Saint Georges
I dedicate this one to my late father, who taught me dragons often don't live in caves, but within our hearts, and it is up to us to fight them. Please say a Hail Mary for him if you can.
The story of St. George and the dragon is told in the Golden Legend.
A dragon lived in a swamp near Silena, terrorizing the landscape with its breath of a pestilence. The townfolk fed it two sheep a day to appease it. The dragon had had enough of sheep and began pursuing human victims.
There were no substitutes allowed when the lots were drawn, so the king's daughter was designated as the next sacrifice one day. She was escorted to a swamp. When the dragon emerged, George approached and made the sign of the cross before stabbing it with his lance. He demanded the maiden's girdle, which he wrapped around ...
published: 23 Apr 2021
The Story of Saint George
Happy Saint George’s Day! Here’s to an incredible man of faith, courage, and resolve!
published: 23 Apr 2021
Joseph Bologne Chevalier de Saint George - Violin Concertos
Joseph Bologne, more commonly known as Saint-George was born about 1739, in Basse Terre, Guadeloupe. His father was a French Parliamentary councilor. Little is known about Bologne's mother, who came from Africa, and no known records survive as to her early history. His earliest upbringing was in the isles of the Caribbean. While he was young, his family moved to Saint Domingue (now Haiti); it was there that he likely had his first violin lessons, under the direction of his father's plantation manager. When he was 10, the family once again shifted its home, this time to Paris, France.
In Paris, Bologne's life underwent an almost phenomenal change. He not only partook in a wide range of activities -- including riding, dancing, swimming, skating, and fencing -- he became a master swordsman, ...
published: 29 Jul 2016
Story of Saint George | English | Story of Saints
Watch the amazing story of Saint George Today,
Saint George according to legend, was a Roman soldier of Greek origin and officer in the Guard of Roman emperor Diocletian, who was sentenced to death for failing to recant his Christian faith.As a Christian martyr, he later became one of the most venerated saints in Christianity, and was especially venerated by the Crusaders. George's parents were Christians of Greek background,
Stories of saints
Saints for kids is a first of its kind you tube channel that is dedicated completely on the stories of the disciples of Jesus and teaches you the different saints across the globe who walked through the path of Jesus Christ, you can watch the stories of saints in malayalam and the channel covers the life stories, the hard paths that the saints hav...
published: 23 Nov 2017
Saint George / Saint Georges (2017) - Trailer (French Subs)
Directed by : Marco Martins
Genre: Fiction - Runtime: 1 h 52 min
French release: 17/05/2017
Production year: 2016
Jorge, a penniless and unemployed boxer, fears his wife will leave him to return to Brazil with their son. As Portugal is teetering on the brink of bankruptcy, debt collection agencies are thriving. To save his family, Jorge decides to offer his services to one of these companies, despite their unscrupulous intimidation methods.
More info: http://en.unifrance.org/movie/42575/saint-george
published: 02 May 2017
★ 4K 🇫🇷 La Grande Ceinture parisienne cab ride, Villeneuve-Saint-Georges - Paris-Est [09.2022]
Welcome to this new video! We are back in France to travel a very special line today, on board a very special train! Indeed, we are traveling on board the VSOE (Venice Simplon Orient Express) which, after having traveled through part of Europe at night, arrives in Paris from the PLM line. But to get to the Paris-Est station, our train takes a line that is rarely used by passenger trains: "la Grande Ceinture parisienne" or roughly translated, the Great Parisian Belt.
This line will be the focus of today's video. It forms somewhat of a loop around Paris and allows the interconnection of all the main Parisian lines and stations.
Our journey begins at dawn, at the southern entrance of Villeneuve-Saint-Georges station and ends when the train arrives, at Paris-Est station.
You will be able to d...
published: 04 Nov 2022
Villeneuve-Saint-Georges : au cœur des urgences 4/5 - Le Magazine de la Santé
Aux urgences de l'hôpital de Villeneuve-Saint-Georges, ville considérée comme la plus pauvre du Val-de-Marne, les patients arrivent parfois dans un état de détresse sociale extrême. Ces situations difficiles rythment le quotidien des équipes médicales.
Retrouvez plus de vidéos sur votre santé sur https://www.allodocteurs.fr/videos/
Pour plus de vidéos, abonnez-vous : https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCv6qHPwghGsyOfzEYZXcfKg
published: 07 Apr 2022
Saint Georges
I dedicate this one to my late father, who taught me dragons often don't live in caves, but within our hearts, and it is up to us to fight them. Please say a Ha...
I dedicate this one to my late father, who taught me dragons often don't live in caves, but within our hearts, and it is up to us to fight them. Please say a Hail Mary for him if you can.
The story of St. George and the dragon is told in the Golden Legend.
A dragon lived in a swamp near Silena, terrorizing the landscape with its breath of a pestilence. The townfolk fed it two sheep a day to appease it. The dragon had had enough of sheep and began pursuing human victims.
There were no substitutes allowed when the lots were drawn, so the king's daughter was designated as the next sacrifice one day. She was escorted to a swamp. When the dragon emerged, George approached and made the sign of the cross before stabbing it with his lance. He demanded the maiden's girdle, which he wrapped around the beast's neck. They returned with the dragon to town. George urged the people to be baptized and to be fearless, and then he slashed the dragon's head off. Everyone had been transformed. George turned down the king's offer of half his kingdom, stating that he would continue riding. He advised the king to look after the churches, respect the clergy, and have compassion on the poor.
He became popular in the Middle Ages, and was one of the saints revered by the Crusaders, alongside Saint Maurice.
Fier chevalier, l’éclat de ton armure
Comme un soleil attire tous les yeux ;
Ta loyauté, ton âme toute pure
Nous ont conquis, et nous voici joyeux.
Saint Georges, guide-nous
Sur la route claire et belle
Saint Georges, guide-nous,
Rends-nous fermes et prêts à tout.
Garde à nos yeux
le charme d’un sourire
Quand nous souffrons
au plein de notre effort ;
Et dussions-nous souffrir un long martyr,
Tiens nos cœurs droits quand faibliront nos corps
Saint Georges, guide-nous
Sur la route claire et belle
Saint Georges, guide-nous,
Rends-nous fermes et prêts à tout.
Ô grand vainqueur, de ton séjour de gloire
Assiste-nous, quand ici nous luttons.
Conduis nos pas aux routes de victoire ;
Jusqu’à la mort s’il faut, nous te suivrons.
Saint Georges, guide-nous
Sur la route claire et belle
Saint Georges, guide-nous,
Rends-nous fermes et prêts à tout.
I dedicate this one to my late father, who taught me dragons often don't live in caves, but within our hearts, and it is up to us to fight them. Please say a Hail Mary for him if you can.
The story of St. George and the dragon is told in the Golden Legend.
A dragon lived in a swamp near Silena, terrorizing the landscape with its breath of a pestilence. The townfolk fed it two sheep a day to appease it. The dragon had had enough of sheep and began pursuing human victims.
There were no substitutes allowed when the lots were drawn, so the king's daughter was designated as the next sacrifice one day. She was escorted to a swamp. When the dragon emerged, George approached and made the sign of the cross before stabbing it with his lance. He demanded the maiden's girdle, which he wrapped around the beast's neck. They returned with the dragon to town. George urged the people to be baptized and to be fearless, and then he slashed the dragon's head off. Everyone had been transformed. George turned down the king's offer of half his kingdom, stating that he would continue riding. He advised the king to look after the churches, respect the clergy, and have compassion on the poor.
He became popular in the Middle Ages, and was one of the saints revered by the Crusaders, alongside Saint Maurice.
Fier chevalier, l’éclat de ton armure
Comme un soleil attire tous les yeux ;
Ta loyauté, ton âme toute pure
Nous ont conquis, et nous voici joyeux.
Saint Georges, guide-nous
Sur la route claire et belle
Saint Georges, guide-nous,
Rends-nous fermes et prêts à tout.
Garde à nos yeux
le charme d’un sourire
Quand nous souffrons
au plein de notre effort ;
Et dussions-nous souffrir un long martyr,
Tiens nos cœurs droits quand faibliront nos corps
Saint Georges, guide-nous
Sur la route claire et belle
Saint Georges, guide-nous,
Rends-nous fermes et prêts à tout.
Ô grand vainqueur, de ton séjour de gloire
Assiste-nous, quand ici nous luttons.
Conduis nos pas aux routes de victoire ;
Jusqu’à la mort s’il faut, nous te suivrons.
Saint Georges, guide-nous
Sur la route claire et belle
Saint Georges, guide-nous,
Rends-nous fermes et prêts à tout.
- published: 23 Apr 2021
- views: 617159
The Story of Saint George
Happy Saint George’s Day! Here’s to an incredible man of faith, courage, and resolve!
Happy Saint George’s Day! Here’s to an incredible man of faith, courage, and resolve!
Happy Saint George’s Day! Here’s to an incredible man of faith, courage, and resolve!
- published: 23 Apr 2021
- views: 73762
Joseph Bologne Chevalier de Saint George - Violin Concertos
Joseph Bologne, more commonly known as Saint-George was born about 1739, in Basse Terre, Guadeloupe. His father was a French Parliamentary councilor. Little is ...
Joseph Bologne, more commonly known as Saint-George was born about 1739, in Basse Terre, Guadeloupe. His father was a French Parliamentary councilor. Little is known about Bologne's mother, who came from Africa, and no known records survive as to her early history. His earliest upbringing was in the isles of the Caribbean. While he was young, his family moved to Saint Domingue (now Haiti); it was there that he likely had his first violin lessons, under the direction of his father's plantation manager. When he was 10, the family once again shifted its home, this time to Paris, France.
In Paris, Bologne's life underwent an almost phenomenal change. He not only partook in a wide range of activities -- including riding, dancing, swimming, skating, and fencing -- he became a master swordsman, often being deemed the greatest in Europe during his prime. He also studied arms under the Master of Arms La Boessiére for about six years. Before he turned 20, Bologne took up studies of the violin under Leclair, and composition under Gossec. The years from 1758 to 1768 were filled with learning and mastering both musical creation and performance on his instrument of choice, which he soon mastered as securely as he did fencing. In 1769, Gossec appointed Bologne as first violinist of the Concerts des Amateurs, the young composer's first professional post. But the real glory came later, in 1772, when he made his debut as soloist in performing his own Op. 2 violin concerti. These violin concerti contain virtuosity that was extreme during this time, but the audience was most impressed with the feeling and expression Bologne put into his performances. His musical output during this time included assorted sonatas, string quartets, seven Sinfonie Concertanti, a ballet (L'amant Anonime), and two operas (Ernestine and La fille-garçon). By 1773, Bologne was a well-respected musician, and took over Gossec's post as director of the Concerts des Amateurs. His 1775 appointment as director of the Paris Opéra, unfortunately, was revoked after singers refused to work with him because of his race. However, he was largely responsible for the commissioning of Haydn's famous Paris Symphonies.
When the Revolution broke out in 1789, the now-noble Joseph Bologne Chevalier de Saint-George joined the newly formed Republic and assembled a new military force in northern France. In 1791, he left music completely and became the captain of the National Guard in Lille. However, Saint-George was wrongfully accused of misappropriation of funds intended for the troops, and he was stripped of his command and placed into prison. Upon his release, he left France for Saint Domingue after hearing of the slave rebellion. Joseph Bologne returned to Paris in 1797 to resume his musical career, directing a new musical organization, Le Cercle de l'Harmonie. After two dreary years, Saint-George died a pauper, having given up his wealth and life to the Revolution and not being able to recover.
Joseph Bologne is noted as being able to use one excellent melodic line after another in a single work. His thematic ideas seemed endless and effortless, and sometimes he employs so many fine passages in a row that it almost seems wasteful. Apparently, however, he never had to concern himself with exhausting his wealth of musical creativity. He is remembered mainly for his quartets and violin concerti, but his operas were quite popular. His musical style was naturally suited to operatic and theatrical music, and it is believed that some other operatic works of his have been lost to time.
Joseph Bologne, more commonly known as Saint-George was born about 1739, in Basse Terre, Guadeloupe. His father was a French Parliamentary councilor. Little is known about Bologne's mother, who came from Africa, and no known records survive as to her early history. His earliest upbringing was in the isles of the Caribbean. While he was young, his family moved to Saint Domingue (now Haiti); it was there that he likely had his first violin lessons, under the direction of his father's plantation manager. When he was 10, the family once again shifted its home, this time to Paris, France.
In Paris, Bologne's life underwent an almost phenomenal change. He not only partook in a wide range of activities -- including riding, dancing, swimming, skating, and fencing -- he became a master swordsman, often being deemed the greatest in Europe during his prime. He also studied arms under the Master of Arms La Boessiére for about six years. Before he turned 20, Bologne took up studies of the violin under Leclair, and composition under Gossec. The years from 1758 to 1768 were filled with learning and mastering both musical creation and performance on his instrument of choice, which he soon mastered as securely as he did fencing. In 1769, Gossec appointed Bologne as first violinist of the Concerts des Amateurs, the young composer's first professional post. But the real glory came later, in 1772, when he made his debut as soloist in performing his own Op. 2 violin concerti. These violin concerti contain virtuosity that was extreme during this time, but the audience was most impressed with the feeling and expression Bologne put into his performances. His musical output during this time included assorted sonatas, string quartets, seven Sinfonie Concertanti, a ballet (L'amant Anonime), and two operas (Ernestine and La fille-garçon). By 1773, Bologne was a well-respected musician, and took over Gossec's post as director of the Concerts des Amateurs. His 1775 appointment as director of the Paris Opéra, unfortunately, was revoked after singers refused to work with him because of his race. However, he was largely responsible for the commissioning of Haydn's famous Paris Symphonies.
When the Revolution broke out in 1789, the now-noble Joseph Bologne Chevalier de Saint-George joined the newly formed Republic and assembled a new military force in northern France. In 1791, he left music completely and became the captain of the National Guard in Lille. However, Saint-George was wrongfully accused of misappropriation of funds intended for the troops, and he was stripped of his command and placed into prison. Upon his release, he left France for Saint Domingue after hearing of the slave rebellion. Joseph Bologne returned to Paris in 1797 to resume his musical career, directing a new musical organization, Le Cercle de l'Harmonie. After two dreary years, Saint-George died a pauper, having given up his wealth and life to the Revolution and not being able to recover.
Joseph Bologne is noted as being able to use one excellent melodic line after another in a single work. His thematic ideas seemed endless and effortless, and sometimes he employs so many fine passages in a row that it almost seems wasteful. Apparently, however, he never had to concern himself with exhausting his wealth of musical creativity. He is remembered mainly for his quartets and violin concerti, but his operas were quite popular. His musical style was naturally suited to operatic and theatrical music, and it is believed that some other operatic works of his have been lost to time.
- published: 29 Jul 2016
- views: 570701
Story of Saint George | English | Story of Saints
Watch the amazing story of Saint George Today,
Saint George according to legend, was a Roman soldier of Greek origin and officer in the Guard of Roman emperor ...
Watch the amazing story of Saint George Today,
Saint George according to legend, was a Roman soldier of Greek origin and officer in the Guard of Roman emperor Diocletian, who was sentenced to death for failing to recant his Christian faith.As a Christian martyr, he later became one of the most venerated saints in Christianity, and was especially venerated by the Crusaders. George's parents were Christians of Greek background,
Stories of saints
Saints for kids is a first of its kind you tube channel that is dedicated completely on the stories of the disciples of Jesus and teaches you the different saints across the globe who walked through the path of Jesus Christ, you can watch the stories of saints in malayalam and the channel covers the life stories, the hard paths that the saints have passed through in their way to saint hood, you can also watch the miracles and the truth that the saints teaches you through their life.
Watch the amazing story of Saint George Today,
Saint George according to legend, was a Roman soldier of Greek origin and officer in the Guard of Roman emperor Diocletian, who was sentenced to death for failing to recant his Christian faith.As a Christian martyr, he later became one of the most venerated saints in Christianity, and was especially venerated by the Crusaders. George's parents were Christians of Greek background,
Stories of saints
Saints for kids is a first of its kind you tube channel that is dedicated completely on the stories of the disciples of Jesus and teaches you the different saints across the globe who walked through the path of Jesus Christ, you can watch the stories of saints in malayalam and the channel covers the life stories, the hard paths that the saints have passed through in their way to saint hood, you can also watch the miracles and the truth that the saints teaches you through their life.
- published: 23 Nov 2017
- views: 495483
Saint George / Saint Georges (2017) - Trailer (French Subs)
Directed by : Marco Martins
Genre: Fiction - Runtime: 1 h 52 min
French release: 17/05/2017
Production year: 2016
Jorge, a penniless and unemployed boxer, ...
Directed by : Marco Martins
Genre: Fiction - Runtime: 1 h 52 min
French release: 17/05/2017
Production year: 2016
Jorge, a penniless and unemployed boxer, fears his wife will leave him to return to Brazil with their son. As Portugal is teetering on the brink of bankruptcy, debt collection agencies are thriving. To save his family, Jorge decides to offer his services to one of these companies, despite their unscrupulous intimidation methods.
More info: http://en.unifrance.org/movie/42575/saint-george
Directed by : Marco Martins
Genre: Fiction - Runtime: 1 h 52 min
French release: 17/05/2017
Production year: 2016
Jorge, a penniless and unemployed boxer, fears his wife will leave him to return to Brazil with their son. As Portugal is teetering on the brink of bankruptcy, debt collection agencies are thriving. To save his family, Jorge decides to offer his services to one of these companies, despite their unscrupulous intimidation methods.
More info: http://en.unifrance.org/movie/42575/saint-george
- published: 02 May 2017
- views: 23134
★ 4K 🇫🇷 La Grande Ceinture parisienne cab ride, Villeneuve-Saint-Georges - Paris-Est [09.2022]
Welcome to this new video! We are back in France to travel a very special line today, on board a very special train! Indeed, we are traveling on board the VSOE ...
Welcome to this new video! We are back in France to travel a very special line today, on board a very special train! Indeed, we are traveling on board the VSOE (Venice Simplon Orient Express) which, after having traveled through part of Europe at night, arrives in Paris from the PLM line. But to get to the Paris-Est station, our train takes a line that is rarely used by passenger trains: "la Grande Ceinture parisienne" or roughly translated, the Great Parisian Belt.
This line will be the focus of today's video. It forms somewhat of a loop around Paris and allows the interconnection of all the main Parisian lines and stations.
Our journey begins at dawn, at the southern entrance of Villeneuve-Saint-Georges station and ends when the train arrives, at Paris-Est station.
You will be able to discover many abandoned stations and facilities, most of which have been barely used and subsequently closed due to the low passenger traffic on the line. Only freight trains, a few inter-sector TGVs and a few special passenger trains like ours today use it.
Bon voyage and happy discovering of this essential peripheral line, which is nevertheless unknown to many.
We hope you enjoyed the video. If you'd like to donate, please click the following link. Donations will be used for equipment and software in order to bring you higher quality videos. https://www.paypal.com/cgi-bin/webscr?cmd=_s-xclick&hosted_button_id=A86KRP9Q7JQDW&source=url Thanks for watching and have a great day!
This video is copyrighted and may not be reuploaded, edited, used or distributed on youtube or outside of this platform without our written consent.
If anybody is passionate about trains and interested in sharing their cab rides on this channel, please contact me on the about section of this page.
Welcome to this new video! We are back in France to travel a very special line today, on board a very special train! Indeed, we are traveling on board the VSOE (Venice Simplon Orient Express) which, after having traveled through part of Europe at night, arrives in Paris from the PLM line. But to get to the Paris-Est station, our train takes a line that is rarely used by passenger trains: "la Grande Ceinture parisienne" or roughly translated, the Great Parisian Belt.
This line will be the focus of today's video. It forms somewhat of a loop around Paris and allows the interconnection of all the main Parisian lines and stations.
Our journey begins at dawn, at the southern entrance of Villeneuve-Saint-Georges station and ends when the train arrives, at Paris-Est station.
You will be able to discover many abandoned stations and facilities, most of which have been barely used and subsequently closed due to the low passenger traffic on the line. Only freight trains, a few inter-sector TGVs and a few special passenger trains like ours today use it.
Bon voyage and happy discovering of this essential peripheral line, which is nevertheless unknown to many.
We hope you enjoyed the video. If you'd like to donate, please click the following link. Donations will be used for equipment and software in order to bring you higher quality videos. https://www.paypal.com/cgi-bin/webscr?cmd=_s-xclick&hosted_button_id=A86KRP9Q7JQDW&source=url Thanks for watching and have a great day!
This video is copyrighted and may not be reuploaded, edited, used or distributed on youtube or outside of this platform without our written consent.
If anybody is passionate about trains and interested in sharing their cab rides on this channel, please contact me on the about section of this page.
- published: 04 Nov 2022
- views: 57718
Villeneuve-Saint-Georges : au cœur des urgences 4/5 - Le Magazine de la Santé
Aux urgences de l'hôpital de Villeneuve-Saint-Georges, ville considérée comme la plus pauvre du Val-de-Marne, les patients arrivent parfois dans un état de détr...
Aux urgences de l'hôpital de Villeneuve-Saint-Georges, ville considérée comme la plus pauvre du Val-de-Marne, les patients arrivent parfois dans un état de détresse sociale extrême. Ces situations difficiles rythment le quotidien des équipes médicales.
Retrouvez plus de vidéos sur votre santé sur https://www.allodocteurs.fr/videos/
Pour plus de vidéos, abonnez-vous : https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCv6qHPwghGsyOfzEYZXcfKg
Aux urgences de l'hôpital de Villeneuve-Saint-Georges, ville considérée comme la plus pauvre du Val-de-Marne, les patients arrivent parfois dans un état de détresse sociale extrême. Ces situations difficiles rythment le quotidien des équipes médicales.
Retrouvez plus de vidéos sur votre santé sur https://www.allodocteurs.fr/videos/
Pour plus de vidéos, abonnez-vous : https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCv6qHPwghGsyOfzEYZXcfKg
- published: 07 Apr 2022
- views: 1313727
Métro de Paris. Station Saint Georges
Station Saint Georges, Ligne 12.
published: 13 Feb 2020
Walk around St Georges Metro Station in Paris
The Virtual Tourist walks around St Georges Metro Station in Paris
published: 03 Nov 2014
Métro de Paris : Saint-Georges | Ligne 12 ( RATP MF67 )
Trains MF67 ( CIMT ) à la station de Saint-Georges de la ligne 12 du métro de Paris ( M12 : Aubervilliers - Front Populaire --- Mairie d'Issy ).
- Station ouverte en Avril 1911.
- La station est située entre les stations de Pigalle et Notre-Dame-de-Lorette , appartient à le 9e arrondissement. La station est propieté de la RATP .
Suscribirse - Subscribe: http://goo.gl/NRy8t4
Twitter: https://twitter.com/ACC84_
Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/acc84metro
Periscope: https://www.periscope.tv/ACC84_
Cologne 1983 (Sting) - Josh Kirsch (Youtube audio library)
Spring Day - Silent Partner (Youtube audio library)
Country Fired (Sting) - Josh Kirsch (Youtube audio librar...
published: 19 Dec 2016
Saint-Georges (métro de Paris) line 12
Saint-Georges is a station on Line 12 of the Paris Métro in the 9th arrondissement.
The station opened on 8 April 1911 as part of the extension of the Nord-Sud company's line A from Notre-Dame-de-Lorette to Pigalle. On 27 March 1931 line A became line 12 of the Métro. The station is named after the Rue Saint-Georges, which became a street in 1734 and leads to the Place Saint-Georges, created in 1824. It was the centre of an estate created by the speculator Dosne, father-in-law of the politician Adolphe Thiers.
It was renovated during the early 2000s in imitation of the style adopted by the Nord-Sud Company, the original architects of the station. In fact, the current decorative style only vaguely resembles the original: the station name is no longer shown on large ceramic tablets (as at ...
published: 18 May 2015
[Paris] MF67 Métro 12 - Saint-Georges
Échange voyageurs sur la ligne 12 du métro parisien, à la station Saint-Georges.
#Métro #Ligne12 #Paris #RATP #Train #MF67
published: 26 Dec 2016
Le style Nord-Sud revisité à la station Saint-Georges | RATP
Saviez-vous que deux compagnies exploitaient le réseau parisien à ses débuts ? Découvrez certaines spécificités de la compagnie Nord-Sud toujours visibles dans les stations.
Chaque édition des Journées Européennes du Patrimoine est l’occasion pour la RATP de dévoiler au grand public les coulisses de son histoire.
Cette année, pour la première fois, l’entreprise met à la disposition de tous les curieux la plateforme numérique « Bienvenüe à bord ! ». Lancée ce vendredi 18 septembre, à 18h, elle emportera petits et grands, Franciliens ou non, dans un tunnel temporel à la découverte des secrets les mieux gardés du métro parisien.
Au total, 25 capsules vidéos et sonores sont proposées, parmi lesquelles des explorations et des visites inédites accessibles en quelques clics, depuis un ordina...
published: 18 Sep 2020
Walk from St Georges Metro Station in Paris
The Virtual Tourist walks from St Georges Metro Station in Paris
published: 03 Nov 2014
RATP | Station Saint-Georges | Métro ligne 12
Succession de MF 67 filmé le 28/06/2019
published: 20 Oct 2019
Métro Saint-Georges, Paris.
published: 05 Nov 2018
Station Saint Georges Ligne 12 du métro à Paris
published: 30 Aug 2015
Walk around St Georges Metro Station in Paris
The Virtual Tourist walks around St Georges Metro Station in Paris
The Virtual Tourist walks around St Georges Metro Station in Paris
The Virtual Tourist walks around St Georges Metro Station in Paris
- published: 03 Nov 2014
- views: 409
Métro de Paris : Saint-Georges | Ligne 12 ( RATP MF67 )
Trains MF67 ( CIMT ) à la station de Saint-Georges de la ligne 12 du métro de Paris ( M12 : Aubervilliers - Front Populaire --- Mairie d'Issy ).
- Station ouve...
Trains MF67 ( CIMT ) à la station de Saint-Georges de la ligne 12 du métro de Paris ( M12 : Aubervilliers - Front Populaire --- Mairie d'Issy ).
- Station ouverte en Avril 1911.
- La station est située entre les stations de Pigalle et Notre-Dame-de-Lorette , appartient à le 9e arrondissement. La station est propieté de la RATP .
Suscribirse - Subscribe: http://goo.gl/NRy8t4
Twitter: https://twitter.com/ACC84_
Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/acc84metro
Periscope: https://www.periscope.tv/ACC84_
Cologne 1983 (Sting) - Josh Kirsch (Youtube audio library)
Spring Day - Silent Partner (Youtube audio library)
Country Fired (Sting) - Josh Kirsch (Youtube audio library)
Video created by / Vídeo creado por
ACC84 (2016)
Trains MF67 ( CIMT ) à la station de Saint-Georges de la ligne 12 du métro de Paris ( M12 : Aubervilliers - Front Populaire --- Mairie d'Issy ).
- Station ouverte en Avril 1911.
- La station est située entre les stations de Pigalle et Notre-Dame-de-Lorette , appartient à le 9e arrondissement. La station est propieté de la RATP .
Suscribirse - Subscribe: http://goo.gl/NRy8t4
Twitter: https://twitter.com/ACC84_
Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/acc84metro
Periscope: https://www.periscope.tv/ACC84_
Cologne 1983 (Sting) - Josh Kirsch (Youtube audio library)
Spring Day - Silent Partner (Youtube audio library)
Country Fired (Sting) - Josh Kirsch (Youtube audio library)
Video created by / Vídeo creado por
ACC84 (2016)
- published: 19 Dec 2016
- views: 6596
Saint-Georges (métro de Paris) line 12
Saint-Georges is a station on Line 12 of the Paris Métro in the 9th arrondissement.
The station opened on 8 April 1911 as part of the extension of the Nord-Sud...
Saint-Georges is a station on Line 12 of the Paris Métro in the 9th arrondissement.
The station opened on 8 April 1911 as part of the extension of the Nord-Sud company's line A from Notre-Dame-de-Lorette to Pigalle. On 27 March 1931 line A became line 12 of the Métro. The station is named after the Rue Saint-Georges, which became a street in 1734 and leads to the Place Saint-Georges, created in 1824. It was the centre of an estate created by the speculator Dosne, father-in-law of the politician Adolphe Thiers.
It was renovated during the early 2000s in imitation of the style adopted by the Nord-Sud Company, the original architects of the station. In fact, the current decorative style only vaguely resembles the original: the station name is no longer shown on large ceramic tablets (as at Solférino and Abbesses) and does not follow the original colour-coding: the edge of the ceramic name tablets should be brown to designate a non-interchange station, rather than green.
Saint-Georges is a station on Line 12 of the Paris Métro in the 9th arrondissement.
The station opened on 8 April 1911 as part of the extension of the Nord-Sud company's line A from Notre-Dame-de-Lorette to Pigalle. On 27 March 1931 line A became line 12 of the Métro. The station is named after the Rue Saint-Georges, which became a street in 1734 and leads to the Place Saint-Georges, created in 1824. It was the centre of an estate created by the speculator Dosne, father-in-law of the politician Adolphe Thiers.
It was renovated during the early 2000s in imitation of the style adopted by the Nord-Sud Company, the original architects of the station. In fact, the current decorative style only vaguely resembles the original: the station name is no longer shown on large ceramic tablets (as at Solférino and Abbesses) and does not follow the original colour-coding: the edge of the ceramic name tablets should be brown to designate a non-interchange station, rather than green.
- published: 18 May 2015
- views: 857
[Paris] MF67 Métro 12 - Saint-Georges
Échange voyageurs sur la ligne 12 du métro parisien, à la station Saint-Georges.
#Métro #Ligne12 #Paris #RATP #Train #MF67
Échange voyageurs sur la ligne 12 du métro parisien, à la station Saint-Georges.
#Métro #Ligne12 #Paris #RATP #Train #MF67
Échange voyageurs sur la ligne 12 du métro parisien, à la station Saint-Georges.
#Métro #Ligne12 #Paris #RATP #Train #MF67
- published: 26 Dec 2016
- views: 11061
Le style Nord-Sud revisité à la station Saint-Georges | RATP
Saviez-vous que deux compagnies exploitaient le réseau parisien à ses débuts ? Découvrez certaines spécificités de la compagnie Nord-Sud toujours visibles dans ...
Saviez-vous que deux compagnies exploitaient le réseau parisien à ses débuts ? Découvrez certaines spécificités de la compagnie Nord-Sud toujours visibles dans les stations.
Chaque édition des Journées Européennes du Patrimoine est l’occasion pour la RATP de dévoiler au grand public les coulisses de son histoire.
Cette année, pour la première fois, l’entreprise met à la disposition de tous les curieux la plateforme numérique « Bienvenüe à bord ! ». Lancée ce vendredi 18 septembre, à 18h, elle emportera petits et grands, Franciliens ou non, dans un tunnel temporel à la découverte des secrets les mieux gardés du métro parisien.
Au total, 25 capsules vidéos et sonores sont proposées, parmi lesquelles des explorations et des visites inédites accessibles en quelques clics, depuis un ordinateur ou un smartphone.
C'est par ici : http://bienvenueabord-ratp.com
Saviez-vous que deux compagnies exploitaient le réseau parisien à ses débuts ? Découvrez certaines spécificités de la compagnie Nord-Sud toujours visibles dans les stations.
Chaque édition des Journées Européennes du Patrimoine est l’occasion pour la RATP de dévoiler au grand public les coulisses de son histoire.
Cette année, pour la première fois, l’entreprise met à la disposition de tous les curieux la plateforme numérique « Bienvenüe à bord ! ». Lancée ce vendredi 18 septembre, à 18h, elle emportera petits et grands, Franciliens ou non, dans un tunnel temporel à la découverte des secrets les mieux gardés du métro parisien.
Au total, 25 capsules vidéos et sonores sont proposées, parmi lesquelles des explorations et des visites inédites accessibles en quelques clics, depuis un ordinateur ou un smartphone.
C'est par ici : http://bienvenueabord-ratp.com
- published: 18 Sep 2020
- views: 1334
Walk from St Georges Metro Station in Paris
The Virtual Tourist walks from St Georges Metro Station in Paris
The Virtual Tourist walks from St Georges Metro Station in Paris
The Virtual Tourist walks from St Georges Metro Station in Paris
- published: 03 Nov 2014
- views: 942