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Load news page with ajax here } else if(num > 1900){ //FIX ME. 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Mountain Brook High School

Mountain Brook High School (MBHS) is a three-year public high school in the Birmingham, Alabama, suburb of Mountain Brook. It is the only high school in the Mountain Brook City School System. School colors are green and gold, and the athletic teams are called the Spartans. MBHS competes in AHSAA Class 7A athletics.


MBHS is consistently recognized as one of the best high schools in Alabama:

  • MBHS was ranked 4th among the 12 Alabama schools included in the Washington Post's 2015 list of America's Most Challenging High Schools.
  • MBHS was included among the top 150 high schools in the U.S. by the Daily Beast.
  • SchoolDigger ranks MBHS 2nd among 357 high schools in the state of Alabama and 1st among high schools in the Birmingham-Hoover metropolitan area.
  • Niche ranks MBHS 2nd in the state of Alabama and 2nd among high schools in the Birmingham-Hoover metropolitan area.
  • The U.S. Department of Education has recognized MBHS as a National Blue Ribbon School, the highest honor awarded by the department.
  • Mountain Brook

    Mountain Brook may refer to:


  • Mountain Brook, Alabama, a city in southeastern Jefferson County, Alabama, United States
  • Mountain Brook School System, a public school system in Mountain Brook, Alabama
  • Mountain Brook High School, a three-year public high school within the Mountain Brook School System
  • Mountain Brook, New Brunswick, a community in Restigouche County, New Brunswick, Canada
  • Livings things

  • Mountain Brook Frogs, a genus of frogs in the Hylidae family
  • Ichthyomyzon greeleyi, also known as the Mountain Brook Lamprey
  • High school

    A high school (also secondary school, senior school, secondary college) is a school that provides adolescents with part or all of their secondary education. It may come after primary school or middle school and be followed by higher education or vocational training.


    The term "high school" originated in Scotland, with the world's oldest high school being Edinburgh's Royal High School from 1505. The Royal High School was used as a model for the first public high school in the United States, Boston Latin School founded in Boston, Massachusetts.

    The precise stage of schooling provided by a high school differs from country to country, and may vary within the same jurisdiction. In all of New Zealand and Malaysia, along with most of Britain and parts of Australia, Bangladesh and Canada, high school means the same thing as secondary school, but instead of starting in 9th grade, these "secondary schools" begin at ages 11 or 12.

    Country by country


    In Australia, high school is a secondary school, from Year 7 or Year 8 through to Year 12, varying from state to state. High school immediately follows primary (elementary) school; therefore, a Year-7 Australian high-school student is sometimes as young as 12. In Tasmania and the Australian Capital Territory, the term "high school" generally refers to Years 7–10, whereas the term "College" is used for Years 11–12. In Victoria the term "secondary college" has largely replaced the term "high school" following the reforms of the Labor Government in the late 1980s and early 1990s. Some schools have retained the name "high school" (such as Melbourne High School) and many have now dropped the "secondary" and are simply known as "college".

    High school (disambiguation)

    High school is the last segment of compulsory secondary education in Australia, Canada, Hong Kong, India, Scotland, the United States, and other countries; the term also refers to the building where such education takes place.

    High school may also refer to:


  • Folk high school, institutions of adult and continuing education common in the Nordic countries and Germany
  • Vocational university, in the non-English speaking world
  • Art, entertainment, and media


  • "High School" (1975), comedy monologue by Jimmie Walker
  • Comics

  • High School, a manhwa series by Kim Young Ho
  • Fictional entities

  • "Highschool", a Strong Bad email from the Homestar Runner website
  • Films

  • High School (1940 film), a 1940 American film
  • High School (1954 film), a 1954 Italian film
  • High School (1968 film), a 1968 documentary film
  • High School (2010 film), a 2010 comedy film
  • High School High (1996), a comedy starring Jon Lovitz and Mehki Phifer
  • High School Musical, a made-for-TV film
  • High Schools (film), a 1984 documentary
  • Secondary education in the United States

    In most jurisdictions, secondary education in the United States refers to the last four years of statutory formal education (grade nine through grade twelve) either at high school or split between a final year of 'junior high school' and three in high school.


    The United States historically had a demand for general skills rather than specific training/apprenticeships. High school enrollment increased when schools at this level became free, laws required children to attend until a certain age, and it was believed that every American student had the opportunity to participate regardless of their ability.

    In 1892, in response to many competing academic philosophies being promoted at the time, a working group of educators, known as the "Committee of Ten" was established by the National Education Association. It recommended twelve years of instruction, consisting of eight years of elementary education followed by four years of high school. Rejecting suggestions that high schools should divide students into college-bound and working-trades groups from the start, and in some cases also by race or ethnic background, they unanimously recommended that "every subject which is taught at all in a secondary school should be taught in the same way and to the same extent to every pupil so long as he pursues it, no matter what the probable destination of the pupil may be, or at what point his education is to cease."


    • Meet The Champions: Mountain Brook High School Wins Large Varsity High Kick

      A magical moment as Moutain Brook High School wins their first-ever UDA National Championship in Large Varsity High Kick! Head to #VarsityTV for more coverage of the 2024 UDA National Dance Team Championship: https://varsitytv.link/3w5NCYc Follow Varsity Spirit on social media for even more event coverage: https://www.facebook.com/VarsitySpirit https://twitter.com/VarsitySpirit https://www.instagram.com/varsityspirit/ https://www.tiktok.com/@varsityspirit

      published: 04 Feb 2024
    • The Rise and Fall of Mountain Brook High School

      published: 10 May 2019
    • Mountain Brook community raises money for high school security guard after house burned down

      Mountain Brook community raises money for high school security guard after house burned down Subscribe to WVTM on YouTube now for more: https://bit.ly/2jvAaUD Get more Birmingham news: http://www.wvtm13.com Like us: https://www.facebook.com/WVTM13/ Follow us: https://twitter.com/WVTM13 Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/wvtm13/

      published: 20 Jun 2019
    • Mountain Brook Schools responds to backlash over teacher's Nazi salute in class

      Mountain Brook City Schools on Tuesday released a statement in response to concerns over a teacher's Nazi salute in the classroom during a history lesson. Learn more in the video above. Subscribe to WVTM on YouTube now for more: https://bit.ly/2jvAaUD Get more Birmingham news: http://www.wvtm13.com Like us: https://www.facebook.com/WVTM13/ Follow us: https://twitter.com/WVTM13 Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/wvtm13/

      published: 09 Feb 2022
    • The problem with a Mountain Brook education

      We didn’t move to Mountain Brook until I was in sixth grade. At the time, I was mostly upset that I would be going back to elementary school. In Hoover, middle school starts in sixth grade but, in Mountain Brook, junior high didn’t start until seventh. Cherokee Bend Elementary was much less diverse school than the one I was leaving but, by reputation at least, it was considered the best. The schools, from elementary to high school, consistently scored high marks in everything other than diversity. With a student body that was ~97% white and wealthy, Mountain Brook school system looked more like Maine than Alabama. It did not look like the South. So they tried to fill the gap by teaching students other perspectives and history through class readings or experiences. One early example: our si...

      published: 02 Jul 2021
    • Mountain Brook Junior High gearing up for first day of school


      published: 13 Aug 2019
    • Mountain Brook increased school security

      CBS 42 News 5pm

      published: 19 Sep 2018
    • OCAAT: Mountain Brook High School

      CBS42 News 5pm

      published: 29 Dec 2016
    • High School Basketball- Boys - Wolfe County vs Jackson City Tigers - 01/24/2025

      The Wolfe County Wolves host the Jackson City Tigers at Rose Gymnasium on the campus of Wolfe County High School.

      published: 25 Jan 2025
    • Two-A-Days: Mountain Brook High School


      published: 17 Aug 2017
    developed with YouTube
    Meet The Champions: Mountain Brook High School Wins Large Varsity High Kick

    Meet The Champions: Mountain Brook High School Wins Large Varsity High Kick

    • Order:
    • Duration: 1:28
    • Uploaded Date: 04 Feb 2024
    • views: 5822
    A magical moment as Moutain Brook High School wins their first-ever UDA National Championship in Large Varsity High Kick! Head to #VarsityTV for more coverage of the 2024 UDA National Dance Team Championship: https://varsitytv.link/3w5NCYc Follow Varsity Spirit on social media for even more event coverage: https://www.facebook.com/VarsitySpirit https://twitter.com/VarsitySpirit https://www.instagram.com/varsityspirit/ https://www.tiktok.com/@varsityspirit
    The Rise and Fall of Mountain Brook High School

    The Rise and Fall of Mountain Brook High School

    • Order:
    • Duration: 6:34
    • Uploaded Date: 10 May 2019
    • views: 2796
    Mountain Brook community raises money for high school security guard after house burned down

    Mountain Brook community raises money for high school security guard after house burned down

    • Order:
    • Duration: 1:24
    • Uploaded Date: 20 Jun 2019
    • views: 99
    Mountain Brook community raises money for high school security guard after house burned down Subscribe to WVTM on YouTube now for more: https://bit.ly/2jvAaUD Get more Birmingham news: http://www.wvtm13.com Like us: https://www.facebook.com/WVTM13/ Follow us: https://twitter.com/WVTM13 Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/wvtm13/
    Mountain Brook Schools responds to backlash over teacher's Nazi salute in class

    Mountain Brook Schools responds to backlash over teacher's Nazi salute in class

    • Order:
    • Duration: 1:36
    • Uploaded Date: 09 Feb 2022
    • views: 3960
    Mountain Brook City Schools on Tuesday released a statement in response to concerns over a teacher's Nazi salute in the classroom during a history lesson. Learn more in the video above. Subscribe to WVTM on YouTube now for more: https://bit.ly/2jvAaUD Get more Birmingham news: http://www.wvtm13.com Like us: https://www.facebook.com/WVTM13/ Follow us: https://twitter.com/WVTM13 Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/wvtm13/
    The problem with a Mountain Brook education

    The problem with a Mountain Brook education

    • Order:
    • Duration: 3:00
    • Uploaded Date: 02 Jul 2021
    • views: 257
    We didn’t move to Mountain Brook until I was in sixth grade. At the time, I was mostly upset that I would be going back to elementary school. In Hoover, middle school starts in sixth grade but, in Mountain Brook, junior high didn’t start until seventh. Cherokee Bend Elementary was much less diverse school than the one I was leaving but, by reputation at least, it was considered the best. The schools, from elementary to high school, consistently scored high marks in everything other than diversity. With a student body that was ~97% white and wealthy, Mountain Brook school system looked more like Maine than Alabama. It did not look like the South. So they tried to fill the gap by teaching students other perspectives and history through class readings or experiences. One early example: our sixth grade class performance of “We Haz Jazz!” a musical exploration of the history of jazz music performed entirely by white 11 year-olds. Thankfully, this was 1999 and we didn’t do blackface. But I was always a theatrical kid, and I sure did my best Louis Armstrong impression. In high school, we put on a production of West Side Story, a beautiful show that teaches high schoolers the importance of tolerance, diversity and more. But, as the student body was almost entirely white, the students playing Sharks decided they could look “more authentically Puerto Rican” by getting spray tans and dying their hair black. After all, what was the difference between that and faking a Russian accent or wearing a fake mustache? I thought about these moments a couple of years ago when a picture of Gov. Kay Ivey in blackface was unearthed from an old Auburn yearbook. Those insidious ways racism can sneak up on you. Those two experiences, in theory, were supposed to be opportunities to learn about other cultures and perspectives, but in practice we reduced other peoples’ histories to games of dress up and make believe. When your student body all looks like Atticus Finch, it’s a little too easy to think: “You never really understand a person until you consider things from his point of view, until you climb into his skin and walk around in it.”I highlight those moments because, on the surface, they may have been well-intentioned, but when you otherize people by turning them into elementary school mascots or class productions, you wind up fostering an environment that accepts explicitly racist and hateful actions too. And when your student body and staff are almost all white, it rarely gets questioned. During a junior high homecoming spirit week, students showed up to school dressed in “urban attire” one day. In high school, the student government decided to throw a winter dance. The “Black & White Ball” referred to the formal attire but took on a nastier connotation when a group of boys got drunk and started peeing over the railing at the venue in downtown Birmingham. They peed directly onto the wedding party of a Black family. All data is taken from the source: http://al.com Article Link: https://www.al.com/opinion/2021/07/the-problem-with-a-mountain-brook-education.html #school #newslatest #newstodaymsnbc #newstodaydonaldtrump #newstodayinusa #usanewstoday #
    Mountain Brook Junior High gearing up for first day of school

    Mountain Brook Junior High gearing up for first day of school

    • Order:
    • Duration: 1:00
    • Uploaded Date: 13 Aug 2019
    • views: 489
    Mountain Brook increased school security

    Mountain Brook increased school security

    • Order:
    • Duration: 1:32
    • Uploaded Date: 19 Sep 2018
    • views: 127
    CBS 42 News 5pm
    OCAAT: Mountain Brook High School

    OCAAT: Mountain Brook High School

    • Order:
    • Duration: 1:35
    • Uploaded Date: 29 Dec 2016
    • views: 503
    CBS42 News 5pm
    High School Basketball- Boys - Wolfe County vs Jackson City Tigers - 01/24/2025

    High School Basketball- Boys - Wolfe County vs Jackson City Tigers - 01/24/2025

    • Order:
    • Duration: 1:15:28
    • Uploaded Date: 25 Jan 2025
    • views: 418
    The Wolfe County Wolves host the Jackson City Tigers at Rose Gymnasium on the campus of Wolfe County High School.
    Two-A-Days: Mountain Brook High School

    Two-A-Days: Mountain Brook High School

    • Order:
    • Duration: 0:43
    • Uploaded Date: 17 Aug 2017
    • views: 397
    developed with YouTube
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    developed with YouTube

    Meet The Champions: Mountain Brook High School Wins Large Varsity High Kick

    A magical moment as Moutain Brook High School wins their first-ever UDA National Championship in Large Varsity High Kick! Head to #VarsityTV for more coverage of the 2024 UDA National Dance Team Championship: https://varsitytv.link/3w5NCYc Follow Varsity Spirit on social media for even more event coverage: https://www.facebook.com/VarsitySpirit https://twitter.com/VarsitySpirit https://www.instagram.com/varsityspirit/ https://www.tiktok.com/@varsityspirit
    Meet The Champions: Mountain Brook High School Wins Large Varsity High Kick
    A magical moment as Moutain Brook High School wins their first-ever UDA National Champions...
    published: 04 Feb 2024
    Play in Full Screen
    The Rise and Fall of Mountain Brook High School
    published: 10 May 2019
    Play in Full Screen
    Mountain Brook community raises money for high school security guard after house burned down
    Mountain Brook community raises money for high school security guard after house burned do...
    published: 20 Jun 2019
    Play in Full Screen
    Mountain Brook Schools responds to backlash over teacher's Nazi salute in class
    Mountain Brook City Schools on Tuesday released a statement in response to concerns over a...
    published: 09 Feb 2022
    Play in Full Screen
    The problem with a Mountain Brook education
    We didn’t move to Mountain Brook until I was in sixth grade. At the time, I was mostly ups...
    published: 02 Jul 2021
    Play in Full Screen
    Mountain Brook Junior High gearing up for first day of school
    published: 13 Aug 2019
    Play in Full Screen
    Mountain Brook increased school security
    CBS 42 News 5pm
    published: 19 Sep 2018
    Play in Full Screen
    OCAAT: Mountain Brook High School
    CBS42 News 5pm
    published: 29 Dec 2016
    Play in Full Screen
    High School Basketball- Boys - Wolfe County vs Jackson City Tigers - 01/24/2025
    The Wolfe County Wolves host the Jackson City Tigers at Rose Gymnasium on the campus of Wo...
    published: 25 Jan 2025
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    Two-A-Days: Mountain Brook High School
    published: 17 Aug 2017
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    Mountain Brook High School

    Mountain Brook High School (MBHS) is a three-year public high school in the Birmingham, Alabama, suburb of Mountain Brook. It is the only high school in the Mountain Brook City School System. School colors are green and gold, and the athletic teams are called the Spartans. MBHS competes in AHSAA Class 7A athletics.


    MBHS is consistently recognized as one of the best high schools in Alabama:

  • MBHS was ranked 4th among the 12 Alabama schools included in the Washington Post's 2015 list of America's Most Challenging High Schools.
  • MBHS was included among the top 150 high schools in the U.S. by the Daily Beast.
  • SchoolDigger ranks MBHS 2nd among 357 high schools in the state of Alabama and 1st among high schools in the Birmingham-Hoover metropolitan area.
  • Niche ranks MBHS 2nd in the state of Alabama and 2nd among high schools in the Birmingham-Hoover metropolitan area.
  • The U.S. Department of Education has recognized MBHS as a National Blue Ribbon School, the highest honor awarded by the department.
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    Latest News for: mountain brook high school


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