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Prime Standard

Prime Standard is a market segment of the Frankfurt Stock Exchange that lists German companies which comply with international transparency standards. The requirements are higher than in General Standard which is regulated by law. This higher standard includes quarterly reporting in German and English, application of international accounting standards (IFRS/IAS or US-GAAP), publication of a financial calendar, staging of at least one analyst conference a year and ad hoc disclosure also in English.

All companies listed in DAX, MDAX, TecDAX and SDAX have to belong to Prime Standard.


  • What Everyone Should Know About HDB Standard, Plus, Prime Housing

    The Singapore govt JUST created a new classification scheme that will change the subsidies and regulations for HDB flats. Here is what Everyone Should Know About HDB Standard, Plus, Prime Housing. Join the BEST Investing community here: https://chat.whatsapp.com/DYxiQ5XcMRL0F8eiFWv9Tj There are 3 primary goals - Keep home ownership affordable for all income groups - Maintain a good social mix in every town and region - Keep the public housing system fair for everyone But this comes at a cost! So why this new classification? 1) The previous matured & non-matured system is irrelevant 2) Properties are getting unaffordable in ‘central locations so there isn’t a good social mix anymore. With Sky high prices people are forced to the outskirts of Singapore - Tengah BTO project map zoom in ...

    published: 26 Aug 2023
  • Potential Impacts of HDB BTO Plus Prime Standard What is HDB Standard Plus Prime Flat in Singapore?

    Here's the details about HDB BTO's new framework to classify projects as "Standard", "Plus" and "Prime"; what are their differences and I will also discuss what are the impact on current HDBs and the potential impact in the future. GET YOUR FREE $30 FURNITURE VOUCHER: https://www.hipvan.com/referrals/e74cf59375 CHEAP DIY WALL PAINT & TOOLS: https://qoo.tn/BMbLaX/Q112202246 CHEAP DIY KITCHEN LAMINATE: https://qoo.tn/BNcLaX/Q112202246 CHEAP DIY WOODEN FLOOR LAMINATE: https://qoo.tn/BybLaX/Q112202246 GET $5 WELCOME BONUS & CASHBACK ON ONLINE PURCHASES: https://app.shopback.com/z99G3uhzNeb MAKE MONEY FROM HOME: https://sg.toluna.com/referral/a7670183t76 https://sg.yougov.com/en-sg/refer/sVqhU-5NJ8VhYT8OXe00_A/ https://www.superpay.me/?ref=ExtraCash88 MAKE MONEY FROM YOUTUBE: https:...

    published: 24 Aug 2023
  • New BTO flat categories: Standard, Plus, Prime | NDR 2023

    A new classification of flats that differentiates BTO projects by locational attributes rather than the estate they are in will take effect from the second half of 2024. This comes as the Government moves away from a long-standing system of classifying projects in mature and non-mature estates, to keep pace with the changing housing landscape. All new BTO flats launched from the second half of 2024 will be classified into one of three categories: Prime, Plus or Standard, said Prime Minister Lee Hsien Loong at the National Day Rally on Sunday. Turn on notifications 🔔 to stay updated. Follow The Straits Times on YouTube: https://str.sg/ytsub -------------------- WEBSITE ➤ https://www.straitstimes.com WHATSAPP ➤ https://str.sg/whatsapp TIKTOK ➤ https://www.tiktok.com/@straitstimes INST...

    published: 20 Aug 2023
  • A new framework of Standard, Plus and Prime HDB flats (National Day Rally 2023)

    Prime Minister Lee Hsien Loong introduced HDB’s new “Plus” model for selling flats. This will keep home ownership affordable and fair for all. He was speaking at the National Day Rally on 20 Aug 2023. ➡️ Subscribe to the Gov.sg YouTube channel for more updates: https://go.gov.sg/subscribe-govsg-yt - ➡️ Gov.sg is the official online communication platform of the Singapore Government, providing you with the latest policy updates, information and news. ➡️ Find us on our: OFFICIAL WEBSITE https://www.gov.sg/ FACEBOOK https://go.gov.sg/govsg-channel-fb INSTAGRAM https://go.gov.sg/govsg-channel-ig LINKEDIN https://go.gov.sg/govsg-channel-li TIKTOK https://go.gov.sg/govsg-channel-tt TWITTER https://go.gov.sg/govsg-channel-tw - ➡️ Want updates on the latest news from the Governme...

    published: 21 Aug 2023
  • HDB BTO Classifications (Prime, Plus, Standard) What you need to know

    HDB came up with new BTO Classifications as seen on PM Lee's National Day Rally 2023 speech. Namely, Prime, Plus and Standard scheme. What should you take note of if you intend to purchase one of those units and how would it affect you as an existing home owner? 🕸 Check out my website: https://linktr.ee/thederrickliew 🏠 Check out the latest new launch: https://www.derrickliewrealty.com 📱 Join my Real Estate Telegram channel: https://t.me/derrickliewrealty 📸 Connect with me on Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/thederrickliew/ 🔔 Subscribe for more of such videos: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCYFYdDfvfh8CAkPV297xV_Q?sub_confirmation=1 🏷️ For any sale/rental inquiries, contact the team here! Derrick Liew +65 8715 4332 CEA: R066896D wa.me/6587154332 If you like what you are seeing...

    published: 26 Oct 2023
  • #MNDExplains: HDB-Standard, Plus and Prime

    From 2H2024, we will classify new BTO projects into three categories based on their locational attributes. The new classification of BTO flats will ensure our public housing system continues to meet Singaporeans’ housing needs and aspirations – home-ownership, inclusive communities, fairness, and sustainability. For more information, pls visit www.mnd.gov.sg/bto-classification.

    published: 22 Nov 2023
  • Börsenmärkte und -segmente einfach erklärt - Was ist der Prime Standard?

    Hast du dich auch schon gefragt was Börsensegmente oder Teilmärkte an Börsen eigentlich sind? In diesem Zusammenhang ist dann auch oft vom Prime Standard die Rede. Wir erklären es dir in diesem Video. Timestamps: 00:00 - Welcome Fellows 00:40 - Börsenhandel & Börsenmärkte 02:17 - Regulierter Markt 04:20 - Börsensegment Prime Standard 05:41 - Freiverkehr ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Du bist fest entschlossen deine Finanzen in die eigenen Hände zu nehmen? 👉 💶 🌱 Super, wir unterstützen dich gerne auf deinem Weg! 🙂 Ob Girokonto oder Depot. Auf unserer Homepage haben wir für dich die besten Angebote verglichen 👍 : Girokonto: https://www.financefellows.de/girokonto-vergleich/ Tagesgeld: ...

    published: 27 Feb 2021
  • Which BTO should you apply - Standard Plus or Prime

    Standard Prime and Plus BTO TIMESTAMPS 00:05 Intro 00:46 View of park and lake 00:59 BTO - Standard Plus Prime 02:55 Tour of the house 03:06 Living Hall 03:14 Kitchen area 04:00 Common rooms 04:45 Surrounding amenities 05:24 Outro The difference between Standard, plus and prime Tightest sales condition will be prime flats, location central, city and southern waterfront Plus flats will be launch in locations near transport hubs and town centres Prime will get the most subsidies, which comes with a condition after the sale called subsidies recovery. the main difference is the MOP timeline, which falls just among these 2 durations, either 5 or 10 years To clear any doubts, this does not apply to existing BTO units launched these new Prime and Plus flat will only be released 2H of 2...

    published: 17 Nov 2023
  • Rishi Sunak statement in full: PM says we need 'protect democracy' from rising extremism

    Prime Minister Rishi Sunak said the victory of George Galloway in the Rochdale by-election is “beyond alarming”. Speaking outside Downing Street on Friday, he said: “In recent weeks and months, we have seen a shocking increase in extremist disruption and criminality. “What started as protests on our streets have descended into intimidation, threats and planned acts of violence. “Jewish children fearful to wear their school uniform lest it reveals their identity. Muslim women abused in the street for the actions of a terrorist group they have no connection with. “Now our democracy itself is a target. Council meetings and local events have been stormed. MPs do not feel safe in their homes. Long-standing parliamentary conventions have been upended because of safety concerns. “And it’s be...

    published: 02 Mar 2024
  • The Future of BTO Flats: Prime, Plus, and Standard - Everything You Need to Know

    In this informative video, we break down the latest changes in the BTO flat classification system, introducing you to the new categories: Prime, Plus, and Standard. If you're considering getting a BTO flat in the near future, understanding these distinctions is crucial. Starting from the second half of 2024, all newly launched BTO flats will fall into one of these three categories, each with its unique set of rules and considerations. From prime locations with stringent restrictions to standard flats with more flexibility, we cover it all. Watch this video to gain valuable insights into how these changes might impact your BTO housing choice, whether you're a buyer or seller. Don't miss out on this essential information – hit that follow button and stay informed about the latest updates i...

    published: 16 Sep 2023
developed with YouTube
What Everyone Should Know About HDB Standard, Plus, Prime Housing

What Everyone Should Know About HDB Standard, Plus, Prime Housing

  • Order:
  • Duration: 11:10
  • Uploaded Date: 26 Aug 2023
  • views: 3307
The Singapore govt JUST created a new classification scheme that will change the subsidies and regulations for HDB flats. Here is what Everyone Should Know About HDB Standard, Plus, Prime Housing. Join the BEST Investing community here: https://chat.whatsapp.com/DYxiQ5XcMRL0F8eiFWv9Tj There are 3 primary goals - Keep home ownership affordable for all income groups - Maintain a good social mix in every town and region - Keep the public housing system fair for everyone But this comes at a cost! So why this new classification? 1) The previous matured & non-matured system is irrelevant 2) Properties are getting unaffordable in ‘central locations so there isn’t a good social mix anymore. With Sky high prices people are forced to the outskirts of Singapore - Tengah BTO project map zoom in effect To give you an idea of how expensive it is For a 700k BTO, to get the full 80% loan you need around $9k in combined income, and $200k in cash & CPF to get the 5-room flat. What’s the solution? Introducing the Standard, Plus, Prime housing The better the flat, the more subsidies & restrictions you get. The idea is that now everyone has more choices but with more restrictions. This is the cost of making subsidized homes affordable and fair. Get your Free $100+ Stock: https://a.webull.com.sg/i/GeraldOng Get up to USD 3000 worth of FREE Stock Vouchers here! https://www.tigerbrokers.com.sg/activity/forapp/welcome/?lang=en_US&group_id=2574&invite=GERALD Free IBKR Stock: https://ibkr.com/referral/geraldsoonlee413 Subscribe to see more: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCRJTXOvcpLIo4rh7jBrlOMA?sub_confirmation=1 Get up to USD 200 Worth of FREE Stock Vouchers too! http://moomoo.com/en-sg/act/welcome?channel=1002&subchannel=157 Awesome Free $10 Deals! Use code GERALD on Crypto.com: https://platinum.crypto.com/r/gerald/ Free $10 Bitcoin when buying or selling USD100 worth of Crypto (Free up to USD 100 worth of Cryptos for learning too!) https://www.coinbase.com/join/lee_6lez Treat You and Me to a Nice $3 Cup of Coffee with my GooglePay Code: https://g.co/payinvite/mb74a2b 25% discount to buy Crypto on the already cheapest crypto exchange https://accounts.binance.com/en/register?ref=80217625 0.25% off Fees with Ezil Mining: https://ezil.me/?p=b72b Follow me on Instagram! https://www.instagram.com/GeraldOngSL For YouTube coaching, consulting, or partnership enquiries, you can reach me through my channel's contact me page. *Some of the links and other products that appear in this video are from companies where Gerald Ong will earn an affiliate commission or referral bonus. Gerald Ong is part of an affiliate network and receives compensation for sending traffic to partner sites. The content in this video is accurate as of the posting date. Some of the offers mentioned may no longer be available.
Potential Impacts of HDB BTO Plus Prime Standard What is HDB Standard Plus Prime Flat in Singapore?

Potential Impacts of HDB BTO Plus Prime Standard What is HDB Standard Plus Prime Flat in Singapore?

  • Order:
  • Duration: 8:54
  • Uploaded Date: 24 Aug 2023
  • views: 1819
Here's the details about HDB BTO's new framework to classify projects as "Standard", "Plus" and "Prime"; what are their differences and I will also discuss what are the impact on current HDBs and the potential impact in the future. GET YOUR FREE $30 FURNITURE VOUCHER: https://www.hipvan.com/referrals/e74cf59375 CHEAP DIY WALL PAINT & TOOLS: https://qoo.tn/BMbLaX/Q112202246 CHEAP DIY KITCHEN LAMINATE: https://qoo.tn/BNcLaX/Q112202246 CHEAP DIY WOODEN FLOOR LAMINATE: https://qoo.tn/BybLaX/Q112202246 GET $5 WELCOME BONUS & CASHBACK ON ONLINE PURCHASES: https://app.shopback.com/z99G3uhzNeb MAKE MONEY FROM HOME: https://sg.toluna.com/referral/a7670183t76 https://sg.yougov.com/en-sg/refer/sVqhU-5NJ8VhYT8OXe00_A/ https://www.superpay.me/?ref=ExtraCash88 MAKE MONEY FROM YOUTUBE: https://vidiq.com?afmc=7k7 CREDIT FOR MUSIC: Book Bag - E's Jammy Jams Creative Common License CREDIT FOR PICTURES: Designed by Freepik https://www.freepik.com/ Designers: freepik, nensuria, pressfoto, vectorpocket, macrovector, pikisuperstar, dooder, rawpixel.com, catalyststuff, microone, vectorjuice, diana.grytsku, farosofa, lim_pix, kjpargeter, upklyak, vvstudio, kues, pvproductions, azerbaijan_stockers, myimagine2018, teravector, creativeart, dooder, jcomp, www.slon.pics, harryarts, mons.design, lesyakripak, vector_crop, studiogstock, iconicbestiary, valeria_aksakova, luis_molinero, katemangostar, makyzz, mamewmy, stockgiu, gstudioimagen, babysofja, garrykillian, alicia_mb, creativeart, sentavio, gpointstudio, pch.vector, racool_studio, vectorpouch, mrsiraphol, wavebreakmedia-micro, stories, mamewmy, 8photo, wayhomestudio, photoroyalty, creativeart, master1305, waewkidja, bizkette1, jannoon028, jigsawstocker, bedneyimages, karlyukav, nenilkime, mokoland, vectorium, dashu83, wirestock, stockking, coolvector, roserodionova, 4045, jemastock, makyzz, nizovatina, d3images, racool_studio, pixabay, naulicreative, tynyuk, jaaak, ianmikraz, callmetak, graphiqastock, freepic.diller, vanitjan, master1305, User15285612, bizkette1, mego-studio, syifa5610, articular, vector_corp, macrovector_official, cornercoba, senivpetro, pressfoto, bluelela, nakigitsune-sama, kues, wirestock, studio4rt, redgreystock, kstudio, cornecoba, gpointstudio, rattanachomphoo, lifeforstock, stockking, bs_k1d, tirachardz, dilokastudio, kenshinstock, creativeart, sky glass, xvector, user2707116, fxquadro, cornecoba, wayhomestudio, syarifahbrit, felicities, yogiermansyah22, vectorarte CONTENT DISCLAIMER: This video provides information as a reference resource for personal consumption only. It is not intended to be and does not constitute financial advice, investment advice or any other advice. This video has been generated without regard to the individual financial circumstances, needs or objectives of persons who view it. Viewers should not rely on any of the information herein as authoritative or substitute for the exercise of their own skill and judgment in making any investment or other decision. Any action taken is solely at your own risk and without any recourse whatsoever to the content creator, its related and affiliate companies and/or their employees. We make reasonable efforts to use reliable and comprehensive information to generate this video, but we make no representation that it is accurate or complete. This video is for educational purposes only. There is no guarantee that you will save or earn any money using the techniques and ideas mentioned in this video. This is in no way intended to be your only financial advice. Your level of success in attaining the results, will require hard-work, experience, and knowledge. I have taken reasonable steps to ensure that the information on this video is accurate, but I cannot represent that the website(s) mentioned in this video are free from errors. Opinion stated here is my personal point of view and not representing the products manufacturer, suppliers or service providers discussed in the video. You expressly agree not to rely upon any information contained in this video. AFFILIATE DISCLOSURE: This video and description may contain affiliate links, which means that if you click on one of the product links, I’ll receive a small commission.
New BTO flat categories: Standard, Plus, Prime | NDR 2023

New BTO flat categories: Standard, Plus, Prime | NDR 2023

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  • Duration: 5:16
  • Uploaded Date: 20 Aug 2023
  • views: 8769
A new classification of flats that differentiates BTO projects by locational attributes rather than the estate they are in will take effect from the second half of 2024. This comes as the Government moves away from a long-standing system of classifying projects in mature and non-mature estates, to keep pace with the changing housing landscape. All new BTO flats launched from the second half of 2024 will be classified into one of three categories: Prime, Plus or Standard, said Prime Minister Lee Hsien Loong at the National Day Rally on Sunday. Turn on notifications 🔔 to stay updated. Follow The Straits Times on YouTube: https://str.sg/ytsub -------------------- WEBSITE ➤ https://www.straitstimes.com WHATSAPP ➤ https://str.sg/whatsapp TIKTOK ➤ https://www.tiktok.com/@straitstimes INSTAGRAM ➤ https://www.instagram.com/straits_times FACEBOOK ➤ https://www.facebook.com/TheStraitsTimes TWITTER ➤ https://twitter.com/straits_times TELEGRAM ➤ https://t.me/TheStraitsTimes PODCASTS ➤ https://str.sg/stpodcasts #straitstimes #ndr2023 #housing #leehsienloong
A new framework of Standard, Plus and Prime HDB flats (National Day Rally 2023)

A new framework of Standard, Plus and Prime HDB flats (National Day Rally 2023)

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  • Duration: 2:16
  • Uploaded Date: 21 Aug 2023
  • views: 12233
Prime Minister Lee Hsien Loong introduced HDB’s new “Plus” model for selling flats. This will keep home ownership affordable and fair for all. He was speaking at the National Day Rally on 20 Aug 2023. ➡️ Subscribe to the Gov.sg YouTube channel for more updates: https://go.gov.sg/subscribe-govsg-yt - ➡️ Gov.sg is the official online communication platform of the Singapore Government, providing you with the latest policy updates, information and news. ➡️ Find us on our: OFFICIAL WEBSITE https://www.gov.sg/ FACEBOOK https://go.gov.sg/govsg-channel-fb INSTAGRAM https://go.gov.sg/govsg-channel-ig LINKEDIN https://go.gov.sg/govsg-channel-li TIKTOK https://go.gov.sg/govsg-channel-tt TWITTER https://go.gov.sg/govsg-channel-tw - ➡️ Want updates on the latest news from the Government? Subscribe to our Telegram and Whatsapp channels: https://go.gov.sg/govsg-channel-tg https://go.gov.sg/govsg-channel-wa
HDB BTO Classifications (Prime, Plus, Standard) What you need to know

HDB BTO Classifications (Prime, Plus, Standard) What you need to know

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  • Duration: 9:36
  • Uploaded Date: 26 Oct 2023
  • views: 347
HDB came up with new BTO Classifications as seen on PM Lee's National Day Rally 2023 speech. Namely, Prime, Plus and Standard scheme. What should you take note of if you intend to purchase one of those units and how would it affect you as an existing home owner? 🕸 Check out my website: https://linktr.ee/thederrickliew 🏠 Check out the latest new launch: https://www.derrickliewrealty.com 📱 Join my Real Estate Telegram channel: https://t.me/derrickliewrealty 📸 Connect with me on Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/thederrickliew/ 🔔 Subscribe for more of such videos: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCYFYdDfvfh8CAkPV297xV_Q?sub_confirmation=1 🏷️ For any sale/rental inquiries, contact the team here! Derrick Liew +65 8715 4332 CEA: R066896D wa.me/6587154332 If you like what you are seeing and would like to see more of such videos, do give this video a like, and subscribe to the channel to stay connected! Disclaimer: The information provided is meant for informational and educational purposes only and I do not speak on behalf of any organization represented in the video. All opinions expressed are solely based on my personal opinion. All rights and credit go directly to its rightful owners. No copyright infringement intended. Music credit - Pixabay
#MNDExplains: HDB-Standard, Plus and Prime

#MNDExplains: HDB-Standard, Plus and Prime

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  • Duration: 12:06
  • Uploaded Date: 22 Nov 2023
  • views: 1226
From 2H2024, we will classify new BTO projects into three categories based on their locational attributes. The new classification of BTO flats will ensure our public housing system continues to meet Singaporeans’ housing needs and aspirations – home-ownership, inclusive communities, fairness, and sustainability. For more information, pls visit www.mnd.gov.sg/bto-classification.
Börsenmärkte und -segmente einfach erklärt - Was ist der Prime Standard?

Börsenmärkte und -segmente einfach erklärt - Was ist der Prime Standard?

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  • Duration: 8:46
  • Uploaded Date: 27 Feb 2021
  • views: 4211
Hast du dich auch schon gefragt was Börsensegmente oder Teilmärkte an Börsen eigentlich sind? In diesem Zusammenhang ist dann auch oft vom Prime Standard die Rede. Wir erklären es dir in diesem Video. Timestamps: 00:00 - Welcome Fellows 00:40 - Börsenhandel & Börsenmärkte 02:17 - Regulierter Markt 04:20 - Börsensegment Prime Standard 05:41 - Freiverkehr ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Du bist fest entschlossen deine Finanzen in die eigenen Hände zu nehmen? 👉 💶 🌱 Super, wir unterstützen dich gerne auf deinem Weg! 🙂 Ob Girokonto oder Depot. Auf unserer Homepage haben wir für dich die besten Angebote verglichen 👍 : Girokonto: https://www.financefellows.de/girokonto-vergleich/ Tagesgeld: https://www.financefellows.de/tagesgeldkonto-vergleich/ Festgeld: https://www.financefellows.de/festgeld-vergleich/ Depot: https://www.financefellows.de/depot-vergleich/ ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Wenn du uns finanziell unterstützen willst freuen wir uns über deine Unterstützung bei: Patreon: https://www.patreon.com/financefellows Steady: https://steadyhq.com/de/financefellows Vielen Dank! 🙏 #Börsensegment #Börsenmarkt #Börse Hinweis: Dieser Kanal dient ausschließlich Bildungszwecken und ist keinem Finanzinstitut angeschlossen. Es handelt sich bei unseren Videos um keine Anlageberatung oder -empfehlung. Alle Angaben sind ohne Gewähr. Für weitere Informationen besuche unseren Disclaimer auf unserer Homepage.
Which BTO should you apply - Standard Plus or Prime

Which BTO should you apply - Standard Plus or Prime

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  • Duration: 6:05
  • Uploaded Date: 17 Nov 2023
  • views: 217
Standard Prime and Plus BTO TIMESTAMPS 00:05 Intro 00:46 View of park and lake 00:59 BTO - Standard Plus Prime 02:55 Tour of the house 03:06 Living Hall 03:14 Kitchen area 04:00 Common rooms 04:45 Surrounding amenities 05:24 Outro The difference between Standard, plus and prime Tightest sales condition will be prime flats, location central, city and southern waterfront Plus flats will be launch in locations near transport hubs and town centres Prime will get the most subsidies, which comes with a condition after the sale called subsidies recovery. the main difference is the MOP timeline, which falls just among these 2 durations, either 5 or 10 years To clear any doubts, this does not apply to existing BTO units launched these new Prime and Plus flat will only be released 2H of 2024 - as info from HDB That is why, most home buyers, looking for good size and location, still prefer to shortlist resale units in the open market, and today we have this unit at Upper Serangoon Crescent, Presenting PARKLAND RESIDENCES DBSS with 2 Balconies 4 bedroom 2 bathroom Amazing view 112SM HDB with Super Unblocked View! Excellent Breeze! Welcome to 475B Upper Serangoon Crescent, located in the prestigious D19 district. This stunning property offers a brand new high floor unit with an unbeatable unblocked view of the surroundings. Imagine waking up every morning to breathtaking panoramas and enjoying the refreshing breeze that flows through your home. With a spacious floor area, this property provides ample space for you and your loved ones to create lasting memories. The sleek and modern design perfectly complements the luxurious ambiance, making it the perfect retreat after a long day. Convenience is at your doorstep, as this property is situated near various amenities. For commuters, the North East Line MRT station is just a stone's throw away, ensuring seamless connectivity to the rest of Singapore. Families with children will appreciate the close proximity to renowned schools such as CHIJ Our Lady of the Nativity and Punggol Primary School. Enjoy your weekends exploring the nearby Punggol Park CC and Ci Yuan Hawker Centre, where you can indulge in delicious local cuisine and engage in recreational activities. For your shopping needs, Hougang Mall, Rivervale Plaza, and the upcoming Sengkang Grand Mall are all within easy reach. This property offers exceptional value for its prime location. Don't miss out on this opportunity to own your dream home. Call us for a private viewing today Paul Teo 8366 6009 to appreciate this home Moving beyond Buy/Sell/Rent Putting People above property always New launches | Resale condo/hdb | Asset progression | Landed redevelopment | property portfolio restructuring #Peopleaboveproperty #SingaporeNewLaunches #HDBupgrading #LandedNegotiators #PaulTeoDivision #Propnexlanded #SingaporeLanded #SingaporeCondo #SuperPlatChallenge _______________________________________________ More info _______________________________________________ Whatsapp us: https://wa.me/6583666009 For more listings: http://www.sporebestproperty.com/ Our Facebook – https://www.facebook.com/PeopleAboveProperty Our youtube channel: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCNeH3aDxOm_Qcj0NjzGWYrg _______________________________________________ What others say _______________________________________________ Why our landed clients choose us: • Singapore Landed Property Hear what our condo upgrading clients have to say: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=bRiN-Ows50k _______________________________________________ 5 Critical Property factors (5CPF) to help clients upgrade easily: https://wa.me/6583666009 Key sectors of market recovery (post Covid-19): • Key sectors of resale Our Sunday Live market updates and discussions: https://www.facebook.com/TeoPaul/videos/1241260892989908 Interview with Mohd Ismail; What makes a role model in real estate: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=rjC4xEhauDQ&t=501s _______________________________________________ My background: _______________________________________________ Why Paul transit from Engineering to real estate: • Paul Teo Engineer to realtor Interview with paul, secrets of this people's business https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=xkuKkIXLBic&t=38s • Secrets of Real Estate More about our team: https://www.superplatchallenge.com/ PaulTeoDivision/LandedNegotiators/PeopleAboveProperty are under the umbrella of Ken Ng Advisory/Propnex Realty Pte Ltd (Agency Licence No. L3008022J)
Rishi Sunak statement in full: PM says we need 'protect democracy' from rising extremism

Rishi Sunak statement in full: PM says we need 'protect democracy' from rising extremism

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  • Duration: 15:32
  • Uploaded Date: 02 Mar 2024
  • views: 534
Prime Minister Rishi Sunak said the victory of George Galloway in the Rochdale by-election is “beyond alarming”. Speaking outside Downing Street on Friday, he said: “In recent weeks and months, we have seen a shocking increase in extremist disruption and criminality. “What started as protests on our streets have descended into intimidation, threats and planned acts of violence. “Jewish children fearful to wear their school uniform lest it reveals their identity. Muslim women abused in the street for the actions of a terrorist group they have no connection with. “Now our democracy itself is a target. Council meetings and local events have been stormed. MPs do not feel safe in their homes. Long-standing parliamentary conventions have been upended because of safety concerns. “And it’s beyond alarming that last night, the Rochdale by-election returned a candidate that dismisses the horror of what happened on October 7, who glorifies Hezbollah and is endorsed by Nick Griffin, the racist former leader of the BNP.” Subscribe to the Evening Standard: https://bit.ly/Subscribe-to-Evening-Standard for latest breaking news from the UK, US and around the world, plus podcasts and features. Evening Standard on socials: Check out our full video catalog: https://www.youtube.com/c/LondonEveningStandard/videos Videos, daily editorial and more: https://www.standard.co.uk/ Like us on Facebook: https://www.fb.com/eveningstandard Follow us on Twitter: https://twitter.com/eveningstandard and Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/evening.standard
The Future of BTO Flats: Prime, Plus, and Standard - Everything You Need to Know

The Future of BTO Flats: Prime, Plus, and Standard - Everything You Need to Know

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  • Duration: 2:25
  • Uploaded Date: 16 Sep 2023
  • views: 40
In this informative video, we break down the latest changes in the BTO flat classification system, introducing you to the new categories: Prime, Plus, and Standard. If you're considering getting a BTO flat in the near future, understanding these distinctions is crucial. Starting from the second half of 2024, all newly launched BTO flats will fall into one of these three categories, each with its unique set of rules and considerations. From prime locations with stringent restrictions to standard flats with more flexibility, we cover it all. Watch this video to gain valuable insights into how these changes might impact your BTO housing choice, whether you're a buyer or seller. Don't miss out on this essential information – hit that follow button and stay informed about the latest updates in the world of BTO flats!
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What Everyone Should Know About HDB Standard, Plus, Prime Housing

The Singapore govt JUST created a new classification scheme that will change the subsidies and regulations for HDB flats. Here is what Everyone Should Know About HDB Standard, Plus, Prime Housing. Join the BEST Investing community here: https://chat.whatsapp.com/DYxiQ5XcMRL0F8eiFWv9Tj There are 3 primary goals - Keep home ownership affordable for all income groups - Maintain a good social mix in every town and region - Keep the public housing system fair for everyone But this comes at a cost! So why this new classification? 1) The previous matured & non-matured system is irrelevant 2) Properties are getting unaffordable in ‘central locations so there isn’t a good social mix anymore. With Sky high prices people are forced to the outskirts of Singapore - Tengah BTO project map zoom in effect To give you an idea of how expensive it is For a 700k BTO, to get the full 80% loan you need around $9k in combined income, and $200k in cash & CPF to get the 5-room flat. What’s the solution? Introducing the Standard, Plus, Prime housing The better the flat, the more subsidies & restrictions you get. The idea is that now everyone has more choices but with more restrictions. This is the cost of making subsidized homes affordable and fair. Get your Free $100+ Stock: https://a.webull.com.sg/i/GeraldOng Get up to USD 3000 worth of FREE Stock Vouchers here! https://www.tigerbrokers.com.sg/activity/forapp/welcome/?lang=en_US&group_id=2574&invite=GERALD Free IBKR Stock: https://ibkr.com/referral/geraldsoonlee413 Subscribe to see more: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCRJTXOvcpLIo4rh7jBrlOMA?sub_confirmation=1 Get up to USD 200 Worth of FREE Stock Vouchers too! http://moomoo.com/en-sg/act/welcome?channel=1002&subchannel=157 Awesome Free $10 Deals! Use code GERALD on Crypto.com: https://platinum.crypto.com/r/gerald/ Free $10 Bitcoin when buying or selling USD100 worth of Crypto (Free up to USD 100 worth of Cryptos for learning too!) https://www.coinbase.com/join/lee_6lez Treat You and Me to a Nice $3 Cup of Coffee with my GooglePay Code: https://g.co/payinvite/mb74a2b 25% discount to buy Crypto on the already cheapest crypto exchange https://accounts.binance.com/en/register?ref=80217625 0.25% off Fees with Ezil Mining: https://ezil.me/?p=b72b Follow me on Instagram! https://www.instagram.com/GeraldOngSL For YouTube coaching, consulting, or partnership enquiries, you can reach me through my channel's contact me page. *Some of the links and other products that appear in this video are from companies where Gerald Ong will earn an affiliate commission or referral bonus. Gerald Ong is part of an affiliate network and receives compensation for sending traffic to partner sites. The content in this video is accurate as of the posting date. Some of the offers mentioned may no longer be available.
What Everyone Should Know About HDB Standard, Plus, Prime Housing
The Singapore govt JUST created a new classification scheme that will change the subsidies...
published: 26 Aug 2023
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Potential Impacts of HDB BTO Plus Prime Standard What is HDB Standard Plus Prime Flat in Singapore?
Here's the details about HDB BTO's new framework to classify projects as "Standard", "Plus...
published: 24 Aug 2023
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New BTO flat categories: Standard, Plus, Prime | NDR 2023
A new classification of flats that differentiates BTO projects by locational attributes ra...
published: 20 Aug 2023
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A new framework of Standard, Plus and Prime HDB flats (National Day Rally 2023)
Prime Minister Lee Hsien Loong introduced HDB’s new “Plus” model for selling flats. This w...
published: 21 Aug 2023
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HDB BTO Classifications (Prime, Plus, Standard) What you need to know
HDB came up with new BTO Classifications as seen on PM Lee's National Day Rally 2023 speec...
published: 26 Oct 2023
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#MNDExplains: HDB-Standard, Plus and Prime
From 2H2024, we will classify new BTO projects into three categories based on their locati...
published: 22 Nov 2023
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Börsenmärkte und -segmente einfach erklärt - Was ist der Prime Standard?
Hast du dich auch schon gefragt was Börsensegmente oder Teilmärkte an Börsen eigentlich si...
published: 27 Feb 2021
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Which BTO should you apply - Standard Plus or Prime
Standard Prime and Plus BTO TIMESTAMPS 00:05 Intro 00:46 View of park and lake 00:59 BT...
published: 17 Nov 2023
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Rishi Sunak statement in full: PM says we need 'protect democracy' from rising extremism
Prime Minister Rishi Sunak said the victory of George Galloway in the Rochdale by-election...
published: 02 Mar 2024
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The Future of BTO Flats: Prime, Plus, and Standard - Everything You Need to Know
In this informative video, we break down the latest changes in the BTO flat classification...
published: 16 Sep 2023
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Prime Standard

Prime Standard is a market segment of the Frankfurt Stock Exchange that lists German companies which comply with international transparency standards. The requirements are higher than in General Standard which is regulated by law. This higher standard includes quarterly reporting in German and English, application of international accounting standards (IFRS/IAS or US-GAAP), publication of a financial calendar, staging of at least one analyst conference a year and ad hoc disclosure also in English.

All companies listed in DAX, MDAX, TecDAX and SDAX have to belong to Prime Standard.

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