Sant Joan Despí (Catalan pronunciation:[ˈsaɲ ʒuˈan dəsˈpi]) (Old Catalan for Saint John of the Pine) is a city and municipality located in the Baix Llobregat area (Barcelona province in Catalonia, Spain). It is situated on the left bank of the Llobregat river. Es is a dialectal form of the masculine article el, hence Despí would be rendered Del pi in standard Catalan.
Currently, Sant Joan Despí has 31,438 inhabitants divided into 5 very disaggregated districts.
It also has an industrial quarter.
Barri Centre
Barri Centre (Catalan for center quarter) is the original urban core of the town, formerly called Nucli antic (old town).
The district is bounded by the railway, B-23 motorway, Cornellà de Llobregat and by the new Eixample district towards the Llobregat River.
It is full of Art Deco buildings, many of them designed by Josep Maria Jujol who was the official town council architect from 1926.
It also contains the oldest buildings of the town including Esglèsia de Sant Joan Batista (Saint John the Baptist Church) and a small medieval chapel.
In the 1960s, this quarter was still a small set of cottages, where wealthy people from Barcelona spent their holidays, and small houses, but since then, urban spread has changed a lot substituting most of the houses with tall buildings and changing the green spaces into concrete parks.
Nowadays you can still find some of the old small houses, and most of the singular ones but they are surrounded by modern buildings.
On the town there're two futsal clubs Sant Joan C.E. and Just Just Sant Joan.
Sant Joan C.E. was founded at 2007. Currently the team plays at 1ª Regional de la Federació de Futbol de les Illes Balears from Balearic Islands. Is the most honored team of the town, winning two Balearic Futsal Cups at 2009 (Senior Squad) and 2011(Youth Squad).
(4K) CRAZY Sant Joan Ciutadella Fiesta In Menorca, Spain
(4K) The most famous Fiesta on the island of Menorca, Spain is Sant Joan which takes place every 23-24th June each year and is not an event put on just for tourists, is genuine different and much loved by the islanders and visitors alike. The Menorcans love their festivals and especially the chance to show off their stunning native horses.The most eagerly awaited moments are the "Cargols", when riders circle specific points along the parade route and especially the "Jaleos", where riders bring their horse onto their rear legs
Menorcans love to celebrate and there will be lot's of music and alcohol consumed eg Pomada ( with good humour and behaviour ) as well as events organised for residents.There may well be a fun fair and various live music acts on stage. Two riders will 'race' each oth...
published: 06 Aug 2022
Sant Joan 2023
published: 23 Jul 2023
Sergio Dalma - La Nit de Sant Joan (Audio)
És tota una #Alegria per a mi presentar “La Nit de Sant Joan”, el primer senzill del meu pròxim disc inèdit, que es dirà “Alegria” i que estarà disponible a partir del 19 de novembre.
Ja pots reservar-lo en l'edició prevenda! Aquesta cançó és una invitació. Una invitació per enderrocar les teves crispacions amb un somriure. Una melodia que, espero, us animi a gaudir d'aquestes petites alegries que ens dóna la vida . Espero que us agradi.
published: 16 Sep 2021
Sant Joan 2022 ciutadella
SANT JOAN 2022🇨🇭🫶🏾
Aquí teniu és meu primer vídeo de Sant Joan, no tenia en ment fer-ne un, però molta gent m'ha animat a fer-lo, així que he fet el que he pogut amb les poques imatges que tenia.
published: 11 Jul 2022
Indubio - Petards de Sant Joan
Indubio - Petards de Sant Joan
Petards de Sant Joan és un tema que ens fa molta il·lusió treure ja que després de tot un any sense publicar música i rodant concerts, hem tingut temps per aprendre molt, gravar en un estudi i tenir, per tant, l'oportunitat de tirar endavant el primer de molts projectes que vindran!
Petards de Sant Joan és una cançó estiuenca, que parla de perdre la por a arriscar-se i de llançar-se a per tot allò que desitgem, cremant a la foguera un missatge d'amor perquè es faci realitat.
Esperem que gaudiu aquest single tant com nosaltres ho hem pogut fer durant el procés de creació i producció!
Bruno García
Luan Boffi
Eric Mateu
Guillem Sancho
Carles Freixedes
Arnau Moreno
Arnau Moreno
published: 15 Jun 2023
La Nit de Sant Joan - Strombers feat. Violeta
#lanitdesantjoan #stormbers #coversencatala
La Nit de Sant Joan - Strombers feat. Violeta
Una versió del hit "La Nit de Sant Joan" que ens porta per melodíes i sonoritats més actuals, sense perdre la identitat de la cançó.
Treballant amb joves, sempre amb esperit jove!!!! Joves i cultura!!
Aquesta és la segona càpsula d'un petit projecte emprès aquest 2021.
Ens agraden els covers en català i les versions, sóm d'esperit jove i per aquest motiu hem decidit reversionar algunes de les nostres cançons amb joves catalanes i joves catalans!
Gaudiu de la forguera de Sant Joan, de la Nit de Sant Joan i d'aeusta bonica versió!
Segueix-nos! 👇👇👇👇
published: 17 Jun 2021
Barcelona'nın En Büyük Yaz Kutlaması: Sant Joan 2023
Merhaba arkadaşlar, Barcelona'dan selamlar!
Biliyorsunuz, bir süredir YouTube'a video yükleme fırsatım olmamıştı. Bu süre zarfında hem işlerime hem de kendime odaklandım. Ancak şimdi, daha eğlenceli ve neşeli videolarla yeniden karşınızdayım. Video çekmeyi ve sizlerle buluşmayı gerçekten çok özlemişim.
Yeni videomda, sizleri İspanya'nın büyüleyici şehri Barcelona'nın eşsiz sahillerine götürüyorum. Bu özel videoda, her yıl coşkuyla kutlanan ve yerel halkın büyük bir heyecanla katıldığı Sant Joan Festivali'ni sizlerle paylaşıyorum. Festivalin renkli atmosferini, neşeli kalabalığını ve eğlenceli anlarını sizlerle paylaşmak için cok heyecanliyim.
Bu videoda, festivalin en canlı anlarını, havai fişek gösterilerini, müzik eşliğinde dans eden insanları ve tabii ki deniz kenarında yapılan büyül...
published: 15 Jul 2023
Nit de Sant Joan Festival | Barcelona
The Sant Joan festival has many names, but in Catalonia and Barcelona it is most often called the Nit de Sant Joan which means St John's Night or St. John's Eve. You also often hear it called 'La revetlla de Sant Joan' in Catalan or in Spanish 'Verbenas de Sant Joan.' And even just 'Nit de Foc' - night of fire which describe Sant Joan perfectly. All these names refer to the same event - the festival feast of Saint John the Baptist which celebrates the solstice Spanish midsummers eve during the evening and night of 23rd June every year.
Sant Joan is one of Barcelona's biggest parties and the noisiest and possibly the craziest. It's a night of Fire, Fireworks, Coca cakes and Cava, but not of sleep. You will not get much sleep on the night of 23rd June in Barcelona, so you might as well jo...
published: 24 Jun 2017
published: 12 Nov 2023
Story of Saint Joan of Arc | Stories of Saints | EP86
Please consider donating to help us make more videos. If you donate just $5, the price of your coffee, Christian Kids TV could keep thriving. Use this link to donate:
Support us on Patreon:
St. Joan of Arc | Stories of Saints
Who was Joan, a illiterate French peasant girl, who in 15 months changed the history of western Europe and became, according to one historian, "the most widely known of all medieval women"? Joan of Arc was born to pious parents of the French peasant class, in a small village named Domremy, near the province of Lorraine. Watch this episode to learn more!
#SaintJoanofArc #StJoanofArc #StoriesofSaints #ChristianKidsTV
(4K) The most famous Fiesta on the island of Menorca, Spain is Sant Joan which takes place every 23-24th June each year and is not an event put on just for tour...
(4K) The most famous Fiesta on the island of Menorca, Spain is Sant Joan which takes place every 23-24th June each year and is not an event put on just for tourists, is genuine different and much loved by the islanders and visitors alike. The Menorcans love their festivals and especially the chance to show off their stunning native horses.The most eagerly awaited moments are the "Cargols", when riders circle specific points along the parade route and especially the "Jaleos", where riders bring their horse onto their rear legs
Menorcans love to celebrate and there will be lot's of music and alcohol consumed eg Pomada ( with good humour and behaviour ) as well as events organised for residents.There may well be a fun fair and various live music acts on stage. Two riders will 'race' each other along a city street.
On the last night there is usually a spectacular firework display at midnight ( serious fireworks! )
Restaurants in Ciutadella centre stop serving food and set up street bars selling beer and pomada with party music. To eat visit the stalls that serve traditional fiesta snacks and other fast foods.
It's all free of charge.
I hope you enjoyed this walk through the main parts of this spanish festival and if you want to see similar videos please check out the rest of my channel.Take care and thank you for watching.
Time stamps:
0:00 Intro
0:26 Ciutadella Centre
11:34 Ciutadella Harbour
16:17 Sant Joan Fiesta
21:01 Horse Parade
This video was made on GO PRO HERO 9 4K 60 fps. Shot In June 23rd 2022
#menorca #4K #spain #travel
(4K) The most famous Fiesta on the island of Menorca, Spain is Sant Joan which takes place every 23-24th June each year and is not an event put on just for tourists, is genuine different and much loved by the islanders and visitors alike. The Menorcans love their festivals and especially the chance to show off their stunning native horses.The most eagerly awaited moments are the "Cargols", when riders circle specific points along the parade route and especially the "Jaleos", where riders bring their horse onto their rear legs
Menorcans love to celebrate and there will be lot's of music and alcohol consumed eg Pomada ( with good humour and behaviour ) as well as events organised for residents.There may well be a fun fair and various live music acts on stage. Two riders will 'race' each other along a city street.
On the last night there is usually a spectacular firework display at midnight ( serious fireworks! )
Restaurants in Ciutadella centre stop serving food and set up street bars selling beer and pomada with party music. To eat visit the stalls that serve traditional fiesta snacks and other fast foods.
It's all free of charge.
I hope you enjoyed this walk through the main parts of this spanish festival and if you want to see similar videos please check out the rest of my channel.Take care and thank you for watching.
Time stamps:
0:00 Intro
0:26 Ciutadella Centre
11:34 Ciutadella Harbour
16:17 Sant Joan Fiesta
21:01 Horse Parade
This video was made on GO PRO HERO 9 4K 60 fps. Shot In June 23rd 2022
#menorca #4K #spain #travel
És tota una #Alegria per a mi presentar “La Nit de Sant Joan”, el primer senzill del meu pròxim disc inèdit, que es dirà “Alegria” i que estarà disponible a par...
És tota una #Alegria per a mi presentar “La Nit de Sant Joan”, el primer senzill del meu pròxim disc inèdit, que es dirà “Alegria” i que estarà disponible a partir del 19 de novembre.
Ja pots reservar-lo en l'edició prevenda! Aquesta cançó és una invitació. Una invitació per enderrocar les teves crispacions amb un somriure. Una melodia que, espero, us animi a gaudir d'aquestes petites alegries que ens dóna la vida . Espero que us agradi.
És tota una #Alegria per a mi presentar “La Nit de Sant Joan”, el primer senzill del meu pròxim disc inèdit, que es dirà “Alegria” i que estarà disponible a partir del 19 de novembre.
Ja pots reservar-lo en l'edició prevenda! Aquesta cançó és una invitació. Una invitació per enderrocar les teves crispacions amb un somriure. Una melodia que, espero, us animi a gaudir d'aquestes petites alegries que ens dóna la vida . Espero que us agradi.
SANT JOAN 2022🇨🇭🫶🏾
Aquí teniu és meu primer vídeo de Sant Joan, no tenia en ment fer-ne un, però molta gent m'ha animat a fer-lo, així que he fet el que he po...
SANT JOAN 2022🇨🇭🫶🏾
Aquí teniu és meu primer vídeo de Sant Joan, no tenia en ment fer-ne un, però molta gent m'ha animat a fer-lo, així que he fet el que he pogut amb les poques imatges que tenia.
SANT JOAN 2022🇨🇭🫶🏾
Aquí teniu és meu primer vídeo de Sant Joan, no tenia en ment fer-ne un, però molta gent m'ha animat a fer-lo, així que he fet el que he pogut amb les poques imatges que tenia.
Indubio - Petards de Sant Joan
Petards de Sant Joan és un tema que ens fa molta il·lusió treure ja que després de tot un any sense publicar música i rodant co...
#lanitdesantjoan #stormbers #coversencatala
La Nit de Sant Joan - Strombers feat. Violeta
Una versió del hit "La Nit de Sant Joan" que ens porta per melodíes i...
#lanitdesantjoan #stormbers #coversencatala
La Nit de Sant Joan - Strombers feat. Violeta
Una versió del hit "La Nit de Sant Joan" que ens porta per melodíes i sonoritats més actuals, sense perdre la identitat de la cançó.
Treballant amb joves, sempre amb esperit jove!!!! Joves i cultura!!
Aquesta és la segona càpsula d'un petit projecte emprès aquest 2021.
Ens agraden els covers en català i les versions, sóm d'esperit jove i per aquest motiu hem decidit reversionar algunes de les nostres cançons amb joves catalanes i joves catalans!
Gaudiu de la forguera de Sant Joan, de la Nit de Sant Joan i d'aeusta bonica versió!
Segueix-nos! 👇👇👇👇
🔈 Comenta el video, et llegim!!!🔈 👇👇👇👇
Producció de Sergi Bagó
Agraïments a la Família Cos Bonals per cedir-nos la casa, i fer un foc ben bonic!
Joves i cultura general
Nit de Sant Joan
La foguera de Sant Joan
#lanitdesantjoan #stormbers #coversencatala
La Nit de Sant Joan - Strombers feat. Violeta
Una versió del hit "La Nit de Sant Joan" que ens porta per melodíes i sonoritats més actuals, sense perdre la identitat de la cançó.
Treballant amb joves, sempre amb esperit jove!!!! Joves i cultura!!
Aquesta és la segona càpsula d'un petit projecte emprès aquest 2021.
Ens agraden els covers en català i les versions, sóm d'esperit jove i per aquest motiu hem decidit reversionar algunes de les nostres cançons amb joves catalanes i joves catalans!
Gaudiu de la forguera de Sant Joan, de la Nit de Sant Joan i d'aeusta bonica versió!
Segueix-nos! 👇👇👇👇
🔈 Comenta el video, et llegim!!!🔈 👇👇👇👇
Producció de Sergi Bagó
Agraïments a la Família Cos Bonals per cedir-nos la casa, i fer un foc ben bonic!
Joves i cultura general
Nit de Sant Joan
La foguera de Sant Joan
Merhaba arkadaşlar, Barcelona'dan selamlar!
Biliyorsunuz, bir süredir YouTube'a video yükleme fırsatım olmamıştı. Bu süre zarfında hem işlerime hem de kendime ...
Merhaba arkadaşlar, Barcelona'dan selamlar!
Biliyorsunuz, bir süredir YouTube'a video yükleme fırsatım olmamıştı. Bu süre zarfında hem işlerime hem de kendime odaklandım. Ancak şimdi, daha eğlenceli ve neşeli videolarla yeniden karşınızdayım. Video çekmeyi ve sizlerle buluşmayı gerçekten çok özlemişim.
Yeni videomda, sizleri İspanya'nın büyüleyici şehri Barcelona'nın eşsiz sahillerine götürüyorum. Bu özel videoda, her yıl coşkuyla kutlanan ve yerel halkın büyük bir heyecanla katıldığı Sant Joan Festivali'ni sizlerle paylaşıyorum. Festivalin renkli atmosferini, neşeli kalabalığını ve eğlenceli anlarını sizlerle paylaşmak için cok heyecanliyim.
Bu videoda, festivalin en canlı anlarını, havai fişek gösterilerini, müzik eşliğinde dans eden insanları ve tabii ki deniz kenarında yapılan büyüleyici kutlamaları bulacaksınız. Ayrıca, turistlerle yaptığım samimi röportajlara da videomda yer verdim. Onların festival hakkındaki düşüncelerini, anılarını ve bu özel günü nasıl kutladıklarını öğreneceksiniz.
Bu özel videoyu hazırlarken çok eğlendim ve umarım siz de izlerken aynı keyfi alırsınız. Barcelona'nın sıcak atmosferini ve Sant Joan Festivali'nin eşsiz enerjisini sizlere aktarmayı umuyorum.
Videonun sonuna kadar izleyin ve yorumlarınızı benimle paylaşmayı unutmayın. Eğer videomu beğendiyseniz, beğen butonuna tıklamayı ve kanalıma abone olmayı unutmayın.
Hepinize keyifli seyirler dilerim!
Merhaba arkadaşlar, Barcelona'dan selamlar!
Biliyorsunuz, bir süredir YouTube'a video yükleme fırsatım olmamıştı. Bu süre zarfında hem işlerime hem de kendime odaklandım. Ancak şimdi, daha eğlenceli ve neşeli videolarla yeniden karşınızdayım. Video çekmeyi ve sizlerle buluşmayı gerçekten çok özlemişim.
Yeni videomda, sizleri İspanya'nın büyüleyici şehri Barcelona'nın eşsiz sahillerine götürüyorum. Bu özel videoda, her yıl coşkuyla kutlanan ve yerel halkın büyük bir heyecanla katıldığı Sant Joan Festivali'ni sizlerle paylaşıyorum. Festivalin renkli atmosferini, neşeli kalabalığını ve eğlenceli anlarını sizlerle paylaşmak için cok heyecanliyim.
Bu videoda, festivalin en canlı anlarını, havai fişek gösterilerini, müzik eşliğinde dans eden insanları ve tabii ki deniz kenarında yapılan büyüleyici kutlamaları bulacaksınız. Ayrıca, turistlerle yaptığım samimi röportajlara da videomda yer verdim. Onların festival hakkındaki düşüncelerini, anılarını ve bu özel günü nasıl kutladıklarını öğreneceksiniz.
Bu özel videoyu hazırlarken çok eğlendim ve umarım siz de izlerken aynı keyfi alırsınız. Barcelona'nın sıcak atmosferini ve Sant Joan Festivali'nin eşsiz enerjisini sizlere aktarmayı umuyorum.
Videonun sonuna kadar izleyin ve yorumlarınızı benimle paylaşmayı unutmayın. Eğer videomu beğendiyseniz, beğen butonuna tıklamayı ve kanalıma abone olmayı unutmayın.
Hepinize keyifli seyirler dilerim!
The Sant Joan festival has many names, but in Catalonia and Barcelona it is most often called the Nit de Sant Joan which means St John's Night or St. John's Eve...
The Sant Joan festival has many names, but in Catalonia and Barcelona it is most often called the Nit de Sant Joan which means St John's Night or St. John's Eve. You also often hear it called 'La revetlla de Sant Joan' in Catalan or in Spanish 'Verbenas de Sant Joan.' And even just 'Nit de Foc' - night of fire which describe Sant Joan perfectly. All these names refer to the same event - the festival feast of Saint John the Baptist which celebrates the solstice Spanish midsummers eve during the evening and night of 23rd June every year.
Sant Joan is one of Barcelona's biggest parties and the noisiest and possibly the craziest. It's a night of Fire, Fireworks, Coca cakes and Cava, but not of sleep. You will not get much sleep on the night of 23rd June in Barcelona, so you might as well join the party. There are no major public fireworks displays at Sant Joan in Barcelona. Many tourists like to join or watch the festivities around the city. Around 70,000 people celebrate Sant Joan celebrations on one of the Barcelona beaches.
Instagram: Tylermcave
Facebook: Tyler Cave Productions
The Sant Joan festival has many names, but in Catalonia and Barcelona it is most often called the Nit de Sant Joan which means St John's Night or St. John's Eve. You also often hear it called 'La revetlla de Sant Joan' in Catalan or in Spanish 'Verbenas de Sant Joan.' And even just 'Nit de Foc' - night of fire which describe Sant Joan perfectly. All these names refer to the same event - the festival feast of Saint John the Baptist which celebrates the solstice Spanish midsummers eve during the evening and night of 23rd June every year.
Sant Joan is one of Barcelona's biggest parties and the noisiest and possibly the craziest. It's a night of Fire, Fireworks, Coca cakes and Cava, but not of sleep. You will not get much sleep on the night of 23rd June in Barcelona, so you might as well join the party. There are no major public fireworks displays at Sant Joan in Barcelona. Many tourists like to join or watch the festivities around the city. Around 70,000 people celebrate Sant Joan celebrations on one of the Barcelona beaches.
Instagram: Tylermcave
Facebook: Tyler Cave Productions
Please consider donating to help us make more videos. If you donate just $5, the price of your coffee, Christian Kids TV could keep thriving. Use this link to d...
Please consider donating to help us make more videos. If you donate just $5, the price of your coffee, Christian Kids TV could keep thriving. Use this link to donate:
Support us on Patreon:
St. Joan of Arc | Stories of Saints
Who was Joan, a illiterate French peasant girl, who in 15 months changed the history of western Europe and became, according to one historian, "the most widely known of all medieval women"? Joan of Arc was born to pious parents of the French peasant class, in a small village named Domremy, near the province of Lorraine. Watch this episode to learn more!
#SaintJoanofArc #StJoanofArc #StoriesofSaints #ChristianKidsTV
Please consider donating to help us make more videos. If you donate just $5, the price of your coffee, Christian Kids TV could keep thriving. Use this link to donate:
Support us on Patreon:
St. Joan of Arc | Stories of Saints
Who was Joan, a illiterate French peasant girl, who in 15 months changed the history of western Europe and became, according to one historian, "the most widely known of all medieval women"? Joan of Arc was born to pious parents of the French peasant class, in a small village named Domremy, near the province of Lorraine. Watch this episode to learn more!
#SaintJoanofArc #StJoanofArc #StoriesofSaints #ChristianKidsTV
(4K) The most famous Fiesta on the island of Menorca, Spain is Sant Joan which takes place every 23-24th June each year and is not an event put on just for tourists, is genuine different and much loved by the islanders and visitors alike. The Menorcans love their festivals and especially the chance to show off their stunning native horses.The most eagerly awaited moments are the "Cargols", when riders circle specific points along the parade route and especially the "Jaleos", where riders bring their horse onto their rear legs
Menorcans love to celebrate and there will be lot's of music and alcohol consumed eg Pomada ( with good humour and behaviour ) as well as events organised for residents.There may well be a fun fair and various live music acts on stage. Two riders will 'race' each other along a city street.
On the last night there is usually a spectacular firework display at midnight ( serious fireworks! )
Restaurants in Ciutadella centre stop serving food and set up street bars selling beer and pomada with party music. To eat visit the stalls that serve traditional fiesta snacks and other fast foods.
It's all free of charge.
I hope you enjoyed this walk through the main parts of this spanish festival and if you want to see similar videos please check out the rest of my channel.Take care and thank you for watching.
Time stamps:
0:00 Intro
0:26 Ciutadella Centre
11:34 Ciutadella Harbour
16:17 Sant Joan Fiesta
21:01 Horse Parade
This video was made on GO PRO HERO 9 4K 60 fps. Shot In June 23rd 2022
#menorca #4K #spain #travel
És tota una #Alegria per a mi presentar “La Nit de Sant Joan”, el primer senzill del meu pròxim disc inèdit, que es dirà “Alegria” i que estarà disponible a partir del 19 de novembre.
Ja pots reservar-lo en l'edició prevenda! Aquesta cançó és una invitació. Una invitació per enderrocar les teves crispacions amb un somriure. Una melodia que, espero, us animi a gaudir d'aquestes petites alegries que ens dóna la vida . Espero que us agradi.
SANT JOAN 2022🇨🇭🫶🏾
Aquí teniu és meu primer vídeo de Sant Joan, no tenia en ment fer-ne un, però molta gent m'ha animat a fer-lo, així que he fet el que he pogut amb les poques imatges que tenia.
#lanitdesantjoan #stormbers #coversencatala
La Nit de Sant Joan - Strombers feat. Violeta
Una versió del hit "La Nit de Sant Joan" que ens porta per melodíes i sonoritats més actuals, sense perdre la identitat de la cançó.
Treballant amb joves, sempre amb esperit jove!!!! Joves i cultura!!
Aquesta és la segona càpsula d'un petit projecte emprès aquest 2021.
Ens agraden els covers en català i les versions, sóm d'esperit jove i per aquest motiu hem decidit reversionar algunes de les nostres cançons amb joves catalanes i joves catalans!
Gaudiu de la forguera de Sant Joan, de la Nit de Sant Joan i d'aeusta bonica versió!
Segueix-nos! 👇👇👇👇
🔈 Comenta el video, et llegim!!!🔈 👇👇👇👇
Producció de Sergi Bagó
Agraïments a la Família Cos Bonals per cedir-nos la casa, i fer un foc ben bonic!
Joves i cultura general
Nit de Sant Joan
La foguera de Sant Joan
Merhaba arkadaşlar, Barcelona'dan selamlar!
Biliyorsunuz, bir süredir YouTube'a video yükleme fırsatım olmamıştı. Bu süre zarfında hem işlerime hem de kendime odaklandım. Ancak şimdi, daha eğlenceli ve neşeli videolarla yeniden karşınızdayım. Video çekmeyi ve sizlerle buluşmayı gerçekten çok özlemişim.
Yeni videomda, sizleri İspanya'nın büyüleyici şehri Barcelona'nın eşsiz sahillerine götürüyorum. Bu özel videoda, her yıl coşkuyla kutlanan ve yerel halkın büyük bir heyecanla katıldığı Sant Joan Festivali'ni sizlerle paylaşıyorum. Festivalin renkli atmosferini, neşeli kalabalığını ve eğlenceli anlarını sizlerle paylaşmak için cok heyecanliyim.
Bu videoda, festivalin en canlı anlarını, havai fişek gösterilerini, müzik eşliğinde dans eden insanları ve tabii ki deniz kenarında yapılan büyüleyici kutlamaları bulacaksınız. Ayrıca, turistlerle yaptığım samimi röportajlara da videomda yer verdim. Onların festival hakkındaki düşüncelerini, anılarını ve bu özel günü nasıl kutladıklarını öğreneceksiniz.
Bu özel videoyu hazırlarken çok eğlendim ve umarım siz de izlerken aynı keyfi alırsınız. Barcelona'nın sıcak atmosferini ve Sant Joan Festivali'nin eşsiz enerjisini sizlere aktarmayı umuyorum.
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The Sant Joan festival has many names, but in Catalonia and Barcelona it is most often called the Nit de Sant Joan which means St John's Night or St. John's Eve. You also often hear it called 'La revetlla de Sant Joan' in Catalan or in Spanish 'Verbenas de Sant Joan.' And even just 'Nit de Foc' - night of fire which describe Sant Joan perfectly. All these names refer to the same event - the festival feast of Saint John the Baptist which celebrates the solstice Spanish midsummers eve during the evening and night of 23rd June every year.
Sant Joan is one of Barcelona's biggest parties and the noisiest and possibly the craziest. It's a night of Fire, Fireworks, Coca cakes and Cava, but not of sleep. You will not get much sleep on the night of 23rd June in Barcelona, so you might as well join the party. There are no major public fireworks displays at Sant Joan in Barcelona. Many tourists like to join or watch the festivities around the city. Around 70,000 people celebrate Sant Joan celebrations on one of the Barcelona beaches.
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St. Joan of Arc | Stories of Saints
Who was Joan, a illiterate French peasant girl, who in 15 months changed the history of western Europe and became, according to one historian, "the most widely known of all medieval women"? Joan of Arc was born to pious parents of the French peasant class, in a small village named Domremy, near the province of Lorraine. Watch this episode to learn more!
#SaintJoanofArc #StJoanofArc #StoriesofSaints #ChristianKidsTV
Sant Joan Despí (Catalan pronunciation:[ˈsaɲ ʒuˈan dəsˈpi]) (Old Catalan for Saint John of the Pine) is a city and municipality located in the Baix Llobregat area (Barcelona province in Catalonia, Spain). It is situated on the left bank of the Llobregat river. Es is a dialectal form of the masculine article el, hence Despí would be rendered Del pi in standard Catalan.
Currently, Sant Joan Despí has 31,438 inhabitants divided into 5 very disaggregated districts.
It also has an industrial quarter.
Barri Centre
Barri Centre (Catalan for center quarter) is the original urban core of the town, formerly called Nucli antic (old town).
The district is bounded by the railway, B-23 motorway, Cornellà de Llobregat and by the new Eixample district towards the Llobregat River.
It is full of Art Deco buildings, many of them designed by Josep Maria Jujol who was the official town council architect from 1926.
It also contains the oldest buildings of the town including Esglèsia de Sant Joan Batista (Saint John the Baptist Church) and a small medieval chapel.
In the 1960s, this quarter was still a small set of cottages, where wealthy people from Barcelona spent their holidays, and small houses, but since then, urban spread has changed a lot substituting most of the houses with tall buildings and changing the green spaces into concrete parks.
Nowadays you can still find some of the old small houses, and most of the singular ones but they are surrounded by modern buildings.