Joachim (/ˈdʒoʊ.əkɪm/; "he whom Yahweh has set up", Hebrew: יְהוֹיָקִים Yəhôyāqîm, Greek Ἰωακείμ Iōākeím) was the husband of Saint Anne and the father of Mary the mother of Jesus, according to the Catholic, Orthodox, and Anglican traditions. The story of Joachim and Anne first appears in the apocryphal Gospel of James. Joachim and Anne are not mentioned in the Bible. His feast day is July 26.
In Christian tradition
Since the genealogies of Jesus in Matthew and Luke do not explicitly name either of Mary's parents, but apparently name two different fathers for Saint Joseph, many scholars from John of Damascus (8th century), and particularly Protestant scholars, argue that the genealogy in Luke is actually the family tree of Mary, and that Heli is her father. To resolve the problem of Joseph having two fathers - one descended from Solomon, son of David, one descended from Nathan (son of David), traditions from the 7th century specify that Heli was a first cousin of Joachim.
CONFIRMED! Prince Joachim of Denmark Will Move to Washington D.C. Plus, Other #Royal Daily News!!
#royal #royalfamily #royalnews
Ms. Lene Balleby, Head of Communications for the Danish Royal Court, issued a press release late Thursday evening confirming that Their Royal Highness Prince Joachim and Princess Marie of Denmark along with their two children, His Excellency Count Henrik of Monpezat and Her Excellency Countess Athena of Monepezat will move to Washington D.C. in late Summer 2023.
Members of the Sovereign Prince Family of Monaco attend a musical performance on the occasion and ahead of St. Patrick’s Day in Monte-Carlo.
His Majesty King Felipe VI of Spain attends the inauguration of the construction site of Volkswagen AG’s PowerCo Gigafactory and Mission Valencia Event in Sagunto.
His Majesty King Hamad bin Isa Al Khalifa of Bahrain and His Royal Highness Prince Salman bi...
published: 18 Mar 2023
Joachim - ALDEBARAN (prod. CEDES) [VIDEO]
"ALDEBARAN" jest dostępny na wszystkich platformach streamingowych!
CHOREOGRAFIA: Łukasz Ludwiczak
Agnieszka Szafrańska
Julia Antkowiak
Kinga Sikorska
Maria Szwajlik
Bartłomiej Sołtysek
Marcin Szafrański
Sebastian Smołuch
KAMERA: Martin Szłapka (Recorder Films)
ŚWIATŁO: Martin Szłapka, Adam Śnihur oraz Adam Jedynak
MONTAŻ: Martin Szłapka oraz Joachim
Adam Śnihur
Adam Jedynak
Adam Jedynak (Polypsy Eye)
WOKAL: Joachim
Dzięki Piotr za pomoc w ogarnięciu miejscówki!
Łukasz na IG ➡
Agnieszka na IG ➡
published: 05 Feb 2023
Joachim Pastor - Reykjavik
Discover our new release :
Joachim Pastor - Reykjavik (HM10)
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published: 04 May 2015
Joachim Witt - Ohne Dich
aus dem Album Neumond (25 April 2014)
Künstler: Joachim Witt
Ohne Dich Ich hör deine Stimme noch so als wärst du hier
Trage dein Gedankengut ganz tief in mir
Und ich leide die Erinnerung und ich leide den Verlust
Bin alleine ohne dich
Ich hätte anders gelebt, hätte ich das gewusst
Und immer wenn der Wind durch die Straßen fegt
Bin ich ohne dich hier
Ohne dich
Und immer wenn der Stern in mir untergeht
Bin ich ohne dich hier
Ohne dich
Nur ein kurzer Abschiedskuss steht im Tagebuch
Sehne mich nach so viel mehr, hab es doch versucht
Und ich denke an die Sommerluft und ich spüre das warme Licht
Du hast mich immer aufgebaut
Hab in die Zukunft gesehen und sie zeigt nur dich
Nur ein kurzer Abschiedskuss
Und wieder bin ich ohne dich
published: 09 Sep 2014
Prince Joachim's 'Forbidden Love' attempt to lock lips with Mary #danishroyals #ROYALMONARCHIES
The Danish royal brothers have some rivalry dating back to years ago. The conflict between the two was exposed after the stripping of royal titles from prince joachims children. During the media interviews alot was exposed,making it known to the world.
For some reason,Prince joachim has tried to lock lips with Prince Fredriks wife.The media has captured him in photographs and shortly after the crown prince wedding,The Danish media speculated that the queen's youngest son was in love with the crown prince. other international media houses have reported that too.
The Danish Queen call them to order,and later prince joachim sent to France,as Princess Marie says it was not their wish. The two women have not been good friends probably because of the action of prince joachim.
published: 09 Oct 2022
Joachim - Bach: Agagio in g (Good Sound)
Recorded in 1903. From J. S. Bach’s Unaccompanied Sonata No. 1 in g minor, BWV 1001
JOACHIM, JOSEPH (1831–1907), violinist. Born in Kittsee (Köpcsény), Joachim moved with his family to Budapest where his musical education began at the age of five. He gave his first concert at seven and at nine he was taken to Vienna to study with Hellmesberger and Boehm. At 12 he went on to Leipzig, where his studies were supervised and fostered by Felix Mendelssohn, Ferdinand David, and Moritz Hauptmann. From 1849 to 1854 he was concertmaster of Liszt's orchestra at Weimar, and from 1854 to 1864, concertmaster and conductor of the Royal Hanoverian Orchestra. He finally settled in Berlin in 1866 as director of the newly founded Hochschule fuer Musik. There he also founded the Joachim Quartet which became...
published: 09 Mar 2015
Joachim - Pirat [VIDEO]
Joachim - Pirat
"Pirat" jest dostępny na wszystkich platformach streamingowych!
KAMERA: Adam Śnihur
MONTAŻ: Joachim
WOKAL: Joachim
Pozdro dla ekipy z sylwestra w aluminium
Adam Śnihur na IG ➡
Joachim na IG ➡
kontakt: [email protected]
#royal #royalfamily #royalnews
Ms. Lene Balleby, Head of Communications for the Danish Royal Court, issued a press release late Thursday evening confirming th...
#royal #royalfamily #royalnews
Ms. Lene Balleby, Head of Communications for the Danish Royal Court, issued a press release late Thursday evening confirming that Their Royal Highness Prince Joachim and Princess Marie of Denmark along with their two children, His Excellency Count Henrik of Monpezat and Her Excellency Countess Athena of Monepezat will move to Washington D.C. in late Summer 2023.
Members of the Sovereign Prince Family of Monaco attend a musical performance on the occasion and ahead of St. Patrick’s Day in Monte-Carlo.
His Majesty King Felipe VI of Spain attends the inauguration of the construction site of Volkswagen AG’s PowerCo Gigafactory and Mission Valencia Event in Sagunto.
His Majesty King Hamad bin Isa Al Khalifa of Bahrain and His Royal Highness Prince Salman bin Hamad Al Khalifa of Bahrain hold an audience with His Royal Highness Prince Al-Hassan bin Talal of Jordan in Manama.
Their Royal Highnesses The Prince and Princess of Wales attend the 2023 St. Patrick's Day Parade in Aldershot.
Their Royal Highnesses Prince Christian and Princess Alessandra of Hanover celebrate their 5th wedding anniversary in Madrid.
#royal #royalfamily #royalnews
Ms. Lene Balleby, Head of Communications for the Danish Royal Court, issued a press release late Thursday evening confirming that Their Royal Highness Prince Joachim and Princess Marie of Denmark along with their two children, His Excellency Count Henrik of Monpezat and Her Excellency Countess Athena of Monepezat will move to Washington D.C. in late Summer 2023.
Members of the Sovereign Prince Family of Monaco attend a musical performance on the occasion and ahead of St. Patrick’s Day in Monte-Carlo.
His Majesty King Felipe VI of Spain attends the inauguration of the construction site of Volkswagen AG’s PowerCo Gigafactory and Mission Valencia Event in Sagunto.
His Majesty King Hamad bin Isa Al Khalifa of Bahrain and His Royal Highness Prince Salman bin Hamad Al Khalifa of Bahrain hold an audience with His Royal Highness Prince Al-Hassan bin Talal of Jordan in Manama.
Their Royal Highnesses The Prince and Princess of Wales attend the 2023 St. Patrick's Day Parade in Aldershot.
Their Royal Highnesses Prince Christian and Princess Alessandra of Hanover celebrate their 5th wedding anniversary in Madrid.
"ALDEBARAN" jest dostępny na wszystkich platformach streamingowych!
"ALDEBARAN" jest dostępny na wszystkich platformach streamingowych!
CHOREOGRAFIA: Łukasz Ludwiczak
Agnieszka Szafrańska
Julia Antkowiak
Kinga Sikorska
Maria Szwajlik
Bartłomiej Sołtysek
Marcin Szafrański
Sebastian Smołuch
KAMERA: Martin Szłapka (Recorder Films)
ŚWIATŁO: Martin Szłapka, Adam Śnihur oraz Adam Jedynak
MONTAŻ: Martin Szłapka oraz Joachim
Adam Śnihur
Adam Jedynak
Adam Jedynak (Polypsy Eye)
WOKAL: Joachim
Dzięki Piotr za pomoc w ogarnięciu miejscówki!
Łukasz na IG ➡
Agnieszka na IG ➡
Julia na IG ➡
Kinga na IG ➡
Maria na IG ➡
Bartłomiej na IG ➡
Marcin na IG ➡
Sebastian na IG ➡
Martin na IG ➡
Recorder Films na IG ➡
Adam Ś. na IG ➡
Adam J. na IG ➡
Polypsy Eye na IG ➡
Polypsy Eye 35mm na IG ➡
Joachim na IG ➡
Pozdro dla Ziomali!
kontakt: [email protected]
"ALDEBARAN" jest dostępny na wszystkich platformach streamingowych!
CHOREOGRAFIA: Łukasz Ludwiczak
Agnieszka Szafrańska
Julia Antkowiak
Kinga Sikorska
Maria Szwajlik
Bartłomiej Sołtysek
Marcin Szafrański
Sebastian Smołuch
KAMERA: Martin Szłapka (Recorder Films)
ŚWIATŁO: Martin Szłapka, Adam Śnihur oraz Adam Jedynak
MONTAŻ: Martin Szłapka oraz Joachim
Adam Śnihur
Adam Jedynak
Adam Jedynak (Polypsy Eye)
WOKAL: Joachim
Dzięki Piotr za pomoc w ogarnięciu miejscówki!
Łukasz na IG ➡
Agnieszka na IG ➡
Julia na IG ➡
Kinga na IG ➡
Maria na IG ➡
Bartłomiej na IG ➡
Marcin na IG ➡
Sebastian na IG ➡
Martin na IG ➡
Recorder Films na IG ➡
Adam Ś. na IG ➡
Adam J. na IG ➡
Polypsy Eye na IG ➡
Polypsy Eye 35mm na IG ➡
Joachim na IG ➡
Pozdro dla Ziomali!
kontakt: [email protected]
Discover our new release :
Joachim Pastor - Reykjavik (HM10)
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Hungry ...
Discover our new release :
Joachim Pastor - Reykjavik (HM10)
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Joachim Pastor Soundcloud :
Discover our new release :
Joachim Pastor - Reykjavik (HM10)
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Joachim Pastor Facebook :
Joachim Pastor Soundcloud :
aus dem Album Neumond (25 April 2014)
Künstler: Joachim Witt
Ohne Dich Ich hör deine Stimme noch so als wärst du hier
Trage dein Gedankengut ganz ti...
aus dem Album Neumond (25 April 2014)
Künstler: Joachim Witt
Ohne Dich Ich hör deine Stimme noch so als wärst du hier
Trage dein Gedankengut ganz tief in mir
Und ich leide die Erinnerung und ich leide den Verlust
Bin alleine ohne dich
Ich hätte anders gelebt, hätte ich das gewusst
Und immer wenn der Wind durch die Straßen fegt
Bin ich ohne dich hier
Ohne dich
Und immer wenn der Stern in mir untergeht
Bin ich ohne dich hier
Ohne dich
Nur ein kurzer Abschiedskuss steht im Tagebuch
Sehne mich nach so viel mehr, hab es doch versucht
Und ich denke an die Sommerluft und ich spüre das warme Licht
Du hast mich immer aufgebaut
Hab in die Zukunft gesehen und sie zeigt nur dich
Nur ein kurzer Abschiedskuss
Und wieder bin ich ohne dich
aus dem Album Neumond (25 April 2014)
Künstler: Joachim Witt
Ohne Dich Ich hör deine Stimme noch so als wärst du hier
Trage dein Gedankengut ganz tief in mir
Und ich leide die Erinnerung und ich leide den Verlust
Bin alleine ohne dich
Ich hätte anders gelebt, hätte ich das gewusst
Und immer wenn der Wind durch die Straßen fegt
Bin ich ohne dich hier
Ohne dich
Und immer wenn der Stern in mir untergeht
Bin ich ohne dich hier
Ohne dich
Nur ein kurzer Abschiedskuss steht im Tagebuch
Sehne mich nach so viel mehr, hab es doch versucht
Und ich denke an die Sommerluft und ich spüre das warme Licht
Du hast mich immer aufgebaut
Hab in die Zukunft gesehen und sie zeigt nur dich
Nur ein kurzer Abschiedskuss
Und wieder bin ich ohne dich
The Danish royal brothers have some rivalry dating back to years ago. The conflict between the two was exposed after the stripping of royal titles from prince j...
The Danish royal brothers have some rivalry dating back to years ago. The conflict between the two was exposed after the stripping of royal titles from prince joachims children. During the media interviews alot was exposed,making it known to the world.
For some reason,Prince joachim has tried to lock lips with Prince Fredriks wife.The media has captured him in photographs and shortly after the crown prince wedding,The Danish media speculated that the queen's youngest son was in love with the crown prince. other international media houses have reported that too.
The Danish Queen call them to order,and later prince joachim sent to France,as Princess Marie says it was not their wish. The two women have not been good friends probably because of the action of prince joachim.
The Danish royal brothers have some rivalry dating back to years ago. The conflict between the two was exposed after the stripping of royal titles from prince joachims children. During the media interviews alot was exposed,making it known to the world.
For some reason,Prince joachim has tried to lock lips with Prince Fredriks wife.The media has captured him in photographs and shortly after the crown prince wedding,The Danish media speculated that the queen's youngest son was in love with the crown prince. other international media houses have reported that too.
The Danish Queen call them to order,and later prince joachim sent to France,as Princess Marie says it was not their wish. The two women have not been good friends probably because of the action of prince joachim.
Recorded in 1903. From J. S. Bach’s Unaccompanied Sonata No. 1 in g minor, BWV 1001
JOACHIM, JOSEPH (1831–1907), violinist. Born in Kittsee (Köpcsény), Joachi...
Recorded in 1903. From J. S. Bach’s Unaccompanied Sonata No. 1 in g minor, BWV 1001
JOACHIM, JOSEPH (1831–1907), violinist. Born in Kittsee (Köpcsény), Joachim moved with his family to Budapest where his musical education began at the age of five. He gave his first concert at seven and at nine he was taken to Vienna to study with Hellmesberger and Boehm. At 12 he went on to Leipzig, where his studies were supervised and fostered by Felix Mendelssohn, Ferdinand David, and Moritz Hauptmann. From 1849 to 1854 he was concertmaster of Liszt's orchestra at Weimar, and from 1854 to 1864, concertmaster and conductor of the Royal Hanoverian Orchestra. He finally settled in Berlin in 1866 as director of the newly founded Hochschule fuer Musik. There he also founded the Joachim Quartet which became the leading quartet in Europe. His pedagogical talent attracted a great number of pupils, among whom were Leopold Auer, Jenő Hubay, and Tivadar Nachez.
Joachim's concert activity in Europe and England continued steadily throughout his career. Although he eschewed the character and role of a "traveling virtuoso," he became, at an early age, the most notable violinist of his generation (and its most distinguished teacher): an artist in whom technique, taste, intellect, and emotion were combined to a rare degree. His interpretation of the Beethoven Violin Concerto, for example, was considered definitive. He also re-edited Mendelssohn's Violin Concerto in conformity with the original manuscript; revived the works of Tartini; and established in the repertoire Bach's works for solo violin in their original form, without the accompaniments added by 19th-century "improvers." Joachim's friendships with the great composers and performers of his time are an important factor in the history of music in the 19th century, especially his association with Mendelssohn, Liszt, Robert Schumann, Clara Schumann, and Brahms. Joachim introduced the young Brahms to Liszt, and arranged the fateful meeting between Schumann and Brahms in 1853. Of his own compositions, which include works for violin and orchestra, violin and piano, and songs, only the Violin Concerto op. 11 ("Hungarian") survived. His cadenzas for the Beethoven and Brahms concertos, however, are still performed. He also wrote a violin method with A. Moser. Although Joachim had converted to Protestantism in 1855, his decision to resign from the Hanoverian service was finally brought about in 1864, when the violinist J.M. Gruen was refused tenure as a Jew (a principle which had not been observed in Joachim's case). Joachim tendered his resignation on the grounds that he "would never be able to surmount the purely personal feeling of having been enabled through my earlier conversion… to enjoy worldly advantages in the Royal Hanoverian Orchestra while the members of my race occupy a humiliating position there." His Hebraeische Melodien for viola and piano, op. 9 (1854), were inspired mainly by Schumann's enthusiasm for Byron's poems. Although Wagner thought that Joachim's break from the Liszt-Wagner circle in 1857 was due to the republication at that time of Das Judentum in der Musik in Wagner's name (it had first been published anonymously in 1850), the break was undoubtedly caused by musical considerations.
Hundreds of works were dedicated to Joachim, including the Schumann, Brahms, Dvorak and Bruch (nos. 1 and 3) violin concertos, Liszt's Hungarian Rhapsody no. 12, and Schumann's Fourth Symphony (second version, 1853).
Joachim's grandnieces, the sisters Adila Fachiri (d'Aranyi, 1888–1962) and Jelly E. d'Aranyi (1895–1966), were well-known violinists.
Recorded in 1903. From J. S. Bach’s Unaccompanied Sonata No. 1 in g minor, BWV 1001
JOACHIM, JOSEPH (1831–1907), violinist. Born in Kittsee (Köpcsény), Joachim moved with his family to Budapest where his musical education began at the age of five. He gave his first concert at seven and at nine he was taken to Vienna to study with Hellmesberger and Boehm. At 12 he went on to Leipzig, where his studies were supervised and fostered by Felix Mendelssohn, Ferdinand David, and Moritz Hauptmann. From 1849 to 1854 he was concertmaster of Liszt's orchestra at Weimar, and from 1854 to 1864, concertmaster and conductor of the Royal Hanoverian Orchestra. He finally settled in Berlin in 1866 as director of the newly founded Hochschule fuer Musik. There he also founded the Joachim Quartet which became the leading quartet in Europe. His pedagogical talent attracted a great number of pupils, among whom were Leopold Auer, Jenő Hubay, and Tivadar Nachez.
Joachim's concert activity in Europe and England continued steadily throughout his career. Although he eschewed the character and role of a "traveling virtuoso," he became, at an early age, the most notable violinist of his generation (and its most distinguished teacher): an artist in whom technique, taste, intellect, and emotion were combined to a rare degree. His interpretation of the Beethoven Violin Concerto, for example, was considered definitive. He also re-edited Mendelssohn's Violin Concerto in conformity with the original manuscript; revived the works of Tartini; and established in the repertoire Bach's works for solo violin in their original form, without the accompaniments added by 19th-century "improvers." Joachim's friendships with the great composers and performers of his time are an important factor in the history of music in the 19th century, especially his association with Mendelssohn, Liszt, Robert Schumann, Clara Schumann, and Brahms. Joachim introduced the young Brahms to Liszt, and arranged the fateful meeting between Schumann and Brahms in 1853. Of his own compositions, which include works for violin and orchestra, violin and piano, and songs, only the Violin Concerto op. 11 ("Hungarian") survived. His cadenzas for the Beethoven and Brahms concertos, however, are still performed. He also wrote a violin method with A. Moser. Although Joachim had converted to Protestantism in 1855, his decision to resign from the Hanoverian service was finally brought about in 1864, when the violinist J.M. Gruen was refused tenure as a Jew (a principle which had not been observed in Joachim's case). Joachim tendered his resignation on the grounds that he "would never be able to surmount the purely personal feeling of having been enabled through my earlier conversion… to enjoy worldly advantages in the Royal Hanoverian Orchestra while the members of my race occupy a humiliating position there." His Hebraeische Melodien for viola and piano, op. 9 (1854), were inspired mainly by Schumann's enthusiasm for Byron's poems. Although Wagner thought that Joachim's break from the Liszt-Wagner circle in 1857 was due to the republication at that time of Das Judentum in der Musik in Wagner's name (it had first been published anonymously in 1850), the break was undoubtedly caused by musical considerations.
Hundreds of works were dedicated to Joachim, including the Schumann, Brahms, Dvorak and Bruch (nos. 1 and 3) violin concertos, Liszt's Hungarian Rhapsody no. 12, and Schumann's Fourth Symphony (second version, 1853).
Joachim's grandnieces, the sisters Adila Fachiri (d'Aranyi, 1888–1962) and Jelly E. d'Aranyi (1895–1966), were well-known violinists.
Joachim - Pirat
"Pirat" jest dostępny na wszystkich platformach streamingowych!
Joachim - Pirat
"Pirat" jest dostępny na wszystkich platformach streamingowych!
KAMERA: Adam Śnihur
MONTAŻ: Joachim
WOKAL: Joachim
Pozdro dla ekipy z sylwestra w aluminium
Adam Śnihur na IG ➡
Joachim na IG ➡
kontakt: [email protected]
Joachim - Pirat
"Pirat" jest dostępny na wszystkich platformach streamingowych!
KAMERA: Adam Śnihur
MONTAŻ: Joachim
WOKAL: Joachim
Pozdro dla ekipy z sylwestra w aluminium
Adam Śnihur na IG ➡
Joachim na IG ➡
kontakt: [email protected]
#royal #royalfamily #royalnews
Ms. Lene Balleby, Head of Communications for the Danish Royal Court, issued a press release late Thursday evening confirming that Their Royal Highness Prince Joachim and Princess Marie of Denmark along with their two children, His Excellency Count Henrik of Monpezat and Her Excellency Countess Athena of Monepezat will move to Washington D.C. in late Summer 2023.
Members of the Sovereign Prince Family of Monaco attend a musical performance on the occasion and ahead of St. Patrick’s Day in Monte-Carlo.
His Majesty King Felipe VI of Spain attends the inauguration of the construction site of Volkswagen AG’s PowerCo Gigafactory and Mission Valencia Event in Sagunto.
His Majesty King Hamad bin Isa Al Khalifa of Bahrain and His Royal Highness Prince Salman bin Hamad Al Khalifa of Bahrain hold an audience with His Royal Highness Prince Al-Hassan bin Talal of Jordan in Manama.
Their Royal Highnesses The Prince and Princess of Wales attend the 2023 St. Patrick's Day Parade in Aldershot.
Their Royal Highnesses Prince Christian and Princess Alessandra of Hanover celebrate their 5th wedding anniversary in Madrid.
"ALDEBARAN" jest dostępny na wszystkich platformach streamingowych!
CHOREOGRAFIA: Łukasz Ludwiczak
Agnieszka Szafrańska
Julia Antkowiak
Kinga Sikorska
Maria Szwajlik
Bartłomiej Sołtysek
Marcin Szafrański
Sebastian Smołuch
KAMERA: Martin Szłapka (Recorder Films)
ŚWIATŁO: Martin Szłapka, Adam Śnihur oraz Adam Jedynak
MONTAŻ: Martin Szłapka oraz Joachim
Adam Śnihur
Adam Jedynak
Adam Jedynak (Polypsy Eye)
WOKAL: Joachim
Dzięki Piotr za pomoc w ogarnięciu miejscówki!
Łukasz na IG ➡
Agnieszka na IG ➡
Julia na IG ➡
Kinga na IG ➡
Maria na IG ➡
Bartłomiej na IG ➡
Marcin na IG ➡
Sebastian na IG ➡
Martin na IG ➡
Recorder Films na IG ➡
Adam Ś. na IG ➡
Adam J. na IG ➡
Polypsy Eye na IG ➡
Polypsy Eye 35mm na IG ➡
Joachim na IG ➡
Pozdro dla Ziomali!
kontakt: [email protected]
Discover our new release :
Joachim Pastor - Reykjavik (HM10)
Download / Stream :
Hungry Music Shop :
Hungry Music Facebook :
Hungry Music Soundcloud :
Joachim Pastor Facebook :
Joachim Pastor Soundcloud :
aus dem Album Neumond (25 April 2014)
Künstler: Joachim Witt
Ohne Dich Ich hör deine Stimme noch so als wärst du hier
Trage dein Gedankengut ganz tief in mir
Und ich leide die Erinnerung und ich leide den Verlust
Bin alleine ohne dich
Ich hätte anders gelebt, hätte ich das gewusst
Und immer wenn der Wind durch die Straßen fegt
Bin ich ohne dich hier
Ohne dich
Und immer wenn der Stern in mir untergeht
Bin ich ohne dich hier
Ohne dich
Nur ein kurzer Abschiedskuss steht im Tagebuch
Sehne mich nach so viel mehr, hab es doch versucht
Und ich denke an die Sommerluft und ich spüre das warme Licht
Du hast mich immer aufgebaut
Hab in die Zukunft gesehen und sie zeigt nur dich
Nur ein kurzer Abschiedskuss
Und wieder bin ich ohne dich
The Danish royal brothers have some rivalry dating back to years ago. The conflict between the two was exposed after the stripping of royal titles from prince joachims children. During the media interviews alot was exposed,making it known to the world.
For some reason,Prince joachim has tried to lock lips with Prince Fredriks wife.The media has captured him in photographs and shortly after the crown prince wedding,The Danish media speculated that the queen's youngest son was in love with the crown prince. other international media houses have reported that too.
The Danish Queen call them to order,and later prince joachim sent to France,as Princess Marie says it was not their wish. The two women have not been good friends probably because of the action of prince joachim.
Recorded in 1903. From J. S. Bach’s Unaccompanied Sonata No. 1 in g minor, BWV 1001
JOACHIM, JOSEPH (1831–1907), violinist. Born in Kittsee (Köpcsény), Joachim moved with his family to Budapest where his musical education began at the age of five. He gave his first concert at seven and at nine he was taken to Vienna to study with Hellmesberger and Boehm. At 12 he went on to Leipzig, where his studies were supervised and fostered by Felix Mendelssohn, Ferdinand David, and Moritz Hauptmann. From 1849 to 1854 he was concertmaster of Liszt's orchestra at Weimar, and from 1854 to 1864, concertmaster and conductor of the Royal Hanoverian Orchestra. He finally settled in Berlin in 1866 as director of the newly founded Hochschule fuer Musik. There he also founded the Joachim Quartet which became the leading quartet in Europe. His pedagogical talent attracted a great number of pupils, among whom were Leopold Auer, Jenő Hubay, and Tivadar Nachez.
Joachim's concert activity in Europe and England continued steadily throughout his career. Although he eschewed the character and role of a "traveling virtuoso," he became, at an early age, the most notable violinist of his generation (and its most distinguished teacher): an artist in whom technique, taste, intellect, and emotion were combined to a rare degree. His interpretation of the Beethoven Violin Concerto, for example, was considered definitive. He also re-edited Mendelssohn's Violin Concerto in conformity with the original manuscript; revived the works of Tartini; and established in the repertoire Bach's works for solo violin in their original form, without the accompaniments added by 19th-century "improvers." Joachim's friendships with the great composers and performers of his time are an important factor in the history of music in the 19th century, especially his association with Mendelssohn, Liszt, Robert Schumann, Clara Schumann, and Brahms. Joachim introduced the young Brahms to Liszt, and arranged the fateful meeting between Schumann and Brahms in 1853. Of his own compositions, which include works for violin and orchestra, violin and piano, and songs, only the Violin Concerto op. 11 ("Hungarian") survived. His cadenzas for the Beethoven and Brahms concertos, however, are still performed. He also wrote a violin method with A. Moser. Although Joachim had converted to Protestantism in 1855, his decision to resign from the Hanoverian service was finally brought about in 1864, when the violinist J.M. Gruen was refused tenure as a Jew (a principle which had not been observed in Joachim's case). Joachim tendered his resignation on the grounds that he "would never be able to surmount the purely personal feeling of having been enabled through my earlier conversion… to enjoy worldly advantages in the Royal Hanoverian Orchestra while the members of my race occupy a humiliating position there." His Hebraeische Melodien for viola and piano, op. 9 (1854), were inspired mainly by Schumann's enthusiasm for Byron's poems. Although Wagner thought that Joachim's break from the Liszt-Wagner circle in 1857 was due to the republication at that time of Das Judentum in der Musik in Wagner's name (it had first been published anonymously in 1850), the break was undoubtedly caused by musical considerations.
Hundreds of works were dedicated to Joachim, including the Schumann, Brahms, Dvorak and Bruch (nos. 1 and 3) violin concertos, Liszt's Hungarian Rhapsody no. 12, and Schumann's Fourth Symphony (second version, 1853).
Joachim's grandnieces, the sisters Adila Fachiri (d'Aranyi, 1888–1962) and Jelly E. d'Aranyi (1895–1966), were well-known violinists.
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