Chilli Beans. - Raise (TVアニメ「ONE PIECE」Lyric Video)
2023.12.13 Release.
「Welcome to My Castle」内収録「Raise」
▷2nd full album
「Welcome to My Castle」
2024.6.5(水) Release
「Chilli Beans. "Welcome to My Castle" at Budokan」
価格:¥7000(税込) ¥6364(税抜)
[初回生産限定盤] 三方背ケース+DVD+フォトブック
【Blu-ray Disc】
価格:¥7000(税込) ¥6364(税抜)
[初回生産限定盤 三方背ケース+Blu-ray+フォトブック
▶収録内容 ※初回生産限定盤・通常盤共通
01. Hello bad boy
02. Welcome
03. neck
04. rose
05. My life is saikooo
06. See C Love
07. This Way
08. duri-dade
09. aaa
10. lemonade
11. アンドロン
12. Tremolo
13. daylight
14. doll
15. stressed
16. Raise
17. wonderland
18. spark
19. 105☻
20. Digital Persona
21. シェキララ
22. you n me
23. ...
published: 11 Jan 2024
Chilli Beans. - Raise [TV animation "ONE PIECE" Ending Theme Song]
4th EP「for you」収録曲「Raise」
TVアニメ「ONE PIECE」エンディングテーマ
▼download & streaming
▷Movie staff
Direction : GROUPN
Director Of Photography : Shinnosuke Komatsu
Camera Assistant : Misato Takaki(Schrittz), Yuki Yoshide(Schrittz)
Lighting Director : Ibuki Katagiri
Lighting Assistant : Yusuke Suzuki, Mai Kawamura
Hair & Make Up : Shizuka Satake
Stylist : Yuya Nakajima
Transport : Rannosuke Ohyama, Yuki Yoneda
Car Cordinate : Y Production
Behind The Scenes : Kengo Hanada(FKTEY)
Photographer : Renzo Masuda
Production Staff : Yasuhiro Koshida
Producer : Kaishu Kamotani
Record Label : A.S.A.B
4th EP「for you」
2023.8.9(水) Release.
[Disc -1]
01. Raise
02. you n me
03. a...
published: 09 Aug 2023
<エンディングテーマ映像フル>TVアニメ「ONE PIECE」/「Raise」歌:Chilli Beans.
TVアニメ「ONE PIECE」毎週日曜朝9:30よりフジテレビほかにて放送中!
2023年8月6日よりChilli Beans.が歌う「Raise」が17年ぶりのEDテーマソングになりました。
▶Chilli Beans. - Raise (Official Music Video)
Chilli Beans.が歌う「Raise」 は各種音楽配信サイトにて配信中
Moto(Vo)、Maika(Ba&Vo)、Lily(Gt&Vo)により2019年結成の3ピースバンド。 一度聴いたら耳に残る、ロックと次世代のサウンドが融合したボーカルセンスとメロディが魅力のネオガレージスタイル。 2021年8月にリリースの「lemonade」は Spotify「バイラルトップ50(日本)」でデイリー1位を、2023年1月にリリースの「rose feat. Vaundy」はBillboard JAPAN「Heatseekers Songs」で2度にわたり1位を記録し、SNSを中心として幅広い世代の認知度が急上昇! 抜群のソングライティングセンスと巧みなコーラスワーク、さらにライブではみんなで一体となって楽しめるパフォーマンスを武器に活動中。 2022年3月には2nd Digital EP「Daydream」をリリースし、「Tremolo」は、ロゼット「夢見るバーム」のCMソングに起用。同年4月13日にリリースとなった 2nd Digital Single「マイボーイ」はMBSドラマ特区「モトカレ←リトライ」のオープニング主題歌にも大抜擢。 2022年7月13日にバンド初となる1st Full Album「Chilli Beans.」をリリース。...
published: 06 Aug 2023
Frenkie ft. Moonjah - Raise
Frenkie ft. Moonjah - Raise
2005. Prvi single sa prvog frenkijevog albuma Odličan CD. Rame uz rame sa kolegom iz Disciplinske Komisije. Reggae feeling pjesmi je dao Moonjah - vokalista Defence-a i Baga Sound-a. Spot je sniman u Tuzli, i na legendarnim koncertima Ede i Fm Jam-a u zagrebačkom Domu Sportova i sarajevskom BKC-u.
published: 21 Nov 2010
Roblox RAISE A FLOPPA Then VS. Now.. #roblox #raiseafloppa #raiseafloppa2
bro raise a floppa used to be so good #shorts
published: 22 Feb 2023
Kid duo shock audience with their rendition of 'You Raise Me Up'
When the Secret Garden produced the song “You Raise Me Up” in 2001, they may never have expected over a decade later, a kid duo hit a Chinese singing talent show by storm with their version of this inspirational song.
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published: 11 Apr 2018
Raise A Hallelujah (Official Lyric Video) - Bethel Music, Jonathan & Melissa Helser | VICTORY
"Raise A Hallelujah" by Jonathan David Helser and Melissa Helser from our new album VICTORY.
Available everywhere now:
Spotify | https://bethelmusic.lnk.to/VictoryID/spotify
Itunes | https://bethelmusic.lnk.to/VictoryID/itunes
Apple Music | https://bethelmusic.lnk.to/VictoryYC/applemusic
Amazon | https://bethelmusic.lnk.to/VictoryYC/amazon
Subscribe for the latest videos and songs: http://bit.ly/BMsubscribe
Visit VICTORY website: bethelmusic.com/victory
Get the chord chart: https: https://bethelmusic.com/chords-and-lyrics/raise-a-hallelujah/
Stay Connected:
Instagram | https://www.instagram.com/bethelmusic/
Facebook | https://www.facebook.com/bethelmusic
Twitter | https://twitter.com/bethelmusic
BM Website | https://bethelmusic.com/
Verse 1
I raise a hallelujah, in the pr...
published: 24 Jan 2019
Raise A Hallelujah (LIVE) - Jonathan and Melissa Helser | VICTORY
"Raise A Hallelujah" sung by Jonathan Helser and Melissa Helser live at Bethel Church
Song begins at 2:13
VICTORY Album Available everywhere now:
Spotify | https://bethelmusic.lnk.to/VictoryID/spotify
Itunes | https://bethelmusic.lnk.to/VictoryID/itunes
Apple Music | https://bethelmusic.lnk.to/VictoryYC/applemusic
Amazon | https://bethelmusic.lnk.to/VictoryYC/amazon
Subscribe for the latest videos and songs: http://bit.ly/BMsubscribe
Visit VICTORY website: bethelmusic.com/victory
Get the chord chart: https://bethelmusic.com/chords-and-lyrics/raise-a-hallelujah/
Stay Connected:
Instagram | https://www.instagram.com/bethelmusic/
Facebook | https://www.facebook.com/bethelmusic
Twitter | https://twitter.com/bethelmusic
BM Website | https://bethelmusic.com/
Verse 1
I raise a ...
published: 03 Jan 2019
Raise Your Game Youth Conference 2024 || Tuesday Evening Session
Raise Your Game Youth Conference 2024 || Tuesday Evening Session
#youth #strongertogether
published: 11 Dec 2024
the perfect rizz to use for the month of may 😏#shorts #tiktok
published: 16 May 2023
Chilli Beans. - Raise (TVアニメ「ONE PIECE」Lyric Video)
2023.12.13 Release.
「Welcome to My Castle」内収録「Raise」
▷2nd full album
「Welcome to My Castle」
2023.12.13 Release.
「Welcome to My Castle」内収録「Raise」
▷2nd full album
「Welcome to My Castle」
2024.6.5(水) Release
「Chilli Beans. "Welcome to My Castle" at Budokan」
価格:¥7000(税込) ¥6364(税抜)
[初回生産限定盤] 三方背ケース+DVD+フォトブック
【Blu-ray Disc】
価格:¥7000(税込) ¥6364(税抜)
[初回生産限定盤 三方背ケース+Blu-ray+フォトブック
▶収録内容 ※初回生産限定盤・通常盤共通
01. Hello bad boy
02. Welcome
03. neck
04. rose
05. My life is saikooo
06. See C Love
07. This Way
08. duri-dade
09. aaa
10. lemonade
11. アンドロン
12. Tremolo
13. daylight
14. doll
15. stressed
16. Raise
17. wonderland
18. spark
19. 105☻
20. Digital Persona
21. シェキララ
22. you n me
23. School
24. I like you
Behind the scenes
・mu-mo:予約限定特典 : 特製銀テープ
・ローソンHMV :マグネット
・amazon :メガジャケ
・セブンネットショッピング :トート型エコバック
・楽天ブックス :シューレース
・ファンクラブ Club Beans.会員限定特典
▶ファンクラブ限定特典予約はコチラ:Chilli Beans. Official ファンクラブ Club Beans.
<Chilli Beans. Live House Tour 2024>
2024年6月5日(水)大阪府 Zepp Osaka Bayside
2024年6月13日(木)愛知県 Zepp Nagoya
2024年6月14日(金)東京都 豊洲PIT《SOLD OUT!!》
<Chilli Beans. Hall Tour 2024>
2024年10月4日(金)新潟県 りゅーとぴあ 新潟市民芸術文化会館
2024年10月6日(日)宮城県 トークネットホール仙台
2024年10月14日(月)香川県 サンポートホール高松
2024年10月18日(金)広島県 JMSアステールプラザ 大ホール
2024年10月19日(土)福岡県 福岡市民会館
2024年10月25日(金)石川県 金沢市文化ホール
2024年10月31日(木)北海道 札幌市教育文化会館 大ホール
2024年11月6日(水)大阪府 オリックス劇場
2024年11月21日(木)愛知県 Niterra日本特殊陶業市民会館 フォレストホール
2024年12月4日(水)東京都 東京ガーデンシアター
TVアニメ『ONE PIECE』第1話〜最新話まで、25周年期間中ライブ配信!
TV アニメ『ONE PIECE』25 周年特設サイト
《Chilli Beans.》
▷Music Video:https://www.youtube.com/playlist?list=PLrz1-T1nvZekDbS6CH9Z8mWWPX2-uH-N0
▷Club Beans.(Official FC):https://club-beans.fanpla.jp/
#ChilliBeans #チリビ #chillibeans
2023.12.13 Release.
「Welcome to My Castle」内収録「Raise」
▷2nd full album
「Welcome to My Castle」
2024.6.5(水) Release
「Chilli Beans. "Welcome to My Castle" at Budokan」
価格:¥7000(税込) ¥6364(税抜)
[初回生産限定盤] 三方背ケース+DVD+フォトブック
【Blu-ray Disc】
価格:¥7000(税込) ¥6364(税抜)
[初回生産限定盤 三方背ケース+Blu-ray+フォトブック
▶収録内容 ※初回生産限定盤・通常盤共通
01. Hello bad boy
02. Welcome
03. neck
04. rose
05. My life is saikooo
06. See C Love
07. This Way
08. duri-dade
09. aaa
10. lemonade
11. アンドロン
12. Tremolo
13. daylight
14. doll
15. stressed
16. Raise
17. wonderland
18. spark
19. 105☻
20. Digital Persona
21. シェキララ
22. you n me
23. School
24. I like you
Behind the scenes
・mu-mo:予約限定特典 : 特製銀テープ
・ローソンHMV :マグネット
・amazon :メガジャケ
・セブンネットショッピング :トート型エコバック
・楽天ブックス :シューレース
・ファンクラブ Club Beans.会員限定特典
▶ファンクラブ限定特典予約はコチラ:Chilli Beans. Official ファンクラブ Club Beans.
<Chilli Beans. Live House Tour 2024>
2024年6月5日(水)大阪府 Zepp Osaka Bayside
2024年6月13日(木)愛知県 Zepp Nagoya
2024年6月14日(金)東京都 豊洲PIT《SOLD OUT!!》
<Chilli Beans. Hall Tour 2024>
2024年10月4日(金)新潟県 りゅーとぴあ 新潟市民芸術文化会館
2024年10月6日(日)宮城県 トークネットホール仙台
2024年10月14日(月)香川県 サンポートホール高松
2024年10月18日(金)広島県 JMSアステールプラザ 大ホール
2024年10月19日(土)福岡県 福岡市民会館
2024年10月25日(金)石川県 金沢市文化ホール
2024年10月31日(木)北海道 札幌市教育文化会館 大ホール
2024年11月6日(水)大阪府 オリックス劇場
2024年11月21日(木)愛知県 Niterra日本特殊陶業市民会館 フォレストホール
2024年12月4日(水)東京都 東京ガーデンシアター
TVアニメ『ONE PIECE』第1話〜最新話まで、25周年期間中ライブ配信!
TV アニメ『ONE PIECE』25 周年特設サイト
《Chilli Beans.》
▷Music Video:https://www.youtube.com/playlist?list=PLrz1-T1nvZekDbS6CH9Z8mWWPX2-uH-N0
▷Club Beans.(Official FC):https://club-beans.fanpla.jp/
#ChilliBeans #チリビ #chillibeans
- published: 11 Jan 2024
- views: 3554436
Chilli Beans. - Raise [TV animation "ONE PIECE" Ending Theme Song]
4th EP「for you」収録曲「Raise」
TVアニメ「ONE PIECE」エンディングテーマ
▼download & streaming
▷Movie staff
Direction : GROUPN
4th EP「for you」収録曲「Raise」
TVアニメ「ONE PIECE」エンディングテーマ
▼download & streaming
▷Movie staff
Direction : GROUPN
Director Of Photography : Shinnosuke Komatsu
Camera Assistant : Misato Takaki(Schrittz), Yuki Yoshide(Schrittz)
Lighting Director : Ibuki Katagiri
Lighting Assistant : Yusuke Suzuki, Mai Kawamura
Hair & Make Up : Shizuka Satake
Stylist : Yuya Nakajima
Transport : Rannosuke Ohyama, Yuki Yoneda
Car Cordinate : Y Production
Behind The Scenes : Kengo Hanada(FKTEY)
Photographer : Renzo Masuda
Production Staff : Yasuhiro Koshida
Producer : Kaishu Kamotani
Record Label : A.S.A.B
4th EP「for you」
2023.8.9(水) Release.
[Disc -1]
01. Raise
02. you n me
03. aaa
04. you said
05. Raise - anime edit
<DVD/Blu-ray Disc>
[Disc -1]
2022.12.14 Chilli Beans.「one man live tour『Hi, TOUR』」豊洲PIT
01. School
02. マイボーイ
03. This Way
04. neck
05. It's ME
06. L.I.B
07. アンドロン
08. Vacance
09. Tremolo
10. call my name
11. you said
12. lemonade
13. See C Love
14. blue berry
15. Digital Persona
16. シェキララ
17. daylight
初回限定特典(封入):EP購入者限定《 Chilli Beans. “Welcome to My Castle”at Budokan 》
▷Live Infomation
《 Chilli Beans. “Welcome to My Castle”at Budokan 》
【時間】OPEN 16:00 / START 18:00
【Ticket】全席指定 前売:¥8,000(税込) 当日:¥8,500(税込)
《Chilli Beans. for you TOUR》
【会場】Zepp Fukuoka
【会場】Zepp Osaka Bayside
【会場】Zepp Sapporo
【会場】Zepp Nagoya
【会場】Zepp DiverCity TOKYO
《Chilli Beans.》
▷Music Video:https://www.youtube.com/playlist?list=PLrz1-T1nvZekDbS6CH9Z8mWWPX2-uH-N0
▷Club Beans.(Official FC):https://club-beans.fanpla.jp/
#ChilliBeans #チリビ #onepiece #ワンピース ワンピース #エンディングテーマ #ED復活
4th EP「for you」収録曲「Raise」
TVアニメ「ONE PIECE」エンディングテーマ
▼download & streaming
▷Movie staff
Direction : GROUPN
Director Of Photography : Shinnosuke Komatsu
Camera Assistant : Misato Takaki(Schrittz), Yuki Yoshide(Schrittz)
Lighting Director : Ibuki Katagiri
Lighting Assistant : Yusuke Suzuki, Mai Kawamura
Hair & Make Up : Shizuka Satake
Stylist : Yuya Nakajima
Transport : Rannosuke Ohyama, Yuki Yoneda
Car Cordinate : Y Production
Behind The Scenes : Kengo Hanada(FKTEY)
Photographer : Renzo Masuda
Production Staff : Yasuhiro Koshida
Producer : Kaishu Kamotani
Record Label : A.S.A.B
4th EP「for you」
2023.8.9(水) Release.
[Disc -1]
01. Raise
02. you n me
03. aaa
04. you said
05. Raise - anime edit
<DVD/Blu-ray Disc>
[Disc -1]
2022.12.14 Chilli Beans.「one man live tour『Hi, TOUR』」豊洲PIT
01. School
02. マイボーイ
03. This Way
04. neck
05. It's ME
06. L.I.B
07. アンドロン
08. Vacance
09. Tremolo
10. call my name
11. you said
12. lemonade
13. See C Love
14. blue berry
15. Digital Persona
16. シェキララ
17. daylight
初回限定特典(封入):EP購入者限定《 Chilli Beans. “Welcome to My Castle”at Budokan 》
▷Live Infomation
《 Chilli Beans. “Welcome to My Castle”at Budokan 》
【時間】OPEN 16:00 / START 18:00
【Ticket】全席指定 前売:¥8,000(税込) 当日:¥8,500(税込)
《Chilli Beans. for you TOUR》
【会場】Zepp Fukuoka
【会場】Zepp Osaka Bayside
【会場】Zepp Sapporo
【会場】Zepp Nagoya
【会場】Zepp DiverCity TOKYO
《Chilli Beans.》
▷Music Video:https://www.youtube.com/playlist?list=PLrz1-T1nvZekDbS6CH9Z8mWWPX2-uH-N0
▷Club Beans.(Official FC):https://club-beans.fanpla.jp/
#ChilliBeans #チリビ #onepiece #ワンピース ワンピース #エンディングテーマ #ED復活
- published: 09 Aug 2023
- views: 7033227
<エンディングテーマ映像フル>TVアニメ「ONE PIECE」/「Raise」歌:Chilli Beans.
TVアニメ「ONE PIECE」毎週日曜朝9:30よりフジテレビほかにて放送中!
2023年8月6日よりChilli Beans.が歌う「Raise」が17年ぶりのEDテーマソングになりました。
▶Chilli Beans. - Raise (Official Music Video)
TVアニメ「ONE PIECE」毎週日曜朝9:30よりフジテレビほかにて放送中!
2023年8月6日よりChilli Beans.が歌う「Raise」が17年ぶりのEDテーマソングになりました。
▶Chilli Beans. - Raise (Official Music Video)
Chilli Beans.が歌う「Raise」 は各種音楽配信サイトにて配信中
Moto(Vo)、Maika(Ba&Vo)、Lily(Gt&Vo)により2019年結成の3ピースバンド。 一度聴いたら耳に残る、ロックと次世代のサウンドが融合したボーカルセンスとメロディが魅力のネオガレージスタイル。 2021年8月にリリースの「lemonade」は Spotify「バイラルトップ50(日本)」でデイリー1位を、2023年1月にリリースの「rose feat. Vaundy」はBillboard JAPAN「Heatseekers Songs」で2度にわたり1位を記録し、SNSを中心として幅広い世代の認知度が急上昇! 抜群のソングライティングセンスと巧みなコーラスワーク、さらにライブではみんなで一体となって楽しめるパフォーマンスを武器に活動中。 2022年3月には2nd Digital EP「Daydream」をリリースし、「Tremolo」は、ロゼット「夢見るバーム」のCMソングに起用。同年4月13日にリリースとなった 2nd Digital Single「マイボーイ」はMBSドラマ特区「モトカレ←リトライ」のオープニング主題歌にも大抜擢。 2022年7月13日にバンド初となる1st Full Album「Chilli Beans.」をリリース。 9月9日には自身初となるワンマンライブ「1st Oneman Live Chilli Beans. Room」 がLIQUIDROOM ebisu、同年11月より自身初の全国ツアーChilli Beans. 1st one man live tour「Hi, TOUR」を開催し、全会場SOLD OUT。 2023年2月1日には3rd EP「mixtape」をリリースし、5月26日にはテレビ東京 ドラマ25「クールドジ男子」のオープニングテーマに起用の「you n me」を配信リリース。同年8月9日に4th EP「for you」のリリースが決定し、収録曲の「Raise」がTVアニメ「ONE PIECE」エンディングテーマに決定。 8月より、バンド最大規模の全国ツアー、Chilli Beans. TOUR 2023「for you TOUR」の開催、2024年2月3日には初となる日本武道館単独公演「Chilli Beans. "Welcome to My Castle" at Budokan」の開催が決定している、ネクストブレイクバンド。
#チリビ #Raise #ONEPIECE
TVアニメ「ONE PIECE」毎週日曜朝9:30よりフジテレビほかにて放送中!
2023年8月6日よりChilli Beans.が歌う「Raise」が17年ぶりのEDテーマソングになりました。
▶Chilli Beans. - Raise (Official Music Video)
Chilli Beans.が歌う「Raise」 は各種音楽配信サイトにて配信中
Moto(Vo)、Maika(Ba&Vo)、Lily(Gt&Vo)により2019年結成の3ピースバンド。 一度聴いたら耳に残る、ロックと次世代のサウンドが融合したボーカルセンスとメロディが魅力のネオガレージスタイル。 2021年8月にリリースの「lemonade」は Spotify「バイラルトップ50(日本)」でデイリー1位を、2023年1月にリリースの「rose feat. Vaundy」はBillboard JAPAN「Heatseekers Songs」で2度にわたり1位を記録し、SNSを中心として幅広い世代の認知度が急上昇! 抜群のソングライティングセンスと巧みなコーラスワーク、さらにライブではみんなで一体となって楽しめるパフォーマンスを武器に活動中。 2022年3月には2nd Digital EP「Daydream」をリリースし、「Tremolo」は、ロゼット「夢見るバーム」のCMソングに起用。同年4月13日にリリースとなった 2nd Digital Single「マイボーイ」はMBSドラマ特区「モトカレ←リトライ」のオープニング主題歌にも大抜擢。 2022年7月13日にバンド初となる1st Full Album「Chilli Beans.」をリリース。 9月9日には自身初となるワンマンライブ「1st Oneman Live Chilli Beans. Room」 がLIQUIDROOM ebisu、同年11月より自身初の全国ツアーChilli Beans. 1st one man live tour「Hi, TOUR」を開催し、全会場SOLD OUT。 2023年2月1日には3rd EP「mixtape」をリリースし、5月26日にはテレビ東京 ドラマ25「クールドジ男子」のオープニングテーマに起用の「you n me」を配信リリース。同年8月9日に4th EP「for you」のリリースが決定し、収録曲の「Raise」がTVアニメ「ONE PIECE」エンディングテーマに決定。 8月より、バンド最大規模の全国ツアー、Chilli Beans. TOUR 2023「for you TOUR」の開催、2024年2月3日には初となる日本武道館単独公演「Chilli Beans. "Welcome to My Castle" at Budokan」の開催が決定している、ネクストブレイクバンド。
#チリビ #Raise #ONEPIECE
- published: 06 Aug 2023
- views: 5596009
Frenkie ft. Moonjah - Raise
Frenkie ft. Moonjah - Raise
2005. Prvi single sa prvog frenkijevog albuma Odličan CD. Rame uz rame sa kolegom iz Disciplinske Komisije. Reggae feeling pjesmi...
Frenkie ft. Moonjah - Raise
2005. Prvi single sa prvog frenkijevog albuma Odličan CD. Rame uz rame sa kolegom iz Disciplinske Komisije. Reggae feeling pjesmi je dao Moonjah - vokalista Defence-a i Baga Sound-a. Spot je sniman u Tuzli, i na legendarnim koncertima Ede i Fm Jam-a u zagrebačkom Domu Sportova i sarajevskom BKC-u.
Frenkie ft. Moonjah - Raise
2005. Prvi single sa prvog frenkijevog albuma Odličan CD. Rame uz rame sa kolegom iz Disciplinske Komisije. Reggae feeling pjesmi je dao Moonjah - vokalista Defence-a i Baga Sound-a. Spot je sniman u Tuzli, i na legendarnim koncertima Ede i Fm Jam-a u zagrebačkom Domu Sportova i sarajevskom BKC-u.
- published: 21 Nov 2010
- views: 643121
Kid duo shock audience with their rendition of 'You Raise Me Up'
When the Secret Garden produced the song “You Raise Me Up” in 2001, they may never have expected over a decade later, a kid duo hit a Chinese singing talent sho...
When the Secret Garden produced the song “You Raise Me Up” in 2001, they may never have expected over a decade later, a kid duo hit a Chinese singing talent show by storm with their version of this inspirational song.
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When the Secret Garden produced the song “You Raise Me Up” in 2001, they may never have expected over a decade later, a kid duo hit a Chinese singing talent show by storm with their version of this inspirational song.
Subscribe to us on YouTube: https://goo.gl/lP12gA
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- published: 11 Apr 2018
- views: 24320084
Raise A Hallelujah (Official Lyric Video) - Bethel Music, Jonathan & Melissa Helser | VICTORY
"Raise A Hallelujah" by Jonathan David Helser and Melissa Helser from our new album VICTORY.
Available everywhere now:
Spotify | https://bethelmusic.lnk.to/Vi...
"Raise A Hallelujah" by Jonathan David Helser and Melissa Helser from our new album VICTORY.
Available everywhere now:
Spotify | https://bethelmusic.lnk.to/VictoryID/spotify
Itunes | https://bethelmusic.lnk.to/VictoryID/itunes
Apple Music | https://bethelmusic.lnk.to/VictoryYC/applemusic
Amazon | https://bethelmusic.lnk.to/VictoryYC/amazon
Subscribe for the latest videos and songs: http://bit.ly/BMsubscribe
Visit VICTORY website: bethelmusic.com/victory
Get the chord chart: https: https://bethelmusic.com/chords-and-lyrics/raise-a-hallelujah/
Stay Connected:
Instagram | https://www.instagram.com/bethelmusic/
Facebook | https://www.facebook.com/bethelmusic
Twitter | https://twitter.com/bethelmusic
BM Website | https://bethelmusic.com/
Verse 1
I raise a hallelujah, in the presence of my enemies
I raise a hallelujah, louder than the unbelief
I raise a hallelujah, my weapon is a melody
I raise a hallelujah, Heaven comes to fight for me
I’m gonna sing, in the middle of the storm
Louder and louder, you’re gonna hear my praises roar
Up from the ashes, hope will arise
Death is defeated, the King is alive
Verse 2
I raise a hallelujah, with everything inside of me
I raise a hallelujah, I will watch the darkness flee
I raise a hallelujah, in the middle of the mystery
I raise a hallelujah, fear you lost your hold on me
Sing a little louder
In the presence of my enemies
Sing a little louder
Louder than the unbelief
Sing a little louder
My weapon is a melody
Sing a little louder
Heaven comes to fight for me
I raise a hallelujah
Raise a Hallelujah
Written by Jonathan David Helser / Melissa Helser / Molly Skaggs / Jake Stevens
#raiseahallelujah #victory #bethelmusic
"Raise A Hallelujah" by Jonathan David Helser and Melissa Helser from our new album VICTORY.
Available everywhere now:
Spotify | https://bethelmusic.lnk.to/VictoryID/spotify
Itunes | https://bethelmusic.lnk.to/VictoryID/itunes
Apple Music | https://bethelmusic.lnk.to/VictoryYC/applemusic
Amazon | https://bethelmusic.lnk.to/VictoryYC/amazon
Subscribe for the latest videos and songs: http://bit.ly/BMsubscribe
Visit VICTORY website: bethelmusic.com/victory
Get the chord chart: https: https://bethelmusic.com/chords-and-lyrics/raise-a-hallelujah/
Stay Connected:
Instagram | https://www.instagram.com/bethelmusic/
Facebook | https://www.facebook.com/bethelmusic
Twitter | https://twitter.com/bethelmusic
BM Website | https://bethelmusic.com/
Verse 1
I raise a hallelujah, in the presence of my enemies
I raise a hallelujah, louder than the unbelief
I raise a hallelujah, my weapon is a melody
I raise a hallelujah, Heaven comes to fight for me
I’m gonna sing, in the middle of the storm
Louder and louder, you’re gonna hear my praises roar
Up from the ashes, hope will arise
Death is defeated, the King is alive
Verse 2
I raise a hallelujah, with everything inside of me
I raise a hallelujah, I will watch the darkness flee
I raise a hallelujah, in the middle of the mystery
I raise a hallelujah, fear you lost your hold on me
Sing a little louder
In the presence of my enemies
Sing a little louder
Louder than the unbelief
Sing a little louder
My weapon is a melody
Sing a little louder
Heaven comes to fight for me
I raise a hallelujah
Raise a Hallelujah
Written by Jonathan David Helser / Melissa Helser / Molly Skaggs / Jake Stevens
#raiseahallelujah #victory #bethelmusic
- published: 24 Jan 2019
- views: 52598288
Raise A Hallelujah (LIVE) - Jonathan and Melissa Helser | VICTORY
"Raise A Hallelujah" sung by Jonathan Helser and Melissa Helser live at Bethel Church
Song begins at 2:13
VICTORY Album Available everywhere now:
Spotify | ht...
"Raise A Hallelujah" sung by Jonathan Helser and Melissa Helser live at Bethel Church
Song begins at 2:13
VICTORY Album Available everywhere now:
Spotify | https://bethelmusic.lnk.to/VictoryID/spotify
Itunes | https://bethelmusic.lnk.to/VictoryID/itunes
Apple Music | https://bethelmusic.lnk.to/VictoryYC/applemusic
Amazon | https://bethelmusic.lnk.to/VictoryYC/amazon
Subscribe for the latest videos and songs: http://bit.ly/BMsubscribe
Visit VICTORY website: bethelmusic.com/victory
Get the chord chart: https://bethelmusic.com/chords-and-lyrics/raise-a-hallelujah/
Stay Connected:
Instagram | https://www.instagram.com/bethelmusic/
Facebook | https://www.facebook.com/bethelmusic
Twitter | https://twitter.com/bethelmusic
BM Website | https://bethelmusic.com/
Verse 1
I raise a hallelujah, in the presence of my enemies
I raise a hallelujah, louder than the unbelief
I raise a hallelujah, my weapon is a melody
I raise a hallelujah, Heaven comes to fight for me
I’m gonna sing, in the middle of the storm
Louder and louder, you’re gonna hear my praises roar
Up from the ashes, hope will arise
Death is defeated, the King is alive
Verse 2
I raise a hallelujah, with everything inside of me
I raise a hallelujah, I will watch the darkness flee
I raise a hallelujah, in the middle of the mystery
I raise a hallelujah, fear you lost your hold on me
Sing a little louder
In the presence of my enemies
Sing a little louder
Louder than the unbelief
Sing a little louder
My weapon is a melody
Sing a little louder
Heaven comes to fight for me
I raise a hallelujah
Written by:
Jonathan David Helser | Melissa Helser | Molly Skaggs | Jake Stevens
#RaiseAHallelujah #VICTORY #bethelmusic
"Raise A Hallelujah" sung by Jonathan Helser and Melissa Helser live at Bethel Church
Song begins at 2:13
VICTORY Album Available everywhere now:
Spotify | https://bethelmusic.lnk.to/VictoryID/spotify
Itunes | https://bethelmusic.lnk.to/VictoryID/itunes
Apple Music | https://bethelmusic.lnk.to/VictoryYC/applemusic
Amazon | https://bethelmusic.lnk.to/VictoryYC/amazon
Subscribe for the latest videos and songs: http://bit.ly/BMsubscribe
Visit VICTORY website: bethelmusic.com/victory
Get the chord chart: https://bethelmusic.com/chords-and-lyrics/raise-a-hallelujah/
Stay Connected:
Instagram | https://www.instagram.com/bethelmusic/
Facebook | https://www.facebook.com/bethelmusic
Twitter | https://twitter.com/bethelmusic
BM Website | https://bethelmusic.com/
Verse 1
I raise a hallelujah, in the presence of my enemies
I raise a hallelujah, louder than the unbelief
I raise a hallelujah, my weapon is a melody
I raise a hallelujah, Heaven comes to fight for me
I’m gonna sing, in the middle of the storm
Louder and louder, you’re gonna hear my praises roar
Up from the ashes, hope will arise
Death is defeated, the King is alive
Verse 2
I raise a hallelujah, with everything inside of me
I raise a hallelujah, I will watch the darkness flee
I raise a hallelujah, in the middle of the mystery
I raise a hallelujah, fear you lost your hold on me
Sing a little louder
In the presence of my enemies
Sing a little louder
Louder than the unbelief
Sing a little louder
My weapon is a melody
Sing a little louder
Heaven comes to fight for me
I raise a hallelujah
Written by:
Jonathan David Helser | Melissa Helser | Molly Skaggs | Jake Stevens
#RaiseAHallelujah #VICTORY #bethelmusic
- published: 03 Jan 2019
- views: 60822132
Raise Your Game Youth Conference 2024 || Tuesday Evening Session
Raise Your Game Youth Conference 2024 || Tuesday Evening Session
#youth #strongertogether
Raise Your Game Youth Conference 2024 || Tuesday Evening Session
#youth #strongertogether
Raise Your Game Youth Conference 2024 || Tuesday Evening Session
#youth #strongertogether
- published: 11 Dec 2024
- views: 287
Chilli Beans. - Raise [TV animation "ONE PIECE" Ending Theme Song]
4th EP「for you」収録曲「Raise」
TVアニメ「ONE PIECE」エンディングテーマ
▼download & streaming
▷Movie staff
Direction : GROUPN
Director Of Photography : Shinnosuke Komatsu
Camera Assistant : Misato Takaki(Schrittz), Yuki Yoshide(Schrittz)
Lighting Director : Ibuki Katagiri
Lighting Assistant : Yusuke Suzuki, Mai Kawamura
Hair & Make Up : Shizuka Satake
Stylist : Yuya Nakajima
Transport : Rannosuke Ohyama, Yuki Yoneda
Car Cordinate : Y Production
Behind The Scenes : Kengo Hanada(FKTEY)
Photographer : Renzo Masuda
Production Staff : Yasuhiro Koshida
Producer : Kaishu Kamotani
Record Label : A.S.A.B
4th EP「for you」
2023.8.9(水) Release.
[Disc -1]
01. Raise
02. you n me
03. a...
published: 09 Aug 2023
Chilli Beans. - Raise (TVアニメ「ONE PIECE」Lyric Video)
2023.12.13 Release.
「Welcome to My Castle」内収録「Raise」
▷2nd full album
「Welcome to My Castle」
2024.6.5(水) Release
「Chilli Beans. "Welcome to My Castle" at Budokan」
価格:¥7000(税込) ¥6364(税抜)
[初回生産限定盤] 三方背ケース+DVD+フォトブック
【Blu-ray Disc】
価格:¥7000(税込) ¥6364(税抜)
[初回生産限定盤 三方背ケース+Blu-ray+フォトブック
▶収録内容 ※初回生産限定盤・通常盤共通
01. Hello bad boy
02. Welcome
03. neck
04. rose
05. My life is saikooo
06. See C Love
07. This Way
08. duri-dade
09. aaa
10. lemonade
11. アンドロン
12. Tremolo
13. daylight
14. doll
15. stressed
16. Raise
17. wonderland
18. spark
19. 105☻
20. Digital Persona
21. シェキララ
22. you n me
23. ...
published: 11 Jan 2024
<エンディングテーマ映像フル>TVアニメ「ONE PIECE」/「Raise」歌:Chilli Beans.
TVアニメ「ONE PIECE」毎週日曜朝9:30よりフジテレビほかにて放送中!
2023年8月6日よりChilli Beans.が歌う「Raise」が17年ぶりのEDテーマソングになりました。
▶Chilli Beans. - Raise (Official Music Video)
Chilli Beans.が歌う「Raise」 は各種音楽配信サイトにて配信中
Moto(Vo)、Maika(Ba&Vo)、Lily(Gt&Vo)により2019年結成の3ピースバンド。 一度聴いたら耳に残る、ロックと次世代のサウンドが融合したボーカルセンスとメロディが魅力のネオガレージスタイル。 2021年8月にリリースの「lemonade」は Spotify「バイラルトップ50(日本)」でデイリー1位を、2023年1月にリリースの「rose feat. Vaundy」はBillboard JAPAN「Heatseekers Songs」で2度にわたり1位を記録し、SNSを中心として幅広い世代の認知度が急上昇! 抜群のソングライティングセンスと巧みなコーラスワーク、さらにライブではみんなで一体となって楽しめるパフォーマンスを武器に活動中。 2022年3月には2nd Digital EP「Daydream」をリリースし、「Tremolo」は、ロゼット「夢見るバーム」のCMソングに起用。同年4月13日にリリースとなった 2nd Digital Single「マイボーイ」はMBSドラマ特区「モトカレ←リトライ」のオープニング主題歌にも大抜擢。 2022年7月13日にバンド初となる1st Full Album「Chilli Beans.」をリリース。...
published: 06 Aug 2023
Why US port workers reject a 50% pay raise | DW News
In the United States, a strike by port workers has suspended shipping operations along the entire East Coast. Talks between the workers' union and port owners are reported to be at a standstill.
Workers are seeking a wage increase and job protection guarantees in the face of concerns about automation. It's estimated half of North America's maritime trade passes through the affected ports. One estimate says the strike could cost the US economy 5 billion dollars a day. Some businesses are calling on President Biden to invoke a labour law authorizing the president to order a cooling-off period in the strike.
For more on this, we talk to Jason Miller. He is a professor at Michigan State University and interim chair of the department of supply chain management.
Subscribe: https://www.youtu...
published: 02 Oct 2024
RISE (ft. The Glitch Mob, Mako, and The Word Alive) | Worlds 2018 - League of Legends
Reaching the peak takes more than skill. Only those with the ambition to RISE above all others will know its height.
For more information on the 2018 League of Legends World Championship visit http://www.lolesports.com.
Listen Now: (http://smarturl.it/ewxshd)
Spotify: http://smarturl.it/ewxshd/spotify
Apple Music: http://smarturl.it/ewxshd/applemusic
iTunes: http://smarturl.it/ewxshd/itunes
GooglePlay: http://smarturl.it/ewxshd/googleplay
Deezer: http://smarturl.it/ewxshd/deezer
Featured artists: The Glitch Mob, Mako, and The Word Alive
Written by: Riot Music Team and Alex Seaver of Mako
Additional writing by: Justin Tranter
Produced by: Riot Music Team, Alex Seaver of Mako, and The Glitch Mob
Additional product...
published: 26 Sep 2018
Barbara Corcoran Explains How To Ask For A Raise
At IGNITION, Business Insider asked real estate mogul and "Shark Tank" host Barbara Corcoran to share her advice on how to successfully ask your boss for a raise. Corcoran also talked about what you should do if you receive an offer from another company.
Following is a transcript:
Barbara Corcoran: If you want to get a raise, and particularly if you're a woman who wants to get a raise, women don't ask for raises I can tell you. I've employed thousands of women over my life. They do not ask for raises unless they absolutely must, and men ask all the time. And so, what the smartest thing to do is, first of all, make an appointment to ask for a raise, even if your expectation isn't that you're gonna get it. At least ask for it, because that sets you up for the next meeting where you'll like...
published: 13 Jan 2019
One Piece - Ending 19 【RAISE】 4K 60FPS Creditless | CC
One Piece ED / Ending 19 "RAISE" by Chilli Beans.
Subtitles: [CC]
🖌 Anime: One Piece
♫ Artist: Chilli Beans.
♪ Song: RAISE
⛾ Support me on Patreon:
⛾ https://www.patreon.com/Neobrane
⛾ Discord:
⛾ https://discord.gg/2Qsrr26u5D
Subtitle artists:
#OnePiece #ChilliBeans #RAISE
published: 03 Sep 2023
We Raise | Planetshakers Official Music Video
‘We Raise’ filmed LIVE at Planetshakers Conference 2023 in Melbourne, Australia!
Available on all digital streaming platforms!
Connect with us:
Website: https://www.planetshakers.com/music/
Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/planetshakers/
Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/planetshakers
Twitter: https://twitter.com/planetshakers
Tik Tok: https://www.tiktok.com/@planetshakerstv
The Lord is with me, So I have everything that I need
He always leads me, So there is nothing that I will fear
All the days of my life, I will dwell in the house of the Lord
Surely goodness and mercy, Overflowing forevermore
We raise, Yeah we raise
All our praise, To the name of the Lord
We raise, Yeah we raise
All our praise, To the name of the Lord
Everybody sing it LOUDER, Everybody lift Him HIG...
published: 26 May 2023
Whole class of companies that should never raise an ounce of venture capital. #digitalhealth
I’m a big believer that there's a whole class of great companies that should never raise an ounce of venture capital or only raise a seed or preseed or series A. And then say we're now on the path to profitability and grow that company in that manner. Digital Health Interview with Ankit Jain https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=aBN1rnMlC8Y
published: 01 Oct 2024
Raise A Hallelujah (LIVE) - Jonathan and Melissa Helser | VICTORY
"Raise A Hallelujah" sung by Jonathan Helser and Melissa Helser live at Bethel Church
Song begins at 2:13
VICTORY Album Available everywhere now:
Spotify | https://bethelmusic.lnk.to/VictoryID/spotify
Itunes | https://bethelmusic.lnk.to/VictoryID/itunes
Apple Music | https://bethelmusic.lnk.to/VictoryYC/applemusic
Amazon | https://bethelmusic.lnk.to/VictoryYC/amazon
Subscribe for the latest videos and songs: http://bit.ly/BMsubscribe
Visit VICTORY website: bethelmusic.com/victory
Get the chord chart: https://bethelmusic.com/chords-and-lyrics/raise-a-hallelujah/
Stay Connected:
Instagram | https://www.instagram.com/bethelmusic/
Facebook | https://www.facebook.com/bethelmusic
Twitter | https://twitter.com/bethelmusic
BM Website | https://bethelmusic.com/
Verse 1
I raise a ...
published: 03 Jan 2019
Chilli Beans. - Raise [TV animation "ONE PIECE" Ending Theme Song]
4th EP「for you」収録曲「Raise」
TVアニメ「ONE PIECE」エンディングテーマ
▼download & streaming
▷Movie staff
Direction : GROUPN
4th EP「for you」収録曲「Raise」
TVアニメ「ONE PIECE」エンディングテーマ
▼download & streaming
▷Movie staff
Direction : GROUPN
Director Of Photography : Shinnosuke Komatsu
Camera Assistant : Misato Takaki(Schrittz), Yuki Yoshide(Schrittz)
Lighting Director : Ibuki Katagiri
Lighting Assistant : Yusuke Suzuki, Mai Kawamura
Hair & Make Up : Shizuka Satake
Stylist : Yuya Nakajima
Transport : Rannosuke Ohyama, Yuki Yoneda
Car Cordinate : Y Production
Behind The Scenes : Kengo Hanada(FKTEY)
Photographer : Renzo Masuda
Production Staff : Yasuhiro Koshida
Producer : Kaishu Kamotani
Record Label : A.S.A.B
4th EP「for you」
2023.8.9(水) Release.
[Disc -1]
01. Raise
02. you n me
03. aaa
04. you said
05. Raise - anime edit
<DVD/Blu-ray Disc>
[Disc -1]
2022.12.14 Chilli Beans.「one man live tour『Hi, TOUR』」豊洲PIT
01. School
02. マイボーイ
03. This Way
04. neck
05. It's ME
06. L.I.B
07. アンドロン
08. Vacance
09. Tremolo
10. call my name
11. you said
12. lemonade
13. See C Love
14. blue berry
15. Digital Persona
16. シェキララ
17. daylight
初回限定特典(封入):EP購入者限定《 Chilli Beans. “Welcome to My Castle”at Budokan 》
▷Live Infomation
《 Chilli Beans. “Welcome to My Castle”at Budokan 》
【時間】OPEN 16:00 / START 18:00
【Ticket】全席指定 前売:¥8,000(税込) 当日:¥8,500(税込)
《Chilli Beans. for you TOUR》
【会場】Zepp Fukuoka
【会場】Zepp Osaka Bayside
【会場】Zepp Sapporo
【会場】Zepp Nagoya
【会場】Zepp DiverCity TOKYO
《Chilli Beans.》
▷Music Video:https://www.youtube.com/playlist?list=PLrz1-T1nvZekDbS6CH9Z8mWWPX2-uH-N0
▷Club Beans.(Official FC):https://club-beans.fanpla.jp/
#ChilliBeans #チリビ #onepiece #ワンピース ワンピース #エンディングテーマ #ED復活
4th EP「for you」収録曲「Raise」
TVアニメ「ONE PIECE」エンディングテーマ
▼download & streaming
▷Movie staff
Direction : GROUPN
Director Of Photography : Shinnosuke Komatsu
Camera Assistant : Misato Takaki(Schrittz), Yuki Yoshide(Schrittz)
Lighting Director : Ibuki Katagiri
Lighting Assistant : Yusuke Suzuki, Mai Kawamura
Hair & Make Up : Shizuka Satake
Stylist : Yuya Nakajima
Transport : Rannosuke Ohyama, Yuki Yoneda
Car Cordinate : Y Production
Behind The Scenes : Kengo Hanada(FKTEY)
Photographer : Renzo Masuda
Production Staff : Yasuhiro Koshida
Producer : Kaishu Kamotani
Record Label : A.S.A.B
4th EP「for you」
2023.8.9(水) Release.
[Disc -1]
01. Raise
02. you n me
03. aaa
04. you said
05. Raise - anime edit
<DVD/Blu-ray Disc>
[Disc -1]
2022.12.14 Chilli Beans.「one man live tour『Hi, TOUR』」豊洲PIT
01. School
02. マイボーイ
03. This Way
04. neck
05. It's ME
06. L.I.B
07. アンドロン
08. Vacance
09. Tremolo
10. call my name
11. you said
12. lemonade
13. See C Love
14. blue berry
15. Digital Persona
16. シェキララ
17. daylight
初回限定特典(封入):EP購入者限定《 Chilli Beans. “Welcome to My Castle”at Budokan 》
▷Live Infomation
《 Chilli Beans. “Welcome to My Castle”at Budokan 》
【時間】OPEN 16:00 / START 18:00
【Ticket】全席指定 前売:¥8,000(税込) 当日:¥8,500(税込)
《Chilli Beans. for you TOUR》
【会場】Zepp Fukuoka
【会場】Zepp Osaka Bayside
【会場】Zepp Sapporo
【会場】Zepp Nagoya
【会場】Zepp DiverCity TOKYO
《Chilli Beans.》
▷Music Video:https://www.youtube.com/playlist?list=PLrz1-T1nvZekDbS6CH9Z8mWWPX2-uH-N0
▷Club Beans.(Official FC):https://club-beans.fanpla.jp/
#ChilliBeans #チリビ #onepiece #ワンピース ワンピース #エンディングテーマ #ED復活
- published: 09 Aug 2023
- views: 7033227
Chilli Beans. - Raise (TVアニメ「ONE PIECE」Lyric Video)
2023.12.13 Release.
「Welcome to My Castle」内収録「Raise」
▷2nd full album
「Welcome to My Castle」
2023.12.13 Release.
「Welcome to My Castle」内収録「Raise」
▷2nd full album
「Welcome to My Castle」
2024.6.5(水) Release
「Chilli Beans. "Welcome to My Castle" at Budokan」
価格:¥7000(税込) ¥6364(税抜)
[初回生産限定盤] 三方背ケース+DVD+フォトブック
【Blu-ray Disc】
価格:¥7000(税込) ¥6364(税抜)
[初回生産限定盤 三方背ケース+Blu-ray+フォトブック
▶収録内容 ※初回生産限定盤・通常盤共通
01. Hello bad boy
02. Welcome
03. neck
04. rose
05. My life is saikooo
06. See C Love
07. This Way
08. duri-dade
09. aaa
10. lemonade
11. アンドロン
12. Tremolo
13. daylight
14. doll
15. stressed
16. Raise
17. wonderland
18. spark
19. 105☻
20. Digital Persona
21. シェキララ
22. you n me
23. School
24. I like you
Behind the scenes
・mu-mo:予約限定特典 : 特製銀テープ
・ローソンHMV :マグネット
・amazon :メガジャケ
・セブンネットショッピング :トート型エコバック
・楽天ブックス :シューレース
・ファンクラブ Club Beans.会員限定特典
▶ファンクラブ限定特典予約はコチラ:Chilli Beans. Official ファンクラブ Club Beans.
<Chilli Beans. Live House Tour 2024>
2024年6月5日(水)大阪府 Zepp Osaka Bayside
2024年6月13日(木)愛知県 Zepp Nagoya
2024年6月14日(金)東京都 豊洲PIT《SOLD OUT!!》
<Chilli Beans. Hall Tour 2024>
2024年10月4日(金)新潟県 りゅーとぴあ 新潟市民芸術文化会館
2024年10月6日(日)宮城県 トークネットホール仙台
2024年10月14日(月)香川県 サンポートホール高松
2024年10月18日(金)広島県 JMSアステールプラザ 大ホール
2024年10月19日(土)福岡県 福岡市民会館
2024年10月25日(金)石川県 金沢市文化ホール
2024年10月31日(木)北海道 札幌市教育文化会館 大ホール
2024年11月6日(水)大阪府 オリックス劇場
2024年11月21日(木)愛知県 Niterra日本特殊陶業市民会館 フォレストホール
2024年12月4日(水)東京都 東京ガーデンシアター
TVアニメ『ONE PIECE』第1話〜最新話まで、25周年期間中ライブ配信!
TV アニメ『ONE PIECE』25 周年特設サイト
《Chilli Beans.》
▷Music Video:https://www.youtube.com/playlist?list=PLrz1-T1nvZekDbS6CH9Z8mWWPX2-uH-N0
▷Club Beans.(Official FC):https://club-beans.fanpla.jp/
#ChilliBeans #チリビ #chillibeans
2023.12.13 Release.
「Welcome to My Castle」内収録「Raise」
▷2nd full album
「Welcome to My Castle」
2024.6.5(水) Release
「Chilli Beans. "Welcome to My Castle" at Budokan」
価格:¥7000(税込) ¥6364(税抜)
[初回生産限定盤] 三方背ケース+DVD+フォトブック
【Blu-ray Disc】
価格:¥7000(税込) ¥6364(税抜)
[初回生産限定盤 三方背ケース+Blu-ray+フォトブック
▶収録内容 ※初回生産限定盤・通常盤共通
01. Hello bad boy
02. Welcome
03. neck
04. rose
05. My life is saikooo
06. See C Love
07. This Way
08. duri-dade
09. aaa
10. lemonade
11. アンドロン
12. Tremolo
13. daylight
14. doll
15. stressed
16. Raise
17. wonderland
18. spark
19. 105☻
20. Digital Persona
21. シェキララ
22. you n me
23. School
24. I like you
Behind the scenes
・mu-mo:予約限定特典 : 特製銀テープ
・ローソンHMV :マグネット
・amazon :メガジャケ
・セブンネットショッピング :トート型エコバック
・楽天ブックス :シューレース
・ファンクラブ Club Beans.会員限定特典
▶ファンクラブ限定特典予約はコチラ:Chilli Beans. Official ファンクラブ Club Beans.
<Chilli Beans. Live House Tour 2024>
2024年6月5日(水)大阪府 Zepp Osaka Bayside
2024年6月13日(木)愛知県 Zepp Nagoya
2024年6月14日(金)東京都 豊洲PIT《SOLD OUT!!》
<Chilli Beans. Hall Tour 2024>
2024年10月4日(金)新潟県 りゅーとぴあ 新潟市民芸術文化会館
2024年10月6日(日)宮城県 トークネットホール仙台
2024年10月14日(月)香川県 サンポートホール高松
2024年10月18日(金)広島県 JMSアステールプラザ 大ホール
2024年10月19日(土)福岡県 福岡市民会館
2024年10月25日(金)石川県 金沢市文化ホール
2024年10月31日(木)北海道 札幌市教育文化会館 大ホール
2024年11月6日(水)大阪府 オリックス劇場
2024年11月21日(木)愛知県 Niterra日本特殊陶業市民会館 フォレストホール
2024年12月4日(水)東京都 東京ガーデンシアター
TVアニメ『ONE PIECE』第1話〜最新話まで、25周年期間中ライブ配信!
TV アニメ『ONE PIECE』25 周年特設サイト
《Chilli Beans.》
▷Music Video:https://www.youtube.com/playlist?list=PLrz1-T1nvZekDbS6CH9Z8mWWPX2-uH-N0
▷Club Beans.(Official FC):https://club-beans.fanpla.jp/
#ChilliBeans #チリビ #chillibeans
- published: 11 Jan 2024
- views: 3554436
<エンディングテーマ映像フル>TVアニメ「ONE PIECE」/「Raise」歌:Chilli Beans.
TVアニメ「ONE PIECE」毎週日曜朝9:30よりフジテレビほかにて放送中!
2023年8月6日よりChilli Beans.が歌う「Raise」が17年ぶりのEDテーマソングになりました。
▶Chilli Beans. - Raise (Official Music Video)
TVアニメ「ONE PIECE」毎週日曜朝9:30よりフジテレビほかにて放送中!
2023年8月6日よりChilli Beans.が歌う「Raise」が17年ぶりのEDテーマソングになりました。
▶Chilli Beans. - Raise (Official Music Video)
Chilli Beans.が歌う「Raise」 は各種音楽配信サイトにて配信中
Moto(Vo)、Maika(Ba&Vo)、Lily(Gt&Vo)により2019年結成の3ピースバンド。 一度聴いたら耳に残る、ロックと次世代のサウンドが融合したボーカルセンスとメロディが魅力のネオガレージスタイル。 2021年8月にリリースの「lemonade」は Spotify「バイラルトップ50(日本)」でデイリー1位を、2023年1月にリリースの「rose feat. Vaundy」はBillboard JAPAN「Heatseekers Songs」で2度にわたり1位を記録し、SNSを中心として幅広い世代の認知度が急上昇! 抜群のソングライティングセンスと巧みなコーラスワーク、さらにライブではみんなで一体となって楽しめるパフォーマンスを武器に活動中。 2022年3月には2nd Digital EP「Daydream」をリリースし、「Tremolo」は、ロゼット「夢見るバーム」のCMソングに起用。同年4月13日にリリースとなった 2nd Digital Single「マイボーイ」はMBSドラマ特区「モトカレ←リトライ」のオープニング主題歌にも大抜擢。 2022年7月13日にバンド初となる1st Full Album「Chilli Beans.」をリリース。 9月9日には自身初となるワンマンライブ「1st Oneman Live Chilli Beans. Room」 がLIQUIDROOM ebisu、同年11月より自身初の全国ツアーChilli Beans. 1st one man live tour「Hi, TOUR」を開催し、全会場SOLD OUT。 2023年2月1日には3rd EP「mixtape」をリリースし、5月26日にはテレビ東京 ドラマ25「クールドジ男子」のオープニングテーマに起用の「you n me」を配信リリース。同年8月9日に4th EP「for you」のリリースが決定し、収録曲の「Raise」がTVアニメ「ONE PIECE」エンディングテーマに決定。 8月より、バンド最大規模の全国ツアー、Chilli Beans. TOUR 2023「for you TOUR」の開催、2024年2月3日には初となる日本武道館単独公演「Chilli Beans. "Welcome to My Castle" at Budokan」の開催が決定している、ネクストブレイクバンド。
#チリビ #Raise #ONEPIECE
TVアニメ「ONE PIECE」毎週日曜朝9:30よりフジテレビほかにて放送中!
2023年8月6日よりChilli Beans.が歌う「Raise」が17年ぶりのEDテーマソングになりました。
▶Chilli Beans. - Raise (Official Music Video)
Chilli Beans.が歌う「Raise」 は各種音楽配信サイトにて配信中
Moto(Vo)、Maika(Ba&Vo)、Lily(Gt&Vo)により2019年結成の3ピースバンド。 一度聴いたら耳に残る、ロックと次世代のサウンドが融合したボーカルセンスとメロディが魅力のネオガレージスタイル。 2021年8月にリリースの「lemonade」は Spotify「バイラルトップ50(日本)」でデイリー1位を、2023年1月にリリースの「rose feat. Vaundy」はBillboard JAPAN「Heatseekers Songs」で2度にわたり1位を記録し、SNSを中心として幅広い世代の認知度が急上昇! 抜群のソングライティングセンスと巧みなコーラスワーク、さらにライブではみんなで一体となって楽しめるパフォーマンスを武器に活動中。 2022年3月には2nd Digital EP「Daydream」をリリースし、「Tremolo」は、ロゼット「夢見るバーム」のCMソングに起用。同年4月13日にリリースとなった 2nd Digital Single「マイボーイ」はMBSドラマ特区「モトカレ←リトライ」のオープニング主題歌にも大抜擢。 2022年7月13日にバンド初となる1st Full Album「Chilli Beans.」をリリース。 9月9日には自身初となるワンマンライブ「1st Oneman Live Chilli Beans. Room」 がLIQUIDROOM ebisu、同年11月より自身初の全国ツアーChilli Beans. 1st one man live tour「Hi, TOUR」を開催し、全会場SOLD OUT。 2023年2月1日には3rd EP「mixtape」をリリースし、5月26日にはテレビ東京 ドラマ25「クールドジ男子」のオープニングテーマに起用の「you n me」を配信リリース。同年8月9日に4th EP「for you」のリリースが決定し、収録曲の「Raise」がTVアニメ「ONE PIECE」エンディングテーマに決定。 8月より、バンド最大規模の全国ツアー、Chilli Beans. TOUR 2023「for you TOUR」の開催、2024年2月3日には初となる日本武道館単独公演「Chilli Beans. "Welcome to My Castle" at Budokan」の開催が決定している、ネクストブレイクバンド。
#チリビ #Raise #ONEPIECE
- published: 06 Aug 2023
- views: 5596009
Why US port workers reject a 50% pay raise | DW News
In the United States, a strike by port workers has suspended shipping operations along the entire East Coast. Talks between the workers' union and port owners a...
In the United States, a strike by port workers has suspended shipping operations along the entire East Coast. Talks between the workers' union and port owners are reported to be at a standstill.
Workers are seeking a wage increase and job protection guarantees in the face of concerns about automation. It's estimated half of North America's maritime trade passes through the affected ports. One estimate says the strike could cost the US economy 5 billion dollars a day. Some businesses are calling on President Biden to invoke a labour law authorizing the president to order a cooling-off period in the strike.
For more on this, we talk to Jason Miller. He is a professor at Michigan State University and interim chair of the department of supply chain management.
Subscribe: https://www.youtube.com/user/deutschewelleenglish?sub_confirmation=1
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In the United States, a strike by port workers has suspended shipping operations along the entire East Coast. Talks between the workers' union and port owners are reported to be at a standstill.
Workers are seeking a wage increase and job protection guarantees in the face of concerns about automation. It's estimated half of North America's maritime trade passes through the affected ports. One estimate says the strike could cost the US economy 5 billion dollars a day. Some businesses are calling on President Biden to invoke a labour law authorizing the president to order a cooling-off period in the strike.
For more on this, we talk to Jason Miller. He is a professor at Michigan State University and interim chair of the department of supply chain management.
Subscribe: https://www.youtube.com/user/deutschewelleenglish?sub_confirmation=1
For more news go to: http://www.dw.com/en/
Follow DW on social media:
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Für Videos in deutscher Sprache besuchen Sie: https://www.youtube.com/dwdeutsch
- published: 02 Oct 2024
- views: 30195
RISE (ft. The Glitch Mob, Mako, and The Word Alive) | Worlds 2018 - League of Legends
Reaching the peak takes more than skill. Only those with the ambition to RISE above all others will know its height.
For more information on the 2018 League of...
Reaching the peak takes more than skill. Only those with the ambition to RISE above all others will know its height.
For more information on the 2018 League of Legends World Championship visit http://www.lolesports.com.
Listen Now: (http://smarturl.it/ewxshd)
Spotify: http://smarturl.it/ewxshd/spotify
Apple Music: http://smarturl.it/ewxshd/applemusic
iTunes: http://smarturl.it/ewxshd/itunes
GooglePlay: http://smarturl.it/ewxshd/googleplay
Deezer: http://smarturl.it/ewxshd/deezer
Featured artists: The Glitch Mob, Mako, and The Word Alive
Written by: Riot Music Team and Alex Seaver of Mako
Additional writing by: Justin Tranter
Produced by: Riot Music Team, Alex Seaver of Mako, and The Glitch Mob
Additional production by: HEALTH
Mixed by: Miles Walker at Silent Sound Studios
Assisted by: Ryan Jumper
Mastered by: Riot Music Team
Vocals performed by: Mako and The Word Alive
Vocal production by: Riot Music Team and Alex Seaver of Mako
The Word Alive appears courtesy of Fearless Records
Welcome to the wild, no heroes and villains
Welcome to the war we've only begun, so
Pick up your weapon and face it
There's blood on the crown go and take it
You get one shot to make it out alive, so
Higher and higher you chase it
It’s deep in your bones, go and take it
This is your moment, now is your time, so
Prove yourself and
Make 'em remember you
Push through hell and
They will remember you
Welcome to the climb up, reach for the summit
Visions pray that one false step lead the end, so
Higher and higher you chase it
It's deep in your blood, go and take it
This is your moment, take to the skies, go
Prove yourself and
Make 'em remember you
Push through hell and
They will remember you
So get along, so get along, go
Get along 'long get a move on up
So get along, so get along, go
Get along 'long get a move on up
And as you fight among the death beneath the dirt
Do you know yet?
Do you want it?
And when the giants call to ask you what you're worth
Do you know if,
Win or die, you'll
Prove yourself and
Make 'em remember you
Push through hell and
They will remember you
Prove yourself and RISE, RISE
(Pick up your weapon and face it)
(It’s deep in your blood, go and take it)
(Higher and higher you chase it)
Reaching the peak takes more than skill. Only those with the ambition to RISE above all others will know its height.
For more information on the 2018 League of Legends World Championship visit http://www.lolesports.com.
Listen Now: (http://smarturl.it/ewxshd)
Spotify: http://smarturl.it/ewxshd/spotify
Apple Music: http://smarturl.it/ewxshd/applemusic
iTunes: http://smarturl.it/ewxshd/itunes
GooglePlay: http://smarturl.it/ewxshd/googleplay
Deezer: http://smarturl.it/ewxshd/deezer
Featured artists: The Glitch Mob, Mako, and The Word Alive
Written by: Riot Music Team and Alex Seaver of Mako
Additional writing by: Justin Tranter
Produced by: Riot Music Team, Alex Seaver of Mako, and The Glitch Mob
Additional production by: HEALTH
Mixed by: Miles Walker at Silent Sound Studios
Assisted by: Ryan Jumper
Mastered by: Riot Music Team
Vocals performed by: Mako and The Word Alive
Vocal production by: Riot Music Team and Alex Seaver of Mako
The Word Alive appears courtesy of Fearless Records
Welcome to the wild, no heroes and villains
Welcome to the war we've only begun, so
Pick up your weapon and face it
There's blood on the crown go and take it
You get one shot to make it out alive, so
Higher and higher you chase it
It’s deep in your bones, go and take it
This is your moment, now is your time, so
Prove yourself and
Make 'em remember you
Push through hell and
They will remember you
Welcome to the climb up, reach for the summit
Visions pray that one false step lead the end, so
Higher and higher you chase it
It's deep in your blood, go and take it
This is your moment, take to the skies, go
Prove yourself and
Make 'em remember you
Push through hell and
They will remember you
So get along, so get along, go
Get along 'long get a move on up
So get along, so get along, go
Get along 'long get a move on up
And as you fight among the death beneath the dirt
Do you know yet?
Do you want it?
And when the giants call to ask you what you're worth
Do you know if,
Win or die, you'll
Prove yourself and
Make 'em remember you
Push through hell and
They will remember you
Prove yourself and RISE, RISE
(Pick up your weapon and face it)
(It’s deep in your blood, go and take it)
(Higher and higher you chase it)
- published: 26 Sep 2018
- views: 389940480
Barbara Corcoran Explains How To Ask For A Raise
At IGNITION, Business Insider asked real estate mogul and "Shark Tank" host Barbara Corcoran to share her advice on how to successfully ask your boss for a rais...
At IGNITION, Business Insider asked real estate mogul and "Shark Tank" host Barbara Corcoran to share her advice on how to successfully ask your boss for a raise. Corcoran also talked about what you should do if you receive an offer from another company.
Following is a transcript:
Barbara Corcoran: If you want to get a raise, and particularly if you're a woman who wants to get a raise, women don't ask for raises I can tell you. I've employed thousands of women over my life. They do not ask for raises unless they absolutely must, and men ask all the time. And so, what the smartest thing to do is, first of all, make an appointment to ask for a raise, even if your expectation isn't that you're gonna get it. At least ask for it, because that sets you up for the next meeting where you'll likely get it.
And the smartest thing to do is to walk in with a list of your responsibilities when you started at the company, and then also the list of things you've taken on since you started. And simply make the boss aware that you have a lot more responsibility. You're delighted to take it on, give me more, but I'd like to be compensated and to name a number you'd like.
Most women, when they work up to the point where they'll ask for a raise, they won't give a number. "I'd like to get a raise." Men will walk in and say, "I'd like to get a raise. I'd like it to be around 10, 15 percent."
No qualms. So, if you're a timid woman, I think the smart thing to do is ask, "What would a man do?" And walk in thinking like a man. If you don't get the raise, you have to ask, "What would merit a raise?" So that when you come back the next time, you could say, "Hey, this is what I've done," "I'd like to get that raise."
When someone has come to me and said they got another offer for a lot more money from somewhere else, and it's not followed up with, "So, goodbye," they're looking for something from me. I never try to buy their loyalty because I haven't earned their loyalty, obviously, and they're on their way out the door, I'm not gonna stop them with more money. They're already off my list. I can't wait for them to go out that door.
It's perfectly acceptable to go to your boss and say, "You know, I'm a little surprised. I got an offer for a lot more money, but I'm not taking it because I love this business. But I'm really wondering, could you level with me as to my future prospects here?"
That's a great opener. And it's not insulting and it's not threatening. And guess what? You'll get the best out of that boss. Very, very different than saying, "You want to pay up?" The tone is entirely different. One, the boss wants to measure up. The other style, the boss wants to boot you out that door. I think the piece you have to put in is, "I got a great offer, I love working here and I plan to stay, but it brings on the table my question, what do you think my prospects here in the future might be?" That's pretty fair. If I were a boss, I would go out of my way to think of how I could push you ahead, if I value you. And if my response instead was, "Well I'm happy to hear about it, but you know, we pay you fairly and you have good responsibilities and we're pretty happy, so do what you want," or something like that, I would know I am not valued, and I would take the other job because the one thing you must be in any position you are, male, female, whatever level you are, is you must be valued and appreciated to be promoted.
It's a great way to go in and take a litmus test as to how you are valued in that boss' eyes, and your boss has more to do with your future than the company you're working for, your responsibilities and everything else. If they love you, they will push you ahead. I had so many people come and ask for raises over the years. Of course, mostly men. My theory as a boss is, you get ahead of your valued employees and you raise them before they ever get to ask. Because employees will kill for you, if you can treat them with that kind of reverence and respect and prove it by paying them more. They'll kill for you. They're loyal forever. And I've always been very lucky to be surrounded by people that are enormously loyal, and it's no accident. Because I make sure I push money, recognition, whatever I have, opportunity, more valuable than raises. Bonuses, whatever it takes to make them feel "I am loved." That's what everybody wants.
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Barbara Corcoran Explains How To Ask For A Raise
At IGNITION, Business Insider asked real estate mogul and "Shark Tank" host Barbara Corcoran to share her advice on how to successfully ask your boss for a raise. Corcoran also talked about what you should do if you receive an offer from another company.
Following is a transcript:
Barbara Corcoran: If you want to get a raise, and particularly if you're a woman who wants to get a raise, women don't ask for raises I can tell you. I've employed thousands of women over my life. They do not ask for raises unless they absolutely must, and men ask all the time. And so, what the smartest thing to do is, first of all, make an appointment to ask for a raise, even if your expectation isn't that you're gonna get it. At least ask for it, because that sets you up for the next meeting where you'll likely get it.
And the smartest thing to do is to walk in with a list of your responsibilities when you started at the company, and then also the list of things you've taken on since you started. And simply make the boss aware that you have a lot more responsibility. You're delighted to take it on, give me more, but I'd like to be compensated and to name a number you'd like.
Most women, when they work up to the point where they'll ask for a raise, they won't give a number. "I'd like to get a raise." Men will walk in and say, "I'd like to get a raise. I'd like it to be around 10, 15 percent."
No qualms. So, if you're a timid woman, I think the smart thing to do is ask, "What would a man do?" And walk in thinking like a man. If you don't get the raise, you have to ask, "What would merit a raise?" So that when you come back the next time, you could say, "Hey, this is what I've done," "I'd like to get that raise."
When someone has come to me and said they got another offer for a lot more money from somewhere else, and it's not followed up with, "So, goodbye," they're looking for something from me. I never try to buy their loyalty because I haven't earned their loyalty, obviously, and they're on their way out the door, I'm not gonna stop them with more money. They're already off my list. I can't wait for them to go out that door.
It's perfectly acceptable to go to your boss and say, "You know, I'm a little surprised. I got an offer for a lot more money, but I'm not taking it because I love this business. But I'm really wondering, could you level with me as to my future prospects here?"
That's a great opener. And it's not insulting and it's not threatening. And guess what? You'll get the best out of that boss. Very, very different than saying, "You want to pay up?" The tone is entirely different. One, the boss wants to measure up. The other style, the boss wants to boot you out that door. I think the piece you have to put in is, "I got a great offer, I love working here and I plan to stay, but it brings on the table my question, what do you think my prospects here in the future might be?" That's pretty fair. If I were a boss, I would go out of my way to think of how I could push you ahead, if I value you. And if my response instead was, "Well I'm happy to hear about it, but you know, we pay you fairly and you have good responsibilities and we're pretty happy, so do what you want," or something like that, I would know I am not valued, and I would take the other job because the one thing you must be in any position you are, male, female, whatever level you are, is you must be valued and appreciated to be promoted.
It's a great way to go in and take a litmus test as to how you are valued in that boss' eyes, and your boss has more to do with your future than the company you're working for, your responsibilities and everything else. If they love you, they will push you ahead. I had so many people come and ask for raises over the years. Of course, mostly men. My theory as a boss is, you get ahead of your valued employees and you raise them before they ever get to ask. Because employees will kill for you, if you can treat them with that kind of reverence and respect and prove it by paying them more. They'll kill for you. They're loyal forever. And I've always been very lucky to be surrounded by people that are enormously loyal, and it's no accident. Because I make sure I push money, recognition, whatever I have, opportunity, more valuable than raises. Bonuses, whatever it takes to make them feel "I am loved." That's what everybody wants.
Business Insider tells you all you need to know about business, finance, tech, retail, and more.
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Barbara Corcoran Explains How To Ask For A Raise
- published: 13 Jan 2019
- views: 1171462
One Piece - Ending 19 【RAISE】 4K 60FPS Creditless | CC
One Piece ED / Ending 19 "RAISE" by Chilli Beans.
Subtitles: [CC]
🖌 Anime...
One Piece ED / Ending 19 "RAISE" by Chilli Beans.
Subtitles: [CC]
🖌 Anime: One Piece
♫ Artist: Chilli Beans.
♪ Song: RAISE
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Subtitle artists:
#OnePiece #ChilliBeans #RAISE
One Piece ED / Ending 19 "RAISE" by Chilli Beans.
Subtitles: [CC]
🖌 Anime: One Piece
♫ Artist: Chilli Beans.
♪ Song: RAISE
⛾ Support me on Patreon:
⛾ https://www.patreon.com/Neobrane
⛾ Discord:
⛾ https://discord.gg/2Qsrr26u5D
Subtitle artists:
#OnePiece #ChilliBeans #RAISE
- published: 03 Sep 2023
- views: 96232
We Raise | Planetshakers Official Music Video
‘We Raise’ filmed LIVE at Planetshakers Conference 2023 in Melbourne, Australia!
Available on all digital streaming platforms!
Connect with us:
Website: https...
‘We Raise’ filmed LIVE at Planetshakers Conference 2023 in Melbourne, Australia!
Available on all digital streaming platforms!
Connect with us:
Website: https://www.planetshakers.com/music/
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Tik Tok: https://www.tiktok.com/@planetshakerstv
The Lord is with me, So I have everything that I need
He always leads me, So there is nothing that I will fear
All the days of my life, I will dwell in the house of the Lord
Surely goodness and mercy, Overflowing forevermore
We raise, Yeah we raise
All our praise, To the name of the Lord
We raise, Yeah we raise
All our praise, To the name of the Lord
Everybody sing it LOUDER, Everybody lift Him HIGHER
Give your praises to the king
We raise, Yeah we raise
All our praise, To the name of the Lord
He goes before me, So I won’t worry about a thing
He’s fighting for me, So every single time I will win
All the days of my life, I will dwell in the house of the Lord
Surely goodness and mercy, Overflowing forevermore
We raise, Yeah we raise
All our praise, To the name of the Lord
We raise, Yeah we raise
All our praise, To the name of the Lord
Everybody sing it LOUDER, Everybody lift Him HIGHER
Give your praises to the king
We raise, Yeah we raise
All our praise, To the name of the Lord
Words & music by Joth Hunt ©2023 Planetshakers Publishing
CCLI: 7208338
‘We Raise’ filmed LIVE at Planetshakers Conference 2023 in Melbourne, Australia!
Available on all digital streaming platforms!
Connect with us:
Website: https://www.planetshakers.com/music/
Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/planetshakers/
Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/planetshakers
Twitter: https://twitter.com/planetshakers
Tik Tok: https://www.tiktok.com/@planetshakerstv
The Lord is with me, So I have everything that I need
He always leads me, So there is nothing that I will fear
All the days of my life, I will dwell in the house of the Lord
Surely goodness and mercy, Overflowing forevermore
We raise, Yeah we raise
All our praise, To the name of the Lord
We raise, Yeah we raise
All our praise, To the name of the Lord
Everybody sing it LOUDER, Everybody lift Him HIGHER
Give your praises to the king
We raise, Yeah we raise
All our praise, To the name of the Lord
He goes before me, So I won’t worry about a thing
He’s fighting for me, So every single time I will win
All the days of my life, I will dwell in the house of the Lord
Surely goodness and mercy, Overflowing forevermore
We raise, Yeah we raise
All our praise, To the name of the Lord
We raise, Yeah we raise
All our praise, To the name of the Lord
Everybody sing it LOUDER, Everybody lift Him HIGHER
Give your praises to the king
We raise, Yeah we raise
All our praise, To the name of the Lord
Words & music by Joth Hunt ©2023 Planetshakers Publishing
CCLI: 7208338
- published: 26 May 2023
- views: 566171
Whole class of companies that should never raise an ounce of venture capital. #digitalhealth
I’m a big believer that there's a whole class of great companies that should never raise an ounce of venture capital or only raise a seed or preseed or series A...
I’m a big believer that there's a whole class of great companies that should never raise an ounce of venture capital or only raise a seed or preseed or series A. And then say we're now on the path to profitability and grow that company in that manner. Digital Health Interview with Ankit Jain https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=aBN1rnMlC8Y
I’m a big believer that there's a whole class of great companies that should never raise an ounce of venture capital or only raise a seed or preseed or series A. And then say we're now on the path to profitability and grow that company in that manner. Digital Health Interview with Ankit Jain https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=aBN1rnMlC8Y
- published: 01 Oct 2024
- views: 283
Raise A Hallelujah (LIVE) - Jonathan and Melissa Helser | VICTORY
"Raise A Hallelujah" sung by Jonathan Helser and Melissa Helser live at Bethel Church
Song begins at 2:13
VICTORY Album Available everywhere now:
Spotify | ht...
"Raise A Hallelujah" sung by Jonathan Helser and Melissa Helser live at Bethel Church
Song begins at 2:13
VICTORY Album Available everywhere now:
Spotify | https://bethelmusic.lnk.to/VictoryID/spotify
Itunes | https://bethelmusic.lnk.to/VictoryID/itunes
Apple Music | https://bethelmusic.lnk.to/VictoryYC/applemusic
Amazon | https://bethelmusic.lnk.to/VictoryYC/amazon
Subscribe for the latest videos and songs: http://bit.ly/BMsubscribe
Visit VICTORY website: bethelmusic.com/victory
Get the chord chart: https://bethelmusic.com/chords-and-lyrics/raise-a-hallelujah/
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Verse 1
I raise a hallelujah, in the presence of my enemies
I raise a hallelujah, louder than the unbelief
I raise a hallelujah, my weapon is a melody
I raise a hallelujah, Heaven comes to fight for me
I’m gonna sing, in the middle of the storm
Louder and louder, you’re gonna hear my praises roar
Up from the ashes, hope will arise
Death is defeated, the King is alive
Verse 2
I raise a hallelujah, with everything inside of me
I raise a hallelujah, I will watch the darkness flee
I raise a hallelujah, in the middle of the mystery
I raise a hallelujah, fear you lost your hold on me
Sing a little louder
In the presence of my enemies
Sing a little louder
Louder than the unbelief
Sing a little louder
My weapon is a melody
Sing a little louder
Heaven comes to fight for me
I raise a hallelujah
Written by:
Jonathan David Helser | Melissa Helser | Molly Skaggs | Jake Stevens
#RaiseAHallelujah #VICTORY #bethelmusic
"Raise A Hallelujah" sung by Jonathan Helser and Melissa Helser live at Bethel Church
Song begins at 2:13
VICTORY Album Available everywhere now:
Spotify | https://bethelmusic.lnk.to/VictoryID/spotify
Itunes | https://bethelmusic.lnk.to/VictoryID/itunes
Apple Music | https://bethelmusic.lnk.to/VictoryYC/applemusic
Amazon | https://bethelmusic.lnk.to/VictoryYC/amazon
Subscribe for the latest videos and songs: http://bit.ly/BMsubscribe
Visit VICTORY website: bethelmusic.com/victory
Get the chord chart: https://bethelmusic.com/chords-and-lyrics/raise-a-hallelujah/
Stay Connected:
Instagram | https://www.instagram.com/bethelmusic/
Facebook | https://www.facebook.com/bethelmusic
Twitter | https://twitter.com/bethelmusic
BM Website | https://bethelmusic.com/
Verse 1
I raise a hallelujah, in the presence of my enemies
I raise a hallelujah, louder than the unbelief
I raise a hallelujah, my weapon is a melody
I raise a hallelujah, Heaven comes to fight for me
I’m gonna sing, in the middle of the storm
Louder and louder, you’re gonna hear my praises roar
Up from the ashes, hope will arise
Death is defeated, the King is alive
Verse 2
I raise a hallelujah, with everything inside of me
I raise a hallelujah, I will watch the darkness flee
I raise a hallelujah, in the middle of the mystery
I raise a hallelujah, fear you lost your hold on me
Sing a little louder
In the presence of my enemies
Sing a little louder
Louder than the unbelief
Sing a little louder
My weapon is a melody
Sing a little louder
Heaven comes to fight for me
I raise a hallelujah
Written by:
Jonathan David Helser | Melissa Helser | Molly Skaggs | Jake Stevens
#RaiseAHallelujah #VICTORY #bethelmusic
- published: 03 Jan 2019
- views: 60822132