In Japan, the Saint Young Men manga has sold over 10 million copies. Individual volumes of the series have frequently appeared on lists of the weekly and annual best-seller manga in Japan. It received a Tezuka Osamu Cultural Prize and was nominated at the Angoulême International Comics Festival. Its film adaptation has been well received by the Japanese public.
Jesus Christ(イエス・キリスト,Iesu Kirisuto, voiced by Mirai Moriyama in the anime) and Gautama Buddha(ゴータマ・ブッダ,Gōtama Budda, voiced by Gen Hoshino in the anime), the founders of Christianity and Buddhism respectively, are living together as roommates in an apartment in Tachikawa, part of the suburbs of Tokyo. While taking a vacation on Earth, they attempt to hide their identities and understand modern Japanese society. Each chapter shows their lives during an average day, when they are sightseeing, drinking beer, blogging, or playing video games.
Jesus Christ is mistaken as Johnny Depp! (Saint~Oniisan Funny Clip)
Funny clip from Saint Oniisan the anime where Jesus Christ is mistaken for Johnny Depp
published: 06 Oct 2022
jesus and buddha introduction
published: 05 Jan 2022
ANIME NAME: Saint Young Men
published: 07 May 2013
Jesus x Buddha: The Bromantic Anime | Video Essay
Accented Cinema - Episode 51
For the last video of 2020, I bring to you a lighthearted comedy featuring Buddha and Jesus. It's fun, weird, and uplifting. And it has a lot more hearts than it lets on.
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Jesus and Buddha have a holiday in the lower world! ?
Kodasha "Morning Two" since 2006, the best-selling "Gag Manga" and "St.
Produced the original world view ...
Accented Cinema - Episode 51
For the last video of 2020, I bring to you a lighthearted comedy featuring Buddha and Jesus. It's fun, weird, and uplifting. And i...
Accented Cinema - Episode 51
For the last video of 2020, I bring to you a lighthearted comedy featuring Buddha and Jesus. It's fun, weird, and uplifting. And it has a lot more hearts than it lets on.
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Accented Cinema - Episode 51
For the last video of 2020, I bring to you a lighthearted comedy featuring Buddha and Jesus. It's fun, weird, and uplifting. And it has a lot more hearts than it lets on.
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Accented Cinema - Episode 51
For the last video of 2020, I bring to you a lighthearted comedy featuring Buddha and Jesus. It's fun, weird, and uplifting. And it has a lot more hearts than it lets on.
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In Japan, the Saint Young Men manga has sold over 10 million copies. Individual volumes of the series have frequently appeared on lists of the weekly and annual best-seller manga in Japan. It received a Tezuka Osamu Cultural Prize and was nominated at the Angoulême International Comics Festival. Its film adaptation has been well received by the Japanese public.
Jesus Christ(イエス・キリスト,Iesu Kirisuto, voiced by Mirai Moriyama in the anime) and Gautama Buddha(ゴータマ・ブッダ,Gōtama Budda, voiced by Gen Hoshino in the anime), the founders of Christianity and Buddhism respectively, are living together as roommates in an apartment in Tachikawa, part of the suburbs of Tokyo. While taking a vacation on Earth, they attempt to hide their identities and understand modern Japanese society. Each chapter shows their lives during an average day, when they are sightseeing, drinking beer, blogging, or playing video games.
{Refrain:} Ca va de plus en plus haut Ca va de plus en plus vite Faut maintenir le niveau, Avant qu'le niveau nous quitte! Ca va de plus en plus haut Ca va de plus en plus vite A nous de suivre le tempo Pour ne pas s'd?caler sur le beat! Beat we go I write now j'suis devenu un accro Du micro jusqu'au point O? on nous demande de ne pas faire de propagande Tant pis pour les gentlemans Mais si on s'?clate ? tel point On fait ?a pour les ondes Rien n'est acquis dans la vie Tant que t'as les yeux ouverts Vaut mieux pas qu'tu l?ches l'affaire Young man C'est sans r?pis pas d'soucis Fait seulement c'que t'as ? faire Et fais confiance au p?re {au Refrain, x2} J'suis pas un bon exemple pour les young men Avec mon fond d'dingue La raison vl? scon flingue C'est pas une complainte Lib?res-toi des contraintes J'sais pas comment trop t'expliquer T'as mis les deux doigts dans la prise ou quoi? p'tit excit? Pas d'imprudences M?me si y a des impr?vus Vas droit au but, pense R?agis assume et continu Fais comme tu l'sens Renonce pas m?me si t'es d??u Ps d'concurence, juste endurance Bouge ton cul danse ! Sautes dessus Deux pieds nus sur les braises L?ve toi relax ! no stress Tranquille ? l'aise Fracasse la chaise avant qu'on d?connecte Bient?t la chute de la com?te sur le lance roquette Non j'd?connais micro test 1.Rien n'est acquis Et si tu crois avoir un instant d'r?pis C'est que t'es bon ? te frotter les couilles sur du cr?pis Faut faire ces sons car la maison ne fait plus cr?dit ancien petit grands objectifs Are you ready ??? {au Refrain, x2} Younnng men On est l? pour connecter nos id?es Montrer qu'notre force c'est l'unit? Ca fait longtemps qu'on est DJ Younnng men En hip-hop et au ragga combin? Au Don Choa j'ai accompagn? La bombe est pr?te ? exploser Nowaw Dans tous les cas de cit?s Pour les riches et les moins riches Et tous ceux qu'ont envie de kiffer Ici c'est Nowaw Pour les coinc?s, les moins coinc?s Mais qui savent centrer reggae liberty qui revient niquer ?a devait ?tre pris pour nous c'est clair Faut qu'y ai panpan au derri?re C'est pas dit qu'on en fait notre affaire Ou nous pr?parer ? la guerre Les bombes ?clatent sur les t?tes de bambo black lorsqu'il est charg? il D?barque c'est pas une blague de manie ?a va Younnng men On est l? pour connecter nos id?es Montrer qu'notre force c'est l'unit? ?a fait longtemps qu'on est DJ Younnng men En hip-hop et au ragga combin? Au Don Choa j'ai accompagn? La bombe est pr?te ? exploser