Eine, Deelgemeente van Oudenaarde. Een overzicht
Eine, Deelgemeente van Oudenaarde. Een overzicht
published: 18 Sep 2022
"Deelgemeente Prins Alexander dreigt af te glijden"
De PvdA in Prins Alexander zegt dat de deelgemeente snel extra geld nodig heeft. Volgens lijsttrekker Peter Pieterse is het fijn wonen in de wijken Oosterflank en Zevenkamp, maar als er niet snel iets gebeurt zouden het probleemwijken kunnen worden. In Rotterdam gaat veel geld van de gemeente naar Rotterdam-Zuid. Een deel van dat geld zou volgens Pietersen naar de Deelgemeente Prins Alexander moeten gaan. De Rotterdamse lijsttrekker Salima Belhaj van D66 deelt die mening.
published: 02 Mar 2010
Wichelen krijgt een jeugdcentrum in deelgemeente Serskamp
Kenneth Taylor • Burgemeester Wichelen • http://www.kennethtaylor.be
Bouw van een nieuw jeugdcentrum in Wichelen. Interview met de (toen nog) Schepen van Jeugd Kenneth Taylor.
Wichelen krijgt een jeugdcentrum, in de deelgemeente Serskamp. De Chiro en de jeugddienst zullen er hun onderdak vinden. In het jeugdcentrum van Wichelen zullen de jongeren ook kunnen surfen op internet.
In de kelders van het gebouw denkt de gemeente ook aan repetitiekanalen.
#burgemeester #indepers
Zie ook: http://www.kennethtaylor.be
published: 27 Apr 2014
Duurzame deelgemeente Overschie
published: 30 Sep 2011
Héél deelgemeente Prins-Alexander nu toeristisch gebied
De hele deelgemeente Rotterdam-Prins Alexander wordt toeristisch gebied. Daarmee wordt het voor alle winkeliers in de deelgemeente mogelijk om open te zijn op zondag.
published: 07 Oct 2010
Rozenburg wil deelgemeente blijven
Rozenburg moet een deelgemeente blijven. Dat vindt bijna 95 procent van de inwoners die hebben meegedaan aan de volksraadpleging van de afgelopen weken.
Lees meer: Rozenburg wil deelgemeente blijven
published: 17 Jun 2012
AktuelTV.nl: Subsidieverleningen deelgemeente Feijenoord in opspraak. Uitzd. 26/02/13
Het was een rumoerige week in deelgemeente Feijenoord vanwege de negatieve berichtgevingen. Alle ogen waren daarom gericht op de raadsvergadering. Er is besloten een onafhankelijk onderzoek te doen naar de subsidieverleningen sinds 2010. En op 1 juni worden de uitkomsten van dit onderzoek bekend gemaakt.
Feijenoord İlçe Belediyesi hakkındaki söylenti ve olumsuz haberlerden dolayı gözler Meclis toplantısındaydı. Toplantıda 2010 yılından başlayarak, verilen belediye yardımlarının usulüne göre yapılıp, yapılmadığına yönelik bağımsız bir araştırma yapılmasına karar verildi. Araştırmanın bu yılın 1 haziranından önce tamamlanması gerekiyor.
published: 25 Feb 2013
Trouwlocatie Raadzaal Rozenburg (deelgemeente van Rotterdam) - panorama foto
Voor de gemeente Rotterdam heeft virro - virtueel rondkijken van diverse trouwlocaties 360 graden panorama foto's gemaakt, waaronder de Raadzaal in Rozenburg aan de Jan van Goyenstraat.
De video is gebasseerd op een 360 graden foto, gemaakt door virro - virtueel rondkijken.
Interactieve 360 graden panorama foto's kunt u vinden op onderstaande link:
published: 13 Jan 2012
'Delfshaven vuilste deelgemeente van de stad'
De deelgemeente Delfshaven is door Leefbaar Rotterdam 'onderscheiden' als vuilste deelgemeente van de stad. De deelgemeente krijgt daarvoor van de partij de Gouden Kakkerlak. Raadslid Dries Mosch heeft donderdagmiddag aan wethouder van Huffelen een vuilboek aangeboden met daarin foto's die uit heel Rotterdam zijn ingezonden van plekken waar vuil ligt opgestapeld.
published: 25 Nov 2010
Deelgemeente staat geen kattenhokjes toe
De Partij voor de Dieren Rotterdam en de deelgemeente Prins Alexander liggen met elkaar overhoop over kattenhokjes. In de wijktuin Ommoord zijn door onbekenden illegale hokjes geplaatst.
Lees meer: Deelgemeente staat geen kattenhokjes toe
published: 13 Jan 2013
"Deelgemeente Prins Alexander dreigt af te glijden"
De PvdA in Prins Alexander zegt dat de deelgemeente snel extra geld nodig heeft. Volgens lijsttrekker Peter Pieterse is het fijn wonen in de wijken Oosterflank ...
De PvdA in Prins Alexander zegt dat de deelgemeente snel extra geld nodig heeft. Volgens lijsttrekker Peter Pieterse is het fijn wonen in de wijken Oosterflank en Zevenkamp, maar als er niet snel iets gebeurt zouden het probleemwijken kunnen worden. In Rotterdam gaat veel geld van de gemeente naar Rotterdam-Zuid. Een deel van dat geld zou volgens Pietersen naar de Deelgemeente Prins Alexander moeten gaan. De Rotterdamse lijsttrekker Salima Belhaj van D66 deelt die mening.
De PvdA in Prins Alexander zegt dat de deelgemeente snel extra geld nodig heeft. Volgens lijsttrekker Peter Pieterse is het fijn wonen in de wijken Oosterflank en Zevenkamp, maar als er niet snel iets gebeurt zouden het probleemwijken kunnen worden. In Rotterdam gaat veel geld van de gemeente naar Rotterdam-Zuid. Een deel van dat geld zou volgens Pietersen naar de Deelgemeente Prins Alexander moeten gaan. De Rotterdamse lijsttrekker Salima Belhaj van D66 deelt die mening.
- published: 02 Mar 2010
- views: 1157
Wichelen krijgt een jeugdcentrum in deelgemeente Serskamp
Kenneth Taylor • Burgemeester Wichelen • http://www.kennethtaylor.be
Bouw van een nieuw jeugdcentrum in Wichelen. Interview met de (toen nog) Schepen van Jeugd...
Kenneth Taylor • Burgemeester Wichelen • http://www.kennethtaylor.be
Bouw van een nieuw jeugdcentrum in Wichelen. Interview met de (toen nog) Schepen van Jeugd Kenneth Taylor.
Wichelen krijgt een jeugdcentrum, in de deelgemeente Serskamp. De Chiro en de jeugddienst zullen er hun onderdak vinden. In het jeugdcentrum van Wichelen zullen de jongeren ook kunnen surfen op internet.
In de kelders van het gebouw denkt de gemeente ook aan repetitiekanalen.
#burgemeester #indepers
Zie ook: http://www.kennethtaylor.be
Kenneth Taylor • Burgemeester Wichelen • http://www.kennethtaylor.be
Bouw van een nieuw jeugdcentrum in Wichelen. Interview met de (toen nog) Schepen van Jeugd Kenneth Taylor.
Wichelen krijgt een jeugdcentrum, in de deelgemeente Serskamp. De Chiro en de jeugddienst zullen er hun onderdak vinden. In het jeugdcentrum van Wichelen zullen de jongeren ook kunnen surfen op internet.
In de kelders van het gebouw denkt de gemeente ook aan repetitiekanalen.
#burgemeester #indepers
Zie ook: http://www.kennethtaylor.be
- published: 27 Apr 2014
- views: 226
Héél deelgemeente Prins-Alexander nu toeristisch gebied
De hele deelgemeente Rotterdam-Prins Alexander wordt toeristisch gebied. Daarmee wordt het voor alle winkeliers in de deelgemeente mogelijk om open te zijn op z...
De hele deelgemeente Rotterdam-Prins Alexander wordt toeristisch gebied. Daarmee wordt het voor alle winkeliers in de deelgemeente mogelijk om open te zijn op zondag.
De hele deelgemeente Rotterdam-Prins Alexander wordt toeristisch gebied. Daarmee wordt het voor alle winkeliers in de deelgemeente mogelijk om open te zijn op zondag.
- published: 07 Oct 2010
- views: 178
Rozenburg wil deelgemeente blijven
Rozenburg moet een deelgemeente blijven. Dat vindt bijna 95 procent van de inwoners die hebben meegedaan aan de volksraadpleging van de afgelopen weken.
Rozenburg moet een deelgemeente blijven. Dat vindt bijna 95 procent van de inwoners die hebben meegedaan aan de volksraadpleging van de afgelopen weken.
Lees meer: Rozenburg wil deelgemeente blijven
Rozenburg moet een deelgemeente blijven. Dat vindt bijna 95 procent van de inwoners die hebben meegedaan aan de volksraadpleging van de afgelopen weken.
Lees meer: Rozenburg wil deelgemeente blijven
- published: 17 Jun 2012
- views: 203
AktuelTV.nl: Subsidieverleningen deelgemeente Feijenoord in opspraak. Uitzd. 26/02/13
Het was een rumoerige week in deelgemeente Feijenoord vanwege de negatieve berichtgevingen. Alle ogen waren daarom gericht op de raadsvergadering. Er is beslote...
Het was een rumoerige week in deelgemeente Feijenoord vanwege de negatieve berichtgevingen. Alle ogen waren daarom gericht op de raadsvergadering. Er is besloten een onafhankelijk onderzoek te doen naar de subsidieverleningen sinds 2010. En op 1 juni worden de uitkomsten van dit onderzoek bekend gemaakt.
Feijenoord İlçe Belediyesi hakkındaki söylenti ve olumsuz haberlerden dolayı gözler Meclis toplantısındaydı. Toplantıda 2010 yılından başlayarak, verilen belediye yardımlarının usulüne göre yapılıp, yapılmadığına yönelik bağımsız bir araştırma yapılmasına karar verildi. Araştırmanın bu yılın 1 haziranından önce tamamlanması gerekiyor.
Het was een rumoerige week in deelgemeente Feijenoord vanwege de negatieve berichtgevingen. Alle ogen waren daarom gericht op de raadsvergadering. Er is besloten een onafhankelijk onderzoek te doen naar de subsidieverleningen sinds 2010. En op 1 juni worden de uitkomsten van dit onderzoek bekend gemaakt.
Feijenoord İlçe Belediyesi hakkındaki söylenti ve olumsuz haberlerden dolayı gözler Meclis toplantısındaydı. Toplantıda 2010 yılından başlayarak, verilen belediye yardımlarının usulüne göre yapılıp, yapılmadığına yönelik bağımsız bir araştırma yapılmasına karar verildi. Araştırmanın bu yılın 1 haziranından önce tamamlanması gerekiyor.
- published: 25 Feb 2013
- views: 320
Trouwlocatie Raadzaal Rozenburg (deelgemeente van Rotterdam) - panorama foto
Voor de gemeente Rotterdam heeft virro - virtueel rondkijken van diverse trouwlocaties 360 graden panorama foto's gemaakt, waaronder de Raadzaal in Rozenburg aa...
Voor de gemeente Rotterdam heeft virro - virtueel rondkijken van diverse trouwlocaties 360 graden panorama foto's gemaakt, waaronder de Raadzaal in Rozenburg aan de Jan van Goyenstraat.
De video is gebasseerd op een 360 graden foto, gemaakt door virro - virtueel rondkijken.
Interactieve 360 graden panorama foto's kunt u vinden op onderstaande link:
Voor de gemeente Rotterdam heeft virro - virtueel rondkijken van diverse trouwlocaties 360 graden panorama foto's gemaakt, waaronder de Raadzaal in Rozenburg aan de Jan van Goyenstraat.
De video is gebasseerd op een 360 graden foto, gemaakt door virro - virtueel rondkijken.
Interactieve 360 graden panorama foto's kunt u vinden op onderstaande link:
- published: 13 Jan 2012
- views: 102
'Delfshaven vuilste deelgemeente van de stad'
De deelgemeente Delfshaven is door Leefbaar Rotterdam 'onderscheiden' als vuilste deelgemeente van de stad. De deelgemeente krijgt daarvoor van de partij de Gou...
De deelgemeente Delfshaven is door Leefbaar Rotterdam 'onderscheiden' als vuilste deelgemeente van de stad. De deelgemeente krijgt daarvoor van de partij de Gouden Kakkerlak. Raadslid Dries Mosch heeft donderdagmiddag aan wethouder van Huffelen een vuilboek aangeboden met daarin foto's die uit heel Rotterdam zijn ingezonden van plekken waar vuil ligt opgestapeld.
De deelgemeente Delfshaven is door Leefbaar Rotterdam 'onderscheiden' als vuilste deelgemeente van de stad. De deelgemeente krijgt daarvoor van de partij de Gouden Kakkerlak. Raadslid Dries Mosch heeft donderdagmiddag aan wethouder van Huffelen een vuilboek aangeboden met daarin foto's die uit heel Rotterdam zijn ingezonden van plekken waar vuil ligt opgestapeld.
- published: 25 Nov 2010
- views: 1691
Deelgemeente staat geen kattenhokjes toe
De Partij voor de Dieren Rotterdam en de deelgemeente Prins Alexander liggen met elkaar overhoop over kattenhokjes. In de wijktuin Ommoord zijn door onbekenden ...
De Partij voor de Dieren Rotterdam en de deelgemeente Prins Alexander liggen met elkaar overhoop over kattenhokjes. In de wijktuin Ommoord zijn door onbekenden illegale hokjes geplaatst.
Lees meer: Deelgemeente staat geen kattenhokjes toe
De Partij voor de Dieren Rotterdam en de deelgemeente Prins Alexander liggen met elkaar overhoop over kattenhokjes. In de wijktuin Ommoord zijn door onbekenden illegale hokjes geplaatst.
Lees meer: Deelgemeente staat geen kattenhokjes toe
- published: 13 Jan 2013
- views: 207
Have You Ever Wanted To Drop Out Of Capitalism? | Outliers Ep. 1
Subscribe to VICE News here: http://bit.ly/Subscribe-to-VICE-News
In our new series, Outliers, VICE explores worlds beyond the economic mainstream, meeting people who’ve chosen unusual and sometimes radical relationships to money, commerce and capitalism. For our first episode we headed to Virginia, where a cluster of communes thrives in rural, conservative Louisa County.
In exchange for working around 40 hours a week, Twin Oaks’ roughly 100 residents get everything taken care of, free of charge, from food to housing to health insurance. But the community is able to provide so generously because of their successful businesses; for over thirty years, they produced every hammock sold at Pier One and today, they sell tofu to Whole Foods.
We traveled to Twin Oaks to learn what life is like ...
published: 06 Oct 2017
Join our Facebook to stay connected: https://www.facebook.com/groups/431551270816107/
The Rainbow Family of Living Light is a worldwide countercultural movement of hippies, living by the Native American prophesy that one day, when the Earth is dying, a family of different colors, creeds, and backgrounds will come together in the name of restoring peace and harmony between each other and between humanity and the Earth. To learn more about the movement, we visited their temporary commune in the forest where they gathered this year in Wisconsin to pray for peace, and work together to create a temporary city in the forest.
published: 24 Jul 2019
Why did the Paris Commune Fail? (Short Animated Documentary)
The Paris Commune holds a special place in history for some and discussions surrounding it are still heated to this day. But given this impact, you'd think it lasted longer than 2 months. Given that it didn't, this raises the question why? Why did the Paris Commune fail? To find out why watch this short and simple animated history documentary.
Patreon: https://www.patreon.com/user?u=4973164
Merch: https://teespring.com/stores/history-matters-store-2
A special thanks to all of these Patrons below, without whom the show wouldn't be possible:
Daniel Galgano
Sergio M. Vela
Heath Robertson
Ethan Godden
Southside Mitch
Azlow the Lion
Ryan Schindeler
Andrew Partington
Michael Kram
Franco La Bruna
Robyn Kitchen
Chase Labiste
Christopher ...
published: 10 Jul 2021
Bidding of concrete roads and bridges in Koh Tontum commune is different from other communes
ថ្មីចែសគម្រោងដេញថ្លៃផ្លូវបេតុង និងស្ពានឃុំកោះទន្ទឹម ប្លែកពីឃុំផ្សេងៗ រដ្ឋបាលខេត្ត ហាមមិនឱ្យ Bidding of concrete roads and bridges in Koh Tontum commune is different from other communes
published: 22 Jun 2024
Inside New Zealand's Lost Hippy Commune
Hidden at the very top of New Zealand’s Coromandel Peninsula and accessible only by off-road track is the Mahana commune. Founded in 1978, for nearly 40 years its inhabitants have been elusive. Their story has gone largely unreported. But now, parts of the utopian dream are turning sour. We visit Arthur, one of the remaining members of Mahana, to learn about his reclusive life, his battles with other residents, and his hopes of seeing the valley returned to its past glory.
Click here to SUBSCRIBE to VICE Asia: https://bit.ly/2LhqAR9
published: 22 Oct 2018
The Commune - Official Trailer
Like on Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/TheCommuneFilm
Erik and Anna are a professional couple with a dream. Along with their daughter Freja, they set up a commune in Erik’s huge villa in the upmarket district of Copenhagen. With the family in the center of the story, we are invited into the dream of a real commune; we participate in the house meetings, dinners and parties. It is friendship, love and togetherness under one roof until an earth-shattering love affair puts the community and the commune to its greatest test.
In theaters, On Demand, on Amazon Video and iTunes May 19th
published: 09 Mar 2017
Thanks for watching! If you enjoy my videos consider:
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#ldoe #lastdayonearth #lastdayonearthsurvival
published: 15 Mar 2024
Welcome to COMMUNE.
Who are we? Why the name? Meet our CEO, Jeff Krasno, as he gives a quick but detailed synopsis on who we are and what we do.
We make courses online with the worlds leading teachers. We host epic retreats at our 10 acre property in the Santa Monica Mountains. Jeff host's our Commune Podcast. And we have more surprises up our sleeve to share with you on this journey. To learn more, visit https://ww2.onecommune.com/upcoming-events/
We are new to Youtube, but now new to amazing content. We are so excited to begin sharing it all with you.
Out of many, one. Let's do this together.
Commune is a course platform for personal and societal well- being. We create video courses with the world’s leading teachers across yoga and fitness, mindfulness, food and health, sustainability, an...
published: 31 Oct 2019
Terre commune (feat. Rabsalah)
Provided to YouTube by DistroKid
Terre commune (feat. Rabsalah) · Sansblaz · Rabsalah
Terre commune (feat. Rabsalah)
℗ Arkham Record'z
Released on: 2021-03-16
Auto-generated by YouTube.
published: 21 Jun 2024
Cult or Commune: Inside 'The Garden' | My Life Online
In this episode of My Life Online, Vice dives into the world of “Culttok" - Tiktok’s obsession with cults.
After more than a decade of operating as a small off-the-grid farm, The Garden decided to try to attract more people to their commune by using Tiktok and they went viral. A few days later, Tiktok is filled with amateur detectives dedicated to exposing The Garden as a dangerous cult. But was The Garden a cult? Or was it just an online witch hunt? Vice takes a close look behind the hysteria. Read more: https://www.vice.com/en/article/5db358/heres-what-happened-at-the-tiktok-commune-the-garden-after-it-closed-tree-julia-interview
Click here to subscribe to VICE: http://bit.ly/Subscribe-to-VICE
About VICE:
The Definitive Guide To Enlightening Information. From every corner of the pl...
published: 23 May 2021
Have You Ever Wanted To Drop Out Of Capitalism? | Outliers Ep. 1
Subscribe to VICE News here: http://bit.ly/Subscribe-to-VICE-News
In our new series, Outliers, VICE explores worlds beyond the economic mainstream, meeting peo...
Subscribe to VICE News here: http://bit.ly/Subscribe-to-VICE-News
In our new series, Outliers, VICE explores worlds beyond the economic mainstream, meeting people who’ve chosen unusual and sometimes radical relationships to money, commerce and capitalism. For our first episode we headed to Virginia, where a cluster of communes thrives in rural, conservative Louisa County.
In exchange for working around 40 hours a week, Twin Oaks’ roughly 100 residents get everything taken care of, free of charge, from food to housing to health insurance. But the community is able to provide so generously because of their successful businesses; for over thirty years, they produced every hammock sold at Pier One and today, they sell tofu to Whole Foods.
We traveled to Twin Oaks to learn what life is like at the communal fringes of capitalism.
Subscribe to VICE News here: http://bit.ly/Subscribe-to-VICE-News
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In our new series, Outliers, VICE explores worlds beyond the economic mainstream, meeting people who’ve chosen unusual and sometimes radical relationships to money, commerce and capitalism. For our first episode we headed to Virginia, where a cluster of communes thrives in rural, conservative Louisa County.
In exchange for working around 40 hours a week, Twin Oaks’ roughly 100 residents get everything taken care of, free of charge, from food to housing to health insurance. But the community is able to provide so generously because of their successful businesses; for over thirty years, they produced every hammock sold at Pier One and today, they sell tofu to Whole Foods.
We traveled to Twin Oaks to learn what life is like at the communal fringes of capitalism.
Subscribe to VICE News here: http://bit.ly/Subscribe-to-VICE-News
Check out VICE News for more: http://vicenews.com
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- published: 06 Oct 2017
- views: 1567410
Join our Facebook to stay connected: https://www.facebook.com/groups/431551270816107/
The Rainbow Family of Living Light is a worldwide countercultural movemen...
Join our Facebook to stay connected: https://www.facebook.com/groups/431551270816107/
The Rainbow Family of Living Light is a worldwide countercultural movement of hippies, living by the Native American prophesy that one day, when the Earth is dying, a family of different colors, creeds, and backgrounds will come together in the name of restoring peace and harmony between each other and between humanity and the Earth. To learn more about the movement, we visited their temporary commune in the forest where they gathered this year in Wisconsin to pray for peace, and work together to create a temporary city in the forest.
Join our Facebook to stay connected: https://www.facebook.com/groups/431551270816107/
The Rainbow Family of Living Light is a worldwide countercultural movement of hippies, living by the Native American prophesy that one day, when the Earth is dying, a family of different colors, creeds, and backgrounds will come together in the name of restoring peace and harmony between each other and between humanity and the Earth. To learn more about the movement, we visited their temporary commune in the forest where they gathered this year in Wisconsin to pray for peace, and work together to create a temporary city in the forest.
- published: 24 Jul 2019
- views: 1831831
Why did the Paris Commune Fail? (Short Animated Documentary)
The Paris Commune holds a special place in history for some and discussions surrounding it are still heated to this day. But given this impact, you'd think it l...
The Paris Commune holds a special place in history for some and discussions surrounding it are still heated to this day. But given this impact, you'd think it lasted longer than 2 months. Given that it didn't, this raises the question why? Why did the Paris Commune fail? To find out why watch this short and simple animated history documentary.
Patreon: https://www.patreon.com/user?u=4973164
Merch: https://teespring.com/stores/history-matters-store-2
A special thanks to all of these Patrons below, without whom the show wouldn't be possible:
Daniel Galgano
Sergio M. Vela
Heath Robertson
Ethan Godden
Southside Mitch
Azlow the Lion
Ryan Schindeler
Andrew Partington
Michael Kram
Franco La Bruna
Robyn Kitchen
Chase Labiste
Christopher Lichtenberg
Dan Reiher
Brian Giordano
Robert Brockway
Phil and Lisa Toland
Alex Teplyakov
Juan Castillo
Jeremy Arghhhhh
Ian Smith
Paul Franche
Scott P
Leena Al-Souki
Mickey Landen
Oliver Jenner
David Brown
So long, john
James Nile
Ian Jensen
Richard Wolfe
Kevin Phoenix
Nicholas Menghini
Aaron Conaway
אורי פרקש
Adrian Marine
Tyler Jenkins
Shawn Morse
Victor Warmflash
Chris Weisel
Andreas Mosand
Clayton Schuman
Alex G.
Pat Stahl
Dana Spurgeon
Curt Helmerich
Joseph Reinsch
Alexander Washofsky
Burt Clothier
Marty Myers
Ainar Garipov
John Garcia
Qi Xiao
Benjamin Bowring
Andrew Niedbala
Tat Tvam Asi
Alex Kihurani
Ryan Haber
Riley davidson
Joel Cromwell
Justin Pratt
Cody Yarger
Robert Mitchell
Matthew Hogan
Scott O'Donnell
Bernardo Santos
Wilhelm Screamer
Mik Scheper
Steven Gibson
Matthew Toles
Yuichiro Kakutani
Zach Rust
Roan Haggerty
BattleGoat Studios
Nathan Snyder
Keith A. Layton
Tristan Kreller
Mars Project
Jane Sumpter
Stefan Møller
Justin Pearson
Magdalena Reinberg-Leibel
Phoenix Fats
Warren Rudkin
Allen Rines
Mark Alexander Mednikov
Matt Conger
Ricardo Salcedo
Christopher Godfrey
Keith Garvey
Pierre Le Mouel
Joseph Kerckhoff
Yick Chung
Danny Anstess
Perry Gagne
Robert Woodward
Andrew F
Adam Rabung
bas mensink
Vance Christiaanse
Zachary Oertel
Tim Stumbaugh
David van Reyk
Joshua A Bishop
Mathew H.
Tim Lane
Thomas McGill
Franklin Sousa
Andrew Patane
Michael Myers
Vincent Rose
Gregory Priebe
Christian & Penny Gray
Michael Wagner
Michael Galloway
Matthew Literovich
Jackson Mehr
Coolin Castleman
John Orr
Steven Mastronardo
Matt Reed
Phil Simmons
Mark Littlehale
Joker 54
Hunter Quintero
Philip Yip
William Wold
David Johnston
I'm Not In The Description
Jack Nelson
Sean D.
Anthony McCann
Parth S
Bartosz Zasada
Vegard Tønnessen
Layne Nielsen
D. Mahlik
Travis Mount
Ellen Teapot
Aaron Larrow
Ken Warner
Bradley Backoff
Liam Gilleece
Ciege Engine
Clay Carroll
No way
David Silverman
Alex Slepak
Jeffrey Schneider
Andrea Dekrout
Mark Ploegstra
James Bisonette Fan #1
Bryan Linsley
Erik Hare
James Anthony
Imperial Pony
Matthew O'Connor
Colm Boyle
Now Seibert
Joerg Schiemann
Dr. Howard Dr. Fine Dr. Howard
Thomas Wang
Andy Pottkotter
Joseph Hutchins
Phillip Gathright
Ron Johnson
Colm Byrne
Christian Vasquez Leon
Melissa Prober
Matthew Trimborn
Léon M.
Harley Raptopoulos
William Adderholdt
Arthur Hosey Jr.
Peter A Titov
Sean Long
Gerald Armstrong
The Roger Luna
Mathew Glen Williams
Gabriel Lunde
Piotr Wojnowski
Nick Davies
Dima Volodin
Chris Winther
Konstantin Bredyuk
David Patrick Bucko
Steve Bonds
Joshua Rackstraw
Colonel Oneill
João Santos
Richard Manklow
Nathan Ngumi
Donald Weaver
Peter Konieczny
The bleeding edge
James Fouts
Yossi Vainshtein
Isabel Harrison
Eugene Delacroix
Christine Purvis
Seth Reeves
Mirza Ahmed
Peter Marino
Luke Peterson
Dakota Brunell
Daniel Bith
Heraclius Alpha
Raymond He
Erik Carlsson
Erik Hall
Michael Coates
Gezza The Masked Reviewer
Abdallah Al-Ammari
Froilan Legaspi
Paul McGee
Luis Caetano
Ben L
Daniel O'Reilly
Laura Jeal
Gina Service
Rhys Little
James Ling
Friedrich Demmer
George Gremo
The Paris Commune holds a special place in history for some and discussions surrounding it are still heated to this day. But given this impact, you'd think it lasted longer than 2 months. Given that it didn't, this raises the question why? Why did the Paris Commune fail? To find out why watch this short and simple animated history documentary.
Patreon: https://www.patreon.com/user?u=4973164
Merch: https://teespring.com/stores/history-matters-store-2
A special thanks to all of these Patrons below, without whom the show wouldn't be possible:
Daniel Galgano
Sergio M. Vela
Heath Robertson
Ethan Godden
Southside Mitch
Azlow the Lion
Ryan Schindeler
Andrew Partington
Michael Kram
Franco La Bruna
Robyn Kitchen
Chase Labiste
Christopher Lichtenberg
Dan Reiher
Brian Giordano
Robert Brockway
Phil and Lisa Toland
Alex Teplyakov
Juan Castillo
Jeremy Arghhhhh
Ian Smith
Paul Franche
Scott P
Leena Al-Souki
Mickey Landen
Oliver Jenner
David Brown
So long, john
James Nile
Ian Jensen
Richard Wolfe
Kevin Phoenix
Nicholas Menghini
Aaron Conaway
אורי פרקש
Adrian Marine
Tyler Jenkins
Shawn Morse
Victor Warmflash
Chris Weisel
Andreas Mosand
Clayton Schuman
Alex G.
Pat Stahl
Dana Spurgeon
Curt Helmerich
Joseph Reinsch
Alexander Washofsky
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Marty Myers
Ainar Garipov
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Qi Xiao
Benjamin Bowring
Andrew Niedbala
Tat Tvam Asi
Alex Kihurani
Ryan Haber
Riley davidson
Joel Cromwell
Justin Pratt
Cody Yarger
Robert Mitchell
Matthew Hogan
Scott O'Donnell
Bernardo Santos
Wilhelm Screamer
Mik Scheper
Steven Gibson
Matthew Toles
Yuichiro Kakutani
Zach Rust
Roan Haggerty
BattleGoat Studios
Nathan Snyder
Keith A. Layton
Tristan Kreller
Mars Project
Jane Sumpter
Stefan Møller
Justin Pearson
Magdalena Reinberg-Leibel
Phoenix Fats
Warren Rudkin
Allen Rines
Mark Alexander Mednikov
Matt Conger
Ricardo Salcedo
Christopher Godfrey
Keith Garvey
Pierre Le Mouel
Joseph Kerckhoff
Yick Chung
Danny Anstess
Perry Gagne
Robert Woodward
Andrew F
Adam Rabung
bas mensink
Vance Christiaanse
Zachary Oertel
Tim Stumbaugh
David van Reyk
Joshua A Bishop
Mathew H.
Tim Lane
Thomas McGill
Franklin Sousa
Andrew Patane
Michael Myers
Vincent Rose
Gregory Priebe
Christian & Penny Gray
Michael Wagner
Michael Galloway
Matthew Literovich
Jackson Mehr
Coolin Castleman
John Orr
Steven Mastronardo
Matt Reed
Phil Simmons
Mark Littlehale
Joker 54
Hunter Quintero
Philip Yip
William Wold
David Johnston
I'm Not In The Description
Jack Nelson
Sean D.
Anthony McCann
Parth S
Bartosz Zasada
Vegard Tønnessen
Layne Nielsen
D. Mahlik
Travis Mount
Ellen Teapot
Aaron Larrow
Ken Warner
Bradley Backoff
Liam Gilleece
Ciege Engine
Clay Carroll
No way
David Silverman
Alex Slepak
Jeffrey Schneider
Andrea Dekrout
Mark Ploegstra
James Bisonette Fan #1
Bryan Linsley
Erik Hare
James Anthony
Imperial Pony
Matthew O'Connor
Colm Boyle
Now Seibert
Joerg Schiemann
Dr. Howard Dr. Fine Dr. Howard
Thomas Wang
Andy Pottkotter
Joseph Hutchins
Phillip Gathright
Ron Johnson
Colm Byrne
Christian Vasquez Leon
Melissa Prober
Matthew Trimborn
Léon M.
Harley Raptopoulos
William Adderholdt
Arthur Hosey Jr.
Peter A Titov
Sean Long
Gerald Armstrong
The Roger Luna
Mathew Glen Williams
Gabriel Lunde
Piotr Wojnowski
Nick Davies
Dima Volodin
Chris Winther
Konstantin Bredyuk
David Patrick Bucko
Steve Bonds
Joshua Rackstraw
Colonel Oneill
João Santos
Richard Manklow
Nathan Ngumi
Donald Weaver
Peter Konieczny
The bleeding edge
James Fouts
Yossi Vainshtein
Isabel Harrison
Eugene Delacroix
Christine Purvis
Seth Reeves
Mirza Ahmed
Peter Marino
Luke Peterson
Dakota Brunell
Daniel Bith
Heraclius Alpha
Raymond He
Erik Carlsson
Erik Hall
Michael Coates
Gezza The Masked Reviewer
Abdallah Al-Ammari
Froilan Legaspi
Paul McGee
Luis Caetano
Ben L
Daniel O'Reilly
Laura Jeal
Gina Service
Rhys Little
James Ling
Friedrich Demmer
George Gremo
- published: 10 Jul 2021
- views: 1556554
Bidding of concrete roads and bridges in Koh Tontum commune is different from other communes
ថ្មីចែសគម្រោងដេញថ្លៃផ្លូវបេតុង និងស្ពានឃុំកោះទន្ទឹម ប្លែកពីឃុំផ្សេងៗ រដ្ឋបាលខេត្ត ហាមមិនឱ្យ Bidding of concrete roads and bridges in Koh Tontum commune is diff...
ថ្មីចែសគម្រោងដេញថ្លៃផ្លូវបេតុង និងស្ពានឃុំកោះទន្ទឹម ប្លែកពីឃុំផ្សេងៗ រដ្ឋបាលខេត្ត ហាមមិនឱ្យ Bidding of concrete roads and bridges in Koh Tontum commune is different from other communes
ថ្មីចែសគម្រោងដេញថ្លៃផ្លូវបេតុង និងស្ពានឃុំកោះទន្ទឹម ប្លែកពីឃុំផ្សេងៗ រដ្ឋបាលខេត្ត ហាមមិនឱ្យ Bidding of concrete roads and bridges in Koh Tontum commune is different from other communes
- published: 22 Jun 2024
- views: 251
Inside New Zealand's Lost Hippy Commune
Hidden at the very top of New Zealand’s Coromandel Peninsula and accessible only by off-road track is the Mahana commune. Founded in 1978, for nearly 40 years i...
Hidden at the very top of New Zealand’s Coromandel Peninsula and accessible only by off-road track is the Mahana commune. Founded in 1978, for nearly 40 years its inhabitants have been elusive. Their story has gone largely unreported. But now, parts of the utopian dream are turning sour. We visit Arthur, one of the remaining members of Mahana, to learn about his reclusive life, his battles with other residents, and his hopes of seeing the valley returned to its past glory.
Click here to SUBSCRIBE to VICE Asia: https://bit.ly/2LhqAR9
Hidden at the very top of New Zealand’s Coromandel Peninsula and accessible only by off-road track is the Mahana commune. Founded in 1978, for nearly 40 years its inhabitants have been elusive. Their story has gone largely unreported. But now, parts of the utopian dream are turning sour. We visit Arthur, one of the remaining members of Mahana, to learn about his reclusive life, his battles with other residents, and his hopes of seeing the valley returned to its past glory.
Click here to SUBSCRIBE to VICE Asia: https://bit.ly/2LhqAR9
- published: 22 Oct 2018
- views: 4583093
The Commune - Official Trailer
Like on Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/TheCommuneFilm
Erik and Anna are a professional couple with a dream. Along with their daughter Freja, they set up a ...
Like on Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/TheCommuneFilm
Erik and Anna are a professional couple with a dream. Along with their daughter Freja, they set up a commune in Erik’s huge villa in the upmarket district of Copenhagen. With the family in the center of the story, we are invited into the dream of a real commune; we participate in the house meetings, dinners and parties. It is friendship, love and togetherness under one roof until an earth-shattering love affair puts the community and the commune to its greatest test.
In theaters, On Demand, on Amazon Video and iTunes May 19th
Like on Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/TheCommuneFilm
Erik and Anna are a professional couple with a dream. Along with their daughter Freja, they set up a commune in Erik’s huge villa in the upmarket district of Copenhagen. With the family in the center of the story, we are invited into the dream of a real commune; we participate in the house meetings, dinners and parties. It is friendship, love and togetherness under one roof until an earth-shattering love affair puts the community and the commune to its greatest test.
In theaters, On Demand, on Amazon Video and iTunes May 19th
- published: 09 Mar 2017
- views: 23377
Thanks for watching! If you enjoy my videos consider:
▸ https://discord.gg/Zae8tQz
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Thanks for watching! If you enjoy my videos consider:
▸ https://discord.gg/Zae8tQz
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#ldoe #lastdayonearth #lastdayonearthsurvival
Thanks for watching! If you enjoy my videos consider:
▸ https://discord.gg/Zae8tQz
▸ https://goo.gl/KR1oEe
▸ https://goo.gl/TrMCn9
#ldoe #lastdayonearth #lastdayonearthsurvival
- published: 15 Mar 2024
- views: 26162
Welcome to COMMUNE.
Who are we? Why the name? Meet our CEO, Jeff Krasno, as he gives a quick but detailed synopsis on who we are and what we do.
We make courses online with the wo...
Who are we? Why the name? Meet our CEO, Jeff Krasno, as he gives a quick but detailed synopsis on who we are and what we do.
We make courses online with the worlds leading teachers. We host epic retreats at our 10 acre property in the Santa Monica Mountains. Jeff host's our Commune Podcast. And we have more surprises up our sleeve to share with you on this journey. To learn more, visit https://ww2.onecommune.com/upcoming-events/
We are new to Youtube, but now new to amazing content. We are so excited to begin sharing it all with you.
Out of many, one. Let's do this together.
Commune is a course platform for personal and societal well- being. We create video courses with the world’s leading teachers across yoga and fitness, mindfulness, food and health, sustainability, and civic engagement. Commune courses are designed for people to learn together, connect, and bring their best selves into the world.
Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/onecommune/
Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/wecommune
Twitter: https://twitter.com/onecommune
Commune is a course platform for personal and societal well-being. We create video courses with the world’s leading teachers across yoga and fitness, mindfulness, food and health, sustainability, and civic engagement.
Start today: https://www.onecommune.com/try-commune-membership
#commune #onecommune #community
Who are we? Why the name? Meet our CEO, Jeff Krasno, as he gives a quick but detailed synopsis on who we are and what we do.
We make courses online with the worlds leading teachers. We host epic retreats at our 10 acre property in the Santa Monica Mountains. Jeff host's our Commune Podcast. And we have more surprises up our sleeve to share with you on this journey. To learn more, visit https://ww2.onecommune.com/upcoming-events/
We are new to Youtube, but now new to amazing content. We are so excited to begin sharing it all with you.
Out of many, one. Let's do this together.
Commune is a course platform for personal and societal well- being. We create video courses with the world’s leading teachers across yoga and fitness, mindfulness, food and health, sustainability, and civic engagement. Commune courses are designed for people to learn together, connect, and bring their best selves into the world.
Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/onecommune/
Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/wecommune
Twitter: https://twitter.com/onecommune
Commune is a course platform for personal and societal well-being. We create video courses with the world’s leading teachers across yoga and fitness, mindfulness, food and health, sustainability, and civic engagement.
Start today: https://www.onecommune.com/try-commune-membership
#commune #onecommune #community
- published: 31 Oct 2019
- views: 2420
Terre commune (feat. Rabsalah)
Provided to YouTube by DistroKid
Terre commune (feat. Rabsalah) · Sansblaz · Rabsalah
Terre commune (feat. Rabsalah)
℗ Arkham Record'z
Released on: 2021-03-...
Provided to YouTube by DistroKid
Terre commune (feat. Rabsalah) · Sansblaz · Rabsalah
Terre commune (feat. Rabsalah)
℗ Arkham Record'z
Released on: 2021-03-16
Auto-generated by YouTube.
Provided to YouTube by DistroKid
Terre commune (feat. Rabsalah) · Sansblaz · Rabsalah
Terre commune (feat. Rabsalah)
℗ Arkham Record'z
Released on: 2021-03-16
Auto-generated by YouTube.
- published: 21 Jun 2024
- views: 6
Cult or Commune: Inside 'The Garden' | My Life Online
In this episode of My Life Online, Vice dives into the world of “Culttok" - Tiktok’s obsession with cults.
After more than a decade of operating as a small off...
In this episode of My Life Online, Vice dives into the world of “Culttok" - Tiktok’s obsession with cults.
After more than a decade of operating as a small off-the-grid farm, The Garden decided to try to attract more people to their commune by using Tiktok and they went viral. A few days later, Tiktok is filled with amateur detectives dedicated to exposing The Garden as a dangerous cult. But was The Garden a cult? Or was it just an online witch hunt? Vice takes a close look behind the hysteria. Read more: https://www.vice.com/en/article/5db358/heres-what-happened-at-the-tiktok-commune-the-garden-after-it-closed-tree-julia-interview
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In this episode of My Life Online, Vice dives into the world of “Culttok" - Tiktok’s obsession with cults.
After more than a decade of operating as a small off-the-grid farm, The Garden decided to try to attract more people to their commune by using Tiktok and they went viral. A few days later, Tiktok is filled with amateur detectives dedicated to exposing The Garden as a dangerous cult. But was The Garden a cult? Or was it just an online witch hunt? Vice takes a close look behind the hysteria. Read more: https://www.vice.com/en/article/5db358/heres-what-happened-at-the-tiktok-commune-the-garden-after-it-closed-tree-julia-interview
Click here to subscribe to VICE: http://bit.ly/Subscribe-to-VICE
About VICE:
The Definitive Guide To Enlightening Information. From every corner of the planet, our immersive, caustic, ground-breaking and often bizarre stories have changed the way people think about culture, crime, art, parties, fashion, protest, the internet and other subjects that don't even have names yet. Browse the growing library and discover corners of the world you never knew existed. Welcome to VICE.
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- published: 23 May 2021
- views: 2532637