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Offenbach am Main

Offenbach am Main (German pronunciation: [ˈɔfənbaχ am ˈmaɪ̯n]) is a city in Hesse, Germany, located on the southside of the river Main and part of the Frankfurt Rhein-Main urban area. Offenbach has a population of 126,934.

In the twentieth century the city's economy was dominated by the machine-building and leather industries, and it was also a major centre of the typography and design industries. Other important industries are the automobile and pharmaceutical industries. More than half of the city's population have a non-German background, with Turks, former Yugoslavs, Arabs, Italians, Greeks and Poles as major groups.


The first documented reference to a suburb of Offenbach appears in 770. In a document of the Holy Roman Emperor Otto II dating to 977 exists the first mention of the place of Offenbach. During the Middle Ages Offenbach passed through many hands. Only in 1486 could the Count Ludwig of Isenburg finally take control of city for his family, and 1556 Count Reinhard of Isenburg relocated his Residence to Offenbach, building a palace, the Isenburger Schloß (Isenburg Palace), which was completed in 1559. It was destroyed by fire in 1564 and rebuilt in 1578.

Offenbach (Main) Hauptbahnhof

Offenbach am Main Hauptbahnhof is a railway station serving the German city of Offenbach am Main. It is located on the Frankfurt–Bebra railway/South Main line between Frankfurt and Hanau on the south bank of the Main. It is also the starting point of the Rodgau Railway, via Obertshausen, Rodgau and Ober-Roden to Dieburg (originally to Reinheim).


The station was built from 1872 to 1873 during the construction of the Frankfurt–Bebra railway and was given an entrance building in Renaissance Revival style. It was commissioned by the Königliche Eisenbahndirektion (Royal Railway Division) of Frankfurt. Because of the development of the city around the line which was originally laid on the same level as the roads, the railway was put on an embankment between 1912 and 1926 so that the increasing road traffic could run under it. This forced the rail track field to be elevated. A new station building was out of the question because of the depressed economic conditions. The entrance building was radically restructured in the 1920s with a "conservative-traditionalist” appearance. The entrance building is listed as a monument under the Hessian Monument Protection Act. There is fountain by Bruno Schaefer called Vogelbrunnen ("bird fountain") on the platform between tracks 1 and 2.


  • Offenbach am Main Tour 2022 Germany - 4K- 60FPS

    Driving in Offenbach am Main germany enjoy the Ride!! ►Date recorded : 30.01.2022 ►► iphone pro13: 4K/60 FPS/ prores Music: NCS → 📸 Subscribe for more: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UC2lQV_KtoO67en7tX6-jQZg ______________________________________________________________ Offenbach am Main Tour 2022 Germany - 4K- 60FPS All material in this video is original and personally recorded by myself on location. The unauthorized reproduction or distribution of this copyrighted work is illegal. Thanks for watching!❤️ Chatha FoodVlog #OffenbachamMain#Germany#Drivingtrip#2022#City

    published: 31 Jan 2022
  • Walking around Offenbach am Main [4K]

    Hi Walkers, in this episode we will explore and walking around Offenbach am Main. Offenbach am Main is a city in Hesse, Germany, on the left bank of the river Main. It borders Frankfurt and is part of the Frankfurt urban area and the larger Frankfurt Rhein-Main urban area. During the Second World War a third of the city was destroyed by Allied bombing, which claimed 467 lives. With the new district Lauterborn the city was expanded to the south in the 1960s. On the border with Frankfurt, the office district Kaiserlei was built. Offenbach is a so-called ´Sozialer Brennpunkt`(= multiple social problems area) because of unemployment, poverty, gang related crime and migration. Offenbach has a large non-German population. In 2016, foreign nationals made up 37% of the population. The largest c...

    published: 03 Dec 2022
  • Offenbach: How bad is it?

    A few of my viewers have asked me about Offenbach, a city with a really poor reputation. But just how terrible a place is it? Music: "Style Funk" and "Hot Swing" by Kevin MacLeod http://incompetech.com/ Creative Commons Attribution licence --------- Support me on Patreon for access to bonus content and more: http://patreon.com/rewboss Send letters and postcards to: Rewboss Postfach 10 06 29 63704 Aschaffenburg Germany Please don't send parcels or packages, or anything that has to be signed for. --------- My website: http://www.rewboss.com/ My blog: http://rewboss.blogspot.com/ My Twitter feed: https://www.twitter.com/rewboss My Facebook profile: http://facebook.com/rewboss

    published: 28 Mar 2019
  • Offenbach am Main, Sehenswürdigkeiten

    Wir beginnen unseren Rundgang durch Offenbach am Main (Hessen) am Büsingpark. Nachdem wir uns u.a. das Büsing-Palais angesehen haben, gehen wir über Dom- und Ludwigstrasse zum Deutschen Ledermuseum. Danach schauen wir uns noch das Rathaus, die Evangelische Stadtkirche, die Französich-Reformierte-Kirche und den Brunnen am Marktplatz an. Später begeistert uns noch das Isenburger Schloss und das Capitol-Theater. Am Meinufer endet unser Rundgang in Offenbach. Musik: Inner Light von Kevin MacLeod ist unter der Lizenz Creative Commons Attribution license (https://creativecommons.org/licenses/by/4.0/) lizenziert. Quelle: http://incompetech.com/music/royalty-free/index.html?isrc=USUAN1300021 Interpret: http://incompetech.com/

    published: 08 Jan 2018
  • Offenbach am Main 4k drone video

    Background music via Fesliyan Studios

    published: 26 Dec 2020
  • Walking in OFFENBACH / Germany 🇩🇪- 4K 60fps (UHD)

    Offenbach (Main) is a city in the state Hesse, Germany. Offenbach lies on the left bank of the river Main and borders to Frankfurt am Main which we visited several times on POPtravel. Tourists may visit Offenbach mostly due to the proximity to Frankfurt for accommodation. Offenbach itself has the highest percentage of foreign residents in all Germany giving it a multi-cultural character. We start our evening tour of Offenbach (October 2020) from the train station and walk to the city center first. After around 5 minutes we are in the main shopping area. Next we head North to the Büsingpark with the Büsing Palais. Our walk continues back to the city center around the Frankfurther Straße, the Marktplatz as we see the Restaurant and Bars around Wilhelmsplatz. It is getting darker now so ...

    published: 07 Jan 2021
  • Offenbach, Germany 🇩🇪 | Walking Tour | August 2023 | 4K 60fps

    Offenbach Germany 🇩🇪 | Walking Tour | August 2023 | 4K 60fps Hi everyone, in this episode we will explore and walking through Offenbach am Main. Offenbach am Main is a city in Hesse, Germany, on the left bank of the river Main. It borders Frankfurt and is part of the Frankfurt urban area and the larger Frankfurt Rhein-Main urban area. During the Second World War a third of the city was destroyed by Allied bombing, which claimed 467 lives. With the new district Lauterborn the city was expanded to the south in the 1960s. On the border with Frankfurt, the office district Kaiserlei was built. Offenbach is a so-called ´Sozialer Brennpunkt`(= multiple social problems area) because of unemployment, poverty, gang related crime and migration. Offenbach has a large non-German population. In 201...

    published: 07 Sep 2023
  • Offenbach goes Hollywood | maintower

    Manche trauen ihren Augen nicht so ganz. Eigentlich kennt man den Schriftzug Hollywood doch aus Los Angeles. Er sollte damals Werbung für Grundstückskäufe machen, bevor er in Zusammenhang mit der Film- und Traumfabrik gebracht wurde. Offenbach hat nun auch so einen Schriftzug. Nicht zum ersten Mal, aber jetzt noch schöner. Mehr von uns? Lasst ein Abo bei unserem neuen Kanal https://1.ard.de/hessenschau_abo?p=pi ▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬ 📺Mehr aktuelle Inhalte des Hessischen Rundfunks findet ihr hier: https://1.ard.de/hr_in_der_ARD_Mediathek?p=yt ▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬ 📰Aktuelle Informationen zu Ereignissen in Hessen findet ihr hier: https://1.ard.de/hessenschau_de?p=yt ▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬ 📰Aktuelle Informationen zu Ereignissen in Deutschland findet ihr hier: https://1.ard.de/tagesschau_de?p=yt ▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬...

    published: 15 Jul 2023
  • IJG Erlangen Live Service 28.01.2023

    Internationale Jesus Gemeinde (Church) Erlangen / Fürth / Nürnberg Metropolitan Region https://www.ijg-erlangen.de/​ Bilingual Services (English / Deutsch) every Sunday @ 10:30 AM Tennenloher Straße 47, 91058 Erlangen Online | https://www.ijg-erlangen.de/live/​ Contact | office(at)ijg-erlangen.de Prayer | gebet(at)ijg-erlangen.de Donations | https://www.ijg-erlangen.de/de/spenden/ Impressum nach dem Telemediengesetz: Internationale Jesus Gemeinde e.V., Langen (Hessen), Rheinstrasse 32 63225 Langen Telefon: 061035095981 E-Mail: office@ijg-langen.de Vertreten durch: Christian Fricke (1. Vorsitzender) Joshua Gilliland (2.Vorsitzender) Florian Leuschner (Schatzmeister) Registereintrag: Eingetragen im Vereinsregister. Registergericht: Offenbach am Main Registernummer: 3325 IJG Zweigst...

    published: 28 Jan 2024
  • Hartes Pflaster: Sozialer Brennpunkt Offenbach | SPIEGEL TV

    Arbeitslosigkeit, Armut, Kriminalität: schon vor Corona war das hessische Offenbach ein sozialer Brennpunkt. Doch die Pandemie trifft jetzt die Schwächsten der Gesellschaft am Härtesten. Eine SPIEGEL TV-Reportage über Menschen in Not.

    published: 29 Sep 2020
Offenbach am Main Tour 2022 Germany - 4K- 60FPS

Offenbach am Main Tour 2022 Germany - 4K- 60FPS

  • Order:
  • Duration: 18:09
  • Uploaded Date: 31 Jan 2022
  • views: 8840
Driving in Offenbach am Main germany enjoy the Ride!! ►Date recorded : 30.01.2022 ►► iphone pro13: 4K/60 FPS/ prores Music: NCS → 📸 Subscribe for more: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UC2lQV_KtoO67en7tX6-jQZg ______________________________________________________________ Offenbach am Main Tour 2022 Germany - 4K- 60FPS All material in this video is original and personally recorded by myself on location. The unauthorized reproduction or distribution of this copyrighted work is illegal. Thanks for watching!❤️ Chatha FoodVlog #OffenbachamMain#Germany#Drivingtrip#2022#City
Walking around Offenbach am Main [4K]

Walking around Offenbach am Main [4K]

  • Order:
  • Duration: 25:31
  • Uploaded Date: 03 Dec 2022
  • views: 5389
Hi Walkers, in this episode we will explore and walking around Offenbach am Main. Offenbach am Main is a city in Hesse, Germany, on the left bank of the river Main. It borders Frankfurt and is part of the Frankfurt urban area and the larger Frankfurt Rhein-Main urban area. During the Second World War a third of the city was destroyed by Allied bombing, which claimed 467 lives. With the new district Lauterborn the city was expanded to the south in the 1960s. On the border with Frankfurt, the office district Kaiserlei was built. Offenbach is a so-called ´Sozialer Brennpunkt`(= multiple social problems area) because of unemployment, poverty, gang related crime and migration. Offenbach has a large non-German population. In 2016, foreign nationals made up 37% of the population. The largest communities are, in that order, from Turkey, Greece, Romania, Poland and Italy. According to census data, Offenbach and Duisburg had the highest share of Muslim migrants of all German districts in 2011. Recorded - May 2022, Weekday Weather Conditions & Temperature - sunny, 20°C/68°F VIDEO THEMES Snow walk 2022 // Frankfurt tour // Frankfurt 2022 // Frankfurt in Germany // Frankfurt walk // Walking in Offenbach // Central Frankfurt walk // Frankfurt walking video // Offenbach city walk // Frankfurt walking tour 2022 // Frankfurt street walk // Frankfurt 2022// Frankfurt walk 4K HDR // Frankfurt binaural sound // Frankfurt walking tour 2022 // Virtual walking tour 4K // best Frankfurt walking tour // Central Frankfurt walking tour // Konstablerwache Frankfurt // Zeil Frankfurt // Bankenviertel Frankfurt // Frankfurt Höchst // Höchst Altstadt // Gallusviertel // Frankfurt Gallus #Frankfurt #MrWalking2go #WalkingEurope #CommerzbankTower #FrankfurtWalks #CityWalks #WalkingTour #VideoWalks #WalkingVideo #Videography #ASMR #iPhone #djiPocket #djiAction Please do not copy, reproduce, distribute or re-upload any of my content.
Offenbach: How bad is it?

Offenbach: How bad is it?

  • Order:
  • Duration: 4:19
  • Uploaded Date: 28 Mar 2019
  • views: 20933
A few of my viewers have asked me about Offenbach, a city with a really poor reputation. But just how terrible a place is it? Music: "Style Funk" and "Hot Swing" by Kevin MacLeod http://incompetech.com/ Creative Commons Attribution licence --------- Support me on Patreon for access to bonus content and more: http://patreon.com/rewboss Send letters and postcards to: Rewboss Postfach 10 06 29 63704 Aschaffenburg Germany Please don't send parcels or packages, or anything that has to be signed for. --------- My website: http://www.rewboss.com/ My blog: http://rewboss.blogspot.com/ My Twitter feed: https://www.twitter.com/rewboss My Facebook profile: http://facebook.com/rewboss
Offenbach am Main, Sehenswürdigkeiten

Offenbach am Main, Sehenswürdigkeiten

  • Order:
  • Duration: 8:00
  • Uploaded Date: 08 Jan 2018
  • views: 14311
Wir beginnen unseren Rundgang durch Offenbach am Main (Hessen) am Büsingpark. Nachdem wir uns u.a. das Büsing-Palais angesehen haben, gehen wir über Dom- und Ludwigstrasse zum Deutschen Ledermuseum. Danach schauen wir uns noch das Rathaus, die Evangelische Stadtkirche, die Französich-Reformierte-Kirche und den Brunnen am Marktplatz an. Später begeistert uns noch das Isenburger Schloss und das Capitol-Theater. Am Meinufer endet unser Rundgang in Offenbach. Musik: Inner Light von Kevin MacLeod ist unter der Lizenz Creative Commons Attribution license (https://creativecommons.org/licenses/by/4.0/) lizenziert. Quelle: http://incompetech.com/music/royalty-free/index.html?isrc=USUAN1300021 Interpret: http://incompetech.com/
Offenbach am Main 4k drone video

Offenbach am Main 4k drone video

  • Order:
  • Duration: 10:04
  • Uploaded Date: 26 Dec 2020
  • views: 12757
Background music via Fesliyan Studios
Walking in OFFENBACH / Germany 🇩🇪- 4K 60fps (UHD)

Walking in OFFENBACH / Germany 🇩🇪- 4K 60fps (UHD)

  • Order:
  • Duration: 37:01
  • Uploaded Date: 07 Jan 2021
  • views: 52597
Offenbach (Main) is a city in the state Hesse, Germany. Offenbach lies on the left bank of the river Main and borders to Frankfurt am Main which we visited several times on POPtravel. Tourists may visit Offenbach mostly due to the proximity to Frankfurt for accommodation. Offenbach itself has the highest percentage of foreign residents in all Germany giving it a multi-cultural character. We start our evening tour of Offenbach (October 2020) from the train station and walk to the city center first. After around 5 minutes we are in the main shopping area. Next we head North to the Büsingpark with the Büsing Palais. Our walk continues back to the city center around the Frankfurther Straße, the Marktplatz as we see the Restaurant and Bars around Wilhelmsplatz. It is getting darker now so we walk from the eastern part fo Offenbach back South towards the train station. On the way we see Martin-Luther Park and end this quick walk where we started: at Offenbach Hauptbahnhof. Timeline: 0:00 Kaiserstraße 4:45 Große Marktstraße / City Center 7:30 Geleitstraße 9:20 Frankfurter Straße / City Center 12:00 Northern Offenbach / Büsingpark 17:00 Kaiserstraße and Frankfurter Straße 23:30 Around the Marktplatz 25:00 Wilhelmsplatz 28:30 Easter City Center 31:00 Martin-Luther Park 32:00 Southern City Center 34:00 Back to the train station Filmed in October 2020 Camera: Osmo Pocket in 4K60 Mic: Zoom H1 #poptravel #offenbach #germany
Offenbach, Germany 🇩🇪 | Walking Tour | August 2023 | 4K 60fps

Offenbach, Germany 🇩🇪 | Walking Tour | August 2023 | 4K 60fps

  • Order:
  • Duration: 27:29
  • Uploaded Date: 07 Sep 2023
  • views: 2419
Offenbach Germany 🇩🇪 | Walking Tour | August 2023 | 4K 60fps Hi everyone, in this episode we will explore and walking through Offenbach am Main. Offenbach am Main is a city in Hesse, Germany, on the left bank of the river Main. It borders Frankfurt and is part of the Frankfurt urban area and the larger Frankfurt Rhein-Main urban area. During the Second World War a third of the city was destroyed by Allied bombing, which claimed 467 lives. With the new district Lauterborn the city was expanded to the south in the 1960s. On the border with Frankfurt, the office district Kaiserlei was built. Offenbach is a so-called ´Sozialer Brennpunkt`(= multiple social problems area) because of unemployment, poverty, gang related crime and migration. Offenbach has a large non-German population. In 2016, foreign nationals made up 37% of the population. The largest communities are, in that order, from Turkey, Greece, Romania, Poland and Italy. According to census data, Offenbach and Duisburg had the highest share of Muslim migrants of all German districts in 2011. Recorded - August 2023 Weather Conditions & Temperature - warm, 23°C Segments: 00:00 - Intro 00:18 - Let's walk! VIDEO THEMES Frankfurt Bahnhofsviertel 2023 // Snow walk 2023 // Frankfurt tour // Frankfurt 2023 // Frankfurt in Germany // Frankfurt walk // Walking in Frankfurt // Central Frankfurt walk // Frankfurt walking video // Frankfurt city walk // Frankfurt walking tour 2023 // Frankfurt street walk // Frankfurt 2023 // Frankfurt walk 4K HDR // Frankfurt binaural sound // Frankfurt walking tour 2023 // Virtual walking tour 4K // best Frankfurt walking tour // Central Frankfurt walking tour // Konstablerwache Frankfurt // Zeil Frankfurt // Bankenviertel Frankfurt // Frankfurt Höchst // Höchst Altstadt // Gallusviertel // Frankfurt Gallus // Frankfurt Hauptbahnhof // Frankfurt Central Station // Frankfurt Main Station #Frankfurt #walkingvideo #WalkingEurope #CommerzbankTower #FrankfurtWalks #MrWalking2go #CityWalks #WalkingTour #VideoWalks #WalkingVideo #Videography #ASMR #iPhone #djiPocket #djiAction Please do not copy, reproduce, distribute or re-upload any of my content.
Offenbach goes Hollywood | maintower

Offenbach goes Hollywood | maintower

  • Order:
  • Duration: 3:26
  • Uploaded Date: 15 Jul 2023
  • views: 10539
Manche trauen ihren Augen nicht so ganz. Eigentlich kennt man den Schriftzug Hollywood doch aus Los Angeles. Er sollte damals Werbung für Grundstückskäufe machen, bevor er in Zusammenhang mit der Film- und Traumfabrik gebracht wurde. Offenbach hat nun auch so einen Schriftzug. Nicht zum ersten Mal, aber jetzt noch schöner. Mehr von uns? Lasst ein Abo bei unserem neuen Kanal https://1.ard.de/hessenschau_abo?p=pi ▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬ 📺Mehr aktuelle Inhalte des Hessischen Rundfunks findet ihr hier: https://1.ard.de/hr_in_der_ARD_Mediathek?p=yt ▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬ 📰Aktuelle Informationen zu Ereignissen in Hessen findet ihr hier: https://1.ard.de/hessenschau_de?p=yt ▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬ 📰Aktuelle Informationen zu Ereignissen in Deutschland findet ihr hier: https://1.ard.de/tagesschau_de?p=yt ▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬ 📲Ihr wollt nichts verpassen? Folgt unseren Social Media Kanälen: hessenschau auf Instagram: https://1.ard.de/hessenschau_Instagram?yt=d hrfernsehen auf Instagram: https://1.ard.de/hessischer_rundfunk_instagram?yt=d hessenschau auf Facebook: https://1.ard.de/hessenschau_facebook?yt=d hrfernsehen auf Facebook: https://1.ard.de/hessischerrundfunk_facebook?yt=d ▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬ #hollywood #offenbach #hollywoodsign
IJG Erlangen Live Service 28.01.2023

IJG Erlangen Live Service 28.01.2023

  • Order:
  • Duration: 1:47:40
  • Uploaded Date: 28 Jan 2024
  • views: 88
Internationale Jesus Gemeinde (Church) Erlangen / Fürth / Nürnberg Metropolitan Region https://www.ijg-erlangen.de/​ Bilingual Services (English / Deutsch) every Sunday @ 10:30 AM Tennenloher Straße 47, 91058 Erlangen Online | https://www.ijg-erlangen.de/live/​ Contact | office(at)ijg-erlangen.de Prayer | gebet(at)ijg-erlangen.de Donations | https://www.ijg-erlangen.de/de/spenden/ Impressum nach dem Telemediengesetz: Internationale Jesus Gemeinde e.V., Langen (Hessen), Rheinstrasse 32 63225 Langen Telefon: 061035095981 E-Mail: office@ijg-langen.de Vertreten durch: Christian Fricke (1. Vorsitzender) Joshua Gilliland (2.Vorsitzender) Florian Leuschner (Schatzmeister) Registereintrag: Eingetragen im Vereinsregister. Registergericht: Offenbach am Main Registernummer: 3325 IJG Zweigstelle Erlangen Tennenloher Strasse 47 91058 Erlangen
Hartes Pflaster: Sozialer Brennpunkt Offenbach | SPIEGEL TV

Hartes Pflaster: Sozialer Brennpunkt Offenbach | SPIEGEL TV

  • Order:
  • Duration: 20:04
  • Uploaded Date: 29 Sep 2020
  • views: 2902044
Arbeitslosigkeit, Armut, Kriminalität: schon vor Corona war das hessische Offenbach ein sozialer Brennpunkt. Doch die Pandemie trifft jetzt die Schwächsten der Gesellschaft am Härtesten. Eine SPIEGEL TV-Reportage über Menschen in Not.
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Offenbach am Main Tour 2022 Germany - 4K- 60FPS

Driving in Offenbach am Main germany enjoy the Ride!! ►Date recorded : 30.01.2022 ►► iphone pro13: 4K/60 FPS/ prores Music: NCS → 📸 Subscribe for more: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UC2lQV_KtoO67en7tX6-jQZg ______________________________________________________________ Offenbach am Main Tour 2022 Germany - 4K- 60FPS All material in this video is original and personally recorded by myself on location. The unauthorized reproduction or distribution of this copyrighted work is illegal. Thanks for watching!❤️ Chatha FoodVlog #OffenbachamMain#Germany#Drivingtrip#2022#City
Offenbach am Main Tour 2022 Germany - 4K- 60FPS
Driving in Offenbach am Main germany enjoy the Ride!! ►Date recorded : 30.01.2022 ►► ipho...
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Hi Walkers, in this episode we will explore and walking around Offenbach am Main. Offenba...
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Offenbach: How bad is it?
A few of my viewers have asked me about Offenbach, a city with a really poor reputation. B...
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Offenbach am Main, Sehenswürdigkeiten
Wir beginnen unseren Rundgang durch Offenbach am Main (Hessen) am Büsingpark. Nachdem wir ...
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Offenbach, Germany 🇩🇪 | Walking Tour | August 2023 | 4K 60fps
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Offenbach goes Hollywood | maintower
Manche trauen ihren Augen nicht so ganz. Eigentlich kennt man den Schriftzug Hollywood doc...
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IJG Erlangen Live Service 28.01.2023
Internationale Jesus Gemeinde (Church) Erlangen / Fürth / Nürnberg Metropolitan Region htt...
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Hartes Pflaster: Sozialer Brennpunkt Offenbach | SPIEGEL TV
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Offenbach am Main

Offenbach am Main (German pronunciation: [ˈɔfənbaχ am ˈmaɪ̯n]) is a city in Hesse, Germany, located on the southside of the river Main and part of the Frankfurt Rhein-Main urban area. Offenbach has a population of 126,934.

In the twentieth century the city's economy was dominated by the machine-building and leather industries, and it was also a major centre of the typography and design industries. Other important industries are the automobile and pharmaceutical industries. More than half of the city's population have a non-German background, with Turks, former Yugoslavs, Arabs, Italians, Greeks and Poles as major groups.


The first documented reference to a suburb of Offenbach appears in 770. In a document of the Holy Roman Emperor Otto II dating to 977 exists the first mention of the place of Offenbach. During the Middle Ages Offenbach passed through many hands. Only in 1486 could the Count Ludwig of Isenburg finally take control of city for his family, and 1556 Count Reinhard of Isenburg relocated his Residence to Offenbach, building a palace, the Isenburger Schloß (Isenburg Palace), which was completed in 1559. It was destroyed by fire in 1564 and rebuilt in 1578.

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