The sounds of the Hungarian alphabet
This video will help you master all the sounds of Hungarian.
Note: these are not the names of the letters but how they are actually pronounced.
Also check out this one on pronunciation:
Enjoy :)
Original music by chordpower
Equipment used:
Focusrite Scarlett 2i2 Usb iaudio interface
http://goo.gl/5GzB87 (affiliate)
Samson Meteor USB Microphone
http://goo.gl/VRnywZ (affiliate)
published: 03 Feb 2015
Learning the Hungarian Alphabet
Practice your pronunciation with this handy alphabet video that also gives you a variety of vocabulary words from colors to numbers to common items.
We offer Hungarian language and dialogue sessions and we would love to have you join us! The journey to learning Hungarian is a long steep climb but it can be a lot of fun in the right setting!
Check out MagyarMarketing.com ~ The Hungarian Store for meaningful gifts with a Hungarian focus! And check out the Hungarian Living podcast on this YouTube channel or on your favorite podcast app!
published: 04 May 2021
The Hungarian Alphabet with Pictures | Hungarian for Beginners
In this video we will go through the Hungarian alphabet again, but this time with pictures. You can easily master the letters by listening to their correct pronunciation.
The letters Q, W, X, Y are rarely used in Hungarian, they were omitted this time, except for X. These letters can only be found in foreign words and traditional orthography of names.
1. ASSIMIL-Hungarian with Ease
2. A Practical Hungarian Grammar
3. Teach Yourself Hungarian
4. Colloquial Hungarian
5. Complete Hungarian
published: 17 Feb 2020
Ábécé dal - a magyar ABC gyerekeknek
Az első igazi magyar Ábécé dal gyerekeknek vicces animációkkal (Hungarian ABC with music).
Tanuld meg Te is az ABC dal refrénjét:
Mindenki tudja, mindenki ismeri,
Hogy kell kimondani, hogy kell kiejteni,
Mindenki tudja mégis megkérdezi,
Hogy van az Ábécé?
Nézd meg a többi KerekMese videót - http://www.youtube.com/user/KerekMese
Iratkozz fel Youtube csatornánkra - http://www.youtube.com/subscription_center?add_user=KerekMese
KerekMese még több tartalommal: http://kerekmese.hu/
Tudj meg többet Instán! - https://www.instagram.com/kerekmese.hu/
Hogyan készül a KerekMese? https://kerekmese.hu/hogyan-keszul/
Csatlakozz a FaceBook-on! - https://www.facebook.com/KerekMese
published: 03 Feb 2013
The Hungarian Alphabet
The first video of the series "Learn Hungarian" includes the Hungarian alphabet. We will look at the vowels and consonants separately then will move on to some trickier pronunciation exercises at the end. Let's learn together!
published: 10 Feb 2020
Magyar ábécé kiejtése | pronounce Hungarian alphabet
Ha kíváncsi vagy egy szó kiejtésére, nyugodtan írd le kommentben, én pedig készítek róla egy videót.
If you are interested in a hungarian word by a native speaker pleas write the exact word in to the comment section.
Bármi hibát fedezel fel a videóban, (pl. Cím, helyesírási hiba) kérlek jelezd felém.
Magyar kiejtés
Magyar kiejtés
Magyar kiejtés
Hungarian pronunciation
Hungarian pronunciation
Hungarian pronunciation
Ungarische Aussprache
Ungarische Aussprache
Ungarische Aussprache
Výslovnost maďarštiny
Výslovnost maďarštiny
Výslovnost maďarštiny
Ungarsk udtale
Ungarsk udtale
Ungarsk udtale
Prononciation hongroise
Prononciation hongroise
Prononciation hongroise
Ungari hääldus
Ungari hääldus
Ungari hääldus
Ουγγρική προφορά
Ουγγρική προφορά
Ουγγρική προφορά
ההגייה ההונגרית
ההגייה ה...
published: 15 Jan 2018
Hungarian Alphabet Song
Requested by Windows Blackcomb
Also, Vége means The End in Hungarian
published: 29 Jan 2022
Hungarian Alphabet Lore
NOTE : Before this was made we had a civil war Us vs Anti-Alphabet Lore until we made a peace treaty
published: 06 Nov 2022
Hungarian alphabet
published: 11 Mar 2017
The sounds of the Hungarian alphabet
This video will help you master all the sounds of Hungarian.
Note: these are not the names of the letters but how they are actually pronounced.
Also check out ...
This video will help you master all the sounds of Hungarian.
Note: these are not the names of the letters but how they are actually pronounced.
Also check out this one on pronunciation:
Enjoy :)
Original music by chordpower
Equipment used:
Focusrite Scarlett 2i2 Usb iaudio interface
http://goo.gl/5GzB87 (affiliate)
Samson Meteor USB Microphone
http://goo.gl/VRnywZ (affiliate)
This video will help you master all the sounds of Hungarian.
Note: these are not the names of the letters but how they are actually pronounced.
Also check out this one on pronunciation:
Enjoy :)
Original music by chordpower
Equipment used:
Focusrite Scarlett 2i2 Usb iaudio interface
http://goo.gl/5GzB87 (affiliate)
Samson Meteor USB Microphone
http://goo.gl/VRnywZ (affiliate)
- published: 03 Feb 2015
- views: 382219
Learning the Hungarian Alphabet
Practice your pronunciation with this handy alphabet video that also gives you a variety of vocabulary words from colors to numbers to common items.
We offer H...
Practice your pronunciation with this handy alphabet video that also gives you a variety of vocabulary words from colors to numbers to common items.
We offer Hungarian language and dialogue sessions and we would love to have you join us! The journey to learning Hungarian is a long steep climb but it can be a lot of fun in the right setting!
Check out MagyarMarketing.com ~ The Hungarian Store for meaningful gifts with a Hungarian focus! And check out the Hungarian Living podcast on this YouTube channel or on your favorite podcast app!
Practice your pronunciation with this handy alphabet video that also gives you a variety of vocabulary words from colors to numbers to common items.
We offer Hungarian language and dialogue sessions and we would love to have you join us! The journey to learning Hungarian is a long steep climb but it can be a lot of fun in the right setting!
Check out MagyarMarketing.com ~ The Hungarian Store for meaningful gifts with a Hungarian focus! And check out the Hungarian Living podcast on this YouTube channel or on your favorite podcast app!
- published: 04 May 2021
- views: 64267
The Hungarian Alphabet with Pictures | Hungarian for Beginners
In this video we will go through the Hungarian alphabet again, but this time with pictures. You can easily master the letters by listening to their correct pron...
In this video we will go through the Hungarian alphabet again, but this time with pictures. You can easily master the letters by listening to their correct pronunciation.
The letters Q, W, X, Y are rarely used in Hungarian, they were omitted this time, except for X. These letters can only be found in foreign words and traditional orthography of names.
1. ASSIMIL-Hungarian with Ease
2. A Practical Hungarian Grammar
3. Teach Yourself Hungarian
4. Colloquial Hungarian
5. Complete Hungarian
In this video we will go through the Hungarian alphabet again, but this time with pictures. You can easily master the letters by listening to their correct pronunciation.
The letters Q, W, X, Y are rarely used in Hungarian, they were omitted this time, except for X. These letters can only be found in foreign words and traditional orthography of names.
1. ASSIMIL-Hungarian with Ease
2. A Practical Hungarian Grammar
3. Teach Yourself Hungarian
4. Colloquial Hungarian
5. Complete Hungarian
- published: 17 Feb 2020
- views: 39406
Ábécé dal - a magyar ABC gyerekeknek
Az első igazi magyar Ábécé dal gyerekeknek vicces animációkkal (Hungarian ABC with music).
Tanuld meg Te is az ABC dal refrénjét:
Mindenki tudja, mindenki isme...
Az első igazi magyar Ábécé dal gyerekeknek vicces animációkkal (Hungarian ABC with music).
Tanuld meg Te is az ABC dal refrénjét:
Mindenki tudja, mindenki ismeri,
Hogy kell kimondani, hogy kell kiejteni,
Mindenki tudja mégis megkérdezi,
Hogy van az Ábécé?
Nézd meg a többi KerekMese videót - http://www.youtube.com/user/KerekMese
Iratkozz fel Youtube csatornánkra - http://www.youtube.com/subscription_center?add_user=KerekMese
KerekMese még több tartalommal: http://kerekmese.hu/
Tudj meg többet Instán! - https://www.instagram.com/kerekmese.hu/
Hogyan készül a KerekMese? https://kerekmese.hu/hogyan-keszul/
Csatlakozz a FaceBook-on! - https://www.facebook.com/KerekMese
Az első igazi magyar Ábécé dal gyerekeknek vicces animációkkal (Hungarian ABC with music).
Tanuld meg Te is az ABC dal refrénjét:
Mindenki tudja, mindenki ismeri,
Hogy kell kimondani, hogy kell kiejteni,
Mindenki tudja mégis megkérdezi,
Hogy van az Ábécé?
Nézd meg a többi KerekMese videót - http://www.youtube.com/user/KerekMese
Iratkozz fel Youtube csatornánkra - http://www.youtube.com/subscription_center?add_user=KerekMese
KerekMese még több tartalommal: http://kerekmese.hu/
Tudj meg többet Instán! - https://www.instagram.com/kerekmese.hu/
Hogyan készül a KerekMese? https://kerekmese.hu/hogyan-keszul/
Csatlakozz a FaceBook-on! - https://www.facebook.com/KerekMese
- published: 03 Feb 2013
- views: 17061316
The Hungarian Alphabet
The first video of the series "Learn Hungarian" includes the Hungarian alphabet. We will look at the vowels and consonants separately then will move on to some ...
The first video of the series "Learn Hungarian" includes the Hungarian alphabet. We will look at the vowels and consonants separately then will move on to some trickier pronunciation exercises at the end. Let's learn together!
The first video of the series "Learn Hungarian" includes the Hungarian alphabet. We will look at the vowels and consonants separately then will move on to some trickier pronunciation exercises at the end. Let's learn together!
- published: 10 Feb 2020
- views: 7066
Magyar ábécé kiejtése | pronounce Hungarian alphabet
Ha kíváncsi vagy egy szó kiejtésére, nyugodtan írd le kommentben, én pedig készítek róla egy videót.
If you are interested in a hungarian word by a native spea...
Ha kíváncsi vagy egy szó kiejtésére, nyugodtan írd le kommentben, én pedig készítek róla egy videót.
If you are interested in a hungarian word by a native speaker pleas write the exact word in to the comment section.
Bármi hibát fedezel fel a videóban, (pl. Cím, helyesírási hiba) kérlek jelezd felém.
Magyar kiejtés
Magyar kiejtés
Magyar kiejtés
Hungarian pronunciation
Hungarian pronunciation
Hungarian pronunciation
Ungarische Aussprache
Ungarische Aussprache
Ungarische Aussprache
Výslovnost maďarštiny
Výslovnost maďarštiny
Výslovnost maďarštiny
Ungarsk udtale
Ungarsk udtale
Ungarsk udtale
Prononciation hongroise
Prononciation hongroise
Prononciation hongroise
Ungari hääldus
Ungari hääldus
Ungari hääldus
Ουγγρική προφορά
Ουγγρική προφορά
Ουγγρική προφορά
ההגייה ההונגרית
ההגייה ההונגרית
ההגייה ההונגרית
Hongaarse uitspraak
Hongaarse uitspraak
Hongaarse uitspraak
Mađarski izgovor
Mađarski izgovor
Mađarski izgovor
fuaimniú Ungáiris
fuaimniú Ungáiris
fuaimniú Ungáiris
헝가리어 발음
헝가리어 발음
헝가리어 발음
Wymowa Węgrów
Wymowa Węgrów
Wymowa Węgrów
Ungarsk uttale
Ungarsk uttale
Ungarsk uttale
Pronuncia ungherese
Pronuncia ungherese
Pronuncia ungherese
Венгерский произношение
Венгерский произношение
Венгерский произношение
Pronúncia húngaro
Pronúncia húngaro
Pronúncia húngaro
Pronunția maghiară
Pronunția maghiară
Pronunția maghiară
Pronunciación de Hungarian
Pronunciación de Hungarian
Pronunciación de Hungarian
Ungerska uttal
Ungerska uttal
Ungerska uttal
Мађарски изговор
Мађарски изговор
Мађарски изговор
Maďarská výslovnosť
Maďarská výslovnosť
Maďarská výslovnosť
Madžarski izgovor
Madžarski izgovor
Madžarski izgovor
Macarca telaffuz
Macarca telaffuz
Macarca telaffuz
Угорська вимова
Угорська вимова
Угорська вимова
Hongaarse alfabet
الأبجدية الهنغارية
Macar əlifbası
венгерская алфавіт
Унгарска азбука
হাঙ্গেরীয় বর্ণমালা
Mađarska abeceda
Alfabet hongarès
Hungarian alphabet
Maďarská abeceda
Wyddor Hwngari
Ungarsk alfabet
Ungarisches Alphabet
Ουγγρικό αλφάβητο
Hungarian alphabet
Hungarian alphabet
Alfabeto húngaro
Ungari tähestik
Hungariako alfabetoa
الفبای مجارستانی
Unkarin aakkoset
Alphabet hongrois
Aibítir Ungáiris
Alfabeto húngaro
હંગેરિયન મૂળાક્ષર
Harshen Hungary
हंगेरी वर्णमाला
Hungarian alphabet
Mađarska abeceda
Ongwa alfabè
Հունգարական այբուբենը
Alfabet Hongaria
Hungary mkpụrụ okwu
Ungverska stafrófið
Alfabeto ungherese
האלפבית ההונגרי
Hungaria alfabet
უნგრეთის ანბანი
Венгр әліпбиі
ಹಂಗೇರಿಯನ್ ವರ್ಣಮಾಲೆ
헝가리어 알파벳
Hungarian alphabet
Vengrų abėcėlė
Ungāru alfabēts
Alfabeta Hongroà
Hungarian tohu
Унгарски азбука
ഹംഗേറിയൻ അക്ഷരമാല
Унгарын цагаан толгой
हंगेरियन वर्णमाला
Abjad Hungary
Alfabet Ungeriż
हङ्गेरियाली वर्णमाला
Hongaars alfabet
Ungarsk alfabet
Chifanizo chachi Hungary
ਹੰਗਰੀ ਅੱਖਰ
Węgierski alfabet
Alfabeto húngaro
Alfabetul maghiar
Венгерский алфавит
හංගේරියානු හෝඩිය
Maďarská abeceda
Madžarska abeceda
Xarfaha Hungarianka
Alfabeti hungarez
Мађарски алфабет
Sealfabeta sa Hungarian
alfabét Hungaria
Ungerskt alfabet
Alfabeti ya Kihungari
ஹங்கேரிய எழுத்துக்கள்
హంగేరియన్ వర్ణమాల
Алифбои виртуалӣ
Hungarian alpabeto
Macarca alfabe
Угорський алфавіт
ہنگری حروف تہجی
Venger alifbosi
Bảng chữ cái Hungary
אונגארן אלפאבעט
Hungary alphabet
Isifabhethi zesiHungary
Ha kíváncsi vagy egy szó kiejtésére, nyugodtan írd le kommentben, én pedig készítek róla egy videót.
If you are interested in a hungarian word by a native speaker pleas write the exact word in to the comment section.
Bármi hibát fedezel fel a videóban, (pl. Cím, helyesírási hiba) kérlek jelezd felém.
Magyar kiejtés
Magyar kiejtés
Magyar kiejtés
Hungarian pronunciation
Hungarian pronunciation
Hungarian pronunciation
Ungarische Aussprache
Ungarische Aussprache
Ungarische Aussprache
Výslovnost maďarštiny
Výslovnost maďarštiny
Výslovnost maďarštiny
Ungarsk udtale
Ungarsk udtale
Ungarsk udtale
Prononciation hongroise
Prononciation hongroise
Prononciation hongroise
Ungari hääldus
Ungari hääldus
Ungari hääldus
Ουγγρική προφορά
Ουγγρική προφορά
Ουγγρική προφορά
ההגייה ההונגרית
ההגייה ההונגרית
ההגייה ההונגרית
Hongaarse uitspraak
Hongaarse uitspraak
Hongaarse uitspraak
Mađarski izgovor
Mađarski izgovor
Mađarski izgovor
fuaimniú Ungáiris
fuaimniú Ungáiris
fuaimniú Ungáiris
헝가리어 발음
헝가리어 발음
헝가리어 발음
Wymowa Węgrów
Wymowa Węgrów
Wymowa Węgrów
Ungarsk uttale
Ungarsk uttale
Ungarsk uttale
Pronuncia ungherese
Pronuncia ungherese
Pronuncia ungherese
Венгерский произношение
Венгерский произношение
Венгерский произношение
Pronúncia húngaro
Pronúncia húngaro
Pronúncia húngaro
Pronunția maghiară
Pronunția maghiară
Pronunția maghiară
Pronunciación de Hungarian
Pronunciación de Hungarian
Pronunciación de Hungarian
Ungerska uttal
Ungerska uttal
Ungerska uttal
Мађарски изговор
Мађарски изговор
Мађарски изговор
Maďarská výslovnosť
Maďarská výslovnosť
Maďarská výslovnosť
Madžarski izgovor
Madžarski izgovor
Madžarski izgovor
Macarca telaffuz
Macarca telaffuz
Macarca telaffuz
Угорська вимова
Угорська вимова
Угорська вимова
Hongaarse alfabet
الأبجدية الهنغارية
Macar əlifbası
венгерская алфавіт
Унгарска азбука
হাঙ্গেরীয় বর্ণমালা
Mađarska abeceda
Alfabet hongarès
Hungarian alphabet
Maďarská abeceda
Wyddor Hwngari
Ungarsk alfabet
Ungarisches Alphabet
Ουγγρικό αλφάβητο
Hungarian alphabet
Hungarian alphabet
Alfabeto húngaro
Ungari tähestik
Hungariako alfabetoa
الفبای مجارستانی
Unkarin aakkoset
Alphabet hongrois
Aibítir Ungáiris
Alfabeto húngaro
હંગેરિયન મૂળાક્ષર
Harshen Hungary
हंगेरी वर्णमाला
Hungarian alphabet
Mađarska abeceda
Ongwa alfabè
Հունգարական այբուբենը
Alfabet Hongaria
Hungary mkpụrụ okwu
Ungverska stafrófið
Alfabeto ungherese
האלפבית ההונגרי
Hungaria alfabet
უნგრეთის ანბანი
Венгр әліпбиі
ಹಂಗೇರಿಯನ್ ವರ್ಣಮಾಲೆ
헝가리어 알파벳
Hungarian alphabet
Vengrų abėcėlė
Ungāru alfabēts
Alfabeta Hongroà
Hungarian tohu
Унгарски азбука
ഹംഗേറിയൻ അക്ഷരമാല
Унгарын цагаан толгой
हंगेरियन वर्णमाला
Abjad Hungary
Alfabet Ungeriż
हङ्गेरियाली वर्णमाला
Hongaars alfabet
Ungarsk alfabet
Chifanizo chachi Hungary
ਹੰਗਰੀ ਅੱਖਰ
Węgierski alfabet
Alfabeto húngaro
Alfabetul maghiar
Венгерский алфавит
හංගේරියානු හෝඩිය
Maďarská abeceda
Madžarska abeceda
Xarfaha Hungarianka
Alfabeti hungarez
Мађарски алфабет
Sealfabeta sa Hungarian
alfabét Hungaria
Ungerskt alfabet
Alfabeti ya Kihungari
ஹங்கேரிய எழுத்துக்கள்
హంగేరియన్ వర్ణమాల
Алифбои виртуалӣ
Hungarian alpabeto
Macarca alfabe
Угорський алфавіт
ہنگری حروف تہجی
Venger alifbosi
Bảng chữ cái Hungary
אונגארן אלפאבעט
Hungary alphabet
Isifabhethi zesiHungary
- published: 15 Jan 2018
- views: 34727
Hungarian Alphabet Song
Requested by Windows Blackcomb
Also, Vége means The End in Hungarian
Requested by Windows Blackcomb
Also, Vége means The End in Hungarian
Requested by Windows Blackcomb
Also, Vége means The End in Hungarian
- published: 29 Jan 2022
- views: 610328
Hungarian Alphabet Lore
NOTE : Before this was made we had a civil war Us vs Anti-Alphabet Lore until we made a peace treaty
NOTE : Before this was made we had a civil war Us vs Anti-Alphabet Lore until we made a peace treaty
NOTE : Before this was made we had a civil war Us vs Anti-Alphabet Lore until we made a peace treaty
- published: 06 Nov 2022
- views: 705653
Welcome to my channel! This is Andy from I love languages. Let's learn different languages/dialects together.
Special Thanks to Marcell & Kristóf! :D
Please feel free to subscribe to see more of this.
I hope you have a great day! Stay happy!
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Old Hungarian begin fragmentarily in epigraphy in the Old Hungarian script beginning in the 10th century; isolated Hungarian words are attested in manuscript tradition from the turn of the 11th century. The oldest surviving coherent text in Old Hungarian is the Funeral Sermon and Prayer, dated to 1192.
The phonetic system of Hungarian went through large changes in the Old Hungarian period. The most important change w...
published: 08 Oct 2022
"Erdély induló" - Old Hungarian Army March
My channel is dedicated to anthems, hymns and patriotic songs, here is the link to our discord server: https://discord.gg/Vw5SgNDuVV
published: 10 Jun 2021
Origins of the Hungarians
The Hungarians, or Magyars, have a very unique language and origin which has long been debated. With the most recent genetic studies together with medieval legends and archaeology, the real origins of the Magyars are explored.
To support the channel and get extra content, discussion, requests, etc.
Paypal donations (Greatly appreciated)
0:00 Intro
0:59 Name
3:10 Indo-European Contact
4:34 Hungarian Conqueror Genetics
7:00 Scythian Magyars
9:33 Founding Myth
11:54 Material Culture
15:48 Herodotus & Location
19:42: Islamic Accounts of Location
24:00 Ancient Myth of the Kerch Strait & Crimea
published: 27 Sep 2022
The Origin of the Hungarians
In the center of the Carpathian Basin, there exists a people whose language and culture have no affinity with other nations. The Hungarians. But who are they exactly? Where do they come from?
The studies of the archaeogeneticists of the Institute of Hungarian Research finally can end this debate. The study of Endre Neparáczki PhD, head of the Department of Archaeogenetics, Institute of Hungarian Research is available here: https://www.nature.com/articles/s41598-019-53105-5
Institute of Hungarian Research:
Web: https://mki.gov.hu/hu
Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/magyarsagkutato/
Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/magyarsagkutatointezet/?hl=hu
//Magyarságkutató Intézet//
published: 14 Jul 2020
Such was the life before 1920 in the great Hungary ? A slovak tells a story.
Ismét egy kis múltba tekintés.
published: 09 May 2021
The Battle Of Budapest: Hungarian Revolution (1956) | British Pathé
Pathé news covers the battle of Budapest in 1956 as the rebels fought against the soviet regime during the cold war against an onslaught of tanks in the streets.
For Archive Licensing Enquiries Visit: https://goo.gl/W4hZBv
Explore Our Online Channel For FULL Documentaries, Fascinating Interviews & Classic Movies: https://goo.gl/7dVe8r
#BritishPathé #History #Battle #War #Budapest #ColdWar #Soviet #Revolution
Subscribe to the British Pathé YT Channel: https://goo.gl/hV1nkf
(FILM ID:599.3)
Budapest, Hungary.
GV. Battle area in the main street of Budapest, with Russian tanks in the distance. Pan round to another street with Russian tanks and wrecked vehicle in foreground. SV. Shell battered building, pan to wreckage in street and knocked out Russian tanks. SV. Hungarian people standing...
published: 13 Apr 2014
Old Hungarian music - Militaris congratulatio
#hungarian #music #aranyzoltan
Debreceni Szappanos János szerzeménye Bocskai István fejedelemhez 1604-ből.
Az szép szabadságra, magyarság javára
törekedő jó urunk,
Úri dicsőségből, mint Krisztus mennyekből,
alászállott gyámolunk,
Szolgai ruhában, katona formában,
hallgasd meg, azmit írunk!
Azkinek örvendünk, most annak éneklünk,
vitézlő öltözetben,
Sisakban, fegyverben, lovakon, nyergekben,
sátor alatt mezőkben,
Jóllehet sok kárban, de azért vígságban,
magyarok örömében.
Dobunkat perdítvén, trombitát zendítvén,
Jézust, Jézust kiáltsunk!
Gyakran könyörögjünk, vitéz módon éljünk,
országvesztőket rontsunk,
Szegény, szép hazánkért, magyar ...
published: 27 Jul 2010
Welcome to my channel! This is Andy from I love languages. Let's learn different languages/dialects together.
The Ugric or Ugrian languages are a proposed branch of the Uralic language family. The name Ugric is derived from Ugrians, an archaic exonym for the Magyars (Hungarians) and Yugra, a region in northwest Russia.
Ugric includes three subgroups: Hungarian, Khanty, and Mansi. The last two have traditionally been considered single languages, though their main dialects are sufficiently distinct that they may also be considered small subfamilies of three to four languages each. A common Proto-Ugric language is posited to have been spoken from the end of the 3rd millennium BC until the first half of the 1st millennium BC, in Western Siberia, east of the southern Ural Mountains. Of the th...
published: 15 May 2022
#hungarianfolktales #magyarnépmesék #childhoodmemories
If you enjoy the live, why not give it a like 🤭, it would help me a lot 🥺
📺Today we watch📺:
Magyar népmesék - Hungarian Folk Tales
Many thanks to @kecskemetfilm for allowing me to screen their uploads! Below, you can find each episode's link, their channel, and the official English channel as well.
A só:
A halhatatlanságra vágyó királyfi:
A háromágú tölgyfa tündére:
A királykisasszony jegyei:
A székely asszony és az ördög:
published: 17 Nov 2023
What Happened to the Old Hungarian Flag?
The Hungarian flag is a red-white-green tricolour, although a variant with the Hungarian coat of arms also exacts. What's the origin of this flag and crest and how has the flag of Hungary changed over time?
Music Used:
Sunday Dub - Kevin MacLeod
Hungarian Rhapsody - Franz Liszt
Raid the Merch Market:
Go Fund My Windmills (Patreon):
Join in the Banter on Twitter:
Enter the Fray on Facebook:
Indulge in some Instagram..?(the alliteration needs to stop):
Send me an email if you'd be interested in doing a collaboration! [email protected]
#Hungary #...
published: 31 Dec 2022
Welcome to my channel! This is Andy from I love languages. Let's learn different languages/dialects together.
Special Thanks to Marcell & Kristóf! :D
Please ...
Welcome to my channel! This is Andy from I love languages. Let's learn different languages/dialects together.
Special Thanks to Marcell & Kristóf! :D
Please feel free to subscribe to see more of this.
I hope you have a great day! Stay happy!
Please support me on Patreon!
Please support me on Ko-fi
Old Hungarian begin fragmentarily in epigraphy in the Old Hungarian script beginning in the 10th century; isolated Hungarian words are attested in manuscript tradition from the turn of the 11th century. The oldest surviving coherent text in Old Hungarian is the Funeral Sermon and Prayer, dated to 1192.
The phonetic system of Hungarian went through large changes in the Old Hungarian period. The most important change was the disappearance of the original Uralic word-ending vowels, which eroded in many descendant languages.
It developed into Early Modern Hungarian by the 16th century.
If you are interested to see your native language/dialect be featured here.
Submit your recordings to
[email protected].
Looking forward to hearing from you!
Welcome to my channel! This is Andy from I love languages. Let's learn different languages/dialects together.
Special Thanks to Marcell & Kristóf! :D
Please feel free to subscribe to see more of this.
I hope you have a great day! Stay happy!
Please support me on Patreon!
Please support me on Ko-fi
Old Hungarian begin fragmentarily in epigraphy in the Old Hungarian script beginning in the 10th century; isolated Hungarian words are attested in manuscript tradition from the turn of the 11th century. The oldest surviving coherent text in Old Hungarian is the Funeral Sermon and Prayer, dated to 1192.
The phonetic system of Hungarian went through large changes in the Old Hungarian period. The most important change was the disappearance of the original Uralic word-ending vowels, which eroded in many descendant languages.
It developed into Early Modern Hungarian by the 16th century.
If you are interested to see your native language/dialect be featured here.
Submit your recordings to
[email protected].
Looking forward to hearing from you!
- published: 08 Oct 2022
- views: 139832
"Erdély induló" - Old Hungarian Army March
My channel is dedicated to anthems, hymns and patriotic songs, here is the link to our discord server: https://discord.gg/Vw5SgNDuVV
My channel is dedicated to anthems, hymns and patriotic songs, here is the link to our discord server: https://discord.gg/Vw5SgNDuVV
My channel is dedicated to anthems, hymns and patriotic songs, here is the link to our discord server: https://discord.gg/Vw5SgNDuVV
- published: 10 Jun 2021
- views: 2319298
Origins of the Hungarians
The Hungarians, or Magyars, have a very unique language and origin which has long been debated. With the most recent genetic studies together with medieval lege...
The Hungarians, or Magyars, have a very unique language and origin which has long been debated. With the most recent genetic studies together with medieval legends and archaeology, the real origins of the Magyars are explored.
To support the channel and get extra content, discussion, requests, etc.
Paypal donations (Greatly appreciated)
0:00 Intro
0:59 Name
3:10 Indo-European Contact
4:34 Hungarian Conqueror Genetics
7:00 Scythian Magyars
9:33 Founding Myth
11:54 Material Culture
15:48 Herodotus & Location
19:42: Islamic Accounts of Location
24:00 Ancient Myth of the Kerch Strait & Crimea
The Hungarians, or Magyars, have a very unique language and origin which has long been debated. With the most recent genetic studies together with medieval legends and archaeology, the real origins of the Magyars are explored.
To support the channel and get extra content, discussion, requests, etc.
Paypal donations (Greatly appreciated)
0:00 Intro
0:59 Name
3:10 Indo-European Contact
4:34 Hungarian Conqueror Genetics
7:00 Scythian Magyars
9:33 Founding Myth
11:54 Material Culture
15:48 Herodotus & Location
19:42: Islamic Accounts of Location
24:00 Ancient Myth of the Kerch Strait & Crimea
- published: 27 Sep 2022
- views: 1213855
The Origin of the Hungarians
In the center of the Carpathian Basin, there exists a people whose language and culture have no affinity with other nations. The Hungarians. But who are they ex...
In the center of the Carpathian Basin, there exists a people whose language and culture have no affinity with other nations. The Hungarians. But who are they exactly? Where do they come from?
The studies of the archaeogeneticists of the Institute of Hungarian Research finally can end this debate. The study of Endre Neparáczki PhD, head of the Department of Archaeogenetics, Institute of Hungarian Research is available here: https://www.nature.com/articles/s41598-019-53105-5
Institute of Hungarian Research:
Web: https://mki.gov.hu/hu
Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/magyarsagkutato/
Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/magyarsagkutatointezet/?hl=hu
//Magyarságkutató Intézet//
In the center of the Carpathian Basin, there exists a people whose language and culture have no affinity with other nations. The Hungarians. But who are they exactly? Where do they come from?
The studies of the archaeogeneticists of the Institute of Hungarian Research finally can end this debate. The study of Endre Neparáczki PhD, head of the Department of Archaeogenetics, Institute of Hungarian Research is available here: https://www.nature.com/articles/s41598-019-53105-5
Institute of Hungarian Research:
Web: https://mki.gov.hu/hu
Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/magyarsagkutato/
Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/magyarsagkutatointezet/?hl=hu
//Magyarságkutató Intézet//
- published: 14 Jul 2020
- views: 126571
The Battle Of Budapest: Hungarian Revolution (1956) | British Pathé
Pathé news covers the battle of Budapest in 1956 as the rebels fought against the soviet regime during the cold war against an onslaught of tanks in the streets...
Pathé news covers the battle of Budapest in 1956 as the rebels fought against the soviet regime during the cold war against an onslaught of tanks in the streets.
For Archive Licensing Enquiries Visit: https://goo.gl/W4hZBv
Explore Our Online Channel For FULL Documentaries, Fascinating Interviews & Classic Movies: https://goo.gl/7dVe8r
#BritishPathé #History #Battle #War #Budapest #ColdWar #Soviet #Revolution
Subscribe to the British Pathé YT Channel: https://goo.gl/hV1nkf
(FILM ID:599.3)
Budapest, Hungary.
GV. Battle area in the main street of Budapest, with Russian tanks in the distance. Pan round to another street with Russian tanks and wrecked vehicle in foreground. SV. Shell battered building, pan to wreckage in street and knocked out Russian tanks. SV. Hungarian people standing by watching events. GV. & SV. Russian tanks lined up in roadway. SV. Wind blowing leaves about, pan up to people rushing past camera and Russian tanks outside Town Hall. Looking up as Hungarian plane flies over buildings. LV. Sniping, going on in street and people standing in doorways. SV. Scared women running along pavement to take cover. AS. Another Hungarian plane flying over buildings. SV. Boy and two women running across roadway to take cover. SV. People rushing down roadway to take cover from sniping. LV. Firing from window in building. GV. Firing going on in street. SV. Pan, Red Cross lorry speeding down the road. SV. Pan, Hungarian tank moving down roadway. GV. Wrecked street and tanks. SV. & LV. Towards and pan, Hungarian tank racing down roadway. CU. Man with bandage round his head. LV. Hungarian tank in street. SCU. Man waving Hungarian flag from turret of tank. LV. & SV. People rescuing car from centre of roadway pushing it out of danger area. AS. Large shell hole in building. SV. Hungarian soldier and civilian, both armed, moving cautiously up roadway. SV. Pan, completely wrecked vehicles in roadway. CU. Wrecked shot up car. SV. Dead Russians and Secret Police lying amongst rubbish in roadway. SV. Dead Russian soldier. SV. Hungarian civilian looking at dead Russian Secret Police laying in roadway. Travel shot along roadway, showing wrecked and overturned street cars. CU. Street sign Marko. SV. Pan, a lorry driving past burning Communist books and papers. LV. Communist books and papers burning in a large pile in centre of road. SCU. Pan, Hungarian civilians looking on.
SV. Hungarian people milling around wrecked car outside wrecked building, pan up to a woman trying to pull down large red star on building. SV. People looking up. CU. Woman being pulled back to top of building after trying to wreck red star. LV. Hospital with Red Cross flag flying. SV. Interior of wreckage, bed in ward. CU. Corner of damaged building with road sign "Jozsef Street". LV. Wrecked Russian tank in centre of roadway. SV. Shell hole in building caused by Russian tanks firing. SV. Pan, worried Hungarian people milling around. SV. Group of Hungarians, pan down to a secret policeman badly mutilated and lynched. SV. Pan, civilians, one civilian holding type of automatic gun. LV. Wrecked Russian tank in doorway of building. SCU. Worried looking Hungarian civilian and soldier. SV. Pan, wrecked tanks in roadway, pan up to shell torn building. SV. Wrecked Russian tanks in roadway, dead body in foreground. LV. Wrecked Russian tanks in roadway, pan to wrecked tank and dead bodies lying in foreground.
(F.G.) (Orig.F.)
Before television, people came to movie theatres to watch the news. British Pathé was at the forefront of cinematic journalism, blending information with entertainment to popular effect. Over the course of a century, it documented everything from major armed conflicts and seismic political crises to the curious hobbies and eccentric lives of ordinary people. If it happened, British Pathé filmed it.
Now considered to be the finest newsreel archive in the world, British Pathé is a treasure trove of 85,000 films unrivalled in their historical and cultural significance.
British Pathé also represents the Reuters historical collection, which includes more than 136,000 items from the news agencies Gaumont Graphic (1910-1932), Empire News Bulletin (1926-1930), British Paramount (1931-1957), and Gaumont British (1934-1959), as well as Visnews content from 1957 to the end of 1984. All footage can be viewed on the British Pathé website. https://www.britishpathe.com/
Pathé news covers the battle of Budapest in 1956 as the rebels fought against the soviet regime during the cold war against an onslaught of tanks in the streets.
For Archive Licensing Enquiries Visit: https://goo.gl/W4hZBv
Explore Our Online Channel For FULL Documentaries, Fascinating Interviews & Classic Movies: https://goo.gl/7dVe8r
#BritishPathé #History #Battle #War #Budapest #ColdWar #Soviet #Revolution
Subscribe to the British Pathé YT Channel: https://goo.gl/hV1nkf
(FILM ID:599.3)
Budapest, Hungary.
GV. Battle area in the main street of Budapest, with Russian tanks in the distance. Pan round to another street with Russian tanks and wrecked vehicle in foreground. SV. Shell battered building, pan to wreckage in street and knocked out Russian tanks. SV. Hungarian people standing by watching events. GV. & SV. Russian tanks lined up in roadway. SV. Wind blowing leaves about, pan up to people rushing past camera and Russian tanks outside Town Hall. Looking up as Hungarian plane flies over buildings. LV. Sniping, going on in street and people standing in doorways. SV. Scared women running along pavement to take cover. AS. Another Hungarian plane flying over buildings. SV. Boy and two women running across roadway to take cover. SV. People rushing down roadway to take cover from sniping. LV. Firing from window in building. GV. Firing going on in street. SV. Pan, Red Cross lorry speeding down the road. SV. Pan, Hungarian tank moving down roadway. GV. Wrecked street and tanks. SV. & LV. Towards and pan, Hungarian tank racing down roadway. CU. Man with bandage round his head. LV. Hungarian tank in street. SCU. Man waving Hungarian flag from turret of tank. LV. & SV. People rescuing car from centre of roadway pushing it out of danger area. AS. Large shell hole in building. SV. Hungarian soldier and civilian, both armed, moving cautiously up roadway. SV. Pan, completely wrecked vehicles in roadway. CU. Wrecked shot up car. SV. Dead Russians and Secret Police lying amongst rubbish in roadway. SV. Dead Russian soldier. SV. Hungarian civilian looking at dead Russian Secret Police laying in roadway. Travel shot along roadway, showing wrecked and overturned street cars. CU. Street sign Marko. SV. Pan, a lorry driving past burning Communist books and papers. LV. Communist books and papers burning in a large pile in centre of road. SCU. Pan, Hungarian civilians looking on.
SV. Hungarian people milling around wrecked car outside wrecked building, pan up to a woman trying to pull down large red star on building. SV. People looking up. CU. Woman being pulled back to top of building after trying to wreck red star. LV. Hospital with Red Cross flag flying. SV. Interior of wreckage, bed in ward. CU. Corner of damaged building with road sign "Jozsef Street". LV. Wrecked Russian tank in centre of roadway. SV. Shell hole in building caused by Russian tanks firing. SV. Pan, worried Hungarian people milling around. SV. Group of Hungarians, pan down to a secret policeman badly mutilated and lynched. SV. Pan, civilians, one civilian holding type of automatic gun. LV. Wrecked Russian tank in doorway of building. SCU. Worried looking Hungarian civilian and soldier. SV. Pan, wrecked tanks in roadway, pan up to shell torn building. SV. Wrecked Russian tanks in roadway, dead body in foreground. LV. Wrecked Russian tanks in roadway, pan to wrecked tank and dead bodies lying in foreground.
(F.G.) (Orig.F.)
Before television, people came to movie theatres to watch the news. British Pathé was at the forefront of cinematic journalism, blending information with entertainment to popular effect. Over the course of a century, it documented everything from major armed conflicts and seismic political crises to the curious hobbies and eccentric lives of ordinary people. If it happened, British Pathé filmed it.
Now considered to be the finest newsreel archive in the world, British Pathé is a treasure trove of 85,000 films unrivalled in their historical and cultural significance.
British Pathé also represents the Reuters historical collection, which includes more than 136,000 items from the news agencies Gaumont Graphic (1910-1932), Empire News Bulletin (1926-1930), British Paramount (1931-1957), and Gaumont British (1934-1959), as well as Visnews content from 1957 to the end of 1984. All footage can be viewed on the British Pathé website. https://www.britishpathe.com/
- published: 13 Apr 2014
- views: 961092
Old Hungarian music - Militaris congratulatio
#hungarian #music #aranyzoltan
Debreceni Szappanos János szerzeménye B...
#hungarian #music #aranyzoltan
Debreceni Szappanos János szerzeménye Bocskai István fejedelemhez 1604-ből.
Az szép szabadságra, magyarság javára
törekedő jó urunk,
Úri dicsőségből, mint Krisztus mennyekből,
alászállott gyámolunk,
Szolgai ruhában, katona formában,
hallgasd meg, azmit írunk!
Azkinek örvendünk, most annak éneklünk,
vitézlő öltözetben,
Sisakban, fegyverben, lovakon, nyergekben,
sátor alatt mezőkben,
Jóllehet sok kárban, de azért vígságban,
magyarok örömében.
Dobunkat perdítvén, trombitát zendítvén,
Jézust, Jézust kiáltsunk!
Gyakran könyörögjünk, vitéz módon éljünk,
országvesztőket rontsunk,
Szegény, szép hazánkért, magyar koronánkért
ideje vagdalkoznunk.
Hadat igazgató, győzedelmet adó
bölcs és hatalmas Isten,
Mutasd meg magadat, irgalmas voltodat
magyari híveidben,
Kiért fejedelmünk és minden nép velünk
áldjon tégedet. Amen.
#hungarian #music #aranyzoltan
Debreceni Szappanos János szerzeménye Bocskai István fejedelemhez 1604-ből.
Az szép szabadságra, magyarság javára
törekedő jó urunk,
Úri dicsőségből, mint Krisztus mennyekből,
alászállott gyámolunk,
Szolgai ruhában, katona formában,
hallgasd meg, azmit írunk!
Azkinek örvendünk, most annak éneklünk,
vitézlő öltözetben,
Sisakban, fegyverben, lovakon, nyergekben,
sátor alatt mezőkben,
Jóllehet sok kárban, de azért vígságban,
magyarok örömében.
Dobunkat perdítvén, trombitát zendítvén,
Jézust, Jézust kiáltsunk!
Gyakran könyörögjünk, vitéz módon éljünk,
országvesztőket rontsunk,
Szegény, szép hazánkért, magyar koronánkért
ideje vagdalkoznunk.
Hadat igazgató, győzedelmet adó
bölcs és hatalmas Isten,
Mutasd meg magadat, irgalmas voltodat
magyari híveidben,
Kiért fejedelmünk és minden nép velünk
áldjon tégedet. Amen.
- published: 27 Jul 2010
- views: 666288
Welcome to my channel! This is Andy from I love languages. Let's learn different languages/dialects together.
The Ugric or Ugrian languages are a proposed bran...
Welcome to my channel! This is Andy from I love languages. Let's learn different languages/dialects together.
The Ugric or Ugrian languages are a proposed branch of the Uralic language family. The name Ugric is derived from Ugrians, an archaic exonym for the Magyars (Hungarians) and Yugra, a region in northwest Russia.
Ugric includes three subgroups: Hungarian, Khanty, and Mansi. The last two have traditionally been considered single languages, though their main dialects are sufficiently distinct that they may also be considered small subfamilies of three to four languages each. A common Proto-Ugric language is posited to have been spoken from the end of the 3rd millennium BC until the first half of the 1st millennium BC, in Western Siberia, east of the southern Ural Mountains. Of the three languages, Khanty and Mansi have traditionally been set apart from Hungarian as Ob-Ugric, though features uniting Mansi and Hungarian in particular are known as well.
The Ugric language family was first noticed by Pope Pius II in his Cosmographia (1458), when he wrote that the Ostyaks (Khanty) and Voguls (Mansi) spoke a language like that of the Hungarians.
Recorded by I love languages & Friends!
Special Thanks to Marcell & Csenge :D
Welcome to my channel! This is Andy from I love languages. Let's learn different languages/dialects together.
The Ugric or Ugrian languages are a proposed branch of the Uralic language family. The name Ugric is derived from Ugrians, an archaic exonym for the Magyars (Hungarians) and Yugra, a region in northwest Russia.
Ugric includes three subgroups: Hungarian, Khanty, and Mansi. The last two have traditionally been considered single languages, though their main dialects are sufficiently distinct that they may also be considered small subfamilies of three to four languages each. A common Proto-Ugric language is posited to have been spoken from the end of the 3rd millennium BC until the first half of the 1st millennium BC, in Western Siberia, east of the southern Ural Mountains. Of the three languages, Khanty and Mansi have traditionally been set apart from Hungarian as Ob-Ugric, though features uniting Mansi and Hungarian in particular are known as well.
The Ugric language family was first noticed by Pope Pius II in his Cosmographia (1458), when he wrote that the Ostyaks (Khanty) and Voguls (Mansi) spoke a language like that of the Hungarians.
Recorded by I love languages & Friends!
Special Thanks to Marcell & Csenge :D
- published: 15 May 2022
- views: 341424
#hungarianfolktales #magyarnépmesék #childhoodmemories
If you enjoy the live, why not give it a like 🤭, it would help me a lot 🥺
📺Today we watch📺:
Magyar nép...
#hungarianfolktales #magyarnépmesék #childhoodmemories
If you enjoy the live, why not give it a like 🤭, it would help me a lot 🥺
📺Today we watch📺:
Magyar népmesék - Hungarian Folk Tales
Many thanks to @kecskemetfilm for allowing me to screen their uploads! Below, you can find each episode's link, their channel, and the official English channel as well.
A só:
A halhatatlanságra vágyó királyfi:
A háromágú tölgyfa tündére:
A királykisasszony jegyei:
A székely asszony és az ördög:
Hogyan telt a gyermekkorom:
A kőleves:
Hungarian Folk Tales' Channel:
Kecskemetfilm Kids' Channel:
🔗_____MY LINKS_____🔗
📝My Writing Gig: https://www.fiverr.com/ayynavi/write-whatever-you-desire
🔥 Discord: https://discord.gg/SMYEkKRbDW
📸 Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/navilienvt
🐦Twitter: https://twitter.com/navilienvt
📹 TikTok: https://www.tiktok.com/@navilienvt
5:32 - Stream Starts
8:21 - What are we going to do this stream?
19:50 - Episode 1: A só
30:33 - Episode 2: A halhatatlanságra vágyó királyfi
39:39 - Episode 3: A háromágú tölgyfa tündére
52:06 - Episode 4: A királykisasszony jegyei
1:03:19 - Episode 5: A székely asszony és az ördög
1:15:05 - Episode 6: Pinkó
1:32:14 - Ad break
1:35:02 - Back
1:37:05 - Episode 7: Ábelesz-kóbelesz
1:47:46 - Episode 8: Szusza
1:59:46 - Episode 9: Hogyan telt a gyermekkorom
2:08:48 - Episode 10: A kőleves. The Soup Episode
2:18:04 - Behind the beyond - Hungarian Folktale The Game
2:22:28 - End Talk
#hungarianfolktales #magyarnépmesék #childhoodmemories
If you enjoy the live, why not give it a like 🤭, it would help me a lot 🥺
📺Today we watch📺:
Magyar népmesék - Hungarian Folk Tales
Many thanks to @kecskemetfilm for allowing me to screen their uploads! Below, you can find each episode's link, their channel, and the official English channel as well.
A só:
A halhatatlanságra vágyó királyfi:
A háromágú tölgyfa tündére:
A királykisasszony jegyei:
A székely asszony és az ördög:
Hogyan telt a gyermekkorom:
A kőleves:
Hungarian Folk Tales' Channel:
Kecskemetfilm Kids' Channel:
🔗_____MY LINKS_____🔗
📝My Writing Gig: https://www.fiverr.com/ayynavi/write-whatever-you-desire
🔥 Discord: https://discord.gg/SMYEkKRbDW
📸 Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/navilienvt
🐦Twitter: https://twitter.com/navilienvt
📹 TikTok: https://www.tiktok.com/@navilienvt
5:32 - Stream Starts
8:21 - What are we going to do this stream?
19:50 - Episode 1: A só
30:33 - Episode 2: A halhatatlanságra vágyó királyfi
39:39 - Episode 3: A háromágú tölgyfa tündére
52:06 - Episode 4: A királykisasszony jegyei
1:03:19 - Episode 5: A székely asszony és az ördög
1:15:05 - Episode 6: Pinkó
1:32:14 - Ad break
1:35:02 - Back
1:37:05 - Episode 7: Ábelesz-kóbelesz
1:47:46 - Episode 8: Szusza
1:59:46 - Episode 9: Hogyan telt a gyermekkorom
2:08:48 - Episode 10: A kőleves. The Soup Episode
2:18:04 - Behind the beyond - Hungarian Folktale The Game
2:22:28 - End Talk
- published: 17 Nov 2023
- views: 158
What Happened to the Old Hungarian Flag?
The Hungarian flag is a red-white-green tricolour, although a variant with the Hungarian coat of arms also exacts. What's the origin of this flag and crest and ...
The Hungarian flag is a red-white-green tricolour, although a variant with the Hungarian coat of arms also exacts. What's the origin of this flag and crest and how has the flag of Hungary changed over time?
Music Used:
Sunday Dub - Kevin MacLeod
Hungarian Rhapsody - Franz Liszt
Raid the Merch Market:
Go Fund My Windmills (Patreon):
Join in the Banter on Twitter:
Enter the Fray on Facebook:
Indulge in some Instagram..?(the alliteration needs to stop):
Send me an email if you'd be interested in doing a collaboration!
[email protected]
#Hungary #flags #history
The Hungarian flag is a red-white-green tricolour, although a variant with the Hungarian coat of arms also exacts. What's the origin of this flag and crest and how has the flag of Hungary changed over time?
Music Used:
Sunday Dub - Kevin MacLeod
Hungarian Rhapsody - Franz Liszt
Raid the Merch Market:
Go Fund My Windmills (Patreon):
Join in the Banter on Twitter:
Enter the Fray on Facebook:
Indulge in some Instagram..?(the alliteration needs to stop):
Send me an email if you'd be interested in doing a collaboration!
[email protected]
#Hungary #flags #history
- published: 31 Dec 2022
- views: 107950