Sir Robert Howard (January 1626 – 3 September 1698) was an English playwright and politician, born to Thomas Howard, 1st Earl of Berkshire and his wife Elizabeth.
After the Restoration, he quickly rose to prominence in political life, with several appointments to posts which brought him influence and money. He was Member of Parliament for Stockbridge, and believed in a balance of parliament and monarchy. All his life he continued in a series of powerful positions; in 1671 he became secretary to the Treasury, and in 1673 auditor of the Exchequer. He helped bring William of Orange to the throne and was made a privy councillor in 1689. His interest in financial matters continued, and in later life he subscribed to the newly founded Bank of England while continuing his work on currency reform.
In 1626, on the death of Howard's elder brother, Sir Charles Howard of Clun, Howard inherited Clun Castle in Shropshire. He was the next heir under the Will of his great-uncle, the Earl of Nottingham.
Howard is now retired, but was a roofer by trade and is well known for apt demonstrations of smashing roof tiles. He has appeared on Ireland's most popular television show, RTE's The Late Late Show, on two occasions, most recently following his promotion, where he undertook a demonstration of tile breaking, and originally in 1976 where he famously broke his hand live on the show when he was undertaking a demonstration of block smashing.
Early life
Howard was born in Mountjoy Square, Dublin, Ireland and he was raised in the Whitehall area of Dublin, before moving to the Santry, Dublin, where he resides now.
Establishing Taekwondo in the Republic of Ireland
Howard was at the forefront of establishing taekwondo in the Republic of Ireland. Since the early 1970s, he has represented Ireland in taekwondo all over the world and has had a distinguished martial arts career with many international achievements, initially as a competitor where he won two silver medals in the World Championships in Oklahoma, USA, later as an Umpire in competitions, and more recently as VIP at the Taekwon-Do World Championships in Pyongyang, North Korea.
Despite serious wounds, on December 28, 1968, Sergeant First Class Robert Howard directed his Special Forces troops against a superior enemy force in South Vietnam. Howard received the Medal of Honor from President Nixon on March 2, 1971.
Read more about Howard and other Medal recipients in MEDAL OF HONOR at
published: 04 Oct 2011
COL Robert L. Howard, 2014 Bull Simons Award Recipient
Biographical video of Colonel Robert L. Howard, recipient of the 2014 Bull Simons Award, given by U.S. Special Operations Command to the person who exemplifies the esprit, values, and skills of the special operations warrior. Colonel Howard served with MACV-SOG in Vietnam, where he received the Medal of Honor, two Distinguished Service Crosses, the Silver Star, eight Purple Hearts, as well as numerous other awards and decorations.
Produced by the USSOCOM History & Research Office.
published: 11 Aug 2014
Robert Howard defeats Antonio Mininno in sudden victory of NJSIAA state wrestling semifinals
Bergen Catholic's Robert Howard defeats Antonio Mininno of Gateway 3-1 in sudden victory in their 120 pound semifinal bout of the NJSIAA state wrestling championships at Boardwalk Hall in Atlantic City, NJ on 3-3-18.
published: 04 Mar 2018
Toughest Green Beret | Robert Howard!!
Ltc. Robert Lewis Howard.
(Toughest of the tough)
published: 01 Jul 2016
Robert L. Howard - Medal of Honor Recipient
An inspiring look at the career and life of Col. Robert L. Howard, Medal of Honor recipient, and career Army veteran. This is an excellent series and gives you an idea of the type of person that Col. Howard was, and the events that led up to and after his receiving of the nation's highest award the Army's Medal of Honor.
Video courtesy of Pentagon Channel / U.S. Department of Defense - January 2011
Video edited by
USA Patriotism!
Public Domain Notice:
The original work used in this video ... is in the public domain in the United States, as it is a work prepared by an officer or employee of the United States Government associated with the person's official duties under the terms of Title 17, Chapter 1, Section 105 of the U...
published: 12 Sep 2012
Robert L. Howard
True American Hero
published: 23 Feb 2013
Col Robert Howard 2007
published: 16 Aug 2016
Instagram: @wrestling_szn
Music: NF - No Name
Clips in this video:
USA Wrestling
United World Wrestling
published: 13 Aug 2019
An Introduction to Robert E. Howard (His Life, Writing Style and Conan)
I wanted to do a lot more with this one that I was able due to a suprisingly tight schedule. I haven't done videos in a while because I've been looking for a real job, but I felt like this subject was worth my time. Please excuse any weakness in presentation as I'm just getting back into the swing of things. Hopefully I did REH a bit of justice with this introduction.
Robert E. Howard Biography:
Robert's Physical Fitness:
The Rime of the Ancient Mariner (1834):
Reflections on the Suicide of Robert E. Howard:
Conan's Personality Page: https://www.personality-...
Despite serious wounds, on December 28, 1968, Sergeant First Class Robert Howard directed his Special Forces troops against a superior enemy force in South Viet...
Despite serious wounds, on December 28, 1968, Sergeant First Class Robert Howard directed his Special Forces troops against a superior enemy force in South Vietnam. Howard received the Medal of Honor from President Nixon on March 2, 1971.
Read more about Howard and other Medal recipients in MEDAL OF HONOR at
Despite serious wounds, on December 28, 1968, Sergeant First Class Robert Howard directed his Special Forces troops against a superior enemy force in South Vietnam. Howard received the Medal of Honor from President Nixon on March 2, 1971.
Read more about Howard and other Medal recipients in MEDAL OF HONOR at
Biographical video of Colonel Robert L. Howard, recipient of the 2014 Bull Simons Award, given by U.S. Special Operations Command to the person who exemplifies ...
Biographical video of Colonel Robert L. Howard, recipient of the 2014 Bull Simons Award, given by U.S. Special Operations Command to the person who exemplifies the esprit, values, and skills of the special operations warrior. Colonel Howard served with MACV-SOG in Vietnam, where he received the Medal of Honor, two Distinguished Service Crosses, the Silver Star, eight Purple Hearts, as well as numerous other awards and decorations.
Produced by the USSOCOM History & Research Office.
Biographical video of Colonel Robert L. Howard, recipient of the 2014 Bull Simons Award, given by U.S. Special Operations Command to the person who exemplifies the esprit, values, and skills of the special operations warrior. Colonel Howard served with MACV-SOG in Vietnam, where he received the Medal of Honor, two Distinguished Service Crosses, the Silver Star, eight Purple Hearts, as well as numerous other awards and decorations.
Produced by the USSOCOM History & Research Office.
Bergen Catholic's Robert Howard defeats Antonio Mininno of Gateway 3-1 in sudden victory in their 120 pound semifinal bout of the NJSIAA state wrestling champio...
Bergen Catholic's Robert Howard defeats Antonio Mininno of Gateway 3-1 in sudden victory in their 120 pound semifinal bout of the NJSIAA state wrestling championships at Boardwalk Hall in Atlantic City, NJ on 3-3-18.
Bergen Catholic's Robert Howard defeats Antonio Mininno of Gateway 3-1 in sudden victory in their 120 pound semifinal bout of the NJSIAA state wrestling championships at Boardwalk Hall in Atlantic City, NJ on 3-3-18.
An inspiring look at the career and life of Col. Robert L. Howard, Medal of Honor recipient, and career Army veteran. This is an excellent series and gives you ...
An inspiring look at the career and life of Col. Robert L. Howard, Medal of Honor recipient, and career Army veteran. This is an excellent series and gives you an idea of the type of person that Col. Howard was, and the events that led up to and after his receiving of the nation's highest award the Army's Medal of Honor.
Video courtesy of Pentagon Channel / U.S. Department of Defense - January 2011
Video edited by
USA Patriotism!
Public Domain Notice:
The original work used in this video ... is in the public domain in the United States, as it is a work prepared by an officer or employee of the United States Government associated with the person's official duties under the terms of Title 17, Chapter 1, Section 105 of the US Code.
Music Note:
Any ads associated with this video are due to a 3rd party claim on a used music/sound track with no revenues earned by the video's producer or USA Patriotism!
American Pride
Mere Chance (A greatest generation story)
USA Store ...
America and Military Themed Gifts and Collectibles
An inspiring look at the career and life of Col. Robert L. Howard, Medal of Honor recipient, and career Army veteran. This is an excellent series and gives you an idea of the type of person that Col. Howard was, and the events that led up to and after his receiving of the nation's highest award the Army's Medal of Honor.
Video courtesy of Pentagon Channel / U.S. Department of Defense - January 2011
Video edited by
USA Patriotism!
Public Domain Notice:
The original work used in this video ... is in the public domain in the United States, as it is a work prepared by an officer or employee of the United States Government associated with the person's official duties under the terms of Title 17, Chapter 1, Section 105 of the US Code.
Music Note:
Any ads associated with this video are due to a 3rd party claim on a used music/sound track with no revenues earned by the video's producer or USA Patriotism!
American Pride
Mere Chance (A greatest generation story)
USA Store ...
America and Military Themed Gifts and Collectibles
Instagram: @wrestling_szn
Music: NF - No Name
Clips in this video:
Instagram: @wrestling_szn
Music: NF - No Name
Clips in this video:
USA Wrestling
United World Wrestling
Instagram: @wrestling_szn
Music: NF - No Name
Clips in this video:
USA Wrestling
United World Wrestling
I wanted to do a lot more with this one that I was able due to a suprisingly tight schedule. I haven't done videos in a while because I've been looking for a re...
I wanted to do a lot more with this one that I was able due to a suprisingly tight schedule. I haven't done videos in a while because I've been looking for a real job, but I felt like this subject was worth my time. Please excuse any weakness in presentation as I'm just getting back into the swing of things. Hopefully I did REH a bit of justice with this introduction.
Robert E. Howard Biography:
Robert's Physical Fitness:
The Rime of the Ancient Mariner (1834):
Reflections on the Suicide of Robert E. Howard:
Conan's Personality Page:
Robert E. Howard's Personality Page:
The Vale of Lost Women:
Ben Friberg:
I wanted to do a lot more with this one that I was able due to a suprisingly tight schedule. I haven't done videos in a while because I've been looking for a real job, but I felt like this subject was worth my time. Please excuse any weakness in presentation as I'm just getting back into the swing of things. Hopefully I did REH a bit of justice with this introduction.
Robert E. Howard Biography:
Robert's Physical Fitness:
The Rime of the Ancient Mariner (1834):
Reflections on the Suicide of Robert E. Howard:
Conan's Personality Page:
Robert E. Howard's Personality Page:
The Vale of Lost Women:
Ben Friberg:
Despite serious wounds, on December 28, 1968, Sergeant First Class Robert Howard directed his Special Forces troops against a superior enemy force in South Vietnam. Howard received the Medal of Honor from President Nixon on March 2, 1971.
Read more about Howard and other Medal recipients in MEDAL OF HONOR at
Biographical video of Colonel Robert L. Howard, recipient of the 2014 Bull Simons Award, given by U.S. Special Operations Command to the person who exemplifies the esprit, values, and skills of the special operations warrior. Colonel Howard served with MACV-SOG in Vietnam, where he received the Medal of Honor, two Distinguished Service Crosses, the Silver Star, eight Purple Hearts, as well as numerous other awards and decorations.
Produced by the USSOCOM History & Research Office.
Bergen Catholic's Robert Howard defeats Antonio Mininno of Gateway 3-1 in sudden victory in their 120 pound semifinal bout of the NJSIAA state wrestling championships at Boardwalk Hall in Atlantic City, NJ on 3-3-18.
An inspiring look at the career and life of Col. Robert L. Howard, Medal of Honor recipient, and career Army veteran. This is an excellent series and gives you an idea of the type of person that Col. Howard was, and the events that led up to and after his receiving of the nation's highest award the Army's Medal of Honor.
Video courtesy of Pentagon Channel / U.S. Department of Defense - January 2011
Video edited by
USA Patriotism!
Public Domain Notice:
The original work used in this video ... is in the public domain in the United States, as it is a work prepared by an officer or employee of the United States Government associated with the person's official duties under the terms of Title 17, Chapter 1, Section 105 of the US Code.
Music Note:
Any ads associated with this video are due to a 3rd party claim on a used music/sound track with no revenues earned by the video's producer or USA Patriotism!
American Pride
Mere Chance (A greatest generation story)
USA Store ...
America and Military Themed Gifts and Collectibles
Instagram: @wrestling_szn
Music: NF - No Name
Clips in this video:
USA Wrestling
United World Wrestling
I wanted to do a lot more with this one that I was able due to a suprisingly tight schedule. I haven't done videos in a while because I've been looking for a real job, but I felt like this subject was worth my time. Please excuse any weakness in presentation as I'm just getting back into the swing of things. Hopefully I did REH a bit of justice with this introduction.
Robert E. Howard Biography:
Robert's Physical Fitness:
The Rime of the Ancient Mariner (1834):
Reflections on the Suicide of Robert E. Howard:
Conan's Personality Page:
Robert E. Howard's Personality Page:
The Vale of Lost Women:
Ben Friberg:
Sir Robert Howard (January 1626 – 3 September 1698) was an English playwright and politician, born to Thomas Howard, 1st Earl of Berkshire and his wife Elizabeth.
After the Restoration, he quickly rose to prominence in political life, with several appointments to posts which brought him influence and money. He was Member of Parliament for Stockbridge, and believed in a balance of parliament and monarchy. All his life he continued in a series of powerful positions; in 1671 he became secretary to the Treasury, and in 1673 auditor of the Exchequer. He helped bring William of Orange to the throne and was made a privy councillor in 1689. His interest in financial matters continued, and in later life he subscribed to the newly founded Bank of England while continuing his work on currency reform.