Pac-Man (also known as Pac-Man: The Animated Series) is a 30-minute Saturday morning animated series produced by Hanna-Barbera Productions based on the video game Pac-Man, made by Namco (now known as Bandai Namco Entertainment) and published by Bally-Midway, which premiered on ABC and ran for 44 episodes over two seasons from 1982 to 1983. It was also the first cartoon based on a video game.
The show follows the adventures of the title character, Pac-Man, his wife Pepper Pac-Man, their child Pac-Baby, their dog Chomp-Chomp and their cat Sour Puss. The family lives in Pac-Land, a place in which the geography and architecture seem to revolve primarily around spheres and sphere-like shapes. Most episodes of the series center around the ongoing battle between the Pac family and their only known enemies, the Ghost Monsters: Blinky, Inky, Pinky, Clyde, and Sue. They work for Mezmaron, a mysterious figure who resembles Darth Vader from Star Wars and acts similarly to Gargamel (from another Hanna-Barbera show The Smurfs). His sole mission is to locate and control the source of "Power Pellets", which serve as the primary food and power source for the city, and also as the deus ex machina in virtually every episode. The second (and final) season later introduces Super-Pac and Pac-Man's nephew P.J.
Pac-Man(Japanese:パックマン,Hepburn:Pakkuman) is an arcade game developed by Namco and first released in Japan on May 22, 1980. It was created by Japanese video game designer Toru Iwatani. It was licensed for distribution in the United States by Midway and released in October 1980. Immensely popular from its original release to the present day, Pac-Man is considered one of the classics of the medium, virtually synonymous with video games, and an icon of 1980s popular culture. Upon its release, the game—and, subsequently, Pac-Man derivatives—became a social phenomenon that yielded high sales of merchandise and inspired a legacy in other media, such as the Pac-Man animated television series and the top-ten hit single "Pac-Man Fever".
When Pac-Man was released, the most popular arcade video games were space shooters, in particular Space Invaders and Asteroids. The most visible minority were sports games that were mostly derivatives of Pong. Pac-Man succeeded by creating a new genre.Pac-Man is often credited with being a landmark in video game history, and is among the most famous arcade games of all time. It is also one of the highest-grossing video games of all time, having generated more than $2.5billion in quarters by the 1990s.
Pac-Man 256 is a 2015Android and iOS video game in the Pac-Man series. It is inspired by the glitched 256th level of Pac-Man. In the game, the player must continuously navigate an endless maze while avoiding ghosts and using power-ups and power pellets to combat them. Fruits grant a temporary multiplier, and as Pac-Man eats dots, it is up to the player to try to top their high score.
This game was co-developed by Hipster Whale, the creators of the hit Crossy Road video game, also on Android & iOS and 3 Sprockets, the creators of the Cubemen series on Android & iOS.
PAC-MAN | PATGA | S01E01 | The Adventure Begins Part 1 | Amazin' Adventures
Thanks to the school bully, Pac-Man accidentally opens the portal to the Netherworld, unleashing an army of ghosts, led by the fiery Lord Betrayus! Lucky for Pac-World, the Legend of Last Yellow Orb proves to be true: thanks to power-berries from the ancient Tree Of Life, young Pac has the ability to eat the ghosts... and burp out their eyeballs! WOW! Unfortunately, the ghosts manage to steal the Tree Of Life, which could mean the end of PacWorld!
PAC-MAN and the Ghostly Adventures - Season 1 Episode 1 - The Adventure Begins Part One
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#PacManandtheGhostlyAdventures #AmazinAdventures #FullEpisode
published: 17 Feb 2023
Pac-man: Season 1
Pac-Man! The game that gobbled up a nation’s quarters while its hero gobbled up those annoying Ghost Monsters spawned sequels, spin-offs, toys, games and more. Taking note of Pac-Man’s avid fan base, famed carton studio Hanna-Barbera hit upon the idea of adapting the game for Saturday morning animation – becoming the first video game to make the jump to TV. Kids were immediately enraptured and a score of other arcade favorites soon followed Pac-Man, Ms. Pac-Man and Baby Pac-Man from the gaming console to the cathode ray tube. In Pac-Man: Season 1, Pac-Man does battle with Inky, Blinky, Pinky, Clyde and Sue, the Ghost Monster minions of the dreaded Mezmaron, who lusts after Pac-land’s precious power spheres. Aided by his plucky and charming wife and son, Pac-Man saves the Pac-President, con...
published: 08 Jul 2014
Pac-Man Season 1 Intro (1982; HQ)
published: 25 Oct 2014
Pac Man S01 E01 E02
Pac Man S01 E01 E02 Presidential Pac Nappers and Picnic in Pacland
published: 30 Aug 2021
PAC-MAN | PATGA | S02E22 | Honey, I Digitized the Pac-Man | Amazin' Adventures
When Dr. Buttocks infects all the computers of Pac-World with his virus ghosts, a digitized Pac must travel through cyberspace and stop the invasion before the evil scientist can download the location of the Repository and the Tree of Life.
PAC-MAN | PATGA | S02E22 | Honey, I Digitized the Pac-Man
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#PacManandtheGhostlyAdventures #AmazinAdventures #FullEpisode
published: 01 Jan 2024
Pac-Man cartoon intro
Pac-Man cartoon intro
published: 07 Oct 2006
PAC-MAN | PATGA | S01E08 | Pac to the Future | Amazin' Adventures
When Pac and his pals get blasted into the past, he not only finally meets his parents -- and his Baby Pac self – but has an adventure with them during PacWorld War I.
PAC-MAN and the Ghostly Adventures - Season 1 Episode 8 - Pac to the Future
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#PacManandtheGhostlyAdventures #AmazinAdventures #FullEpisode
published: 27 Mar 2023
PAC-MAN | PATGA | S01E02 | The Adventure Begins Part 2 | Amazin' Adventures
PacWorld is under siege by ghosts and there is little Pac-Man can do about it without fresh berries from the Tree Of Life, which is hidden somewhere in the Netherworld and guarded not only by legions of ghosts, but fierce monsters! Pac strikes a deal with four wacky, wise-cracking ghosts, Inky, Blinky, Pinky & Clyde, to lead him into the Netherworld to try and find the tree and save PacWorld. Unfortunately, things don’t go exactly as planned and it is nearly game over for our hero and his two best friends!
PAC-MAN and the Ghostly Adventures - Season 1 Episode 2 - The Adventure Begins Part Two
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#PacManandtheGhostlyAdventures #AmazinAdventures #FullEpisode
published: 17 Feb 2023
Sticky Scene - Pac Man And The Ghostly Adventures, The Bride Of Grinder
I do not own Pac Man And The Ghostly Adventures or any related media. This is just a showcase of the sticky scenes that occur in it.
From Season 2 Episode 17: The Bride Of Grinder
Wow, that stuff must be strong if it can affect even ghosts. I definitely would never leave the nether world without it. does Pac Man get another pair of shoes?
Thanks to the school bully, Pac-Man accidentally opens the portal to the Netherworld, unleashing an army of ghosts, led by the fiery Lord Betrayus! Lucky for Pa...
Thanks to the school bully, Pac-Man accidentally opens the portal to the Netherworld, unleashing an army of ghosts, led by the fiery Lord Betrayus! Lucky for Pac-World, the Legend of Last Yellow Orb proves to be true: thanks to power-berries from the ancient Tree Of Life, young Pac has the ability to eat the ghosts... and burp out their eyeballs! WOW! Unfortunately, the ghosts manage to steal the Tree Of Life, which could mean the end of PacWorld!
PAC-MAN and the Ghostly Adventures - Season 1 Episode 1 - The Adventure Begins Part One
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#PacManandtheGhostlyAdventures #AmazinAdventures #FullEpisode
Thanks to the school bully, Pac-Man accidentally opens the portal to the Netherworld, unleashing an army of ghosts, led by the fiery Lord Betrayus! Lucky for Pac-World, the Legend of Last Yellow Orb proves to be true: thanks to power-berries from the ancient Tree Of Life, young Pac has the ability to eat the ghosts... and burp out their eyeballs! WOW! Unfortunately, the ghosts manage to steal the Tree Of Life, which could mean the end of PacWorld!
PAC-MAN and the Ghostly Adventures - Season 1 Episode 1 - The Adventure Begins Part One
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#PacManandtheGhostlyAdventures #AmazinAdventures #FullEpisode
Pac-Man! The game that gobbled up a nation’s quarters while its hero gobbled up those annoying Ghost Monsters spawned sequels, spin-offs, toys, games and more. ...
Pac-Man! The game that gobbled up a nation’s quarters while its hero gobbled up those annoying Ghost Monsters spawned sequels, spin-offs, toys, games and more. Taking note of Pac-Man’s avid fan base, famed carton studio Hanna-Barbera hit upon the idea of adapting the game for Saturday morning animation – becoming the first video game to make the jump to TV. Kids were immediately enraptured and a score of other arcade favorites soon followed Pac-Man, Ms. Pac-Man and Baby Pac-Man from the gaming console to the cathode ray tube. In Pac-Man: Season 1, Pac-Man does battle with Inky, Blinky, Pinky, Clyde and Sue, the Ghost Monster minions of the dreaded Mezmaron, who lusts after Pac-land’s precious power spheres. Aided by his plucky and charming wife and son, Pac-Man saves the Pac-President, confronts the vampiric Pacula, discovers the Abominable Pac-Man and more. Pac-Venture awaits – no quarters required!
Pac-Man! The game that gobbled up a nation’s quarters while its hero gobbled up those annoying Ghost Monsters spawned sequels, spin-offs, toys, games and more. Taking note of Pac-Man’s avid fan base, famed carton studio Hanna-Barbera hit upon the idea of adapting the game for Saturday morning animation – becoming the first video game to make the jump to TV. Kids were immediately enraptured and a score of other arcade favorites soon followed Pac-Man, Ms. Pac-Man and Baby Pac-Man from the gaming console to the cathode ray tube. In Pac-Man: Season 1, Pac-Man does battle with Inky, Blinky, Pinky, Clyde and Sue, the Ghost Monster minions of the dreaded Mezmaron, who lusts after Pac-land’s precious power spheres. Aided by his plucky and charming wife and son, Pac-Man saves the Pac-President, confronts the vampiric Pacula, discovers the Abominable Pac-Man and more. Pac-Venture awaits – no quarters required!
When Dr. Buttocks infects all the computers of Pac-World with his virus ghosts, a digitized Pac must travel through cyberspace and stop the invasion before the ...
When Dr. Buttocks infects all the computers of Pac-World with his virus ghosts, a digitized Pac must travel through cyberspace and stop the invasion before the evil scientist can download the location of the Repository and the Tree of Life.
PAC-MAN | PATGA | S02E22 | Honey, I Digitized the Pac-Man
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#PacManandtheGhostlyAdventures #AmazinAdventures #FullEpisode
When Dr. Buttocks infects all the computers of Pac-World with his virus ghosts, a digitized Pac must travel through cyberspace and stop the invasion before the evil scientist can download the location of the Repository and the Tree of Life.
PAC-MAN | PATGA | S02E22 | Honey, I Digitized the Pac-Man
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#PacManandtheGhostlyAdventures #AmazinAdventures #FullEpisode
When Pac and his pals get blasted into the past, he not only finally meets his parents -- and his Baby Pac self – but has an adventure with them during PacWorld...
When Pac and his pals get blasted into the past, he not only finally meets his parents -- and his Baby Pac self – but has an adventure with them during PacWorld War I.
PAC-MAN and the Ghostly Adventures - Season 1 Episode 8 - Pac to the Future
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#PacManandtheGhostlyAdventures #AmazinAdventures #FullEpisode
When Pac and his pals get blasted into the past, he not only finally meets his parents -- and his Baby Pac self – but has an adventure with them during PacWorld War I.
PAC-MAN and the Ghostly Adventures - Season 1 Episode 8 - Pac to the Future
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#PacManandtheGhostlyAdventures #AmazinAdventures #FullEpisode
PacWorld is under siege by ghosts and there is little Pac-Man can do about it without fresh berries from the Tree Of Life, which is hidden somewhere in the Neth...
PacWorld is under siege by ghosts and there is little Pac-Man can do about it without fresh berries from the Tree Of Life, which is hidden somewhere in the Netherworld and guarded not only by legions of ghosts, but fierce monsters! Pac strikes a deal with four wacky, wise-cracking ghosts, Inky, Blinky, Pinky & Clyde, to lead him into the Netherworld to try and find the tree and save PacWorld. Unfortunately, things don’t go exactly as planned and it is nearly game over for our hero and his two best friends!
PAC-MAN and the Ghostly Adventures - Season 1 Episode 2 - The Adventure Begins Part Two
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#PacManandtheGhostlyAdventures #AmazinAdventures #FullEpisode
PacWorld is under siege by ghosts and there is little Pac-Man can do about it without fresh berries from the Tree Of Life, which is hidden somewhere in the Netherworld and guarded not only by legions of ghosts, but fierce monsters! Pac strikes a deal with four wacky, wise-cracking ghosts, Inky, Blinky, Pinky & Clyde, to lead him into the Netherworld to try and find the tree and save PacWorld. Unfortunately, things don’t go exactly as planned and it is nearly game over for our hero and his two best friends!
PAC-MAN and the Ghostly Adventures - Season 1 Episode 2 - The Adventure Begins Part Two
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#PacManandtheGhostlyAdventures #AmazinAdventures #FullEpisode
I do not own Pac Man And The Ghostly Adventures or any related media. This is just a showcase of the sticky scenes that occur in it.
From Season 2 Episode 17: ...
I do not own Pac Man And The Ghostly Adventures or any related media. This is just a showcase of the sticky scenes that occur in it.
From Season 2 Episode 17: The Bride Of Grinder
Wow, that stuff must be strong if it can affect even ghosts. I definitely would never leave the nether world without it. does Pac Man get another pair of shoes?
I do not own Pac Man And The Ghostly Adventures or any related media. This is just a showcase of the sticky scenes that occur in it.
From Season 2 Episode 17: The Bride Of Grinder
Wow, that stuff must be strong if it can affect even ghosts. I definitely would never leave the nether world without it. does Pac Man get another pair of shoes?
Thanks to the school bully, Pac-Man accidentally opens the portal to the Netherworld, unleashing an army of ghosts, led by the fiery Lord Betrayus! Lucky for Pac-World, the Legend of Last Yellow Orb proves to be true: thanks to power-berries from the ancient Tree Of Life, young Pac has the ability to eat the ghosts... and burp out their eyeballs! WOW! Unfortunately, the ghosts manage to steal the Tree Of Life, which could mean the end of PacWorld!
PAC-MAN and the Ghostly Adventures - Season 1 Episode 1 - The Adventure Begins Part One
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#PacManandtheGhostlyAdventures #AmazinAdventures #FullEpisode
Pac-Man! The game that gobbled up a nation’s quarters while its hero gobbled up those annoying Ghost Monsters spawned sequels, spin-offs, toys, games and more. Taking note of Pac-Man’s avid fan base, famed carton studio Hanna-Barbera hit upon the idea of adapting the game for Saturday morning animation – becoming the first video game to make the jump to TV. Kids were immediately enraptured and a score of other arcade favorites soon followed Pac-Man, Ms. Pac-Man and Baby Pac-Man from the gaming console to the cathode ray tube. In Pac-Man: Season 1, Pac-Man does battle with Inky, Blinky, Pinky, Clyde and Sue, the Ghost Monster minions of the dreaded Mezmaron, who lusts after Pac-land’s precious power spheres. Aided by his plucky and charming wife and son, Pac-Man saves the Pac-President, confronts the vampiric Pacula, discovers the Abominable Pac-Man and more. Pac-Venture awaits – no quarters required!
When Dr. Buttocks infects all the computers of Pac-World with his virus ghosts, a digitized Pac must travel through cyberspace and stop the invasion before the evil scientist can download the location of the Repository and the Tree of Life.
PAC-MAN | PATGA | S02E22 | Honey, I Digitized the Pac-Man
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#PacManandtheGhostlyAdventures #AmazinAdventures #FullEpisode
When Pac and his pals get blasted into the past, he not only finally meets his parents -- and his Baby Pac self – but has an adventure with them during PacWorld War I.
PAC-MAN and the Ghostly Adventures - Season 1 Episode 8 - Pac to the Future
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#PacManandtheGhostlyAdventures #AmazinAdventures #FullEpisode
PacWorld is under siege by ghosts and there is little Pac-Man can do about it without fresh berries from the Tree Of Life, which is hidden somewhere in the Netherworld and guarded not only by legions of ghosts, but fierce monsters! Pac strikes a deal with four wacky, wise-cracking ghosts, Inky, Blinky, Pinky & Clyde, to lead him into the Netherworld to try and find the tree and save PacWorld. Unfortunately, things don’t go exactly as planned and it is nearly game over for our hero and his two best friends!
PAC-MAN and the Ghostly Adventures - Season 1 Episode 2 - The Adventure Begins Part Two
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#PacManandtheGhostlyAdventures #AmazinAdventures #FullEpisode
I do not own Pac Man And The Ghostly Adventures or any related media. This is just a showcase of the sticky scenes that occur in it.
From Season 2 Episode 17: The Bride Of Grinder
Wow, that stuff must be strong if it can affect even ghosts. I definitely would never leave the nether world without it. does Pac Man get another pair of shoes?
Pac-Man (also known as Pac-Man: The Animated Series) is a 30-minute Saturday morning animated series produced by Hanna-Barbera Productions based on the video game Pac-Man, made by Namco (now known as Bandai Namco Entertainment) and published by Bally-Midway, which premiered on ABC and ran for 44 episodes over two seasons from 1982 to 1983. It was also the first cartoon based on a video game.
The show follows the adventures of the title character, Pac-Man, his wife Pepper Pac-Man, their child Pac-Baby, their dog Chomp-Chomp and their cat Sour Puss. The family lives in Pac-Land, a place in which the geography and architecture seem to revolve primarily around spheres and sphere-like shapes. Most episodes of the series center around the ongoing battle between the Pac family and their only known enemies, the Ghost Monsters: Blinky, Inky, Pinky, Clyde, and Sue. They work for Mezmaron, a mysterious figure who resembles Darth Vader from Star Wars and acts similarly to Gargamel (from another Hanna-Barbera show The Smurfs). His sole mission is to locate and control the source of "Power Pellets", which serve as the primary food and power source for the city, and also as the deus ex machina in virtually every episode. The second (and final) season later introduces Super-Pac and Pac-Man's nephew P.J.