For the majority of crimes in Scotland, the procurators fiscal present cases for the prosecution in the Sheriff, District and Justice of the Peace Courts, and the case for the defence is presented either by the accused, a solicitor, or an advocate. The solicitor will work for a firm of solicitors, or in certain areas of Scotland could be a public defender working for the Public Defence Solicitors' Office.
Gillian Mawdsley (Judicial Studies Committee)
The role of the procurator fiscal in sudden death of individuals in scotland.
published: 28 May 2012
Procurator Fiscal
Please Eton touch and register your thoughts and feelings ab0ut this mans unlawful inpriosnment.
published: 25 May 2019
John Roach Funeral Directors give advice on when the Procurator Fiscal would be involved in a death in Scotland.
published: 27 Jun 2012
Procurator fiscal's Office, Aberdeen
Procurator fiscal's office has had my camera and mobile phone for 3 years now and all they have used in court as evidence is YouTube videos.. No exhibits have been used other than
published: 20 Feb 2023
Prosecutor Seems Unable to Explain 'Obvious' Post Office Evidence
Former Procurator Fiscal David Teal seems unable to explain 'obvious' Post Office Evidence to the Post Office Inquiry.
David Teal points out that decisions that are obvious may or may not have been recorded but seems to get tangled up with what the two pieces of evidence relied upon actually meet the crucial legal test of the law of corroboration whilst admitting that a piece of evidence might not actually show a crime had taken place, despite initially saying that it showed embezzlement by the accused subpostmaster.
#PostOfficeInquiry #PostOfficeScandal #PostOffice #DavidTeal
published: 25 Jan 2024
Pride 2020 | Ruaraidh Ferguson, Senior Procurator Fiscal Depute at COPFS
To celebrate Pride 2020, Ruaraidh Ferguson, a Senior Procurator Fiscal Depute at COPFS and lead of its LGBT+ network Proud In COPFS, says he is proud to be part of a profession and justice system that embraces and protects diversity and tolerance.
Procurator fiscal's office has had my camera and mobile phone for 3 years now and all they have used in court as evidence is YouTube videos.. No exhibits have b...
Procurator fiscal's office has had my camera and mobile phone for 3 years now and all they have used in court as evidence is YouTube videos.. No exhibits have been used other than
Procurator fiscal's office has had my camera and mobile phone for 3 years now and all they have used in court as evidence is YouTube videos.. No exhibits have been used other than
Former Procurator Fiscal David Teal seems unable to explain 'obvious' Post Office Evidence to the Post Office Inquiry.
David Teal points out that decisions t...
Former Procurator Fiscal David Teal seems unable to explain 'obvious' Post Office Evidence to the Post Office Inquiry.
David Teal points out that decisions that are obvious may or may not have been recorded but seems to get tangled up with what the two pieces of evidence relied upon actually meet the crucial legal test of the law of corroboration whilst admitting that a piece of evidence might not actually show a crime had taken place, despite initially saying that it showed embezzlement by the accused subpostmaster.
#PostOfficeInquiry #PostOfficeScandal #PostOffice #DavidTeal
Former Procurator Fiscal David Teal seems unable to explain 'obvious' Post Office Evidence to the Post Office Inquiry.
David Teal points out that decisions that are obvious may or may not have been recorded but seems to get tangled up with what the two pieces of evidence relied upon actually meet the crucial legal test of the law of corroboration whilst admitting that a piece of evidence might not actually show a crime had taken place, despite initially saying that it showed embezzlement by the accused subpostmaster.
#PostOfficeInquiry #PostOfficeScandal #PostOffice #DavidTeal
To celebrate Pride 2020, Ruaraidh Ferguson, a Senior Procurator Fiscal Depute at COPFS and lead of its LGBT+ network Proud In COPFS, says he is proud to be part...
To celebrate Pride 2020, Ruaraidh Ferguson, a Senior Procurator Fiscal Depute at COPFS and lead of its LGBT+ network Proud In COPFS, says he is proud to be part of a profession and justice system that embraces and protects diversity and tolerance.
To celebrate Pride 2020, Ruaraidh Ferguson, a Senior Procurator Fiscal Depute at COPFS and lead of its LGBT+ network Proud In COPFS, says he is proud to be part of a profession and justice system that embraces and protects diversity and tolerance.
Procurator fiscal's office has had my camera and mobile phone for 3 years now and all they have used in court as evidence is YouTube videos.. No exhibits have been used other than
Former Procurator Fiscal David Teal seems unable to explain 'obvious' Post Office Evidence to the Post Office Inquiry.
David Teal points out that decisions that are obvious may or may not have been recorded but seems to get tangled up with what the two pieces of evidence relied upon actually meet the crucial legal test of the law of corroboration whilst admitting that a piece of evidence might not actually show a crime had taken place, despite initially saying that it showed embezzlement by the accused subpostmaster.
#PostOfficeInquiry #PostOfficeScandal #PostOffice #DavidTeal
To celebrate Pride 2020, Ruaraidh Ferguson, a Senior Procurator Fiscal Depute at COPFS and lead of its LGBT+ network Proud In COPFS, says he is proud to be part of a profession and justice system that embraces and protects diversity and tolerance.
For the majority of crimes in Scotland, the procurators fiscal present cases for the prosecution in the Sheriff, District and Justice of the Peace Courts, and the case for the defence is presented either by the accused, a solicitor, or an advocate. The solicitor will work for a firm of solicitors, or in certain areas of Scotland could be a public defender working for the Public Defence Solicitors' Office.
‘on 9 August 2024, we presented the findings of the investigation so far to the Crown Office and Procurator Fiscal Service and we await their direction on what further action should be taken.’ Talk about dragging it out, eh? ... REGISTER ... ×. .
To support fiscal consolidation, Dr Forson indicated the Public Procurement Act will be amended to provide for an Independent Value-for-Money Office to scrutinise government procurements above a threshold.
A 32-year-old man appeared in court in connection with a fatal crash that killed three people. The crash, which involved two motorbikes, happened around 2.30pm on Sunday July 28 2024 ... A report has been submitted to the Procurator Fiscal ... .
A 14-year-old boy charged with the murder of Amen Teklay, 15, made no plea when he appeared in court ... He was committed for further examination and remanded in custody ... A PoliceScotland spokesperson said ... A report will be sent to the Procurator Fiscal ... .
The 14-year-old boy has been charged and will appear in Glasgow Sheriff Court on Monday. A PoliceScotland spokesperson said. “Enquiries are ongoing. A report will be sent to the Procurator Fiscal ... She said. “This was very unexpected and shocking for us ... .
He said that funds were already allocated in the budget for the offices of assistant commissioners for the current fiscal year and no expenditure had been made outside the budget ... procurement process.
To bolster America's Ready ReserveForce fleet, U.S.Transportation Command wants to buy as many as 10 used shipping vessels.� ... +3 ... The last of the ships will be bought in fiscal year 2026, closing out the command's ability to procure used vessels ... ....
In a significant step towards modernizing its defense capabilities, the U.S ...Development plans... Col ... According to the budget documents, the Army plans to procure 619 MAPSGEN II systems for a total of $130 million in fiscal 2025000 ... RECOMMENDED ARTICLES.
Toyota MotorGroup, Japan’s largest automaker, will reduce prices for flat products sold to affiliated component manufacturers covered by its centralized procurement scheme for the first half of fiscal year 2025/2026 (April-September).
... She noted that they will use "every lever we have" from adapting fiscal rules for defense spending, to mobilizing the bloc's budget, to new loans for joint procurement of equipment ... .
But in its fiscal 2025 shipbuilding plan, the Navy said ... The Navy planned in 2019 to procure 11 ships in fiscal 2025. But under its fiscal 2025 plan, the Navy reduced its procurement plans to six ships.