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Ernie Graham

Ernie Graham (born Ernest Harold Graham; 14 June 1946 27 April 2001) was a singer, guitarist and songwriter, active from the mid-1960s to the early 1980s

Early life

Ernie Graham was born in Belfast, and was training to be a mechanic, when he joined his first band Tony & the Telstars in 1965, as rhythm guitarist. When the band split Graham and two other members moved to England, where Graham met Henry McCullough. Graham and McCullough returned to Belfast and formed The People, with George O'Hara, Davey Lutton and Chris Stewart.

Eire Apparent

In 1967 the band moved back to London where they came to the attention of Michael Jeffery and were signed by him and Chas Chandler. In 1968 they changed their name to Eire Apparent and toured with Soft Machine, Pink Floyd and Jimi Hendrix.

Eire Apparent only recorded one album Sunrise (1969), which was produced by Hendrix, who also played on the album. Shortly after McCullough left, to tour with The Grease Band, Eire Apparent disbanded. Graham moved in with McCullough and recorded four songs with The Grease Band, but these were never issued.

Only Love

Only Love may refer to:

  • "Only Love" (Nana Mouskouri song) (1986)
  • "Only Love" (Wynonna Judd song) (1993)
  • "Only Love" (The Braxtons song) (1997)
  • "Only Love" (Anggun song) (2011)
  • "Only Love" (Ben Howard song) (2012)
  • "Only Love", Brotherhood of Man song from the album Singing a Song (1979)
  • "Only Love", a song by Alkaline Trio from the album My Shame Is True (2013)
  • Only Love, a 1997 novel by Erich Segal
  • Only Love, a novel by Ann Maxwell writing as Elizabeth Lowell
  • Only Love (film), 1998 made-for-TV film starring Marisa Tomei.
  • Only Love (Wynonna Judd song)

    "Only Love" is a song written by Roger Murrah and Marcus Hummon, and recorded by American country music artist Wynonna Judd. It was released in July 1993 as the second single from the album Tell Me Why. The song reached number 3 on the Billboard Hot Country Singles & Tracks chart.

    Chart performance

    Year-end charts


    Only Love (Engelbert Humperdinck/Selena song)

    "Only Love" is a song written by Robbie Buchanan and Mark Spiro and it was first recorded by Englebert Humperdinck sometime in between the 1970s and 1980s, and was then recorded by the late tejano singer Selena in 1989 and was not released until 1996, when it was released for the first time on her 1996 tribute album Siempre Selena and then again on the Selena movie soundtrack a year later in 1997 following Selena's death in 1995. The song was to be developed for her English crossover album or remain a simple unreleased song.


  • Selena recorded this song in 1989, and presumably performed the song during her Ven Conmigo Tour but no live performances of this song cannot be found on YouTube.
  • Tribute Covers

    Millie Corretjer recorded a slight Spanish cover of Selena's rendition of the song called "Solo Tu" and released it on her 1995 album Sola.



    Ernie Graham

    • Ernie Graham - For A Little While

      Ernie Graham began his musical career in the 1960s, when he formed Eire Apparent with Henry McCullogh. The band toured extensively, supporting Jimi Hendrix, Pink Floyd & Soft Machine. Eire Apparent disbanded at the end of the 60s and Henry McCullogh went on to form The Grease Band. Ernie then recorded his eponymous debut album in 1971, recruiting the members of Brinsley Schwarz (including Nick Lowe) and Help Yourself as his backing band. At the time of it's original release, this album drew comparisons with Dylan, The Band and Crosby, Stills, Nash & Young. After joining Help Yourself for a brief period, including their performance at the first Glastonbury Festival, Ernie then formed his new band Clancy. Ernie's only other solo recording was a single released on Stiff Records ...

      published: 10 Jan 2011
    • Ernie Graham - The Girl That Turned The Lever

      "... spend all my days in Detroit city..."

      published: 26 Oct 2009
    • Ernie Graham - Belfast

      Track number: 8 Album: Ernie Graham Year: 1971 Genre: Folk Rock, Singer/Songwriter Label: Hux Records Country: UK Discogs: https://www.discogs.com/release/3304969-Ernie-Graham-Ernie-Graham I do not own any of the content in this video, for promotional purposes only. Will be removed upon request of the copyright holder.

      published: 01 Jan 2022
    • Ernie Graham - Sebastian

      published: 17 Feb 2011
    • Ernie Graham - Romeo & the Lonely Girl [HQ Audio]

      On Stiff Records 1978. Produced by Larry Wallis.

      published: 20 May 2010
    • Ernie Graham - Sebastian

      Track number: 1 Album: Ernie Graham Year: 1971 Genre: Folk Rock, Singer/Songwriter Label: Hux Records Country: UK Discogs: https://www.discogs.com/release/3304969-Ernie-Graham-Ernie-Graham I do not own any of the content in this video, for promotional purposes only. Will be removed upon request of the copyright holder.

      published: 01 Jan 2022
    • #Terps100 - Dec. 20, 1978 - Ernie Graham Scores School-Record 44 Points

      Ernie Graham scored a school-record 44 points in a 124-110 win over NC Stateon December 20, 1978

      published: 29 Nov 2018
    • ERNIE GRAHAM with CLANCY Long Time Comin' 1974

      From the album Seriously Speaking by Clancy (1974) Song written and sung by Ernie Graham

      published: 07 Jan 2022
    • Nicky Grist Stages 2024 SS4 | Will Graham & Kenny Owen | Ford Escort RS1600

      In-Car Video of ‪@FlexiFlyRallyTeam Will Graham & Kenny Owen during SS4 (Bowlsey) of Nicky Grist Stages 2024.

      published: 14 Jul 2024
    • Ernie Graham - Sea Fever (1971) Rock Ballad

      This is one of the most hauntingly beautiful solo albums to come out of the whole English pub rock scene, and references to Bob Dylan and the Band are appropriate because the rootsy/folk-like intersections with their work are here. It's also a rival to the best work of Brinsley Schwarz, Ducks Deluxe, Eggs Over Easy, et al. (and no surprise -- the Brinsleys played on this album). Opening with the gorgeous, Dylanesque "Sebastian," built on a lyrical acoustic guitar part, Graham reveals himself a songwriter and player of extraordinary sensitivity -- he might easily have been another Alan Hull, or even bigger than that, had he been able to join a band with legs or hold his own career together. As it is, from that Dylan-like start, he and the Brinsleys deliver a brace of full electric numbers t...

      published: 14 Dec 2013
    Ernie Graham - For A Little While

    Ernie Graham - For A Little While

    • Order:
    • Duration: 6:38
    • Uploaded Date: 10 Jan 2011
    • views: 114898
    Ernie Graham began his musical career in the 1960s, when he formed Eire Apparent with Henry McCullogh. The band toured extensively, supporting Jimi Hendrix, Pink Floyd & Soft Machine. Eire Apparent disbanded at the end of the 60s and Henry McCullogh went on to form The Grease Band. Ernie then recorded his eponymous debut album in 1971, recruiting the members of Brinsley Schwarz (including Nick Lowe) and Help Yourself as his backing band. At the time of it's original release, this album drew comparisons with Dylan, The Band and Crosby, Stills, Nash & Young. After joining Help Yourself for a brief period, including their performance at the first Glastonbury Festival, Ernie then formed his new band Clancy. Ernie's only other solo recording was a single released on Stiff Records in 1979. This was a cover of the Phil Lynott song, 'Romeo (And The Lonely Girl)', backed with the self-penned 'Only Time Will Tell'. Ernie's complete solo recordings are now released here on CD for the first time; The 1971 album and both sides of the 1979 Stiff single. The accompanying 8 page booklet features extensive liner notes and several rare photographs, from the private collection of Ernie's family. Ernie Graham (guitar,vocals), Bob Andrews (organ,accordion,guitar,piano,harmonies)­, Ian Gomm (guitar, harmonies), Nick Lowe (bass, harmonies), Billy Rankin (drums), Brinsley Schwarz (guitar), Ken Whaley (bass)
    Ernie Graham - The Girl That Turned The Lever

    Ernie Graham - The Girl That Turned The Lever

    • Order:
    • Duration: 6:19
    • Uploaded Date: 26 Oct 2009
    • views: 64863
    "... spend all my days in Detroit city..."
    Ernie Graham - Belfast

    Ernie Graham - Belfast

    • Order:
    • Duration: 5:40
    • Uploaded Date: 01 Jan 2022
    • views: 2072
    Track number: 8 Album: Ernie Graham Year: 1971 Genre: Folk Rock, Singer/Songwriter Label: Hux Records Country: UK Discogs: https://www.discogs.com/release/3304969-Ernie-Graham-Ernie-Graham I do not own any of the content in this video, for promotional purposes only. Will be removed upon request of the copyright holder.
    Ernie Graham - Sebastian

    Ernie Graham - Sebastian

    • Order:
    • Duration: 5:05
    • Uploaded Date: 17 Feb 2011
    • views: 32630
    Ernie Graham - Romeo & the Lonely Girl [HQ Audio]

    Ernie Graham - Romeo & the Lonely Girl [HQ Audio]

    • Order:
    • Duration: 2:33
    • Uploaded Date: 20 May 2010
    • views: 14092
    On Stiff Records 1978. Produced by Larry Wallis.
    Ernie Graham - Sebastian

    Ernie Graham - Sebastian

    • Order:
    • Duration: 5:35
    • Uploaded Date: 01 Jan 2022
    • views: 4519
    Track number: 1 Album: Ernie Graham Year: 1971 Genre: Folk Rock, Singer/Songwriter Label: Hux Records Country: UK Discogs: https://www.discogs.com/release/3304969-Ernie-Graham-Ernie-Graham I do not own any of the content in this video, for promotional purposes only. Will be removed upon request of the copyright holder.
    #Terps100 - Dec. 20, 1978 - Ernie Graham Scores School-Record 44  Points

    #Terps100 - Dec. 20, 1978 - Ernie Graham Scores School-Record 44 Points

    • Order:
    • Duration: 3:50
    • Uploaded Date: 29 Nov 2018
    • views: 4832
    Ernie Graham scored a school-record 44 points in a 124-110 win over NC Stateon December 20, 1978
    ERNIE GRAHAM with CLANCY Long Time Comin' 1974

    ERNIE GRAHAM with CLANCY Long Time Comin' 1974

    • Order:
    • Duration: 3:26
    • Uploaded Date: 07 Jan 2022
    • views: 522
    From the album Seriously Speaking by Clancy (1974) Song written and sung by Ernie Graham
    Nicky Grist Stages 2024 SS4 | Will Graham & Kenny Owen | Ford Escort RS1600

    Nicky Grist Stages 2024 SS4 | Will Graham & Kenny Owen | Ford Escort RS1600

    • Order:
    • Duration: 7:37
    • Uploaded Date: 14 Jul 2024
    • views: 712
    In-Car Video of ‪@FlexiFlyRallyTeam Will Graham & Kenny Owen during SS4 (Bowlsey) of Nicky Grist Stages 2024.
    Ernie Graham - Sea Fever (1971)  Rock Ballad

    Ernie Graham - Sea Fever (1971) Rock Ballad

    • Order:
    • Duration: 4:50
    • Uploaded Date: 14 Dec 2013
    • views: 7425
    This is one of the most hauntingly beautiful solo albums to come out of the whole English pub rock scene, and references to Bob Dylan and the Band are appropriate because the rootsy/folk-like intersections with their work are here. It's also a rival to the best work of Brinsley Schwarz, Ducks Deluxe, Eggs Over Easy, et al. (and no surprise -- the Brinsleys played on this album). Opening with the gorgeous, Dylanesque "Sebastian," built on a lyrical acoustic guitar part, Graham reveals himself a songwriter and player of extraordinary sensitivity -- he might easily have been another Alan Hull, or even bigger than that, had he been able to join a band with legs or hold his own career together. As it is, from that Dylan-like start, he and the Brinsleys deliver a brace of full electric numbers that rival the classic sound of the Band, starting with "So Lonely" -- the roots rock sound here is so authentically American that it will fool lots of listeners about its origins and source. For this album, "The Girl That Turned the Lever" and "For a Little While" are two of the finest working-class/folk-style compositions this side of "The Night They Drove Old Dixie Down," and "Blues to Snowy" takes Graham into Lynyrd Skynyrd territory. "Belfast" finally takes listeners to Graham's real roots, in a bracing, fiddle-driven folk-based piece from that side of the Atlantic.
    • Only Love - Trademark

      Only Love.. True love.. Love... in our life there's this only love that we never forget..

      published: 21 Dec 2009
    • Ben Howard - Only Love

      Official music video for Only Love TAKEN FROM THE 2012 MERCURY PRIZE-NOMINATED ALBUM BY BEN HOWARD ‘Every Kingdom’ Stream here: https://benhoward.lnk.to/SelectionID album 'Collections From The Whiteout' out now: https://benhoward.lnk.to/cftwVD Explore https://www.benhowardmusic.co.uk/ Subscribe https://www.youtube.com/user/benhowardmusic?sub_confirmation=1 Watch more https://benhoward.lnk.to/SelectionYouTubeID Follow artist on Instagram: https://instagram.com/benhoward_ twitter: https://twitter.com/benhowardmusic facebook: https://www.facebook.com/benhowardmusic Join the mailer https://benhoward.lnk.to/signupID Lyrics: Darling, you're with me, always around me Only love, only love Darling, I feel you, under my body Only love, only love Give me shelter, or show me heart...

      published: 08 May 2012
    • Jordan Smith - Only Love

      Only Love (Official Video) Listen and Download the new album Only Love here: https://JordanSmith.lnk.to/OnlyLoveYD Connect with Jordan: http://www.jordansmithofficial.com/ https://twitter.com/JordanSmithLive https://www.facebook.com/jordansmithl... https://www.instagram.com/jordansmith... Video Director: Ivanna Borin Video Producer: Frank Borin for Under Wonder Music video by Jordan Smith performing Only Love. © 2018 Republic Records, a division of UMG Recordings, Inc. http://vevo.ly/TnbVJp

      published: 29 Aug 2018
    • Only Love

      Provided to YouTube by Universal Music Group Only Love · Katy Perry Smile ℗ 2020 Capitol Records, LLC Released on: 2020-08-28 Producer, Associated Performer, Vocal Producer, Additional Vocals, Drum Programming, Guitar, Clapping, Percussion, Programming, Synthesizer, Synthesizer Programming, String Arranger, Film Director, Co- Director, Studio Personnel, Vocal Editing, Engineer: John DeBold Producer, Additional Producer, Associated Performer, Background Vocalist: Sophie Frances Cooke Associated Performer, Vocal Producer: Svend Lerche Studio Personnel, Mix Engineer: John Hanes Studio Personnel, Mixer: Serban Ghenea Associated Performer, Vocals: Katy Perry Associated Performer, Organ, Piano, Rhodes: Brad Oberhofer Associated Performer, Additional Vocals, Clapping, Pe...

      published: 27 Aug 2020
    • Nana Mouskouri 'Only Love'


      published: 09 Apr 2010
    • Trademark - Only Love - (Official Video)

      Trademark - Only Love - Official Video Lyrics: Two am and the rain is falling Here we are at the crossroads once again You're telling me you're so confused You can't make up your mind Is this meant to be You're asking me But only love can say Try again or walk away But I believe for you and me The sun will shine one day So I just play my part Pray you'll have a change of heart But I can't make you see it through That's something only love can do In your arms as the dawn is breaking Face to face and a thousand miles apart I've tried my best to make you see There's hope beyond the pain If we give enough If we learn to trust But only love can say Try again or walk away But I believe for you and me The sun will shine one day So I just play my part Pray you'll have a change of heart Bu...

      published: 30 Sep 2016
    • Only Love | Trademark | Lyrics [Kara + Vietsub HD]

      ♩ Only Love | Trademark | Lyrics [Kara + Vietsub HD] ♩ » Ask me?: http://ask.fm/nguyenthanh269 ● "J.K" - Joker ● » Channel 1: http://goo.gl/qwQNAs » Channel 2: http://goo.gl/sTu1QH » We Love Proshow: http://goo.gl/Kz38Xq » I Love Music: http://goo.gl/uDDcHv » Images Of PSP: http://goo.gl/i0hzda » Contact Us: jkvevolution@gmail.com » Chúc các bạn có những giây phút vui vẻ ♥ » Software Support: Proshow Producer v5.1 & Aegisub v3.02 Don't forget to LIKE, SUBSCRIBE, COMMENT and RATE. Hope you all enjoy! =================================== ♦ Video Editor: "J.K" ♦ Timer: "J.K" ♦ Translator: Thungan ♦ Encode & Upload: Ut ♦ Effect: NguyenLamTruong & Galovejiro ♦ Song: Only Love ♦ Singer: Trademark =================================== ♩ Only Love | Trademark | Lyrics [Kara + Vietsub HD] ♩ 2 a.m....

      published: 23 May 2014
    • Trademark - Only Love With Lyrics

      Enjoy,I Hope It's Not A Disappointment.

      published: 05 Apr 2008
    Only Love - Trademark

    Only Love - Trademark

    • Order:
    • Duration: 4:05
    • Uploaded Date: 21 Dec 2009
    • views: 34394604
    Only Love.. True love.. Love... in our life there's this only love that we never forget..
    Ben Howard - Only Love

    Ben Howard - Only Love

    • Order:
    • Duration: 3:53
    • Uploaded Date: 08 May 2012
    • views: 25884743
    Official music video for Only Love TAKEN FROM THE 2012 MERCURY PRIZE-NOMINATED ALBUM BY BEN HOWARD ‘Every Kingdom’ Stream here: https://benhoward.lnk.to/SelectionID album 'Collections From The Whiteout' out now: https://benhoward.lnk.to/cftwVD Explore https://www.benhowardmusic.co.uk/ Subscribe https://www.youtube.com/user/benhowardmusic?sub_confirmation=1 Watch more https://benhoward.lnk.to/SelectionYouTubeID Follow artist on Instagram: https://instagram.com/benhoward_ twitter: https://twitter.com/benhowardmusic facebook: https://www.facebook.com/benhowardmusic Join the mailer https://benhoward.lnk.to/signupID Lyrics: Darling, you're with me, always around me Only love, only love Darling, I feel you, under my body Only love, only love Give me shelter, or show me heart Come on love, come on love Watch me fall apart, watch me fall apart And I'll be yours to keep Wind in the shadows, whale song in the deep Wind in the shadows, whale song in the deep Darling, you're with me, always around me Only love, only love Darling, I feel you, under my body Only love, only love Give me shelter, or show me heart Come on love, come on love Watch me fall apart, watch me fall apart And I'll be yours to keep Wind in the shadows, whale song in the deep Wind in the shadows, whale song Darling, you're with me, always around me Only love, only love Darling, I feel you, under my body Only love, only love Give me shelter, or show me heart Come on love, come on love Watch me fall apart, watch me fall apart Watch me fall apart, watch me fall apart Watch me fall apart Fall apart Only love, love, love Only love, love, love Only love, love, love Girl, show me heart Come on love, love, love Come on love, love, love Come on love, love, love Watch me fall apart Come on love, love, love Come on love, love, love Come on love, love, love Girl, show me heart Show me love, love, love Show me love, love, love Show me love, love, love Watch me fall apart Watch me fall apart Darling, I feel you, under my body Darling, you're with me, forever and always Give me shelter, or show me heart And watch me fall apart, watch me fall apart
    Jordan Smith - Only Love

    Jordan Smith - Only Love

    • Order:
    • Duration: 4:06
    • Uploaded Date: 29 Aug 2018
    • views: 18135905
    Only Love (Official Video) Listen and Download the new album Only Love here: https://JordanSmith.lnk.to/OnlyLoveYD Connect with Jordan: http://www.jordansmithofficial.com/ https://twitter.com/JordanSmithLive https://www.facebook.com/jordansmithl... https://www.instagram.com/jordansmith... Video Director: Ivanna Borin Video Producer: Frank Borin for Under Wonder Music video by Jordan Smith performing Only Love. © 2018 Republic Records, a division of UMG Recordings, Inc. http://vevo.ly/TnbVJp
    Only Love

    Only Love

    • Order:
    • Duration: 3:19
    • Uploaded Date: 27 Aug 2020
    • views: 1196434
    Provided to YouTube by Universal Music Group Only Love · Katy Perry Smile ℗ 2020 Capitol Records, LLC Released on: 2020-08-28 Producer, Associated Performer, Vocal Producer, Additional Vocals, Drum Programming, Guitar, Clapping, Percussion, Programming, Synthesizer, Synthesizer Programming, String Arranger, Film Director, Co- Director, Studio Personnel, Vocal Editing, Engineer: John DeBold Producer, Additional Producer, Associated Performer, Background Vocalist: Sophie Frances Cooke Associated Performer, Vocal Producer: Svend Lerche Studio Personnel, Mix Engineer: John Hanes Studio Personnel, Mixer: Serban Ghenea Associated Performer, Vocals: Katy Perry Associated Performer, Organ, Piano, Rhodes: Brad Oberhofer Associated Performer, Additional Vocals, Clapping, Percussion: Sachi DiSerafino Associated Performer, Additional Vocals, Clapping, Percussion: Lila Drew Associated Performer, Additional Vocals: Karissa Reynafarje A& R: Chris Anokute A& R: Lauren Glucksman Studio Personnel, Mastering Engineer: Dave Kutch Composer Lyricist: Katy Perry Composer Lyricist: Andrew Jackson Composer Lyricist: Sophie Cooke Auto-generated by YouTube.
    Nana Mouskouri 'Only Love'

    Nana Mouskouri 'Only Love'

    • Order:
    • Duration: 4:23
    • Uploaded Date: 09 Apr 2010
    • views: 741271
    Trademark  - Only Love - (Official Video)

    Trademark - Only Love - (Official Video)

    • Order:
    • Duration: 3:40
    • Uploaded Date: 30 Sep 2016
    • views: 13265923
    Trademark - Only Love - Official Video Lyrics: Two am and the rain is falling Here we are at the crossroads once again You're telling me you're so confused You can't make up your mind Is this meant to be You're asking me But only love can say Try again or walk away But I believe for you and me The sun will shine one day So I just play my part Pray you'll have a change of heart But I can't make you see it through That's something only love can do In your arms as the dawn is breaking Face to face and a thousand miles apart I've tried my best to make you see There's hope beyond the pain If we give enough If we learn to trust But only love can say Try again or walk away But I believe for you and me The sun will shine one day So I just play my part Pray you'll have a change of heart But I can't make you see it through That's something only love can do I know if I could find the words To touch you deep inside You'll give my dreams just one more chance To let this be our last goodbye But only love can say Try again or walk away But I believe for you and me The sun will shine one day So I just play my part Pray you'll have a change of heart But I can't make you see it through That's something only love can do That's something only love can do
    Only Love | Trademark | Lyrics [Kara + Vietsub HD]

    Only Love | Trademark | Lyrics [Kara + Vietsub HD]

    • Order:
    • Duration: 4:07
    • Uploaded Date: 23 May 2014
    • views: 5933064
    ♩ Only Love | Trademark | Lyrics [Kara + Vietsub HD] ♩ » Ask me?: http://ask.fm/nguyenthanh269 ● "J.K" - Joker ● » Channel 1: http://goo.gl/qwQNAs » Channel 2: http://goo.gl/sTu1QH » We Love Proshow: http://goo.gl/Kz38Xq » I Love Music: http://goo.gl/uDDcHv » Images Of PSP: http://goo.gl/i0hzda » Contact Us: jkvevolution@gmail.com » Chúc các bạn có những giây phút vui vẻ ♥ » Software Support: Proshow Producer v5.1 & Aegisub v3.02 Don't forget to LIKE, SUBSCRIBE, COMMENT and RATE. Hope you all enjoy! =================================== ♦ Video Editor: "J.K" ♦ Timer: "J.K" ♦ Translator: Thungan ♦ Encode & Upload: Ut ♦ Effect: NguyenLamTruong & Galovejiro ♦ Song: Only Love ♦ Singer: Trademark =================================== ♩ Only Love | Trademark | Lyrics [Kara + Vietsub HD] ♩ 2 a.m. and the rain is falling Here we are at the crossroads once again You're telling me you're so confused You can't make up your mind Is this meant to be You're asking me But only love can say Try again or walk away But I believe for you and me The sun will shine one day So I'll just play my part And pray you'll have a change of heart But I can't make you see it through That's something only love can do In your arms as the dawn is breaking Face to face and a thousand miles apart I've tried my best to make you see There's hope beyond the pain If we give enough, if we learn to trust But only love can say Try again or walk away But I believe for you and me The sun will shine one day So I'll just play my part And pray you'll have a change of heart But I can't make you see it through That's something only love can do I know if I could find the words To touch you deep inside You'd give our dream just one more chance Don't let this be our goodbye But only love can say Try again or walk away But I believe for you and me The sun will shine one day So I'll just play my part And pray you'll have a change of heart But I can't make you see it through That's something only love can do That's something only love can do =================================== ● Artwork by? If anyone knows who took this picture or recorded this video please link me to their page so I can credit them properly. ● IMPORTANT I do not own the songs or pictures. I just made a fan remix. The credits go to their respectful owners and if you're a producer/record label and would like any uploads to be removed, renamed, or otherwise changed, please send me a message and I will do that immediately. ● DISCLAIMER We do not own this audio. All rights belong to its rightful owner. This clip is copyright. =================================== ♩ Only Love | Trademark | Lyrics [Kara + Vietsub HD] ♩
    Trademark - Only Love With Lyrics

    Trademark - Only Love With Lyrics

    • Order:
    • Duration: 4:04
    • Uploaded Date: 05 Apr 2008
    • views: 7211132
    Enjoy,I Hope It's Not A Disappointment.
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    Ernie Graham - For A Little While

    Ernie Graham began his musical career in the 1960s, when he formed Eire Apparent with Henry McCullogh. The band toured extensively, supporting Jimi Hendrix, Pink Floyd & Soft Machine. Eire Apparent disbanded at the end of the 60s and Henry McCullogh went on to form The Grease Band. Ernie then recorded his eponymous debut album in 1971, recruiting the members of Brinsley Schwarz (including Nick Lowe) and Help Yourself as his backing band. At the time of it's original release, this album drew comparisons with Dylan, The Band and Crosby, Stills, Nash & Young. After joining Help Yourself for a brief period, including their performance at the first Glastonbury Festival, Ernie then formed his new band Clancy. Ernie's only other solo recording was a single released on Stiff Records in 1979. This was a cover of the Phil Lynott song, 'Romeo (And The Lonely Girl)', backed with the self-penned 'Only Time Will Tell'. Ernie's complete solo recordings are now released here on CD for the first time; The 1971 album and both sides of the 1979 Stiff single. The accompanying 8 page booklet features extensive liner notes and several rare photographs, from the private collection of Ernie's family. Ernie Graham (guitar,vocals), Bob Andrews (organ,accordion,guitar,piano,harmonies)­, Ian Gomm (guitar, harmonies), Nick Lowe (bass, harmonies), Billy Rankin (drums), Brinsley Schwarz (guitar), Ken Whaley (bass)
    Ernie Graham - For A Little While
    Ernie Graham began his musical career in the 1960s, when he formed Eire Apparent with Henr...
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    "... spend all my days in Detroit city..."
    published: 26 Oct 2009
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    Ernie Graham - Belfast
    Track number: 8 Album: Ernie Graham Year: 1971 Genre: Folk Rock, Singer/Songwriter Label: ...
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    Ernie Graham - Romeo & the Lonely Girl [HQ Audio]
    On Stiff Records 1978. Produced by Larry Wallis.
    published: 20 May 2010
    Play in Full Screen
    Ernie Graham - Sebastian
    Track number: 1 Album: Ernie Graham Year: 1971 Genre: Folk Rock, Singer/Songwriter Label: ...
    published: 01 Jan 2022
    Play in Full Screen
    #Terps100 - Dec. 20, 1978 - Ernie Graham Scores School-Record 44 Points
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    published: 29 Nov 2018
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    ERNIE GRAHAM with CLANCY Long Time Comin' 1974
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    Ernie Graham - Sea Fever (1971) Rock Ballad
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    Ernie Graham

    Ernie Graham (born Ernest Harold Graham; 14 June 1946 27 April 2001) was a singer, guitarist and songwriter, active from the mid-1960s to the early 1980s

    Early life

    Ernie Graham was born in Belfast, and was training to be a mechanic, when he joined his first band Tony & the Telstars in 1965, as rhythm guitarist. When the band split Graham and two other members moved to England, where Graham met Henry McCullough. Graham and McCullough returned to Belfast and formed The People, with George O'Hara, Davey Lutton and Chris Stewart.

    Eire Apparent

    In 1967 the band moved back to London where they came to the attention of Michael Jeffery and were signed by him and Chas Chandler. In 1968 they changed their name to Eire Apparent and toured with Soft Machine, Pink Floyd and Jimi Hendrix.

    Eire Apparent only recorded one album Sunrise (1969), which was produced by Hendrix, who also played on the album. Shortly after McCullough left, to tour with The Grease Band, Eire Apparent disbanded. Graham moved in with McCullough and recorded four songs with The Grease Band, but these were never issued.

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    • Only Love | Trademark | Lyrics [Kara + Vietsub HD]
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    Only Love - Trademark

    Only Love.. True love.. Love... in our life there's this only love that we never forget..
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    Only Love.. True love.. Love... in our life there's this only love that we never forget..
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    Ben Howard - Only Love
    Official music video for Only Love TAKEN FROM THE 2012 MERCURY PRIZE-NOMINATED ALBUM BY B...
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    Jordan Smith - Only Love
    Only Love (Official Video) Listen and Download the new album Only Love here: https://Jord...
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    Provided to YouTube by Universal Music Group Only Love · Katy Perry Smile ℗ 2020 Capito...
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    Trademark - Only Love - (Official Video)
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    Only Love | Trademark | Lyrics [Kara + Vietsub HD]
    ♩ Only Love | Trademark | Lyrics [Kara + Vietsub HD] ♩ » Ask me?: http://ask.fm/nguyentha...
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    Trademark - Only Love With Lyrics
    Enjoy,I Hope It's Not A Disappointment.
    published: 05 Apr 2008
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