi impak scenery yang terbaik. Jangan lepaskan peluang untuk bergambar dan melakukan aktiviti berbasikal di sini.
Selain tu, Sekinchan juga terkenal dengan makanan laut yang segar dan unik seperti Mentarang dan Belangkas. Banyak kedai-kedai makan di area Sekinchan yang menyediakan menu Mentarang, tapi saya memilih untuk mencuba makanan rare ni di Faridah Mentarang. Sangat sedap dan juicy. Cuba jangan tak cuba.
Untuk memaksimakan lawatan saya ke Sekinchan dan membolehkan saya travel ke kawasan lain dalam satu masa, saya memilih Villa Chee, sebuah homestay berkonsepkan kabin. Lokasi Villa Chee ni amatlah strategik dan berada di kawasan tengah sawah yang cantik. Ada few lagi homestay berdekatan, seperti Paddy Box, Farm Ville. Bolehlah pilih ikut kesesuaian budget dan availability. Harga bilik jenis "kabin mengadap sawah" di tingkat atas ialah RM 260 semalam. Harga ni tanpa breakfast. Boleh check harga terkini di sini https://www.villachee.com.my/. Servis Food Panda juga available dan mudah untuk memesan food terutama untuk sarapan.
Selain di kawasan Sekinchan, korang boleh juga explore ke Kuala Selangor untuk melihat Kelip2 di Kg Kuantan dan Sky Mirror. Dua aktiviti ni sangat menarik untuk dilakukan terutama bersama kawan2 dan keluarga.
Aktiviti untuk melihat Kelip2 (Fireflies), ia perlu dibuat pada waktu malam dan pakej ini termasuk aktiviti melihat air yang bercahaya biru atau Blue Tears.
Di Skymirror pula, ianya merupakan pengalaman berjalan di dasar laut (seabed) yang kelihatan di atas air semasa air surut. Korang perlu check dulu tarikh2 / masa2 tertentu untuk join aktiviti ini. Teknik gambar2 yang dicapture sangat unik dan menarik seperti kita berdiri di atas cermin (skies meet the earth). Biasanya gambar2 diambil oleh tour guide kita.
Harga keseluruhan untuk tour kelip2 ialah RM 50/dewasa dan RM 30/kanak per trip. Untuk skymirror, harganya adalah sama RM 60/dewasa atau kanak2. Ini adalah harga promo yang saya dapat pada ketika itu. Boleh contact Ms Ng kalau nak book - 010-4357792.
Senarai aktiviti-aktiviti menarik (recommended) adalah seperti dibawah;
1. Kampung Kelip2 dan Blue Tears
2. Membeli ikan segar dan murah di Pasar Awam Sekinchan
3. Muzium/Galeri Padi
4. Bukit Malawati
5. Berbasikal di tengah sawah ketika matahari terbenam
6. Brisk walk pagi di tengah sawah ketika matahari terbit
7. Pantai Redang
8. Ah Ma House
9. Lunch di Faridah Mentarang
10. Drive-through Coconut Shake
11. Lunch di Pantimor
12. Dinner @ Ketam Cabin
Full itinerary 3 hari 2 malam:
a) Hari Pertama
Bertolak dari KL – 2.30 pm
Sampai di Villa Chee – 5.00 pm
Kelip-kelip dan Blue Tears – 7.45 pm
Dinner @ Ketam Cabin – 9.30 pm
b) Hari Kedua
Breakfast – 8.00 am
Skymirror – 12.15 pm
Lunch di Faridah Mentarang – 3.00 pm
Riadah di Pantai Redang – 4.00 pm
Ah Ma House – 5.00 pm
Berbasikal ketika Sunset – 6.30 pm
c) Hari Ketiga
Jalan-jalan di sawah ketika sunrise – 6.45 am
Check-out Villa Chee – 10.00 am
Muzium Padi – 10.45 am
Pasar Awam Sekinchan – 11:30 am
Bukit Malawati – 12.45 pm
Lunch di Pantimor – 1.30 pm
Bertolak ke KL – 2.30 pm
Dibawah ni ada time stamps untuk melihat aktiviti harian kami
0:00 Hari Pertama
3:58 Hari Kedua
8:00 Hari Ketiga
Terima kasih menonton. Jangan lupa untuk subscribe,like dan share video ni.
Below is the gear, equipment I use for filming
Ground Filming - Cameras
1. Gopro 10 -- https://shope.ee/2VEedoJjm5
2. Sony A7S3 -- https://shope.ee/6UknPM3eKW
3. Gimbal for Sony A7S3 -- https://shope.ee/9zKfbkXqFO
4. Lense for A7S3 -- https://shope.ee/3fQc4fr1fd
Aerial Filming - Drone
1. DJI Mavic Air2s -- https://shope.ee/2prV31PS5o
2. DJI Mavic 3 -- https://shope.ee/fn0SwZuyI
SD Card for 4K Video
1. SanDisk Micro SD Card -- https://shope.ee/2prV3tyUXR
2. Lexar Professional -- https://shope.ee/10Pqshwcz2
- published: 31 Oct 2021
- views: 127865
We Explored Sekinchan, Malaysia 🇲🇾 (Super Beautiful)
My first time driving in Malaysia! Trip to Sekinchan, Selangor
Our trip to Kuala Selangor➡ https://youtu.be/nOjHB-H-7Dg
After spending a day in Kuala Selangor...
My first time driving in Malaysia! Trip to Sekinchan, Selangor
Our trip to Kuala Selangor➡ https://youtu.be/nOjHB-H-7Dg
After spending a day in Kuala Selangor (as seen in the previous episode) we drove to Sekinchan. I took over the car and had my first experience driving a car on the roads in Malaysia. Where I am from, we drive on the other side of the road and it was also kind of my first time driving an automatic car. So, there were lots of things new for me. Let`s see how it went….
Sekinchan Bus cafe
➡ https://goo.gl/maps/mwUAqbV7NTRERPEx7
Our lunch restaurant
➡ https://goo.gl/maps/5pkNdD7uCeYgUjRW7
#malaysia #travelmalaysia #sekinchan
🙋🏼♂️A B O U T M E
I am Ken Abroad, a full-time traveler traveling southeast Asia, currently in Malaysia, making Malaysia travel vlogs. It is my goal here on this channel to visit every country in southeast Asia and bring you along the journey.
You won’t see much tourist places in my videos, I rather like to show the “real” sides of each country in my videos. Where do the local people go to eat? Where do they hang out? How do the locals travel through the country? Stuff like that.
There will be almost daily uploads on this channel, during the next months from Southeast Asia. I will be traveling Southeast Asia, showing you around local places and try lots of different local food. Join the journey if you are interested in experiencing Malaysia now from a more authentic local point of view.
Click here to subscribe and follow my trip around southeast Asia
📷 I N S T A G R A M
Check also my Instagram, where I post pictures regularly, daily stories & lots of behind-the-scenes stuff: @Ken__abroad
➡️ https://www.instagram.com/ken__abroad/
📗 M Y T R A V E L G U I D E E-B O O K
I wrote a Thailand travel guide E-book with over 100 pages full with travel tips and recommended places all around Thailand. You can check it out here
☕ S U P P O R T T H E C H A N N E L
If you feel like supporting the channel by sponsoring me a coffee or a drink, here's your chance ➡️https://www.buymeacoffee.com/kenabroad
🏥 M Y T R A V E L I N S U R A N C E
I get asked a lot about which travel insurance I use and can recommend. I am insured with BDAE and if you are looking for a reliable and good travel insurance, I can highly recommend this one. Find more information here
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➡️ https://www.kenabroad.com
* Some of these are affiliate links, which means I might earn a small commission if you purchase something on them (at no extra cost to you) so thank you!
My first time driving in Malaysia! Trip to Sekinchan, Selangor
Our trip to Kuala Selangor➡ https://youtu.be/nOjHB-H-7Dg
After spending a day in Kuala Selangor (as seen in the previous episode) we drove to Sekinchan. I took over the car and had my first experience driving a car on the roads in Malaysia. Where I am from, we drive on the other side of the road and it was also kind of my first time driving an automatic car. So, there were lots of things new for me. Let`s see how it went….
Sekinchan Bus cafe
➡ https://goo.gl/maps/mwUAqbV7NTRERPEx7
Our lunch restaurant
➡ https://goo.gl/maps/5pkNdD7uCeYgUjRW7
#malaysia #travelmalaysia #sekinchan
🙋🏼♂️A B O U T M E
I am Ken Abroad, a full-time traveler traveling southeast Asia, currently in Malaysia, making Malaysia travel vlogs. It is my goal here on this channel to visit every country in southeast Asia and bring you along the journey.
You won’t see much tourist places in my videos, I rather like to show the “real” sides of each country in my videos. Where do the local people go to eat? Where do they hang out? How do the locals travel through the country? Stuff like that.
There will be almost daily uploads on this channel, during the next months from Southeast Asia. I will be traveling Southeast Asia, showing you around local places and try lots of different local food. Join the journey if you are interested in experiencing Malaysia now from a more authentic local point of view.
Click here to subscribe and follow my trip around southeast Asia
📷 I N S T A G R A M
Check also my Instagram, where I post pictures regularly, daily stories & lots of behind-the-scenes stuff: @Ken__abroad
➡️ https://www.instagram.com/ken__abroad/
📗 M Y T R A V E L G U I D E E-B O O K
I wrote a Thailand travel guide E-book with over 100 pages full with travel tips and recommended places all around Thailand. You can check it out here
☕ S U P P O R T T H E C H A N N E L
If you feel like supporting the channel by sponsoring me a coffee or a drink, here's your chance ➡️https://www.buymeacoffee.com/kenabroad
🏥 M Y T R A V E L I N S U R A N C E
I get asked a lot about which travel insurance I use and can recommend. I am insured with BDAE and if you are looking for a reliable and good travel insurance, I can highly recommend this one. Find more information here
🦈 M Y V P N
I'm using Surfshark VPN. Get it here (Enter promo code KEN for 83% off and 3 extra months free!)
➡️ https://surfshark.deals/KEN
📷 M Y G E A R
➡️ https://www.amazon.de/shop/kenabroad
🌐 W E B S I T E & S H O P
Check out my website for merch or BUSINESS INQUIRIES
➡️ https://www.kenabroad.com
* Some of these are affiliate links, which means I might earn a small commission if you purchase something on them (at no extra cost to you) so thank you!
- published: 28 May 2022
- views: 64319
Sekinchan dan Sungai Besar memang terkenal sebagai kawasan sawah padi di Selangor. Rupanya bukan setakat syurga padi je, tempat makan kat sini pun menarik dan m...
Sekinchan dan Sungai Besar memang terkenal sebagai kawasan sawah padi di Selangor. Rupanya bukan setakat syurga padi je, tempat makan kat sini pun menarik dan makanan dia pun boleh tahan best!
Ini tempat yang kitorang pergi :
0:00 Apa nak buat di Sekinchan?
0:20 Syurga Nasi Lemak
1:32 Paddy Gallery
2:53 Laman Tebu Aidil
5:00 Farm Ville Cafe & Homestay
5:19 Mee Udang King Original
6:15 Roti Canai Pelangi
7:43 Ah Ma House
9:07 Rojak Shamal
11:42 AZR Mentarang Fresh
13:54 Sewa Basikal dan Exercise!
15:11 Mee Udang Galah Banjir
16:08 Bye Sekinchan & Sungai Besar
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Sennheiser MKE200 Mobile Kit : https://invol.co/cl7ll0t
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Pinkbunny T-shirt & Hoodie : https://invol.co/cl77s6x
Sekinchan dan Sungai Besar memang terkenal sebagai kawasan sawah padi di Selangor. Rupanya bukan setakat syurga padi je, tempat makan kat sini pun menarik dan makanan dia pun boleh tahan best!
Ini tempat yang kitorang pergi :
0:00 Apa nak buat di Sekinchan?
0:20 Syurga Nasi Lemak
1:32 Paddy Gallery
2:53 Laman Tebu Aidil
5:00 Farm Ville Cafe & Homestay
5:19 Mee Udang King Original
6:15 Roti Canai Pelangi
7:43 Ah Ma House
9:07 Rojak Shamal
11:42 AZR Mentarang Fresh
13:54 Sewa Basikal dan Exercise!
15:11 Mee Udang Galah Banjir
16:08 Bye Sekinchan & Sungai Besar
Follow TikTok diorang jugak :
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Canon EOS M50 : https://invol.co/cl65cp2
(ni link M50 II , Canon M50 je takde dah)
Insta360 Go 2 : https://invol.co/cl65csz
Apple iPhone 11 : https://invol.co/cl65cqw
70mai Dashcam Pro Plus+ : https://invol.co/cl6unew
Sennhiser XS Lavalier Mobile : https://invol.co/cl64mqo
Hollyland Lark 150 Duo : https://invol.co/cl68ukn
Maono WM820 Wireless Mic : https://invol.co/cl78bf2
Sennheiser MKE200 Mobile Kit : https://invol.co/cl7ll0t
Selens Softbox Lighting Umbrella with Bulb : https://invol.co/cl65ek1
Ring Light with Stand & Phone Holder : https://invol.co/cl65eq1
Nanlite LitoLite 5C : https://invol.co/cl7qr13
Nanlite Pavotube II 6C : https://invol.co/cl88xyh
Tinkerzon Lantera : https://invol.co/cl65en6
Tinkerzon Ginkgo Lamp : https://invol.co/cl65eo1
LED Tube Light : https://invol.co/cl65es8
Monitor PRISM+ X270 : https://invol.co/cl6m3r1
Zhiyun Smooth Q-3 : https://invol.co/cl65ezx
OTHERS (yang korang selalu tanya)
Car Steering Table Tray : https://invol.co/cl65g8r
Face Mask : https://invol.co/cl65ggb
Pinkbunny T-shirt & Hoodie : https://invol.co/cl77s6x
- published: 30 Dec 2022
- views: 213858
Sekinchan [ Day Trip ] 适耕庄一日游
Music: Spring moon
Music: Spring moon
Music: Spring moon
- published: 03 Apr 2022
- views: 14799
【Ernie’s Travelogue】at Kuala Selangor | Sekinchan 1 day trip 🌾🍚
This time around I revisited Sekinchan & Kuala Selangor for Ernie's Live A Littlelah Travelogue for a 1 days trip. Visited some new hot spots and some really go...
This time around I revisited Sekinchan & Kuala Selangor for Ernie's Live A Littlelah Travelogue for a 1 days trip. Visited some new hot spots and some really good places to eat. It was so beautiful that I had to just record my own music video inside this travelogue. 🤣🤣🤣😎😎 Enjoy!!
#sekinchan #kualaselangor #livealittlelah
#education #askernie #ErnieChen #ErnieChenMotivation #travelouge #hohosek #training #PORTMAN #business #entrepreneur #businessstrategies #marketing
This time around I revisited Sekinchan & Kuala Selangor for Ernie's Live A Littlelah Travelogue for a 1 days trip. Visited some new hot spots and some really good places to eat. It was so beautiful that I had to just record my own music video inside this travelogue. 🤣🤣🤣😎😎 Enjoy!!
#sekinchan #kualaselangor #livealittlelah
#education #askernie #ErnieChen #ErnieChenMotivation #travelouge #hohosek #training #PORTMAN #business #entrepreneur #businessstrategies #marketing
- published: 30 Apr 2022
- views: 6998
SEKINCHAN 一日游适耕庄 !
Thank you for watching my first vlog, please refer maplink below recommended by other bloggers.
Restoran Weng Kee 榮義記海鲜酒家
Thank you for watching my first vlog, please refer maplink below recommended by other bloggers.
Restoran Weng Kee 榮義記海鲜酒家
Sekinchan the Wishing Tree 许愿树
Paddy Gallery
Music credit :
Salamanca by Sarah, the illstrumemtalist
Thank you for watching my first vlog, please refer maplink below recommended by other bloggers.
Restoran Weng Kee 榮義記海鲜酒家
Sekinchan the Wishing Tree 许愿树
Paddy Gallery
Music credit :
Salamanca by Sarah, the illstrumemtalist
- published: 21 Oct 2022
- views: 300
渔米之乡适耕庄,独特的早餐文化,早餐也吃海鲜大餐 Seafood breakfast at Sekinchan
适耕庄旺角民宿 : 017-6856018
Sekinchan Homestay Wong Corner
适耕庄旺角民宿 : 017-6856018
Sekinchan Homestay Wong Corner
Jalan Bagan Pekan Sekinchan 45400 Sekinchan Selangor
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适耕庄旺角民宿 : 017-6856018
Sekinchan Homestay Wong Corner
Jalan Bagan Pekan Sekinchan 45400 Sekinchan Selangor
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- published: 18 Feb 2022
- views: 525372
TRIANGLE FARM Cottage House | Family Room | Sekinchan Part 1
Staycation Viral dekat Sekinchan
Bilik - Family Room
Date check in: 29-30 April 2021
Harga - RM178 semalam
Deposit xde. Bayar a...
Staycation Viral dekat Sekinchan
Bilik - Family Room
Date check in: 29-30 April 2021
Harga - RM178 semalam
Deposit xde. Bayar abis jer masa tu👍🏻😊
Kena check website /FB diorg utk info & promosi terkini.
👨 Staff ok. Friendly je semuanye.
🏙 Entrance lobi dia simple jer, ada satu kaunter kt dpn..dpn kaunter ada basikal byk2 utk guest. Ada tmpt air & seating area & game room belah kiri.
🪟 Bilik family room. Ada satu katil super queen sb mcm lebar dan satu katil single. TV xde, diorg just bg satu botol air dgn gelas. Blh refill di kaunter depan. Gula nescafe milo kopi sachet mmg xde. Kettle air, iron & iron board tidak disediakan, tp blh call mintak staff hantarkan. Yg tu free yer.
🛀 Bilik air xde bathtub yer. Dlm tu ada sabun mandi & shampoo rambut jer. Toiletories lain mmg xde ok👌🏼
🍲 Triangle farm ni mmg xde cafe & xde mkn2 kat sini😊
🚶♀️Lokasi dia mmg kt hujung sawah padi..lbih kurang 7km dr jalan besor nk ke sana..klu nk g cari mkn kluor masuk mmg pishang la hahaha😋 tp jalan dia elok je no problem.
🤩 Fasiliti dekat situ semua FREE kecuali aiskrim la hihi. Bleh main basikal, ada pingpong, memanah & snooker mini. Bleh tgk tv jgk dkt game room tu since xde tv kt bilik kan😅
🌭 Masa lepak situ aku book set bbq. Set tu rm50 jer skali dkt arang starter kipas talam sume skali la (x caya tgk video aku ok😉) Time tu xde prepare bahan mentah ape2 pon. Saje syok2 bakor sosej, marshmellow & mentarang yg dh siap bakor🤣🤣..nk bg experience kt anak2 syok bakor time mlm2 ni hihi
✅ Overall semua ok. Klu nk lari dr kesibukan kota & have fun dgn family dgn aktiviti kt sini this is the place i mmg recomended dkt u ollz semua👍🏻😊
🚙 Parking mmg best dpn bilik jer..FREE plk tu👍🏻
🦟 Diorg ada bgtau pasal nyamuk takut masuk bilik waktu malam tp so far kitorg tido lena la. Janji tutup pintu rapat2 keluar masuk bilik ok.
So nak citer sikit la kat area pekan Sekinchan mcm2 ada, ada KFC, Family Mart, Speedmart, Mr Diy, mamak dan mcm2 kedai lagi la.
Tempat makan femes pun xjauh. Sempat cuba Mentarang dan Belangkas dari Aji Mentarang Bakar dua2 sedap.👍👍
Tapau Pari Asam pedas utk berbuka dr Laman Tebu Aidil murah lauknye seketul rm3 puashati.
Balik singgah tempat jual biskut kerepek raya tepi jalan area Sg Besar. Murah2 not bad.
Selain bersantai di Triangle Farm tu, kat area Sekinchan tu ada mcm2 tempat boleh lawat jugak, contohnye minum petang di Laman Tebu Aidil, lawatan ke kilang padi, mengimbau kenangan beli jajan di ah ma house, berbasikal melihat sawah padi time hijau mmg cantik, bersantai di pantai redang dan tentunye ada tempat mkn menarik dan makanan popular adalah mentarang dan belangkas. hihi.. penat2 pusing jalan2 mkn2 balik terus tido. hihi..
Staycation Viral dekat Sekinchan
Bilik - Family Room
Date check in: 29-30 April 2021
Harga - RM178 semalam
Deposit xde. Bayar abis jer masa tu👍🏻😊
Kena check website /FB diorg utk info & promosi terkini.
👨 Staff ok. Friendly je semuanye.
🏙 Entrance lobi dia simple jer, ada satu kaunter kt dpn..dpn kaunter ada basikal byk2 utk guest. Ada tmpt air & seating area & game room belah kiri.
🪟 Bilik family room. Ada satu katil super queen sb mcm lebar dan satu katil single. TV xde, diorg just bg satu botol air dgn gelas. Blh refill di kaunter depan. Gula nescafe milo kopi sachet mmg xde. Kettle air, iron & iron board tidak disediakan, tp blh call mintak staff hantarkan. Yg tu free yer.
🛀 Bilik air xde bathtub yer. Dlm tu ada sabun mandi & shampoo rambut jer. Toiletories lain mmg xde ok👌🏼
🍲 Triangle farm ni mmg xde cafe & xde mkn2 kat sini😊
🚶♀️Lokasi dia mmg kt hujung sawah padi..lbih kurang 7km dr jalan besor nk ke sana..klu nk g cari mkn kluor masuk mmg pishang la hahaha😋 tp jalan dia elok je no problem.
🤩 Fasiliti dekat situ semua FREE kecuali aiskrim la hihi. Bleh main basikal, ada pingpong, memanah & snooker mini. Bleh tgk tv jgk dkt game room tu since xde tv kt bilik kan😅
🌭 Masa lepak situ aku book set bbq. Set tu rm50 jer skali dkt arang starter kipas talam sume skali la (x caya tgk video aku ok😉) Time tu xde prepare bahan mentah ape2 pon. Saje syok2 bakor sosej, marshmellow & mentarang yg dh siap bakor🤣🤣..nk bg experience kt anak2 syok bakor time mlm2 ni hihi
✅ Overall semua ok. Klu nk lari dr kesibukan kota & have fun dgn family dgn aktiviti kt sini this is the place i mmg recomended dkt u ollz semua👍🏻😊
🚙 Parking mmg best dpn bilik jer..FREE plk tu👍🏻
🦟 Diorg ada bgtau pasal nyamuk takut masuk bilik waktu malam tp so far kitorg tido lena la. Janji tutup pintu rapat2 keluar masuk bilik ok.
So nak citer sikit la kat area pekan Sekinchan mcm2 ada, ada KFC, Family Mart, Speedmart, Mr Diy, mamak dan mcm2 kedai lagi la.
Tempat makan femes pun xjauh. Sempat cuba Mentarang dan Belangkas dari Aji Mentarang Bakar dua2 sedap.👍👍
Tapau Pari Asam pedas utk berbuka dr Laman Tebu Aidil murah lauknye seketul rm3 puashati.
Balik singgah tempat jual biskut kerepek raya tepi jalan area Sg Besar. Murah2 not bad.
Selain bersantai di Triangle Farm tu, kat area Sekinchan tu ada mcm2 tempat boleh lawat jugak, contohnye minum petang di Laman Tebu Aidil, lawatan ke kilang padi, mengimbau kenangan beli jajan di ah ma house, berbasikal melihat sawah padi time hijau mmg cantik, bersantai di pantai redang dan tentunye ada tempat mkn menarik dan makanan popular adalah mentarang dan belangkas. hihi.. penat2 pusing jalan2 mkn2 balik terus tido. hihi..
- published: 09 May 2021
- views: 331694
Former Malaysia PM Ismail Sabri named suspect in US$156m corruption probe
Former Malaysian Prime Minister Ismail Sabri Yaakob has been identified as a suspect in a corruption probe involving US$156 million in government funds. The Malaysian Anti-Corruption Commission (MACC) said Mr Ismail Sabri, 65, will be called in for questioning on Wednesday. Its investigation is focused on government publicity expenditure and procurement during his premiership. The MACC added that four of Mr Ismail Sabri's aides have been arrested so far and several "safe houses" have been raided. Some US$38 million worth of cash in various currencies and 16kg of gold bars said to be worth over US$1.5 million have been seized. Melissa Goh reports.
published: 03 Mar 2025
KES RASUAH, PENGUBAHAN WANG HARAM | SPRM Siasat Ismail Sabri, Pelbagai Mata Wang RM170 Juta, Emas RM
Suruhanjaya Pencegahan Rasuah Malaysia, (SPRM) mengesahkan melakukan siasatan rasuah dan pengubahan wang haram membabitkan bekas Perdana Menteri, Datuk Seri Ismail Sabri Yaakob.
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published: 02 Mar 2025
Sebulan Tak ke Malaysia, Kok Sudah Berubah Secepat Ini?!
- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
Email : [email protected]
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This video was made for an entertainment purpose only.
This video was made based on one of the requests from all of you.
Please support my channel by pressing subscribe, like and leave some positive comments.
Thank You #aboutsastra #reactionvideo #Malaysia
published: 02 Mar 2025
Ramadan mubarak everyone! It’s every Malaysian Muslim’s favourite time of year in the fasting month… BAZAAR RAMADAN!!! This year I wanted to explore KL’s largest Bazaar Ramadan at TTDI so jom let’s have a look at all the Bazaar Ramadan favourites together! Which makanan is your favourite for Iftar? 🤭😍🇲🇾
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I TOOK MOM TO THE MOSQUE FOR THE FIRST TIME 🥺🕌 https://youtu.be/Fl9j0KvhlRU?si=OtqP9I2o3OR3cWJ5
published: 03 Mar 2025
LEAVING Malaysia on a $35 BUSINESS CLASS Train
It's time for us to leave Penang and we are leaving on Malaysia's best Business Class Train! Is it any good for $35?
We are risking it all to see it all so make sure you are subscribed because this is going to be one EPIC story as we TRAVEL the WORLD.
If you enjoyed the video please give it a LIKE and don't forget to SUBSCRIBE to follow our journey as a full time travelling family of 5 from the UK! #train #Malaysia #penang
Our Main Instagram - @thehutchinsonfamily
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Chris's Instagram - @chrishutchinson07
Tamira's Instagram - @tamirahutchinson
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E-mail: [email protected]
published: 02 Mar 2025
Malaysia's $100B Forest City Turned “Ghost Town”: Can The Megaproject Be Revived? | Insight
On September 20, 2024, the Malaysian government unveiled a series of incentives aimed at transforming Forest City, the multibillion-dollar mixed-use megacity project, into a special financial zone. Among these incentives are a 15% income tax rate for skilled workers, multiple-entry visas, and a zero-percent tax rate for family wealth offices, and attractive corporate tax rates. The goal - sparking life into what has been dubbed Malaysia's Ghost Town.
Once touted as an eco-friendly metropolis, why did Forest City become a largely vacant white elephant, with only 15% of the development completed? The project, which was expected to house 700,000 residents, has attracted just 9,000 inhabitants to date.
Will these new measures rejuvenate this struggling megacity? Can Forest City, originally d...
published: 28 Feb 2025
Eks Perdana Menteri Malaysia Jadi Tersangka Korupsi
Mantan Perdana Menteri Malaysia Ismail Sabri Yaakob ditetapkan sebagai tersangka kasus korupsi pengadaan publikasi pemerintah sebesar RM 700 juta atau setara dengan Rp 2,58 Triliun selama masa jabatannya. Kepala Komisi Pemberantasan Korupsi Malaysia (MACC) Azam Bak mengumumkan pihaknya akan memanggil Ismail untuk diperiksa pada Rabu pekan ini.
Selengkapnya dalam Evening Up, CNBC Indonesia (Senin, 03/03/2025)
Terus ikuti berita ekonomi bisnis dan analisis mendalam hanya di https://www.cnbcindonesia.com/.
CNBC Indonesia terafiliasi dengan CNBC Internasional dan beroperasi di bawah grup Transmedia dan tergabung bersama Trans TV, Trans7, Detikcom, Transvision, CNN Indonesia dan CNN Indonesia.com.
CNBC Indonesia dapat dinikmati melalui tayangan Transvision channel 805 atau streaming melal...
published: 03 Mar 2025
Amazing Places to visit in Malaysia - Travel Video
Malaysia is the crowning jewel that lies at the very end of Southeast Asia, jutting out with the Malaccan Straits to meet the islands of Indonesia and the Java Sea. This remarkable land attracts more and more nature lovers from around the world. Why would that be? Well, this country has a lot to offer for everyone’s taste! Enjoy memorable experiences in its most fabulous spots… let’s take a look!
00:00 Why visiting Malaysia
00:35 Kuala Lumpur
01:18 Malacca
02:12 Penang
03:02 Mount Kinabalu
03:40 Perhentian Islands
04:41 Taman Negara National Park
05:48 Gunung Mulu National Park
06:33 Cameron Highlands
07:30 Langkawi Island
08:11 Genting Highlands
09:06 Reason for visiting Malaysia
#Malaysia #Places #Travel
published: 13 Dec 2022
🔥 Timnas Indonesia semakin menunjukkan dominasinya di Asia, sementara Malaysia masih berjuang untuk mengejar. Apa sebenarnya yang membuat Indonesia semakin maju dan Malaysia tertinggal? Dalam video ini, kita kupas perbandingan kedua tim, reaksi fans, serta fakta di lapangan!
⚽ Apakah Malaysia masih bisa mengejar Indonesia? Atau jaraknya sudah terlalu jauh? Komentar di bawah! 👇
#TimnasIndonesia #TimnasMalaysia #SepakBolaAsia #TimnasIndonesia #TimnasMalaysia #IndonesiaVsMalaysia #SepakBola #Garuda #HarimauMalaya #AFF #FIFA #AsianFootball #SepakBolaIndonesia #BolaMalaysia #PialaAsia #IndonesiaJuara #MalaysiaTertinggal #SepakBolaDunia #Football #Soccer #BeritaBola #HighlightBola #Viral #Trending #IndonesiaVsMalaysia #Garuda #HarimauMalaya
♥ Assalamualaikum !! Bismilaahirahmaanirrahim !! Saya...
published: 04 Mar 2025
#reactionmalaysia #malaysia #cakmojib
Email : [email protected]
Instagram : @cakmojib
nak Sedekah Jom Join member
semua hasil join member Dibagikan Kepada Anak Pondok dan para Pengajar.
Sumber Video : https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=n7tD3mGwSvY
Hai teman2 semua makasi banyak ya sudah support terus channel ini, tanpa kalian saya bukan apa2, jangan lupa ya untuk LIKE,share dan SUBSCRBE agar Channel ini bisa Berkembang dan selalu mem...
published: 04 Mar 2025
Former Malaysia PM Ismail Sabri named suspect in US$156m corruption probe
Former Malaysian Prime Minister Ismail Sabri Yaakob has been identified as a suspect in a corruption probe involving US$156 million in government funds. The Mal...
Former Malaysian Prime Minister Ismail Sabri Yaakob has been identified as a suspect in a corruption probe involving US$156 million in government funds. The Malaysian Anti-Corruption Commission (MACC) said Mr Ismail Sabri, 65, will be called in for questioning on Wednesday. Its investigation is focused on government publicity expenditure and procurement during his premiership. The MACC added that four of Mr Ismail Sabri's aides have been arrested so far and several "safe houses" have been raided. Some US$38 million worth of cash in various currencies and 16kg of gold bars said to be worth over US$1.5 million have been seized. Melissa Goh reports.
Former Malaysian Prime Minister Ismail Sabri Yaakob has been identified as a suspect in a corruption probe involving US$156 million in government funds. The Malaysian Anti-Corruption Commission (MACC) said Mr Ismail Sabri, 65, will be called in for questioning on Wednesday. Its investigation is focused on government publicity expenditure and procurement during his premiership. The MACC added that four of Mr Ismail Sabri's aides have been arrested so far and several "safe houses" have been raided. Some US$38 million worth of cash in various currencies and 16kg of gold bars said to be worth over US$1.5 million have been seized. Melissa Goh reports.
- published: 03 Mar 2025
- views: 101933
KES RASUAH, PENGUBAHAN WANG HARAM | SPRM Siasat Ismail Sabri, Pelbagai Mata Wang RM170 Juta, Emas RM
Suruhanjaya Pencegahan Rasuah Malaysia, (SPRM) mengesahkan melakukan siasatan rasuah dan pengubahan wang haram membabitkan bekas Perdana Menteri, Datuk Seri Ism...
Suruhanjaya Pencegahan Rasuah Malaysia, (SPRM) mengesahkan melakukan siasatan rasuah dan pengubahan wang haram membabitkan bekas Perdana Menteri, Datuk Seri Ismail Sabri Yaakob.
Dapatkan berita terkini, tepat dan sahih dengan ‘SUBSCRIBE’ YouTube Buletin TV3
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#BuletinTV3 #TV3 #BuletinUtama
Suruhanjaya Pencegahan Rasuah Malaysia, (SPRM) mengesahkan melakukan siasatan rasuah dan pengubahan wang haram membabitkan bekas Perdana Menteri, Datuk Seri Ismail Sabri Yaakob.
Dapatkan berita terkini, tepat dan sahih dengan ‘SUBSCRIBE’ YouTube Buletin TV3
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Whatsapp Channel : https://bit.ly/3SZnJ5L
Lagi berita terkini dan komprehensif, layari www.buletintv3.my
#BuletinTV3 #TV3 #BuletinUtama
- published: 02 Mar 2025
- views: 44916
Sebulan Tak ke Malaysia, Kok Sudah Berubah Secepat Ini?!
- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - ...
- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
Email :
[email protected]
Visit my Instagram : @jendral_sastra_
Visit my twitter : @jendralsastra
This video was made for an entertainment purpose only.
This video was made based on one of the requests from all of you.
Please support my channel by pressing subscribe, like and leave some positive comments.
Thank You #aboutsastra #reactionvideo #Malaysia
- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
Email :
[email protected]
Visit my Instagram : @jendral_sastra_
Visit my twitter : @jendralsastra
This video was made for an entertainment purpose only.
This video was made based on one of the requests from all of you.
Please support my channel by pressing subscribe, like and leave some positive comments.
Thank You #aboutsastra #reactionvideo #Malaysia
- published: 02 Mar 2025
- views: 40234
Ramadan mubarak everyone! It’s every Malaysian Muslim’s favourite time of year in the fasting month… BAZAAR RAMADAN!!! This year I wanted to explore KL’s larges...
Ramadan mubarak everyone! It’s every Malaysian Muslim’s favourite time of year in the fasting month… BAZAAR RAMADAN!!! This year I wanted to explore KL’s largest Bazaar Ramadan at TTDI so jom let’s have a look at all the Bazaar Ramadan favourites together! Which makanan is your favourite for Iftar? 🤭😍🇲🇾
Don’t forget to subscribe 👇🏼 hit the 🔔 for notifications & 👍🏼 my videos ❤️
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I TOOK MOM TO THE MOSQUE FOR THE FIRST TIME 🥺🕌 https://youtu.be/Fl9j0KvhlRU?si=OtqP9I2o3OR3cWJ5
I TOOK MY SHAHADA IN MALAYSIA 🥺🇲🇾 https://youtu.be/5MRHZv5VOiU?si=F5YNvRnEiSUicqvf
MY MUM is SHOCKED by MALAYSIAN MALLS 😱🇲🇾 https://youtu.be/uu5vG6R4oSo
I’m Alana, a Scottish revert living in Malaysia. I first came to Malaysia in 2019 on my year exchange with my university then fell so in love with Malaysia that I didn’t want to ever leave again. Come follow my journey in Malaysia trying new foods, exploring new places & trying to learn the language 🤗🇲🇾
Ramadan mubarak everyone! It’s every Malaysian Muslim’s favourite time of year in the fasting month… BAZAAR RAMADAN!!! This year I wanted to explore KL’s largest Bazaar Ramadan at TTDI so jom let’s have a look at all the Bazaar Ramadan favourites together! Which makanan is your favourite for Iftar? 🤭😍🇲🇾
Don’t forget to subscribe 👇🏼 hit the 🔔 for notifications & 👍🏼 my videos ❤️
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💌 Email
[email protected]
☕️ Buy me a Coffee https://bit.ly/3OkAEsN
💴 PayPal me https://bit.ly/3SI1bnu
I TOOK MOM TO THE MOSQUE FOR THE FIRST TIME 🥺🕌 https://youtu.be/Fl9j0KvhlRU?si=OtqP9I2o3OR3cWJ5
I TOOK MY SHAHADA IN MALAYSIA 🥺🇲🇾 https://youtu.be/5MRHZv5VOiU?si=F5YNvRnEiSUicqvf
MY MUM is SHOCKED by MALAYSIAN MALLS 😱🇲🇾 https://youtu.be/uu5vG6R4oSo
I’m Alana, a Scottish revert living in Malaysia. I first came to Malaysia in 2019 on my year exchange with my university then fell so in love with Malaysia that I didn’t want to ever leave again. Come follow my journey in Malaysia trying new foods, exploring new places & trying to learn the language 🤗🇲🇾
- published: 03 Mar 2025
- views: 33615
LEAVING Malaysia on a $35 BUSINESS CLASS Train
It's time for us to leave Penang and we are leaving on Malaysia's best Business Class Train! Is it any good for $35?
We are risking it all to see it all so mak...
It's time for us to leave Penang and we are leaving on Malaysia's best Business Class Train! Is it any good for $35?
We are risking it all to see it all so make sure you are subscribed because this is going to be one EPIC story as we TRAVEL the WORLD.
If you enjoyed the video please give it a LIKE and don't forget to SUBSCRIBE to follow our journey as a full time travelling family of 5 from the UK! #train #Malaysia #penang
Our Main Instagram - @thehutchinsonfamily
TikTok - @thehutchinsons
Chris's Instagram - @chrishutchinson07
Tamira's Instagram - @tamirahutchinson
Facebook - https://www.facebook.com/TheHutchinsonFam
[email protected]
It's time for us to leave Penang and we are leaving on Malaysia's best Business Class Train! Is it any good for $35?
We are risking it all to see it all so make sure you are subscribed because this is going to be one EPIC story as we TRAVEL the WORLD.
If you enjoyed the video please give it a LIKE and don't forget to SUBSCRIBE to follow our journey as a full time travelling family of 5 from the UK! #train #Malaysia #penang
Our Main Instagram - @thehutchinsonfamily
TikTok - @thehutchinsons
Chris's Instagram - @chrishutchinson07
Tamira's Instagram - @tamirahutchinson
Facebook - https://www.facebook.com/TheHutchinsonFam
[email protected]
- published: 02 Mar 2025
- views: 10135
Malaysia's $100B Forest City Turned “Ghost Town”: Can The Megaproject Be Revived? | Insight
On September 20, 2024, the Malaysian government unveiled a series of incentives aimed at transforming Forest City, the multibillion-dollar mixed-use megacity pr...
On September 20, 2024, the Malaysian government unveiled a series of incentives aimed at transforming Forest City, the multibillion-dollar mixed-use megacity project, into a special financial zone. Among these incentives are a 15% income tax rate for skilled workers, multiple-entry visas, and a zero-percent tax rate for family wealth offices, and attractive corporate tax rates. The goal - sparking life into what has been dubbed Malaysia's Ghost Town.
Once touted as an eco-friendly metropolis, why did Forest City become a largely vacant white elephant, with only 15% of the development completed? The project, which was expected to house 700,000 residents, has attracted just 9,000 inhabitants to date.
Will these new measures rejuvenate this struggling megacity? Can Forest City, originally designed as a residential and lifestyle hub, finally fulfil its original vision, or will it remain a cautionary tale of hyper ambition meeting economic realities?
00:00 Introduction
01:22 Forest City's selling point
07:24 COVID-19's impact on the Forest City
10:14 M'sian politics' impact on Forest City's sales
14:41 China property sector's downturn
20:22 Chinese regulations' impact on Forest City
22:37 Is Forest City really a Ghost Town?
28:41 How Malaysia plans to revitalize Forest City
32:41 Can Johor-Singapore Special Economic Zone boost Forest City?
36:47 Will Chinese real estate investors return?
39:25 What if developer Country Garden cannot continue the project?
43:05 What's next for Forest City?
ABOUT THE SHOW: Insight investigates and analyses topical issues that impact Asia and the rest of the world.
#CNAInsider #CNAInsight #Malaysia #ForestCity #Johor
Follow CNA INSIDER on:
Telegram: https://t.me/CNAInsiderSG
Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/cnainsider/
Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/cnainsider/
Website: https://cna.asia/cnainsider
On September 20, 2024, the Malaysian government unveiled a series of incentives aimed at transforming Forest City, the multibillion-dollar mixed-use megacity project, into a special financial zone. Among these incentives are a 15% income tax rate for skilled workers, multiple-entry visas, and a zero-percent tax rate for family wealth offices, and attractive corporate tax rates. The goal - sparking life into what has been dubbed Malaysia's Ghost Town.
Once touted as an eco-friendly metropolis, why did Forest City become a largely vacant white elephant, with only 15% of the development completed? The project, which was expected to house 700,000 residents, has attracted just 9,000 inhabitants to date.
Will these new measures rejuvenate this struggling megacity? Can Forest City, originally designed as a residential and lifestyle hub, finally fulfil its original vision, or will it remain a cautionary tale of hyper ambition meeting economic realities?
00:00 Introduction
01:22 Forest City's selling point
07:24 COVID-19's impact on the Forest City
10:14 M'sian politics' impact on Forest City's sales
14:41 China property sector's downturn
20:22 Chinese regulations' impact on Forest City
22:37 Is Forest City really a Ghost Town?
28:41 How Malaysia plans to revitalize Forest City
32:41 Can Johor-Singapore Special Economic Zone boost Forest City?
36:47 Will Chinese real estate investors return?
39:25 What if developer Country Garden cannot continue the project?
43:05 What's next for Forest City?
ABOUT THE SHOW: Insight investigates and analyses topical issues that impact Asia and the rest of the world.
#CNAInsider #CNAInsight #Malaysia #ForestCity #Johor
Follow CNA INSIDER on:
Telegram: https://t.me/CNAInsiderSG
Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/cnainsider/
Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/cnainsider/
Website: https://cna.asia/cnainsider
- published: 28 Feb 2025
- views: 114952
Eks Perdana Menteri Malaysia Jadi Tersangka Korupsi
Mantan Perdana Menteri Malaysia Ismail Sabri Yaakob ditetapkan sebagai tersangka kasus korupsi pengadaan publikasi pemerintah sebesar RM 700 juta atau setara de...
Mantan Perdana Menteri Malaysia Ismail Sabri Yaakob ditetapkan sebagai tersangka kasus korupsi pengadaan publikasi pemerintah sebesar RM 700 juta atau setara dengan Rp 2,58 Triliun selama masa jabatannya. Kepala Komisi Pemberantasan Korupsi Malaysia (MACC) Azam Bak mengumumkan pihaknya akan memanggil Ismail untuk diperiksa pada Rabu pekan ini.
Selengkapnya dalam Evening Up, CNBC Indonesia (Senin, 03/03/2025)
Terus ikuti berita ekonomi bisnis dan analisis mendalam hanya di https://www.cnbcindonesia.com/.
CNBC Indonesia terafiliasi dengan CNBC Internasional dan beroperasi di bawah grup Transmedia dan tergabung bersama Trans TV, Trans7, Detikcom, Transvision, CNN Indonesia dan CNN Indonesia.com.
CNBC Indonesia dapat dinikmati melalui tayangan Transvision channel 805 atau streaming melalui aplikasi CNBC Indonesia yang dapat di download di playstore atau iOS.
Follow us on social: Twitter:/ cnbcindonesia
Facebook Page:/ cnbcindonesia
Instagram:/ cnbcindonesia / cuap_cuan
Tiktok: https://bit.ly/38BYtJx
Mantan Perdana Menteri Malaysia Ismail Sabri Yaakob ditetapkan sebagai tersangka kasus korupsi pengadaan publikasi pemerintah sebesar RM 700 juta atau setara dengan Rp 2,58 Triliun selama masa jabatannya. Kepala Komisi Pemberantasan Korupsi Malaysia (MACC) Azam Bak mengumumkan pihaknya akan memanggil Ismail untuk diperiksa pada Rabu pekan ini.
Selengkapnya dalam Evening Up, CNBC Indonesia (Senin, 03/03/2025)
Terus ikuti berita ekonomi bisnis dan analisis mendalam hanya di https://www.cnbcindonesia.com/.
CNBC Indonesia terafiliasi dengan CNBC Internasional dan beroperasi di bawah grup Transmedia dan tergabung bersama Trans TV, Trans7, Detikcom, Transvision, CNN Indonesia dan CNN Indonesia.com.
CNBC Indonesia dapat dinikmati melalui tayangan Transvision channel 805 atau streaming melalui aplikasi CNBC Indonesia yang dapat di download di playstore atau iOS.
Follow us on social: Twitter:/ cnbcindonesia
Facebook Page:/ cnbcindonesia
Instagram:/ cnbcindonesia / cuap_cuan
Tiktok: https://bit.ly/38BYtJx
- published: 03 Mar 2025
- views: 5910
Amazing Places to visit in Malaysia - Travel Video
Malaysia is the crowning jewel that lies at the very end of Southeast Asia, jutting out with the Malaccan Straits to meet the islands of Indonesia and the Java ...
Malaysia is the crowning jewel that lies at the very end of Southeast Asia, jutting out with the Malaccan Straits to meet the islands of Indonesia and the Java Sea. This remarkable land attracts more and more nature lovers from around the world. Why would that be? Well, this country has a lot to offer for everyone’s taste! Enjoy memorable experiences in its most fabulous spots… let’s take a look!
00:00 Why visiting Malaysia
00:35 Kuala Lumpur
01:18 Malacca
02:12 Penang
03:02 Mount Kinabalu
03:40 Perhentian Islands
04:41 Taman Negara National Park
05:48 Gunung Mulu National Park
06:33 Cameron Highlands
07:30 Langkawi Island
08:11 Genting Highlands
09:06 Reason for visiting Malaysia
#Malaysia #Places #Travel
Malaysia is the crowning jewel that lies at the very end of Southeast Asia, jutting out with the Malaccan Straits to meet the islands of Indonesia and the Java Sea. This remarkable land attracts more and more nature lovers from around the world. Why would that be? Well, this country has a lot to offer for everyone’s taste! Enjoy memorable experiences in its most fabulous spots… let’s take a look!
00:00 Why visiting Malaysia
00:35 Kuala Lumpur
01:18 Malacca
02:12 Penang
03:02 Mount Kinabalu
03:40 Perhentian Islands
04:41 Taman Negara National Park
05:48 Gunung Mulu National Park
06:33 Cameron Highlands
07:30 Langkawi Island
08:11 Genting Highlands
09:06 Reason for visiting Malaysia
#Malaysia #Places #Travel
- published: 13 Dec 2022
- views: 1323385
🔥 Timnas Indonesia semakin menunjukkan dominasinya di Asia, sementara Malaysia masih berjuang untuk mengejar. Apa sebenarnya yang membuat Indonesia semakin maju...
🔥 Timnas Indonesia semakin menunjukkan dominasinya di Asia, sementara Malaysia masih berjuang untuk mengejar. Apa sebenarnya yang membuat Indonesia semakin maju dan Malaysia tertinggal? Dalam video ini, kita kupas perbandingan kedua tim, reaksi fans, serta fakta di lapangan!
⚽ Apakah Malaysia masih bisa mengejar Indonesia? Atau jaraknya sudah terlalu jauh? Komentar di bawah! 👇
#TimnasIndonesia #TimnasMalaysia #SepakBolaAsia #TimnasIndonesia #TimnasMalaysia #IndonesiaVsMalaysia #SepakBola #Garuda #HarimauMalaya #AFF #FIFA #AsianFootball #SepakBolaIndonesia #BolaMalaysia #PialaAsia #IndonesiaJuara #MalaysiaTertinggal #SepakBolaDunia #Football #Soccer #BeritaBola #HighlightBola #Viral #Trending #IndonesiaVsMalaysia #Garuda #HarimauMalaya
♥ Assalamualaikum !! Bismilaahirahmaanirrahim !! Saya Berharap sangat pada Admin yang konten mereka pernah saya reaction, jika ada yg membuat kurang senang dihati Admin, dan meminta saya membuang atau memberhentikan video tersebut, Admin konten tersebut boleh terus email:
[email protected]
♥ dengan rasa kecil dan rendahnya diri saya sebagai seorang youtuber reaction, Mohon maaf pada semua Admin🙏segala cadagan atau bantahan boleh hubungi saya ke:~
[email protected]
good people jangan lupa follow sosmed saya yang lain ya kita bersilatuhrahmi,DIBANTU YA GAIS
Salam sayang,Salam silatuhrahmi..
Saya hargai setiap konten yang saya react dan mohon ijin dari anda untuk membenarkan saya berkonten dan memberikan pendapat saya di dalam video reaction saya...terima kasih atas ijin yang diberikan dan saya doakan anda murah rezeki dan selalu dilindungi aminnn
Video Asli Yang Saya React
Copyright Disclaimer under Section 107 of the copyright act 1976, allowance is made for fair use for purposes such as criticism, comment, news reporting, scholarship, and research. Fair use is a use permitted by copyright statute that might otherwise be infringing,i give my own opinion about this.
please keep your comment respectfull toward each other in youtube community
any comment that insulting a country,government,person or peoples right,i will not take responsibilty for those action.
for i have state clearly that please be respectfull toward each other.please be cautious of your action for i will not held responsible for anything that causes provocation or insulting or anything that will causes law action thank you.
i used music from here
BDT original music
🔥 Timnas Indonesia semakin menunjukkan dominasinya di Asia, sementara Malaysia masih berjuang untuk mengejar. Apa sebenarnya yang membuat Indonesia semakin maju dan Malaysia tertinggal? Dalam video ini, kita kupas perbandingan kedua tim, reaksi fans, serta fakta di lapangan!
⚽ Apakah Malaysia masih bisa mengejar Indonesia? Atau jaraknya sudah terlalu jauh? Komentar di bawah! 👇
#TimnasIndonesia #TimnasMalaysia #SepakBolaAsia #TimnasIndonesia #TimnasMalaysia #IndonesiaVsMalaysia #SepakBola #Garuda #HarimauMalaya #AFF #FIFA #AsianFootball #SepakBolaIndonesia #BolaMalaysia #PialaAsia #IndonesiaJuara #MalaysiaTertinggal #SepakBolaDunia #Football #Soccer #BeritaBola #HighlightBola #Viral #Trending #IndonesiaVsMalaysia #Garuda #HarimauMalaya
♥ Assalamualaikum !! Bismilaahirahmaanirrahim !! Saya Berharap sangat pada Admin yang konten mereka pernah saya reaction, jika ada yg membuat kurang senang dihati Admin, dan meminta saya membuang atau memberhentikan video tersebut, Admin konten tersebut boleh terus email:
[email protected]
♥ dengan rasa kecil dan rendahnya diri saya sebagai seorang youtuber reaction, Mohon maaf pada semua Admin🙏segala cadagan atau bantahan boleh hubungi saya ke:~
[email protected]
good people jangan lupa follow sosmed saya yang lain ya kita bersilatuhrahmi,DIBANTU YA GAIS
Salam sayang,Salam silatuhrahmi..
Saya hargai setiap konten yang saya react dan mohon ijin dari anda untuk membenarkan saya berkonten dan memberikan pendapat saya di dalam video reaction saya...terima kasih atas ijin yang diberikan dan saya doakan anda murah rezeki dan selalu dilindungi aminnn
Video Asli Yang Saya React
Copyright Disclaimer under Section 107 of the copyright act 1976, allowance is made for fair use for purposes such as criticism, comment, news reporting, scholarship, and research. Fair use is a use permitted by copyright statute that might otherwise be infringing,i give my own opinion about this.
please keep your comment respectfull toward each other in youtube community
any comment that insulting a country,government,person or peoples right,i will not take responsibilty for those action.
for i have state clearly that please be respectfull toward each other.please be cautious of your action for i will not held responsible for anything that causes provocation or insulting or anything that will causes law action thank you.
i used music from here
BDT original music
- published: 04 Mar 2025
- views: 1024
#reactionmalaysia #malaysia #cakmojib
#reactionmalaysia #malaysia #cakmojib
Email :
[email protected]
Instagram : @cakmojib
nak Sedekah Jom Join member
semua hasil join member Dibagikan Kepada Anak Pondok dan para Pengajar.
Sumber Video : https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=n7tD3mGwSvY
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Copyright Disclaimer Under Section 107 of the Copyright Act 1976, allowance is made for "fair use" for purposes such as criticism, comment, news reporting, teaching, scholarship, and research. Fair use is a use permitted by copyright statute that might otherwise be infringing. Non-profit, educational or personal use tips the balance in favour of fair use.
=========keyword : reaction malaysia,reaction to viral malaysia,reaction ceramah malaysia,reaction time indonesia,reaction video viral,reaction ustadz auni muhammad,reaction ustadz badlishah,reaction ustadz malaysia,reaction dakwah,reaction ceramah lawak,reaction ceramah lucu,ceramah lucu,ceramah lawak terbaru,reaction ceramah agama,reaction ustadz malaysia dan indonesia,reaction ustadz syamsul debat,=========
- published: 04 Mar 2025
- views: 12062