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Moutoa Gardens

Moutoa Gardens, also known as Pākaitore, is a park in the city of Whanganui, New Zealand. Named after the Battle of Moutoa Island in the Second Taranaki War, it contains a memorial to the battle inscribed "To the memory of the brave men who fell at Moutoa, 14 May 1864, in defence of law and order against fanaticism and barbarism." It also contained a statue of John Ballance, organiser of a volunteer cavalry troop in Titokowaru's War and later Premier of New Zealand.

Historically, Pākaitore was a traditional fishing settlement for hundreds of years and later became a marketplace. The area was considered a sanctuary where all tribes were equal and the police could not enter. Between 1839 and 1848 the New Zealand Company purchased Wanganui lands on behalf of the crown from people and tribes who may have had little or no claim to it.

The park was occupied for 79 days in 1995 in protest over a Treaty of Waitangi claim, an action which split the town and the nation and garnered significant attention from police. Local iwi claim the site was the location of a pa and trading site, left to Māori in the 1848 sale of Wanganui. Leading up to the protest the statue of Ballance was beheaded; a replacement Ballance statue was commissioned in 2009 and placed outside the Wanganui District Council buildings.


  • Te Tangihanga o Pakaitore Turia

    Service - Sunday 2 Feb 2025

    published: 01 Feb 2025
  • Te Tangihanga o Pakaitore Turia

    Karakia/Poroporoki from Whangaehu Marae

    published: 01 Feb 2025
  • Pakaitore Turia Cause of Death: Promising Rugby Player Passes Away

    Pakaitore Turia Death - Join us as we dive into the tragic news about Pakaitore Turia, a promising rugby player and grandson of Dame Tariana Turia, who has passed away. What led to this heartbreaking event, and how can we support mental health awareness? Let's discuss! #PakaitoreTuria #rugbyfan #Tribute #WellingtonRugby

    published: 30 Jan 2025
  • Pakaitore commemorates past injustices

    Whanganui river uri today commemorated injustices that took place at Pākaitore 28 years ago. Regan Paranihi was there.

    published: 28 Feb 2023
  • Wellington Rugby player Pakaitore Turia passes away

    TŪREI 28/01/2025 Pakaitore Turia, a talented Wellington rugby player, tragically passed away yesterday in Queensland, Australia. He was the beloved grandson of former Māori Party leader Dame Tariana Turia.

    published: 28 Jan 2025
  • Te Tangihanga o Pakaitore Turia - Whakamoemiti Friday 31 Jan

    Proceedings from Whangaehu Marae

    published: 31 Jan 2025
  • Whanganui uri celebrate 25 years since the occupation of Pākaitore

    Hundreds of people gathered at Pākaitore in Whanganui today to mark 25 years since the iwi occupied the land. Our reporter Eruera Rerekura was there and filed this report.

    published: 28 Feb 2020
  • Pākaitore statue “has no future here” | Local Focus

    In 1865 Whanganui unveiled Aotearoa's first war memorial, the "Weeping Woman", in Pākaitore. The statue claims Māori were fanatics and barbarians. Full story: https://bit.ly/lf1531 Public Interest Journalism funded through NZ On Air. Subscribe and be notified of breaking news: https://goo.gl/LP45jX Check out our playlists: https://goo.gl/Swd249 Like NZ Herald on Facebook: https://goo.gl/tUC4oq Follow NZ Herald on Instagram: https://goo.gl/oLicXe Follow NZ Herald on Twitter: https://goo.gl/Wi6mbv

    published: 15 Mar 2023
  • Pakaitore

    Provided to YouTube by Jayrem Records Pakaitore · David Grace & Injustice Weapons of Peace ℗ 1997 Jayrem Music - 1997 Released on: 1997-01-01 Composer: RR Lyricist: RR Auto-generated by YouTube.

    published: 27 Jul 2017
Te Tangihanga o Pakaitore Turia

Te Tangihanga o Pakaitore Turia

  • Order:
  • Duration: 1:46:30
  • Uploaded Date: 01 Feb 2025
  • views: 3008
Service - Sunday 2 Feb 2025
Te Tangihanga o Pakaitore Turia

Te Tangihanga o Pakaitore Turia

  • Order:
  • Duration: 2:16:49
  • Uploaded Date: 01 Feb 2025
  • views: 2704
Karakia/Poroporoki from Whangaehu Marae
Pakaitore Turia Cause of Death: Promising Rugby Player Passes Away

Pakaitore Turia Cause of Death: Promising Rugby Player Passes Away

  • Order:
  • Duration: 2:10
  • Uploaded Date: 30 Jan 2025
  • views: 116
Pakaitore Turia Death - Join us as we dive into the tragic news about Pakaitore Turia, a promising rugby player and grandson of Dame Tariana Turia, who has passed away. What led to this heartbreaking event, and how can we support mental health awareness? Let's discuss! #PakaitoreTuria #rugbyfan #Tribute #WellingtonRugby
Pakaitore commemorates past injustices

Pakaitore commemorates past injustices

  • Order:
  • Duration: 2:29
  • Uploaded Date: 28 Feb 2023
  • views: 487
Whanganui river uri today commemorated injustices that took place at Pākaitore 28 years ago. Regan Paranihi was there.
Wellington Rugby player Pakaitore Turia passes away

Wellington Rugby player Pakaitore Turia passes away

  • Order:
  • Duration: 0:27
  • Uploaded Date: 28 Jan 2025
  • views: 2188
TŪREI 28/01/2025 Pakaitore Turia, a talented Wellington rugby player, tragically passed away yesterday in Queensland, Australia. He was the beloved grandson of former Māori Party leader Dame Tariana Turia.
Te Tangihanga o Pakaitore Turia - Whakamoemiti Friday 31 Jan

Te Tangihanga o Pakaitore Turia - Whakamoemiti Friday 31 Jan

  • Order:
  • Duration: 54:11
  • Uploaded Date: 31 Jan 2025
  • views: 1104
Proceedings from Whangaehu Marae
Whanganui uri celebrate 25 years since the occupation of Pākaitore

Whanganui uri celebrate 25 years since the occupation of Pākaitore

  • Order:
  • Duration: 2:30
  • Uploaded Date: 28 Feb 2020
  • views: 1100
Hundreds of people gathered at Pākaitore in Whanganui today to mark 25 years since the iwi occupied the land. Our reporter Eruera Rerekura was there and filed this report.
Pākaitore statue “has no future here” | Local Focus

Pākaitore statue “has no future here” | Local Focus

  • Order:
  • Duration: 4:01
  • Uploaded Date: 15 Mar 2023
  • views: 6056
In 1865 Whanganui unveiled Aotearoa's first war memorial, the "Weeping Woman", in Pākaitore. The statue claims Māori were fanatics and barbarians. Full story: https://bit.ly/lf1531 Public Interest Journalism funded through NZ On Air. Subscribe and be notified of breaking news: https://goo.gl/LP45jX Check out our playlists: https://goo.gl/Swd249 Like NZ Herald on Facebook: https://goo.gl/tUC4oq Follow NZ Herald on Instagram: https://goo.gl/oLicXe Follow NZ Herald on Twitter: https://goo.gl/Wi6mbv


  • Order:
  • Duration: 5:37
  • Uploaded Date: 27 Jul 2017
  • views: 22196
Provided to YouTube by Jayrem Records Pakaitore · David Grace & Injustice Weapons of Peace ℗ 1997 Jayrem Music - 1997 Released on: 1997-01-01 Composer: RR Lyricist: RR Auto-generated by YouTube.
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PLAYLIST TIME: 0:00 / 5:14:44

Te Tangihanga o Pakaitore Turia

Service - Sunday 2 Feb 2025
Te Tangihanga o Pakaitore Turia
Service - Sunday 2 Feb 2025
published: 01 Feb 2025
Play in Full Screen
Te Tangihanga o Pakaitore Turia
Karakia/Poroporoki from Whangaehu Marae
published: 01 Feb 2025
Play in Full Screen
Pakaitore Turia Cause of Death: Promising Rugby Player Passes Away
Pakaitore Turia Death - Join us as we dive into the tragic news about Pakaitore Turia, a p...
published: 30 Jan 2025
Play in Full Screen
Pakaitore commemorates past injustices
Whanganui river uri today commemorated injustices that took place at Pākaitore 28 years ag...
published: 28 Feb 2023
Play in Full Screen
Wellington Rugby player Pakaitore Turia passes away
TŪREI 28/01/2025 Pakaitore Turia, a talented Wellington rugby player, tragically passed ...
published: 28 Jan 2025
Play in Full Screen
Te Tangihanga o Pakaitore Turia - Whakamoemiti Friday 31 Jan
Proceedings from Whangaehu Marae
published: 31 Jan 2025
Play in Full Screen
Whanganui uri celebrate 25 years since the occupation of Pākaitore
Hundreds of people gathered at Pākaitore in Whanganui today to mark 25 years since the iwi...
published: 28 Feb 2020
Play in Full Screen
Pākaitore statue “has no future here” | Local Focus
In 1865 Whanganui unveiled Aotearoa's first war memorial, the "Weeping Woman", in Pākaitor...
published: 15 Mar 2023
Play in Full Screen
Provided to YouTube by Jayrem Records Pakaitore · David Grace & Injustice Weapons of Pea...
published: 27 Jul 2017
Play in Full Screen

Moutoa Gardens

Moutoa Gardens, also known as Pākaitore, is a park in the city of Whanganui, New Zealand. Named after the Battle of Moutoa Island in the Second Taranaki War, it contains a memorial to the battle inscribed "To the memory of the brave men who fell at Moutoa, 14 May 1864, in defence of law and order against fanaticism and barbarism." It also contained a statue of John Ballance, organiser of a volunteer cavalry troop in Titokowaru's War and later Premier of New Zealand.

Historically, Pākaitore was a traditional fishing settlement for hundreds of years and later became a marketplace. The area was considered a sanctuary where all tribes were equal and the police could not enter. Between 1839 and 1848 the New Zealand Company purchased Wanganui lands on behalf of the crown from people and tribes who may have had little or no claim to it.

The park was occupied for 79 days in 1995 in protest over a Treaty of Waitangi claim, an action which split the town and the nation and garnered significant attention from police. Local iwi claim the site was the location of a pa and trading site, left to Māori in the 1848 sale of Wanganui. Leading up to the protest the statue of Ballance was beheaded; a replacement Ballance statue was commissioned in 2009 and placed outside the Wanganui District Council buildings.

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Latest News for: pakaitore


Tariana Turia immensely proud of gifted grandson, Pakaitore, who died in Brisbane

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Tributes have poured in for gifted player Pakaitore Turia from rugby clubs all across Wellington and his current club in Queensland. His grandmother was former Te Pāti Māori co-leader and founder Tariana Turia who also died earlier this month ... ....

Tributes as rugby talent, grandson of Māori leader, passes away

NewstalkZB 28 Jan 2025
Pakaitore Turia, a promising rugby player, has died weeks after his grandmother,&nbsp;Dame Tariana Turia ... Pakaitore Turia had been heralded as a gifted player who had a “huge future” in front of him by former clubs and friends.
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