An Interview with PKK Leader Abdullah Öcalan
The PKK & Their Leader (1998): A report on the PKK (Kurdistan Workers' Party) and their leader Abdullah Öcalan.
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Synopsis: The Kurdish fight for independence still rages on, with no sign of ending. While the Kurds claim they want a state like all other nations, one that is progressive socially with women playing a key role, they are labelled by the Turkish government as terrorists. In this report ABC Australia speaks to Kurdish fighters on the grounds, as well as their leader, Abdullah Öcalan.
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published: 15 Oct 2007
Öcalan'ın Bilinmeyen Yakalanış Hikayesi | 2009
Sevgili seyirciler, 32.Gün'de hoş geldiniz. Bu akşam farklı bir program ile karşınızdayız. 32.Gün'de Türkiye'nin en önemli operasyonunun sır perdesini aralayacağız. 10 yıl oldu Abdullah Öcalan'ın yakalanışının ve Türkiye'ye getirilişinin. İşte Abdullah Öcalan'ın yakalanış öyküsü. Gerçekleşmeyen operasyonlar, yapılan pazarlıklar, Türk istihbaratı ile Öcalan arasında süren inanılmaz sürek avının İmralı'ya uzanan gerçek hikayesi. Onuncu yılında Rıdvan Akar'ın kaleminden ilk kez ekrana gelecek, bilinmeyen yönleri gelecek. Ardından Öcalan'ın Türkiye'ye getirildiği 15 Şubat 1999'dan bugüne geçen zamanın Kürt Sorununun çözümünde nasıl kullanıldığını, konuklarımla birlikte tartışacağız.
Stüdyo Konukları:
Orhan Miroğlu (Taraf Gazetesi Yazarı- DTP Eski Genel Başkan Yardımcısı)
Selahattin Demirtaş (...
published: 02 Mar 2024
The PKK explained
Since the 1970s, 40,000 lives have been lost as a result of Turkey's conflict with the PKK, a multi-billion dollar criminal network and terrorist organisation spanning Europe and the Middle East.
published: 07 Jun 2018
Örgütün Kuruluşuna Giden Yol || Abdullah Öcalan Örgütü Neden Kurdu ?
Abdullah Öcalan nasıl terörist oldu ? Örgütü neden kurdu ? Kuruluşunda ne gibi olaylar yaşandı ? Tüm bunların cevabını bu video 'da bulacaksınız. İyi seyirler...
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📽Önerilen videolar:
90'lada p.k.k'ya yapılan operasyonlar
Kürdistan Bölgesel Özerk Yönetimi
Tüm Doğu İsyanları
100 Yıl Süren Celali İsyanı
Musul Geri Alınabilir mi ?
Şeyh Said İsyanı
Eyyübi De...
published: 23 Dec 2023
Abdullah Öcalan Nasıl Yakalandı? | 15 Şubat 1999 | 32. Gün Arşivi
4 Şubat 1999 günü CIA'in Ankara İstasyon Şefi, MİT Müsteşarı Şenkal Atasagun'dan randevu istedi. Geldiğinde elinde imzasız ve antetsiz bir kağıt vardı. Washington kararını verdi. "Öcalan'ın yakalanması için artık size yardım edeceğiz" dedi. Şenkal Atasagun önündeki kağıdı okumaya koyuldu. Baktı ki CIA hiç bir şeyi şansa bırakmamış. Kağıtta Türkiye'nin hangi tip uçak kiralaması, bunun menzilinin ne olması, uçakta ne tür kelepçe bulundurulması gerektiği yazılıydı net bir şekilde. Öcalan uçağa adım attığı andan itibaren mesela kameraya çekilmesi gerekiyordu. Yolculukta bir de doktorun olması mutlaka iyi olurdu. Uçakta bulundurulması gereken ilaçlar bile o listede unutulmamıştı. Peki bu yardımın koşulu neydi? Kağıdın son satırlarında o da yazılıydı. Beyaz Saray, Öcalan'ın yolda kazaya uğramam...
published: 12 Feb 2019
(23 Jun 1999) Eng/Turkish/Nat
The lawyers for Kurdish guerrilla leader Abdullah Ocalan prepared to make their final statements on Wednesday as his trial resumed on the prison island of Imrali.
During the six days of hearings before a Turkish court, Ocalan has tried to portray himself as a man who could bring peace to southeastern Turkey.
He is widely expected to be sentenced to death on charges of treason and separatism.
Abdullah Ocalan's hearing on Imrali was temporarily delayed after the boat carrying Ocalan's lawyers to the island was forced to turn back due to bad weather.
Relatives came aboard coast guard boats in high seas.
In earlier hearings, the Kurdish guerrilla called on the government to declare an amnesty for his rebels and lift bans on the use of the Kurdish...
published: 21 Jul 2015
Simar Öcalan öcalan سيمار
published: 29 Jan 2019
(31 May 1999) Turkish/Nat
Pleading for his life, Kurdish rebel leader Abdullah Ocalan opened his treason trial on Monday with an appeal to his guerrillas to lay down their arms - and an offer of their outright surrender.
The leader of a 15-year fight for Kurdish autonomy was abject in his contrition for the guerrilla war, which has claimed the lives of 37-thousand rebels, soldiers and civilians.
The trial was held in a converted movie theater on the heavily guarded prison island Imrali, where Ocalan is the only inmate.
He is widely-expected to be convicted and sentenced to death for leading the war for Kurdish autonomy.
For 15 years, Abdullah Ocalan's guerrillas battled soldiers in the barren mountains of southeastern Turkey, fighting for the Kurdish people and their right ...
published: 21 Jul 2015
Öcalan'ı ABD mi teslim etti? Emekli Albay Hasan Atilla Uğur yanıtladı
Hasan Atilla Uğur: "Ecevit'in "Bunu ABD neden bize teslim etti?" demesini ben anlamadım. Çünkü Öcalan'ın Suriye'den kovalanmasından sonraki süreçte biz ve Dışişleri Bakanlığı müthiş ataklar başlatmıştık."
Teke Tek’te Fatih Altaylı sordu; Emekli Albay Hasan Atilla Uğur yanıtladı.
"Gücü Özgürlüğünde"
Doğru Haber, Dinamik Sunum, Kaliteli Program, Güçlü Yorum
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#HabertürkTV #Haber #Canlı #HabertürkCanlı
published: 01 Nov 2022
(18 Feb 1999) English/Nat
French President Jacques Chirac has spoken out against Kurdish leader Abdullah Ocalan, saying he is sure his trial in Turkey will be conducted according to the law.
President Chirac said Ocalan's group - the Kurdish Workers' Party, or PKK - is a terrorist organisation prohibited in France.
On the eve of a trip to the United States, French President Jacques Chirac again issued a warning to the warring sides in the Kosovo crisis, saying there must be a compromise for peace.
SOUNDBITE: (English)
"Those people - Kosovans and Serbs - are together in Rambouillet. And you know what the Contact Group wants - large autonomy, substantial autonomy for Kosovo and ground troops in Kosovo to be sure that the agreement will be applied. For that, we need strong diplomacy an...
published: 21 Jul 2015
An Interview with PKK Leader Abdullah Öcalan
The PKK & Their Leader (1998): A report on the PKK (Kurdistan Workers' Party) and their leader Abdullah Öcalan.
Subscribe to Journeyman here: http://www.youtub...
The PKK & Their Leader (1998): A report on the PKK (Kurdistan Workers' Party) and their leader Abdullah Öcalan.
Subscribe to Journeyman here: http://www.youtube.com/subscription_center?add_user=journeymanpictures#
Synopsis: The Kurdish fight for independence still rages on, with no sign of ending. While the Kurds claim they want a state like all other nations, one that is progressive socially with women playing a key role, they are labelled by the Turkish government as terrorists. In this report ABC Australia speaks to Kurdish fighters on the grounds, as well as their leader, Abdullah Öcalan.
For more information, visit https://www.journeyman.tv/film/297
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ABC Australia - Ref. 0297
The PKK & Their Leader (1998): A report on the PKK (Kurdistan Workers' Party) and their leader Abdullah Öcalan.
Subscribe to Journeyman here: http://www.youtube.com/subscription_center?add_user=journeymanpictures#
Synopsis: The Kurdish fight for independence still rages on, with no sign of ending. While the Kurds claim they want a state like all other nations, one that is progressive socially with women playing a key role, they are labelled by the Turkish government as terrorists. In this report ABC Australia speaks to Kurdish fighters on the grounds, as well as their leader, Abdullah Öcalan.
For more information, visit https://www.journeyman.tv/film/297
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ABC Australia - Ref. 0297
- published: 15 Oct 2007
- views: 1035420
Öcalan'ın Bilinmeyen Yakalanış Hikayesi | 2009
Sevgili seyirciler, 32.Gün'de hoş geldiniz. Bu akşam farklı bir program ile karşınızdayız. 32.Gün'de Türkiye'nin en önemli operasyonunun sır perdesini aralayaca...
Sevgili seyirciler, 32.Gün'de hoş geldiniz. Bu akşam farklı bir program ile karşınızdayız. 32.Gün'de Türkiye'nin en önemli operasyonunun sır perdesini aralayacağız. 10 yıl oldu Abdullah Öcalan'ın yakalanışının ve Türkiye'ye getirilişinin. İşte Abdullah Öcalan'ın yakalanış öyküsü. Gerçekleşmeyen operasyonlar, yapılan pazarlıklar, Türk istihbaratı ile Öcalan arasında süren inanılmaz sürek avının İmralı'ya uzanan gerçek hikayesi. Onuncu yılında Rıdvan Akar'ın kaleminden ilk kez ekrana gelecek, bilinmeyen yönleri gelecek. Ardından Öcalan'ın Türkiye'ye getirildiği 15 Şubat 1999'dan bugüne geçen zamanın Kürt Sorununun çözümünde nasıl kullanıldığını, konuklarımla birlikte tartışacağız.
Stüdyo Konukları:
Orhan Miroğlu (Taraf Gazetesi Yazarı- DTP Eski Genel Başkan Yardımcısı)
Selahattin Demirtaş ( DTP Grup Başkan Vekili)
Can Ataklı ( Vatan Gazetesi Yazarı)
Rıdvan Akar (Genel Yayın Yönetmeni)
Prof. Dr. Sedat Laçiner ( USAK Başkanı)
► Shopier Sayfamızdan 32. Gün Ürünlerine Göz Atmak İçin: https://www.shopier.com/32gun
► Ayrıcalıklardan Yararlanmak İçin Kanala Üye Olun:
► 32.Gün Arşivi Kanalına Abone Olmak İçin: http://bitly.ws/e5Yi
» Batık Banka Patronları | 2001: https://youtu.be/sUxnG9jaTk8
» Mehmet Barlas 12 Eylül'ü Anlatıyor: https://youtu.be/Dt6MnGBFnIU
» Şampiyon Galatasaray | 1993: https://youtu.be/CjChQyjJuyg
#32GÜN #abdullahöcalan #öcalan #yakalanış #mehmetalibirand
Sevgili seyirciler, 32.Gün'de hoş geldiniz. Bu akşam farklı bir program ile karşınızdayız. 32.Gün'de Türkiye'nin en önemli operasyonunun sır perdesini aralayacağız. 10 yıl oldu Abdullah Öcalan'ın yakalanışının ve Türkiye'ye getirilişinin. İşte Abdullah Öcalan'ın yakalanış öyküsü. Gerçekleşmeyen operasyonlar, yapılan pazarlıklar, Türk istihbaratı ile Öcalan arasında süren inanılmaz sürek avının İmralı'ya uzanan gerçek hikayesi. Onuncu yılında Rıdvan Akar'ın kaleminden ilk kez ekrana gelecek, bilinmeyen yönleri gelecek. Ardından Öcalan'ın Türkiye'ye getirildiği 15 Şubat 1999'dan bugüne geçen zamanın Kürt Sorununun çözümünde nasıl kullanıldığını, konuklarımla birlikte tartışacağız.
Stüdyo Konukları:
Orhan Miroğlu (Taraf Gazetesi Yazarı- DTP Eski Genel Başkan Yardımcısı)
Selahattin Demirtaş ( DTP Grup Başkan Vekili)
Can Ataklı ( Vatan Gazetesi Yazarı)
Rıdvan Akar (Genel Yayın Yönetmeni)
Prof. Dr. Sedat Laçiner ( USAK Başkanı)
► Shopier Sayfamızdan 32. Gün Ürünlerine Göz Atmak İçin: https://www.shopier.com/32gun
► Ayrıcalıklardan Yararlanmak İçin Kanala Üye Olun:
► 32.Gün Arşivi Kanalına Abone Olmak İçin: http://bitly.ws/e5Yi
» Batık Banka Patronları | 2001: https://youtu.be/sUxnG9jaTk8
» Mehmet Barlas 12 Eylül'ü Anlatıyor: https://youtu.be/Dt6MnGBFnIU
» Şampiyon Galatasaray | 1993: https://youtu.be/CjChQyjJuyg
#32GÜN #abdullahöcalan #öcalan #yakalanış #mehmetalibirand
- published: 02 Mar 2024
- views: 490544
The PKK explained
Since the 1970s, 40,000 lives have been lost as a result of Turkey's conflict with the PKK, a multi-billion dollar criminal network and terrorist organisation s...
Since the 1970s, 40,000 lives have been lost as a result of Turkey's conflict with the PKK, a multi-billion dollar criminal network and terrorist organisation spanning Europe and the Middle East.
Since the 1970s, 40,000 lives have been lost as a result of Turkey's conflict with the PKK, a multi-billion dollar criminal network and terrorist organisation spanning Europe and the Middle East.
- published: 07 Jun 2018
- views: 161548
Örgütün Kuruluşuna Giden Yol || Abdullah Öcalan Örgütü Neden Kurdu ?
Abdullah Öcalan nasıl terörist oldu ? Örgütü neden kurdu ? Kuruluşunda ne gibi olaylar yaşandı ? Tüm bunların cevabını bu video 'da bulacaksınız. İyi seyirler.....
Abdullah Öcalan nasıl terörist oldu ? Örgütü neden kurdu ? Kuruluşunda ne gibi olaylar yaşandı ? Tüm bunların cevabını bu video 'da bulacaksınız. İyi seyirler...
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📽Önerilen videolar:
90'lada p.k.k'ya yapılan operasyonlar
Kürdistan Bölgesel Özerk Yönetimi
Tüm Doğu İsyanları
100 Yıl Süren Celali İsyanı
Musul Geri Alınabilir mi ?
Şeyh Said İsyanı
Eyyübi Devleti
Abdullah Öcalan nasıl terörist oldu ? Örgütü neden kurdu ? Kuruluşunda ne gibi olaylar yaşandı ? Tüm bunların cevabını bu video 'da bulacaksınız. İyi seyirler...
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📽Önerilen videolar:
90'lada p.k.k'ya yapılan operasyonlar
Kürdistan Bölgesel Özerk Yönetimi
Tüm Doğu İsyanları
100 Yıl Süren Celali İsyanı
Musul Geri Alınabilir mi ?
Şeyh Said İsyanı
Eyyübi Devleti
- published: 23 Dec 2023
- views: 3362373
Abdullah Öcalan Nasıl Yakalandı? | 15 Şubat 1999 | 32. Gün Arşivi
4 Şubat 1999 günü CIA'in Ankara İstasyon Şefi, MİT Müsteşarı Şenkal Atasagun'dan randevu istedi. Geldiğinde elinde imzasız ve antetsiz bir kağıt vardı. Washingt...
4 Şubat 1999 günü CIA'in Ankara İstasyon Şefi, MİT Müsteşarı Şenkal Atasagun'dan randevu istedi. Geldiğinde elinde imzasız ve antetsiz bir kağıt vardı. Washington kararını verdi. "Öcalan'ın yakalanması için artık size yardım edeceğiz" dedi. Şenkal Atasagun önündeki kağıdı okumaya koyuldu. Baktı ki CIA hiç bir şeyi şansa bırakmamış. Kağıtta Türkiye'nin hangi tip uçak kiralaması, bunun menzilinin ne olması, uçakta ne tür kelepçe bulundurulması gerektiği yazılıydı net bir şekilde. Öcalan uçağa adım attığı andan itibaren mesela kameraya çekilmesi gerekiyordu. Yolculukta bir de doktorun olması mutlaka iyi olurdu. Uçakta bulundurulması gereken ilaçlar bile o listede unutulmamıştı. Peki bu yardımın koşulu neydi? Kağıdın son satırlarında o da yazılıydı. Beyaz Saray, Öcalan'ın yolda kazaya uğramamasını yani infaz edilmemesini ve adil bir mahkemede yargılanmasını istiyordu...
► Shopier Sayfamızdan 32. Gün Ürünlerine Göz Atmak İçin: https://www.shopier.com/32gun
► Ayrıcalıklardan Yararlanmak İçin Kanala Üye Olun:
► 32.Gün Arşivi Kanalına Abone Olmak İçin: http://bitly.ws/e5Yi
4 Şubat 1999 günü CIA'in Ankara İstasyon Şefi, MİT Müsteşarı Şenkal Atasagun'dan randevu istedi. Geldiğinde elinde imzasız ve antetsiz bir kağıt vardı. Washington kararını verdi. "Öcalan'ın yakalanması için artık size yardım edeceğiz" dedi. Şenkal Atasagun önündeki kağıdı okumaya koyuldu. Baktı ki CIA hiç bir şeyi şansa bırakmamış. Kağıtta Türkiye'nin hangi tip uçak kiralaması, bunun menzilinin ne olması, uçakta ne tür kelepçe bulundurulması gerektiği yazılıydı net bir şekilde. Öcalan uçağa adım attığı andan itibaren mesela kameraya çekilmesi gerekiyordu. Yolculukta bir de doktorun olması mutlaka iyi olurdu. Uçakta bulundurulması gereken ilaçlar bile o listede unutulmamıştı. Peki bu yardımın koşulu neydi? Kağıdın son satırlarında o da yazılıydı. Beyaz Saray, Öcalan'ın yolda kazaya uğramamasını yani infaz edilmemesini ve adil bir mahkemede yargılanmasını istiyordu...
► Shopier Sayfamızdan 32. Gün Ürünlerine Göz Atmak İçin: https://www.shopier.com/32gun
► Ayrıcalıklardan Yararlanmak İçin Kanala Üye Olun:
► 32.Gün Arşivi Kanalına Abone Olmak İçin: http://bitly.ws/e5Yi
- published: 12 Feb 2019
- views: 5888726
(23 Jun 1999) Eng/Turkish/Nat
The lawyers for Kurdish guerrilla leader Abdullah Ocalan prepared to make their final statements on Wednesday as his trial resu...
(23 Jun 1999) Eng/Turkish/Nat
The lawyers for Kurdish guerrilla leader Abdullah Ocalan prepared to make their final statements on Wednesday as his trial resumed on the prison island of Imrali.
During the six days of hearings before a Turkish court, Ocalan has tried to portray himself as a man who could bring peace to southeastern Turkey.
He is widely expected to be sentenced to death on charges of treason and separatism.
Abdullah Ocalan's hearing on Imrali was temporarily delayed after the boat carrying Ocalan's lawyers to the island was forced to turn back due to bad weather.
Relatives came aboard coast guard boats in high seas.
In earlier hearings, the Kurdish guerrilla called on the government to declare an amnesty for his rebels and lift bans on the use of the Kurdish language.
He is widely expected to be sentenced to death on charges of treason and separatism.
Turks almost universally blame Ocalan and his Kurdistan Workers Party, or P-K-K, for all of the 37-thousand deaths during 15 years of fighting.
The vast majority of those killed have been Kurdish civilians or guerrillas fighting for autonomy in Turkey's largely Kurdish southeast, home to 10 (m) million people.
Serif Tepeli is a Turkish Kurd injured in an attack by the P-K-K.
SOUNDBITE: (Turkish)
This terrorist (Ocalan) talks about a Kurdish problem but he's lying, I am a Kurd and if there was a Kurdish problem I don't believe he'd be killing Kurds. Those dying are Kurds and those doing the killing are Kurds. If he (Ocalan) was a true Kurd he would not have cause so many deaths."
SUPER CAPTION: Serif Tepeli, Turkish Kurd injured in an attack by the P-K-K
He says his clan have come under intense pressure to join the separatists.
SOUNDBITE: (Turkish)
"They wanted wanted us to joint the PKK but we are not separatists terrorists. Because we refused to join them they had continually threatened us and slain us, this is why we are pursuing a case against him and we want him to hang."
SUPER CAPTION: Serif Tepeli, Turkish Kurd injured in an attack by the P-K-K
Kurds have long called for an increase in investment in the impoverished southeast, parts of which have been left devastated by the fighting.
They are also demanding a relaxation of the bans on broadcasting and teaching in Kurdish.
Turkey does not regard the Kurds as a minority, and it is illegal to broadcast in the Kurdish language.
Foreign observers -- called 'visitors' -- are attending the hearings.
UPSOUND: (English) Council of Europe representative
Ocalan has said he could bring his guerrillas down from their mountain hideouts within three months if he were permitted to contact his fighters.
His lawyers have also said they will ask the European Court to rule on the fairness of the proceedings.
Lawyers for the prosecution say the hearing will take some time.
SOUNDBITE: (Turkish)
"They will start the defence today but according to reports the defence lawyers have a one hundred page statement and Ocalan himself has a 40 page defence. If this is the case, they will not finish their defence until some time tomorrow and we can expect the verdict soon after that."
SUPER CAPTION: Mehti Keskin, Lawyer for martyr families
The removal of the military judge from the trial answers some of the complaints by human rights organisations, but is unlikely to satisfy some critics.
They have repeatedly complained that Ocalan was held for nine days without legal counsel and has since been
allowed to speak with his lawyers only in the presence of masked soldiers.
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(23 Jun 1999) Eng/Turkish/Nat
The lawyers for Kurdish guerrilla leader Abdullah Ocalan prepared to make their final statements on Wednesday as his trial resumed on the prison island of Imrali.
During the six days of hearings before a Turkish court, Ocalan has tried to portray himself as a man who could bring peace to southeastern Turkey.
He is widely expected to be sentenced to death on charges of treason and separatism.
Abdullah Ocalan's hearing on Imrali was temporarily delayed after the boat carrying Ocalan's lawyers to the island was forced to turn back due to bad weather.
Relatives came aboard coast guard boats in high seas.
In earlier hearings, the Kurdish guerrilla called on the government to declare an amnesty for his rebels and lift bans on the use of the Kurdish language.
He is widely expected to be sentenced to death on charges of treason and separatism.
Turks almost universally blame Ocalan and his Kurdistan Workers Party, or P-K-K, for all of the 37-thousand deaths during 15 years of fighting.
The vast majority of those killed have been Kurdish civilians or guerrillas fighting for autonomy in Turkey's largely Kurdish southeast, home to 10 (m) million people.
Serif Tepeli is a Turkish Kurd injured in an attack by the P-K-K.
SOUNDBITE: (Turkish)
This terrorist (Ocalan) talks about a Kurdish problem but he's lying, I am a Kurd and if there was a Kurdish problem I don't believe he'd be killing Kurds. Those dying are Kurds and those doing the killing are Kurds. If he (Ocalan) was a true Kurd he would not have cause so many deaths."
SUPER CAPTION: Serif Tepeli, Turkish Kurd injured in an attack by the P-K-K
He says his clan have come under intense pressure to join the separatists.
SOUNDBITE: (Turkish)
"They wanted wanted us to joint the PKK but we are not separatists terrorists. Because we refused to join them they had continually threatened us and slain us, this is why we are pursuing a case against him and we want him to hang."
SUPER CAPTION: Serif Tepeli, Turkish Kurd injured in an attack by the P-K-K
Kurds have long called for an increase in investment in the impoverished southeast, parts of which have been left devastated by the fighting.
They are also demanding a relaxation of the bans on broadcasting and teaching in Kurdish.
Turkey does not regard the Kurds as a minority, and it is illegal to broadcast in the Kurdish language.
Foreign observers -- called 'visitors' -- are attending the hearings.
UPSOUND: (English) Council of Europe representative
Ocalan has said he could bring his guerrillas down from their mountain hideouts within three months if he were permitted to contact his fighters.
His lawyers have also said they will ask the European Court to rule on the fairness of the proceedings.
Lawyers for the prosecution say the hearing will take some time.
SOUNDBITE: (Turkish)
"They will start the defence today but according to reports the defence lawyers have a one hundred page statement and Ocalan himself has a 40 page defence. If this is the case, they will not finish their defence until some time tomorrow and we can expect the verdict soon after that."
SUPER CAPTION: Mehti Keskin, Lawyer for martyr families
The removal of the military judge from the trial answers some of the complaints by human rights organisations, but is unlikely to satisfy some critics.
They have repeatedly complained that Ocalan was held for nine days without legal counsel and has since been
allowed to speak with his lawyers only in the presence of masked soldiers.
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- published: 21 Jul 2015
- views: 2258
(31 May 1999) Turkish/Nat
Pleading for his life, Kurdish rebel leader Abdullah Ocalan opened his treason trial on Monday with an appeal to his guerrillas to ...
(31 May 1999) Turkish/Nat
Pleading for his life, Kurdish rebel leader Abdullah Ocalan opened his treason trial on Monday with an appeal to his guerrillas to lay down their arms - and an offer of their outright surrender.
The leader of a 15-year fight for Kurdish autonomy was abject in his contrition for the guerrilla war, which has claimed the lives of 37-thousand rebels, soldiers and civilians.
The trial was held in a converted movie theater on the heavily guarded prison island Imrali, where Ocalan is the only inmate.
He is widely-expected to be convicted and sentenced to death for leading the war for Kurdish autonomy.
For 15 years, Abdullah Ocalan's guerrillas battled soldiers in the barren mountains of southeastern Turkey, fighting for the Kurdish people and their right to self-determination.
But the battle now facing the iron-fisted leader of the Kurdish rebel army is in the courtroom.
On Monday, he appeared behind bullet- and bombproof glass to defend himself against treason charges.
Ocalan, who appeared to have lost weight during his three months of detention, told the court that he had not been tortured or mistreated.
Appearing hesitant and nervous as he spoke, he pleaded for forgiveness for the deaths of five-thousand Turkish soldiers in the fight for independence.
He said that if he were allowed to contact his fighters, he could persuade his guerrillas to surrender within three months.
SOUNDBITE: (Turkish)
"For peace and brotherhood, I am ready to serve the Turkish state, and I believe that for this end I must remain alive."
SUPER CAPTION: Abdullah Ocalan, Kurdish Rebel Leader
Ocalan surprised even his own lawyers by speaking for more than 90 minutes in his own defence.
The Kurdish rebel leader warned that if he were hanged, five-thousand suicide bombers were ready to die for him.
His organisation had threatened to retaliate by sending out thousands of fighters, which could boost the death toll to 100-thousand.
SOUNDBITE: (Turkish)
"I have within my hands the capability to put a stop to this. I will put a stop to this if you give me the chance. And I want to use this chance. I may be worth nothing. I may be a nothing, but these millions (of Kurds) are saying "We are dying for you". In reply to that I say "don't die for me. Reunite with your country" (Turkey). Nothing comes out of thousands of people fighting eachother. The chance to be saved is in our hands, it's in our hands."
SUPER CAPTION: Abdullah Ocalan, Kurdish Rebel Leader
Ocalan's plea may have been a tactic to avoid the gallows or another step in the Kurdish leader's attempts to transform his faltering military struggle and international isolation into a political battle within Turkey.
Turkey has ignored several ceasefires by Kurdish rebels and Ocalan's calls to negotiate a political solution to the conflict.
The trial has evoked strong emotions among Turks, especially those who have lost sons to the struggle against the Kurds.
As the first day of the hearing drew to a close, journalists and relatives of dead soldiers who had attended were ferried back to the port of Mudaya.
There was heavy security at the port, where demonstrators waved Turkish flags in a show of patriotism.
Ali Kirva, head of the private ATV channel, was among those who attended the first day of the trial.
He said he thought Ocalan could expect little pity from his judges.
SOUNDBITE: (Turkish)
SUPER CAPTION:Ali Kirva, head of news for the private ATV channel
SOUNDBITE: (Turkish)
SUPER CAPTION: Atilla Erdal, lawyer representing families whose children were soldiers for PKK and died
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(31 May 1999) Turkish/Nat
Pleading for his life, Kurdish rebel leader Abdullah Ocalan opened his treason trial on Monday with an appeal to his guerrillas to lay down their arms - and an offer of their outright surrender.
The leader of a 15-year fight for Kurdish autonomy was abject in his contrition for the guerrilla war, which has claimed the lives of 37-thousand rebels, soldiers and civilians.
The trial was held in a converted movie theater on the heavily guarded prison island Imrali, where Ocalan is the only inmate.
He is widely-expected to be convicted and sentenced to death for leading the war for Kurdish autonomy.
For 15 years, Abdullah Ocalan's guerrillas battled soldiers in the barren mountains of southeastern Turkey, fighting for the Kurdish people and their right to self-determination.
But the battle now facing the iron-fisted leader of the Kurdish rebel army is in the courtroom.
On Monday, he appeared behind bullet- and bombproof glass to defend himself against treason charges.
Ocalan, who appeared to have lost weight during his three months of detention, told the court that he had not been tortured or mistreated.
Appearing hesitant and nervous as he spoke, he pleaded for forgiveness for the deaths of five-thousand Turkish soldiers in the fight for independence.
He said that if he were allowed to contact his fighters, he could persuade his guerrillas to surrender within three months.
SOUNDBITE: (Turkish)
"For peace and brotherhood, I am ready to serve the Turkish state, and I believe that for this end I must remain alive."
SUPER CAPTION: Abdullah Ocalan, Kurdish Rebel Leader
Ocalan surprised even his own lawyers by speaking for more than 90 minutes in his own defence.
The Kurdish rebel leader warned that if he were hanged, five-thousand suicide bombers were ready to die for him.
His organisation had threatened to retaliate by sending out thousands of fighters, which could boost the death toll to 100-thousand.
SOUNDBITE: (Turkish)
"I have within my hands the capability to put a stop to this. I will put a stop to this if you give me the chance. And I want to use this chance. I may be worth nothing. I may be a nothing, but these millions (of Kurds) are saying "We are dying for you". In reply to that I say "don't die for me. Reunite with your country" (Turkey). Nothing comes out of thousands of people fighting eachother. The chance to be saved is in our hands, it's in our hands."
SUPER CAPTION: Abdullah Ocalan, Kurdish Rebel Leader
Ocalan's plea may have been a tactic to avoid the gallows or another step in the Kurdish leader's attempts to transform his faltering military struggle and international isolation into a political battle within Turkey.
Turkey has ignored several ceasefires by Kurdish rebels and Ocalan's calls to negotiate a political solution to the conflict.
The trial has evoked strong emotions among Turks, especially those who have lost sons to the struggle against the Kurds.
As the first day of the hearing drew to a close, journalists and relatives of dead soldiers who had attended were ferried back to the port of Mudaya.
There was heavy security at the port, where demonstrators waved Turkish flags in a show of patriotism.
Ali Kirva, head of the private ATV channel, was among those who attended the first day of the trial.
He said he thought Ocalan could expect little pity from his judges.
SOUNDBITE: (Turkish)
SUPER CAPTION:Ali Kirva, head of news for the private ATV channel
SOUNDBITE: (Turkish)
SUPER CAPTION: Atilla Erdal, lawyer representing families whose children were soldiers for PKK and died
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- published: 21 Jul 2015
- views: 581195
Öcalan'ı ABD mi teslim etti? Emekli Albay Hasan Atilla Uğur yanıtladı
Hasan Atilla Uğur: "Ecevit'in "Bunu ABD neden bize teslim etti?" demesini ben anlamadım. Çünkü Öcalan'ın Suriye'den kovalanmasından sonraki süreçte biz ve Dışiş...
Hasan Atilla Uğur: "Ecevit'in "Bunu ABD neden bize teslim etti?" demesini ben anlamadım. Çünkü Öcalan'ın Suriye'den kovalanmasından sonraki süreçte biz ve Dışişleri Bakanlığı müthiş ataklar başlatmıştık."
Teke Tek’te Fatih Altaylı sordu; Emekli Albay Hasan Atilla Uğur yanıtladı.
"Gücü Özgürlüğünde"
Doğru Haber, Dinamik Sunum, Kaliteli Program, Güçlü Yorum
Haberturk TV YouTube Kanalına Abone Ol ➤ http://hbr.tk/QNhqSs
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#HabertürkTV #Haber #Canlı #HabertürkCanlı
Hasan Atilla Uğur: "Ecevit'in "Bunu ABD neden bize teslim etti?" demesini ben anlamadım. Çünkü Öcalan'ın Suriye'den kovalanmasından sonraki süreçte biz ve Dışişleri Bakanlığı müthiş ataklar başlatmıştık."
Teke Tek’te Fatih Altaylı sordu; Emekli Albay Hasan Atilla Uğur yanıtladı.
"Gücü Özgürlüğünde"
Doğru Haber, Dinamik Sunum, Kaliteli Program, Güçlü Yorum
Haberturk TV YouTube Kanalına Abone Ol ➤ http://hbr.tk/QNhqSs
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#HabertürkTV #Haber #Canlı #HabertürkCanlı
- published: 01 Nov 2022
- views: 2413074
(18 Feb 1999) English/Nat
French President Jacques Chirac has spoken out against Kurdish leader Abdullah Ocalan, saying he is sure his trial in Turkey will be...
(18 Feb 1999) English/Nat
French President Jacques Chirac has spoken out against Kurdish leader Abdullah Ocalan, saying he is sure his trial in Turkey will be conducted according to the law.
President Chirac said Ocalan's group - the Kurdish Workers' Party, or PKK - is a terrorist organisation prohibited in France.
On the eve of a trip to the United States, French President Jacques Chirac again issued a warning to the warring sides in the Kosovo crisis, saying there must be a compromise for peace.
SOUNDBITE: (English)
"Those people - Kosovans and Serbs - are together in Rambouillet. And you know what the Contact Group wants - large autonomy, substantial autonomy for Kosovo and ground troops in Kosovo to be sure that the agreement will be applied. For that, we need strong diplomacy and firmness and unity in the Contact Group - we have that. We hope that before Saturday at midday the two parts - Serbs but also Kosovans - will have understood that they have to accept a compromise for peace. Well I don't want to think that it would be possible - no solution. But in case of failure the part which will be responsible for the failure will have to bear all the consequences and I repeat all the consequences."
SUPER CAPTION: Jacques Chirac, French President
Chirac also spoke out against captured rebel leader Abdullah Ocalan's Kurdish Workers' Party.
SOUNDBITE: (English)
"Ocalan belonged to a group which is considered as a terrorist group by many countries, including France. This group is prohibited in France. He has been arrested, he is in prison - I'm sure that his trial will be done in the respect, with the respect, of the rule of law."
SUPER CAPTION: Jacques Chirac, French President
He said he continues to hold U-S President Bill Clinton in high esteem, despite his recent difficulties, saying although France didn't support military airstrikes against Iraq, his opinions on Saddam Hussein are much the same as those of America and Britain.
SOUNDBITE: (English)
"I wouldn't say that French and American policy were so different. We both agree about the responsibility of Saddam Hussein. The thing is France asked: "What shall we do after the bombing?" And now we propose .. well a kind of a new deal, because we cannot let Iraq have control of armaments and now we have no more control. We think that it is a necessity to have a new international armament control in Iraq. We think that it is necessary to improve the situation of the Iraqi people, the situation being very bad, and we think that we have to control the money that Iraq receives from oil revenues to be sure that this money is not used to buy armaments .. and on those bases we are not so far from the U-S as you can see."
SUPER CAPTION: Jacques Chirac, French President
While in the U-S, President Chirac will meet President Clinton at the White House, visit the World Bank and address the International Monetary Fund.
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(18 Feb 1999) English/Nat
French President Jacques Chirac has spoken out against Kurdish leader Abdullah Ocalan, saying he is sure his trial in Turkey will be conducted according to the law.
President Chirac said Ocalan's group - the Kurdish Workers' Party, or PKK - is a terrorist organisation prohibited in France.
On the eve of a trip to the United States, French President Jacques Chirac again issued a warning to the warring sides in the Kosovo crisis, saying there must be a compromise for peace.
SOUNDBITE: (English)
"Those people - Kosovans and Serbs - are together in Rambouillet. And you know what the Contact Group wants - large autonomy, substantial autonomy for Kosovo and ground troops in Kosovo to be sure that the agreement will be applied. For that, we need strong diplomacy and firmness and unity in the Contact Group - we have that. We hope that before Saturday at midday the two parts - Serbs but also Kosovans - will have understood that they have to accept a compromise for peace. Well I don't want to think that it would be possible - no solution. But in case of failure the part which will be responsible for the failure will have to bear all the consequences and I repeat all the consequences."
SUPER CAPTION: Jacques Chirac, French President
Chirac also spoke out against captured rebel leader Abdullah Ocalan's Kurdish Workers' Party.
SOUNDBITE: (English)
"Ocalan belonged to a group which is considered as a terrorist group by many countries, including France. This group is prohibited in France. He has been arrested, he is in prison - I'm sure that his trial will be done in the respect, with the respect, of the rule of law."
SUPER CAPTION: Jacques Chirac, French President
He said he continues to hold U-S President Bill Clinton in high esteem, despite his recent difficulties, saying although France didn't support military airstrikes against Iraq, his opinions on Saddam Hussein are much the same as those of America and Britain.
SOUNDBITE: (English)
"I wouldn't say that French and American policy were so different. We both agree about the responsibility of Saddam Hussein. The thing is France asked: "What shall we do after the bombing?" And now we propose .. well a kind of a new deal, because we cannot let Iraq have control of armaments and now we have no more control. We think that it is a necessity to have a new international armament control in Iraq. We think that it is necessary to improve the situation of the Iraqi people, the situation being very bad, and we think that we have to control the money that Iraq receives from oil revenues to be sure that this money is not used to buy armaments .. and on those bases we are not so far from the U-S as you can see."
SUPER CAPTION: Jacques Chirac, French President
While in the U-S, President Chirac will meet President Clinton at the White House, visit the World Bank and address the International Monetary Fund.
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- published: 21 Jul 2015
- views: 785