Medieval Europe: Crash Course European History #1
Our European history is going to start around 1500 with the Renaissance, but believe it or not, that is not the actual beginning of history in the continent. So, today, we're going to teach you the broad outlines of the so-called Middle Ages, and look at events like the Black Plague, the Hundred Years War, and the Western Schism of the Catholic Church that set the stage for the history of modern Europe.
Aberth, John. The Black Death. The Great Mortality of 1348-1350. 2nd ed. Boston: Bedford St. Martin’s, 2017.
Huizinga, Johan. The Autumn of the Middle Ages. Trans. Rodney J. Payton and Ulrich Mammitzsch. Chicago: Chicago University Press, 1996.
Hunt, Lynn et al. The Making of the West: Peoples and Cultures. 6th ed. Vol. 1. Boston: Bedford St. Martin’s, 2019.
Kelley, Donald R. and...
published: 12 Apr 2019
The ‘Infantry Revolution’ of the Late Middle Ages - A Video Essay
CuriosityStream link: https://curiositystream.com/sandrhoman
The ‘Infantry Revolution’ of the late Middle Ages is kind of a hot topic among armchair historians and academics alike. This is how the argument goes: In the late Middle Ages, infantry grew in importance to the detriment of heavy cavalry; by then battles were increasingly won with pikes, longbows and arquebuses instead of mounted knights with lances., the argument continues, and as a result of that, the socio-political make-up and development of European polities changed lastingly. So, this infantry Revolution supposedly had an incredible impact on European state building processes AND, the argument finally concludes, it laid the foundation to Europe’s conquest and colonization of many parts of the world. However, in public spac...
published: 21 Feb 2021
The Middle Ages Explained in 10 minutes
Join the Captivating History Book Club: https://bit.ly/3TMmpU2
Get a FREE mythology bundle ebook covering Greek, Norse, and Egyptian mythology here:
You can get the audiobook version of the Middle Ages here:
You can get the paperback version of the Middle Ages here:
And the ebook version of the Middle Ages here:
One of the least understood periods of European history occurred between the 6th century and the 14th or 15th century (depending on which historian you...
published: 09 Mar 2021
Why & How Did the Peasants Revolt in 1381?
It began in Essex as a response to the harsh economic demands of parliament and was one of the most significant uprisings in Europe during the medieval period. A national movement of people that spread as far as York and Scarborough in the northeast and over to Somerset in the southwest of England. Previous uprisings had always been led by noblemen, ambitious to overthrow the out of touch government and seize power for themselves. This time it was different, the so called ‘Peasants Revolt’, was led by a group of commoners, men like Watt Tyler, John Ball and Jack Straw. A group of men and women from all walks of life who wanted to radically change English society rather than seek out personal advancement.
0:00 Introduction
1:16 The Instability of a Boy King
2:49 The Church
3:47 Taxes and ...
published: 01 Apr 2022
1381: When Medieval Peasants Led A Bloody Revolt Against The King | Peasants’ Revolt | Chronicle
Tony Robinson explores the major uprising across large parts of England in 1381; it's origins, motives, and aftermath.
Welcome to Chronicle; your home for all things medieval history! With documentaries covering everything from the collapse of the Roman Empire to the beginnings of the Renaissance, from Hastings to Charlemagne, we'll be exploring everything the Middle Ages have to offer.
Subscribe now so you don't miss out!
Chronicle is part of the History Hit Network. To get in touch please email [email protected].
It's like Netflix for history... 📺 Sign up to History Hit, the world's best history documentary service and get 50% off using the code 'CHRONICLE' 👉 https://bit.ly/3iVCZNl
#medieval #chronicle
published: 03 Dec 2022
The Jacquerie - A Short Popular Revolt
In the middle age, peasants revolt against the pyramidal society "willed by God". The Jacquerie takes place in the north of France and it lasts just few days before being brutally repressed.
Although the revolt didn't achieve any tangible result, the word "jacquerie" became a synonym of peasant uprisings in general in both English and French. Are riots worthless when the goal is not achieved?
Music "Violin Concerto in D major, Op. 61 - II. Larghetto" is copyright free.
License: https://creativecommons.org/publicdomain/mark/1.0/
Music: https://musopen.org/music/190-violin-concerto-in-d-major-op-61/
I try to use copyright free images at all times. However if I have used any of your artwork or maps then please don't hesitate to contact me and I’ll be more than happy to give the appropriat...
published: 26 Jun 2020
When Medieval Peasants Rioted Against The Crown | Peasants' Revolt Of 1381 | Timeline
Tony Robinson explores the major uprising across large parts of England in 1381; it's origins, motives and aftermath.
It's like Netflix for history... Sign up to History Hit, the world's best history documentary service, at a huge discount using the code 'TIMELINE' ---ᐳ http://bit.ly/3a7ambu
You can find more from us on:
This channel is part of the History Hit Network. Any queries, please contact [email protected]
published: 04 Mar 2018
What Was Everyday Life Like In Medieval Britain?
What Was Life Really Like For A Medieval Peasant?
Watch the full episode of 'Going Medieval: Those Who Work' on History Hit TV: https://access.historyhit.com/going-medieval/videos/those-who-work
In the Medieval period, peasants made up roughly 80% of the European population. But what was life really like for a peasant during the Middle Ages? Under the feudal system, was it all backbreaking toil on the land, working for a local lord? What did it actually mean to be a peasant? And how did it differ from being a serf?
In the first episode of Going Medieval, Dr Eleanor Janega visits Denny Abbey, a former Benedictine monastery in Cambridge to explore the lives of those who devoted their lives to working the land.
Sign up to History Hit TV now and get 7 days free: http://access.historyhit....
published: 06 Jul 2022
Why and How Feudalism Declined in Europe - Medieval History DOCUMENTARY
💣 Download Tacticool for free on iOS/Android: https://clcr.me/TC_KingsAndGenerals or on PC: https://clcr.me/TC_KingsAndGenerals_PC , use promo code TACTIDE and get an exclusive bonus: 50 Jason shards, RPG and 50 000 silver.
Kings and Generals animated historical documentary series on medieval history and economic history continues with a video on how and why Feudalism declined in Europe, as we try to deduce economic, political, social and scientific reasons why the nobles lost their supremacy over European society.
Medieval Battles: https://www.youtube.com/playlist?list=PLaBYW76inbX46r95D4BjCxiJz7-OeyOtW
Hansa - Northern Silk Road: https://youtu.be/VX8MQR78Ues
Roman History: https://www.youtube.com/playlist?list=PLaBYW76inbX6WrNCeL_AdR36ZIODiGNzq
Fugger - Banker Who Brought the Habsb...
published: 27 Jan 2022
Dr Alastair Dunn: 1381 Peasant's Revolt in a European context
Dr Alastair Dunn, historian and teacher, places the 1381 Peasant's Revolt in an intriguing context, opening up new possibilities for balancing local, national and global heritage in the UK History classroom.
The PowerPoint from Alastair's talk is available free here:
published: 09 Feb 2021
Medieval Europe: Crash Course European History #1
Our European history is going to start around 1500 with the Renaissance, but believe it or not, that is not the actual beginning of history in the continent. So...
Our European history is going to start around 1500 with the Renaissance, but believe it or not, that is not the actual beginning of history in the continent. So, today, we're going to teach you the broad outlines of the so-called Middle Ages, and look at events like the Black Plague, the Hundred Years War, and the Western Schism of the Catholic Church that set the stage for the history of modern Europe.
Aberth, John. The Black Death. The Great Mortality of 1348-1350. 2nd ed. Boston: Bedford St. Martin’s, 2017.
Huizinga, Johan. The Autumn of the Middle Ages. Trans. Rodney J. Payton and Ulrich Mammitzsch. Chicago: Chicago University Press, 1996.
Hunt, Lynn et al. The Making of the West: Peoples and Cultures. 6th ed. Vol. 1. Boston: Bedford St. Martin’s, 2019.
Kelley, Donald R. and Bonnie G. Smith. The Medieval and Early Modern World. Primary Sources and Reference. New York: Oxford University Press, 2005.
Spielvogel, Jackson J. Western Civilization. 7th ed. Belmont, CA: Thomson Wadsworth, 2009.
Crash Course is on Patreon! You can support us directly by signing up at http://www.patreon.com/crashcourse
Thanks to the following patrons for their generous monthly contributions that help keep Crash Course free for everyone forever:
Eric Prestemon, Sam Buck, Mark Brouwer, Laura Busby, Zach Van Stanley, Bob Doye, Jennifer Killen, Naman Goel, Nathan Catchings, Brandon Westmoreland, dorsey, Indika Siriwardena, Kenneth F Penttinen, Trevin Beattie, Erika & Alexa Saur, Glenn Elliott, Justin Zingsheim, Jessica Wode, Tom Trval, Jason Saslow, Nathan Taylor, Brian Thomas Gossett, Khaled El Shalakany, SR Foxley, Yasenia Cruz, Eric Koslow, Caleb Weeks, Tim Curwick, D.A. Noe, Shawn Arnold, Malcolm Callis, William McGraw, Andrei Krishkevich, Rachel Bright, Jirat, Ian Dundore
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#crashcourse #history #europeanhistory
Our European history is going to start around 1500 with the Renaissance, but believe it or not, that is not the actual beginning of history in the continent. So, today, we're going to teach you the broad outlines of the so-called Middle Ages, and look at events like the Black Plague, the Hundred Years War, and the Western Schism of the Catholic Church that set the stage for the history of modern Europe.
Aberth, John. The Black Death. The Great Mortality of 1348-1350. 2nd ed. Boston: Bedford St. Martin’s, 2017.
Huizinga, Johan. The Autumn of the Middle Ages. Trans. Rodney J. Payton and Ulrich Mammitzsch. Chicago: Chicago University Press, 1996.
Hunt, Lynn et al. The Making of the West: Peoples and Cultures. 6th ed. Vol. 1. Boston: Bedford St. Martin’s, 2019.
Kelley, Donald R. and Bonnie G. Smith. The Medieval and Early Modern World. Primary Sources and Reference. New York: Oxford University Press, 2005.
Spielvogel, Jackson J. Western Civilization. 7th ed. Belmont, CA: Thomson Wadsworth, 2009.
Crash Course is on Patreon! You can support us directly by signing up at http://www.patreon.com/crashcourse
Thanks to the following patrons for their generous monthly contributions that help keep Crash Course free for everyone forever:
Eric Prestemon, Sam Buck, Mark Brouwer, Laura Busby, Zach Van Stanley, Bob Doye, Jennifer Killen, Naman Goel, Nathan Catchings, Brandon Westmoreland, dorsey, Indika Siriwardena, Kenneth F Penttinen, Trevin Beattie, Erika & Alexa Saur, Glenn Elliott, Justin Zingsheim, Jessica Wode, Tom Trval, Jason Saslow, Nathan Taylor, Brian Thomas Gossett, Khaled El Shalakany, SR Foxley, Yasenia Cruz, Eric Koslow, Caleb Weeks, Tim Curwick, D.A. Noe, Shawn Arnold, Malcolm Callis, William McGraw, Andrei Krishkevich, Rachel Bright, Jirat, Ian Dundore
Want to find Crash Course elsewhere on the internet?
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#crashcourse #history #europeanhistory
- published: 12 Apr 2019
- views: 3209422
The ‘Infantry Revolution’ of the Late Middle Ages - A Video Essay
CuriosityStream link: https://curiositystream.com/sandrhoman
The ‘Infantry Revolution’ of the late Middle Ages is kind of a hot topic among armchair historians...
CuriosityStream link: https://curiositystream.com/sandrhoman
The ‘Infantry Revolution’ of the late Middle Ages is kind of a hot topic among armchair historians and academics alike. This is how the argument goes: In the late Middle Ages, infantry grew in importance to the detriment of heavy cavalry; by then battles were increasingly won with pikes, longbows and arquebuses instead of mounted knights with lances., the argument continues, and as a result of that, the socio-political make-up and development of European polities changed lastingly. So, this infantry Revolution supposedly had an incredible impact on European state building processes AND, the argument finally concludes, it laid the foundation to Europe’s conquest and colonization of many parts of the world. However, in public spaces such as YouTube this whole debate is more discussed in regards to tactics and fighting techniques than economics and politics. Consequently, much of the public discussion is about how and if the importance of knights changed after the high medieval ages. Likewise, Topics such as the efficacy of the English Longbow or the impact of pikes in the late Middle Ages are frequently the subject of discussions. All of that is controversial to say the least but it gets worse: these changes must be viewed in the broader military changes such as the rise of gunpowder artillery between 1420 and 1530 is called an artillery revolution, the decline of sieges between the 1420s and the 1530s which, among many things, led to the resurgence of heavy cavalry in the later late middle ages. Lastly, all of these revolutions belong to a notion called ‘military revolution’. This video is not intended to argue one side or the other of the ‘infantry revolution’ but to provide a broad overview over both the debate and the military changes during the 14th and 15th centuries. It explains how contemporary historiography quarrels over the infantry revolution.
Patreon: https://www.patreon.com/sandrhomanhistory
Twitter: https://twitter.com/SandrhomanBibliography:
Bane, M., "English Longbow Testing against various armor circa 1400", 2006.
Ayton, A., / Price, J. L., (Hrsg.), The Medieval Military Revolution. State, Society and Military Change in Medieval and Early Modern Europe, 199J. Black, A Military Revolution? Military Change and European Society 1550–1800, 1991.
Devries, K., Medieval Military Technology, 1994.
Dierk, W., s.v. ‘Heeresreform’, in: Enzyklopädie der Neuzeit
Ortenburg, G., Waffe und Waffengebrauch im Zeitalter der Landsknechte (Heerwesen der Neuzeit, Abt. 1, Bd. 1) Koblenz 1984.
Magier, Mariusz; Nowak, Adrian; et al. ,. "Numerical Analysis of English Bows used in Battle of Crécy". Problemy Techniki Uzbrojenia. 142 (2), 2017, 69–85.
Meumann, M., s.v. ‘Military Revolution’, in: Enzyklopädie der Neuzeit.
Parker G., The »Military Revolution«, 1560–1660 – a Myth?, in: Journal of Modern History 48.2, 1976, 196–214
Parker, G., Die militärische Revolution. Die Kriegskunst und der Aufstieg des Westens 1500–1800, 1990 (engl. 1988)Roberts, M.: The military revolution, 1560–1660. In: Clifford J. Rogers: The military revolution debate. Readings on the military transformation of early modern Europe. Westview Press, Boulder, Colo. 1995, S. 13–35.Rogers, C.J. / Tallet F. (editors), European Warfare, 1350–1750, 2010.
Rogers, C.J., The Efficacy of the English Longbow, 1998.
Schmidtchen, Volker, Kriegswesen im späten Mittelalter. Technik, Taktik, Theorie, Weinheim 1990.
Soar, H., Gibbs, J., Jury, C., Stretton, M., Secrets of the English War Bow. Westholme, 2010, pp. 127–151.
CuriosityStream link: https://curiositystream.com/sandrhoman
The ‘Infantry Revolution’ of the late Middle Ages is kind of a hot topic among armchair historians and academics alike. This is how the argument goes: In the late Middle Ages, infantry grew in importance to the detriment of heavy cavalry; by then battles were increasingly won with pikes, longbows and arquebuses instead of mounted knights with lances., the argument continues, and as a result of that, the socio-political make-up and development of European polities changed lastingly. So, this infantry Revolution supposedly had an incredible impact on European state building processes AND, the argument finally concludes, it laid the foundation to Europe’s conquest and colonization of many parts of the world. However, in public spaces such as YouTube this whole debate is more discussed in regards to tactics and fighting techniques than economics and politics. Consequently, much of the public discussion is about how and if the importance of knights changed after the high medieval ages. Likewise, Topics such as the efficacy of the English Longbow or the impact of pikes in the late Middle Ages are frequently the subject of discussions. All of that is controversial to say the least but it gets worse: these changes must be viewed in the broader military changes such as the rise of gunpowder artillery between 1420 and 1530 is called an artillery revolution, the decline of sieges between the 1420s and the 1530s which, among many things, led to the resurgence of heavy cavalry in the later late middle ages. Lastly, all of these revolutions belong to a notion called ‘military revolution’. This video is not intended to argue one side or the other of the ‘infantry revolution’ but to provide a broad overview over both the debate and the military changes during the 14th and 15th centuries. It explains how contemporary historiography quarrels over the infantry revolution.
Patreon: https://www.patreon.com/sandrhomanhistory
Twitter: https://twitter.com/SandrhomanBibliography:
Bane, M., "English Longbow Testing against various armor circa 1400", 2006.
Ayton, A., / Price, J. L., (Hrsg.), The Medieval Military Revolution. State, Society and Military Change in Medieval and Early Modern Europe, 199J. Black, A Military Revolution? Military Change and European Society 1550–1800, 1991.
Devries, K., Medieval Military Technology, 1994.
Dierk, W., s.v. ‘Heeresreform’, in: Enzyklopädie der Neuzeit
Ortenburg, G., Waffe und Waffengebrauch im Zeitalter der Landsknechte (Heerwesen der Neuzeit, Abt. 1, Bd. 1) Koblenz 1984.
Magier, Mariusz; Nowak, Adrian; et al. ,. "Numerical Analysis of English Bows used in Battle of Crécy". Problemy Techniki Uzbrojenia. 142 (2), 2017, 69–85.
Meumann, M., s.v. ‘Military Revolution’, in: Enzyklopädie der Neuzeit.
Parker G., The »Military Revolution«, 1560–1660 – a Myth?, in: Journal of Modern History 48.2, 1976, 196–214
Parker, G., Die militärische Revolution. Die Kriegskunst und der Aufstieg des Westens 1500–1800, 1990 (engl. 1988)Roberts, M.: The military revolution, 1560–1660. In: Clifford J. Rogers: The military revolution debate. Readings on the military transformation of early modern Europe. Westview Press, Boulder, Colo. 1995, S. 13–35.Rogers, C.J. / Tallet F. (editors), European Warfare, 1350–1750, 2010.
Rogers, C.J., The Efficacy of the English Longbow, 1998.
Schmidtchen, Volker, Kriegswesen im späten Mittelalter. Technik, Taktik, Theorie, Weinheim 1990.
Soar, H., Gibbs, J., Jury, C., Stretton, M., Secrets of the English War Bow. Westholme, 2010, pp. 127–151.
- published: 21 Feb 2021
- views: 944741
The Middle Ages Explained in 10 minutes
Join the Captivating History Book Club: https://bit.ly/3TMmpU2
Get a FREE mythology bundle ebook covering Greek, Norse, and Egyptian mythology here:
Join the Captivating History Book Club: https://bit.ly/3TMmpU2
Get a FREE mythology bundle ebook covering Greek, Norse, and Egyptian mythology here:
You can get the audiobook version of the Middle Ages here:
You can get the paperback version of the Middle Ages here:
And the ebook version of the Middle Ages here:
One of the least understood periods of European history occurred between the 6th century and the 14th or 15th century (depending on which historian you ask). Commonly called the Middle Ages, this was a time period of extreme change for Europe, beginning with the fall of the Western Roman Empire. To a continent that had seen a drastic shift in the power structure, the world seemed to be particularly harsh. Rome had been a major player across Europe for well over a millennium. Then it was gone.
See all captivating history books here:
Follow us on Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/captivatinghistory
Follow us on Twitter: @CaptivHistory
Join the Captivating History Book Club: https://bit.ly/3TMmpU2
Get a FREE mythology bundle ebook covering Greek, Norse, and Egyptian mythology here:
You can get the audiobook version of the Middle Ages here:
You can get the paperback version of the Middle Ages here:
And the ebook version of the Middle Ages here:
One of the least understood periods of European history occurred between the 6th century and the 14th or 15th century (depending on which historian you ask). Commonly called the Middle Ages, this was a time period of extreme change for Europe, beginning with the fall of the Western Roman Empire. To a continent that had seen a drastic shift in the power structure, the world seemed to be particularly harsh. Rome had been a major player across Europe for well over a millennium. Then it was gone.
See all captivating history books here:
Follow us on Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/captivatinghistory
Follow us on Twitter: @CaptivHistory
- published: 09 Mar 2021
- views: 819550
Why & How Did the Peasants Revolt in 1381?
It began in Essex as a response to the harsh economic demands of parliament and was one of the most significant uprisings in Europe during the medieval period. ...
It began in Essex as a response to the harsh economic demands of parliament and was one of the most significant uprisings in Europe during the medieval period. A national movement of people that spread as far as York and Scarborough in the northeast and over to Somerset in the southwest of England. Previous uprisings had always been led by noblemen, ambitious to overthrow the out of touch government and seize power for themselves. This time it was different, the so called ‘Peasants Revolt’, was led by a group of commoners, men like Watt Tyler, John Ball and Jack Straw. A group of men and women from all walks of life who wanted to radically change English society rather than seek out personal advancement.
0:00 Introduction
1:16 The Instability of a Boy King
2:49 The Church
3:47 Taxes and Wars
7:26 The Leaders
11:06 The Legacy
🎶🎶 Music by CO.AG: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCcavSftXHgxLBWwLDm_bNvA
Narrated by James Wade
Edited by James Wade
Thank you for watching.
DISCLAIMER: All materials in these videos are used for entertainment purposes and fall within the guidelines of fair use. No copyright infringement is intended. If you are, or represent the copyright owner of materials used in this video, and have an issue with the use of said material, please email us at
[email protected]
Copyright © 2022 Top5s All rights reserved. In this video, we've compiled information from a variety of sources, including documentaries, books, and websites, all with the aim of providing an engaging viewing experience. While we strive to ensure accuracy, we acknowledge that there may be variations in the authenticity of the content. We encourage viewers to delve deeper and conduct their own research to corroborate the information presented.
It began in Essex as a response to the harsh economic demands of parliament and was one of the most significant uprisings in Europe during the medieval period. A national movement of people that spread as far as York and Scarborough in the northeast and over to Somerset in the southwest of England. Previous uprisings had always been led by noblemen, ambitious to overthrow the out of touch government and seize power for themselves. This time it was different, the so called ‘Peasants Revolt’, was led by a group of commoners, men like Watt Tyler, John Ball and Jack Straw. A group of men and women from all walks of life who wanted to radically change English society rather than seek out personal advancement.
0:00 Introduction
1:16 The Instability of a Boy King
2:49 The Church
3:47 Taxes and Wars
7:26 The Leaders
11:06 The Legacy
🎶🎶 Music by CO.AG: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCcavSftXHgxLBWwLDm_bNvA
Narrated by James Wade
Edited by James Wade
Thank you for watching.
DISCLAIMER: All materials in these videos are used for entertainment purposes and fall within the guidelines of fair use. No copyright infringement is intended. If you are, or represent the copyright owner of materials used in this video, and have an issue with the use of said material, please email us at
[email protected]
Copyright © 2022 Top5s All rights reserved. In this video, we've compiled information from a variety of sources, including documentaries, books, and websites, all with the aim of providing an engaging viewing experience. While we strive to ensure accuracy, we acknowledge that there may be variations in the authenticity of the content. We encourage viewers to delve deeper and conduct their own research to corroborate the information presented.
- published: 01 Apr 2022
- views: 56750
1381: When Medieval Peasants Led A Bloody Revolt Against The King | Peasants’ Revolt | Chronicle
Tony Robinson explores the major uprising across large parts of England in 1381; it's origins, motives, and aftermath.
Welcome to Chronicle; your home for all ...
Tony Robinson explores the major uprising across large parts of England in 1381; it's origins, motives, and aftermath.
Welcome to Chronicle; your home for all things medieval history! With documentaries covering everything from the collapse of the Roman Empire to the beginnings of the Renaissance, from Hastings to Charlemagne, we'll be exploring everything the Middle Ages have to offer.
Subscribe now so you don't miss out!
Chronicle is part of the History Hit Network. To get in touch please email
[email protected].
It's like Netflix for history... 📺 Sign up to History Hit, the world's best history documentary service and get 50% off using the code 'CHRONICLE' 👉 https://bit.ly/3iVCZNl
#medieval #chronicle
Tony Robinson explores the major uprising across large parts of England in 1381; it's origins, motives, and aftermath.
Welcome to Chronicle; your home for all things medieval history! With documentaries covering everything from the collapse of the Roman Empire to the beginnings of the Renaissance, from Hastings to Charlemagne, we'll be exploring everything the Middle Ages have to offer.
Subscribe now so you don't miss out!
Chronicle is part of the History Hit Network. To get in touch please email
[email protected].
It's like Netflix for history... 📺 Sign up to History Hit, the world's best history documentary service and get 50% off using the code 'CHRONICLE' 👉 https://bit.ly/3iVCZNl
#medieval #chronicle
- published: 03 Dec 2022
- views: 34329
The Jacquerie - A Short Popular Revolt
In the middle age, peasants revolt against the pyramidal society "willed by God". The Jacquerie takes place in the north of France and it lasts just few days be...
In the middle age, peasants revolt against the pyramidal society "willed by God". The Jacquerie takes place in the north of France and it lasts just few days before being brutally repressed.
Although the revolt didn't achieve any tangible result, the word "jacquerie" became a synonym of peasant uprisings in general in both English and French. Are riots worthless when the goal is not achieved?
Music "Violin Concerto in D major, Op. 61 - II. Larghetto" is copyright free.
License: https://creativecommons.org/publicdomain/mark/1.0/
Music: https://musopen.org/music/190-violin-concerto-in-d-major-op-61/
I try to use copyright free images at all times. However if I have used any of your artwork or maps then please don't hesitate to contact me and I’ll be more than happy to give the appropriate credit.
#Jacquerie #MiddleAge #EnlighteningHistory
In the middle age, peasants revolt against the pyramidal society "willed by God". The Jacquerie takes place in the north of France and it lasts just few days before being brutally repressed.
Although the revolt didn't achieve any tangible result, the word "jacquerie" became a synonym of peasant uprisings in general in both English and French. Are riots worthless when the goal is not achieved?
Music "Violin Concerto in D major, Op. 61 - II. Larghetto" is copyright free.
License: https://creativecommons.org/publicdomain/mark/1.0/
Music: https://musopen.org/music/190-violin-concerto-in-d-major-op-61/
I try to use copyright free images at all times. However if I have used any of your artwork or maps then please don't hesitate to contact me and I’ll be more than happy to give the appropriate credit.
#Jacquerie #MiddleAge #EnlighteningHistory
- published: 26 Jun 2020
- views: 1211
When Medieval Peasants Rioted Against The Crown | Peasants' Revolt Of 1381 | Timeline
Tony Robinson explores the major uprising across large parts of England in 1381; it's origins, motives and aftermath.
It's like Netflix for history... Sign up...
Tony Robinson explores the major uprising across large parts of England in 1381; it's origins, motives and aftermath.
It's like Netflix for history... Sign up to History Hit, the world's best history documentary service, at a huge discount using the code 'TIMELINE' ---ᐳ http://bit.ly/3a7ambu
You can find more from us on:
This channel is part of the History Hit Network. Any queries, please contact
[email protected]
Tony Robinson explores the major uprising across large parts of England in 1381; it's origins, motives and aftermath.
It's like Netflix for history... Sign up to History Hit, the world's best history documentary service, at a huge discount using the code 'TIMELINE' ---ᐳ http://bit.ly/3a7ambu
You can find more from us on:
This channel is part of the History Hit Network. Any queries, please contact
[email protected]
- published: 04 Mar 2018
- views: 1068245
What Was Everyday Life Like In Medieval Britain?
What Was Life Really Like For A Medieval Peasant?
Watch the full episode of 'Going Medieval: Those Who Work' on History Hit TV: https://access.historyhit.com/...
What Was Life Really Like For A Medieval Peasant?
Watch the full episode of 'Going Medieval: Those Who Work' on History Hit TV: https://access.historyhit.com/going-medieval/videos/those-who-work
In the Medieval period, peasants made up roughly 80% of the European population. But what was life really like for a peasant during the Middle Ages? Under the feudal system, was it all backbreaking toil on the land, working for a local lord? What did it actually mean to be a peasant? And how did it differ from being a serf?
In the first episode of Going Medieval, Dr Eleanor Janega visits Denny Abbey, a former Benedictine monastery in Cambridge to explore the lives of those who devoted their lives to working the land.
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What Was Life Really Like For A Medieval Peasant?
Watch the full episode of 'Going Medieval: Those Who Work' on History Hit TV: https://access.historyhit.com/going-medieval/videos/those-who-work
In the Medieval period, peasants made up roughly 80% of the European population. But what was life really like for a peasant during the Middle Ages? Under the feudal system, was it all backbreaking toil on the land, working for a local lord? What did it actually mean to be a peasant? And how did it differ from being a serf?
In the first episode of Going Medieval, Dr Eleanor Janega visits Denny Abbey, a former Benedictine monastery in Cambridge to explore the lives of those who devoted their lives to working the land.
Sign up to History Hit TV now and get 7 days free: http://access.historyhit.com/checkout
And remember, as YouTube subscribers, you can sign up to History Hit TV today with code YOUTUBE and enjoy 50% off your first 3 months!
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#historyhit #eleanorjanega #medieval
- published: 06 Jul 2022
- views: 1424079
Why and How Feudalism Declined in Europe - Medieval History DOCUMENTARY
💣 Download Tacticool for free on iOS/Android: https://clcr.me/TC_KingsAndGenerals or on PC: https://clcr.me/TC_KingsAndGenerals_PC , use promo code TACTIDE and ...
💣 Download Tacticool for free on iOS/Android: https://clcr.me/TC_KingsAndGenerals or on PC: https://clcr.me/TC_KingsAndGenerals_PC , use promo code TACTIDE and get an exclusive bonus: 50 Jason shards, RPG and 50 000 silver.
Kings and Generals animated historical documentary series on medieval history and economic history continues with a video on how and why Feudalism declined in Europe, as we try to deduce economic, political, social and scientific reasons why the nobles lost their supremacy over European society.
Medieval Battles: https://www.youtube.com/playlist?list=PLaBYW76inbX46r95D4BjCxiJz7-OeyOtW
Hansa - Northern Silk Road: https://youtu.be/VX8MQR78Ues
Roman History: https://www.youtube.com/playlist?list=PLaBYW76inbX6WrNCeL_AdR36ZIODiGNzq
Fugger - Banker Who Brought the Habsburgs to Power: https://youtu.be/95Nmtm7XnvU
Oldest Businessmen in History: https://youtu.be/5p6EL-a0v60
Roman-Indo-Parthian Trade: https://youtu.be/WzGrRWfExJM
Roman Trade with Africa: https://youtu.be/iJGnnxPn7SU
How Roman trade with India made the Empire rich: https://youtu.be/eDTaOOVbxLs
Why Was Egypt Crucial for the Roman Empire?: https://youtu.be/BaCaFpAtm48 Roman-Chinese Relations and Contacts: https://youtu.be/koVj0GwBWt8
How Medieval Cities Defended Themselves: https://youtu.be/hR3IhT-XvsE
Support us on Patreon: http://www.patreon.com/KingsandGenerals or Paypal: http://paypal.me/kingsandgenerals or by joining the youtube membership: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCMmaBzfCCwZ2KqaBJjkj0fw/join
We are grateful to our patrons and sponsors, who made this video possible: https://docs.google.com/document/d/1ooKPbpq0z8ciEjz5Zmrga4-gWRmripm0u4BHMkkXHVc/edit?usp=sharing
The video was made by Sebastiao Reis while the script was researched and written by Turgut Gambar. Narration by Officially Devin (https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCU0-VII-V376zFxiRGMeZGg & https://www.youtube.com/channel/UC79s7EdN9uXX77-Ly2HmEjQ)
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Production Music courtesy of Epidemic Sound: http://www.epidemicsound.com
#Documentary #Medieval #Feudalism
💣 Download Tacticool for free on iOS/Android: https://clcr.me/TC_KingsAndGenerals or on PC: https://clcr.me/TC_KingsAndGenerals_PC , use promo code TACTIDE and get an exclusive bonus: 50 Jason shards, RPG and 50 000 silver.
Kings and Generals animated historical documentary series on medieval history and economic history continues with a video on how and why Feudalism declined in Europe, as we try to deduce economic, political, social and scientific reasons why the nobles lost their supremacy over European society.
Medieval Battles: https://www.youtube.com/playlist?list=PLaBYW76inbX46r95D4BjCxiJz7-OeyOtW
Hansa - Northern Silk Road: https://youtu.be/VX8MQR78Ues
Roman History: https://www.youtube.com/playlist?list=PLaBYW76inbX6WrNCeL_AdR36ZIODiGNzq
Fugger - Banker Who Brought the Habsburgs to Power: https://youtu.be/95Nmtm7XnvU
Oldest Businessmen in History: https://youtu.be/5p6EL-a0v60
Roman-Indo-Parthian Trade: https://youtu.be/WzGrRWfExJM
Roman Trade with Africa: https://youtu.be/iJGnnxPn7SU
How Roman trade with India made the Empire rich: https://youtu.be/eDTaOOVbxLs
Why Was Egypt Crucial for the Roman Empire?: https://youtu.be/BaCaFpAtm48 Roman-Chinese Relations and Contacts: https://youtu.be/koVj0GwBWt8
How Medieval Cities Defended Themselves: https://youtu.be/hR3IhT-XvsE
Support us on Patreon: http://www.patreon.com/KingsandGenerals or Paypal: http://paypal.me/kingsandgenerals or by joining the youtube membership: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCMmaBzfCCwZ2KqaBJjkj0fw/join
We are grateful to our patrons and sponsors, who made this video possible: https://docs.google.com/document/d/1ooKPbpq0z8ciEjz5Zmrga4-gWRmripm0u4BHMkkXHVc/edit?usp=sharing
The video was made by Sebastiao Reis while the script was researched and written by Turgut Gambar. Narration by Officially Devin (https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCU0-VII-V376zFxiRGMeZGg & https://www.youtube.com/channel/UC79s7EdN9uXX77-Ly2HmEjQ)
✔ Merch store ► https://teespring.com/stores/kingsandgenerals
✔ Patreon ► https://www.patreon.com/KingsandGenerals
✔ Podcast ► http://www.kingsandgenerals.net/podcast/
✔ PayPal ► http://paypal.me/kingsandgenerals
✔ Twitter ► https://twitter.com/KingsGenerals
✔ Facebook ► https://www.facebook.com/KingsGenerals
✔ Instagram ►http://www.instagram.com/Kings_Generals
Production Music courtesy of Epidemic Sound: http://www.epidemicsound.com
#Documentary #Medieval #Feudalism
- published: 27 Jan 2022
- views: 625693
Dr Alastair Dunn: 1381 Peasant's Revolt in a European context
Dr Alastair Dunn, historian and teacher, places the 1381 Peasant's Revolt in an intriguing context, opening up new possibilities for balancing local, national a...
Dr Alastair Dunn, historian and teacher, places the 1381 Peasant's Revolt in an intriguing context, opening up new possibilities for balancing local, national and global heritage in the UK History classroom.
The PowerPoint from Alastair's talk is available free here:
Dr Alastair Dunn, historian and teacher, places the 1381 Peasant's Revolt in an intriguing context, opening up new possibilities for balancing local, national and global heritage in the UK History classroom.
The PowerPoint from Alastair's talk is available free here:
- published: 09 Feb 2021
- views: 365