Salem Hospital is a non-profit, regional medical center located in Salem, Oregon, United States. Founded in 1896, the hospital has 454 beds. Salem Hospital's emergency department is among the busiest in Oregon. A Level II trauma center, the community hospital is the largest employer in Salem and the only hospital in the city.
In 1896, Salem General Hospital was incorporated at the Glen Oak Orphanage. Situated on 10 acres (4.0ha) of land donated to the orphanage by the Oregon Children's Aid Society, the hospital opened a school of nursing with the first class graduating in 1899. The original building for Salem General burned in 1920, with a new building completed the following year. Salem General expanded in 1926 and 1953.
In 1916, Frank B. Wedel and wife started the Deaconess Home and Hospital in a former hotel on Winter Street. Started with four nurses, the hospital grew and was expanded in 1920, becoming Deaconess Hospital. The hospital was expanded again in 1924 to 1925, with administration staying in the Wedel family until it was converted into a community hospital and renamed as Salem Memorial Hospital. In 1969, Salem Memorial Hospital and Salem General Hospital merged to create Salem Hospital.
Salem Hospital Internal Medicine Residency Program 2021
published: 19 Nov 2021
Surveillance cameras capture lifesaving team effort
SALEM, Ore. — April 17, 2012 — John Juras, 61, of Salem, is a true fighter and survivor. "If it wasn't for this team at Salem Hospital, I'd be dead," he said. His girlfriend drove him to Salem Hospital on April 4 after he felt chest pains. Juras' heart stopped beating outside the emergency department.
Hospital surveillance cameras caught what happened next as more than two-dozen people, including medical staff and hospital employees, swarmed outside to help Juras. A registered nurse performed CPR on Juras while he was still in the car. Once he was moved to a stretcher, another RN jumped on top and continued to perform CPR as he was wheeled into the emergency department.
The medical team spent 45 minutes trying to resuscitate Juras as his heartbeat faded in and out. The team used a defibr...
published: 17 Apr 2012
North Shore Medical Center-Salem Hospital
published: 06 Jan 2012
being treated like my life does not matter at Salem Hospital in Salem MA. 😢
published: 25 Nov 2021
C-SPAN Cities Tour - Salem: History of Mental Health Care
Learn about Oregon's history of mental health care treatment dating back to the 1800s at the Oregon State Hospital's Museum of Mental Health. See artifacts from the institution including a lobotomy table, restraints, and other early treatments. Hear what sent patients to the hospital, its historical significance and stories of patients who spent their lives in the facility. In 1975, the movie One Flew Over a Cuckoo's Nest was filmed at this hospital.
SALEM, Ore. — April 17, 2012 — John Juras, 61, of Salem, is a true fighter and survivor. "If it wasn't for this team at Salem Hospital, I'd be dead," he said. H...
SALEM, Ore. — April 17, 2012 — John Juras, 61, of Salem, is a true fighter and survivor. "If it wasn't for this team at Salem Hospital, I'd be dead," he said. His girlfriend drove him to Salem Hospital on April 4 after he felt chest pains. Juras' heart stopped beating outside the emergency department.
Hospital surveillance cameras caught what happened next as more than two-dozen people, including medical staff and hospital employees, swarmed outside to help Juras. A registered nurse performed CPR on Juras while he was still in the car. Once he was moved to a stretcher, another RN jumped on top and continued to perform CPR as he was wheeled into the emergency department.
The medical team spent 45 minutes trying to resuscitate Juras as his heartbeat faded in and out. The team used a defibrillator 10 times. Juras was transferred to the hospital's full-service catheterization lab, the only one in the region that offers more than diagnostic capabilities. Additional services include treatment and surgery. A cardiologist in the lab discovered Juras had a blocked artery to his heart, cleared the blockage and inserted a stent.
Juras then recovered over the course of 10 days in the care of medical staff and employees in the hospital's cardiovascular care unit, before being released to go home April 14. "Absolutely a miracle what they did for me," said Juras. "I owe them my life."
Salem Hospital is part of Salem Health, along with West Valley Hospital, Willamette Health Partners and other affiliated health care organizations offering exceptional care to people in and around Oregon's mid-Willamette Valley. Visit us at,; follow us on Twitter: @salemhealth; and watch us on our YouTube channel:
SALEM, Ore. — April 17, 2012 — John Juras, 61, of Salem, is a true fighter and survivor. "If it wasn't for this team at Salem Hospital, I'd be dead," he said. His girlfriend drove him to Salem Hospital on April 4 after he felt chest pains. Juras' heart stopped beating outside the emergency department.
Hospital surveillance cameras caught what happened next as more than two-dozen people, including medical staff and hospital employees, swarmed outside to help Juras. A registered nurse performed CPR on Juras while he was still in the car. Once he was moved to a stretcher, another RN jumped on top and continued to perform CPR as he was wheeled into the emergency department.
The medical team spent 45 minutes trying to resuscitate Juras as his heartbeat faded in and out. The team used a defibrillator 10 times. Juras was transferred to the hospital's full-service catheterization lab, the only one in the region that offers more than diagnostic capabilities. Additional services include treatment and surgery. A cardiologist in the lab discovered Juras had a blocked artery to his heart, cleared the blockage and inserted a stent.
Juras then recovered over the course of 10 days in the care of medical staff and employees in the hospital's cardiovascular care unit, before being released to go home April 14. "Absolutely a miracle what they did for me," said Juras. "I owe them my life."
Salem Hospital is part of Salem Health, along with West Valley Hospital, Willamette Health Partners and other affiliated health care organizations offering exceptional care to people in and around Oregon's mid-Willamette Valley. Visit us at,; follow us on Twitter: @salemhealth; and watch us on our YouTube channel:
Learn about Oregon's history of mental health care treatment dating back to the 1800s at the Oregon State Hospital's Museum of Mental Health. See artifacts from...
Learn about Oregon's history of mental health care treatment dating back to the 1800s at the Oregon State Hospital's Museum of Mental Health. See artifacts from the institution including a lobotomy table, restraints, and other early treatments. Hear what sent patients to the hospital, its historical significance and stories of patients who spent their lives in the facility. In 1975, the movie One Flew Over a Cuckoo's Nest was filmed at this hospital.
Learn about Oregon's history of mental health care treatment dating back to the 1800s at the Oregon State Hospital's Museum of Mental Health. See artifacts from the institution including a lobotomy table, restraints, and other early treatments. Hear what sent patients to the hospital, its historical significance and stories of patients who spent their lives in the facility. In 1975, the movie One Flew Over a Cuckoo's Nest was filmed at this hospital.
SALEM, Ore. — April 17, 2012 — John Juras, 61, of Salem, is a true fighter and survivor. "If it wasn't for this team at Salem Hospital, I'd be dead," he said. His girlfriend drove him to Salem Hospital on April 4 after he felt chest pains. Juras' heart stopped beating outside the emergency department.
Hospital surveillance cameras caught what happened next as more than two-dozen people, including medical staff and hospital employees, swarmed outside to help Juras. A registered nurse performed CPR on Juras while he was still in the car. Once he was moved to a stretcher, another RN jumped on top and continued to perform CPR as he was wheeled into the emergency department.
The medical team spent 45 minutes trying to resuscitate Juras as his heartbeat faded in and out. The team used a defibrillator 10 times. Juras was transferred to the hospital's full-service catheterization lab, the only one in the region that offers more than diagnostic capabilities. Additional services include treatment and surgery. A cardiologist in the lab discovered Juras had a blocked artery to his heart, cleared the blockage and inserted a stent.
Juras then recovered over the course of 10 days in the care of medical staff and employees in the hospital's cardiovascular care unit, before being released to go home April 14. "Absolutely a miracle what they did for me," said Juras. "I owe them my life."
Salem Hospital is part of Salem Health, along with West Valley Hospital, Willamette Health Partners and other affiliated health care organizations offering exceptional care to people in and around Oregon's mid-Willamette Valley. Visit us at,; follow us on Twitter: @salemhealth; and watch us on our YouTube channel:
Learn about Oregon's history of mental health care treatment dating back to the 1800s at the Oregon State Hospital's Museum of Mental Health. See artifacts from the institution including a lobotomy table, restraints, and other early treatments. Hear what sent patients to the hospital, its historical significance and stories of patients who spent their lives in the facility. In 1975, the movie One Flew Over a Cuckoo's Nest was filmed at this hospital.
Two weeks after her son ran from a SalemCounty hospital while struggling with a mental health crisis, Tinisha Hall said she isn’t giving up her search for him ....
... bed and was rushed to the hospital ... A few days later, she was rushed back to urgent care, placed on a ventilator to help her breathe, and transported to Brenner's Children's Hospital in Winston-Salem.
The Oregon Department of Justice has settled for $1.9 million with the man convicted, imprisoned for 30 years and later exonerated for one of the most infamous murder cases in Salem...1989 homicide of Michael Francke in Salem.
KUWAIT, March 7 (KUNA) -- 1959 -- The head of the public health department, Sheikh Sabah Al-Salem Al-Sabah, inaugurates the Chest Diseases Hospital, called KuwaitClinic for Treating Tuberculosis.
Flores-Martinez, who lives in Salem, had worked for J ... Every day she drives past Salem Health hospital on the way to work and remembers the month her mother spent there and how she was still unable to walk when she left the hospital.
A 77-year-old man died and a 49-year-old man was hospitalized after they were hit by a pickup truck on Silverton Road NE ... Both men were taken to SalemHealth hospital for their injuries, police said.