Neuchâtel Switzerland, Old Town’s Mediterranean ambience, lakefront promenade, colourful market
Neuchâtel, enjoy the Old Town’s Mediterranean ambience while strolling along the lakefront promenade or exploring the colourful market on Place des Halles.
Location - Neuchâtel, Canton of Neuchâtel, Switzerland
Find more - https://www.myswitzerland.com/en-ch/destinations/neuchatel/
Music provided by Epidemic Sounds. Start your free trial here
Social Media
Instagram - https://www.instagram.com/janit_hewag/
Facebook - https://www.facebook.com/janit.hewag
Channel Playlists
Beautiful Destinations - https://youtube.com/playlist?list=PL6-fctzMINGxp8p7btU7z8e3tBBTUqc9p
Scenic Drives - https://youtube.com/playlist?list=PL6-fctzMINGxfovlqfjmzzK3fO9BVZD1F
Scenic Walks - https://youtube.com/playlist?list=PL6-fctzMINGzkPycOHz39qqYdqm7q4AbR
Alpine Pa...
published: 13 Feb 2022
Immersion dans le canton de Neuchâtel
Pour plus d'information :
Creux du Van : https://gmqr.ch/25lX4X
Luge d'été : https://gmqr.ch/FFIknQ
LA BMW SÉRIE 2 ACTIVE TOURER : https://gmqr.ch/facchinetti
LOISIRS.CH - vos loisirs & activités en 1 clic !
Site internet : https://www.loisirs.ch
Facebook : https://www.facebook.com/www.loisirs.ch
TikTok : https://www.tiktok.com/@loisirs.ch
Instagram : https://www.instagram.com/loisirs.ch
Twitter: https://twitter.com/LoisirsCh
published: 12 May 2023
Neuchâtel, quel sera votre prochain défi ? – Canton de Neuchâtel
Neuchâtel, canton industriel. Pionnier. Expert en miniaturisation et ultra basse consommation. Spécialiste des produits complexes, fiables et à haute valeur ajoutée. Neuchâtel, un canton suisse exportateur de richesses et d’innovation.
De nombreux produits vendus à travers le monde contiennent des composants à haute valeur ajoutées, pensés, développés et fabriqués dans le canton de Neuchâtel.
La précision et l’innovation provenant de son héritage horloger a permis l’émergence de savoir-faire uniques en Suisse et l’émergence d’un réseau dense de compétences dans les domaines de l’Advanced manufacturing, de la micromécanique et de la microtechnique dans un rayon de 30 km2.
Alors, quel sera votre prochain défi?
published: 02 May 2022
Neuchâtel, un Canton à vivre
Vous arrive-t-il de rêver ?
De rêver à une terre de contrastes, où la nature a su être préservée ?
De rêver à un lieu avec une économie créative, où les possibilités de loisirs sont infinies ?
De rêver à une région au cadre de vie unique où tout est facilement accessible ?
Vous rêvez d’un tel endroit ? Pourtant vous y habitez déjà, ou vous y habiterez bientôt.
Neuchâtel, un canton à vivre !
published: 16 Sep 2022
Vivre dans la Commune de Val-de-Travers, Canton de Neuchâtel, Suisse (français)
Et si l'envie vous venait de profiter quotidiennement des qualités naturelles de Val-de-Travers!
Plus d’informations sur nous :
Notre site Internet : https://www.val-de-travers.ch/
Facebook : https://www.facebook.com/communevaldetravers
Instagram : https://www.instagram.com/commune_de_val_de_travers/
#valdetravers #nature #neuchatel #communevaldetravers #qualitesnaturelles
published: 08 Feb 2021
The canton of Neuchâtel, a bird's-eye view
published: 08 Dec 2018
120 secondes - Les impôts dans le canton de Neuchâtel
120 secondes - L'invité du jour : Jules Robert-Tissot, maître-assistant en macro-économie à l'Université de Neuchâtel, évoque la pression fiscale que subissent les habitants de son canton, le plus fortement taxé de Suisse.
Retrouvez toutes les vidéos de 120 secondes sur : http://www.rts.ch/couleur3/programmes/120-secondes
published: 24 May 2012
Neuchâtel l Suisse
Neuchâtel est située sur la rive nord du lac du même nom. Sa vieille ville médiévale s'étend à partir du château de Neuchâtel, datant du XIIe siècle. À proximité, la Collégiale est une église gothique édifiée à la même période. Dans le massif du Jura, à l'ouest de la ville, le Creux du Van est un canyon semblable à un amphithéâtre, offrant sentiers de randonnées et vue panoramique.
#Neuchâtel #Switzerland #Tourism #Suisse
published: 11 Apr 2022
CH Train ligne R22 : Nouvelle rame Stadler ABe 4/8 : La Chaux-de-Fonds - Les Ponts-de-Martel
rame automotrice
ABe 4/8
Tare 64 t
Poids en charge 81 t
transports publics Neuchâtélois
La Chaux-de-Fonds - Les Ponts-de-Martel
Canton de Neuchâtel
Suisse / Schweiz / Switzerland
Ligne numéro 222 à voie métrique opérée par TransN en Autorail BDe 4/4 TransN et Automotrice ABe 4/8 (Transports publics neuchâtelois)
Mise en service 1889
Electrification 1950 en 1500 Volts continu
Pente max. 43.5 ‰
km 0.00 La Chaux-de-Fonds alt. 994 m
ligne CJ Chemin de fer du Jura vers Le Noirmont
ligne SBB / CFF vers Bienne
ligne BLS / TransN vers Neuchâtel
ligne TransN vers Le Locle
ligne SNCF vers Besançon (France)
km 0.67 Le Grenier
km 2.67 Le Reymond
point culminant alt. 1120 m
km 5.02 La Corbatière
km 7.60 La Sagne-Église
km 9.33 La Sagne alt. 1031 m
km 10.94 Les Coeudr...
published: 29 Feb 2024
Visit around Neuchâtel / Neuchâtel et environs / drone 4K / 纳沙泰尔 - 納沙泰爾 - ヌーシャテル - 뉴샤텔
Suisse romande / Schweiz / Switzerland
Grand Tour of Switzerland
スイス - 瑞士 - 瑞士环游之路概况 - 스위스 그랜드 투어 정보
Le chasseron est un sommet du massif du Jura situé dans le canton de Vaud, en Suisse, et culminant à 1 607 m d'altitude. Il se classe en troisième position des sommets suisses jurassiens juste avant le Chasseral situé à 50 km au nord-est et plus bas de seulement 40 cm.
Le Creux-du-Van est un cirque rocheux d'environ 1 400 mètres de large pour 200 mètres de hauteur.
Les gorges de l’Areuse, longues de 11 km, situées entre Noiraigue et Boudry dans le canton de Neuchâtel. Un magnifique sentier de randonnée longe le lit de la rivière, par endroits tranquille et à d’autres tumultueuse. Le sentier emprunte des ponts de pierre, des passerelles et des escaliers, traverse des étranglements ...
published: 22 Dec 2022
Neuchâtel Switzerland, Old Town’s Mediterranean ambience, lakefront promenade, colourful market
Neuchâtel, enjoy the Old Town’s Mediterranean ambience while strolling along the lakefront promenade or exploring the colourful market on Place des Halles.
Neuchâtel, enjoy the Old Town’s Mediterranean ambience while strolling along the lakefront promenade or exploring the colourful market on Place des Halles.
Location - Neuchâtel, Canton of Neuchâtel, Switzerland
Find more - https://www.myswitzerland.com/en-ch/destinations/neuchatel/
Music provided by Epidemic Sounds. Start your free trial here
Social Media
Instagram - https://www.instagram.com/janit_hewag/
Facebook - https://www.facebook.com/janit.hewag
Channel Playlists
Beautiful Destinations - https://youtube.com/playlist?list=PL6-fctzMINGxp8p7btU7z8e3tBBTUqc9p
Scenic Drives - https://youtube.com/playlist?list=PL6-fctzMINGxfovlqfjmzzK3fO9BVZD1F
Scenic Walks - https://youtube.com/playlist?list=PL6-fctzMINGzkPycOHz39qqYdqm7q4AbR
Alpine Passes - https://youtube.com/playlist?list=PL6-fctzMINGw4sqyOU6JOXXa_XyBB0kIn
Most Beautiful Villages - https://youtube.com/playlist?list=PL6-fctzMINGycpu7_wVwuk8k25jYh31ac
Music - Ambient sound
Support My Channel
Buy me a coffee - https://www.buymeacoffee.com/janit.hewag
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You may not copy, reproduce, distribute or publish any of the copyrighted content.
#neuchâtel #janithewag #beautifuldestinations
Neuchâtel, enjoy the Old Town’s Mediterranean ambience while strolling along the lakefront promenade or exploring the colourful market on Place des Halles.
Location - Neuchâtel, Canton of Neuchâtel, Switzerland
Find more - https://www.myswitzerland.com/en-ch/destinations/neuchatel/
Music provided by Epidemic Sounds. Start your free trial here
Social Media
Instagram - https://www.instagram.com/janit_hewag/
Facebook - https://www.facebook.com/janit.hewag
Channel Playlists
Beautiful Destinations - https://youtube.com/playlist?list=PL6-fctzMINGxp8p7btU7z8e3tBBTUqc9p
Scenic Drives - https://youtube.com/playlist?list=PL6-fctzMINGxfovlqfjmzzK3fO9BVZD1F
Scenic Walks - https://youtube.com/playlist?list=PL6-fctzMINGzkPycOHz39qqYdqm7q4AbR
Alpine Passes - https://youtube.com/playlist?list=PL6-fctzMINGw4sqyOU6JOXXa_XyBB0kIn
Most Beautiful Villages - https://youtube.com/playlist?list=PL6-fctzMINGycpu7_wVwuk8k25jYh31ac
Music - Ambient sound
Support My Channel
Buy me a coffee - https://www.buymeacoffee.com/janit.hewag
Paypal - https://www.paypal.com/myaccount/summary
You may not copy, reproduce, distribute or publish any of the copyrighted content.
#neuchâtel #janithewag #beautifuldestinations
- published: 13 Feb 2022
- views: 29526
Immersion dans le canton de Neuchâtel
Pour plus d'information :
Creux du Van : https://gmqr.ch/25lX4X
Luge d'été : https://gmqr.ch/FFIknQ
LA BMW SÉRIE 2 ACTIVE TOURER : https://gmqr.ch/facchinetti
Pour plus d'information :
Creux du Van : https://gmqr.ch/25lX4X
Luge d'été : https://gmqr.ch/FFIknQ
LA BMW SÉRIE 2 ACTIVE TOURER : https://gmqr.ch/facchinetti
LOISIRS.CH - vos loisirs & activités en 1 clic !
Site internet : https://www.loisirs.ch
Facebook : https://www.facebook.com/www.loisirs.ch
TikTok : https://www.tiktok.com/@loisirs.ch
Instagram : https://www.instagram.com/loisirs.ch
Twitter: https://twitter.com/LoisirsCh
Pour plus d'information :
Creux du Van : https://gmqr.ch/25lX4X
Luge d'été : https://gmqr.ch/FFIknQ
LA BMW SÉRIE 2 ACTIVE TOURER : https://gmqr.ch/facchinetti
LOISIRS.CH - vos loisirs & activités en 1 clic !
Site internet : https://www.loisirs.ch
Facebook : https://www.facebook.com/www.loisirs.ch
TikTok : https://www.tiktok.com/@loisirs.ch
Instagram : https://www.instagram.com/loisirs.ch
Twitter: https://twitter.com/LoisirsCh
- published: 12 May 2023
- views: 5535
Neuchâtel, quel sera votre prochain défi ? – Canton de Neuchâtel
Neuchâtel, canton industriel. Pionnier. Expert en miniaturisation et ultra basse consommation. Spécialiste des produits complexes, fiables et à haute valeur ajo...
Neuchâtel, canton industriel. Pionnier. Expert en miniaturisation et ultra basse consommation. Spécialiste des produits complexes, fiables et à haute valeur ajoutée. Neuchâtel, un canton suisse exportateur de richesses et d’innovation.
De nombreux produits vendus à travers le monde contiennent des composants à haute valeur ajoutées, pensés, développés et fabriqués dans le canton de Neuchâtel.
La précision et l’innovation provenant de son héritage horloger a permis l’émergence de savoir-faire uniques en Suisse et l’émergence d’un réseau dense de compétences dans les domaines de l’Advanced manufacturing, de la micromécanique et de la microtechnique dans un rayon de 30 km2.
Alors, quel sera votre prochain défi?
Neuchâtel, canton industriel. Pionnier. Expert en miniaturisation et ultra basse consommation. Spécialiste des produits complexes, fiables et à haute valeur ajoutée. Neuchâtel, un canton suisse exportateur de richesses et d’innovation.
De nombreux produits vendus à travers le monde contiennent des composants à haute valeur ajoutées, pensés, développés et fabriqués dans le canton de Neuchâtel.
La précision et l’innovation provenant de son héritage horloger a permis l’émergence de savoir-faire uniques en Suisse et l’émergence d’un réseau dense de compétences dans les domaines de l’Advanced manufacturing, de la micromécanique et de la microtechnique dans un rayon de 30 km2.
Alors, quel sera votre prochain défi?
- published: 02 May 2022
- views: 3745
Neuchâtel, un Canton à vivre
Vous arrive-t-il de rêver ?
De rêver à une terre de contrastes, où la nature a su être préservée ?
De rêver à un lieu avec une économie créative, où les possibi...
Vous arrive-t-il de rêver ?
De rêver à une terre de contrastes, où la nature a su être préservée ?
De rêver à un lieu avec une économie créative, où les possibilités de loisirs sont infinies ?
De rêver à une région au cadre de vie unique où tout est facilement accessible ?
Vous rêvez d’un tel endroit ? Pourtant vous y habitez déjà, ou vous y habiterez bientôt.
Neuchâtel, un canton à vivre !
Vous arrive-t-il de rêver ?
De rêver à une terre de contrastes, où la nature a su être préservée ?
De rêver à un lieu avec une économie créative, où les possibilités de loisirs sont infinies ?
De rêver à une région au cadre de vie unique où tout est facilement accessible ?
Vous rêvez d’un tel endroit ? Pourtant vous y habitez déjà, ou vous y habiterez bientôt.
Neuchâtel, un canton à vivre !
- published: 16 Sep 2022
- views: 3846
Vivre dans la Commune de Val-de-Travers, Canton de Neuchâtel, Suisse (français)
Et si l'envie vous venait de profiter quotidiennement des qualités naturelles de Val-de-Travers!
Plus d’informations sur nous :
Notre site Internet : https://...
Et si l'envie vous venait de profiter quotidiennement des qualités naturelles de Val-de-Travers!
Plus d’informations sur nous :
Notre site Internet : https://www.val-de-travers.ch/
Facebook : https://www.facebook.com/communevaldetravers
Instagram : https://www.instagram.com/commune_de_val_de_travers/
#valdetravers #nature #neuchatel #communevaldetravers #qualitesnaturelles
Et si l'envie vous venait de profiter quotidiennement des qualités naturelles de Val-de-Travers!
Plus d’informations sur nous :
Notre site Internet : https://www.val-de-travers.ch/
Facebook : https://www.facebook.com/communevaldetravers
Instagram : https://www.instagram.com/commune_de_val_de_travers/
#valdetravers #nature #neuchatel #communevaldetravers #qualitesnaturelles
- published: 08 Feb 2021
- views: 2052
120 secondes - Les impôts dans le canton de Neuchâtel
120 secondes - L'invité du jour : Jules Robert-Tissot, maître-assistant en macro-économie à l'Université de Neuchâtel, évoque la pression fiscale que subissent ...
120 secondes - L'invité du jour : Jules Robert-Tissot, maître-assistant en macro-économie à l'Université de Neuchâtel, évoque la pression fiscale que subissent les habitants de son canton, le plus fortement taxé de Suisse.
Retrouvez toutes les vidéos de 120 secondes sur : http://www.rts.ch/couleur3/programmes/120-secondes
120 secondes - L'invité du jour : Jules Robert-Tissot, maître-assistant en macro-économie à l'Université de Neuchâtel, évoque la pression fiscale que subissent les habitants de son canton, le plus fortement taxé de Suisse.
Retrouvez toutes les vidéos de 120 secondes sur : http://www.rts.ch/couleur3/programmes/120-secondes
- published: 24 May 2012
- views: 27307
Neuchâtel l Suisse
Neuchâtel est située sur la rive nord du lac du même nom. Sa vieille ville médiévale s'étend à partir du château de Neuchâtel, datant du XIIe siècle. À proximit...
Neuchâtel est située sur la rive nord du lac du même nom. Sa vieille ville médiévale s'étend à partir du château de Neuchâtel, datant du XIIe siècle. À proximité, la Collégiale est une église gothique édifiée à la même période. Dans le massif du Jura, à l'ouest de la ville, le Creux du Van est un canyon semblable à un amphithéâtre, offrant sentiers de randonnées et vue panoramique.
#Neuchâtel #Switzerland #Tourism #Suisse
Neuchâtel est située sur la rive nord du lac du même nom. Sa vieille ville médiévale s'étend à partir du château de Neuchâtel, datant du XIIe siècle. À proximité, la Collégiale est une église gothique édifiée à la même période. Dans le massif du Jura, à l'ouest de la ville, le Creux du Van est un canyon semblable à un amphithéâtre, offrant sentiers de randonnées et vue panoramique.
#Neuchâtel #Switzerland #Tourism #Suisse
- published: 11 Apr 2022
- views: 5647
CH Train ligne R22 : Nouvelle rame Stadler ABe 4/8 : La Chaux-de-Fonds - Les Ponts-de-Martel
rame automotrice
ABe 4/8
Tare 64 t
Poids en charge 81 t
transports publics Neuchâtélois
La Chaux-de-Fonds - Les Ponts-de-Martel
Canton de Neuc...
rame automotrice
ABe 4/8
Tare 64 t
Poids en charge 81 t
transports publics Neuchâtélois
La Chaux-de-Fonds - Les Ponts-de-Martel
Canton de Neuchâtel
Suisse / Schweiz / Switzerland
Ligne numéro 222 à voie métrique opérée par TransN en Autorail BDe 4/4 TransN et Automotrice ABe 4/8 (Transports publics neuchâtelois)
Mise en service 1889
Electrification 1950 en 1500 Volts continu
Pente max. 43.5 ‰
km 0.00 La Chaux-de-Fonds alt. 994 m
ligne CJ Chemin de fer du Jura vers Le Noirmont
ligne SBB / CFF vers Bienne
ligne BLS / TransN vers Neuchâtel
ligne TransN vers Le Locle
ligne SNCF vers Besançon (France)
km 0.67 Le Grenier
km 2.67 Le Reymond
point culminant alt. 1120 m
km 5.02 La Corbatière
km 7.60 La Sagne-Église
km 9.33 La Sagne alt. 1031 m
km 10.94 Les Coeudres-Est
km 11.89 Les Coeudres
km 13.23 Petit-Martel-Est
km 14.30 Petit-Martel
km 15.20 Le Stand
km 16.23 Les Ponts-de-Martel alt. 1009 m
Bus CarPostal Neuchâtel–Le Locle
hMusic Info: Epitaph - Audioknap.
Music Link: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=LMTftEixYUY&t=0s
rame automotrice
ABe 4/8
Tare 64 t
Poids en charge 81 t
transports publics Neuchâtélois
La Chaux-de-Fonds - Les Ponts-de-Martel
Canton de Neuchâtel
Suisse / Schweiz / Switzerland
Ligne numéro 222 à voie métrique opérée par TransN en Autorail BDe 4/4 TransN et Automotrice ABe 4/8 (Transports publics neuchâtelois)
Mise en service 1889
Electrification 1950 en 1500 Volts continu
Pente max. 43.5 ‰
km 0.00 La Chaux-de-Fonds alt. 994 m
ligne CJ Chemin de fer du Jura vers Le Noirmont
ligne SBB / CFF vers Bienne
ligne BLS / TransN vers Neuchâtel
ligne TransN vers Le Locle
ligne SNCF vers Besançon (France)
km 0.67 Le Grenier
km 2.67 Le Reymond
point culminant alt. 1120 m
km 5.02 La Corbatière
km 7.60 La Sagne-Église
km 9.33 La Sagne alt. 1031 m
km 10.94 Les Coeudres-Est
km 11.89 Les Coeudres
km 13.23 Petit-Martel-Est
km 14.30 Petit-Martel
km 15.20 Le Stand
km 16.23 Les Ponts-de-Martel alt. 1009 m
Bus CarPostal Neuchâtel–Le Locle
hMusic Info: Epitaph - Audioknap.
Music Link: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=LMTftEixYUY&t=0s
- published: 29 Feb 2024
- views: 158
Visit around Neuchâtel / Neuchâtel et environs / drone 4K / 纳沙泰尔 - 納沙泰爾 - ヌーシャテル - 뉴샤텔
Suisse romande / Schweiz / Switzerland
Grand Tour of Switzerland
スイス - 瑞士 - 瑞士环游之路概况 - 스위스 그랜드 투어 정보
Le chasseron est un sommet du massif du Jura situé ...
Suisse romande / Schweiz / Switzerland
Grand Tour of Switzerland
スイス - 瑞士 - 瑞士环游之路概况 - 스위스 그랜드 투어 정보
Le chasseron est un sommet du massif du Jura situé dans le canton de Vaud, en Suisse, et culminant à 1 607 m d'altitude. Il se classe en troisième position des sommets suisses jurassiens juste avant le Chasseral situé à 50 km au nord-est et plus bas de seulement 40 cm.
Le Creux-du-Van est un cirque rocheux d'environ 1 400 mètres de large pour 200 mètres de hauteur.
Les gorges de l’Areuse, longues de 11 km, situées entre Noiraigue et Boudry dans le canton de Neuchâtel. Un magnifique sentier de randonnée longe le lit de la rivière, par endroits tranquille et à d’autres tumultueuse. Le sentier emprunte des ponts de pierre, des passerelles et des escaliers, traverse des étranglements rocheux et longe des parois rocheuses remarquablement abruptes.
La Chaux-de-Fonds est située à environ 70 km au nord-ouest de Berne dans le massif du Jura, à 10 km de la frontière avec la France et depuis juin 2009, inscrite avec sa voisine Le Locle au patrimoine mondial de l'UNESCO pour son « urbanisme horloger » qui reflète les besoins particuliers d'une activité mono-industrielle, entremêlant habitat et ateliers.
Le Lac de Brenet, d'une longueur d'environ 1,5 km pour une largeur de 500 m, sa profondeur maximale de 18 m, sa superficie de 0,96 km2 et son altitude de 1 002 m.
Le Saut du Doubs est une chute de 27 mètres de hauteur sur le Doubs située sur la frontière franco-suisse, et pour partie dans la commune de Villers-le-Lac côté français, pour partie dans celle du Locle côté suisse.
Neuchâtel est une ville de Suisse, capitale du canton de Neuchâtel et de l'ancien district de Neuchâtel. Située dans la région Littoral au bord du lac de Neuchâtel, sur le flanc sud du massif du Jura, elle fait face à la chaîne des Alpes.
Val-de-Travers a été créée à la suite de la fusion de neuf anciennes communes : Boveresse, Buttes, Couvet, Fleurier, Les Bayards, Môtiers, Noiraigue, Saint-Sulpice et Travers.
Territoire transfrontalier, Le Pays de l’Absinthe réunit le Val-de-Travers (Suisse) et la région de Pontarlier (France) autour d’un patrimoine commun qu’est l’absinthe.
Der Chasseron ist ein Gipfel des Juramassivs im Kanton Waadt, Schweiz, und gipfelt auf 1607 m ü. Er ist der dritte unter den Schweizer Juragipfeln kurz vor dem 50 km nordöstlich gelegenen und nur 40 cm niedrigeren Chasseral.
Der Creux-du-Van ist ein rund 1.400 Meter breiter und 200 Meter hoher Felskessel.
Die 11 km lange Areuse-Schlucht liegt zwischen Noiraigue und Boudry im Kanton Neuenburg. Entlang des Flussbettes verläuft ein schöner Wanderweg, mal ruhig, mal turbulent. Der Weg überquert Steinbrücken, Stege und Treppen, durchquert felsige Verengungen und führt an bemerkenswert steilen Felswänden vorbei.
La Chaux-de-Fonds liegt etwa 70 km nordwestlich von Bern im Juramassiv, 10 km von der Grenze zu Frankreich entfernt und ist seit Juni 2009 zusammen mit seinem Nachbarn Le Locle als Weltkulturerbe der UNESCO für seine „Uhrenstadtplanung“ gelistet ", das die besonderen Bedürfnisse einer monoindustriellen Tätigkeit widerspiegelt, die Wohnungen und Werkstätten vermischt.
Der Lac de Brenet, etwa 1,5 km lang und 500 m breit, hat eine maximale Tiefe von 18 m, eine Fläche von 0,96 km2 und eine Höhe von 1.002 m.
Der Saut du Doubs ist ein 27 Meter hoher Wasserfall am Doubs an der französisch-schweizerischen Grenze und teilweise in der Stadt Villers-le-Lac auf französischer Seite, teilweise in der Stadt Le Locle auf Schweizer Seite.
Neuchâtel ist eine Stadt in der Schweiz, Hauptstadt des Kantons Neuchâtel und des ehemaligen Bezirks Neuchâtel. Es liegt in der Küstenregion am Ufer des Neuenburgersees, an der Südflanke des Juramassivs, gegenüber der Alpenkette.
Das Val-de-Travers entstand durch den Zusammenschluss von neun ehemaligen Gemeinden: Boveresse, Buttes, Couvet, Fleurier, Les Bayards, Môtiers, Noiraigue, Saint-Sulpice und Travers.
Als grenzüberschreitendes Gebiet vereint Le Pays de l’Absinthe das Val-de-Travers (Schweiz) und die Region Pontarlier (Frankreich) um ein gemeinsames Erbe, das Absinth.
Images capturées avec une GoPro ou par drone (masse 250gr)
"Epic Hip Hop Trailer" is 100% no copyright royalty free cinematic track!
Get UNLIMITED Downloads (WAV+Licence) to my WHOLE LIBRARY: https://inaudio.org/
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Suisse romande / Schweiz / Switzerland
Grand Tour of Switzerland
スイス - 瑞士 - 瑞士环游之路概况 - 스위스 그랜드 투어 정보
Le chasseron est un sommet du massif du Jura situé dans le canton de Vaud, en Suisse, et culminant à 1 607 m d'altitude. Il se classe en troisième position des sommets suisses jurassiens juste avant le Chasseral situé à 50 km au nord-est et plus bas de seulement 40 cm.
Le Creux-du-Van est un cirque rocheux d'environ 1 400 mètres de large pour 200 mètres de hauteur.
Les gorges de l’Areuse, longues de 11 km, situées entre Noiraigue et Boudry dans le canton de Neuchâtel. Un magnifique sentier de randonnée longe le lit de la rivière, par endroits tranquille et à d’autres tumultueuse. Le sentier emprunte des ponts de pierre, des passerelles et des escaliers, traverse des étranglements rocheux et longe des parois rocheuses remarquablement abruptes.
La Chaux-de-Fonds est située à environ 70 km au nord-ouest de Berne dans le massif du Jura, à 10 km de la frontière avec la France et depuis juin 2009, inscrite avec sa voisine Le Locle au patrimoine mondial de l'UNESCO pour son « urbanisme horloger » qui reflète les besoins particuliers d'une activité mono-industrielle, entremêlant habitat et ateliers.
Le Lac de Brenet, d'une longueur d'environ 1,5 km pour une largeur de 500 m, sa profondeur maximale de 18 m, sa superficie de 0,96 km2 et son altitude de 1 002 m.
Le Saut du Doubs est une chute de 27 mètres de hauteur sur le Doubs située sur la frontière franco-suisse, et pour partie dans la commune de Villers-le-Lac côté français, pour partie dans celle du Locle côté suisse.
Neuchâtel est une ville de Suisse, capitale du canton de Neuchâtel et de l'ancien district de Neuchâtel. Située dans la région Littoral au bord du lac de Neuchâtel, sur le flanc sud du massif du Jura, elle fait face à la chaîne des Alpes.
Val-de-Travers a été créée à la suite de la fusion de neuf anciennes communes : Boveresse, Buttes, Couvet, Fleurier, Les Bayards, Môtiers, Noiraigue, Saint-Sulpice et Travers.
Territoire transfrontalier, Le Pays de l’Absinthe réunit le Val-de-Travers (Suisse) et la région de Pontarlier (France) autour d’un patrimoine commun qu’est l’absinthe.
Der Chasseron ist ein Gipfel des Juramassivs im Kanton Waadt, Schweiz, und gipfelt auf 1607 m ü. Er ist der dritte unter den Schweizer Juragipfeln kurz vor dem 50 km nordöstlich gelegenen und nur 40 cm niedrigeren Chasseral.
Der Creux-du-Van ist ein rund 1.400 Meter breiter und 200 Meter hoher Felskessel.
Die 11 km lange Areuse-Schlucht liegt zwischen Noiraigue und Boudry im Kanton Neuenburg. Entlang des Flussbettes verläuft ein schöner Wanderweg, mal ruhig, mal turbulent. Der Weg überquert Steinbrücken, Stege und Treppen, durchquert felsige Verengungen und führt an bemerkenswert steilen Felswänden vorbei.
La Chaux-de-Fonds liegt etwa 70 km nordwestlich von Bern im Juramassiv, 10 km von der Grenze zu Frankreich entfernt und ist seit Juni 2009 zusammen mit seinem Nachbarn Le Locle als Weltkulturerbe der UNESCO für seine „Uhrenstadtplanung“ gelistet ", das die besonderen Bedürfnisse einer monoindustriellen Tätigkeit widerspiegelt, die Wohnungen und Werkstätten vermischt.
Der Lac de Brenet, etwa 1,5 km lang und 500 m breit, hat eine maximale Tiefe von 18 m, eine Fläche von 0,96 km2 und eine Höhe von 1.002 m.
Der Saut du Doubs ist ein 27 Meter hoher Wasserfall am Doubs an der französisch-schweizerischen Grenze und teilweise in der Stadt Villers-le-Lac auf französischer Seite, teilweise in der Stadt Le Locle auf Schweizer Seite.
Neuchâtel ist eine Stadt in der Schweiz, Hauptstadt des Kantons Neuchâtel und des ehemaligen Bezirks Neuchâtel. Es liegt in der Küstenregion am Ufer des Neuenburgersees, an der Südflanke des Juramassivs, gegenüber der Alpenkette.
Das Val-de-Travers entstand durch den Zusammenschluss von neun ehemaligen Gemeinden: Boveresse, Buttes, Couvet, Fleurier, Les Bayards, Môtiers, Noiraigue, Saint-Sulpice und Travers.
Als grenzüberschreitendes Gebiet vereint Le Pays de l’Absinthe das Val-de-Travers (Schweiz) und die Region Pontarlier (Frankreich) um ein gemeinsames Erbe, das Absinth.
Images capturées avec une GoPro ou par drone (masse 250gr)
"Epic Hip Hop Trailer" is 100% no copyright royalty free cinematic track!
Get UNLIMITED Downloads (WAV+Licence) to my WHOLE LIBRARY: https://inaudio.org/
This track: https://inaudio.org/track/stronger/
- published: 22 Dec 2022
- views: 469
Neuchâtel: Unique City in Switzerland - Mediterranean Vibes [Travel Guide]
Neuchâtel (Neuenburg) is considered to be one of Switzerland most beautiful cities. It lays in the French speaking part of Switzerland and enchants with its visitors with its happy vibes. The city is very vibrant, many people love to stroll through the various streets and alleys, do shopping or go for sightseeing. The city is full of limestone houses, which are very characteristic for Neuchâtel, rendering this city very distinct from the others of Switzerland. A must-see are the castle and the church on the hill in the middle of the city. They are considered historic landmarks from the days when Neuchâtel still followed a royal system being under French or Prussian rule. The church’s interior is very beautiful, especially with the ceiling. Neuchâtel has a beautiful lake promenade. Point of...
published: 14 Oct 2022
The history and identity of Neuchâtel
On the sidelines of Neuchâtel's millennium celebrations, swissinfo.ch considers the history, geology and culture of the yellow limestone that is part of the city's identity. (Bernard Léchot, swissinfo.ch)
published: 15 Apr 2011
Neuchâtel l Suisse
Neuchâtel est située sur la rive nord du lac du même nom. Sa vieille ville médiévale s'étend à partir du château de Neuchâtel, datant du XIIe siècle. À proximité, la Collégiale est une église gothique édifiée à la même période. Dans le massif du Jura, à l'ouest de la ville, le Creux du Van est un canyon semblable à un amphithéâtre, offrant sentiers de randonnées et vue panoramique.
#Neuchâtel #Switzerland #Tourism #Suisse
published: 11 Apr 2022
Walking Tour Neuchâtel Switzerland 4K
Walking Tour Neuchâtel Switzerland 4K
Neuchâtel is the capital of the Swiss canton of Neuchâtel, situated on the shoreline of Lake Neuchâtel. Since the fusion in 2021 of the municipalities of Neuchâtel, Corcelles-Cormondrèche, Peseux, and Valangin, the city has approximately 45,000 inhabitants (80,000 in the metropolitan area). The city is sometimes referred to historically by the German name Neuenburg; both the French and German names mean "New Castle". It was originally part of the Kingdom of Burgundy, then part of the Holy Roman Empire and later under Prussian control from 1707 until 1848, with an interruption during the Napoleonic Wars from 1802 to 1814. In 1848, Neuchâtel became a republic and a canton of Switzerland.
Neuchâtel is a centre of the Swiss watch industry, the site of m...
published: 09 Feb 2023
Small, but wonderful: 7 Facts about Neuchâtel
A special thanks goes to Gabriel Frund, who helped me out with the research for this video.
Please consider supporting this channel via Patreon, by accessing the link bellow. Your help is greatly appreciated. Thank you!
Social Media:
More information about the video content bellow:
1. The Republic and Canton of Neuchâtel is a French-speaking canton in western Switzerland.
2. The Principality of Neuchatel, known as Neuenberg in German, was a state of the Holy Roman Empire and an associate of the Swiss Confederation from 1034 to 1848. The county became a possession of Friedrich I o...
published: 04 Aug 2019
SWITZERLAND DAY TRIPS: Neuchatel Travel Guide | Exploring the Castle + Switzerland's BIGGEST LAKE!
Hey Guys! In this edition of Switzerland Day Trips we are going to show you what to do and what to see in a day in Neuchâtel. A city in western Switzerland, easily accessible from Geneva or Bern! (Zurich, too!) The city’s name means “new castle” so of course, we’ll be exploring the castle, checking out the old town, and seeing the LARGEST LAKE IN SWITZERLAND! Surprised? Watch to find out more!
Time codes:
00:15 - Lake Neuchâtel
1:48 - Old Town
3:07 - Castle
5:05 - Neuchâtel Harbor
Bienvenue & Willkommen! We are Lex & Louis - and together we are The Traveling Swiss. We're an international couple (USA + Switzerland) who have recently moved from NYC to Switzerland. Come travel with us - we'll give you tips and guides, and hopefully have a...
published: 23 Jul 2020
Neuchâtel Switzerland, Old Town’s Mediterranean ambience, lakefront promenade, colourful market
Neuchâtel, enjoy the Old Town’s Mediterranean ambience while strolling along the lakefront promenade or exploring the colourful market on Place des Halles.
Location - Neuchâtel, Canton of Neuchâtel, Switzerland
Find more - https://www.myswitzerland.com/en-ch/destinations/neuchatel/
Music provided by Epidemic Sounds. Start your free trial here
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Beautiful Destinations - https://youtube.com/playlist?list=PL6-fctzMINGxp8p7btU7z8e3tBBTUqc9p
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Alpine Pa...
published: 13 Feb 2022
Discovering Neuchâtel, Switzerland || walking tour || 4K
Neuchâtel, a lovely Swiss city, sits by Lake Neuchâtel. Its old town, with charming medieval streets and colorful buildings, is a must-see. You can enjoy water activities on the lake and explore museums like the Laténium Archaeology Museum. Neuchâtel is famous for making watches, and you can visit watchmaking workshops and museums to learn about this craft. It's also a hub for education, thanks to the University of Neuchâtel. If you love nature, the nearby Jura Mountains offer hiking and outdoor fun. The city mainly speaks French, and its mix of history, culture, and beautiful landscapes make it a wonderful place to visit or live.
#switzerland #Neuchâtel #suisse
published: 21 Sep 2023
Que faire à Neuchâtel ?
Que faire à Neuchâtel ?
Comment découvrir Neuchâtel dans ce reportage de 7 minutes,
Vous pourrez voir la ville de Neuchâtel, avec le lac naturel de Neuchâtel, sa vieille ville médiévale, son château, l’architecture, son histoire, ses statues, la basilique notre dame de l’assomption, le quai du port de Neuchâtel, le collégiale, et pleins d’autres choses.
Ce reportage a été filmé en 4K en 2021 avec une Gopro 8.
Que faire à Neuchâtel ?
Abonnez-vous et activez les notifications (icône en forme de cloche) pour découvrir de nouvelles vidéos Youtube https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCBRYUQoN55eA6dw713q3lRA?sub_confirmation=1
Que faire à Neuchâtel ?
Autres reportages sur la Suisse :
La ville de Montreux
La ville de Genève
published: 06 Nov 2021
Welcome to the University of Neuchâtel
Looking for a close-knit university, where students are more than just numbers? One offering not just Bachelor’s programmes, but highly specialised Master’s degrees? One in a stunning lakefront setting, framed by mountains beyond? Welcome to UniNE, the University of Neuchâtel!
published: 22 May 2018
Neuchâtel: Unique City in Switzerland - Mediterranean Vibes [Travel Guide]
Neuchâtel (Neuenburg) is considered to be one of Switzerland most beautiful cities. It lays in the French speaking part of Switzerland and enchants with its vis...
Neuchâtel (Neuenburg) is considered to be one of Switzerland most beautiful cities. It lays in the French speaking part of Switzerland and enchants with its visitors with its happy vibes. The city is very vibrant, many people love to stroll through the various streets and alleys, do shopping or go for sightseeing. The city is full of limestone houses, which are very characteristic for Neuchâtel, rendering this city very distinct from the others of Switzerland. A must-see are the castle and the church on the hill in the middle of the city. They are considered historic landmarks from the days when Neuchâtel still followed a royal system being under French or Prussian rule. The church’s interior is very beautiful, especially with the ceiling. Neuchâtel has a beautiful lake promenade. Point of interest are Beau Rivage and the docks with the many boats. During Summer you even can go for swimming.
Neuchâtel is best to be reached by train, although arrival by car is possible. The train station is about 15 minutes from the city centre by walk, but you may take a shortcut by bus. Neuchâtel and the entire canton are great for cheap vacations as they have some attractive budget travelers offers. If you stay in any hotel in the canton, you get a booklet full of vouchers that provide you free public transportation and entry to the museums during the date of validity. It is valid for 1 day if you stay for 1 night, otherwise as many days as nights that you booked. All in all, Neuchâtel is a wonderful Swiss city, underrated but among the most beautiful ones!
Information about the local tourism:
Music by Epidemic Sound
Equipment: Sony α6500, GoPro Hero 8 Black, DJI Mavic Air, DJI Mavic 2 Pro
Special thanks to Hanafi
This Video contains NO sponsored content
Neuchâtel (Neuenburg) is considered to be one of Switzerland most beautiful cities. It lays in the French speaking part of Switzerland and enchants with its visitors with its happy vibes. The city is very vibrant, many people love to stroll through the various streets and alleys, do shopping or go for sightseeing. The city is full of limestone houses, which are very characteristic for Neuchâtel, rendering this city very distinct from the others of Switzerland. A must-see are the castle and the church on the hill in the middle of the city. They are considered historic landmarks from the days when Neuchâtel still followed a royal system being under French or Prussian rule. The church’s interior is very beautiful, especially with the ceiling. Neuchâtel has a beautiful lake promenade. Point of interest are Beau Rivage and the docks with the many boats. During Summer you even can go for swimming.
Neuchâtel is best to be reached by train, although arrival by car is possible. The train station is about 15 minutes from the city centre by walk, but you may take a shortcut by bus. Neuchâtel and the entire canton are great for cheap vacations as they have some attractive budget travelers offers. If you stay in any hotel in the canton, you get a booklet full of vouchers that provide you free public transportation and entry to the museums during the date of validity. It is valid for 1 day if you stay for 1 night, otherwise as many days as nights that you booked. All in all, Neuchâtel is a wonderful Swiss city, underrated but among the most beautiful ones!
Information about the local tourism:
Music by Epidemic Sound
Equipment: Sony α6500, GoPro Hero 8 Black, DJI Mavic Air, DJI Mavic 2 Pro
Special thanks to Hanafi
This Video contains NO sponsored content
- published: 14 Oct 2022
- views: 26928
The history and identity of Neuchâtel
On the sidelines of Neuchâtel's millennium celebrations, swissinfo.ch considers the history, geology and culture of the yellow limestone that is part of the cit...
On the sidelines of Neuchâtel's millennium celebrations, swissinfo.ch considers the history, geology and culture of the yellow limestone that is part of the city's identity. (Bernard Léchot, swissinfo.ch)
On the sidelines of Neuchâtel's millennium celebrations, swissinfo.ch considers the history, geology and culture of the yellow limestone that is part of the city's identity. (Bernard Léchot, swissinfo.ch)
- published: 15 Apr 2011
- views: 5348
Neuchâtel l Suisse
Neuchâtel est située sur la rive nord du lac du même nom. Sa vieille ville médiévale s'étend à partir du château de Neuchâtel, datant du XIIe siècle. À proximit...
Neuchâtel est située sur la rive nord du lac du même nom. Sa vieille ville médiévale s'étend à partir du château de Neuchâtel, datant du XIIe siècle. À proximité, la Collégiale est une église gothique édifiée à la même période. Dans le massif du Jura, à l'ouest de la ville, le Creux du Van est un canyon semblable à un amphithéâtre, offrant sentiers de randonnées et vue panoramique.
#Neuchâtel #Switzerland #Tourism #Suisse
Neuchâtel est située sur la rive nord du lac du même nom. Sa vieille ville médiévale s'étend à partir du château de Neuchâtel, datant du XIIe siècle. À proximité, la Collégiale est une église gothique édifiée à la même période. Dans le massif du Jura, à l'ouest de la ville, le Creux du Van est un canyon semblable à un amphithéâtre, offrant sentiers de randonnées et vue panoramique.
#Neuchâtel #Switzerland #Tourism #Suisse
- published: 11 Apr 2022
- views: 5647
Walking Tour Neuchâtel Switzerland 4K
Walking Tour Neuchâtel Switzerland 4K
Neuchâtel is the capital of the Swiss canton of Neuchâtel, situated on the shoreline of Lake Neuchâtel. Since the fusion...
Walking Tour Neuchâtel Switzerland 4K
Neuchâtel is the capital of the Swiss canton of Neuchâtel, situated on the shoreline of Lake Neuchâtel. Since the fusion in 2021 of the municipalities of Neuchâtel, Corcelles-Cormondrèche, Peseux, and Valangin, the city has approximately 45,000 inhabitants (80,000 in the metropolitan area). The city is sometimes referred to historically by the German name Neuenburg; both the French and German names mean "New Castle". It was originally part of the Kingdom of Burgundy, then part of the Holy Roman Empire and later under Prussian control from 1707 until 1848, with an interruption during the Napoleonic Wars from 1802 to 1814. In 1848, Neuchâtel became a republic and a canton of Switzerland.
Neuchâtel is a centre of the Swiss watch industry, the site of micro-technology and high-tech industries, and home to research centres and organizations such as the Swiss Center for Electronics and Microtechnology (CSEM), and Philip Morris International's Cube. The apparel company heidi.com established its headquarters in the city.
The official language of Neuchâtel is French. Neuchâtel is a pilot of the Council of Europe and the European Commission Intercultural Cities programme.
#neuchatel #switzerland #swiss #walkingtour #travel #trip #travelwithcata
Walking Tour Neuchâtel Switzerland 4K
Neuchâtel is the capital of the Swiss canton of Neuchâtel, situated on the shoreline of Lake Neuchâtel. Since the fusion in 2021 of the municipalities of Neuchâtel, Corcelles-Cormondrèche, Peseux, and Valangin, the city has approximately 45,000 inhabitants (80,000 in the metropolitan area). The city is sometimes referred to historically by the German name Neuenburg; both the French and German names mean "New Castle". It was originally part of the Kingdom of Burgundy, then part of the Holy Roman Empire and later under Prussian control from 1707 until 1848, with an interruption during the Napoleonic Wars from 1802 to 1814. In 1848, Neuchâtel became a republic and a canton of Switzerland.
Neuchâtel is a centre of the Swiss watch industry, the site of micro-technology and high-tech industries, and home to research centres and organizations such as the Swiss Center for Electronics and Microtechnology (CSEM), and Philip Morris International's Cube. The apparel company heidi.com established its headquarters in the city.
The official language of Neuchâtel is French. Neuchâtel is a pilot of the Council of Europe and the European Commission Intercultural Cities programme.
#neuchatel #switzerland #swiss #walkingtour #travel #trip #travelwithcata
- published: 09 Feb 2023
- views: 2129
Small, but wonderful: 7 Facts about Neuchâtel
A special thanks goes to Gabriel Frund, who helped me out with the research for this video.
Please con...
A special thanks goes to Gabriel Frund, who helped me out with the research for this video.
Please consider supporting this channel via Patreon, by accessing the link bellow. Your help is greatly appreciated. Thank you!
Social Media:
More information about the video content bellow:
1. The Republic and Canton of Neuchâtel is a French-speaking canton in western Switzerland.
2. The Principality of Neuchatel, known as Neuenberg in German, was a state of the Holy Roman Empire and an associate of the Swiss Confederation from 1034 to 1848. The county became a possession of Friedrich I of Prussia in 1707 by virtue of his maternal ties to the House of Orange-Nassau, leading to Neuchatel entering a personal union with Prussia and the House of Hohenzollern. On 1 March 1848, it seceded from Prussia to become the "Republic of Neuchatel", and it defended itself from counter-revolution. The republic joined the Swiss federation that same year, and Friedrich Wilhelm IV of Prussia equitably relinquished his claims on the area in 1857.
3. Neuchâtel is a town, a municipality, and the capital of the Swiss canton of Neuchâtel on Lake Neuchâtel. Neuchâtel's Old Town is attractive, with about 140 street fountains, a handful of which date from the 16th century.
4. La Brévine is a municipality in the district of Le Locle in the canton of Neuchâtel in Switzerland. The village's microclimate is often much colder than other nearby locations. On 12 January 1987, the local weather station recorded a temperature of −41.8 °C (−43.2 °F), the coldest ever recorded in Switzerland.
5. The watch making cities of La Chaux-de-Fonds and Le Locle have jointly received recognition from UNESCO for their exceptional universal value. Rebuilt in the early 19th Century, after extensive fires, both towns owe their survival to the manufacturing and exports of watches, to which, in the 20th Century, was added the minute micromechanical industry. Le Corbusier was born here.
6. Absinthe originated in the canton of Neuchâtel in Switzerland in the late 18th century. It rose to great popularity as an alcoholic drink in late 19th- and early 20th-century France, particularly among Parisian artists and writers. The consumption of absinthe was opposed by social conservatives and prohibitionists, partly due to its association with bohemian culture. Absinthe has often been portrayed as a dangerously addictive psychoactive drug and hallucinogen. The chemical compound thujone, which is present in the spirit in trace amounts, was blamed for its alleged harmful effects. By 1915, absinthe had been banned in the United States and in much of Europe, including France, the Netherlands, Belgium, Switzerland, and Austria–Hungary, yet it has not been demonstrated to be any more dangerous than ordinary spirits. Recent studies have shown that absinthe's psychoactive properties have been exaggerated, apart from that of the alcohol.
7. The La Tène culture was a European Iron Age culture. It is named after the type site of La Tène on the north side of Lake Neuchâtel in Switzerland, where thousands of objects had been deposited in the lake, as was discovered after the water level dropped in 1857.
More Info:
Teknoaxe - Aerobatics in Slow Motion
Download Music: http://teknoaxe.com/Link_Code_3.php?q=1496
By MadGeographer - Own work, Public Domain, https://commons.wikimedia.org/w/index.php?curid=6288044
By Eric Litton - Own work, CC BY-SA 2.5, https://commons.wikimedia.org/w/index.php?curid=678224
By CeStu - Own work, CC BY 3.0, https://commons.wikimedia.org/w/index.php?curid=15262686
By Roland Zumbuehl - Own work, CC BY 3.0, https://commons.wikimedia.org/w/index.php?curid=20236464
Di Martouf - Opera propria, CC0, https://commons.wikimedia.org/w/index.php?curid=16285377
Di Martouf - Opera propria, CC0, https://commons.wikimedia.org/w/index.php?curid=16284398
Intro Creator:
Pushed to Insanity
A special thanks goes to Gabriel Frund, who helped me out with the research for this video.
Please consider supporting this channel via Patreon, by accessing the link bellow. Your help is greatly appreciated. Thank you!
Social Media:
More information about the video content bellow:
1. The Republic and Canton of Neuchâtel is a French-speaking canton in western Switzerland.
2. The Principality of Neuchatel, known as Neuenberg in German, was a state of the Holy Roman Empire and an associate of the Swiss Confederation from 1034 to 1848. The county became a possession of Friedrich I of Prussia in 1707 by virtue of his maternal ties to the House of Orange-Nassau, leading to Neuchatel entering a personal union with Prussia and the House of Hohenzollern. On 1 March 1848, it seceded from Prussia to become the "Republic of Neuchatel", and it defended itself from counter-revolution. The republic joined the Swiss federation that same year, and Friedrich Wilhelm IV of Prussia equitably relinquished his claims on the area in 1857.
3. Neuchâtel is a town, a municipality, and the capital of the Swiss canton of Neuchâtel on Lake Neuchâtel. Neuchâtel's Old Town is attractive, with about 140 street fountains, a handful of which date from the 16th century.
4. La Brévine is a municipality in the district of Le Locle in the canton of Neuchâtel in Switzerland. The village's microclimate is often much colder than other nearby locations. On 12 January 1987, the local weather station recorded a temperature of −41.8 °C (−43.2 °F), the coldest ever recorded in Switzerland.
5. The watch making cities of La Chaux-de-Fonds and Le Locle have jointly received recognition from UNESCO for their exceptional universal value. Rebuilt in the early 19th Century, after extensive fires, both towns owe their survival to the manufacturing and exports of watches, to which, in the 20th Century, was added the minute micromechanical industry. Le Corbusier was born here.
6. Absinthe originated in the canton of Neuchâtel in Switzerland in the late 18th century. It rose to great popularity as an alcoholic drink in late 19th- and early 20th-century France, particularly among Parisian artists and writers. The consumption of absinthe was opposed by social conservatives and prohibitionists, partly due to its association with bohemian culture. Absinthe has often been portrayed as a dangerously addictive psychoactive drug and hallucinogen. The chemical compound thujone, which is present in the spirit in trace amounts, was blamed for its alleged harmful effects. By 1915, absinthe had been banned in the United States and in much of Europe, including France, the Netherlands, Belgium, Switzerland, and Austria–Hungary, yet it has not been demonstrated to be any more dangerous than ordinary spirits. Recent studies have shown that absinthe's psychoactive properties have been exaggerated, apart from that of the alcohol.
7. The La Tène culture was a European Iron Age culture. It is named after the type site of La Tène on the north side of Lake Neuchâtel in Switzerland, where thousands of objects had been deposited in the lake, as was discovered after the water level dropped in 1857.
More Info:
Teknoaxe - Aerobatics in Slow Motion
Download Music: http://teknoaxe.com/Link_Code_3.php?q=1496
By MadGeographer - Own work, Public Domain, https://commons.wikimedia.org/w/index.php?curid=6288044
By Eric Litton - Own work, CC BY-SA 2.5, https://commons.wikimedia.org/w/index.php?curid=678224
By CeStu - Own work, CC BY 3.0, https://commons.wikimedia.org/w/index.php?curid=15262686
By Roland Zumbuehl - Own work, CC BY 3.0, https://commons.wikimedia.org/w/index.php?curid=20236464
Di Martouf - Opera propria, CC0, https://commons.wikimedia.org/w/index.php?curid=16285377
Di Martouf - Opera propria, CC0, https://commons.wikimedia.org/w/index.php?curid=16284398
Intro Creator:
Pushed to Insanity
- published: 04 Aug 2019
- views: 4507
SWITZERLAND DAY TRIPS: Neuchatel Travel Guide | Exploring the Castle + Switzerland's BIGGEST LAKE!
Hey Guys! In this edition of Switzerland Day Trips we are going to show you what to do and what to see in a day in Neuchâtel. A city in western Switzerland, eas...
Hey Guys! In this edition of Switzerland Day Trips we are going to show you what to do and what to see in a day in Neuchâtel. A city in western Switzerland, easily accessible from Geneva or Bern! (Zurich, too!) The city’s name means “new castle” so of course, we’ll be exploring the castle, checking out the old town, and seeing the LARGEST LAKE IN SWITZERLAND! Surprised? Watch to find out more!
Time codes:
00:15 - Lake Neuchâtel
1:48 - Old Town
3:07 - Castle
5:05 - Neuchâtel Harbor
Bienvenue & Willkommen! We are Lex & Louis - and together we are The Traveling Swiss. We're an international couple (USA + Switzerland) who have recently moved from NYC to Switzerland. Come travel with us - we'll give you tips and guides, and hopefully have a few laughs along the way. Our goal is to show you that borders are meant to be crossed!
Keep up with us!
→ Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/thetravelingswiss
→ Email:
[email protected]
This channel is a labor of love, if you enjoyed the video please make sure to subscribe!
xx Lex & Louis
Hey Guys! In this edition of Switzerland Day Trips we are going to show you what to do and what to see in a day in Neuchâtel. A city in western Switzerland, easily accessible from Geneva or Bern! (Zurich, too!) The city’s name means “new castle” so of course, we’ll be exploring the castle, checking out the old town, and seeing the LARGEST LAKE IN SWITZERLAND! Surprised? Watch to find out more!
Time codes:
00:15 - Lake Neuchâtel
1:48 - Old Town
3:07 - Castle
5:05 - Neuchâtel Harbor
Bienvenue & Willkommen! We are Lex & Louis - and together we are The Traveling Swiss. We're an international couple (USA + Switzerland) who have recently moved from NYC to Switzerland. Come travel with us - we'll give you tips and guides, and hopefully have a few laughs along the way. Our goal is to show you that borders are meant to be crossed!
Keep up with us!
→ Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/thetravelingswiss
→ Email:
[email protected]
This channel is a labor of love, if you enjoyed the video please make sure to subscribe!
xx Lex & Louis
- published: 23 Jul 2020
- views: 15271
Neuchâtel Switzerland, Old Town’s Mediterranean ambience, lakefront promenade, colourful market
Neuchâtel, enjoy the Old Town’s Mediterranean ambience while strolling along the lakefront promenade or exploring the colourful market on Place des Halles.
Neuchâtel, enjoy the Old Town’s Mediterranean ambience while strolling along the lakefront promenade or exploring the colourful market on Place des Halles.
Location - Neuchâtel, Canton of Neuchâtel, Switzerland
Find more - https://www.myswitzerland.com/en-ch/destinations/neuchatel/
Music provided by Epidemic Sounds. Start your free trial here
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Scenic Walks - https://youtube.com/playlist?list=PL6-fctzMINGzkPycOHz39qqYdqm7q4AbR
Alpine Passes - https://youtube.com/playlist?list=PL6-fctzMINGw4sqyOU6JOXXa_XyBB0kIn
Most Beautiful Villages - https://youtube.com/playlist?list=PL6-fctzMINGycpu7_wVwuk8k25jYh31ac
Music - Ambient sound
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#neuchâtel #janithewag #beautifuldestinations
Neuchâtel, enjoy the Old Town’s Mediterranean ambience while strolling along the lakefront promenade or exploring the colourful market on Place des Halles.
Location - Neuchâtel, Canton of Neuchâtel, Switzerland
Find more - https://www.myswitzerland.com/en-ch/destinations/neuchatel/
Music provided by Epidemic Sounds. Start your free trial here
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Instagram - https://www.instagram.com/janit_hewag/
Facebook - https://www.facebook.com/janit.hewag
Channel Playlists
Beautiful Destinations - https://youtube.com/playlist?list=PL6-fctzMINGxp8p7btU7z8e3tBBTUqc9p
Scenic Drives - https://youtube.com/playlist?list=PL6-fctzMINGxfovlqfjmzzK3fO9BVZD1F
Scenic Walks - https://youtube.com/playlist?list=PL6-fctzMINGzkPycOHz39qqYdqm7q4AbR
Alpine Passes - https://youtube.com/playlist?list=PL6-fctzMINGw4sqyOU6JOXXa_XyBB0kIn
Most Beautiful Villages - https://youtube.com/playlist?list=PL6-fctzMINGycpu7_wVwuk8k25jYh31ac
Music - Ambient sound
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#neuchâtel #janithewag #beautifuldestinations
- published: 13 Feb 2022
- views: 29526
Discovering Neuchâtel, Switzerland || walking tour || 4K
Neuchâtel, a lovely Swiss city, sits by Lake Neuchâtel. Its old town, with charming medieval streets and colorful buildings, is a must-see. You can enjoy water ...
Neuchâtel, a lovely Swiss city, sits by Lake Neuchâtel. Its old town, with charming medieval streets and colorful buildings, is a must-see. You can enjoy water activities on the lake and explore museums like the Laténium Archaeology Museum. Neuchâtel is famous for making watches, and you can visit watchmaking workshops and museums to learn about this craft. It's also a hub for education, thanks to the University of Neuchâtel. If you love nature, the nearby Jura Mountains offer hiking and outdoor fun. The city mainly speaks French, and its mix of history, culture, and beautiful landscapes make it a wonderful place to visit or live.
#switzerland #Neuchâtel #suisse
Neuchâtel, a lovely Swiss city, sits by Lake Neuchâtel. Its old town, with charming medieval streets and colorful buildings, is a must-see. You can enjoy water activities on the lake and explore museums like the Laténium Archaeology Museum. Neuchâtel is famous for making watches, and you can visit watchmaking workshops and museums to learn about this craft. It's also a hub for education, thanks to the University of Neuchâtel. If you love nature, the nearby Jura Mountains offer hiking and outdoor fun. The city mainly speaks French, and its mix of history, culture, and beautiful landscapes make it a wonderful place to visit or live.
#switzerland #Neuchâtel #suisse
- published: 21 Sep 2023
- views: 1067
Que faire à Neuchâtel ?
Que faire à Neuchâtel ?
Comment découvrir Neuchâtel dans ce reportage de 7 minutes,
Vous pourrez voir la ville de Neuchâtel, avec le lac naturel de Neuchâtel, s...
Que faire à Neuchâtel ?
Comment découvrir Neuchâtel dans ce reportage de 7 minutes,
Vous pourrez voir la ville de Neuchâtel, avec le lac naturel de Neuchâtel, sa vieille ville médiévale, son château, l’architecture, son histoire, ses statues, la basilique notre dame de l’assomption, le quai du port de Neuchâtel, le collégiale, et pleins d’autres choses.
Ce reportage a été filmé en 4K en 2021 avec une Gopro 8.
Que faire à Neuchâtel ?
Abonnez-vous et activez les notifications (icône en forme de cloche) pour découvrir de nouvelles vidéos Youtube https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCBRYUQoN55eA6dw713q3lRA?sub_confirmation=1
Que faire à Neuchâtel ?
Autres reportages sur la Suisse :
La ville de Montreux
La ville de Genève
Ville de Dijon
Que faire à Neuchâtel ?
#Neuchatel #Suisse #Lacdeneuchatel
Dialogue :
Que faire à Neuchâtel ?
La ville de Neuchâtel en Suisse à une superficie de 18km2, et sa population permanente est de 33 000 habitants en 2009. Neuchâtel possède une vielle ville médiévale et un lac naturel appelé lac de Neuchâtel dont la longueur est de 38km pour 8,2 km de largeur.
Venez découvrir en famille cette magnifique ville lié à l'histoire de Bourgogne avec une architecture et un château incroyable.
Si vous connaissez un peu les villes de Dijon et de Beaune situées dans la région de Bourgogne en France, vous reconnaîtrez une architecture un peu similaire À Neuchâtel.
Si vous avez aimé le reportage n'hésitez pas à liker et à vous abonner, c'est parti
La Basilique Notre-Dame de l'Assomption de Neuchâtel style néo-gothique, consacré en 1906, élevé au titre de Basilique mineure par le pape Benoît XVI
Le Quai du port de Neuchâtel
Si vous venez le soir, une ambiance festive et conviviale est présente sur les lieux, vous pourrez découvrir les bars et restaurants présents sur place.
Hôtel des postes
Le bâtiment abritait l’Union postale universelle.
Les noms des pays inscrits sur la façade correspondent aux membres de celle-ci, fondé par un conseil fédéral Neuchâtelois Eugène Borel.
De très longue date, la pierre jaune de Neuchâtel, dite aussi pierre d'Hauterive est très appréciée en architecture.
La ville de Neuchâtel compte 2 152 entreprises représentant environ 33 000 emplois (2016).
L'Hôtel de ville de Neuchâtel datant de 1790, réalisé par un architecte Français (Pierre Adrien Paris)
L’histoire des fontaines de Neuchâtel, elles ont été
judicieusement réparties dans la ville de façon que les habitants de l'époque n'aient pas une
trop grande distance à parcourir pour s'approvisionner
Un peu d’histoire
La région de Neuchâtel fait partie de la Burgondie durant le Haut Moyen Âge, comme la France limitrophe et le plateau suisse, puis de la Haute-Bourgogne ou Bourgogne transjurane en 934 et enfin du royaume d'Arles ou des deux Bourgognes de 934 à 1032. Sous ce dernier royaume, Neuchâtel appartient au Saint-Empire romain germanique, dont la Bourgogne est vassale.
La fontaine du Griffon se trouvant à la rue du Pommier et DATANT DE 1664
La tour de Diesse.
A la base étant une prison aujourd’hui elle abrite une galerie d'art et une oléothèque.
Château de Neuchâtel :
En 1032, Neuchâtel passe sous le contrôle direct de l'Empereur germanique Conrad II le Salique qui hérite de la couronne de Bourgogne, sans successeur. Eudes, Comte de Blois et de Champagne, qui revendique le trône bourguignon, prend part à la guerre de succession de Bourgogne, prend le château de Neuchâtel en 1033 et assiège la ville en 1034.
Le Château de Neuchâtel abrite aujourd'hui le Conseil d'État (gouvernement du canton).
Le collégiale notre dame de Neuchâtel :
Église réformée évangélique du canton de Neuchâtel construit au 12e siècle.
La statue monumentale de Guillaume Farel trône devant la collégiale de Neuchâtel pour rendre hommage à un acteur important de la Réforme en Suisse romande au 16e siècle.
L'esplanade de la collégiale et ses trois loups
Vous pourrez admirer les Trois sculptures en bronze de l'artiste italien Davide Rivalta
Statue de la République construite le 1er mars 1898
Sachez que pleins d’autres reportages sont disponibles sur cette chaine Youtube, j’espère que vous avez passé un bon moment, n’hésitez pas à laisser vos commentaires et à liker si vous avez aimé, on m’a toujours dit que si on devait se revoir, il fallait avant tout se quitter, je vous dis donc à bientôt pour des nouvelles contrées.
Que faire à Neuchâtel ?
Comment découvrir Neuchâtel dans ce reportage de 7 minutes,
Vous pourrez voir la ville de Neuchâtel, avec le lac naturel de Neuchâtel, sa vieille ville médiévale, son château, l’architecture, son histoire, ses statues, la basilique notre dame de l’assomption, le quai du port de Neuchâtel, le collégiale, et pleins d’autres choses.
Ce reportage a été filmé en 4K en 2021 avec une Gopro 8.
Que faire à Neuchâtel ?
Abonnez-vous et activez les notifications (icône en forme de cloche) pour découvrir de nouvelles vidéos Youtube https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCBRYUQoN55eA6dw713q3lRA?sub_confirmation=1
Que faire à Neuchâtel ?
Autres reportages sur la Suisse :
La ville de Montreux
La ville de Genève
Ville de Dijon
Que faire à Neuchâtel ?
#Neuchatel #Suisse #Lacdeneuchatel
Dialogue :
Que faire à Neuchâtel ?
La ville de Neuchâtel en Suisse à une superficie de 18km2, et sa population permanente est de 33 000 habitants en 2009. Neuchâtel possède une vielle ville médiévale et un lac naturel appelé lac de Neuchâtel dont la longueur est de 38km pour 8,2 km de largeur.
Venez découvrir en famille cette magnifique ville lié à l'histoire de Bourgogne avec une architecture et un château incroyable.
Si vous connaissez un peu les villes de Dijon et de Beaune situées dans la région de Bourgogne en France, vous reconnaîtrez une architecture un peu similaire À Neuchâtel.
Si vous avez aimé le reportage n'hésitez pas à liker et à vous abonner, c'est parti
La Basilique Notre-Dame de l'Assomption de Neuchâtel style néo-gothique, consacré en 1906, élevé au titre de Basilique mineure par le pape Benoît XVI
Le Quai du port de Neuchâtel
Si vous venez le soir, une ambiance festive et conviviale est présente sur les lieux, vous pourrez découvrir les bars et restaurants présents sur place.
Hôtel des postes
Le bâtiment abritait l’Union postale universelle.
Les noms des pays inscrits sur la façade correspondent aux membres de celle-ci, fondé par un conseil fédéral Neuchâtelois Eugène Borel.
De très longue date, la pierre jaune de Neuchâtel, dite aussi pierre d'Hauterive est très appréciée en architecture.
La ville de Neuchâtel compte 2 152 entreprises représentant environ 33 000 emplois (2016).
L'Hôtel de ville de Neuchâtel datant de 1790, réalisé par un architecte Français (Pierre Adrien Paris)
L’histoire des fontaines de Neuchâtel, elles ont été
judicieusement réparties dans la ville de façon que les habitants de l'époque n'aient pas une
trop grande distance à parcourir pour s'approvisionner
Un peu d’histoire
La région de Neuchâtel fait partie de la Burgondie durant le Haut Moyen Âge, comme la France limitrophe et le plateau suisse, puis de la Haute-Bourgogne ou Bourgogne transjurane en 934 et enfin du royaume d'Arles ou des deux Bourgognes de 934 à 1032. Sous ce dernier royaume, Neuchâtel appartient au Saint-Empire romain germanique, dont la Bourgogne est vassale.
La fontaine du Griffon se trouvant à la rue du Pommier et DATANT DE 1664
La tour de Diesse.
A la base étant une prison aujourd’hui elle abrite une galerie d'art et une oléothèque.
Château de Neuchâtel :
En 1032, Neuchâtel passe sous le contrôle direct de l'Empereur germanique Conrad II le Salique qui hérite de la couronne de Bourgogne, sans successeur. Eudes, Comte de Blois et de Champagne, qui revendique le trône bourguignon, prend part à la guerre de succession de Bourgogne, prend le château de Neuchâtel en 1033 et assiège la ville en 1034.
Le Château de Neuchâtel abrite aujourd'hui le Conseil d'État (gouvernement du canton).
Le collégiale notre dame de Neuchâtel :
Église réformée évangélique du canton de Neuchâtel construit au 12e siècle.
La statue monumentale de Guillaume Farel trône devant la collégiale de Neuchâtel pour rendre hommage à un acteur important de la Réforme en Suisse romande au 16e siècle.
L'esplanade de la collégiale et ses trois loups
Vous pourrez admirer les Trois sculptures en bronze de l'artiste italien Davide Rivalta
Statue de la République construite le 1er mars 1898
Sachez que pleins d’autres reportages sont disponibles sur cette chaine Youtube, j’espère que vous avez passé un bon moment, n’hésitez pas à laisser vos commentaires et à liker si vous avez aimé, on m’a toujours dit que si on devait se revoir, il fallait avant tout se quitter, je vous dis donc à bientôt pour des nouvelles contrées.
- published: 06 Nov 2021
- views: 15163
Welcome to the University of Neuchâtel
Looking for a close-knit university, where students are more than just numbers? One offering not just Bachelor’s programmes, but highly specialised Master’s deg...
Looking for a close-knit university, where students are more than just numbers? One offering not just Bachelor’s programmes, but highly specialised Master’s degrees? One in a stunning lakefront setting, framed by mountains beyond? Welcome to UniNE, the University of Neuchâtel!
Looking for a close-knit university, where students are more than just numbers? One offering not just Bachelor’s programmes, but highly specialised Master’s degrees? One in a stunning lakefront setting, framed by mountains beyond? Welcome to UniNE, the University of Neuchâtel!
- published: 22 May 2018
- views: 6759
Joey De Leon - Canton [Lyric Video] ft. Toni Rose Gayda, Sexbomb Girls
Music video by Joey De Leon performing Canton [Lyric Video]. (C) 2003 BMG Records (Pilipinas), Inc.
published: 01 Jun 2022
Try this easy but absolutely delicious Pancit Canton Guisado
Thank you for watching
Stay safe
Related searches:
Pancit canton guisado
Best pancit canton guisado recipe
Pancit canton
How to cook
How to make
how to
Stir fry noodles
Chinese noodles
Best Stir Fry Chicken
Best Stir fry noodles
Pancit Guisado
Stir fry Vegetables
500g canton noodles
5 cloves garlic
200g squid balls
200g chicken meat
200g chicken liver
1 carrot
1 cup green beans
1 bellpepper
1 small head cabbage
1 onion
1 tbsp fish sauce
3 tbsp soysauce
3 tbsp oyster sauce
1 chicken cube
salt and pepper to taste
cooking oil
published: 21 Feb 2023
Canton - Joey De Leon (KARAOKE)
KARAOKE COVER SONG Good for low Speed Internet connection.
BEST VIEWED IN HD format PC or MOBILE Cell phones.
We Filipinos Love to Sing and this channel is made perfectly for us.
We we're making OPM Karaoke Cover songs sinced 2015 and compiled it in this channel
We Hope you lIke it and please do support this channel by clicking
this link to SUBSCRIBE! https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCU8_75EyN-sf6EECum_CMmw?sub_confirmation=1
*** ALL SONGS and Composition are the sole property of their respective owners.
*** This is just our COVER of the song (Instrumental) written by different Composers and Artists.
*** With Content ID claim ( Copyright claim ) , but the claimant is allowing their content to be used. However revenue and stats goes to the claimant.
Feel free ...
published: 17 Apr 2018
Tom & Jerry | A Bit of Fresh Air! | Classic Cartoon Compilation | @WB Kids
Tom & Jerry thrive most outside, and they can't wait for the nice weather to come around! Enjoy this compilation with the best moments in the fresh air!
Catch up with Tom & Jerry as they chase each other, avoid Spike, and play with friends like Little Quacker and Butch the cat.
WB Kids is the home of all of your favorite clips featuring characters from the Looney Tunes, Scooby-Doo, Tom and Jerry and More!
#WBKids #KidsCartoons #TomandJerry
Tom & Jerry available on digital!
All Warner Bros. related characters and elements © & ™ Warner Bros. Entertainment Inc. (s22)
published: 26 Mar 2022
Pancit canton guisado is a Filipino noodle dish, where canton noodles is stir fried with chicken, chicken liver, cabbage, carrot, green beans, squid balls in a sauce made with soy sauce, oyster sauce. garlic, onion and fish sauce. With the presence of noodles, veggies and meat, the pancit canton guisado can already be considered a full meal. This dish can be compared to the Chinese chow mein. Often, both chicken and chicken liver are used as protein sources.
#pancitcantonguisado #pancitguisado #pancitcanton
written printable recipe here: https://yummykitchentv.com/pancit-canton-guisado/
500 grams canton noodles
250 grams chicken (sliced)
250 grams chicken liver (sliced)
3 tablespoons soy sauce
3 tablespoons oyster sauce
1 small head cabbage (chopped)
1 medium carrot (slic...
published: 22 Sep 2023
Canton Fair Is Over! Only Chinese Exhibitors Remain; Not a Single Western Buyer in Sight
Follow me, everyone. Look at this year's Canton Fair, it's just pitiful how few people there are. What can you do?
Join this channel to get access to perks:
All rights reserved.
⭐You can support us at: https://donorbox.org/china-observer-supporting-independent-news
⭐For business cooperation, please contact us: [email protected]
published: 25 Oct 2024
#pancitcanton #pancitcantonrecipe #canton #pancitguisado
250grams Pancit canton
published: 17 Jun 2023
Subukan mo ang ganitong luto sa Pancit Bihon at Pancit Canton Guisado, umaapaw ang sarap!
Isang mapagpalang araw sa inyong lahat!
Isa ka rin ba na paborito mo ang Pancit Bihon Guisado at Pancit Canton Guisado? Masarap pareho di ba? Paano kaya kung pagsamahin natin siguradong mas masarap at mapaparami nanaman ang kain mo . Iba iba rin tayo ng way o paraan ng pagluluto nito at sure akong pare parehong masarap, kaya naman isheshare ko sa inyo kung paano ko lutuin ang aking version ng Pancit Bihon at Pancit Canton Guisado na talaga namang umaapaw ang sarap!
Maraming salamat po!
God bless us all
Stay safe everyone!
Please don't forget to LIKE, SHARE AND SUBSCRIBE
and also please Follow and Like my New Official Facebook Page
Lutong Bale
Thank you
Here are the ingredients:
1 large onion
6 cloves garlic
250 g pork
1/2 cup soy sauce add if needed
1/4 cup oyster sauce
1 liter water ad...
published: 24 Nov 2021
Killer gets parole 38 years after brutal murder of classmate in Canton
A man who was sentenced to life in prison after beating a classmate to death when they were both 14 years old, has been granted parole. WBZ-TV's Penny Kmitt reports.
published: 08 Nov 2024
Pancit Canton 🍝 | Philippine Snack 🇵🇭 #shorts
TikTok Account 1.2 Million+ Followers
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Collaborations/Endorsements: [email protected]
published: 06 Nov 2022
Joey De Leon - Canton [Lyric Video] ft. Toni Rose Gayda, Sexbomb Girls
Music video by Joey De Leon performing Canton [Lyric Video]. (C) 2003 BMG Records (Pilipinas), Inc.
Music video by Joey De Leon performing Canton [Lyric Video]. (C) 2003 BMG Records (Pilipinas), Inc.
Music video by Joey De Leon performing Canton [Lyric Video]. (C) 2003 BMG Records (Pilipinas), Inc.
- published: 01 Jun 2022
- views: 297970
Try this easy but absolutely delicious Pancit Canton Guisado
Thank you for watching
Stay safe
Related searches:
Pancit canton guisado
Best pancit canton g...
Try this easy but absolutely delicious Pancit Canton Guisado
Thank you for watching
Stay safe
Related searches:
Pancit canton guisado
Best pancit canton guisado recipe
Pancit canton
How to cook
How to make
how to
Stir fry noodles
Chinese noodles
Best Stir Fry Chicken
Best Stir fry noodles
Pancit Guisado
Stir fry Vegetables
500g canton noodles
5 cloves garlic
200g squid balls
200g chicken meat
200g chicken liver
1 carrot
1 cup green beans
1 bellpepper
1 small head cabbage
1 onion
1 tbsp fish sauce
3 tbsp soysauce
3 tbsp oyster sauce
1 chicken cube
salt and pepper to taste
cooking oil
Try this easy but absolutely delicious Pancit Canton Guisado
Thank you for watching
Stay safe
Related searches:
Pancit canton guisado
Best pancit canton guisado recipe
Pancit canton
How to cook
How to make
how to
Stir fry noodles
Chinese noodles
Best Stir Fry Chicken
Best Stir fry noodles
Pancit Guisado
Stir fry Vegetables
500g canton noodles
5 cloves garlic
200g squid balls
200g chicken meat
200g chicken liver
1 carrot
1 cup green beans
1 bellpepper
1 small head cabbage
1 onion
1 tbsp fish sauce
3 tbsp soysauce
3 tbsp oyster sauce
1 chicken cube
salt and pepper to taste
cooking oil
- published: 21 Feb 2023
- views: 3116414
Canton - Joey De Leon (KARAOKE)
KARAOKE COVER SONG Good for low Speed Internet connection.
BEST VIEWED IN HD format PC or MOBILE Cell phones.
We Filipinos Love to Sing and this channel is ...
KARAOKE COVER SONG Good for low Speed Internet connection.
BEST VIEWED IN HD format PC or MOBILE Cell phones.
We Filipinos Love to Sing and this channel is made perfectly for us.
We we're making OPM Karaoke Cover songs sinced 2015 and compiled it in this channel
We Hope you lIke it and please do support this channel by clicking
this link to SUBSCRIBE! https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCU8_75EyN-sf6EECum_CMmw?sub_confirmation=1
*** ALL SONGS and Composition are the sole property of their respective owners.
*** This is just our COVER of the song (Instrumental) written by different Composers and Artists.
*** With Content ID claim ( Copyright claim ) , but the claimant is allowing their content to be used. However revenue and stats goes to the claimant.
Feel free to SHARE this video
but RE-UPLOADING in any SOCIAL MEDIA PLATFORMS any part of this video or karaoke music, edited or unedited is STRICTLY PROHIBITED (YouTube’s Community Guidelines) ÔÒ .
Pro Music Cover has not permitted anyone to use our karaoke music to reupload in thier Youtube Channels and other social media flatforms.
Thank You........
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- with Content ID claim
- Ad revenue paid to copyright owner/s
For copyright matters relating to our channel or any issues, please contact us directly @
[email protected]
Other Details :
Video Created by : Pro Music Cover Team
Karaoke Music by : Pro Music Cover Team
Softwares :
FL Studio 12 - https://www.image-line.com/flstudio
Photoshop CS6 - https://www.adobe.com/sea/products/photoshop.html
Band-in-a-Box 2014 - https://www.pgmusic.com
Karafun Player - https://www.karafun.com/karaokeplayer
PowerDirector 2014 - https://www.cyberlink.com
MS Office 2013 - https://www.microsoft.com
Microsoft Windows 7 - https://www.microsoft.com
Equipments :
Intel Core I3 7100 Desktop Computer
Intel HD Graphics 630, 8GB Ram 120GB Ssd, 1TB Hdd
Roland PCR-500 USB MIDI Keyboard Controller
Roland Octapad Pad-8 MIDI Drum Controller
Fender Stratocaster Electric Guitar
Behringer 12-Inputs Audio Mixer
KARAOKE COVER SONG Good for low Speed Internet connection.
BEST VIEWED IN HD format PC or MOBILE Cell phones.
We Filipinos Love to Sing and this channel is made perfectly for us.
We we're making OPM Karaoke Cover songs sinced 2015 and compiled it in this channel
We Hope you lIke it and please do support this channel by clicking
this link to SUBSCRIBE! https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCU8_75EyN-sf6EECum_CMmw?sub_confirmation=1
*** ALL SONGS and Composition are the sole property of their respective owners.
*** This is just our COVER of the song (Instrumental) written by different Composers and Artists.
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Other Details :
Video Created by : Pro Music Cover Team
Karaoke Music by : Pro Music Cover Team
Softwares :
FL Studio 12 - https://www.image-line.com/flstudio
Photoshop CS6 - https://www.adobe.com/sea/products/photoshop.html
Band-in-a-Box 2014 - https://www.pgmusic.com
Karafun Player - https://www.karafun.com/karaokeplayer
PowerDirector 2014 - https://www.cyberlink.com
MS Office 2013 - https://www.microsoft.com
Microsoft Windows 7 - https://www.microsoft.com
Equipments :
Intel Core I3 7100 Desktop Computer
Intel HD Graphics 630, 8GB Ram 120GB Ssd, 1TB Hdd
Roland PCR-500 USB MIDI Keyboard Controller
Roland Octapad Pad-8 MIDI Drum Controller
Fender Stratocaster Electric Guitar
Behringer 12-Inputs Audio Mixer
- published: 17 Apr 2018
- views: 487417
Tom & Jerry | A Bit of Fresh Air! | Classic Cartoon Compilation | @WB Kids
Tom & Jerry thrive most outside, and they can't wait for the nice weather to come around! Enjoy this compilation with the best moments in the fresh air!
Catch ...
Tom & Jerry thrive most outside, and they can't wait for the nice weather to come around! Enjoy this compilation with the best moments in the fresh air!
Catch up with Tom & Jerry as they chase each other, avoid Spike, and play with friends like Little Quacker and Butch the cat.
WB Kids is the home of all of your favorite clips featuring characters from the Looney Tunes, Scooby-Doo, Tom and Jerry and More!
#WBKids #KidsCartoons #TomandJerry
Tom & Jerry available on digital!
All Warner Bros. related characters and elements © & ™ Warner Bros. Entertainment Inc. (s22)
Tom & Jerry thrive most outside, and they can't wait for the nice weather to come around! Enjoy this compilation with the best moments in the fresh air!
Catch up with Tom & Jerry as they chase each other, avoid Spike, and play with friends like Little Quacker and Butch the cat.
WB Kids is the home of all of your favorite clips featuring characters from the Looney Tunes, Scooby-Doo, Tom and Jerry and More!
#WBKids #KidsCartoons #TomandJerry
Tom & Jerry available on digital!
All Warner Bros. related characters and elements © & ™ Warner Bros. Entertainment Inc. (s22)
- published: 26 Mar 2022
- views: 454294826
Pancit canton guisado is a Filipino noodle dish, where canton noodles is stir fried with chicken, chicken liver, cabbage, carrot, green beans, squid balls in a ...
Pancit canton guisado is a Filipino noodle dish, where canton noodles is stir fried with chicken, chicken liver, cabbage, carrot, green beans, squid balls in a sauce made with soy sauce, oyster sauce. garlic, onion and fish sauce. With the presence of noodles, veggies and meat, the pancit canton guisado can already be considered a full meal. This dish can be compared to the Chinese chow mein. Often, both chicken and chicken liver are used as protein sources.
#pancitcantonguisado #pancitguisado #pancitcanton
written printable recipe here: https://yummykitchentv.com/pancit-canton-guisado/
500 grams canton noodles
250 grams chicken (sliced)
250 grams chicken liver (sliced)
3 tablespoons soy sauce
3 tablespoons oyster sauce
1 small head cabbage (chopped)
1 medium carrot (sliced into strips)
5 cloves of garlic (chopped)
1 medium onion (chopped)
10 pieces squid balls (sliced in half)
½ cup green beans (sliced)
1 tablespoon fish sauce
oil (for sautéing)
Heat some oil in a pan. Add the squid balls and then fry them until light brown. Set aside.
Using the same pan, add the garlic and onions. Saute them for a few minutes until aromatic before adding the chicken. Once the chicken changes color, add the chicken liver. Saute them for a few minutes until the both chicken and liver changes color.
Add the carrot strips. Season with some salt and pepper.
Add the green beans. Cover the pot and let this cook for 3 to 5 minutes before adding the sliced bell peppers and cabbage. Saute gently until the cabbage are half cooked.
Remove the veggies from the pan and set aside.
Using the same pan, add some water, soy sauce, black pepper, and the chicken broth cube. Stir gently and let it boil.
Add the canton noodles into the broth. Submerge them to cook and soften. You may need to stir the noodles a few times. Let this cook until the sauce dries up.
Once the sauce has dried, add the oyster sauce, fried squidballs and the mixed veggies. Toss gently until all ingredients are well distributed. Once all the ingredients come together, turn the heat off.
Transfer the pancit canton guisado to a serving plate. Enjoy this as it is or have it with some slices of loaf bread. Dont forget to drizzle some calamansi juice before eating. Yum!
Pancit canton guisado is a Filipino noodle dish, where canton noodles is stir fried with chicken, chicken liver, cabbage, carrot, green beans, squid balls in a sauce made with soy sauce, oyster sauce. garlic, onion and fish sauce. With the presence of noodles, veggies and meat, the pancit canton guisado can already be considered a full meal. This dish can be compared to the Chinese chow mein. Often, both chicken and chicken liver are used as protein sources.
#pancitcantonguisado #pancitguisado #pancitcanton
written printable recipe here: https://yummykitchentv.com/pancit-canton-guisado/
500 grams canton noodles
250 grams chicken (sliced)
250 grams chicken liver (sliced)
3 tablespoons soy sauce
3 tablespoons oyster sauce
1 small head cabbage (chopped)
1 medium carrot (sliced into strips)
5 cloves of garlic (chopped)
1 medium onion (chopped)
10 pieces squid balls (sliced in half)
½ cup green beans (sliced)
1 tablespoon fish sauce
oil (for sautéing)
Heat some oil in a pan. Add the squid balls and then fry them until light brown. Set aside.
Using the same pan, add the garlic and onions. Saute them for a few minutes until aromatic before adding the chicken. Once the chicken changes color, add the chicken liver. Saute them for a few minutes until the both chicken and liver changes color.
Add the carrot strips. Season with some salt and pepper.
Add the green beans. Cover the pot and let this cook for 3 to 5 minutes before adding the sliced bell peppers and cabbage. Saute gently until the cabbage are half cooked.
Remove the veggies from the pan and set aside.
Using the same pan, add some water, soy sauce, black pepper, and the chicken broth cube. Stir gently and let it boil.
Add the canton noodles into the broth. Submerge them to cook and soften. You may need to stir the noodles a few times. Let this cook until the sauce dries up.
Once the sauce has dried, add the oyster sauce, fried squidballs and the mixed veggies. Toss gently until all ingredients are well distributed. Once all the ingredients come together, turn the heat off.
Transfer the pancit canton guisado to a serving plate. Enjoy this as it is or have it with some slices of loaf bread. Dont forget to drizzle some calamansi juice before eating. Yum!
- published: 22 Sep 2023
- views: 681363
Canton Fair Is Over! Only Chinese Exhibitors Remain; Not a Single Western Buyer in Sight
Follow me, everyone. Look at this year's Canton Fair, it's just pitiful how few people there are. What can you do?
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Follow me, everyone. Look at this year's Canton Fair, it's just pitiful how few people there are. What can you do?
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Follow me, everyone. Look at this year's Canton Fair, it's just pitiful how few people there are. What can you do?
Join this channel to get access to perks:
All rights reserved.
⭐You can support us at: https://donorbox.org/china-observer-supporting-independent-news
⭐For business cooperation, please contact us:
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- published: 25 Oct 2024
- views: 119194
#pancitcanton #pancitcantonrecipe #canton #pancitguisado
#pancitcanton #pancitcantonrecipe #canton #pancitguisado
250grams Pancit canton
#pancitcanton #pancitcantonrecipe #canton #pancitguisado
250grams Pancit canton
- published: 17 Jun 2023
- views: 1088731
Subukan mo ang ganitong luto sa Pancit Bihon at Pancit Canton Guisado, umaapaw ang sarap!
Isang mapagpalang araw sa inyong lahat!
Isa ka rin ba na paborito mo ang Pancit Bihon Guisado at Pancit Canton Guisado? Masarap pareho di ba? Paano kaya kung pa...
Isang mapagpalang araw sa inyong lahat!
Isa ka rin ba na paborito mo ang Pancit Bihon Guisado at Pancit Canton Guisado? Masarap pareho di ba? Paano kaya kung pagsamahin natin siguradong mas masarap at mapaparami nanaman ang kain mo . Iba iba rin tayo ng way o paraan ng pagluluto nito at sure akong pare parehong masarap, kaya naman isheshare ko sa inyo kung paano ko lutuin ang aking version ng Pancit Bihon at Pancit Canton Guisado na talaga namang umaapaw ang sarap!
Maraming salamat po!
God bless us all
Stay safe everyone!
Please don't forget to LIKE, SHARE AND SUBSCRIBE
and also please Follow and Like my New Official Facebook Page
Lutong Bale
Thank you
Here are the ingredients:
1 large onion
6 cloves garlic
250 g pork
1/2 cup soy sauce add if needed
1/4 cup oyster sauce
1 liter water add if needed
100g carrot
150g sayote
120 beans
1 chicken or pork cube
170g chicken liver
100g squid balls
450g Egg noodles or pancit canton
300g Pancit Bihon
65g bell pepper
200g repolyo
salt and pepper to taste
Happy cooking!
Isang mapagpalang araw sa inyong lahat!
Isa ka rin ba na paborito mo ang Pancit Bihon Guisado at Pancit Canton Guisado? Masarap pareho di ba? Paano kaya kung pagsamahin natin siguradong mas masarap at mapaparami nanaman ang kain mo . Iba iba rin tayo ng way o paraan ng pagluluto nito at sure akong pare parehong masarap, kaya naman isheshare ko sa inyo kung paano ko lutuin ang aking version ng Pancit Bihon at Pancit Canton Guisado na talaga namang umaapaw ang sarap!
Maraming salamat po!
God bless us all
Stay safe everyone!
Please don't forget to LIKE, SHARE AND SUBSCRIBE
and also please Follow and Like my New Official Facebook Page
Lutong Bale
Thank you
Here are the ingredients:
1 large onion
6 cloves garlic
250 g pork
1/2 cup soy sauce add if needed
1/4 cup oyster sauce
1 liter water add if needed
100g carrot
150g sayote
120 beans
1 chicken or pork cube
170g chicken liver
100g squid balls
450g Egg noodles or pancit canton
300g Pancit Bihon
65g bell pepper
200g repolyo
salt and pepper to taste
Happy cooking!
- published: 24 Nov 2021
- views: 1065829
Killer gets parole 38 years after brutal murder of classmate in Canton
A man who was sentenced to life in prison after beating a classmate to death when they were both 14 years old, has been granted parole. WBZ-TV's Penny Kmitt rep...
A man who was sentenced to life in prison after beating a classmate to death when they were both 14 years old, has been granted parole. WBZ-TV's Penny Kmitt reports.
A man who was sentenced to life in prison after beating a classmate to death when they were both 14 years old, has been granted parole. WBZ-TV's Penny Kmitt reports.
- published: 08 Nov 2024
- views: 779
Pancit Canton 🍝 | Philippine Snack 🇵🇭 #shorts
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- published: 06 Nov 2022
- views: 514670