var global_geo = jQuery('#forecast');
get_forecast_details(city, 4, global_geo, country);
function forecast_status(msg) {
function get_forecast_details(city, days_count, global_geo, country) {
global_geo.html('Loading forecast ...');
data: {
city: city,
report: 'daily'
dataType: 'jsonp',
url: 'https://upge.wn.com/api/upge/cheetah-photo-search/weather_forecast_4days',
success: function(data) {
if(!data) { text = ('weater data temporarily not available'); }
// loop through the list of weather info
weather_info = '';
var weather_day_loop = 0;
jQuery.each(data.list, function(idx, value) {
if (idx < 1) {
if (weather_day_loop >= days_count) {
return false;
weather = value.weather.shift()
clouds = value.clouds
d = new Date(value.dt*1000)
t = d.getMonth()+1 + '-' + d.getDate() + '-' + d.getFullYear()
moment.lang('en', {
calendar : {
lastDay : '[Yesterday]',
sameDay : '[Today]',
nextDay : '[Tomorrow]',
lastWeek : '[last] dddd',
nextWeek : 'dddd',
sameElse : 'L'
mobj = moment(value.dt*1000)
// skip today
if (t == today) {
tempC = parseInt(parseFloat(value.temp.day)-273.15)
tempF = parseInt(tempC*1.8+32)
today = t;
weather_day_loop += 1;
weather_info += '
The Empire of Aksum (Axum)
The Kingdom and later Empire of Aksum (also spelled Axum) was one of late antiquity's most influential, wealthiest and powerful states. The Aksumites built incredible monuments, minted their own gold coins, traded with lands as far away as India and China, and were influential in spreading Christianity throughout eastern Africa. They are also arguably the people from whom the inhabitants of modern Ethiopia and Eritrea draw their cultural and religious identity from. Check out the video to see what the Empire of Aksum was and why it's so important to the history of Africa and the world.
Sources and Suggested Reading ► https://bit.ly/2xuN3c5
Follow History with Cy:
Instagram ► https://www.instagram.com/historywithcy/
Facebook ► https://www.facebook.com/historywithcy/
Twitter ► http...
published: 28 Mar 2020
ETHIOPIA: የምሥራቅ አፍሪካ ስምጥ ሸለቆየሚከፈትበት ጊዜው ደረሰ! የአሜሪካ ወታደሮችን ሊውጥ ተዘጋጅቷል! የአፋሩ ኤርታሌ (ሲኦል) እየተዘጋጀ ነው!
#ETHIOPIA #ኢትዮጵ #EthiopTube
የምሥራቅ አፍሪካ ስምጥ ሸለቆየሚከፈትበት ጊዜው ደረሰ! የአሜሪካ ወታደሮችን ሊውጥ ተዘጋጅቷል! የአፋሩ ኤርታሌ (ሲኦል) እየተዘጋጀ ነው!
published: 10 Jul 2021
Saint Kaleb's Conquest of Yemen
Not my video, source is Malthius (link below) and his History of Byzantium series. This clip is more of a side not in his video on Saint Justinian, Emperor of Byzantium. I thought it was funny and so I posted it here. Don't ask me about any implied political statements you may find therein, cuz they're more than likely just a joke that doesn't actually mean anything.
His video: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ye1HFp7cOW8
published: 29 Dec 2020
ያልተነገረው ድብቁ ምስጢር ..አባ ዘወንጌል sebez| mr solomon|zemedkun|bahtaw gebremeskel|axum|yeneta tube|zehabesh
ያልተነገረው ድብቁ ምስጢር
sebez| mr solomon|zemedkun|bahtaw gebremeskel|abiy|axum|yeneta tube|zehabesh|EBS
Mahetote tube][axsume tube][eotc tv]
[ethiopia][orthodoxs][EOTC][MAHATOT TUBE] [dakon henok haile]
[axsum tube] [ahadu tube] [shegawa tube] [kiduse tube][mahaber kedusan tube][ET ART MEDIA ኢቲ አርት ሚዲያ ]
Ethiopia muhaze tibebat tube / ሙሐዘ ጥበባት ቲዩብ
Ethiopia muhaze tibebat tube / ሙሐዘ ጥበባት ቲዩብ
Ethiopia muhaze tibebat tube / ሙሐዘ ጥበባት ቲዩብ
Ethiopia muhaze tibebat tube / ሙሐዘ ጥበባት ቲዩብ
[axsum tube] [ahadu tube] [shegawa tube] [kiduse tube][mahaber kedusan tube]ethiopia][orthodoxs][EOTC][MAHATOT TUBE] [dakon henok haile]
[axsum tube] [ahadu tube] [shegawa tube] [kiduse tube][mahaber kedusan tube]ethiopia][orthodoxs][EOTC][MAHATOT TUBE] [dakon henok haile]
[axsum tube] [ahadu tube] [shegawa tube] [kid...
published: 11 Jul 2021
Axum - Pocket Full of Money (official video) - אקסום
Full album now available on Itunes!: https://itunes.apple.com/us/artist/axum/id5019530
Music produced by:SaBBo
shot and directed by Kuti
edited by Yaniv Bloch
Guitar - Or Gurfinkel
Chorus: You need to come around with ya pocket full of money, Instead a run ya mouth like a top shotta, yeah!
Get yourself a gun, you can't borrow from me, Nah say nothin' at all, yeah yeah yeah!
You come around with a dreadlock friend, you got Swagga man scent from a trend like you all a that, Take ya business somewhere else, we want nothin' a that, You and all a dem bocyat juggelers of you, Come see me when you have something fi show for, Man a Mediterranean god, me have di mojo, Me drive a chevy, nos heavy packed,
Man a megalomaniac punk, unu ready?- brap brap!...
published: 01 Apr 2012
Aksum: A Forgotten Empire
The third century Persian prophet Mani described the four greatest powers of his time: Rome, Persia, China, and Aksum. Of the four, Aksum is by far the least remembered today. The History Guy remembers the forgotten empire of Ethiopia.
This is original content based on research by The History Guy. Images in the Public Domain are carefully selected and provide illustration. As images of actual events are sometimes not available, images of similar objects and events are used for illustration.
All events are portrayed in historical context and for educational purposes. No images or content are primarily intended to shock and disgust. Those who do not learn from history are doomed to repeat it. Non censuram.
Find The History Guy at:
Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/TheHistoryGuyYT/
published: 30 Dec 2019
ቅድስት ሀገራችንን ለማርከስ አፍንጫችን ስር እየተሰራ ያለው አሳፋሪ ድርጊት። Ethiopia @Axum Tube / አክሱም ቲዩብ
ስለተመለከታችሁን እናመሰግናለን ቪዲዮውን ሼር በማድረግ እናንተ ያገኛችሁትን እውቀት ለሌሎች አሳውቁ። ይህንን የአክሱም ቲዩብ ዝግጅት ዳውንሎድ አድርጎ ድጋሚ በሌላ ቻናል ላይ መጫን በጥብቅ የተከለከለ ነው።
Copyright © Axum Tube
Like, Comment and Share this video.
ለቻናላችን አዲስ የሆናቹ ሰዎች አክሱም ቲዩብን ሰብስክራይብ በማድረግ ቤተሰቡን ተቀላቀሉ።
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published: 10 Jul 2021
Ethiopis is a mystical African country where bones of the oldest hominids and oldest homo sapiens were discovered. It's the land where Queen of Sheba ruled and Arc of Covenant is hidden. It's the place where largest obelisk was erected.
Where the reality stops and myth begins?
Pyramid and megalithic sites researcher Dr. Sam Osmanagich, Ph.D. (www.samosmanagich.com) is answering these questions using scientific instruments and measurements.
published: 20 Feb 2020
ETHIOPIA;ትንቢት ተፈጸመ [axum tube] [gize tube] [yeneta tube] [lalibela tube] [ahaz tube]
🔴🔴👉 አሁን ባለንበት ሁኔታ ሀገራችን ኢትዮጲያ መንታ መንገድ ላይ መሄድ አቅቷት ቆማለች፡፡ የሀገራችን የኢትዮጲያ የወደፊት መጻኢ እድልና ሕልውና የተንጠለጠለው በቅድስት ቤተ ክርስያናችን ላይ ነው፡፡ ስለዚህ ስለ ወደፊቱ የሀገራችን ሁናቴና ተስፋ ለማወቅ የግድ በቅድስት ቤተ ክርስትያናች ውስጥ ያሉትን መጻሕፍትን ማወቅ እና መመርመር ብሎም ማየት ያስፈልጋል፡፡
🔴🔴👉የትንሳኤውን ብርሀን ለማየት ያብቃን! ውድ ኢትዮጵያውያን ሀገራችን ካለችበት ወቅታዊ ችግር በቅርብ እንድትላቀቅ ሁላችንም ሀላፊነት ስላለብን የምናስተላልፋቸው መልዕክቶችና መረጃዎች ሀላፊነት የሚሰማን እንደሆንን የሚመሰክሩ ሊሆኑ ይገባል ፈጣሪ ደግ ዘመን ያምጣልን !!! ################################################ Lalibela tube / ላሊበላ ቲዩብ lalibela tubeLalibela tube / ላሊበላ ቲዩብ lalibela tubeLalibela tube / ላሊበላ ቲዩብ lalibela tubeLalibela tube / ላሊበላ ቲዩብ lalibela tubeLalibela tube / ላሊበላ ቲዩብ lalibela tubeLalibela tube / ላሊበላ ቲዩብ lalibela tubeLalibela tube / ላሊበላ ቲዩብ lalibela tube Lalibela tube / ላሊበላ ቲዩብ lalibela
tube / ላሊበላ ቲዩብ lalibela tubeLalibela tube / ላሊበላ ...
published: 08 Jul 2021
The Empire of Aksum (Axum)
The Kingdom and later Empire of Aksum (also spelled Axum) was one of late antiquity's most influential, wealthiest and powerful states. The Aksumites built inc...
The Kingdom and later Empire of Aksum (also spelled Axum) was one of late antiquity's most influential, wealthiest and powerful states. The Aksumites built incredible monuments, minted their own gold coins, traded with lands as far away as India and China, and were influential in spreading Christianity throughout eastern Africa. They are also arguably the people from whom the inhabitants of modern Ethiopia and Eritrea draw their cultural and religious identity from. Check out the video to see what the Empire of Aksum was and why it's so important to the history of Africa and the world.
Sources and Suggested Reading ► https://bit.ly/2xuN3c5
Follow History with Cy:
Instagram ► https://www.instagram.com/historywithcy/
Facebook ► https://www.facebook.com/historywithcy/
Twitter ► https://twitter.com/historywithcy
Website ► http://www.historywithcy.com
Epidemic Sound
#africa #Aksum #africanhistory
The Kingdom and later Empire of Aksum (also spelled Axum) was one of late antiquity's most influential, wealthiest and powerful states. The Aksumites built incredible monuments, minted their own gold coins, traded with lands as far away as India and China, and were influential in spreading Christianity throughout eastern Africa. They are also arguably the people from whom the inhabitants of modern Ethiopia and Eritrea draw their cultural and religious identity from. Check out the video to see what the Empire of Aksum was and why it's so important to the history of Africa and the world.
Sources and Suggested Reading ► https://bit.ly/2xuN3c5
Follow History with Cy:
Instagram ► https://www.instagram.com/historywithcy/
Facebook ► https://www.facebook.com/historywithcy/
Twitter ► https://twitter.com/historywithcy
Website ► http://www.historywithcy.com
Epidemic Sound
#africa #Aksum #africanhistory
- published: 28 Mar 2020
- views: 202771
ETHIOPIA: የምሥራቅ አፍሪካ ስምጥ ሸለቆየሚከፈትበት ጊዜው ደረሰ! የአሜሪካ ወታደሮችን ሊውጥ ተዘጋጅቷል! የአፋሩ ኤርታሌ (ሲኦል) እየተዘጋጀ ነው!
#ETHIOPIA #ኢትዮጵ #EthiopTube
የምሥራቅ አፍሪካ ስምጥ ሸለቆየሚከፈትበት ጊዜው ደረሰ! የአሜሪካ ወታደሮችን ሊውጥ ተዘጋጅቷል! የአፋሩ ኤርታሌ (ሲኦል) እየተዘጋጀ ነው!
#ETHIOPIA #ኢትዮጵ #EthiopTube
የምሥራቅ አፍሪካ ስምጥ ሸለቆየሚከፈትበት ጊዜው ደረሰ! የአሜሪካ ወታደሮችን ሊውጥ ተዘጋጅቷል! የአፋሩ ኤርታሌ (ሲኦል) እየተዘጋጀ ነው!
#ETHIOPIA #ኢትዮጵ #EthiopTube
የምሥራቅ አፍሪካ ስምጥ ሸለቆየሚከፈትበት ጊዜው ደረሰ! የአሜሪካ ወታደሮችን ሊውጥ ተዘጋጅቷል! የአፋሩ ኤርታሌ (ሲኦል) እየተዘጋጀ ነው!
- published: 10 Jul 2021
- views: 7954
Saint Kaleb's Conquest of Yemen
Not my video, source is Malthius (link below) and his History of Byzantium series. This clip is more of a side not in his video on Saint Justinian, Emperor of B...
Not my video, source is Malthius (link below) and his History of Byzantium series. This clip is more of a side not in his video on Saint Justinian, Emperor of Byzantium. I thought it was funny and so I posted it here. Don't ask me about any implied political statements you may find therein, cuz they're more than likely just a joke that doesn't actually mean anything.
His video: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ye1HFp7cOW8
Not my video, source is Malthius (link below) and his History of Byzantium series. This clip is more of a side not in his video on Saint Justinian, Emperor of Byzantium. I thought it was funny and so I posted it here. Don't ask me about any implied political statements you may find therein, cuz they're more than likely just a joke that doesn't actually mean anything.
His video: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ye1HFp7cOW8
- published: 29 Dec 2020
- views: 224148
ያልተነገረው ድብቁ ምስጢር ..አባ ዘወንጌል sebez| mr solomon|zemedkun|bahtaw gebremeskel|axum|yeneta tube|zehabesh
ያልተነገረው ድብቁ ምስጢር
sebez| mr solomon|zemedkun|bahtaw gebremeskel|abiy|axum|yeneta tube|zehabesh|EBS
Mahetote tube][axsume tube][eotc tv]
ያልተነገረው ድብቁ ምስጢር
sebez| mr solomon|zemedkun|bahtaw gebremeskel|abiy|axum|yeneta tube|zehabesh|EBS
Mahetote tube][axsume tube][eotc tv]
[ethiopia][orthodoxs][EOTC][MAHATOT TUBE] [dakon henok haile]
[axsum tube] [ahadu tube] [shegawa tube] [kiduse tube][mahaber kedusan tube][ET ART MEDIA ኢቲ አርት ሚዲያ ]
Ethiopia muhaze tibebat tube / ሙሐዘ ጥበባት ቲዩብ
Ethiopia muhaze tibebat tube / ሙሐዘ ጥበባት ቲዩብ
Ethiopia muhaze tibebat tube / ሙሐዘ ጥበባት ቲዩብ
Ethiopia muhaze tibebat tube / ሙሐዘ ጥበባት ቲዩብ
[axsum tube] [ahadu tube] [shegawa tube] [kiduse tube][mahaber kedusan tube]ethiopia][orthodoxs][EOTC][MAHATOT TUBE] [dakon henok haile]
[axsum tube] [ahadu tube] [shegawa tube] [kiduse tube][mahaber kedusan tube]ethiopia][orthodoxs][EOTC][MAHATOT TUBE] [dakon henok haile]
[axsum tube] [ahadu tube] [shegawa tube] [kiduse tube][mahaber kedusan tube]ethiopia][orthodoxs][EOTC][MAHATOT TUBE] [dakon henok haile]
[axsum tube] [ahadu tube] [shegawa tube] [kiduse tube][mahaber kedusan tube]ethiopia][orthodoxs][EOTC][MAHATOT TUBE] [dakon henok haile]
[axsum tube] [ahadu tube] [shegawa tube] [kiduse tube][mahaber kedusan tube]ethiopia][orthodoxs][EOTC][MAHATOT TUBE] [dakon henok haile]
[axsum tube] [ahadu tube] [shegawa tube] [kiduse tube][mahaber kedusan tube]vethiopia][orthodoxs][EOTC][MAHATOT TUBE] [dakon henok haile]
[axsum tube] [ahadu tube] [shegawa tube] [kiduse tube][mahaber kedusan tube]
Mahetote tube][axsume tube][eotc tv]
[ethiopia][orthodoxs][EOTC][MAHATOT TUBE] [dakon henok haile]
[axsum tube] [ahadu tube] [shegawa tube] [kiduse tube][mahaber kedusan tube][ET ART MEDIA ኢቲ አርት ሚዲያ ]
[axsum tube] [ahadu tube] [shegawa tube] [kiduse tube][mahaber kedusan tube]ethiopia][orthodoxs][EOTC][MAHATOT TUBE] [dakon henok haile]
[axsum tube] [ahadu tube] [shegawa tube] [kiduse tube][mahaber kedusan tube]ethiopia][orthodoxs][EOTC][MAHATOT TUBE] [dakon henok haile]
[axsum tube] [ahadu tube] [shegawa tube] [kiduse tube][mahaber kedusan tube]ethiopia][orthodoxs][EOTC][MAHATOT TUBE] [dakon henok haile]
[axsum tube] [ahadu tube] [shegawa tube] [kiduse tube][mahaber kedusan tube]ethiopia][orthodoxs][EOTC][MAHATOT TUBE] [dakon henok haile]
[axsum tube] [ahadu tube] [shegawa tube] [kiduse tube][mahaber kedusan tube]ethiopia][orthodoxs][EOTC][MAHATOT TUBE] [dakon henok haile]
[axsum tube] [ahadu tube] [shegawa tube] [kiduse tube][mahaber kedusan tube]vethiopia][orthodoxs][EOTC][MAHATOT TUBE] [dakon henok haile]
[axsum tube] [ahadu tube] [shegawa tube] [kiduse tube][mahaber kedusan tube]
Mahetote tube][axsume tube][eotc tv]
[ethiopia][orthodoxs][EOTC][MAHATOT TUBE] [dakon henok haile]
[axsum tube] [ahadu tube] [shegawa tube] [kiduse tube][mahaber kedusan tube][ET ART MEDIA ኢቲ አርት ሚዲያ ]
Ethiopia muhaze tibebat tube / ሙሐዘ ጥበባት ቲዩብ
Ethiopia muhaze tibebat tube / ሙሐዘ ጥበባት ቲዩብ
Ethiopia muhaze tibebat tube / ሙሐዘ ጥበባት ቲዩብ
Ethiopia muhaze tibebat tube / ሙሐዘ ጥበባት ቲዩብ
[axsum tube] [ahadu tube] [shegawa tube] [kiduse tube][mahaber kedusan tube]ethiopia][orthodoxs][EOTC][MAHATOT TUBE] [dakon henok haile]
[axsum tube] [ahadu tube] [shegawa tube] [kiduse tube][mahaber kedusan tube]ethiopia][orthodoxs][EOTC][MAHATOT TUBE] [dakon henok haile]
[axsum tube] [ahadu tube] [shegawa tube] [kiduse tube][mahaber kedusan tube]ethiopia][orthodoxs][EOTC][MAHATOT TUBE] [dakon henok haile]
[axsum tube] [ahadu tube] [shegawa tube] [kiduse tube][mahaber kedusan tube]ethiopia][orthodoxs][EOTC][MAHATOT TUBE] [dakon henok haile]
[axsum tube] [ahadu tube] [shegawa tube] [kiduse tube][mahaber kedusan tube]ethiopia][orthodoxs][EOTC][MAHATOT TUBE] [dakon henok haile]
[axsum tube] [ahadu tube] [shegawa tube] [kiduse tube][mahaber kedusan tube]vethiopia][orthodoxs][EOTC][MAHATOT TUBE] [dakon henok haile]
[axsum tube] [ahadu tube] [shegawa tube] [kiduse tube][mahaber kedusan tube]
Mahetote tube][axsume tube][eotc tv]
[ethiopia][orthodoxs][EOTC][MAHATOT TUBE] [dakon henok haile]
[axsum tube] [ahadu tube] [shegawa tube] [kiduse tube][mahaber kedusan tube][ET ART MEDIA ኢቲ አርት ሚዲያ ]
Ethiopia muhaze tibebat tube / ሙሐዘ ጥበባት ቲዩብ
Ethiopia muhaze tibebat tube / ሙሐዘ ጥበባት ቲዩብ
Ethiopia muhaze tibebat tube / ሙሐዘ ጥበባት ቲዩብ
Ethiopia muhaze tibebat tube / ሙሐዘ ጥበባት ቲዩብ
[axsum tube] [ahadu tube] [shegawa tube] [kiduse tube][mahaber kedusan tube]ethiopia][orthodoxs][EOTC][MAHATOT TUBE] [dakon henok haile]
[axsum tube] [ahadu tube] [shegawa tube] [kiduse tube][mahaber kedusan tube]ethiopia][orthodoxs][EOTC][MAHATOT TUBE] [dakon henok haile]
[axsum tube] [ahadu tube] [shegawa tube] [kiduse tube][mahaber kedusan tube]ethiopia][orthodoxs][EOTC][MAHATOT TUBE] [dakon henok haile]
[axsum tube] [ahadu tube] [shegawa tube] [kiduse tube][mahaber kedusan tube]ethiopia][orthodoxs][EOTC][MAHATOT TUBE] [dakon henok haile]
[axsum tube] [ahadu tube] [shegawa tube] [kiduse tube][mahaber kedusan tube]ethiopia][orthodoxs][EOTC][MAHATOT TUBE] [dakon henok haile]
[axsum tube] [ahadu tube] [shegawa tube] [kiduse tube]
ያልተነገረው ድብቁ ምስጢር
sebez| mr solomon|zemedkun|bahtaw gebremeskel|abiy|axum|yeneta tube|zehabesh|EBS
Mahetote tube][axsume tube][eotc tv]
[ethiopia][orthodoxs][EOTC][MAHATOT TUBE] [dakon henok haile]
[axsum tube] [ahadu tube] [shegawa tube] [kiduse tube][mahaber kedusan tube][ET ART MEDIA ኢቲ አርት ሚዲያ ]
Ethiopia muhaze tibebat tube / ሙሐዘ ጥበባት ቲዩብ
Ethiopia muhaze tibebat tube / ሙሐዘ ጥበባት ቲዩብ
Ethiopia muhaze tibebat tube / ሙሐዘ ጥበባት ቲዩብ
Ethiopia muhaze tibebat tube / ሙሐዘ ጥበባት ቲዩብ
[axsum tube] [ahadu tube] [shegawa tube] [kiduse tube][mahaber kedusan tube]ethiopia][orthodoxs][EOTC][MAHATOT TUBE] [dakon henok haile]
[axsum tube] [ahadu tube] [shegawa tube] [kiduse tube][mahaber kedusan tube]ethiopia][orthodoxs][EOTC][MAHATOT TUBE] [dakon henok haile]
[axsum tube] [ahadu tube] [shegawa tube] [kiduse tube][mahaber kedusan tube]ethiopia][orthodoxs][EOTC][MAHATOT TUBE] [dakon henok haile]
[axsum tube] [ahadu tube] [shegawa tube] [kiduse tube][mahaber kedusan tube]ethiopia][orthodoxs][EOTC][MAHATOT TUBE] [dakon henok haile]
[axsum tube] [ahadu tube] [shegawa tube] [kiduse tube][mahaber kedusan tube]ethiopia][orthodoxs][EOTC][MAHATOT TUBE] [dakon henok haile]
[axsum tube] [ahadu tube] [shegawa tube] [kiduse tube][mahaber kedusan tube]vethiopia][orthodoxs][EOTC][MAHATOT TUBE] [dakon henok haile]
[axsum tube] [ahadu tube] [shegawa tube] [kiduse tube][mahaber kedusan tube]
Mahetote tube][axsume tube][eotc tv]
[ethiopia][orthodoxs][EOTC][MAHATOT TUBE] [dakon henok haile]
[axsum tube] [ahadu tube] [shegawa tube] [kiduse tube][mahaber kedusan tube][ET ART MEDIA ኢቲ አርት ሚዲያ ]
[axsum tube] [ahadu tube] [shegawa tube] [kiduse tube][mahaber kedusan tube]ethiopia][orthodoxs][EOTC][MAHATOT TUBE] [dakon henok haile]
[axsum tube] [ahadu tube] [shegawa tube] [kiduse tube][mahaber kedusan tube]ethiopia][orthodoxs][EOTC][MAHATOT TUBE] [dakon henok haile]
[axsum tube] [ahadu tube] [shegawa tube] [kiduse tube][mahaber kedusan tube]ethiopia][orthodoxs][EOTC][MAHATOT TUBE] [dakon henok haile]
[axsum tube] [ahadu tube] [shegawa tube] [kiduse tube][mahaber kedusan tube]ethiopia][orthodoxs][EOTC][MAHATOT TUBE] [dakon henok haile]
[axsum tube] [ahadu tube] [shegawa tube] [kiduse tube][mahaber kedusan tube]ethiopia][orthodoxs][EOTC][MAHATOT TUBE] [dakon henok haile]
[axsum tube] [ahadu tube] [shegawa tube] [kiduse tube][mahaber kedusan tube]vethiopia][orthodoxs][EOTC][MAHATOT TUBE] [dakon henok haile]
[axsum tube] [ahadu tube] [shegawa tube] [kiduse tube][mahaber kedusan tube]
Mahetote tube][axsume tube][eotc tv]
[ethiopia][orthodoxs][EOTC][MAHATOT TUBE] [dakon henok haile]
[axsum tube] [ahadu tube] [shegawa tube] [kiduse tube][mahaber kedusan tube][ET ART MEDIA ኢቲ አርት ሚዲያ ]
Ethiopia muhaze tibebat tube / ሙሐዘ ጥበባት ቲዩብ
Ethiopia muhaze tibebat tube / ሙሐዘ ጥበባት ቲዩብ
Ethiopia muhaze tibebat tube / ሙሐዘ ጥበባት ቲዩብ
Ethiopia muhaze tibebat tube / ሙሐዘ ጥበባት ቲዩብ
[axsum tube] [ahadu tube] [shegawa tube] [kiduse tube][mahaber kedusan tube]ethiopia][orthodoxs][EOTC][MAHATOT TUBE] [dakon henok haile]
[axsum tube] [ahadu tube] [shegawa tube] [kiduse tube][mahaber kedusan tube]ethiopia][orthodoxs][EOTC][MAHATOT TUBE] [dakon henok haile]
[axsum tube] [ahadu tube] [shegawa tube] [kiduse tube][mahaber kedusan tube]ethiopia][orthodoxs][EOTC][MAHATOT TUBE] [dakon henok haile]
[axsum tube] [ahadu tube] [shegawa tube] [kiduse tube][mahaber kedusan tube]ethiopia][orthodoxs][EOTC][MAHATOT TUBE] [dakon henok haile]
[axsum tube] [ahadu tube] [shegawa tube] [kiduse tube][mahaber kedusan tube]ethiopia][orthodoxs][EOTC][MAHATOT TUBE] [dakon henok haile]
[axsum tube] [ahadu tube] [shegawa tube] [kiduse tube][mahaber kedusan tube]vethiopia][orthodoxs][EOTC][MAHATOT TUBE] [dakon henok haile]
[axsum tube] [ahadu tube] [shegawa tube] [kiduse tube][mahaber kedusan tube]
Mahetote tube][axsume tube][eotc tv]
[ethiopia][orthodoxs][EOTC][MAHATOT TUBE] [dakon henok haile]
[axsum tube] [ahadu tube] [shegawa tube] [kiduse tube][mahaber kedusan tube][ET ART MEDIA ኢቲ አርት ሚዲያ ]
Ethiopia muhaze tibebat tube / ሙሐዘ ጥበባት ቲዩብ
Ethiopia muhaze tibebat tube / ሙሐዘ ጥበባት ቲዩብ
Ethiopia muhaze tibebat tube / ሙሐዘ ጥበባት ቲዩብ
Ethiopia muhaze tibebat tube / ሙሐዘ ጥበባት ቲዩብ
[axsum tube] [ahadu tube] [shegawa tube] [kiduse tube][mahaber kedusan tube]ethiopia][orthodoxs][EOTC][MAHATOT TUBE] [dakon henok haile]
[axsum tube] [ahadu tube] [shegawa tube] [kiduse tube][mahaber kedusan tube]ethiopia][orthodoxs][EOTC][MAHATOT TUBE] [dakon henok haile]
[axsum tube] [ahadu tube] [shegawa tube] [kiduse tube][mahaber kedusan tube]ethiopia][orthodoxs][EOTC][MAHATOT TUBE] [dakon henok haile]
[axsum tube] [ahadu tube] [shegawa tube] [kiduse tube][mahaber kedusan tube]ethiopia][orthodoxs][EOTC][MAHATOT TUBE] [dakon henok haile]
[axsum tube] [ahadu tube] [shegawa tube] [kiduse tube][mahaber kedusan tube]ethiopia][orthodoxs][EOTC][MAHATOT TUBE] [dakon henok haile]
[axsum tube] [ahadu tube] [shegawa tube] [kiduse tube]
- published: 11 Jul 2021
- views: 3460
Axum - Pocket Full of Money (official video) - אקסום
Full album now available on Itunes!: https://itunes.apple.com/us/artist/axum/id5019530
Music produced by:SaBBo
shot and di...
Full album now available on Itunes!: https://itunes.apple.com/us/artist/axum/id5019530
Music produced by:SaBBo
shot and directed by Kuti
edited by Yaniv Bloch
Guitar - Or Gurfinkel
Chorus: You need to come around with ya pocket full of money, Instead a run ya mouth like a top shotta, yeah!
Get yourself a gun, you can't borrow from me, Nah say nothin' at all, yeah yeah yeah!
You come around with a dreadlock friend, you got Swagga man scent from a trend like you all a that, Take ya business somewhere else, we want nothin' a that, You and all a dem bocyat juggelers of you, Come see me when you have something fi show for, Man a Mediterranean god, me have di mojo, Me drive a chevy, nos heavy packed,
Man a megalomaniac punk, unu ready?- brap brap!!
Chorus: you need to come...
You blab-blab a whole heap about money roll, Where di bombohole deh soon as di gun clap? See nuff Atlanta know a Tedross a di slaughter To this matador your bullcrap no matter, bloodclat! So let me make this clear, soon as I finish the chicken n' beer, I'm the wickedest one, predicted to win it in every percentage this year, Axum here, round a thousand ounces here, Bound to pound some bounce in here, from Tel aviv -- you done outta here, yeah!
Chorus: you need to come...
Too much flossin' make unu Gossy, You fuss -- you get lost like di one Marco Rossi, Teddy a cross him like Ted Dibiassi, Duppy all a dem, dun know no one can't boss me, hey!
So what do ya deel with?, ba-dam-ba-dam-ba-dim-bi-dam-bi-day, Another one a gwaan (fi!) da-da-die today, (weh ya say so?) step up ya game, a say somthin'! Fuckry, original of nothin'! yeah!!
Chorus: you need to come...
Produced by SaBBo
B.M.usic 2012
Full album now available on Itunes!: https://itunes.apple.com/us/artist/axum/id5019530
Music produced by:SaBBo
shot and directed by Kuti
edited by Yaniv Bloch
Guitar - Or Gurfinkel
Chorus: You need to come around with ya pocket full of money, Instead a run ya mouth like a top shotta, yeah!
Get yourself a gun, you can't borrow from me, Nah say nothin' at all, yeah yeah yeah!
You come around with a dreadlock friend, you got Swagga man scent from a trend like you all a that, Take ya business somewhere else, we want nothin' a that, You and all a dem bocyat juggelers of you, Come see me when you have something fi show for, Man a Mediterranean god, me have di mojo, Me drive a chevy, nos heavy packed,
Man a megalomaniac punk, unu ready?- brap brap!!
Chorus: you need to come...
You blab-blab a whole heap about money roll, Where di bombohole deh soon as di gun clap? See nuff Atlanta know a Tedross a di slaughter To this matador your bullcrap no matter, bloodclat! So let me make this clear, soon as I finish the chicken n' beer, I'm the wickedest one, predicted to win it in every percentage this year, Axum here, round a thousand ounces here, Bound to pound some bounce in here, from Tel aviv -- you done outta here, yeah!
Chorus: you need to come...
Too much flossin' make unu Gossy, You fuss -- you get lost like di one Marco Rossi, Teddy a cross him like Ted Dibiassi, Duppy all a dem, dun know no one can't boss me, hey!
So what do ya deel with?, ba-dam-ba-dam-ba-dim-bi-dam-bi-day, Another one a gwaan (fi!) da-da-die today, (weh ya say so?) step up ya game, a say somthin'! Fuckry, original of nothin'! yeah!!
Chorus: you need to come...
Produced by SaBBo
B.M.usic 2012
- published: 01 Apr 2012
- views: 131169
Aksum: A Forgotten Empire
The third century Persian prophet Mani described the four greatest powers of his time: Rome, Persia, China, and Aksum. Of the four, Aksum is by far the least re...
The third century Persian prophet Mani described the four greatest powers of his time: Rome, Persia, China, and Aksum. Of the four, Aksum is by far the least remembered today. The History Guy remembers the forgotten empire of Ethiopia.
This is original content based on research by The History Guy. Images in the Public Domain are carefully selected and provide illustration. As images of actual events are sometimes not available, images of similar objects and events are used for illustration.
All events are portrayed in historical context and for educational purposes. No images or content are primarily intended to shock and disgust. Those who do not learn from history are doomed to repeat it. Non censuram.
Find The History Guy at:
Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/TheHistoryGuyYT/
Patreon: https://www.patreon.com/TheHistoryGuy
The History Guy: History Deserves to Be Remembered is the place to find short snippets of forgotten history from five to fifteen minutes long. If you like history too, this is the channel for you.
Subscribe for more forgotten history: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UC4sEmXUuWIFlxRIFBRV6VXQ?sub_confirmation=1.
Awesome The History Guy merchandise is available at:
Script by JCG
#history #thehistoryguy #ancienthistory
The third century Persian prophet Mani described the four greatest powers of his time: Rome, Persia, China, and Aksum. Of the four, Aksum is by far the least remembered today. The History Guy remembers the forgotten empire of Ethiopia.
This is original content based on research by The History Guy. Images in the Public Domain are carefully selected and provide illustration. As images of actual events are sometimes not available, images of similar objects and events are used for illustration.
All events are portrayed in historical context and for educational purposes. No images or content are primarily intended to shock and disgust. Those who do not learn from history are doomed to repeat it. Non censuram.
Find The History Guy at:
Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/TheHistoryGuyYT/
Patreon: https://www.patreon.com/TheHistoryGuy
The History Guy: History Deserves to Be Remembered is the place to find short snippets of forgotten history from five to fifteen minutes long. If you like history too, this is the channel for you.
Subscribe for more forgotten history: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UC4sEmXUuWIFlxRIFBRV6VXQ?sub_confirmation=1.
Awesome The History Guy merchandise is available at:
Script by JCG
#history #thehistoryguy #ancienthistory
- published: 30 Dec 2019
- views: 416455
ቅድስት ሀገራችንን ለማርከስ አፍንጫችን ስር እየተሰራ ያለው አሳፋሪ ድርጊት። Ethiopia @Axum Tube / አክሱም ቲዩብ
ስለተመለከታችሁን እናመሰግናለን ቪዲዮውን ሼር በማድረግ እናንተ ያገኛችሁትን እውቀት ለሌሎች አሳውቁ። ይህንን የአክሱም ቲዩብ ዝግጅት ዳውንሎድ አድርጎ ድጋሚ በሌላ ቻናል ላይ መጫን በጥብቅ የተከለከለ ነው።
Copyright © Axum Tube
ስለተመለከታችሁን እናመሰግናለን ቪዲዮውን ሼር በማድረግ እናንተ ያገኛችሁትን እውቀት ለሌሎች አሳውቁ። ይህንን የአክሱም ቲዩብ ዝግጅት ዳውንሎድ አድርጎ ድጋሚ በሌላ ቻናል ላይ መጫን በጥብቅ የተከለከለ ነው።
Copyright © Axum Tube
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ለቻናላችን አዲስ የሆናቹ ሰዎች አክሱም ቲዩብን ሰብስክራይብ በማድረግ ቤተሰቡን ተቀላቀሉ።
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ለቻናላችን አዲስ የሆናቹ ሰዎች አክሱም ቲዩብን ሰብስክራይብ በማድረግ ቤተሰቡን ተቀላቀሉ።
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- published: 10 Jul 2021
- views: 3062
Ethiopis is a mystical African country where bones of the oldest hominids and oldest homo sapiens were discovered. It's the land where Queen of Sheba ruled and ...
Ethiopis is a mystical African country where bones of the oldest hominids and oldest homo sapiens were discovered. It's the land where Queen of Sheba ruled and Arc of Covenant is hidden. It's the place where largest obelisk was erected.
Where the reality stops and myth begins?
Pyramid and megalithic sites researcher Dr. Sam Osmanagich, Ph.D. (www.samosmanagich.com) is answering these questions using scientific instruments and measurements.
Ethiopis is a mystical African country where bones of the oldest hominids and oldest homo sapiens were discovered. It's the land where Queen of Sheba ruled and Arc of Covenant is hidden. It's the place where largest obelisk was erected.
Where the reality stops and myth begins?
Pyramid and megalithic sites researcher Dr. Sam Osmanagich, Ph.D. (www.samosmanagich.com) is answering these questions using scientific instruments and measurements.
- published: 20 Feb 2020
- views: 21581
ETHIOPIA;ትንቢት ተፈጸመ [axum tube] [gize tube] [yeneta tube] [lalibela tube] [ahaz tube]
🔴🔴👉 አሁን ባለንበት ሁኔታ ሀገራችን ኢትዮጲያ መንታ መንገድ ላይ መሄድ አቅቷት ቆማለች፡፡ የሀገራችን የኢትዮጲያ የወደፊት መጻኢ እድልና ሕልውና የተንጠለጠለው በቅድስት ቤተ ክርስያናችን ላይ ነው፡፡ ስለዚህ ስለ ወደፊቱ የሀገራችን ሁናቴና ተስፋ ለማወቅ ...
🔴🔴👉 አሁን ባለንበት ሁኔታ ሀገራችን ኢትዮጲያ መንታ መንገድ ላይ መሄድ አቅቷት ቆማለች፡፡ የሀገራችን የኢትዮጲያ የወደፊት መጻኢ እድልና ሕልውና የተንጠለጠለው በቅድስት ቤተ ክርስያናችን ላይ ነው፡፡ ስለዚህ ስለ ወደፊቱ የሀገራችን ሁናቴና ተስፋ ለማወቅ የግድ በቅድስት ቤተ ክርስትያናች ውስጥ ያሉትን መጻሕፍትን ማወቅ እና መመርመር ብሎም ማየት ያስፈልጋል፡፡
🔴🔴👉የትንሳኤውን ብርሀን ለማየት ያብቃን! ውድ ኢትዮጵያውያን ሀገራችን ካለችበት ወቅታዊ ችግር በቅርብ እንድትላቀቅ ሁላችንም ሀላፊነት ስላለብን የምናስተላልፋቸው መልዕክቶችና መረጃዎች ሀላፊነት የሚሰማን እንደሆንን የሚመሰክሩ ሊሆኑ ይገባል ፈጣሪ ደግ ዘመን ያምጣልን !!! ################################################ Lalibela tube / ላሊበላ ቲዩብ lalibela tubeLalibela tube / ላሊበላ ቲዩብ lalibela tubeLalibela tube / ላሊበላ ቲዩብ lalibela tubeLalibela tube / ላሊበላ ቲዩብ lalibela tubeLalibela tube / ላሊበላ ቲዩብ lalibela tubeLalibela tube / ላሊበላ ቲዩብ lalibela tubeLalibela tube / ላሊበላ ቲዩብ lalibela tube Lalibela tube / ላሊበላ ቲዩብ lalibela
tube / ላሊበላ ቲዩብ lalibela tubeLalibela tube / ላሊበላ ቲዩብ lalibela tubeLalibela tube / ላሊበላ ቲዩብ lalibela tubeLalibela tube / ላሊበላ ቲዩብ lalibela tubeLalibela tube / ላሊበላ ቲዩብ lalibela tubeLalibela tube / ላሊበላ ቲዩብ lalibela tubeLalibela tube / ላሊበላ ቲዩብ lalibela tube Lalibela tube / ላሊበላ ቲዩብ lalibela
🔴🔴👉 አሁን ባለንበት ሁኔታ ሀገራችን ኢትዮጲያ መንታ መንገድ ላይ መሄድ አቅቷት ቆማለች፡፡ የሀገራችን የኢትዮጲያ የወደፊት መጻኢ እድልና ሕልውና የተንጠለጠለው በቅድስት ቤተ ክርስያናችን ላይ ነው፡፡ ስለዚህ ስለ ወደፊቱ የሀገራችን ሁናቴና ተስፋ ለማወቅ የግድ በቅድስት ቤተ ክርስትያናች ውስጥ ያሉትን መጻሕፍትን ማወቅ እና መመርመር ብሎም ማየት ያስፈልጋል፡፡
🔴🔴👉የትንሳኤውን ብርሀን ለማየት ያብቃን! ውድ ኢትዮጵያውያን ሀገራችን ካለችበት ወቅታዊ ችግር በቅርብ እንድትላቀቅ ሁላችንም ሀላፊነት ስላለብን የምናስተላልፋቸው መልዕክቶችና መረጃዎች ሀላፊነት የሚሰማን እንደሆንን የሚመሰክሩ ሊሆኑ ይገባል ፈጣሪ ደግ ዘመን ያምጣልን !!! ################################################ Lalibela tube / ላሊበላ ቲዩብ lalibela tubeLalibela tube / ላሊበላ ቲዩብ lalibela tubeLalibela tube / ላሊበላ ቲዩብ lalibela tubeLalibela tube / ላሊበላ ቲዩብ lalibela tubeLalibela tube / ላሊበላ ቲዩብ lalibela tubeLalibela tube / ላሊበላ ቲዩብ lalibela tubeLalibela tube / ላሊበላ ቲዩብ lalibela tube Lalibela tube / ላሊበላ ቲዩብ lalibela
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- published: 08 Jul 2021
- views: 12960
Rust Axum Full Course - Web Development (GitHub repo updated to Axum 0.7)
GitHub Repo updated to Axum 0.7. See commit: https://github.com/jeremychone-channel/rust-axum-course/commit/52ded5e01efce0fc237280d9a5e6b8d7c1436d9c
Rust Programming - Full Course for Axum: An Awesome Web Framework for Rust. Not too low-level, not too high-level, well-componentized, complete, and with great ergonomics.
GitHub Code: https://github.com/jeremychone-channel/rust-axum-course (MIT or Apache 2.0, all free to use)
Big thanks to CrabNebula (https://crabnebula.dev/) for sponsoring this video.
Help support this channel: https://patreon.com/jeremychone
On **Windows** for the "link" file issue when running the cargo test and run in parallel. The solution is to move `tests/quick_dev.rs` to the `examples` folder, rename the function to `#[tokio::main]`, and it should al...
published: 09 Apr 2023
Building Web APIs With Rust and Axum - An Introduction
Discover the versatility of Rust beyond system programming! In this tutorial, we showcase how Rust, a language renowned for its system programming capabilities, is also an excellent choice for building web APIs. By leveraging the powerful Rust programming language and the Axum web framework, we demonstrate why Rust can stand tall among popular web API technologies like JS/TS, Go, and ASP.NET Core Minimal API.
Code samples shown in this talk can be found at https://github.com/rstropek/rust-api-fxs
published: 12 May 2023
Axum 0.6 to 0.7 in 5 quick steps
Like and subscribe greatly appreciated, it helps a lot!
5 Steps to update from Rust Axum 0.6 to Rust 0.7. Quick and easy.
Rust Axum 0.7 is a major fundational milestone as it nows depends on hyper 1.0, which was also a huge step.
I updated both the following two code base to Rust 0.7. Here are the commits:
Rust Axum Full Course update 0.6. to 07 commit: https://github.com/jeremychone-channel/rust-axum-course/releases/tag/axum-06-to-07
Rust10x Rust Web App Production Code 0.6 to 0.7 commit:
== Jeremy Chone:
- Patreon - https://patreon.com/jeremychone - Any help is a big help (for Rust educational content)
- Twitter - https://twitter.com/jeremychone
- Discord general-rust - https://discord.gg...
published: 01 Dec 2023
Rust Axum Production Coding (E01 - Rust Web App Production Coding)
GitHub repo updated to Axum 0.7 https://github.com/rust10x/rust-web-app
In this episode, we'll dive into some Rust production coding. Starting from where we left off in the Rust Axum Full Course, we'll scale it up to a production-ready web application code base. Over the course of 9 chapters, we'll tackle tracing, configuration, and the model layer with PostgreSQL. Then, we'll delve into password encryption and secure web tokens, end with a JSON-based RPC implementation.
This marks the beginning of many exciting series on Rust production coding. Feel free to ask questions, provide feedback, and join us on Discord (https://discord.gg/XuKWrNGKpC). Until next one, happy coding!
Episode 01 (This episode): https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=3cA_mk4vdWY&list=PL7r-PXl6ZPcCIOFaL7nVHXZvBmHNhrh_Q
published: 25 Aug 2023
Rust RPC Router - Axum/Tower/Bevy Style
I've completely rewritten the Rust JSON-RPC Router in the Rust Web-App Production Blueprint to follow the "dyn-handler" pattern now. This allows for binding many types of functions as RPC handlers, akin to what we see in systems like Axum, Tower, or Bevy. Rust rocks!
This rewrite is a part of the rust10x Rust Web-App production coding.
It also features a very cool `IntoParams` model with a default implementation that can be customized (I'll cover this in another video if requested).
Source code for video:
Git Repo: https://github.com/rust10x/rust-web-app
Git Tag: https://github.com/rust10x/rust-web-app/releases/tag/E05
Happy coding!
== Jeremy Chone:
- Patreon - https://patreon.com/jeremychone - Any help is a big help (for Rust educational content)
- Twitter - https://twitter.com/j...
published: 11 Dec 2023
Decrusting the axum crate
In this stream, we peel back the crust on the axum crate — https://github.com/tokio-rs/axum/ — and explore its interface, structure, and mechanisms. We talk about tower::Service, the Handler trait, Routers, and the State extractor. We also get into the way axum ensures at compile time that all handlers have access to the state that they'll need at runtime.
For more details about axum, see https://docs.rs/axum/latest/axum/.
0:00:00 Introduction
0:01:15 axum
0:24:48 tower::Service
0:36:58 The Handler trait and its impls
1:15:20 The State extractor
1:44:40 axum's use of other crates
1:48:02 Unstable features axum wants
1:49:49 State requiring that T: CLone
2:04:32 FromRef
2:07:31 Handling custom HTTP methods
2:10:06 axum_extra
Live version with chat (part 1): https://youtube.com/live/ntqGa...
published: 28 Jul 2023
API Conference 2023: Building Web APIs in Rust With Axum
This is a recording of a talk I gave at the API Conference (https://apiconference.net/) in Berlin. This is NOT an official recording. I highly recommend to take a look at the YouTube channel of conference (https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCtmmVmkh4D-8V-sHBD_S3TQ). They have great videos there.
You can find the slide deck at https://slides.com/rainerstropek/rust-axum-intro/fullscreen. The source code is available at https://github.com/rstropek/rust-samples/tree/master/axum_intro
published: 18 Oct 2023
Why You Should Forget About Rust Forever.
Take this video with a Grain of SALT
How I learned Ruby on Rails
Inspired by @berrodev
published: 23 Jul 2023
stream archive: x/twitter clone in Yew + Rust plus adding cors to the Axum server (2023-12-13)
In this live stream we add cors to the Axum server and create a post and display it! #rust #axum #yew
Code: https://github.com/brooks-builds/yew_x_twitter_clone
Tower Cors: https://docs.rs/tower-http/0.5.0/tower_http/cors/index.html
Yewdux: https://crates.io/crates/yewdux
published: 23 Dec 2023
10 Reasons Not To Use Rust (The Whole Truth)
Follow me on Mastodon: https://hachyderm.io/@fasterthanlime
Support my work: https://fasterthanli.me/donate
00:00 Intro
00:13 What's Rust?
00:49 Number 1
01:10 Number 2
01:35 Number 3
02:01 Number 4
02:27 Number 5
02:47 Number 6
03:10 Number 7
03:30 Number 8
03:50 Number 9
04:09 Number 10
04:34 Outro
published: 20 Jan 2023
Rust Axum Full Course - Web Development (GitHub repo updated to Axum 0.7)
GitHub Repo updated to Axum 0.7. See commit: https://github.com/jeremychone-channel/rust-axum-course/commit/52ded5e01efce0fc237280d9a5e6b8d7c1436d9c
Rust Progr...
GitHub Repo updated to Axum 0.7. See commit: https://github.com/jeremychone-channel/rust-axum-course/commit/52ded5e01efce0fc237280d9a5e6b8d7c1436d9c
Rust Programming - Full Course for Axum: An Awesome Web Framework for Rust. Not too low-level, not too high-level, well-componentized, complete, and with great ergonomics.
GitHub Code: https://github.com/jeremychone-channel/rust-axum-course (MIT or Apache 2.0, all free to use)
Big thanks to CrabNebula (https://crabnebula.dev/) for sponsoring this video.
Help support this channel: https://patreon.com/jeremychone
On **Windows** for the "link" file issue when running the cargo test and run in parallel. The solution is to move `tests/quick_dev.rs` to the `examples` folder, rename the function to `#[tokio::main]`, and it should allow you to do the following:
- In Terminal 1: `cargo watch -q -c -w src/ -x run`
- In Terminal 2: `cargo watch -q -c -w examples/ -x 'run --example quick_dev'`
(we will follow this scheme in the next videos)
Tech notes:
- `cargo install cargo-watch` - If you haven't already, make sure to install Cargo Watch.
- On Windows, there appears to be an issue when running two Cargo commands on the same project simultaneously. If you have a solution, please add a comment and I will include it here.
- Don't use `store: ... Vec` in production code, as it won't scale. It's just for this demo. I've created a new mock-store crate that handles this in a better way (for future videos).
- 00:00:00 - Intro
- 00:00:53 - Hello World Router
- 00:03:10 - Quick_Dev
- 00:06:21 - Hello Route - Query Params
- 00:08:51 - Hello Route - Path Param
- 00:11:15 - routes_static
- 00:13:37 - First LOGIN API
- 00:21:55 - Login Auth-Token Cookies
- 00:24:32 - Rest API - Mock Model/Store
- 00:32:30 - CRUD - REST API
- 00:40:12 - First Middleware - mw_require_auth
- 00:45:52 - require_auth - token parsing
- 00:49:13 - First Extractor - Ctx
- 00:54:01 - Ctx in mw_require_auth
- 00:56:29 - Ctx in the REST APIs
- 00:58:31 - mw_ctx_resolver
- 01:04:36 - Error Client & Server
- 01:12:42 - Server Log line
#RustProgramming #RustLang #WebDevelopment #completecourse
Jeremy Chone:
- Twitter - https://twitter.com/jeremychone
- Discord General Rust - https://discord.gg/W2besKCzjx
- Discord Awesome-App - https://discord.gg/XuKWrNGKpC
- Patreon - https://patreon.com/jeremychone
Next: In the next tutorial, we will build upon this course and lay the foundation for a real production app.
- Remove the demo content (hello/hello2, and REST Ticket) and do some cleanup.
- Refactor the model layer (still using a mock-store, but making the design more production-ready. We will have two entities `Task` and `User`).
- Implement multi-scheme password encryption (using a secret and user_pwd_salt, as well as a #scheme_id#encrypted format to allow seamless encryption scheme evolution).
- Implement Secure Web Token, (using a secret and `user_token_salt`).
- Use RPC (JSON-RPC) following the [https://joql.org](https://joql.org) notation.
Other popular Rust Programming videos:
- Rust Type State Builder Pattern - https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=pwmIQzLuYl0&list=PL7r-PXl6ZPcCIOFaL7nVHXZvBmHNhrh_Q
- Rust Builder Pattern - https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Z_3WOSiYYFY&list=PL7r-PXl6ZPcCIOFaL7nVHXZvBmHNhrh_Q
- Rust Builder Pattern - https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Z_3WOSiYYFY&list=PL7r-PXl6ZPcCIOFaL7nVHXZvBmHNhrh_Q
- Quick Start Code Layout - https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=oxx7MmN4Ib0&list=PL7r-PXl6ZPcCIOFaL7nVHXZvBmHNhrh_Q
- AWESOME-APP Full Overview - Rust template for building Awesome Desktop Application: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=BY_ZjPGqJJk&list=PL7r-PXl6ZPcCIOFaL7nVHXZvBmHNhrh_Q
- Tauri Quick Introduction (Desktop App wit Rust Programming): https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=kRoGYgAuZQE&list=PL7r-PXl6ZPcCIOFaL7nVHXZvBmHNhrh_Q
- Rust Web App tutorials series: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=VIig9IcQ-w8&list=PL7r-PXl6ZPcCIOFaL7nVHXZvBmHNhrh_Q&list=PL7r-PXl6ZPcCLvwpdD2Vj1O4CyoFTiHKd
- Rust Bevy Full Tutorial - Game Development with Rust: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=j7qHwb7geIM&list=PL7r-PXl6ZPcCIOFaL7nVHXZvBmHNhrh_Q
- Rust for Java Developers series: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=iFdh4sPC5Tg&list=PL7r-PXl6ZPcD63DS2djSiz4SlXkaTfobc&index=2&t=654s
- Rust For Desktop App: https://youtube.com/playlist?list=PL7r-PXl6ZPcAQAi1lfVrtHCSbaJbwZ4O8
- Everything Rust Programming - Tutorials, Courses, Tips, Examples: https://youtube.com/playlist?list=PL7r-PXl6ZPcCIOFaL7nVHXZvBmHNhrh_Q
- Rust Programming for Web Development: https://youtube.com/playlist?list=PL7r-PXl6ZPcCLvwpdD2Vj1O4CyoFTiHKd
AWESOME-APP ➜ https://awesomeapp.dev - Rust Templates for building awesome applications.
Rust AWESOME-APP GitHub - https://github.com/orgs/rust-awesome-app/repositories
Other notes:
- Tool used to do the green lines. ScreenBrush on Mac App Store (Gromit seems to be the equivalent on Linux)
- Edited with Davinci Resolve.
GitHub Repo updated to Axum 0.7. See commit: https://github.com/jeremychone-channel/rust-axum-course/commit/52ded5e01efce0fc237280d9a5e6b8d7c1436d9c
Rust Programming - Full Course for Axum: An Awesome Web Framework for Rust. Not too low-level, not too high-level, well-componentized, complete, and with great ergonomics.
GitHub Code: https://github.com/jeremychone-channel/rust-axum-course (MIT or Apache 2.0, all free to use)
Big thanks to CrabNebula (https://crabnebula.dev/) for sponsoring this video.
Help support this channel: https://patreon.com/jeremychone
On **Windows** for the "link" file issue when running the cargo test and run in parallel. The solution is to move `tests/quick_dev.rs` to the `examples` folder, rename the function to `#[tokio::main]`, and it should allow you to do the following:
- In Terminal 1: `cargo watch -q -c -w src/ -x run`
- In Terminal 2: `cargo watch -q -c -w examples/ -x 'run --example quick_dev'`
(we will follow this scheme in the next videos)
Tech notes:
- `cargo install cargo-watch` - If you haven't already, make sure to install Cargo Watch.
- On Windows, there appears to be an issue when running two Cargo commands on the same project simultaneously. If you have a solution, please add a comment and I will include it here.
- Don't use `store: ... Vec` in production code, as it won't scale. It's just for this demo. I've created a new mock-store crate that handles this in a better way (for future videos).
- 00:00:00 - Intro
- 00:00:53 - Hello World Router
- 00:03:10 - Quick_Dev
- 00:06:21 - Hello Route - Query Params
- 00:08:51 - Hello Route - Path Param
- 00:11:15 - routes_static
- 00:13:37 - First LOGIN API
- 00:21:55 - Login Auth-Token Cookies
- 00:24:32 - Rest API - Mock Model/Store
- 00:32:30 - CRUD - REST API
- 00:40:12 - First Middleware - mw_require_auth
- 00:45:52 - require_auth - token parsing
- 00:49:13 - First Extractor - Ctx
- 00:54:01 - Ctx in mw_require_auth
- 00:56:29 - Ctx in the REST APIs
- 00:58:31 - mw_ctx_resolver
- 01:04:36 - Error Client & Server
- 01:12:42 - Server Log line
#RustProgramming #RustLang #WebDevelopment #completecourse
Jeremy Chone:
- Twitter - https://twitter.com/jeremychone
- Discord General Rust - https://discord.gg/W2besKCzjx
- Discord Awesome-App - https://discord.gg/XuKWrNGKpC
- Patreon - https://patreon.com/jeremychone
Next: In the next tutorial, we will build upon this course and lay the foundation for a real production app.
- Remove the demo content (hello/hello2, and REST Ticket) and do some cleanup.
- Refactor the model layer (still using a mock-store, but making the design more production-ready. We will have two entities `Task` and `User`).
- Implement multi-scheme password encryption (using a secret and user_pwd_salt, as well as a #scheme_id#encrypted format to allow seamless encryption scheme evolution).
- Implement Secure Web Token, (using a secret and `user_token_salt`).
- Use RPC (JSON-RPC) following the [https://joql.org](https://joql.org) notation.
Other popular Rust Programming videos:
- Rust Type State Builder Pattern - https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=pwmIQzLuYl0&list=PL7r-PXl6ZPcCIOFaL7nVHXZvBmHNhrh_Q
- Rust Builder Pattern - https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Z_3WOSiYYFY&list=PL7r-PXl6ZPcCIOFaL7nVHXZvBmHNhrh_Q
- Rust Builder Pattern - https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Z_3WOSiYYFY&list=PL7r-PXl6ZPcCIOFaL7nVHXZvBmHNhrh_Q
- Quick Start Code Layout - https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=oxx7MmN4Ib0&list=PL7r-PXl6ZPcCIOFaL7nVHXZvBmHNhrh_Q
- AWESOME-APP Full Overview - Rust template for building Awesome Desktop Application: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=BY_ZjPGqJJk&list=PL7r-PXl6ZPcCIOFaL7nVHXZvBmHNhrh_Q
- Tauri Quick Introduction (Desktop App wit Rust Programming): https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=kRoGYgAuZQE&list=PL7r-PXl6ZPcCIOFaL7nVHXZvBmHNhrh_Q
- Rust Web App tutorials series: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=VIig9IcQ-w8&list=PL7r-PXl6ZPcCIOFaL7nVHXZvBmHNhrh_Q&list=PL7r-PXl6ZPcCLvwpdD2Vj1O4CyoFTiHKd
- Rust Bevy Full Tutorial - Game Development with Rust: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=j7qHwb7geIM&list=PL7r-PXl6ZPcCIOFaL7nVHXZvBmHNhrh_Q
- Rust for Java Developers series: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=iFdh4sPC5Tg&list=PL7r-PXl6ZPcD63DS2djSiz4SlXkaTfobc&index=2&t=654s
- Rust For Desktop App: https://youtube.com/playlist?list=PL7r-PXl6ZPcAQAi1lfVrtHCSbaJbwZ4O8
- Everything Rust Programming - Tutorials, Courses, Tips, Examples: https://youtube.com/playlist?list=PL7r-PXl6ZPcCIOFaL7nVHXZvBmHNhrh_Q
- Rust Programming for Web Development: https://youtube.com/playlist?list=PL7r-PXl6ZPcCLvwpdD2Vj1O4CyoFTiHKd
AWESOME-APP ➜ https://awesomeapp.dev - Rust Templates for building awesome applications.
Rust AWESOME-APP GitHub - https://github.com/orgs/rust-awesome-app/repositories
Other notes:
- Tool used to do the green lines. ScreenBrush on Mac App Store (Gromit seems to be the equivalent on Linux)
- Edited with Davinci Resolve.
- published: 09 Apr 2023
- views: 157903
Building Web APIs With Rust and Axum - An Introduction
Discover the versatility of Rust beyond system programming! In this tutorial, we showcase how Rust, a language renowned for its system programming capabilities,...
Discover the versatility of Rust beyond system programming! In this tutorial, we showcase how Rust, a language renowned for its system programming capabilities, is also an excellent choice for building web APIs. By leveraging the powerful Rust programming language and the Axum web framework, we demonstrate why Rust can stand tall among popular web API technologies like JS/TS, Go, and ASP.NET Core Minimal API.
Code samples shown in this talk can be found at https://github.com/rstropek/rust-api-fxs
Discover the versatility of Rust beyond system programming! In this tutorial, we showcase how Rust, a language renowned for its system programming capabilities, is also an excellent choice for building web APIs. By leveraging the powerful Rust programming language and the Axum web framework, we demonstrate why Rust can stand tall among popular web API technologies like JS/TS, Go, and ASP.NET Core Minimal API.
Code samples shown in this talk can be found at https://github.com/rstropek/rust-api-fxs
- published: 12 May 2023
- views: 13757
Axum 0.6 to 0.7 in 5 quick steps
Like and subscribe greatly appreciated, it helps a lot!
5 Steps to update from Rust Axum 0.6 to Rust 0.7. Quick and easy.
Rust Axum 0.7 is a major fundationa...
Like and subscribe greatly appreciated, it helps a lot!
5 Steps to update from Rust Axum 0.6 to Rust 0.7. Quick and easy.
Rust Axum 0.7 is a major fundational milestone as it nows depends on hyper 1.0, which was also a huge step.
I updated both the following two code base to Rust 0.7. Here are the commits:
Rust Axum Full Course update 0.6. to 07 commit: https://github.com/jeremychone-channel/rust-axum-course/releases/tag/axum-06-to-07
Rust10x Rust Web App Production Code 0.6 to 0.7 commit:
== Jeremy Chone:
- Patreon - https://patreon.com/jeremychone - Any help is a big help (for Rust educational content)
- Twitter - https://twitter.com/jeremychone
- Discord general-rust - https://discord.gg/W2besKCzjx
- Discord rust10x - https://discord.gg/XuKWrNGKpC
- Rust10x - https://rust10x.com - Rust resources for production coding.
== Rust10x production coding:
Episode 01: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=3cA_mk4vdWY&list=PL7r-PXl6ZPcCIOFaL7nVHXZvBmHNhrh_Q
Episode 02: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=-dMH9UiwKqg&list=PL7r-PXl6ZPcCIOFaL7nVHXZvBmHNhrh_Q
Episode 03: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=zUxF0kvydJs&list=PL7r-PXl6ZPcCIOFaL7nVHXZvBmHNhrh_Q
Web Site: https://rust10x.com/web-app
GitHub: https://github.com/rust10x/rust-web-app
Discord rust10x - https://discord.gg/XuKWrNGKpC
Patreon - https://patreon.com/jeremychone - Any help is a big help (for Rust Production Coding educational content)
== Other
Big thanks to CrabNebula (https://crabnebula.dev/) for sponsoring this video.
Other popular Rust Programming videos:
- Rust Web App Production Coding Blueprint - https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=3cA_mk4vdWY&list=PL7r-PXl6ZPcCIOFaL7nVHXZvBmHNhrh_Q
- Rust Axum - Full Course - https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=XZtlD_m59sM&list=PL7r-PXl6ZPcCIOFaL7nVHXZvBmHNhrh_Q
- Rust Type State Builder Pattern - https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=pwmIQzLuYl0&list=PL7r-PXl6ZPcCIOFaL7nVHXZvBmHNhrh_Q
- Quick Start Code Layout - https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=oxx7MmN4Ib0&list=PL7r-PXl6ZPcCIOFaL7nVHXZvBmHNhrh_Q
- AWESOME-APP Full Overview - Rust template for building Awesome Desktop Application: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=BY_ZjPGqJJk&list=PL7r-PXl6ZPcCIOFaL7nVHXZvBmHNhrh_Q
- Tauri Quick Introduction (Desktop App wit Rust Programming): https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=kRoGYgAuZQE&list=PL7r-PXl6ZPcCIOFaL7nVHXZvBmHNhrh_Q
- Rust Web App tutorials series: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=VIig9IcQ-w8&list=PL7r-PXl6ZPcCIOFaL7nVHXZvBmHNhrh_Q&list=PL7r-PXl6ZPcCLvwpdD2Vj1O4CyoFTiHKd
- Rust Bevy Full Tutorial - Game Development with Rust: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=j7qHwb7geIM&list=PL7r-PXl6ZPcCIOFaL7nVHXZvBmHNhrh_Q
- Rust for Java Developers series: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=iFdh4sPC5Tg&list=PL7r-PXl6ZPcD63DS2djSiz4SlXkaTfobc&index=2&t=654s
- Rust Web App Production Coding Series: https://www.youtube.com/playlist?list=PL7r-PXl6ZPcCTTxjmsb9bFZB9i01fAtI7
- Rust For Desktop App: https://youtube.com/playlist?list=PL7r-PXl6ZPcAQAi1lfVrtHCSbaJbwZ4O8
- Everything Rust Programming - Tutorials, Courses, Tips, Examples: https://youtube.com/playlist?list=PL7r-PXl6ZPcCIOFaL7nVHXZvBmHNhrh_Q
- Rust Programming for Web Development: https://youtube.com/playlist?list=PL7r-PXl6ZPcCLvwpdD2Vj1O4CyoFTiHKd
- Rust Courses: https://youtube.com/playlist?list=PL7r-PXl6ZPcB4jn1_VR3D8tSK9DxOaiQE
- Rust for Java Developers: https://youtube.com/playlist?list=PL7r-PXl6ZPcD63DS2djSiz4SlXkaTfobc
Rust10x - Coding Resources for Production Coding in Rust. ➜ https://rust10x.com
Other notes:
- ScreenBrush for the green lines. (Gromit seems to be the equivalent on Linux)
- Sketchapp for some graphics.
- Davinci Resolve and Fusion video editing.
- VSCode with Google Material icon themes (with some customization)
Like and subscribe greatly appreciated, it helps a lot!
5 Steps to update from Rust Axum 0.6 to Rust 0.7. Quick and easy.
Rust Axum 0.7 is a major fundational milestone as it nows depends on hyper 1.0, which was also a huge step.
I updated both the following two code base to Rust 0.7. Here are the commits:
Rust Axum Full Course update 0.6. to 07 commit: https://github.com/jeremychone-channel/rust-axum-course/releases/tag/axum-06-to-07
Rust10x Rust Web App Production Code 0.6 to 0.7 commit:
== Jeremy Chone:
- Patreon - https://patreon.com/jeremychone - Any help is a big help (for Rust educational content)
- Twitter - https://twitter.com/jeremychone
- Discord general-rust - https://discord.gg/W2besKCzjx
- Discord rust10x - https://discord.gg/XuKWrNGKpC
- Rust10x - https://rust10x.com - Rust resources for production coding.
== Rust10x production coding:
Episode 01: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=3cA_mk4vdWY&list=PL7r-PXl6ZPcCIOFaL7nVHXZvBmHNhrh_Q
Episode 02: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=-dMH9UiwKqg&list=PL7r-PXl6ZPcCIOFaL7nVHXZvBmHNhrh_Q
Episode 03: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=zUxF0kvydJs&list=PL7r-PXl6ZPcCIOFaL7nVHXZvBmHNhrh_Q
Web Site: https://rust10x.com/web-app
GitHub: https://github.com/rust10x/rust-web-app
Discord rust10x - https://discord.gg/XuKWrNGKpC
Patreon - https://patreon.com/jeremychone - Any help is a big help (for Rust Production Coding educational content)
== Other
Big thanks to CrabNebula (https://crabnebula.dev/) for sponsoring this video.
Other popular Rust Programming videos:
- Rust Web App Production Coding Blueprint - https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=3cA_mk4vdWY&list=PL7r-PXl6ZPcCIOFaL7nVHXZvBmHNhrh_Q
- Rust Axum - Full Course - https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=XZtlD_m59sM&list=PL7r-PXl6ZPcCIOFaL7nVHXZvBmHNhrh_Q
- Rust Type State Builder Pattern - https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=pwmIQzLuYl0&list=PL7r-PXl6ZPcCIOFaL7nVHXZvBmHNhrh_Q
- Quick Start Code Layout - https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=oxx7MmN4Ib0&list=PL7r-PXl6ZPcCIOFaL7nVHXZvBmHNhrh_Q
- AWESOME-APP Full Overview - Rust template for building Awesome Desktop Application: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=BY_ZjPGqJJk&list=PL7r-PXl6ZPcCIOFaL7nVHXZvBmHNhrh_Q
- Tauri Quick Introduction (Desktop App wit Rust Programming): https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=kRoGYgAuZQE&list=PL7r-PXl6ZPcCIOFaL7nVHXZvBmHNhrh_Q
- Rust Web App tutorials series: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=VIig9IcQ-w8&list=PL7r-PXl6ZPcCIOFaL7nVHXZvBmHNhrh_Q&list=PL7r-PXl6ZPcCLvwpdD2Vj1O4CyoFTiHKd
- Rust Bevy Full Tutorial - Game Development with Rust: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=j7qHwb7geIM&list=PL7r-PXl6ZPcCIOFaL7nVHXZvBmHNhrh_Q
- Rust for Java Developers series: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=iFdh4sPC5Tg&list=PL7r-PXl6ZPcD63DS2djSiz4SlXkaTfobc&index=2&t=654s
- Rust Web App Production Coding Series: https://www.youtube.com/playlist?list=PL7r-PXl6ZPcCTTxjmsb9bFZB9i01fAtI7
- Rust For Desktop App: https://youtube.com/playlist?list=PL7r-PXl6ZPcAQAi1lfVrtHCSbaJbwZ4O8
- Everything Rust Programming - Tutorials, Courses, Tips, Examples: https://youtube.com/playlist?list=PL7r-PXl6ZPcCIOFaL7nVHXZvBmHNhrh_Q
- Rust Programming for Web Development: https://youtube.com/playlist?list=PL7r-PXl6ZPcCLvwpdD2Vj1O4CyoFTiHKd
- Rust Courses: https://youtube.com/playlist?list=PL7r-PXl6ZPcB4jn1_VR3D8tSK9DxOaiQE
- Rust for Java Developers: https://youtube.com/playlist?list=PL7r-PXl6ZPcD63DS2djSiz4SlXkaTfobc
Rust10x - Coding Resources for Production Coding in Rust. ➜ https://rust10x.com
Other notes:
- ScreenBrush for the green lines. (Gromit seems to be the equivalent on Linux)
- Sketchapp for some graphics.
- Davinci Resolve and Fusion video editing.
- VSCode with Google Material icon themes (with some customization)
- published: 01 Dec 2023
- views: 6045
Rust Axum Production Coding (E01 - Rust Web App Production Coding)
GitHub repo updated to Axum 0.7 https://github.com/rust10x/rust-web-app
In this episode, we'll dive into some Rust production coding. Starting from where we le...
GitHub repo updated to Axum 0.7 https://github.com/rust10x/rust-web-app
In this episode, we'll dive into some Rust production coding. Starting from where we left off in the Rust Axum Full Course, we'll scale it up to a production-ready web application code base. Over the course of 9 chapters, we'll tackle tracing, configuration, and the model layer with PostgreSQL. Then, we'll delve into password encryption and secure web tokens, end with a JSON-based RPC implementation.
This marks the beginning of many exciting series on Rust production coding. Feel free to ask questions, provide feedback, and join us on Discord (https://discord.gg/XuKWrNGKpC). Until next one, happy coding!
Episode 01 (This episode): https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=3cA_mk4vdWY&list=PL7r-PXl6ZPcCIOFaL7nVHXZvBmHNhrh_Q
Episode 02: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=-dMH9UiwKqg&list=PL7r-PXl6ZPcCIOFaL7nVHXZvBmHNhrh_Q
Episode 03: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=zUxF0kvydJs&list=PL7r-PXl6ZPcCIOFaL7nVHXZvBmHNhrh_Q
More info on the Rust Web App (github, discord, and design doc): https://rust10x.com/web-app
Previous video - Axum Full Course - https://youtube.com/watch?v=XZtlD_m59sM&list=PL7r-PXl6ZPcCIOFaL7nVHXZvBmHNhrh_Q
GitHub Code: https://github.com/rust10x/rust-web-app (MIT or Apache 2.0, all free to use)
Big thanks to CrabNebula (https://crabnebula.dev/) for their sponsorship.
Help support this channel about production coding in Rust: https://patreon.com/jeremychone.
- 00:00:00 - INTRO
- 00:01:00 - E01-C01 - Baseline
- 00:09:50 - E01-C02 - Tracing (basics)
- 00:14:26 - E01-C03 - Config
- 00:21:17 - E01-C04 - DB Live Reload
- 00:39:48 - E01-C05 - Model 1/2 - Task CRUD
- 01:18:55 - E01-C06 - Model 2/2 - Shared Impl
- 01:44:00 - E01-C07 - Pwd Encrypt & Validation
- 02:22:21 - E01-C08 - Secure Token & Web Auth
- 03:14:45 - E01-C09 - RPC (JSON-RPC)
#RustProgramming #RustLang #WebDevelopment #completecourse
Tech notes:
- `cargo install cargo-watch` - If you haven't already, make sure to install Cargo Watch.
- This project currently utilizes sqlx 0.6.x. Although sqlx 0.7.1 is available, it appears to have timeout issues with some of the unit tests. I'm looking into this problem and will upgrade once it's resolved. In the meantime, for a seamless experience, please use sqlx 0.6 and sqb 0.3.
Jeremy Chone:
- Twitter - https://twitter.com/jeremychone
- Discord General Rust - https://discord.gg/W2besKCzjx
- Discord Rust10x - https://discord.gg/XuKWrNGKpC
- Patreon - https://patreon.com/jeremychone
Other popular Rust Programming videos:
- Rust Axum Full Course - https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=XZtlD_m59sM&list=PL7r-PXl6ZPcCIOFaL7nVHXZvBmHNhrh_Q
- Rust Type State Builder Pattern - https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=pwmIQzLuYl0&list=PL7r-PXl6ZPcCIOFaL7nVHXZvBmHNhrh_Q
- Rust Builder Pattern - https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Z_3WOSiYYFY&list=PL7r-PXl6ZPcCIOFaL7nVHXZvBmHNhrh_Q
- Rust Builder Pattern - https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Z_3WOSiYYFY&list=PL7r-PXl6ZPcCIOFaL7nVHXZvBmHNhrh_Q
- Quick Start Code Layout - https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=oxx7MmN4Ib0&list=PL7r-PXl6ZPcCIOFaL7nVHXZvBmHNhrh_Q
- AWESOME-APP (Rust10x) Full Overview - Rust template for building Awesome Desktop Application: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=BY_ZjPGqJJk&list=PL7r-PXl6ZPcCIOFaL7nVHXZvBmHNhrh_Q
- Tauri Quick Introduction (Desktop App wit Rust Programming): https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=kRoGYgAuZQE&list=PL7r-PXl6ZPcCIOFaL7nVHXZvBmHNhrh_Q
- Rust Bevy Full Tutorial - Game Development with Rust: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=j7qHwb7geIM&list=PL7r-PXl6ZPcCIOFaL7nVHXZvBmHNhrh_Q
- Rust for Java Developers series: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=iFdh4sPC5Tg&list=PL7r-PXl6ZPcD63DS2djSiz4SlXkaTfobc&index=2&t=654s
- Rust For Desktop App: https://youtube.com/playlist?list=PL7r-PXl6ZPcAQAi1lfVrtHCSbaJbwZ4O8
- Everything Rust Programming - Tutorials, Courses, Tips, Examples: https://youtube.com/playlist?list=PL7r-PXl6ZPcCIOFaL7nVHXZvBmHNhrh_Q
- Rust Programming for Web Development: https://youtube.com/playlist?list=PL7r-PXl6ZPcCLvwpdD2Vj1O4CyoFTiHKd
Rust10x ➜ https://rust10x.com - Production code templates.
Rust10x GitHub - https://github.com/rust10x
Tool used:
- ScreenBrush on Mac App Store (Gromit seems to be the equivalent on Linux)
- Recut for audio flow.
- Izotope RX for de-mclick and dessing.
- Davinci Resolve as video editing.
GitHub repo updated to Axum 0.7 https://github.com/rust10x/rust-web-app
In this episode, we'll dive into some Rust production coding. Starting from where we left off in the Rust Axum Full Course, we'll scale it up to a production-ready web application code base. Over the course of 9 chapters, we'll tackle tracing, configuration, and the model layer with PostgreSQL. Then, we'll delve into password encryption and secure web tokens, end with a JSON-based RPC implementation.
This marks the beginning of many exciting series on Rust production coding. Feel free to ask questions, provide feedback, and join us on Discord (https://discord.gg/XuKWrNGKpC). Until next one, happy coding!
Episode 01 (This episode): https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=3cA_mk4vdWY&list=PL7r-PXl6ZPcCIOFaL7nVHXZvBmHNhrh_Q
Episode 02: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=-dMH9UiwKqg&list=PL7r-PXl6ZPcCIOFaL7nVHXZvBmHNhrh_Q
Episode 03: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=zUxF0kvydJs&list=PL7r-PXl6ZPcCIOFaL7nVHXZvBmHNhrh_Q
More info on the Rust Web App (github, discord, and design doc): https://rust10x.com/web-app
Previous video - Axum Full Course - https://youtube.com/watch?v=XZtlD_m59sM&list=PL7r-PXl6ZPcCIOFaL7nVHXZvBmHNhrh_Q
GitHub Code: https://github.com/rust10x/rust-web-app (MIT or Apache 2.0, all free to use)
Big thanks to CrabNebula (https://crabnebula.dev/) for their sponsorship.
Help support this channel about production coding in Rust: https://patreon.com/jeremychone.
- 00:00:00 - INTRO
- 00:01:00 - E01-C01 - Baseline
- 00:09:50 - E01-C02 - Tracing (basics)
- 00:14:26 - E01-C03 - Config
- 00:21:17 - E01-C04 - DB Live Reload
- 00:39:48 - E01-C05 - Model 1/2 - Task CRUD
- 01:18:55 - E01-C06 - Model 2/2 - Shared Impl
- 01:44:00 - E01-C07 - Pwd Encrypt & Validation
- 02:22:21 - E01-C08 - Secure Token & Web Auth
- 03:14:45 - E01-C09 - RPC (JSON-RPC)
#RustProgramming #RustLang #WebDevelopment #completecourse
Tech notes:
- `cargo install cargo-watch` - If you haven't already, make sure to install Cargo Watch.
- This project currently utilizes sqlx 0.6.x. Although sqlx 0.7.1 is available, it appears to have timeout issues with some of the unit tests. I'm looking into this problem and will upgrade once it's resolved. In the meantime, for a seamless experience, please use sqlx 0.6 and sqb 0.3.
Jeremy Chone:
- Twitter - https://twitter.com/jeremychone
- Discord General Rust - https://discord.gg/W2besKCzjx
- Discord Rust10x - https://discord.gg/XuKWrNGKpC
- Patreon - https://patreon.com/jeremychone
Other popular Rust Programming videos:
- Rust Axum Full Course - https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=XZtlD_m59sM&list=PL7r-PXl6ZPcCIOFaL7nVHXZvBmHNhrh_Q
- Rust Type State Builder Pattern - https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=pwmIQzLuYl0&list=PL7r-PXl6ZPcCIOFaL7nVHXZvBmHNhrh_Q
- Rust Builder Pattern - https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Z_3WOSiYYFY&list=PL7r-PXl6ZPcCIOFaL7nVHXZvBmHNhrh_Q
- Rust Builder Pattern - https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Z_3WOSiYYFY&list=PL7r-PXl6ZPcCIOFaL7nVHXZvBmHNhrh_Q
- Quick Start Code Layout - https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=oxx7MmN4Ib0&list=PL7r-PXl6ZPcCIOFaL7nVHXZvBmHNhrh_Q
- AWESOME-APP (Rust10x) Full Overview - Rust template for building Awesome Desktop Application: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=BY_ZjPGqJJk&list=PL7r-PXl6ZPcCIOFaL7nVHXZvBmHNhrh_Q
- Tauri Quick Introduction (Desktop App wit Rust Programming): https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=kRoGYgAuZQE&list=PL7r-PXl6ZPcCIOFaL7nVHXZvBmHNhrh_Q
- Rust Bevy Full Tutorial - Game Development with Rust: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=j7qHwb7geIM&list=PL7r-PXl6ZPcCIOFaL7nVHXZvBmHNhrh_Q
- Rust for Java Developers series: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=iFdh4sPC5Tg&list=PL7r-PXl6ZPcD63DS2djSiz4SlXkaTfobc&index=2&t=654s
- Rust For Desktop App: https://youtube.com/playlist?list=PL7r-PXl6ZPcAQAi1lfVrtHCSbaJbwZ4O8
- Everything Rust Programming - Tutorials, Courses, Tips, Examples: https://youtube.com/playlist?list=PL7r-PXl6ZPcCIOFaL7nVHXZvBmHNhrh_Q
- Rust Programming for Web Development: https://youtube.com/playlist?list=PL7r-PXl6ZPcCLvwpdD2Vj1O4CyoFTiHKd
Rust10x ➜ https://rust10x.com - Production code templates.
Rust10x GitHub - https://github.com/rust10x
Tool used:
- ScreenBrush on Mac App Store (Gromit seems to be the equivalent on Linux)
- Recut for audio flow.
- Izotope RX for de-mclick and dessing.
- Davinci Resolve as video editing.
- published: 25 Aug 2023
- views: 73941
Rust RPC Router - Axum/Tower/Bevy Style
I've completely rewritten the Rust JSON-RPC Router in the Rust Web-App Production Blueprint to follow the "dyn-handler" pattern now. This allows for binding man...
I've completely rewritten the Rust JSON-RPC Router in the Rust Web-App Production Blueprint to follow the "dyn-handler" pattern now. This allows for binding many types of functions as RPC handlers, akin to what we see in systems like Axum, Tower, or Bevy. Rust rocks!
This rewrite is a part of the rust10x Rust Web-App production coding.
It also features a very cool `IntoParams` model with a default implementation that can be customized (I'll cover this in another video if requested).
Source code for video:
Git Repo: https://github.com/rust10x/rust-web-app
Git Tag: https://github.com/rust10x/rust-web-app/releases/tag/E05
Happy coding!
== Jeremy Chone:
- Patreon - https://patreon.com/jeremychone - Any help is a big help (for Rust educational content)
- Twitter - https://twitter.com/jeremychone
- Discord general-rust - https://discord.gg/W2besKCzjx
- Discord rust10x - https://discord.gg/XuKWrNGKpC
- Rust10x - https://rust10x.com - Rust resources for production coding.
== Rust10x production coding:
Episode 01: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=3cA_mk4vdWY&list=PL7r-PXl6ZPcCIOFaL7nVHXZvBmHNhrh_Q
Episode 02: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=-dMH9UiwKqg&list=PL7r-PXl6ZPcCIOFaL7nVHXZvBmHNhrh_Q
Episode 03: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=zUxF0kvydJs&list=PL7r-PXl6ZPcCIOFaL7nVHXZvBmHNhrh_Q
Episode 04: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=3E0zK5h9zEs&list=PL7r-PXl6ZPcCIOFaL7nVHXZvBmHNhrh_Q
Episode 05.1: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Gc5Nj5LJe1U&list=PL7r-PXl6ZPcCIOFaL7nVHXZvBmHNhrh_Q
Web Site: https://rust10x.com/web-app
GitHub: https://github.com/rust10x/rust-web-app
Discord rust10x - https://discord.gg/XuKWrNGKpC
Patreon - https://patreon.com/jeremychone - Any help is a big help (for Rust Production Coding educational content)
I've completely rewritten the Rust JSON-RPC Router in the Rust Web-App Production Blueprint to follow the "dyn-handler" pattern now. This allows for binding many types of functions as RPC handlers, akin to what we see in systems like Axum, Tower, or Bevy. Rust rocks!
This rewrite is a part of the rust10x Rust Web-App production coding.
It also features a very cool `IntoParams` model with a default implementation that can be customized (I'll cover this in another video if requested).
Source code for video:
Git Repo: https://github.com/rust10x/rust-web-app
Git Tag: https://github.com/rust10x/rust-web-app/releases/tag/E05
Happy coding!
== Jeremy Chone:
- Patreon - https://patreon.com/jeremychone - Any help is a big help (for Rust educational content)
- Twitter - https://twitter.com/jeremychone
- Discord general-rust - https://discord.gg/W2besKCzjx
- Discord rust10x - https://discord.gg/XuKWrNGKpC
- Rust10x - https://rust10x.com - Rust resources for production coding.
== Rust10x production coding:
Episode 01: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=3cA_mk4vdWY&list=PL7r-PXl6ZPcCIOFaL7nVHXZvBmHNhrh_Q
Episode 02: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=-dMH9UiwKqg&list=PL7r-PXl6ZPcCIOFaL7nVHXZvBmHNhrh_Q
Episode 03: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=zUxF0kvydJs&list=PL7r-PXl6ZPcCIOFaL7nVHXZvBmHNhrh_Q
Episode 04: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=3E0zK5h9zEs&list=PL7r-PXl6ZPcCIOFaL7nVHXZvBmHNhrh_Q
Episode 05.1: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Gc5Nj5LJe1U&list=PL7r-PXl6ZPcCIOFaL7nVHXZvBmHNhrh_Q
Web Site: https://rust10x.com/web-app
GitHub: https://github.com/rust10x/rust-web-app
Discord rust10x - https://discord.gg/XuKWrNGKpC
Patreon - https://patreon.com/jeremychone - Any help is a big help (for Rust Production Coding educational content)
- published: 11 Dec 2023
- views: 2574
Decrusting the axum crate
In this stream, we peel back the crust on the axum crate — https://github.com/tokio-rs/axum/ — and explore its interface, structure, and mechanisms. We talk abo...
In this stream, we peel back the crust on the axum crate — https://github.com/tokio-rs/axum/ — and explore its interface, structure, and mechanisms. We talk about tower::Service, the Handler trait, Routers, and the State extractor. We also get into the way axum ensures at compile time that all handlers have access to the state that they'll need at runtime.
For more details about axum, see https://docs.rs/axum/latest/axum/.
0:00:00 Introduction
0:01:15 axum
0:24:48 tower::Service
0:36:58 The Handler trait and its impls
1:15:20 The State extractor
1:44:40 axum's use of other crates
1:48:02 Unstable features axum wants
1:49:49 State requiring that T: CLone
2:04:32 FromRef
2:07:31 Handling custom HTTP methods
2:10:06 axum_extra
Live version with chat (part 1): https://youtube.com/live/ntqGaoEFYiQ?feature=share
Live version with chat (part 2): https://youtube.com/live/36m4dxJ0AHg?feature=share
In this stream, we peel back the crust on the axum crate — https://github.com/tokio-rs/axum/ — and explore its interface, structure, and mechanisms. We talk about tower::Service, the Handler trait, Routers, and the State extractor. We also get into the way axum ensures at compile time that all handlers have access to the state that they'll need at runtime.
For more details about axum, see https://docs.rs/axum/latest/axum/.
0:00:00 Introduction
0:01:15 axum
0:24:48 tower::Service
0:36:58 The Handler trait and its impls
1:15:20 The State extractor
1:44:40 axum's use of other crates
1:48:02 Unstable features axum wants
1:49:49 State requiring that T: CLone
2:04:32 FromRef
2:07:31 Handling custom HTTP methods
2:10:06 axum_extra
Live version with chat (part 1): https://youtube.com/live/ntqGaoEFYiQ?feature=share
Live version with chat (part 2): https://youtube.com/live/36m4dxJ0AHg?feature=share
- published: 28 Jul 2023
- views: 68103
API Conference 2023: Building Web APIs in Rust With Axum
This is a recording of a talk I gave at the API Conference (https://apiconference.net/) in Berlin. This is NOT an official recording. I highly recommend to take...
This is a recording of a talk I gave at the API Conference (https://apiconference.net/) in Berlin. This is NOT an official recording. I highly recommend to take a look at the YouTube channel of conference (https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCtmmVmkh4D-8V-sHBD_S3TQ). They have great videos there.
You can find the slide deck at https://slides.com/rainerstropek/rust-axum-intro/fullscreen. The source code is available at https://github.com/rstropek/rust-samples/tree/master/axum_intro
This is a recording of a talk I gave at the API Conference (https://apiconference.net/) in Berlin. This is NOT an official recording. I highly recommend to take a look at the YouTube channel of conference (https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCtmmVmkh4D-8V-sHBD_S3TQ). They have great videos there.
You can find the slide deck at https://slides.com/rainerstropek/rust-axum-intro/fullscreen. The source code is available at https://github.com/rstropek/rust-samples/tree/master/axum_intro
- published: 18 Oct 2023
- views: 749
Why You Should Forget About Rust Forever.
Take this video with a Grain of SALT
How I learned Ruby on Rails
Inspired by @berrodev
Take this video with a Grain of SALT
How I learned Ruby on Rails
Inspired by @berrodev
Take this video with a Grain of SALT
How I learned Ruby on Rails
Inspired by @berrodev
- published: 23 Jul 2023
- views: 69302
stream archive: x/twitter clone in Yew + Rust plus adding cors to the Axum server (2023-12-13)
In this live stream we add cors to the Axum server and create a post and display it! #rust #axum #yew
Code: https://github.com/brooks-builds/yew_x_twit...
In this live stream we add cors to the Axum server and create a post and display it! #rust #axum #yew
Code: https://github.com/brooks-builds/yew_x_twitter_clone
Tower Cors: https://docs.rs/tower-http/0.5.0/tower_http/cors/index.html
Yewdux: https://crates.io/crates/yewdux
In this live stream we add cors to the Axum server and create a post and display it! #rust #axum #yew
Code: https://github.com/brooks-builds/yew_x_twitter_clone
Tower Cors: https://docs.rs/tower-http/0.5.0/tower_http/cors/index.html
Yewdux: https://crates.io/crates/yewdux
- published: 23 Dec 2023
- views: 65
10 Reasons Not To Use Rust (The Whole Truth)
Follow me on Mastodon: https://hachyderm.io/@fasterthanlime
Support my work: https://fasterthanli.me/donate
00:00 Intro
00:13 What's Rust?
00:49 Number 1
Follow me on Mastodon: https://hachyderm.io/@fasterthanlime
Support my work: https://fasterthanli.me/donate
00:00 Intro
00:13 What's Rust?
00:49 Number 1
01:10 Number 2
01:35 Number 3
02:01 Number 4
02:27 Number 5
02:47 Number 6
03:10 Number 7
03:30 Number 8
03:50 Number 9
04:09 Number 10
04:34 Outro
Follow me on Mastodon: https://hachyderm.io/@fasterthanlime
Support my work: https://fasterthanli.me/donate
00:00 Intro
00:13 What's Rust?
00:49 Number 1
01:10 Number 2
01:35 Number 3
02:01 Number 4
02:27 Number 5
02:47 Number 6
03:10 Number 7
03:30 Number 8
03:50 Number 9
04:09 Number 10
04:34 Outro
- published: 20 Jan 2023
- views: 166963